The Hair Color That Will Best Suit Your Skin Tone

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hi there beautiful how are we today you look magnificent thank you for being here today we're doing a little remake I was searching around YouTube for some hair topics today to talk about and I came across well my own channel and I came across a video the hair color that will best suit you and your skin tone / Brad mondo in case you forgot what my name is that was a phase in my youtube life how bad this entire video was I mean okay wasn't bad it was definitely informative it definitely got the point across but it could be done a lot better I want to talk today about how to pick the correct hair color for your skin tone so we're gonna discover today what your skin tone is is it cool warm neutral and what hair color will work perfect for you so if you've ever wondered rad what would you do for a hair color on me well this is gonna help you discover what you should with your hair without me actually telling you even though I would like to give all of you private consultations it's just never gonna happen there's too damn many of y'all almost have 4 million here I mean what how does that happen I'm gonna combine all of the things I touched on in that first video I made two years ago about this topic and combined some new ideas and simplify it a lot that way you can get a better understanding of what skin tone you have and what hair color will suit you best so the first question is are you cool are you warm or are you neutral let's get it started let's get into things let's first break down what warm cool and neutral is let's go over cool toned skin first what is cool toned it doesn't mean you're like cool though you can have cool toned skin and be really cool that just like makes you double cool think of cool tones as stormy weather so what do you see when you're seeing a storm happen you're seeing a lot of Blues a lot of Purple's rays you're seeing all those kind of cold colors okay that is cool tones and then the opposite of cool would be warm so warm is a warm sunny day I mean that's pretty simple you can think of a our day what are you seeing outside you're seeing the Sun you're seeing that yellow Sun or reflect off of everything you're seeing orange you're maybe seeing peach in the sunset you're seeing all those warm colors that just make you want to like live your best life and get a tan and like oh they're very comfy colors okay also think of a fire even though that's not in the summer weather a fire is warm it keeps you warm get it warm is warm the same colors that make you feel warm represent what warm is now neutral is even simpler than those two because if you already know what those two are then you know what neutral is it's a combination of both cool and warm boom so when you're thinking of neutral you can think of kind of fall weather because you see the leaves that are all red and orange and yellows and then you see the sky which can sometimes be cloudy and gray and purples and blues but they're all together they're all coexisting and it makes one big storm of neutral neutral is a mix of warm and cool cool tones exists in the winter warm tones in the summer and neutral exists in between in the fall so now that we have added quite basic understanding of what cool warm and neutral is let's figure out what your skin tone is what are those three are you now I liked it first do a few tricks to kind of figure this out this is just some fun stuff you can do at home to look at your own body and figure out which one you are but we'll go through a lot of different ways so just to start off we'll talk about your veins and I know what you're thinking you're like Brad what dub good as veins have to do with any of us and I'm here to tell ya it sort of has some stuff to do with this so if you look at your wrist right here and you look really close at your veins you will see the color of your veins vaguely if you have blue or purple veins you most likely have cool skin if you have green or olive veins you're most likely warm and if you have blue or green you can still be on that sliding scale of neutral so that'll tell you if you're kind of leaning on the cooler side or the warm side there's no real way of seeing if you have neutral skin tone with your because that would be like a combination of the both and usually our veins are not a combination of two different colors that would be cool so the next trick we can add on top of that one so now that you have that knowledge you're like oh I think I've cooled on the skin well the next question is does gold jewelry or silver jewelry look better on you do you usually find yourself leaning towards one of the other silver jewelry is cool or as gold jewelry is warm so if silver looks good on you and you have blue veins you're probably got some cool skin and vice versa if you have green veins and you like gold a lot maybe you are extremely more maybe next you can also look in the mirror at your own skin at your face alright take a white piece of paper holds up to your face does your face look yellow next to the white piece of paper or does it look more a pink toned next to the paper or red if you look more golden you are warm if you look more red and pink you're more cool toned if you're seeing a combination of both with your neutral so those are just a few tricks you can use in order to figure out if your cool want more neutral now you can also look at your genetics do you tan easily if you got in the Sun are you gonna come back home with just a beautiful golden tan no real redness like you're just gonna be so sunkissed and golden and so beautiful or are you gonna go in the Sun and come back with just red skin burnt to a crisp not cute looking is that you because you're probably a cool-toned if you said you are the first one where you come back home with that beautiful golden sunkissed skin then you're probably warm and lastly you can check out your eye color if you have blue eyes grayish eyes deep brown eyes for green eyes you're most likely cool toned if you have brown hazel eyes or honey looking eyes then you're probably warm toned and then neutral is just a mixture of all different kinds so if you're at this point and you haven't decided if you're cool or warm yet you're most likely neutral if you think silver jewelry gold really looks great on you if you have warm skin but your blue eyes all these kinds of opposites going on you're most likely right in the middle with our neutral fast so now that you have all of that beautiful wonderful knowledge about all different skin tones let's move on to some fun let's have some fun we're gonna play a game alright we're gonna play a game where you choose the skin tone alright so we're gonna have all three options cool warm and neutral you're gonna see a picture of a celebrity and you're gonna choose which out of those three the celebrity is are they cool warm or neutral pretty easy the stakes are very high I don't know what the stakes are yet so do your best okay I will be playing with you okay here we have miss Giselle Bundchen she is hot and a very pretty woman um looking at this picture do you think miss Giselle is cool warm or neutral I'll give you a second for this one okay give your answer what is it I don't hear you if you chose warm you would be correct congratulations and if you didn't choose warm well best of luck next time Giselle is warm you see her rocking a lot of gold all the time and it really makes her look like she's glowing from within I mean she has a supermodel and she is absolutely stunning but the clothing helps too okay and the hair color and everything else going on with this girl okay so she's warm tone let's move on to the next one [Music] okay now we have miss Katy Perry whoa hey Katy yeah you do and my question to you is is Katy Perry cool Gorem can you try you take a guess and let me know if you guessed cool you'd be correct she has cool tone skin why you ask well if you look at pictures like this one where the warm colored hair does not quite flatter her face you would know well she's probably not a warm girl because that doesn't look very good and if you look at a picture like this with her with dark hair and you're like wow how does she look so healthy and vibrant well she has cool skin she also has a very pale complexion she has pink undertones all adding up to cool skin let's move on to the next one up next we have MS Jennifer Aniston oh hey girl you looking good so let's check her out look up real close get in there figure out what's going on and let me know if she has cool warm on neutral skin so the correct answer would be neutral it's neutral she's has neutral skin you know you're seeing some pink undertones in her cheeks you're seeing warmth in her hair you're seeing her roots are kind of an ash tone you're seeing a blue eyes you're also seeing a glimpse of some gold jewelry that actually looks great on her so you're seeing a lot of combinations of warm hair jewelry cool eyes cool skin a little bit of glowing yellow coming through her skin you're seeing a lot of things mixed together which makes her neutral she's part of the neutral gang okay now let's do a speed round let's get through the rest of these [Music] up next we have Miss Anne Hathaway is she warm is she cool is she neutral we'll find out today on Brad mando's game show of Ken you picked the skin tone what do you think she is leave your answer if you guessed cool you would be correct Anne Hathaway has cool tone skin she's a very pale girl she's a lovely looking girl she's got pink undertones she's always rocking the dark hair it looked great on her moving on let's talk about our girl Beyonce katka got cap do you think Miz Knowles has warm cool or neutral skin I'll give you a second you have your answer me too if you guessed warm you would be come back and if you didn't guess that Walton get better next time I'm pretty sure you can see why she's warm she has this very rich skin with oranges and yellow undertones she has this warm hair all the time she rocks the color of gold she's a warm gal okay now up next we have Jessica Alba oh do you think Jessica Alba has cool warm or neutral skin you'd be the judge and then I'll let you know if you're right or wrong you have your answer okay cool if you guessed cool warm if you guess warm you would be correct I got you on that one didn't I she has warm skin if you look at her hair always rocking the caramel Browns it's always some kind of yellowy orange undertones in her hair her skin always looks like she just laid out for the perfect amount of time in the Sun and got that beautiful sunkissed glow she has these beautiful brown eyes warm warm warm up next we have Selena Gomez is she cool warm or neutral if you guessed neutral you'd be correct neutral is definitely a tricky one I know I know you're probably like what or you're just really smart you know like a that was neutral des hommes but you can see Selena rocking warm hair warm highlights on a cool tone base she might have dark hair with a lot of cool undertones like blues and purples and then she might have highlights that are very warm and it all seems to go together and work out for her it always looks great her skin you can see slight tints of yellow you can see a lot of pink on her cheeks there's a lot of different elements mixed together creating this a new vibe she has going on she's neutral up next we have miss Kerry Washington is she cool warm or is she neutral if you guessed neutral you'd be correct thank you so sometimes carry rocks the dark brown hair I don't see a whole lot of warmth behind her skin I do see slight tints of pink and then you see her rocking you know this super warm look sometimes this golden hair she has golden brown and you see a lot of warmth coming through her skin every other picture she's wearing you know a cool toned lip and it looks great a very pink cool tone and then you see her rocking some warm hair and some other pictures you see her rocking yellows and pinks and all different kinds of colors that don't really go together meaning she has a neutral skin she is a neutral gal and lastly let's check out Miz Reese Witherspoon does she have cool neutral or warm skin if you guessed school you'd be correct you can check out her eye color she's blue eyes you can see in her cheeks she has that pink undertone you can see here in her hair color she often looks best in a cool tone blonde in my opinion when she's more of a yellow blonde I don't think it looks as good on her she looks very sleek and gorgeous with the cool toned hair so she's a cool girl so that's the end we we even cut it on the game show but the game show it's it's that's it for the game show thank you for for um for joining me let me know what your score what was did you do good did you do absolute flop on that either way thank you for participating um even though you actually didn't sign up for this game show but now we're back to the YouTube video we went out way for a game show and we're back now that we have so much knowledge about all different skin tones we've become better at understanding skin tones and what they mean and how to discover which skin tone you have or which skin tone your friends or family has well now we can tell you what hair color will best suit you now that we got a kind of through the hard part this is the absolute easiest part I mean you've probably discovered what her color look best you pretty much just match your skin color so if you're warm you wear warm hair colors you already know what warm hair colors are so if you're in the blonde range that's a golden blonde if you're in the Browns you're gonna want a very warm rich brown with undertones of reds and oranges and yellows things to really warm you up keep you cozy you can also have warm Reds where they have coppers oranges as undertones so it's gonna keep it very bright bring out that warmth in your skin on the flip side of that if you ended up with cool toned skin and you want to be blonde opt for a blonde that has very a she undertone so think of like blues I know it's like hard to picture a blonde head of hair with blue undertones but I mean here's of course picture examples of what I'm talking about but blue undertones doesn't really mean like you're seeing blue just think of a lack of warmth right so if you're not seeing any yellow undertones you're seeing blue you're not seeing it like my shirt blue tones do exist they exist in order to cancel out those yellow tones and make it kind of a pure white look a little bit of a cast of blue that's what makes it really I see a cool tone blonde would be great a cool tone Brown so Browns where you're not seeing any of that warmth shine through you're not seeing any oranges or reds which is very easy to see through with browns because Brown has a lot of red and orange in it so instead you know the colors will have an ash undertone which is a blue which is gonna cancel out all those oranges and leave you with a cool toned Brown that will look great if you have cool toned skin and then if you want to go really dark you can do a jet black with blue undertones so a true black is more on the cool tone scale and then lastly if you want red hair well you can do red with purple undertones purple is cool toned and you can have red hair mixed with that purple tone and I'll give you a lovely cool toned red and now for neutral you can rock any color the neutral scale right is a little bit gray so when I describe people with skin tones when I look at that and they ask me if they're cool neutral or warm and I somewhat feel like they're neutral well then I'll often say like oh well you're neutral cool or you're neutral warm so they are neutral but they have a bit more warmth than coolness going on because I don't really think anybody's completely neutral they're always kind of on one side or another but they can still rock any color at the same time depending on their makeup and what they have going on and their whole look so neutral blondes that can wear you know a balayage moment where the top is a cool brown the bottom has these beautiful painted highlights that are very warm you can wear a sort of beige blonde where it's not cool it's not warm it's just right in the middle or a champagne blonde or go with any cool or warm color it'll compliment you either way a warmer color will bring out the warmer tones in your neutral skin or a cooler color will bring out your cool tones in your neutral skin now of course if you don't want any natural looking color or whatever you can also do fashion colors so if you have warm skin you can do bright red bright orange you can do bright yellow you know anything in that warm family if you've cool toned skin you can do Purple's you can do blues you can do greens and then neutral go wild do whatever the hell you want cuz it'll probably look good anyways alright so that concludes my lesson today on what hair color will best suit your skin tone however take everything I say with a grain of salt because well we had this lovely thing called makeup where you can change your skin tone like that you can go from cool to warm warm to cool cool or warm to neutral like that very quickly so if you're a warm skin person you want to rock that purple color put some makeup on that complements the purple color wear a cool tone makeup and vice versa so you can really play around have fun with it don't take this too damn seriously these are just the kinds of rules we put in place just to help people figure out what is the most optimal hair color for them by no means do you have to stick to what I say do whatever makes you feel good and whatever makes you happy and that is the best thing to do so I hope you accumulated a lot of knowledge today about your skintone go and help your family and friends figure out what there is is it's always a fun thing to do be like come here let me look at your face yeah you're warm you're warm girl and they're like I am what does that mean like what color hair should I have and you can just like tell them and it's like fun you know or just like to send this video it's a fun little trick to be able to figure out what color skin tone you have it's great in all areas of life not just figuring out what hair color you should have it also helps with what jewelry you should be wearing what makeup you should be wearing it helps with what kind of a wardrobe should you have so many things can be cleared up just by knowing if you have cool warm or neutral skin don't forget to follow me on instagram twitter and tik-tok I've brought mondo NYC follow my hair care brand X mondo hair for beautiful fabulous amazing air products they're all linked below also shopping out baby that is all for today thank you so much for watching don't forget to live your extra life and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 9,110,656
Rating: 4.9144888 out of 5
Keywords: The Hair Color That Will Best Suit Your Skin Tone, bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, hair color for fair skin, the best hair color for me, how to choose hair color, hair color for olive skin, hair color for medium skin, hair color for dark skin, hair color for blue eyes, hair color, hair color for brown eyes, color chart, beauty school, hair color for green eyes, hair color ideas, fall hair color, winter hair color, spring hair color, diy hair color
Id: jH72i-3gPPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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