✝️ DISCOURAGED? Dan Mohler 2021

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just pray once again and we'll bring dan up here father again we just thank you so much for bringing dan to central once again father we just pray and believe that your anointing is already upon him god we just pray that you'd breathe fresh upon us this weekend in jesus name amen why don't you welcome dan to the platform [Applause] thank you buddy yeah i should be on awesome thank you hey guys you all good everybody good yeah you happy it's pretty quiet you sure you're not you're not scared that i came up here to correct you or anything tonight right i came to cheer you all on no i was i was enjoying your mission statement it's over there too i was just reading that let's make sure if you come here that this is this is really good this is really good like whew i'm gonna cry right out of the gate we gotta we gotta make sure that everything we're doing in christ is full of purpose it's not really circumstances that discourage you it's your perspective in the midst of them see you everybody has stuff going on we all went through something this last year people talk about but i have a hard time i just said to my wife i have a hard time talking about it because i don't feel like i went through anything i know some people got affected with their jobs and some people might have got coveted so that's a little different so i'm not trying to sounds insensitive but like inconvenience is is no big deal like here's what we'll learn in time we'll realize this but let's get it now like no matter what we're going through what we're experiencing world news real situations nothing changes the purpose of god why christ is in us and what he did and why he did what he did so if you're discouraged it's your perspective in the midst of your go through that's allowing the discouragement somebody could go through the same thing with a different view and come out of it totally different so you have to make sure you have a healthy perspective in your life that you love not your own life unto death and that you're actually seeking first the kingdom of god these are scriptures by the way that you seek first the kingdom of god in his righteousness yeah so it's very very important so i love the mission statement because it's a selfless one it's full of purpose like tomorrow we're doing services tomorrow we have two and and i talk about it every sunday so maybe i get it out of the way now but i'll probably still say it because there'll be new faces but you never just come to church because it's you go to central and it's when they gather you have to come with purpose come and fellowship with god come in relationship and bring him bring your relationship come to stay sharp and focused like we're supposed to be an army our lives really do matter jesus jesus this word brother brought forth about the light i mean come on it's there's always darkness it's never about darkness light's greater than darkness so i'm going to look at a scripture when that word came forth i felt like we needed to look at the scripture i appreciated that word because you can get your eyes on darkness real quick and yet the light's in you and you can just pray pray pray for the darkness to change or the situation to change and you can pray pray pray but god wants to be so much more personal he wants to live in you he wants to love through you he wants to shine for you so so this is this is the if you can't see that if it's not lit up enough it it it says our mission is to produce a unified family of believers being i transformed by jesus and empowered to live supernaturally while advancing the kingdom of god everywhere we go that's powerful that could be the that could be like that's so well powerfully written scripturally written that could be the mission statement for the church of jesus christ period like everybody should just take yours because it's his powerful see because you could just come to church because you like the church family you like community it feels safe you're loved here breath of fresh air break from your everyday whatever i mean people have a lot of reasons that they go to church but that that's why you're here so that you walk in the light as he's in the light so that you let your light so shine before men that they actually see the light they see your life lived and they know it's god and they begin to give him glory that's phenomenal that sure beats doing a church service like we're not just here to pay homage we're here to be sharpened and edified and empowered yeah man i forgot how good your voice was i mean i could come here just because his voice is incredible like that could that could just trick you i was like wow i forgot i don't know how i could forget you really have a gift in your voice oh my goodness let's look at this let's look at this uh isaiah this is the word that came forth i just want to look at this i this was on my heart i was just i don't know i'm in churches all the time but i was just in a church this weekend i think it was in seattle this past weekend and i think we went there then but this was recently on my heart so it's still fresh it's always fresh who knows tomorrow this will be fresh like i can never get tired of jesus loving me righteous into sight accepted in the beloved yeah it's never old it's never okay i got that brother no you better live that become that it's fresh every day jesus loving me is fresh every day i guess love will never fail but you got to understand that time has no ability to change truth unless you let it truth's going to stay the same you can let time change it but it's the same so you're going to let how you feel in how you're logically assessing your situation you can put a twist on truth you can come from a whole other side it but truth's gonna be there when we stand before jesus in that day we're gonna find truth was always there so we've got to okay look i'm coming out here now i can walk out here right yeah it's good solid i thought so can i challenge you a little with a smile don't believe discouragement is normal the kingdom of heaven doesn't even know what it is it's not happening in heaven discouragement was never in jesus could you picture jesus discouraged that's just like flipped out the only reason we think it's normal is because it's all we've known since we were born and a lot of us it's what we've known even after we were saved so we just think it's normal we think everybody's going to have it everybody's going to do it and everybody's going to be that way and everybody's going to have their moment but it can end for every believer when your perspective and your motive in life changes are you following what i'm saying so let's just not think that that's normal let's challenge it here's here's the barometer the lord has taught me with in my personal fellowship with god if i weigh what i'm believing feel and thinking if i weigh its fruit and look what it's producing i can tell if it's god or not i know that sounds simple on the surface but think with me if my belief system and what i'm believing and sitting in and feeling and expressing and manifesting isn't producing life it can't be the truth in the midst of everything that we all go through why am i talking like this because i want you encouraged we're an army that vision we're a unified family we're unified family we're going to look at a couple things you okay watch this i want you to see this arise shine it's isaiah 60. this is what came in my heart when you shared the word brother i felt like we were to read this i want you to see something that i saw really fresh probably a week ago and went man you know how you hear someone see something you're like whoa that's good like you grabbed me right watch this arise shine for your light has come now we've read this a lot right we know this most of us can quote this you can quote this john hey your car was open by the way i opened it no alarm or nothing went off i just took a faith risk i just opened it and it opened i went praise the lord i was with ethan i said hey this young man that's keeping me at his home and we're hanging out i don't know where he is but he's awesome and uh so i put the cooler in the back of your car and no alarm went off that's straight up the lord i was wishing you'd tell me you locked it and then i just opened it and it just opened but you didn't tell me that man i was just thinking i just had that much favor arise shine for your light has and the glory of the lord is risen where you got to take this stuff personal you know what i like taking personal nobody comes to him unless he's drawn by him and here we are with a desire for him he must want you why would he draw you if he didn't want you come on this stuff sounds simple but it's so powerful it's it'll impact you it's life changing nobody comes to the father unless he's drawn and here we are on a saturday night having a desire for more of him to know him to be with him to worship him he must have been drawing some folks now if your spouse drug you here your parent made you come and you don't feel like you want to be here he's still going to be drawing you [Laughter] it's coming so so watch this the glory of the lord's risen upon who upon you okay now he gives us a heads up he gives us a heads up he says for behold the darkness shall cover the earth and deep darkness the people but so he doesn't even want you to camp there he's just giving you a heads up don't be shocked don't be surprised it's not always about just light everywhere you go everybody's not just in love with jesus some people are mad and miserable stuck in unforgiveness full of self-centeredness conceit pride competitiveness all that stuff that jesus isn't we were trained by so the christian life is being transformed by who by jesus translating your vision transformed by who why because you're going to look to him you're going to consider him you're going to look to him you're going to consider him we learn from him his yoke is easy his burden is light he said take of me and eat of me right he he said learn of me so we're going to look to him and we're going to learn and we're going to understand so being transformed by jesus can be the grace of god just the supernatural working of god as you yield and surrender it can also be following his life and seeing it in him and believing it can be found in you are you with me like like he's the light of the world and then he said for you to shine this stuff is simple he's the light of the world but he told you to go and shine why because he's in you who he is is in you you're not just safe for a better day you're not just safe for provision circumstances protection you're safe to shine look people don't draw to your protection people don't draw to your provision they draw to your light deep darkness is going to cover who the people but but don't you love that darkness covering the earth deep darkness people but in other words he doesn't want you to get stuck there but you see what he's doing he's giving you heads up and saying but but the lord will arise over you and his glory will be seen upon you you know what you know what the word glory really means and he made seen any realized or known attribute of god any manifestation of who god is is the glory of god revealed watch this so his attitude will be seen upon you his nature be seen upon you his motives be seen upon you his humility be seen upon you his goodness seen upon you anything that he is revealed is the glory of god revealed sometimes i think we think this stuff is just mystical spooky spiritual language like the glory of god who knows you could do a three-day conference on the glory of god and cover a lot of stuff in scripture very simply put the glory of god as any made seen known realized attribute of who god is watch the christ in you is the hope of what uh oh watch the christ in you is the hope of god being seen and known and realized it's your vision it's your statement transformed by who he's the author and giver of life he's the truth may manifest the living epistle of love he's the manifestation of god the father guys without his life we wouldn't even really know who the father is right we know the father because we saw jesus so good the glory is going to rise on you the glory of god is going to rise over you his glory but the lord will rise over you his glory will be seen upon you watch now here's what i want you to see it doesn't say the gentiles will come to your message the gentiles will come to your church service the gentiles will come to your light let me tell you what light is in today's world when you take this in 2021 it's your attitude it's your perspective it's the way you respond to things it's how you see things you don't let anything move you but the truth and the truth keeps you free and you might be going through one of the biggest challenges in your life but you understand it's all for his great name it's all for his namesake that you're going to stand strong not budge and you're going to shine through it all and you're going to be seen for who he is in you in the midst of it not just through your natural breakthrough come on because the goal is this what's jesus look like in the middle of my situation and what can he look like in me and through me so am i just a man overwhelmed with trouble now and i got a heart crying a prayer and i'm at midnight hour or am i the manifestation of jesus in the midst of my situation now watch if we miss that we're going to really really really really really miss something that's vital and important and it's actually the whole purpose of it all i know we get the idea in jesus love for me and it's amazing and i love preaching jesus love for me but it's deeper than me just receiving what he can do for me and helping me get by or making it through this life in fact the greatest thing that jesus does in his love for me is teaches me that to separate me from self-centeredness is to bring me to true freedom because he never made me to live for me made me live for his image if he made me to shine then i can't stay over here in self-centeredness that produces darkness i can't stand self-centeredness that has a platform for unforgiveness hurt brokenness offense discouragement frustration despair all the things we relate to are hinged to self-centered focus all the things you and i have called normal our whole lives are attached to self-centered focus and none of those things have ever produced the kingdom and nobody's going to draw to that and call it light so guess what light is in the darkness know you're betrayed and you don't live betrayed and nobody knew you were betrayed and find out what happened and never knew when it happened that gets people's attention and they want to know what makes you tick and how could you and where where's my little buddy ethan anyway there he is hey buddy he's hiding behind a camera but he's not hiding he went through a situation his co-workers realized what he went through and they were freaking out because they were like you went through all that there's no way how's that possible because he didn't change we were talking about on the way in and how great of a testimony like that's the testimony i think sometimes we think we just need a bullhorn and the courage to preach through a bullhorn to make people hear no that's the loudest gospel he could preach that when people find out a situation and they can't even mark when it happened and and how long it because he never changed and he's continuing to shine he's walking in light as jesus in the light that gets people's attention and they want to know how that's possible because they have no clue how they can live that way because they know what they'd be if they were in his shoes that's called gentiles coming to your light are you with me come on it's really a big deal to produce a unified family we're going to look at that okay in a second i'll read that again in a minute i just felt like the lord just told me to finish this because i can't go there until i finish this watch this the gentiles shall come to your light uh-oh and kings kings in that in that word there it's just people of authority when he uses the word king in the old testament you look at that in the new testament it's really just implying authority because we don't have a whole lot of kings and stuff like that it's actually it's person of authority okay people of authority to the brightness of your rising lift up your eyes all around and see they all gather together they come to you you can read on but i think that's making the point darkness is never the issue it's always about light light is greater than darkness nobody ever said hey could you turn up the darkness if the room gets darker it's because someone turned down the light so darkness is never the problem it's the absence of light now here's what i want to convey to you and love tonight we're not just talking about supernatural power here we're not just talking about bam pow wow we'll talk about walking in the light we're talking about attitude motive perspective these are the things that get missed the most we want the power of god we want to see a healing we want to see a miracle guys they saw so many miracles in the bible and their attitudes didn't change in fact if your attitude don't change you could get a fight over miracles when somebody sees a miracle and somebody sees america they can fight over miracles it has nothing to do with that's that's that's that's that that's that's part of the finished work that's a piece of what he accomplished but i'll promise you this vision this whole transformed by jesus empowered to live before jesus we're dead we don't even realize it we're surviving guys we got to make sure now that we're born again we're not surviving we're not in this thing for him to help me get by get through make sure i have enough protect what i care about you know we're dead giveaway because when people lose some deer to them they change they back off they don't pray like they used to have a hard time singing he's good let me just say a plane to you tonight just let me just say it real plain if you're a christian for your sake you're in trouble life's going to eat you up you're going to live in a roller coaster world if you're a christian for you you're going to not respond well when you're tried you say well what else is there you're a christian for his name's sake if you're truly a christian for his namesake and you died to yourself to live to his will and his purpose changes everything this person and this person go through the total same exact thing and come out totally different responses and in time this person gives up this in time this person even changes their view of god based on how life unfolded this person already knows who he is through the life of jesus and understands why they're on the earth and nothing that happens in the outward can ever change what's on the inside you see the difference i'm trying to give you some practical examples this person and this person go through the same thing from different places and come out totally different and this person is sure they have a reason to be dismayed and discouraged and need a whole bunch of prayer it's just a perspective that's allowing him to stay there so until the circumstance changes they have no hope of being okay and as long as it stays the way it is now he's even in question or their right standing or what did i do wrong or where did i open a door or why is god allowing it you ever see people in a quandary like that we're supposed to know him and i understand we're young in some situations and growing and things like that but as soon as you see yourself in this place and it's not producing life you're gonna back out and say whoa i need to re-look at this thing because the way i'm thinking right now is not producing light and nobody's gonna draw to this are you guys okay come on everybody talks about this whole last year and coveted in the whole political thing and all the listen nothing has changed about why he lives in you nothing nothing ever will and i'm not convinced that this year was all that bad i i'm not convinced i know we think it's a real evil time we live in i don't think we've seen much about how evil times yet that's not really a prophecy it's an impression i think things are going to get a whole lot darker in some arenas it's going to be a good test for us to come out shining and not lose your heart along the way and not forget that you're not fighting flesh and blood your fight is the good fight of faith your fight is continuing to believe why he's in you why you're here that you're born for such a time as this and you consider not yourself but his great name i'm convinced i've said this for ever since i've been saved in preaching that as long as i can remember i've been saying if you're touchy you're going to be touched yeah but if you're selfless the same situations will happen you just won't be touched because you're going to respond for his great name you're going to start walking in love it's a spontaneous thing it's life in the spirit supernaturally supernaturally living that's what supernatural events and kingdom looks like it's you becoming something through prayer and it's the manifestation of your life without trying because it's where you live from it's what you see and what you see you become in the eye as the lamp of the body and as a man thinketh so he is so you're not trying to apply pastor kurt's message in the moment of trial if that's where you're at praise god but please don't keep living there learn and grow beyond and become the message so when the trial comes you have a response so you're not stopping looking listening there's no fork in the road are you with me the lord spoke it to me a long long time ago to my heart he said i don't want you living crossroads christianity i said i don't know what that is and i never heard that sermon i didn't know what crossroads christianity was he said to where you always have a fork in the road and you have options i don't want you to have options i want you to have a single eye he said i don't want you stop looking listen i mean praise god if that's where we're at at least we stop looking listen and make the right choice hopefully right he's not saying that that's evil or bad or wicked that's the best sometimes but he doesn't he didn't want me to believe that that's where i have to live that i have options it's a single eye he wants me to become love not try to find love in a moment of heartbreak hardship betrayal treason you follow me come on if you're in a terrible situation in life that demands a response you can't just like stop and okay what's the last message i heard and it's okay okay yeah hey everybody that's probably not what we're talking about all right we're probably talking about becoming that thing in a place of prayer and yieldedness and faith in jesus it's called life in the spirit does that make sense i just know this from living this for years you could just get in a phrase i use this one a lot because if we would just get this in the whole weekend it would just change everything nobody owes me a thing nobody owes me a thing god i so thank you nobody owes me a thing man i don't do what i do to be appreciated i do what i do because of love nobody needs to say a kind word it's the truth it's not wrong if they do but man it is not required i wonder if you did that in all your service in the church i wonder if you could never feel unappreciated again in your life because everything you did you did for his namesake in the sake of others whether they appreciate it or not i wonder if jesus was hanging on the cross dealing with that you know i don't think they appreciate me come on could you possibly find jesus in this place aren't we supposed to follow him the things he did we do if we believe any man that says he abides in him first john 2 or to walk even as he walked first john 4 love is perfected in this that we have boldness in the day of judgment because as he is so are we right now in this world come on that's pretty similar that's the same kind as that's oneness christ in me the hope of glory are you with me come on it's a big deal could you picture jesus just bummed out could you just hanging out mount of olives early morning sun coming up peter snuggling beside him hey lord don't hate me this morning peter dude would you give me phew peter you know morning breath give me your give me some space but lord i never saw you like this well you don't know what i'm going through look i don't think you've ever been quite in my shoes so don't try to give me all kinds of advice when you don't even understand i mean i appreciate your care and all but don't think you're going to give me wisdom today but lord what's wrong your countenance i've never seen you look sad like well you just don't know what i'm going through i mean day in and day out i'm doing good my motives are good i'm healing the sick i'm cleansing the leper i'm casting out devils i've raised the dead i raised the dead and they talk about killing me are you kidding me these people and then and then i multiply their food i know yeah i know it was cool yeah but but the point is this peter you're missing it it's not just because it was cool i they followed me the whole way over gotten all them little boats and found me they tracked me down and the only reason is they wanted more food they could care less what i'm saying they don't want to hear my words they just want blessing they're using me i feel used all the time like these people don't love me they don't love me peter they don't love me oh hosanna palm branches they don't love me did anybody ever hear anybody act like this talk like this has this ever been the course of thinking in any of our minds or am i just way off here you will never see this chapter in your bible it's not because it was forgotten or not written it can ever happen why because he's jesus no because he's love see if you say it's because he's jesus then you can't follow that but if it's because he's love you can become it and the goal of our instruction first timothy 1 5 the goal of our instruction is love what's the greatest what's the whole purpose of the cross to restore us back to the place of love not needing it being it not needing it being it you and i have spent our whole lives needing loved and unfortunately some of us become christians and still need it because it's not talk clear and we think it's normal to need love the way we need it but look what that produces heartbreak hurt failed expectations y'all with me in the cool that you can just act out this skit about jesus and know it ain't never happened could you picture that that's so because he's love he doesn't take account of a suffer wrong because he doesn't seek his own nobody took his life pastor he gave it why so he could put that same life in as many as would believe not to take him to heaven when they die to put the kingdom of god here on the earth yeah now will we be in that heavenly eternal place when we die of course the bible says so why because we're one with the eternal one and nobody's going to snatch us from the palm of his hand so the way he created it from the beginning death wasn't on the scene jesus just brought us back to that place we make that the carrot and the motivation that we're never going to die but the whole goal of the gospel is to get the kingdom back on the earth and transform your life back into love and get you out of darkness into the light because you're either for me or you're against me you know how we interpret that we interpret that as you either prayed the prayer to go to heaven or you didn't pray the prayer to go to heaven but either for me or against me could be a born-again christian with a bad attitude a born-again christian that hasn't dealt with self-centeredness a person that sees his need for a savior and is sorry about his sins and getting forgiven of his sins but won't become love still mad at his wife her husband still bitter at his kids for what they put him through when they were 18 to 22. yeah come on and you say never going to forget so what are you doing you're not for him you're working against him and everything he wants to do through your life you're working totally against his purpose and his will writing against your legacy instead of adding to it come on look if your attitude isn't producing life you're not you're not thinking from the right place i promise you you say yeah but you don't know what i've been through see that's it you're just thinking about you what about what he went through have you ever been totally innocent in your life and hammered for being right and innocent and pure have you ever given your life for people no matter how they acted and treated you and didn't budge or flinch or change that's jesus i think what he's been through ought to motivate us more than what we've been through see what we've been through is what motivates us well you know what i've been through well maybe you haven't looked long enough at what he went through to change your perspective to change your identity because if all you do is look at what you've been through oh i'm gonna bite my lip and say this don't get mad at me you'll start feeling sorry for yourself and then self-centeredness is at its highest point i wonder if jesus felt sorry for himself for a moment i can't believe they're going to do this to me does it really do are they really going to have to do this come on these people are crazy man i yield how many are there sick barabbas i i mean come on he killed a man i'm raising the dead they want to release him and and crucify me he's causing conspiracy i'm trying to bring peace here and they want to kill me i ain't cool with this i mean what would self-centeredness look like in jesus it would change all scripture it would change everything it would change his words on the cross it would change everything think with me and we'd all lose watch and so would he because unless the seed dies and falls to the ground it abides alone so self-centeredness is is alive it's self alive when you feel sorry for yourself and you stay there your highest hope is to get people to care about what you've been through in your story and how you feel and then the highest grace you receive is that they seem to care about your story but it'll never make you free and then you'll try to find value through the fact that they care and you'll cling to them just for superficial care and your life will never change and that's like a dim dull shadow of what you're created to be like that's not cool i'm not being mean and sarcastic when i say this did you ever notice that people that stay in their hurt gather around themselves people that understand their pain not have an answer for it they just relate to it and they become their friends because they sympathize therefore keeping them there because sympathy is a permission slip to stay where you're at because the highest grace you're receiving is that they care about me it's not good i mean the teaching's clear i know but that's not good because he did not pay for you to live in that place i promise he said follow me and you don't ever see him there so how can you stay there and follow him come on this is simple it's not rocket science i want you to see something uh to produce a unified family look at ephesians 4 real quick man your mission statement up there got me man i read that thing it was probably here the last time i was here it just really got me i was there in worship and i looked up there and went what that thing is powerful ephesians 4. so there's gifts and there's there's there's offices in the body of christ right verse 11 why are they in the why are they in the body of christ verse 12 is it to build a conference around those giftings to minister to us to give us all a word to pray for us to pray for everybody to be healed verse 12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying or building up of the body of christ now here's why i'm reading this watch till we all how many that's so good do you see how important you are to the scripture in the picture without you we wouldn't have all come on without you we wouldn't have all i'm simple like that without you you couldn't say oh come on if we take a family portrait and you're not on the picture somebody's missing when the family reunion be like that if they all pile up and they line up and take the picture who knows that somebody would notice that somebody wasn't on the picture when they at a family reunion why because they know their family and they'd know they were missing and they'd say man this ain't the same i wish they could have been on people in days town they'd be trying to photoshop the picture there get their little face in there they'd be looking through all their files and they'd oh it'll fit right here hey i didn't see her there well she's on the picture but to some people that would mean something because they because she's part of the family she wasn't there or he wasn't there right watch this until we all come to the unity of doesn't say faith to the unity of faith it says the unity of what that little word the is so significant when he uses faith and puts the in front of it they do it all the time these guys writing by the holy ghost i bet they knew what they were writing they put the word the in front of faith a whole lot see when he's talking about having faith or [Music] faith is a mustard seed faith to move a mountain who knows that you can have faith to get a promotion you can have faith that they pull your application out and actually hire you you can have faith that you're going to find favor with an employer and get a job because you're ready and willing to work who knows that that's faith who knows that you can believe and have faith to be healed but when he puts the word the in front of faith it has nothing to do with that kind of faith that we're talking about that that kind of faith is a is a tool in your in your god belt that you get out called faith but the faith is a totally different topic built up in the faith obedience to the faith there's places where he puts buffet satan he's roaming around like a what roaring lions seeking who he may devour resist him standing steadfast in it doesn't say staying steadfast in faith it says the faith the faith is what you and i have become now that he came it's what we're here for what we're created for what we've become purpose the faith is an all-inclusive term that has to do with the healthy perspective of a christian that's living in christ in other words you're identified through that faith you have value through that faith you have purpose through that faith because you understand the whole goal of your instruction is love and you're gonna let your light so shine before men you're gonna live out the faith you're not gonna be moved you're not gonna take account of suffered wrongs you're not gonna take something personal because you took him personal and you're going to live the faith so here's what this is saying till we all come to the unity of the faith isn't that something would you help me could you come here real quick would you help me you okay i did this on purpose you'll get a chuckle out of this can you spin around and face everybody are you ever going to mix us up are you ever going to mistake us look we're not only not the same gender we got different ethnic backgrounds we got different cultural background there is so much diversity right here watch this you ain't never mixing us up because we ain't nothing alike but watch we can both look just like him and watch that's what makes us one and that's what makes us family ain't that awesome yeah come on we can both look just like him and i'm telling you there's a lot of diversity right here but diversity doesn't mean division and he's not looking for uniformity that's hitler bad idea bad idea he's looking for the unity of faith where a woman coming from a totally different background and a man coming from a totally different background can both wake up in the morning with the same understanding purpose and motive in life in christ jesus we can both wake up to love we can both wake up to shine we can both wake up to follow jesus and all of a sudden both our lives look just like him and that's what makes us one so that's a unified family so here you are saying hey i'm a part of central church okay great that's awesome sign up now if that's what you need to do but here's what you're signing for watch watch that we're going to wake up every day and pursue the reason christ pursued us and we're going to live out the purpose of christ in us and it's to shine now watch this if the goal of your instruction is love and you're on the earth to shine and anything that tries to hinder the light in your life has to be a deception has to be a lie any attitude that keeps you from shining has to be wrong thinking i'm talking about in the midst of trial in the midst of trauma yeah you aren't going to believe what i did tonight i get out of ethan's car remember my mole episode at your house oh did you hear her oh well this is way worse she said oh no i got out of ethan's car in the parking lot to come in here and preach at 6 30 6 something and i was tight in the door and i turned and i raked the point of his door i got a mole on the middle of my back it's about the size of a fingernail it just i was at their house and i was crawling under a tree because i was hunting and i i raked that thing and i said oh that hurt i think i hit that mall or somewhere just cut that mole off so rusty was my nurse because i was hunting he was he was patching me up every day so i i've been fine i've been fine for a long time i come down this way the last time i was down this way the first day i got here i ripped that mold i just got out of ethan's car i turned in the corner you know how the door comes up and it kind of hooks there because it closes and seals and i turned and took the corner of that door and went right across that mole and i said oh my goodness you know i'm believing that thing is healing as i'm preaching so you're not gonna have to ethan was my nurse man he was good buddy you wouldn't believe my shirt he's such a cool calm customer i just met him right but see you couldn't tell i just had that happen my shirt it's really bloody anybody he said after he got me on patreon we got in the car i said i can't he said i don't think i ever saw that much blood come out of anybody ever because it looked like i was bleeding to death if you look at my shirt oh no you have no idea it's that big just solid sopping wet red and then the whole way down to the tail of the shirt it's red the whole way the whole way so i had to take my shirt off and he had to patch me up but you can't tell none of that happened he handled he was just as cool as i said i'm leaning up so i don't bleed on his car i'm holding my hand here so it doesn't get all over my pants so i'm trying to build a dam and am i joking ethan i'm not joking am i my shirt was stuck tight to my back because it was so wet with blood it was stuck to my back just sticking to my back it was unbelievable it was the last time i was down here this happened so i'll keep coming so if you do hug me be gentle on this side i'm believing for that thing to be all right so we slapped some big old band-aids over and put a big old tissue on there but who knows things happen who knows they can happen at the most inconvenient time so if i was here to preach and i was all caught up in preaching my message maybe even trying to impress you or make sure it came out good and then right before it happens and if i had that kind of mind oh that foul devil he's trying he ain't going to stop the move of god come on stop stop you cut open a mole right before service just stop don't spiritualize it and make it some big demonic strategy unfolding to rob you of your gift and salvation and steal jesus out of central church you just cut open your mole man it's all good it'll work out you get it i mean some people just get to now what door did i open why did that happen was god trying to test and next thing you know you got so many questions you clouded over everything you know you all good i was giving them a heads up that my mole was severed rusty buddy he loves me so much let's finish this till we all come to what the unity of what i mean what better illustration than you can get from me and my sister do you live around here where are you from so she lives in ohio i live in pennsylvania so we're probably definitely five hours apart if not more we can wake up every day five hours apart maybe never see her again both live for the same reason be an active part of the vital part of the body of christ we're the army of god that's rising up even though our arms aren't locked our faith is unified and it has impact because we're on this thing and in this thing for the same reason you get it that's what makes us one that's what makes the body of christ powerful that's why you can't hardly measure this room if we all start living that right there you really can't measure the impact that could have if we just wake up in the morning to live what we're talking about and just start saying you know what this isn't about god taking care of me and just providing for me and protecting me and keeping me from covered and picking my candidate in the election this is i had to slip that in there this is about god shining through me loving through me and being through me everything he paid for because i'm in this thing for keeps and i'm willing and i'm surrendered are you all with me and i'll be honest that's the only place your life's going to actually be truly fun steadfastly fun you know the highs and lows people experience it's not like that when you live the gospel circumstances are bonkers sometimes but the highs and lows no you're just in this place where you see and you're okay wouldn't that be cool i think that would be like freedom i think we think freedom is just everything glassy just seas glassy seas no wind just the right temperature and just the right amount of sun just this heavenly picture this probably has nothing to do with the gospel i mean the gospel is probably like a wise man who hears and does and the winds and reigns come and beat vehemently on their life and their house what's the gospel telling you storm's coming just giving you heads up you can hear and do or you can hear and not do i like to translate here and do into here and become because we don't work our way it's because that's an old covenant mentality but a here and become so if you hear and become everything he paid for through a place of prayer and the storm comes does it come to the only the foolish or does it come to the wise and the foolish so it isn't that you opened a door hello who knows i understand you can open a door but we always think if something goes wrong we open the door sometimes things go wrong just because things go wrong because you're on the earth and the storm's coming so you hear the word it says the sower sows the word and satan immediately comes for the word's sake what's he trying to do snatch the word from you and make sure you don't stay excited or get excited about something that brings freedom and releases the kingdom he's going to make sure you take it personal and you don't even realize he's coming for the word you just think he's coming for you and then you react and the word gets stolen or you stand and respond in christ and the word gets established and now his attempt to break you backfired and helped make you because you believe are you with me or you can fall apart and cry and call for prayer [Laughter] and here's the stuff nobody's talking about and people would get mad at some folks i guess but i'll let you get mad at me you don't have to get mad at anybody else calling for prayer in that situation has absolutely nothing to do with nothing it's a perspective that needs to change so when you call for prayer you're hoping the circumstance goes away or never happens again and you're not even getting the message which is sure as it's going to keep happening so it's not prayer you need in a situation like that it's truth prayer has its place praying for all men praying for those in authority pray for a lost loved one pray for somebody to get touched by god in the middle of the night who knows prayer has some cool places to take it prayer but that situation right there it's not prayer it's your perspective if you keep getting prayer without changing your perspective it's respect perspectives that's producing the fallout it's a perspective that's creating all the adverse emotion watch this if you leave selfishness in a person's life he doesn't have to try to be offended he's gonna be because selfishness will get rubbed in a fence but watch if through prayer you sincerely take selfishness out of that person and he truly is thinking for the kingdom and for the sake of others you cannot offend that man because it has no place to land because you took the landing strip away self-centeredness are you with me so that's why jesus said if anybody comes after me not praised to go to heaven if anybody's going to come after me follow me they got to deny them because self is the platform for all this stuff to manifest that doesn't produce life or light so he said deny yourself you got to deny yourself that's a place of prayer that's not like some brutal legalistic it's it's a place of wow you never made me for me man you made me to walk in love he didn't make me to take account of suffer wrongs and get hurt broken and frustrated oh my goodness i see it now i was born into adam but now i'm born again man what was flesh was flesh but what spirit is spirit and i appreciate your ways your heart your nature and your life inside of me man i just put off the old and gladly put on the new man i thank you father when i see people i see what you see i see what was always there the whole time and i thank you father nobody owes me a thing you're doing a work in me and i appreciate it would you continue to father me and lead me and guide me in all truth i so appreciate being your boy thanks for loving me it's prayer that's communion that's you putting off putting on what happens every time you release faith into these truths grace comes to make them your reality so now you get up from this place and go into your day and what you put on begins to function now you're not biting your lip to apply a sermon you became the sermon and the word became flesh now you're not trying to be okay you are okay why because of what you see and believe and three months ago you'd have been broken hurt and devastated and thinking you needed prayer now you're not even moved why because you changed in the place of prayer so you weren't just praying praying praying for the thing to change you changed in the praise of prayer what's that transformed by come on that's not a magic wand that's not just jesus saying be okay come on i think that's what we think i think we're waiting for jesus to pull out his magic wand and touch us on the shoulder and we just see different what'd you say no it didn't hurt at all say it again that's not that's not it transformed by jesus am i messing up are we okay i i have fun i'm sorry i do have fun so if we're going to get unified as a family the unity of faith we better finish this okay okay the unity of faith and the knowledge of the son of why because our faith is going to be attached to who he is like the faith it can't come without him right like his his blood the sprinkling of his righteous blood peter says we all have like precious faith through the righteousness that comes through jesus christ so what he's saying is we see the blood of jesus shed and the righteous verdict from god the father and it instantly produces faith in our heart isn't that awesome so that's not hoping he loves me it's totally different all of a sudden faith springs forth from that place do you see now watch this and the knowledge of the son of god uh-oh to a who to a complete or a perfect man complete man so you're lacking nothing like like in ephesians 3 he said if you and me see and know the love of christ which passes knowledge will be filled with all the fullness of god if we see the love of christ which passes knowledge if we get it if we actually get the love of god that comes through christ which passes knowledge we're going to be filled with all the fullness of god well what does that mean all the focus that sounds like a chock full statement when you look up the words the only thing you can clearly find is a house with no empty rooms it's a town with no empty houses it means you're completely and fully occupied with no vacancies in your life fulfilled isn't that sweet okay so let's watch this to a complete man the measure of the stature of the fullness of christ that we should no longer be children tossed to and fro carried about with every wind and doctrine triggering men cunning craftiness deceitful plotting but speaking the truth in love may grow up into what all things peter describes all things as pertaining to god life and godliness all things into who into him do you get this this is incredible so that's why i'm teaching like i'm teaching tonight we're looking at who he is who he's not making sure we're following him not just give her god caught just singing to him are you with me that's not i'm not being sarcastic it's real easy to do church and not be here i'll close with this when i'm probably late am i late you got to help me with that it's 8 47. am i late i got a couple zealots saying no how about everybody am i late i got a few zealots no quick nose you can tell it's zealots no and everybody else is quiet that means i'm borderline late or late one or the other so i'll hurry i'll hurry you don't want to miss this this is this is icing on the cake you don't want to miss this that's not come this far and knuckle all the way here okay matthew 24. you ready this is a little tense are you ready it's it's insightful though it's enlightening it's not heavy verse 5 matthew 24 many are going to come in my name they're going to say i'm the christ they're going to deceive many and you'll hear of wars and rumors of wars you're going to see that stuff and see that your hearts are not troubled for all these things must come to pass but the end's not yet who knows that everything we've read so far we've all experienced in our lifetime there's nothing here that hasn't been unfolding and happening in our lifetime and way before and probably to come true fair enough okay for nation will rise against nation we've actually saw that more intense when i was young i haven't seen it as much but it's some stuff there's some hot spots right but i think maybe i'm wrong in saying this but in my impression in the last 10 12 years it seems like more of a general world piece and a couple little hot spots but back when i was a kid there was always rumors and scary and there was always these big time nations all scheming to take out us us big bad we gonna beat anybody there was always this thought of war nuclear war who grew up with that thought of nuclear war and we're all gonna be like toasty bacon overnight who's ever heard that like over and over and over when you were young growing up and the whole nuclear weapons thing and you know you don't hear about that stuff as much it seems like a general sense of peace but but still nation tries against nation kingdom against kingdom that's happening all the time darkness and light do you understand that do you understand there's a demonic war against the kingdom of god all the time now watch do you understand that you get to stand on behalf of the king and fight on behalf of the king and you fight the good fight of faith you don't fight flesh and blood your war is not flesh and blood your fight is a good fight of faith never lose insight on who you are now that he came and why okay so if you take adversity personal you're gonna make a big mistake if you respond for the kingdom for his name's sake and the sake of others you'll be in a good place come on it's just true guys that's just healthy that's that's healthy that'll just keep you sharp i'll keep you in a good place you cannot take adversity personal you have to think for the kingdom you can't say why is this happening to me that is a dangerous place when you just have a fallout and you snap like why is this always happening what does always have to happen to me not again no not again oh come on all you're doing is asking for more without asking for more come on if you say if this happens one more time i'm just going to die i'm just going to quit i'm just going to give up all you're doing is asking for more it's like are we okay are you sure are you sure your pastor's sure write him the email watch this this is why this is why christians scripturally never complain scripturally never ever is a christian complaint they don't even know how to complain because their life's not their own they don't complain they're living for the kingdom because when you complain it's a short giveaway that their self-centeredness is involved and you'll be destroyed by the destroyer you'll be devoured corinthians 10 by the one who devours and then we'll say why did god let that happen complaining hey me i go to church i'm just not all in i don't get it all and i'm not happy and i'm sure to let you know it i sing it's all about him but my complaining's saying it's really all about me so come and strike me and smack me down here i am complainer anointed singing the team got a good voice but complainer go on a mission trip feed the hungry but man i ain't happy about everything and i'll be the first to let you know come on everybody complains i'm just doing what we all do he said i write these things for your admonishment that you never follow your their example don't you complain like they did and get destroyed by the one who destroys don't you complain and be devoured by the one who devours philippians 2 he's raised above every name every knee every tongue earth heaven earth under the earth is going to bow and confess that he's lord you therefore isn't that amazing how he exalts jesus to the highest place that can be possibly named and he immediately says you therefore because he makes us one and brings us right into the equation and he gives us our response to his majesty and preeminence he says you therefore work out your own salvation with fear and trembling do all things without grumbling or complaining why so you can be seen as a harmless innocent child in the midst of a perverse generation whom you shining forth as a light are holding forth the word of life ain't gonna happen by complaining you're just one of the eggs in the basket come on there's no place that tells a christian it's okay to complain i just told you two places where it says we never complain why because our lives aren't our own it's never about how it's going and how i feel it's about what i believe and who he is in me and you say yeah but brother we all have our moments why do you give yourself permission to have a moment that's not him why why do we need to buy time we don't have to buy or give why do we need a justification for not looking like jesus when we're created to because when people say yeah but brother we all have our moments that's why you have yours because you're positioned for it now watch and when it happens you don't have a conviction for it to change because it's what you believe you okay now watch this i know my quick's never that quick but i'm doing i it's five and nine we all right i'm calling i'm asking the zealots are we all right i got zealots they're all sitting right around i can hear them you you other guys are holding to your sticking to your guns because you didn't say nothing i'm trying nation's going to rise against a nation famine pestilence earthquakes who knows we've seen all these things there's nothing here we haven't seen in our lives now watch and all these things are the beginning just the beginning of sorrows then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you i know that happened in the early church days i don't think we've seen anything like he's talking about in our days people are afraid to talk about this stuff it's red letters it's here here's the deal i get concerned when you're not looking i'm not judging you i'm not being self-righteous and proud when i say this when you're not looking and i'm praying about this stuff i get concerned and i cry when you're not really unfolds and breaks out i hope we are prepared to do more than ticket and protest and stand for our rights i hope we're ready to shine and be like jesus and give up our lives if need be but not compromise i hope we're understanding shadrach meshach and abednego and the only way the perverse king's gonna change is when he sees the fourth one standing there the son of god so fire if you must what is your fire to us so king we don't even have a need to answer you in the matter isn't that in your bible so it was never about the fire was it it was about who the lord was and who they believed and they are not going to bow to something that's not lord whether they live or whether they die what is your fire to us we have to be careful that we get that and don't go around that and have a survival mentality i have never seen a christian with a survival mentality free and shine consistent light ever in 26 years because it's not possible to be free if you're in survival mode your circumstances will speak louder than truth and truth's the only thing you find freedom through so all of a sudden who you are and how you are is decided by how life's unfolding instead of who he is in you and why you good so here's the punch line then many are going to be offended why because they're going to deliver you up and kill you they're going to be hated you're going to be hated by all nations for my name's sake the reason he called the children of israel back in ezekiel wasn't for their sake but for his great name sake now they're going to kill us for his namesake why because we're going to live true to his namesake it's going to be so contrary and perverse and convicting to where they're living from it'd be easier to kill you it's here and then you're going to be offended that doesn't just mean people with people many will get offended at god because a loved one might die how many people have you seen lose a loved one and their whole spiritual life changes their whole view of god changes their intimacy and their love for the lord changes why because they coveted the gift of life instead of the giver of life and they valued the person above the one that gave you the gift called life and lose sight of eternal life and live for the here and now moment which is super temporal who's learned that i've said it my whole christian life whether i've totally understood it or not i just knew it was right i see it now i used to say it just because i knew it was right i'd say look i could lose the closest person to my life and it doesn't change why i'm on the earth and who god is and we're going to live for that day so if i do lose somebody really dear to me it should be all the more incentive to go after god all the more and make sure i run across that line with vigor because that's what faith says because nobody lost a thing because we already won [Applause] so you can't afford sentiment you got to live by faith i'm talking losing a child i'm talking losing a spouse and i'm not saying it's not physical loss and it's not painful and not real guys i'm not what i'm saying is it should never supersede the purpose the call and faith and the fact that life is so fragile and there seems to be no guarantees in those situations why don't we just run hard today while we have today and why don't we make it count why we have it rather than sit back and get heartbroken discouraged or in despair and have a day like the psalmist says that we can't even account for are you with me so here's the deal many are going to be offended and then you know what's going to happen when they get offended because that's self-centeredness deluxe watch then they're going to betray one another you know what's going to end up people going to start hating one another and right when people get in this messy place guess what's going to happen all kinds of voices are going to rise up because they're vulnerable and false prophets are going to start speaking why because they're going to play on the perversity of motive ain't that something not an accident that that's right on the heels of offended betraying and hating that prophets are going to speak right on the heels of that condition of the heart because it's going to take advantage of vulnerability the timing's on purpose and here's the punch line and this one makes me cry a lot and because lawlessness will not might because lawlessness will abound the love of many will the love of many will grow cold so you got to make sure you're not many we've got to make sure many isn't many because anybody's too many let's make sure many isn't many come on he is writing this out and warning us people what he's saying is the goal of our instruction is love pastor kurt and if we miss that we've missed the point and if we let this stuff cancel out love it's the whole purpose of this stuff so this stuff isn't to crush you and give you a bad challenging day this stuff is to take love off the earth so christ can't shine and the kingdom of god could never be established you hear me so watch this and because of lawlessness abounding the love of many will grow cold but he he he who endures to the end shall be saved let me help you with something he's not talking about going to heaven that word saved there has nothing to do with going to heaven it's not a spiritual destiny he's not saying heaven versus hell in the scripture what he's saying is saved healed delivered protected preserved made whole and cape safe and sound you're going to walk in the salvation of the lord if you hold fast to your love your soul your mind your will your emotions is going to be in the safe place of love in the midst of lawlessness watch it's exactly where jesus walked the whole time he was on the earth right there where he's talking ain't it amazing he wasn't hanging on the cross going you bunch of idiots are you kidding me do you realize when he came into jerusalem they're throwing the palm branches and hosanna in the highest and the next several days he did miracles miracles like miracle miracles like blindness and all kinds of stuff and the children were singing hosanna and the pharisees were yelling at them and testing jesus and he's just shining as a light and all of a sudden in the midst of doing all the miracles they're yelling barabbas kill him on the night he was betrayed he took bread and broke it it says that on purpose you got to make sure on the night you're betrayed you're not crying and calling a friend make sure your bread is broken because that's called following jesus following jesus isn't blessings it's selfless love following jesus has seen the value of every man whether they see it or not following jesus is never letting where men are or aren't decide where you are because he already settled that truth you don't let what men see or don't see become your vision he's the light of the world come on if you've struggled tonight with a hard heart if you struggle with hurt if you struggle getting over things that you feel like people should know better man stop waiting for them to change and make sure you pursue this place you're called to live get along with god and thank him that his eyes are in you and that you never again are okay just seeing a man for what he appears to be but you want to see a man for what he's created to be so you can rightly love him and pray for him from a place of faith you don't pray because you're problem driven you don't pray because you're scared after death you don't pray because you know if god would change them your day would go better you pray because if they really knew him they wouldn't be living that way and if they really saw clear their life would already look different come on the people that did the worst things in your life to you if they really knew jesus and they really loved him and were filled with holy spirit they would have never did what they did that should make you cry for them not because of them come on i'm just calling you to this place hey you're the ones that put this up here and even and even if you didn't put it up here you come here i got a man i got him hey hey over here we got the whole church covered i'm telling you that's so impressive to me isn't that powerful look right there is why we gather and if we gather for any other reason there could be some good wins it's never greater than that that's why we gather because that's what he paid for it's called the embodiment of christ you all good let's do something real quick we came this far can we pray for the sick real quick would you guys be okay he wouldn't mind like jesus coming in and fixing a body or two would you it's never too late for that is it i'm just seeing if my zealots are still zealous and if i can get an extra amen or two out of my neutral crowd [Laughter] no you're so good it would be easy if you played we're going to make the room as dry as we can he's asking if he should play who knows that's tempting get thee behind me brother for thou art a stumbling block unto me that would be so good if you played nsang i never i never have the worship team come up when we do this there's a reason because when you stop somebody out there advancing the kingdom everywhere we go you just don't have him with you it would be great if you could just pull him out just pull him out open your wallet and he would just stand up like one of them cards he would just pop up little version alive oh my goodness that would be like so and you'd be like shabba woo it'd be easy brother but it's just not the way it's happening sometimes you have your own feelings apprehensions sometimes you have the role of their eyes sometimes it just doesn't feel all that spiritual is it okay if we talk that way and sometimes you feel nervous and sometimes you ain't sure and but there you are because you got convictions and somehow this happened and you're in that place it would be so much easier if you were with us all brother so here's what we're going to do when you pray for the sick i'll do this as timely as we can when we pray for the sick you're going to find a whole bunch of different sicknesses and injuries and stuff who knows there's a whole list of stuff going on but there's two two categories you're gonna find people out there that if they were healed they wouldn't know it because it's something that comes and goes it's something they don't have in the moment something they can't tell something that's internal that they only know because of a test they might have something growing in there that's obstructing something but they can't feel it and tell they'd need another picture they might have something in their blood that they can't tell but it sure shows up and it's causing this and that or the other in their everyday life or whatever you guys follow me don't make one easier than the other don't look for all the people that you wouldn't know if they were healed that way you can just pray and go your way same faith same finished work for both categories you ever in a line you ever hear somebody talking about their stuff you ever wait to check out and you hear somebody right in front of you talking about how hard it was to sleep and how in the middle of the night this thing just starts throbbing somewhere in our body because they've been laying for a while and it wakes them and they have to reap do you ever hear stuff like that do you ever hear anybody like say boy i'm so glad i don't have a migraine today i thought for sure it would hit me today i'm about due any day now i thought today was it man i just get paralyzed i can't leave the house i gotta stay in the dark you ever hear that when you hear stuff like that just just get involved just say hey man i couldn't help but to hear you were just talking right there and they're paying i don't wanna listen i wanna hold them up you up or or make a scene but man you just pulled on my heart i would love to pray for you could i just pray for you right now please don't i'd say this a lot please don't say no i do i say can i just pray for you now to take five seconds please don't say no i wouldn't even ask you if i didn't think god would move why would i ask you if i knew nothing would happen if i already knew why would i even offer and that usually gets people's attention and without doing anything making a scene i'll just say father i thank you for your love for them i might not even touch them nobody even knows i'm personally and you got the whole coven thing now in the mask it's a little weird and you're holding your stuff and you're waiting to pay and they're next and the guy's getting paid and nobody even knows what's going on they just think you're talking and father i just thank you right now never again another migraine because your great love in jesus name god thank you who knows that that's simple and you can be sincere here's what i do know if you don't step into that and do that we're probably always going to have nothing but if you do step into that we open a door for something the number one reason i found that christians won't pray for the sick is because they're afraid nothing will happen so because they're afraid nothing will happen they don't ever put their self in the position so they always have what they fear nothing ain't that a paradox so there's goliath for 40 days shouting him down he's defeated before he starts but none of them knew it but david so for 40 days they lost by default because they were intimidated by one that was already defeated because he was uncircumcised and outside of the covenant of god in any one of them israelites with that faith that david had could have took him out by the hand of god but they stood there in terror for 40 days and already had the victory let's get our hands on the sick i heard randy clark say this years ago he said i we don't have all the answers in this stuff i know some of us have prayed and haven't seen it some of us have lost loved ones as long as i've seen things at times he said here's what i know the more people we pray for the more testimonies we'll hear and the more people will see he'll so that's just get our hands on the sick yeah it's just simple so we're going to do that tonight okay so i'm not going to line you all up we can do this pretty quick here's here's here's the first group of people we'll just roll with this and we will go not because you're less important and you watch and see you watch and see and you make sure you tell pastor and leaders and one another if you especially if you come here but even if you don't come here and you were just visiting and something changes make sure you send them an email say hey that friday or saturday night when when that guy was doing that prayer thing man boom boom and just let somebody know because i'm telling you this stuff i'm having the time in my life just overseeing this little moment last week was phenomenal in seattle and i didn't pray for anybody i just orchestrated led and got people activated and in a little six five six second window god just started doing stuff it's fun one person was 20 some years impaired one lady came in and couldn't stand for 30 seconds on her feet and i watched her the rest of the weekend without any aid walk all around come up front testify lit like a light bulb her husband came beside me when she testified and was video and crying i said that's your wife he said yeah she's so fired up i said so she couldn't do that he said sir she couldn't stand for 30 seconds beautiful and it's not my fault it's not because i'm so anointed and i lined everybody up and prayed just teaching simple things people are believing and getting involved because the sign follows the so if we go down in history for anything let's make sure it's not our name let's make sure it's because we were believers if we're going to be guilty of one thing when we stand before heaven make sure heaven says believer you get it so if you've got a situation in your body tonight health-wise and please participate don't bow out don't say can i tell you what this lady said that couldn't stand for 30 seconds she said i was so apprehensive to come because of the nature of the services and i thought they'd be praying for the sick she said i dreaded coming you can ask my husband i almost backed out many times because i've been prayed for hundreds and hundreds of times and i told him i'll be a signpost in my condition everybody will be stopping and praying for me and if i leave not healed it'll be like here we go again and all these people praying she said i don't even know if i want to go but she came and then i said don't not get involved and don't say i've been prayed for so many times no we're keeping it simple tonight you won't even be able to get in the way i'm going to make it possible so you can't even get in the way all right and if you're uncomfortable i really want you on my team because then you're going to really rely on who not your ability to pray powerfully if you have a condition in your body that if you were healed tonight there'd be no way to physically tell except for simple faith in your heart and just embracing it with thanksgiving but you wouldn't have an ability to symptomatically check or test without emotion without music you would just not be able to know time would have to tell or an x-ray or a checkup something like that something that comes and goes there's no symptom but you definitely have a situation that would be amazing to be healed from anybody let me see your hands if you can stand your feet real quick just so people can see and begin to believe for you just stand your feet real quick it's only people that wouldn't know if they were healed or whatever they're standing for you just wouldn't know i appreciate you standing make sure i got everybody come on i'm feeling like i got a couple people holding out on me just jump up thank you please don't make me call things out i'm a pretty good fisherman but i shouldn't have to i shouldn't have to go fishing i'll only go fishing if he sends me there i'm waiting just waiting for four more i need four people that you didn't stand but you fit this description and you need to jump up real quick and and make sure i get my four if you stood up and i didn't know when i said four okay i know i got one did i get anybody else cause i was hearing four real clear okay two i still need two then or did i have somebody else jump up after i said four is there anybody i'm missing she did i know i got two i'm still waiting for two people you have a condition in your body that if you were healed did i get them yeah good good did we get everybody did did i get my force since i said that i know i i just know when i hear numbers so i'm just waiting so you'd be amazed how sometimes people won't stand up for a very long time and then god has to give me something to get him to stand up because he wants them involved did i get my four okay good who you just stood up but you you would know yeah no i want a person that wouldn't know okay i'm going to move on we're going to i got we're good we're going to pray stretch your hands to somebody just focus on somebody if you're standing here's all i want you to do i don't want you to pray i don't want you to do anything but this watch this if you're standing right now here's all i want you to do believe in your heart that god has to love you or he to never send his son that's all i want you to believe tonight you know what god has to love me or i'd have never sent his son i found when people go through situations it's amazing how his love even gets questioned in time especially if they're suffering i'm not saying you're doing that but this is a real safe place to live every day he has to love me or he to never sent his son are you with me the people standing so i want you to just believe that in your heart you might want to even use that over in your heart and say that back to god god i know father that you have to love me or you never sent your son so right now church with your hands stretched to somebody just fix on somebody just eyeball somebody and just say be made whole in jesus name just begin to believe that with the person you're praying for and if you want to shift and pray for a couple more you can get zealous and just pray for the room but father we thank you for holding us all through this room we thank you that every symptom and every reason that every person stood is vanquished and removed right now by the name and blood of jesus christ healing all through this room in complete wholeness father i thank you not one symptom show up again in jesus holy name father thank you thank you now just thank god that he loves you if you're standing or he'd never sent his son amen amen you can grab your seats it's that simple you say well that's too simple no it costs jesus a whole lot to be that simple don't you miss that okay so the next group is who people that would know like this sister said i would know so i need you to stand if you're sick in this place and you would know if you were healed i need you to stand to your feet if you would know if there's something you without emotion without exaggeration we don't want exaggeration exaggeration's lying we don't want you to you know just make it up because we need the right answer if you're sick in this place in any way in your body anything less than wholeness and you would know if you were healed i need you to stand your feet real quick okay real quick i got eight people that are still sitting and you have arthritis symptoms and you feel it right now but you didn't stand up because you've just kind of gotten used to living with it but you actually feel it in an area in your body and i need you to stand real quick there's eight of you yep good good good stand up it's arthritis you feel it you know it's you can tell it's there it's somewhere okay probably got my eight that was a lot might have got nine might have got a bonus i might have got a bonus i might have got a bonus i know this sounds a little embarrassing but don't be embarrassed stuff happens to people it's a lady you have a urinary tract infection there's actually a burning in your bladder area or something and you didn't stand for some reason i just heard urinary tract infection i heard you're a lady i need you to stand real quick for me please please i don't know if you stood did anybody see somebody's stance trying to hide did you stand yeah you stood when i said it i told you i'm a good fisherman now watch this honey this is so beautiful no yeah see that's you should cry you know what that's telling me watch this all around this room there's so many people to pray for we got plenty of people to pray for and guess what he didn't want you not standing because this is real and it's happening and he wants to heal you in this moment he just wants you to stand up by faith isn't that sweet [Music] it's one person i think you're a guy there's a car wreck a little while back it's been a little while you've been prayed for a bunch too you it grabs you when you look this way you can't get the whole way back and it's still that way from a car wreck it's just simply from a car wreck yeah that's you guys no this guy was sitting it's a guy that was sitting i don't think you're the youngest fella in the room either please stand i actually feel like and i'm not being i'm not trying to embarrass you i'm not even sure that your faith is strong in the way of healing and maybe that is something you don't even want to push towards but i'm i'm feeling like i see you sitting here you're in a car wreck it's been a handful years ago maybe four and your neck bothers you to this day and it's definitely a result of the car wreck can i have you stand did you stand let me see who you are it doesn't go away i know you're here like sometimes i think i hear something but this is strong so i need you to stand your feet quick don't wait the longer you wait you probably have a harder time standing just jump up and say man i'm in i'm going to believe god in fact you don't even have to just stand up that'll be good enough for us we'll do the believing did i get the guy or did he stand are you here okay no i feel like you're in the room but i appreciate that trying to bail me out thanks man no i don't need bailed out i i get pretty confident when i'm sure i heard the lord i was in a service pleading with a young girl about her liver and she never stood and i was crying i pleaded so hard that i actually was crying from the platform and as soon as the service was over she got up and took off and her family came to me crying and said she was sitting right there we don't know why she didn't come you described it to a t i said i can't imagine and then the guy came over the relative said i know what happened there was a man that came as a guest speaker and somebody said you gotta pray for her today and he portrayed it as a word of knowledge and nothing ever changed in her liver and she thought i was doing the same thing and she got up and left so i'm giving you one more call the gentleman with your necks not a hundred percent and i know you could say there's people with oh that's it there's people with a whole lot worse out there let god heal them he's not overwhelmed he can heal everybody i know that sounds noble but i feel like that's what your phrase has been if your spouse is sitting with you and your spouse knows that he said that elbow him and get him up no i feel like i just heard that now i'm being pretty aggressive i'm actually being pretty aggressive i feel like you're in the room and you've said that in your heart look it's not a big deal i can handle it there's a whole lot of people with a whole lot worse there's people with paralyzed crippled up bodies this is just a kink in my neck but i feel like god wants to do that and empower you and you might be amazed where that can lead you in time with god so are you standing did i get him no yay no okay all right you guys ready here's what we're going to do now you're not worshiping the lord you're just going to be identified i need you if you're standing just put one hand high in the air so we can see you and leave it up for now the people sitting you are my prayer team see kink in the neck you should have stood no i'm just kidding you're my prayer team and if you're nervous that's amazing i definitely want you on my team if you're absolutely dead set against it nobody's forcing you and we can't force you i'm just encouraging you now watch this you can't go wrong tonight i'm only going to give you about five or six seconds to pray i'm going to show you what that looks like we're going to dispel a couple lies and you're going to see god move all through this room because it's his nature it's not because i'm here i promise you it's his nature to heal and to love people through healing so the people sitting don't pray yet just go claim somebody have fun with it one-on-one until we get the room covered when they claim you put your hand down but i want one-on-one and just say hey i'm gonna pray for you i've never done this before or whatever just go find somebody just go grab somebody maybe somebody you don't know never met just go grab somebody put your hand down when they claim you when you have somebody put your hand down only leave your hand up if you're waiting okay just look around look around help me church there's plenty of us to cover these people come on i got three four or five hands in the front row i need some people that are sitting just to get involved i'm telling you you can't go wrong you're not going to be under as much pressure as you think so i need some people up here if they can i still got a couple hands in the room can anybody help me yet is there anybody that can help me are you all coming to help come on that's great tell you what man will you do me a favor can you take two can you handle two take those two right there you can handle the jesus in you is able thank you man okay and i still got one here can i have somebody that can help me thank you so much i need help up here and you can still take the two my man i feel like that's a good assignment okay do we got everybody if we don't have you yet go like this oh right here there's a lady right here can i have one person thank you thank you thank you is there anybody else yeah you can both go back there together that's cool you tag team because we got everybody everybody we got everybody no don't get mad at me did we is my guy with the neck here gonna say can i can we pray let me see your hand if you're here and go let us pray for you it's on my heart again i can't do nothing about that it's just on my heart again what's that oh yeah no you're already up girl you're you gonna take it okay okay no we're good we're good so here's what we're gonna do whoever prayed for the sick before okay now watch this tell me if this is close or not when we pray for the sick we have this tendency right when we're ready to pray we get very conscious of what we're gonna say and how we're gonna say it and we get super self-conscious in our prayer and we try to pray right powerful or effective who knows that what i'm saying just flat out happens to us all the time so here's the deal that ain't happening tonight cause watch this watch this your prayer never heals anybody it's not your prayer it's your faith in what he accomplished it's his finished work it's not your prayer if your prayer healed the sick then it's not the finished work it's your prayer and we should all go to prayer college and you should be the dean no it's true who's ever prayed and you got self-conscious and maybe even stammered a little because you were trying to pray right hard powerful fluent scriptural spiritual watch be healed in jesus name's probably plenty when there's a revelation so if somebody stood up in that arthritis plea when i said you feel in your body and you said hey i'm the one that stood up with the arthritis and then your person knows that because in a minute we're going to do that and then all you do is this watch arthritis you leave in jesus name every pain you go and never come back thank you father who knows you can do that in five or six seconds and be super sincere and put all your faith in his finished work in his great name who knows that this thing is simple you don't have to produce a thing you believe a thing are you with me you watch and see what he does it's just fun i need you to take three seconds this isn't your five or six second prayer just three seconds look at your person say why did you stand so i know what i'm praying for it's matthew 17 we're going to save the mountain just give them the three second version three second version don't give them a long story just three second version you all ready we should have it you ready i so appreciate you guys participating too i could feel some like nervousness when you moved around and spread the room that's good i'm glad you got up so are we ready to pray you all know what you're believing for okay so i'm going to say i'm going to say go here in a second and i'm going to give you five or six seconds so you speak directly if they told you i got degenerate knees knees you be completely made whole father i thank you for new cartilage new tissues in jesus name no more pain who knows you can do that in five six seconds and be sincere yeah if they say a herniated disc disc you be completely made whole total mobility no pain in jesus name who knows we can do this and be real specific and simple and clear amen okay so for five six seconds you're gonna pray that and then i'm gonna say okay wrap it up and when i say wrap it up that just means bring it into the name of jesus a lot of times when i pray for people i say father thank you so much for your great love your unstoppable love i just end with that just because i feel like in my own heart people don't receive the love of god enough so sometimes i'll pray in the name of jesus and i'll say father thank you for your great love why because it's the love of god that sent jesus christ right so after that then we'll say okay wrap it up you say in the name of jesus then the people we prayed for without emotion we don't have music i got this room about as dry as you're going to make it i do because we're not amping nothing we're not hyping nothing this is jesus it's his finished work it's the beauty of who he is it's just what he does and we've got to believe that it's not about us and our emotion and our prayer and our rah-rah in jesus name just be made whole in jesus name you're gonna have five six seconds to see that that happens so then i'm gonna have you check in your body so well i want the people that are being prayed for that stood up and raised their hands and have a person with it that's the same as we did with the first group wow it's amazing you love me you have to love me or you never sent jesus tonight i say thank you for loving me that's all i want you to do is receive his love and just acknowledge that he loves you while they pray you don't have to say it over and over and over you love me you love me love me father just thank you you have to love me or you'd have never sent your son that's what it means you so loved me you gave jesus you just believe that tonight and then after we're done praying i want you to take your time and check your body without exaggeration without hype without trying to say what we're hoping for i don't want you to look at the big brown eyes of the young girl that prayed for you and think i can't tell her i'm not healed that would devastate her i feel great it's called lie revelation 19 says you lie you fly i don't want you frying i want you healed and i'm just kidding so you ready so when you're healed then i want you to let me know but i want you to take your time to make sure you know we might ask for a couple testimonies you shout it out what happened don't be afraid of that be excited about that if your body doesn't seem to change you're talking like that then that's unbelief look there's three things i see when i pray for the sick initially i see things change instantly i see it somewhat change and i see stuff sit there like it didn't even move does that change the truth does that change the finished work does it rewrite the bible so make sure you don't change if that happens don't sign off don't get logical don't get analytical here we go again i knew i should have never stood it's going to be so uncomfortable i'm never healed when they pray for me and somebody shares a testimony text me see here's people getting healed here we go again don't do that listen to the testimony stay thankful appreciate god's love for you and keep checking your body and like popcorn in a bag we'll just see things changing why because faith is the position of your heart it's not a hit miss win lose faith believes are you with me are you all ready you didn't forget what you're praying for did you i'm a teacher guy i want to empower you if we pray for the sick and the line everybody up and they get healed who knows we celebrate that but if i empower you i'm doing what i'm called to do y'all ready you watch and see what jesus does in this room because he's lord and he loves us okay look at your person real warm-hearted and make them feel uncomfortable like like they're worth the blood of jesus and all that are you ready five six seconds you ready pray give them the kingdom right now go ahead pray direct prayer faith says to the mountain okay begin to wrap that up that's plenty of prayer that's plenty of faith just wrap that up in jesus name because he loves you just wrap that up if you were prayed for receive his love thank him that he loves you or he'd have never sent his son now begin to check your bodies all over this room that was just five six seconds that way we can't get self-conscious and we're just believing him check your bodies all over the room check your bodies if you know you're healed sometimes people know right away sometimes they just have to make sure and find out and be honest so make sure you know when you raise your hand let me see when you know your body's healed let me know who you are as soon as you know for sure okay you know for sure you're healed you know for sure good anybody else just checking your body stay with me here stay with me i know it's late anybody else you know for sure you know you're healed beautiful anybody else hey it's all right here in this little corner what are you just trying to tell me here anybody else check your bodies make sure i see you make sure i know if you're healed okay do you know for sure okay anybody else just giving you time to check a little bit now you watch we're going to do this this will be fun this will be good do we got anybody else and nobody in this wing over here this section okay we're going to do like a nine-day fast in prayer no just kidding i'm just kidding i'm kidding i'm having fun is there anybody else that i'm missing just stay where you're at now watch this just pay attention who who's one of my persons that's healed okay can you tell me what happened and how you know you're healed for sure so your hands always ache can you always find a symptom is there ever a time where you don't have a symptom if you look for it okay so what was it like before they prayed okay aching she's talking about arthritis fingers hands right you don't have anything not one trace nothing good and total mobility strength okay father we just thank you right now for what you're doing now watch this you just listen to that and if you were prayed for and you don't let me ask you this who feels like they didn't raise their hand but they're somewhat changed or they changed somewhat and they just didn't raise their hand because they're not a hundred percent but they know they're different than they were who is that oh wow that's a bunch that's 20 plus people okay so watch this so now i needed you guys to stay engaged there's your person still around that prayed for you don't look for another person you're not allowed to get another person you're stuck with your person is your person still close by okay the people that were prayed for and got somewhat better we always just pray one more time and pray the same thing watch if you weren't experiencing any change check your body after you hear a testimony and just listen to one more testimony and check your body and thank god he loves you and watch and see i'm telling you things are going to change you want us you want to share some what happened to you in the room so it was real easy to know it was there did you have a lot of symptoms so you're not seeing her she goes oh yes okay so it was obvious and you know for sure okay so why did you raise your hand what's going on right now uh-huh but did you yeah like you raised did you raise your hand about being healed okay so why did you raise your hand what happened when you were prayed for like do you feel okay okay so you don't have pain do you usually have pain if you would move around would you be able to find pain almost all the time if you check for it it was bad for sure can you find any right now do you have any problem any pain no so it just left that's beautiful no that's beautiful check your bodies all over the place when you hear a testimony they got to say father wow thank you for what you're doing in the room i appreciate you and i thank you for loving me and check your bodies right now anybody else have a testimony testimony they want to share a testimony i had like a handful of people that said they were healed so don't back out on me yeah yeah sure so here's another author it hurt just to not do anything so it just ached all the time you don't have anything can you flex move ben totally good beautiful no that's beautiful so what are we doing we're just believing and receiving and we're not stopping believing so i preached this for years i think you'll get this a christian has one response when they're being prayed for and when they're believing for healing thank you father for what you do and i appreciate your great love thanks for what you're doing and restoring all things in my body period you go to bed you wake up you live that way whether you focus for a season on that or whether you just believe that in your heart it's it's believing are you following me let me see my my group real quick that was somewhat healed you were somewhat healed not all the way is your person close by is your person close by grab them real quick grab your person raise your hand say i was somewhat healed encourage them say hey you know what i was 40 i was 60 i was 70 do a five second prayer real quick right now with them okay the other group i need you don't feel like anything changed in your body you were prayed for and it's exactly the same as it was before they prayed let me see you i need to see can you stand up and don't feel focused on we want to do this on purpose you don't feel anything changed in your body is your person close by do you have your person don't look for another person okay get your person get your person come on stick with me this will be fun god's gonna teach us something so these are people that nothing changed nothing changed did something get better did something change yeah good good okay this is the people that nothing changed take five seconds now watch pray the same stuff you prayed don't grab for straws and pray something else the same way you believe just pray that same thing over and one more time would you and let's see what happens in the room this is the whole group of people that felt no change same thing same five seconds jesus name come lord thank you and we're about done guys we're about done just don't get familiar tired of this okay okay thank you lord good good good good good thank you god yeah that's good okay thank god he loves you start checking your bodies my first group the people that were somewhat changed and we prayed again did anybody get even better or get all the way better all the way that's somewhat somewhat i looked and saw it somewhat so the first time nothing or a little bit talking to missy oh good so that was as they prayed what's that teach you guys we never let go anybody else get even better or all the way has it been not able to do that you you couldn't flex it like that and not feel it wow and you don't have any right now wow did you pray for her yeah you look excited i'm having fun looking at you [Laughter] would you do me a favor her a favor and just put your hand on her shoulder and just believe this will never come back that she won't wake up and feel it that it won't come back tomorrow it won't come back next week that she's completely whole in jesus name that's great anybody else get better or all the way in that group that was somewhat healed anybody changed 90 awesome better when i'm out on the street and somebody says they're better and i asked to pray again i've never had nobody say no if they're legit and saying better guess what they're like what yeah and i'm not the brightest man on the planet but i've learned this better plus better plus better sooner or later hits what completely whole okay now my group that had nothing changed the first time we prayed and we prayed five more seconds just a minute ago did anybody get somewhat better in that group or change at all in that group that had nothing changed the first time anybody something changed that time so that opened up for you good man but you feel something getting better in your knees oh yeah and the first time it was still the same okay so what's the lord teaching us in all this we're not look faith isn't hypnos win or lose we're not risking it it's not like make it break it it's believing god anybody else have some change and you had no change up until now and now you're experiencing some change right here for sure beautiful and now it's now it's good yeah you got something going on you look smiley what she broke her back in a car wreck it's gone you don't have any burning was that uh all the time burning all the time you have no pain right now father thank you never again come back amen see this is just fun look at all these hands popping up i told you popcorn in a bag watch if you got prayed for tonight when you leave here you be personal when nobody's looking you'd be like father thank you for what you're doing to me i so appreciate your love for me i got a word pastor kurt i got a word in seattle about sleep disorder and i used to get it a lot but i only say i don't do it as a thing i just do it when i hear it and and i did this word in seattle because i had heard it and and i'm not joking it's like a hundred percent result when we do this and we don't pray for anybody we just send them home to have relationship and if they're on some prescribed thing or some med thing you just take it aside and say you know what lord i'm not condemned to take this this has helped somewhat maybe he hasn't helped a lot but you know what tonight i'm just going with you and i'm just going with your love because i believe you loved me or you'd never sent your son and i appreciate i'm going to sleep because of you they crawl in bed and sleep this lady i'm not kidding you this lady was almost 40 years old and she has no memory in her life of one night without trauma in the sleep not one night ever in her life from as far back as she could remember as a little girl not one night in her life that she went to sleep without trauma in the middle of night horror and nightmares and trauma she went to bed that night and she talked to the lord and communed with him with nobody around crashed fell asleep for like seven eight hours never got disturbed her husband said i have never seen her so peaceful she's usually rolling talking wrestling fighting struggling the next night bam the next night bam she slept first time she could ever remember almost 40 years old so if that's you tonight you go home you just lord it's we're always sometimes we're always asking for prayer and we're missing being personal with jesus we're actually missing relationship always asking for prayer sometimes we need to just lay on our bed and just talk to him about it your hip grabs you in the middle of the night and you say you know what lord your love is amazing for me and i thank you for what you're doing in my body and in my hip and man i just appreciate your love instead of oh here we go again why doesn't god heal this man if it's any worse i'm going to have to get it looked at then now you got yourself way out here no no no god you're so good to me you love me and then boom that's how your hip changes makes sense do i have one more testimony somebody want to share one more testimony yes you have no pain have you had real uh serious arthritis what have you had in your life this had been arthritis against your body 40 years old stretch your hands to her guys who prayed for you who prayed for you who was the one that prayed you did you all did second time oh you switched people huh you got somebody anointed i'm just kidding let's stretch that stretch and believe father we just thank you for the restoration of her body we just thank you that there would be a a piece of no pain like literally no pain god in her body and we just thank you for a restoration of her joints her limbs her bones her muscles spirit of god come and just empower this woman to live her life free and without pain joints and bones should be restored by the spirit of god through the blood of jesus christ god in jesus name thank you thank you thank you god okay i i got like crazy late i know i'll be real good tomorrow because there's two two services no i will i forgive you for your unbelief it's okay i forgive
Channel: DAN MOHLER - Non Official Channel
Views: 32,359
Rating: 4.8627968 out of 5
Keywords: Dan Mohler, Todd White, Power and Love, Identity, Love, Born Again, Living in the past, Deny yourself, God’s Image, Image of Christ, Becoming love, loved by God, Communion, Christian sermons, powerful sermons, best dan mohler, pastor dan mohler, dan mohler identity, dan mohler 2020, dan mohler marriage, dan mohler false teacher, dan mohler grace, Dan Mohler 2021, Prophets, Biden, Fired, emotions, Dan Mohler 2022, Dan Mohler 2023, Dan Mohler 2024, Dan Mohler 2025
Id: nn2o_aRKzts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 21sec (7401 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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