✅ Dan Mohler - Marriage Restoration

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this message is brought to you by dan Mohler archive comm the number one place to search over 2500 dan Mohler messages in growing now please enjoy this message he wants transformation in our lives like when you and I were born we were born into something that we weren't intended to be Jesus came to become that and hang on a tree so we could die with him and raise with him in the newness of life it's in Romans 6 it's very powerful so really in a nutshell what I preached last night is the whole goal of Christianity is becoming loved it's it's not to make heaven someday it's for heaven to come back inside of us so we can actually live in the spirit and and walk and live in the Spirit of God and a lot of people have never understood that and and and I've learned this he said about question and answers I thought you know what I know this in my own life there was things I heard in my life I heard because I heard it come from a certain source or certain people people I was submitted to you you can hear something in a lunchroom and hear two people talking and then you hear that conversation come up a month later and you don't know it to be true you just heard it the integra and you'll talk about it like you know it did you ever notice people do that and and people do that about the Lord a lot like we do we're notorious in the church for doing our Bible studies and a lot of times all we're doing is tossing doctrine around in belief systems and we're saying what we believe and what we don't believe but if the thing doesn't have the power to transform your life and empower you to walk in truth and change you from the inside your casting out of just another human opinion it's another thought pattern it's just another and I and I and I'm concerned at a lot of times that happens in our lives where we really don't seek a viable relationship with the Lord where we actually get to know him through his word through prayer and by His Holy Spirit we actually let our Bible quotation memorization and our Bible speaking take the place of our relationship and I hope I'm making sense you can let I'm good buddy you can let the church you attend take the place of knowing him and become the essence of your Christianity oh yeah I'm a Christian I go to church going to church isn't what makes you a Christian knowing him is what makes you Christian Christian is Christlikeness that's what it means here's what Jesus said in John 17:3 he said this is eternal life that you might know him the only true God and I think I don't know about where you grew up in this area but I think we miss what eternal life is and we make it a prayer we pray so we can go to heaven someday when we die that's what we make you turn alive that's that's not even the strong push of Scripture scripture isn't making sure you're safe and covered for the day you die Christianity is all about now that you're alive it's all about marking the hearts of men with who he is it's all about leaving a legacy and sowing seeds into people's lives are you following what I'm saying so Christianity is a whole different thing than I grew up to I was age 20 I didn't make the right choice I stopped going to church when I was around 20 because I figured I was old enough to make that decision it wasn't a good one I didn't have an understanding I didn't know what the gospel really meant all I ever heard my whole life was he died on a cross because you're a sinner and you better receive him because he's coming back someday and you better be ready that was Christianity I was still the same man I had the same anger same frustration same opinion same pride same argument of heart same selfish self-centered thing are you following me so nothing about the message empowered my life to change it just told me to believe something to receive something called everlasting life and I'm honestly I'm concerned and I'm on this topic this morning so I'm just going to stay where I'm at I'm concerned that that sometimes where we start and where we stop there's just all about believing on him to be covered for the day we die but we don't realize our whole life is about between those two markers your whole life is about what you're doing in him every day about how you respond to people the message you send through your life it's all about the life you're living not the thing you're believing what you actually believe will ultimately be the life you're living in other words you'll know somebody and what they really believe by how they're living their life you can tell what a man really sees in his heart by the way he conducts his life are you following me I think we think sometimes we don't really meditate on this so we think sometimes without really thinking about it we're just gonna stand before the Lord some day and answer a questionnaire or something you know what you do with your life to do this and this and this how many people did you tell about me it's so it's so works oriented it's so non personal it's it's never be like that at all there's no questionnaire like your life lived reveals where you placed your heart and it reveals what you believed or what you saw what you didn't see it's your life live that reveals the words of man speaks it says your heart is going to come out of your mouth out of the abundance of your heart your mouth will speak I've watched people talk about scripture a lot in my life and they're full of animosity they get ticked off quick they get contentious they they want to argue theological truth it's like the last place I'll ever care about with you I am NOT going there with you like the last thing in my art is to sit and argue over scripture it's actually a dead giveaway that we really don't know the Lord we're just arguing about facts like he's not like that at all I've learned that the Lord is not like that at all like he's very approachable I can go to him in prayer Hebrew says with an unveiled face I can come boldly and approach him not arrogantly boldly confidently because I know he loves me through the death of his son a lot of people don't understand how personal he wants to be and how intimate he wants to be he says if eternal life is knowing him then knowing him must be the point not knowing about him there's a difference between knowing about the Lord reading your whole Bible and quoting it and knowing all the scriptures and finishing them before the preacher you can do that not even no the Lord and you can let your Bible knowledge take the place of knowing him and all sudden you live your whole life with the knowledge of the Lord without a revelation of the Lord coming through your life are you following me listen listen listen what's your name what is it Tobias I just found out his name we don't know each other at all I could be a neighbor too Tobias I could live down the street and see him ride his bike I could see him running around with some youngsters I might meet his mom and dad and I might learn about him a little I might get some facts on him and and after time I might be able to say oh yeah Tobias I know him and I might tell you two or three facts I've learned along the way but until I hang out with him so we maybe just go fish together or we sit in a little restaurant get some breakfast so we take a ride and hike in the mountains and we talk in exchange and I look in his eyes and I can't tell you I know him I know of him I know some details you know how quick that happens with the Lord you go to church you grow up with all these Bible stories you sit in Sunday school and all of a sudden you're talking all about the Lord but until you really get to know the Lord there's not really a transforming of your life you can get puffed up in knowledge but love edifies are you following me so I just feel real strong about this because I'm gonna take you somewhere right now the night when my life got turned around the very night my life got turned our I would have told you I was a Christian because I grew up in church but I hadn't been to church for a very long time I didn't have the capacity to love my wife I was sure at that time she was the problem of my life I was I went to work you didn't think that there was really anything wrong with me I had the ability to seem okay but I was mad inside I wanted away from this called marriage and I just wanted to be my own man but if you to ask me if I was a Christian I would have said well yeah I'm a Christian I grew up in church man's baptized when I was 12 da-da-da-da-dah I went to work one night I was in the art work and in this thought came to my mind it wasn't first person wasn't the sky didn't open the ceiling didn't split and this light shoot down and hit me it wasn't like that it was soft and subtle and it was just like a thought that I get every day in whatever line you know you just get thoughts you didn't come on your mind some people say I just want to go quiet my mind your mind is never quiet what are you talking about well I just want to go quiet my my stop it your mind you're trying to quiet your mind in your mind's gone yeah it's never quiet so you might as well fill it with good things right 12 your mind on these things anything good and excellent worthy Philippians 4 why because your mind God knows your mind says set your mind on these things your minds never quiet my mind it was just like a thought I get every day in my life and it was amazing it came right out of the blue though and this is what it said and it impressed me so much the second time I heard it and then I didn't really realize it was the Lord till later when it all hit me that oh my goodness this was life-changing and Here I am 24 years later I'm so passionate about about this he said to my heart just sounded like my own thought he didn't talk first he just talked to me as if it was me he said you don't even know you don't even know if God is really real I came into my heart while I was working out of the blue I'm just doing work you don't even know if God is really real why would have told you I was Christian and heart beat because my church resume if you'd handed me a track on the street corner you know what I'd have said I'd have played you out of smiles at all thank you for caring listen I'm a Christian I'm one of you man you're my brother I I'm redeemed through the blood of Jesus he forgave me of all my sins I just said the language I learned the language listen I'm not Spanish I can never be Spanish but I could learn the language you can learn a language in Christianity but it doesn't make you christ-like and you can talk some of the people that I've seen that quote the most scripture are some of the meanest people I've met in my life their disposition is nasty like they're mean he used the Bible like a club I'm just saying I don't know if you've ever met anybody like that my Bible talks about joy unspeakable yeah my Bible says good tidings of great joy I'm not sure why our faces are so long I'm not sure why we are so but Lord good tidings of great joy doesn't sound like a somber face yeah what it tells me is we don't totally understand the good tidings cuz it's good tidings of great joy when we see the good news for what it really is your hearts response without trying to be happy is great joy cuz it's good news are you following me honestly what happens don't talk about this last night what happens is we let life speak way louder than truth that's a problem truce what makes you free we find ourselves through life instead of the giver of it we get tricked into only doing as good as things are going and then our our circumstances becomes our story our identity and our conversation and at best were praying to God for things to change the way we're hoping so we become okay that's really the sums up the average Christian mentality that I've seen for 24 years and all the sudden will reduce to trying to survive and make it and hope to catch a blessing and find a little favor and I mean we don't understand like if somebody's not living in a good place we think they're the problem no it's us not seeing them the way God does and all of a sudden we're praying for them to change it God knock them off their high horse and if they don't change soon I'm gonna find another job and all the sudden we're just running from what we don't agree with instead of shining in the midst of it all one of the number one prayer requests I would get when I was a pastor's please pray for me to get a new job I can hardly stand working where I'm at watch people would say I can't believe God keeps letting me wear half the work there I thought he loved me he you don't know the pressure I'm under on my job and they asked for a new job and they can't even believe God's still letting them work there and I'm like I am NOT praying for you to get a new job I'm gonna pray that God balls and change you there till you get a revelation why would you get a new job go walk in the light walk in love make peace show mercy be like Jesus Jesus walked right in the middle of that stuff and got criticized for it by the people that were running he walked right in the middle that he got criticized for the people he hung out with he's not intimidated by unbelievers he's not intimidated about somebody that's not gonna treat him right right that'd be like Jesus saying take me back Scotty beam me up I am out of here these people do not love me come on it's not like that so when God said to me you don't even know if God is really real I thought what am I thinking about that for who cares you know why am I thinking about God and I kept trying to work and it came right back to me you don't even know if God is real second time I'm telling you is there was so much strengthened that thought there was no where I could go to run from it I just froze and like a baby man I cried in my workplace you don't cry at work in a warehouse are you kidding me you don't let your co-workers see you cry they'll eat you for lunch for the rest of your days they'll talk about the day you were crying I could not cry I stand and not not cry I was bawling crying and guess what happened it was the Lord he came and rescued me from myself that's why I'm so passionate about this message I I'm convinced guys but if this your first time meeting me I'm just I know I'm kind of just kind of throwing some stuff out there but I'm convinced we're our own biggest enemy you live in for you is the biggest lie on the planet you were never created for you you were created for Christ in you you were never created to be your own person you were created to be who you are in him it was never designed for you to live apart from him or out side of him outside of his mindset his wisdom he tells you to not be conformed to the world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind why because our minds have been so contaminated with self-centered stuff jealousy pride animosity well they did this well I wouldn't be mad if they didn't well they started it well you need to talk to them that's our language we grow up with that so we call it normal but you show me one time when that language has ever produced life you show me one time where a bad attitude has ever brought anything good you tell me one time where an offended heart I heard heart a frustrated heart ever produced the kingdom of God that's how I know were deceived because we're called to go preach saying the kingdom of God is here and he's not talking about buying a bullhorn and walk this kingdom of God is here the kingdom of God is even though they think we're cuckoo he's talking about having a different mentality a different perspective a different motive in life because the truth has come to our hearts stuff are waking up and actually understand and why you're alive and who you are in him and who he is in you I just know this guy's this is my own personal testimony so it means a lot to me I'm hoping you can glean at least something from it it's a big deal to me if God came to me and spoke tomorrow and said you don't even know if God's real he didn't say hey you haven't been a church for a while hmm can't remember last time he cracked that book open son I don't remember hearing you pray for a long time he didn't say none of that he said you don't know if God's real why the biggest debt return in my life wasn't my Christian calisthenics it wasn't the things I do to say I'm a Christian it was my relationship it was knowing him I could have told you about God for a long time I had it in my upbringing but I didn't know him so my life wasn't empowered to be changed so I was offended at my wife what's the big deal about attending a church service and saying amen and he just defended at your spouse and have animosity in your home and you justify it you continue to stay that way cuz it's justified if the Lord lived that way we're all in trouble if you went to pray to God and he said listen I'm a little agitated with you right now you know that thing you've been saying over and over been telling you to stop you're just not you're too busy talking you haven't listened I'm just frustrated with you right now I'd rather you not pray to me hello haven't we done that to each other like well give me space give me my time you talk to somebody about unforgiveness well some of these things take time why do we have such a grid for unforgiveness because we think it's normal because that's all we've ever known from the time we can remember why don't we have a grid for unforgiveness why do we have such a grid for unforgiveness where where we think we have to be hurt and then work to get over it wonder if God can change me from the inside where I don't have the capacity to live the way I used to live because new life is on the inside of me wonder if I wake up in the morning and the Gospels changed my motive and all the sudden I'm not alive for the same reason I'm not trying to survive I'm not looking to be noticed I don't need you to encourage me and make me feel good because I don't feel good about myself hello some of us do good things to get accolade and affirmation who's ever seen somebody buy something for somebody for Christmas and the person didn't really like the gift and the person that bought it got hurt because they didn't like the gift never see that in life guess what you didn't buy the gift for them you bought it for you you bought it so they would dote over you and make you feel good in the moment they receive oh you shouldn't have you're so loving you're so giving you're like oh they say you are so awesome and you heard I mean you say what you say you're so awesome oh come on we've lived this shallow in our lives and we're always looking for identity this way affirmation feel good about ourselves so people say nice things we feel better yeah my goodness there's something so powerful about knowing him guys so powerful he said you don't even know if is really real so I start crying because why were you crying it was Saul Verne God came after me I'm just telling you he came to get snatched me out of darkness it was him and there was I found out there was people praying for me she's gonna make me cry did the Lord ever put somebody on your heart that you haven't seen for you just think of him and it feels bigger than just your feelings where it's like whoa I wonder how they do and you actually feel like you're caring about this person and you might not even know him that well but they're really on your heart right now please if that happens please stop what you're doing and just pray you see oh I don't even know what to pray just God let your spirit go just bless them man I hope they're well Lord with would you let them be found in the way you desire right now your best for them God just pray just it'll come you just don't ignore it because I'm telling you he's looking for willing available people that'll lay down their life in a moment and speak out his heart towards God so he can reach out you say why so he can cuz we don't even understand this stuff he made us a certain way to flow with him and work with him in cold labor he put men on the earth he gave the earth to the children of men it's in Psalms at 16 he gave the earth to the children of men he told him to stewar it and have dominion not apart from him with him inside them so when a man prays God's heart God hears that prayer and begins to respond because it's God working through men it's men working with God and vice versa it's the most beautiful thing ever it's not something to argue over it's something to become this couple was going to Walmart they barely knew me they knew my wife my wife was the hurting wife that attended home group who had the miserable husband my wife puts the wife they'd put on the hot seat cuz she would cry how's your marriage how's things at home so they'd say oh sit here oh we don't even know what we realized well they were like Oh God would you give her comfort she it's gotta be so hard living with him and by the time they're done sentimental with her they're so mad at me they can't even pray for me there cutting down knocking off his high horse take out his eye cut his juggler you know whatever change him da like nobody even has compassion oh man is even considering I'm lost they're just hurt and offended cuz I'm hurting and offending you follow me come on my wife was so sweet she's sitting in that home group the house how's things going at home any changes they got their answer by the lip rippln so oh we don't even understand what we're doing you're actually empowering her to be broken I can't even imagine how you've put up with him this long that must be the grace of the Lord on your life stop it come on what are you saying what you're saying is you should be broken and I'd be broken if I was in your shoes guess what you just revealed you have no ability to help her you can only sympathize do you think Jesus would do that I'm so sorry you've had to live with him I'm so sorry that he doesn't build you up and encourage you no Jesus wants to separate her from having her identity through where he's not in her own husband listen until you get this you'll be ruled by your surroundings for the rest of your life whether you admit it or not you'll only be as good as things are going and as good as people are treating you that's why insecurity is so prevalent in people because they're finding their value through one another and they're only as strong as the weakness around them in the morning I wake up and understand my life is complete in him and I am NOT alive for you to love me I'm alive to be more like him that's the day I find freedom and that's the day I don't even sympathize with the lady in the chair I understand I weep with her I kneeled down and I say honey I am so sorry your husband's in the place right now but look me in the eyes and understand something you never have to be a product of where he's not your life is way deeper than sins his anger and his inability to seemingly value you it doesn't mean you're not valuable it means he can't see he's blind right now honey let me tell you who you are and you build her up apart from him and you teach her to never let her life be a product of his deficit because Jesus is her fullness Jesus's are all in all it says to know the love of Christ is to be filled with all the fullness of God it doesn't say unless you're married to a jerk hello come on be honest with me in this small room how many of us have made others our reason for being whatever we are that's a very I'm gonna be bold don't walk out on me take this that's a very shallow way to live and you're revealing you have very little understanding of the truth that makes men free so let's just be humble and grow up into him in all things come on if I'm gonna be blown around by the winds of life I need to settle in and lock in two truths of truth can keep me free so you don't understand this but my wife went through identity crisis for eight years my wife believed that people said hi to her because she was married to me I travel I preach people got me on YouTube it's just gets weird sometimes but I like it in the sense that the words out there but sometimes people I just coming through the airport I got stopped twice coming through the airport to come here Pastor Dan no way oh my gosh I don't mean to be weird but uh well I guess they're appreciate what they're hearing at least they didn't come and cut off my head you heretics I mean I'm looking at a food menu tap me on the Saudis around the ladies quiver oh my goodness it is you and I'm like honey it's okay just a guy I just love Jesus yeah but you know hug it's just funny so my wife started to believe hmm people just say hi to me cuz I'm here along for the rites not because they value me it's because I'm his wife and it was just strangest thing that she let happen it's so devalued her it made every hi Kim rhetorical mechanical had nothing to do with fake him you're awesome it had to do with hey I'm supposed to say hi to her cuz she's his wife and that's what she started to believe so I saw her changing you and you're married to someone they say oh no I'm okay you already know that's not the answer you already know because you're married you know they're not okay but usually we don't communicate like we could and be truthful and I sat her down I said sweetheart come on I'm I'm ok snot flying I something's going on you're not yourself you seem troubled well she said I just realized something and I said what did you realize because here's the thing knowing what I've understood over these years when I see what she says she's knowing is producing in her life that's how I can tell if it's the truth or not if what you're believing isn't producing life isn't stirring your heart and generating joy and accountants of him you're on the wrong track friend he came to give you life and life with what you're dwelling on what you're thinking about what you're just sitting on and musing on if it's not exciting your heart and producing life you're in a trap you're spiraling in deception and it might be common knowledge and you might find people to agree with you but if it's not produced in life it can't be the Lord now come on I know that's strong and straight but that's the way I see it come on I don't want some big middle ground we're good at creating it come on it's either black or white it's either angels or Devils it's either Christ or Belial he said there's no middle ground we create middle ground we create a grey zone when you smear black and white together you get gray ain't no gray zone in the kingdom he said I'd rather you be hot or cold if you're lukewarm I'll spew you out of my mouth why I said Lord what that sound in tents at least if somebody's warm they're halfway to hot why would you rather them be cold and I felt like this is what I received in my heart if they're cold I can transform them and put them on fire but if they're lukewarm they're hanging in the middle and they created a place to abide and they're no good for anyone lukewarm is no good for anyone it's the place of a hypocrite it's the place of a half in half out I'm somewhat in just not all the way he showed my heart that that's no good for anybody and there's more people hurting over people halfway in more people hurt by hypocrisy than there is by unbelief because they say well if that's a Christian I don't want nothing to do well if that we've had how many Christians say all the right things and find out doing all the wrong things and all of a sudden we make the message Lord instead of a person Lord and that person's supposed to live inside of me and he's the hope of glory and if you can't see him in my life why would you want what I say let me back up Jesus comes into our workplace I'm trying to finish this testimony and I I don't know what I'm doing I have no idea I'm just glad you're here he says you don't even know if God's real I'm standing a crying why am i crying because I look at my heart and for the first time in my life personally I got real and saw how selfish I was and to me in my mind to this day I feel like I might have been the most selfish man on the planet and I'd say oh I love you I only loved you for what you did for me what you gave me if I'd say I love you to my wife it's cuz it benefited me somehow or just kept surface peace yeah come on it's the three most most used misused words on the planet they've caused more pain the phrase I love you has caused more pain because people need to hear it want to believe they're lovable so if the right person says that they're enamored it does matter how deep it is it just matters in the moment be real with me some of us have lived enough life we sell cheap on the phrase I love you but what I love you means is I'm absolutely selfless I will lay down my life for your sake all that is mine is yours I love you yeah wonder how many of us have done that or experienced that in our lives where we have through Jesus crucified every one of us was wrong and he came to make us right every one of us was unworthy and he came to say you're worth more than you understand you're worth my life you're worth this sacrifice you know Jesus was not on the cross saying hey you bunch of sinners I hope you're happy now when do you get the point isn't the time to change look what your sin has done to me it's not the cross that's how people preach the cross of sin I know who you are I've known you from the beginning I've never changed my mind about you you don't see and understand who you are but I know the truth I know your potential I know your purpose and your worth every blow I've received and every drop of blood I've shed my life given is worth yours lived in me would you come unto me I'll give you life that's what the cross is saying that's a whole different message than shape up when I grew up I don't know but when I was I see a lot of young youngsters again in this room when I was their age Christianity was just what I should do and should do and I should know better and I still had those shouldn't do things in my heart you say well aren't they still in your heart my heart is transformed I got so many things in my heart that I changed there's things I don't even think about struggle or there's things that used to tell me that I just think what was I thinking because I see now see cuz he exposed selfishness in my life now let me get straight with you you guys okay yeah I hope you can handle this can I get really straight with you right now let me ask you a question if you're truly discouraged where's your focus if you're really discouraged what are you focusing on that allows you to be just truly discouraged how things didn't go the way you hoped how things didn't go the way you were desiring when it's costing you oh now look what it put me through your focus has to be self centered when you're truly discouraged Hebrews 12 3 says this consider him consider who who endured such hostility against him self from sinners least you be weary given up and discouraged in your soul what's he talking about least you let life speak louder than truth and become a product of what you're going through instead of a product or what he went through see what I'm talking about is the difference between just hashing over religious theories over coffee and debating Christian principles versus living in intimacy with God and having an absolute life change to where you're truly betrayed factually and you don't live betrayed and nobody knows you were betrayed why because you're not thinking betrayed you're thinking Jesus you're thinking walking in love see my wife you don't understand this but for eight years my wife started to believe in this lie and it spiraled her to the point where she's so devalued herself she thought it would be better if she wasn't even alive and I was her husband and felt like I had no ability to pour into her because she'd look at me and say well you're supposed to tell me that well you're supposed to that's the right answer of course you'd tell me that cuz you're a nice man but it doesn't mean it's true about me I'd say honey it's true about you because it's the word it's what he paid for it so he sees you to be no you're supposed to tell me that so for eight years you say eight years truth doesn't no time so what because it's eight years I'm supposed to be a weary husband I'm supposed to be given up I got a lot on my plate I'm called to ministry got so many people pulling on me and now my wife can't even get with that she needs to get with it if she don't change soon I am gonna break down somebody keep me in prayer hello see I'm on you a little bit this morning we've let a lot of things that aren't Lord decide who we are and how we are you see how did you do that for eight years there was a time I was full-time pastor my wife wouldn't even come to church where I pastored because she didn't want to come out people would call her and she'd say out loud they're only calling me because I'm so messed up and I lived in that scenario for eight years but if you bumped into me you and the said brother are you okay do you need prayer you bumped into me I had to tone down side and freak you out with my passion and my zeal and Mike's like why because I don't find my identity through my wife I find my identity through Jesus now I'm empowered to love her in the most critical time of her life would you agree she was in trouble for eight years would you agree she was deceived would you agree that she really needed Jesus well he happens to live in me and now is not the time to be a frustrated husband that says I love you but you owe me ha see you know what makes me so excited about this stuff my wife has no ability to dictate how I'm doing all she can do is be loved by me and if she receives it great and if she does it I'm still loving her yay but I'm not lacking a thing she don't have to write me in a little sweet card so when she does it really touches my heart cuz it's not necessary if I needed it it would be sickness she'd be enabling something that needs to be fulfilled in my life come on if I need her saying I love you oh we're still going oh she said it you know she didn't say I love you for two days why don't you hey honey love you whoa thank you lord that would be weirdness I read this I keep this thing in here I have so many of them I have a whole pile of them she stuck this in my Bible I've never taken it out it's pink it's my wife's little note she wrote this me I read it all over I exploit it all the time and to read her heart to me you wanna you want a note like this from your wife she said I hope you have the best weekend ever you're a true man of God see this isn't somebody that watches me on YouTube this is my wife this is the one that I love through an eight-year period where she was living in a almost I'm barely describing how bad it was on her end where she was so hurting and deceived now she understands that I saw something the whole time that I refused to let go of and now she understands that watch God in me and through me was empowering me because I'm surrendered to him to love her just like he would if he was in her home do you get it and all of a sudden she realizes when she couldn't see the value of her life I couldn't not see it yay she said hope yeah the best weekend ever you're a true man of God and I doubt God can find many men if any it's because she hasn't hung around Wiley that long I doubt God can find many men if any on this earth with your integrity your character and your good heart she's not boasting in me she's recognizing Christ in me see my hair color I'm wise enough to understand I'm not a self-made man I had no ability to get a note like that before because if I didn't know Jesus when she went into that eight your thing it would have maybe went six months and that's it and somebody got draw a line and enough is enough and you can only take so much and Ida pulled three friends into my life that understood my pain and they'd have been my support system y'all with me come on I've been around a little bit I've seen this I've been on the earth just long enough to see this happens to good people all the time people that mean well but are caught up in the deception ain't no way I would have got a note like that but now Jesus changed everything it says you're not your own you're bought with a price we got to understand this stuff man we got to be more than just getting into marriage counseling and saying well he well she well that's because he well she's the one that start saying well I only respond because he and it's just tit for tat he said she said and were psychologically trying to assess who needs to give a little more take a little more find this healthy 50/50 thing that is like to me it's secular it's the world and watch this it doesn't work because it doesn't change lives it just keeps people going it doesn't change you on the inside so what's the big deal if you get your cake you need it to and you're not transformed now you're just spoiled and your marriage is really or controlling do you ever see spouses do the silent treatment to each other they got a little issue they haven't resolved so it comes out in their behavior they say hey honey wait honey you okay I'm fine honey you're not fine I'm fine and then there's a little quiet and then this talk and then there's nothing it's like a statement you got me frustrated you need to realize it and I don't know how you're gonna make up for it but I wish you would see you ever see that in relationships I used to do it my wife used to do it all the time I'm not being mean when you live that way you give yourself away you reveal you don't know him like we sing because he's not living that way he's not that way he's amazing he came to me when I was celebrating getting divorced ready to move in with a girl eight years younger and just have a new fresh thing in my life he came to me right in the midst of them willful things and said you don't even know if God's real you know what and realized I was the most selfish man in my mind on the whole planet and I realized I was empty and alone and then I found Scripture later that says unless a seed dies and falls to the ground it abides alone if your goal is you you'll always be alone you will never reproduce anything at the end of your journey you'll have produced nothing but living for the fulfillment of yourself are you with me unless the seed dies and falls to the ground what and by everybody is a seed you die and follow the ground and spring up what are you going to do bear much fruit but when I live for a selfish thing for myself for me myself and I that's all I can ever produce just the fulfillment of myself and in the end that's all I'll have to show for I made my own way and used to ever to accomplish it now that's the opposite of love are you with me I just I just feel like I'm to challenge you with some of these thoughts not because you're messed up and bad not just your community is no because these things are the only things that truly change our life come on guys you could you could attend your church and be faithful in the ministry of your church and if you'd which I encourage you to do but if you don't get a hold of these truths you'll be the same offended person the only difference is you go to church and then your co-workers know you go to church but they see your life so now you just have a belief system you don't have a life change are you with me I never wanted that in my life when I saw Jesus and got saved I had it before Christian language you handed me a tract I'd have talked around you but when this thing happened that night at work you don't even know if God's real I cried out to him I looked up with those metal rafters in that warehouse I was crying so hard and I said my life is pitiful I said man I am so selfish I don't even like me at all I need people to like me to feel like a boy I am so alone inside I'm so selfish that's crying I am a hypocrite and I cried I remember crying so hard I said [Music] now that work you just don't do that it work that's never so serious in my life I pointed I remember pointing at them er afters I said but if you are real if you love me and can forgive me of all these things and have a plan for my life I lifted my hands high and said I'll live for him now I didn't know exactly what I was saying but I knew what I meant and I can't even explain it this sense of God reality that I didn't have a minute ago came over me I still have a hard time describing it like can you see I'm wired like I try to calm down to communicate because I don't want to freak you out but I am way more excited than you see like way more when I talk about this stuff he's my friend he's not just my Lord I'm not afraid to tell you this he's my friend I found it in John 15 he's the one that started it he said it'll call you a servant you're a friend so if I'm his friend I guess he's mine so don't fight with me over that stuff he loves me like he loves to live inside of me he paid a price to get me clean and be a house fit for a king yeah I'm prime real estate to the Lord he said name your price I'm moving in it'll cost you blood already paid before the foundation of the world you see what's wrong with me you say you're out of your mind no I'm probably out of yours it just might be your problem if you have one see I think we don't think the true joy can even be real I don't think we think we can be this excited because we've been tricked by life instead of the giver of it you see this sense of God reality came over me and I'll never forget it I think I pulled my hair I know Iran said speaker thing there I guess that's a speaker I know I ran from here to there back and forth over and over jumping in the air spin and I think I was pulling my hair I was going I was at work in the aisle you're real you're real you're really real I looked like I needed a sedative and a straitjacket but for the first-day moment minute in my entire life I was free I was free what was I free from us free from myself that quick I that's what God was waiting he wasn't waiting for me to go to church and pray a prayer to go to hell he's waiting for me to give him my life so his life could come inside of me you know he said well just ask Jesus into your heart stop it he wants your life it was never yours in the first place he always made man to be one with him to live in man and live through man man was never created to live alone that's why man so it's why people that's why people get in relationships because of the need in their life so they find somebody that fills the vacuum of what they don't have and then if their life changes and they feel like they don't have that need anymore guess what happens to the person that used to fill that need they they don't value them anymore and feel like they don't need them and guess what we call it falling out of love no you never loved in the first place you were driven by need you accommodated yourself and you brought somebody in to facilitate your life and you changed and don't have the deficit anymore so you don't see their value anymore so now you say you fell in love they can't even eat or function because they're still in need of you and you're their whole world and you're flattered because they said I don't know what I'd do without you anybody ever see these scenarios all the time there's only one person that you could ever truly say I don't know what I'd do without you it has to be him and then when your wife's in an 8-year deficit you're not a burned-out husband that doesn't know how to continue because you don't know how to not be okay because your goal in life is to follow him and to love like he loves not to need her to love her not to pray for her to change so you can bear it but to pray for her to change so she can rise up and shine and be what she was created to be do you see there's a difference between a hurting man and a man that knows him and all he has his love for her no matter how wrong it seems she is there's a difference I've been a pastor long enough I feel like I'm really talking about marriages a lot sorry just the way it happens if you're married in this room if you're not married strongly listen but if you're married in this room don't elbow your spouse and say I hope you're listening because you that's the sign I'm talking to you and instead of feeling uncomfortable or nervous or what's my wife thinking or all that my husband's loving this I'd rather you think you know what there's a higher place it ain't about what I've done wrong it's about what I'm growing in and it's about becoming what he paid for it ain't about the failure it's about the increase and we can all change and grow up into him amen you know when I went home my wife and I hadn't been together for five months we hadn't slept in the same room we kind of were away for days at a time but we decided rather than try to rent an apartment or keep doing rather than waste a little bit of money we had till we were divorced we'll try to at least stay in the same home and redeem our money till we're going you know it's really bad oh it was so bad like we wouldn't even talk to each other we'd stick each other with the children the children just pay such a price how she'd come home and I'd slide out the back door and won't even say a word to her and then she I'd come home and she'd slide out of door and wouldn't even say a word I just hear a car go up the hill and didn't even know where she was we didn't even talk it was terrible so on that night I got saved she was sitting at home she was really hurting she was angry she felt like she tried hard she was a Christian when I met her she just got saved and she said well are you a Christian and I said well yeah I'm a Christian why cuz it helped the cause I figured if she wanted me to say yes I better say yes she should have realized in a few short moments that there wasn't nothing Jesus liked about me but she obviously had enough in Eden insecurity and the relationship happened and we got married in nine months she was at home this is what I'm forgiveness does to people and bitterness it makes you what you're not it manipulates you you're only doing what you're doing feeling what you're feeling saying what you're saying because you're living hurt it's like a Potter but who's the great Potter you know people say oh I'll never do that but when they get hurt enough they'll do what they know they never would have done when they get angry enough they'll do what they knew they never would have done they're 13 years old they're precious little girl they put their little purity ring on in youth group and thank you Jesus their heart gets hurt down the road and next thing you know they're across the line doing something they knew they'd never do and then they go home and then the devil's right there and their minds just what did you do well you're what it's happened to a lot of people my wife was at home it's kind of sadly funny she had a little mixed drink on a picnic table sipping it and they were smoking stuff he shouldn't be bothering smoking her and some girl that was 10 years younger down the street became her counselor and she's going to teach her how to live her life and move on and make the most of life what you don't know about my wife is when she gave up on our marriage and I belittled her and mocked her and tore her up with my words that day it was so terrible she went in the bedroom and said I refuse to cry I refuse to let this man hurt me anymore I am done and then she did this it's called analytical thinking you know what that is it's when somebody thinks so much they talk their self into a complicated place it's not a gift from the Lord analytic well I'm just a very analyst a well I'm just very analytical brother well stop boasting in that repent and die to that it's not cool because what it does is it takes simple things dwells on it long enough to make it complicated to where now you can't even see truth because you're so deep in it here's what she did and watch what my wife did you know how many people have done this because they don't understand that they're in covenant with God and all the diseases it is the lords and they've laid down their life they believed we we preach it this way unfortunately ministers preached the gospel to benefit us and serve us so who's ever seen anybody mad at God confused towards God are frustrated with God and just were afraid to really get mad at him because he's the Lord but here's what my wife did she said I'm so done with this man I'm so done with this marriage and then she told me this later weeks later she told me that she looked up at the ceiling and she put my no we always figure he's up there right he wants to be right here who were always like he's out there somewheres she said and you she said she pumped her fist at the ceiling and said and you I'm done with you till you have never answered my prayer you have done nothing for this man you you have loud me and these children to suffer through hell and you've done nothing you haven't changed him I believe he's worse I am done with you too she turned and walked out of him you see how self-centered that is that was in my wife the whole time that she was a Christian that motive was there because it was never confronted it was where I just need to clean up my life yeah my kids are really struggling I think I need to get back to church and pray more sometimes we make this push into God for what we get from him instead of how we can become more like him in our lives and it's backwards so I called my wife she's sitting at home on the picnic table the kids were in bed she said to this girl ten years younger than her she said you know it'd be just like my husband to come someday and say he found the Lord I could just see him trying to pull that she's just since she's smoking what you shouldn't be smoking and it's so not my wife it's sadly hilarious and she said it was in 15 minutes later I rang the phone and I said hey she said what do you want I said I don't even know how to tell you this but but I was so overwhelmed I said God is real click now my wife is timid and quiet and she is just behind the scenes she don't draw she draws zero attention to herself seem to be the quietest one the room when I came home that night I don't know where she found that button but it was like there's a clause there I think I saw him that long on every finger she was boy I walked it now she was I never saw her like that in my life I'm like oh yeah it was all this rightness it was all this court of law stuff as all the grievances would have made an entertaining talk show the judgmental crowd would have judged her a victim me a villain and everybody would lose she would stay a victim of my demise and I would stay a villain no chance for change poor us but at least people get entertained you see how unredeemed if victim villain is I'm telling you the first mistake we make is it's easy to feel sorry for ourselves no matter what it's the biggest lie of your life how can you deny yourself for his name and feel sorry for yourself at the same time I can't believe they did that to me why not people do all kinds of things why do you think they did that to you could you imagine if Jesus was talking like that could you see Jesus bummed out in the Bible die did you ever read the chapter where he's sitting on the Mount of Olives and he's just kind of bummed out did you ever read it he's just kind of solemn and Peter says Lord what's the matter I don't know I just don't feel that encouraged today you don't feel encouraged Lord you guys never read this in your Bible well I just don't feel that encouraged today Peter I mean I don't think people like me that much I mean I'm trying to do all this good and they say really bad things about me and I mean the other day when I fed the remember I was cool multiplying the food yeah that was cool but they didn't seem to care like it didn't hit them they just came back the next day because they wanted more food they didn't care what I said they didn't have it it didn't have anything to do Peter I'm just feeling a little left out right now I don't know what I'm really accomplished I mean God lets me hear their thoughts I wish he didn't sometimes because their thoughts aren't cool you never read this in your Bible and then John walks over and says hey Lord what's the matter he says John not today you're not laying your head on I know I'm gonna lay my head on you just hold me John just hold me you never read that hmm so he never taught us that so you never saw Jesus that way so he never taught us that he said let no man be your teacher let no one be your teacher you have one teacher he's the so if Jesus never taught us that where'd we get that from scible mentality wonder where we learned it if we didn't get it from him and all of a sudden the Bible says there's a way that seemeth right to a man but here's the giveaway its way there unto leadeth - when you see what it's producing you know where it's from I walked in the house my wife said how dare you you she said about that you're a fool dan Mohler if you think you're gonna pull this all of a sudden you're a Christian I don't think so you're just trying to make the family and turn and think I'm the witch and you're the good guy and I'm just standing there going God's real I was still overwhelmed now my God's real he's real it's not that I couldn't hear what she was saying but what am I gonna say she's gonna call my eyes out how do I say you know honey I'm really sorry sorry you said have been sorry 13 years ago hello we don't even give people a chance to change because of hurt and offense we expect them to make up for what they didn't do and they can't and even when they are sorry we bring it up they nothing you can do to go back and change a thing but you can change and the gospel understands that we ought to you can't go back and do nothing over you can't change where you've been and what you've done you can't change what you've said but who you are can change and when who you are changes the blood washes who you were away and God never sees you for where you've been he sees you for who you've become that's the good news now wouldn't it be great if people made for His image that our Christians would understand that and live that way - when that be amazing I think that's the point Sidda god they hurt me I wish the Lord would just sometimes just I'm like Lord why don't you freak us out more like do they really hurt me well what are you doing so hurt I never let you hurt me why are you letting them hurt you why don't you love them like I've loved you you've never heard me complain about you why are you complaining about them why don't you love them I also need ministers heart tussles when Dad be amazing so here's my wife did my precious little wifey for seven weeks seven weeks stretch your mind with me so I don't have to go into too much detail for all these youngins for seven weeks she went out of her way to break my heart to break me and get me to go so she could go aha see you ain't no different so she could relieve her own violated conscience through my expression of weakness and that would have been enough for her why because she wasn't knowing him she's just living by principles that she's had the ability to violate because she's not in relationship with Jesus so she's waiting for me to slip so she could go aha push the hypocrite button and relieve her own convictions 7 weeks she went out of her way to break my heart and now all I can do is love her so we got a big problem it's a good one I remember one day I'm in the room praying I got the door closed when I'm all alone and I know I'm alone I know you can't picture this but I get really loud now I walk my bedroom and I talked to Lord you could hear me outside I get really loud and one day I came out from praying and seeking Lord and I had to get to work and I opened the door my wife was right I open the door my wife was right analytical watch you make me so mad I'm like oh I'm sorry you know I'm thinking I didn't mean to make you mad I really hey what can I say there's nothing like it everything I say that anger the unresolved conflict will turn my words so sometimes you just stand there and your eyes filled with tears because you want to do more than you have the ability to in the moment because of where the hearts are she says you make me so mad you live like the devil for 13 years 13 years you live like and now you're in there praying to God like you're some holy man I don't think so and I said well can I understand I've done a lot and I can only imagine how you feeling I'm sorry and I just slip away quick so it didn't turn into more words but here's what she noticed I wasn't the fighter that I used to be I didn't qualify things I didn't ever have to get the last word in I didn't pull out the sharpness of my tongue and try to pierce her more than she was piercing me and all of a sudden in seven weeks she started realizing this ain't the same man so six weeks in she goes away she tells me she's leaving for the weekend six hours later she sneaks around back and comes in the back door sneaking six hours later she's gonna catch me an impropriety she's gonna catch me screaming at the kids watching something trashy on TV she's gonna catch me in my element so she comes sneaking in six hours later unannounced guess what she catches me doing I got my ten and five-year-old sitting indian-style on the floor with the Book of Psalms open teaching them what it means to worship God she picks around the corner I look up I see movement I look up and there's her little face I said Jim what are you okay what's her cuz she's supposed to be out of town is six hours later she's peeking around a corner mr. Kim you okay she said I'm fine you're up the steps down the steps and shot out the door never said a word so we did I said it's okay we just kept doing the whole worship Jesus thing and yeah she said she got in the car so angry so mad so miserable why you're not made to live in unforgiveness it's a wretched tormented place it's an outer darkness soul bound place read your Bible you're not made to live in unresolved conflict you're not made to hold on it will destroy you manipulate you and change you she said she was so mad driving she said she's yelling at God the whole way if he's changed why did you wait so long well why is he changed now when it's too late my heart doesn't even care anymore and now you did that this is not fair she said she's screaming him pout in the hallway instead of Wow God so watch this because she prayed to for me for 13 years before that all the time now watch I'm just telling you this little story it just feels right I hope you're patient with me we'll be done real soon it'll be lunchtime I'm glad you all came they got lots of food I'm glad you're here the following week is the seventh week she's going into the bathroom she's prettying up she's doing whatever you ladies do in there with that door closed she's doing it she's got a little ironing curling iron brush thing and she got a little makeup she's got some dude she's partying up she's heading somewhere she's in the bathroom she ain't talking to me at all kids are clinging to me like glue kids love their new daddy I took my little ten-year-old out to eat cuz I used to not even show her no love my little 10 year old before I knew Jesus I was so selfish sometimes I didn't even feel like I had anything for my daughter because sometimes I would feel like she got in the way of my wife and I and our relationship are so selfish now I get saved and I value her first thing the Lord told me to take her out to eat and just be her daddy just you and her I told her I'm taking her to eat she said mommy daddy's taking me to eat not you not you and Daniel just me just me and Dad I heard her telling tell her she was ten I'll never forget it we're sitting in the restaurant in a little booth and you can tell kids by their body posture she's sitting in the booth just i swinging them feet damn little feet was just a swing in why she just happy she was out there with her daddy she come over from the salad bar and had all this stuff and she sits down I still can see her little feet go like this and I sat down we had a great time I got in the driveway I said honey I said we need to talk before we go in the house I said you know I just really from my heart need to say and I'm really really sorry for all the memories in all the years all the times I was harsh with you and hard with you I remember how mommy always took you to church cuz my kids were like mommy you used to always take us to church now you never go and daddy always goes and he takes us to church like what's going on here guys would y'all straighten this out you know but I said Jesus remember how Jesus yeah well he has come inside of your daddy and he lives in me now and before he came I was never a good daddy to you and I was and kids are so amazing when I got through my whole heart confession she said oh that's okay daddy and I'm like no honey it's not okay I want you to understand how sorry I am that I hurt you and made you feel there was times I made you feel like you had no value and you didn't even think I loved you at all and she lost it in the truck I pulled her in and I said that day is over because you have a daddy now and Jesus is inside of him and I held her and we go in the house seven weeks later this has happened to my wife's in the bathroom she's got the curl in brush she told me to brush was in her hand she's doing it and the Lord guys the Lord walks in the bathroom she's aware of the presence of the Lord now she's running from him she's mad at him the best she understands she's got issues with Lord but he doesn't seem intimidated by that and as if he owns the place he just comes in the bathroom and she said she went because she was aware of him and she heard this in her heart it wasn't out here it wasn't a voice from the sky she heard this sentence in her heart why are you so angry with that man separating me from her anger can't you see she said when he said can't you see it was like somebody tore something off her there's all the years of unresolved conflict bitterness her she said it was so overwhelming he said can't you see huh that's not even the man you're angry with and this is my favorite part of the testimony this is my absolute favorite part cuz God can't lie can God lie oh so if he says something bam he said in fact him that meaning me now the new me that isn't even the man you married I have made him it was so overwhelming to her she said she crashed to the floor in the fetal position she just cried now the Lord remembers her right he wants to make peace he's not like in a wave you talked to me girl are you kidding me took me three weeks to get over that we had a couple board meetings about you can you really shook heaven with your frustration you know what he did she said it felt like he was hovering over her and he said it's true Kim you pray for 13 years for him to change it's not that I didn't hear I just couldn't do anything you don't understand how you tied my hands from answering your prayer because you only ever prayed from the place of pain you only prayed because you knew if I changed him your day would go better you only prayed because you were hurt you never prayed because of mercy and because of love never once did you cry for how lost he was never once did you have mercy towards her husband I will not answer your prayer because that place is never me and I won't allow you to stay where I'm not she's I'm out in the garden I love gardening I'm out in the garden I'm doing a second round of beans I'm just having a blast there's so much gospel in the garden it's ridiculous to seed time and harvest time and fallow ground and sow and water and increase gospel it's right in my yard the gospel yeah right before my eyes and you ought to see the stuff in my yard it loves living in my yard cuz I'm a covenant guy my stuff just Tomatoes they're just they just everything loves my yard except for bugs and critters and pestilence it's the fruit of my ground it's blessed it's amazing I don't put any sprays any nothing you ought to see how it grows seed time and harvest time so I'm out there doing what you do you don't sow nothing grows all of a sudden I hear the door boom I look here's my little wife she's the cutest little thing she's tiny she's running she's coming around the garden crying her eyes out and you know what I think I think somebody just died till she wouldn't come to me she's avoiding me she doesn't talk to me she's mean for seven weeks in the natural but I never took it to heart I understand she's hurt just love her now she's running dead at me full head of steam crying out of control and you're thinking oh no what happened some she just got a call you never want to get and she's running to me but she's saying something over and over and over repetitious I could hear it but I couldn't tell what she was saying cuz she was crying so hard and she gets close to me and then I can hear it she's going and it was the ugliest scene of a movie you have ever seen she is clinging to me hugs now it started to bother me in natural sense that why is she sorry when she tried so hard she went the extra mile she was a peacemaker 13 years she lived in the midst of my flat-out selfishness so why is she sorry for giving up for pulling the plug I don't know but it bothered me I'm like I am so sorry for the first time in my life and I've been waiting for the opportunity to look her in the eyes and cry and tell her the truth for the first time in my life be able to look in her eyes and tell her that I know I love her and I'm ready to be like Jesus in her life I know it I know she's that's like Kim stop it why would you say you're sorry what sorry work right so messy she said no I'm sorry I'm like you have nothing to be sorry for she said oh yes I do I said what watch what she said this is when she told me about the revelation the revelation I said what she said I am sorry for never loving you in prayer I only prayed cuz God told me I was another hurting wife that prayed I was reduced to another hurting wife that prayed I never prayed for you cuz I loved you or valued you were hurt for you I only hurt because of you and God could never answer that prayer forgive me for not loving and I'm like what is this horrible cry fest like messy and I said something about our marriage and she looked at me and said you mean there's hope for a marriage I said honey are you kidding me I'm finally ready to love you give me the honor I loving you oh and this thought came to me I didn't know any of this was happening I'm working beings now I'm holding my wife we're crying out of control we live an exciting life can you imagine our neighbors there talking now my neighbors could you imagine I'm out in the yard and God speaks something to my heart or I see get up gospel principle in the garden and now my drakes laying on the ground and my hands are lifted high and I'm talking out loud that's where my neighbors see oh I said you mean there's hope for this marriage - sir he kidding me I'm father and I said to her I said can I renew my wedding vow to you she said why I didn't even know what I was gonna say I said can I renew my wedding vow to you right now and she said okay and guess what came out of my heart of seven weeks old in the Lord seven weeks old chronologically that's but he was growing me I looked her right in the eyes and guess what I said psychologist a lot of Christians would crucify you for saying this brother that's the wrong take on marriage marriage a lot of work brother married fifty-fifty no marriages I love you that's what I said to her by the Spirit of God seven weeks old in the Lord I looked her right in the eyes and I said Kim you owe me nothing in this marriage but to receive the love of God for me and as long as I draw breath on this earth I will serve you in his unfailing love and she said okay and I just held her and I didn't say let me get a pen and paper so I can write your vows down and hold you to that day I gave my life to her so that my life in Christ would help bring out the best in him so when we got in that eight-year thing guess what it was easy to love her yeah Here I am all these years later might may 1st will be 37 years we've been married 24 of it in the Lord and I can tell you sincerely I love my wife yeah why cuz I wake up to be more like him I don't wake up for her to serve me she has no ability to break my heart just like you don't you could write anything you want about me you can't keep me from his presence you can't keep me from hearing his voice you can't keep me from knowing the truth you call me whatever you want but you're way too late to get to me cuz I know him now so I didn't get to explain a lot of this I got more time with you today knowing him is the biggest deal of your life not knowing about him now quoting scripture not reading to memorize it knowing him you know what the Lord spoke to my heart a long time ago he told me I was gonna speak to a lot of his people he said I don't ever want you I don't ever want you to read your Bible to preach a sermon he said only read your Bible to know me and only speak out of Who I am in your life and that'll carry weight that's all I've done this morning you can tell I didn't have a real straight path probably got off my notes if there were some say where's your notes brother I did a pastors conference and the guy said the pastor said I said any questions anything nobody had question I said well I was thorough preach and nobody has a question not even a pastor huh it was all pastors and the guy said uh can I just have a copy of your notes and I said well I'm a pretty attached to it I said but here you go sir and I threw my vibe all right so a minicar that he caught him off guard just like when she caught it good got it and I saw me there's my notes oh okay I said I do want that back nothing I'm closing right now we're gonna eat and fellowship if you can stay nothing compares with your ability god-given ability to be in his presence to be with him you could say all day well it doesn't feel real well he doesn't seem but why doesn't he why is he so hard to reach why is it gotta be about faith why listen God wants you to build the knowings in your heart the beliefs in your heart will they become knowings where nothing can change your mind you and I have lived seneschal our whole lives we have been driven by feelings and how we feel is dictating how we're doing instead of what we truly believe you got to take what you believe and get alone with God you youngsters you can sit on your beds at night you you know that mama tuck you in stay in bed don't let her hear your feet running around she said go to bed but you could lay in your bed before you fall asleep Lord Jesus I just believe in you and I asked you to keep revealing yourself to me and I just want to know you more and I just and you can communicate with God like that as much as you all want I do it all the time I Drive my car father thank you for just father and me thank you for loving me and putting who you are inside of me God what is on your heart today what do you want me to see man what's in front of this day and I just communicate all the time garden wrong turn I was talking to him all the time I've developed this relationship where he's very real to me and then who he is influences my life so now I'm not trying to be a good boy I'm not trying to do the right thing I'm not trying to not sin I'm just enjoying being his and that starts living my life does that make sense everybody in this room is called to that one truth right there remember I talked about last night become in love and if we don't become loved we've missed the point that's what first John 4 says first John 4 says beloved let us love one another it's verse 7 why because God is love the whole chapter he is love he is love it says if he love this is wishing we love one another so verse 8 says 7 says if we love were we born of God and you all know the children's church song they singing in Sunday schools I grew up with it in the first Church of the Brethren beloved let us love one another y'all some of you know that for love is of God and every one that loveth is born of God and knoweth God he who loveth not knoweth not God for god is love beloved let us love one another first John four seven and eight so some of you heard that before okay watch this beloved let us one another why cuz anyone cuz God is love and anyone who is born of God and not look up the word knows God watch watch he who loveth the seat love doesn't seek its own watch love takes no account of the wrong done to it come on listen I'm the turban some mushy-gushy Hollywood movie thing called love I'm talking Jesus love takes no account keeps no record of the wrong done to it why we have such a good memory love doesn't seek its own watch he who loveth not watch knoweth he said if you don't love there's one reason not to one not to 1 he didn't say you don't go to church he didn't say you don't see your need for a savior confess that you've sinned he didn't say none of that he said this though if you don't love there's one not to 1 you don't know God like you could which means it's impossible for me to know him and not be influenced by him to the point of change so the evidence of knowing him the Christian Bible barometer of knowing God is your love don't we sing so and they'll know inspire by our love and they'll know that we are Christians by our Jesus said father when they become one like were one when they become one like we're one then the world will now that you sent your son so go after him pursue him we have a question time this afternoon you can ask me a million questions about that if you want I'll talk all day and I love questions by the way but what I'm telling you is every one of us has a god-given right to be with him it's the most important place of your life so be with him don't let your heart get hurt offended angry filled with excuses and yell buts guard your heart because out of your heart flows the issues of life father I just thank you for this room I thank you for this time I just thank you for what you do oh I'll let these words be vital seeds in our lives and let them bring forth fruit I pray that not one seed gets choked out by thorns stony ground left field I pray that God you would just do a work in us that would manifest your great name and let your nature be revealed through our lives like no time for let this be the greater season of our lives in Jesus name hey man amen guys I'm done for now while he's jumping up no I'm done I'm done no they can hug fellowship whatever but uh know when and man thanks for coming up once you showed up ah be like I must have been filled with unbelief I was no no I was thinking I was thinking this town your schedules who's coming on a Saturday morning I thought they'd probably hardly be anybody here but the few they're here we'll have a great time but I didn't expect to see a bunch of folks seems like there's as many here if not a couple more than there was last night and then they got all that food so we can have fellowship so if you can stay please stay I'm just humbled and excited that you're here I told you last night while I'm here I'm here because I want to be and I believe what I'm preaching nobody twisting my arm this isn't sack does it look like I'm sacrificing I'm here cuz I want to be and I'm having the time of my life did you notice we didn't pass an offering basket for me that's because I'm not receiving nothing from you so bless you hug each other make a friend [Music] if you enjoyed this message please visit dan Mohler archive comm to find over 2500 more messages from dan all organized by category playlist and search enjoy [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Living Gospel
Views: 19,891
Rating: 4.8951049 out of 5
Keywords: Dan mohler, pastor dan mohler, pastor dan, pastor mohler, dan mollar, dan molar, dan moler, dan moller, smiley dan, smiley pastor, smiling pastor, white hair pastor, best pastor, rare dan mohler, best dan mohler, america's pastor, power and love, identity pastor, gospel pastor, best gospel message, happy dan, full, dan mohler archive, danmohlerarchive, dan mohler website, fix marriage, personal testimony
Id: 8EwrFO-jKdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 57sec (5397 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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