Zach Exposes His Coworkers - The TryPod Ep. 44

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rambles this episode is sponsored by Shopify you know them you love them we know them and we love them Shopify you know is the all-in-one commerce solution designed to start grow and scale your business on your terms they help us run our website they help us run all of our merch Shopify is an essential business partner to helping us deliver to you the best products that we can if you have a business of any size big and small Shopify is here to support independence just like you see all the ways that Shopify is supporting independence at Shopify dot-com / independence that's with the TS Shopify supporting independence thank you to Shopify and doordash for sponsoring today's episode [Music] welcome to a very special episode of the tripod today on the podcast we're gonna be meeting some of the try guys staff and giving them their yearly performance reviews live on the air and joining me today is no one whoo it's just me and miles exact your host Eugene Keith and Ned are all out of town yep they just [ __ ] failed actually met Keith are out of town and Eugene has just decided to take a few days off which we support and respect and appreciate hashtag mental health breaks but look this is very exciting I know that the most common complaint we have about the podcast is Zach you don't talk enough [Applause] Andale but it don't worry we're gonna have plenty of other friends popping in but first we've got some stories from the week some stuff that's been going on miles you were here with me today how are you my friends I'm doing pretty well I've got a coffee got a Bruin oh I thought you're gonna say a cough I was like no [ __ ] away for I'm not sick you've told me many times if I'm sick don't come to the office yeah I believe that but sometimes you I feel I'm like I'm almost like I don't want to get Zach sick but then I feel bad being like I'm a little sick to the big guys upstairs and multiple big guys yeah upstairs it's like levels of a Pokemon gym that's true different bosses okay favorite pokemon gym leader Skylar yeah Brock misty Oh lead surge Giovanni Giovanni was cool he was like Sabrina right Giovanni as a final Brock was early on he was very early Brock his first gym type I forgot that Brock and misty were man you could fight them and don't don't do that I'm disgraced named Miles you have paper in your hand what's that Zach today because you're the only guy here and we're in need of some guidance the company's in shambles we need you to give performance reviews to our staff and say already I already set that up yeah I know and I'm just so sometimes it's good to lay it do other stuff first we'll ask about the paper too early you will so yeah my paper with miles is the segment we do every podcast in this segment it's related to the N segment wait so yes paper no paper I'll say this we're doing paper okay pay with miles paper with miles so this is a essay I printed out it was the first Google result when I printed out giving it an effective performance review it's called delivering and effective performance review I'm not gonna lie I actually have never done this okay you know we've kind of we've delegated our performance reviews to the producers in house and also Ned handles a lot of it yeah we've only had to fire one person here at second try I was coincidentally out that day oh yes I know talking about yeah this was very very very early on in the company and we hired him to do a job that that he was not able to do yeah I don't want to disparage his yeah we don't need to disparage anyone no beef but anyway I wasn't there so I've never had to have the tough conversations right so this is an essay that's gonna help you do that and by the way I want you to think at home if you all of a sudden were in charge of looking at your co-workers and telling them things that they were good at and things they had to improve on yeah that's tough mm-hmm if you had to fire somebody you work with could you do it yeah so today I'm gonna fire some people that's true fire those definite bad I thought to start it off I give you a performance review oh I would love that okay yeah so well I'm gonna do it as I read through so we can kind of make sure we understand what the things you need to do are okay dope I'm gonna take my morning pill some supplements okay got it so in order to provoke early give a performance review first of all you're gonna want to lay the groundwork this is step one yeah you gotta lay the groundwork so okay lay some groundwork on me hey Zach you're my boss that's cool okay we're all just gonna get through the day I don't think of myself as as your boss I think of myself as your coworker who has more power over you yeah you're though your coworker who gets to be right all the time right stepdad uh-huh yeah new stepdad I'm the cool boss so it's like you got power over us but you don't flex it because you want us to you know bo jimin and jam with ideas flex it cuz you don't gotta flex it when you got it you don't even have to flex the people that you're flexing are like wow look at how many muscles I have but they don't work out the people who don't flex roof those are the ones you gotta look out for yeah did you work out this weekend I did yoga once yoga once yoga one sound dog I down dogged a bunch of times what's your fave yoga position oh fave yoga position I'm a big into the what is it you do warrior to flip you flip it oh yeah if I I don't know if it's reverse warrior 2 or what you do or you turn the other way no no no so you're doing this is a vid okay this is a visual for my YouTube people yeah do you do your Warrior 2 like you're surfing on a wave okay I mean you lean forward all the way and you feel that little pop in your shoulder yeah and then you weigh into triangle no no no no no reverse triangles a different photo reverse warrior two got it okay then you come back down you do like a side war I don't know man you do a side warrior yeah I love I love that goofy [ __ ] and I love you okay so you don't want to lay the groundwork this is step one all right and this is there's a bunch of other says things that says but you know you want to make sure people are on the same page this will both help refresh your memory and will put a positive focus on an event that is often seen as so negative so before the person comes in you just got to think of them and be like okay what have they done so essentially you got to prepare well that's good because when we call people over I'll have about 5-10 seconds to prepare yeah that's good so the second one is set a tone too often face to face conversation takes the form of a feedback sandwich compliments criticisms more niceties sounds delicious that sounds good feedback sandwich yeah I mean they saying that's a bad thing because everyone loves good sandwich I feel like I always give feedback sandwich no matter what be like you're doing really good you really suck you're okay oh my every email that I send is hey blank this is so great here's 40 things to change yeah keep up the good work totally cuz otherwise people get so they may feel hurt yeah maggie has looked at me leaving notes on our videos and she's like you're so like what you know yeah you just get to the point and tell them notes but yeah our editors have developed a real thick skin because we just get to the you know like cut this this isn't funny we need better joke here it's not personal against them they're editing me so it's really this Zach joke sucks give me a better one I was living with edit notes like I was doing a project recently and it was for another organization I'm sorry what yeah we have a strict non-competing I actually don't but I was doing it and the I we got back some edit notes some feedback and they were like very ethereal they're like spiritual notes so unhelpful I was just like this means nothing like yeah yeah so most people are so instead pick a side this is crazy advice this wants to excite most people are good solid worker so for the vast majority you should concentrate exclusively on things the person has done well I'm not gonna lie I'm not really listening to you yeah that's fine what were you thinking about I was playing with my skin there's a little I don't know if it's a scab or what but I'm just playing with it yeah do you pick your scabs on occasion yeah that's where they are I'm a picker for sure I like playing with myself oh do you get scabs I feel like I'm at a scab in a very long time you don't scab not really I I discover cuts and bruises on my body all the time I'm not rough and tumbly i neither am i I there must be sharp objects hiding in my bed because I wake up with like scratches on my leg and and just all sorts of wacky [ __ ] and I'm like what am i doing it night yeah thank you a little scratch going I've checked Maggie's toenails or cut she's not like a night Thrasher yeah I've gotten scratched by my girlfriend in the night long toast scratched my my girlfriend in the night sounds like a really cool 80s album it sounds a good goosebumps oh yeah yeah I would read that I wasn't a goosebumps fan were you I read a couple of them which is weird you would think you think I would yeah I just I hated the flipping back and forth I'm like this is a pain yeah and then on TV I was way more an are you afraid of the dark it was goose goose bumps specifically choose your own adventure isn't it I think I think so I think they're all choose your own adventure what just sounds great I have an adult I'm like what a wonderful idea it just didn't do it for me do you think that there's and I don't know if this is too much it might be do you think that there's shoes I know where you're going book choose your own adventure pornography yes it would be like you walk in like get to [ __ ] respect her boundaries no one kind of story lines it's just delay it as long as humanly possible oh it's funny that's sort of a choose your adventure books I feel like a very D&D they're very Dungeons & Dragons it feels like a fad of yesteryear I don't but also I'm not a child anymore so yeah like I used to come out with all sorts of different candies and they don't do that anymore it's like why don't eat candy I'm not watching cartoons constructively coach oh we're still doing the paper arrows in a while and I feel a big lull in the conversation I'm gonna go to the paper that's usually why you know that I print out paper every single episode you're on your phone I'm looking at things that I prepared to talk about because this is a thrill now that no one else is here this week I can get to all the things that's true yeah you the only try guy here so if you're on your phone I'm really treading water that means yeah that means that this vodcast is bad this I guess is just me vamping what did you oh yeah I could leave and then it could just be advice that'll go for miles for people would love that people people want the one boy and one gremlin a boy and his grandma a boy is gonna get goose bumps cartoon I would watch you don't you yet you said you take notes on your phone well yes I so I have an ongoing draft of just like oh hey this is the thing that happened we can talk about this in the podcast I guess it's my version of the paper if there's ever a lull or if I feel unpleased with the conversation yeah I'm so stuffy can you hear me I can hear your nose you can hear my nose you flow nice you slowness what's that I went to the doctor you told me to use flonase it's like a steroid for your nostrils oh I'm not trying I'm trying to not [ __ ] with steroids whenever possible oh yeah it's a nasal steroid so I don't know if it isn't antihistamine yeah boy your nostril I just mean like I get like rashes and I recommend these steroidal creams and it's your body gets dependent on it so I heard yeah anyway I write notes on my phone and it's a way to know that like hey this is a story worth telling some of them are good stories some of them are just quick little ones yeah like I'll hit you with this we filmed a fire cupping video because a try guys if you don't know what cupping is it's during the Olympics it was what Michael Phelps he had those weird suction mark a suction cup marks all over his body oh yeah and so you'll see that video coming out but for the video at the very end she was like oh also we do face kumbhak sorry face cupping I'm like oh that's so funny do it on me and she sucks my skin up everyone yells yeah I don't like this is leaving mark she's like no but it was funny looking so like Oh everybody Oh suck more of a skin they sucked even more of my skin doesn't hurt feels great I do cupping all the time I'm used to it then it looks so funny that miles behind camera was like oh that pose here I leaned up I started doing a little bit wobble around now I don't know if you can see this on the video feed I have a [ __ ] hickey on my cheek it looks like my girlfriend was just sucking the side of my face we film that four days ago yes a while ago it's been lingering I like that in your story you were like and then miles look 100% my fault I was loving it I had this this cuff wobbling on the side of my cheek yeah but I love my stubble very long this weekend hoping it would cover it up I've had to go to dinner with my grandmother luckily it was dimly lit so that she did not see my face icky but poor Maggie was walking around with me knowing that everyone was looking at her thinking that she's the Freak that likes sucking on cheeks that girl sucks cheeks oh yeah hell yeah oh yeah I feel like I never gave hickeys cuz like I didn't like having them but I remember I feel like it's a very younger high school thing for sure absolutely a younger thing I want you to know if you are listener yeah and you are sub College uh-huh I need you to know that hickeys are not a real thing no it's like the scissoring of the straight world it's something that we all made up and sometimes you try it when you're young yeah but it's not a real thing when I was in high school I had a New York City girlfriend we faked we met she was really only on got a few times we met it we make camp and so I drove into the city I took the metro-north train into the city yeah we met a--they the New York City Public Library were they filmed ghostbusters and then we went to see Pirates of the Caribbean to which I was seeing for the second time so that we could try and make out in the back of the movie theater the whole time whoa yeah did you not as much as I would have liked but enough you know but it's at that weird age and you're also in public we're like all you do is kiss to the point that it's no longer enjoyable no it starts to really suck in like your your mouth is getting numb and yeah my first kiss was in a photo booth outside of the movie theater and we kissed there was like oh that was so tender and nice and cute like one little kiss and then we went to Ocean's thirteen and I made out the whole movie this is overdrive this movies the best movie I've ever seen right now slobbering wild this podcast is brought to you by Shopify and the try guys calm and a million of other businesses why are we included because Shopify wants you to know that they do everything they can to support the independent businesses on their platform and we're one of them baby so they included us in this sponsorship and Bubba Russ and potluck and pappad pal there are so many websites that are using Shopify to do their best work Shopify is the all-in-one commerce solution designed to start grow and scale your business on your terms you've heard me talk about it before I'm gonna talk about them again because they're the best they can help you start sell market and manage your business and I'm talking to business of any size they're here for big businesses are here for small businesses for independence for people that are just starting out when we were just starting out Shopify was there to help us grow our company we were able to check in real time how our products were doing we were able to make adjustments in real time based on the feedback we got from them see all the ways the Shopify is supporting independence at Shopify dot-com / independence Shopify supporting independence Shopify okay I'm gonna go back to my hickey story but first I'm gonna tell my first kiss story please because I love you he's done that we've never done this on the vodka about to hear the other guys so I was at camp it was the last day of film camp I was 13 years old I was the youngest kid at camp so I was hooking up with an older woman whoa and we played it it was like this thing we're like everybody knew everybody knew that this was going down we played spin the bottle yeah it was spin the bottle' slash seven minutes in heaven it was just totally a manufactured game well to get us to go so we spin the bottle huh she spins it lands on me we leave the living room and go into a bedroom this was we were at New York Film Academy at Princeton I've seen the poster so we were we were on a college campus right so we're in the dorm if you can imagine so we go into the bedroom and it's this I remember this bright room with a cot and it was like okay well do we dim the light to return the lights off and it was just pitch black I'm like oh well this is bizarre turn the lights back on and I want to blame her but it was probably me yeah I was a little coward and I go well we should go in the closet right that's what you see in the movies it's seven minutes in a closet so we go from the living room into an empty bedroom from the empty bedroom into the closet and we go in this very cramped closet and we start kissing and I had to separate about ten seconds in and I go I'm no expert but I do believe there's not supposed to be so much teeth because my memory of my first kiss is just her teeth clattering against my teeth yeah and I've kissed people since mm-hmm I've never once come across that issue I don't know how that was such a problem but kids are weird when I kiss with my girlfriend we just used teeth video tape on teeth kind of deal like how horses kiss yeah no that's hard I feel like when you're young you run into a lot of teeth and you move to a lot of stiff tongues yes like a bird like just you know a tongue directly out the first time that a child realizes well now I'm talking yeah it's the first time that a teenager realizes that their tongue should be part of the equation what a nightmare new fun Y outs but you know I wouldn't trade those memories for anything no best times in my life yes so I have my New York City girlfriend yeah making out I'll turn pirates the Caribbean to Keira Knightley Orlando Bloom Johnny Depp they're doing their thing yeah so are we I come home with a massive hickey on my neck I'm talking like it looks like a spirit tried to strangle me in my sleep oh and so I am mortified I run up to my room I come down for dinner wearing my jacket and a scarf you saw a movie where they covered up full [ __ ] scarf like I'm just some proper gentleman from Rushmore Academy sitting at my dinner dining table and my parents take one look at me and they're like what the [ __ ] are you doing take off your jacket to the scarf and I'm like no I'm good it's like I really like this scarf you got me for Christmas and so I take it off and I bunch up my neck they of course they notice and immediately my mom goes it's that a hickey and she starts bursting out laughing and she continues to relentlessly make fun of me for the next 15 minutes and she calls my dad over just like look what I signed ads and she's just like no one gives hickeys what year and yeah she just ridiculed me - no my mom roasted me yeah that's good and I never any time that someone got close to giving me a hint yeah image of my mom laughing at me came in and I would slap their hand away and I would say no no he still hickeys man no I actually I haven't connected that but I think I have been terrified of hickeys ever since because of my mom no yeah since the first Tiki I got I am very hesitant are you giving me a key please don't to fool me once situation yeah I feel like also like the it happened in high school and like etc and then in college like the later in life you get like the more someone's like has to be drunk in order for that to happen like I feel like being in like my early 20s friends would have them would be like wasted at a thing and then like someone's drunk gonna give a hickey and then they just get roasted for the next week like it's you know it's humiliating nobody wants a hickey I would love so much imagine if one of our co-workers came in with a hickey one day oh my god we were denying we'd make a video about it and speaking of making a video about our co-worker we're going to be joined by let's have Jonathan first right right let's do it alright I'm gonna grab Jonathan and we're gonna give them performance review all right and while Myles goes I'll just tell a quick story just between you and me Myles doesn't even need to know this I going through my notes on my phone I saw that I got an email from a an underwear company because in one of our videos we played twister and my ball sacks my ball sack singular fell out of my pants of my underwear why can't I talk when no one's here and anyway they the email was better underwear for your ball sack that was the subject and they want to send me underwear so that my ball sacks don't slip out hey miles welcome back I'm talking to the people you're never alone on the try five because you're surrounded by the company of millions of the most wonderful fans in the universe which reminds me if you're listening on the stores leave a review maybe a like shout out your fav yes tell them how great zach is and joining us on the tripod welcome Jonathan say hello to the people hello people it's good to be here Jonathan thank you for joining us today is your performance review and also we just going we just go and kick it let's kick it for those who don't know Jonathan who are you what do you do here where do you come from I run sound forth try guys when we're shooting when we're not shooting I'm mostly just annoying miles yeah he sits across from me it's really fun we mi vibe yeah yeah there's there's kind of a turf war under our desks for ya space that's true miles usually wins yeah my luck got big hams he's got he's got big old big old honkin feet Jonathan to correct me if I'm wrong but and I know Zack can't say it but you're the office hunk that's what everyone keeps saying well go ahead and jump ahead to the performance review because I can say we have we have positives and negatives I'm gonna have to start with the critiques Jonathan yeah you're too handsome you're handsome every time you started in videos we feel that people are like who's that guy yeah that's his deal and you know what I need as many eyeballs on me as possible I need the health of this company depends on the thirst being directed towards me yeah I understand everyone knows I'm the thirst trap of the T G that's true that's that's my role here you know we have Ned he's the dad you James the thoughtful one that's true Keith's the huggable one I'm the [ __ ] oh that's that that's my role so yeah I need you to do something about it okay yes let's let's think solutions what what what can I again save your head I think you would need Alec odbald I think you do because I think that like if we can really dice you don't think it's I think it's energy I think I think that Jonathan would be just as comfortable in a greaser jacket what is it like for you guys tuxedo sweater sweater tech a tech CEO sweater but I love CEO sweater it's like an old cheesy tuxedo shirt right that's ready yeah yeah it's like you can be cozy and fans the hoodies a top hat oh my god that's fantastic dude I love yeah I honestly think that that we can sell at least 14 of those at least a baker's dozen that Italy yeah no need for tripod or miles nation merch so Jonathan our sorry Zach that was your critique and I was we read earlier Jonathan that in order to give a proper performance review you have to give us a compliment sandwich well they actually are against it but I think that so you gave the critique yeah now you gotta give up half a nice thing and they don't give another critique that's true you know on the plus side keep up those looks you know I like thank you I do my best no Jonathan is wonderful since we've come since he's joined us we've had no sound issues you you have the job that is you know the invisible thankless job we only notice it if something goes wrong so good thing that we have it's true thank you yeah and we've gotten Jonathan behind camera more lately as well I don't think that these should be heartfelt Jonathan we encountered something really exciting that we've talked about on set we and I don't know if you're comfortable sharing it if not we'll head out okay when we shoot a certain type of videos we have sound issues sometimes hmm oh I see what you're saying we can we can talk about we can kind of skim over it cuz I don't I don't know how I feel on it it's just it's it's something I've noticed um so so the way the mics work they work on radio frequencies yeah the receiver that's on you since the radio frequency to the receiver that's at my sound recorder he's intelligent yeah so sometimes you'll have static will interfere with that with that transmission that's why sometimes I'll be like hey guys can we cut I gotta change a mic pack yeah usually what's happening and something I've noticed is that when we've done these alternative medicine yeah like alternative medicine or things that are like connected to energy or yes hi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi was especially tarot cards this is yeah walk up are you saying when I figure about this area but I've noticed and I don't know what like to make of this but what I've noticed is it when we shoot videos like this I have a lot of static issues yeah with the mic packs that I can't explain right the Tai Chi video I don't know if you remember I was like yeah I was in a terrible mood on the Tai Chi video because there was so much [ __ ] static yeah I'm telling me that my Chi was interfering with your radio see I don't know if it was your specifically someone's cheese cheese cheese were going wild cheese were going nuts man during the tarot card reading uh tarot card yeah that was well that was like I think the second yeah video that I had even worked on so I I was just like panicking right because we didn't tell you they were gonna be ghosts in the mic yeah no one told me they were gonna be ghosts in the mic analyzing the frequencies to see if there are messages of those with unfinished business yeah I need you if you play our try guys videos backwards you hear the the moans of people with unfinished business have we thought about putting like a little reverse sound bite in a la like a Pink Floyd album oh yeah you watch all of candid competition backwards the story of the creation of the world series syncs up with Wizard of Oz that's what I want to know Berkshire actually if you set the bar slur to Arianna Grande Ronde A's album it works perfectly oh it's gorgeous yeah so I don't I don't know what to make of that it's just it's an interesting phenomenon yeah I mean well that's something that I've always thought about you on the positive Johnson and said you seem the most in touch with ghosts of the whole second try staff and I really appreciate us having that energy yet have one yeah you got a home you gotta have one on your team of course that's Jonathan Jonathan how do you feel about your performance review do you feel that Zak Perley I feel I feel good that's good I feel good okay cool that you feel good or objectified yeah yeah we don't have HR oh this is this is HR isn't really nothing you got oh I could push it a lot yeah you can just go to the courts if you want to have you guys think that I've wronged them let's get a hashtag free Jonathon going on thank you so much sexy humble sweet and smart we're joining us up next should we get Sam sure all right I'm gonna go get Sam hello Zach talk to okay no I thought that was a pretty effective performance review right that's I think so I think that he knows what we'd like him to work on yeah this is physique a busy guy keep working on it and watch out all you HOT slices out there because delivery is more than just pizza in 2020 that's right whoo with the selection of your favorite flavors from across the globe you can order world cuisine from the comfort of your living room with door - hi Indian other cuisines and also pizza you could still get pizza with you or - you know door - they bring all of America's flavors to your door yum you could be watching TV you could be writing a book you could be brushing your teeth ordering is easy open the door - app choose what you want to eat and your food will be delivered to you 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so up next we have the one the only the fantastic Sam Sam could you come here and join us welcome Sam welcome to your performance review you know it's funny miles that you hesitated because every time that I've introduced Sam in a video I've struggled to say your title because you know you're so much more I know and people are picking up on it they're like what does like the office pa I'm not gonna say that Sam helps with production because Sam is the life you admire in the all company thing you introduce you said everyone stuff died only went and of course beautiful I know like not wrong a single title I'll reduce him to a single physical descriptor Sam first question most important are we the best friends of anyone who is technically your boss whoa I would say uh I don't want to call out the other guys but I feel like we have just more in common doable and then me and the other so I guess we have more to chat about hell yeah - Grimes his new album a little bit yeah i weirdly only just like read all the lyrics as like poetry Zach as part of the performance review you need to critique Sam on part of his job performance so let me start with the positives Sam you got excellent taste in music and that's probably because you have my taste in music we both love Lord you're an even bigger Lord Stan than me you know yeah not only is Sam a huge Lord fan as you know by his love of music he read Grimes's lyrics and skating which is totally [ __ ] mental you what I was goin to New Zealand you were like oh if you're in Auckland go to this coffee shop that's where Lord writes that's awesome she wasn't right there she's just been spotted multiple time I don't know she just saying I follow like a lot of stay on accounts cuz she's off the grid she doesn't like post herself and so the only like evidence you get of her in the world is people like taking photos of her at cafes and so that's how I stay up to date I'm not crazy so Zach it's time for the critique I am I'm really gonna push you because as a as an employer in the state of California it's actually important for you to and I will let you know one of the only ways I find to grow is to be truly ripped apart drag drag so I can become a new version of myself just rip the shell off yes yeah like a snail yeah rip it off yeah well I'm gonna have to go physical again because people have said that you look like you could be my brother and so I'm gonna need you to really lean into that a lot harder yeah I've noticed that you've been wearing the contacts lately and trying to distance yourself I need you to double the [ __ ] down we're going out we're buying these Larry David ripoff glasses throwing them on you you're gonna have to start showing a lot more ankle you've got some calf showing but you're wearing you're wearing socks that are that are not fully invisible mm-hmm that's a big Nene yeah you're right in fact the you're also wearing the Hoka Hoka own a's which are known to be orthopedic shoes these are flat feet those arches back bronto the bronze you can start wearing some some cute kicks yeah okay now Zach as representative of HR here it's important that you give your performance review to Zach yeah yeah yeah so what can I do better no one know what you do give it as a sandwich compliment so you give up good in the middle or if you want to flip it up you can give her critique in the positive and then it could take if I do like an open-faced yeah let's do a face you just do it yeah it's better better watching my calories yeah it's good okay I think I have a critique oh wow I think you Harbor the most cups I often will like thousand percent at the end of the night be just like turning off the lights before everyone leaves and I'll like see your dust gets like three tea cups on it and I'm like oh that's well that's where all the water cups have been that people are searching for and so bring them to the kitchen yeah that's good you know critique I'm a man who loves liquids I I try every day at the end of the day to bring my cups to the kitchen yeah sometimes I fail I'm imagining saying that you are like at the end of every sitcom when you say I'm turning off the lights at the end of the day you're like saying goodbye the office flippin there's like another day wow guys we did it and we got through it it was tough but click comments mr. Rogers neighborhood say I was talking to morale of the day Wow Sam's neighborhood I would find your watch you know what they say friends will watch you take off your pants but great friends will take off their pants with you this has been the try guy there's a long family Wow well exactly have any closing performance reviews for Sam wait I need to give a compliment stilts oh you give how dare you miles he already gets gum yeah I would say you have the most I always am interested to hear like what you've been listening / watching / just like I feel like you know like the most in the moment thing to like watch and talk about sometimes like I need to check that out this weekend because Zack had a lot of opinions on it I can't keep up I appreciate that I am overly opinionated yeah that's true look of course the beautiful Sam everybody give it up slap at home ooh one more outgoing compliment for Sam while he walks away he's rocking a fanny pack yeah bringing that fashion back I wear it every day or I had a different one this is my new one it's awesome who we got next hey well Hugh come in here alright introducing this is will our assistant editor and janitor will thank you so much for coming in today whereas ak is going to be giving you performance we jump in here miles yeah it's time for your critique me yeah love that please I thrive on critique in fact I welcome it I think in the dynamic of the office you've tried to a cert assert a a friendly dominance hmm with will I think that you guys have a real lovely brother butting heads thing we do we do we should you know what I'm here to say will I'm officially promoting you to assistant editor / king of mile this is insane I love it I love it I mean honestly it's not any of the videos which is a real bummer to me but I am miles and I are very nasty yeah I do this way with miles I started and he escalated but I started whenever I would walk to the kitchen I just touch his shoulder it's horrible freak him out yeah and he hates it and he react even when I don't do it he like yeah and he started to give me aggressive shoulder massages like which I cannot see coming and he comes from behind me way too hard yeah but we yeah I I mean it would be bad if we didn't actually like each other but I'm glad the abuse is mutual yeah very much and the respect does not existed oh yeah no and though I feel like one of the first bits I did with will was I would come up to well just be like hey man it's been a real pleasure working with you sorry things are working out like it was really funny but you did it for like three blonde months like there was a peer that was really funny and then it was like alright yeah it's not even funny it was the The Simpsons rate thing we're like eventually it like you be like hey man I don't don't care what people are saying about you yeah yeah well you you love bits oh I love a bit yeah and I don't get enough opportunities to do them so my I told my was like supposed to like I want to do more bits that work yeah no I don't I'm fully for I want our office to be a walking man yeah he's silly absolutely now we here at second try in the try guy's office we know that will is an endless well of entertainment of opinions of dialogue but you guys don't really get to see it at home so I'm just gonna kick it over we'll what's on your mind today oh boy uh I mean I just went to therapy so I mean I'm gonna really I'm in a good place this morning yeah yeah I go every Monday early morning therapy yeah because that's the only times that I could get it sucks you like the therapist I do she's great she's lovely about me I talk about work my name come on I don't know I said Zack uses that [ __ ] I don't think I've ever said your name in therapy though but probably like my dad my enemy my yeah my yeah we are joking but I will say yes that's awesome you go therapy i right could not recommend it more it's right everybody out there i I don't go therapy I haven't gone for a long time and it's I'm aware that it is the missing component of my life I just I'm so talky that as you were alluding to that like having someone who's I paid to listen to whatever I want to talk about yeah right because I don't have to make my friends do it which is what I was doing before that I'd like really worried about the x y&z they're like yeah you talk to me about this like pay someone so you can talk about your boring stuff on the nature of the relationship every relationship that you have with someone is a two-way street exact if you're if I'm sharing my problems with you guys you're also bringing your own emotional baggage and you are bringing whatever is bothering you whereas a relationship with the therapist is intended to be one way there in a sense a blank slate that is just reflecting back to you they don't bring their personal life their personal problems I mean a good therapist like I went to the game thanks for coming so my [ __ ] husband well Zack it's about time for you to give will his critique for its performance review so I think it's you know choose to do that at this time I've got a couple of critiques you know what miles take it away okay mm-hmm I think you go on too many walks during the day disagree oh yeah I can tell it to clear your head you kind of will does a little walk around the block sometimes yeah and he doesn't invite me all the time well you don't want to go I do like six times in a row and you guys sorry man I can't do it and I was like I'm not gonna keep asking you look I'd love to go Zack if you want to go on a walk I would love nothing more yeah miles and I recently got drank coffee and like we were so high sprint around the block Isadora we did have cute times we go to Indian food like three times a week it's good three times yeah know that I love Indian food are you going to my favorite place or your favorite my favorite place my favorite place is so much better than your party my favorite place wipes the [ __ ] floor with your favorite oh yeah yeah we recently had this a bit like okay so you know there's like a guy who runs the Indian place that we go to all the time yeah very nice guy an older guy he's like really nice though big personality and we go so much that like if our lives were a sitcom and there was a wedding episode he'd be in the wedding it's great I love being a regular oh I've ever wanted in life I used to have this sushi place and I would go there every Sunday I would get sushi and watch at the same time how we get this little combo box and all I want is to is to walk in and I go and they go hey mister Cornfeld welcome back the usual and I go no Artie not today I'm gonna mix it up I want for this sushi place it got to a point where I would call and they would go hello Zac and I'd go yes and it go do you want the usual and I go yes and then one day I went there and they were like there's a very somber mood and all the sushi employees were like hey so we're all leaving and I'm like what like yeah we got bought by new management they don't treat us well we're all going and we're not allowed to tell you where but it's been a pleasure oh my god and my usual got broken and so I went back the next couple weeks hmm I don't know what they did but it just didn't taste the same and they stopped knowing who I was oh and I was no longer a regular except for heartbreaking well we're gonna end your performance review but first what was the biggest heartbreak of your life probably just that my digestive system yeah probably my just my digestion oh you you got a weak low belly - I tell you that my stuff was so [ __ ] up how [ __ ] up was it my I couldn't take just normal probiotics cuz it just turned me into a gas factory yes I had to take singular strains yeah my friend's girlfriend like went to a did like a fecal analysis but she like [ __ ] in a Tupperware and then they like look through your poop and they're like this is the strains you need is that you they had to do that yeah can I tell you it is the worst thing that you will ever have to do I like to bring the next segment of the regular segment called we go a little bit too far and you wonder why you're still listening that's I had to to send my poop off to a lab so what they do for that is you know I was at the doctor's office like you have to poop now and I'm like no like alright great so they give you this little at-home pack it has a pre pre pre ship container I'm sorry a pre postage stamp container and whatever so you you do your business and then you have a little scooper like you're cleaning your fish bowl like our light and and I had to go into my toilet is this too much this is shocked it's funny I'm gonna keep going you go I had to scoop up my poop put it in a tube a tube oh my god that is disgusting then you saved it from you have to refrigerate the poop what because you you don't want it to go bad this was a nighttime yeah activity for me so the mail wasn't gonna be able to mail it out so then I put it in my refrigerator with the post-it note that says hey guys don't open the box oh I was living with roommates at the time and luckily not yet my girlfriend was a clear tube it was in a box okay it's shockingly the tube color is not the elastic memory that's seared into my brain then I was still working at BuzzFeed at the time so I brought my box of poo into the office I left it at the front desk and I said hey can you make sure that the mailman picks this up I did not tell them that it was a box filled with mapu oh my god are we living in a world where [ __ ] is being mailed every day yeah man well that you have to that's the way you get it to the doctors I mean that's why yeah that's how you get it to the doctors well if you have digestive issues and you don't want to send your fecal matter through the mail perhaps you'd be looking for some advice we'll do you mind sticking with us through the end oh I mind but I'll be here and I'd love to this is our favorites wait by the way yeah before I get into this what's up I called you on the phone and you answer your last name is not pronounced Bahnson you're a yeah did we talk about this we talked about this on the podcast this is advice go for miles with the our host Myles bonds coming this summer to Netflix my name is miles bonds 126 and I'm an influencer I mean what you have to understand is Myles came from nothing and then became the most influential influencer in America story about inspiration perseverance and followers I mean when I started I was just trying to mess around I didn't know that it would lead to all this this guy is out of control be sure to watch a man that will go for miles only on Netflix what's up Myles nation how are you guys doing it right yeah so if anybody in a valise listening I'd love to make that humble documentary about my beginnings like The Legend of Bagger bands but it's about miles exactly what's up miles nation how y'all doing tonight we'll Zack I mean good I'm pretty good cool it's it's like 10 do you want to get banked why is it always sex stuff that's fun it's let's sell ourselves do you want to get pumped like a piston your muscles are filled with toxins I actually pumped Pumped me like a piston feels like a great rejected ariana grande with your side like side to side I only put me like a pastor follow the second Amendment rights and get a fair regard gun controls important we need it Farah gun is a massage gun that's very expensive that's going to punch you in the butt until you relax Myles is this sequence segment sponsored I wish anybody their guns listening doing podcast ads recently so yeah their gun is a free plug but hey would up their gun [ __ ] you nasty I bought it there I bought a third gun for me and Sarah's anniversary surgeon the girlfriend we have been gunning each other and we've been bumping each other like Pistons and it is the most satisfying thing it truly elicits such a squeal and funny response it so it is a gun yeah that it was it goes like a hundred it 40 times a second yeah it is really fast and it just punches your muscle yeah and it is used to both stimulate to wake up and also you could use it to rest your muscles yeah blades use it yeah exactly you see it on the like in the sidelines even though but it's awesome if you ever go exercise or something like that you put it on your legs it's really good breaks up that lactic acid yeah I also got a third gun yes my holiday gift and it's dope they also they have like tutorials on your bedtime routine and there are patterns that you follow to do it on your feet and oh baby messes you up good now because this is not a sponsored segment I can tell you that they're also now a bunch of knockoff they're a guns that are a fraction of the price however if they're a gun wants to sponsor this I will tell you that they are far it's pricey but I really enjoyed it did you get the here's the question Big Daddy did you get the pro or the live cuz I got to live you got the pro what's the live the live is like a white one that's less powerful it's like maybe 100 to 200 dollars cheaper but the pro is the big black one did you get that one you know daddy's the boss well I got it because it's the only one that has an adjustable head oh yeah and like I thought that I needed that to hit on my nooks and crannies yes I'm aboard back pain so any any solution that I could find I'm happy we're when we were actually Eugene's boyfriend huge fan of ther cuttings the one who turned me on to it and when we were traveling New Zealand and Australia he brought it with him so we were going on these long hikes and then at the end the day he was just like we would lay on the bed and he would just go to work on us yeah it sounds like like a roommate it sounds like we're having really crazy sex because it's like a really loud vibration and just like yo Oh God no there I know way too much about you now it's not something that any of us needed to know yeah but there are guns very expensive toys so if you want to get it save up your cash and coins but I don't like it's okay if you can't afford it right now it was a treat for our anniversary but it's fun if you got the dough in the bones yeah here's what you need to do put off paying your student loans yeah default um default them because if Bernie Sanders gets his way you won't have to worry about it Bernie's don't pay the bill so yeah you stopped the ferret gun stimulate that economy prove burn anomic scratch Bernie's cash a check i legit have a friend who has over $100,000 in student loan debt and he liked he was finally like in a position to start paying so his loans off but his mom was like no just don't just wait so he like his mom like encouraged him to buy a piece for anyway he's doing great he's now right around a TV show so yeah we are not yet ready to endorse a candidate on the tripod also I'm not going to do well I'll tell you that it's gonna be whoever is running against Trump that's gonna be our door yeah but I'm a big fan of a lot of people I love Bernie 11 Elizabeth Warren the the argument that people have that I've heard a lot of like well I just paid off my student loans so why should these people get a free ride you [ __ ] ass I just finished drinking a [ __ ] milkshake hey those people still drink their [ __ ] milkshake yeah it's like when you're one of your sibling like when you got punished so you're like well fight Stephanie should also get in trouble it's like got you yeah you're all jerks it's silly it's a petty world view anyway vote vote Democrat miles this has been a wonderful episode mm-hmm a little bit of a review for you oh hey I'd love one I thrive on critique yeah so let's let's start with the positive yeah okay moving on to the negative start with positive miles you do a great job running this podcast I think that you have injected your voice and your humor yeah somewhat forcefully yeah in a way that we all enjoy a great love you you've made your way into the hearts of hundreds mm-hmm hundred at least I'll tell you what Zach gets okay daddy guess who just hit 20k on Instagram way to go man that's right and some very special news for the miles nation Oh what I I don't know how telling you this is gonna go but I used the resources of our company to seize a handle on Twitter so I'm a that's the documentaries about I had at Miles bond on twitter and at Miles bond was taken by a suspended account that I knew when I was 13 until now baby so you emailed Twitter no no I I bribed members of our company I will not say who Kaitlyn to assist in the acquisition of a twitter handle but now I have you know it happened almost immediately I was with Miles when he got the news and I started videoing him as he's like just so delighted that he has the same social handle on all platforms he's such a smug piece of [ __ ] like though it's such a funny clip like I like you so much but he's like genuinely like so yeah I was overjoyed if that clip is as good as you say I'm gonna have you insert that clip right now our post bumper yeah well that's exciting way to go miles thank you so much Joe though I would say only 20,000 I know what the [ __ ] sheeple get out there yeah follow him and while you're at it will what's your handle its @w we're a more active on Twitter but I'm trying to start posting trend start posting more trying to bring a lot of posting energy into 2020 and I'm trying to get to 2 million here's a promise that I will make once you get me to 2 million I will all but stopped posting get me there and I'm quitting I'm just gonna give the [ __ ] up that's good so if you don't want to see me get 2 to 2 if you want more content hmm you got to start habitually unfollowing and re following me yeah active but we'll see Myles this is my critique for you is you do a great job with the whole lot of miles nation thing thanks man the song is a little long uh-huh I love that long that that's it it's enough no no that yeah that's not what the coos going yep perfect length we all love it yeah uh I noticed that since you've gotten the theme song you know I'm taking a little mustard off the what's up miles nation I think that you're oh you're coasting yeah I gray you're resting on your laurels yeah you got your 20,000 followers now yeah yeah and and you think that that the theme song can do all the work for you yeah you're hitting me with a subdued what's up miles nation yeah I know is that I need you to put some spin on that fast that's correct could you agree more with this miles is the kind of person who makes a theme song celebrating his rise as an influencer but then starts to coast yeah that's good and you know exact and here's the thing is what I'm trying to do I get it yeah here's the thing I'm washed up okay you hear about youtuber burnout and I don't think it's gonna happen to you and then boom you know Here I am making theme songs and I'm not even putting the sauce on the miles nation shout-out so I will do better thank you for this canceling I appreciate it hashtag cancel my elastic and let's get that going I appreciate the canceling and I will do better this is consider there's my formal apology have you guys experienced any work-related burnout I that's enough time have you have you no I don't think so that's good I mean yeah I mean sometimes work gets crazy and then we're working a lot but yeah I got burnout but you know there's downs we're just trying to get through each day like everybody else yeah man you guys are doing creative work on the side yeah yeah that's true and it's hard to fit it all in it's hard to feel like work a full-time job and then like yeah of course no home and then like now it's time to use my tired brain to do some uh yeah I mean I'll tell you that feeling never goes away oh I don't think who's like this is my company Yeah right yeah I still feel the pressure I have to do work on the side and to express myself creatively in other ways and it's a challenge I mean you're your your body your brain can only take so much so yeah for sure yep I guess finding ways to find joy in what you do yeah well you can ask for that's my shoulder well wonderful well I did think that this you know the guys weren't here today what a wonderful opportunity to get some of our co-workers on I did expect that we would have a rare opportunity to have some female voices on the shelf kind of seemed like the golden opportunity if I'm being honest none of them were in the office we're not here yet we started at 8:45 a.m. no one's here let that be a a gender-discrimination women are always late no we don't really get started here until 10:00 so yeah oh we went with what we had but if what if we do this again if you liked it we will have a a ladies only performance review I'll say this there is a very special episode that's coming up that might deal with that specifically talking about there might be an episode coming up that is many female voices on the podcast ah I know what this cryptic tease is yes and I look forward to that as well cool all right well we [ __ ] it up no episode I think that we show today that we don't need the other guys I think the comments will show that's not well this has been my favorite episode of the podcast be sure to leave us review 5 stars get the merge subscribe all that good [ __ ] tell a friend you know bring them along maybe let them listen to a different episode first and then come back and be like yeah that was pretty fun too this has been the tripod we'll hit with the official chat pod theme song it's a trap bird until next time stay beautiful yeah little bit [Music]
Channel: TryPods
Views: 237,384
Rating: 4.9340196 out of 5
Keywords: clip, Trypod, Try Guys, Comedy, Podcast, Youtuber, Zach Kornfeld, Keith Habersberger, Eugene Lee Yang, Ned Fulmer, Miles Bonsignore, youtubers, creators, advice that will go for miles, fan questions, secrets, expose, secret, therapy, will witwer, jonathan kirk, samuel johnson, ghosts, first kiss
Id: 7CcTpcdKWtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 25sec (3925 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2020
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