Pro Hairdresser Tests Cheap Drugstore Conditioner

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hi beautiful today we're testing drugstore conditioners previously we had tested drugstore shampoos i found out some really interesting things while trying the shampoos out it was quite mind-blowing and um intriguing if you guys want to see that video of me testing drugstore shampoos it is linked below but today is focused on conditioners we're going to try and find a conditioner today that is very inexpensive and affordable that maybe i can approve of and be okay with you using we're not setting the bar too high it's way down low but it's gonna be fine i have four different brands right beside me that emma snatched up from the local drugstore how did you find these recommended by somebody oh yeah these were like the most sought out conditioners so she did some investigation work with her little fingers and found the top four most commonly bought conditioners to hydrate your hair today we'll be testing dove herbal essence tresemme and ogx all these conditioners i'll be using today are hydrating i want to see what the big difference is beforehand and after hand on these hair strands i'll be testing it on so hydrating seemed to be the best and easiest way to figure that out i'm excited let's get testing and let's see which conditioner ranks supreme let's do it [Music] okay up first we have here we go we have dove can you see it oh there it is i saw this packaging in the last video but it is 100 recycled and we kind of love that however it's definitely not the cutest thing in the world if you're going for like oh man i want to have like a chic conditioner this ain't your thing i do like the snap cap really cute this is cruelty free which we love and support and we fully fully want that in every product please this is 12 fluid ounces which is pretty much average that's a good amount of product i appreciate that this product retails for 5.29 very affordable in my opinion dove conditioner with buyer nourish contains a blend of hair strengthening nutrients and a unique blend of micro nourishing complex that instantly smooths even the most damaged hair is that true i wonder what they put in here to make that happen so the ingredient list says water some of us know that one you know you know that one well you don't really drink any water you probably you probably don't know so we also uh have here cetera alcohol which is totally normal we have this long one that says stereo middle propyl dimethylene mean which from our quick research just a additive that makes water and oil go together and it's also good for hair and protects it fragrance very high on the list which we found last time to with the shampoo and it really makes the scent last on your hair so if you like a lasting really really strong scent this is your girl so i also see lactic acid on here which is weird because i know that's inside your body but i've never seen it in a conditioner um it apparently uh maintains the ph level of your hair which i do appreciate that other than that we have coconut oil which you guys know what coconut oil is i don't really love coconut oil but at least we have an oil in here we also have arginine in here which is an amino acid and that is found in keratin so that's great too not the worst ingredient list i'm actually a little intrigued okay now for the smell test it's very overpowering and it smells like candy like sour candy which i love i would eat this for sure i just wouldn't want that lingering scent on my hair maybe that's just me i don't know okay let's touch it now listen it definitely feels very slippery and smooth and my finger feels hydrated it's not sticky it feels nice it's very slippery it feels very moisturizing and the scent is obviously very overpowering like i said 100 times okay let's test this out so just let you guys know to make this hair really really dry and crispy that way we can see how effective this moisturizing conditioner is we washed this twice with dawn dish soap so it is feeling really drying nasty we're gonna dip this in the water and we'll get a little bulb and we will comb this through the hair with our hands the scent is is in my face it is there i mean dove guys it feels soft it feels nice so let's just do that i'll do a little dunkaroo and get that off of there it feels slippery and nice um can't tell much yet but let's move on to the next product up next we have whoa where did that come from herbal essence i like the presentation only because the inner stuff in here is blue and i love a colored conditioner i just think it adds the experience and it's really fun other than that it's a pretty basic bottle but it is a custom bottle and they have a little herbal essence on the top of this and i like a custom moment um this is a hello hydration conditioner zero percent parabens mineral oil this says revel in lush aromas this bottle is recycled also dope it's cruelty free dermatologist tested i love it made with zero waste i mean it's pretty impressive this is 11.7 fluid ounces and this retails for 6.29 all right the ingredient list is very short i did notice that uh it says water cool again awesome bentronomium chloride which is a pretty common ingredient that we use in some of our conditioners and it is an anti-static ingredient totally okay with that obviously it's anterior alcohol normal we have coconut oil which i keep repeating this but i'm not the biggest fan of you know if you are go with it there's also corn extract in here and we've been researching it and we can't find out what the hell it is or why it's in here honestly we found something about bedwetting if you have a bed wetting issue maybe this is the conditioner for you we have some flour extract we have some fragrance perfume and some dye totally normal let's smell it this one definitely smells like coconut is much better than the previous one the dove one it's a lot less scent and the perfume is actually really low on the list herbalism has really been like doing something for me lately it's kind of weird let's give it a feel oh it is really blue it's funny because on your fingers you can actually feel it like filling in the dryness and it makes it really slippery and soft on your fingers i actually do like this and it's not sticky and it's not too thick i enjoy it now let's give this a test on a hair strand a little dungaroo a little dollop it feels nice very detangling the smell is stronger on the hair than in the bottle it also makes my hands a little tingly my hands are gonna be so moisturized after this i'm gonna let this dry and let's move on to the next conditioner up next we have tresemme is there like thing trust me trust me yeah the bottle to me is heinous why is it a triangle i just hate that the cap isn't the same color as the front of the bottle it's like gold and then bronze anyways presentation really lacks for me tresemme used by professionals where this says ultimate hydration with moisture complex uh it's a system for long-lasting hydration it is a recycled plastic it is not cruelty free that i see here which is really sad give your hair the hydration it needs to restore life back to your locks our moisture complex with ceramides infuses each strand with an intense boost of dehydration locking it in to leave your hair feeling soft and smooth after each use ceramides are really cute really trendy really nice and a great thing to add to your conditioner this is 22 fluid ounces and it retails for 6.79 that is a lot of product for a little amount of money wow to make something that cheap and have that much in a bottle you must be cutting some corners i mean you just have to or you're making a cent per product i don't know what they're doing but they're probably just selling a lot of them and making a very low commission on them i may never know looking at the ingredient list here it says water we have some cetera alcohol we have ceramides in here which is great for moisture retention to help fix damaged hair you can find that in skincare also i see lysine on here which helps collagen production kind of cute ingredients and again we have arginine and lactic acid i do like these ingredients it seems to be a little bit more elaborate than a previous two conditioners we just reviewed it's like enough ingredients it's not too much time for the smell test actually this is like the most intense part of all because they never smoke it so let's see what happens here okay definitely better than the dove one i don't hate this it still smells like sour candy but it's like a little bit less sour than the dove one it's not the worst it smells very clean but definitely like overpowering clean also the fragrance it's in the middle of the list pretty average place to put it not too much not too little now let's put on my fingertip and let's test it out this one feels a little more runny than the other two this is a little thinner but still pretty much feels the same let's give this a shot on a hair strand and let's see what happens all right let's do a little dunkaroo let's do a little dollop the scent is strong but nice it's not the worst scent feels quite like the other ones let's do a little dunker to get this off i mean this one feels extra slippery all right we'll dry that up and let's move on to the next conditioner all right up next we have ogx which actually stands for organics believe it or not some people don't know that some people do some people are shocked by that i was one of those people who were shocked by that i had no idea we have coconut milk conditioner like the coconut thing it's really a lot people get so obsessed with a particular product every year and it's funny to me because people don't even know if it's actually good for them they just use it because everybody else is using it coconut oil is one of those things that i really don't love at all i actually hate coconut oil personally but you do your own research on that the bottle is actually really cute i do like it i think it's a little more trendy and new i like that the cat matches the front of the bottle i like they put the main ingredients in the front and try to get you to understand the product better i like the roundness of it it seems very easy to squish so cool and i like a little flip cap this says sulfate free not test on animals love love love and it's all about recycling we love that too it says why you want it it's like a trip to the tropics in a bottle i love that this is some ex-mono the luxury creamy hydrating blend helps leave your hair feeling moisturized glowing and super soft this is 13 fluid ounces and it retails for 9.29 by far the most expensive one today and the cheapest one was dove so let's keep that in mind that one was 5.29 and this is 9.29 so it's a pretty big jump so let's see if it's worth it the ingredient list says water they love the water huh it's like we don't have showers these days they're like there's no such thing as water and water water emma cassidy was a joke we have glycerin very high up on the list which attracts moisture we have coconut oil which we just went over a million times we have more coconut and that looks like coconut milk or something we have safflower seed oil we have panthenol which is pro vitamin b5 great great for your hair which helps protect against damage and we have ovum on here which is egg powder making this product not vegan all right well the ingredient list actually has some really great things and a lot of additives that don't need to be there but are because it makes it a little more luxurious and that is what you get for the price is a little more zinger and ingredient-less you know what i mean guys let's do a quick smell test i think this is going to smell a heavy of coconut i mean yeah it's is a little coconut milk on it it just smells like coconut i don't like the smell of coconut that much but it's not bad it smells no this smells like like i literally just got off the beach in tahiti like going into my suite literally like gonna shower after like a little bit of a sunburn okay do you want to taste that let's put this on my finger and they all feel really similar this feels exactly the same it's a little more gooey than the other ones i don't know it's hydrating feels fine let's test it on the real hair strands now we got our dry hair strand let's give it a dunk let's do a little dollop on the hand and the good old hands love these things and the coconut smell is very overpowering and strong i mean like it is definitely there it feels like it's detangling quite nicely though i can really rub my hands through it love that it's cute it feels like the other ones let's rinse that off and wow this feels actually a little bit better than the other ones this feels very slippery i'm gonna go ahead and dry all the hair strands and then i'll be back to figure out which one feels the softest and works the best all right now it's time for the touch test now we have our constant here which is the one that has not been conditioned so we're going to compare every other hair strand to this one the first specimen please we have dove okay it looks a bit smoother it feels just slightly smoother nothing too silky soft not very impressed this is herbal essence i'm rooting for herbal essence just because i last time it went well let's see here this one's definitely noticeably smoother than the dove one it feels very much detangled it looks a bit shinier just slightly it's kind of hard to tell on camera but the ends seem a little less frayed and broken this one feels pretty good i like this all right now we have tresemme and tresemme feels good too definitely feels smoother than the one that has not been conditioned which i would hope so but it feels a noticeable amount softer and it looks very shiny and the little flyaways seem to be tamed a lot better i think that herbal essence was definitely softer though oh it's called the gx lassic coconut you whisper coconut milk and i was like coconut milk guys if that's the name you wrote she wrote coconut milk this one is noticeably softer than the others like very much so it is silky smooth the smell it smells like coconut it's very strong it looks very healthy and glowy and shiny this one to me stands out by far i really like this this is before this is after all right now that i've felt all the conditioners and seen what they can do it is time for my final thoughts from least favorite to most favorite in order in fourth place we have dove guys step it up are the ingredient lists not the worst not the best kind of black didn't make the hair that soft and i hate the scent in third place we have tresemme this is very large and it's very inexpensive this is 6.79 for 22 ounces like i said before i mean that's really really great and very affordable other than that um the ingredient list was like decent i hate the bottle and the scent was it's pretty bad and it also made the hair like soft but not the softest i could do without this for sure in second place purple essence still not mad at this one and honestly for the price it could easily come in first it is 11 ounces and it's only 6.29 cheap and the ingredient list was decent it made the hair quite soft i did like the scent i like the bottle and i like the presentation not bad at all and in first place you guys already know it's ogx this one was great i don't like coconut but if you do like coconut and you want an ogx product this is quite nice this does have egg whites in it so it's not vegan which was the saddest part for me it's a pretty decent product and it is quite inexpensive at nine dollars and what cents 29. 29 and it is 13 ounces which is not too small either after using this on the hair strand it was significantly softer this is our winner for today congratulations okay well again very surprised my findings they were much better than the shampoo one in my opinion they're not the worst not the best definitely not salon professional quality but doable and if you're balling on a budget go for it try some of these products see what you like ogx was my favorite and if you're in the drugstore maybe pick it up maybe try it that's all for today guys make sure you subscribe right down below and click the bell icon and the like button that'd be super cool for me make sure you guys text me at this number right here it is really my number i can really text you back and i'll be choosing a few of you to do just that so get on it make sure you guys check out my hair care brand x model hair at it is linked below and also at xmodohair on instagram make sure you guys follow me everywhere else these are all my handles all around me right now today's instagram shout out goes to britney and she says she's been growing her hair for the last three years from a pixie cut damn okay wow i mean your hair's gone really long uh she feels like she's doing a disservice by not wearing her hair down she always has it up in a bun she's like i'm not letting my curls go wild should i cut it should i try harder to wear it down i need help britney wear it down it looks dope you look amazing if you use the right products it'll make it even better than it already is use wavetech it is amazing for curly hair it is my product it's called whitetail wavefoam and it'll make your waist perfect enhanced and de-frizzed but your hair is beautiful i don't think you should cut it i don't think you should do anything besides use maybe better products i don't know what you use right now but it looks gorgeous that's all for today guys thank you so much for watching don't forget to live your extra life and i'll see you next time bye guys you
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 1,724,630
Rating: 4.9391575 out of 5
Keywords: Pro Hairdresser Tests Cheap Drugstore Conditioner, Pro Hairdresser Tests Cheap Drugstore Shampoo, hairdresser reacts, bradmondonyc, drugstore conditioner, best conditioner, hair conditioner, moisturizing conditioner, Hairdresser tested, beauty, healthy hair, drugstore, hair care, hair stylist, color treated hair, best shampoo for color treated hair, conditioner, dove, natural hair, long hair, hair tips, curly hair, tresemme, ogx, Herbal essences, best drugstore conditioner
Id: xgWoYwFSWSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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