✝️ Dan’s Take on COVID-19 - Dan Mohler

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just had her to comment say you know they're in these tense times who knows that there's certain challenges right now you you got the covid thing which people are still trying to figure out and and uh always asking hey what's your take on that and you know my takes the same on everything i'm you're alive for one reason and we stayed there tonight a long time he said i'm going back to the light to the light to the light your life for one reason your life to shine your life to shine and in shining you're going to do people right and you're not going to do people wrong and you're not going to get offended and you're not going to live in unforgiveness and you're not going to feel sorry for yourself and stay discouraged for things you're going to walk in the light as he's in the light all i'm defining is christianity it's what he paid for and he's why he put his life on the inside of us i mean i'm a little emotional in this season because i feel like and i'm not pro forecasting negative bad things i feel like we've barely been tested by the things we're going through in a personal way we've been inconvenienced it's been a bummer cancelling trips and not being able to gather right inconvenienced you see the news and the riots and the things but i don't know nobody burned my house down but somebody's got burned and so there's challenges on the earth but it could be a lot worse it could be a lot more things going on one out of five could be dying how would you handle that you see what i'm saying so i understand but but but here's the reason that we preach these things because you've got to stay fixed on purpose you can't lose sight obviously this is easy to say you can't lose sight of who he is and him but take it a step further because he's all about redeeming our lives he's all about making us free we're talking about it we're singing about it you're the name of this place redemption house he's all about redeeming making new restoring yeah so it's not just about who he is it's about what he wants to do in us and through us it's about who we are in him so it's one thing to honor him and worship him for the glory of who he is not making light of that at all that would be ludicrous to make light of that he's the lord but what a relationship that we have with him and what a connection and he's never lost sight of us guys he's never given up he's never changed his mind he's stuck to the plan yeah so let's make sure we stick to the plan let's make sure we don't get heavy-hearted and fear-driven and discouraged self-centered self-focused full of anxiety worrying about tomorrow when today has enough of its own come on it's just scripture just be really sure that you stay fixed on who he is and why he's in you and who you are now that he's here are you with me because if not you'll take something personal and it won't be this truth it'll be something that's passing away something that won't be here in the end you're gonna take something trivial and let it be personal when i say trivial i'm not saying it wasn't a challenge i'm not man we we i heard of several people that passed when i got here people that lost loved ones siblings parent i heard several passing soon as i came even in death there's life in him like watch this when people pass purpose is still the same not making light of people passing there's there's a physical loss there's a time of sorrow there's a but purpose is the same when does the reason he's in you change because of your circumstance in the moment you've got to let that truth take you through everything or you're going to live sentimental emotional driven and in the wisdom of man and you won't shine and if you're not shining then you have no impact you can't reproduce and you've lost purpose i hear this a lot i'm not being mean thanks for making them giggle early well i'm just going through a hard season well i'm just going through a tough time it's like cut me a break give me time i'm just going through it brother you don't even want that mentality in your life because you'll be going through it all the time because things will matter more than what really matters are y'all with me this doesn't feel hard right no i always feel like i'm corrected and i'm like yeah this one get up here and be like tracy for 10 minutes i don't know how i [Laughter] no i i i have a lot of joy in my life but you lose a loved one there's physical loss we're not denying that but there's eternal truth that we're living towards we're not just living for this day we're living for that day so if you lose sight of that you won't have faith you won't live in faith faith there's no faith if there's no vision like that if there's no purpose if there's no perspective to take you past the moment how will you get through the moment the moment will decide you and that's why people stay stuck in their happenings so their circumstances decide them continually so their story how you doing well it's been hard you know i just went through and you know two weeks ago and did you hear about and all of a sudden all these things are locating you and deciding you and every day you wake up you're living from there instead of living from him it's deceptive it's the wisdom of the world it's not the truth it's not the gospel jesus never lived that way you can look and follow his life he never let none of that stuff decide who he was and how he was he was always in tune yeah he didn't let one thing change who he was and why he was here and i'll tell you what you look at jesus's life you think you've been through it you ain't never been perfect and got killed for it you ain't never been flawless and continually criticized as if you were wrong you've never been always right and treated like you never were nothing but good and they treated him like he was the worst they killed him for not even being of the lord being the total opposite they killed him like he was the devil not a son of god a blasphemer and all he ever spoke was truth you go through that for a week probably mess your heart up if you don't stay fixed on truth because if you continue in the truth you'll see it and it'll keep you free can i get real i've been i've been a friend to this house i've been here long enough i can talk really plain right yeah if you just let what i'm talking about just just let it just let it that much in your life just that much of a mentality that gives you an excuse or an out or something outside of what i'm saying with passion you'll just have all these dips and valleys and you'll be kind of buying time that you don't have to buy like it's not your time anyway it's all life in him to be honest with me be honest with me let's take a survey be honest with me who's been caught feeling sorry for yourself and you had it justified so you stayed there because it all added up why and you had justified it who's been in that since they've been saved okay you see how many folks that is all right now that i set you all up don't ever do that again [Laughter] seriously don't ever do that again so i could talk to the room freely because that was the room you were honest thanks for being honest but don't ever do that again how can you die to yourself and be sorry for yourself how can you say you're living to him and be sorry for yourself it's because human reasoning taught us that the wisdom of the world trained us he didn't the wisdom of the world did and then we get tricked into bringing him into our life instead of him becoming our life and if you're just safe to get blessing protection provision in heaven someday you're gonna walk in all these mistakes we're talking about if the only reason you come to him is for what you can get from him you'll never walk in who he is be honest with me how can we deny yourself pick up our cross that means suffering for things you didn't deserve or earn did he deserve the cross but he died on it didn't he he didn't even say a word how about you carry yours and don't let what men say don't let what men do don't let what men don't do decide who you are and how you are because you're a believer and you've given up what was never yours your life because it was always his life in you from the beginning and the christ in you is the hope of glory not the song you sing to him ooh the glory see he knows i'm not mocking him so don't get offended by that it's not the song you sing the christ in you it's the hope of glory because if all you're looking for is a touch of the glory through the song you sing where's that glory when you're done wrong [Music] where's that glory when you're cheated there's that glory when your spouse doesn't say the right thing let alone do the right thing and if you're letting one person decide who you are and how you are and it ain't jesus you're being tricked you're with me i'm glad you had us all giggling it just goes better it's just like butter this is they're so easy you should see them they're sitting ducks [Laughter] you see in the spirit right now there's blood just pouring out of people's chests they don't even know it they just praise the lord praise the lord [Laughter] split wide open no this it's come on i'm not talking in riddles it's got to give everything to him you don't have you don't have the privilege to have a hard heart when you're a christian it's totally unscriptural it actually says that unbelief is an evil and wicked heart it's a thing that's not even permissible unbelief and some of us get tricked into just trying to believe he loves us of just going he has to or he'd have never came and my circumstances don't have anything to do with his love it's what he created me for who he created me to be and that love has never failed and he has never changed and christ has died on the cross and took everything i was and put it on him so that i can take everything he is and get it in me [Applause] freedom that sounds like freedom and then he says through the cross love you it's all i've ever had on my end love you let me prove it it's not your circumstances it's not who did you wrong i thought god loved me well why'd he let well how come it's amazing how we get tricked into the wrong questions because we get self-focused self-centered and feel sorry for ourself and then your mind starts justifying and you build a case for where you're at but where you're at doesn't look like him or produce him you do not need permission to stay outside of him cut it off throw it away it's always a lie i need to find a reason why i can shine in the face of the adversity don't let your heart get hard in this room please you guard your heart you guard your heart with diligence because out of your heart flows the issues of life don't give anyone that kind of permission and power in your life unless he's king jesus and he ain't never going to do you wrong yeah come on i've met way too many good-hearted sincere christians that are something else because of something else you with me it's freedom fest [Music] i'm preaching freedom this is freedom you can sing you're free all day long somebody do you wrong and you lose control you ain't free you keep singing all you want singing it don't make you it yielding yourself to him and becoming everything he paid for that's not too harsh right i haven't even preached in a room like this for a while the sword just feels big oh wow you guys good so uh last week last past sunday i was in my home church i pop in there every once in a great while did you get it good got it i thought i heard it scream it's the only time you don't raise something from the dead just leave it dead i don't think you did that's the first time i was ever preaching somebody got up and just stomped a bug that's amazing that's freedom he just walked over with that was a serious stomp too buddy okay she didn't know what he did he stomped a bug it was coming right towards his wife and he sat down and said love you honey i was in my home church and uh we were singing and it was just intimate just singing how amazing he was and this word started coming in me and i was like oh cause i'm away all the time and and when i come back they're gracious and they love me and pastors like you want to share you want to say this or you want to lead this and i'm like no no just flow man i'm just going to sit and enjoy and i was like oh there ain't no way out of this i could just feel the lord the word and i don't know when i trembled so bad sharing the word i could hardly walk back to my seat my whole body was trembling but but it was the lord giving a caution to the people and i felt like it was i felt like in my heart it was for the whole world you know but we were in the small room of harvest chapel church gathering but i didn't feel like it was just for us i felt like it was for the whole church community you know and and uh but it was it was a word i'm not gonna try to prophesy it out like i did that day but i would fit in if i would do that because then i couldn't hardly walk back to my seat and i'd look like at least a few of you no this word was so serious it was like not to be deceived that people are never your enemy flesh and blood is never ever your enemy ever and in this season don't be deceived with all the riots going on the unfortunate thing that happened to the gentleman up in minnesota all the stuff that's going on the virus all the challenges presidential race right around the corner all the seemingly division if you just barely look you see it in this country and it's not time to take sides even if you have certain beliefs and you are on a certain side when i say take sides it you don't make the other side the enemy people aren't the enemy people were bought with the blood people were paid for through jesus you're not supposed to have anger towards people that you don't agree with you're supposed to have compassion and if you lose compassion if you're just so caught up in politics that you have enemies out there and you can't stand to see that person's face on the news when they pop up and that goes and you just as soon like and you start getting sarcastic and you have little names for people stuff you're in trouble like you're not walking as close to jesus as you think i'm not saying you don't go to church and serve in ministry or have a title but you don't know him like you could because he ain't like that to no one and better yet he was never like that to you or you wouldn't be sitting here filled with his spirit you'd have ticked him off by now he'd ran out of gas he to give up patience and he'd smote you this is the truth it's so self-righteous and it's so arrogant to take your beliefs and what you believe even in politics i've watched people i don't know why politics is the most challenging error for some but i've watched paul i've watched people lose their heart getting involved in politics it's not wrong to follow it's not wrong certainly pray but don't you let your heart get hard because of what's going on don't you be on this side and say yeah but and don't you be on this side saying yeah but [Applause] one of the biggest things that i felt in my heart when this word went out was to not be deceived the lord said people are not your enemy your war is not flesh and blood people are not he said it twice people are not your enemy your enemies are deception and unbelief that's what the word said in my heart your enemy is deception and unbelief because if you're living in deception you're blind and if you're blind you can't see and if you can't see you can't lead does the blind lead the blind no they'll fall in a ditch scripture paul preached the gospel to make all see it says seeing jesus right off and finish of our faith we've got to see him looking unto jesus it says it says in hebrews 2 we don't see everything in subjection under our feet but we see jesus not against worship are you kidding me he's not talking sing jesus not against worship but he's not talking sing jesus talking see jesus there's a huge difference you can sing about the lord all day long but he paid a price for you to know him and make him known period period and what a privilege that's not a burden as not a heavy responsibility that's a privilege an honor that's humbling that's a gift that christ would live in me jesus looked at you and said i want to live there and i'll pay whatever price to move in [Applause] and maybe ain't nobody even sees that house nobody ever seen it fit to be a house but when i move in everybody would want to live there ain't that something see and if you don't even see yourself that way don't think that's humility if you don't see yourself that way that's deception that's false humility because he sees you that way let's talk about presumption and pride i'm just talking about believing i'm just talking about believing that my life is worth the blood to him that's not blasphemy just believing he forgave me of everything i've ever done so there ain't no looking back why i'm not lot's wife i'm his bride i'm not looking back why because there's nothing back there i was delivered from there i got a destiny so if i look back i'll never get where i'm going i'll be in the middle and i'll be lot's wife but i'm his bride that's deception yeah you know how many people tricked looking back you'd be sitting in this room right here tonight i said yeah but yeah but you don't know how it was man and sometimes i still and i just i don't know i get feeling so bad because well then that's why you slip in again it's crazy thing it's a crazy thing you fix your eyes on it and then you weigh yourself accordingly so that's how you see yourself so that's how you do one of the biggest components of freedom and deliverance is not come out in jesus name it's seeing who you are in him and believing what he paid for and letting the cross raise the value of your life period [Music] where you actually believe you're a house fit for a king that he swept you clean and moved on the inside yeah look at look at that there's no room there's no room in the end mary's she's ready to have this baby they can't even find a room there the place is jammed full so they go into this manger in those days they think it might have been a tunneled out thing in a rock somewhere in a cave type setting and dingy and manure and animals ain't nobody you know why there was room there but nobody even has thought of being there until he was there and then they just flocked the place kings came from afar and stood there people came and shepherds got an announcement in a field and yeah and nobody wanted to be there and nobody even noticed you said would nobody ever notice me when nobody well my life never minded enough that's because he wasn't there [Laughter] why do you keep weighing yourself as if he's not there why do you value yourself as if you're not worth it did he not shed his blood did he not die on the cross did he not raise from the dead who are you and why would you say you're not worth it when he said what yes you are [Applause] come on this isn't arrogance it's not blasphemy it's the truth that makes men free it's not about where you've been it's about where he's been and when you realize where you've been as a lie and you go okay should have never been there ain't never going back he sees my life as more than this and it's time i do too yeah wonder if every christian would get hardcore and just say you know what i'm done with unforgiveness and if it tries to rise up i'm gonna challenge it and i'm gonna smash it every time i'm done with disheartenness and discouragement and just just sluggard just ho-hum whatever i'm just done with it why because he's in me cause he paid a price to live in me i'm done with nitpicking he said she said and hear saying what she did he did what i wonder if every christian just started living by faith and say it don't matter about none of that what matters is that i keep my eyes on him and he's in me and the christ that's in me is the hope of come on glory isn't just a mist it's not a feeling it's not a ho glory is any manifest attribute of god it's the glory of god any thing about him that's realized and seen and made known is the glory of god revealed and the christ in you and the christ in me is the hope of god being seen and known and recognized and the enemy's trap is to make it all about you and how you feel and how you don't feel and who did and who didn't who said and who and what in it that's the trap of the enemy and make it all about something it ain't about and yet we sing about what it's all about but we live from another place and then that light thing ain't happening like it could yeah yeah i like that you said we're going back there i ain't done you went you looped you started like i think you broke out in an old hymn you sang one line you said we going back to the light i can't i can't stop it's still in me wonder if every day you held your own heart accountable wonder if you were your best accountability partner i wonder if you weren't hurt because somebody in leadership didn't wonder if you had your own relationship with jesus i wonder if you held your own heart accountable i wonder if you were your own best friend for a day and that turned into two days and that turned into a month and all of a sudden a year later you actually look in the mirror and love who you're becoming and you don't need nobody to call you and tell you anything sweet tell you how important you are and how much we missed you last week what if you just looked in the mirror and said wonder if you were just a believer for a day and didn't let anything matter more than just believing why he came and what he paid for and who you are now that he's here i wonder if every blast from the past every fantasy every vision every memory every dream that was yesterday and dirt digging and trying to pull you back whenever it just fell off for you because you were just a believer for that day and you say it doesn't even matter where i've been it matters where he been i ain't fighting this i'm fighting a good fight of faith my fight isn't my memory my fight isn't the past my fight isn't feelings my fight is a good fight of faith my fight is in the midst of all these things trying to deceive me to keep my eyes on what it's really all about that's what i'm about that's my fight i'm gonna fight the good fight of faith i'm gonna keep believing when everything says there ain't much to believe i wonder if you get in the right fight when if you stop fighting the things that don't matter so many people fighting the devil fighting the devil fighting the devil are you fighting the devil he's a cut off withering branch coming to nothing i'm not saying you don't have teeth i'm not saying he can't hurt but he only hurts people that don't see who they are in him the lord really he's he's opportunist he'll take what you give him and he feeds on deception you give him an inch he'll try to take a mile and then you fight him in rebuking him when truth's your weapon you can yell at the devil all day if you don't believe different he's eating your lunch but i've been pleading the blood all day yeah and you're tired and you're weary and you feel unspiritual and you're questioning the gospel i wonder why it ain't working it's not a method it's an identity it's not 30 30 day money back guarantee 60 day try me see if you like me you didn't get your money back why would you pick back up your life come on it's even exchange i heard communion in my heart tonight they found them too you found him he said you might know where the stash is they didn't think they had enough he said well we better ask tracy because she tends to she might know where the gold mine is she you found it because it's covenant it's covenant it's all that is mine is yours and all that is yours is mine it's a marriage it's a covenant it's an exchange a vow to never leave you or forsake you right that's what god's saying to you and he said man i'm just going to fix my eyes on you and i'm going to believe every day and in the face of adversity i'm following heart after you god i want to know you more and he makes vows and promises you give your it's like a wedding it's like a husband and a wife it's like when they renewed their vows who was here when we did their wedding vows and renew wasn't that powerful and awesome that was really awesome the only challenging part was i had to wear a suit the whole night for you guys i laid down my life [Applause] felt all comfortable he's covering it watch watch he gave his life for us and to us it's not so you just get blessed and get all your prayers answered and have enough money this isn't a this isn't a he's not a genie in a bottle he's not your servant he's your father jesus is our lord that means the governing factor of our life the your yeah so watch he said it's covenant he said i'm giving my life that's the bread in the cup how come all we ever take it for is the benefit we receive communion for the benefit for the forgiveness for the healing we're just always receiving communion for the benefit what about the exchange what about your life and my life to you what about i'll shed my blood for you what about i'll give my body to you i'm not giving it to some one-night stand i gave it to you am i getting lonely and emotional and i need a fix no no no i have more value than that and so does other people i'm not going to use somebody to fill something that ain't going to work you got to get hardcore with yourself you got to be your own best friend for a day and you'll like it and you'll say wow i wish i'd have met you sooner you've been looking for a best friend he's been in your skin the whole time [Applause] you need you need to be your own best friend for a day and you'll like it and it'll turn into two days in a week and a month and you and 10 years later you'll be passionate and freaking out and telling people that he's good but this thing is more than bless me this is more than pay my bills this is more than protect me and keep my family safe it's amazing what we turned jesus into that's why christians are discouraged a lot that's why they're mad at god and say well i ain't really we ain't we just got this thing right now and it ain't happening and we're just working it out you ain't working nothing out you're deceived there ain't nothing to work out he already came out in the light he's no turning or shifting a shadow you're the one thinking wrong he said i can't wait till i get to heaven i got a couple things i need to ask the lord [Laughter] you got the wrong impression friend you think a trumpet's going to blow and announce your name and a loud speaker and the doors are going to open by themselves and you're going to come walking in with your three eternal questions [Laughter] you're already gonna be blown away by the light and the whole truth and you're gonna be going duh here we go man how come i didn't see that when i was on the earth because you didn't look you believed what you were believing you didn't look you believed your feelings and when you look at what your feelings are producing you can tell if you're in the lord or not if you look at your attitude and look what it's producing you can tell if it's truth or not look at your emotional makeup your motivation look at purpose in your life and if it ain't producing life and shining light you're not seeing clear you're giving yourself to the wrong thing on be your own best friend i don't ever have titles on a sermon but that would be a good sermon title be your own best friend everybody looking for a friend you got a friend in jesus and he's in you i think you have enough to dominate i think christ in you is a majority but unless you understand the power of this thing right here we'll receive this in a minute if you want to you won't have to i don't want anybody to go through the motions it's dangerous to do this and just go through the motions the bible says it's dangerous to just do this because we're all doing it because what you do is you law your heart to sleep and you harden your heart you callous yourself and all of a sudden you get religious and traditional and you just go through the motion and you just you catch the moment or whatever but this thing is an exchange it's your life for mine and my life for yours jesus never said pray this prayer and you can go to heaven that's how we evangelize jesus said if you come after me you gotta do something you got to die to yourself first you ain't following me unless you die to yourself you can sing to me you can serve me you can go on a mission trip you can feed the poor but unless you die to yourself you're not going to follow me you can serve me you can sing to me you can be an elder you can be a pastor you can be a worship leader but unless you die to yourself you'll never follow me because you won't make it through the injustice you won't make it through the news you won't make it through the presidential race your heart will get marked and marred and you won't come out of it like him and when you stand before pilate you might justify and defend and tell your story instead of keep it beforehand you need to preach grab a mic [Music] [Laughter] come on it's true you stand before pilot listen whenever you defend yourself you actually give the right for men to be your judge that's why jesus never said a word because he already knew the deceit in their heart he knew they'd take what he said and twist it and use it against him and there's times where you don't have to say a word you just commit yourself to him who judges righteous now watch this if you don't have a relationship with him if you're not pursuing him and you don't understand you're right in his sight why would you commit yourself to the one that sees you righteous if you don't even see yourself that way are you with me come on this is amazing this this is amazing he said as often as you do it i'm not saying who but i'm telling you it would behoove benefit many of us in this room just take this on a regular basis for a while and just stay focused just stay focused wake up in the morning and say hey found a best friend it's you and me i'll need a phone call from tracy today it would be sweet it would be nice and i'll be doing good if she calls but if she don't call i'm doing good [Laughter] i don't feel forsaken by pastor david because you know he didn't call or whatever or he didn't get back to my email it's been four days i wonder he probably read it i guess he's too busy next thing you know you got something some seed some some leaven man you receive this every day keep you on purpose don't just just don't take it just don't receive it to receive your healing that's part of communion that's peace of communion but i'll tell you what this represents exchange of lives and it's not preached enough this is eat of his flesh and drink of his blood and if any man come after me let him deny himself pick up you see so to be a christian you're doing the same him to you you to him now we're one and you know what we teach benefit in blessing instead of death and surrender follow me he didn't say sing to me follow me he didn't say pray to me when things are tight follow me i saw you guys but i just just focused on you hi you all good call freedom fest you think you think about the things you're hearing tonight that are pouring out of my heart none of this plan none is prepared just pouring out my heart i told pastor david i said man i see communion but i'm not sure why because i never see a service ahead of time i said it'll just make sense at some point but you think about freedom fest and and singing freedom reigns or we were talking about it and and you think about everything that we're saying tonight in the holy ghost do you hear the freedom watch the biggest freedom we're proclaiming is you living for you you're free from yourself that's where all the trouble is doesn't he know that why do you think it's the first thing you gotta do is deny yourself because it's the biggest problem on the planet you living for you when you're made for his image when you're made for his glory when you're made to walk in the light as he's in the light how can you walk in the light as he's in the light when it's all about you you're gonna get hurt you're gonna get frustrated you're gonna get discouraged and you might even find yourself tricked enough to be mad at god for a season you might lose a loved one and just give up and let your relationship be contingent on your circumstances which means you never had a relationship you had a servant and he didn't keep things well you just fire him he ain't doing his job he's cut off he's not your servant he's not a genie in a bottle he's the lord of all he's the father of all creation he's really really smart like the bible says he makes foolish the wisdom of men the foolishness of god whatever that even means is wiser than men's wisdom and we really think we're smart [Laughter] people got it all rationed they're writing books why god ain't real and why the word ain't the word and men are so smart and one day it's gonna be a big oops one day skye's gonna open he's gonna be coming on a horse there's gonna be a whole lot of folks right behind him the whole world's gonna go wow any believer knows that in here prove that brother i already did to myself [Laughter] i got caught hanging out with him and my heart went because what you see you see do i have to believe that he is any man that comes to god must first believe that he but do you have to keep believing that he is or do you know it done deal why do you think we act this way for years because we're good actors because we see something you know and this is eternal life that you might not receive him not ask him into your heart not pray to go to heaven not get plugged into a word preaching church not read your bible every day eternal life is that you might and all those things are cool things we do in knowing him yeah but eternal life isn't a prayer you pray eternal life is knowing him it's a relationship you have so if he's the eternal one and he lives in you no wonder we'll never die because he'll never leave you forsake you and no one will status you out of the palm of his so why do we walk in some other direction only because we don't know him like we could and if we don't know him like we could we'll never see ourselves for who we really are and we'll still be stereotyped and labeled for who we've been and then the lie continues but you try to keep going to church but the lie continues and you keep trying to go to church because you think your answer is staying plugged in all right how do we get these to everybody just do it real simple can i have can i have somebody just uh us or zelda's can we get get one of those in everybody's hand that wants to receive communion you don't have to receive communion because it's a communion night or something this is all spontaneous anyway these things are challenging for some take the little lip that you peel back the the juice bend it down over the plastic first and the little plastic sleeve should pop up all right when you've received these like every day for months on end you learn how to do it at least you'd be frustrated receiving communion get in it if you bend that little lip down over the plastic this way the opposite way the little sleeve should pop up then you get that that'll get you your little wafer or whatever it is yeah the new the new youtube viral video wow that man does have wisdom he knows how to get into the communion cup anybody ever fight with these things for a long time trying to get that wafer and you think oh well i'll just drink the blood out i'll take the wafer by faith i wonder how many cups went in the garbage and that wafer was still under there and just stick it somebody should paint a little smiley face on it can't get to it you just bend that little flap down and it should pop up who found that to work for did it work did it work in that wisdom aren't you glad you came tonight if you just got that one thing you're doing good nobody ever taught you how to do that before i know that's the first that is true when i learned how to do it i just kept it to myself i just realized i'm preaching all the selfless stuff the selfless things all on me brother i thought i need to pass this wisdom on it and bless the body of christ we still passing them out let me know let me know does everybody have one that wants one everybody have one that wants them if you don't have one raise your hand wave your hands stand up scream act like tracy do something to be no know that you don't have one there's only one tracy i shouldn't say act like you can't you had your husband nervous tonight i never said he was leaning against me he was like she is really fired up oh my gosh he was like what's gonna happen next we i wasn't even thinking i was getting up here to preach i thought you're gonna have the worship team up i thought we'd be marching or something for an hour you just it just started feeling like something else might be happening here you're a lot of fun i always mess with her you always see i tell her not to touch me did you see i told her to go that way i just i love her i just tell her to not hug me when she's like that that's more wisdom put that on youtube i used to tease the intercessors at church when i was full-time pastor i had some intercessor ladies that were amazing and they heard the lord and some people you know because they heard the lord they said things they just think they were wild things or you didn't have that experience so they'd think they were this that the other and i i just loved them but i used to have fun with all of them because they'd get harassed like they're a certain thing or something i'd say i'd say man keep praying keep interceding just don't touch me or they'd say pastor guess what i heard i said stay back talk to me from there i did it all the time and she just talked to me oh pastor no no stay there talk to me from there and i'd stay like social distance [Laughter] so i was doing social distancing a long time ago before anybody even you all got this does anybody know what this is are you sure this isn't plastic what is this this little rice wafer this is manna what is it what is it this is truly manna you know that's what mana means right i said what is it manna because nobody really knows what they've been putting in their mouth for a long time nobody really does know but we're all okay so we're just going to go by faith tonight this is manna but guess what this represents the body of jesus that's a big deal here's what i want you to do tonight you know i want you to see this you can just you can just just stay in chill mode for a second be ready i just want you to quick i also delivered to you are we on am i cutting it or is that just that one time jesus is he's really allergic to the handheld no i mean i'll do the handheld if i go help him jesus bring deliverance yeah all right all right it'll work the rest of the weekend hey let's just try this one more time i i'll just i don't know that laying that there feels like unbelief put that put that over there where you hang hell guys sit that feels like unbelief to me that that felt like the virus somebody won't wipe that down right there for me wipe that down you know wipe that down see see if i don't let you lay that there this thing had been cut off a long time ago buddy well that felt like unbelief to me i said we ain't gonna do backup plan b sorry david i'm not slamming you but well kind no [Laughter] are you all ready for i received from the lord isn't that amazing that paul got this from jesus and when he writes about it you find it exactly written this way by the disciples that wrote gospels isn't that amazing he didn't say i read apostle so-and-so's account he said the lord laid it out just like this for me he talks like he was there isn't it amazing you could have that kind of relationship that you can know things as if you were there that the men that were there and wrote about it he wrote the same thing in a separate account not because he read their book because the lord said this is the way it was that's relationship get alone with him talk to him ask him questions believe you're worthy believe he loves you please know you're forgiven and live forgiven so you continue to walk in righteousness why because righteousness produces its fruit to holiness and all of a sudden you're living a way you never could conquer why because you're believing come on it's it's a true statistical fact that almost every addictive behavioral cycle no matter if it's substance whatever it is is attached to a low esteem or an unhealthy identity it's people not seeing themselves in high regard so they live up to the low level in which they evaluate themselves and then when they comply to that low level they prove to themselves that what they believe is true because of their actions and that's called the cycle of condemnation you're with me and because you care inside and because you're alive inside and even alive in the lord this lie devastates you more because you should know better you should do better and if you were really saved you shouldn't if you really love god you want and who and then so you beat yourself up all the more because you care and do what you said you'd never do it's all attached to confused identity value and esteem good with that a lot of people go back to the same thing same thing because they see themselves as such i wonder if every day you wake up and you took off the old garment you threw it you put on something new you put on a new robe of righteousness you put on wedding clothes i wonder if you just wake up every day and take this cup and bread and you put on christ i wonder if every day every day you commune with god and thank him for the gift today called life that you're going to live it for that day and you ain't going to let nothing around you matter more than why you're alive and what matters most wonder if you got aggressive you got aggressive and you just walked in that every day instead of letting things sneak up and i wonder if you got aggressive and nothing could sneak up because you were in the light and the light exposes darkness and the darkness flees i wonder if you lived every day to see so you weren't blind and nothing snuck up on you again and all of a sudden bought two weeks that you didn't have for sale all of a sudden they bought four months that were never up for sale all sudden three years slips by and you i just don't know how i got here you with me man i'm glad we're here i'm just glad we're together just feels happy to be together yay he said i received this from the lord it was delivered to me from the lord jesus on the same night in which he was betrayed your bible says that on purpose on the night he was betrayed it's on purpose that it happened then that this supper happened then because this supper is the sign that i'm giving my life he didn't say uh that's the last straw judas are you kidding me i thought he was one of us them pharisees how many miracles did they see right in jerusalem in the last week he wrote in on the donkey hosanna he did many miracles days blind eyes all kind of how many miracles did they see in the last week and they're still plotting to kill me man if they didn't change by now they ain't never going to change and i'll be doggone that's a holy way to say it i guess i'll be doggone if i'm going to give my life for these men hello but see he don't know how to talk like that he don't know how to think like that why because he's jesus no because he's love because he's loud he doesn't have that language he's not on the cross i just can't believe they're doing this to me he's on the cross just thinking about them man if they really saw if they really knew who i was father would you forgive them they're blind they don't know what they're doing ain't that something fireworks celebrate my preaching that's a holy ghost boom you heard it out there didn't you shoot preaching on the love of god come on you think about it he said follow me that's what he's talking about carry your cross not well you don't know what they put me through well you don't know how long brother well how long is a guy supposed to wear i ain't gonna be nobody storm out where you ain't gonna walk all over me and get away where did you learn that language because i never heard it from him so you didn't learn it from him where'd you learn it why are you so sure it's right if it didn't come from him you never heard it from him so where'd you get it if you didn't get it from him where'd it come from and if it didn't come from him why would you give your life to it you see what i'm talking about believing getting intense being your own best friend being your best accountability partner holding yourself accountable instead of needing billy to call you every day to make sure you read your bible just read your bible why because i'm a believer and i want to know him i'm not reading it to qualify the blood already did that i'm not reading it to be accepted jesus already accepted me i'm reading to know him because eternal life is knowing him and i don't just want to go to redemption house i want to know him and when i go there i got something to bring not something to need yeah every pastor likes that part who knows these guys will lay down their life to help people you all figure that out by now that's because that's compassion the heart of god but there's a point where every person needs to realize that's there's not like that's not the function it's not like okay i'm always in this position and i always need this no you grow up into him in all things and there might be a time you came here and we're totally dependent on unconditional love compassion and patience but at the same time you need to understand that you're growing up and out of those things because of the christ that's in me and i'm i'm not an eternal ministry because i'm growing into a minister now who knows they ain't going to judge you if you're in a spot for a while they're going to tell you who you are and dude and his patience and might even have to shake their self behind the scene and say oh lord they need to get it and not be angry at you just oh why don't you get it you ever feel that way i've i've ministered to the same thing to people in a personal way people have took time and time and you you just want them to get it you're like oh lord i just want them to see it because if they just go and in that why you just keep going because they might just go oh if they just if the light just comes on ding ding ding ding ding [Applause] that's the three bells baby ding we got it for two years you've been pulling that lever cherry apple bell bell cherry apple cherry cherry bell ain't that awesome this is really good preaching it's my first time preaching for a long time in front of a bunch of folks i got a lot of calls to do that live stream stuff i'm so sorry to everybody that i'm not more technical i just i don't know why i should get over it it's people should come and do live stream and i'm like i just i like this i like looking in your eyes i need to get over it there's nothing wrong with live stream it's an amazing tool but i just feel weird talking to a camera i don't even i don't even know if i preach it's good but i i like this you can tell i like this i'm stretching this out too ain't i 9 21 i'm at redemption house [Applause] no i'll be i'll be all right don't get scared if you're visiting don't say oh dear jesus and don't leave either because we'll see you leave [Laughter] i'll say they left before communion i'm messing with you but don't leave when he had given thanks look on the night he was betrayed he gave his life you have to ask yourself what am i on the night i'm betrayed see this is how you follow jesus you got to always pass these tests you always got to take the barometer test you you got to just say okay on a night i'm betrayed what am i am i feeling sorry for myself am i crying am i calling a friend and telling them all the details to pull them sentimentally into my pain so they have a justification and a strength to be there i hope you followed that oh that was so good that's freedom on the night you're betrayed you got to say what am i on the night i'm betrayed angry frustrated can't believe they did that wake up the next day and it's the first thing on their on your mind and you can't get past it hard all bottled up she's leaving she can't handle the message you just can't end but that's all right i trust you're gonna go get it straight girl you're just gonna get it right [Laughter] we lost tracy because she's gonna go deal with herself on what she's like on the night she's betrayed david looked at her and said what are you on the night you betrayed she got up and just took off and ran she's going go seek the lord i love that i don't miss that stuff man when i'm reading on the same night in which he was betrayed he knows what's coming he he knows that the men that he's passing this to are going to run as soon as he's struck they're going to scatter the shepherd's going to get struck and they're going to scatter now they're all sitting there saying they're going to die for him hillary knows they're all going to run be afraid peter's going to deny him he knows all that so on the night he's betrayed he says what a good night to lay down my life and exercise selfless and show you what it looks like in extreme circumstances to love not your own life unto death doesn't scripture tell you to love not your own life unto death that's what it looks like then on the night you're betrayed you're still laying down your life for people no matter how bad you disagree with the political situation and you're watching the news you don't turn off the channel with a hard heart and you don't go to bed angry murmuring and make a cynical phrase and throw somebody's name in that you disagree with did you notice that world worldly comedians secular comedians it's always at the expense of people and people sit and laugh as they demean others that's not comedy that's tragedy you with me on the night he was betrayed he took the bread and he broke it he said this is my body it's broken for you do this did you say that do this in remembrance of who okay so what's jesus what's the the number one main thing he's trying to get across in this communion is it our healing is it just our forgiveness it's it's the giving of his life in the face of it all and not changing his mind having no options but to be who he is because he's love and he said i want you to remember this they don't even know what they're doing but after he raises from the dead comes and hangs out with him and stuff it all clicked you get it the light came on and all of a sudden they're gone remember how it says jesus came back in this net and you'll see places right when it says and they remembered the scripture which he spake and they remember and the lights were coming on all the time they were gone that's why he said that whoa oh that's whoa revelation moments all the time don't you have them in your life haven't you had revelation moments where it's like yeah right okay so what's he wants you to do do this in remembrance of me i would like to propose something tonight in in communion that we do this in a covenant-minded way not a beneficial way you can always do it to receive what he paid for redemption forgiveness righteousness it's huge it's fun it's amazing but i want to focus on the component of communion that's rarely talked about it seems left out all the time where it's your body my body your blood my blood you love not your own life unto death and i love not my own life unto death here's how we overcome and it ain't a song this is how we overcome are we saying it i get it but guess how we overcome the blood of the lamb the word of our testimony not loving our own lives unto death watch you want to make a draw on the blood you want to make a draw on the power of the testimony it's hinged on not loving your own life unto death that's where the power of those two are without the third those two aren't the same even though they're amazing and powerful but they hinge on selfless it's not like it's not like you know you have a concealed weapon and you get robbed in an alley and the blood and the testimony is your weapon and you go pull it out without the selfless you can plead the blood all day and you can quote the word all day and be selfish in your marriage and think your husband or your wife is the problem and you could be doing spiritual looking things from the wrong place and god's doing nothing in the midst do you hear me what's that that was a good sword good it's like butter baby just ah just let it go in you guys take it good man let's do this tonight in covenant mind away it's like a vow to him it's like okay you're never gonna leave me or forsake me and nobody's to snatch me from the palm of your hand well then i'm going to love you with my life my attitude my motives i'm going to keep purpose in front of me and i'm not going to sell cheap or sell out because i'm not for sale i've been bought with a price and i'm not my uh your scripture do we need any more scripture or do we have enough it says that he he died and rose again so that we who were dead might live and those who live ought to no longer second corinthians 5 no longer live for themself but for him who died you get it so i want you don't just follow my lead i want you personally right now whatever this means to you with where i'm at and where i'm preaching where you are to just look at this bread as his body given and think about the conditions the injustice the unfairness of the night the three years of ministry trapping him trying to trap him and and and never really caring and always asking questions with illegal intent tension and jesus never changed he kept loving he kept shining and he kept manifesting the father and in the midst of all that he said when you see me you have already seen the father don't you want that in your life that when people see you they got a real good look at him and don't you let nobody say well yeah but that's blasphemy he's jesus who do you think you are you're just a worm you're in the flesh you're this and that you're always gonna sin you're always gonna don't you let somebody steal the power of righteousness from your life he rules his kingdom with the scepter of righteousness and if he's going to come and touch you on the shoulder and you're going to kneel before him and he'll touch you like that with that righteousness and touch you like that don't you let anybody take what he says you are are you with me so take this bread right now and you just make a covenant vow with him you might just say this tonight because it'll make sense to you you might say you know what i just found a new best friend tonight and i'm gonna hold myself accountable and follow you jesus i'm not just coming to redemption house i'm not just gonna sing along i'm not just going to worship like a wild person and mean it i'm going to live like a person in love with you i'm going to follow you in every falsehood of life the best to understand and holy spirit i appreciate your help but i'm all in and the way you gave your body that's what this is guys the way you gave your body i want to give mine back to you and the cause of the kingdom so as you make that vow with him you receive this into your mouth and take it and eat it and eat of his flesh he says if you don't eat of my flesh you'll have no part in me you'll have no life in you the kingdom won't be found so so tonight you're gonna say okay i get that now i'm gonna take part in what your flesh means and what you accomplished and what you gave and i'm gonna follow you come on make your vow make your commitment do it personal i'm not leading that part you do it take it when you're ready thank you lord take your time commit yourself to him thank holy spirit for helping you you're not too late you're right on time we're just taking the bread tracy you're just committing your life to him it's just a covenant vow his life for your life his body for your body your body's not your own number talks about sexual immorality being a different kind of sin than just stealing a lion because it's a sin against the body why because your body's not your own your body's not your own yeah your life's not your own you're gonna love not your own life unto death help us holy spirit we just make a covenant exchange we just give our life to you john g lake if you know who he was there was a plague going through the land it was a whole lot worse than coved 19. it was bubonic plague him and his leaders got in a room and they you know you can debate all this you want all you want but i'll bet you they'll never go back and change their mind now that things unfolded but they got in a room and they said what should we do because people are saying well we got to use wisdom et cetera and they said we're going to trust god they got in a room and they received communion and said whether we live or whether we die we do it unto the lord but we're not going to bow out the people need us more now than they've ever needed us before and they just passed the cup and took the bread and stayed in the midst of the bubonic plague and ministered and and some of them men died and they buried them now you can debate that all you want with a in there we have far too long made the gospel all about this life instead of the life to come and we're trying to catch a break today instead of live for his glory tomorrow yeah wouldn't it be amazing if your life brings glory to his name for eternity rather than just catching a break now when you felt like you needed it spending more time praying for your boss to change your co-worker to line up then you be informed in christ praying more for your spouse to treat you right instead of you just become in love [Laughter] oh man okay now that tab that you bent down the other way bend it up the other way and keep on pulling and get that lid off of there we're gonna do the the blood in the same manner he took the cup he said this is a cup of the new covenant in my blood i don't know why we would ever get away from this but this is no small thing it cost jesus his life for the spirit of god to live in us he had to shed his blood for you and me to be forgiven and judged righteously like this is a big deal there's no shortcut like like he was the lamb slain not the lamb rocked not even just the lamb sheared he was the lamb slain before the foundation of the world and from the foundation of the world it was going to cost the son of god death to buy back the children of god costing blood the blood of the new covenant right here man you want to stay sober and get yourself fired up you receive communion every day and keep your eyes on these things and go ahead and take the benefits and the healing and you were separated so i can forever be joined you died and i never will and yeah and it gets big and exciting yeah what about this exchange what about my days of offense anger frustration and nitpicking have ended and i ain't afraid to fail i'm more concerned about not stepping out in this thing you all ready when you take this cup i want you to just the same thought as the body i'm all in whether i'm betrayed whether i'm treated right you haven't changed purpose hasn't changed and the reason you're in me hasn't changed whether people around me are living or whether somebody dies the purpose is still the same so even in a season of mourning right for the night joy comes in the i am not going to even let physical death steal away vision and purpose and truth i'm not going to let the loss of the dearest loved ones in my life steal away the reason that he came and lives inside of me and there's physical loss it can't be denied we're not being hypo spiritual and ignoring truth that way but we're going to let a higher truth take us to the finish line and we're not going to come across the finish line lame hobbling hurt or half-hearted are you with me yes why because he paid for eternal life and we already won amen ain't that something so if we already won why would we let a circumstance make us think we're losing let's live and believe we want are you with me so when you take this tonight here's what once you do take your vows in in your heart to the lord receive what he did for you through this cup and just give yourself back to him in sincerity and when you drink this cup what you're saying is i'm all in i ate of the flesh and i'm drinking in the blood and i love not my own life unto death holy spirit help me and teach me what that really means every day of my life go ahead make those vows pray to him talk to him i'm not leading i want you to do that and when you're ready you just take the cup and now close in prayer thank you king jesus thank you king jesus thank you king jesus thank you king jesus take your time you don't have to rush make sure you you do it from the heart the giving of your life to him i'm all in i'm truly all in attitudes motives purpose holy spirit i hope i ask you to help us in those ways attitude motive purpose expression that's where holy spirit comes in guys you're not a self-made christian he paid the price to make you what he paid for learn to yield to him and learn to let holy spirit have a voice and a way in your life called transformation amen follow his convictions when you get second guessing wow i'm overreacting about that or i shouldn't be letting this bother me so bad don't think around that and come up with a way to stay the same when you have that conviction you all know what i mean right come on if you get right down to it none of us have found us ourselves in a negative place without knowing we were heading there we usually have a chance to turn you usually have a chance to reroute and go warning you see what i'm saying so that's what i'm going to pray in closing over us okay i'm going to actually ask holy spirit to really really really that we'd be sensitive to his wooings conviction and that in the light of this message there would be a truth that works in us and keeps us on this track and that we truly tonight did find a best friend yeah he was in me all the time yeah so father i pray right now over this house i ask you holy spirit to just do a work in us like no time before just an unprecedented work and i don't say that in a hype way this isn't a rah-rah thing just an unprecedented work i i believe with all my heart there was sincere commitments all through this room and i just thank you for sincere follow-up on your end that you would hold us to our convictions you would hold us to our vows and you would keep us in the light i pray that no one would get foggy or groggy or blind or deceived i pray that we would stay clear and always have an out always have a way of escape always have an avenue even of retreat from the things that aren't producing life and reroute and re-establish and review i just thank you lord god that truth would burn in our hearts that our eyes would see clear and that jesus would be revealed through our lives like never before and i just thank you thank you thank you for it i know we would say these are tense times on the earth but when there's tense times i believe one as big and amazing and free as you would come out all the more so i would ask lord god that this would be revealed through your people in a healthy and holy way not just a party way not just a carefree way but a life-changing redemptive way that brings life to many we ask for these things and we thank you for this grace in jesus name amen amen i think i'm done
Channel: DAN MOHLER - Non Official Channel
Views: 100,048
Rating: 4.8444762 out of 5
Keywords: Dan Mohler, Todd White, Power and Love, Identity, Love, Faith, Born Again, Living in the past, Deny yourself, God’s Image, Image of Christ, Becoming love, loved by God, Communion, Guilt Condemnation and Shame, Christian sermons, powerful sermons, rare dan mohler, best dan mohler, pastor dan mohler, dan mohler identity, dan mohler 2020, dan mohler testimony, dan mohler healing, dan mohler marriage, Dan mohler divorce, dan mohler false teacher, dan mohler grace
Id: KE5lCfjsd2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 13sec (5473 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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