✝️ The blood of Jesus removes you from sin's power,sin's effects,sin's sting,sin's reminder

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so so Hebrews 10 here's what I'm teaching here today I'm teaching that the blood of Jesus removes you from sin the stain of sin the sting of sin the effects of sin the reminder of sin the mark of sin and even the action of sin that's what I'm going to preach to you tonight now I'm going to prove it so much to you that nobody will ever talk you out of it because I'm going to just preach scripture not my sermon notes and I'm not going to give you my ideas I'm going to talk straight-up gospel yeah it is how many people have heard yeah but brother were always going to sin well what are you saying are you perfect come on man we're always sinners always and we argue the point that we're gonna fail no wonder we fail because we believe it so much what are you saying you're perfect I never said that I'm just not waiting to fail so I guess I'll find out how far grace can take me because I guess I'm not following your and my experience I'm following Jesus so I guess there's a new life waiting for me so I guess I'm not relating to the old I'm pursuing the new the Bible says if I live righteous conscience it'll produce its fruit to holiness without me trying to be holy if I just believe that God sees me right in his sight the automatic defect of believing that produces a holiness in my life without me trying to be holy wow that sounds like grace I bet you God gets all the glory and I'm not just a super Christian come on guys I'm gonna mess with you so bad tonight because I've heard way too many limited things I've heard people talk out of their own fallen experience we study a fallen man and say this is who we are we're supposed to be studying Jesus and say this is who we are people say yeah but I had a pastor once we're not talking about that I'm sorry you had that experience but he is not so barometer and marker Jesus says I'm not being mean I'm being real and relatable and I am being challenging I'll admit that I I'm here to challenge those lives okay she works so hard to get there we're gonna start here and then and then we're gone it why you're in there now so you can just do it huh because we're going to be going to first John chapter one if you can prepare and then we're going to go to Romans 6 we might even check out Colossians but I think I'll quote it but Romans 6 and first John 1 is on my list first John Romans in that order if you could okay remember Colossians chapter 1 verse like 20 it says you were enemies and alienated to God by the wicked works of your mind yet now he reconciled through the body of his death to present you to present you holy blameless and above reproach if indeed you continue in the hope in which you heard and are not moved away here's my concern some of us have never heard that hope we've just heard we're always going to fail that no matter what he did were still sinners saved by grace the bible does not teach that anywhere I'll challenge every theologian the bible does not teach that you're sinners saved by grace the Bible teaches reckon yourself dead indeed to sin the Bible teaches he bore your sin in my in his body and my sin in his body on a tree he bore your sin and my sin in his body in a tree so that we having died to sin might live for righteousness by his stripes were healed we ought to start teaching what it means to die to sin to its memory it stained its desire its pull and that you can absolutely live free from sin I'm saying not that you live in perfection in never commit a sin live free from its identity the detriment the stain and the effects and if your heart is pure to live that way and you stumble in to something guess what you'll do you will run to God like a son and leap on him and thank him for righteousness and washing and you will separate yourself from that thing and through communion with God you'll be wiser sharper stronger and more complete than ever before why because it's the power of righteousness look the use of the word righteousness in your Bible means to be able to stand before God without any sense of guilt or shame or condemnation the work of righteousness is any expression of God's nature through our lives were righteous trees the planning of the Lord that he might be glorified why you know a tree by its fruit guess what righteous trees produce righteousness the nature of God expressed Christ in you the hope of the word glory simply means any manifest made seen attribute of God is the glory of God revealed so the Christ in you is the hope of making God seen and known ah sure makes sense now that just sure beats an Amen on Sunday and we're not sure what we amen just sound spiritual whoo no no watch this the old plan the Old Covenant the Old Testament little turtledoves getting split in half goats getting sent out into the wilderness little spotless lambs getting crucified sacrifice you know what I mean that Croods Bobbitt sacrifice all the time for the sins of the people it's the old plan ah the old plan was only a hint of the good things in the new plan since that old law plan wasn't complete in itself it couldn't complete come plea perfect my new King James says perfect it's the same word complete couldn't complete those who followed it no matter how many sacrifices were offered year after year they never added up to a complete solution and never made the people free what if they had if the sacrifices would have done that and been accomplished that the worshipers would have gone merely on their way meaning perfected no longer dragged down by their sins most translations say the worshipers being perfected would no longer have the consciousness of sin now if he's comparing the old to the new he's taking away the first to apply the second he's saying what the first one wasn't able to accomplish of course the second one did so he doesn't want us dragged down by sin and it's confession it's testimony the consciousness of sin the new plan his whole goal is to get us out of the identity of sin the whole goal but instead of removing see no consciousness of sin instead of removing the awareness of sin removing it when those animal sacrifices were repeated over and over they actually heightened the awareness of guilt and sin bummer the plain fact is that bull and goat blood cannot get rid of sin that means there is blood to ten please he's talking about the old versus the new what the one cut the second one could bear with me come on that is what is meant by this prophecy put in the mouth of Christ you don't want sacrifice as an offering year after this is Jesus talking to the Lord you've prepared a body for me for a sacrifice it's not fragrance and smoke from the order that whet your appetite so I said I'm here to do it your way Oh God the way it's described in your book ah when he said you don't want sacrifices and offering he was referring to the practices according to that old plan when he added I'm here to do it your way he set aside the first in order to enact and get moving the new plan God's Way by which we are made fit for God by the once-for-all sacrifice of Jesus Christ that doesn't sound like ya but brother you know we're always going to sin Oh would you stop and listen and humble your heart and stop this thing for a moment I am NOT being mean I'm being very challenging right now I have heard countless people rob fellow Christians with no understanding don't let many of you be teachers there's too many people we have a brother were never perfect what are you saying you're perfect you know because we're always sitting I'm probably sitting where I'm breathing I'm probably sitting right now I've had people tell me that my whole Christian life and I say well you probably ought to get born again I don't like you you think you're perfect I never said that I think he sees me that way and me believing that brings the best out in me you know he's just real concerned about grace on the earth right now there's people that have authority in the body they have prestige speaking outta turn they don't know what they're saying because we get into this pendulum effect owners there's people that are preaching kind of stiff and legal stuff so then these other camps start preaching liberty and grace and and then they get concerned so they respond and go tighter they react and they go looser so then prominent people stand up and make bold statements and magazines the people read and publish stuff and Facebook and all the stuff gets and prominent people you know be careful this new grace movement there's a grace revolution that's deceived and not from the Lord and da da da da da da da da da and I'm thinking what a tragic thing to write without knowing what you're saying it's simple guys if you start condemning the word grace we're saved by grace we are what we are by the grace of God I understand there's misuse but don't you step in and try to fix it with overstatements because a new believer hears somebody talk about grace and red flags are flying and they can't even hear the grace of salvation cuz of your comments let me tell you real plain how simple it is grace is different than mercy grace is God's etching towards his power on my behalf to become like him mercy is afforded by the heart of God to give me a chance when I deserve none when I received that mercy it ushers me in to the dispensation of grace and all the sudden I'm saved by grace through faith and God's etching toe of grace begins to make me more like him as I yield to him and the great Potter has his way if you preach grace apart from transformation you'll preach perversion and you'll tell people in the long run and this is what this other crowd is afraid of and they hear it well God knows my heart he loves me anyway and they're doing all kinds of things in their life for that are the same as before they were saved and like well he understands he shed his blood anyway he knows I'm a sinner that is not what I'm preaching I'm preaching he changes us we reckon ourselves dead to sin he gives us new life I didn't find a way to sin and get away with it I found a way to be free now listen to me grace apart from transformation is perversion but don't you tighten the message to react to the looseness just preach the gospel because now we got this pendulum and people get hurt and confused and back in two camps when God wants to make us one so here's Jesus and this happy healthy middle place going hey guys look so I'm right here and we're all doing it in the name of the Lord right in our big EPs and all this stuff here always saved by grace grace is nothing to be concerned about it's something to rejoice said he's grace for grace we beheld him in grace and truth or saved by grace through faith his grace abounds you are what you are by the grace of God you're going to throw all those scriptures away cuz somebody preached loose no just preach the truth grace is not an empowerment to stay the same grace is a guarantee to change and guess who gets all the glory ain't no simper Christians just believers I'm having so much fun are you okay every priest goes to work at the order each day offering the same old sacrifices year in year out never makes a dent in the sin problem as a priest Christ made a single sacrifice for sins and that was it then he sat down right beside God and waited for his enemies to cave in it was a perfect sacrifice by a perfect person to perfect some very imperfect people by that single offering he did everything that needed to be done for everyone who takes part in this pure buying process the Holy Spirit confirms this the new plan I'm making with Israel I'm not going to be written on paper it's not going to be chiseled in stone this time I'm writing out the planning of carving it on the lining of their hearts he concludes I'll forever wipe the slate clean of their sins want sins are taken care of for good there's no longer any need to offer sacrifices for them are you able to go to first John 5 frog first John chapter 1 verse 5 first John 1 verse 5 you Abel you on it girl oh I get it I know it's there by that point she's pumped she's like you're the best thank you ok who's ever heard people pull this out of the book well brother if you say you have no sin you're deceived in the truths not in you and you make him a liar it's a scripture do you ever hear anybody pull that one out preachers preach that from the pulpit one-liner just a one-liner shame on us preachers preaching one-liners you better know what you're saying and why he said it because you preach that one line or you calls a lot of prehension in fear and you take away a lot of grace and righteousness you're telling people when you say well if you say you have no sin what you're saying is if you're not always confessing you're in a state of sin then you're deceived when the Bible just told you you just read it you're free from it it's settled the problem solved you get it I'm going to show you way more evidence but I want you to we're going to bust this lie up okay I was in a service preaching this and I said never fails when you're preaching that somebody has been trained and taught and while you're preaching this their mind is going bonkers and they're going you have a brother if you say you have no sin and I'm looking right out a man over here I'm looking right at him and said they say if you have no sin and usually a pastor and he said sir I'm a pastor and that is bombarding my mind it's in the Bible I said well let's take a look because he was so trained in his ministerial training if you say you have no sin meaning if you're not always seeing yourself in a state of sin you're not facing the truth it is uh not what the Bible saying let's look at it you ready this in essence is the message we heard from Christ and are passing on to you God is light he's pure light there's not a trace of darkness in him where's he at he's in you I like that if we claim that we experienced and shared life with them and continue to stumble around in the dark we're obviously lying through our teeth what translation is this what is it the message okay I get the message if we claim that we experience and share life with them I have to repeat this continue to stumble around in the dark we're obviously lying through our teeth we're not living what we claim you know James 3:13 says this who is wise and understanding among you let them prove by the good conduct of their life that the works are done in the meekness of wisdom but if you have envy or self seeking in your heart don't lie and boast and lie against the truth what's he saying deal with your heart get a grip stop saying you are what you know you're not if you have selfishness and envy in your heart stop boasting the line against the truth because your life won't produce him it'll produce what's in your heart that's what it says for this wisdom selfishness this wisdom did not come from above its earthly sensual and demonic and where there's envy and self seeking every evil work is present and you see why is God letting all this happen he's not you're wide open for it watch this you're in your bedroom crying praying for your spouse from a place of pain frustration hurt unforgiveness quoting declare and rebuking and the whole time you're doing it you're a landing strip forever evil work because you're praying from self-centeredness and you think you're being spiritual you got all your girlfriend's praying or your your guy friends because it's your wife and they're all praying because they're hurt for you and they're mad at the spouse because they're acting like a jerk and everybody's victim villain in it and we're wondering why God ain't moving you guys are right or am I like just too pointed with this stuff am i off track you're in your bedroom man and you all you are is hurt you're offended you're praying for yourself their selfishness driving you you're not you don't have compassion you're hurt enough is enough I'm done with this I'm done being their doormat God you need to change them I rebuke every foul spirit in their life and god I thank you for knocking them off their high horse and man you sound like a powerful prayer warrior and every evil work is landing in your home somebody ought to be bold and teach this because if your motive is selfishness you got where you live from but if your motive is love and compassion and mercy they ain't got nowhere to land they'll crash and burn somewhere in some foreign Hill but Jesus is landing in your home there's two times prayers aren't answered in your Bible when there's no faith and when it's amiss your own lust or desire it's the only two times prayers not answered so it's either a faith thing that we need to see clearer or we need to get our motive pure because the pure in heart shall see God come on I got this thing so laced with Scripture how do you get out do I got this thing all boxed in I'm painting a picture for you did you figure that out by the time I'm done then we got a puzzle all put together yeah and the only reason you rebut is because you're a rebuttal you feel like that's your calling yeah but yeah but you can tell when people are contentious when they come out you with the yell but they're trying to defend something instead of become something so if we claim that we're free of sin we're not only fooling ourselves a claim like that is arrant nonsense on the other hand if we admit our sins make a clean breast of them he won't let us down he'll be true to himself he'll forgive our sins and purge us of all wrongdoing if we claimed see in it in your Bible that's verse 8 the Middle's verse 9 in the last part is verse 10 verse 8 says if we say we have no sin that we're free from sin we have no sin because can you back up to verse the other one you were act as I didn't finish that that's really important watch this we're not living we claim but if we walk in the light God Himself being the light we also experience and share life with one another as the sacrificed blood of Jesus God's Son purges all our sins what if we claim we're free from sin in other words what sin why do I need the blood what do you mean purged by the blood what sin I'm a good person he's saying if you say you have no need for the blood in verse 8 he says if you have no sin in verse 10 he says if you say you have never sinned he clarifies verse 8 in verse 10 people pull out verse 8 and make a doctrine verse 10 if we claim that we've never sinned don't need the blood I'm writing my own sense I got my own righteousness cooking for me what blood why do I need the blood I give prize to my neighbor I rake the leaves on good then we're out and out contradicting God make a liar out of him and claim that only shows off our ignorance of God next chapter verse 1 watch this because it's all one letter so what do we do keep on sentence of God can keep on forgiving I should hope not if we left the country where sin is sovereign how can we still live in our own house there that's a message Bible there or didn't you realize we packed up and left out for God yeah but you're always gonna send brother and if you say you have no sin you're deceived to make it up no stop pulling that one line out of there yeah is this clear or am I just waxed I'm probably whacked but is this clear don't answer the second question is this clear oh the message Bible I haven't read a message for 1012 years it's fun it's actually fun or didn't you realize we packed up and left there for good the King the New King James says little children I write these things to you so you do not sin so how is he saying you're always gone and if you say you're not you're deceived he's saying if you say you have no need for the blood you're way off because every man has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God but watch this we are not going to keep on sinning so God can keep on forgiving I should hope not if we've left the country where sin is solver sin in control oh yeah this is I dare because I love Romans I'm like that I was just thinking this debt the message sounds like Rome in six that's what I was just ascertaining for look look look here it is my little children see there was the message I took did I quote that right there oh I know the Bible but thanks for telling me that was Romans because I thought the message took Rome engine wow I was impressed I thought how they do that it was just hitting me I'm like this is gonna be a nail BAM and when we get the room in six this is gonna be confirmation that was going through my mind she's throwing me with that message fifl man my little children these things I write to you so that you may not sin so you're telling me and verse eight he's saying you always are gone and if you say you're not you're lying verse 10 says if you say you have not sinned he's talking about if you think you have no need for the blood you're deceived but once the blood comes you're clean he's teaching righteousness he's teaching salvation he's saving my little children the reason I'm writing this stuff to you is so you may not sin you went to New King James on me didn't you Thanks I feel so at home that message was fun but it was freaking me out watch this watch this what no no back up honey back up honey and and and when you sin yeah but you know you're always gone oh why didn't you just settle it see see that I see how wicked that thing is the Bible doesn't say and when you sin it's not expecting you to it says if you slip into that thing if you fall into weakness why don't we let grace decide what our lives can look like instead of past experience has anybody ever really laid down their life and settled in righteousness to let grace decide what they can be or we already determined in that by our own failures our own perceptions and our own experiences are we really live in by faith and trusting the grace of God because my Bible says if I live by the spirit I will not fulfill the lust of the flesh now what are you going to do with that get deep in theology and talk God out of what he said get so deep and psychological and study human behavior that you come up with some out come on I'm not being sarcastic I'm I'm being challenging I admit if I live by the spirit I will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh what do you do with that well brother you're freaking me out that's blasphemy you're saying you're perfect no I'm saying I never think about sin because I'm not supposed to I left that country remember I moved out of that house for good yeah so if you stumble along the way and come face-to-face with human weakness and sin don't be discouraged don't give up don't identify yourself through failure don't get condemned don't throw away your destiny don't call a friend crying and be devastated you let the hook of that get your heart into golly Sawyer you run to God and say wow Lord I so thank you for what you're doing in my life you're so shining light in me that I see that for what it is my whole life that wouldn't even move me I would have thought that was justified that is so not who you created me to be and it's so not the desires in my heart you were swallowing up every weakness you were exposing every lie god I thank you for sanctifying my life what because if if not when if anyone sins we have an advocate with the father he's Jesus Christ the righteous watch this and he himself is the mercy the propitiation for our sins and not only for ours but also the whole world do they need to repent and get saved absolutely but is the mercy waiting for them is blood speaking better things it's why that right there is why an unbeliever can be healed right on the streets I've seen people say to me I don't believe in God I said it's okay I do give me your hand you ought to see Todd with that way well well I don't believe in healing I'm not asking you to man I believe I'm way past that just give me your hand let's see what's real I've seen him talk like that and God goes no they usually swear and then they cry Romans 6 cuz now I'm pumped because we already tasted the sea Romans 6 is good man I thank you for yelling out rowing 6 you have no idea what was going on in my mind I read that thing like 3 times because it's so life-giving I'm going how did the message interpret the revelation of Romans 6 right here in first John 2 this is awesome cuz to me why shall we can you know continue was and and and how you know about I write these little these things to you little children that you may not sin it sounds it's the same point so I just thought the message took it you know and so it made the point but now we're home oh oh I love the Word of God I'm really gonna freak out when I preach this so bear with me you guys okay okay so that thought remember I'm attacking it by the way we brother you know we're always going to sin we're never perfect we're always going to sin to me what are you saying you're perfect I mean see that's a misunderstanding person that's quick to speak and slow learning I'm up you mean I'm being real they get stuck on an issue and won't humble themselves to understand because the Bible should take away the issue so we're letting human expression expect and I'm just going to say it because it's right here the people that are talking like that it's because their own life is substantiating their belief they have violated consciousness they're living in weakness it proves their own life fits it or they wouldn't be so adamant it's because it's the way they're living I'm just telling you because if they were living that way they wouldn't be so adamant so they're justifying their own experience and twisting the word to accommodate their flesh without realizing what they're doing they're giving themselves away when they say yeah but we're always goes in because they're conscious of sin and the Old Covenant was a hint of the thing to come and left people conscious in the new that came takes away the consciousness of sin we just looked at that watch this this going to settle it and wipe you out all right it wiped me out 21 years ago man the Lord said to me a long time ago Dan do you know why you live the way you do I knew what he meant consistency wake up every day I don't even try I don't even try to be a Christian I don't know what that means how to live the Christian life that sounds like a weird book title to me sounds like robotic it sounds like mechanics I don't the Lord said do you know why you live the way you do I said yeah cuz you're amazing your grace is sufficient your all-merciful God and you love me as a father and he said well that's true but that's not the answer I'm looking for them like it's the only answer so then you question what voice you're here and what impression you're getting you know it's the only answer and you said Dan you think it's the only answer but the answer you're giving me is true but it needs a place to land it's one thing for me to say you know Jesus loves you I'm always right it's another thing for you to be loved by God to different worlds oh he said do you know why you live the way you do I said cuz you're amazing him and he said I heard him chuckle in my heart he said Dan that's not the answer I'm looking for says he will the answer he had me a mess I was supposed to preach I was on the floor crying so hard I mean I was crying I went through a box of Kleenex it's not a joke I've ran out of Kleenex as a lady lift them arm and slit a box under there during worship I'm so messed up because God was saying I love you I appreciate you I'm so proud of you it's one thing if somebody says for the Lord says he's proud of you in a tear comes your eye when God Himself comes in his presence overtakes you and he says love you boy you're done it don't matter if you're supposed to preach so I'm laying there fighting trying to fight my way out of this and get my composure I got mascara everywhere man I was crying so hard I had mascara lines his hottest kid I would have scared me I went through a box of Kleenexes I'm not joking I try to get up and he go love you I try to get up and I'm a mind I'm going what are you doing I'm supposed to preach I'm done I'm ruined I'm a mess for days what are you doing and I get up slow learner about the third this amazing bright idea came to me I thought I bet you God knows I'm supposed to preach he can probably read I bet he read the bulletin I bet he knows I'm supposed to preach and yet he's doing this to me I probably ought to enjoy it and get the message and forget about preaching so when I gave in that lady whoever she was she could see I threw in the towel and I was a madam goodbye PJ there's nothing there like a box there's nothing coming out of the hole it's like there's just no rabbit enough and all sudden I feel tenderly my arm lifts in a box slider oh I was such a mass swollen eyes I was a mess and while I'm laying there and I said okay lord I don't know what you're doing but go ahead and love me and I just curled up and cried he was his loving home ass and right in that moment he said hey do you know why you lived the way you do I knew exactly what he meant he gives you that ability to understand I said cuz you're all sober but he said that's not the answer I slowly answered now what you just said I am needs a place to land in your life let me tell you why you live the way you do Wow okay he said because the night you got saved you saw your need for me and worse in conscious for a moment and ever since that moment you've been a Sun in your heart and you've let nothing change that up to now consistency there's two things I never think about sin and the devil why you just saw why I don't think about sin we left the country why don't I think about the devil he's the cutoff withering branch coming to nothing he loves when you put him up here he's the cutoff withering branch coming to nothing why are you thinking about the devil if he shows up we deal with him but he's cut off let it forget it you just don't be unaware of his devices you're giving no place yeah two things I never think about sin in the devil it's the two things through pastoring I found that our conscious in Christians the most the sin in the devil and you see why there's not consistency because the eye is the lamp of the body and what you focus you become you guys alright you ready for this are you sure you can handle this because we're going to pray for something tonight it's going to be fun it's one of my favorite things to do on the planet and I have a real green light so I'm excited no it's because I don't minister a lot because people tend to gravitate to you you're the guest speaker everybody wants you to pray for their situation the whole goal of the guest speaker is to multiply the people to live a life in Christ it's not to line everybody up and pray for everybody it's to teach the word and get everybody to participate and teach us the kingdom's among us it's innocence with us so some folks just go to the mall and have fun today it was good testimony years ago you don't know me back then years ago the reason I got invited to church is because of the blow-up because of the way I ministered I ministered everybody I prayed for but I felt if everybody wasn't stuck to the floor we didn't have Church I would just call people out man stand up for you Joe Guster's didn't even get a chance to get their fall sound like they have metal in their head talking and I just thought that was awesome but it got weird in me and people stroked you and they make you a hero and they think you're somebody oh it was horrible man it was working in my heart slowly and subtly and none of that stuff is in me none of that's my desire but I didn't realize how people were idolizing celebrity and so and I was getting invited to churches because of the way I manifest I just line everybody up and I'd say don't tell me why you're here God will not say you're here because this you're here it would freak everybody out well then you stroke you and worship you and then everybody channels through the narrow door of your life to get a piece of you so they can get a piece of what's in you so you got to go with a rivers flow and brother you got to get to the anointing you got to grab the hem of the garment it's not my shirt it's Jesus and I was missing it horribly and didn't even realize it and it seemed like the more that I wanted to manifest the more I could it was a strange thing my motives got a little twisted pride was in my heart that I didn't even realize and one day I got to the car and God said why do you feel that way I'm the one that does everything I cried I couldn't even Drive you think that would settle it right about two months later I go to a church and everybody says oh my gosh we're so glad you're here I can't wait to see what God does I ain't never met anybody yourself well and I'm like wow I must be anointed I had my black suit on I had my little gold tie with my little chain I had my sweet little black shoes huh oh yeah I was looking at my wife like that she said woo she called me her Kenda all the time I'd come out of the bathroom she said whoa can stay down girl I gotta go preach I'm messing up bad right now I get to discharge I get to this church Jesus is there the worship team's racked man Michael get this nobody's playing right you see that you that's the powerful time the keyboard lady is on her knees she don't even know what she's doing she's just reaching up and somehow tinkering hi Keyes it sounds like rain it's ridiculous like she's going tink and the roofs gone Oh tink Oh jinke oh and I'm standing there going wow you're here well you're gonna do awesome things God why don't you just give me a word what do you want to do I look around everybody's laying on their face pastor and his wife was pressed to the floor prostrate probably would have been a good idea to just probably worship Jesus but I looked and I saw this lady right about where you are ma'am and I said hmm and the Lord gave me a word for her so specific that if I'm wrong you look like a fool but if you're right people go WOW and I went here we go I'm not even understanding the atmosphere I am NOT doing this I just can't wait to manifest I'll flip on the mic I ease in I'm not gonna be belligerent you know you know you getting that flow you know guys you know God is here right now man I know you feel surprised inside are you gonna sneeze in right I flip on the mic man I had a word of knowledge so clear I flip on the mic and I go I had no human ability to speak that'll mess your life up forever because that happened to me I don't share it from the pulpit but I'm sharing it with you I had zero ability to speak not one word could come out of my I went and the Lord said see Dan you couldn't even talk if I didn't let you and I fell to the ground the microphone I remember to this day I dropped the microphone like a brick it hit this wooden pulpit clanged feed feed backs up lingo and piss and crashed and my body sounded just as loud mmm I bawled for probably 40 minutes perfuse and insanely cried no one knew what was going on it kind of came to their feet and everybody just sat there and waited for me to get up and when I got up I staggered to the pulpit cried and asked the people to forgive me of sin and I've allowed my life to get into a place of whirlwind and manifestation and woohoo but it feeds everybody and everybody chases it instead of knowing him and I'm not even sure everything that was happening was the Lord because I had such a wide open door and my motives weren't pure you might be amazed manifestations are a dime a dozen I saw people shake for an hour on the floor get up and still have cancer that bothers me I don't need you to shake I just need that cancer to go I had people stuck to the floor they carrying to their car but I'm still counseling over their marriage and they're hurt by their spouse the same week something's wrong with that people and it freaked me out and put me in this search for truth and for God and I'm not afraid of manifestations they're real I've had God do a lot of amazing things in my life and to my life but I don't need you to manifest and I don't need to I need you to be free and I need that cancer to go I need your eyesight to be restored in your ears to open he said you go back and tell John are you the one or should we look you go back and tell John the lame will walk in the blind or seeing the deaf or hearing the poor or having the gospel preached he didn't say they're shaken stuck to the floor and manifesting I'm not against it never let it be your pursuit there's a place for God to manifest it's not our focus or our goal I've been in spirit schools where all the students feel like they're more spiritual the more they manifest and the kids that aren't experiencing nothing follow along to fit in they tell me that in secret with tears I called it in several schools and exposed it and watch the place blow up and cry it's not about manifesting it's about being like him God personally loved me so much that he stopped my ability to speak for a moment that was a change I promised in my life people say you carry yourself in such a humility you dissin isn't this it's not my fault you let God take your voice and see how it affects you for almost a year I didn't even minister I just taught the word and pray on one day and the Lord came and said you know I never told you to turn off I told you you'll find a healthy place let Super Lord and I was so afraid of missing it and he said how about putting more faith in my ability to keep you than you missing and how about going after me I said alright and I feel more healthy in ministry in the last 12 years than I've ever been in my life because of that one night I want experience I don't know why I shared that with you I hope that's okay y'all ready what shall we say then huh this is not first John and it's not the message this is so good look man six Romans six I read this stuff so much I've read this paragraph a thousand times in my life it's never old it's always exciting it's alive you don't say well I know that no become that you don't know it till it's your life what shall we say then the reason he's saying that guys because the end of verse five he says you don't have to go there he says where sin abounded grace did abound much more we all know that you know that's in five so Paul's sharp in the Holy Ghost he says hmm where sin abounds grace abounds more so what should we do keep on sinning so grace abounds and what see some of you only been taught to pray a prayer to go to heaven some of you have been taught that Jesus died on the cross to forgive your sins and take you to heaven some of us weren't taught that we died so we can live that we give back our life we give back what was never us we die in water baptism to live amen watch this what shall we say then shall we continue in sin that grace may abound certainly not how shall we who died to sin well brother you know you're always going to sin if you say you don't have any sin you're deceived man and the truths not in you you know everybody sins what are you saying you're perfect does it sound like that saying that or does that sound like that's deception watch this certainly not how shall we who died to sin live any longer in it that means it's identity it's impulses just letting it have its way its memory its stain its effects its desires no we're not going to live that way watch this or do you not know that's why I'm preaching it because some of us don't know it's a very important phrase do you not know you're going to see that at least three times that as many of us as were baptized into Christ were baptized into his death what's his death we'll see in a minute therefore we were buried with him through baptism into death what death we'll see that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father even so we should walk in the newness of life for if we've been united together in the legs of there it is again we better find out what this is soon huh certainly we also shall be in the likeness of his resurrection knowing this second time you better know something that our old man was crucified with him that the body of sin might be done away with that we should no longer be slaves of sin for he who has died oh my goodness he who has died ah has been say it yeah but brother you're always going to send in you know you're going to have sin what are you saying you're perfect Wow for hue has died as what so God's not a heretic God's not a blasphemer his words true so if it's his word Wow freed man just look at that in that beautiful freed from sin now if we died with Christ we believe we should also live with him see it's not just about dying it's about living oh my goodness third time you better know something knowing seeing all your getting get understanding you destroy for the lack of knowledge no no no knowing that Christ having been raised from the dead he dies no more death no longer has dominion over him remember I say what will be buried into what was his death what did he die - you're going to get the answer right now watch this for the death that he died remember buried into death with him and I say what was his death for the death that he died he died to sin once for all but the life that he lives he lives to God watch how quick he makes you in him one likewise you also reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord yeah but brother you're always going to send what are you saying you don't send everybody sins are you perfect do you see how much of a lie that mindset is and it keeps you from walking in the grace of this and it actually tells you who you are apart from his finished work because this is who you are and you better know it come on this is it's all scripture it's not my notes I'm just reading the Bible off the big screen is that cool or what you can't say I'm adding it it's right here ah therefore don't let sin reign in your mortal body that you should abandon it's lust sounds like you have some options here watch us and do not present your members stop believing this is who you are don't present yourself to this life anymore do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness and you're ready to fail stop presenting yourself as instruments of unrighteousness stop thinking you're filthy and dirty and weak let the weak say I'm strong ah do not do not present your members as instance but present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead and your members as instruments of righteousness to God you that looks like you wake it up in the morning father I thank you you've made me free I thank you sin has no hold of me and who the son has made free is free indeed you've cleansed me of all unrighteousness you've forgiven me of all sin and I thank you I stand holy blameless and above reproach accept it in your sight complete through Christ Jesus I don't have needs today nobody has to say the right thing you've done the right thing and I believe I am NOT sin waiting to happen I'm a son in the making and you're manifesting your glory to me and through me and some he's gonna know you more because of your great love God thank you for life that sounds better than complaining dreading the day and waiting to fail if you wake up and try not to sin of course you will your sin conscious if you wake up a manifest righteousness and accept being is Wow you don't wake up and try not to sin you wake up and enjoy being a son and I mean a daughter to girls I'm talking to you come on if I'm a bride you can be a son for this sermon you ought to see me in my dress he thinks I look good he made me look good I think on that day I think I don't never happen but I think I'm gonna take my time and come down the aisle slow this man I look good to him he's gonna say father he's awesome look what I've done yeah you've done good son I love him no I wish to get down here no it ain't gonna work like that it's just something my toy with I'll just cover like you just paint these funny little pictures for sin shall not have dominion over you for you're not under the law but under grace that's an amazing phrase that see this is what people that are saying as this foam scrapes grace level each other they're missing the beauty of this what he's saying is don't get condemned don't become a product of what you fail in run to God and let him keep perfecting you keep working out your salvation with fear time we haven't found a way to sin and get away with it we found a way to be free so you can't fail because you're not under the law you're under grace but he knows how far some people try to take that so he says what then shall we sin because we're not under the law but under grace now we already settled that you're dead to sin and alive unto God and he was died he's free from sin and we're not going to present ourselves members to sin we settled that certainly not hope was his fourth time do you not know this fourth time do you not know maybe some of us don't that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey what you believe you are is what you'll serve and the people are saying yeah but you're always going to sin brother are very conscious of sin which means they can't be conscious of righteousness so they can't produce the fruit of holiness their preaching their own experience not the finished work Wow is that fair is that safe to preach in your house good man I knew I liked you from the get see honestly I like everybody but man I'm telling you those people speaking out of turn there's people that have too much to say and they haven't been with him they haven't really they're just preaching what they've been taught seminary stuff circle camp stuff come on God's doing away with all that and he's preaching his sign do you not know that whom you present yourself a slave to Bay your that one slave whom you obey whether it's sin leading to death or obedience leading to righteousness come on that simple guys but God be thanked that though you were were slaves of sin yet you obeyed from the heart we're not using grace we paid from the heart that form of doctrine to which you were delivered and that here it is again having been set free from sin you became slaves of righteousness I looked at word up you know what slave means bound and chained and destined to serve I am bound to the testimony of righteousness and chained to it to serve at the rest of my life I have one testimony right in the sight of God oops and it's his fault you see that cross over there anything hanging on a pose been cursed by God you have to understand that God did not curse his son on the cross some people think he cursed his son he made his son to be sin and curse sin sin was killing us God cursed sin in the flesh and sin shall have no dominion over us for all of the spirit of life through Christ has made us free from the law of sin and death you see yeah but he was made of curse so we can receive the promise of the blessing through our ham Galatians 3 yeah he would knew no sin was made to be sin what God curse on the cross the thing that was killing us as Moses lifted the serpent in the wilderness so shall the Son of Man be lifted up what's he talking about these if go to the score story they were complaining loathing the worthless bread gods you're terrible leader Moses you're no good at all we're lost we ought to just go back to Pharaoh wish we never left Egypt it was bad these serpents it's a crazy story these like these things just showed up and started biting people by the thousands sin and death it's not it's crazy huh they went ah we sinned they said Moses would you please go to God and tell him we're sorry would you ask him to move this thing that's numbers 21 you guys know this isn't a medical symbol today as a snake wrapped around a pole it comes from this story God goes to Moses type and shadow of Christ on behalf of the people priests unto God priest under man he goes and says listen the people are realizing how bad they sinned and they're asking you to relent and remove this thing and he said listen Moses I'll take it away here's what I need you to do that serpent is fighting them you make a replica and put it on a pole you make it of bronze and you lift it well that sounds like a graven image it sounds weird why do you make the thing that's killing them and put it on a pole and hold it before the people why don't you hang up a flag the wave a flag that says y'all like why don't you take Aaron's rod that budded and hold it up and represent life as if why don't you point to God why are you putting a serpent on the pole so I'm asking the Lord I'm a year old in the Lord I'm laying on my bed Lord I don't understand why you're putting a serpent on a pole it sounds like a graven image why are you putting on the Paul what's killing them why don't you encourage them with something that you are he said cuz they're my Hebrew people and they know my Levitical law and they know anything hanging on opposed and cursed by God so when Moses lifted the bronze serpent they knew that I heard Moses is prayer and I cursed what was killing them and faith rose in their heart and they were instantly healed and even so shall the Son of Man he who knew no sin was made to be sin so we might become the righteousness he doesn't want you to see a suffering Savior he'd want you to cry at Easter and watch the movies he wants you to go gods are amazing you put your son to pay the price that I could never pay you cursed what was killing me and I instantly go free Wow I reckon myself dead to sin alive under righteousness and by your stripes I am healed it's all in that book oh it's there for just as you presented your members uh let's back up but God be thanked though you were slaves to sin yet you obeyed from the heart to doctrine but you were delivered and having been set free from sin you became a slave to righteousness I speak in human terms because of the weakness of your flesh for just as you presented your members of slaves for uncleanness and the lawlessness leading to more lawlessness so now present your members as slaves of righteousness for so how are you going to wake up every day father I thank you for making me clean I thank you for washing me and making me pure and seeing me apart from every mistake I've ever made god I thank you that you've placed me back in the garden of your paradise in your delight the very Garden of Eden and you take pleasure in a god I thank you to surround me and fill me with good things and it's your pleasure to give me the kingdom I so appreciate the gift of life through Jesus Christ thanks for loving me would it be awesome if you actually believed that start communing that and actually exchange that with the Lord wouldn't that be awesome that sure beats feeling like a failure wonder if you're going to get it right today wondering if God's mad at you wondering oh yeah for when you were a slave of sin you were free in regard to righteousness do you see why it's so detrimental to tell people they're always going to sin and they're never going to be perfect and what do you saying brother you never sinned they're keeping the church sin conscious and then they're free in regard to righteousness instead of slaves to righteousness because you can't think you're both you're either sin waiting to happen or you're righteous do I need any more proof I've showed you three sections of Scripture and there's more I could show you I know you believe me what fruit did you have with those things you're now ashamed for the end of those things is death but now here we go third time unbelievable huh believe it but now having been set free from sin and having become slaves of God that just means you're chained and bound to his testimony you have your fruit so look what the lies trying to do well brother you know you always concern you never going to be perfect look what it's trying to stop it's trying to stop the fruit of a holy life and this guy did people stand strong in that thing and don't realize what they're dismantling because the fruit of believing you're righteous is what holiness without you trying to be holy so I guess all glory goes to God and you are which you are by His grace and the and everlasting life for the wages of sin death gift of God eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord is that rich or what is there any worship people prepared that could just help me for a little
Channel: DAN MOHLER - Non Official Channel
Views: 268,287
Rating: 4.8365002 out of 5
Keywords: Blood, The Blood of Jesus, Sin, Redemption, God, Jesus, Jesus Saves, Saved, The blood of Jesus removes you from sin, the stain of sin, the sting of sin, the effects of sin, the reminder of sin, the mark of sin and even the action of sin., Gospel, Dan, Dan Mohler, Pure, Purity, Desire to be holy, Desire to be pure, I long for holiness, I want to be Holy
Id: xknAGemtAIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 59sec (4019 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 04 2016
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