✝️ Dan Mohler @ Legacy Church Chicopee Masencheses Sunday Morning, Aug 30 2021

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pastor dan muller come on let's hear the word let's be blessed give a round of applause ladies and gentlemen god bless you bless you thank you good morning guys this is a fun place to be i would like come here just to hang out being on a service i wouldn't have to get up here and preach your worship times have been just incredible this morning this morning that that song we we ended on is so powerful it's such a prayer yielded submitted song it would do us all an amazing benefit to like find a lone place get that song play that song shut a door be alone just get alone nobody around just you and just him he said when you seek him in the secret place he who is in secret will see you there and he'll reward you in the open what are you seeking in the secret place you're seeking him what's your reward and you hope in him people will see him they'll know you've been with him everything changes when you're with him that song was so powerful it made me i had no offense to you guys i wanted to slip out i wanted to slip out get that song playing and just go be alone i was like almost did that in your house today i was like oh i was having a moment i've spent countless hours in a room with a door closed i tell people you can lock me in a room with no windows no pictures no nothing just just put me in a room give me a couple bottles of water and a little potty seat or something and just leave me in the room with the door closed and nothing on the walls no windows and leave me there for days and come back and get me and i won't be jumping off the walls and wigging out and can't wait to get out of here you better be careful opening that door because i'm just going to enjoy him he's always with us he's always with me getting to know the lord is the biggest benefit of your life jesus said that god was going to give him all that he gave for eternal life and he said and this is eternal life that you might know him eternal life is being won with the one that's eternal having covenant with him christ in you him and you you in him one of the best definitions i've i've realized if covenant is all that is mine is yours and all that is yours is mine that song really triggered my heart i was like guys we ought to all just break alone sometime today and flip that song on and and just and man even if your flesh wants to react and even if you get a little buggy and you're like okay what do i do now and just stay there just let the words just start to commune and just go this way with god and start surrendering and yielding and telling you want more and you're opening up now and come and have all of me and do it now man you camp out in the room and you start living that way you take two three four weeks and you just be diligent to seek the lord in that tone and i promise you just like this brother shared about the caterpillar that will be you that will be you your heart will be changed on the inside and from the inside out you will change see some of us are trying to do good works and trying to do good things for the lord and we feel like we owe the lord and we should serve the lord but but identity and knowing him and communion and fellowship and relations with god should be way before good works if you don't have identity and you're trying to do good works your identity will come through your good works and it's a weird place to live it's not cool i can prove it ephesians 2 says you're his workmanship created in christ jesus for good works what's first his workmanship created in christ so that everything you do you do living through him that means it's always for his glory and always for the sake of others it never has anything to do with you can't even get caught up in pride when you have fellowship and relationship with god and god's moving through your life because you understand that anything a man has it's been given there's no boasting in men you are so humbled that the living god would live in you and live through you it's an overwhelming beautiful thing if you're just trying to do things for god you might misunderstand you might find your identity through how god's using you instead of who he is inside of you and who you are in him are you hearing me it's really really important to have a healthy and a strong identity it's really important to get alone with god people i'm not saying you're not i'm not correcting you i'm cheering you into that place more than we've ever been there before i actually believe in the season when everybody says things are weird the world's weird things are darker listen listen listen the bible said don't be surprised about that darkness will cover the earth deep darkness the people but the light is on you you need to arise and shine your light has come the glory of the lord has risen upon us right the gentiles are going to come to our light and the king's coming to the uprising of our brightness they're not coming to our message they're not coming to our service they're coming to the light that's in our lives yeah you guys all right this morning i know i'm super excited i had church about four times today already i wake up with him i sleep with him it's really cool i wake up and he's right there it's just amazing my life is ruined i'll never be alone again i can never break away and get alone pastor he's always there the soul misunderstood no matter where i go he said even if i make my bed in show there you are just looking at me [Laughter] i'm sorry i'm wigging out this morning i don't even know what i'm doing i just want us all to know him knowing him will take you to the finish line confessing him might not knowing him will being with him having viable relationship that's not being personal with the lord let's not let knowledge take the place of knowing him let's not let knowledge puff us up and think to know is to grow to know him is to be transformed and this thing's all about being that butterfly i want to encourage you to something in my heart today i feel like we need to accomplish i just have a little bit of time and i'm glad to be here i've had so much fun with you guys you guys you guys impressed me i travel all over you guys have something special i'm not just saying that to earn your favor and attention i travel i'm out from somewhere every weekend you guys have something special here that you have an openness and a hunger for the word in a way that's going to do dynamic things in all of your lives and i do i see a corporate strength a corporate belief there's like a unity of belief here and and like a community of belief that's stronger than anything i've seen in a while and i want to encourage that and say keep on going after god but don't just do it together corporately make sure you do it alone that's what will make the corporate way more synergistic and powerful if if you if you only seek him and worship at a certain level when you're all together you're going to have your reward in full and you're just you'll just crave those times but man if you get to know him alone and here's what here's what keeps people from getting with him alone they get conscious of himself if you don't feel really good about yourself if you don't see yourself the way he does you won't be confident getting alone with him you actually feel uncomfortable you'll actually be sin conscious you actually think you're not worthy there's a lot of weird things that happen in people's souls and minds when they try to go pursue the lord or be alone with jesus listen we've got to get over all that and say wait a minute while i was yet a sinner he sent his son i might have certain convictions i might feel like this and this is trying to pester me and bug me and keep me from him that's the last place i need to be is kept from him i need to be in him and with him and that's what he paid for nobody comes to the father except through me so i'm going in that room closing the door and i'm going in through jesus through the blood i'm not going in in perfection but i know i'm going in pure because i want to be with him and you've got to start somewhere you can't just have a prayer list that's full of needs and let that be your prayer life you have to have a communion a relationship and a fellowship with god receiving his love thanking him that he loves you sometimes just acknowledging i so appreciate being clean in your presence i so thank you jesus for the power of your blood that has washed me and made me free and has spoken better things over my life i'm not the man people have suggested i'm not the man that i produce i'm not the man that that that that was a product of what happened along the way i am a man of god now because you said so and you live inside of me and you love me and you have forgiven me and washed me clean and i so appreciate your life inside of me there's times you have to acknowledge the truth and acknowledge every good thing you have in christ so those things become your reality not your intellect we know how to say amen to the scripture we know it's in the book but is it your reality is it yours is it yours we all know we're called to walk in love but do you walk in love do you pursue walking in love do you pray to jesus and and ask holy spirit to empower you to become more like him and to walk in love is it a is it a hunger in your heart or do you do you just know it's in the book and you say amen i'm not being mean i'm cheering you on we're on the brink of something guys and like never before we've always needed to know jesus but i feel like never before it's imperative to have viable relationship and have rock solid believers that are unmovable unshakable love not their own life unto death appreciate the cross and understand why the spirit of god is inside of them and it's not for a better circumstantial day it's so they can live in the spirit and live by the spirit and walk in the spirit in every situation they encounter be with me the on we read yesterday in matthew there's things coming there's people betraying and offended and doing things and lawlessness is abounding and because lawlessness abounds and you get your eyes on what's wrong and what men are doing instead of who jesus is and who you are in christ see we're sanctified we're set apart we're in the world we're not of the world we're called to shine as a light you're not to be influenced by darkness darkness is not greater than light get your eyes off of it keep your eyes on the light and walk in the light as he's in the light no matter what men are doing nobody walked into a bright room these lights are pretty bright nobody says to the control board hey guys could somebody turn up the darkness if the room gets dimmer it's because someone turned down the light darkness is never the issue darkness is the absence of light and ye are the light of the world it's not even something you can pray to god about and say god you've got to do something he's just going to say how about shining how about walking in what i paid for how about living by the spirit how about not taking account of suffered wrongs how about laying down yourself laying down your life and getting up and living in truth god you got to do something the world's getting so dark i already did something i told you you're the light of the world would you go shine would you love your co-workers would you pray for your boss and stop complaining and looking for a new job would you love the people around you that don't understand forgive them they don't know what they're doing come on are you guys all right you guys are so quiet every time i preach all i get i don't know what's going on i'm just trusting you guys are hearing what i'm saying i feel so passionate in my heart i'm so sorry about that because you guys are just kind of looking at me please get along with the lord please get along with the lord please have fellowship with god listen if you don't see how he sees you if you don't see how he sees you you won't feel confident alone with him he sees you through the blood of jesus watch if you care about your life if you care about something you did wrong and it's trying to bother you you should never let it keep you from the lord because the fact that it's bothering you means your heart's alive there's purity in your heart that's recognizing it's wrong you just can't wear wrong you have to say wow i see this for what it is lord thank you for fathering me teaching me showing me the difference man i'm not blind i'm not deceived i get it that's not who i'm created to be and i don't want this in my life and instead of hiding from god you run to god see see he rules his kingdom with righteousness he he he wants you to stand right before god he he says in first peter 2 he bore your sin and my sin in his body on a tree that's amazing he took your sin and my sin put it on him and put it on a tree and anything hanging on a tree is cursed by god he didn't curse his son he cursed sin in the flesh and sin shall have no dominion over you he put what was killing us on the cross sin he was made to be sin he who knew no sin was made to be sin and it was cursed sin was cursed in the flesh it shall not have dominion over you it's phenomenal he bore your sin and my sin and his body on a tree why that we having died to sin he's not talking about perfection he's talking about dying to the identity the stain the sting the regret the memory the desire understanding you're created to be sons and daughters you're not created to live in the flesh you're not you're not doomed and damned to just walk in error you reckon yourself dead to sin it says that you might die to sin right it says he says he bore your sin and my sin and his body on a tree that we having died to sin might live unto righteousness that means wake up every day and be found right in the sight of god because of the blood of jesus christ pull back the veil and never put it back on live that way go to bed that way wake up that way in the morning instead of oh man six o'clock wow father thank you for another day sometimes your body don't feel like it but your heart's alive sometimes you gotta press right through your body sometimes it'd be great if you could lay in bed another hour but you can't you have responsibility don't complain don't gripe don't say god you need to help me get through i don't feel like going to work that's not prayer that's complaining father i thank you for a job today man my body feels like it could use another hour but i know your grace is greater than how i feel i so appreciate you love me and i'm not gonna let my flesh get in the way of that mission field call workplace and man i just pray for johnny today and david and bobby and my boss robert god i thank you that you are moving in my workplace you're moving in my life you're moving in their lives you're so in seed and i'm excited about what you're growing at work god thank you for the grace that's sufficient for me today what an honor to be alive in you and your body doesn't feel like getting out of bed but your heart's saying let's go flesh you don't rule the show man you just are all long for the ride yeah come on this is prayer this is faith prayer isn't always just praying for a need to get met prayer is not always just a list of things we need god to do he's not our busboy he's our father sometimes it's good just to sit on daddy's lap sometimes it's good to just be fathered and be hugged and be loved and be secure not just hey can you do this i can have the case of the car hey can i go over here hey can you give me 20 bucks hey can you come on listen get alone with him have time with him be with him see yourself the way he sees you i was going to turn you this one scripture we'll go there in a minute maybe i don't i'll see we'll see what time does for me maybe god will do a joshua and just turn back the sun i wish oh god one time just one time just give me like three hours back the clock colossians one says that you you and me were alienated and we were enemies by the way our minds worked in wicked manner so our minds were trained in a lie we were born into the world we were formed in our mother's womb in sin even though god formed us in our mother's womb we were born in iniquity it was like we were born with this nature we were separated from god sin was in us working it was self-centeredness just driving every man's life self-centeredness isn't a person when they're born god didn't make us self-centered we became self-centered flesh is self-centered man is self-centered jesus said you have to deny yourself to pick up your cross and follow me that's christianity christianity isn't let jesus in your heart so you go to heaven when you die christianity is coming out of the old and coming into the new and being born again because you can live christ-like that's christianity make no mistake about it preachers all over the world are just making it a passport to heaven it is not a passport to heaven it's heaven coming back into you it's christ in you it's you living through him it's life in the spirit our minds were working in wicked manner we were thinking self-centered we were sinking thinking contrary to the kingdom we were thinking apart from god we were thinking for ourselves we weren't thinking for god we weren't thinking for others you can see it in a little child children are precious i absolutely love children it was so cool to see how they love auntie they you sat down they just dove on you i just think it's beautiful kids when you love kids when you show them jesus through love kids are like they'll just cling gravitate feel so safe so secure man it'd be great if every child would grow up in the revelation the love of god through the people around their life instead of yelling at them and impatience and tone down and quiet i don't know what happens to adults when they get older but all of a sudden it's like we don't even want children to make a noise oh quiet stop oh and then i'm like let them be children when i'm around i get kids as ramped up as i can ramped up as i can i let them go absolutely bonkers my granddaughter when she'd come to my house right before bed we're trying to do some tone down for one and a half hours in our families and i'm like are you kidding me right before we tuck her in it's going to be the highest moment of her day i am going to absolutely freak her out and make her go boom over the top and then i'm going to tuck her in bed and she's going to go to bed in the highest place of her whole day and she's going to wake up that way you do it all the time we get it so backwards hush ooh settle down calm oh no don't get them right up we're going to try to put him to bed my daughter never struggled going to sleep she'd come down she'd say grandpa grammy's gonna tuck me in now she said to come down and say good night she knew it was coming she was on pins and needles and i'd say oh well come here honey i'll just hug you and hold you i'd say i'd say i'm gonna get you i love you so much i'd chase her down and up and i chased her so long i'd make sure i didn't catch her i'm right behind her and she's just four laps stairs grab her wrestler hug her tickle her until she can't breathe and just rock her and hold her and tell how much i love her and you're so special and i'd always say you're my favorite little granddaughter and she'd say i'm your only granddaughter i said well then you're surely my favorite and then she'd run up the stairs and i'd hear her in the room granny grandpa and he and he ran and he just said and she'd say oh he loves you so much yeah it was so fun she said well let's just pray i'm gonna put you to bed they'll pray turn out the light she's gone highest point of her day i've been in so many homes where the children start to talk just a little loud stop it oh my goodness get your kids laughing get them running around parents loosen up and just play with your kids it would be amazing i just watched what he did when you sat down and it shows me a picture of what god's always intended and what we can all have i know i'm in a slavic church and i've heard this several times i'm not being mean don't say well it's not in our culture to be that excited it might be in jesus's culture to be that excited and you're probably kingdom of god before you're slavic i'm not demeaning slavic i'm saying don't wear something don't wear something that your culture put on you that jesus didn't hand knit don't wear a garment that's not yours don't say well we're just this way you okay you didn't get offended by that good i knew you were solid you guys are solid so phew got away with that good so we're alienated the way our wicked so you see self-centeredness in a first you take a binky from a baby that's not done work in the binky you pull it out [Music] one of the first things children learn to do is go no mine and they're sweet they're precious i love them they just need born again they all need born again so don't think you're failing as a parent they just need jesus so model jesus live jesus walk in love make peace show mercy don't correct your children in frustration and show them that you take life personally you have lines they can cross model the love of god and be like jesus and when you correct them always teach them it's because they're so much more than their choices and they have such a greater value than what they're believing and always believe the best in them and be patient with them and love them even when you have to correct them please don't get mad at your children and correct them in frustration don't just say billy i told you once i told you 100 times just get to your room but dad just get to your room please don't do that to billy because somehow he'll translate that into god somehow he'll translate the word father into father somehow it'll just get muddy you want your child at a young age sitting on a bed weeping one day at an age of accountability and understanding and say mommy or daddy you're so different to me what is it about you mommy what do you mean honey well you just and all of a sudden they explain from their own little heart you get oh well sweetie it's just it's jesus it's him living in me but mommy i don't think well do you want him living in you do you i would love that mommy i want to be like i see you yeah my boy came to me he was eight years old he said daddy i don't understand something we need to talk i said okay he was eight we went up to the room i thought we'd better go to the bedroom so he said we closed the door and sat down he said well i just don't understand why you don't get angry i said what do you mean he said well right now i am so mad at my sister and mom i said really he said i am really mad but he said i heard some things mommy said and i saw some things here and there and daddy you just don't get mad and and i thought he's eight he's watching he's eight he's going and i thought if she said that to me i would be really mad and daddy why don't you get mad i said wow that's an amazing observation so you realize daddy doesn't get mad you don't think i get mad i don't see you get mad let me tell you why and i began to share with him how angry and mad i was before he remembers before he was five and how angry and mad i was my whole life and how jesus came in and what he began to teach me and i began to minister to my own son he's just staring and listening and he sows a seed into him you're training him in the way he should go you're putting the voice of holy spirit in his life in an arena where now he has conviction where before he had no understanding he looks at me and he says daddy i want to live that way i said well that's just neil let's go before him and i'll just invite you into what i do so now he's following his daddy as his daddy's following jesus isn't it cool it's different me going to my boy saying boy you got to do something about that temper you need to get control of that anger and i'm half frustrated when i'm telling you it's big difference between me going to him and him coming to me and saying daddy you're an example in my life i'm seeing something in you i don't see in me how do i get there because when i correct him i didn't yell at him when my wife was going through a hard time i didn't yell at her stay gentle blessed are the peacemakers the servant of the lord should be gentle with all not quarrelsome able to teach that if perhaps god would grant repentance and get people free from the snare of the enemy that's held them captive their whole life or whatever we can live this way people time's ticking man i was hoping to look up her and see it say 9 40. we were alienated we were enemies by the wicked way our mind work that's not just adultery and murder and and lust it's not just thinking nasty sinful stuff it's having wrong motives in life you're either for me or against me you gather to me you're scattered we right away think it's somebody that's saved and not saved somebody that's in the kingdom and not in the kingdom guys you can see your need for a savior you can recognize you need to be forgiven of your sin and actually believe jesus the cross and that he's lord and not live under his lordship and have a bad attitude or a perspective that's contrary to everything god wants to do you can actually work totally against the kingdom and still see your need for forgiveness you can believe in jesus and the cross and still have a wrong belief a wrong attitude an undealt thing you can still live in self-centeredness and work totally contrary to what he wants to do in your family yeah come on i think we just read the stuff on the surface and we're like you're forming against me gather to me you're scattering it's either saved or not saved you can be saved and work against the kingdom because you have a bad attitude you can be in a family of four and live at the expense of each other instead of lay down your life for one another see god made us to love now we need love let's get grafted back into the source of love so we can become love because if you're in a family of four and you just cop an attitude and you do whatever and you storm to your room and you won't come out and you put pressure on the other three and now they have to respond to you it forces them to respond to you you're living at the expense of the life in your home you've turned inward you're self-centered you're revealing you don't know jesus like you could come on that's not harsh that's just being real that's being real please don't leave a church service and fight over where you're going to eat and have true animosity in the car that's like so shallow over a meal who cares let's just eat thank you jesus for our food yeah why do you always get to pick i wanted to go there for two weeks and you always go here we always go where you want to go and now you're mad and you just left holy holy what are we doing we've revealed self-centeredness a lot we ought to get a grip on it and say whoa it should never be allowed in my life i don't care if the whole world around me is selfish i still have to answer to christ i'm not going to let where somebody's not give me a permission to for where i am i'm not going to let what somebody doesn't see become my highest vision if he's the light of the world i'm not going to say well i wouldn't be this way if it wasn't for no if it wasn't for isn't lord why are you letting it dominate and govern your life are you all okay that's not harsh right this is helpful just hopeful we were alienated we were enemies by the wicked way our minds worked yet in the body of his flesh through death he presented us holy watch this he presented us he presented us holy blameless and above reproach where in his sight that's amazing that means that means honey you wake up in the morning real early and open your eyes and you just wake up and he's still sleeping a little bit curled up nestled and you just open your eyes and you just think of jesus and you say good morning you're being quiet you might put your hand up there and bless him and let him in on it and he don't even know what's going on good morning i so appreciate you thank you for loving me thank you that i can lay here and be so confident in your presence that in your sight through the blood of jesus i'm holy blameless and above reproach my you've changed my heart you've put a one-two in me you've put a pure desire in me i have seen your first love and i know i love you you are the best isn't that awesome why don't we live that way why don't we just wake up and go er and pass gas and go to the bathroom and think about our day i mean if you pass gas it's okay but just let it be sanctified because you're in faith you know it's just we can know him like this it's all about shifting your mindset shifting your perspective making sure it's never about you it's always about him and others and you'll find yourself in the most best blessed place you've ever thought was possible you can't even describe the blessing of selflessness because you're not free until you're free from you in fact satan only has the power to work with what you give him the ruler of this world cometh and has nothing in me jesus said don't forget he was selfless you can just say it's because of his deity i understand but the bible talks about the evil one touching us not and men that live in sanctification and purity live in this place it's like psalms 91. yeah come on it's really beautiful he only takes what you give him he's not just going to come in here and run me over i'm not being arrogant he'd ram me over a long time ago if it wasn't true he's not just going to run me over while i'm standing here with this microphone he plays with what you give him and you give him an inch and he'll try to take a mile next thing you know your heart's hard and you're angry and you wonder how you got there next thing you know you're doing something you knew you'd never do and all of a sudden you've tail spinned in because you didn't take accountability and guard your heart and you've allowed something that wasn't the kingdom to have place and you acted on it and it snowballed next thing you know you don't even feel like you love god that's how far it goes with people i'm telling you i've been in this thing enough pastored enough i'm telling you i've seen people just go boom when they let one little wrong thing come in you guard against that stuff you stay in communion with god and if you make a little mistake you'll be so aware of it so sensitive and god just keeps you washed and cleansed and i'm not preaching perfection i'm preaching purity the pure in heart shall see god i'm not talking about perfection talking about purity and taking accountability for your life and being a sincere christian that has intimacy and fellowship with god that's all i'm talking about you're holy you're blameless you're above reproach in his sight if indeed uh-oh if indeed you continue in the faith in other words if indeed you continue believing that resume aren't turned away from the hope in which you heard it's unfortunate you can attend to church your whole life and never hear this hope i know you heard this hope in this church that you could go to church your whole life and never hear this hope the emphasis is always on sin emphasis is an unrighteousness and holy and blameless and above reproach and when you preach it people get really freaked out and they think you're being a heretic and all you're doing is reading scripture it's very important when i used to use that example and gave that little illustration that felt good in your heart you enjoyed that yeah because it's a happy place live there only ever be found there it's your place to abide it's where he paid for you to live are you all with me so uh when you read scripture don't just read it to know it read it to become it don't read it for bible knowledge i have never ever watched this i'm looking in the eyes i have never read my bible to preach a sermon ever i read my bible to know him and when they hand me a mic i just speak out of who he is in my life and trust it'll be all right i've never read my bible to preach it i'm not saying it's wrong to orchestrate a sermon type in shadow and connect scriptures but i don't read my bible and cross-reference to come up with an amazing sermon i read my bible because it's my communion with god it's my face-to-face encounter with the lord and nobody looks into his face and lives yay you get it it's where i find him it's where we're won and when i read it i might read a line have the door closed i might have a soft piano play and i might not and i read one line and i just stop sometimes with one line father that's amazing that's exactly how you see me holy spirit thank you for working that truth in my heart giving me a revelation and helping me to understand that's incredible the gift to walk this way to live this way that every day i can live in the confidence that you'll never look at me differently you are so solid and because you're so solid you have put me on solid ground thank you god life has no ability to move me because you give me life god and all of a sudden i might be 10 minutes in just because i read one scripture and communing and praying and exchanging that truth with the lord and holy spirit's making it alive in my heart you hear me and then i look down and read another scripture and i might get through three or four or five i don't know but all of a sudden it'll be like wow and you say wow father and all of a sudden you're communing and praying the truth back to god and you're being saved by grace through faith and every time you release faith in the truth grace is coming to make that truth your reality and your life and you never bit your lip to change you just been with him and believed you are what you are by the grace of god and all glory goes to him and there is no boasting in man there are no super christians on the earth i promise you there are just believers there are believers and unbelievers that's there there's people that believe his love there's people that don't believe his love it doesn't mean you're not saved you just might not believe that he sees you the way he sees you and you might never walk in the benefit of how he sees you you may never just break away and get alone and be comfortable in his presence but you could have the whole time i i have to stop in about a minute or two i guess it's 10 20 okay 10 20 good i got four minutes i got to hurry take colossians 3 if you would can i give you a little assignment would you be okay with homework it's not homework would you be okay if i give you a little springboard to what i'm talking about take ephesians 3 get alone with god do it once twice three times and just see if you want to keep going back take ephesians 3 and begin to read it and as you read it begin to acknowledge what it's saying to your heart and pray and ask holy spirit for understanding and in ephesians 3 he or colossians 3 i'm sorry i said did i say ephesians or colossians the first time colossians three i'm sorry colossians three colossians verse chapter chapter three start in verse one and just read through the chapter commune with god and just begin to read it like since i've been raised with christ i'm going to seek the things which are above where christ is sitting at the right hand of god this is what i'll do on my bed i'll read that and i'll say well father thank you christ has become the wisdom of god for us man i was trained by a lie i was homeschooled in the wrong home the wisdom of the world became my wisdom the way that seems right to a man is all i knew but father i just put all that away i put off earthly things earthly wisdom and and god i just thank you that there's a higher wisdom and wisdom from above the way you think your perspective your motive i thank you that all those things are relevant to me and being revealed to me and i just thank you god as i seek first your kingdom and i'll pray that to god and i'll begin to read and i'll set my mind on those things not the things of the earth for you died and your life is hidden with christ in god father i thank you i had never prayed a prayer just to go to heaven i died to everything i ever was and everything that ever happened to me and everything i ever did so that everything that you are could live in me and live through me father that's why i was water baptized so i could die to the old and live to the new buried in death and the baptism of the death of jesus dying to sin once and for all god i thank you for new life through jesus christ and the whole time i'm reading i'm putting understanding through communion and prayer into my heart because holy spirit is making me see it making it real so when i go out in my day this isn't my theology this is who i am are you hearing me when somebody does something wrong i'm not reactionary there's a response in the word truth is always there i'm not caught off guard i don't just fall apart and try to recover i'm not a plan b guy life in christ i'm not stop look and listen crossroads christianity which way do i go are y'all with me take this chapter you start reading that when christ appears you'll appear with him in glory he's your life it says therefore because all this is true put to death it doesn't say manage and balance and find a healthy medium it says kill life as you know it apart from him put it to death means kill it doesn't mean find a balance the first thing on the list is sexuality it's always on the list of every every flesh list the first thing on every flesh list is sexuality why because there's nothing that's been more dominant to man than sexuality why because it's ruled by sensuality and self-centeredness is at the core of its actions when you don't understand covenant and love and every one of us were raised up in an idea of sexuality that came from the earth and the world and from the fall of man yeah put it to death put to death fornication and passion and evil desire put to death your sex drive and your sex knowledge as you knew it in the earth apart from christ kill it so you can step into what's really genuine and real here's what i know there's not one topic exploited more on the earth than sexuality there's not even a close second you wouldn't counterfeit something if it didn't have great value at its root truth you wouldn't put so much emphasis on a topic if the real wasn't so life-changing you do not counterfeit one dollar bills they go for big bills they're always holding the hundred in the light yeah when did they ever hold a one dollar bill in the light there's such a beautiful truth that's in god in sexuality and covenant and union and the way he made women and men there's such a beautiful truth satan's just perversed it in such a way that it's just all about fantasy and feeling and emotion in a moment in need and wanted and appreciated and valued and it's just all about the person and the individual and the emotional experience i know it's highlighted and it's painted so rosy but the truth is behind the scenes it's not as exciting as a topic as the world portrays and there's a lot of couples struggling and there's not a lot of men being driven there's a lot of women that aren't all that excited about the whole topic truth be known i've pastored a while and i know it's true some of the people that are way out there in that arena they're trying to find something outside of truth they're trying to survive affirm something and be sure of something i met a woman that was singing in the choir she's 50 years old singing in the choir church lady her whole life she starts sleeping with men because she was 50 and she said i wonder if i'm still a woman i wonder if i still have it i wonder if i can do who cares if you can turn ahead you don't want lust she sleeps with two or three or four men as a lady in the church singing in the choir because of insecurity midlife crisis and she got hiv ain't that something how was sexuality her answer what do you gain because a man wants to sleep with you it just means he has an itch maybe sorry i'm not more romantic it doesn't mean you're all that it means he doesn't know jesus or he'd be ministering to you not sleeping with you come on i'm sorry i got on this this feels really strong too i gotta quit whoa i'm in trouble come on we're always demeaning people we're demeaning prostitutes we make jokes we call them names we talk about them with a language oh they're this they're that this what about the men that are picking them up the men aren't anointed or on the earth for called with a purpose to take advantage of the need of a woman and prey on her susceptibility the man picking her up is probably guilty of worse sin she's in bondage addicted confused she's spiraling he's rich he's got a wife and three kids he's taking advantage of her need for a 20-second 40-second one-minute sexual gratification he's probably more guilty nobody talks about the man he's not on the earth to take advantage of someone he's on the earth to minister jesus i'm sorry i got to end this way i've never ended disapproval i'm on a roll but i got to stop forgive me go to colossians 3 and find out why i'm so enraged right now and get real with your heart get real see i found sexuality through a pornographic magazine when i was 11 years old that was laying on the railroad track by the train station at the brickyard and i sat on a closed brickyard train dock and scrolled page after page after page at 11 years old and i was marked in the lie from age 11. and the world taught me what it was to be a man and when i got saved the night i got saved i went to bed i woke up and all i could think about was my definition of sexuality and manhood holy spirit wanted it changed and i realized in an eight-hour period of being saved that god could not have created me this way because at that the expense of another and no one's on the earth to meet my needs scratch my itch or fulfill my desire they're on the earth for me to love sexuality is beautiful and it's made for a marriage and a marriage alone and it's designed to have more awareness of the presence of god and the hoopa of god over the union of oneness than any orgasm that ever was it's a spiritual and a holy thing good to hear right before the wedding a holy thing are you all hearing me i'm sorry i feel like i've missed it somehow by going there and then backing down but i gotta stop love you
Channel: DAN MOHLER - Non Official Channel
Views: 5,729
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Dan Mohler, Todd White, Power and Love, Identity, Love, Born Again, Living in the past, Deny yourself, God’s Image, Image of Christ, Becoming love, loved by God, Communion, Christian sermons, powerful sermons, best dan mohler, pastor dan mohler, dan mohler identity, dan mohler 2020, dan mohler marriage, dan mohler false teacher, dan mohler grace, Dan Mohler 2021, Prophets, Biden, Fired, emotions, Dan Mohler 2022, Dan Mohler 2023, Dan Mohler 2024, Dan Mohler 2025
Id: Ev-snaW_r28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 27sec (2907 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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