✝️ The Number One thing is, WE have to Become Love - Dan Mohler

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guys you can sit down i get some serious introductions around here i sit there listening to these introductions thinking i can't wait till this guy preaches and it's like oh wait she's introducing me [Laughter] oh my goodness no i love you guys i keep coming back keep coming back you're different you're fresh fresh breath of air for me no you guys are different i say that every time i come don't i yeah yeah you are you're different it's it's a good difference it's a good difference no i appreciated the introduction uh uh well except the first part when she wasn't worthy of introducing me i was like stop what i looked at never seen it but she she she explained that uh wow so oh she's talking about sonship it just triggered a little story of me i was i was in a service one time i tell the story from time to time because it to me it was very profound from the lord he asked me a question he came on me and started the lord ever sneak up on you and just love on you a little bit where wasn't somebody prophesying over you but it was god himself ministering to your heart it's pretty hard to handle and i was supposed to be the speaker and i didn't know why the lord was doing this i thought maybe he didn't read the bulletin or something i was like lord not not right now this is no no i mean it was pretty overwhelming and i'm not joking i went through a whole box of kleenexes on the floor and i remember i just saw a lady's hand lift my elbow and push a new box under because i couldn't i couldn't find any more i had kleenexes everywhere i was a mess but he was hovering over me loving on me and just like saying amazing things to my heart and i thought i tried to get out of it three times and uh i couldn't get out of it i tried to get up and he just it's gone so i gave up i said well i think god probably knows i'm supposed to preach and he's still doing this so i'll just hang out here sometimes we're slow learner so i hung out there figuring he knows what he's doing and this was pretty overwhelming i would have been more comfortable in my bedroom but i was on the front row of a decent sized church and one box of kleenex was already gone and i was working on my second and the lord asked me a question he said do you know why you live the way you do and i knew what he meant immediately you wouldn't have known what he meant he was talking to me i knew what he meant he meant don't get frustrated by this don't get judged by this pay attention and listen because there's an answer here please don't don't get judged by this he said do you know why you live the way you do and i knew what he meant immediately that since i've been saved it's been absolutely easy being saved every day easy circumstances dime a dozen just like you peter said don't think it's strange when you're going through various trials and things your brothers all over the world are going through the same thing you are he said do you know why you live the way you do and he was talking about consistency waking up the same every day literally for 26 years i've been 26 years saved just waking up every day i i just told somebody today i don't talk about this stuff too much with the camera running because people hear it wrong and they get condemned and judged but don't do that just listen i just said to somebody out in the yard today i said i don't know in 26 years one time where it even dawned on me like to ask for prayer never even dawned on me like can you pray for me it never dawned on me in 26 years to ask anybody for prayer for anything uh you see what's wrong with me right now you see that you see what's happening to me i don't even usually get this way but it's because i'm here it's it's your fault i get this way when i'm alone i don't get this way in front of folks because i'm supposed to communicate not scratch fleas [Laughter] so i'm gonna calm down and recover and tell this story he said do you know why you live the way you do i knew exactly what he meant he meant consistency waking up the same every day no matter what's going on and never putting an ounce of effort towards being okay i've never put an ounce of effort towards being okay i'm not being arrogant don't get judged by what i'm saying just pay attention i said what you'd have said when he asked me that question i said because you're amazing you're merciful you're loving your grace is sufficient you're awesome god you know what you just said when you had told him it was his fault when jesus said it's because he's amazing and when i said it he said that's not the answer i was looking for and i said what you just said i said lord it's the only answer because you are what you are by the grace of god and if he wasn't merciful where would we be if god wasn't who he was and who he is we wouldn't be sitting here with his spirit on the inside so it's all his fault so i blamed it on him and he said that's not the answer i was looking for and i said lord it's the only answer and he said everything you said about me is true watch he said but what you said about me is true but it needs a place to land and he taught me something vital that day see it's one thing for me to walk up to you guys and say you know god really loves you i'm never wrong but it's a whole nother thing for these two to begin to be loved by god it's one thing they say god is so merciful where you're concerned and i'm always right it's another thing for you to receive his mercy and let him be a merciful god you can say god's forgiving but you better be receiving forgiveness and not live in another moment in regret shame guilt wants your heart sorry you're sorry you can't go no farther than that how much farther can you go than sorry so why is a christian spend one more minute after they're truly sorry and guilt condemnation shame why does one minute get spent in condemnation when he did not send his son to condemn you he said why do you live the way do because you're amazing yeah i'm amazing that's not the answer i'm looking for that's really what god said to me that's the way it was meant and i said it's the only answer he said no everything you said was right about me but it needs a place to land he said let me tell you why you live the way you do this is for you i already got my answer on the floor with a box of kleenexes spent you're getting it the easy way you're getting it the real easy way so i'm giving this answer to you he said on the night you got saved you saw your need for me you were conscious of your sins you were aware of the wretched place your heart was seated and you saw your need for me he said and it brought you to a place of repentance for your sins he said you were sin conscious for a moment but ever since that moment ever since that moment you have been a son in your heart and that's why you live the way you do you could say it can't be that simple that's the answer the lord gave me i'm sticking with this answer i'm not sticking with analytical thinking rationale frustration expressions of emotion the lord said i had never let myself drift from sunship so when you introduce me what do you talk about to see a man stand in confidence and sonship you could just see he knows and see it's not my fault he said call no man on earth your father you have one now you didn't sin in june if you sent off a card to dad what he's saying is don't regulate limit identify your life through natural hereditary and biological means because you have one true father the word father in that verse means come forth from call no man on earth the one you came forth from because you came forth from one and he's in heaven now watch if god's telling if jesus is telling me god is my father what's that make me this is not deep it's why i get it it's what's wrong with me it's not complex this is not trigonometry i couldn't even get through algebra 1. [Laughter] algebra 1 was so hard being a son easy easy why because when they said jesus would you teach us to pray when you pray pray saying our okay if we're saying he's father what are we see yeah son actually it can be man is everybody bride is me so you can be a son i'm gonna be a bride i look so good to him i look good to him he loves me so so so in john 5 in john 5 jesus called god his father in john 5. they were already ticked off at jesus because he healed on the wrong day he heals on the wrong day said all right ticked do you imagine there was social media in jesus day i'm not a fan of social media i'm really not but could you imagine he called god his father on the same day when he healed on the wrong day that's two major strikes it says right in your bible in john 5 it says they wanted to kill him all the more because he called god his father that shows you how far humanity was removed from the one that created them for his image the whole time they want to kill him god wants to be their father that's why jesus is here to get him back to the he calls god his father they want to kill him do you see how lost people are in the fall of man do you see how lost people are in the wisdom of man and the wisdom of this world do you see how 180 degree different the mindset is in mankind from the kingdom of god that jesus is the way the truth and the life and no one no one is coming to the father except through him and when he mentions father being his father they want to kill him for proclaiming it and the whole reason jesus is there is so they realize he's their father too and they're so far from that that they think him saying that is worthy of killing him and that's doing greater honor to god to kill the blasphemer and stay a million miles away from the truth through service and legalism and laws you you want to see something in john 5 you want to just see it i'll just show it to you so you know i'm not just quoting it to you thank you lord well in the father what verses from the dead just as no one but community adjustment shaun of the sun the laughingstock tomorrow like this somebody help me show me where it is i don't have my i don't know the book of john in this bible colored i'm lost without my colors look at that boring what is it oh okay i'm way past it no what what verse did you say 16. oh okay oh yeah it's black i was reading all the red letters i was i see i'm so hooked on red letters i i saw them read letters i'm like lord jesus you were talking a long time and you just want to curl up and read it's red letters ah wow therefore the jews sought all the more to kill him in verse 18. all the more to kill him they wanted to kill him for healing on the sabbath that's amazing to me you know think that pharisees would say man has six days to heal and i'm thinking okay the ladies wrecked for 18 years there's been a lot of six days a week for 18 years jesus shows up at service the lady gets healed they got trouble because there's six days to heal why are you healing on this day what were they doing for the six days for 18 years i just think about that stuff they had six days a week for 18 years jesus shows up on the wrong day and says ought she not be healed guys shouldn't she be healed seeing that she's the daughter of through the covenant that god made with abraham and he heals her and they go wrong day so that attacked and now jesus refers to god as his father and they go this guy needs to die and the whole reason he's there is to get people back to the father do you see how far from sonship sin has removed people do you know how many well-meaning people go to church and the closest they get to god is the corporate service come on i'm gonna be on you a little bit now stay nice i'm serious do you make people come to a church like this and the closest they get is the corporate service but when you're alone are you confident to pursue him to be loved by him to look to him will you let him love you will you call him father when nobody's looking with no initiation other than your own believing heart will you commune with him will you believe him will you shut off everything close the door and sit on your bed and know and believe you're not alone and will you let this in here get way bigger than this i want you to see this i want you to see why they were offended and why they wanted to kill him therefore the jews sought to kill him all the more because he not only broke the sabbath but he also said that god was his uh oh what's the problem with that when you call god your father what was he saying in their eyes making himself that's not making him god in himself that's making him one with god a son the son of god are we sons and daughters of god are we predestined to be adopted as sons and daughters of god so if we don't see god as our father how will you walk in sonship the lord said do you know why you live the way you do i said because you're amazing your grace is efficient you're incredible your mercy is he said dan that's all true but it needs a place to land do you know how many things are true in our life and they need a place to land people you can't just hear that god loves you you got to receive his love you don't just pray a list of needs you commune with him you just pray for him to protect what you care about and the people you love you commune with him you don't just give him your list don't make sure your prayer life is only just needs and everything you need god to do for you for your life to work because if you don't know him your life's not working the bible says if you don't love you don't know him doesn't say you don't see your need for savior doesn't say you don't believe in jesus doesn't say you don't believe jesus is the lord it doesn't say you don't believe the cross but it does say if you don't love there's one reason not one of two one you just don't know him like you could so if you don't walk in love it's because you don't have that thing with god that you could have that if you did have you'd be changed by having it so you're not trying to love you're like i don't like him at all but i'm supposed to love him we got a long way to go i don't even like him maybe i could say i love him i just don't like him that's not heaven talking by the way well i can love you i just don't have to like you what is that the bible says if you don't love it's because you don't know him you don't know god that means you got to come to god you have to have a relationship you've got to call him father father means come forth from god means source of life you know there's a father god crazy in the church father god i thank you father god that father god your father god i just appreciate father god i'm not making fun of people you say five father god sometimes to say four english words i hear it in prayer a lot now i'm okay i'm okay with that i'm not making fun of anybody but if we're gonna say father god five times to say four english words we probably ought to know what father god means father god every time you say father god you're saying i came forth from the source of life so father god i thank you father god that father god you are so father god just amazing father god yay father god and father god i just want to thank you father god for every father god thank [Laughter] you i came forth from he said dan do you know why you live the way you do people sometimes in my life that have known me treat me like an enigma or something they say you just you're just different i don't know what you just always you just always i just want what you have and i'm thinking you have everything i have there's nothing that you don't have that nothing and you don't need me to lay my hand on you i'm not gonna i want you to know him i want you to wake up in the morning and know you're his no you're his because christ was crucified because god raised him from the dead to know you're his that on your worst and darkest day he did not change his mind about you he said i love you through a crucified son period and if you believe anything else you're being deceived you've got to be a son you got to be a daughter you got to know your his leif talked about it a lot we talk about it all the time some of us fellas it's not about talk about something new don't you wake up fresh and new every day see fresh and new because if you wake up the sun you're not trying to prove anything you don't have to achieve anything you're already in you're already here i love how lab says i have an a plus on my report card and didn't even take the test so you wake up accepted you don't wake up and try to live acceptable to be accepted you wake up accepted here's the here's the beauty when you wake up accepted you begin to live acceptable if you wake up and try not to sin and you think that's noble and christian no that's twisted and deceived you don't wake up and try not to sin you wake up and enjoy being his if you wake up and try not to sin you'll be super sin conscious you'll judge yourself you'll take tests that he ain't even giving you and then you'll grade your own scores and then you'll get your identity through your score and then you'll live this way and he'll say do you know why you live the way you do because you don't realize you're a son see the answer is that simple see because when you move from that place then you don't see sunshine you see what's wrong with me what i'm missing what i need to strengthen what i need now look we're all called to grow and stuff but you can't grow apart from sunshine because then you'll get into works you got to stay in grace watch the bible says if i present myself as a member unto righteousness righteousness itself will produce its work to hold its fruit to holiness romans 6. somebody quoted it you quoted it at the water baptism somebody quoted that at the water baptism yeah righteousness so if i wake up and try not to sin i'm going to be sin conscious but if i wake up and understand i've been made right in the sight of god i'm justified i stand before god just as if i never sinned i'm before the tree and the snake and the whole thing i'm here follow me follow me do what i say to do tend the earth keep it subdue the earth don't be subdued subdue that's where i am in christ the tree's still there the voice is still speaking you follow him jesus the tree ain't going away the voice ain't shutting up yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the voice is not your problem believing the voice is your problem the voice shouldn't even bother you it should make you aware of the truth because the voice ain't producing it's pulling you away it's keeping yourself focused and centered i'm not saying this in a bad way but it fascinates me how quick well-meaning christians slip into condemnation guilt and shame it proves to me we don't understand the power of the blood the beauty of grace that you're not under the law you're under grace what should we continue to sin because we're not under the law of course not but he still said you're not under the law you're under grace what's he saying when you sin because you're in relationship with god you realize that your heart should go oh man that is so not who i'm created to be that is so not who you called me to be man that's not light that thing's a lie that's that motive was twisted god i don't ever want that in my life thanks for exposing it and i'm sure glad i'm seeing it for what it is two months ago i had permission to feel this way i had to justified it and not have stayed here this is not who you created me to be and watch and i appreciate your love for me i appreciate you washing me and cleansing me man i am way wiser sharper and clearer than i was 10 minutes ago you are an amazing father keep doing the work in me that sure beats guilt condemnation and shame he did not he did not did not send his son into the world to condemn in john 12 he said i didn't come to judge you i came that you might be saved but you'll have my word that will judge you in that day so we'll all stand under the standard of the word and face what we were called to and how we believed and responded to what we were called to so in that day every man's work will be judged every man's life for what he did on this earth will stand before god he's coming with a sword out of his mouth to smite the nations that's the word of god the sword don't get scared of that the word of god is life-changing and amazing we're supposed to have boldness in the day of judgment why because love's been perfected and as he is so are we in the world come on that's first john 4. it's right there i found it in my bible seniors roy i'm glad you got the same bible two so for those of you that don't have that in your bible [Laughter] this is how we know love is perfected love is perfected in this that in the day of judgment we have boldness not fear you look up the day of judgment in scripture gloom darkness trembling fear of the lord trembling day of dread terrible day men hiding wanting rocks and trees to consume them least they have to face the glory of his presence would rather be swallowed up by rocks and trees falling on them they have to stand before him but after the rocks and trees fall they still have to stand before him i guess there's no escape so here's the bottom line is god mean is he having a rough day did he turn into the unjust judge all of a sudden no here's the bottom simple line truth without soft pedal with nothing he made man for a reason a man was born outside of that reason through adam's fallen sin and that's why life's been so chaotic frustrating that's why people don't even want to live it that's why people are weary that's why people are discouraged because we're living life outside of why we're here you are not here for your sake you are here for his great name listen please you are not here for your sake you are here for his great name he made man for his image if you're not pursuing the restoration of god's image in your life then you're not pursuing the reason we're christians christian means little christ like one and i'm cool with blessing and i'm cool with impartation and provision and protection but that is not why we're here we're here to shine we're here to walk in love we're here to manifest christ why because we're sons and daughters he made us equal in the sense that he put us on the same plane where family who the father is is in us look there ain't no people get mad at this preaching and yet it's in your bible jesus called god his father and they said who is he think he is that's making himself equal with god that's not we're not saying we're god we're saying he made us with intention and purpose and paid a price to get back inside of us that he lives in us that we're one with him that is not blasphemy church first john two says any man that says he abides in him ought to walk even as he walked jesus said the things i do you'll do if you believe in even greater things because i go to my father the things i do you'll do if you so i guess everything's after your believer i guess everything on the earth is trying to decide your believer i guess everything wants a crack at your believer and along the way you got this whole story called life and everything's trying to influence who you are because of what you believe and yet jesus said what you do and yet jesus said jesus said the things i do you do it's amazing how our minds always shift to miracles when he talks like that what about forgiveness what about mercy what about peacemaking what about not taking account of suffered wrongs what about getting done wrong hanging on a cross and dying for doing nothing wrong and saying father forgive them they're lost and confused the things i do you'll do if you believe well what do you believe maybe you believe in blessing maybe you just believe in protection maybe you just believe in provision and then those things don't look like they're happening and now you're frustrated in your faith and you're mad at god and you don't even have relationship we better understand we're covenant people and all that is mine is yours because all that is yours is mine and one plus one has become a greater one don't answer that in math class kids you will fail homeschoolers one plus one is two in math in the kingdom one plus one is a stronger one in a marriage one plus one is a stronger one these two have the privilege anyone married here has the privilege of manifesting christ to the full the greatest expression that i can find scripturally in the bible of the father is a man and wife submitted to the will of god together as one there's a synergism two wills two makeups two emotions two genders woman brought out of man out of the fullness of god in man he brought forth the woman tracy's not a separate lump of clay she came out of the fullness of god in man so if there's a woman in a man's life scripturally it's not supposed to just be like because she's hot and because he likes her you're gonna hear all this whispering going on up here right now you ought to hear your pastor even though you really are and it's okay for him to think she's hot but watch this watch this but that's not why they're to be together if there's a woman in a man's life scripturally it should be because the fullness of god in the man and there's nowhere for him to go with what god has made him there's nowhere to multiply there's no avenue to give to serve and to love where did god go with who he is he said let us make man in our image boom all of a sudden he multiplies himself and manifests himself through flesh why flesh because it's the puppet show it's the acting out thing it's the clay flesh has the ability to manifest everything on the inside so your body's not evil and wretched and no your measurements aren't cursed watch your purpose is blessed the world corrupted bodies sin corrupted bodies man has bodies and they made it a god and people are under the pressure of bodies bodies aren't evil bodies are made to house what's on the inside to act out what it houses you know them by their how the abundance of the heart the your body doesn't have to seem like a curse it's not evil and wicked and contrary to god it's supposed to be sanctified brought into submission and the flesh should be crucified if you live in the spirit you won't fulfill the lusts of the flesh that doesn't mean you're always subservient and have to lust in your flesh it means we have an answer lived by the spirit so your first thessalonians 5 spirit soul and body sanctified blameless till he comes come on now there's preacher after preaching discrimination that flesh is wicked it's evil it's wicked your heart is wicked and deceitful how about getting a new one get a new one you're not gonna talk me into it through religion anger attitude you can write anything on the internet you want you're wrong you're wrong when you talk like that you're reading old testament you're not reading sanctified life you're not reading life in the spirit you're not reading new creation value you're not re reading christ in us the hope of glory come on if we're already damned how can we shine how can we do the things he did see all these things are after your believer all these opinions and all these things and everything you're out there reading and all the chaos and 10 people saying 10 different things about the same scripture you better look at what their answers are producing and you better make sure it's producing life and hope and destiny and manifestation of jesus and then one will say well that's blasphemy because nobody can be like god and nobody can walk in his image we're just fallen people we should be glad he even considers us i never found that in my bible i found that he seated me with him i found that we're sons and we have the same spirit in us crying out abba father daddy god i found a lot of good word on this thing so what are we saying tonight don't get tricked out of sunshine it's what'll make you live consistent you live from the place of sunshine now there's a there's another part we're going to add to it tonight just to nail this thing down you have to understand you're not alive for your sake your life for his image your life for his name's sake he gave it away in ezekiel he said you know what my people my people they went out among all the nations and everywhere they went they profaned my name in every nation everywhere they went they misrepresented who i was now you've got to understand the children of israel their first fruit to the holy lump why were they chosen out of the hand picked out by god well he made the covenant with abraham way back so it just turned out to be that group of people right but watch this long story short he just hand picked a group of folks out of all the nations with purpose and intent not to be partial and bias and not so they could look at all the other nations go nah we got we got god he's not playing favorites he's not impartial he's not teachers petting it see what fascinates me about god he's love he's all-powerful is there anything he can't do roy nothing yeah so nothing is impossible for god it's impossible for god to be able to do nothing and there's nothing he can't do is there anything he doesn't know roy nothing so he's all-knowing he's all-powerful full of majesty full of glory is there anyone that even compares to who he is now wonder if that description which is true was minus love do you know why we're supposed to love him so much not because he's all those things we just talked about because we see he first loved us it's the only reason we love him because we realize he's love because if you say you love him for all those other reasons there's a catch to it and you want it to serve you you're trying to get something from him because he's got the goods because you're afraid because you want what he got you want to be on the side of the inheritance you want to be in and not out you know people treat a boss that lives like that you know employees you know how teachers teachers pet sucking up to the boss all these phrases we heard our whole life is because that thing is on the earth wonder if god was in love that's what makes him so amazing that he's all those things we talked about and yet he's loved oh jimmy people get power and then they get on a power trip you know people are on a power trip without power and want power to be on a power trip do you know how many people want money just to be heady and haughty and proud and just to be on top young people want no variety and prestige they're looking for all these thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up they want followers and all of a sudden there's somebody i'm making it corny on purpose so you never live there because it's corny what you're doing looks like that in the spirit you guys mess me up here i preach different here at least act different it's your fault can blame it on somebody i feel like i'm slipping into adam for a minute it's the woman you gave me little dan are you acting different tonight it's redemption house lord [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] they gave me to eat are you guys with me tonight [Music] do you see wonder if god wasn't love i wonder if he was biased wonder if he played faith wonder if he came in a room like this and had the ability to let some people bother him and he'd just avoid him and other people he'd draw near to because he thought they were cool and other people he just said you know what i just don't like their personality haven't we all lived that way you can be a christian and live that way and decide who you're going to and who you're not because and not see people for their destiny the value and purpose the bible says you should never again ever again ever again second corinthians 5. it's in there i've read the book you should never again judge a man according to outward appearance of the flesh you should see every man for his destiny calling and purpose no matter what he understands no matter how he's living no matter what he's producing you ought to see a man for what he's created for so that sure doesn't sound like well they just get on my nerves well you can't tell me dan that sometimes people just don't bother you you're only asking me that because you live that way and because you live that way you call it normal but ask god if he lives that way and if he lived that way you better hope you ain't on that side [Laughter] could you imagine god looking down on the earth calling out your name looking at jesus and saying i ain't so sure why you died for them we probably shouldn't wrote all once for all [Laughter] he gets on my nerves we should have probably left them out whoever knew knew to do right you were christian you knew to do right and you were just in that place where you just got you just was like whatever and you got a little grayed out and then you thought bad about yourself and then you said oh well so then you went a little deeper and then you felt even more bad so then your identity got hit now your esteem is low and now you don't value who you are in christ so now you live up to the low level in which you see yourself who's ever been there since you've been saved and you kind of lived that wonder if god watched that unfold and go what oh you're kidding me and after all i loved you and all i forgave you and now you see we got to be careful that we just don't take for granted that he's not that way because scripture says he's not now we just get familiar with the person of god and how he's supposed to be and miss the whole point he wants that in us so if it sounds weird to put him in that box it ought to sound just as weird if you're in that box because you were never made to live there you were made to live in him so his people his people he hand-picked off the earth he hand-picked them out of the earth for one reason that the nations of the earth would know him through them old testament now ezekiel says you know what roy these guys ain't getting it they've dispersed they're in every nation they're all over the place but everywhere they go they're profane in my name they're misrepresenting me to profane means to live in a godless manner like you don't see god in it are you getting that so the whole reason on the earth is to manifest him and yet the way they were living you didn't even see god in them the lord said you know what i'm going to do it's in ezekiel he said i'm going gonna pull them all back together i'm gonna put a new heart in them i'm gonna take out that heart of stone i'm gonna put in a heart of flesh he said i'm not gonna do it for their sake i'm gonna do it for my great name and you know what we do i'm not mad at us but you know what we do we preach sermon after sermon after sermon if we're not careful for our sake and we got discouraged people tomorrow they're going to show up in churches all over the country because what the preacher been telling the main happening in their life and they're discouraged and they even quit praying because their prayers ain't getting answered anyway and they ain't caught the blessing yet they cast their bread out on the water they ain't seen nothing let alone a loaf is it okay if i'm talking like this you're a christian to get free from yourself so you can live what you're here for and the only place you're going to do that is by knowing and understanding every day you're a son you're accepted you got nothing to prove you got the joy of living in him he's not mad at you he loves you while you were at a sinner he sent his son if he loved you while you were a sinner how much more will you be saved from wrath now that he lives yeah so i told one little story it's your fault when you introduced me so if this thing didn't fly it's the woman you gave me lord it's the woman you gave me lord you're so precious sunship dan do you know why you live the way you do yeah you're amazing yeah i am but how you see me needs a place to land in your life come on you got to be positioned to receive his mercy you know why people struggle i ask the lord why do people struggle with unforgiveness it wasn't 20 years ago when i asked him i asked him about two years ago about 24 years in my heart was in turmoil i was just troubled over people fighting with unforgiveness and church folks leaders leaders pastors and i'm like why is unforgiveness so normal in your kingdom your will be done on we sang it tonight you will be done on earth as is in heaven we always think miracles we always think miracles well what about animosity and unresolved conflict and pride and disappointment and jealousy and conflict ain't none of that in heaven your will be done on earth as it is in heaven oneness and peace and all living for the glory of god going after one thing the thing together is one the unity of faith the body of christ the people of god come on don't turn this into individual blessing and i'm seeking god for what i need and i got all the promises of god all over my refrigerator we've been taught that for about two generations now to just have all our promise books and all that and we quoting all that in the kitchen while we're making breakfast and it's all about blessing provision and protection what about manifesting christ what about walking in mercy what about show and love what about taking no account no account of a suffered wrong what about not ever losing the disposition of christ because of what you're going through what about dying to yourself and picking up your cross and following him and loving not your own life unto death what about mercy triumphing over judgment and love covering a multitude of sin and toning down a harsh word with a kind word i think they're scriptures i think i found all them in this book and i think it's the way he is i think it's how he lives i don't think it's what he says i think it's who he is i don't think he just came and preached a sermon to us i think the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld him in grace and in truth and that word said hey because he's not only my father but he's your father too follow me make sure you don't turn that into a needy prayer list and corporate worship because it's as close as you get to him ooh do you know why people struggle with unforgiveness i'll finish that statement only the holy ghost could take me back there after all do you know why people struggle with unforgiveness they've never received the joy and the beauty of being totally forgiven because if you ever accept that you're completely clean you'll never see a man for what he's done wrong you'll see a man for what he's called to because that's how god treated you when you absolutely realize you're vindicated and you're forgiven and you're justified unforgiveness will die in your life when you're forgiven much you'll you get it you know what we think we think that means the more nasty you lived and the more you required forgiveness the more zeal you'll have because you've been forgiven a bigger list than everybody else no no no when you're forgiven much he who realizes he's been forgiven much is going to love much the man that received forgiveness in matthew 18 he received it and he had no more debt he was about to be sold him and his family couldn't pay back the master master had mercy on him relieved him of all his debt it's a story of the cross and christ and our sin and the servant went out and found a fellow servant who owed him about 500 bucks well that was way back in the 90s pastor in the 90s figured out the math it was 19 million and 500 bucks so the servant was forgiven 19 million in the 90s so now it's probably 50 million he was forgiven 19 million in the 90s in that story when you looked up the the talents or the daenerys and the thing and then and then he found a servant that owed him 500 and he said pay me and the guy couldn't pay him and he had him thrown in prison that means he shut him up in his heart as a debtor and the other servants heard of it and they ran to the master and said you know what the guy that you forgave everything he owed you everything he owed you forgiven you know what he did to freddie oh sorry [Laughter] poor freddie i love freddie no let's change it you know what he did to barney and if there's a barney here i love you too barney do you know what he did to barney he threw him in prison because he owed him 500 bucks the master of that servant called him to him it's in matthew 18. watch what the lord said to him it's the lord but it's the master in the parable watch what he said it's not harsh language it's just what god said you evil and wicked servant what's he saying he's saying this is a servant that knew he had no more debt not everybody in this room realizes they have no more debt if you realize you have more debt you'd never be ashamed again you'd never have trouble looking in the mirror you'd never have trouble communion with him getting alone with him and never feel uncomfortable in his presence if you understand your son and he loves you and forgive you of everything you would pursue him you would be on his lap now you're gonna have to move me but you'll be there [Applause] because i'm a lap hog i'm a hey you ain't coming and not finding me there [Music] because i've been there for 26 years i'll just slide over won't i do i don't know i'm pretty sprawled out [Laughter] i'm just telling you if you show up there i'm going to be there you know why because i'm a son because he loves me he paid for me to be there so he asked me a question one day he said am i the best father ever i said absolutely he said do i need any parenting programs i said lord that sounds silly what kind of questions i don't even know where you're going with that i heard this in prayer he said do i need a prayer any program i said of course not he said then why isn't everybody running to sit on my lap if i'm the best father ever and i don't need no parenting program and there ain't nothing about me that i need to sharpen or change why isn't everybody running to my lap and i went he said because they don't understand sonship and they don't realize it's where they belong ain't that something ain't that something sonship jesus called god his father and they wanted to kill him for his language and the whole time he's trying to say guys don't you understand he's your father too watch he's just as much your father he's first born among many brethren we're the body of christ god made man to never die and he said to adam the day you eat the trees the day you surely die why because there was no death in the picture he made man to live one with him forever there was no death because man sinned death entered the earth so why do we have everlasting and eternal life through jesus because that's what god intended from the beginning and he's the redeemer and he brought things back to original value and he brought things back to the beginning so it's just part of the package it's how god made us and we turned eternal life into the carrot into the goal eternal life is not the goal image is the goal i promise you there is no scripture that makes eternal life the goal transformation is the goal the goal of our instruction the purpose of the commandment is love doesn't say the goal of the commandment the purpose of the commandment the goal of our instruction is everlasting life we sell it as the carrot and the motivation and allow people to not be convicted where they're living because now they're signed up and they're good over and over he's the way back to the father he's the way to god yeah and we make him the way to heaven why because that's exactly what self-centeredness would do and i'm going to turn the gospel into something i get from him instead of something i become because of him and all of a sudden i feed on beneficial messages instead of transformational messages and people wonder why they're empty because new wine doesn't stay in an old wine skin and now you think you just keep needing filled no he's anointed your head and your cup runneth over so if you keep needing filled something's wrong in your perspective your identity and your understanding because if you leak it's not supposed to be through a broken crack it's supposed to be all over people because your cup is running over because he fills the thirsty and floods the dry ground i read the book you ain't going to talk me out of it well-meaning people i travel all the time well-meaning people i preach and preach i come here and i just preach and preach i don't look tired to you i just preach and preach i would preach for hours i will wear you out i preach i'll wear you out you're just sitting there i'm up here high i will wear you out [Laughter] you better stop that you know why because well meaning people they come up and say it's usually sweet ladies too you sweet ladies you come up and you say oh brother you get your little sweet voice on because you're sincere oh brother i'm not making fun of nobody brother you've been pouring out and pouring out all weekend i just want to pray that god just fill you up fill you back up because somehow you get the idea that as i'm preaching i'm going dry and getting drained i'm like i've always want to say honey don't pray that stuff over me i don't know what to do with what's going on right now like you're gonna pray fill me up i don't even know what to do now you're gonna say fill me up you didn't drink out of my cup all weekend you playing in the saucer you're just dipping in the little foot pool you ain't been up here drinking in my cup ain't nobody reaching my cup why he's anointed my head my cup runneth over i got more than enough for the room and you're gonna say let me pray that god fill you back up no stop praying that stuff over me i don't know what to do now i'm already in trouble [Music] [Laughter] no don't you start some are you all right your sons your daughters look it says even if you sin man you're under grace not the law now watch so many pastors are afraid to preach this stuff because they think they're giving people permission to sin no i didn't find a way to sin and get away with it found a way to be free i might even identify him with sin and this you can hardly preach in church because people are struggling and a lot of pastors are struggling so if a pastor can't understand what you're saying because his own life ain't bearing witness then he'll say it ain't truth like i had a pastor pull me aside one time and he said brother you gotta watch when you come across saying ain't no secrets in your life every man has their stuff i said pastor you concern me highly standing near paul but that means you got your stuff what's your stuff let's get it ironed out man no we were right in his car he was reprimanding me for standing his puppet and saying about i ain't got no secrets and he said everybody got secrets i said and you're preaching and you got secrets how could your conscience be clear if you got secrets if you violate your conscience you should wreck faith now you're doing ministry now you're talking about the lord not giving him manifest in him because when your conscience violated you ain't with him you ain't being intimate you sure ain't getting pregnant [Music] [Applause] come on at best at best at best stop at best you get in the corporate service and hope he brushes against you [Music] and you'll be a concubine you're going to serve him serve him and never be in the bed and once in a great while somebody like solomon somebody like solomon's got 700 you ain't distracting me solomon got 700 concubines 700. now that men in the bible was crazy promiscuous i never quite figured that out but crazy promiscuous so so he might be sleeping with three women a day i don't know but but he's calling him to his chamber he got 700 concubines you know you think about in a year that one that lady might get called once she's waiting on the king she's in the king's mansion she's in the king's castle she's where the king lives and she's serving the king and she's considered his concubine and every once in a blue moon he calls her name and she brushes against the glory of the king that's called a concubine make sure you live as a bride come on you don't want no girlfriend pick you up take you out have a good time pull in an alley before he drops you off don't you cheap in this thing you give yourself to him you put on the ring you take communion and be a bride just like you're all in with your flesh and blood i'm all in with mine and ain't nobody in the room but you it ain't no corporate communion you just got a door shut and it's just you and him because you believe he loves you you believe he forgives you and you love him because you see his first love because see if you don't see his first love you feel like you owe him you feel indebted to him you feel like he deserves more than you've been given him and now you're in service mode not intimate relational mode [Music] i told you all are different are you all getting something out of this listen to me carefully you you sit in the surface like this you gotta make sure you just have more than fun and and and like whoa he brought it you better make sure you leave here no in your son knowing you're a daughter guilt guilt is a subconscious confession that you're not forgiven condemnation is a subconscious confession that your life is worthy to be judged shame is a subconscious confession that what you're ashamed of is still who you are and you're wearing it as a garment that's why you don't look good in shame it doesn't fit you it wasn't made for you most the things we wore in our life were never made for us to wear you got one thing that's been handmade with your name on it it's called a robe of righteousness you better put it on it's the same in the fairy tale cinderella's slipper it could only fit her and when it fit her guess who she married i think he's a prince prince of peace you guys i got shoes laying everywhere we were laughing we were laughing in the in the green room i can i can i can squeal on us leif preaches his sermon chair one two and three david says i don't know man you came here and preached and everybody threw money at you he said all they throw at me is shoes [Laughter] and lace said i got deer burger which is good but i got tons of deer burger don't give me no deer burger i got i got enough to give away but lace said i got deer burger i said shoes deer burger money chair one two three we had so much fun i'm sitting there i was back in the green room i was sitting in chair one i was trying to get david born again so he could graduate from shoes i believe every time i come it's going to be his weekend listen here's here's the real goal here's the real goal of every meeting we've ever done ever in our lives the real goal whether we've understood it or not and i'll go close with it i'll be done i'll be done we'll probably have in church tomorrow if if i decide to come you guys pretty hard on me wow let me just read something this is really good this is why we should do every service we've heard oh she just threw money at pastor david oh this is his weekend he just looks different look he's [Laughter] we could do a baptism roy and let you preach tomorrow he'd be up to here in bills [Laughter] no let me read this let me read this and uh and we'll just we'll just close out but this is amazing so it's i'll just read it i'll try to get get through it without being too lengthy because it's a lot of scripture see now i'm in home look at that and now i got my colors back oh it's so pretty it all means something too oh it sure does that christ may dwell in our hearts through faith that we being rooted and grounded in love may comprehend with i'm sitting with life in colorado in a question and answer time and he says lathe you know he has that actually he says brother dan you brother dad and i said yeah i said and you gotta understand we gotta stay rooted and grounded in love and everything no but it was a big conference they all said hey and i said hey what like what like i said what just happened and he said oh it's a it's a thing we did earlier in the teaching i said oh okay so i started saying again and i repeat it rude and growling hi and i was like oh my goodness but i had no clue what was happening so i was like what just happened so so we're all hey and and the reason we're all hey is so we can comprehend with all the saints what is the width and the length and the hot depth and the height watch this watch this to know to know it's a hard word to know the love of christ which passes knowledge do you get it uh oh to know the love of christ which passes knowledge that you that you may be filled with all the fullness of god see you don't love him first you see that he first loved you and when you comprehend that love it brings the fullness of god into your life what's that really mean it means you're a house with no empty rooms there's no vacancy there's nowhere to put another thing because you're completely and fully occupied no closets no back doors no vacuums no needy no vulnerability no insecurity no looking for twisted affection and attention and accolade and affirmation or someone says hey man you're really awesome and you heard him and you say what because you want to hear it again man i said you're so awesome really you think so i mean oh man i mean it's all the lord be filled with all the fullness of god now to him to him to him who is able watch how one he makes us all the time see this is rainbow you see the rainbow that's all my colors together so that's about as good as it gets when we've got all my colors together you see that green that's the love of god you see the blue that's the work of holy spirit purple is a commandment it's a condition to maybe for a promise you don't i don't have any of that here like if i have purple and orange that's a condition to walk in what he promised but man look at the rainbow oh you know what the rainbow says now to him to him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that worketh in you know why it says that because he's father and we're on the plane of god by his will and choice and it's his good pleasure to give us the kingdom so fear not little you get it to him be glory in the church by christ jesus to all generations forever and ever amen now i'm trying to get to why we gather i therefore the prisoner of the lord beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called with all lowliness and gentleness with long-suffering bearing with one another in love that doesn't sound like church issues offense avoiding people because you don't like their personality hello actually learned when god's in something he'll pair you with people that do rub you wrong just to grow you up in that thing he won't he won't he won't enable you you get a job and it's the last place once you get there you think how did i get in this place everybody's people that i have struggles with that personality just kid and my boss ooh i don't know how long i can bear this god probably put you there he's sitting there now you're praying for a new job you're putting in your prayer request for all the believers and saints to agree that you get a new job preferably a christian atmosphere and god ain't hearing none of it the prayer ain't even getting through the drywall [Laughter] it ain't never getting in the bowl of incense they're even getting through the plaster they just why self-serving prayer you're just getting something to benefit you so you're going to take the same dysfunction into the new setting and the only reason dysfunction isn't manifesting because it's not being touched so you want to get healed you want to get free so god will keep you bald and chained at that job he ain't giving you a new job if you get a new job it's just because you left it ain't god because he wants you to get a grip and he wants you to become love and he wants you to love people right where you're at and he says let your light so shine it doesn't say unless of course your boss is a jerk because that's people that call him a jerk there ain't no such thing as a jerk that's just stuff we came up with people that we don't that are displeasure to us so we make our preference lord and everybody's got to fit into what i prefer that self-centeredness at its finest and it's very ugly yeah i just stepped on somebody's shoe i stepped on somebody's toes [Laughter] all right let's recover let's recover that was my bad i'm sorry endeavoring endeavoring uh-oh endeavoring to keep the unity of the spirit come on is that really burning your heart are you aware of that do you know that's what we are as the body christ that we're all endeavoring to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace that means we're not issue driven counselors and leaders no i'm not telling a lie when i say this 90 some percent of our counseling encouragement and ministry is people struggling with people well if love takes no account of the suffer wrong why are we having so much trouble with each other so i guess it's not people changing it's us becoming love that's what we need if love takes no account of the suffered wrong and we're all busted up by the scenario so we are taken in account that means love's lacking and we just think they're the problem so we say well if they knew if they would knock it off well i wouldn't be this way if they didn't well see if they don't and you're okay the next person that does you ain't okay so the whole time you're living dysfunctional it's just not manifesting because it's not located see if you're touchy you're going to be touched so satan looks around like a roar line seeking whom he may devour so all of a sudden he finds and all of a sudden there's all kind of stuff going on in people's lives so you think man this is the last person i can't believe this has happened how come you got to kill me i wonder if it's all on purpose because you're vulnerable i wonder if you invite things wonder if you're praying for all this protection and the way you're living is inviting all kinds of adversity jesus said the ruler of this world cometh and he ain't got nothing in me you know why because he's selfless and he's love and his mercy and you just can't defeat the mercy of god he says the rule of this will cometh well help me with this you help me with him other scriptures and stuff he said the ruler of this world cometh has nothing in me that's jesus talking but jesus said the things i do you'll do if you believe so if jesus said the rule of this will come and there's nothing in me is it possible for you roy to live in the place of the motive of jesus to where the rule of this world still comes but he got nothing in you yeah is that true yeah would you agree with that but see here's what religion says oh no that was jesus but he said follow me and he said the things i do you'll do and any man that says he abides in him on a walk even as ooh stepped on shoes stepping on toes non-stop [Music] any man that abides in me ought to walk even as he walked you get this this is a joy of christianity the most miserable place you could ever live is self-centeredness because you were never created to live there you were created for his image selfishness is the biggest problem on the planet it ain't politics it ain't racism it's men living for themself when they're made for god's image so jesus said if any of you are going to come after me there's something i need you all to do deny yourself biggest problem deny yourself don't be a christian for your sake be a christian for my sake come on follow me take of me and eat of me drink of me ma learn of me my yoke is easy my burden is light because it ain't selfish you put that thing away in prayer you deny yourself you surrender self anger comes from selfishness disappointment comes from selfishness discouragement comes from selfishness if you're seeking first the kingdom of god and love and not your own life under death none of those places have a platform there's nowhere for that plane to land in your life the runway shut down the only reason we were angry from birth is because we were self-centered you didn't have to learn to be angry it came with the package so the reason people have to try not to be angry is because that motive's still there so he doesn't say don't try not to he said it doesn't say try manage your anger he says put it off how do you put off anger without getting into works and running the risk of failing by changing your motive in your life and getting alone in prayer and saying wow nobody owes me a thing man i am not alive for myself i'm alive for your great name in your image and people are precious to you and you forgave me of everything i've ever done watch this nobody in the room and i am clean in your presence my face is unveiled and i'm wearing what you paid for you made me righteous in your sight and it's producing life in me i love you and i thank you and i thank you when i look through these eyes today i see what you behold i see men the way you see them i see them for destiny purpose and value and there ain't a man on this earth that owes me a thing because you have given me your kingdom that's how we ought to be praying instead of father i don't feel too good today i can't believe it's six o'clock already i wish i didn't have to go up and go to the bathroom at three i'm just a little tired and i hope you give me grace and i can't believe i got to work beside johnny today he is a child of my flesh and god please please would you let the car run better today i feel like it's going to break down and i wish i got better gas mileage would you just touch my gas call and then you say oh yeah i pray all the time [Applause] oops are we okay i'm trying to get done i'm not doing good the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace there's one body there's one spirit just as we were called in one hope of your calling uh oh one lord one faith well i think there's all kinds of faith isn't there faith to get a new job faith for healing there's all kinds of faith he's not talking about a tool in your in your belt to get a move of god there's one faith meaning the faith he uses the in front of faith a lot it's what we should all be seeing and believing it's who we are now that he came we're contending for the faith how do you resist the enemy by standing steadfast in the faith you never let what he's saying and you never let what he's doing change the truth about who you are in christ and you always live from the place of victory you never become a person in trouble you become a person in christ and you stay there are you with me come on the faith contending for the faith established in the faith resisting him standing steadfast in the faith it's a perspective that every one of us should be living with and it should all be the same one faith i've been crucified with christ nevertheless i live nevertheless i live but the life i live i live by the faith of the son of god what's he living by the perspective that jesus carried when he was on the earth loving not his own life unto death and when you see me you've seen the father so we're beholding is in a mirror the glory of the lord being transformed into that same image from glory to glory colossians 3 don't lie to one another since you put off the old man in his deeds and you've put on the new man who's renewed in knowledge according to the image of the one who created him second peter 1 you have great and precious promises exceedingly great and precious promises by which through them you partake of his divine nature having escaped the corruption that's in the world through lust he's not talking about pornography he's talk about unsatisfiable self-centered desire i've partaken of his divine nature and i've escaped the corruption that's all around me through self-centered seeking if any man come after me deny yourself pick up your cross follow me what's pick up your cross mean don't ever let sin against you give the right to produce sin in you you overcome evil with good let your light so shine before men you get it one faith one baptism one god one father of all who is above all who's through all and he's in you all that's pretty cool that's what it says one lord one faith one baptism one god one father of all and father of all who is above all through all and in you all but to each one of us grace has been given according to the measure of christ's gift therefore he says when he ascended on high he lay captivity captive he gave gifts to men now this he ascended what does that mean that he also first descended into the lower parts of the earth so he who descended is also the one who ascended you all getting this poom comes up with the keys death hell in the grave goes to the father blood on the mercy seat sits down in his right hand forever mediating on behalf of men you could preach for two hours on that and be like oh really good and he himself he himself gave some to be apostles and prophets evangelists and pastors and teachers why so we could recognize their gift build a conference around them and let them minister to us come on that's what we do man he's a prophet and then a thousand people go hoping to get a word and their whole way there god just speak to me through him today i need a word i need a word there's there's a thousand people pray in that prayer and he calls out three people he said i was praying for a word yeah you and the whole row sorry i'm just saying the gift of prophet isn't in the body of christ to hold a conference around so that we all get a word it's so that the grace on the prophet multiplies into the people so we all realize we can prophesy and speak divinely utter for the for the equipping so these gifts are for the equipping of this this is why we do these weekends this is why you do every time we gather this is why we should gather to stir up in loving good works to grow up into him in all things to the full measure of the stature of christ you find me a limitation in that that's scripture till we all come to the unity of the faith to the knowledge of the son of god to a complete man to the measure of the stature of the fullness of christ that we should no longer be children tossed to and fro and carried about by all these wind and doctrine and trickery and motives of men and all this stuff around us craftiness deceitful plotting there's some strategies right but speaking the truth in love may grow up in all things into him who is the head and he's christ that's why we do these things not to get minister to not to get ministry to grow up into him to grow up into him you will never grow up into him if you don't understand tonight that you're a son or a daughter that you're completely forgiven that god sees you as if you've never sinned that's exactly how he sees you look when he came up from the dead mary saw him and said she realized it was jesus remember in john 20 she says raponny and she has to be running hard to him she's like [Music] because he said don't cling to me mary why she's halfway there oh it's you she wasn't like freaked out like how can that be you i watch them kill you you're a dead this is freaky no no no mary pony she's coming man don't cling to me mary he wouldn't say don't cling to me if she's not coming oh she's coming she's not afraid to die all them guys are back for fear of the jews they ain't having some fired up prayer meeting they're hiding in fear for their lives yeah they all sat at the last supper and said they'd die for him he said no i'll be struck and you'll scatter and they whispered among themselves no oh hold on for him yeah me too they're probably fist bumping they probably started the fist bump at the last supper as soon as he struck what do they do so jesus raises from the dead mary rabboni don't cling to me i haven't yet ascended to my father he says but you go tell my lowlife backstabbing two-face pour my life into them for three years for nothing no account probably didn't hear their name right in the first place say oh they'll die for me yeah right see see because you put a pastor in that scenario he's hurt he needs a camp he needs he needs he needs a year and he might never go back into ministry because of the pain but we're preaching the gospel but our hearts are so vulnerable because we haven't understood where dead men were surrendered how can paul get beat and whipped and treated wrong his own countrymen even what seemed to be brother in perils perils perils and keep on going because he loves not his own life unto death he's crucified to the world and the world to him nobody owes me a thing i'm manifesting jesus and he said this is a brief moment five times whipped three times with rods stoned left for dead shipwrecked a couple times he said brief moments no no no no wait paul your list would wipe most of us out we need counsel and never recover and we wonder why god let it happen what did i do wrong what door did i open why did god allow how did the devil there's times paul said i have more than enough there's times he said i don't have enough we think we got preached to paul to have more faith so we can always have plenty paul said hey none of this changes me godliness week contentment's great gain i'm not moved by anything about my circumstances because i'm alive for one reason so stone me all you want beat me all you want he gets up from being stoned and goes back into the same city he called it a brief moment of light affliction when you compare it to the eternal weight of his glory when he comes the list in corinthians 11 is crazy perils tarots perils perils perils paul you should give some faith brother no he's in the world but he ain't of it and he's suffering serious persecution for no compromise his own countrymen are doing it to him and in the midst of perils perils perils perils perils he says what comes upon me most and daily is my deep concern for the churches he ain't calling pastor david saying dude i don't know but my circumstances are rocking me where do i go from here pray for me that god shift my circumstances no need to shift to circumstances because god already shifted his motive god already shifted the why in his life you couldn't beat it out of him you couldn't stone it out of him you couldn't shipwreck it out of him you couldn't betray it out of him why because he's dead man for the gospel and he ain't alive in christ for benefit he's alive in christ for image and new wine is contained by a new wine skin he's beat for preaching silas is beat for preaching he's hanging in a prison probably a very nasty smelly awful place they said they would drill them prisons out of the walls of cave of caves out of rock walls and stuff and they would chain them to the walls they're probably just going to the bathroom on themselves on think with me and all the other prisoners it's way back in the day guys they're whipped 39 stripes their backs are brutalized and ripped open and they're chained to walls probably back against the wall and they're singing and praising god they're not saying god i thought you had our rear guard i thought you were watching our back i'll be dog on if i'm going into another town and preaching the gospel if you're going to let this happen to me this is how many times now i'm getting a little tired of this actually i'm convinced in my heart that's the truth about the thorn in the flesh because god said in acts i'll show him what he must suffer for my name's sake and he's hanging there and he's saying god you gotta take this for me this is hard he said paul my grace is sufficient for you didn't i tell you you'll see what i have to suffer for my name's sake my grace is sufficient for you if paul was sick you have to erase every promise of healing you ever read paul was asking god to take something from him that he promised he'd experience and he said because i promised it my grace will take you through it persecution come on if they whip you five times the second time has to be way worse than the first because you know what's coming what do you think the fourth time's gonna be like and now you're preaching knowing where that they might throw you down rip off your shirt and hammer you again for the fifth time and you're still preaching i don't know about you that convicts me to never complain about nothing and just go after god and just live my life in him and just be the same every day because i'm a son you get it i gotta quit i lost my sword it's over there david's got my weapon you better have a sword in here you can't always just grab your bible and look up a scripture in the midst of a trial you're supposed to already have become something you're late has you got to do that stop looking listening to cool christianity i mean it's good if you're going to stop and get a grip and at least get on the right path and get off the one that's not going nowhere but the lord said to me a long time ago i was months old in the lord he said dan i don't want you living crossroads christianity and i said i don't know what that is i never heard that sermon he said it's to where you have a fork in the road and you have options he said i don't want you to wait to get there and decide which way to go i want you to be coming in communion and prayer with me and you already have become it when the trouble hits you're already formed you're already there i don't want you finding yourself angry and then backing off and rerouting i want you to live no crossroad christianity no yell but no straight and arrow one way the way and i said yes lord and i pursued for a long time to get this word in my heart so that when trouble arised i already was prepared you can't wait till the war buttons flash in and then go to train if the u.s troops would wait to train when war was on the horizon of course we'd lose people see their marriage struggling and they say you know i probably start reading my bible more i haven't been reading much because their marriage is struggling they read their bible more the marriage is strong no read your bible more and watch what it does to your marriage if you become that thing are you following so let's live prepare miss loretta loretta right loretta we're just gonna pray for you and pray grace on your life and pray strength as you head out okay yeah and you can keep on moving if you want i know it's late and you gotta go i'm a long-winded preacher no she held up a long time she's got a couple physical situations and ailments that i'm aware of and i want you all as she's walking out here just start believing that god touch her body strengthen her body and quicken her body as she's leaving would you believe that for loretta yeah amen buddy he loves her they've been friends for years and he's pretty fired up for jesus i said to loretta i said man i said you've been running around with him he's a wild man she said i would i wouldn't hang out with anybody else she said so father bless her as she goes her lungs got her respiratory her breathing yeah touch her on the inside god her organs strengthen her body quicken her in the name of jesus thank you for miss loretta amen amen won't you stand your feet with me tonight if you want to and if you would it's just a sign of surrender and yieldedness if you want to and if you would you don't have to it doesn't mean you're not even participating but if you want to and you would why don't you lift your hands to heaven with me and just begin to thank god please from your heart no i'm not leading a corporate prayer right now from your heart thank god that you're his from your heart thank god you're a son listen you could have a violated conscience you could say man i haven't even been living close to what you're preaching dude okay but did you hear what i was saying and does your heart say you want that so why don't you just come home and start right there why don't you just say duh what was i thinking and lift your hands and say lord i don't know what i was thinking but here i am and i'm just i'm home thanks for running to me thanks for putting a ring on my finger a robe on me thanks for putting slippers on me thanks for killing the fatted calf just thanks for being a father see that parable we are that story we always call it the story of the prodigal son i think it's the story of an amazing father because if you don't have the father you don't have the story we have a lot of stories with that sun we don't need this is this that story is rampant but if you take out the father then you have nowhere for the sun to go but see because he's always going to be a son he can't live himself outside of sonship the father never changed his mind he's always a son but people live apart from sonship and they step out of sunshine so when he came to himself he ran back to his father's house and he was just going to be a servant and the father said servant wants the son always a son love has never failed so be his son tonight be his daughter you could say i'm not i'm not i've been backslidden i've been living a mess okay so lift your hands and say god i i i'm done with the mess i was never created for me i was created for your image and i want to start here where this man's talking tonight and i want to come after you and watch this watch this thank you for forgiving me thank you that i'm clean thank you that you see me as if i never sinned thank you i'm going to wear righteousness tonight and i'm going to be yours [Music] father i thank you all over this room [Music] sunshine daughters oneness okay consistency holy spirit i'm asking you to bring this conviction to our heart every day leif was saying it takes about 30 days to break old habits and to put something i just pray every morning every morning sunship every morning every morning so it just becomes you know what i'm just yours i'm just good with being yours i'm secure being yours i'm complete being yours i'm fulfilled being yours i ain't got nowhere else to go you're the one with the words of life and you say well i've been running every okay so run to him and just be his tonight and start there start where jesus finished and be forgiven and be washed clean only then can you step into your present and only then can you consider things to come so father i thank you for a house of sons and daughters a house of no compromise a house that's not caught into works and condemnation guilt and shame we're gonna wear you and wear you well we're gonna rejoice and do it with thanksgiving what an honor to be your children god if we've been super self-centered in our seeking would you let us seek the things that matter most not wrong to get blessed guys not wrong to receive provision not wrong to believe protection over your children but it's right to manifest his image and it's right to make it the most important thing of all becoming love so father let love be prevalent dominate our lives holy spirit would you have your way in each and every one would you heal homes and relationships and marriages would you let one plus one be a greater one would you teach us how to love in jesus name amen [Applause] amen lord we just thank you for every person in this room um tomorrow at 10 and 2 30 and then graduation and then fireworks at 9 30. i have a great day planned but the main thing i want to tell you is that once you start challenging yourself with the truth that was unpacked there they'll just begin to take it to the lord because there's a lot of things that the enemy could try to do with that make you feel like but this is an invitation this invitation of what is possible with you and god surrendered to god so i bless you as you go traveling mercies we're so thankful for your time here it's always a delight to be able to host god's glory right here in this region to thank you all the visitors thank you all the family we love you and bless you as you go see you soon
Channel: DAN MOHLER - Non Official Channel
Views: 21,728
Rating: 4.9140496 out of 5
Keywords: Dan Mohler, Todd White, Power and Love, Identity, Love, Born Again, Living in the past, Deny yourself, God’s Image, Image of Christ, Becoming love, loved by God, Communion, Christian sermons, powerful sermons, best dan mohler, pastor dan mohler, dan mohler identity, dan mohler 2020, dan mohler marriage, dan mohler false teacher, dan mohler grace, Dan Mohler 2021, Prophets, Biden, Fired, emotions, Dan Mohler 2022, Dan Mohler 2023, Dan Mohler 2024, Dan Mohler 2025
Id: Y-q3JfkCXR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 23sec (6383 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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