Skincare You DON'T Need - Skin Doctors

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what's up everyone dr maxfield dr shaw and we're back we try to keep things on a positive note so we like well except for your devices video but generally we like to talk about things that are going to help you uh this time we're going to go a little bit the other direction what are you wasting your money on potentially that is not going to help you maybe it can even hurt you but mostly just not going to help you and something that gets a lot of hype on social media people promote a lot of these things but at the end of the day there's not a lot of evidence to support them and everything that they claim to do they probably don't do so today we're talking about the things that are overrated overhyped things you don't need things you can leave in the past and focus on things that actually do work yeah sometimes i consider this to be almost the worst thing out there so like fragrance is the thing a lot of people hate sometimes i'm like ineffective ineffective products are just as bad almost you know why i think this is harmful because trust is one of the most important things we always talk about this right we try to deliver information that is going to stand the test of time and at the end of the day when people promote products that don't work that you waste your money on you lose trust and faith in the system and that's super dangerous because then you don't want to participate in the system you think everything doesn't work you lose trust for the overall system and then none of it works so this whole system is built on trust and i think that when people promote things that don't work that's where you start to cause some harm so without further ado overrated skincare let's go here we go here we go all right so who do you want to take down first who do i want to obliterate um well uh pretty much the whole device industry you know like i just think that i mean devices i mean they must have like a big markup or something because i mean they get so heavily promoted and i just like i none of them really work or do what they say they're going to do but you know i'll kind of pick apart each one of these things individually but let's start with cleansing devices cleansing brushes vibrating cleansing combs i don't know whatever else you call them there's a bunch that exists out there let's start with the harmful clarisonic so clarisonic now going out of business fortunately uh but this is a company that sells rotating little bristles brushes first i don't like them because they harbor a ton of bacteria in them they don't have anything that keeps the bacteria away like silicone and they also cause too much vibration which can be helpful to exfoliate a little bit but like i said in the past i prefer chemical exfoliation over physical exfoliation and i honestly think it causes more long-term damage to the skin than long-term benefit to the skin so this is an interesting thing because in the office we actually do a lot of physical exfoliation um but i think what dr talking about we do control a lot of things in the office everything is like very sterile everything is very deliberate even to the depth at which you're exfoliating um so having these over-the-counter options for just mechanical brushes and kind of cleansers it's just like i don't know it just ends up damaging scratching roughening up the skin and really leads to more harm than good yeah i think some of these things when they're done by like an esthetician is part of like a spa treatment whether it be dermaplaning or microdermabrasion or hydrafacial or even somebody who's skilled enough to do these kind of things at home i think if you do it like once a month that's where you're really going to see the benefit of them but when you're constantly exfoliating your skin with the clarisonic brush every single day you're more likely to cause long-term damage to your skin and so those are out now let's talk about the ones that are actually not harmful which is the silicone brushes your fourier devices your pmd beauty devices i mean at the end of the day they're actually pretty good they have a gentle vibration they have some pulsations that help to kind of clear out the skin and break up makeup on the skin and get your pores clear at the end of the day you really can just use your hands um i mean i wash my face with my hands 99 of the time and i own all of these devices and they basically just collect dust in my house one of the biggest wastes of money that i've spent on skin care is buying some of these cleansing devices you don't need them they're a nice addition if you have time to use them and you keep them charged all the time which i could never do but at the end of the day you don't need them anyone who's telling you you need these cleansing devices don't believe them so yeah this is so important because look you can spend your money in a lot of different areas in skin care and if you're going to allocate that money to something like this is not that area cleansing can be pretty pretty simple so just take that shift your finances elsewhere and leave this there cleansing should be actually one of the cheapest parts of your routine even from what cleanser you choose to just using your hands drop the cleansing devices if you like them keep using them okay next up this is one of my least favorite things to see any variation of this but the blackhead strips blackhead strips and they get a lot they get probably an appropriate amount of hate on maybe they're actually actually you know they might be hated more than they deserve they are highly hated on social media so we're not you know this is not novel information you're receiving here um but let's just kind of jump into why because i think people use them i use them actually maybe once every two months or so um just because the little hairs that come on the skin i think everyone gets a little bit of tiny little hairs um little vellus hairs and sometimes people can have what we call trichostasis spinalosa thing like not all blackheads are the same right that's true so not all blackheads are created equal sometimes you have true blackheads which are basically open comedones that oxidize then you have sebaceous filaments which is just normal oil production that you have in your skin and everybody has them and somehow people have it worse than others some people don't and then you also have little hairs on your skin which we sometimes refer to as trichostasis spinalosa yeah so again a part of being deliberate so there's like minutiae like this that a dermatologist might pick up on it unfortunately these things can look the same to the naked eye but what they actually are and therefore the treatment is very different right so i think most people are trying to treat sebaceous filaments when they're using their pore strips and that really is not the way to do it causes a lot of inflammation but if you do it once a month once every other month really not harmful my concern is you're not treating the underlying problem which is the sebaceous filaments and so the three ingredients i recommend for this retinoids are very helpful salicylic acid my two favorite products for this are the ordinary salicylic acid mask and the paul's choice two percent bha liquid exfoliant and then um oil production so niacinamide is is a great ingredient for this and my new favorite of the niacinamide category which i've been raving about is the first aid beauty niacinamide dark spot serum so that's amazing five percent niacinamide i'm obsessed okay but here's a little trick with that so ltmd's uv clear if you look at their sunscreen product line you can also slip in niacinamide at the end they also have a five percent niacinamide in one of their sunscreens so that's true and like i've always said you know having it in your other skincare products is definitely appropriate but if you want a serum i like the first aid beauty one if you want to incorporate it into your moisturizers uh cerave pm has a pretty high concentration of niacinamide and also alpha md sunscreen has a pretty high concentration of niacinamide so pore strips okay to use to remove those tiny little hairs from your skin if that's what the reason you're using them for use it may be once a month once every other month this is not something you want in your daily or weekly skincare routine and if you have blackheads or sebaceous filaments focus on these other ingredients the tiny hairs there's really no other way to remove them other than to tweeze each one of them out individually or use something like a pore strip next up it's time to obliterate jade rollers you know what jade rollers you know i think it depends on your sort of thought process here uh certainly overrated certainly uh this is not up for debate um but the question is whether or not can you use one can you not use one they're actually not the worst thing in the world especially if you're the kind of person that finds the skin care experience to be very important to you and that's okay right like if you're somebody who likes fragrance because of the experience of skin care that's okay too if you like to use jade rollers because you really just like that idea of having this very elegant skincare routine that's okay uh you may be the kind of person that runs for fun i'm not that kind of person you know what i mean there are certain people that like the experience i like the results and so i don't use things for the experience yeah and i'm about effectiveness it's a huge part of why i pick a product and so jade roller is just over promising um it's basically effleurage yeah it's just not with somebody's hands and saffilarage is with lymphatic movement lymphatic drainage and so you know it's good it does move the fluids down to your lymph nodes back to your heart back to the rest of your body yeah but that's as far as i can take a jade ruler right so that's pretty much all it does you know they're very cool to the touch so they can kind of help with puffiness temporarily in the morning you can kind of move it towards your lymphatic so you definitely want to move them outward and then sort of downwards towards where your thoracic inlet is and so this is kind of the deranged patterns of your lymphatics and it can help with puffiness but it's not going to build collagen it's not going to cure acne it's not going to help with rosacea these are all going to be temporary benefits you may be able to help smooth out your skin care products on your skin so they get more even smoothing smooshing smoothing smoothing even smooshing is what we're going for here but really like no long-term benefits definitely something you don't need in your skincare routine if you have one and you like it use it certainly overrated okay so this next one i've decided is like my new favorite enemy it's like his nemesis like he's so mad about this ingredient like i swear like he talked every day just like looks at me and he's like god vitamin e i just hate it like i hate like it's a little aggressive if you ask me but so i think it's because i grew up with this so i actually grew up in like in a totally pure essential oils like oil-based naturopathic household and like there's a discussion we had about that there's a lot of rules for stuff like that but vitamin e in particular it's like the epitome of something with a lot of hype a lot of name recognition um but not only does it underperform it performs poorly and harmfully but there's actually studies out there saying saying that saying that it just doesn't work it doesn't work you know quite frankly so it's actually there's a trend on tick tock at some point of people buying the vitamin e capsules and then using that as like a skincare ingredients and saying that healed acne scars and things like that so definitely over promises it does have some benefit in but in what situations right so vitamin e it can be touted as an antioxidant but first off you have a myriad of antioxidants to choose from like if you rub a blueberry on your face boom antioxidant in a lot of different ways but it's not high in resveratrol yeah vitamin e is not stable it needs help from vitamin c for like acid just to function right so so vitamin e alone not many long-term benefits additionally for stretch marks no benefit i mean this has been proven time and time again vitamin e does not have a benefit for that so definitely overrated if you see it in your skin care ingredients okay to have you know has some antioxidant benefits but you really shouldn't hang your hat on a vitamin e product is having any long-term benefits for the skin all right poor vacuums i feel like i'm poor vacuums you know i feel like i am once a month uh i have to basically tell people not to use poor vacuums on social media like you know people love poor vat games and they're they just they're so fun to watch for people why why is this fun for you guys i mean some people like people like getting all that junk out of the pores and watching it i mean people have gone as far as to put cameras inside of the 4vac game like they need to know what's going inside of the of the vacuum i mean it's just insane it's insanity and um i don't like them in fact i hate them okay okay first i get how it could be satisfying if you're on the receiving end of it like all of a sudden all this gunk comes out of your face there's probably some immediate gratification there but yeah watching it it's just i don't know it's just kind of gross right um but also overall like effectiveness now we'll move on to like something less objective so why do we hate them well what are they doing they're basically lifting out all the junk that's in your pores so that's oil dead skin cells things like this right but they're not solving the under underlying problem which means that they're just going to reaccumulate and they may re-accumulate more rapidly because now you've irritated the skin and basically told it it needs to produce more of what it was producing so it's really just going to trigger something that's going to make your skin worse off in the long run and the other problem is that people just crank the settings up on these things and that actually leads to bruising it can lead to permanent languages which are basically red vessels on the skin and once those form they need to be treated with the laser and so there's no skin care product that can touch those so you can actually permanently damage your skin by using these poor vacuums yeah poor vacuums just ah are they out yet i feel like they've got to be on their way out nope they're they're on the rise more than ever so uh what would you use instead so we're talking about targeting oil glands right so we have to be using our retinoids we have to be using our niacinamide we have to be using i guess that's it salicylic acid right so definitely focus on those products as well and that is going to help you way more in the long run to keep your pores looking nice and slim we will link our video above uh of how to shrink your pores actually but still my favorite video i still think it was our best video it was good it was good it was good and nobody watched it but it was a good video and i liked it i liked it i was proud of it all right this last one is a little bit of the low hanging fruit totally low hanging fruit but i almost didn't include it because it's too easy and just we're just gonna pile on everybody else you know just like kick somebody while they're down you know that's basically what we're doing right now but there's no there's no debate in my mind like toners toners if you're using it this has a very initial if to be used at all now something might be called a toner and it's not really like there's a green tea toner from this company called isn't tree it's a korean company and it's like 90 green tea well the green tea has benefits for the skin and they call the toner but if you use it as like a serum totally fine uh you would see the benefits that you would see with green tea so what is a toner yeah i think that's actually a really important question because now we're getting into branding where they're saying things are what they're really not toners are something that are historically have been used to strip the skins so they're supposed to be used after cleansing to get rid of whatever residues left on your face obviously you can use it after shaving for the same purpose but here's the deal like you've just washed your face you're spending a lot of money sometimes on a high-end facial cleanser that's really effective to begin with and then you're just gonna like try to strip nothing after that right because historically astringents were important because of residue because of ph balance and now that's all out of the way we have very gentle cleansers you don't need a toner um but i swear anytime i post any skincare routine video any top products for anything someone's like what about toner and my answer is you don't need a toner i don't use a toner i've never used a toner other than back when i use proactive and it just tore my skin up so you know if you are using something that is called the toner but it has actives in it salicylic acid for acne green tea for your benefits of green tea which helps with oil whatever at the end of the day there are there are ingredients that are called toners that are really active and those are okay but your classic toners like your pure alcohol extrinsions from neutrogena or the other one the blue one was it called i was talking about sea breeze or whatever yeah i think it was sea breeze if you have a witch hazel toner probably unnecessary the one from procure pro cure makes a very nice fragrance free alcohol-free product look here's the deal i'm neutral on witch hazel as an ingredient but either way regardless how you feel about witch hazel it's not a necessary part of your skincare routine so witch hazel toner unnecessary if you have acne and you're looking you have a salicylic acid thing that is marketed as a toner then it may have benefit to the skin that's why you got to be very deliberate about what you're choosing in your skincare routine and decide whether or not it's actually something that's treating one of the conditions that you're trying to treat and so if you have a toner and you don't know why you're using your toner then maybe you don't need your toner at all and so i actually in my skincare routine i've completely eliminated toner because i don't have a role for toner in my routine so that's our summary of over hyped overrated skin care products things you don't need we'll do a lot more videos like this i think this is just sort of the intro of things that we just get asked about a lot what do you think about this and my answer is some of them can have some benefit some of them can be harmful some of them are totally okay but at the end of the day you don't need any of these things in your skincare routine so if you're budgeting out over-promised under-delivered this list thank you guys so much for tuning in please like comment and subscribe yeah thanks y'all we appreciate all the feedback we appreciate being able to go through this with you [Music] you
Channel: Doctorly
Views: 1,365,492
Rating: 4.9433398 out of 5
Keywords: dermatologist, jade roller, clarisonic, foreo luna, pore vacuum, skin care, retinol, skincare, toner, witch hazel, skincare routine
Id: Pt-Av72djzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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