How To Cure Dry Scalp, Dandruff And Psoriasis With Dr.Mike

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hi beautiful today we're talking about some really fun stuff which is all kinds of scalp issues scalp care has been very trendy right now every hair care brand is coming out with scalp stuff and things to hydrate your scalps things to exfoliate your scalps and everything in between if you have any scalp issues today is your day we're going through them all we're breaking them down and by we i mean dr mike and i i don't want to give you guys medical advice on something i don't know about so i invited dr mike over to better explain these things and just uncover some truths and some lies about each topic we're gonna go over some naturopathic naturopathic things what am i saying naturopathic treatments guys that's what it is and some things you can buy in the store to help treat your scalp issues i'm gonna grab dr mike let's do it [Music] hey beautiful i mean dr mike welcome to the channel today we'll be talking about a dandruff dry scalp and psoriasis you're gonna help the common peoples understand these three things and we're gonna decipher what is the differences between them all and how do you treat them yeah there's so much overlap there's so much confusion i'm suffering with some dry scalp dandruff myself so we are the common people all right let's do it we're going to start with going over the differences between dry scalp dandruff and psoriasis what's interesting of all three of them the symptoms are quite similar i'm gonna see flaking although they're gonna be different size flakes for different conditions itchiness redness of the scalp so it's really important to distinguish which one of these three conditions it is because the treatments are somewhat different when it comes to dry scalp we're simply talking about dryness of that skin layer that's it there's nothing else going on okay when we're talking about dandruff we're actually talking about a medical condition called cyboriatic dermatitis i know so boreatic dermatitis that's good look at that i'm about to give an honorary doctorate degree right now we only have theories as to why dandruff happens right either too much oil production by your scalp because there are hair follicles and there's oil glands that naturally occur there but if you have too much it can become a problem there's a lot of turnover so you're flaking another thing that could happen there's actually fungi that live on our scallops and our skin that's normal the fungi the fungi have to be there i'm a fun guy and these fungi the specific one is malassezia furfer and these fungi actually live naturally and it's fine but when we have an overgrowth of them they actually release this compound this acid that creates irritation of the scalp and what's interesting it actually ties into that oil thing that we talked about earlier because if you have a lot of oil that fungi actually eat that oil and that's why they create that product so perhaps both are true and then the final one is you said psoriasis yes that's an autoimmune condition where your own body is actually creating inflammation and you get plaques you get the same flaking but with a lot of redness and the thing to keep in mind with psoriasis is it's not limited to the scalp if it's happening it potentially can be happening in other areas of your body and internally as well it's possible that this high inflammatory state can be going on in your blood vessels in your joints you have to monitor it basically and you have to have a doctor on board for that i brought some goodies oh first we have an oldie but i guess a goodie yeah head and shoulders clinically proven to help restore scalp's natural moisture infused with almond oil pyrothione that was good it has two functions one it has some anti-fungal activity for that melazaza that yeast but it also helps with the decreasing of flaking it makes sense why this specific product has been so successful over the years and this one you could use more often than with some of the other treatments that when we talk about dandruff or psoriasis you don't want to be using them too often too many times a week whereas this you could use as your sort of daily or every other day shampoo this would be like really targeted towards dandruff but also help with some dry scalp as well especially like this one has an oil in it i think when you're using any kind of these natural oils whether it's almond oil coconut oil tea tree oil it's really important to know that it works well for dry scalp and some cases of dandruff you have dandruff caused by too much oil production and then you're putting more oil that can make the problem worse so my recommendation to my patients is if they have moderate to severe dandruff is to not use any kind of oil get it checked out first just because your scalp looks dry it doesn't mean you have the lack of oil the eggs actually on your scalp it's so counterintuitive yeah like how the body works in blue selenium sulfide one percent helps prevent and eliminate itchy scalp and visible flakes works well for dandruff specifically because you have anti-fungal activity antibacterial activity as well as that decreasing of skin turnover for a sales and blue product if we read the instructions i'm almost positive that it'll say to not use it daily for best results use at least twice a week or as directed by a doctor so that's why you're the doctor that one can be a little bit more harsh and if you overuse these products you could actually create another problem so like you don't want to be overusing these specific ones oh the fancy one is it fancy they just can't do it because wait until i tell you the ingredient you're going to be like there's no way that's angry it controls redness intense itching and flaking of severe scalp conditions dandruff psoriasis seborrheic dermatitis which cyborg dermatitis is very similar to dandruff if not the same thing ready for the main ingredient yes coal tar and what is that right you would think like coal tar do i want that on my scalp actual coal it's actual coleslaw mixed with tar well i don't know like how they mix it chemically speaking but this is a product that i wouldn't use for just simple dry scalp this is something that i would use for psoriasis or cyboriatic dermatitis also you don't want to use this daily but again similar mechanism of action some anti-fungal activity some um cytostatic activity which means again decreased cell turnover do you like using fancy terms because it makes sense yeah and you went to medical school so you have to use fancy three i use i like i learned that i spent time learning so i'm like i'm just gonna i find it interesting that all the ones we just went over have different active ingredients yeah i didn't know there was different levels to it well just like when you go look for a pain reliever let's say an over-the-counter pain reliever you have so many options you have ibuprofen naproxen they're different but in reality they all accomplish the same goal so this is doing the same thing some of them are better for other purposes like the head and shoulders is the daily one the sell some blue is the one you have to use twice a week for dandruff this is really like the go-to for psoriasis treatment does a good job for mild psoriasis cases because unfortunately we have no cure for psoriasis or dandruff we only have treatments so symptom control i have no idea what this is ever clean this is salicylic acid it says anti-dandruff shampoo for relief of itching and scalp flaking associated with dandruff psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis and the main ingredient is salicylic acid like i just said 1.8 i've battled with acne when i was growing up and i would use some of those um you know the pads that you could use i forgot they were called yes one of their main ingredients was salicylic acid as well because it basically breaks down that superficial layer of skin the medical term is corrado lytic corrado is the skin layer lytic means it's breaking through when you have psoriasis and you have a build up of these dead skin cells this can help break through in fact when dermatologists like make their own products and they compound different formulas they put this plus some of the other ingredients in the other ones yeah salicylic acid is actually found in a bark of a tree and some leaves so technically i mean i don't know how they made this specific product but if you're extracting it you can get salicylic acid naturally i love a good natural treatment yes a lot of folks will look at a label and sometimes get worried because there's long names and a lot of those are like perfectly safe and we should not be scared of all chemicals because chemical carries like a bad connotation or like even toxin that like people like oh it's a toxin if we're being honest like water can be a toxin right so it's the dose that makes the toxin we are moving on to naturopathic treatments really important for everyone at home to know natural does not always equate to safe first up we have tea tree oil which is a common treatment atrial has really good evidence for it like decent evidence for mild daily yeah wow it is uh antifungal i was always like an irritant though salicylic acid is an irritant but it also helps shed off that you know layer of skin that's unhealthy so it helps remove some of that flakes allows the healthy scalp to come up so tea tree oil has some of the same benefits and it's the one that actually has some clinical research behind it it also helps with itchiness like because the last thing you want to do when you have any of these conditions is scratch because you could actually do more damage and then it takes longer for it to heal and tea tree oil can help relieve some of that itchiness up next we have something that i've talked about a lot on my channel which is coconut oil okay i hate people put coconut oil into everything and people that love it refuse to believe that it's not good for you what do you think about it yeah so coconut oil is a great moisturizer out of the three conditions we have coconut oil can potentially work and it can help moisturize however for the dandruff where we said too much oil production you throw coconut oil in there now you could be making your condition worse it really depends on what's going on and what your diagnosis is in general have the claims surrounding coconut oil been overblown yeah i would say so i also heard that it kind of puts a film on your skin and doesn't allow more moisture to come in is that true for some people yes um it really depends on the natural state of your skin if your skin senses that it's already well hydrated it could potentially shut down some of its moisture producing properties if you try and overdo something your body will just decrease the amount that it produces so you can't really trick your body into over performing moving on to aloe vera one of my favorites not only uh for scalp health i also love it for sunburn that along with tea tree oil probably has the best evidence behind working for dandruff because it is moisturizing it is having antioxidant properties anti-inflammatory properties it's a good choice for a lot of people so this is like where natural product shines apple cider vinegar this is my arch nemesis oh no this is my art sounds because my patients think that apple cider vinegar treats everything it's not a miracle thing like i want it to be but like i didn't go to medical school for 10 years and just prescribe apple cider vinegar to everybody like i wish it was that simple there's very little proof in fact a lot of people like to tote apple cider vinegar as being anti-inflammatory there's no evidence for that it's unbelievable that people can just it's marshall it's marketing yeah and it becomes a big thing well look like i say sometimes complicated words like cytostatic right if you start throwing in those words along with apple cider vinegar people can be like i don't really understand it but this person sounds smart they're using complex language and people unfortunately get tricked by these marketers that's actually why i even wanted to start my youtube channel was because i wanted to educate people so that they don't get tricked into false theories like this and it doesn't mean apple cider vinegar is evil or bad it just means that the claims that come with it that people say that cures all these things it's just not realistic okay so i wrote down a treatment plan that i thought of before you came today that i would do if i had one of these issues the first thing would be a healthy diet everything starts with a healthy diet yeah and a healthy diet means something different for everybody there's no one magical solution that works well for everyone i wrote down veganism in particular are you vegan yes i don't know how much it's helped because i've done a lot of other things also before you were vegan what kind of diet were you following it was a lot of alcohol a lot of partying which also i'm sure it contributed to this skin issues then i would go home and like eat a bag of chips and chocolate and like ice cream and chicken and so it was just oh that would not contribute to a healthy scalp what you switch from is just as important as what you switched to let's say you were eating a healthy plant-based diet like a mediterranean-style diet where you had some chicken or some fish and then you switched to veganism would you have seen all those positive effects that's true but switching from the lifestyle you were going there because veganism really is a lifestyle it's not just the types of foods you eat so the fact that you changed up your lifestyle completely that makes veganism really powerful and for some people that works really well and i never forced it upon patients because it's very specific lifestyle in general trying to increase the amount of fruits and vegetables plants in your diet is really important because we're under eating those yeah from a fiber standpoint from a vitamin standpoint that will all help to scalp you feel better in general um whether or not you have to eliminate certain foods that's really individual dependent so my next thing is easy i think drink water i think that's compatible with life no because if you're truly dehydrated that alone can cause dry skill your body will literally take the hydration from areas that are not vital to your life your circulation is very vital if you don't have enough blood flow and blood is made up of a lot of water you will lose your blood pressure you will not get vital circulation to your brain your kidneys your liver emma never drinks water well emma you got to drink water i literally do not drink water because your body's made up of pretty much water and you need it for your scalp and your health you wonder why your scalp is dry sometimes it's looking pretty good lately what are you doing water it was just really dry that one time it really was like my scalp never dry well you know what another thing that causes dry scalp sometimes and this may or may not be what happened to you is something known as contact dermatitis where you use a product a cream you wore a hat or something that had a reaction to your skin just like how it would happen on your regular skin but it happens on your scalp and it can cause that flaking dryness but as soon as you remove that product it goes away that's why i think uh one of your recommendations that i've heard you say in the past is to not use scented products and scented products can cause that contact dermatitis uh then i have unscented shampoo that is well balanced and does not provide too much moisture but just enough because too much moisture can throw off the balance of your skin is what i wrote before he came here today okay we talked about that right because like you over supplement your body your body a bit all right we're good so we won't do our own thing um yeah completely i'm impressed with myself i said use a boar bristle brush to distribute oils and exfoliate scalp is that gonna be too harsh or is that okay so you just need to be gentle when you do do it because some exfoliation is okay and in fact when you brush your scalp you're actually increasing circulation to the air you're removing the dead skin cells but if you do it too much or too rough you can actually cause damage or make the problem worse but the board bristle brush is good for distributing those oils because imagine if you have excess oil in the scalp and you distribute it evenly throughout your hair now you're getting nice looking hair and you're removing it off your scalp so that fungi can't get to it do not pick at your scalp which is pretty self-explanatory self-explanatory but people do it a lot yeah and you can't blame them like they feel something there or they want to get it off but the more you pick the more it's going to get worse it's really like it's almost like chicken pox it's addicting the more you scratch the more it grows lastly have patience healing takes time did you put that in because i treat patients yes okay yeah absolutely healing takes time like even over-the-counter treatments they take weeks to work so people think like i use this product and it didn't go away it will never go away off a single time so like dry scalp is probably one that will go away quickest if it was caused by a product that you got rid of now is healing or if you just needed some moisturizing and you solved that problem it can go away as well but dandruff psoriasis those are the ones are going to take some time to treat so yeah absolutely be patient i love that so like even if your diet change or your water intake doesn't affect your scalp the next day it could happen months down the line what do you think about that treatment plan of mine i think it's amazing i think you're focusing on the right things the things that are within your control a lot of times when we're sick whether it's with your scalp or anything in our bodies we lose control so taking back control and using the things that we have at our everyday disposal is awesome would you like to add anything if it's moderate to severe get a doctor's opinion on what you should go with that's just because we have to say that well no i don't want a patient going through a month's worth of treatment when they have truly severe psoriasis and also with psoriasis you want to make sure they're health in general as well so unless it's mild to moderate that you can safely usually do at home but anything to moderate to severe you want to start getting an expert's opinion on what grade would you give that oh hey that's perfect yeah that's about that past medical school yeah absolutely naturopathic medical oh okay perfect so dr mike thank you so much for coming on here and helping people that are suffering from dry scalp psoriasis and dandruff yeah the most common one they're not life threatening they're not pleasant and they're annoying but they're dealable and you can have some options at your disposal because look at that list brad just gave you and if you guys want to subscribe to dr mike of course it's right down below he's very entertaining and he talks about a lot of issues on his channel medical issues even reacts to doctor things on tv on dr mike's channel also i'll be reacting to his hair care routine and pictures of things he's done with his hair so i'm sorry i'm apologizing i will be roasting him so check that out it is also linked below well there you have it you guys those are all the ways to treat your scalp issues well not all of them but some major things that a lot of people do that i wanted to highlight hopefully that helps you out deciphering which treatment best for you and which maybe won't work at all if you do have any scalp issues that are lasting and they will not go away like dr mike said please see a physician and get that checked out make sure you guys subscribe right down below if you're not already click the bell icon and the like to stay notified when i post videos and just to be nice checking a like button is always cool you know this is my phone number you guys can text and yes i really do get all your messages and yes i do respond to a few of you guys every day so text away here all my social media handles make sure you guys follow me everywhere else here they all are check it out check out x model hair at we just released four brand new products their shampoos and conditioners and they are stunning and thank you guys for purchasing it's been incredible i really appreciate it link below also you can check us out at xmodelhair on instagram to learn more today's instagram shout out goes to alexia she says hey i have a question i have light brown hair and for about two years i've had blonde and faded tips and i'm honestly so bored of it i came to ask you some tips about how i should dye it or how i should cut it but i need something that is appropriate for school because i have a strip school i think that you should keep the color or just brighten it up just a tad bit with some balayage highlights but cut it short i think that'll be the change you're looking for and i think it'd be very school appropriate so try it out that's all for today guys thank you so much for watching don't forget to live your extra life and i'll see you next time bye guys [Music] uh [Music]
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 2,657,974
Rating: 4.9588957 out of 5
Keywords: bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, How To Cure Dry Scalp, Dandruff And Psoriasis With Dr.Mike, Dr.Mike, how to treat dandruff, how to treat dry scalp, how to treat psoriasis, scalp conditions, doctor, how to treat dandruff, dandruff removal, dandruff shampoo, dandruff treatment at home, how to get rid of dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, dandruff scratching, dandruff treatment, advice, skin, dandruff causes, dermatologist, dr. nita, drew ordon, itchy scalp, skincare, healthy, tips
Id: hnaSkcJWBLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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