✝️ Divorce + Altar call (Maybe Alter?) - Dan Mohler - 1/5 @Freedom Fest July 2019

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boom there we are I always say I shall not be muted I do remember you taking a very long time to get your hair perfect on New Year's Eve it was way past New Year's was well into the year when you came down the aisle and it was all messed up on the entrance no it was it you look great but it was funny we were like where is she she just wants everything to be perfect she comes down the Holy Spirit touches her she goes because there goes perfect there's so much fun no I've enjoyed coming down here I've been coming down here for a while and I guess that was my last time here New Year's Eve I appreciated your counsel I heard I heard your counts so and I went wow did you hear what the brother said to him I just don't think I love her anymore you know how much we sold out on that kind of stuff and the only reason we feel the way we feel is because we're living way outside of truth come on be straight with me I just so appreciated your counsel I know that I know I know I kind of helped encourage that kind of counsel over the years with my brother David no this is this is this is where I traveled up the country when people asked me to come back I come with this kind of thought I'm thinking man so if we seek you first the kingdom of God if we're not conformed to the world but transformed by our minds being renewed then and if we're gonna pour new wine into a skin it ought to be new skin it shouldn't be the old skin come on so when a man says I just don't think a love anymore watch this wonder if God lived by feelings wonder if he wasn't truth and he just lived by the moment and feelings and assessment and suddeniy said in your direction I just don't think I love you anymore that'd be pretty messed up in hopeless come on if I can't find it in him then I don't want it in my life if I can't if I can't get him to say what I'm saying if I can't find him saying what I'm saying then why do I want to say it he made man for His image he he made man to house him he gave man a body to express what's on the inside that's why you know them by their fruit he made man to live what's on the inside it's amazing so when you get born again who comes to live on the inside he does he wasn't there before you were born again sure you know there's a walking dead you it's not that weird show you were like the walking dead you were dead on the inside you weren't alive on the inside you were alive but you were really dead dead the truth dead to understanding to purpose then the light comes life comes Jesus comes you get born again you water baptized tomorrow you go and died and everything you've been you literally it's death burial resurrection what a baptism death burial resurrection boom new life through Jesus Christ so tomorrow you have to wrap faith around that you have to understand that you're dying to everything you've ever done everything you've ever said everything ever done to you and said to you you're calling it all dead you're not holding on to grudges you're not saying well you don't know what it was like when I was growing up stop it you're not growing up it's today 2019 not being insensitive we all have a story guys come on I'm not being insensitive let's just call that thing dead we know we just need to stop and get over this thing about where everybody's trying to be so sensitive to everybody's story then it's all about the hell we've been through and we're singing it's all about heaven come on Jesus it's greater than the hell we've been through he just is he is he brings the way to our lives so we let our yesterday decide her today and then tomorrow is always yesterday that's messed up and then and then we feel like somebody always owes or something or worse yet were mad at God for our past when he didn't do our past people did our past people that were fallen that we're in darkness God gave the earth to the children of men he told men to Stuart the earth man gave up that stewardship man got separated from God and we all got born into Adam and somehow we grew up with a side deal like God is is we jurisdiction it was supposed to take better care of me no God created things right man messed it all up we got born into the mess Jesus in due time came and said okay Here I am to do your Will O God and He fulfilled what man failed so we could come to the Father through him to do that you have to let go of everything that was you have to just forgive forget let go and better yet die serious come on because if you don't the attitudes that that generates the mindsets the emotions the filter through anything less than what I'm preaching gives you a right to be whatever you were instead of what you're created for no the sudden I don't think I love her anymore ah no you're just clouded by so many other things and self-centeredness and he said she said and tit for tat and well I feel what she's done to out come come on if the Lord took that initiative you are hopeless hopeless if the Lord just watched your life and nitpicked your life and read your thoughts and motives it's about there you go again oh you know to do right I know you know to do right cuz I'm God and I know you know to do right but you're not doing right ah boy you just irritate me you just bother me the Lord's not like that so we didn't we didn't learn it from him so where did we learn him if we didn't get it from him where'd we get it so maybe man didn't just fall maybe man took on the nature of God's enemy maybe man began to look like the enemy of God even though he was created for God's image may be born again is put off the enmity put off the contrary attitude put off the thing that's against him you're either for me or your you either gathered to me or you you can attend church and have an attitude that's detrimental to the kingdom you can attend church and serve in ministry and be scattering because your mindset is outside of what complements His purposes man he stirred me up when he shared that counsel do you man people give people the right you know many pastors and leaders give people the right to live by their feelings they said well irreconcilable differences well he's the reconciler you're called to the Ministry of reconciliation you're not to hold each other's trespasses against each other he came through his son and and didn't see men for their trespasses you are now the ambassador of reconciliation not holding men and charging man according to their trespasses so lady in our lives we got tricked into looking for love and needing love and wanting to be loved instead of be loved and maybe this thing got so perverted that all of a sudden it was about what we can get through life instead of how we can give life through him see it's called a new wineskin and the new wine only stays in a new wineskin people always pour a new wine into an old wine skin and then the butts in the well if I feel now they're just Christians living up and down their highs and lows then they're always needed touch and need a ministry time you might need a new mindset you might need a new reason for being in a new why down inside your heart come on I know it's a little aggressive I'm sorry they had me sit in a long time I was ramped up I was I was sitting there I first of all I thought I would like to get me just say well same ol Redemption house but I couldn't say it cuz I think you're worse I think you're worth every time I come you're worse they could give me the mic at nine o'clock I sit there and then they're preaching and sharing and I'm hearing things like a preached about six different times I wanted to leap up and go up I mean she gets the mic and says you just she just gets real serious they don't ears start welling their lips shakes a little she says you just got to get alone and ask Holy Spirit to come in and he will god I'm like oh I could try to hit my you Mook mute button but unmute myself but I thought it's not time they're making me wait make you wait [Music] I mean you can just go home when somebody teaches that you just listen to her I mean they were a thousand miles away God goes BAM and changes his heart God knows what he did he's a new man now watch see some of your saying just pray for my spouse to come back to spring but how about praying that Christ gets formed in you may be the priority and your spouse coming back because why would God be compelled to bring your spouse back to you he probably wants to bring your spouse back to him in you just cuz cuz until that happened this wasn't happened in thousand miles apart this is not happening little Baptist girl doesn't matter when his heart changes God says I know what I did in that boy and he goes thousand miles away while she's driving she just drive it what's happening I love my husband I love my husband I don't know but it's gone [Applause] c-chief right now I will say this and I wish this and God I wish you and you need to bring it stop you go be with him and become what he paid for you become the best because watch this watch this if we don't have this amazing incredible testimony and this never actually happened who knows life's still going on who knows you still have to write legacy who knows time is still ticking who knows you're still called you're anointed you're called to shine who knows if somebody's in your life and it's called spouse and they just walk off and say I'm never looking back and they never do look back and you never have this God coming in the car thing who knows if you're not secure in Christ and understand when you're alive you'll just let what they did decide who you are and what they don't see becomes your vision even though he's the light of the world and all of a sudden you have an excuse for being less than what you were created for but the trouble is you're making it a person and their name's not Jesus and all the sudden one person is responsible for who you are that's idolatry if it's not Jesus and all the sudden you're only as good as they did me and you're only as good as it's going instead of as good as he is inside of you because if she doesn't hear that and she's just a thousand miles away who knows life's still going on who knows you still got to answer what am I going to do with this Jesus now that he's illuminated my heart I'm gonna say a hurting man a broken man an angry man or am I gonna get up every morning and shine seek his face and live what he paid for or am I just going to have a story draw attention to his pain and all of a sudden the highest Gracie can receive is that somebody seems to care about what he's been through but how's that bring change don't you live for sympathy you live for transformation come on this isn't me it's not me don't live for sympathy we've been trained in the old life to live for sympathy and also in the highest grace you receive is that somebody seems to care about what you've been through but if you're not careful that'll empower you to stay there and you'll just draw attention through your pain and all the sudden all your friends are hurting and they all understand you're hurt that's why you're friends we okay did you ever notice how hurting people attract and draw people that understand their pain understanding their pain isn't what makes them free speak in truth and ministering and saying well hold on wait a minute I need to talk straight to you we don't need to talk straight to you maybe you only feel that way because you're living way outside of truth maybe because of a course of events and things and the way you've processed you've been glazed over emotionally just human assessment and analytical thinking has decided you a certain way but maybe down on the inside there's a truth that can make you free and cause your eyes to be restored and all of a sudden you see what he sees when you look in her direction oh let's soar beats being angry and offended and brokenhearted and ticked off and frustrated and discouraged I've never seen anything on that list produce an ounce of life that's how you know you're being deceived when you're disqualified from life and all sudden you just have an issue you just have a statement you just have a an excuse you just have a story but but what it's producing isn't producing life that's how you know you're deceived watch even if you're a hundred percent right all of a sudden you find you really been wrong because you've allowed what you were right in to decide you and it didn't look like Jesus you can get so busy being so right that you give yourself permission to be found wrong in the end the last thing you need is a right when the first thing you do is deny yourself if you're ever gonna follow him now you still sing to him you can still pray when things are tight but you'll never follow him thinking for yourself you gotta seek ye first the kingdom of God his righteousness the way he sees you wonder if you received that and all of a sudden the husband starts looking at his wife in righteousness you say well what's the difference if he looks at her in rightness all he sees is what's wrong if he looks at her in righteousness than anything wrong has the power to be made right it's the difference it's how God rules his kingdom it's how Jesus it's the sceptre he has the scepter of righteousness and every one of us were wrong come on as none of us deserves his sacrifice did you hear her song in the middle of worship when she got up and just tore it up there singing how he gave everything and he came and he gave everything I think about it all the time I'm saved 24 years and I'm thinking God became a man and gave His life to put his life in me that is crazy Wow that is more than an Easter story that is more than a play in April Goff put himself in the womb of a woman he didn't just pop up in the wilderness 30 years ready to roll 30 years old buffed ready knowing today little fetus in the womb of a woman to come as a man to fulfill what man failed to pay a price for almond economy this thing is so important to God see we've been blind forgive them father they don't get it but they played in their ignorance right into God's hand and let all that stuff that they were right and power this thing to happen you say well I was just according to scripture well was according to a lot of things power darkness had its way God just backed off steal kill destroy steal men arrogant loving themselves more than God loving the praises of men rather than God just killing the son of God he just lets it unfold why forgive and father they don't have a clue but in a minute this thing gonna start making sense if I be lifted up I'm gonna draw it's a big deal you gotta let that hit your heart and not just get religious with it see see he's getting crucified stripped and getting crucified for doing everything perfect we haven't even done everything perfect and we're ticked off if it's if we take it too much for it and if you're ever meaning well and somebody called you're mean well not well you freak out and so did I if somebody imposed on your heart and had your heart figured wrong that's when you were a cat in the corner back against the wall I didn't mean that I wasn't saying that oh yes you were yeah I was not you freaked out to defend yourself he was totally right totally perfect completely pure they stripped him naked and beat him beyond description and hung him on a cross and he never said a word and he was thousand percent right see being right isn't his issue being righteous teaching us and showing us what love looks like modeling a life that we were created for and not just saying attend church and sing to me and pray to me when you list it no no follow me this water baptism such a big deal you're saying I'm all-in everything that I am is yours I'm gonna die in the likeness of your death I'm gonna let the old man be crucified and even as Jesus was raised by the glory of the father so I shall be raised in the newness of life yeah old life new life and all sudden you're not conformed to the world you're transformed by thinking like you've never fought before where do I find those kind of thoughts through Jesus and through his worth I'll suddenly say in love one another I will but I will if I will of course love one another yeah come on pal son you read inocent deny yourself I've always been puzzled how we can deny ourselves and have so many rights to be so many other things have so many reasons to be so many other things how do you deny yourself and hold on to the rights for your own life well he said well she said well they shouldn't will that hurt that should be a warning to you if that thing's hurting it ain't about what they did why are you responding that way why are you so vulnerable why are you so touchy come on that's how I passed her that's why I got excited when he showed that little glimmer of pastoring behind the scenes says sit down man he says you know I just don't think I love Ernie will you tell him I just sit down we need to talk loved he said I knew he could take it you can't afford not to take to get unteachable he commended him for me and teachable you get on teachable God speaking your whole life you've just hardened your heart like they did in the wilderness and you're not here and all of a sudden the gospel is not benefitting you because you're not mixing it with faith just like them God hasn't stopped speaking Jesus is speaking loud and clear they killed him and he has speaking loud then they tried just killing Stephen can't get rid of the truth kill the boy and the truth still here yeah and they crucified and martyred so many Christians over the generations and the truth still on the earth you can't kill the truth the truth is a person and that person's spirit is on the earth he's called the Spirit of Truth oh and you ought to just get alone with him and say I want you would you come that sure beats debating and theological arguments and doing studies to disprove him don't you just get alone and close the door and see who's real just say come I used to tell my co-workers that when I work secular because they taught so many different things well that's of the devil baptism the Holy Spirit praying other tongues I'm thinking I woke I got saved Sunday night I went home I don't even know how I slept I probably dosed for a little backup at daybreak I'm praying in tongues loud and furious I don't even know what's going on I just know spirit of God's all over me I got nothing but purity of my heart I just want to live change cuz I know I'm never gonna be the same and I'm just [Music] nobody there talking me into nothing now what are you gonna do with me now now you just got put up with me or crucify me [Music] it's amazing guys we were called to this I love this I'm just gonna camp here for a minute you learned to seek you first the kingdom of God and if the things you're feeling if they're not channeling through a healthy foundation of truth and your feelings aren't producing life then that's the barometer then you know I'm just living and thinking the same old way I got set my mind on things above why you died and your life is hidden with Christ in God Galatians 6 says nothing avails anything but a new creation now let's make sure we're all in sincere faith pursue and what that looks like in our own respective lives a new creation a new creation nothing avails anything but a new creation so if he doesn't change the why in your heart if you don't allow him to have access to change the why and the motive in your life for living the why behind your life the reason for being then you'll find that you were guilty without realizing it of incorporating him into your life instead of him becoming your life Christ in you the hope of glory Paul said till Christ be formed in you Christianity is not church attendance you attend church to stir up and love and good works christianity is christ's likeness in fact if you bring your children to a place like this and then you don't pursue christ likeness when you leave inadvertently without realizing that you'll teach your children that church attendance is Christianity not living Christ that's why so many youngsters don't want to go after a while because there's nothing relevant when they leave sometimes they outgrow the little connectivity thing about mid all the sudden things are well there's nothing relevant but one if we learned to walk in love why don't we take accountability one if we learn to walk in repentance one if we show weakness toward children and we'd sit down and explain and teaching the power repentance and have them praying for us because we want to live Jesus and you keep a life in Christ in front of your children all sudden they realize the reason we were attending here yeah it's fun and you got some connections and hookups and little buddies but the reason we come here is so we don't fail to stay stirred up like so we don't fail like so we don't fail to stay stirred up and loving good work so we don't just live our life and say we believe something without that belief being relevant the reason we gather and don't forsake the assembling so we can stir one another up and living this way you can't say well I'm a Christian because I go to Redemption house no I'm a Christian because Christ is in me and he's the hope of glory and he's changed the way I think so so when there's pressure and injustice you know here's how you know you're grown in Christ when you're truly betrayed and you don't live the trade see if you're if you're betrayed and you cry and have to call for ministry you just haven't grown up in him it's not about who betrayed you it's how you're responding if you don't make that priority it'll always be about what's going on wrong and who did what and he said she said and then you're always a product of men always you're only as good as people are doing you and you're only as good as it's going and let so no your prayers or chanted in the direction of just God changing things instead of changing you how is their victory in that how is their victory and the only being as good as people are doing me and now I'm as strong as the weakness around me the last thing we need is a justification for not being more like him because one day we're gonna look into his eyes and we're gonna go uh and realize we were deceived because he was here the whole time and his truth was greater we just believe something different see so I guess they just live by now feelings so when the feelings degenerate when the feelings judging something when the feeling is outside of what God sees because you can't get Jesus to say I don't think I love her anymore so then when I hear a husband said I know he ain't living in him because Jesus saying never gonna say that in her direction so then I know that wow we just have a confessing Christian man that's living in his own feelings his own world his own Kingdom he ain't seeking first the kingdom of God he's just baring his feelings to Pastor because he's become and evolved through the course of events a certain way but it ain't like the one that lives in him that should matter come on you know how many pastors would sit down I'm not dishing on certain pastors I'm just saying there's a lot of pastors this has happened I'm not singling out anybody there's a lot of pastors say well brother you know sometimes well you know people change sometimes we rush into things we ready it wasn't really God in the first place and if you embrace that you'll have the freedom to never be the steward of your heart and the Holy Ghost and you'll just live by your feelings and now three people later three covenants later you got some kind of reason we ought to all rejoice he ain't like that you say well I feel bad now cuz I've been divorced I'm not bringing condemnation anybody divorce what I'm saying is no matter what that thing was like and no matter what and why you grab a revelation now and you don't ever live in that place again and you go after this truth it's called repentance it's called moving forward it's called transformation and change when condemning somebody for their current situation I'm saying where's your life now what makes you tick now what's your motivation when you woke up this morning what's that going to look like tomorrow morning did you wake up to shine or did you wake up to survive there's a difference did you wake up to love or did you wake up needing something from somebody there's a difference come on I'm preaching right now what's your motive why'd you wake up the why behind your life will determine the outcome of your life it'll determine the expression of your life and the fruit that you bear and this the father's well pleased that you you bear much fruit and that your fruit remaining that pleases the father why because he made man for his image to manifest the truth of who he is and the biggest lie on the planet the people are made in the simultaneous nature outside of his motives and outside of his love and still doing things in his name this thing is way more intimate than that he said I'm not calling you my servants you're not a bunch of concubines and he calls your name every once in a while and you snuggle in for the night no you're the bride he's supposed to be in him all the time you ain't want a Salomon 700 cuz all the sudden you're just living for an experience and a little brush against the glory I'll send you at the otter hoping to fee of something and then you leave and you didn't feel it and then you're wondering if you're even in anymore so then you serve more get into an extra ministry now you're just waiting on the king serving the king hoping that sooner or later you brush against his glory that's called a concubine it's not a bride no sudden what you're doing for him is your relationship instead of who he is inside of you and why you're here and alive well that's just good straight right there we just call it a night yeah seriously this feels good in my heart because all the feelings that we live by should be funneled through truth it's not that emotions are wrong and feelings it's just that the place they come from has been so perverted the only reason a man is angry truly angry is because he's self-centered that's just admit it the only reason that you disagree with tension is because you need you need to be right you feel upstaged when they don't agree you have pride in your life come on you can disagree and not have tensions because it ain't all about you it's about truth it's about him it's about one another just cuz you don't agree doesn't mean you have to have animosity the only reason you have animosity is because all those other things live and they need to die come on you can't be discouraged if you're really seeking the kingdom first because he's the God of all hope he's not bummed out today you realize people have misunderstood him today lied about him today use his name in vain to do right and did flat-out wrong thousands of times over and he's still good and he's God of all hope and he hasn't changed his mind that sounds like freedom and strengths to me that doesn't sound like a doormat and a pushover I don't think he's sitting up there his hair looking like I don't think he's sitting up there in his hair looking like popping pills needing counsel Gabriel can we talk man I just can't bear to look anymore man I'm insecure I don't think people love me I mean I try to do good Michael come here talk to me dude could you picture that could you picture Jesus like on the Mount of Olives just kind of bummed Peter comes strolling over what's up Lord you don't look good just leave me alone man what do you mean leave you alone what just stop man don't even act like you understand you ain't in my shoes you don't understand Peter rudia to try to counsel me man I'm doing good everyday I'm putting on my heart every day and people don't have nothing good to say about in fact God lets me hear the thoughts I wish he didn't it's hard to handle I mean I'll feed their belly Peter and all they want is more food they don't want to hear what I have to say and then I'm gonna lean out this mountain today and they're gonna throng me and when all they want is their needs met they don't love me I can tell none of them will amount just boom man I ain't up for it today man just ain't doing it then John comes walking with Lord no John no not today in fact I'm gonna lay on you today John that would be silly see when you put Jesus in that scenario it's ridiculous why is it ridiculous with all that's in your mind in your mouth when you were made for His image why isn't it funny why isn't it silly why isn't it like what when it's austin thats kid why don't we see him so different why do we make him a special man what makes him special is that he's loved that's what he created you for you can't say well he can't do that cuz he's Jesus that's what I mean by special man cuz he's special well when you just say he can't do that cuz he's Jesus you missed the whole point he can't do that cuz he's loved he didn't wake up needy today he woke up fulfilled meaning his because he didn't wake up he don't slumber it's good he he don't we be keeping him up problem see that's what we could you pick come on I've said it for years if he squeeze an orange you expect orange juice if it was any other kind of juice it would be weird if you squeezed an orange you got apple juice that's weird why is it weird when you squeeze a Christian and get everything but Christ man that ought to be weird it ought to be so weird to squeeze a Christian and get something other than Christ and wonder if the enemy have simply learned I'll just squeeze them and find out how real they are how much they understand if they even know why they're in this thing I'll just squeeze them ha not afraid to squeeze him he's running the risk he sure he can break you but he runs the risk of making you if you're a believer but you might be a complainer you might be what Barnabas said you might be a worrywart you might get squeezed and just freak out cuz it's all about you while you're singing it's all about him a saint ain't impressed with your song he's impressed with your response when he squeezes you come on what comes out of a man reveals what's in a man you squeeze a Christian Christ star to come out you do a Christian wrong he shouldn't live like he's been done wrong love covers a multitude of sin not make seven phone calls and tells the story and by the seventh time that thing is imbedded in your heart and it's become you on the night Jesus was betrayed he took the bread and broke it and he passed the cup and laid down his life he didn't go weeping and crying and making no phone call and Jesus in that scenario is the lead or the minister the pastor wise of so many people hurt in ministry because they have needs in ministry and expectations in ministry and aren't seeking first the kingdom of God they're trying to build something instead of minister what's already here and also in feelings get hurt and let down and past him be great if it wasn't for the people and I wish we would confront all this people being hurt thing like never before it is possible to live in peace it is possible to have one mind and one spirit in one faith in the Holy Ghost or the Bible wouldn't talk about it Paul said make my joy complete fulfill my joy I have a one mind one heart one faith one spirit what's he saying it's possible and fulfill my heart in this pursuit by living this way not singing this way live in this way not praying this way living this way we have settled forward praying for revival and thinking that spiritual instead of living in fellowship with God and walking with the light turned off on a sudden interceding for revival makes a spiritual no waking up in the light makes you spiritual walking in the light as he's in the light makes you spiritual you say but it's so dark out there darkness is the absence of light so let your light so shine before men so they see your life and go whoa there is a god come on I just I just don't have any recollection to read in any scripture where Jesus was bummed discouraged frustrated angry to the point of sin you say well he threw them tables over he was pretty fired up when he did that it wasn't at the cost of anybody's identity he didn't beat nobody down as an individual he was just making a point shakin religion to the core and confronting their traditions but he did not infringe on one person's identity destiny or heritage in the Lord that's how you can be angry and not sin it doesn't caught your your intense about topics you'd better be careful with that and don't use it as an excuse but you get passionate over things but it's not at the cost of any person's identity or momentum and actually that thing you're so intense about releases people to walk in what they're called - are you following me come on wonder if we all at some level would just begin to start living this way because when I'm preaching it you can hear how good it sounds and you ain't fighting over it you ain't sitting there going man what's this got trying to say you're going yeah well because we know we've been selling cheap we just frustrated cuz so-and-so what's that gonna look like in that day when you face him you know say well I would have believed in you if it wasn't for so-and-so and also you go realize you made so-and-so Lord and they governed your life and you hid behind that thing for 25 years and if the 25 years your heart was so hard so hurt so angry and so sure and then you go oops we all just talk about this stuff huh you gonna give me a mic that's all I talk about anymore this kind of stuff just David mess me up tonight he said he said I don't think I love her anymore sit down man we need to talk oh you made my whole night with that I was like I was looking for my mute button eyes tell myself to calm down I'm so ready to preach right there oh you were my new hero when you told him that I saw beats him said well you know feelings are important you have to understand I mean she might not really want to follow the Lord and I mean you got all this fire in your heart now and then you'd be all unequally yoked it's all Devils it's all lies I just think we're unequally yoked maybe true because if Jesus made that well we all make it to be he ain't coming joining himself with none of you or me see he came and loved us and we're supposed to see his first love and go so here's me right now I'm just talking personal also now realized Jesus went and put himself in the womb of a woman still freaks me out to this day sat in there for nine months inside the womb of a little girl young girl teenage girl the Lord of the universe the one who was and is and is to come the one that nothing was made that wasn't made through him now he's inside what he made just sitting hanging out in there for nine months he's rolling around sliding around in them fluids just waiting just waiting for that little sack to break and him come slide out her birth canal the Lord he's gonna nurse they didn't have no Huggies and pampers now he's gonna be like the Lord little wet rags come on I'm not being rude and crude I'm being real the Lord became a man no shortcut totally dependent on the woman trust and golf freaks me out tells me no preacher ever told me this that tell no preacher ever told me this that tells me that he believes you and I are really worth paying for see nobody ever told me that everybody just thought the angle of the gospel would you bunch of wretches you bunch of sinners you went to evil wicked get to this order and say you're sorry that ain't the point being changed is the point telling you you're writ wretched and wicked I'll never make the tree good you'll keep living wretched and wicked and feel sorry and in the end get condemned and you'll die inside you're more than what you've known you're more than what you've lived for you're more than what you've given yourself to and those urges and those addictive pulse impulses and all them things that drove us they get shattered when the value of who you are starts raising in the Lord and all of a sudden you realize that you're worth the sacrifice to the Lord Jesus Christ well said you realize you're worth the blood that He shed your what's the deaths that he died in the life that he rose in and all of a sudden you realized he did that not just to forgive you are you kidding me not just to forgive you to redeem you and restore you and transform you and make you brand new so he said ok if you want that and you're gonna come after me there's something you gotta do you gotta deny yourself you can't make this about you you've got to deny yourself you've got to pick up your cross you can't let sin against you producing in you you every play evil for evil anymore you overcome evil with good you tone down a harsh word with a kind word you deny yourself you pick up your cross and you follow him you don't just attend Redemption house cuz it's fun and you like to watch Tracy laugh cuz I like to watch your laugh but that ain't why I come just part of it you guys could come on you say settle down no you're wrong about settle down well you don't have to eat so stop you don't even know why do you value that opinion that's always trying to make things the way you prefer you go find one day your preference was Lord he gave his life to put his life inside of us let that go and all sudden you cease first look all sudden you realize no matter how much sin how many cycles no matter how many lovers how many drugs how many drinks none of that stuff could change his mind because he knew the truth about you from the beginning and when sin kept abounding grace just kept coming more and he said I'm gonna get him out of darkness and bring them into the light I'm gonna teach him who they are ain't just gonna forgive up see all we treats is getting forgiven getting forget what about being changed [Applause] it's like the tiniest little piece so we're forgiven then what stay the same and next thing you know we have a language God will forgive me well God loves me anyway well doesn't matter God still loves me God still forgive me and you're the same no your new creation created in him you're his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works you're not the same you're born again you can't bring new into something old you've got to become new you got to put down the old why the old motive the old reason for being the old rightness the old reason and excuse for being less than what he paid for and if you can't find it in him say says I don't want to find it in me and I'm gonna find the answer to live apart from what I was so that who he is can shine you see yeah but I'm just so mad yeah well that in him so don't be so fixed on what you're mad about getting more concerned that you're so mad but I'm just so hurt maybe that oughta concern you too and not just get so fixed on what you're hurt over so we're now all you're doing is telling the facts to see if somebody says wow you've been through it hard I can see why you're hurt and now you have another friend and their agreement empowers you to stay the same but where you're at isn't producing life so it can't be the truth come on the last thing you need is a list of reasons of why you're not more like him because in the end none of that will fly and we'll all find we were deceived if we stayed there you think you're gonna look into his fiery liquid eyes of love or whatever it's gonna be like and say well I had a better better Christian if it wasn't for I mean didn't you hear me praying why didn't you change some folks guy he left me work for for like ten years I mean he was terrible you never gave me a new job how many resumes I'll fill out you never got me a new job you kept me there you ain't gonna talk like that you're gonna look and go uh-uh because you'll be in the message total truth you go look into his eyes and his right and you think you're gonna say well I'd have been a better believer if it wasn't for my spouse you know that ain't gonna happen it ain't gonna work because he's gonna look at you and say well why did you let your spouse decide who you were how you always said I was Lord why you wave those two flags like you believed it and you let her decide where you are you let what she didn't see become your revelation and I'm the light of the world no see that'll all be already said when you look at him total light not one deception allowed in the room you walk in a room and go ah you you won't even be able to think the things that you'd allowed to work here then why would you talk yourself into letting him work now if they won't work then if they won't stand in that day why do they buy time now when you redeem the time for the days are evil come on just preaching to you faith says I'm not going to do that faith says forget my feelings I'm not doing that because every day's taking me to that day I'm closer now than I ever was and I'm not going to carry this resume of deception in there I'm gonna carry transformation and change and this is that this is how we know we've been perfected in love in that day we have boldness why cuz as he is so are we in this world come on that scripture John says I don't know what it is that we're gonna be but I do know this when we see him we'll be like him well wonder if you see him now clearer and clearer wonder if you let him be your vision in your revelation wonder if you look to him looking unto Jesus the author and who started this thing who's going to wrap it up how by looking unto you start looking to each other little hurts little this in that little unresolved conflict little unforgiveness here little judgment over here little first-impression over this way little wisdom a man here come on she says in the Bible in Proverbs I believe chapter four and all you're getting get understanding you didn't say blessing he didn't say provision he didn't say protection he didn't say getting things to go the way you prefer he said in all you're getting get understanding cuz you're destroyed for the lack of knowledge so if you get understanding the destruction can stop people around you might not even change but you will because you'll see through a different eye y'all good [Applause] 9:45 only at Redemption house I'm barely been preaching 45 minutes it's 9:45 it just turned 46 it's right there man it's ticking oh I know I could keep going what's our schedule tomorrow you let me preach again you're doing afternoon the baptism oh okay good right around the baptism time oh I would like that thank you you treat me so good I love water baptism man see see in Bible days and book of Acts there was no where they preached the message and didn't have baptism right in the message why because then it was about transformation today it's a self-serving motive just take me to heaven when I die still stay mad at my boss still have issues in unresolved conflict with my spouse praise God I prayed that prayer I prayed the prayer brother once saved always saved I'm in I'm going to heaven it's about heaven in you it's about Christ in you it's about the kingdom of God is at hand it's not about going to some place some day it's about that place coming into you you're the light of the come on this is how you know it's right we could all pray all over the earth the prayer of salvation and qualify according the way we preach the gospel nowadays and we can all technically theologically Romans 10 confess what up and see we always miss that and believe he's Lord Lord means the governing factor and Supreme Being of your life we're using it as a confession in a quote you're in you could pray that prayer and nobody around your life even know it if you don't understand why you prayed that prayer uh-uh and we said well Holy Spirit can work with it and he why do we always force him to work with all these limitations why do you just give a piece of the gospel why do you just take forgiveness don't you teach transformation and new purpose and reason for being putting off the old and putting on the new see that's what Jesus was teaching all the time so the message was never preached without water baptism why because it was a sign of dying to live dying to live dying to live today baptisms hardly talked about you go to a church it's an annual event at best you get your street corner conversions see if they'll go get baptized then you'll know if they understand because the eunuch didn't have to add Philip asked it was already in the message in acts 8 and having come to water the first thing out of his mouth look water what forbids me I'm ready man I'm ready to die I'm ready to die that's different than I'm ready to get my name in the book called life so I can go to heaven in cases cherry wrecks in a minute I need to get covered might hit a tree when you're on the way home better get covered that's how we preach the gospel there's a few folks in the church get upset that I that I hit this hard but that motive does not produce transformation you say well Holy Spirit can work why don't you just give them the truth don't you just tell people look you've been living flat stone selfish so all the reason you feel like you hate your family because it's all about you and you feel like they did you wrong you've been disappointing you've been walking in unforgiveness and if God took that initiative your toaster don't have a chance seeing that he's God and he's good why don't you put all that away cause it ain't produced in life it's given an excuse to stay the same and cut off everybody in your life and now if they don't live up to your standard they're out of your little world well you're gonna find one day it was a very little world with a very limited time because unless the seed dies and falls to the ground it abides alone that's why you feel so lonely God didn't forsake you you're living outside of truth that's how you evangelize you ought to hear me on airplanes talking like that people sitting there crying shakin cuz I tell them the truth well I don't go to church anymore yeah I heard you say that it's because of people yeah people they just so you can't answer Gospels that's the gospel I don't want will see what you're sayin now you got yourself to see because you have no relationship with God so you're letting people decide what you have with him cuz you got your eyes on people and then ultimately that's the way you see God even though that's not God at all it's just a mystery presentation now your hearts to see if you're sitting here angry when I bring up the topic you see how deceived you've become you don't even have a desire to pursue God you're not even seeking him you've allowed people to keep you from the place you're called to live that's how straight up talking an airplane straight let's sit down well you ain't going anywhere anyway you ain't got it we're 35,000 feet you got seatbelt you're in the middle and I'm on the aisle or then again sir why I never seen nobody get out one of them little holes so for two and a half hours you're beside me with a seatbelt and you made one mistake you asked me how I was doing one mistake you thought I was going to answer rhetorical and just they all hanging in there man you stole my flights on time dude just glad we ain't sitting back by the pooper man super glad I had a place for my bag no how are you doing it's like a cord on a little baby you know how are you doing [Music] by the third pool there's because you're not trying to set people straight you're trying to teach people truth because they're their own worst enemy they think everybody around them is a problem but what they're failing to see is their problem so a about hashing out details and human rights and having a talk show to see who's the victim and the villain because if you are the victim and you believe you're a victim you're losing just as bad as the villain because you've become a product of the villain not of Christ come on victim villain they both lose dramatically terribly because the victim gets stereotyped based on the go through and gets extra sympathy with no change and the villain gets marked for what he did but the victim is marked for what he did and never changes unless truth comes to set you free and twenty years later it's still your story but it's not your story I asked the Lord why do so many people hold on to what happened in their lives why God laid on my bed and wept and said why he said it's the only place they've ever found identity whether good or bad because they haven't found themselves in me so they think their life is who they are instead of my life in them the brand new them so they keep living like Lot's wife and they keep looking back and get robbed from where they came from to where they're going and they're stuck right there instead of becoming his bride stepping into destiny putting off the old and putting on the new it's the only place people have found any identity I could hear somebody up here passionate and preaching like I am and they'll sit in their mind and say well brother that's easy for you to say you don't know what I've been through and you haven't been able to hear a word because you think you are what you've been through no you are what he's been through [Music] [Applause] you say well yeah but you don't know what my dad called no man on earth your father you have one father he's in heaven don't limit regulate and identify your life through biological natural hereditary means I'm not talking about dis and honoring anybody I'm saying don't identify to the point of true identity through anything on this earth you have one father I looked up the word father you know what it means come forth from that means there's a time to be born if you're here it's because he said so yeah you're not happenstance there's a time to be born so 500 million spur cells sperm cells race for the egg and it was you who that's amazing they're all there shooting up there because the first one there that gets into the winner but it was you from the foundation of the world you might as well just chill they just they race and they all about trying to get in you just coming you just come cuz when you get there you're getting here why cuz it was you you're the happenstance you say well my parents wasn't even married well my dad was drunk my why my mom was you were predestined before time to be adopted in as a son or a daughter there's a time to be born he's the author and giver of life when that sperm cell went into that egg and them two met and hit it off it was you you say I'm just one in millions you're one of millions one of millions that made it and all the rest went wherever they went but they didn't get in the egg you did come on you ought to take that personal you say well my life and I would never meant to be stopped you just building that on a resume and natural things God saw your day in the beginning and here you are there's a time to be born the problem is you were never created to live for yourself the only reason man's on the earth is for his image read your Bible and because man don't pursue his image they pursue themselves life is a grind life is tough and were driven in survival mode so we're all trying to get life to move and work better instead of change the why behind it be very careful you don't get deceived there was no man made for himself it's the biggest problem on the planet every day Christians wake up and live for themselves in his name and apply all their faith to get their day to go the way they hope instead of crushed the spirit of darkness and the Kingdom of Hell all around him by walking in the light showing mercy making peace and walking in love every day you can blame it on racism you can blame it on your culture you can blame it on the president you can blame it on terrorism the truth is every day men wake up and live for themselves when they were made for God's image and Jesus said if you're coming after me you better get this one thing straight you got deny yourself because it's the biggest problem on the planet you can't be a Christian for you you have to be a Christian for his great name and you have to seek ye first the kingdom of God and if faith is sincere that changes your reactions your disposition that challenges the things that don't produce life and it wipes away all the excuses and all the natural wisdom and brings you into a higher place called truth are you with me come on all I'm preaching is Christianity it's what he paid for you don't incorporate him into your life he becomes your life he's not our way and he's far from a good idea he's the way you're good [Music] I know what to do man what should I do huh I just feel like I need to stop how goes no I'm gonna stop it's 10 o'clock at night and I'll be preaching at 10 in the morning we'll be good got 12 you got 12 hours to process and become seriously you you you can't sit and listen to this message no matter where your heart is without receiving some level of grace because Holy Spirit the words alive Holy Spirit he's amazing like one of the reasons I'm so excited in my life you say why don't your relationship with Jesus what it is but you know what I get to do I get invited all the time to go places they hand me a microphone and I get to sow seed for like an hour and a half and just pour out perspective and things that Holy Spirit's going to work with in the individuals life whether they feel like they're listening or not he can bring it to their remembrance bring conviction some people yeah yeah yeah and they want it and he's just gonna father him and walk them through some people are like whatever what you ain't telling me I'm gonna be forgiving cuz I ain't forgiving that you don't know what that was like putting me through that hell and you know but Holy Spirit and he's gonna have a voice in an arena where he probably didn't have a voice before I just love that and I just understand the power of that that's why when you're sitting on an airplane know now that people say when you when you travel do you ever bump into resistance let's I don't even pay attention I could care less if there's resistance what do you do suit me and I ain't gonna die anyway what are you gonna do kill me not see I get that at least I think I get that I'm pretty sure I get that [Laughter] I'm not even thinking resistance I'm not thinking preaching a good sermon you can tell I'm not preaching and trying it on I'm just trying out my heart it give me time flip on a mic boom just see the whole time the whole time right there's just boom people say man when you get there just boom boom boom I trying to write there's three more things that's I got a little bit of time I got a lot of faces and I got a big bag see Danny Gospel see we grew up hearing about Johnny Appleseed Danny Gospel see if if if I don't sell I'm thinking what's gonna grow I'm a gardener I never got so spiritual that I looked out the window and said to my wife I don't know why the beans ain't up she says honey I don't even think he turned to ground let alone plant beans well I just said beans cometh and I just figured they'd come see you could just go in your room and intercede and intercession session is powerful but when do you walk in faith and when do you sow into the ground of your culture and your society it's one thing to pray for your city it's another thing to sow into the heart of your city we make everything mystical and supernatural you're supposed to be supernatural so you don't just pray for your city to change you live changed if you don't sell nothing will grow its scriptural which it's Bible that's why I'm telling you that so confidently the kingdom of God is is it for man meaning woman it's a human word bailiff it's not gender specific the kingdom of God if a man would scatter see the kingdom of God what's y'all liking it to the kingdom of God and he gives three different examples of sowing going to bed at night sowing into soil people water and reaping where they haven't even sown God bring an increase a seed so small so seemingly insignificant but when it's sewn it grows and it doesn't just grow it grows into one of the biggest herbs of the field little seemingly insignificant ooh seed but Holy Spirit got on that thing and how do you measure what's possible when you sow a seed in love and place it in the hand of Almighty God where was really no big deal big as her kingdom of God's if a man where do you scatter seed in your sphere of influence your family your workplace everywhere you go your disposition your nature your love your mercy your forgiveness you're amazing exemplary attitude enjoying life in Christ and nobody can touch that yeah just stand active in that groove called the Holy Ghost and all sudden people ain't never your problem cuz you paid the price for their Redemption and you get it and all sudden you ain't never gonna get tricked again in the letting where somebody ain't decide where you are you ain't selling cheap again cuz you've been bought with a price and you're not your Oh see I read that book you're good where you stand to your feet with me I want pray over you guys and then you can do whatever you want you we can pray for people you can pray for the sick whatever you want to do I'm just gonna turn it over to you but I just just I feel done right now never done I just stop it right now I'm stopping if you understand what it means you don't have to do this but if you understand what means to lift your hands to god what that means is i'm just yielding I'm surrendering it's a sign of humility it doesn't make you charismatic it doesn't mean that you're going to be marked with Pentecostal badge it just means I'm humbly coming to you God and I'm just yielding myself like clay and I'm saying would you come and Potter me I've left life part of me I've left relationships part of me I'll let the past and my family my upbringing my child of a part of me you could be 45 in here and you could say you know that's amazing I I still talk about growing up and is still refer to it as if it's some kind of detriment to me you know as you lift your hands tonight just by face say I'm putting that off nothing's going to decide me but who you are and what you've accomplished now listen I'm assuming if you leave your hands up when I pray that your your a yes to this message and you're saying I want this truth in my life so if you leave your hands up when I'm praying I'm just assuming that and believing that we're saying yes you can play if you want to you sitting there you might as well just it's not on I was gonna say what a waste somebody has gifted and amazing is you haha would you take would you take a few seconds and just tell the Lord what you're ready for in light of what you heard tonight would you make your own heart right now known to God it's for your own conscience sake he knows he knows all things but it's for your own conscience sake it's it's it's convicting it's good just talk to him if you haven't been living this way don't get all hung up about that and say boy I got a long way to go no no I got some way to go I got an answer tonight there's an answer right in front of me I'm putting off the old and I'm putting on the new I'm not gonna live the way I was I'm gonna look the way create before and the way called me to this helped me this this this aligned me this positioned me come on whatever that means for you you put that truth on right now and just talk to him about that get personal with the Lord well I'm not a real big super big order called God really not I just preach the truth and I trust Holy Spirit and I believe men will do with the truth with their conscience is convicted by so get real with him like the young lady said just talk to him just talk to him and he'll come but you can just make your vows to the Lord in the sense of I'm done just let my heart be heard I'm done with excuses if my attitude doesn't produce life if I can't find it in you God then I don't want it in me realign me teach me and walk me through every day come on is that your heart are you saying yes to this yes we're saying yes to this teach me to be more and more like you in everyday life where it really really counts in family and work relationships and then passing by folks that my disposition would be full of life and full of light and lord I pray that you protect us all of us from slipping into anything else from losing a day or two or a week just to discouragement or wrong focus or wrong view I pray you burn this in our heart so bright tonight that those things won't have a voice they won't have a pull that our heart would say wait a minute that isn't what matters that doesn't matter this is what matters that I shine so I'm asking for grace to shine Lord I'm asking for a wisdom to be retained through tonight Lord that that these lights would shine before men as we were singing that little lights this big light it makes a big difference and I pray God that you would working in us tonight I pray that there's lines of no return I pray that even cycles and and things that we've been caught up in in this room we just find that they have no voice or power because the value in the calling of our life increased tonight man I'm alive for a purpose I'm not exist I don't need anything but a deeper revelation of you no one owes me anything I don't know man anything but to love I'm gonna live this way got the best I understand and I'm asking you to give me understand father do it [Music] you
Channel: DAN MOHLER - Non Official Channel
Views: 9,610
Rating: 4.9151945 out of 5
Keywords: Dan Mohler, Todd White, Power and Love, Identity, Love, Faith, Born Again, Living in the past, Deny yourself, God’s Image, Image of Christ, Becoming love, loved by God, Communion, Guilt Condemnation and Shame, Christian sermons, powerful sermons, rare dan mohler, best dan mohler, pastor dan mohler, dan mohler identity, dan mohler 2020, dan mohler testimony, dan mohler healing, dan mohler marriage, Dan mohler divorce, dan mohler false teacher, dan mohler grace
Id: sROaghOsBL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 42sec (4722 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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