Dan Mohler: Personal Marriage Testimony

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all right everybody welcome welcome we're having picture time with Dan right here if you guys want a picture with Dan you know I'm just kidding no no no don't do that I'm kidding I'm kidding there would be a line okay so we want to go ahead and jump in and we're not going to have time of worship in the in the song that's we've been we've been opening up so I just kind of felt on my heart right now you guys stand back up and you're here for Dan and you're here to go deeper so instead of the traditional worship with somebody on the guitar and the lyrics on on thing here's what I want to do I want to take 30 seconds and I just want to verbally praise God okay so let's just thank him for what he is thanking for the cross thank you for his love for you and let's just do that right now come on let's take like 30 seconds for a minute let's just praise Him come on keep it up just praise Him think about all he's done you're so good you call it off Lord you saved us by your grace you drew us all right you call the sons and daughters our identity is in you we're children of God you're so good you're so good well you guys made it like 15 seconds that's pitiful we're not done [Applause] Oh 15 more seconds guys so on alright awesome that's great hey you could be seated for a second I want to introduce Joey and Joey has been really implemental in making all this happen and helping me coordinate everything here but first we just welcome you Canyon Hills once again this kind of our main campus if you were with us downtown that is a building which by the grace of God couple years ago was given to us for free we were looking to expand out reach downtown and and the Lord put it on someone's heart to just give that building to us so if you guys wouldn't mind praying for us we're going to be launching a whole nother campus down there our Upper Room Sunday night meets there but we need God's grace and we need prayers as we're really you know just taking back a really dark side of the city the two darkest things in the whole city you have the DejaVu strip club and the DMV right across the street okay I don't know which one is worse but they're both right there across the street so we need prayer because it's kind of a stronghold but we're just taking it back and we're just believing that God doing some amazing stuff so Joey what's been going on catch this up and then if you guys want to get to get ready we would love to just so into damned ministry right now so we'll have time for some offerings here in a second but Joey I want you to just try to kick it off here okay hey how're you guys how you guys doing this is nerve-racking it's not even about me today but I'm nervous okay so just to catch you up we've had Dan here this is day three now Dan right yeah Friday Saturday Sunday and it's been really transformative how how many of you have been a part of a previous session prior to today okay so okay do me a favor raise your hand if you've never been present for advantages teach Wow look at that Dan come on how many how many of you have never even heard of Dan raise your hand come on hey remember these faces Dan right over here so when you teach just go now I'm just kidding it's been really good guys it's been all about identity and freedom and just the finished work of Christ and and who we are what God says about us and and who we can say about God now that we understand all that but one thing I want to hit home before we bless Dan in his ministry is I really felt like the Holy Spirit today said it'll be a tragedy if this just becomes that one time that Dan came to Bakersfield it'll be a tragedy that is not why Dan is here it is not going to be remembered as a home over that one time what Dan came it was so awesome and it has nothing to say about Jesus this has to be an event where someone has come that understands who God is but it was that one time that God gave me a revelation of my identity and my value in him and ever since that weekend my life has changed so that's that should be our vocabulary that's to be our speech when we talk about this weekend and God will use anybody he's just using Dan so Dan came to love on us so let's just remember that today because we don't want to edify and puff up somebody well we want to edify Dan but we're not puffing him up this is about Jesus and what he's done and a truth maybe we haven't understood yet okay so let's just do this we're going to if you can just prepare your hearts ask the Lord what to give and PJ is just going to lead us in a love offering awesome so if you can over the past couple of days if God did something in your heart that you can express in a sentence one sentence I want to open that up if if you would like to do that not a paragraph or two or a book or a chapter okay but if you can express it in like a sentence or so that'd be really cool of maybe something that God revealed to you like hey I've listened to Dan many times and every time I'm like wow Jesus loves me like it hits me fresh man it's crazy it's like that's like the most basic foundational thing that we learn right but I've been serving God for so many years but that's my takeaway once again from the weekend Pike he really really loves me it's amazing if you've got something that just hits you in a new way or fresh because sometimes it doesn't hit you here you know hit you there and that just hits me right there every time you can just come stand right here and as as you guys are ready officers go ahead and come on up and we'll just do that right now as we're kind of just giving into this ministry make your checks out canyon hills and we're going to send down a check for the ministry okay so lord bless it Holy Spirit talk to us we'll do anything that you ask us to do whatever it is that you want us to give we will give happily Lord and it's a joy to sow into this ministry right now and your name and we all said Amen so is there anybody you just have a testimony come on up I'm going to make you come up here so the mic doesn't feedback okay all right hi I'm sue Maya and my friend Valerie invited me and this is like my first time going to a Danville their conference but I was just really excited to see like in here what God wanted to speak to me and I was just being in prayer and everything and basically what God spoke to me through his servant is that in order for me to really just like know who God is is just spend time with him in the word and so that's what I'm going to do and I'm excited for that awesome cool real quick I just selfishness like I really like I'm in the word a lot I've watched a million in his videos and I've never been impacted like over this weekend and I'm trying not to cry here because I'm overwhelmed by what the true what true love looks like and how selfish I actually am and how much more I need to just focus on and it's easy it's just don't try to learn love try to just be loved and and I've just had it all wrong kind of like the works thing like you want to work harder to please God when you don't have to you just have to receive so it was good hey red come on alright so I'd say probably the thing that stood out the most was okay faith works you love and I feel like I've heard that a lot but it really just kind of hit my heart and that we have access No through by we have access to faith through love and we're saved by grace through faith but you don't have access to faze unless you love and it was kind of funny I was in Matthew 5 this morning it talks about even what Dan talked about a lot says you know going to your room shut the door and for the Lord will hear you in those secret places and is actually just waiting for people who actually just love him and when you can love him and get intimate with him they could actually operate in faith and everything else comes through faith so yeah that's good what hey so this is my second time and I really believe that like I don't know how to explain it but it's just open my heart in my eyes to like a lot of like new things and just how to remain pure is like one of the one things that good that's it all right Oh John if we can put up our text to give number is that available right now that would be great if you don't have a cash or cheque but you would like to give you can you can text to give and that number is there okay cool six six one seven two seven four zero five zero if you want to contribute that way so with that Joey once you come up here one more time can you guys please give some love for Joey where's Christophe at and Christophe step out where's Christophe I Kristoff if you can hear me come here we love you come on Christophe come on come on run yeah Eric come on up here it's Fred is Fred here I'm know Fred's here we're spread Kim here I should have seen that that glory of your head shining he carries the glory we just want to honor these guys really been implemented and many of you as well and kind of helping us make this weekend happen we're going to get some great teaching open your heart open your mind and then tonight if you could stick around come on downtown and Chris Kuehl Allah is going to be leading worship we're just having a worship night celebrating and it's going to be super fun and we're going to have a big old party so if there's anything else that you guys want to say to kind of end our time together I just wanted to give you the opportunity and then I'm going to have joey preyas and Dan's going to come and Dan if you don't mind two things this is going to be hard for you he's going to hold a mic which is hard for him okay we're going to give him a lot of grace but if you could stay up here on the stage instead of down there that'd be great because then we can video it and give it to more people so that'd be awesome okay guys anything else John's put on your heart for I don't look at me like that [Laughter] no we're just we are wanting to not only hear Dan but we're really wanting to incorporate the things that he's saying because it's so important a foundational thing of who we are in Christ we all have to have it and he's got a really an amazing teaching so we're just we're wanting to do that where I believe it's I believe it's going to change the church and ultimately it's going to change our city amen okay let's just pray come on let's open up open up your hands open up your heart and your mind - Lord we just thank you for today we thank you Jesus that you've made a way for us back into just relationship with our Father that we've been adopted we've been brought in by your blood Lord and you see us as perfect holy righteous blameless and above reproach and I thank you Lord that this truth is saturating our hearts more than the doubt more than the skepticism more than the unbelief that truth is piercing our hearts and so we thank you for these seeds Lord that are falling on good soil and you know Lord we thank you for Dan we bless him and his wife and their ministry and their marriage and their relationship lord I thank you that that just whatever he's blessed with just a double blessing on him and his family and so we thank you for this in Jesus name Amen all right Dan welcome Dan well you guys just stand and give Dan a hand while he comes up come on thanks guys you can drive to grab your seat wow man a weekend went fast huh it's our last session I'm catching a plane this evening Wow seems like I just got here dad nothing like we just drove up the road have some friends with me from Kentucky over there Brandon and his precious wife August they're expecting their first baby that's awesome yeah god you're good Wow Wow how's everybody doing I was just listening I'm sorry there's a couple things going on in my heart I'm pretty foundational guy when I'm at a setting where a lot of people never heard me there was a lot of hands that said they weren't at any services and then he said how many people have never even heard a dance there was still a lot of hands I have my eyes on that dude right there I was like he I just want to give you a little summary of where we've been over the weekend and where I've been for the last 22 years in my life because I grew up in church my mom made sure I went to church and most of the time I didn't want to go I fought her on it and I don't know about you but grown up as a young man the circles I was involved in mom switched it up tried to keep it interesting she took me to a couple different settings to see how we'd respond I just came away with the idea that God was kind of mysterious I never connected with his love for me I believed he was real I believed Jesus really did what he did I believed he died on a cross and I'd see the crucifixion stories and I theme all beat up and bloody hanging on the cross and Easter time it would be all around you you know and but I never really could connect I was like why does anybody like that like you were like okay so you died on the cross to forgive me why you said on forgive me if people say what cause he's loved and and I'm like okay but there was nothing to connect you like and then it was just what he wants us to go to heaven and who grew up feeling like God was like out there somewhere but you believed he was real and you felt like because you believed he was real you should serve Him at some level or pay respects to him at some level right so I'm just trying to bare my heart I don't usually teach like is it just skills right tomorrow right now so bear with me and if you listen to me all the time you'll say boy this is different if you never heard me before you'll just think it's the way it is it's all good I because I'm kind of talking to those people when I was around 18 to 20 years old I started to decide you know I don't think I want to go to church anymore because it was all about Jesus died on the cross because I'm a sinner and you need to pray this prayer because if he comes back you better pray the prayer and believe on him or you won't go with him when he leaves after coming back he won't be in that crowd and you you won't go to heaven so my whole understanding of the gospel was that Jesus died on the cross so I could be forgiven and go to heaven and I make sure I stay in church till he comes that's what I was to hope and that's what a lot of us I found were told and it never changed my life that made me feel indebted it made me feel conscious of my weaknesses and my sins and it created more questions than answers I started to wonder why does God love me so much why does he care about me going to heaven to pay the price of his son's life and why would Jesus be willing to not let any man take his life but give it so all this could happen why I know you say he's loved but it's a love I can relate to likewise he loved me so much to forgive me and take me to heaven that he would die for me and I feel like I don't even really know him and one day I'm going to be with him forever it just it just in connect with me so when I was close to 20 I had the ability to just say oh well I'm just not going to go to church thank you my friend I'm just not going to go to church anymore but that was my fault that wasn't anybody else's that was my decision it sure didn't help matters and for thirteen years I went and I live just apart from God I never really lived in God anyway I wasn't good in my marriage I wasn't good as a daddy I was a frustrated man it's very selfish I thought that was normal everybody seemed a little selfish to me and people got angry if things didn't go their way they'd complain so life was kind everybody was the same some went to church some didn't go to church but I noticed the people who went to church were frustrated like the people that didn't the people that went to church had the same issues so I just started thinking it was just a doctrinal thing he died on the cross it was all about heaven and not going to hell and if you die tonight and don't know where you're going make sure you pray this prayer and you're covered but there was no life change around me there was no life change in me I mean you know how it is you bad stories get exploited the leaders the ministers that get caught doing things I mean we had a pastor right down the street things expose I'm thinking you know people are people some people just believe they're going to heaven and some people don't seem to care and movie thief I guess that was my understanding so I went to work one night in June 9th it's coming up soon it's my birthday and I'm excited about it like right now I'm playing it so cool for you I don't even know what's going on like I'm just so relaxed but I'm so excited as I'm changed and he lives inside of me and the reason he does is because he wants to then it just freaks me out 22 years later of like if this is too good like I go I wake up with him I go to bed with them like I used to traveling they'd give you a king bed and call it honor and you used to bother me I think it was excessive I'm thinking I don't need a king bed it's like you don't maybe if my wife was there I'd lose her you know I'd be like Kim yeah I remember one morning I woke up I said Jesus Jesus does looking under the sheets oh yeah king bed for big man and I got over it I thought you know I'm sleeping with the king I'll just get in the king bed if they want to give me a king bed but it is just funny things we call honor you know yeah so I go to work June 9th 1995 my marriage is a mess I'm I just went to an attorney I mean to my wife you have no idea I thought she was a problem later I realized she was a really amazing lady and went the extra mile and tried hard to hold our marriage together 13 13 years I was too deceived blind and selfish to even see it my eyes were so fixed on me I couldn't see anything else somehow I felt like my family owed me something I felt like my kids owed me cuz I went to work and gave him a house I was just mean I was just frustrated I complained all the time I figured everybody's this way it's his life once I got saved I looked in this Bible it started talking about you know do all things without grumbling and complaining and I'm like who's doing that I started to realize we're getting we're good at going to church but the point is becoming her like Christianity is never defined by church attendance it's defined by Christ's likeness and you can't let what you're a part of take the place of who you're becoming you can't let your Bible reading take the place of no in him you can't let serving in a church or a ministry take the place of knowing him because I've learned that knowing him is what transforms your life and makes you different than you were before and all of a sudden his eyes are looking for yours and his heart is inside of you and all of a sudden his ways actually become your ways because you're in a new covenant through his blood and it's no longer his ways are higher than my ways like we all quote I actually find out that Christ's enemies the hope of glory and as he is so are we in this world and as the father sent me so I send you and unlike this is really intimate and this is exciting and this is a little different than I forgive you over sins and someday I'm going to blow a trumpet and take you to heaven because your name's in the book all of a sudden I realized heaven wanted to come into me all of a sudden I realized the reason he died was to get a lie off of me and get the old man off of me and the thing I was born into called Adam in the fall of man and everything I called no he wanted to get it off of me and teach me something brand-new he wanted to pour new wine into a new wineskin it's what he wanted to do he didn't want me to incorporate him into his life and hope to go to heaven someday he wanted heaven to come into me and flow through me now he wanted me to walk in love and show mercy and make peace and have total patience for people and never judge a book by the cover and actually cry for men instead of cry because of men yeah he wanted to make me like him he wanted to put the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead inside of me and he did I like that I'm just telling you listen I went to work and I was lost I was so arrogant I was so selfish I was so deceived I was thinking my wife was the problem and I wasted 13 years for her with her we had two children I didn't even know how to love my kids I was so messed up and selfish and and and I'm like thinking he's the problem and why'd I waste my life with her so when she finally found the strength to say I can't do this anymore I'm like great I've been waiting for this day so let's just get it done and it was terrible I was so brutal and so wrong and she died inside and and she just I could just see her getting cold as I mouthed her on the back porch and and then I had to dig a little more and told her how her family sees her and how I got stuck with you I'll never know it was bad man she went to her bedroom and she forced herself to not crying she said I'm done crying and in her heart she said I'm done with this man and then she said she looked up to the ceiling and said and you know what I'm done with you I prayed for this man for 13 years took these kids to church and cried out to you and you've done nothing I have prayed and prayed for you to change him and I'm sure he's worse you've done nothing I don't need you either the hurting person understands her mindset analytical mind understands that because we live from pain and all of a sudden it teaches us something somehow we got this strange idea but the gospel the cross and God is here to serve us instead of transforming us and it's here to make my needs get met and everything I hold dear go right and if not we prove that we don't understand because we react to him instead of remaining covenant with them and all of a sudden were good with God if things are going the way I hope but if not I have a quandary and I thought he loved me and where has he been and why hasn't he moved and all of a sudden were a dead giveaway that were not in covenant with him that we need him and we got the idea that covered the Gospels here to serve me and make my life go better instead of transform me and make my life like him so she walked off into darkness and I went off to work on June 9th of 95 I went to work my wife's three years and nine months older than me when I was 19 and met her I thought that was the coolest thing in the world I said this girl's 23 I thought it was awesome I was like none of my buds is with no 23 year old I got it happening right now and I wasn't thinking Jesus so you know what I was thinking I'm gonna make it work with a 23 year old and I'm gonna have what none of my friends have had that's what I was thinking I'm being real but of course I told her I loved her of course I said she was awesome of course I got lovey with her and had to sparkle in my eye and said all the right things but I have one thing in mind I was with her for me and I was going to make it one for me now we're 13 years in she's turning 37 and I'm 33 I got a 25 year old girl that's interested in me that I knew when I was a teenager and she had a little girl crush on me and I bumped into her two-minute mark and she still had that little crush on me and I thought that was pretty cool my wife and I are ruined anyway I'm 33 she's 25 that sounds exciting now oh I'm being real don't you get nervous I'm just being real guys we say I love you but it's really do you love me when we say I love you do you love me all your sin is I love you for me you make my world happen don't you ever pull out from under me and break my heart because I need you we call it love but it's not that's why there's so much pain in so many relationships we wake up in the morning and need each other to be a certain thing so we're okay I'm not sure we wake up and no one owes us anything and we're here to laugh because that's the kingdom in the church I've learned in 22 years of pastoring and being in leadership and we actually in the church believe the people that are closest to us can hurt us the most and it confuses me because they're the ones we say we love and love doesn't seek its own and takes no account of the wrong gun to it so where's debt broke fit into that but they hurt me that should concern you that you're so breakable you might be finding your identity through people and things instead of him and you might be using him to fix what you need and that's why things ain't fixing he's not a busboy he's not our table waiter he's not our genie in a bottle he's our father and like father like son like father like daughter who he is as in us to shine through us it fascinates me because I went to work and I was working minding my own business I'm ready to make the biggest mistake in my life up until that point and the Lord speaks to my heart and I think it's my mind and he didn't say you know it's been a long time since you've been to church you know but when's the last time you even read your Bible have you prayed like in a while he didn't say none of that that's what he said he said you don't even know if God's really real that impresses me now that I understand God never wanted me to serve Him he just never wanted me to be a disciplined church attender i believe in church attendance i believe this is right or i wouldn't be here i'm not saying no but don't hear what I'm not saying the priority wasn't go to church the priority wasn't pray the priority wasn't read your Bible he's always wanting me to know him and as I read scripture I realized that knowing him is what transforms me we say Jesus is the way to heaven there's no scripture that says this is way to heaven he said he's the way back to the father and the father is eternal can we get grafted back into him and of course we'll live forever but the carrots not going to heaven the reward is being restored back to him you can pray a prayer to go to heaven and stay mad at your spouse you can you can prepare to go to heaven and hate your sibling that you feel like did you wrong you can prepare to go to heaven and not want to even look at your boss because he makes you mad and you can get tricked into religion and sing hallelujah Jesus is Lord and let everything around you decide who you are and all of a sudden life is speaking louder than truth but truth makes you free and all of a sudden you're only as good as things are going instead of good as he is inside of you and somehow we could trick back into thinking this is really all about us even though we sing it's all about him he never said if any man come after me let him pray a prayer to assure his name's in the book of life so he could go to heaven he said if any man come asking me let him deny himself pick up his cross if you don't understand denying yourself it's not religious it's not rules it's not it's realizing you were never made for you you were never made for you you were never just made for well-being you were never just made for glassy seas you were made for His image let us make man in our image and in the likeness of God he made man he made man with intention he made man with purpose and when that intention got lost through sin and separation he paid the price to get that true fast inside of men [Applause] God made man in His image and God is love God made man to love not need love we all born into needing love why we were all born into Adam when Adam sinned everything he was made to be died he lost who he was it died he got cut off from love and became in need of love and every man was born into that deficit and you must be born again somehow we turned that into a prayer that saves me and blesses me fills my bats and barns and entrust God to make sure I prosper to make sure I change and make sure I no longer live for myself and see you through fleshy eyes and make sure that who he is comes inside of me so who he is flows through me because we're the light of the world and you let your light so shine before men so they see your life lived and know there's a god that's the gospel people and it excites me because he came to me and said you don't even know if God is really real and I think man I don't know it all I tried to push it off the first time it came the second time there was no escape in it he came to rescue me yeah did the Lord ever put somebody on your heart out of the blue and you felt like you should pray for them please always do it please don't don't say you're too busy it's the Lord out of the blue put somebody in your heart even if you barely know them and it gets strong and you feel like whoa I am I thinking to them just died for them just ask grace to cover them just ask God to forgive them just ask mercy to go towards them just start to pray why am I saying that because two weeks before this encounter some people that my wife was going to a home group and and bless their hearts there were nice people they were doing their best and stuff but my wife will go to the home group and and it's one of these things we do in home groups we don't understand what we're doing like they know there's a struggle at home so they think we think we're being compassionate we think we're being sensitive and we don't understand so we're like how's things at home and that's your answer so you go all honey because my wife is so sweet so then you're like oh honey oh my gosh I'm so sorry you have to live in this I'm so sorry you have to go through this I'm so sorry he's like this and all of a sudden you feel sorry for her and deep in your heart you're a little irritated with me because I don't recognize how sweet she is and why does these sweet ladies always get these bums so you sympathize with her and you begrudge me so when you pray for me there's no desire for mercy there's no really loving compassion there's because God would just straighten the city it out so he does her justice that's kind of without saying it where we're coming from a lot and what we're doing is we're sympathizing with her because she's in so much turmoil and we say oh honey you must be so broken you must be so hurt I'm so sorry he doesn't understand us and all you're doing is empowering her to let me decide who she is and you're understanding that it's idolatry then you pray and say Oh Holy Spirit would you come and comfort and bring peace excetera no you got to teach her how not to be broken and let one man decide who she is when one man is the truth about her and you got to make her understand that hey you can't let this heat you up and let what he doesn't seem to find what you do see don't reduce yourself to the highest grace you receive as that people seem to care about your pain those leaders years later are driving to Walmart two weeks before I had this encounter he said have you seen Kim lately now just thinking again have you seen him since a while I certainly didn't see him why this man said he's just selling my heart I feel like we need to pray that was God crying out for me living like a jerk man in the flesh terms living like a jerk man God doesn't see jerk he says I know who I created you to be you're blind and deceive Jesus's words before the Father forgive them they don't know what they're doing and God wants to rescue me out of the darkness he wants to deliver me he wants to move inside of me and he comes to me on the night says you don't even know if God is real why cuz God being real is the change of my life it doesn't say eternal life is a prayer that takes you to heaven it says in John 3:17 this is ii or john 17:3 this is eternal life that you might know him the only true God and His Son Jesus Christ whom he sent if you don't grow to know God you'll serve God then you always feel like you're not doing enough and you'll never have intimacy and if you don't have intimacy you'll never reproduce anything can all of a sudden we're just filling churches filling churches will change the world becoming like him has to I got so Zbornak and that night there's nothing else you're born again is I got so saved that's what it is you don't get half saved you don't get to somewhat change even if you work out in your life some things like your salvation and some moods change some attitudes change your heart God's Gospels designed your heart to change and put something new in you a new desire a new motivation a new reason for being cut off the old put on the new any man in Christ new creation old things pass away behold all things become all things you can't bring him into the old language you can't bring him into the old mindset you can't bring him into the old wisdom and call it salvation and transformation and born-again you can't add him to human reasoning you can't blend him into the way that seems right to a man you died everything that ever was because you were taught by a lie you were taught by the foundation of self-centeredness you were trained from birth to live for yourself think for yourself defend for yourself and need you can't bring the old into the new you can't bring the new into the old this isn't Jesus incorporated this is Christ in me see I'm not calm anymore I eased in I didn't even know what I was doing but I'm there now sorry I thought Lord this feels subtle I'm just leaning and talking calm I'm not calm right now I'm a little more revved up than you see I'll learn to contain it to communicate I'm not joking I'm alive inside he's inside I don't know how to need you I know how to love you I didn't wake up for you to do anything for me today that means you can never let me down yeah and if you live outside of what he's called you to I won't get mad at you I'll wait for you because mercy triumphs over judgment why should you have the ability through your conduct to frustrate my heart if God is love and if we're sin abounds grace abounds more war why would not be a graceful man why would I just look at your outward life and judge you by the cover and never open the book and read the center of your pages come on man I'm preaching good it's called born again born again it's not a confession of faith it's born again unless the man is born again you can't see the kingdom of heaven reason I told you about that people praying after I got wrecked and saved I was probably a month or two in and I don't remember the timeframe I think may have been two months totally transforming how many people were like my co-workers in four days were like what's going on with you I never said a word about Jesus in my heart I said you know what I saw so and so's marriage in trouble we went to a pastor next thing you know he's a church handing out tracts because the pastor said and look at here if you're going to trust God for your marriage you need to do service for him so go hand out tracts probably not the wisest thing I mean he just gets his marriage of stories back in the bars drinking he's the same man he just used God for a season to get what he wanted but he's the same man that's the same man one day after I got saved called me at home on my day off and said how do you live the way you live he said you're going to tell me it's Jesus but I don't understand I need to understand because I see how you're living and I don't understand you never change nothing moves you nothing bothers you I've never seen anything like this I see what the people are doing at work I feel like they're taking advantage of you and you just smile and say yes and do the best job the co-workers get on you for doing it because you're Kings you're Union and you just have this way of maintaining the same I don't get it I'd be infuriated I said well you got a minute I asked him to over my house that same man kill my house set on my fortune cried and got born again it's just beautiful you don't use God to get your marriage back together you give your life to him so his life comes inside of you you don't make the priority your spouse coming back you make your priority get informed in Christ so that when God sees himself in you he has something to bring them back to him and you come on this stuff is important I'll tell you the rest of this story but two months later I'm a getting gas and I looked over and seen that man that used to leave the home group I didn't know the story I didn't know they pray these two people go into Walmart he said to his wife's got a pray for him dancy me for years they don't believe we're not close like they just know I'm her husband he pulls over the car he doesn't like Shaba why he's driving and throw out a line or two of Prayer he stalks the car and starts crying for me and his wife said what's happening i feels go around just pray for it they're holding hands crying for me I was gone crying through the intercession back to him I am I'm going to get two weeks later he found me I was really lost - we cited various Killam S&L beta this ran over the before that encounter if I'd have saw him guess what I'd have done I knew who he was what he represented and who he wasn't my wife's life and I line myself up to the pump so he couldn't see me when he pulled out at a turn so he didn't recognize I did I wouldn't I didn't want to see nobody like that there bothered to me a threat to me I'd say hi hey how you doing unlike Jay just keep going you know how shallow we can be surface mean one thing Express another it's called two-face it's called hypocrisy he's taught me how to never be that way people say you seem so real I'm thinking there is nothing else what else is there what are we playing a game I ran over to the car I ran over to the car I said hey how have you been he said oh my goodness and I said hey man he said what's going on with you how are you he said I'm fine how are you he didn't say nothing about praying right I said man I gotta tell you the reason I were in the car Jesus came and rescued me he she just starts not an Impala feels messy and I'm thinking man he really cares I didn't know the story I'm thinking how can you have a heart like that you just care so much about my testimony and I said listen man I went to work I'm telling him a story and he could look at my eyes he saw unpossessed family and he loves me just tell her and he said when did all this happen and I told him I said man you really care about this you really love me he did or I didn't say dude I just say that because I know Todd he says man Todd what did you've done to me he says man my wife and I were driving a Walmart and you came so big in my heart I couldn't let it go I couldn't do it I parked the car said you what I parked the car prayed for your soul and cried my wife got overwhelmed they both sat there held hands and cried and cried out your name now I'm we're just in the car I mean really he's amazing I'm doing nothing right I'm hurting my wife and kids I'm living in lust I got my eyes on this young girl God doesn't say man what a loser he'll never get it he'll never pick the right thing fine let him walk off in la-la land if he wants to forget him I'll fix my eyes on somebody else that isn't God he says I know who you are boy you have no clue I'm going to pursue you will you track you down and give you ever opportunity to turn to me because I love you see and then this thing that I was deceived by when I was a little kid God loves you so much he sent his son on the cross stop telling people please just a piece of the story it doesn't change lives like it should it's a mystery you're wondering how can he love me you'll be honest be honest in this room be honest don't cater to me be honest how many in your young Christian life whatever age at some point in your Christian life and I'm not saying it's right now at some point you can relate to this here in the gospel god I just can't imagine why he would love me and how he loves me who actually thought that now watch keep your hands high is that an extreme majority of hands in this room I think we're preaching a piece of truth and here's the problem nobody loves God first except you see his first love so if his first love's a mystery your heart can never respond in the same you'll be reduced to serving him because you feel like you owe him and there's no grace to change your life because you see yourself apart from him and you can't imagine why he loves you even love where you've been and what you've done he loves who he created you to be he loves the truth about you he loves the purpose and the potential you possess he knows what you look like when he's in you and you're surrendered and it's worth paying for yeah so all of a sudden Holy Spirit taught me that the cross isn't about my sin it's about restoring my destiny the cross isn't about my depravity it's about my value and no creature in my life has never taught me that I found it in my bedroom with the Bible and I realized that the cross doesn't expose sin the Cross removes sin to expose value and restore truth he came and became a lie to get the lie off of me so truth could come over me once again he took on my image so I could take on his he was separated I'm forever joined he died I never will everything that Adam lost he restored and we've turned it into a self-serving prayer to go to heaven and bless me and meet my needs I'm not saying you I'm saying the body of Christ at large most messages pertain to our benefit not our transformation most messages teach us that he'll bless you and give to you and because that's not happening in everybody's life there's a lot of people that are discouraged at attend church and it proves we don't understand the gospel we have an understood covenant and we think discouragement is normal in its end scriptural be real with me if you're discouraged where's your focus on you and how life's affecting you how this is costing you what it's creating and how you got to go through it and where have you been God and what am I doing wrong and what door do they open and why are you letting the devil and all of a sudden your motive is a dead giveaway it's actually a Christian for your sake and you don't even realize it it's not evil it's not hypocritical its deception and my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge and in all your getting get understanding so I got saved that night guys I told him we cried it was a mess man what happened to you at work well you don't even know if God's real my heart came before me I was like oh my goodness I am so selfish I'm so lost I don't even know you I feel so lost I can't even explain how empty I felt this vacuum was so and I remember looking into the wretchedness of my heart and I was crying and I said my life is so pitiful my life is so pitiful I'm so full of hypocrisy and selfishness I don't even like me I want everybody to like me because I don't like me and I want them to like me to think I'm like a lot but I'm just done I look like I needed a sedative and a straitjacket that's what you're saying you look thing I look like now aren't you no I'm just excited 22 years later yeah I looked up at the rafters tall warehouse building almost probably had a ceiling kind of like this is this a lot of letter metal beams and rafters and lights I was crying so hard I was never so serious in my life I said God if you're really real because I didn't know but I was serious if you're really real you love me you forgive me for all these things that I see my heart and you have a plan for my life I live for him now I didn't know what I was saying but I knew I meant it and when I did that I can't even explain how heaven came over me and God flooded me with God reality and then you think I was worked out I know I needed two shots and two straight jackets I ain't playing I screamed I freaked out I can't even act it out it would offend people yeah I went ballistic I was like Geoffrey I pulled my hair I remember pulling my hair running jumping I didn't know what to do I was like with my hair clenched I still remember having my hair cleanse I'm like you're real ah girl huh hell I went nuts I was out of my mind I was way out of yours I went crazy man and I just stood and I wept and I laughed and I wept and I look like I've lost my mind and I did I can't even tell you he was waiting not for the day I prayed to go to heaven and confess that I believed he died on the cross and was Lord like we all teach if you read in Romans 10 the context we make that thing all about a sinner's prayer it's all about living a life of faith and staying a believer in everything the sinner's prayer has only been on the earth for about 80 years somehow the church lent all that time and somebody had a good idea it's a good idea to have a contact point of faith to pray a sinner's prayer I'm not against it we've made it the whole point water baptism slipped out of a lot of circles among us why because it's no longer about transformation it's just about salvation going to heaven and did you pray the prayer water baptism is all about dying so you can live water baptism is death burial and resurrection yeah it's all about putting under the old and dying in the likeness of his death and the death he died he died to sin once for all but the life he lives he lives under God you likewise reckon yourself dead indeed to sin pam-4 giving free wast cleansed from this new life yeah if you're good pastor like me you hold them down to every bubble stops a faith man faith Samson anointing will come on me you ain't coming up you've come too far how it this is all goes in about 40 seconds after that last you gotta mission accomplished sweet new life for Jesus Christ the one PJ you're doing it tonight man faith ah where's water baptism the first place in the Bible no well we think flood God baptized the whole earth in water and when he brought the earth out of the water there was no unrighteousness Peter said in the days of Noah eight righteous souls were saved through water we have this an AI type which now saves us which means the days of Noah was pointing to the new covenant baptism that was coming the earth was continually wicked men's hearts were twisted and the earth was full of unrighteousness so what did God do he submerged the earth in water and destroyed all the unrighteousness but it was at the cost of men's lives in this new covenant he was going to cost one man his life we were still going to get baptized and righteousness would still be removed but every man would live in him and he looked and he said I'll never destroy the earth this way again and he put a rainbow in the sky to Marcos promise and he was prophesying and pointing to a baptism that was coming that won't destroy life but save life and righteousness would be restored he said you have this anti-type which now saves you water baptism not the cleansing of your flesh but the answer of a good conscience toward God see if you don't die to the old and die to yourself your contents can never be good towards God because you see yourself for what's not like him and you see yourself for what you've been and where you fit but when you understand all things are going and all things are new and all things are dead and all things are and all of a sudden your conscience is good toward God if my heart doesn't condemn me I have confidence before God in the days of naked in the sanger over he has clothed me and righteousness he came on me I was wrecked my wife walked off into darkness and hurt and pain unforgiveness burst things unresolved conflicts makes you a different person you have a spouse and you need attention you have a spouse and you need flattered you have a spouse and you need encouraged it's dangerous if that's what you believe your spouse is for because if your spouse isn't doing those things you have that vacuum crying out for it you'll make sure somebody does that's what happens to relationships and we call it love it's a starry-eyed Hollywood movie fantasy and it's delusion your discontentment produces desire your frustration produces desire and all of a sudden you think you're attracted here because it's so bad here but if this was healthy or you were healthy you wouldn't even feel it the only reason you see this is because you're not well and you're needy to know the love of Christ which Ephesians three to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge is to be filled with all the fullness of God well I'm lonely to know the love of Christ is to be filled with all the fullness of God people say we didn't God make Eve because Adam was alone he was alone in the sense that he had nowhere to multiply and reproduce he had nowhere to manifest love he had nowhere to flow how's God multiply what he made Adam to be if there's no one to love if there's no one to conceive in that love and reproduce in that love and cover the earth with his glory Adams alone there's no one comparable let me make one comparable puts him in a sleep he doesn't make another lump of clay he reaches in to what's in the image of God and the fullness of God and brings out what was one and makes it two so two could be one it's not misunderstand he didn't even bring out the woman you ought to be glad for this ladies he didn't bring forth the woman until he saw the fullness of himself in the man and knew that the man could give the woman everything that he is that's why he said men you love your wives like Christ loves the church it starts out saying wives submit to your own husband's as unto the Lord we have butchered that thing and we have made wives servants to men it doesn't mean that study the language the word head means protector and overseer and watch over it doesn't mean boss submit means yield and adapt yourself to as you would to Jesus so you get married and you find a trade in your husband you didn't realize in your engagement and you think boy that's hard to live with I didn't know that was there no you yield and adapt yourself you nurture him you love him you yield to him don't get interrogated by him don't get let him get under your skin because the gospel gave you a new skin start to love and yield and adapt yourself and bear with one another even as you would to the Lord because you read your Bible and you say wow that's not quite working in my life that way wow I haven't surrendered that yet and you begin to yield the Deaf yourself to the Lord to work out your salvation save way in a marriage you love and yield and adapt to your husband like you would to Jesus husbands you're the head of the wife that's not the boss that's the protector the overseer and the covering it's a covenant it's one man was made in His image women was made in His image Regenesis both male and female your highest calling is not to serve the man your highest calling is to be found in His image and if you're found in his image you will love your husband see how healthy this is come on guys but if you're married for your sake you have issues and your husband isn't fulfilling you and your wife isn't doing the same if you are needy you're going to have issues and all of a sudden would reduce to teaching well men are this way and women are this way and all the sudden we make the spouse the justification that were not fulfilled and now they're not meeting my need and now we have reason to be less than Jesus guys that's idolatry you're letting something matter more that doesn't matter most and you're letting one person decide who you are and how you are and their name isn't Jesus you guys alright sorry Joey you don't have to leave don't get so convicted man it's all right I love you buddy you're awesome I'm glad I got to know you a little better this weekend you're really really special to me plus I blocked your shot dude my wife met up with a girl down the street ten years younger than her and that girl decided to be her counsel and teach her how to live life and have fun she would do her garden in her yard and her flower beds in her little bikini she had a lot of tattoos all over her body which I'm not discriminating against she would just live in a certain life with a bunch of motorcycle guys like several bikes would pull up and not leave for a day or two and there was things going on in that house and in those days I was probably envious I didn't own a motorcycle I'm just saying I'd put her down with my mouth but I'd look at her out of the corner mile that's how lost we are if we don't know him she's on purpose do her flower beds at the street on purpose my wife was so jealous about that but once my wife's hurt and gives up on me she makes friends with her and she starts counseling her telling her now to never go back to me how to never yield to me if I come back and weakness I'm so sorry you shut him off you move forward your life's more than this you need to get this you need to do this you need yeah yeah here on generous woman yeah here what you serious my wife it's crazy if you do realize it's sadly funny she drinking and smoking marijuana sitting out in the picnic table in the yard talking about me and fuming and venting and fussing i'ma work and rest and transform we won't even talk she won't even talk to me I don't even talk to her we lived five months a hell guys she'd come in the house I'd walk out the back door and stick her with the kids I'd leave for a day - I'd come in she'd go out another door and stick me with the kids and not say a word hell nobody winnin she said you know he just like my husband to come home some night or call because we're trying to live in the same house to not blow up all our finances till we could get divorced and then just split and run right it was how to he's just like my husband come home one night a call and say I found the Lord while she's saying that I'm at work getting wrecked by the Living God the girl says well don't you fall for that if he ever pulls that men are weak they find out what they lost may come crawling back don't you feed him man you shut him off you cut him out you never yield to him again you'll just hurt you in time I call now 15 minutes after her conversation I haven't reached out to her called her for five months and I ring the phone for her she says hello I said hey what do you want I said I don't even know what to say while I'm really calling I'm sober whoo God's real click I came home my wife is meek timid and quiet I could always cut her up with my tongue and shout her down I come home not that night buddy I don't know where she found that button was a guy a Wolverine guy she looked like the Wolverine is she was like I walked in the doors like whoa you got to understand God's real he's overwhelmed my heart I know in my heart I've heard her so bad and I'm wise enough to understand I can't patch it up in a moment I understand she's hurt she's blind she's mad she's angry she's frustrated and in most things she's actually right I was that bad so I walked in the house and it let me at it man you fool I know what you're up to you're trying to get the family to favor you and all these years I pray for you and you won't get to church and you wouldn't be a Christian and now we're done and you want to pull this and all of a sudden you're a Christian to her was a bigger slap in the face in the world and I said I'm so sorry I can't even imagine how you must feel I'm just sorry and I just walk I got away from I went to my bedroom and I got to my room oh my god so real reading about I woke up in the morning praying in tongues in the morning on my bed overwhelmed crying started to talk to Lord Tom's just started pouring out of me I was like I don't know what's going on but this is you God I just raised my hands and worship it in and praising him this definition of my manhood came to my heart just the lust and what I thought it was to be a man it wrecked me I said God you couldn't have made me this way I said it's so selfish at the expense of another there's no person with a job description to serve me meet my need or scratch my itch I knelt down on my knees and said God you have to deliver me I've been taught by the world I've been living lies make me what you want me to be and he wrecked me and changed me and saved me from so many things so my wife was furious so stretch your mind without me going into detail she went out of her way and did as much as she could to break my heart make me snap to relieve her conscience and make me change my mind about Jesus she decided I'm going to break him and then I'm going to go AHA see you ain't for real and for seven weeks she went out of her way to hurt me and I didn't know how to hurt no more because Jesus taught me the first morning in my bedroom if you don't have love you've got nothing and I said you've got to make me that mouth and for five weeks I stayed in my bedroom and I only came out to go to work and eat lunch I turned my clocks to the wall so I didn't know the time and I sought him and I sang and I raised my hands and pray started to declare who he was in me and found out scriptures and wedding whoa and Holy Spirit walked me for five weeks into a communion with God that's so rock solid established my heart that my wife had no ability to hurt me move me or shake me all I could do is love I was four weeks into this process and on that work and visions came to me for weeks saved I don't even know nothing about visions and I'm getting visions of my wife and I'm seeing details and what she's in the middle of and what's taking place and I began to pray and I said oh my lord she's so hurting that's not her she's hurt hurts driving her there Oh God have mercy on her and I actually hurt for I didn't go she's where she's doing what are you kidding me how could she no way third or fourth night having these visions the Lord said Dan do you know why I'm showing you these things I said yes story because you want me to pray he said I'm showing you because I can did you get that I'm showing you because I can you only respond like me he said there's many things I'd like to show my people but I can't because they'll respond like now and I was like who's trying I just want to be like you now I always would say nobody owes me nothing nobody owes me a thing I owe no man anything but to love you'd lay down your life I will lay down for greater love has no man than this he lay down you don't have to believe me I'll go ahead and stretch you 22 years of not understanding what discouragement means anymore 22 years of not knowing what frustration or anger means 22 years of not being able to feel sorry for myself I am so brainwashed I am NOT alive for me I didn't wake up for you to do a thing for me I woke up to be like him changes everything my days of issues and trouble are over my days of crying because of you are over I can only cry for you because if you're not living in conduct it means you don't know him like you could and I should care about that not get frustrated by that I see so much frustration in the church I see so many people falling apart because of each other and it proves we don't know him like we sing but to know him as he turned a life come on don't throw back on me don't get spanked I'm not spanking nobody I'm just talking seven weeks goes by in the sixth week she said I'm going to my sister's I'm leaving for my sister's like my kids said mommy how come you used to always take us to church and daddy would never ever go and now daddy always takes it to church and you never ever go like Oh kids man he's out of the mouths of babes you know so see she said I'm going to my sister's I'm spending the weekend I said okay have a great time very minimal communion conversation I wanted to talk to her she just wouldn't talk one day I come out of prayer I must have been getting loud in the room I was just a couple weeks in I come out I open a bedroom door to come out and she's standing right there cuz she was listening and she went out the door she went my wife is so sweet you don't have any idea this was just unforgiveness and anger it made her it jekyll-and-hyde her it made her a different person unforgiveness changes you it makes you somebody else discouragement changes you makes you somebody else frustration will do that she's standing there no watch her language she's totally right it makes a good talk show and people get entertained and become a judge but it's not righteous and it's not Kingdom she says you make me so mad she said you stand in here and you pray and you pray just you live like the devil for 13 years 13 years you're in this house living like the devil and now you're in there like some holy man of God talking to God I don't think so she was mad she was mad and people that are her understand her language heaven doesn't even know what you're saying because if God said that about you you're not sitting here with his spirit in you if God ever said I had enough how long this wasn't put up with you you say one thing and do another you've got my heart on the yo-yo string I'm done with this I'm done being played by you anybody ever hear anybody talk like that in the earth did we get the language from Jesus then where'd we get it don't let any man on earth be your teacher you have one teacher he's the Christ he's not our way he's not a good idea he's the way he's not a truth he's doctrine he's not some truth he is she left to go see her sister she's supposed to be gone for two three days six hours later I looked up and see her face peeking around the corner in the kitchen she snuck in back door she left for six hours hung out and did stuff and snuck in the back trying to catch me in my old ways hoping I was yelling at the kids hoping I was sprawled out on the couch watching trash just hoping that something looked like yesterday so she could relieve her tormented conscience ago aha guess what she caught me doing I'm sitting indian-style in the living room with my children I got the Book of Psalms open and I'm teaching and what it means to worship Him touching oh bale wonder if it is for you and then she used to say well even if you aren't changed it's too late what's that mean if I'm changed I'm not the same what's too late things are new now that means you have rights and you had tips on the Soudan enough of your living with rights how do Christians deny themselves pick up their cross and have so many rights somebody needs to explain that to me you denied yourself why is it always all about you and how you feel and what they did and what they said and how it hurts and play for me I'm confused and confusions not God so that mustn't be gone somebody tell me how you deny yourself and have so many rights rights to feel like he does doesn't to be like he isn't rights to demonstrate what he wouldn't rights to say what he never does they want that in my life because it doesn't look like him and nobody can know him and now I just have to transfer doctrine and hope to get ahead shake out of people now I want them to see my life and be impressed with him because I'm impressed with them I want them to see that I'm a light in darkness that I'm different because he gave me new life and I'm not in the world I'm in it but I'm not of the world I'm not conformed I'm transformed my mind thinks like it never fought before she was so mad she told me he was so mad when she caught me worshipping Jesus because it she didn't get off the hook it it roped her in all the more God was just opener she said she yelled at God was mad at God and talked to God in an angry voice the whole way to a sister this just doesn't make any sense why would you do this I'm so insulted in that all these years went by we could have been a family in the Lord and you waited all this time and now you change him when I give up when I'm ready to get the boss you change him it's a slap in the face this isn't fair right now she just didn't my wife is amazing she was just hurt don't you let hurt encroach you don't you let a root of bitterness come inside of you and defile many don't you have issues you have the kingdom week later she's in the bathroom she's doing her hair she's going out he's doing her hair in the bathroom and guess who walked in the bathroom just like he owns the place it just goes where he wants he might not be welcome but he showed up he just walked right on in the bathroom king of the universe Lord of all lover of my soul he stood in our bathroom my wife said she went because he was mad and he said to her Kim why are you so angry with that man distinguishing separating why are you so angry with that man can't you see she said it was like somebody tore something right off of her face and all the bitterness and resentment and unresolved conflict and bitter words and put-downs can't you see it was overwhelming she said it was so intense she said that isn't the man you're angry with in fact him that's not even the man you married I have made him a plan and she collapsed to the floor crying fetal position he hovered over and said he's making peace now he's resolving the conflict it's true Kim you prayed for 13 years to me but don't you understand that you bound my hands for never answering your prayer because you never prayed for your husband because of love because of mercy because your heart cried for him you were reduced to another hurting wife that prays your prayers were all self-centered and you knew if I'd heal your husband or changing it would benefit your life in your days would go better your prayer wasn't love I can't let you stay that way I could never answer your prayer she got up from the floor I'm out in the garden working in the garden doing a second round of green beans and I hear the door slam and my wife is running right she's crying profusely and I thought somebody died I thought she got a phone call that you don't want to get somebody died there was a tragedy because she's running at me crying horrendously but I hear her saying something repetitively and she's going what sorry I'm sorry I'm so sorry I don't know it's ugly it's ugly I just lost it and I'm like what do you mean you're sorry it was like what why she's sorry I'm sorry like she see when I got saved at work I thought about my wife 30 minutes later that's why I called her but I didn't know what I was going to say I just called her why cuz I looked at my wife's direction in my heart and I went oh my goodness she's tried so hard oh my goodness she went the extra mile oh my goodness she she's never been the problem I've never left her I've never been a day like Jesus I've never even tried to even think about pursuing to be nothing but use her hurt her she's tried so hard and compassion was in my heart it also not actually started to feel like I loved her and for the first time in my life I was connecting relating to something that that we could call love why his love came into me I was born again I hadn't read my Bible yet hadn't been to a conference nobody laid their hands on me and spoke in tongues and imparted but he can cuz I said I'll live for you he said that's what I've been waiting for something yeah and he took out my eyes and he put his in he took out my old Stoney heart and he put in his heart and I'm changed she's I'm sorry sorry so what do you say the third round crying so hard it's ridiculous because I just I wanted to talk to her and say I'm sorry put yourself in my shoes I wanted to like honey like when she said you make me so mad you live like the devil for so long and you're some holy man I don't think so you know what in rightness I could have said well Kim you know God changes people he's merciful you've just allowed my for my life to hurt you so bad you can't see he's change man you feel like you don't want it it's just some forgiveness inserted pain don't let it keep you from prayer go seek God go get close to him your eyes will open you understand what's going on she not closed my eyes out if I had tried to say that what I'd have been right but it wouldn't make it right she wasn't ready for me to instruct her yeah so I didn't see my hair color yeah I said I said listen Kim I said you've been so hurt she says I said why are you saying you're sorry I said you've been so hurt I heard you so bad because he said that's what I'm saying sorry she's an operate for you a pray for you pray for you but I never loved you I was hurt by you I was so mad at you I only Breaka those word did forgive me for not loving you as a wife come on people to learn love we become love love while we were yet sinners he sent his son for God so it didn't say for God was so antagonize and frustrated and wit's end with humanity he finally sent his son I looked at her I cried I said oh my goodness I'm the one that's sorry and she said no I'm sorry she kept saying I never loved you and I'm like oh and I said listen Kim and I said this and that and then I said now listen I know you've been doing this and you've been here and there and I realize you've been so hurt that it's led you to be she's like how do you know I am a pilot I said because God showed me that God showed me so I could pray so I could love you in prayer and pray that you be restored she said what the students everything doesn't change anything that wasn't you [Music] you'll need counsel for what we need to Kingdom we need Jesus I love you right go on guys so I looked at her and I said can I renew my wedding vows to you she said wha I said yeah I know this was happening but it has tumbled papers by the nightstand with baggy eyes trying to eloquent speech this was in the moment I'm seven weeks saved not so I've been with him and he's in me yeah yeah I said can I renew my wedding value she said okay I said you a seven weeks old Spirit of God spontaneous in the moment you owe me nothing in this marriage and as long as I draw breath I will serve you oh but - you owe me nothing in this marriage but to receive the love of God for me and as long as I draw breath I will serve you in his unfailing life she said okay and I just held her and we cried and God just restored us and for hours and talked and loved and it wasn't sexual at all we hugged and talked and prayed and worship God just restored us was amazing I was born again so I got to read my Bible more and understand and that the whole goal of our instruction people is life I'm gonna wrap this up with this there's one reason God sent his son there's one reason he shed his blood to restore pay the price to restore humanity back to what he intended before sin and to put his image back in men it's not so you get a new job it's not so you make more money it's not so your whole family's protected because you pray all those things are good and believe that stuff but let your light so shine a whole reason he sent his son so you and me can become his love on the earth not just receive his love become his life because we are the body of Christ and as the father sent me we always think power and miracles how'd the father send the son for God so as the father sent me so I send if you forgive the sins of any they shall be what's he saying if you love them like I've just loved you when did he say this in John 20 he just rose from the dead they're huddled in fear afraid they're going to get killed - these guys had done nothing right they said they'll die for him and they ran now they're huddled for fear of the Jews the women are the only ones that would go to the tomb they're huddled up in fear Jesus walks right into the middle of their fear and says peace to you he doesn't say to Mary go back and tell my low life to face untrustable he said go tell my brother in come on Jesus raised from the dead he died alone but not alone but guys he ran with weren't there the people he invested in didn't hold out that's called a hurt minister that's thought I can't do ministry anymore cuz you can't trust people you do everything you need to do and then when they need to be there for you they're not even there and they said they will and they won't this pastor and be great if it wasn't for the people and now we have to set up ministries to restore her because we don't understand love and selflessness Jesus isn't hurt and people say yeah that's because these Jesus wrong it's because he's loved don't make him a special man he's loved that's what makes him special he rose from the dead he didn't have his shoes he didn't say where were you when I needed you John you laid your head on me and acted like you loved me and you ran like the rest of them get away from me John if I couldn't trust you then how can I trust you now come on be real with me that's language we grew up with their feelings we entertained but we never learned them from Jesus so put off the old and put on the new yeah come on guys he said he comes in the room he just soaked it go tell my brother and what's he saying coming to him you're still my family you're still my boys you know what he's saying I haven't changed my mind about you I still got plans for you don't tell my brother it going to my father and your father making us one too my god your God look up the words father means to come forth from God means source of life in that text guess what he saying you and me came forth from the source of life you called our Father God you know what you're saying it's not Christian ease well for the god I just thank you Father garlotte for the God we all just father god I hear that all the time not making fun of people I'm saying father God's become Christianese if we're not careful it's new language father God when you say it means I came forth from the source of life he said peace to you why did he say peace to you because he just took his blood to the mercy seat and applied it he just became the high priest between God and man and represents God the man and man to God he comes shooting down his blood speaking better things right now as he's talking and he comes in the room in roman five ones them and says peace to you you have now have peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ being justified by faith he walks in the room and says peace to you why he went to the Father he go Mary don't cling to me I haven't yet ascended to the Father but go tell my brother and I'm going to my father your father my God your God what's he saying I looked I said it's finished on the cross when they were beating me because the beating necessary to redeem man was complete but the best is yet to come I'm going to take my own blood into heaven not the blood of bulls and goats and I'm going to make peace between God and man and I'm going to cross this war of sin forever and I'm going to take it away because I'm the lamb yeah he shoots back to earth he walks in the room peace to you so same day in the evening on the road to Emmaus another gospel to disciples there breaking bread towards evening breaking bread their eyes were open they realized it was the Lord oh he vanished whoa he's got a busy schedule did he go to the Father if he said he was he comes back in the evening says peace to you that's a sign that you and me know he put his blood on the mercy seat in the blood speaking and he says here feel my hands beside they were glad when they saw it was the Lord because that had to be a freaky moment when Mary says to the gardener if you taken him and let's go show me where he is so I can get him and bring and he says Mary and she was this isn't a Bible story happened to a real lady full of emotions weeping with sorrow the best thing that ever happened to her was stripped from her and all of a sudden he's standing in front of her ah very rapidly she's come in don't cling to me he probably froze her midair don't cling to me Mary ah what's happening she's coming to hold on to him to claim zone he's saying wait don't want we don't detain me the best is yet to come I gotta go do something gotta wrap this thing up I'll be back I'll see you in a minute don't cling to me I'd love to talk - hey honey listen love you go back and tell my brother bye ma'am I'm going to father same day and evening he walks in the room hey guys welcome I'm really preaching good I'm glad you came yeah so what watch this he comes into the room John 20 you look at it if you have a Bible I'm scolding it it's there I've read it a thousand times I'm telling it's there he he he's a speech do they feel his hands inside and says they were glad that that it was him they saw it was the Lord and we're glad and then the very next thing that came out of his mouth was what peace to you second time what was that peace we're leaving their consciences what do you think Catherine when they realized it was really him while we ran wow I denied him Wow I didn't stand wow he walked in on me and fear I've been doing nothing but love my own life in for three years he taught me what it was to not love my life I said I'd die for him and I didn't and they started to get why really feeling messed up in Jesus when they realized it was the Lord and all those feelings Rustom he said the second time it was a different piece the first one was you have peace with God peace peace be unto you I just made peace the second piece is comforting them because they're so undone because they failed terribly peace am to you and he says as the father sent me guys they've done nothing right up until now he didn't say now listen there's a good supernatural school over in Capernaum that got stirred up I need you guys to go sit there as the father sent me so I send you and then what did he do he breathed on them and said receive Holy Spirit why didn't he just say receive Holy Spirit he holds all things together by the word of his power why didn't he just say be Phil be Phil you know how he pictured his beef did you know Thomas could you catch for me Thomas wasn't there actually he came later just having fun why do you breathe on him because he's the redemption of man he brings man back to original value the word Redemption means brought back to original how did God make man in the garden and everything in that breath was lost through sin so Jesus took away sin and brief back in demand and took man back to the beginning as if sin never happened he's the Lamb of God who and we get deceived into relating to sin tempted by sin tendencies of sin identity of sin there's two things I'd never think about in my life sin in the devil it's two things actually people focus on a lot Romans 6 says three times he made me free from sin first Peter 2 says so I reck'n'd myself dead to sin and and under I die to sin and live under righteousness Romans 6 says dead to sin alive under God there's so many scriptures the devil's are cut off withering branches coming to nothing greater is He that's in you they need it's in the world you're not fighting the devil you're fighting the good fight of faith that's maintaining a belief of who you've become now that he came and why you're fighting the good fight of faith you're not fighting the devil and you're certainly not one another the fighting to continue to believe in the midst of consternation and circumstances and trials and misconduct you're staying on page and you're staying on point and you're living Jesus you get it he breathed on him he took him back to day one as if sin never happened he said be filled with holy spirit and then he said if you forgive the sins of any what's he saying if you love people the way I've just loved you who knows they're standing fresh in a power blast of his life and they're like overwhelmed with acceptance and love in the midst of failure and he says if you love men see men forgive men like I'm loving seeing and forgiving you right now they'll know the way to forgiveness is I know the way to me because you represent me if you retain sin if you just see men for what they're doing wrong you get legalistic if you shut up your heart if you let your heart get cold and hard if you get into religion and works and power man never going to know what you're experiencing right now if you don't live in me and in my heart if you retain their sins and see them for what they did wrong how will they ever know what you're experiencing right now I mean now you think about how twisted we've gotten as a church at large and broke off and branches and circles and dug things that God never doggin got mad and split off and all these different beliefs and how hardcore and can't wear this can't do this legalistic and Wow God's offended with you were the only ones that are right going to heaven and home sudden the world looks at us and thinks we are cuckoo as the father sent me so I send you you say where he's talking to the disciple Stan read Matthew 28 go into all the nations make disciples of every nation and teach them to observe and obey everything I taught you if he said to Peter James and John as the father sent me I sent you he's talking to me cuz they're to teach us everything he told them don't you say that was just for the twelve or just for the eleven it was for you and me so I said I was done I was a little while ago I was just along I don't even land I just stopped I don't know how to land I've never done never seen eternal gospel I'm never done I don't know I'm not a I'm not a cool Minister you know that leads up to a altar call I don't I just preached what's on my heart and you go and then I leave you like that and and then you have to deal with what you heard in the Holy Ghost ha ha ha ha ha so far here's what I'm telling you from my heart everything I see in Scripture the whole reason he came is restores back to his image so we could become loved if we fail to become loved we fail to fulfill why he came first John 4 7 and 8 says beloved let us love one another first John also says this is how we know that we know him and love him right know him love him there's different scriptures that say this same thought he said that we love or this is how we know we love God when we love one another yeah so watch this beloved it's a little children's church song growing up I remember it in the Brethren Church beloved let us love one another for love is of God and every one that loveth is born of God and knoweth God he who loveth not knoweth not God for god is love beloved let us love one another first John 4:7 any right did you ever hear it when you were growing up yeah you don't need to clap for that believe me but did you remember that growing up heard anybody ever hear that what beloved let us love one another why because love is of God watch and everyone who loveth is born of God and knoweth God watch he who loveth not just done no God doesn't say you don't go to church doesn't say you don't pastor doesn't say you don't go to lead worse doesn't say you don't go on a mission trip now and then doesn't say you don't put some in the plate doesn't say you don't see your need for a savior and believe he's Lord or Savior doesn't say you don't see your need for forgiveness it says if you don't love there's one reason you don't know which means it's impossible to know him without becoming like him because this is eternal life that you might know him it's not cool to live impersonal it's not cool to serve doctrine it's cool to know him it's not cool to let their devotions take the place of knowing him it's not cool to let your church service attendants calling ministry and gifting and type personality take the place of knowing him knowing him is the transformation arrived and there's one reason that a man wouldn't love because he doesn't know him could know all about him I have a neighbor she just passed 94 years old and she was there the whole thirty years we've lived in her home bless her heart we love that lady I was a good neighbor I took food over to her veggies out of my garden I'd climb a ladder and clean her gutters for probably 27 years I'm motor grass and trimmed all her hedges and travel and preach and pastor but I take care of that lady cuz she's my neighbor she's a widow and that's undefiled Christianity one day I had some guys put some stuff on my house and they put their little work sign advertisement yard and come across crying you want your neighbors like this she come across crying and she said I said Anna ran over us what's wrong what happened why are you crying she said I didn't know you were moving I said anyone that moved now what he told me or you got a sign in your yard I said honey that self-construction sign there put morning up and stuff that's know what I thought you were moving hard rational bless your heart then it sure beats her whoa pop off my brakes God I finally broke through the heavens she said I looked out and thought it was a movement sign she's going to crying and uncomfortably laughs and trying to pull this up together she said I said man you're sure cups and say well I just thought you go ahead and find the best diapers in the whole world I'm going to go ahead and move it just made me cry I go we're not moving but you know I lived there a long time and I look out the window and you see an come out and take a walk and then later in the day she takes a walk she's got this red sweater on she wore that thing till holes were often it was serious and then the next time I saw it with a new sweater it was bright red when she drove her car was red so wow this lady likes red you know there's a girl that picks her up in the morning she comes back with a McDonald's coffee in her hand all the time it goes into the house another lady picks her up and she comes back in her hair is really nice I could observe and I could live beside and I could watch and I could study in and I could actually stand and talk to you for a whole length of time about an but until I go knock on her door and she comes out and looks mean I insist hello and I say hi my name is Dan well my name is Ann and they reach out and we shake I can't tell you I know her but I can talk about her and I can be factual not give you the lowdown on what I know but until I meet her and sit on that little back bench with her and talk I can't tell you I know her she just lives beside me let's make sure it's not positional he just lives inside me let's make sure we know him let's wake up in the morning and say instead of God I really need your grace if I'm going to get through today you know I'm not feeling it right I don't know why I woke up in the middle night one of these nights I'm trusting you're just gonna let me sleep like all night like lord I really hope today goes good I'm counting on you please yesterday was a bust and if you don't change the boss I'm not even sure how long I can work there I'm just I'm being a little facetious but not too far off here's what your morning can look like Wow father it could just even bbbb man it's not quite ready at all ah you know god I just thank you for life life in you it's just such a gift man I feel a little tired right now but I know today is going to be amazing because you're in me we've got so much purpose man I so appreciate the shift in my perspective used to dread my job and now I see its purpose in the division it's like a mission field how do you give me the great privilege to walk in you and live in you and and have influence and walk in the light like you're in the light now thank you people are noticing I don't have a need to preach it nobody my life is preaching and you're in power and I'm excited God my boss I just know he's struggling there's something going on I haven't heard from you what but this is something behind the scenes that making him so edgy and usually frustrated with him felt like I wanted to punch him but you know what I could cry for that man he's hurting there's something not right God would you touch his life begin to reveal yourself to him and turn his heart to you God have mercy on my boss and all of a sudden you're laying there having communion it is so selfless and so life-giving and all of a sudden you don't feel like you're not ready to get up you are ollie all the way in here and next thing you know go to work and actually shine because you put him on every morning you never take him off even in the night see what I'm saying that's real beats just praying for stuff hoping things go your way catch a green light get a better parking space it always fascinated me as Christians praying for those things using your faith for conveniences well Jesus always gives me the front space I appreciate you thinking that and talking that but you never even considered if you're in the front somebody's in the back your lights green somebody's is red somehow that slips us and don't matter he loves me he gets me all green lights and we work well I guess he doesn't love the rest of the city then is there sitting behind your red light we just make faith what it's not and we make favor what it's not we always make it personal convenience and it teaches me that we don't really understand why he came we take life more personal than we take knowing him don't ever let what matters most the overcome us something else follow me I love you guys appreciate you guys I actually feel done I'm gonna pray something over you Kenneth and then if you will I'm going to ask you did you have a question or a comment or something you raised your hand up better you just worshiping Jesus oh okay good man I was like hallelujah I thought he's like hallelujah is wrapping up I don't know I think you got a static that he was like shocked got a pop just left I thought you had a question you raised your hand so high I thought wow he might have a question are you just ready to pray I love that that's awesome you don't even know me dude I'll keep your hand up here for a long time because I say I'm ready to pray there'll be about 10 minutes later I think you're going to get a workout it's gonna be like what this dude was praying they just preached three more scriptures it told two more story come on love Jesus with all your heart cuz he loves you right look he paid a price to redeem your life and put the new on you and forget the old get it away put your sin and see if forgetfulness so if he put it in that see why don't you forget it too and why don't you put him on and go ahead and live in him because the Christ in you is the hope of glory the word glory means any manifest made known and seeing revealed attribute of God so the Christ in you is the hope of making God seen and known in that awesome so I'm just go crazy up movie in them I'm going to ask you guys I don't want you to run down here and ask me to do this because I'm trying to empower and teach and yesterday Saturday yes there's Saturday afternoon we didn't do it in the morning we didn't pray for the sick in the morning Saturday afternoon we did it remember I just turned two people loose I said pray for somebody right now we're not going to do the thing I usually do but to spray I had several people come up to me in the evening when we did a question answer two of them were kind of like just showed up and they weren't they aren't regular attenders and there's I think there's son brought him he might be here but his mom I don't know if he's here he might be here if you're here wave your hand your mom was healed her shoulder your dad's knee but they were touched man she couldn't lift her arm and she had total use of her arm one of you guys went over and prayed for her and the dad had a knee messed up for years and his knee was completely healed he said he actually felt it pop and he said he had no pain the rest of the day and he said there's no way that's not ever happened and his knee was messed up in that suite and then I had somebody else tell me about a thing that happened with them when they prayed and there's just a lot of healings taking place and what's cool is it was believers praying for people it was stepping out these signs shall follow those that so was just real simple wasn't coming to the guest speakers special anointing special power it was Jesus is in me and I love people and God loves people and I'm going to pray kept it simple six second eight second prayer the most you know shoulder be healed knee be restored pain you go thank you Father for your love in Jesus name who knows we can believe that be sincere who knows that we don't have to turn faith into a point in time and say well maybe he did maybe he didn't maybe he will maybe won't maybe face a position in your heart to believe what he accomplished maybe we don't have to be so afraid of failure and say well I ain't stepping out because I'm afraid nothing will happen and then because you don't step out you already have nothing so you didn't get nothing because you stepped out you got nothing because you didn't even step out that's like what a bummer so don't make it about you make it about him and love some ice in a minute I'll let you pray for each other because there's some folks that can be prayed for and God can change some things and I believe will change some things amen but don't make it about you your prayer never heals anybody it's not your prayer that heals anybody it's your belief in what he accomplished in his love for the individual if we keep thinking it's our prayer we're going to keep trying to pray harder pray right pray powerful and we're in works we're self-conscious while we're pregnant it's not the truth your prayer doesn't heal the sick it's your faith in what he accomplished and his love for the person it's not your prayer if it's your prayer we all all go to prayer college or something come on if you think it's your prayer then you're trying to say the right thing so you're on eggshells and you're self-conscious be honest with me who in this room has ever prayed for the sick and you got more thinking about what you were going to say how was going to sound and if it was going to be right than your faith in God loving them and finishing the work through Jesus come on man see how relatable that is so that's Liberty to you when I teach that you go yeah never again am i going in the name of Jesus you know put on a voice that you don't normally talk in thought about I just thank you right now you foul pain you kissed a disease you go Jesus name anything haven't know nothing sitting there going are you serious it doesn't fear your speech doesn't fear your tone here's the anointing of God it fears God fears him no match for him far above all power and principality Jesus name right father I just pray grace over this house I pray these words convict that's a good word guys shine light upon our lives in our heart make our marriage is strong that we wouldn't hear the gospel that I preached for one another but we'd hear it for ourselves then though spouse would be tricked into hearing it for their spouse saying I hope they're listening but God that would prove that they are the ones I'm talking to and they're the ones that ought to be listening Lord that we would never let another person decide who we are how we are but you so we always have something to give that we always have love I pray you manifested here daf like never before continue to grow us in the things we're growing bless this house its vision though your hand is so here you're multiplying you're bringing people in there's expansions there's campuses it's amazing there's such a solid foundation in every leader I've met and I am touched by and I'm asking you to continue to build on it let this word be confirming and let it establish and let it bring forth fruit I ask it in Jesus name and one more thing lord I pray that Derby I am for marriages that definitely know they needed this word today that would benefit and be transformed in a very practical way because of the conviction of this afternoon let Mary just be made whole in Jesus name Amen then I love you guys if you need prayer for healing please don't not participate it would be really sad if we've come this far and you feel like this is just the end of the church thing in religious it's not it's not at all there's going to be results it's going to be God moving there's going to be the kingdom come and it's very exciting to me if you need any form of healing in your body just stand up if you can if you can't stand just go like this and we'll make sure we get to you but just stand to your feet if you need healing in any way in your body that you need something to change that's not whole you have a pain that's continue you have a condition you're on prescriptions I feel like there's people on prescriptions there's somebody you didn't stand yet because I see people standing but you're on your own prescriptions for blood for shirring you're not standing because you just you're used to that and you just think oh well I'm doing that pegado I've done align your blood pressure and you'll see that that's true and right before you take your next dose check your blood pressure and you'll see did I get that person who are you you're on prescription for blood pressure you stood up good girl okay so do this for me and I'm just going to turn you guys loose now watch you guys that are sitting you get you're a woman there's some kind of conflict in your bladder it's it's like a bladder infection urinary tract infection you didn't stand up and I'm not sure why please stand your feet I know when I hear this stuff which it's some kind of bladder thing it's I don't know that it's an infection but there's pain and there's something not right don't be embarrassed by that don't be afraid to stand did I get her yeah I got you good I was just ready to move on and I heard that that ought to encourage you so much here's why if this wasn't for real and this wasn't serious why would I hear that if God wasn't planning to move why would he wait for you yeah yeah a few matters probably already okay did you hit the shop I'm not a real I don't teach feelings and stuff AB and I see a fat a little happy about that okay the people that are sitting I want you to participate and be my prayer team don't feel nervous if you are nervous that's awesome but step out be a Nike commercial just get away Jay Christian Nike do it all you do is say hey my name is and I'm scared and never prayed for anybody I never saw anybody heal but that doesn't matter cuz it's him and he loves you and he paid a price for you and I'm gonna believe that be you okay just having fun you guys are like what's he doing you you guys hitting in a second I want you to go grab somebody and pray for them ask them why they stood tell them your name and just telling man you're here to stand with them and believe God the people that stood don't try to do anything don't don't do that just believe he loves ya or he did never send his son don't say well if he loved me why did I gone through this for the last two years the measuring stick of God's love isn't your circumstances its Christ crucified if it was your circumstances you could never get rooted and grounded in love and faith can never work through it because you'd never realize it love is settled through the cross not your life so I need the people sitting to go get them and when you talk to them just say hey you know my name is so-and-so just glad to stand with you what's going on give them like a real three four or five second version don't go into some long thing just tell them you know what my shoulder it's even my labrum my rotator cuff I get about this high and it stops and it hurts so bad I really have a hard time putting on shirts it's just really really inconvenient having gotten a check yet you say okay awesome father your love for them is amazing the price you paid is awesome shoulder you be healed pain you leave mobility be restored thank you Father in Jesus name and then you get them did you check the shoulder they're going to say one of three things Wow dude that's awesome and that's a no-brainer woo right or they're going to say you know what I got a little more movement than I had and it doesn't hurt us much really oh yeah I want to make that up it's ah still catching though it's just prayin flop same prayer don't get creative same prayer it's not worked father I thank you BAM or now this is what we're afraid of that still hurts can't move it okay can we just pray again let's just believe again because if we want a hard rock to break don't break when we hit it we'll probably just hit it again if it's in our yard we want to get rid of it we just hit it again I know you guys if it don't break and you want to break you got hit it hit it hit it wife say honey dinner I'll be so why do we draw conclusion to grow weary and well do them in a concern stay thin you see here's what I teach everywhere I travel the Christian that stands in ask for prayer has one response ever father thank you no matter what seems to happen in the moment you don't let that decide your reality your truth father thank you you love me thanks for doing a work at me thanks for making all things new man I know you love me thank you God for what you're doing in my life that's your only response you go to bed that way you wake up that way you live that way you don't crawl in bed and say oh and have your hip grab you and think oh man I was hoping I was healed today I wonder what I'm missing I got a big lungs gotta be blocked in my you Oh father thank you for your and stop a fool of thanks for that young lady to pray with me today I so appreciate the work you're doing in my body and in my hip hip you behold and you be restored God I thank you you're making all things new because you love me and you fall asleep in faith that's how your hip changes you get it not questions answers raise your hand real high if you stood for prayer so we don't lose you in the crowd because they're coming for you we don't want you to lose it when everybody stands up you'll just look like everybody else raise your hand high when they grab you and claim you and say hey now I'm not going to stand up here and work this out like I usually do I'm at any point you're dismissed pray with them love them ask them to check the body pray twice if you need to if they want to pray again don't strive don't try to make it happen at some point you release faithfully you don't see results but I'm believing God's going to do a lot a lot of things in the room right now so keep your hand I people sitting go ahead and find somebody and get involved and be the body of Christ and use this as a stepping stone to get involved and step out in faith don't run to me and come and think it's special prayer I want you to let them pray for you go ahead get somebody run around so everybody's covered get everybody that has a hand up I got a man the lady right here in the middle you got him PJ good somebody got the lady go ahead that's awesome guys make a friend pray a and give them Jesus yeah thanks guys Jesus and like when I was lazy
Channel: iloveupperroom
Views: 114,871
Rating: 4.8115778 out of 5
Keywords: upper, room;, canyon, hill;, iloveupperroom;, bakersfield;, california;, pastor, joseph, rountree;, City, Center;, room, bakersfield, music;, worship
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 13sec (7513 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2017
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