How To Blowout Your Hair Like a Pro

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hi beautiful mastering the art of blow-drying is one of the best things you can do for yourself and that is because a beautifully executed blow-dry will really escalate your look if you can learn how to use a blow-dryer correctly and effectively you can actually make all your other hair tools completely obsolete I'm talking about curling irons and flat irons and all that stuff you can do pretty much anything with a blow dryer it does take a little more patience but you can get they're not saying that I don't like curling irons and flat irons but like sometimes like you don't actually need them and like I'll people abused them a lot you can use a blow dryer and it's like a little bit less like harsh on your hair however I will say you must have a good blow dryer alright do your research today I'll be showing you how to execute three different blow dries one being the volume is body full beautiful glamorous blowout second of being a pin straight blow-dry and third being a beautiful toss old beach way that blowout and with all that said let's get blowing shall we let's do it [Music] and up first we have the volumous body blowout and what you'll need for this is a blow dryer with a nozzle I don't want to see any of you blow-drying your hair without a damn nozzle it's a concentrator nozzle these are important for directing air flow properly so your hair doesn't come out frizzy and you don't burn your hair don't start blow drying your hair with that one I will come through that screen and I will mmm-hmm it won't be cute you'll also need a round brush I'm choosing this one because I want a little more curl in the hair this will heat up as we blow dry there's no natural bristles on here this look a very hot and do a lot of work for me but if you don't want any real curl in the hair use a larger size than this that way it'll just give you a little bit bevel and less curl but I want some curl in there like a little curl you're also gonna need a detangling brush or a detangling comb I prefer a comb typically and a comb to part the hair I would also recommend some alligator clips or just clips that are easy to use we're going to be doing some sectioning with this blowout so these are pretty useful and easy to use and fun and I just like the way they go like this then we have duckbill clips these are them and these are amazing for setting blow dries you'll see how we use these later these are pretty handy or bobby pins could also work if you don't have these but I'd recommend on my right metal a duckbill clips pretty essential I will try my best to link all these tools at down below if you would like to purchase and for products I'll be using electric rain a moisture cream I'll be using forcefield heat shield I'll be using a Viper smoothing oil and lastly we have my brand new product released today electrified volumizing foam we'll get more into what these products do later on let's begin our blow-dry firstly let's do a quick comb out to let's brush our hair out she's a nice and smooth out with the comb first we're gonna go in with the new product electrified volumizing foam oh my God if you love volume this is for you oh my god I love volume this volume foam actually works by swelling your hair of fibers and then adding just a soft flexible hold to your roots where ever you apply this product I'm gonna get my part where I want it I'm gonna do a middle part today and what I like to do is just directly apply the volumizing foam on to the wide toothed part of the comb I'll just into a few squirts and down the comb like this and I'll apply right to her part first let's get it all around in the top oh it smells so good if you have one my products you know that smell and we're gonna go right onto the side and get that really raked into her roots that looks good for that side a little this product goes a long way just make sure you're covering all of your roots with it but you can experiment at home how how little you want to use on your hair of course the more you use the more hold you'll get the less you use the less hold you'll get so whatever you're into you can do it let's do a few more pumps on the brush and really focusing it like on the crown area you don't really need a lot of volume like on the nape of your neck there's no real need for that so really around the front and around the crown is the most important and we're gonna apply some electric rain and moisture cream to the ends of her hair to make them super smooth and shiny and help cure those split and dead ends I'm gonna do like a dime sized amount to start I'm gonna rub it around my hands I'm gonna fling a little on the floor and I'm just gonna go right on to the ends of her hair this is not a heavy product so you can use quite a bit of it and it will not build up too fast on you and it will make your hair like all greasy and nasty it'll really just do a great job of sinking into the hair and really smoothing it out when you style your hair with the right products it really changes everything and makes your life a whole lot easier it makes your hair look 20 times better and lastly of course we're gonna use force field heat shield because we are using heat styling tools today we want to make sure we protect the hair from heat sailing damage this protects up to 500 degrees Fahrenheit one two one two one two make sure you shake this before using it it's very important let's just comb everything in make sure all that force field is covering all of the hair strands protecting the hair from all of that heat damage now where our hair feels fresh and knew it no matter how many times a week she blow dries it now firstly while your hair is wet if you have a very kinky curly hair in the front of your hairline it's gonna be important to right now while it's wet get those curls out of your hairline we're gonna take our blow-dryer on a lower setting mine's in the second highest heat setting and the first blow setting so I'm gonna take the comb on it's fine to tie and just push her hair back out of her face and go in on the group and just get some really nice and straight and drop it look at how smooth beautiful that is right there we're only trying to do like an inch up from the root the rest will get later but already guys girls got volume this will be great because when your hair is wet it's much easier to release wave and curl then when it's dry when it's dry it just tends to want to stay the way it is and not do anything so definitely at this point make sure those roots are all straight now that the front is blow-dried and we are already seeing crazy amounts of volume you want to make sure it is nearly dry slightly damp before then going in with the round brush it'll save a lot of time effort and energy [Music] now we are 80% dry let's section the hair out properly in order to do this blow out now the sectioning I like to do a lot is called a halo section we're gonna get that parting down right in the center again fix that up go about two inches back and carry that around the head in a circle we're gonna get this little circular section in this Center alright so that is my sectioning as you can see it is a circle cut out in the middle and we have the perimeter all down our first section is going to be right about here we're gonna use our alligator clip to just section it off and this will be our first section we work on get your duckbill clips ready to be used let's begin round brushing this section and of course making sure we direct the hair up and not ever down so you saw what I did there I kind of just smooth out the ends first that's really important and then and just twirl the brush up and under and now we release it and already I didn't even set it yet this is literally how it will stay that is literally just with the volumizing foam and that is not even a pin curl set yet I am going to make it even more extra though and do a pink roll set because I want this music balling this as possible and this is gonna help really set that wave in where do the same exact thing again but this time I'm bringing this section forward and up and rotating back away from the face [Music] beautiful let's release that and let's put our clip in and that's our second section so we have this one going under this one going back and they're looking great we're gonna do the same thing on the other side and then on the back we're just gonna make these to go back towards each other I'll show you that when I'm all done now that we have the entire perimeter done we have the back circle now we're gonna take that circular formation out and we're gonna pluck it cut this in half you actually don't make this line perfect like I'm doing make you a little jagged that way you don't have harsh sections when you are done with this we're gonna work on these two sections right here we're gonna part this in half with our hands not make it perfect and we're gonna work on that it should be zigzag that's good now you don't get part lines [Music] all right let's pin that section up like we've done before nothing good to see here guys alright now let's work on the top we have that all done oh my guess is going by so fast this is so easy oh my gawd we're parting this next section again in the middle boom done and we're gonna bring this up and around please make sure your blow dryer is always behind your brush it's always following your brush you're not leading with the blow dryer you're following with it if you leave with it you'll get a bunch of frizz and also make sure you're angling it like this not like this like this this will give you frizz this will give you smoothing let's pin that baby up and we'll do the other side the exact same and then we'll be done with this portion [Music] at this point your hair should look like this or something like this it doesn't be perfect don't stress about it but this is all of our sections all done oh this is gonna be volume us as hell man I can't wait you really want to let this cool down for about 15 to 20 minutes however if you're you know impatient like a Mizzy use the cool setting on your blow dryer and just you know quickly go over that get it nice and cooled down and then we can begin taking them out all right and the fun part let's begin taking them out I like to also just put a little bit of oil on my hands like this and using Viper today just so we have like a little bit of a lubricant so that all of the hair is nice and sleek and soft while we're taking it out now I am just going in with my hands and just raking through it and scrunching it with that oil it's around the hairline a little bit just to get it really smooth and now we're just working it in maybe I overdid it with that a volumizing foam away what I said electrified I wasn't kidding we can actually just comb it all back get rid of some of that excess volume that we have it's a little bit much and that my friends is a blowout like hello bounce hello body hello beautiful it's incredible it would look much better on a real person and it wouldn't have these weird parts going on but I am so happy with this and girl that volume in there will stay I mean look at the sides they're like straight up at this point oh I love it that is a body licious below dry it's one of the most important blow dries to learn out of doing yourself the volume is body blow-dry is just such a classic and a staple and next I'll be going over how to do a sleek straight to blow-dry on one side and a nice bohemian wavy blow-dry on the other side we're gonna start off with the sleek straight blow-dry well you'll need for this is firstly of course a blow dryer with a nozzle next I'll be using a round flat brush like this it has natural and synthetic bristles in it or you can just use a regular kind of rectangular paddle brush that will also work for you but it's definitely important for your to have a mix of a natural and synthetic bristles on it that will help a lot with smoothing detangling and getting rid of frizz I also like the size of this because it's not too big it's not too small you can really get into the root with this and it's easy to use a detangling comb or brush and a regular comb like this you'll also need some clips and for this sleek straight blow-dry I'll be using VIPRE smoothing oil BDSM slick and defined balm electric rain moisture cream and forcefield heat shields these are the products I'll be using and let's begin all right let's do this straight side now first we are gonna make sure it's nice and combed out and we have our parting where it goes and now we're gonna put our product in real quick it's just two products to start and then two products to finish so what we're gonna do is put Electric rain in and just a dime sized amount like that rub it all around our hands and our palms and get it all in the bottom of the hair even on top just a little bit don't worry about it getting oily on the top because this product is made to really dry into the hair and not be oily so it's really great alright so now we have all of that in we're gonna comb it through really quick your hair will most likely be more wet than this mine is just drying really really fast and then we're gonna take our force field shake it up good and we're gonna spray from about here and it one two and that's enough a little bit more if you have a lot of hair and we're gonna comb that through and we can begin we are going to first of course hit that hair line like we did before and get it really nice and smooth out before we start just following the comb with the blow-dryer and getting it really close to the head all righty she is all smooth out now let's work on our sectioning we're gonna do the same exact sectioning we just did before on the other blow-dry and we're just gonna section out a little circle in the middle and now just pretend we're working on the entire head not just as one damn side let's take a wide section about the size of the brush the wideness of the brush now you might think that a smooth blow-dry is really easy to do actually it's one of the more complicated things to master because you really need to get that hair really really smooth and beautiful so we're gonna start by just clamping down the hair on the top pulling it really taut and going in there right behind it and smoothing everything out really good and just holding this really tight after that we're gonna go in on the end and get them really smooth all the way down to the ends okay all the way until it falls off the brush really get that smooth out and then you can work on the middle of the hair and get that all nice and smooth and again we're not beveling this brush we're not twisting you're not turning it we're just going really really straight down and flat now that looks beautiful alright it'll really come together in the end once we get all the other sections done but the secret is to really make sure that you're directing and the blow-dryer down like this and pushing all those little baby hair strands all in the back of her hair so they don't poke out now I'm going to continue and finish the rest of this side and I'll show you guys the finished result and for the next section we'll just cut this halo and a half back here and we'll work on this back half and the front half after you really want to master this grip okay so my thumb is on this side and my other fingers are on the top is just like that and you're just combing the hair into the brush and holding it with your thumb this will give you extreme amounts of tension on the root great for getting that frizz out of the root okay and now when I'm done with a straight blow-dry it looks really good so far I'm just gonna give it a really comb first and then I like to do the finishing touches with my hand and we'll just go in and make sure put back down now this tool isn't looking exactly how I want to look like so we're gonna apply some BB FM and some Viper into my hand I'm just going to take a little tiny amount of this really move it around and just include some Viper on top of it just a little bit and we're going to go on at the top of the hair and this will help with all of that frizz and staticky miss going on and it'll really help add some hold and structure today all righty and here is the finished result it is very straight of course she has these horrid splitter if she didn't have these it would look a lot cuter just imagine without it we'll give her a trim some other day I'm sure it's very glossy very beautiful and there was no flat iron involved of course with a flat iron it's gonna be just a little bit more sleek and straight you can really do a great job even without a flat iron beautiful and she still has that nice movement going on this is before and this is after that sleek shiny blow-dry was just so satisfying to watch but now we're switching it up let's do a nice wavy funky fresh bohemian vibe on the other side you'll need a blow dryer with the nozzle I'll be using this same rounded flat brush because I love this one and it just works really well for this and you'll need a detangling brush or comb and a regular comb and lastly some clips to hold up your sections for products you'll need VIPRE smoothing oil BDSM slick and define a bomb forcefield and lastly another brand new product out today wave tech wave foam and I'll let you know much more about this product in a little bit let's do our a beautiful bohemian wave and blow dry alright let's clip this up out of the way okay perfect firstly we'll be applying wave tech wave foam one of our brand new products out today so this product will actually enhance your natural curl or wave pattern D frizz it make it really nice and structured without the crunch or it will create new body on straight or lifeless hair so you can use this if you have curly hair you can use this to go straight hair it's great for all of you so normally I would use this pump it in my hands scrunch it let it air dry or diffuse it but today we're using it a little bit differently now because this is designed with style locking technology that means the way you leave it away you blow-dry it it'll stay like that we're gonna use this is actually a blow drying foam of sorts so it's gonna actually help retain that wave we put into the hair once we're done so we're gonna just hump about four pumps into our hands put it all around our hands like that and get it all in there I love foam because it's so easy to use and it really just goes into the hair nicely and it's so light it doesn't weigh down the hair at all I hate products that like really weigh down hair so none of that here just a couple more squirts up at the top of her hair and perfect and that's all I'm gonna do we are gonna comb that out get that all in there a little bit of force field shake it up bring a couple of squirts and just like before we're gonna hit the hairline first and get that nice and smooth before we begin with the entire blow drying process alright and just like before now that the hairline is smooth out we're gonna do the same exact sectioning there's a lot of repeating here it's very easy this is why I love this technique because it's easy to use with any kind of blow-dry that you're doing you can have fun with it you can do whatever you want it's just a nice way to section the hair quickly and easily we're gonna do a lot of twisting this brush okay you have to get used to it follow the brush with the blow-dryer and then in the middle of the hair we're quickly flipping it over it's a really quick flip alright you got to practice this one it's not the easiest thing to do but once you have it I swear it's really easy we're not in then go to the bottom we're gonna follow the brush with a blow-dryer and we're going to do it again we're going to flip it around and drag all the way down and you'll have this very flat curl now once we're all done we'll then rake out the curl and you'll see how nice and flat and bohemian and irregular the wave is compared it to the round brush we did previously already and that is what it should look like we'll just let that sit to cool off before raking through it and let's work on this front piece next and then we'll work our way around the head doing the exact same thing we did previously in the other blow dries [Music] [Music] you can also go in and reinforce the curl with your fingers and just twirl it around really quick and let it sit just like that and now we're continuing on our half circle up here and we're gonna cut this in half and do these two sections all righty now this is what you should have now and I'm switching it up you guys I'm not gonna be using Viper on this I want to be using some club kid get some texture in there first and then we'll go in with BDSM I'll show you that now we're just gonna take a little bit of cloaca dry shampoo a very light dusting of it right on those roots oh girl she's got that texture and that volume now all right now before we rake it all out let's put a little bit of BDSM just so we can get that little pc texture that bohemian feel and now I'm just gonna go in on those ends this is one of my favorite uses for BDSM is just to make these looks come alive and to really refine these ends because often when the ends are blown straight like this they can look a little straggly and this kind of just amps them up gives them that high shine and that nice form taking one piece at a time twisting around my finger giving it more and more definition and she looks divine honey there is no curling iron or flat iron involved with this is that easy you see what BDSM just did to that really added beautiful piece eNOS to the hair without making it stiff without making it mattified and I'm just continuing to dip in and put a little bit more on my fingers and just looking at where it needs more or less men lastly we can just scrunch it in so sickening you look stunning and we'll get a little bit right in that front area but I outdid myself on that one come on you guys look at all that way we have and now I was just using this brush and the right products I didn't do anything off-camera I swear it actually just came out this incredible and that is with the straight side and the wavy side oh my god oh so pretty like look at that movement she still has nothing is crispy nothing is hard we didn't use any sprays or anything it's all just the right products the right tools and a good blow dryer and a good technique this is my personal favorite I know I'm not such big favorites but like what can I do you know this is so pretty I want it on my head this is the new vibe man I'm telling you it's one side straight one side wavy thank you your appointment today is done and you may leave the premises I throw you again oh I threw you again all right I'll see you later does that mean I should pick her up you just look so pretty I don't want you on my set it makes me look ugly you know and even thrown she looks fabulous so those were my three different blow-dry techniques that is how to blow-dry hair like a professional at home I hope you can use one of these techniques on your own hair and get that beautiful blown out hair like you just went to the hairdresser and if you would like to shop any of the products mentioned in today's video they will be linked below for you including my two brand new products released today electrified volumizing foam and wave tech wave foam ooh these are essential oh they're amazing I am so excited for you guys to get your hands on these products everything is linked below individually as well as the ex mono hair comm website don't forget to follow me on all the social media networks including tick-tock Instagram Twitter at brahmanda NYC you can also find me on Facebook and snapchat under a Brad mondo and don't forget to follow ex mono hair on Instagram to stay up-to-date with all new product launches happening all the dammit time that is all for today guys thank you so much for watching don't forget to live your extra light and I'll see you next time bye guys this is hydra mania our conditioning mist hydro mania is for those of you looking for hydrated silky soft shiny hair which i think is all of you this is guaranteed to make your hair way more manageable detangled smooth and just all-around fabulous
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 5,280,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Blowout Your Hair Like a Pro, bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, hairdresser blowout, salon blowout at home, wavy blowout, straight blowout, volume blowout, dyson, roundbrush, long hair, how to use a round brush, short hair, blow dryer, hair dryer, how to blow dry hair, how to use a blow dryer, how to, at home, hair cut, diy hair, hair fail, hair tutorial, how to cut your own hair, hair color, hair stylist, diy haircut, salon blowout, blowout tutorial
Id: L3jyR2KfNpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 39sec (1539 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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