Dan Mohler: Loving Your Enemies and People

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I'll tell you that worship time was so amazing because there was that one song we just worshipped him I mean great as argon they're just ramped right but did you notice mostly songs are like you guys are singing what he accomplished who we've become it's like the songs are a message it's like they're preaching through their song and you can just sit under their worship and go home and have a revelation if you give your heart to what's your thing like I wouldn't have to get up here freaks and stuff you guys going to tearing it up like that then last two songs were like that's the whole finished work right there like that's the fruit of what do you comp we step I believe yeah let's just go this is amazing that's how I felt I was like turn it up you guys are amazing so Joey just said about not seeing them that way the little word that God gave him is huge set for in--they and five it's so scriptural it's amazing I guess God would answer you scripturally wouldn't he second Corinthians five 13 Paul says to the love of price I'm just I'm just springing off his word for a second there's some things we need to accomplish this morning but I want you to see what our powerful that word was that he just shared it's it's a big deal for all of us your perspective is you if God can change your view it can change your whole life if he changes your eye he's changing your life your perspective determines who you're going to be and who you right look you can't become what you can't see you can't become what you don't yield to but what you yield to you'll become when you see him as he is you'd be like him you guys with me your perspectives you sow your words not flesh and blood anyway so enemies aren't flesh and blood it just enemies in the in the flesh sin seem to be people that are contrary to what you pursue in working against what you believe all that stuff that we can to see them as enemy but you have to understand they don't know who they are and what they're doing forgive them father they don't know what they do sin contains 5:30 it says the love of Christ compels us what compels me Paul said for I judged something he doesn't judge people he judges something because I judge something that if one died meaning Jesus if one died all died all right that's amazing so he paid a price to redeem all men and he see men through a truth in such a way that it compelled him to die too in order to bring them to life okay we were yet sinners and he sent his son so why would he do that why would he have the ability while we were yet sinners we hadn't even changed to go ahead and die because he sees us for more than what we understood he sees us for what he created us to be our purpose or potential or a destiny so the cross is all about redeeming your value it's all about who you're created to be its perspective it's the eye of the Lord towards humanity like on your darkest day he didn't go I just can't believe they're doing that he said wow you're so much more than that and where sin abounded grace to balance more and he wants to draw you and woo you out of that lie into him so we're not making sin permissible we're not ten hey it's okay whatever you do no it's actually it's it's something God wants to change but he does it through his goodness by teaching you a higher truth about you you follow me the love of Christ compels me if second Corinthians five you could turn there if you want I I mean I just I get the word in my heart man sometimes people say you know you don't read out of your Bible well if you listen the Bible's inside of me it just did I filled my heart with the word so that and listen you ought to fill your heart with the word so you get to know God and know who he is and understand truth because the words truth I mean Holy Spirit the Spirit of Truth the word is spirit of life sounds connected Jesus is the word yeah so his life speak loud to me he's the Word made flesh Jesus is the word that came and dwelt among us so God can come and preach a sermon to me he put it in flesh and bone and he lives out the sermon so the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us we beheld him in grace and truth so you look at jesus's life and you see the truth you see the word and you follow him you don't just sing to him you don't pray to him when you're overwhelmed you follow him yeah I love that about God he didn't just preach at us guys he sent the word to live and demonstrate as well and we have a pattern of valo so yeah and that's exciting to me so watch this so he says in 14 he says in 13 he says before besides yourself it's for godness could wear of sound mind it's for your sake so people have fun with that scripture I tell people if I'm all alone with the Lord you're not around I'd probably look like I'm not of sound mind sometimes I the lord has overwhelmed me I'm not I'm not a flake I don't believe if I'm a flake I don't believe I just know that sometimes you cry hard so hard you couldn't express yourself if you had to sometimes you sit there in your hearts just seeing and your emotions are overwhelmed and you can hardly function I've settled my bed and I've had God feel like he's raining on me and the love of God is so overwhelming because I'm seeking Him I'm finding him but but it's an overwhelming experience don't seek that experience believe this love so I don't talk about this manifestation locker then everybody wants the manifestation will you pray for me to part that into me and I'm like no no your greatest blessing is believing in the strength of your heart is a stronghold of faith believing God wide space so important it separates you from sensuality it separates from how you're tempted to feel guys we lived our whole life out of our feelings and our feelings haven't done us a good job come on we spent countless hours ministering to one another based on feelings impressions memories flashbacks has nothing to do with truth you see yeah but I have feelings here and God really wants to redeem up and align them to truth he really wants to move them out of the way because they're not they're not they're not feelings that are in agreement with truth there's usually contradictory people say well God gave me intellect he gave me the ability to reason no no stop seminaries walk on thin ice on this when they say don't let anybody infringe on your god-given right to reason your reasoning ability you grew up with isn't god-given it's perverted God did not give you the ability to talk yourself out of him hello we became that way here's what we've done we've studied a fallen man and say this is us we're supposed to see Jesus and follow him like like big intellect and IQ I see that as a gift person the user's personal beliefs it's not always fair too safe to share that I mean but as I am just being honest personal personally IQ a high IQ I think that's a gift I don't think that's a curse I don't think that to be intellectual and and having a high IQ is a problem I believe analytical is not a gift you can say well I understand the let it go and I'm like that is not something to boast in that's something to crucify but you can talk talk through on something so long that you make something simple complicated God says donate the tree the day you eat the trees today you surely die it's pretty simple oh you're not going to die God just knows that the day you eat the tree your eyes to be enlightened you'll know the knowledge of good you'll know you'll be just like God she already was like god there's so many traps their reasoning in such a way to get you to make something simple complicated and question what you know posting them concern for you Corinthians I'm concerned for you o Corinthians that like Eve was deceived by the serpent you also have been removed from the simplicity that's in Christ Jesus that's the analytical thinking that's your mind working against truth this rationalizing and reasonings is such a degree that you take something simple and matter-of-fact through the word complex it and get a muddy view you have every reason to be encouraged and you think about it so long in a way that all the sudden you're not sure you're encouraged that's not a gift yeah I'll leave that one wrapped and under the tree but it's not a gift I want you to see what Paul is talking about here this is this is what Joey shared with you watch for the love of Christ compels me he really says us the love of Christ compels us he's bringing everybody into it but I promise you he's writing from a personal level and perspective the love of Christ compels us because we judge thus not someone we're judging something that if one died for all then all died you know first John 2 says that beloved or little children I write these things to you so you do not sin he's talking about John 1 which gets horribly misconstrued and maybe we'll touch that we'll see but not maybe this morning but we'll see he says I write these things to you so you do not sin and he doesn't say when you do he says but if you do I love that he's not binding me to sin he's telling me something new has come and the influence of Holy Spirit and if I fix my mind on righteousness its fruit the fruit of righteousness what's right sisters remember to talk about things giving birth last night which righteousness give birth to righteousness produces and gives birth to holiness when I see my self righteous my life starts being conducted in a righteous manner so righteousness has two meanings in the Bible usually in the New Testament the two strong uses of righteousness or the ability to stand right we got before God and he sees you right in his sight through the finished work of Jesus in through the blood and any expression or manifestation of the fruit of God of who God is of his person and his attributes so any work of righteousness is a manifestation of love mercy peace tenderness loving kindness surrender that's a work of righteousness so watch this if I see myself righteous then the fruit on my tree is going to be holiness because it's going to look like you if I believe on one with him I'll conduct my life in a confidence one with them it's not presumption if I believe I'm clean I'll live clean to the pure all things are pure yeah it's just powerful guys righteousness is amazing so watch this and there's some things we might need to teach on that more you guys as a core here I'm very impressed in touch with you guys I'm humbled to be here I I'm seeing leadership people are so solid I just met you PJ but he just shared some things look me in the eyes and I'm like man everybody so solid in leadership I'm looking at all you young folks and you guys are just gleaning and growing and yeah and you seeing these songs and going yeah and I'm just like something Goods going on man it is fun to fly here just to sit in on your worship sort of character like like I'm not here because you don't know what I'm talking about I'm just a confirming voice now the mouths of two or more every words confirm the establishment is now and things down getting it locked in and if you would be tempted to be discouraged because of naturally then hopefully getting that lie a million miles away from you don't get trapped in idolatry the subtleties of idolatry and let something matter more than what matters most the light in you matters most don't get sentimental don't get caught up in relationships to such a degree that something takes you away from someone come on look I hope things work out for you I hope the things we're believing for all manifest but in the event that things don't go the way you were hoping you better have a stronger foundation in Christ in you than the thing you were hoping you say well Hope deferred brother makes a heartsick there's no where it says your hope has to be deferred so don't let it it's when you let your hope die your heart said he's the God of all hope faith is the substance of things hoped for hope anchor of your soul everybody coach tension well brother you know how it is Hope deferred makes the heart sick well why is your Hope deferred Christ in you the hope of glory well I didn't get my prayer answer don't let your hope rest on your prayer answer let your hope rest on Christ in you because your higher priority is to shine not get your needs come on yeah come on guys that's just good solid preaching uh-huh I can feel that in my heart come on I've seen too many discouraged Christians it's unscriptural it just proves it's an indictment against us that we don't have a revelation of why he came and wise in us please I said this last night I said all the time and don't get tired of hearing it don't turn the gospel into a survival kit something that gets me through make it to the end or something that's here just to bless me and meet my needs and fulfill my desires the gospel transforms you makes you more like him so your light shines in the earth except song we sang man I'm not loving myself man you're living in me and I'm going to love everyone else I'm thinking about everyone else wonder if you really wonder if you really wonder if you really wake up in the morning and say nobody owes me a thing and I'm not alive for me alone I'm alive for his name and others wonder if you actually start believing that when if you sow that into your heart in prayer wonder if you wake up and communicate that with God you won't carry care you won't get trapped in anxiety people won't get on your nerves because you'll get new nerves in the process people won't get under your skin because you'll get new skin in the process not JP flaky chap stuff that cracks and breaks the news's and earths talk about your soul not your physical skin you'll get new skin the smooth baby am i messing up or are we okay the guys aren't just being relatable I'm just trying to relate today actually I'm trying to reduce cuz Joey got it stirred in me and I'm preaching a lot other stuff as well so it'll all work out in the end I love this section of Scripture I love this section of Scripture remember where we started this why we read it because Joey heard the way you love your enemies is not seeing them as that because if you see them as your enemy you'll treat them as sucks what you see you yeah so if you see them as more than what they understand instead of being frustrated by them intimidated by them or threatened bottom you actually have compassion for them and mercy so even if the only access you have to them is praying at least you'll pray from the right heart in the right place how many times do we pray because we're frustrated antagonized had enough think of how I'll proud and audacious it is we don't even realize that how self-righteous you're actually thinking of somebody that bothers you you take it to prayer and pray to God as if you have this special in with God and he agrees with your view of them the God you just need to change their attitude and the whole time you're praying you are ripped with attitude they suck so hilariously sadly hilarious evil God you need to just knock them off their high horse I don't know who they think they are and you need to strain enough god I pray that your money spirit strum and flow like a rushing wind and knock them okay so what happens you're so stereotype them through your beliefs and how you see them that when you get around them all you're doing is watching to see if your prayer took and you're actually very problem conscious and you stereotype and you're very aware of what's wrong with them and you've lost sight of their potential and they're all they are is a bother to you but I promise you this they're not a bother to God and where sin is abounding grace is abounding more not to empower sin to transform line yeah come on guys that's just solid that's how God is if he wasn't like that none of us would be sitting here with his spirit inside of us and that impresses me it impresses me that God lives in me and I've done nothing right I just believe the truth but he made me for something that he's paying for to redeem and I want to live that Paul lays it straight man he says I haven't apprehended but there's one thing I do we ought to listen to this Paul said there's one thing he didn't give us a multiple choice there's three different things I do he said there's one thing I do to apprehend to apprehend what to lay a hold of that which he laid a hold of me for do you see you're not a Christian for you you're Christian for his great name and there's a reason he apprehended you there's a great reason he obtained you through the purchase of his blood he has intention in your salvation and through your salvation and Paul said look I don't want to just be a Christian I don't want to just be saved I don't just want my name in the book of life I want to do one important things so that I a pretend the very reason he apprehended me I want to fulfill purpose I want to walk out is why in my life do you get that and guess what the one thing was I forget what lies behind and I move forward to what lies ahead see that's how you never let hope differ if you get your eyes back here you're missing today in the future and all of a sudden tomorrow's yesterday tomorrow's yesterday tomorrow's yesterday what a non-productive life you forget what lies behind you say it this way I'm not trying to be funny it just struck me one day well no wonder we don't look back we're not Lot's wife we're his so we look up from whence comes our help we're not in that covenant we're in a new covenant have we looked to him so if old things are passed away and all things are new there's nothing back there you'd be real careful with that one don't you get trapped letting yesterday identify today don't say well it's hard for me to receive the love of God because I didn't have a real loving dad look I'm sorry you didn't I didn't either not being insensitive I can relate has nothing to do with God loving me God loves me through his son not my dysfunctional childhood why do we make it make sense because we call them both father it doesn't even make sense to me but it's all over the church well I can't receive the love of God because I didn't have a loving father you don't need to jump through hoops you need to have faith you can't fix that you believe through that and say wow well I'm letting my dad be the reflection of God what a deception Jesus is a reflection of God my dad could've been wasn't I'm done being deceived look if your dad lived that way he's a dry cup agreed and if you're trying to drink out of a dry cup of course you're thirsty why don't you drink from a well that never runs dry in just one drink one great Baja okay cuz one day never thirst again he saw about total fulfillment established identity in the myth of a dysfunctional memory of a dysfunctional childhood just one drink he said this truth is greater what you've been through what I've been through restores you from what you've been through keep your eyes on me don't let this be an idolatry and don't make me have to try to come through this you bring this to me and I change everything it's the truth man I'm just telling you I'm aggressive with it because I see a lot of us buying time that we don't have to buy and we're saying yeah but you don't know what it was like when I was grown up you're 45 and then we've psychologically seen yeah but these things have a long-term effect and there are books that get us a no watch this in the end in the end anything I'm not being insensitive in the end there's two seats of people people that believe the gospel and people that believe their lives you say yeah but I was touched on when I was a kid you don't understand wonder if I was let's stop playing that card not everybody has to relate to everybody's Horror Story listen there's people in this room you have been through hell but you don't have to look far to see somebody's been through a little more so it's not fair to say you don't know what I've been through because we've all been through so what are we going to do take a survey see who's been through the most hell and then call these guys up and sing all about heaven and then continue to make it all about Hell I'm sorry if they touched you wrong wonder if I was touched strong at around age four how does that change the gospel now that it's gone it just means people are perverted people have issues people don't value life people are trying to meet their own needs through others it just points of sin and dysfunction don't you let sin and dysfunction get so rationalized in your mind that you allowed to cause sin and dysfunction don't you let what men don't seem to what you do see he's the light of the world don't say well I'm this way because no if you're because isn't Lord you're looking at the wrong truth are you guys okay good then come on I'm not being insensitive I'm trying to tell you I understand we all have our stories but I think it's his story that transforms our lives I don't think it's what we've been through I think our focus is wrong I think we're very self-centered in this alone admit it and we all say well you don't know what I've been through well what about what he's been through there's anybody going to focus on that if that's the life-changing event of the universe is it really about what you went through are we tricked into trying to find sympathy and sentiment and somehow make up for something that was so bad as if we feel like somebody or someone even owes us something well that someone paid his life to get you out of darkness into light and transform you through the renewing of your mind so don't let matter more what matters most you can no longer say you don't know what I've been through because that means your eyes are not what he's been through look my dad was alcoholic he's never I never heard my dad saying I just loved you he made an attempt to take us places and do things with us but he was usually intoxicated we were always intimidated and you didn't want to say wrong things and he would pay for that he wasn't abusive and mean but he was unpredictable drinking and there was no real connection there my mom was sick for 40 years in my opinion she died young don't tell me I don't understand don't compare your story to mine because that's not even fair for us to do to each other it was my own personal go through in yours and we're different and we handle thing but it's the same truth that sets us all free you know I grew up in the city I guess you call the city I grew up in the city I went to City Schools it's different City life's different in country life to our drugs are everywhere yeah I know but you got kids all around you you got hands on pecking order esteem reputation you're fighting to stay in a certain place it's just there's there was for me when I look back on it it was challenging growing up in the city I mean everybody had a big brother whether you did or not because it saved you a few times and you better not mess with me man I'll get my brother like you ain't got no brother oh yeah I do he's a king dude you don't want to mess it in he will bust you somehow you escaped just by pulling that style now I can say I got a big brother you don't want to mess with him he is really bad he's got my back besides my front it just fascinates me he lives in me you know why he does because he wants to you might not want to but he does he wants to live in me he wants to live in you and he paid a price for that truth why because he wants to reveal himself through you he doesn't want to live in you so you feel better he lives in you so you shine he lives in you so he fulfills the reason he made man his image cover the earth with his glory this young lady got up and talked about revival and she's right a revival is here and it's in the hearts of man and it's going to be the most healthy outpouring and revival that we've ever seen because it's going to continue through truth and through relationship communion and its masses of people revived that are relived or revived they the thing that was dead is alive they revived right and and that thing is alive and then living a certain way and nothing can quench it once you see you get it this is it's Annie I think this is what we call revival it's not an outpouring of manifest stations it's not so intense that we can't leave the building and we want to stay here the rest of our lives it's we're being empowered and imparted to in such a way that there's a great marriage between coming and going and we're coming to enjoy him be sharpened in him and by him encouraged by one another rub elbows lock arms and we head out looking more like him than when we came that's the revival we're in and it's you live in your life in Christ within the sphere of influence you've been granted and if you multiply the number of faces that I'm looking at by the sphere of influences we've been granted you're covering a whole area it's called revival it's you walking in love walking in the spirit and walking in here it's not you're just getting a better job and praying yourself through a promotion go ahead and do about that stuffs not selfish what's selfish is when you let the outcome of that just just decide your disposition that's where selfishness comes in it's not wrong to pray for those things it's not selfish to believe for a promotion or a new job god I'm really asking for a goodbye on the car that's not selfish but if those things aren't happening and you aren't getting that new job make sure you're shining in the one you're in and make sure you're faithful in the little things so you can make you ruler over Morphin you've got to take the talents you have and make sure they multiply and then he'll give you more talents and if there's somebody not using there's a bearing errors they might roll over on you too because your faithful steward next thing you know you find yourself loaded with talents not full vats and barns loaded with stewardship God entrusting you with Kingdom Grace and things so you can multiply a truth that's living in your life okay it is good man thanks I'm feeling that I'm feeling like man you're preaching solid it's your fault Joey you started me on this and I can't even read the whole thing but I got to because it's really here there's just so much in the gospel it is funny because I go I've read enough cool 20 minutes later I'm thinking hey we got to read the sentence again it's not distracting or you get distracted it's not a rabbit trail rabbit trails are distracting this is just God's Spirit is covering ground man the love of Christ is about the fourth time I'm reading it the love of Christ compels us because we judge this that if one died all died and he died for who for all watch this that's all you can't say this gospel doesn't work for me well that's for you well you're just different though there cop-outs their justifications for the flesh their deception their human expressions of weakness that are justified by natural wisdom a line of facts that you assess and come to an assessment that's not producing life that's called deception come on did you get that you get tricked into an assessment of patterning of an assessment a line of thinking that when you're done your outcome is in producing life that's called deception and you can put that in Webster's it would be all set it's deception believing something you're not believing something that's not true because you're lying of thinking empowers it look he died once for who for all I was in the church last week and I got really strong for a while on suicide and it really hit me hard and I got really talking around I said you'd be amazed it was about five hundred people or so there I said you'd be amazed how many people are sitting here and those thoughts come to you in a very rational way out of the blue and I'm saying I know it to be true people were coming up weep and I had no less than five people immediately tell me that was them on a regular base and then the next day several more told me the same thing see what happens is these things come and there's their strategies their demonic strategies and they try to infringe on the value and destiny and purpose of your life and they try to take natural facts and wrong belief and lack of understanding and attach itself in a way that you assess it and the thing sounds rational to where all the sudden suicide actually sounds feasible it sounds like an option let me tell you why it's the most deceived thing a man can do on the planet I believe it because it brings your life to an end why is it the top of the list in my opinion you get deceived into believing it's all right to take something that's not even yours you say well it's my life it never was friend it's a it's an absolute expression of total deception in the fall of man it's man thinking for himself it's not your life abortion saying quote it's my life I'll do with all I have it's my choice it never was your life it's his life in you look what he paid for is in your life he paid for his life in you he paid sin evicted him from his home he took care of the problem so he could move back in yeah is take the lie out and move back in home again ah home sweet home yes so suicide is the biggest lie because men get deceived women get deceived youngsters get deceived into taking something that's not even theirs I've learned this that a teenager will commit suicide 14 15 years old and their closest pair of circle of friends start getting the same exact impressions within days the same exact temptations feelings it's amazing it's demonic strategies Satan's like a roaming line a warning line I mean roaming around seeking whom he may devour he's subtle sneaking aggressive trying to get you freaked out by Satan is a cut-off withering branch coming to nothing but you don't give in place and you're not unaware of his divine he's looking for weakness he's looking for vulnerability he loves when you say I just can't take it anymore he says well there's a landing strip for more a mom says something about I just love my children so much I would just die if anything would ever happen in my life would be over that's idolatry that's not a mother's love it's idolatry but you saying your kids matter more than your eternal purpose it's okay to talk about these things if you're getting mad at me you better look at idolatry I'm just telling you I'm not being mean I understand love and understand try I understand that if something like that happens we got to walk through and hold onto heavy grace but you don't set yourself up for trouble and give yourself away and he's roaming like a Roy lion seeking whom he may devour he's looking for vulnerability he's looking for a limb in the herd he's looking for weakness in the flock he's looking for an easy target that he can sneak in and take down wrong believing wrong thinking self-centeredness is his number one search if you read the book of Job you find what the devil believes about all of us he doesn't believe any of us in this room actually loved God he believes we need God and we're good with God as long as he's meeting the needs but if the needs aren't met he says to God job's no different than any other man you've hedged him in you blessed him you've made him fat in the land you take away what you blessed him with and he will curse you to your face like any other man the devil said I ain't impressed with jokes character are you kidding me it's because you blessed him you've had him in you ministered to him on every side of his life this guy's the fattest man in the land circumstantially no wonder he praises you and blesses you but you've been nothing but good circumstantially to this man this men ain't no different than anybody else I've been watching man from the beginning remember Eve ha ha remember Adam that's our again he is and he's not impressed with our church stuff he's impressed when you love not your own life unto death there's people that make this technical and just serve doctrine they can bet it's the plight of the Lamb and the word of our testimony and you love not your own life on the death you confess the blood all you want in the word of the testimony all you want but if you love your own life those two aren't moving in power the power hinges to love and not your own life not a safety net the finished work of Christ yeah he's roaming around seeking whom he may devour I'm not trying to get you devil Constance says I keep I preached it for years as to things I never think about I don't think about sin or the devil I don't at all I really don't know I'm freaks and things are coming to mind why because there's little vices little tricks little snares people out of the mouth getting snare also neat the fruit of their lips God's will in life and you're speaking death God saying I love you and you're putting yourself down carefully don't put yourself down to get attention from men that's a that's a human device you put yourself down so people praise you that's a twisted accolade don't you serve in a church so people praise you that's how you get your feelings hurt when they don't praise you you can't get offended if your motives love you're not serving in the church to get accolade you're serving in the church for the sake of the kingdom and others and you're glad to serve nobody owes you a thing so you can't get offended in service but if you're serving to be recognized and notice you're risking offense and then people don't praise you like you feel you earned and now they call sister Sally up and saying accent cheap and amazing man for the last three months she's this and this and we just want to honor her we're thinking her this morning you're sit over there said three months for the last year I did it they never called me up that laughing dead giveaway you aren't walking in love you're gleaning from accolade through service and it's a sickness it's not helpful it's an emotional twist you find an identity through false praise it's no different than drug abuse and addiction so then you go the extra extra mile now you get the double servant of the Year award and now you never leave the church and everybody praises you and you're just so committed and you feed off of that instead of wearing the identity of son you wear the identity of I spend all my time in the church and people praise me for it and that's where you find your identity and that's what makes you tick so that's what you give your life to it's different than love and true servanthood you guys okay with that come on it'll protect us I hear leadership I've been in the meetings none I don't do good in those meetings I kind of I I kind of interrupt meetings sometimes I'm like whoa guys I hear what you're trying to say it sounds so psychological like you're saying make sure you make sure all your leaders are encouraged they're encouraged in the Lord you don't you don't just write them notes and say thanks for serving so they don't get bummed out if they have the potential being bummed out we ought to seal that up and heal that so that you're not the one that's making sure you keep them in Curly's like people say make sure you encourage your helpers which should come natural and it shouldn't be needed and only then is it healthy are you guys is this is this okay listen if I need you to thank me and I need you and I'm living off your thank you then it's not even cool when you thank me it's not your fault you're just being sincere maybe I need an adjustment I'm living off the thank you when I don't need to thank you and I don't even feel like I've sacrificed because I'm loving you and loving the king and we're living for the kingdom you think you can be healthy because I don't need it it's like wow awesome Wow okay and it's humbling are you guys with me but if I need to thank you and I'm not okay if I don't get it I need to relook at what motivates my life that's why there's a lot of hurt in the church we're doing things for ourselves in the name of the Lord there's a lot of letdown and failed expectation because there's a lot of unspoken expectation the gospel calls Joey to live trustworthy but it tells me to never put my trust in him what he's supposed to live trustworthy it tells me not to put my trust in then so if Joey lives outside of what I seem trustworthy and I don't fall apart get freaked out and let what happen stereotyped him in my mind and reflect on all men no sudden the leader failed now all fair all leaders are failures no sign you build false walls and defense mechanisms to protect your own hurting heart when you can live unoffending people say well I just keep a distance cuz I'm tired of getting hurt I'm like whoa you probably ought to look at that we say well God heals the brokenhearted our heart skip ropes through life brother no no God heals the brokenhearted so you can be a minister your whole life I can do this I'm telling you I can do this and we could have results watch but it's not results it's emotion I could say I'm telling you guys God loves you so much I realized some of you are in in in in proper situations you are under pressure some of your spouse's aren't on the same page as you some of your bosses don't understand your faith and you guys are constantly under pressure and I know after a while it tends to take a toll and sometimes your heart wants to be strong but it feels weak and overtaken by the life you have to face and right now God wants to restore your broken heart if you're feeling weary if you're feeling hurt and taken back I want you to come up here in God it's going to come and he's going to heal your broken hearts and I'm telling you people would come crying and powering up at this off and it's not the gospel we should be teaching people why they don't have to be broke instead of displaying it's normal and having a life set in ministry there always needed then you can always have an order call baby people are coming because everybody understand oh yeah Roma look exactly what my week was like and all the sudden you're more shook than you were before they talked you actually felt okay when you came in now your palms are sweating I think he's talking to me I better go for prayer and impartation we better be very careful when you hold the authority this in your stewarding the Pope we're not looking for a manifestation we're not saying just because 150 people came and knelt and cried that that was a move of God you've every care for they're not crying because their week was that way and now they're really thinking about how challenging their week was and their descrying because they're overwhelmed and you see yeah but that's why we have a nautical so God's peace comes in touches in that place yeah but if you don't change their truth in reality they were overwhelmed again next week so now we have an altar call and after a year we say we haven't had 52 moves of God probably not I might get in trouble for this one take it off the leadership they don't know what I'm about to say but I'm trusting it's alright because it's here no it makes sense to us we do this stuff we have great intentions I'm not I'm not putting down our intentions our intentions are great but we get all faced with the gospel and we don't realize we're catering to emotions constantly and we think it's ministry so we say some of you have never had the love of a father some of you have never had the blessing of others some of you have never had your daddy just hold you and say I love you and you just can't get past that guys you're promoting idolatry what you're saying is the finished work isn't enough that there's something you need in the natural to make you okay apart from the blood it's an emotional message so you line up a bunch of man and you say just come to one of these they're going to stand instead of your father and hug you and God is going to restore that missing father link and all that stuff we say so the people come up in there bawling like crazy and crying I've checked out you might be amazed that I'm bold about this because I'm not presumptuous because I interview people and I talk to people and find out what was really going on I was in a service a while back and I went over somebody was minister and I like I went over I said can you tell me why you're crying so hard and he said because I feel so condemned and I feel like there's no way back to God and the auto call was the total opposite and he's up there kneel and crying uncontrollably and everybody thinks wow he's getting wrecked you better be careful with this stuff you don't get a bunch of men to take the place of their dad because what you're saying is they can't be okay unless that gaps filled and that we need a natural man to hug and represent a dad so that unless I have the love of a father I can't be free in the love of a father it's absolute idolatry and most the people are crying up here because they're actually face to face and aware of the daddy deficit in their life so once again it's their focus it's in their face and they feel insecure or unloved you say so what's your answer go into bedroom and close or you don't need a man to take the place of your daddy because nobody can use called fake guys it's called believing God remember two seas of people once he believed the gospel the other believed life you get in your bedroom father I just thank you for the revelation of your love through your son man for years I just claimed on the fault that my dad wasn't there and he didn't love me and didn't want me it he even suggested adoption and I found that out when I was a teenager if it's even really true but I sure let it hurt me and affect me I internalized it and let it reflect on my value but man have you blown that out of the water man have mercy for my dad for where he is or isn't or whatever he's seen or not seeing but I know this you have valued me and you have loved me and you have sent your son to deliver me and rescue me and you have put identity in me and confidence in me and you have absolutely made me rock solid apart from my childhood uncle Johnny's wrong touch when I was three and all those things that tried to swallow me up you have snatched me out of darkness and translated me into the kingdom of the son of your life [Applause] you don't need deliverance that's deliberate he has delivered you from the power of darkness translated you in the kingdom of Sun is up it's time to believe that Christians by the score seek ministry for a manifestation of God's love they're going into says why can't I receive the love of God you can believe it Wow you really love me or you never sent your son that works for me yeah but I have never felt the love of God stop chasing feelings manifestations are a dime a dozen you're chasing feelings you're out about now you're getting a manifestation it's not even God you might be amazed because you're not even pursuing what God told you to fake the just shall live by faith yeah but I just want that touch no you want that knowing that knowing will introduce a touch at some level because the knowing is what you need because if you need to touch you'll need another time and another touch and now you're addicted to the touch and now you're in order called junkie and the only time you get close to God is in a corporate setting because when you're at home you don't believe the best about you and you're condemned in your veil but because you experience something at the order that's your lifeline and now you run back for another one and another one and another one and you lay on the floor and you shake and you cry and you get up and live in pain and hurt and offense and insecurity that is not the gospel you guys good I know I'm touching some stuff that's sensitive to people it's just here it's just here well we've got he paid us to be healthy I want you healthy I'm not saying this because you're not healthy I'm saying stay healthy in fact I've received nothing unhealthy around here like I've been here I'm impressed with the foundation here I'm impressed with the idea and understanding of what he accomplished and who you have all becoming there is a corporate sense of joy here that's undeniable and something feels really solid why wouldn't I talk like this to guard what he's building and keep it established and never let a little fox into the orchard yeah just protecting no it's good I just I just lent learn my heart went there of it okay actually you probably don't believe me by now but I'm going back to second Corinthians five this is this is this is powerful he died for who so I just freaks for twenty more minutes on suicide and the value he died for all here's here's something I don't know if we totally see I can't even get past that it's so much here what he died for who okay watch this how many of us be honest in your life has struggled with your value your identity your esteem and you felt pressured by people and life felt insecure like you had some to prove and B in the eyes of men to be acceptable that's a majority of people but he died for all watch you going to Walmart you got Price code bar checks price codes you got scanners why can you got shelves it's a super Walmart Supercenter man it's like it's like your sin as far as you see the last it's like product and there's so many different prices in there because there's so many different products and there's so many different values to so many different items but in the store of humanity you got one price tag hanging on every head why this is not an overstatement oh I want to jump down here this is not an overstatement this is not Christian hype there is no one in the earth to God worth laugh or worth more no one or the price would be different on heads thank right for every man same value no one is low no one is high let every mountain be brought and every Valley and the biggest laugh is insecurity and esteem in people starts at a very young age and you assess all the facts well my parents definitely seemed to love me my mom wanting to get rid of me oh she did disease drugs he just wanted to use drugs here time for me she just love drugs willing to love me and then that hurt and then that makes sense and then you find two more friends that understand your pain by the time you're 12 you are way out there and it's not even you it's a deleted deceived little girl that's believing lies that God knows has a great potential he already paid the price for her Redemption now she's sleeping with guys and she's 12 now she's pregnant at 15 now she's doing drugs at 18 now her kids are taken by the social services and we look and say what did you get them into society boys atheist living in the gutter cygnus that's a low life there's no such thing as a low life there's people deceived and not living up to their destiny [Applause] deception Jesus nailed it for me I'm following him I'm not following psychology I'm following him forgive them father they know not what they do so in all your getting get understanding so if we can get our eyes on truth walk in truth and get truth to men things can change if you judge books according to the cover you're going to make mistakes you're not even going to turn the page and read the book watch this watch this he died for who yeah that those who live should live no longer for who themselves this stuff is actually scriptural but for him who died for them and rose again therefore we now all from now on from now on we regard no one regard who according to what Wow why we judge something if one died we all died and if we live because he died and we no longer live for herself but him to died and therefore we never see man again for what they're doing producing failing to produce we see him for what they're called to their destiny purpose and potential just like he saw me I don't ever again read a book by the cover I don't see men for their flesh I see men for their destiny so you know how you love your enemies Joey God said I bet he has white hair read survive I bet God has white hair he said you know but this is you know you love your enemies Joey don't see them sighs oh what a profound revelation simple and profound it can only be gone simple but so profound just don't see in the sight there's a song worship leader saying dancing on the streets of injustice you know how you dance on the streets of injustice by not letting injustice produce injustice in you not repaying evil for evil but overcome evil with good toning down a harsh word with a kind word letting mercy triumphs over judgment letting love cover a multitude of sin i miss Cindy I just saw your face bless you honey good to see you sorry saw her face I said hi hi everybody I just saw your faces no I just looked in for you guys doing good and this was good to me there for you judge no man according to the that would be like hey you know Billy oh yeah I know Billy yeah he's the one that he's always needs attention I can't stand it again around and I just got Ian in another room you careful with that stuff just be careful with that that you don't judge any man according to the flesh teased and said don't you judge with outward appearance you judge with righteous judgment look anybody can look at somebody it doesn't have to look long to see what might need to change in their life it doesn't take a man of God to find what's wrong with people takes a man of God to look past that and find that there's potential and there's gold deep inside the ground but honestly if you look at mining and behind-the-scenes mining ain't nobody ever mined for treasure and dug deep for gold the dug deep for diamonds or pan for gold and didn't get dirty in the process you just don't let that defile you and you get on you snatch your brother out of that thing you got to see men for a deeper truth than what they're portraying and you got to know that every man is worth the blood there's people that are lost and they have no understanding you say well they're willful I get what you're trying to say but they need seed sown into them so something new can grow they need some ground filed up they need some water pouring yeah sometimes they just need to consider something look you could go up to a man on the street and you could say hey man you look like you're in a lot of pain yeah I mean a lot of blank and pain what is it to you well your nosy I don't know no man I care oh you care yeah you don't care oh I do care man I was hoping I could pray for you pray for me get away from me you religious kook I don't want nothing to do with God I mean believe in God you probably just want my money and want me to come to your church just get the blanket who knows somebody could talk to you like that it doesn't mean you're doing anything wrong it's just a reflection of where their heart is so don't you get taken back and don't you say ran I ain't stepping out anymore that's what people don't make this about you be more secure than that but when you got a request why you stepped out in the first place did you do it for you or did you do it for them well I just got hurt that's a good giveaway that you did it for you you were trying to qualify or something make yourself feel better about what you say you are don't get caught in that come on you're not losing anything except your heart goes out to him more and you just look at him and smile and don't get offended and take it back and we'll go back and debrief your approach I'll try to revise it so you get this holy spirit spooky method of just wrecking everybody that's what we think they despise Jesus guys they put him on a cross they called him cuckoo he didn't have to debrief his approach he's the son of God made flesh and he was the word living they hated him there's times they're going to be deceived enough to believe they hate you don't make that your truth and reality learn to distinguish what's happening and don't antagonize him and then quote scripture well they hated Jesus so they're a tree there's people out there trying to antagonize people they're holding up signs God hates you sinner they throw an egg out of Nixon yeah gospel I'm telling you it's crazy oh jesus help I'm in deep waters that's what I'm feeling listen the second person a week later walks up to that same man who looks grumpy and unapproachable wonder if we start living this way the first person if he's not careful he thinks he did something wrong he thinks he needs to brush up or pray more revises a pro sorry second person comes along okay sir I'm telling you if we all start living this way it might be later that day it might not be a week or month thank you second person walks up one of you same man in your town Amen you okay but the blank is it to you what do you why you asking me well man it looked like you were really hurting I was just hoping out to pray for you what in the you're the second person in HoN Ashley man get away from me what is this town coming to uni I don't believe okay I don't believe it up listen Rima I don't believe in your fantasy God man get out of my face leave me alone listen they're cool I just care there's a such thing as sincerity and I honestly feel like that yeah just get away man bless you good okay you sleep don't try to get the last jab in there just express yourself a little bit you know you can perceive grace I go far with people sometime and sometimes I don't go far at all sometimes have to really go far I'll be like are you kidding me do you honestly feel that way like you don't even know me you've been so touched by life you're good stereotyped me and throw me in the box the more man one of my motives pure there's a such thing as purity wonder if I really care about you wonder if I'm not a kook and I believe God can change your body or I wouldn't be foolish enough to ask the bride cause if I thought he wouldn't do nothing I'd be a fool to ask so maybe I believe he could and would will you say man you got nothing to lose with this far why don't you let me just pray I'll go that far with Google and a lot of times look oh what the heck man go ahead what do I need to do just stand that you [Applause] just slip in there real gentle do you like that you guys like that guys you like that like that so funny does we like that we want people to burn don't we I told the story one time how it's coming off a plane I came off a plane I had four people asked me to pray for them in the jet way before I could get out of the jet way it was kinda like coming to a service and people go up to say hey it's all I felt like obviously the service and everybody knew me like I was coming off the plane because I ministered to a lady and was talking and God showed up I couldn't get out of the plane I got down excuse me trembling yes ma'am I couldn't help it over here that was the Lord yeah really nice but went what's up but you have something to say you want to leave I'm hoping you could pray for me like okay and I tell people you know I just all that's oppressed sure honey house fire you know we like it it's not fun I had a lady in a Food Mart you know in a market like you said that farmer market out there we have one in doors 12 about 12,000 people go through there in a weekend so I just went in there and set up a booth the Lord had me go in there for two years every Saturday morning because it's not my life he told me to do it I said sure I just set up a booth and put a sign I wasn't allowed to solicit I couldn't pursue I couldn't shout out a word of knowledge they told me you can be here but you can't solicit the people they have to come to you I said okay you know it was cool seek and you'll find her all near he'll draw near if they came through the door they were done like it was a swing door like in a saloon on a cowboy movie they had a swing doors and if you came through the swing doors you were done the door cracked you from behind you were in there you were done I'm serious so I prayed for this lady with addiction and she went out in the floor of the market and she's on the ground and you think that's awesome that is not fun I'm like God know why because everybody has cell phones they think she's having a seizure they think it's a medical merges they're all calling 911 people call 9-1-1 and your biggest challenge is getting them to put away their phones and trust that she's okay the husband's fallen and she's laying on the floor and they're going oh no please she's okay I mean there's an interesting crowd I'm not huh I'm not being silly it was trouble I'm like God why do you do that don't do that please I'm asking humbly like I don't matter handle that so I'm in this place I don't even want you I don't need you to manifest I need to cancer to leave I need the pain to go I don't need you to shake and quake I've seen people shake and quake in the cancer still that I don't like that it does something to me that just bothers me out I want to cancer to go my goal is the cancer to go not for you to I've seen people in the tricks they say I'm just going to pray for you the annuity oh Jesus name and everyone and they say amen and the people like they okay what are the persons okay that's shaking do they need prayer are they having a seizure come on if that's God he's so on you you're going to rock the world you're not going to confuse them when you touch on if this is a distraction to the person you're praying for you probably ought to get a grip and say whoa I don't think it's about all that they're looking like you laid your hand on them and they're distended okay honey we'll thanks thanks sir Shabba hey good day have a good dad and then you got your three friends they're all sub on your star and they're walking away still sick on whatever we probably ought to relook at that one did I just do that with a camera that could be scary I'm not trying to hurt nobody I'm saying there's some things you got to relook at you know them by their fruit man come on I've been in supernatural schools where the kids feel compelled to manifest or they're not spiritual and I perceive it and talk about the leaders cry and say thanks for being aggressive we didn't know how to touch it because we don't want to interfere with somebody's real encounter come on you know if it's real you live with you don't you play stuff and all your heart and senses and teach yourself that this is what it is because it's so much more and when I've seen I've seen terminal cancer leave people's bodies and they didn't feel a thing there was a time in my life I got so tangible when I played for the sick and you couldn't even see my hands shaking but they felt like they were huge my hands felt heavy my arms would tingle vibrate my face would get numb my ribs and almost hurt sometimes it was so intense I would do and I got like a mad at you one day the Lord said Dan you're really leaning on those feelings that's just a grace to let you know I'm on you because I'm asking you to do things you've never done he said it's like a child learning to walk and a parent just patting their bottom encouraging their steps stop living for the manifestation of annoying and I'm like yeah okay because it's fun it's dead and I was finding that the more I felt him the bolder I was the less I thought he might try to stir it up I was starting to make the tangibility my fame instead of finished worm on one day I was driving in my car and I realized that I had prayed for a bunch of sick people two times in a row and they were perceiving things and they got touched by God and people got healed like I was seeing but I didn't feel the thing I'm driving to my car and I said Lord why done I've been killing you when I pray I don't feel you at all when I pray it got I'm not being silly when I would go to pray for the sick it would almost feel like I was it born again like he was gone and he did it on purpose to break me of that leaning on that thing and and I said Lord like I don't even feel like you're in the room when I go to pray for the sick right now what's going on he said dad you've been caught living by feeling so I love you I'm removing them but he said so you minister unlimited I called you to believe not feel me so he told me he said removing the feelings was open an odorous like a minister unlimited and just believe he is for any man that comes to God must first believe that he is that he's a rewarder of those who and it's impossible to please God without those manifestations are a simple grace to encourage you to step into things that he's actually do that you've never done this false it's the grace preachers are preaching wait on the anointing you're annoying it we're making the tangibility so if people don't feel something they won't feel qualified so they don't pray for the sick because they're waiting for the bus so because they're not feeling that they act like they do sometimes so they fit in and insecurity overwhelms them and they're living in an internal format because they're trying to be one of the group because their hearts are sincere and the teaching is actually taking them there because it's condemning them I'm just telling you I pastored and I've been around all this stuff I'm talking about and I've seen it it's not good so young people gather together and all of a sudden identify with manifestations so they all feel compelled no no you be with him and you believed and you say but I've never felt the love of God you believe the love of God and you get to know the love of God through his word and through Christ crucified I can't tell you how many hours I've sat on my bed at my life and just thought about him coming as a man and how he responded to people and how he never let them change him and how he's still changing man I just impresses me I just can't thinking like that and while I'm thinking like that I'll just lift my hands up and I'll just say thank you yes look he's just burning truth in my heart and I'm just sitting there just dwelling on the person of you yeah don't feel the thing my heart see all right now don't have to feel a thing so when you don't have to feel a thing guess what sometimes happens you're Phil laughing why when I preach one righteousness it happens to me all the time I don't talk about it much but I've talked about it because people see they go after those manifestations they're longing for that as a missing one right oh that would just happen to be once that would settle it for me no at one it would make you want it again if it's that important when I preach on righteousness and right standing with God God seeing us as his sons and sin free and spotless a field of expression and experience of human hands wrap around me and hug me from behind and it feels like a head laying in the middle of my back I didn't say that to wig you out or freak you out or make you think that some demonic thing to me it's always the person of holy spirits then I love you so much that's exactly how I see and he encourages me that when when I'm preaching it and you think settled down why are you so passionate why do you get you don't understand I actually believe the Living God is hugging me from behind cuddling me while I'm preaching to God at a boy you try to stay calm and then tell me how I should preach I had a guy say once you need to learn how to stand on an eight-and-a-half by 11 I said man I'm not in seminary come on stop that Jesus is wrapping around me and you want me to stand on eight-and-a-half by 11 not today friend tomorrow's dropping not going to work either and then there's times will come upon me and I've done a 45-minute hour thing in there just right is the Lord for the how to and the five steps and the way to effectively there's a guy came to me he said you probably don't even know that companies send their people that speak to groups of people to classes to teach them how to speak and hold attention and Duke but there's there's like there's a course on public speak and I said well now that you say it I mean I wouldn't surprise me of course I guess there would be but I've never fought about it since he I didn't think so he said it's amazing he said you standing up there doing everything they teach you could be an instructor if you knew what you were doing but you don't know what you're doing so you can instruct but they said you're doing everything that they teach you to do but I don't have a clue it's all innocent yeah I guess I'm for real man [Applause] okay let's do this quick I try to do this a lot lately I don't know why I've been doing it not going there and preaching it I turn there and then I go everywhere else kind of like I just did but that's true this quick because what time do we have - well 30 really know what time we come back - oh I just came in about 12 now give guys I'll get people time plenty of time okay yeah cuz man I feel like he turned back the Sun on me here I feel like I preached a lot in a long time what time did I start this is rare I feel this way I'm like not that I've run out of thing so don't think I'm second that I'm not ago I should have brought more notes Sheila brought my other notepad and I'm not against notes my pastor use his notes and he's a good preacher it's just God told me to minister the way I'm minister it's a grace on my life you know what he told me years ago he said I'm gonna put revelations of my love and righteousness in you and you're going to speak to many people and I'm just listening like he said however I don't ever want you to preach you buy read your Bible to preach the sermon don't ever read it to preach a sermon only read your Bible to know me and only ever speak out of Who I am in your life and that will modify that's what I do that's why I get up here and go Paul because I'm just preaching us like I'm not preaching a sermon like I didn't study all night thinking how am I going to cover two sessions a leadership luncheon and a question-and-answer Oh Lord - just read it - messy it's what you've become honestly you can only impart what you've become it only reproduces after its own kind so if all you're doing is preaching doctrine you might be just stimulating knowledge and throwing doctrine or if you're just Bible teaching be careful with that just Bible teaching because all of a sudden we think to know is to grow and because we can quote the scripture we'd become description I know people that quote all kinds of scriptures and they're hurt and they're mad and they're angry and they're just scary your goal is not to quote the Bible your goal is to become it okay I'm not against Bible reading programs and reading in a year but don't do it apart from relationship don't read your Bible don't even listen to YouTube or you see guys say you Big Joe gracious I listen to you all the time no that's great but make sure you have more vital time with him through what you're hearing me say so when something I'm saying grabs your heart shut it off man just shut throw me in a corner right like people say man you put me to sleep at night I'm thinking that doesn't sound complimentary let's turn on Dan so I can sleep look like but let me put you to sleep let's stop that you see oh man I got you on all the time you're in my car constantly well that's great I understand what you're trying to say but make sure you're being with him because the whole goal of what I'm preaching is to establish relationship so what here's what I'm saying so you're hearing a revelation that I'm speaking and God speaking through me or a scripture I share and it's touching your heart right so so you turn off to shut me off man who just mute me it's the only way you'll get me quiet mute but though actually I'm a very good listener I can listen I've learned that if you listen you can hear what's going on and you hear the heart of a person if you listen I'm very good listener but I have a lot to say which shut me off and say wow Lord you be driving in your car keep your eyes open maintain a healthy speed limit don't say I was so drunk in the Lord I was going 105 in the other Lane don't blame that on Jesus stop that that doesn't impress society who do believe I was do you on and I just came from cure okay your license please it's amazing the stuff I've seen people do I get so drunk in the spirit I've got three tickets in the last month I'm like stop stop just stop now we have designated church drivers oh Jesus help us I'm not sure what I'm doing stop the YouTube while Father it's amazing you see me that way then you know when I heard Dan say that it just touched my heart I know that you you really do love me that way your love is that real man that changes me thanks that I can put my total trust in you then you know how am i trust i felt it broke and hurt and bothered by others things I prayed and fight over then I had my eyes in the wrong place the whole time I have never feel more secure felt more secure and realized a more healthy identity and I having you you're realigning my emotions my feelings I just feel like this is the most sup keep your eyes open that's right we're driving you I have never felt so solid in my whole life Bob thank you but what you go to me and you commune with him you flip it back on preach it wow that's amazing oh that's so true man I used to fight that no more that's exactly how it in commune talk to God develop relationship through the truth and let the truth make you free why prison continuing not just listening to it you're engaging with him and he is the truth you know I say to people what would what would what would we look like if we'd stop asking for prayer for so many things that are actually truth issues listen don't get me wrong prayer so important in so many ways there's false it's the prayer manner of prayer and prayer is important and pray with all manner of Prayer pray without ceasing pray fervent in prayer I get prayer prayer for the nation prayer for leaders protection over families I get all that but we're ministry mine and somehow we got the idea that ministry makes me free when it's truth that makes me free and we've been reduced to thinking we need prayer for every bump bruised feeling and emotion that doesn't feel good we should pray for me I'm just I don't know what's wrong I'm just going through a lot of I don't know I just feel insecure I need you to pray for me then all you're saying is I'm speaking to feel different than insecure but there's a reason you're enabled to feel insecure it's attached to your belief system you can wake up in the morning and just relate to two weeks ago and go oh man this is exactly how it was when I woke up last week or two weeks ago and what day was bad man just feels like it's going to be one of those days I know what I'll do man I'm going to call Joey he rocks Joey or pray meets we do when that guy prays I just feel bad man Joey hey man what's up listen man it just feels like it's going to be wearing them days I don't know what's going on but I just need grace we do just pray for me the Joey's not Charlotte so y'all sure man father I just thank you Joey you're the best man thanks for being there always do then you go go to work with the capacity to wake up again one of those days next thing you know you need prayed through what about your communion in relationship Joey's not careful we'll start finding his identity and the fact that you need him and he rocks what about waking up in the morning man Lord I'll tell you I'm not going to try to make nothing up right now but I feel like I could stay in bed another hour and a half I don't even wanna get up and go to work but the truth is your grace is greater and me the truth is you give me a sphere of influence you give me a job the truth is you're just greater than what's going on in my feelings right now god I just thank you for the armor of life and I just thank you next thing you know you're stirred next thing you know truth next thing you know your spirit man yeah yeah next thing you know you're like I'm amazing in god I'm really ready to roll God can change your perspective come on that's like waking up in the morning beeping pinging faint beep anything Oh [Music] nine minutes later Mimi oh Lord I don't feel like yet enough I don't want to get up you know I gotta go too I need your grace God you sit on it if I don't get you grace I don't know what I'm gonna do God Lord and I don't know but if you don't change that ball soon I mean how long am I supposed to put up with him because he still get it and like I'm trying to be a good employee you know he is hard on me all the time just asking would you just give him but you just get him off my back like and if you if you don't change him just let them pull my application over there and that because I'd love to go to that call me I would and all I want to talk to you about the car I don't know when that car gets in the intersection it feels like it's stuttering and I don't know I just need you to touch the car but Melling okay well I just need your grace Scott if I'm going to get through today because I don't even feel like going to work but please give me grace I'm trusting you that's not prayer that's delusion it's self focused self-centered misunderstanding Spiritualized because you're using scripture say in his name or something are we okay you call in bed at night here's one we do the day is so challenging who's ever had a really challenging day and then you get home and if you're not careful you don't thank him at the end of the day for faithfulness and a sure established relationship and keep a right perspective so all the sudden you crawl into bed in your beds your savior you made it to it and it's like the only time you said God today was when you jumped in bed Oh God he's making love to your pillow so and in the morning you don't want to get up and we call it depression sometimes I understand depression is a lot of the things to don't get mad if enough you mean you know you can't face what you barely survived and you never wrap faith around your life so now you can't get out of bed and go back into it almost destroyed you it's not depression you guys with me so you don't crawl into your bed as if it's your Savior and you survived and you made it through the day there's just a truth to this stuff guys that's why I'm turning you to Colossians 3 and I'm going to close with this I'm going to teach you something here hopefully I think this will teach you I got my Bible so colored it laser I can't I got it the glare so I got killed it like this the glare gets off and I can that's why I was having trouble reading early I'm still here I'm like man I got my Bible I see my Bibles all its Purdy all them colors mean something to me they're all conditions for promises and Commandments when you see orange that's a promise when you see purple that's something I walk in that releases that this is cool there's conditions to promise it his loves not conditional but there's conditions to promises watch children there's a child here listening first commandment with a promise honor your mother and father it'll be well with you in life will be long it'll be well with your life will be long what's the condition to that first promise on our mother and father it'll be well with you life will be long so if you don't honor mother and father what might not be well with you life might not be long is that the sovereign will and choice to God where's that reaping and sowing Wow I don't know why God let that happen I don't know why and it's hard for us to talk about this kind of stuff are you amazing or what that's about the most thoughtful thing that's ridiculous that's good stuff - that's really good I don't even know why I'm preaching you guys are like amazing no I know I'm teasing but you are amazing hahaha that was just as thoughtful as they come right there let's go to Colossians 3 because I was touched by that PJ thank you have I met Ulyanovsk a PJ or JP PJ see I have an owning Wang I wanna make sure I have the initials in the right order I just don't know if that was too intimate too quick PJ Colossians 3 are you there you guys have a Bible if you have a Bible jump there if you don't just listen it'll make sense a little word if in the beginning of the chapter is a little Greek word actually means since Paul's not questioning your salvation throwing into works and if you're really raised with Christ then you need to do this what are you saying is since you're raised with Christ since you're raised with Christ seek those things which are above where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God do you know how we use the lord's prayer for healing and it stirs faith and I'm not saying it's wrong it's actually a neat tool to stir faith we say your will be done on earth as it is in heaven so we say no cancer in heaven so no cancer on earth that gives us a precedence of pray against cancer because there's no cancer in heaven no cancer no scriptural and we pray but here's what we tend to do we always make the Lord's Prayer what we call it the Lord's Prayer we always make that about the power of God and we always use it to spring off of sickness and verify the will of God concerning sickness but wonder if it has as much to do or more to do with the heart of God your will be done on earth as in heaven there's no animosity in heaven there's no rightness comparison pride there's no self-centeredness there's no power play manipulation spouses given silent treatments guys it is possible today in our today's church to sing the most amazing songs wave a banner and actually feel close to God in that moment and go home get offended by your spouse and give them a two-hour silent treatment and manip and control them with your body level and make it all about you and your displeasure and all you're doing is revealing you really don't know Jesus like we just sang because he doesn't do that it's a learned behavior by living apart from him it's a self-centered mechanism a silent treatment I think communication is a lot better communication without passion and hurting offense because as soon as you communicate with passion you shut down people what I mean is offense passion I'm not talking about passion I'm talking about hurt offense frustration displeasure or you really hurt me how come every time you always have to and there's tone in your voice come on it's not cool don't even allow yourself to live that way and say that it's acceptable you be the steward of your own life don't make somebody else have to tell you you say you know what why would I do that your will be done on earth as it was now that you're raised with Christ seek the things which are not the why isn't that motives perspectives and reasons for being why isn't that the why behind your life it can be can it are you guys good you got real quiet on me guys okay okay set your mind verse two see it's the example I just gave you why is he telling you to set your mind because in a flash you can revert back to an old way of Sun and you let something rub you wrong touch you wrong now here's the thing you got to make sure you do if that happens don't believe you're failing and judge yourself as a failure don't get condemned realize it and as soon as you realize that go wow man god I was just going into former ways I I just so thank you for the truth that's working effectively in my life then there was a time my spouse would have said that and I would have never recovered it would have been maybe two days I don't know but then I started to slip into that old expression and I realized man I am NOT threatened by that that's just an expression of where they are right now and how they're thinking and I don't need to let that change who you are and meet god you're really doing a work in my life thank you for fathering me that would make it amazing because then you're never going to fuel a fire you're always going to overcome evil with good I've done countless counseling with spouses and realized they're few on each other's fires they're dis retaliate each other's fires it says he said she said tit for tat and they're actually fueling fires thinking thinking their language is putting it out well honey you know Jesus would never do that and you know I don't know why and the next thing you think you're preaching that up in their life they're not in the position for that they actually need to grow in some things so you're just actually fueling a fire it'd be like telling somebody that you don't agree with their lifestyle that God hates them and then they get mad at you and you say see they hated him they're hating me and you're actually antagonizing their emotion set your mind what on things above not the things of the earth why what see you did not prepare to go to heaven I'm telling you the Bible teaches you did not prepare to go to heaven heaven came into you you died to who you were so who he is could reign you gave your life he gave you life we preach it if you die tonight don't know where he go and pray this prayer we make it all about going to heaven he wants heaven into you you could pray the prayer to go to heaven come out of the woman on the bar with a woman on your arm that's not your wife and say hey I'm cool I prayed the prayer you can pray the prayer and get your name in the book and go to work and still be angry with your boss and not even realize that you're called to love our goal is not getting people to pray the prayer to qualify for heaven our goal is get them transformed by having coming into them through them dying so they can live because if you don't die you'll never live unless he dies and falls to the ground it abides alone do you hear the lonely place of selfishness alone yeah look at your life as a canvas just a big canvas it's a white canvas it's a blank canvas meaning a blank canvas you make it any color you want but it's blank canvas you just draw these mountain horizons of mountains on that canvas and you can put one little tree on the side of a mountain that's you the canvas is your sphere of influence and in the term of your life it's called a gift God gave you a blank canvas called your life he makes you a tree in the picture say it's an oak tree what's an oak tree produce what are you saying California a cleanser eight coins oh you say it right good there's people down south I've been working on them there's this acreage they say pecans they got me saying pecans because that feels right because I grew up saying pecans and when I said P kids that look like they were gonna cast the devil out of me they're like what kind of hot pecan pie pecan pecan your Bacon's you grown everyone their pecans on the gold come out it's just funny you just don't have to travel for and we say things different really different yeah so uh you got this three it's you you got this blank canvas to your life in this the father's well pleased that you very much and that your fruit remain in that amazing so wonder if you were an egg corn and you never thought about producing fruit you never thought about what that meant and what we're really here for so the oak tree is here to make more oak trees after its own kind and reproduce its life but unless you die and fall the ground you abide alone your whole life goes by and you don't put anything into the ground no sewing no watering no increase so at the end of your life your blank canvas is still a canvas and there's still an oak tree and it's still you and you lived your life you didn't reproduce according to what you were called to you start bearing fruit on that tree and the med corn start falling to the ground and every fall the ground is just covered with egg corns and all of a sudden you're bearing fruit in your season also in the Blue Jays swings by whoa leghorns they finally produce some food they drop one bearing around somehow chipmunks squirrels show up whatever next thing you know what fell off of your life is planted everywhere and now you got trees coming up everywhere after its own kind the next fall all those trees have the same kind of fruit on them or the seat next thing you know by the end of your life you can't even see the canvas it's just one forest why because one tree for seed it fell to the ground are you following me it's just ridiculously awesome you take one grain of corn and put it in the ground and if it's filled corn food corn for cattle and stuff to ears that might be sweet corn who's a farmer who's a farmer now I think it's still corn two ears sweet corn one ear you take one full ear of corn and start plucking that thing and peel it off with your thumb when I was a kid I thought that was fun and you put that all in a bowl that came from one see that one ball you take that bowl and start putting them in the ground in one year and look what you got from one see that's Kingdom you got to think like that that's your life that's the potential of your life how do you measure the multiplication of God when you plant a seed in faith in the hand of God how do you even determine what that can multiply into it's immeasurable so that's lived this way okay is this not my whole point on this I'm going to stop early for you guys I'm gonna stop at 12 that's my goal so hang in there if you can we'll stop at 12 you have almost two hours to go hang out fellowship lunch whatever set your mind the reason you set your mind you once you to stay focused keep your eyes fixed on why you're here why didn't you understand why you're Christian right understand your goal and your purpose in life the potential what do you lay to hold of you for it's just set your mind on things above Kingdom minded not getting distracted he writes to Timothy very militant endure hardship is a good soldier and now you've been enlisted don't entangle yourself in the affairs of this life don't get caught up in soap opera of life you're in the kingdom and the kingdoms in you now watch this for you what you die see it's amazing you did not prepare to go to heaven you died and your life is hidden with Christ in God and when Christ who is your life or our life appears then you will appear with him in glory it's pretty powerful this is more than a Christian confession see there's a parallel to not getting this in all sudden we have church attendance ministry fall system fall sets of ministry decide Christianity and all sudden what makes this Christian is that we're up a room or were whatever and also what makes this Christian is that we go to church or do church right and all sudden you can let what you do in his name take the place of knowing him and becoming like him it just happens guys you can take your children to church without even realizing this this is not condemnation this is just a catch net safety don't you get condemned by this be inspired by this you can get tricked into taking your kids Church because my kids are grown up in church so you take your kids to church but fail to Purdue pursue Christlikeness in your life and without realizing it inadvertently your teaching your children that Christianity's church attendance instead of Christlikeness and that has an ill effect on children because by a young age i don't want to go is boring and they're not understanding it's a life we live not a service we attend oh I'm going to I got to do this and if it's the service we attended not a life we live then it can create resentment because it's not even real it's a good way to promote religion without even knowing it he's taking your kids to church and not pursuing Christ like this you see well then I feel pressure by that man I'm not perfect well I'm not even talk about perfect I'm talking about purity there's a time you cross the line there's a time weakness and you're convicted you realize there's time you might snap on your child while you're growing in this thing and you go and sit them down and add and get a hold of your heart and say listen and you weak and you teach you humility and repentance and show them what it looks like to take accountability and be responsible for your actions and teach good quality so that they see it in you and admire you and aren't aware of your weakness they're aware of how you care and you're sincere and you're pursuing truth change and all of a sudden there's something about your life that you think is weak that's actually inspiring them into something good yeah rather than where you won't have to understand I'm your parent you just need to understand Jews need to do it my dad used to say don't do as I do do as I say I'm your dad that's a great way to train up a child don't do what I do do what I say I'm your dad listen yeah but Dad you don't even get rise off of what I do I'm talking to you boy you respect me don't do as I do do as I say probably not the best parenting tool okay so we're going to die we're going to live our life in Christ when he appears we're going to appear with him while because their life's in him sound good verse five therefore because this is true in light of this truth put to death notice here he didn't say balance get control of he's saying kill life as you know it in the flesh kill it put it to death the first thing on the list I won't go too deep with this I'll just get you thinking a little bit probably the first thing on the list every time Ephesians Thessalonians Corinthians the first thing on the list is sexuality all the time it's the number one thing on the list every time that he tells you to put off a list that sexuality is the first one on the list why because it's been so misconstrued so exploited it's so sensually driven that it's gripped up in one way or the other almost all of us in some fashion almost all of us not ever thought but it's been a stronghold sexuality very aware of it needs drives desires fornication just the need to be with somebody express any sexual function and activity outside of covenant Union and marriage is fornication it's not well but we didn't go all the way yes you did you fueled a furnace that's unholy fire your it says like watch this okay watch this first Corinthians 7 says it's not good for a man to touch a woman I didn't just violate and thin that's against the scriptures it means with desire it means with passion with intense you tell me oh god are we are you serious you tell me how to people that aren't married yeah such thinking maybe I'll just roll over and get knocked out we'll just stop some of this stuff drives me it's like are you serious I've really believed this is God so my life's not my own let's just go there oh don't write me okay just pray about all this you tell me you feel it yet and you tell me how to people that aren't married have no covenant having surrendered and given their life can lay and kiss on the lips and rub each other's backs and hold each other tight and not have desire that's why you're kissing oh there ain't nothing wrong with kissing stop arguing with me and justifying your flesh and keeping that furnace raging and just listen long enough to understand come on you tell me how you can lay behind a girl that you really really believe you like and you say you love and you're spooning on the couch watching a movie and her hair is all up in your face and knows you own it man you like oh and you even talking Jesus she leans up to talk to you and her face is right there man yes you tell me how you can do that and not exchange desire or Kindle something apart from covenant the wedding ceremonies we do come from culture and tradition a lot of the Jewish heritage so the daddy walks the bride down the aisle and he's been under his covering she's been under the authority of her Hong or daddy in front of witnesses and God he takes her veil and he uncovers his daughter he rolls it back and presents his daughter unveiled to the man she's about to join his pal if you understand if it's just wedding tradition its Barbie and Ken oh isn't her just awesome the priest pastor the whoever he is that sword Ain hopefully does a spiritual ceremony and joins them in covenant understanding of love and communion Union and boom and they exchange vows that's when Holy Spirit comes and makes them one when they give their life and themselves to one another in thousand promises Holy Spirit makes him one not when the priest says I now pronounce you man and wife I'm telling your Holy Spirit comes and makes them one when they give their lives in front of witnesses and God to one another the wedding party do you know why they're there traditionally not to look good on pictures not all know I only have three you have four we got to find somebody the pictures really stupid hey I know I just met you yesterday could you come to my wedding I'll get your tux man we just need for their witnesses their witnesses they witness a union of Covenant and vows and exchange of promise and they're there before God witnessing saying we're here to do our part to see that this union is everything it was proclaimed to be and we're going to do everything in our power to assure that the witnesses they're witnessing a union before God and men the minister says I now pronounce you man and wife whoo everybody's removed everything Oh kiss her and he's you may now what's he implying she hasn't yet she's been covered until today and we live in a society where the moms are saying to their 16 15 year old did it get you did you guys kiss we were trained in a sensual world that has caused us a lot of pain and we have ride the wave of emotion again and again to where some people have gotten so disheartened it is even worth going on some people's heart get hard some people actually say and I know this will create a little bit of a stir but I just don't think I like guys anymore I don't think I like girls anymore there's all kinds of stuff out there most of it revolves around sensuality and experiences and we're always being driven to meet something inside of us and fulfill something that only could end so guess what he says about fornication passion and desire put it to death we've studied a fallen man and we think it's us jesus said follow me there's a new man created in His image created in newness or to put off you'll see that's out of the old and put on the new here's what's wrong with the former sexuality it's self-serving it's all about me and how I feel and what I received always a lot of guys hiding we know I care about her man I want to satisfy ya and if it's been three days you're letting her now oh honey the wives don't empower play what I'm saying and say get off of me it's only three days damn you don't think you've heard what Dan said and then then start hating me for the gospel so I don't talk about a lot of this stuff in a public room like I want to cuz the Lord told me a long time ago that I can and the only time I ever talked to openly in a group setting was the Kingdom living school in 2010 a little pilot school 50 people in the room I went full-blown uncensored detailed what I see is truth and I refused every buddy their cell phone recordings we shut off everything it's not recorded on purpose and I said God why can I teach this when I first got on to all this and started experiencing for myself why can't I teach it he said because we're the heart of my people are it'll do more harm than good and people will hold each other to the message instead of become it what he told me and in the school after 10 weeks he let me go full-blown and shut off all recordings and I said God why could I be that open in that room with married couples there and people there why did you let me uncensored go BAM the way I see it he said because in 10 weeks their hearts have been so changed by the truth and identity and me he said it was a safe time to impart these things nobody will use it against one nobody will hurt each other with it they'll become it I've conditioned their hearts for 10 weeks and there was a time for this message tool and you can say I want you to talk more about what sexuality looks like once you talk I can't do it in this setting as a wife might be feeling pressed by her husband she might be feeling a little obligatory in her sexual function with her husband and then and then she might take what I'm saying to firm her stand and actually abstain from her husband and say well you need to love me more you need to stop making it all about that you need to just grow up and go you need to stop make it about you make me feel this in this and then he's like man but I we used to get his book now they have a fight because of the message instead of a revelation so be careful ladies be careful men don't take what people say about the gospel to allow you to stand in a way that's causing animosity you allow it to change you into what he wants yeah are you following me I hope that came out clear put to death or there's folks out there that teach God made us this way know we became this way you don't control your sex drive you kill it as you know it so it doesn't function from a self-centered foundation and that it actually comes alive in a covenant love when you're ready to enter into that covenant play come on did Jesus come as a man did he say follow me did he say the things I do you'll do if you believe did he say as I am so are you in the world it's a picture in masturbating could you picture less than over Mary could you picture I'm saying God you know why'd you forbid me a wife man we think it's a supernatural thing where God's just going food I think is a revelation see yeah but Paul said not everybody can do this now River well then at least get married let's stop messing around so if you're going to buy into Paul's writing and say yeah but you know Paul said another grad this gift well then why don't you stop messing around and fuel in a fire getting a batting average to try and 8a homers don't you give yourself to someone that once give themself to you and why don't you start a covenant up and grow in God in that covenant guys as a pastor I've seen this thing hurt us so much I've seen young people in the church sleep around with other people in the church that for a while creates a mess I can count on one hand the people I know that have kept their relationship pure in the sight of God to the day of wedding and I'm saved 22 years in our passion count on one hand and I could cut a couple fingers off that's a problem that means we have a weakness that means we're driven by feelings and sensuality we're needing experiences and we've been trained by sensuality in the world and he tells us to put it off to death this isn't my sermon he says kill it it's not that sexuality is wrong it's not that intimacy is wrong it's not the intercourse is wrong are you kidding me there's no reproduction apart from intimacy but man let's let it be love and let's learn what Jesus created us for and let's find the pot of gold underneath all the counterfeit and the exploitation let's dig down through all that and find the treasure that the devil is so intent on hiding from us you name a topic in the earth that's a close second to what we're talking about a close second you name one topic that's a close second the sensuality and sexuality every commercial every ad they always have to have the dress blown by the fan and just enough leg that you see it there's it's it's in everything everywhere you name one thing that's exploited more than that topic in your life on the earth that even comes close to second nobody can answer because there is none why you don't counterfeit $1 bills you counterfeit things of great value there is a pot of gold and a truth at the bottom of this thing that is worth digging for people and putting off life as you've known it in that arena coming together if you're married as husband and wife and asking Jesus for the true and real revelation so that you come together and truly love one another in a holy place where his presence attends it and you guys actually love one another where an orgasm isn't your goal but love is your goal yeah you might be amazed what you bump into and how Holy Spirit will respond if you're willing to dig for the goal and put to death as you known it I hope that fallout did though that's what that drives supposed to do fall to the ground and die man put it to death I heard once Kenneth Hagin was preaching and he walked off the thing and turned and went back on that would be cool ah it was just be true I did have this experience in a home group let's pray over this precious girl she was broken she was young she didn't have any understanding we were being very compassionate I'm giving her truth she's sobbing and bawling and I got a word for her and I'm they're praying over her and it was summer and it's hot and he didn't have air condition but they had a ceiling fan that thing is just blowing on us and everybody's praying it's a serious moment I'm standing there this guy the owner of the house was standing and I'm friend his wife and I laid hands on her and said father I just thank you and I had my hands through the fan the fans just couldn't he goes he just starts freaking out he just starts crying and I put my hand down and another person saw it and they're like they're freaking out they didn't know what to do they're like just what's going on you you and your hand the whole way through the back that's what was innocent I wasn't tempted God and I have no IDE are you sure it was up this far into the fan when your family's at food and he never touched not even know my aunt was sweet cookie but he was loving that girl he said old Dan you didn't even see the fan I'll take care of it he's not cool I like that you could just be awesome to just ah live all right let me get done I'm good ah ah Chapter 12 top therefore put to death put to death put to death this list guys it's all idolatry that's making something matter more that doesn't matter most he's calling it idolatry well because of these things the wrath of God is coming upon the sons of disobedience that means those that continue to disobey in which you yourself see there's no pride in this there's no self-righteousness we don't see a man for the book by the cover right in what you all live this way once when you all walk this way live this way you yourselves all live this way at one point put off the list it's not you anymore do you hear how inclusive that is there's people to disagree disobey that's not you you called out of darkness into the light you once live this way so don't get arrogant and proud my grace has saved you and change you my truth has turned you around see them with compassion don't judge them but don't live that way that's what it's saying watch but now you yourselves you yourselves it's not an order call it's the application of truth you yourselves put off put off these things anger wrath malice blasphemy filthy language free mouth you yourselves feel how do I put off this list of sensual sexual costume desire fornication angle for Sigma how I put off this list without running the risk of getting into works and failing good question you put it off in prayer you put it off with understanding you get alone with God and understand what these scriptures are saying and go yeah this is never me from the beginning I've been trained in a lot God I was literally home-schooled in the wrong home I'm false teaching all around me the way that seems mad right to a man has been my teacher and right now you're my teacher and you're a good teacher you never made me for me you never made me for my own desire to fulfill my own urges and passions God you made me to laugh you made me be an out rating expression of light you made me live for your name and the sake of others and God you're changing me I put off the write the foundation to be an angry and frustrated and judgmental and proud just fornication and driven and sexually just motivated dog I want everything to be pure in my life and I surrender life as I've known it so I can step into who you are in the Christ the hope of glory God I put it off you do it in prayer guys you don't do it like your lip and trying harder and do it in prayer because you're saved by grace through so if you release faith in the truth grace comes to make truth your reality and all of a sudden you are what you are by the grace of God there's no boasting and then and he gets all the glory and you get changed okay what could you're a believer okay do you guys get this don't lie to one another why because you put off the old man and his deeds and you put on the so in prayer you put off the old man any man in Christ he's a new creation old things have passed away behold all things have become new all things somebody's talked about motive heart intent yeah watch this you're gonna put on the new man who's the new man renewed in knowledge according to the image of him who created him so what's the gospel a restoration back to his image it's right here what second Corinthians three said the holding is in the mirror the glory of the Lord being transformed into that same image from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord shoes [Music] people say what's your gift in the body I'm an image consultant get this back to the image see I never read that in the list of giftings it's here so watch this let me skip down you're going to put off the old man his deeds you do it in prayer watch this this is what my prayer life has looked like I don't play this way anymore it's my reality there's a time I really prayed this way it just got settled in the embrace poured into me and it's just my reality I just wake up this way I just see this way it's changed me the Gospels changed things but but but everyone's well I just thank God for things but I don't pray this way anymore but there was a season where this is the only way I really prayed I drew in my bedroom Wow father thank you on born again I have new life through you my life's not the same never again will stress and strife and anger and frustration rule my life and dominate my life and have a place in my life because I realized was never made for me I was made for your image and your glory in your love so god I just put off everything that was self-centered everything that was non-productive everything that pertained to me that gave men a right to make me less than you I call it all dad and God I just put on your loving-kindness your tender mercies patience God I am a tree ripe for the picking and I am planted in the field of God and even in the syrup I am a tree of righteousness the planting of the Lord and then can pick of me and eat and be satisfied you have changed my life forever I and fruitful God because of you thank you for my life what a gift life in Christ that's my prayer life yeah never again God with this I had a pastor molested you got to be careful praying that never again thing you're going to get condemned if you slip involved then how are you going to get I said listen man that is a high level of faith I'm believing it's possible I'm going after the goal I'm following Jesus not our experiences yeah but yeah but yeah but nothing we are going after God and I understand I'm not condemned it's not about failing it's about the privilege of becoming so if I want to walk through my day and stumble right what do I do run right back to God father I so thank you to the truth that's working in my life that shows me what that really is and that is so not who you are and me and Who I am in you and God you are doing a change in me and because of your grace I'm wiser sharper and smarter than ever before that is so not in my heart and I thank you it's being rooted out of my life Cobbs are amazing that's where we connect it in the same hiding from the Lord okay so I'm just a little late they wanted 12:30 I wanted 12 we're going in the middle with a car salesman thing you know 10 5 11 to 10 8 10 9 okay therefore therefore as the elect of God verse 12 holy and beloved watch put on it's a place of Prayer it's not a place the works place the prayer put off put on fasting is amazing time to do it go into a little season of fasting you kneel down put off you stand up put on and watch the grace come into your fast communion take the communion elements what a contact point of faith Wow their body this is what you showed me this is what you prove this is what you reveal man you gave your life and now I yield my life and father I just thank you that no longer I be driven by this that of this but I thank you that you were the very strength of my life the motivating force God your love is what moves me I appreciate you thank you for covenant man for the put off put on yeah that sure beats God I'm thanking you for your love I sure don't understand it I don't know how you put up with me and tolerate me and I know I never get it right but it's like you still keep loving me and forgiving me so thanks for here's to you that's not what that means okay put on what tender mercies kindness humility meekness long-suffering what's this bearing with one another forgiving one another what's this if anyone has a complaint against another call Chris or Joey or PJ and get it straight know if anyone has a complaint against another even as Christ what past tense already forgave you he expects that you're walking in the beauty and glory of being forgiven and that produces forgiveness in you so even as you have been forgiven forgive others in the Old Testament you had to forgive to be forgiven in this covenant you forgive because of the glory of forgiveness you've been forgiven show people that have a hard time with forgiveness revealed to me they've never tasted the joy of being forgiven they've never just realized that God has completely forgiven them and watched them clean because if you stand in the righteous judgment of God and wash clean and and know you're forgiven forgiveness becomes your heart and righteousness becomes your judgment yeah so it's never duty it's never legalistic it's never biting your lip trying to forgive that means you're not wonderful the gospel would take the grid away for unforgiveness and it wouldn't be well but it's hard I'm trying to forgive but it's hard now that's called I don't understand could you imagine God toying with this heart man I want to forgive them but man they're pushing me up well tell you yeah yeah I'll send my son I'll try it it's not like that you forgive because you've been forgiven do you think for a second God has lavished you with forgiveness so you can just enjoy being forgiven or so you can become the very thing you think he gives us mercy so we can obtain it or become it you be merciful for I immerse okay I'm doing I'm reading this I'm gonna pray over you guys we're gonna go to lunch because I won't shut up now we'll just every time I'm up here you guys are sincere and hungry and your knees your targets here at easy targets you guys are the best I'm not saying that lightly you guys are awesome God is doing something as a corporate whole in this room I can feel it man it's like talk when I mean that me spiritually I can serve it bearing with one another forgiving one another if you have a complaint against another even as Christ forgave you you also forgive but watch this but above all these things put on it's a place of Prayer how do you become love how do you teach on loving and then you leave and become it you have to want to remember if you don't want to you won't put it on you won't get alone with God and say your heart impresses me man people dog you they locked you they stopped you they hit you unjustly they lied about you behind the scenes there was people to lied about you to your face in front of Pilate Sanhedrin nothing chase you nothing got to you nothing made you different you're amazing your love never fails I so honor you you're so solid and so secure you're such a rock you're such a firm foundation man I want to be rooted in him yeah come on this is what it means you've put him on you put on live above all these things what do you put on put on love why it's the bond of perfection if I love I have no cause for stumbling in my brother actually first john 4 says if I love it's because I know God if I don't love I don't know God doesn't say you don't pastor lead a church or lead worship of serving a ministry doesn't say you don't recognize your need for savior and you're sincere about being forgiven says if I don't lie there's one reason I don't know him which means knowing him is transforming and this is eternal life that you might know the only true God and His Son Jesus Christ to me you get it father I pray for this house I thank you for the words I thank you God that you've sewn it into good solid soil I just thank you for fruit abounding that canvas illustration Lord I pray that every person here we begin to fill that canvas would freeze upon tree the god it would just work out in the kingdom the way it works the way you set it in order that fruitfulness would bring more fruitfulness and more fruitfulness and god I just pray sincerely he said I can have whatever I ask for leaving and I believe this in serious isn't I didn't qualify that for me of forgot I qualified that for you so you don't think that that Lord every person in this room would grow into a good tree in a fruitful tree that every person in this room in their end days would have a completely full canvas of oak trees covering their mouth and I thank you that once II would turn into a forest of fruitfulness I bless this house and I pray we run well and stay steadfast in the truth in Jesus name and then and then hey real quick before everyone takes off who you come on give them a hand I was amazing [Applause] awesome thank you Dan sorry I threw you off there in your message in the beginning I didn't mean to hey before you take off I just want how I have one request of the house we got to get Dan somewhere in like the next 12 minutes so he's going to be free after the 2 to 4:30 session and tonight so for right now could you just hold off like trying to ask him questions or ask for prayer because we just have to get them to somewhere with some pastors for a little bit to love on them okay other than that the door is going to be opening at 1:30 and our session starts at 2:00 there will be no worship for this next session simply because we're trying to compact session two to get a big session three tonight for a Q&A with an with a worship okay all right bless you guys have a good lunch
Channel: iloveupperroom
Views: 82,795
Rating: 4.8145695 out of 5
Keywords: upper, room;, canyon, hill;, iloveupperroom;, bakersfield;, california;, pastor, joseph, rountree;, City, Center;, room, bakersfield, music;, worship
Id: Up8jmgVL1Oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 36sec (8076 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2017
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