The Try Guys Are Losers... - The TryPod Ep. 34

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rambles do you smell that it's time for another tripod hello welcome to the tripod we're the try guys Keith senses regard you got Zach Eugene Ned and Myles hey friends how you feelin this fine morning I smell cookies oh yeah I smell cookies mixed between cookies and beef mmm we got a jam-packed episode there's so much to talk about this week is is just can I say it this week's already lit I feel it it's buzzing you know christmas time is around the corner which means Hanukkah is - I think I kind of forget when it starts it always is jumping around it got cast in Star Wars coming up and we've got a lot to cover today hmm III want to just jump in but how you guys anything you want to share first everything's happening you know this is like the week before Christmas this is the week where it all happens you know like in Hambleton they want to be in the room where it happens there's no peak where it happens getting your final shopping done I mean also Keith's not here and it's the end of the year which you know Hollywood kind of shuts down at the end of the year so it's like we're at the office but it also kind of feels like we don't have that much to do we're basically on vacation what we're trying to say is that we're gonna be really phoning it in like the biggest part of our week yeah yes I do much this week at all no I'm going to be pretty goddamn bored just to give you context yesterday I said I'm gonna work from home and then I realized there was no work to do so I just stayed home I went to the gym and then I went back into my sweat pants and I kicked it yeah I'm out doing all of the like very annoying tasks that I never do on a normal busy work week like I went to the bank I like I like canceled a few credit cards and opened up a few more now I didn't do that second part but you know you know at me with any good points offerings I like I like III called the cable company crazy whoa what did they say they said you have to have sent someone out if you want to upgrade your internet and I was like no thanks this is a true story yesterday I spent about two to three hours just researching restaurants from the vacation I'm going on yeah I just looked at menus and like looked on a map and was like oh where am I gonna eat it was that was my day that's what the week before Christmas is all about it's kind of just like a preview of Christmas and also some of you might be furiously trying to finish work that's kind of what last like that's kind of what last week was for us but now it's coming down yeah way to rub it in there's no I mean some people and that's that's reality you know yeah I get it all done before you go on vacation what are y'all talking about I gotta add a whole video for us this week you do yeah with one of our January releases oh yeah you though you know why I volunteered because I knew everyone was going away I also edited the whole Susan interview I was working all weekend guys yeah I know you were but you know what I do feel y'all on senioritis every holiday season yeah you think you have senioritis as a senior in high school you're gonna get it every work here just like that last week of December you say huh yeah I don't need to go hard to not work right exactly you worked hard to get to this point yeah so I hope everyone on their commute right now can can slack off a little bit today yeah yeah you deserve it tell your boss like I'm gonna take it yellow you know what it ll is tell me that's an extra long lunch baby Oh our for lunch normally where you get in half an hour maybe push without 15 minutes maybe go to that sushi place around the corner it's Friday baby it's Friday every day this week your boss says hey Jesse you on that project and you go yeah I'm gonna get right on that yeah but a lot of things caught our eye this week perhaps none more eye-popping than Kamal Nanjiani our good buddy Kamal who we don't know but we just like he's super hot now yeah way to go Kamal in it so I have not seen some background no mall is most known for his role in Silicon Valley and he is a very very amazing Twitter presence yes exactly and examinate I'm aware he was cast in Marvel's the Eternals Oh which is which is in-phase about five what phase it it yeah so he basically had to get shredded and now net will react superhero the shredded photo free he was a tuned up comedian yeah comic book loving oh yeah man and the whole Chris Pratt and he yeah oh just get just get ready all right here we go whoa dude I wasn't I mean I you guys said you want to talk about this and I was like okay but he looks really strong he looks great I mean this has been dominating Twitter for the past couple days and what I love most about it is that he came out with this photo accompanied by a long caption on Instagram basically saying that he's always wanted to look this way but now that he's like looks like this he realizes why he never was and he really gave credit to a year of a ridiculous budget all time to only exercise and catered meals you really said hey this is not a realistic thing this is only possible because Marvel paid for it right it's my job superhero right now it was responsible and really cool like I'm both happy for him because like in a [ __ ] go dude I'm happy first wife goes way to go do you whoa but also like way to be a good guy about it Wow yeah maybe we should make it our jobs to get shredded that's what we could be doing this week yeah that's fun isn't that I mean that's a pretty popular YouTube format - I get shredded yeah it was like that but yeah oh that before and after photos that's like thumbnail gold I'm a beefcake in a week we work we work too much to be able to actually maybe we can make it our work well then we would probably go down to one video month it's all dedicated to the woods right yeah one video really one video look how hot I got yeah hot I am video a bunch of [ __ ] videos that's fine yeah or just get custom [ __ ] videos we are trying an experiment in January we're not going to go on he hiatus but we are going to publish some compilation videos which is like taking some old content andrey mixing it in cool ways to give you some never-before-seen footage it's only two videos though yeah it's only two videos and what is actually a totally new video yes yeah ones of Matri rehash of old stuff and the other one is stuff you've never seen before it's very different mm-hmm yeah strong I'd say remix say bonus content that we're excited for you to see yeah exactly exactly but sometimes internally route we refer to them as [ __ ] cuz it takes a lot less production man you know I mean some channels are all [ __ ] videos you know I'm saying you're out here giving the people like 30 minute episodes in a cooking studio where we like have 50 people working on a thing I mean all of our videos take on average a week of editing time that's all yeah very fast and I thank you weeks if you include publishing and writing coloring yeah even just transferring footage takes a half a day a good point yeah two weeks I'd say two weeks of straight like like work then these are like the three to four day videos they still went through round two much it's if we're out of the office it didn't require us to shoot anything new it just required us to dig through the archives yeah the audience should be aware that our our production model is more closely related to traditional models yes yeah most youtubers either themselves or maybe with one editor can pump something out usually within within a night yeah y'all are getting the insides yeah we function quite a lot like a TV studio would iPod listeners y'all know it I mean you like if you're just watching something on YouTube you're just enjoying it you don't know how it gets made how it happens I mean I'll tell you some people they just film whatever they do that day they send it to it her in London London yeah so that they can work overnight and then just publish it ass is no notes you know I always told young young aspiring digital creators and filmmakers that editing is maybe the number one thing that they should start learning I think that's true yeah because cinematography is really really like an art that I think you should have some instruction especially if you're working with traditional cameras yeah but anyone can get an editing suite on their computer and get that craft down and it's a big part of getting your videos up online is learning how to do stuff on the back end mm-hmm yeah anything is another form of writing it's the final draft exactly you make so it's it really is its storytelling so shout out to our editors that to all of our editor editors and our freelancers and you know we even ran out of people to edit things this week so you shout out to Eugene thank you hey I want to say before but I'm remembering that I do need to edit something at the end of the week so the news days like free time but I'm gonna be working Thursday Friday Saturday yeah we also very important meeting on Friday that we have to get ready we're just trying to like we're just getting excited for Christmas you guys go home every time for Christmas or like to your family mm-hmm I do yeah see my mommy flip between aerials family and my family got married that we've kind of locked in this eternal flip-flop and one family gets Thanksgiving um yeah it's Christmas yep and you are you ever able to convince your family to go meet you somewhere cool I think when Wes was a newborn yeah they came and we did Christmas out here oh I mean like some we're cool like hey like let's go to [ __ ] because we did that we you know yeah Christmas in Madrid my sister was doing a school year abroad so your guy you know someone was gonna have to fly across the Atlantic Ocean yeah maybe a vacation about it but I'll tell you sack it we don't have a Christmas tree we didn't really have all of the same traditions it was it was weird didn't feel like Christmas as a manager did I would rather go to Madrid another time and have Christmas at home with my family yes interesting there are two types of people in the world people that like Christmastime is all about like sorry to say this but like the rinse and repeat tradition like I want it to be the same I wanted my familiarity and then what it wouldn't be a tradition if you didn't repeat it yeah I don't think there's anything critical to say there oh look at me and I imagine you the same way to me it's like oh I got this big block of time it's time to party I want it to be different every year and I want to take advantage of this big swath of time and go go on a knit banter yeah but you have your traditions so you're literally the same thing you do every year now well I got talked into it with your family my family gets this tiny little town in on the coast of Mexico and they they get this house like my parents are going there for like a month there's like peace out in New York we gone and then they have some of their friends cycle through but some Aggie not gonna be there for about four or five days and then we're going to other parts of Mexico a little town in Mexico that sounds like the end or the beginning of an action movie or Jimmy Buffett song that's true I was thinking where the hero is like hmm I'll meet you in Mexico when this is all over and then the last scene is I'm like walking on a beach in that the other persons there it's like we did it what about you what are you doing well it's weird cuz I realized that tradition makes me uncomfortable and probably probably over the past decade I'd say eight of them I spent Christmas either here or alone hmm and now that with my boyfriend I do stuff with him a lot but it's because okay I'm gonna bring it up again which I'll divorce very different type of family and once they divorce there was no responsibility for anyone to have to be beholden to your parents because they [ __ ] up so it's like [ __ ] you guys we don't have to deal with your family's you don't want to deal with us so it's sort of uh we were all over the map my family so a lot of my 20s I spent Christmas alone here in LA yeah which I got used to it but I love when big cities clear out I'm done it's fantastic do you just like floor it on the freeway yeah and now like my family's trying to create traditions like we recently started doing Thanksgiving together because we figure like food so we're gonna try to do Thanksgiving but that's just half of my family cuz my mom's overseas but recently I've been trying to go to my boyfriend's holidays more so so I want I'll be in your hometown that's where yeah Jacksonville that's where my boyfriend's sister is currently located we have to go hang out yeah I texted him I realized I was like oh my god I'm gonna be in your hometown while you're there but it's but again we might have some scheduling issues because they have traditions they have know that I can't involve other families that I can't go away from like certain things like they have to make certain types of cookies every year yep and they make a [ __ ] ton of it what's a special cookie it's like oh it's the tradition to make these sugar cookies a lot of families have that any cookie but I was like it could be but they've chosen the inferior cookie well that Zac I agree through however they are superior for decorating yeah [Applause] around cookies I'm not gonna eat that sugar cardboard [ __ ] I want the good submissions I want you to revise your tradition what's the good stuff okay cookie this is how we do it we'll make two types of cookies one are the actually delicious cookies those are seven-layer cookies caramel chocolate love all the good stuff and then the others are the decorating cookies and the fun isn't really in the eating it's kind of in decorating and how it looks by the way I defended fortune cookies on Twitter this weeks of the audacity of me to come in a comment sugar cookies I see it I see there's also lactose intolerant you can't eat those cookies cookies underrated for what you what you expect they're pretty terrible I've never either or not as yet very um you know there's some good ones out there okay we ordered Panda Express for the office in a day shut up and Express not a sponsored but you could be and I ate three of their fortune cookies that she dipped in sugar and you're gonna fortune every time I fart fun also their fortune cookies are like hermetically sealed inside you have to work oh yeah I ripped off my fortune in half it was like it was bad luck oh really and that's really bad luck you're gonna buy great fortune so if it doesn't come true I wouldn't be dead dude man you can't you can't [ __ ] on sugar cookies when you're defending when you're defending fortune cookies you are you are taken out of the argument okay go back to Matt oh no I'm just not used to family traditions because also we were my parents are immigrants so we didn't have Christmas traditions we tried the best things were like the stories of my mom trying to do that she wrote Santa and all the presents from Sweden what I just no no I mean like my parents are from Korea so when they came to acclimate Christmas wasn't a thing in Korea yeah so to become American we had to do things like Thanksgiving and Christmas and so my parents really tried hard at the beginning to do things like giving presents from Santa then the weird jerk joke about other countries Christmas tradition Oh unlike Thanksgiving there are some other countries that celebrate Christmas sorry let's go back no it was a really good joke and we just wanted like salad extra and you're watching women throw it again well no I don't want to tell you again I just want it like Eugene looked at me real weird like you think I'm from Sweden no to rewind just roll into that there are some and gems yeah and let's live in this as we throw to a quick ad break from our friends at a sponsor giving holiday gifts is great overspending on those gifts is 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installs in just click click 2 clicks so get honey for free at join honey calm slash try guys let's join honey calm slash dry guys fry guys and we're back Wow wait so what are some Christmas traditions that you and Matt have we have none absolutely none and no I'm watching his family's tradition right and slowly trying to back out of the room because I'm not a part of what I'm doing this December just normal normal times no we're just going to his family oh I mean like in the lead up like to you guys like decorate or does Matt oh hell no oh hell no decorate who decorates for Christmas uh it just seems like a lot 90% of the world and like a tree it's just so sad you're killing all these trees it just doesn't make any sense to me well we're also planting the trees I do want to create new Christmas traditions I want to bring it to like I don't know I think it'd be fun - I don't know deuce - weird [ __ ] like hang hang like pagan trophies I made it yeah they started like what's the history of Christmas trees but to think you're gonna cut a tree down and just bring it inside your house and then throw a bunch of garbage on it it's kind of strange and that brings us to our next segment we are going to pimp Christmases ride you know Christmas has been the same for a long-ass time but here on the tripod we know it can be better so today we're gonna give you three alternative tips to make your Christmas a little more cheery whoo let's [ __ ] Christmas up y'all number one Santa doesn't come in a sleigh anymore he comes in a big-ass hot air balloon and whoa he still sleigh yeah he's laying and there the reindeer just taking dead dangling Marcus I just had a vision of Santa and a hot-air balloon made of the skin of elves Oh dad dangling reindeer from the bottom of Suns like a great Christmas horror movie that's good yeah yeah what if Santa was hot it was kind of hot what if that is kind of hot sorry miles what if what you think Santa's hot and this straight you know straight up dad he is a dad there's some there's some bear there's no patience of that I love how you are straight people now with the gay lingo it's just you imagine like ten years too much power oh it's just like everybody I've been talking about this is like this idea that like essentially the proliferation of gay speech is now mainstream speech people saying slay it's just so funny to me it's like yeah it's crazy and then you're like oh where did this come from it's like oh I guess we took it from this culture yeah we're gonna have to have a long talk about appropriation after this box no no no it's okay I like it when straight guys talked about being bears and otters but yeah senators Anna's a big bear yeah he's a big old big old silver bear but uh there's some depictions of him that when they make him more brawny and less yeah jolly yeah he's he's he's a looker like he's out there you know taming his deer yeah and the in the in the frontier yeah yeah he's making it stuff with his hands North Pole yeah he knows how to handle an axe yeah yeah there was a Wolverine yeah yeah do you never die and I got my nipples hard Christmas has a lot of traditions but one of the biggest traditions is getting drunk with your friends and family which is why you all email us in a time drunk try guys at when you're inebriated and it's legal and you're legal so we've got a couple drunk emails from some special listeners Eugene can I get a fake name oh um hot daddy Santa hot daddy Santa is going to oh oh all right this is a drunk email from a hot daddy Santa subject my 21st birthday his guys my name is is a hot date sent I just had my 21st birthday birth I'm a little drunk a lot of drunk I'm very why drunk did you know on sign language you changed the way you say things based on how much do you mean what like like if you mean a little bit you do a little bit and a lot of emotion if you do a very big you do with a lot of emotion anyways love y'all my boyfriend driving me home right now I just want to let you know I love you all very much watch their service or podcasts I'm a big fan yeah I think that's all I say I'm almost home so gotta go good bye Jurgis I love you Terry Santa sent from my phone Wow well happy 21st birthday thank you for spending it with us Big Daddy Santa I can't believe that you thought of us on your ton your most special day of days also that was a cool that's cool I that makes sense to me of course like there's tonality but I've never thought about the tonality and in sign language yeah think about I wish I knew me too I do too I think it's one of the most beautiful languages yeah yeah I just watch people sign and I'm just thinking like if only I knew how to do how to speak with someone in that like I mean there's just such a grace to it and I feel like it's like transcends even like vocalized languages in a way that I feel like everyone could get it okay greatest videos on the Internet are when you see people signing at rap concert oh yeah [ __ ] yeah it's like yeah the the speed and intensity and actually it tracks with what she's saying like there's like a fire behind them they're signing and it's so cool it's true you know that that makes me think of all the times when I've seen something particularly emphatic or emotional and sign language and it's like they do it a little bit faster a little bit harder and and it's it's you you feel what they're saying in a way that even if you don't understand the symbols you can kind of get a feeling of what is happening I wonder how like modern slang gets integrated into sign language because I imagine like originally you must be spelling it out but at some point like is there a sign for on fleek for instance has to be ya know yeah there's the day of slang they have ways of signing different modern concepts but especially now like yet language view it just feels to me like language is moving so fast which means that sign must be moving so fast too when I was little we learned the sign language alphabet but that really isn't as yeah yeah we did but the actual language it's it's a lot more about words words yeah yeah yeah yeah sure well I think the 21st birthday should be actual holiday for everybody mm-hmm that's a big old day people don't really think about until it happens and then they decide to go out and get really wasted everyone's gotten so wasted on their 21st birthday if you decide to partake in drinking it is a momentous night in your life well you know does that count as a sick day I mean you are sick I they should let you have a second yeah yeah but yeah you think if you're hungover you should get a sick bay I think 21st yeah that is like what else you gonna do come in like if you're Rama ting you're sick and if it probably happens too many times throw on a Monday morning or whatever have you ever taken a sick day because you're too hung over from like but if I'm BuzzFeed or if I'm anywhere else Oh from BuzzFeed probably yes have the company holiday parties on Thursday night what yeah and is like do that and then it was just kind of okay well I guess I'll just take a sick day because yeah I got the flu it's so weird now yeah a couple drinking videos while we were employees and those we came into work the next day and filmed ourselves being hungover and those were just about the worst days of my life yeah just laying on a couch eating Dunkin Donuts and and visiting the breast room you know air miles fun fact about Eugene is he claims to not get hungover really I'm starting to have a version of a hangover okay yeah yeah it's it's a it's an emotional hangover oh for sure yeah so miles well you look at the Ned's being so condescending about here's what I'm imagining you probably mean you don't get like 50 throw up I don't you have the low you have the low like depression now I'm having weird depress well I get depressed a lot but like this is like I get extremely emotional for the next day yeah yeah so anything can set me off and you like feel kind of crappy and tired emotionally yeah but I'm not debilitated yeah yeah for sure yeah I've never drank and had a moment where and I have drank like that's the thing and it will again in a common misconception is that I drink all the time it's not that I drink all the times when I drink I can drink more than other people right but um ya know I've been noticing that I have these emotional hangovers where the next day essentially I can be at work but I just don't want to talk to anybody or I've actually heard their to growth I've heard the drinking is borrowing happiness from tomorrow oh that's exactly how I because your shared you okay I don't know how the brain works Ned knows more than me but you're like flushing your and with these chemicals you're feeling so good and then like all that stuff is to plea to the next day it's I mean the same with doing any type of drug you're simulating something that's happening right I'm gonna go out on a limb and say despite the fact that we have this drunk email alias I don't want you to get drunk I don't want you to get drunk and email me and I right from this point forward I will no longer sensationalize your drunk voice when I read your email oh wow can you say that again but as a dr. Seuss rhyme yeah I am NOT that talented okay well we'll just change this format to Eugene writes the try guys when he's drunk will read Eugene's things and I think washing we're at one scientific thing about alcohol is when your body's processing it to be you know not in your system it turns into a poison yeah alcohol goes to al out like an aldehyde which is one removed from formaldehyde which kills babies so your body as its processing alcohol is just converting it into this thing that is like like a little tiny poison for a time and that's why the only solution is time I want you to think about that next time you drink you're drinking baby poison you're drinkin straight up baby poison and there's a little baby inside of you inside your heart you're killing it every time you take a sip of the devil's song you're just sipping away that childlike wonder deep inside you're killing the infant in your in your soul yeah no but I definitely get that I have that same thing I get like anxious and depressed after I haven't finished it's like there's a concept of mood congruent memory where like because you were to love it Elya baby psych 101 I got a C but it's the idea that yeah if your body's like the pleated stuff yeah and you're having like anxious thoughts they lead to more anxious thoughts and me my girlfriend were on a roller coaster one time and at the apex of the roller coaster she which is like scary roller coaster going crazy she turned to me and just went I don't know what the next step in my career is gonna be like whoa this is just the biggest example of like anxious situation leads right into a different anxious thought yeah yeah now I can relate to that that's like life yeah yeah we're always there many times finding ourselves at the apex of road coasters but you just have to have a little bit of a mental breakdown sure yeah and by the way that never goes away ya know like we were uh we were at the streamys this week we lost by the way thank you for voting appreciate it we lost everything we lost [ __ ] everything those words don't really sit there for [ __ ] three hours idiots and I just had to wait and clap for everybody else anyway and on the red carpet they're like so what's next for you guys I'm like [ __ ] I just I just give me a break holidays are coming up let me just have a minute just relax can I just realize a big year I've accomplished so much but yeah but what do I have to show for it no Streamy I didn't get over the 30 under 30 apparently everything doing is not enough can I just rest can I just rest and I think it's really important you know yeah just sometimes allow yourself to take a sip of life though just refresh which is why yeah like the biggest year ever everyone just wants to talk about what are we doing next I'm like I got some ideas like can't we just talk about all the amazing stuff we did this year no when I have something to talk about when I can announce it yeah what's next for you guys yeah yeah I mean the truth is that we have a lot of exciting things next year but we're in this like holding pattern where the city shut down for two months so we'll see what happens next and we got some ideas but I'm not gonna know until probably at this point January 20th Zak do you use a phone I sure do let me tell you about something incredible it's called visible it's an all-in $40 a month phone service with no annual contracts and unlimited data on Verizon's 4G LTE network but when you join with up to three friends you can pay as little as $25 a month with visibles party pay you know what's crazy Zak what there's four of us and we could all join the visible party pay and pay just $25 a month for unlimited data messages and minutes on Verizon's 4G LTE network visibles party pay is an awesome way to save even more on their already absurdly affordable phone service and you'll never share your bills accounts or unlimited data everyone just pays less with party pay you can get together with one two or 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really don't get to see it was like I get one conversation with people like a jacksFilms who I love like got to see in this he exited a stage from because he won an award somebody wanted a word good for you Jackson I had this thing where we thought we were gonna win ensemble cuz we never won it and we really wanted to and that was like a critical award you know the critics choose it mm-hmm so we're like okay well I mean okay we're really hopeful we're gonna win this so we won't like totally like promote show of the year cuz like we won that last year and then like with it you know other people can win it and it's gonna take a lot of like we don't want to exhaust our promotional campaign we've it pushed and all that merch like everyone gonna have great Christmas presents this year but like we don't have to just overdo it about show of the year and then we didn't win ensemble and I was like now we're not gonna win anything the best moment was so so vlog squad which is david dobrik blog one ensemble and we kind of like we're all like like that's all good man don't worry about it and I went to go Ariel Ned's wife gave me like a pound so I want to go pound her and in doing so I knocked over a glass and it made this like huge clatter at the table and everyone at the tables around me looked at her mad and Maggie just like as a joke goes like he's pissed I mean they did win last year which makes me think it's right from not a bad thing to win everything go here yeah no it's cool winning awards you know it's not cool a billion not trying and not winning awards there you go boom well next year we're gonna sweep I'm calling it right now and then unfortunately Ned and I were repping the boys solo well duo we had a big cardboard cutouts hurt you do Keith which was very fun but uh in part because Eugene you were working on this Susan Wojcicki interview yes yeah who if you don't know Susan is the CEO of YouTube tell us about EG well I guess a little background she's been trying to do several interviews with creators and she and her team asked me to go up to San Bruno to interview her I was reticent namely because I wanted to make sure if I was doing it that I had good questions and yeah a long story short it I don't envy her position I also think that there are a lot of things that are unsaid that I'm sure YouTube in her would like to express but legally one cannot do that one they're so high up in a huge multi-billion dollar platform so yeah I mean it was essentially like as good as it could have been but certainly it was cool to meet her and I feel like she gave you like real talk more behind the cameras but yeah I think that there's certainly uh I mean she can't anything she says could tank YouTube or is she is the company yeah and I you know and I think the biggest thing yeah the best thing is like at least trying to get some information for creators but I just feel like it's an impossible situation I thought you did a great job I mean watching as a fan I mean I I saw how much preparation you put into it and you know I gave you a little bit of like hey I think because talked about this you're like I'm all over a dog so your preparedness was great and then you pushed her when was appropriate but you were respectful it one thing I assume people don't know is that you filmed this obviously what two week a week or two before so there were some things that came out with with YouTube delete in a video resin yeah and that came out after your interview so I I don't know I just wanna get that out into the world that you did the best with the information that was available to you at the time but it moves so fast that some things changed in between the interview and the really very good interviewer oh yeah that's like just very well-spoken ask like really like by being questions but you're also respectful of the person you're talking to kind of create a welcoming vibe but then bring down the hammer did the Connie Chung thing that's my reference point I just like saying that I was just Connie shining it but um ya know it was cool I think that it's just it's I think it's in the end it's sort of a impossible situation to get real straight answers from a company that has to protect themselves but unfortunately are also trying to present the idea of protecting the billions of people who use their platform so I think that there's sometimes just like never a straight answer which i think is the frustrating thing for most people who watch even in some runabout answers where it's clear that the company is protecting themselves that in itself is an answer you know so yeah I think that uh it what about as well as it could have been I'm glad that I got to to meet her certainly something I didn't express in on-camera was like you know both my sisters relate a message to her that they were very in awe of the amount of work she's put into getting to where she is and certainly she's she's revolved by so many people because she is the head of the organization that many of them feel slights them on a daily basis but to be a woman in tech he's a remarkable yeah to be a woman in tech is insanely hard like harder than I think most people can even imagine especially since she came up with the Google crew like in the 90s you know it's funny after I saw your interview I was watching an episode Silicon Valley and they name-dropper in the episode of there's like Oh Susan yes Susan hilarious who is not ripped in that episode you know not yet no you could see his biceps they're peeking that shirt Kumail tried to get ripped this year that brings us to our next segment try of the week you guys are the trap that's beautiful yeah you give it a try guys you try all sorts of things and videos but this segment is for the smaller tries you get a special type a lot a that week you put your shoes on and you don't tie them things that are so small and you guys have you know you're experienced people out in the world so the fans the listeners they want to know what you're up to week to week are some things you guys have attempted to great success or great failure this week huh okay I think I have one I did not get to grow the streams but I went to something called The Unforgettable Awards The Unforgettable gala which is like the Asian American gala I say gala I like saying gay though I say gala I think it's either potato but not really you're with your outfit you serve some gala I'm into it yeah and I've been going of several years I was awarded breakout star like four years ago and open and have been well it was it was very kind of them but now they have like nominations and they're doing it they're doing it more like a traditional Oscars type show but pretty much like the who's who of the Asian American industry cuz we were all very supportive of each other attends this show so he okay can I just yeah let me just drop some celeb Oh name sure did you run into lady true from Watchmen no Hong cha wasn't there no she was the perfect he's in a TV god best yeah it's awesome did you did you run into my boy Daniel Dae Kim the greatest cheekbones I did yes he was there no I'm sure he would just have blinked a few times said okay cool cool yeah but um certainly one thing I do often is I get I get nervous when I'm around certain people that I that I like really am into you from afar cos I'm not really into say people who are necessarily more popular I'm very into people who I think are like extremely talented and so I they're like several celebrities there who I'd always want to talk to you I never know never walked up to ya so I came the courage and talked to a couple of them this time which was great oh it went really well I always forget also how I tend to present myself and look at these things and I am literally I'm literally the flamboyant gay cousin at any Asian event I'm just the gay guy which is great that's how I want to be I want everyone to be like Eugene is representing gay Asian America well you were basically like a cinched pink gown trench coat with it was like a modified hot pink suit with a with like some some robe effect of like silk coming off of it but um hot pink yeah I think our hot pink is what pink yeah I'm only just trying Krishna push my fat fashion envelope but I did get to talk to some people at all it took was just a little app you just have to go straight up to the name drop no I don't want to say okay so thirsty I'm moment your mouth over here Eugene you gotta give it to me I adore and really want to work with in some capacity this actress named Greta Lee who is most known right now for being on Russian doll she's the best friend who goes happy birthday baby it's cuz she runs me a lot of women in my family and she has me like sleekest like harshest cut Victoria Beckham Bob and I spotted it from across the room and I was just like oh I don't think I can talk to her she was so cool and she was like standing there with her cigarette I was just oh my god you're so cool that's just left she was she was so amazing just - just how she was just like chilling in a corner but then I said you know what I'm gonna go up I'm gonna take this risk and I'm gonna go talk to someone not in high school anymore it's not you know maybe you do this in high school - just like I opened up a conversation oh yeah so I walked right up to her and I just like engaged and it turned out great yes she was fantastic she's exactly how I imagined her which was awesome I'm thrilled that you did this and that you're saying this cuz I also at the streamys which is a lesser extreme because these are people that I know a little better I wanted to put myself out right you want to put yourself out there because every year I go home and I'm like how I am I such a little [ __ ] why should I not talk to people so so what was your how do you start a conversation yeah because I guess this isn't just we're using the context of like a celebrity gala but this is like being at a party this is like being anywhere there's people that you know from afar you've always wanted to talk to I think my big thing was how to lead with something and I I think that there's one a surefire way to start a conversation which is being complimentary mm-hmm I think that's always like a great way to lead is saying that I hey like I really loved seeing you in this or I loved watching you do this like opening up by by being like humbling yourself instead of trying to be as cool as you think they are I think it's the number one thing I learned from this like small try so I walked up and I said I just was like girl you and Russian dolls like amazing iconic kind of obsessed you know as she was like oh my god thank you I'm assist with how you look and you know to be fair I've still as nervous there's another person who talked to you that I couldn't get to because I got too nervous my her skin she's an pen15 oh yeah amazing that involved and so I've that was a small try and you know Greta actually was like because I was like I love my attention like you I mean introduced you knows like no I'm okay I got really nervous because I was like no I gotta be cool when I think that I literally could have just walked her up sure - and been like I love what you do with your comedy and she's also amazing you did not I didn't so great yeah but they're not at this point now I just like now I get to just like sit and talk to people who I had done that with prior years so like we were next to Amanda Jacinto from the good place and so he was just sitting next to me and I was just like oh I talked to you last year I did the same thing engaged and we just opened now we have the next level of conversation so that's all you got to do in these social situations see plant the seeds and you don't have to become best friends like in one yes then I think it's all about being open and cordial and nice and yeah I think that's good advice for for any social gathering yeah that's awesome someone sees you in Jacksonville how does it become your best friend honestly you can walk up to me I mean I'm the best a living example of becoming friendly with someone like just on the fly if I'm in a bar and you come talk to me and you're nice I will [ __ ] drink with you I thought we were all I get it I think that's a gonna a great try the weekends yeah that's really great that's nothing in there yeah cuz everyone can always still be nervous to talk to people of Oz what a two and one that was a two and one now it's good hey this is Ned and Zack from the tripod if you've ever wanted to start your own podcast you might think you need all kinds of equipment to set it up it turns out all you need is anchor anchor is an all-in-one free tool from Spotify that lets you create your own podcast and get it heard everywhere with anchor you can record edit be heard on all listening platforms and they'll even pair you with sponsors to help you get paid for your show it all works in your web browser or right from anchors mobile app and best of all it is totally free start your podcast with anchor today by going to anchor dot F M slash tripod that's anchor dot F M slash tripod we have time for more yeah you get a little one yeah I mean I have a bigger one do you want to drop a little one for no there are mines tiny I just you know I've been enjoying baking bread right and I've just been doing the same recipe over and over now we're gonna I thought to myself you know what I've gotten pretty good at this I'm gonna branch out I might try some different types bread so I've tried baking a whole wheat bread how'd it go uh uh it's it's denser try again yeah where's that where's the main component difference for whole wheat is it the flour is it the yes yeah I'm sincerely asking you is the process any different the type of sourdough I make yeah there's a couple of differences if a like a sourdough loaf is like 90% bread flour ten percent whole wheat flour whole wheat is 70% wheat flour 30 percent and how does that affect that our the process differently do you thought so whole wheat whole we also soaks in more of the moisture so you put a higher hydration content rather than 75% water you put 80% water interest uh and then you also want to you know like work it like and eat it more in the beginning because it will it will do a whole weekend like I think it has more gluten so it like develops more like gluten matrices to get that get the nice little bread bubbles and the crumbs chemist chef chemist that's beautiful that's why I like cooking yeah yeah exactly as clay Korea's chemistry smiled what was your big small try Zach my try for the week is and I'm gonna say it in this voice cuz it's appropriate get to know your co-workers yeah boy I went two miles as a Christmas party oh yeah and it was actually the first time some Oh to you that I put myself out of my comfort zone in a while because I was driving up and I was like [ __ ] I don't know who's gonna be here it's gonna be all miles of friends like go home I specifically didn't go cuz I didn't think you was just inviting me to be nice he doesn't ask you to do I do you say that now he literally sent two emails he sent a reminder email really but I went and I got some juicy miles tidbit boy but I'll say it was a great party and as soon as I got there a bunch of other people from second try over there I'm like no [ __ ] duh of course like everyone else I would have gone to someone's holiday party it was a blast I don't drink anymore I really haven't drank except for our international trip this whole calendar year so but I ended up staying there till like three good time with miles girlfriends oh yeah yeah say that I am skyrocketing to favor it oh sure it was like yeah I was wild Zach and I for like 45 minutes talked about the state of media as your friend Micah who's a writer oh my good time yeah but I wrote some stuff down because just as it was happening I'm like look I'm sober enough to know content when I seize it so first of all miles has a Justin Bieber poster on his fridge yeah we do what era of Justin Bieber early Justin Oh Eddie maybe male I don't know baby no it's mr. Curren are you okay oh sorry yeah well so not really reasonable on several years back blonde does he have a little beard there's blonde no beard they'll be hats yeah yes it's like the black and white with the yeah really got a bond is a tattered post was during his Calvin Klein's there before I wear home Justin there before I moved in and I'm happy to have it they're still what it was there before you moved in well I moved in the house was passed Justin used to live there oh no it might girlfriend had and my girlfriend and my best friend Kendall had it on our fridge and then I moved in it was one I also as I left I saw coyote on your street just thought I should give you a heads up oh there's coyotes is raccoons I had to chase two raccoons off my porch yesterday they're big [ __ ] do yeah oh I called animal control on a coyote and they said oh you're dumb we will not hear about that no they don't do anything Oh we'll only come check it out if it's like actively metabolizing that child and I'm like by then it would be too late don't you see but no they don't care if you want to get rid of them you have to like find their nest and chase them out of the forest I'm sorry coyotes have nests like in the den yeah already chased him out of this oh yeah there's the coyote be a coyote yeah little while I spiritually connected with three coyotes one night I told you about this yes yeah yeah it was cool odd cast no yeah no it's alright it's just a story we started each other was fun yeah beautiful don't pat your face they say this city is ours let us reclaim it join up it was like a mutual menacing respect but there was Menace Zach did you see my closet toilet you say you're your closet toilet yeah I was wondering if you saw my closet I didn't see your closet toilet what's your closet toilet though I will say someone took a big deuce in your toilet and then during the party during the party I walked in and it stung the nostrils so one of your friends is it that's dick and also we have candles and [ __ ] in there they should have covered it up the I have a closet toilet I there's a toilet in my closet it's not a half bath there is a just a toilet you open the closet there's a toilet in my closet and it works it's plumbed there's a toilet my closet weird very weird did which came first the bathroom of the closet unclear where they did they have a closet originally and they're like mm you know what we really need to install toilet here yeah no sink or was it a bathroom and they're like you know what this could be better used whereas a closet it seems like it was like somebody's in that room they're like we gotta have a toilet because they can't make it all the way to the other toilet then we can charge them in a 500 extra bucks a month exact now it's a tutu oh yeah so now that's our P toilet we don't we don't do big soon yeah we don't do big stuff in there because that's also where our clothes are this might be very me or gay or Asian I don't know where this comes from but I I don't realize I do why now I realize I do this but I cannot i cannot even like fathom the idea of of taking a deuce at a party or an event oh no I I train so that's why I don't like eat necessary right before and I make sure I'm like I'm like cleaned out before I go even to like a friend's party like David pooping in their house it always like mortifying let me go ahead and tell you nobody once or liked it a block even at a bar or club yeah I like I don't think I've ever ever yeah pooped at a bar oh I don't I don't think about it part of it too is like if I'm filling em I gotta feel like I feel cute that night yeah I don't want to be reminded of my mortality that I push that I push digested food out of my ass you know it just makes me feel like oh I'm reminded that we are all mere mortals who and no one is attractive why am I even trying you know when you look cute that night yeah I'm just like no I'm not gonna lay it DOS in this nightclub it's gonna it just would immediately ruin my mood yeah so I definitely take a big old dumb poser mountains are complicated you know I'm a women all the buttons are the tucking in the end though it's like okay well it took me like two hours to get into no maybe that should be one of my small tries let's go take a [ __ ] in the club yeah that's good that's good I will report back when I'm all make sure I eat like a ton one day when I know I'm about to go out that night well you don't always know when the right time to go the bathroom is but for some advice on that let's go to our youngest and least experienced member miles with advice that'll go for miles with miles bono Marinero I don't know I just love you a fun name miles marinara I like the way that you introduce that's like and we now go to our correspondent on the ground mom's in your way with advice that will go for miles what's up Zach do well out here I mean when miles gives us the wrap it up it's time to end the podcast oh stop everything halt mid mid speech this probably isn't in the video feed but miles will sometimes just give us a little wag of the finger the way to say next topic pillars in it we're we're men of people yeah miles is on the clock I would be here all day you know if you if you're sad that the podcast is you're not sure you blame miles you go and tweet at him you go subscribe to him on Twitter yeah please no no but the podcast is here because of miles there for miles is God God take it cos God giveth and yet the fact that you're listening to this means that miles thought it was good enough to be included in the episode know Thank You miles by the way congratulations miles on five thousand Twitter followers hey also the [ __ ] guy miles there's only five thousand kidding me we've been dropping miles nation it's a thing that matters and you're telling me you're only 5,000 strong a goddamn travesty go follow corn Diddy that's me while you're there at Miles bond hit me up all right give us that advice what's up y'all how y'all doing tonight miles farm for good okay do y'all wanna have a stinky fun smell waft through your nostril do y'all wanna go to the store and get something real nice if you're having friends over to your house Nandy James a curry you're gonna want to go ahead and prime that oven and you're gonna want to get ahead and get ham ham ham ham I am get a ham and put it in your oven it will be a hit people will love your hams they will love it I bought a hamburger t3 dollars at Trader Joe's with a brown sugar mint dressing and I gave the glaze on it and all everybody could talk about with my ham Jack did you have some of the ham I didn't have the ham at your party it was pretty picked over by the time I got there and I would say that the idea of eating the ham that people were clawing with their hands yeah it was a hand ham it was a ham it was a communal table ham yeah it looked good Alex's boyfriend went real hard on that yeah I'd say by the time I was late to the party there was a night was a spiral cut it was spiral cut him real easy to cut took precooked Ned let me tell you about this ham precooked it was about four pounds of ham you create your oven to 275 you put that [ __ ] in there for an hour low yeah a little slow burn you put that in there an hour you make a brown street cook the UH precooked brown sugar glaze you put it on top you would cook hard for 75 for 7 to 10 minutes and then you pull that out of there hit that crisp get that crisp and it's hanging with mustard well you can serve it whatever you want it's your ham right I served it with grapes and cheese and a chick and a chicken plate but it was a big hit and also gave me something to you talk about with people that I didn't know that much if there were people at the party that I didn't know I'd be like the real advice yeah if so cuz because it's like it was a centerpiece it was like oh my god they may have ham they made a whole ham so two people I didn't know that well be like oh by the way hey so good to see what's your whoever is it friend but try the ham and then I'd walk away bake an activity yeah exactly half the conversation I had that party we're like I can't stop snacking oh my god I know yeah what's your name exactly exactly it's good like a middle ground conversation to have with a stranger it could be the title of your memoir miles what's have you tried the ham picture of me holding a ham you know it's fine that you're writing out that miles had two Santa's at his party and a photo booth with an OP from an iPad and you sat on Santa's lap and they gave out gifts yeah that's right with that night Santa and girl Santa yeah both [ __ ] up everybody they were both [ __ ] up they were both like dressed with stuffed clothes Santa costumes and we bought like 35 gifts from the dollar store opens caption this photo was all about yes exactly and the way I did not get my Santa photo I have it well where the [ __ ] is it all sena-chan what do you tell there's a photo booth that didn't I did don't tell me I did don't you dare unless there's another number in my area code one digit off they got a photo get back to the hand I was wondering can you text those photos to like nine one one I don't think they have a very responsible well I was just wondering you guys never accidentally call 911 as a kid oh yeah yeah by accident what and then they cut this yeah your mom's like no then they call back and you scream and you go no I [ __ ] up yeah that's problem classic if you want to see this you have you seen the show 9-1-1 it seems crazy it is a [ __ ] beautiful disaster it's insane so you know how like procedural crime stuff is like oh it's a new crime every episode right nine-one-one takes that and does it every commercial break oh there is a new crazy disaster set piece every commercial so every time I show break we start with like who are these new people I know one of them is gonna get horribly maimed Oh God it's awesome hilarious it's the one we're like the Billboard is like the roller coaster that's off the tracks like giggling yes but it's always like yeah oh yeah they have Angela Bassett right oh it's [ __ ] insane what do they let in Connie Britton's in the first Connie Britton yeah coach's wife we love coach's wife well clear eyes full hearts can't lose that's another episode of tripod that's what I like to say that's how we take out every episode yeah we don't well buddy enjoy Star Wars tonight yeah go see your Star Wars and you know what go see cats don't worry they didn't invite me to the premiere but that's fine I'm not bitter it's not like I've been just using my platform for free promotion for months on end I'm not bitter though and it's fine the episodes over divided as to premieres you know me to a premiere um never never never oh well maybe I've been to summon your far cooler than I I went to it I went to a sausage party screening hmm that sounds like a gay sex party it was a scurry I went to a went to I went to the doctor uh [ __ ] the anime attack on Titan went to the premiere no school it was all right wasn't a very good movie that was a live action when it was yeah it wasn't very good I'm just saying man I saw Jennifer Lawrence at a premiere oh really j-law mother love and Chris Pratt messengers oh my god passengers is insane it's a glorious movie well that was their first I do it for you because he's a celeb Ned's a man of value and me I'm just a 29 under 30 schmuck no are doing next year I mean you know you can get your people to put feelers out for those things you have to try yeah I'm gonna be feeling all up over this town yeah you watch yeah we do retain a PR team yeah I should send some emails all right Yugi with the official chat pop theme song no that's not my job put it back until next time stay beautiful [Music]
Channel: TryPods
Views: 303,873
Rating: 4.9417672 out of 5
Keywords: clip, Trypod, Try Guys, Comedy, Podcast, Youtuber, Zach Kornfeld, Keith Habersberger, Eugene Lee Yang, Ned Fulmer, Miles Bonsignore, youtubers, creators, advice that will go for miles, fan questions, secrets, fancy hollywood party, losers, streamy awards, streamys, award speech, david dobrik, bread, miles party, holiday party, employee, ham
Id: GmLZymw94qQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 11sec (3791 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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