Keith Has A Crush On Shawn Mendes - The TryPod Ep. 37

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bramble thank you to anchor Sleep Number and native for sponsoring this episode of the podcast Wow it's a new year of the tripod you got your try guys back we make youtube videos you know that you probably found us through them but we are here talking about everything that's going on this new year our resolutions things going on in the world movies we liked and didn't like you get it it's that kind of thing it has been a wonderful uh like personal new year for me so far I've been able to keep up staying healthy uh from you know for six days yeah and something new that I'm doing right now everybody is trying out different types of heartburn medication Wow discuss I didn't realized that was something that you were suffering from well it came about when I was eating less healthy during the holidays and it wasn't just heartburn I have this thing going on it feels like I dry swallowed a pill and it's just there you know what I learned this holiday yeah it's possible for when you dry swallow a pill for it to get stuck and then you get like an ulcer in your throat and it burns away a hole in your throat so you may have a pill stuck new year new hole in your throat I think it's just I ate too many garbage food ulcers holes I don't actually know what they're yeah I mean it's extreme degree that's what it is but they actually have some sort of like minor ulster in my throat and that's just what I've been dealing with the last month but it's terrible that makes me think one time so my dad's a doctor on earth guys knew that yeah one time when I was in high school I shattered him at the hospital just you know a day visiting you at work I also heard chatter I was like oh my god I shadowed a vitamin but one thing that he showed me that we saw was like a surgery I got to watch a surgery and the surgery that they were doing was something to control extreme heartburn so imagine that your heartburn so bad medications not working what they can do is actually take a little bit of your esophagus near where it hits your stomach know your esophagus maybe is like too wide and that's the that's what's happening why there's like stomach acid getting back up into your esophagus what they'll do is they'll take your esophagus they'll stretch out a little fold of skin and then they'll fold it back over in on itself to like tightness and make it smaller are we getting older is this why we're talking about heartburn on the bag surely all our young people are you know what college kids get a heartburn that's when you start getting it everybody guess I think it's some genetic for some people and I I've always realized like in this last like year or so of getting heartburn more that my mom always had tums and like what's the kind of dissolves in water the water dissolve time Alka obvi Seltzer herself she always had both of those things I took pepcid ac and I take Tom's and I went to the doctor and oh he did that we do this cool thing we did this thing to see if there was weird microbes in my stomach so I drank this sour juice yes and then I breathed into a bag yeah they sent my breath to a lab yes and no my stomach is normal well do that once it's weird its associated actually more with Asians because something in their food like typically there something so we'll have it if they have like a as a reflux problem but it's not like not a solution for white people you mean the having heartburn no having this certain bacteria bacteria in their stomach that can be fixed I guess it actually maybe is something that could be more prone to Asians or maybe from Asian food or something so many Asian things are so prone to stuff genetically yeah I never had heartburn you've never had heartburn I'd only ever read Harper ah it's on the closest I felt to it is throwing up yeah it's like yeah but I don't I don't think I've ever actually been like oh I have pain here because of something thank you much yeah I've never had that it's not from eating too much it's from eating the wrong things it's eating like really acidic food it's like have you ever taken a multivitamin on an empty stomach and your stomach gets a little jumbled II know you've never done it or you've never done it but I've never experienced the jumbled nosov ER you don't get heartburn well two things that everyone should get well everyone gets different never had I like it because it gives me empathy my letters let's talk about how each of our bodies are slowly decaying so me oh you want to play exact with me I I think I've noticed that I definitely have more of a hearing problem than other people because of the way I've listened to music my whole life no and I think this is probably universal for most people in entertainment because my family likes to watch watch things super low volume like my dad my sisters are just and anytime I do not take my jacket so I think a lot of kids can relate to this but I do I do worry I'm like it's funny because I it's so antithetical to what's actually happening because I'll turn to them and say like god you're hearing must be terrible it's my instinct because I'm like why you listening to some and they go no you're hearing sterile because you want to pump it up to say the bar on the sound is like 1 200 I always need 50 or higher that's like my thing Oh 7 hey wanna listen to it like 10 to 20 though there's some TVs like my TV in my living room at like the low volume is 6 and the loud volume is 11 but it goes to like 50 but 11 it's like loud but I think I've always been someone who I pump music loud on my car when I watch movies I want it to be blasting me it's so we had a baby the volume on the TV has been a topic of extreme debate it's gotten to the point where Arielle wants to watch everything with subtitles and I'm like first of all don't get me wrong subtitles are fine I love me some foreign films but if we watch it on everything then I do nothing but read my movie is the engine I can't look at it and appreciate it I just read the entire thing and I'm like can we turn a little bit louder and Ariel's worried about the baby I'm like he's not up he's like a toddler now he sleeps fine and also he'll sleep through if you don't get them used to it now you gotta start getting loud sound machine is room I mean it's just blast and snowy noise white noise everywhere like drives me nuts but I had a realization the other day mmm that area usually sits on a part of the couch that's kind of hidden by a wall and I usually sit on a part of the couch that's more open to the hallway and when our heap goes on there's a lot of noise coming from the hallway and I realize she's sitting in the little sound Enclave whereas I have all of the white noise of our house doing its HVAC things and we switched places and it got a lot better but 13 is our magic number that makes everyone happy oh there's get out of what I don't know probably hundred there's dancin I I it's like - it's Keith's thing where it's like 13 is pretty loud yeah 15 would be like please turn it down please we agree that we're all probably losing our hearing oh yeah I'm yeah seven years and I sat right in front of like trombones I'm at the point now I go to a lot of concerts I've gone to concerts my entire life and that's part of my my hearing loss and I now I'm like oh I should be wearing earplugs when I go - yeah but I don't want to be that [ __ ] narc in the corner you know like who's that cop standing over there not in his head with a little orange nub sticking in his ear you know where else they offer that is workout classes oh I do that so some people wear the ear plugs and workout classes I have no shame I can't do that I have to like to cure them use no no no when I go to those places where they are screaming at me bless them you know I mean just seething it's the Zac is pretty tough I thought you ever go to yoga no no I've been doing some rowing classes I'm seeing stars from that Wow you talk about like lay method that's like a rowing circuit class wait it's called lit method yes I get a la baby but I can't stand it and it screamed and it hurts my ear and it takes me out of it so I started putting earplugs I've got no shame there and you know what maybe I need to be that shameless from the rest of my life thanks Eugene for that piece of advice that'll go for miles I we're definitely gonna go like cool headphones or ear plugs I mean like ones that have like a sweet design you know are there like those noise defusing headphone earplugs right that they they keep the quality of sound they just lower the volume rather than like those the ones that you can also adjust the volume yeah yeah because there's like the foam earplugs you wear when you want to sleep on the plane you want to but you want most remember when you're a teenager you got like your first pair of headphones maybe with a CD player it's like a CD player with I was excited about the headphones I said about the CD player back then yeah yeah but like the first time like hearing it loud through headphones it's like you can control your own volume you can listen to the music that you like and all of a sudden that's probably when we lost our hearing I remember just being very excited to listen to a little too loud CDs what is it - I like Red Hot Chili Peppers I like nirvana you like turn it down I'd be like can't tell me what nah man I think I think it for a lot of us was the iPod right I think that bugged us because they're so you know you could just wear them we used to wear them on like our our bands when we used to work out never that big ones are on the way so I didn't have one yeah and that's when you can buy all the Nano fast-forward super fast you have like 500 songs on it it would just be like Britney Rihanna okay everyone knows I'm gay but better to work out - and I was just like goo goo goo goo every workout anywhere I walked it put my ipod on I couldn't walk anywhere without having an iPod on you know what I just realized about your potential hearing loss Eugene every time we go out to karaoke there's in the front there's the knobs I'm not gonna draw us into a long karaoke chat again I know we get there a lot but you always as we're partying you'll go up front and you'll turn it up louder and then when you're not looking I turn it down really but it's like we're in a tiny box and it gets deafening and we all scream when we sing and I so I just I look after the family I'm only doing it when you're about to sing what you do / we touched base right before break oh I saw Ned in Jacksonville yeah that's right 30 dues we're in st. Johns County which is what a flip went to the south yeah it's funny being in someone's home town especially someone like Jacksonville yeah yeah I like about it I mean you went to the beach no it was kind of rainy while we were there it was best part about the rain um well I guess the best part is finding out my boyfriend's sister who's pregnant is going to have her baby at your dad's hospital yeah town small world and my Barber's mom was really like your number just yeah you know just in case yeah your boyfriend's mom Bastian are like buds now yeah they got that like digit they got that italian-american mom right thing going there both the time yeah both talk about gourmet stuff like wine like wine yeah panettone Oh Wes ate so much panettone it's this Italian Christmas bread that's kind of sweeter with fruit in it it's my favorite but he was like enough non-stop just wanted what it is like Tony Tony can I have more Tony Tony very good feet in bread there a moment when you introduce him to your favorite things that you kind of hold your breath of like oh yeah mine better love I hope that you liked it for sure yeah and then when you did I was like is the first time that that moment happened was when area was talking about how they gave West different things for breakfast and West really like sausage and I looked over it and yeah and now he's like a lot more he can talk about stuff so he'll actually point at the couch and say daddy babe all which actually is his word for football because on Sundays we'll watch football together it's kind of like the one time we you know no TV under three rule you know so thinking about that on today what I think I tried to do actually was doing nothing over vacation which is very difficult for me because I saw yeah I split it up well I split up Jacksonville with my boyfriend's family and then Austin with my family my family is very different from other families so my dad doesn't spend half the day with us even when we're on vacation cuz he has to go golf then he goes to the gym then he does yoga everyday he's gone until 2:00 p.m. doesn't even matter if we're by himself he's like his buddy he's like a group of Korean guys and then why not if that's the secret sauce yeah he looks good he's got a six-pack he's over 70 but um one's better than me yeah when me and my my sister who was there we wake up and we're like what the [ __ ] are we gonna do when I guess we're gonna go work out and then also work on our computers so we do that half of the vacation like that's every vacation for us but then with my boyfriend's family they were like 10 a.m. pop open the wine sit around eat cookies all day like maybe go somewhere and walk around a little bit I was like when we were scheduling our lunch we had to do it like at one rather than twelve because Eugene said oh we're going to do a candy cane making class yeah there's this leisure star Eugene has suddenly been more more domesticated than veterinary oh this wasn't my decision I know it was my sister's scheduled this eye candy cane making class yeah and then they brought their candy canes to lunch and they looked great yeah it was alright I was like family's there and then you know they show it you know how they make candy canes you know melt the material down to like this temperature that's so hot that it's pliable and they basically like taffy it up a bit and then they swirl it up and then they cut it and then once it's cut it's like in a pliable form where you can shape it before it dries do it with gloves so you don't burn your hand well so they did everything until the point where you shape it so it's kind of it was kind of shitty because you were watching them making it and they just hand you the chunk to shape but it was very funny because we were there with like I don't know 10 different families with kids and then everyone turned and started watching me because everyone's making their candy cane shapes and I'm making flowers and then they started handing me their canes and saying can you make my son Mickey Mouse and I said yep this is my life a clown man if you could make one candy came in shape what would you make oh it'd be a boner yeah that's the thing about I love when life presents art opportunities to you because every single one I choose boner and I was talking with Becky last night what makes that image so hilarious and it's just because it's so cartoonish it looks like a balloon the word boner it just makes you smile it's just so funny like it's not like you know penis you know that's a mature you know dick Oh gross [ __ ] black how dare you say that like boner and it's funny to make any art anything any sort of artistic boner whether it's like ketchup on a plate yeah we actually we were drawing on the iPad yesterday big boner almost uploaded it to an art gallery but didn't ned got a new ipad and so the first thing that keith and i drew on it was about what what's that movie where Jonah Hill draws a bunch of dick Oh super bad that's what you think of well this is super bad I mean it was unbelievable it was a little too graphic but it was like amazing there was such inventive dicks guys welcome to a movie chat that's 15 years late we're gonna talk about super bad you must have loved American vandal on the joke about boat drawing boners everywhere and then desecrate my school full of different styles owners season to criminally underrated one of the super good it was also very good that's just a great show one of the one of the most underrated Eugene you know I sweat a lot oh boy do you and I you know listeners if I'm talking about sweat that I'm about to talk about native deodorant but because it is a natural deodorant that I love first of all it's safe it's formulated without aluminum parabens or talc it's also vegan and never tested on animals which I love yeah and I don't like things that I don't know the ingredients right exactly and this has ingredients you know it's made with ingredients you've heard of like coconut oil and shea butter but does it actually work it does work and it also it has great sense you got your coconut and vanilla you got your lavender and rose you've got your cucumber and mint and eucalyptus and mint if you want to open up those sinuses I use the unscented formula it goes on smooth keeps me feeling fresh I also I don't like scented things you know I don't want to smell like anything I want to walk into a room and people that say huh nothing happened but what if I want to smell like something oh you can totally smell it there's plenty of other flavors just for me I kind of look like push pops deodorant sticks you know you get it anyway don't eat it don't eat it there really are over 9000 five-star reviews you don't have to just take it from me here the tripod there's a lot of other people who back this so you know it's a real thing that really works and is good well for 20% off your first purchase visit native deodorant calm and use promo code try guys during checkout that's right that's 20% off your first purchase by going to native deodorant comm and using promo code try guys during checkout speaking of movies in TV we have discussed a lot of the preamble to the movie cats but cats finally came out and most of you saw it we know the only you Jersey is a record-breaking film it's been number one at the box office seventeen weeks in a row okay so but we know the audience doesn't love cats hearing about cats but we know they want to hear some so we're gonna do a segment called five minutes on the clock for cats where we give Zach and Eugene and others five minutes on the clock to discuss cats and once that's it that's it that's it look we were away on vacation or we pre-recorded some of these potty yeah so cats came out and it's starting the time starting the timer and I will let you know that me and Keith will exclusively try and divert conversation toward star wars movie that I saw white and not the speck that of callings sing cats once ready set go okay so cats came out when we were not filming this so we want to just catch up on it cats if you you know by now is one of the worst reviewed movies in this it is one of the biggest box-office bombs in history and let me tell ya it did not disappoint Eugene and I put - yeah just like that lost like over I need one hundred million dollars yeah it's a disaster but it would be the time movie that was bad but people would still go see ya know that's those who decided to see me people like us yeah because because from the beginning it entered this uncanny valley I don't need to retrain history you know why you didn't yeah it's crazy looking what people have not understood is that I don't like the musical Cats in fact I'm sorry to say I think it's a very bad news you didn't even know what the musical was before you went really yeah but the common consensus for people who've seen the musical is that it's a bad musical it's one that is like no one understands why it was so successful besides that it was Andrew Lloyd loves it it's like Lightspeed skipping there's too much going on anyways he has great judgment so for our screening we got together a crew of 16 people 16 do a bunch of friends wide ranging we had in from Smosh we had old BuzzFeed friends Ryan occurred we all met we pre gamed we were ready and what was awesome is that the entire screening it was like people came out for the camp we had different groups of people who were all doing the same thing it was like a 4 p.m. on a Saturday it was interesting is that there's different groups of people who clearly eventually get on the same ship one is people who go in thinking it's gonna be okay usually with kids and then they leave 10 minutes into the movie there was actually two families that walked out of the flow and then there's the one person who thought they were seeing like dream girls cuz Jennifer Hudson's in it or they thought they were seeing something good and there was a woman behind me who's like why is everyone laughing why is everyone laughing no anybody else he goes why y'all laughing they just can't but then by the end she was she was also with her friend going oh this is bad this is very bad I get yeah my favorite was before the movie started a woman sauntered in with her red wine and goes who's ready to get Jellicle [ __ ] and it just set the tone for the screening right like yes yeah what a Rocky Horror I really truly believe that this is the next the room they're gonna be so much yeah for the next 20 years there's gonna be like cult lines where we all know where we scream and sing along it's it's so bad on a different level of something you've never experienced that the you start to lose your mind yeah halfway through the movie and then you go insane and then you transcend through the other side like a baby reborn and it the the last 30 minutes get so [ __ ] crazy like there's a point in the middle where you legitimately want to blow your brains out like yeah just I need to leave this is bad then you push through and you're like I kind of love this oh my god I really love this what the [ __ ] is going on Judi Dench is revealing her crotch then staring into the camera they just killed Jennifer Hudson the movie ends i when it cut to black Eugene was next to me I screamed louder than I've ever screamed in any movie and it was a scream entire audience dead of agony of disbelief this was I literally when it just ends suddenly no no no it was it's me it's the scariest thing is this isn't ruining too much but the last musical number you can spoil Judi Dench who's essentially like the pack leader literally breaks the fourth wall and sings to you hmm it is the most disturbing moment but no they send Jennifer Hudson off into a balloon to presumably kill her then Judi Dench stares into the camera for a 4-minute song singing about how cats are not dogs and you're supposed to assume this is the grand take away this is the message of the movie and then it cuts back and Jennifer Hudson is still floating and hasn't really gotten that much further and then it cuts to black and that's when I went no I think the thing about cats is that it's gonna go down as like there's some one minute left there's so many good there's so many good bad movies but this was bad bad yeah like when you see raaahhh kihoro it's good good but it knows it's can't be so it's a camp good when you see something like the room it's bad it's so bad that it's just bad well that's enough nothing's ever been made like that nothing's been ever made but it's like with cats it's so bad but the entire production it's so expensive every creative decision made no one questioned it was just like you have to if you enjoy Buress and carton you have to go in kind of like it's buying into the entire experience and deal and I think that if you do that it becomes one of the best cinematic experiences you could ever have yet drunk go with or high go with friends will you see it again yeah I'll see it high with friends probably at a party I will see it again you guys are coming with me then that in five minutes on cat's eye I want to add one thing that happen is not about cats but Becky went to see bombshell when I went to see Star Wars the second time with my brother and Becky said the movie was pretty good but she sat next to this bizarre New York esque couple of old ladies who had commentary the whole time and she just said the moment that she was like upset about it but then you realized it was so surreal and funny she was on board because some scene happens and then the old woman just yells at the top of her lungs and thank yous like wow this is unbelievable this is the most amazing experience but the classic gosh the audience participation is the one guy who tries to snipe the perfect joke in the trailers and the trailers happened then he goes lands and it's amazing and sometimes it doesn't and it's equally amazing that I was I've never been that guy but there's always that guy we had that experience during the last Jedi use you tonight during the the Laura Dern hyperspace jump when it cuts to silence one guy just went couldn't control his know he likes stood up yeah that's what it was no Thursday night yeah everyone but like it broke the ice everyone we also looked like comic book guy from Simpson so it was just like boner everywhere across his body Wow yeah I want to bury and kill nostalgia in media and what I mean by that is I think the extremes are are bad so you have cats which is an extreme where where it's just assuming that old things are inherently good and better which is not true that mean that musical sucked but it we have a nostalgia for so we've remade it and I know you guys have some disagreement here but I think Star Wars was held back by its nostalgia by the idea of he's creatively corrosive I think this idea oh hey this worked so let's not do something new people were mad at Rian Johnson for doing too many new things some of them justified a lot of them not in my opinion and and I think that this installment took a step back because it was to adhering to nostalgia but it's funny because / the Ghostbusters trailer like nostalgia like people you know we wanted to do you want to Star Wars to be better right because you do care about the franchise because you have a nostalgic love for it so yeah I'm not a sergeant kind of ruined it but the same way with ghostbusters I like how this new Ghostbusters look but it also doesn't look funny yeah and I that worries me because it's a comedy like that's the origins of that from me nostalgic are are seeing a funny movie with ghosts that looks really good it looks at also a very serious yeah and not funny yeah like interesting experience like that where I recently watched the original Lion King because I've never seen it we'd write about it so there's a whole thing but I said well you know I'm gonna try it I'm gonna watch it and I'm in a position where I watched the remake before I watched the original I'm like hey guy I thought the remake was pretty good and now watching the original I realized that oh so many of the things that people like about the Lion King isn't the inherent story or the music which are both great but it's the like the kind the comedic elements the facial expressions of the animated character yeah which is totally lost on the you know beautiful sweeping CGI shots what was your experience watching it for the first time oh it was awesome I mean it was like I've you get I got so much more out of it also watching it with a kid you know that can like point and look at all the animals but you know that that movie it after the beautiful opening introduces scar by him like smashing a mouse with his hand and you're like whoa yeah yeah and then you know soon as dad dies yeah no rat I don't know that what the chicken or the egg of this situation but kids are pretty obsessed with death and I think that if you haven't seen John Mulaney sack lunch but one of the greatest things I watched over vacation and that's one of the themes of it is kids talking about their fears and anxieties and I loved that that show honored that that kids are scared of things and are anxious about things and have complex thoughts but I don't know that was the thing I was obsessed with as a kid and it I think when you get into that I want your school age you start kind of knowing what death is but not really so it's like a fun thing to pretend to be dead you know like when you're in like the pool and you're like Daryl I like like play fighting like karate kung-fu the new dad when I was a little kid yeah all the time he's always like I used to always like lie and pretend I was dead to see if anyone would notice that was good when they wouldn't notice I was dead or when my parents would see me and be like oh he's playing dead I would get really sad cuz I go oh everyone doesn't care about me weren't you a little sad kid like that oh yeah no one cares really I look back no like they just thought it was a [ __ ] little like troll I don't have anything like I was dead I'm gonna run away and then I'd run away and wait in the forest and then one would know it what's the furthest you guys got from home when you ran away less than a mile every time like in the woods waiting to hear my parents be like where's miles yeah except you guys I fully tied a blanket of things to me oh yes stick like like the car just like I'm going this is how you leave if you tie the corners are bound as dick and you put over your shoulder you find a railroad declaration and you walk but then your limit is always dinner time yeah we just walked and then you realize they're not coming after you then then you're upset that nobody cares about you then you go back to be like how could you not come out I am your son and I have a stick with a bag which is really a blanket and you tell your essentials would you like a couple stuffed animals enjoys you like and assured you like yeah okay well Teddy you're coming with me bunny you're gonna have to stay I am but you're the man of the house hey this is Keith and one of the try guys with the tripod if you've ever wanted to start your own podcast you might think you need all kinds of equipment to set it up it turns out all you need is anchor anchor is an all-in-one free tool from Spotify that lets you create your own podcast and get it heard everywhere with anchor you can record edit be heard on all listening platforms and they'll even pair you with sponsors to help you get paid for your show it all works in your web browser or right from anchors mobile app and best of all it's totally free make your podcast with anchor today by going to anchor FM slash tripod that's anchor FM slash tripod I really remember running away from home but I definitely remember pretending that I was dead or at least seriously hurt I did I tell this story on the podcast this is one of the most embarrassing awful as story no no I I prove I was playing outside in the snow at a friend's house but it was like my mom's friends it was just me and I like I was rolling a big ball of snow and I saw rock on the ground I'm like Oh wouldn't it be funny and cool if I pretended that I hit my head on the rock so then I lay on the ground there like lifeless ah and then my mom says Ned are you okay and I say I hit my head on a rock and she says oh my god are you okay I'm like oh no I'm just laying there and she says i'm calling 9-1-1 and my mom called 9-1-1 and ambulance came and paramedics came to check me out and see if my head was okay you're just trapped at one point I was pot committed I was in too deep I couldn't tell them I couldn't tell anyone that I was making it all up Wow so when they asked me questions like do you know what today the week is do you know what your name is I try to be Levin's day I tried to kind of be like a little hazy but not exactly lying because I figured that would be bad and they took me to the hospital and then the doctor said well I'm pretty sure everything's fine but we should probably give him a cat scan to be sure wow that's so expensive every single part of this is a fortune ambulance the ER visit the cat scan this is all each one of those things is horrible I felt terrible about I mean that my dad was a doctor so we had good health it's true what did you tell them that when right now tell them for years I kept this secret over about a decade yeah I told them when I was like 15 nothing and what was their response they were like oh okay don't yeah we do remember that we were really worried about you don't don't ever do that yeah hopefully well maybe West one day we'll fake trips me like you're not fooling me are you taking that boy to the area er like three that's like we know you freaked out as a parent well you came clean about something I need to come clean about something that was said in a previous podcast oh this is a redaction a redaction issued by Miss Becky mrs. Becky hoppers burger who demands I do a redaction in a previous podcast I said that we went to the dentist and I had no cavities he had seven have seven she had three maybe four she says she said in quote I besmirched her name and then I I was like how did you even listen to this you don't listen to podcast she's like I listen to that one and I've listened to one other one and then I said well you don't really watch my bike style of humor anyway and she's like well I'm not your audience and then she went on to say if you ate chicken in a makeup store or something like if you reviewed chicken and also facewash maybe behind what she's like I skim them I give you the view but she did watch when she finds out she's mentioned in a podcast people to tell her online that she knows and listens to it as she found out that I was incorrect and wished for me to redact Wow statement should besmirched your name just to even it out I think so mmm Keith just shot himself right here right now always am have we ever shared the celebrity that Becky is convinced you look like oh I don't know yeah it is kind of a smile because she'll find like one or two people who agree with her and then she'll feel validated I know she thinks I look like Leon Mendez Becky really likes of Shawn Mendes she loves me and she's decided that since we're both tall that's it okay this was this was myself Keith Becky and Maggie Zach's girlfriend we were at like this weird dislike or Keith wasn't there yet and we were at this like after-party at VidCon everyone else was at this other party and me and I was like editing variously to get this other video the other guys were somewhere else and so I was you know drinking by myself and then Becky and Maggie come in and then somehow just mentioned she says oh you know like Shawn Mendes who looks just like exactly like he and Maggie and I just stop and I just I just couldn't let her continue the conversation I turned to her and I just like immediately said you are objectively wrong I tell her this all this and then it became this this like hour-long hilarious conversation where Becky's like really trying to reinforce how much Keith looks like Shawn Mendes and I I got to a point I got to a point where I said you know one Maggie looks more like Shawn Mendes my boyfriend looks more like Shawn Mendes yeah and she's like I don't know but like heat you know he's just tall and like white and they have like the same base and I said those are three very vague descriptions I'm not Mendes right now I'm like I guess I see what they're saying but it's only because he's like tall and white and big my life because so has a long ish face let's see if I can get rain shot and draw glasses on Shawn Mendes very sweet humorous like show me guy you know sweet he's a very handsome man so this isn't this is an against honest they have a different side I have a very different look he's very dark he's in great shape yeah they don't look like each other that's that was the point but Becky in her sweetest like most hilarious moment we just couldn't let it go and when keep walk back in it was just this shared like hilarity because I was just like Keith you know about the he goes yes I know a lot about Becky says I look like the other guys that she's like tragedy celebrity question which is really Chinese in ski yeah I see more jaundice I get that a little bit but still no I don't look that's nice that's as extra awesome actually we're all objectively wrong look closer the Shawn Mendes than like Justin Bieber yeah yeah you know what's funny is that you're gonna have to do another retraction from Becky soon probably about what we just talked about no she's gonna stand by that I fully believes you'll stand by that because that's what she thinks is is he like an exception for her if Shawn was like hey Rebecca I'd love you to come back to my dressing room Oh on the list we've made a deal yeah yeah yeah Shawn Mendes is on there Jennifer Lawrence is on there therefore for both for both oh cool just like if Shawn Mendes I mean I kind of want to be a part of it I would know I'd be a part of it you know you know I want to just hear about it you know you know it is bad it's like you know do you want to enter a three-way with a celeb oh you know probably I'd be the only one with a guy hey I appreciate y'all's flexibility but yeah you haven't had a dick in your mouth by this point you're not gonna have one no I don't think I'm gonna suck as big you would do like gentle stuff romance yeah maybe kiss on the neck this year gotta but what you wanted we'll see what happens I appreciate the openness yeah I do dream we were doing the touring show last night in a high school auditorium and we did it all out of order and we were also waiting on delivery food so we kept like checking our food because our dream the new year is upon us you know what resolution I really want to conquer in 2020 no I actually don't well I want to sleep better because everyone knows I have insomnia you don't sleep in um no no I wake up in the middle night thinking about everything and I just want my bed to really tuck me in at night well you know you could be using a Sleep Number bed really oh yeah it's you've heard of Sleep Number by now yeah everywhere I love it yeah they're great I pick a number right was wanted one you know yeah good number you wanna know what might make it a lay down you find out your Sleep Number what you like in this office what you like in the firmness so the Sleep Number 360 smart bed it allows you to adjust on each side to your ideal firmness comfort and support it also senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you sleeping comfortably through the night wow that's cool and the sleep IQ technology inside the bed tracks how you're sleeping and gives you personalized insights for your best sleep sounds like that's what I need it's the smartest choice for better sleep and the best bed for couples because you know how couples disagree discovered proven quality sleep with a Sleep Number 360 smart bed save $1,000 on a queen special edition smart bed now one thousand seven hundred ninety nine dollars during the January sale you save $1,000 on a queen specimen smart bed which yeah only 1799 dollars during the January sale that's amazing it's almost a third only at a Sleep Number store or at Sleep Number calm slash cadence that's CA de NCE Sleep Number calm slash cadence to get a thousand dollars off a queen special edition smart bed because you're a queen oh yeah well I had some kind of not-so-great dreams but I guess maybe it's based on what's happening in general in the world right now I thought yeah there's a lot of stuff that I think is really on people's minds Australia is is currently undergoing one of the worst wildfire disasters in history and yeah there's just a lot of political stuff it's definitely although it's been like a fun first seven days like personally in my life I think it's been a really difficult for seven days of a new year for the world the Aspen I mean Australia is literally the whole thing's on fire yeah which I is unbelievable and for us Californians who like deal with wildfires like we kind of I I don't know people even you can't even grasp it until you see those pictures where it's like orange like there's no the pictures Orange yeah orange and red and I've never seen that before like the entire continent I so at the end of vacation I really wasn't checking social media and on the last day of vacation is when news was announced that Trump had ordered a attack on Iran and so I found myself very despondent and very upset and there was a tweet from a friend of our site Jones that that I think kind of encapsulates this feeling which it's really difficult to he considers the personal political and so it's very hard to reconcile having your life be fantastic when your political life is in turmoil and a mess and I've found myself in that situation where my life is great I am having about as good a time as I possibly could I'm on in Mexico City with my girlfriend I'm having this wonderful time or our careers or thriving I mean you saw cats for guys I saw on top of the world over here I'm living the dream but the world is a mess and some things are happening that are really scary and are really bad I I implore you to go research and look at what our country has done in terms of coos and in terms of destabilization and the the lies that have kept us entrenched in the Middle East for the past twenty to fifty years I want to send my and our love to the civilians of Iran I assume that you're very scared right now and very confused and okay so I was posting on social media I was sharing my trip and then this news came out and I felt instantly gross I I I found myself almost embarrassed to care about the things that I care about you showing yourself having a good time to be showing well having a good time and then also it's the new year and so I have all of these resolutions right I have these things that I want to tackle for the new year and a part of it is is recommitting myself to the narrative stories that I want to tell and as a creative person the stories I want to tell are very [ __ ] silly high like right if you watch I can't know if you see like sitting Keith sitting on Eugene's lap is like something that gives me so much thrill I understand I'll yield the mic in a second III this is like therapy for me though but I understand the necessity for distraction and I certainly don't want to say that you're not allowed to smile and laugh in terms in times of trouble because I know [ __ ] I need it and you need it and that's probably why you come to us is not to to be brought down but to be uplifted but I find it hard sometimes and I'm wondering how you guys react that my thing I'm most irritating about right now is just already seeing like political spinning on different networks of how you're supposed to even interpret this it just already there's like there have been like pundants on like Fox News being like these Democratic presidential candidates feel this way about this my good lord this is happening right now there's people getting killed this is like how you're gonna make this into like an attack on a specific candidate who probably didn't even say anything yet but because this is all happening I'm sure every camp is terrified of what to say about it because there's an election happening this year I mean this year is gonna be probably a [ __ ] show you know you want every new year to be like this is the year we get it all back together but it's an election and election years are always a shitshow and and now we have like the top of this year started off pretty rough so that's not a great sign of things that come so it's I think for me like that is why entertainment exists at all is to help you have a two-hour escape in a movie theater I mean that's how our country is done it forever that's a part of how media got so big here and like the the talkies and the various movies that were happening at the time were because that was the only way you could escape being in a war or having your family at war or being in you know gross poverty depending on when you your your grandparents grew up so I think for me entertainment is like the most necessary thing but I do get that it's tough to like because Instagram is like its entertainment but it's also like your life yeah right so that that blends that line of like I'm showing out you know what I check out my new car or check out I'm on a beach see I'm me and Becky you're hanging out with Shawn Mendes what happens next that kissing appear I mean I feel similarly anytime I read the news I just feel awful I feel really sad I feel scared and I I alternate between just like going down a rabbit hole and consuming every single thing that I can and kind of that way of processing my feelings and then the opposite which is pushing it completely away and trying to do something totally different mm-hm and for me as a performer and a comedian sometimes performing and doing something goofy and unrelated can be a way of like finding that escape it's a balance that that everyone has to navigate because if you completely escape you know if you are like yeah like shooting up heroin escape is the type of thing right yeah true but the tough thing about election years is like there's no there's no finding common ground or finding things that make people feel more together you're you're looking for difference even more device looking for like you know I don't know if we make you farther apart if we come into an election like already so divided yeah like before like this is gonna be like we're probably probably a civil war like nobody wants war and suffering I think that Zack to your point I don't think you should ever try to nullify your own personal expression because you selectively have been affected by something you know it's it's tough because inevitably your what you deeply care about will affect your expression in your work like I would say that even in your silliness you have some points to be made I think a lot of like even my personal expression with film has been mired in an upbringing that has constantly been informed by my family's dying in in the Korean War so my my entire like American experience has been other dime Asian and a lot of Asians and people from Africa and South America probably can relate but it's like essentially this idea of foreign powers that took over your country and then you were displaced and so it's interesting because I I feel like that has always been like a through-line of everything that I've sort of looked at an experience but you know human history and unfortunately with the past century a lot of America's hand in it we unfortunately can't control a lot of it what we can do is try to help one another be good to one another express ourselves in ways that hopefully are intelligent but also it's at times silly like it is hard because in social media it certainly feels more callous because you are presenting your lifestyle and your your the currency is more like look where I'm at look what I'm doing look how pretty I am that certainly feels I think like shallower but if you if you I think have your have your mind and heart in the right place hopefully what we can offer is something that will make people think but I think it's in our openness to engage that we bring a lot more value as those who are trying to just make sense of it all when something like this happens you as a person get a feeling of helplessness like like what I don't want this that what what can I do to prevent this but the four of us were we we have a platform so then you we feel it always the like a pressure of oh can I can I do something with a platform that I have and the people that follow my work to help change things or do something so that might be kind of some of that pressure or that that feeling maybe that you're sure you're having her that we're all having and I guess I'm wondering like what do you guys do to combat the feeling of helplessness it's tough because I think you know while we have a platform we have a platform that the people who watch our platform probably already agree with us about a lot of our opinions and views and it's like the what you want is a platform that reaches people who disagree with you and reaches them in a way where maybe they change their mind or at least hear yeah but that or at least you you but I mean it's also like who we hard to change people's minds and to say you change people's minds assumes that you're right and I'm sure that we're right about a lot of things we're probably wrong about some things and because life you know you grow older and you look back you're like I was wrong about that but there's so much going on in the world so it's hard to like even look at your platform be like okay I'll use this to change the world but you won't because you're not gonna reach the people who disagree with you because they don't follow you because they don't follow the people like you cuz so you're really just if that echo-chamber a sort of situation you can't tell someone they're stupid and wrong and expect them to change their mind no one responds well to that like if you tell someone they're stupid and wrong they'll go [ __ ] you and of course they would because no one wants to be told that so it's really hard to to help people see that they need to change for themselves not and sometimes people think you're telling them they need to change so it helps you like oh like I'm telling you to change so it'll help me but I'm actually hoping you'll change because it will actually help you that's really a hard message to convey I my palms and back are sweating which shows me that that I do have a true physiological response to this stuff really as I mean going back to begin I get really nothing upsets me on this level I think times like this kind of crack open my my consciousness and my awareness of oh art should be reflecting in there these are the things that need reflecting on and again these extraordinary times and so for me it's it's partially a refocus it is this moment where I go okay yes I as a few days pass I'm not gonna stop joking I'm not gonna stop laughing that's that's probably what I do best and probably the lane that I'm gonna stay in but at the same time I'm going to try and figure out how do I channel my work positively and also as I have these platforms my social media this podcast included I'm not gonna tiptoe around the things that I see as as pull [ __ ] I'm not gonna tiptoe around the things that I see as as problematic with the world because I think that the president instigating war with another country that is bad the president threatening cultural sites which is a war crime is bad and we should be shouting as bad it's better I'm not gonna tiptoe around this [ __ ] if we don't talk about it we are complicit if we don't take the opportunity to to try and help we are enabling evil and so that's where I met that's where I'm gonna go moving forward I don't want to group them together but Australia is on fire and if we don't shout from the rooftops about climate change we are not helping so we're gonna keep laughing that's what we're gonna do and we're gonna tell you jokes but right now this is what my life is this is what's upsetting me this is what's on my mind and it was impossible for me to come here today and not talk about it I think it was impossible for all of us to not get some version of this off our chests I hope that in the coming weeks we don't have to talk about this ever again I have a feeling we might and [ __ ] get ready I know I'm gonna figure out a way to laugh through it and and make it entertaining but that's the world we live in and if you're listening to this and you want to know what you can do if you're a young person you haven't registered to vote yet registered vote the deadline to vote and Democratic primaries is March 3rd coming up quick so get on it and that's like a way that you know your your vote actually literally counts I mean that it is like the last election was swung by like Whitey's 6,000 people in Wisconsin or something read about your local [ __ ] because local [ __ ] directly affects you like tomorrow and that could affect your rent prices where you live there's there's important stuff that happens in those elections that they kind of bury because sometimes people don't want you to vote on them and there's a lot of important things to vote on all the time and then if you want to donate please donate to Australian relief organisations au koala hospital organ au CFS de a you give it or gadot a you CFC VI c govt a un r FS NS w gov more fun than reading out you are in your car is type in a specific you just heard but i think like that's that's we all have this feeling right of like okay hopelessness or ignoring it and of course my feeling of being so down this is a thing that i need to look in the mirror and and accept and not ignore swallow it and turtle eyes it but now you can't just turn it out with more [ __ ] you can't lash out against the world you can't be despondent and sad so i think the challenge that we have and frankly the challenge that all of you have is how do you take this how do you figure out what is the positive what do you do with this how do you make good on the world and also i'm gonna to say this to myself I'm gonna say this everyone out there don't let it get you down so much don't let it ruin your life give yourself permission to laugh give yourself permission to sign off from social media give yourself permission to go watch a silly movie because you need it the most any of us can do in our own power is is become more knowledgeable what's happening in the world but also understand how that will inform you as a person who can grow and become better and be better to other people because so much of what this is rooted in these these problems of ignoring climate change and creating wars for self-interest is rooted in a distinct sense of selfishness and evil and a disregard for other human life and the one thing you can combat that with is by doing the opposite in your daily life is valuing other humans is discussing the value of people is understanding history and talking about why education about it is important the greatest change I hope that we can create as individuals is creating more god for lack of a better term like you know empathy and love in the space we have because hopefully that will spread more than the that we're trying to combat the world needs compassion and often that's compassion for the disenfranchised but unfortunately that's also compassion for people who you don't agree with and if you're mad go to Twitter that is that is where I will be spewing a lot of anger but that is the place for it that's where it goes and so if the world is on the brink of war you might need advice find a segment it makes our moods uplift a little bit and it maybe helps our lives but there's a bad stuff going on and sometimes you need advice from miles and that vice goes for [ __ ] miles let me tell you what this is advice the ghost for miles with miles balls in your it's more as niacin in it well oh no what's up everybody how it in Duplin miles is like I don't do you move very sneaky little ninja in a bedroom axis do you wanna be slim and take really good shits oh well now you're talking my language do you want your little arse to explode no DEET ah big arse juicer I will make your ass explode depending on what you choose get a juicer and put it in your harm and what you're gonna want to do is make celery juice spinach screams Kyle juices this make an engine the better April juicers well if you're slipping down juices m'lady you're gonna have a slim little but your accidents are more inconsistent than recently my girlfriend brought home a juicer from 1958 name is that's enough she brought home a very old juicer it is very heavy it is deeply heavy looks like a motor that you would use to pull a tractor and we have this thing on our counter and it makes juice and it makes creamy juice and I love drinking juice and it's in 1950 yes Lily oh here's a juice bill thank you it is loud as [ __ ] it is so loud it is enormous and it like when you run it if you put your finger in there toast you're getting sucked in it is like a garbage disposal but just on the counter you get a more current juicer well you'd think but well sometimes I'll make the sandwiches so what you're gonna want to go do is get at the juicer right now they're times are tough okay the country is in turmoil but if you sip a little juice kale juice to be exact then you're gonna want to get vitamins you're gonna want to get mineral is you're gonna want to get a stinky juice and I just remember when you're talking about juice if there's apple juice in your juice that's cheating yes no it's cheating but not even just Apple well I'll see y'all next week and the clarified juice different than smoothie that's right Jack miles apple juice in a juice is what makes it taste good exactly and that's why it's cheating it's not see because you get all the other good stuff and then it also pays good you introduced to be stinky stinky we add a little lemon ginger lemon ginger see who these are the Bible but juicing is the Old Testament you need to learn to you have life through suffering mm-hmm I feel like smoothies are better for you because you're getting all the fiber and other stuff too and again protein maybe some little peanut butter look at it smoothie this morning oh [ __ ] I'm hungry for smooth I knew some of these every day I will tell you I don't know what it is celery juice is the world's greatest colonic it makes you [ __ ] out every little thing inside of you if you got a purge that body yeah celery juice is the trick and I'm talking instant you don't need to go get your like your your miralax or your your some people but you really hate celery juice yeah it's not good and because it makes you [ __ ] everywhere gonna make you blast off yeah taste they don't like the taste well sure that was in new season - he drinks the celery juice and vomits all over Oh wheeler alert oh I I'm enjoying it it's a just get on you know I've of course I watched you watched you okay I finished it I'm mama guy I got two episodes left Ariel said last night do you want to watch this show you I've heard it's good it's like about a guy that stalks somebody I'm like really selling it there yeah it's pretty problematic but there's also like it helps that Penn Badgley is so self-aware I guess he's like very aware he tried to equate it to like something like oh it's a allegory for white supremacy and all the Twitter people were like no shut up stop stop talking smart murder people are real killer story but told as a love story you see it's like an unreliable narrator brought enth degree where you're hearing his internal monologue declaring love and everything that he's doing is for the love of you it's a blast season 1 was New York season 2 is in LA so because he's such a dry like self-righteous New York type he is constantly like the the riders are harpooning LA every since scene they can with every character been offended a few times literally there's literally the place the place he works at is a place called anavrin which is nirvana backwards Erewhon which is an actual like grocery store that zach frequents which is nowhere backwards Soleri everyone is the whole food the whole foods it's like it's expensive $60 on a bag of insects like I would love to go to arowana grab a juice and I'm like those are like $20 yeah I know but I when you have as many stomach problems with me you're you're willing to do whatever it takes you're throwing down twenties on juice yeah all right well get your celery juice [ __ ] your brains out Wars bad I guess Keith take us out tripod theme song just celery juice [ __ ] your brains out war is bad it's the tripod until next time stay beautiful [Music]
Channel: TryPods
Views: 297,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clip, Trypod, Try Guys, Comedy, Podcast, Youtuber, Zach Kornfeld, Keith Habersberger, Eugene Lee Yang, Ned Fulmer, Miles Bonsignore, youtubers, creators, advice that will go for miles, fan questions, secrets, miles nation, iran, trump, government, australia, neds childhood, shawn mendes, camila cabello, free pass
Id: u7C6t1eec2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 17sec (3797 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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