Dan Mohler - Deny Yourself @ New Life - 2 - Sunday 9am - May 2015

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Wow good morning everybody y'all doing good man these guys sound great huh sure I was enjoying just um jamming out there during the Opera goes like that was really good so man they have a full crew today too man I had fun last night the one gentleman came by and dropped this off and he said hey I still have no pain and we did we didn't even pray for him last night on the way he just prayed for somebody else and everything he had going on left and like that sounds like Jesus amen amen listen I want to encourage your hearts this morning hopefully that's why we're here and it might be a little stretching a little challenging but I'll I'll encourage your heart with this message this morning and I'll smile the whole time so don't think that I'm here to correct you and I'm not here to tell you where you're not I'm here to tell you who you are and and what you're called to be amen and in that sometimes there's adjustments and endtime times like that sometimes God just tweaks some things the changes of things and I've say it all the time if he can change my I if he can change my perspective you'll change my whole life you know there's attitudes we grew up with there's ways that we thought and felt our whole life that we were trained by that weren't productive that actually put pressure on everybody around us that we say we loved right in our own home there's things that we got attitudes we say I love you and then we got attitude all day and we don't even understand love it's just all about you so that's why it's so miserable that's why so frustrated see man was never created for himself man was never created just to get things his way and I'm telling you if you're living that way no wonder you're frustrated because somehow you think everything revolves around you but the truth is you're on the earth to shine and reveal his glory it's not about what men can do for you and how people need to change for you it's about how you change for his name's sake see that's the place of grace anything else is going to be total frustration and you're gonna hurt the thing you say you love because actually what you're saying when you say I love you and you're self-centered you're actually saying I need you and you ain't cutting it for me that's why people get so mad at each other because you're in it for you and you can't be a Christian for you you can't be married for you you can't be a parent for you it's never been about you it's always been about Christ in hell and Christ for health listen if you're a parent for you your children have the power to break your heart instead of bless you and you say you love them but you're only as good as they're doing it's idolatry you're actually letting your children be who you are and if they're not doing well you're no good at all come on you're not a parent for you you're a parent for His image and you're multiplying his image in your children through your life by the Spirit of God that's the goal seeing the in the beginning God made man in His image and he made male and female in His image and likeness so women aren't lacking anything two men were all made the same for His image you say well we made man first women you ought to be excited that you came right after man because it wasn't until he saw the fullness of God in man and he realized and said well it's not that he realized that then like do I like him or with God but but what he does is he says there's no one comparable there's nowhere for the image to multiply there's nowhere for love to fly it's not about having sex and getting pregnant it's about multiplying the image it's always about multiplying cuz here's what God did he didn't make another lump of clay women you are in another lump of clay he reached into the fullness of God in man and brought out the woman out of the fullness of God in man he brought forth or woman and he made what was one two so two could yield and enjoy being one and in that place he said you're blessed be fruitful and multiply is he talking about just having children oh she talked about increasing what he made you to be and covering the earth with his glory oh what's so exciting see God didn't make a woman to scratch a man's edge and vice versa if you read the Bible God made man for His image and in his likeness that changed when Adam ate the tree and every one of us was born into Adam and every one of us was born into that lion that rat race separated from God and we were trained by life home-schooled in the wrong home our teachers were false teachers it's called life apart from God you were taught to be angry you were taught to be frustrated you were taught to cop an opinion it came natural you could be two years old fighting over a toy nobody taught you how to do that it was just there it was in you come on come on that anger thing was there a long time ago as long back as you can remember the first thing that kids learn sometimes expressed as they are is no mine gimme that why it's because every man was born into a self-centered mentality every man for himself so even I love you is actually I need you it's not I love you it's I need you that's why the people close to us have always had the power to break our hearts because we don't love them we need them they are making us who we are when we get married we listen to their vowels more than we give our heart to our when we pray for our spouse it's usually because we're hurt not because we're hurting for them and we expect God to answer our prayer and allow us to stay that way it's why things don't change a lot when people are only praying because of pain you don't pray because of pain you pray cause of love you pray because you understand your spouse is more than what they're giving themselves to they're more than the attitude that's blinding them they're more than the thing that they're they're living and instead of letting your heart get broken by them your heart breaks for them and instead of learning to cry because of them you cry for them because that's what love does why because love takes no account of the things done wrong to it love sees the best in everyone that's how God saw you and me that's why he sent his son come on if God just saw your terrible attitude in my terrible attitude he'd see nothing worth redeeming yeah so that's be careful with this gospel that we truly understand that it's all about transformation and change he's not just the lonely guy that needs a friend and he's willing to put up with anything that we are he's here to make us brand new he's here to change the way we think he's here to change the way we are the gospel has never been a self-serving thing it's never just about you going to heaven it's about heaven coming inside of you and transforming everything it's about the old passion away and the new come and no longer conformed to the world but transformed by the renewing of your mind God wants you to think different in the light according to truth and that we didn't know until we saw Jesus because he is the truth he's a light it came into the darkness he was the truth that walked into the middle of a lie he was a root that shot out a dry ground if you drink of him you'll never thirst again why because when you drink of him you take of him his yoke is easy his burden in his light all of a sudden you get rid of that self-centered he-said she-said tit for tat I need you for my sake mentality and all sudden you lay down your life to love and that's where freedom is listen if you owe me this morning you're set up to fail me why oh this gonna sound tough hold on why would we be so arrogant to think that someone else was put on the earth to serve me let's go make me cry why would we be so deceived that we would dare believe that God puts somebody on the earth to meet your need God puts you on the earth so you could shine like him and love like him and be like him not abuse each other and be hard with each other and sing holy is the lamb and then fight in your arm over stuff you'll teach yourself religion you'll do your heart injustice you got something so good going here God wants it to grow and multiply and touch the area this isn't just our little gathering that identifies us and makes us Christian this is where we come to learn and grow and become more like him this is where we learn to walk in unity wake up for the same reason go into all our little spheres of influence for the same purpose his image and his love so the world might know that he sent his son this isn't where we do our service to God this is where we grow to become more like him Juwan does see there's no way out of what I'm saying your hearts held accountable when I'm talking like this you either want him or you don't you either want to repent or you want to stay the same it's true you've got to preach the gospel that way and then you're exposed your own heart before the Lord and your own conscience and it's not that you listen to this sermon for your spouse you listen for your own heart if you're elbowing your spouse I'm talking to you I'm serious you don't listen to the sermon for the other person see cuz that's a problem because then you're just waiting for them to change and you don't realize if you're just waiting for them to change how much influence they're having in who you are today and all of a sudden you're nothing more than a product of what they're failing to produce or producing instead of a product of who the one is inside of you know the sudden you're only doing as good as they seem to be doing you and you sing he's Lord but you're letting them govern and decide your life and then that wouldn't be love would it I'm not talking about abuse I'm not talking about somebody just you know we're so afraid of this love message sometimes goes anywhere I don't want no way to make me a doormat I don't want people walking over me Jesus was not a doormat he was a living epistle an expression of love no one abused him he gave and laid down his life freely and he loved the world through his blood to bring us back to the Father so he could come inside of us and make us like him not so we could sing to him so we can follow him see you either want this gospel or you don't you either say wow that's humbling and amazing or I don't want love well you tell me if they say that I'm supposed to be okay forget that or punch him in the mouth well Bravo for you you're gonna change the world mmm-hmm come home from work when I gave the boss a piece of my mind Wow now the world's a better place it's amazing how that stuff works for us when we're lost how was your day honey you know I finally gave a boss a piece on my mind were you supposed to give him Jesus not rightness and it's amazing how false and temporal that is how it feels so good for a moment you've told him off whoo-wee don't give too much are you guys okay who's this this is too harsh are you okay I told you I'd smile the whole time I'd like super encouraged okay here's what I here's what I cry out for this is why I travel and do what I do I want us to know him and understand him and enjoy him every day apart from our meetings when you're in your car together as a family when you're home in your living rooms when you're laying beside each other in a bed at night I would just love to know his presence is right there because there's oneness not because there's needs driven stuff not because there's animosity and resolve conflicts that we're trying to ignore and just walk through but because we've actually become one with them we actually have learned how to love one another of value one another and not need one another and covet one another guys all right yeah come on it's Christianity it's not cool to sing holy is the lamb and lift both hands and then fight over where we're gonna eat and have truly animosity because you always get to pick where you want and you're selfish and how come I can't eat where I won no son you forget the blessing of who you are and where you live and that there's food all around you and all sudden it's about choice and preference and you're willing to slam one another over a meal come on I'm being real the biggest trap is just cinahl well that's area come on you're getting too creative that's analytical it's just normal everybody's gonna have their go through look if you take away the landing strip the plane won't come in if you say what everybody has their moments that's why you have yours if you just cop out say well we're all this way well you can't tell me that you you're justifying your flesh and assuring tomorrow's yesterday and you'll sit in church and do Church but you won't do him : why am I talking like this to correct you to tell you who you are so your life has impact yeah so you go to work and shine so you shine when you're pumping gas you shine when you're walking through the mall you're not pushing and shoving and trying to be first and mad at the clerk and this store and write them a letter come on I get concerned I say man if the church would suffer strong persecution in this country I'm concerned the only thing we'd know to do is pick it and protest instead of make peace and love and bless and do not curse and show that we're his signs come on guys rather than can you believe what they did I can't believe they did that way they should know better I know well you must be so hurt yeah come on who taught us to talk that way did we ever hear that Jesus's mouth okay could you picture Jesus do you understand that Jesus do you guys believe that Jesus was really a real fella that he came as God in the flesh and healed folks and fed people and you really believe these Bible stories are true see you think Jesus was pretty awesome do you think his heart was pure do you think he had ill intent or any motive that was a little twisty so you think he was as pure as anything and anyone that ever was squeaky-clean so here he is beat back ripped open bruised battered we talked about it last night now he's carrying his own cross to a death he doesn't deserve that he's choosing so you can come alive now you think he did that just to bless us and make us happy or to show us what love looks like so we can be changed and transformed called out of the lie into the truth out of darkness into the light out of the world into him come on this Gospels always been about transformation so imagine Jesus gettin a little analytical in human wisdom he's already taken too much and now he's carrying the cross and he's heading to die and all he can remember is Barabbas give us Barabbas and now he's musing on that and his heart's getting offended Barabbas as if it's not enough that they already beat me as if it's not enough that they're calling me a demon-possessed Samaritan as if it's not enough that they're calling me a heretic and a blasphemer of God when I'm his own son and then Barabbas a murderer a conspiracy guy and now they're gonna kill me and let him go I've had enough could you even imagine that you know why we can't imagine that it's because we know Jesus different but he made us in His image it's amazing how we accept things in our mouths that we can't imagine in his we've been through far less than Jesus for less no one has done you wrong like we've done Jesus wrong in humanity and and he's not dropping the cross saying I've had enough father I can't take it anymore look at me look what they've done to me all I've done is heal and help and feed and bless and all I've done is spoken life come on I put on this flesh to save them and this is what they do to me God if they didn't change by now they're probably not change and I don't think they love us at all and I'm not sure why we love them I'll tell you what I'm not dying on this cross I can't take him if they hit me with one more club come on you better get real with the gospel this isn't an Easter story this is a real man that got beat beyond description that love never failed and he modeled what love looks like and he showed us what were created to be he didn't just come and preach a sermon to us and say now do it he came and lived that life and said follow come on his name is Jesus and he's my king there's nothing he's asking of you that he hasn't done that he hasn't walked out and the only thing he's asking you to give up is what you never were in the first place so how hard is that to give back the lie why would we covet what we were never created to be that me myself and I well I feel well they shoulda did that to me well I'm mad get over that come on let's say that mean and sarcastic you were trained to feel that way through the fall of man not the rise of Christ you were made to believe that's true through life lived not his life we've been trained by a lie I told you we were homeschooled in the wrong home but in all your getting get understanding do you know that in a lot of circles when I hear the gospel preached that self-centered twist is in the gospel that all of a sudden it's just all about us getting blessed a fair shake do you know how many people are sitting in church mad at God because things didn't work the way they thought they should and there they got issues with God when the clay rationalizes so much that it's found fault with the potter that's a sign of the fall of man that's a sign of human wisdom rationale ooh I'm not being crude rational nonsense making sense not being rude to you not being in solving I'm saying when the when the creation finds fault with the creator and is sure they're right that's a tragic sign of the fall you say well my spouse I would think that it shouldn't die die I didn't want to lose my mother she died too young why we lose a child or a tragic thing and all the sudden somehow it's amazing how God is always in the mix and it's his thought and we find blaming but listen God never gave you the blessing of life family children parents at the cost of who he is he gave you those things in light of who he is so you properly steward him all the way through if God is only in position to make sure your life turns out well we've missed the whole point you're never going to die he's kept life forever you don't have God to protect your family you have God to reveal him to your family hello somehow we think God's just in position to make sure our stuff works out make sure our job goes good and make sure we get more income and make sure everything goes well and somehow we got this idea that we're Christians for our sake instead of Christians for his great name and for others see I didn't get safe to go to heaven I got saved to change because I looked inside my heart realized I had nothing for you I realized I was a hypocrite and I was selfish and I'd have smiled and said the right things and I wouldn't leave them liked you maybe and I looked in my heart one day when I was 33 years old and said I can't live another day like this it's a rotten lie and I don't even like Who I am and I needed you to like me to feel I was likable because I didn't even like me and when I saw that I cried and I said I can't be this man anymore and I cried out to God who at that time I didn't even know if he was real I just said if you're real I can't live this way anymore I don't like what I see I don't want to live another day this way if you're real if you love me and forgive me and have a plan for my life Sam yours I live for you and heaven came over me the Spirit of God came inside of me twenty years ago and I've still got to calm down to talk about it I'm serious I haven't done church for twenty years I've done him I've had too much fun it's ridiculous I've had so much fun just being free from being mad at you all the sudden my wife doesn't owe me anything Wow you know what my wedding vow was to her when I got saved you owe me nothing in this marriage but to receive the love of God from me and as long as I draw breath on this earth I'll serve you in his unfailing love and she said okay does that mean she's done great every day does that mean she's always walked out her faith does that mean she's never had a doesn't mean a thing it means I love you you know what love says and only ever says just says I love you that's all it says doesn't say do you love me because when it says do you love me all you're saying is I love you for me all God has ever said through his son I love you I know who you are I know what you're created for and I know what's possible now we step out in faith and come out of that thing and step into me I love you I know where you've been I know what you've done but I know who you are I love you once you come out of that and come into me listen you can sit in that old mindset if you want but how is that really working you can keep trying to demand everybody around you and build your own Little Kingdom but come on why would you buy time don't even tell me you're blessed in that place it's a push and shove rat race you can feel like you're winning a rat race and you're still a rat Juwan people climbing to the top push and shove using people for their gain and all that stuff power playing and playing each other come on when you get frustrated at somebody and you see them less than their value you're living at their expense instead of laying down your life because of love it's a total perversion how many of us have lived at the expense of one another with our attitudes our comments our words our sarcasm you're created to lay down your life for one another we get trapped they living at the expense of one another we do dinero marriages and don't even realize that we think it's normal we think they deserve it because we've lost sight of the value and potential of every one of our lives if we're living that way let me show you something Gina are you guys okay or is this too like intense are you alright cuz I'm still smiling I've just some of you guys are losing your smile and starting to look like a deliverance meeting you guys are good right let's look at a book of James this is humbling this is sobering listen the reason I'm preaching this thing isn't cuz you guys are messing it up cause I want to cheer you on into the truth because wonder if God wonder if God says things because he believes it's possible for us to hear and obey and run this race wonder if it's not always God's talking because he's spanking us one of he's cheering us on wonder if he believes that our hearts are able to hear and adjust wonder if he's not always just talking like this because we're a bunch of bad kids or something wonder if he's not telling us where we're not he's telling us who we are so you don't leave here and say boy I got a long way to go but you leave here and say man I'm encouraged I got direction I have vision I've got purpose in my life yeah Wow now I understand why I'm alive and I see him or I see her in a whole different light see what you do with this word is between your heart God in your own conscience but you have the privilege of living life in Christ friend and every one of us have that privilege of what we will do with Jesus now that he's come you can make him a historic figure you can make him an Easter story you can make him a baby in a manger or he can be the very picture in essence of life and you can follow him you follow me I don't want to just serve Him guys I want to be more like him I want to look through his eyes and see you I want to live from his heart and be like him where you're concerned do you know in the wilderness the children of Israel went into the wilderness you know Moses and the whole story Jew now a Pharaoh's heart was really hard and God sent plague after plague and finally Pharaoh was like get out of here the people wanted them to go they were like giving him all their monies and riches and they were like loaded and out of Egypt bad but it came with a price where Egypt was concerned but the children of Israel went into the wilderness and missed the whole point Paul writes a whole chapter in first Corinthians 10 and tells us I write these things for your admonishment so you don't follow their example they're in the wilderness they're going to a land of milk and honey that's the promise milk and honey so what are they thinking what's in it for me deliver us from Pharaoh it's so miserable life is miserable life bleep you know what I'm saying and that's why they're praying because life is tough they have no idea of purpose they're not understanding anything they just desperate god save us so God saves them sends me to the wilderness so they could worship to their God that's when they go to sacrifice that's a form that's means worship to worship God well living your life in Christ living your life according to purpose is the truest beautiful form of worship it's not singing a song it's living in harmony and agreement with truth so they go into the wilderness in what happens in the wilderness they start wandering in the wilderness they start looking around there's no milk and honey they're in there now for a while theirs doesn't look like there's enough water where it's the water would you bring us out here to thirst and die where's the food what are we going to die and all of a sudden they forget everything God's done and why and they've just made it all about them and their inconveniences the Bible says there was enough evil among them apparently if you read your Bible right their clothes grew with their age like you were the same pair of sandals from age 8 to 28 and they grew with your feet there was a cloud by day so they didn't burn up and there was a fire by night so they didn't freeze in the morning the ground was covered with food but boy they ain't happy because where's the milk and honey and they kept saying the whole way through the wilderness it'd be better for us it'd be better for us it'd be better for us and miss the whole point what's it matter where you are a feast there it matter where you are what's it matter if it doesn't look like anything around you when you go to bed at night but when you wake up there's provision all over the ground why doesn't that make you cry and say god you're amazing we seem like we're in the middle of nowhere but we're somewhere cuz you're here I can sleep in peace all night I'll never starve me and my babies can sleep all night cuz you're faithful missus on the ground every morning thank you for who you are but it wasn't like that they'd come out of tent and say oh this stuff again this is getting old when are we gonna make it to the land of milk and honey Moses you're a terrible leader in God you're a terrible God that's the stuff they said and they made it all about them Jesus is baptized by John comes out of the river this is my son in whom I'm well pleased right and this spirit immediately leads him where into where into the wilderness do you think it's the same wilderness he fulfills in 40 days what they failed for 40 years tempted at every point love not his own life unto death he didn't go into the wilderness for him he went in the wilderness for God and you same wilderness same temptations no food 40 days hungered right they wandered and died and never filled filled the promise he was anointed with power their spirit and power came out in 40 days anointed with a spirit and power ministered to by angels people say brother pray for me I'm going through a real wilderness must be the Israelites probably ought to jump over in Jesus's wilderness and get a better perspective it's not about what you're going through in the moment it's about who he is in the middle of it it's about him diffusing the fragrance of his knowledge in every place it's about him always causing you to triumph in the face of it all squeezing you in Christ coming out reward what if the Devils learn to squeeze folks to find out what they understand or what they don't what if the devil is just so arrogant that he comes up and says all yeah right holy is the lamb and when he squeezes you everything but Christ comes out these as well they don't get it bunch Israelites wandering in the church and then you cry and say why does God letting all these things happen me he's not you're positioned for it cuz of what you don't understand and my people are destroyed for the lack of you guys with me so is it amazing Jesus went to the wilderness fulfilled in 40 days what they felt for 40 years same wilderness same temptations same trials totally different perspective and extreme different outcomes wandering dying and never fulfilling the promise anointed spirit and power fulfilling all that God willed to pretty dramatic differences one little motive went in selfless they went in selfish he went in selfless they went in selfish then what's he say in Matthew 16 if anyone come after me let him first what's first if anyone come after me let him what why is that first he didn't say prepare to go to heaven and get benefits and blessings didn't say if you were to die tonight pray this prayer so you can go to heaven he didn't we say that he didn't say that we say that we've made the motive very self-serving you better be careful when you become a Christian you to get a stronger sense of selfishness in before you were saved well said now God owes you all this stuff because you're a child of God and you have covenant rights called this and this there is no you gave him your life in exchange for his kahuna If any man come after me which means everybody's invited let him first deny what why is that first because you were never made for you you were made for His image and the biggest perversion of life is men living for themselves when they were made for God's glory it's living life without grace it's like a motor trying to run without oil it's like putting metal in a microwave why don't you do that it wasn't made for that come on you put metal in a microwave what are you gonna do the microwave you're gonna destroy it you keep living for yourself you were destroying the value and purpose of your lives why you weren't made for you but we were born into atom which was all about ourselves living for the flesh a void of the Spirit sensual driven life and you must be born again why because the first time wasn't legit come on you were born into Adam Romans 5 says so and you must be born again we were all born into a lie so now we got to get baptized into the truth that is not a confession of faith it's a transformation of life a change of heart and motive a brand-new.i which it becomes the lamp of your body watch this and if your eye is single and sees the truth your whole body's flooded with light doesn't say unless of course you've just been wronged and unless of course you're faced with many challenges and issues it says if you see clear you will be clear period that way nothing else is Lord he's Lord and He rules your life and decides your disposition yeah you guys with me okay I told you to James three didn't I when I used to do weddings I don't do weddings anymore because my life's different I travel and I don't have the grace to spend that kind of time in Council because if I do a wedding I can I meet with the people so many times it's ridiculous I'm I'm with them more than they're together I'm serious I should the wedding party down I tell them why they're in the wedding party not just for cool pictures and I get the parents all together and I tell them what we're gonna do on wedding day as far as spiritually so we don't just do a Ken and Barbie whoo that was great thing and have no marriage you know you got parents that don't let go of their kids I have the mother and the father walk both down the bride and the groom I have them all stand there together and I say who gives these two and I make sure they all say we do that way you don't have any in-laws becoming outlaws that way you don't have a mom that's holding tight and the dad's saying good riddance but I teach this stuff i teach the wedding party that you're not just there to be five by five and look pretty on pictures you know we're like oh I need to find another so you just handpick somebody to have five by five no if you only have four that fit the description of why you have a wedding party then you have four by five or three by four or five by three because you want sincerity and heart they're not outward appearance because what is it what is a what is a wedding party they're witnesses of the marriage and they're standing there on the day you give your life to one another in God's presence with vows and they're they're vowing to assure that they'll do everything in their power to make sure that that's fulfilled and it's only remains this so six months later you don't take your your best man out to eat and he says how's things going well you know I think I jumped in this too I don't know she just I don't know there's some things that just bothered me she decided you know I was worried about that I saw that in her I tried to talk yeah I know see that's not a best man that's a bummer a best man looks at him and says buddy what are you talking about that did you get married for you did you give your life to her on that day come on man you gotta love her like Christ loves the church you bring the best out in her and you caused her to shine come on you're starting to think for yourself and feel for yourself you sound like a man of the world what are you doing that's a best man you girlfriends get together and start confiding and if you got a little pain in your heart it's you're not a good counselor for somebody that's hurting you're the worst person they could talk to because you'll justify their pain and you'll lick each other's wounds and nobody will get healed you be careful how quick you run to people for advice when you're hurt because if you run to somebody that understands your pain they're not going to help you if you run to somebody that understands the heart of God they can give you something I hope you're learning come on a wedding party's not there to look pretty a wedding party's there to assure that marriage stays would have vowed to pay and you cry and you intercede and you pray and you talk to them and if they ain't doing well you sit them down you take them out to eat and you get straight with them you see what I'm saying but you don't say boy I understand how you must feel wow it must be tough living with her that's not a best man well you know maybe you shouldn't got married maybe God really didn't bless it maybe you ought to move on in your life shorte you know you don't want waste too much time with the wrong person and for if God thought that one day about you you'd be toast come on if God thought that one day about you what hope would you have what so you're so amazing that God should love you like you have it so going on that you should be the most popular in heaven do you see how self-righteous you can get not even realizing how you live above people and talk down on people and not the the drastic pride that's involved there that you would even have an opinion about somebody that's less than truth in in God just because they're not producing it doesn't mean it's not possible see love believes the best love doesn't think evil love doesn't rejoice in iniquity it rejoices in truth so love goes after the answer but when anybody can look and fault find it takes a man of God to dig for gold and potential anybody can watch somebody for a while and figure out what they think might be wrong with them and if I could have five minutes alone I could set him straight come on but who's willing to look at somebody and actually care and actually see their potential in destiny that's what a man or woman of God dies you guys good let me close with this you guys getting something out of this now I'm not asking for applause I'm just are you guys connecting with my heart this morning because I feel like this is encouraging stuff to cheer us on we're just going to let stuff bomb us out we're just gonna let life speak louder than truth and we're gonna only be doing as good as things are going instead of as good as he is inside of me I'm gonna sing all the right songs and believe all the wrong things and we'll be on all the right places at all the right time and not see the truth we don't want to teach ourself religion there's people coming in that day and say what do you mean we walked with you on the streets we heard your speak we sat we sucked with you and say I never knew you I'm not talking about you right now being condemned saying you're going to hell you don't know who Lord what I'm saying is it is possible to be in all the right places and never give your heart to him it's possible to say all the right things has never become the right things hmm you guys good right just make it your James I do these I used to do these scriptures at weddings cool I'd say stuff at weddings and dinner and I'd leave the wedding party there standing here and they look so beautiful and I'd come out around him and talk to the people just to make sure they caught what was going on and that they were convicted along with the truth that's going on up here because not everybody that sitting together is doing well not everybody that goes to church is doing well sometimes we let going to church take the place of knowing him going to churches and what changes your lives knowing him is what changes your lives and nobody can truly have this and not have this watch and if you don't have this there's only one reason you really don't have this it's scriptural beloved let us love one another because love is of God and every one that loveth is born of God and knows God he who loveth not just doesn't know God he didn't say doesn't go to church and doesn't pastor and doesn't work in a ministry does it say that you don't see your need for Savior and didn't confess your sins but if you don't love you don't know him that's what it says it says you can't know him without becoming loved because the whole goal of knowing him is to be like him so the finished work of Christ isn't paid and fulfilled and paid in full when a man prays a prayer to go to heaven the crosses fulfill when a man's nature's restored back to life church services will never change the world people walking in love will yeah he says father when they're 1 like were 1 when they become 1 like were 1 then the world oh no you sent your son we think it's when everybody hears the gospel who is wise I say the stuff that weddings it's so fun I say who is wise and understanding among you who really knows what they're talking about we'll then let them prove it by the way they live their life that's what this is say it's not your speech it's your life lived it matters it says who is wise and understanding among you let them show that they understand by the good conduct that their work of their life that their works are done in the meekness of wisdom not arrogance not presumption the meekness of wisdom watch but if you have bitter envy and self seeking self seeking in your heart self seeking most people that go to church honestly believe that a little bit of self seeking is in everybody and it's normal you can be a Christian for you you understand what I'm saying if you're not careful you can be a Christian for your sake and incorporate God into your life instead of God becoming your life and if that's the case you're going to get disappointed along the way and you're going to live like this and have a lot of confusion you're gonna let people hurt you you're going to not go to church because of the church do you mean people don't go to church because of the church I sit on airplanes with them and they explain to me why they haven't gone to church and I'm like what's that have to do with your relationship with God and knowing him well next thing you know they're crying and trembling because they I just have fun when I said people ask me how I'm doing on an airplane come on kid I hope you're serious asking me that question because I'm coming with an answer you know what happens over and over because I have time for them they're not a bother to me I don't want to just hide under an iPod in your near but I I'll give my life to them if they want to know how I'm doing I'm going to tell them I have countless people than just in airplanes where I've got words and knowledge and share with them and saw him he'll had had people on the plane get touched I'm trying to get out the jet way and get my arm pulled sir trembling can you please pray for me saw a lady on the tarmac waiting for our gate check bags completely healed cry hysterical and all of a sudden it turned into a little prayer meeting church meeting and then I couldn't even get to my next gate because I had people following me asking me for prayer that's Christianity yeah it's just mud or you just caught up with your flight your time's delays Oh bummer flying she's terrible no flying puts you around a whole bunch of people travels awesome put you out there where life's happened you can shine and lady crying so hard beside me on a plane that the flight attendant came to move her seat because she thought I was bothering the lady she said ma'am I need to move your seat she said no it's okay she said it doesn't look okay she said no it's okay and she's she cried hard several times this lady's God just was going bam bam I mean like he knew her it was talking to her like he knew her and I just met her but God seemed to know her it was fun and I had no clue what I was saying but you could see the BAM every time Wow so the flight attendant leaves to go and she's a little frustrated she's she's like honey I need to move your seat she's looking at me like like I'm a problem and I'm just sitting there she leaves and I looked and I said honey I know she's wondering what's going on and I know you've been crying a lot night I didn't mean to make you cry but she's no okay I said what I do need to tell you this I said Crohn's disease is no match for the blood of Jesus Christ no she didn't tell me nothing you can't pull that out of a hat you could say that to a thousand people and they look at you cockeyed but I said it to her I said honey Crohn's disease it's no match for Jesus Christ and she went wait a minute no I'm not exaggerating this she said that's it I'm moving your seat up here she hooked my arm laid her head on my shoulder and said no she said he's helping me you know it come on you can let a million other things get in the way a hearing like that and even seeing value in her you just sit there and just be alone be in your own little space and not even recognize there's a heart crying out beside you that's ripe for the picking it's caught up with your seat your seats not it's too close to the jiffy John big deal Jesus hung on a cross yes airline I paid so much for his ticket that smell it's thinking Jessica and now you're just complaining the whole flight to the person beside you because of this gypsy John well there's a way that seems right oh it seems right in the moment but its way leadeth unto death and there's no life there you guys are all right that good you know what I'm saying it's making sense you can't get around without always that's the Holy Spirit when I speak to let me say it in a way which is just no way out that a man would have to choose out cuz that's accountability that's how we want to preach as preachers ain't amen okay I gotta wrap this up who is wise and understand money let him show by the good condo of his life that his works are done and makes wisdom but if you have bitter envying self seeking in your heart come on don't boast and lie against the truth what's he saying get a grip on your heart don't get in denial deal with what you know is motivating you on the inside he's not condemning you she's not saying shame on you he's saying stop boasting and lying against the truth stop appearing to be something you're not get a grip on who you are inside and get the inside of the cup clean because if the inside is clean you don't ever have to even think about the outside the outside will be grand yes it says he who doesn't stumble in speech he's been mature and perfected in love yeah so good so if you have been remember yourself seeking self seeking just might just James says where do these fights and where do these skirmishes come among you from he said because you lost and you want you need and you cannot have so it tips you off Paul says in Corinthians man when you guys are living with contention your carnal Christians when you fight amongst yourself you you prove that your carnal you haven't grown in the things of the Spirit it is not cool guys to have animosity in our homes it's cool to make peace now listen it takes two to tango it takes one to stand at peace and it says as much as depends on you even if somebody in your home doesn't want peace you can be a peacemaker you do never ever have to put fuel on a fire it takes two to tango Jesus came and laid down his life that's his idea of making peace you lay down your life you said well they emotionally abuse me you can only emotionally abuse somebody that doesn't know who they are you try to emotionally abuse me you will get emotionally abused trying to emotionally abused because I don't believe lies and I won't take your frustration to heart and I won't take your sarcasm to heart I will just realize you're hurting and you're not happy inside and you're sure not free that would make me cry for you and you're not looking because I'll know inside you're miserable if you're living that way so what are you costing me accept love towards you and that would be free to get it come on guys so don't post a lie against the truth i watch this wisdom does not descend from above that means this way of thinking isn't God never has been so where did it come from watch this it's earthly sensual feeling driven and demonic the wisdom that thinks for itself is earthly sensual and demonic that thing that allows you to just have an attitude for a day whatever listen you're in a family there's four people in the family and you're straining the other three with an attitude and a need to be right not even caring what it's costing anybody expecting them to comply that's sinful you'd be better to just carry your cross and take a hit even if they're wrong just to show in love and that they're more than that let the goodness of your life bring them to conviction instead of fighting come on but do you have no authority in the Lord and you can't expect Holy Spirit to back up your conversation if you're talking to somebody driven by animosity and frustration and not from love you don't have a special in with God we're all worth the same price there's no partiality and there's no bias with God he's not he's not about who's right and who's wrong he's about righteousness and covering a multitude of sin with love and making peace yeah so this wisdoms not from God it's earthly sensual demonic what for where there's Envy and self seeking confusion and every evil thing is present what's this you can be in your bedroom crying doing the spiritual thing pray and saying all the right words from a place of frustration hurt pain and anger and just thinking about how he hurts you or how she hurt you and makes you mad and you're praying in a self-righteous way to God to change them because you're hurt and you're actually moving in a self-centered way there's confusion and you're inviting everything that you think you're binding go on I'm just so tired the devil working at my husband and I wish you just did him free ladies can't take any more how much do you expect me to take and the whole time you're doing that you sound spiritual because you're saying Jesus and you're binding the dough and you're actually inviting him and asking him to overtake you because you're only praying because you're hurt and you're full of pain and it's just self-centered motive you're not even considering the value of your husband what he's missing mercy towards him or vice versa the husband towards the wife listen I pastored for awhile and I had a wife leave a husband because of the internet she fell in love and there was unresolved conflicts and she left and got starry-eyed and it's just a sad Hollywood movie and she leaves to meet a man she didn't even know and be with him and leaves her two children and the husband so for five days she's screaming in the room Franny God why did you let this happen God you got to bring her back God he's freaking out for five days he told me he's just screaming in his bedroom ballistic and on the fifth day God came in and said would you stop praying this way you don't have a problem that's what God said to the man the guy said he was never so mad at anyone in his entire life see this is a serious story you hear the sirens rolling this this story is intense and I don't even know how ready for this story you are that's high and it's getting your attention this is big deal right here watch this is God Almighty this was God he heard the voice of God God came into the bedroom and said would you stop praying that way you don't have a problem he said the veins were about to blow out of his neck he said what do you mean I don't have a problem he said he screamed at the top of his lungs this is a joke to you what I got divorce papers in my hands my kids no longer have a mother my wife's in the arms of another man well it's a great talk show the rationale is amazing the analytical concept is never ending and that was his beef with God and he screamed out his pain to God God never flinched and said it's just what I said you don't have a problem your wife is in trouble he said how is it you that I can be in you and you can stand here for five days and only think for yourself and what she cost you when I gave you my kingdom how can you only cry for you and you haven't even sorrow the moment for her she's lost and all you can think is about what she's calling you and how she's affecting you if God would think that way for one day he has no time for any of us you get real with me this is the gospel because the church isn't even ready for that story because we become a statistic and she broke my trust and I can have a trust again we had covenant and all of a sudden we make our whole life reciprocal based on the other instead of the rock that I'll never move come on man I don't want any other kind of relationship or love or Christianity it would be false to me I don't want my cake he needed to I want to give my life so I can have his and I want to see you through his eyes always and I want to take a legacy that day into the honor of his presence not a bunch of frustration and complaints and can you imagine standing before Jesus one day looking into his fiery eyes of love and light and truth and going wasn't for my spouse you wouldn't be able to think that yeah so why would you let it work now God came into the room of a man that was broken and crying and screaming so would you quit praying that way you don't have a problem boy he sure laid out his problem God said no your wife's in trouble you're seeing it wrong see the eyes the lamp of the body and if all you can see is what she did to you of course sure you're a mess but if you can see who he is towards her and who he is in you that'll hold you strong see cuz that man came running to the office crying uncontrollably and I saw him come through the door and I went oh no cuz I gotta talk truth to him but I have to I have to hold him for 20 seconds and cry with him and let him know I I can understand what he's feeling but it's not the answer and I have to Minister the gospel to him and I see him coming he comes the door and they know me that my church know me and they they're like well we know where he's coming from so he comes in the door and he says listen don't be concerned by my tears they're not that you as you think I've heard the Lord I said What did he say and he told me that story and I cried and said wow you heard the Lord God came in his bedroom when he was throwing a tantrum guys and he didn't wrap his arm around said I can't believe she did that to you he's more of a friend than that he wrapped his arm around him and said would you quit crying and praying like that you don't have a problem when his veins blue and he screamed to God God didn't get take him back and say fine hey I got other things to do he just stood strong unmoved by his human limitations see cuz the wisdom of God is foolish the wisdom of man is foolishness to talk Childers there so his rationale didn't faze the Lord the Lord stood strong and imparted the truth in this guy broke and realized man I'm letting everything she did decide who I am and now I'm crying out to God to make me better when God's made me like him I'm looking at this through my eyes not his I'm crying for me not her started for things to change come on that's just a great word to end on yeah because here's the wisdom that's from above and I'll pray over you guys the wisdom that's from above is what its first pure its peaceable its general come on you way if these things are motivating your heart the wisdom that's from above is pure peaceable general willing to you full of mercy and good fruits without partiality and without hypocrisy now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace listen I've learned in my short life that every anybody can fight anybody can have issues but not everybody's willing to make peace anybody can stand and be right not everybody's willing to be humble and take a hit and follow Jesus not everybody's willing to lay down their life I've learned this a long time ago the Lord showed me that in a room even this size not everybody in the room no matter what you preach is willing to become loved because they want to hold on to their own right and they have a right to be less than who he is which is utter deception it's tragic deception but yet they say well you're telling me somebody's going to this and I'm supposed to be okay and they rationalize the flesh and keep themselves from repenting and making my count the Lord showed me that a long time ago that in room this size there's always a handful of people that when the when the rubber meets the road they don't want to become loved somebody owes for something loved us know anything anything except to laugh and love fulfills all the law because it does no harm to a neighbor and the greatest of these is the goal of our instruction first Timothy 1:5 is love thoughtful purpose of the commandment is love guys if we miss love even it's the whole point says you can have knowledge of all mysteries not some you know faith to move every mountain not some but if you don't have love you have nothing [Music] going to church you might never change your life being with him well are we to assemble ourselves together is going to church right absolutely but it's understand where the church this is what we mean assemble get trained equipped and couraged break to go out with the good play from the Lord okay man so father I just thank you for the grace in this house I thank you for the leadership here I thank you for this precious young couple that period just keeps growing in you and stays in focus and in vision and not pray go then in this hour they see as a union as a marriage as a husband and wife they see in the spirit and minister Lee like they've never seen before I pray a blessing over them got an up tray that their hearts would be strong that they would be encouraged that they would be full of vision and full of faith and even in their own respective personalities and there are little niches in life they would have such a synergism and the unity of oneness together the god you would guard that and make that exceptional god I just thank you for the essence and sense of their family their children and I just pray that the beauty and the strength of what they experience in their everyday lives would increase more and more and be imparted into this house I've never before I'm praying that every leader and every person that's partaking of ministry and worship would be moved on by your spirit in an in an extraordinary way got to walk this life out and to live this way they come here with a strong and clear conscience just living what we're preaching and preaching what we're living the to being one gone and I just thank you that this is a house of peace and a house of love and I think you that's not weakness that's the strength of having gone we're not passive and we're not pushovers we're men and women of God that see through your eyes and I thank you that the righteous shall not be shaken I just pray against things that happen in congregations and stuff and I pray that this house would be stayed from those things I pray God that you would keep a spirit of peace here and a strength there in a unity and a one this fear that would be and continue to become normal across this nation god I pray you do it right here strike this thing and let it grow more and more in your grace and wisdom God and let this community know that you're a good and amazing God because of the folks that live you do it in churches all around this area God let this area be targeted with your loving your mercy and start with us God grow us from the heart up I'm blessed in Jesus name and do the nurse and I thank you for the calling and destiny in our lives and I thank you and there for sale I pray that there be no casualties in this room I pray that men move forward and grow up into you in all things and if the way they're thinking isn't the wisdom of God I ask Holy Spirit that you would cause them to think it through and you're the one that's able to keep us from stumbling and I pray that your grace abound in this house come on the newbie here and I thank you Lord for your voice in your work and I thank you for people then I've ears to hear and obey in Jesus name Amen amen [Music] you
Channel: New Creation LIFE
Views: 15,604
Rating: 4.9029126 out of 5
Keywords: Dan Mohler, 2015, New Life
Id: Nm4xmcg1doM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 12sec (3972 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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