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hey guys welcome back to my channel so i'm doing another reaction vid because you guys love them so so so so much also shout out to my sweater this is my dad's and i just i love it anyway so today's video is gonna be a little bit different we are heading over to youtube and today i'm going to be reacting to a white woman doing a black child's hair this is actually christy giore christy ghior or chris christie gior i'm not sure how to uh pronounce her name i'm sorry this is actually her i did a little digging because y'all saw this my dm's and told me to react to this it turns out this is actually her adopted daughter so um i think it's really cool all right we're just gonna watch her latest video which is kids protective twists for natural hair for a 4b 4c tips for foster and adoptive parents so yes is this her adopted child or her foster child this is her adopted child so if you guys are excited for this video make sure to give this video a thumbs up and if you're not already subscribed i i feel like you keep coming back i feel like you keep coming back here so i just urge you to subscribe it's free it's free all right let's get into the video okay so first of all i want to say i just kind of just switched it through her content a little bit and she has like so many kids she has so many kids and she is is she a single mom i think it's dope that she adopted black children and i think you know you can adopt whoever you want to adopt it's just you need to be sensitive to their background into their culture and if you're gonna adopt a black child i'm gonna need you to know how to do their hair or i'm gonna need you to go find out and learn how to do their hair so let's get into it let's see what it's hidden for all right let's watch two-strand twist hairstyle on my daughter i am always looking for new styles and i saw something similar but i changed things up and i added my own flavor a little bit of my own style to make it unique to my daughter my girls are growing up fast and i'm slowly transitioning to hairstyles that are a little bit more age appropriate okay first of all let me just start off by saying all right miss mam we're off to a very good start first off this girl is beautiful she has glorious gorgeous hair and i love that the mother put 4a 4b and 4c in the title it's just one of those things where it's like there there's a large discrepancy and a lot of things tips that can work for 4c hair for be hair is more likely than not going to work before a hair too so type just putting type 4 honestly i might start putting type 4 on my videos truthfully like i just feel like i don't know it just encompasses just the broad range of hair types so i love that she did that i mean i can't tell her daughter's hair but it is definitely tightly coiled so i love that she did that um so i want to just note that she started her hair off damp which is and she says she's about to split her hair into four sections all right let's continue leave in conditioner from roots to ends all the way to just put back that moisture automatically because when you shampoo hair we didn't shampoo today but when you shampoo hair it automatically strips let me do this and then i'm going to show you the kind of style i'm going to do and the tools like that brush that i use and the bands that i use and all that [Music] [Applause] foundation make [Music] is doing her thing with her daughter's hair okay she's doing her back miss christy knows how to take care of hair some of some black waters i have to say she is handling this hair beautifully and i love that and i said this before and i just feel like if you're gonna adopt a black child if you're gonna date a black man and have kids with a black man and have biracial kids i'm gonna need you to learn how to deal with african american hair [Applause] [Music] now we're ready to start styling okay so this is the game plan to put it into two different parts come on rat tail call nah chrissy chrissy doing today i'm going to start at the top of her ear here you can do any type of part that you like part it all the way to the other side just a rough part and then i'll go back and clean it up afterwards and make sure it's even this girl's hair is detangled she is putting that rat tail comb through her root and it is effortlessly parting through that's how you know this woman went through and meticulously detangled just part super easily because you've done all that detangling work deep condition just oh my gosh it helps manage and okay i'm gonna move you around in a second okay so we're just gonna part it all the way across i'm gonna start at the top of the ear you can start wherever you like just kind of eyeball it making sure it gets as even as possible and when you pull it apart be gentle this is really speaking to my young spirit like i just this is so beautiful because how like a parent deals with a child's hair that child is gonna internalize this like she's handling it with care she's saying be gentle like yes we have this you know almost kind of negative relationship with their hair sometimes not all of us you know us that are woke there's so much information on the internet about you know natural hair care that i just feel like at this point whether you're black white like there's no reason to be ripping through your child's hair not okay okay there's information let me continue that's good enough let me just clean it up a little bit then i'm gonna go ahead and put this section up because this is the last section that i'm going to style and then i'm going to create some rose i am the type of person who just eyeballs everything i don't really think this is hey so it's coming from inside of your spirits christine you're the one i'm gonna make three rows i'm just gonna eyeball it and separate it with my rat tail comb here and um pin each section up and we'll go from there a little bit i wish i had more of those clips but we've lost all of our clips that is that is that is life does anyone know where their bobby pins go it's like the air just be just it just disappears clips scrunchies like all of them really just be disappearing i'm feeling device from this one so all her hair is moisturized with the leave-in conditioner now i'm going to go through it with oil i ran out of my favorite one which is the carol's daughter goddess strength castor oil i use a lot of oil that's just how i am on her hair because i feel like that's one of the main reasons why her hair is grown so beautifully is because oil again starting from the ends working our way up everything is correct okay everything is called right sis got the tangle teaser first of all if you haven't seen my tangle teaser review and i've done a few of them you would definitely need a tangle teaser in your life like for real like i mean it depends on your hair okay some people really don't like it but generally try the tangle teaser it really be getting your hair together pretty colors in her hair i won't you want to use these colors do you like those okay so i've got this like lavender purple and i've got orange because i like loud colors and i think it's super fun for little girls and i'm going to take advantage of my little girls being young for as long as i can and liking me do that kind of stuff i think this is so cute and even just her asking her daughter like you know getting her involved and asking her which colors do you like and letting the daughter choose like yes girl i'm taking you know little notes for when i have my little chizzy running around my little knucklehead oh this it's cute now i'm gonna go ahead and take some eco gel this is probably one of my favorite gels ever okay i'm gonna go ahead and just do two here i'm gonna take a little bit of that eco gel so as soon as i smooth it out and i like using a little bit of gel on the actual hair as well because um it helps it hold i mean i would have went without the gel but you know this is her daughter's hair at the end of the day so she's going to do what works for her daughter's hair if she feels like it holds in the moisture i please like can i come on contest it's good and then i'm going to take my band and i'm just gonna put it um firmly but not super tight to the scalp and i can be a little bit tighter with these hair ties because they are so gentle on the hair go ahead and do a two strand twist by separating it and twisting it together the gel helps me smooth down all the baby hairs and it really looks nice i see why she's using the gel it's making sense in fact how could i even contest i can't even believe i questioned it how could i ever question [Music] you remove if the hair gets dry have a spray bottle with water handy the beauty of you know christie's channel which i can see when it comes to the internet right everyone likes to see themselves in other people right so she she's gonna have because she's a white woman she's going to have a very large white audience and i'm sure there are a lot of white mothers out there that you know probably have black children whether they're foster or adopted so i'm sure and i'm sure that's what she said she has a very big audience of that so you know they're gonna go to her channel channel and i'm happy that she's actually spreading great information because they don't listen to her they just are like it's human nature to gravitate towards people that look like you i love how she talks to her daughter i i really i i just i noticed it and i it's it's it's really nice to see because like as kids internalize everything like their parents and how their parents interact with them really does shape them so like this is just really it's really nice to see but it's also kind of like i don't know it's interesting because it's really making me like compared to just the normal black experience i'm really excited to see how you know my generation ends up bringing up their kids and although i'm excited i also know there are a lot of women that are still not educated with their natural hair and they're going to they're just gonna ah i just i see what can possibly happen you know how black mom you know how some black moms can be when it comes to our hair and how they treat us and like just the whole thing the experience i know i won't be like that i in fact i pray i can't i just know some others won't have that experience or luxury and it's just anyway i'm just happy to see this so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna do the top i just love the way this feels it feels so good i'm gonna do the top i'm gonna see if i can get you all the way up here and show you i'm gonna start out by parting it as even as i can using nose as a guide all the way down to the first row okay after i part it i'm going to work on one section at a time she is really teaching the girls like i can really see someone that's struggling with doing their daughter's hair or son's hair and just really like she is really spelling it out for y'all okay mama needs a drink you wanna drink here okay snack break i know she needs a drink listen doing hair is not it's not it's not easy and this girl got a head of hair on her and she is and i was something i was gonna uh just mention like she's really taking her time and doing like an actual style on this little girl's hair i'm like i would put that hair up in two pigtails you better wait for a week so the fact that she's taking her time to do this is what i just really needed elia's um style to last me two weeks because we have a super super busy couple weeks coming up and um with four little girls and lots of work to be done around the house and in our backyard and four girls one two three four little girls christy you've tried hey i'm tired for her oh my god i like switching up styles braids twists big sections small sections i alternate to give her parts and her scalp a break and put her in a different style i think that's what contributes to her hair being so nice is me putting in different styles taking the time to alternate the different styles and partings to give her scalp a break let's let's let that let's let's marinate on that for a second because even me right here it's tired doing the same part you'll notice if you tend to do middle parts or you tend to do side parts on the same side you will notice a decrease in hair there because you're pulling on that same area every time christy gior dior you are doing great sweetie okay and this is just wow it's it's a learning lesson because what is everyone else's excuse there's no excuse there really isn't there is enough information on the internet to figure out how to do black hair yeah they're they're just there's no excuse that was amazing that was great shout out to christy for you know doing her thing putting her foot in her daughter's hair it looks superb and i will be taking notes for whenever my future daughter wants to come to me okay all right guys well that's it for this video if you enjoyed it make sure to give this a thumbs up if you're not already subscribed come on you know what to do at this point if you guys have any other videos that you want me to react to make sure to slide into my dms on instagram let me know i'm always down to hear your suggestions and if you guys want to binge watch any other 4c hair videos or reaction videos that i have i'll link my playlist here and in the description box as well so you guys can go binge watch that and i will catch y'all in my next video bye y'all
Channel: Chizi Duru
Views: 2,613,516
Rating: 4.9269223 out of 5
Keywords: chizi duru, chizi duru reaction, tik tok, natural hair, type 4 natural hair, 4c hair, 4b hair, 4a hair, curly hair, black hair, christy gior, adoptive mom, black child white mom
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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