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[Music] all right hello everyone and welcome so today we're doing something a little bit different we're talking about po world I have seen this game around quite a lot and I have been playing it quite a lot uh and I kind of came to the realization that no one was making like a real full Guide to the actual start of the game so that is what we are going to be doing today uh first and foremost just to jump in here real quick I have like tested this so I know that everything I'm about to tell you is going to work also you'll notice there's only like a level 16 World here what's up with that my partner has our main save where I'm like level 30 something or other and we have working on our third base and so on and so forth so I have gone through the progression quite a bit uh and this is going to be getting through the early stuff efficiently before we get into that we're going to make a new island and we're going to talk about the settings because there are quite a few uh we will just be playing on the normal difficulty everything's just going to be as you see it here but I did want to call out that if you don't like any of the things in this game like if you're like I don't like the hunger mechanic uh or you know you want more XP or whatever that's all stuff you can change and make better for yourself and you can change all this stuff after you have created your world if you just end up not wanting some aspect of the game that's available here there's a lot that you can change uh some of the very helpful ones being like the No Death running uh if you just don't like that aspect uh but yeah there's lots of stuff you can do here uh but I'm just going to keep everything on normal uh so that you know you can see what you're usually going to experience also I would not suggest hard because really all hard mode does is make you do half damage and make everything else deal four Dam four times damage to you um which I will say makes basically all of like the defensive upgrades totally meaningless across the whole game um and also you'll just get less XP and it'll be harder to catch things and that's really the only changes between normal and hard um which more so I think makes the game annoying rather than actually difficult but yeah with that we're just going to be playing on normal fresh save uh and going through through the whole game there will be cuts and stuff as uh I'm not going to show you like me cutting down every tree I'm going to cut down uh but yeah in terms of character creation just to go over it uh real quick I'm just going to put a test on this so I know to delete this whatever um terms of character creation this is only visual obviously it says here you'll be able to reedit this later but no matter what you do here it's only a visual change so we're just going to go with the default character um you're you're not going to get any stats or anything in this menu purely visual so just jumping in immediately opening cut scene which I'm just going to skip that gives you just like a little bit of basic stuff and then we're going to start on our tutorial so uh right off the bat we want to jump out here and grab our first um fast travel point we are going to be grabbing quite a few of these and hitting some important locations also talking to this character who's always at the beginning here will give you some wood to start which is very nice as we're going to need to build our primitive workbench also pickups you're going to want to pick up every little thing you see on the ground uh and continuing to do that is going to be a big thing that we are going going to be upgrading as we get further and for our first few levels but we'll get there once we start leveling up which we just have now so in terms of that we have our stats to go over our stats very quickly uh the important ones are HP uh weight and stamina HP weight and stamina are the stats you level do not level attack defense or work speed they are all not worth it work speed some people might say is like worth it early and you could take two levels of this if you really want to but by and large it's going to do absolutely nothing for you and you will probably regret it whenever you reach much higher levels I know I certainly have so for our early levels we want to take just weight because we want to be able to carry all the things that we need to carry and we're going to need to carry a lot uh and we're going to focus on just weight and stamina uh if you wanted a really easy way to do this for your first 10 levels you just want to take weight and then stamina and then weight and then stamina uh and just do that back and forth I'm going to take more weight up front but it doesn't super matter uh what order you do it in as long as you are not leveling attack defense or work speed you're going to be okay um but HP I would say is the thing you could save for a few higher levels uh because we are going to start getting armor and such which is going to bulk up our HP on the front end there and you're just going to want it later so building the bench and then just in our menus real quick we do want to note the survival guide uh so there are you know some control tips here and a few different things you can find like the elements uh in terms of weakness chart here so that's also very useful uh and then we need to talk about the technology screens this is where you're going to get new stuff for you to craft uh they give you enough technology points which you see down here in the bottom left to get all of these things on tier two and you're going to want every single one of these so there's no reason not to grab them all I will of course be going over specifically what to grab but in this case you want this entire tier you're going to end up building every single thing here and using all of them a ton uh so then with that we need to craft a pal sphere before that you should craft your stone pickaxe and your stone axe um because you're just going to need them crafting the pickaxe first is going to make it easier to get stone uh but in terms of picking things up using your fist is really slow so just try and grab stuff off the ground uh and then over here we also see a blue on the ground which these are in this case it's a sphere but that can also just be the fragments in order to make spheres and you also want to grab the berries that spawn here at the start as well cuz you will need them yeah basically mashing F everywhere you go in the starter area to pick up all of the extra wood and stone and fragments is going to be just basically absolutely necessary and then to start here just crafting our stone pickaxe this will automatically equip uh and then if we don't have enough for the axe which in this case we do have enough for it but we also have the rock that's pretty much always right here or a little bit to the right in order to grab that if we need it so yeah and then we just need to grab a palum fragment and some Stone and we have enough for our first pal ball otherwise uh so if you mining one of these nodes occasionally you will get palum from it which you'll see me get right there uh so you can get your first palum here pretty much always normally it's better to find an actual palum deposit but in this case just because we're plowing through the tutorial at Great speeds we will just grab that here to move that on on through uh and then we just need to get some more Stone here because we will need more and then we are going to get this give us a few fragments here all right enhance our stats or wait for now because we will absolutely need it and then we can just move on down here so moving on into this little clearing this is the area that I would really suggest for your base also with our first pal we want to catch a kativa which since it's on the way might as well mention it now kativa is the best for your base early on you want two of them uh because they are going to be extremely helpful uh and if you can see level one ones you won't have to weaken them nearly as much it also has motivational leader which is not bad so we see another one of those we are going to want to pick it up and you can see in the top right for our tutorial we need to build the pal boox in an open space uh and they do mean that very literally this area like I said is a very good start uh but you do need to be a little particular with where you place your pal boox because it determines the size of your base and also the shape of your base we will need a little bit more wood though in order to be able to show this off okay now we can show it so this is the pal box and if you see it's kind of hard to see from here there's like a a line that you can see moving in the background there but if you place this without even building it you can actually run out and see what your actual base Circle looks like that is this like faint line you see here it is a circle so it'll go up there as well um and you can see exactly what this covers for your first base you basically want to push this line to the edge of the kind of usable area here so you want it to run along the side of the water here but not go so far as to cover these because you'll want to mine these yourself um because Pals won't mine these you want these just outside the base and that'll give you like a really good circular area uh to start with that has plenty of trees and plenty of spawning rocks for you to start out with uh for some of your early Pals to farm on so we want to move this one uh you can just canel cancel this anything that you deconstruct will just give you all of its materials back uh so you never have to worry about wasting anything which is really nice we just want to get the circle pretty much perfect doesn't have to be exactly but it's hard to move a base later so about here is right they moving a base later can be a huge pain uh so you want to make sure that it's in a pretty good spot to start otherwise you might end up regretting it so with that we have to access the P box some going to P to our base so the kativa that we caught can get to work so kativa are really nice because if we look at their stats here uh you can see that they have handiwork Gathering Mining and transporting what those mean is transporting means it will organize stuff that's on the ground and will put it into boxes for you which is fantastic because it mines out things that are around mines out rocks gets you material puts it in boxes so you can craft it without needing to go get that stuff yourself Gathering means it's going to go pick up the berries that spawn in this area as well so you'll have food at the beginning and handiwork means it's going to help you craft things which means as you put down uh different objects that you're going to expand your base with it will help you make them or it will make them entirely on its own so you can set things and just walk away and expect them to be done whenever you get back to base which is so useful and why we're going to want two of them so with that that means we're also going to be focusing a lot on our base level UPS in this case we need to build a wooden chest uh which we have right here and we just need a little bit more wood for and also trees and rocks as I think I mentioned before they do respawn W you don't really have to worry about it very much also you can see the kativa whenever I put this down it immediately runs over and begins to work on this and while it's doing that I'm going to pick up all the rocks that it has already mined out for us which includes a little bit of pallum that is extremely helpful and we have one pal ball so I'm actually going to get another kativa here to also add to the base so it can help you do want to make sure you are unequipping your tools at the very very beginning uh also we got a workaholic so that's also worth noting here is if you look at the stats workaholic is sanity drops 15% slower um work speed and stuff like this makes the sanity better uh is really really nice for workers that are going to be on your base uh because it's just going to make everything easier to manage so leveling this up gives us one more pal that's able to work in the base and we need to build a primitive workbench and a shoty bed uh so for that though we are of course going to add this kativa here onto the base so we can run around and help uh and we are going to put our Stone and our wood in here along with the pum fragments just to drop some of the weight off of us uh and then we need to check out our technology tree cuz we're level three now which means we can get the shotty bed uh the straw pal bed which we're also very much going to need cloth which is going to be important soon then we're also going to want the bow and arrow the repair kit I don't think is very useful um and you can just go get this later if you need it but the rest of these I would say are going to be absolutely required because especially right now our pals are going to want beds and such but we can focus on on our PR of workbench and shotty bed first cuz we do need a workbench here because we're going to be here quite a lot considering it's our base doesn't need to be a small distance away from this uh and then as for the shoddy bed I might need to chop down this tree over here um but we are going to build a very basic construction for our bed as you don't really need to build like a house though you could here if you really wanted to make it you know a big old house or whatever made out of wood as it's relatively easy to do so okay we can just take this that we have made and then check out this menu we're going to want to start with Foundation just a single Foundation is going to be fine you can also raise this a little bit if you feel like it but we're just going to put ours flat on the ground and then just one wall one roof over our head because it is required and then we can build the shoddy bed once we have a single wool which we will get uh from one of the Lambs around here as long as one has spawned there's one in the distance there have the unused stat points we are going going to bump up stamina as we are going to start running around a bit more but those first two levels really should be um stamina we'll have to kill this lamb you do want to try and catch as much as you can early on I think I see a pow ball over here which might mean I should go do that there's just a pow ball on the ground and these guys are attacking me so no R reason not to grab this and then just put the lamb in it be low enough that this 100% that'll give us a good little boost to experience instead of having to waste it uh that'll also give us the wool that we need for our bed the lamb balls are also not bad to have in your team though they are I think just worse than kativa outside of course you can Harvest them for wool we just slam this in here the kativa are going to come over here and help us work on this you can see the work speed is like 20 seconds on this whenever the kativa get here it's going to speed that up considerably it much faster even with just one helping us so now we can sleep if it becomes night we can just you know get out of that and then bumping this up to level three we need to build a feed box and the straw pow beds so we are going to need more wood so there's 40 wood and then as we saw before we need the straw pal bed and the feed box uh the feed box I think we need to unlock here first CU it was the higher level we also want to grab our cloth outfit here and common Shield which are going to be pretty much required and then as for the feed uh you want put this in a spot that you're going to put like your crops and where those are going to be so generally this area is pretty good though you could really organize this any way you really want to uh but putting the feed there because we're about to expand out into Berry plantations is going to be quite good and speaking of berries if in here you see that there are some berries uh we can put all the stuff that we had in our pockets away though once they are done with the feed box we are going to want uh to kind of dump half our berries into this so that they do have some food while we're running around cuz if if they don't get fed obviously bad things begin to happen uh but yeah so then other than that we just need the three straw po beds so for that we should have enough material uh we have enough for four oh no we have enough just we have enough exactly for three so over here uh we'll just slap these down kind of like right on the edge just trying to make efficient use of these you can also right click whenever you build stuff in order to um keep being able to place the same item over and over I'm just going to let the kativa build those uh and then at this Point uh we have some like berries and they're going to bring the berries over to this and all that good business so in order to speed this up a little bit I'm just going to go cut down like a bunch of trees um and also build the uh repair bench that I'm going to need because I'm going to go cut down so many trees uh and then that's going to we're going to fast forward I'm just going to grab like a 100 Wood so I don't have to show you chopping me show show you me chopping every single tree I see down okay welcome back I've gathered just a a bit of wood and a good chunk of stone less Stone because my kativa are going to be taking care of a lot of that and also some of our starting palum fragments also have come from the bit of stone that mostly honestly the kativa have collected here but I grabbed 200 wood just to speed things up and that's mostly just like cutting down the trees you saw here which you'll also see respawning as we come back to the base uh cuz if you don't build anything over there then they'll respawn uh for the recipes that we are going to be building uh we are of course going to want a bunch of pal speres so we want at least 10 of these to start off here also one of the things that's nice about having kativa in the base once again is that they will come over and help you craft these can also have one uh if you have like you know even like uh the wool the lamb ball that I have in my pocket here can also throw that out um and that will also just begin working on this too if you want your uh hous in your base to you know just do whatever it is that they're usually doing which in this case they've collected all that stuff over there and then with that we have also popped up to level five acquired these pal spheres we can grab the rest of this off of the ground and put our lamb ball away then on the top right you see I need to catch four more lamb balls in order to get an XP bonus uh and that is going to work out just easy and fine put all that stuff that we just picked up away we can also just level this up here and we need to build a campfire Berry Plantation and deploy another pal deploy another two Pals to work at the base so we are going to go catch some specific Pals uh but first we want to get that Berry Plantation stuff all set up uh with what we have already collected so we need to go to our technology tree and grab the berry Plantation which is right at level five uh in here also you're also definitely going to want the ranch and definitely going to want the normal parachute the rest of these you really don't need to worry about especially not fire arrows and a fire bow uh until considerably later later and probably only really for the fire arrows if I'm honest uh so with this though we are going to need two Berry plantations which should go over here where you built your feed box that's just going to use some of the seeds uh honestly I could probably build this closer to the edge here uh and just like really optimize the space uh but it's really not not a big deal I'm just going to build them I think in a row right behind the feed box and that should be just fine right there I can trust the cbas are just going to build those and we are going to go catch what we need um for not only our armor but also uh automating all of the feeding that needs to go on in our base right away so for that we do have the unused stat points I just going to grab let's say stamina again here and then after that I'm going to do two more levels of the carry weight also for the palum if you do want to make more pow balls than I have here because I just have the 11 um these are the palum spots they always are next to water so you can follow this River all the way down and there's pretty much those like all the way down uh which is quite nice the two Pals that we're looking for while we're out here are a penlet and a uh gumas also a fox Sparks if you can but I probably wouldn't suggest trying to catch a fox Sparks um until you have armor or if you want to like you know spend both of your weapons durability weakening them unless it is a lower level than you and then you can give it a try for the penlet penlet are also a little tough but we absolutely have to have one and you're going to want to catch a bunch of penlet actually literally as many as you can also we need to eat which are going to lower our damage if we don't eat first so we're just going to grab the food there and just punch this penlet cuz we need it for our base anglets are very very useful early uh you can go further out and get some other stuff uh that's going to do a similar job to the penlet but honestly the penlet is the variety that you want uh which I'll show off everything that it can do after we finally have it caught uh I will note this one's level four which is uh not as low as they do spawn out here in general for these early Pals you actually want them to be as low level as you can possibly get your hands on in order to make them easier to catch so in this case got about a 70% chance to catch it after uh just beating it down with our fists and hopefully we're not going to waste too many pow balls with it bumping around nice going the ball okay good now we have our penlet it is getting close to Knight which because we do have not have our we don't have our clothing built yet uh Knight is going to damage us but that shouldn't be a big problem uh we do have 500 health and it's basically one damage a second at least in this area we can go ahead and just see if we can't find another lamb ball and then potentially also a goomas though goomas tend to stop spawning at night but that's why we have the bed back at the face that's just a chick AE down [Music] here we do have this fox Sparks and another po ball for free on the ground uh I will try and catch this fox Sparks because I am just going to get the Fast Travel Point here which if we die we can just come right back to let my stamina go up here and I will actually spend a bunch of the stone axe on this guy I think uh Fox Sparks notably you do need to kind of like catch them uh if you do not hit them they do run at the same speed as you uh so it will be very hard to catch up to them if you don't yeah getting a fox Sparks especially one with good perks is a really good early game goal very good catch rate there actually got him down really easily he cooperated and then just do his back dash all the time got him dainty eater which is a kind of whatever stat we can just teleport back to the base now with the fox Parks the fox Parks is going to be like honestly our our primary damage dealer now uh getting one early is nice uh yeah and then we have our Panget which can just immediately go onto the base to um be there for watering and we're going to need to sleep uh before we sleep I am going to throw down one more pal bed because we will need one more whenever we add another pal to the base uh but the sleeping here will get us through the night so we don't take any damage and should also make it easier to find uh the pals that we are looking for we can just pretty much immediately run down this hill and hopefully see a goomas uh they are not particularly rare but every once in a while it'll just be a little stingy with you I do need lamb balls so I will stop for this especially cuz it's a level one uh if you catch these you get the same amount of XP or you you get uh more XP than if you were to just kill them so I would highly recommend catching as much as you can obviously that's going to be limited by the amount of pow balls that you're going to make um so if you wanted to take a minute and honestly craft like 30 pow balls it would be a good thing to do this is also working through um our uh our early objectives as well as I need two more lamb balls there's more palum fragments on the ground out here a couple more Fox Parks which are excellent but really need just one goomas there he is this little guy is going to automate most of our farming for honestly quite a while given his specialization they're not particularly tough and don't do a lot of damage generally they're very easy to catch as long as you can find them sometimes they are are in packs of two which could maybe give you a little trouble but not at level three all right everything went normally uh this was the goomas we were fighting the whole time uh definitely the other one did not like die or anything that would be crazy uh so we're going to catch this goomas now with that goomas we can head back to base I will say if you do see any more penlet you do want to catch them uh as we need to catch 10 penalites total for an objective that we're going to get later on also even just defeating some Fox Sparks would be very much suggested uh at this point after we drop this off so if you see Fox Sparks or penalites even if you don't have pow balls defeat them for their drops cuz you will need all of it and the extra experience doesn't hurt either uh so now we can take our gomas and put it into the base and the gumas is going to run right over here or should uh and just like immediately plant these fields and then the penlet will come over and water these fields Fields needs to sleep for right now cuz it's hurt um but yeah the goomas comes over we'll do the planting phase of this this doesn't require any resources from you at all uh the penlet will do all of the watering necessary and then it will grow and then both of our civas will do all of the Gathering from here and then also put it directly into the feed box uh so this has 13 berries in it right now but we'll see that significantly increase and become enough food is you know for quite a long time honestly but yeah that's what's up here uh then we just need to build a camp fire we could have done earlier but just happened to not that will bump us up to our next level our next level we need the pal gear workbench and the statue of power statue of power is a really really good early upgrade that I think we are not at level yet to get yeah that's next level um for both of the pal gear workbench and also the statue of power so in order to level up we're just going to go catch the rest of those L balls that we need and then I see three Fox Parks out here so before we even go back I know I need a lot of fox Parks material uh so I'm going to throw out my own Fox Parks because there is no fire versus fire uh downside we're going to see if we can't catch a level six Fox Parks which would be nice and even if we kill it that's also very fine bring him back 75% catch rate which is not bad got that which is not bad at all that gives us some flame organs which we will need along with some leather and these two honestly if I can catch them you will eventually want literally as many Fox Parks as you can get your hands on um but this is probably going to be a situation where I do have to kill these this doesn't get it we will just throw our Fox Parks out and kill it nice okay managed to get all those uh that does put us at five flame organs which is the exact amount that we're going to need coming up here soon uh so after this we just need to worry about getting to 10 pal fluid which is going to come mainly from the Peng gullets that also puts us at level seven here after having caught uh those Fox Sparks which is very good uh you don't have to catch Fox Sparks though um when you're out here catching anything you haven't caught is going to be plenty and we just want to grab uh some of this pallum on the way back so I will head back to the base while grabbing a bunch of palum we'll skip there all right we are back to base so before we do anything else we're going to dump everything off here uh and then see what we needed here which was of course just the statue of power and the pal gear workbench go into our technology we'll grab both the statue of power and the pal gear workbench uh and for both of those we are going to need the statue of power which is just the palum fragment and the 20 stone of which we have already collected SL our ativas have already collected we'll just slap that down here which is as good a place as any for that uh and then we have to look at our uh production which is our pal gear workbench for this we're going to need two cloth in addition we also need two additional cloth for the armor that we're going to be making so using the wool that we've collected from killing the lamb balls we're just going to make four while we're here anyway and we're just going to have uh this lamb help us do that real quick also actually while that is happening uh we want to take some of the fox spks we have if you did get Fox spks and they don't have any like really truly horrible things uh on them like this clumsy we wouldn't prefer but you want to swap in at I would say at least two more Fox Sparks into your team as they are going to be really really helpful coming up here soon uh then other than that we are we are doing good that last one make our armor set real quick if you do at any point whenever you're catching the lamb Balls by the way because they do have handycraft uh to help you craft things uh if you do get one that has a buff to the speed that they can do that I would highly suggest keeping that in your squad as it's going to uh really help out with crafting just a few of these early game things before you get uh any of like the really good crafting uh pals up bumping up the common Shield so we're going to have a significantly more defense now uh then we can also we can build more cloth for the normal parachute but we should focus on our pal gear bench for right now as it's going to give us a very significant power upgrade if it wasn't the next step in what we're going to be doing I would probably tell you to just you know have the PALS build this but this bench is going to be immediately important cuz not only are we going to get our new level and next we need the crusher the stone Pit and the logging site for these this is going to help us really optimize our new items which we will need to research however which is our Fox spks harness so this is one of honestly the best items in the game especially this early though the other one is this which we'll talk about soon and that alongside the stone Pit and the logging site is going to be what's going to allow us to really optimize our base and get infinite Stone and infinite logging uh that we can just mine forever so for that we need to build the fox Sparks harness this is the reason why I said you need to kill some Fox Sparks because you need those flame organs and also they drop the leather so that plus some palum gives you the fox Sparks harness and now that we have the fox Parks harness that is a special item that gives me the skill for thex Fox Sparks so with this I can actually just pick up by holding F my fox Sparks and they are a flamethrower this is not infinite but it is a giant [ __ ] off flamethrower that you can see at the bottom is draining relatively slowly in addition to that I did of course say that we want multiple Fox Parks that's because all of their cool Downs are individual so with like three Fox Parks you can just cycle this forever and this is going to be basically the strongest weapon you're going to have uh this early in the game and honestly for quite a while and if you get into uh specifically leveling Fox parks that have strong perks it is just incredibly good uh Fox Parks is definitely like the main attacker you're going to want to have uh at the beginning of the game it is extremely useful and definitely worth building into now then let's talk about the Statue of power so the statue of power is the next thing we're going to want to do we want to get one of what this is which is a lift monk Effigy in order to enhance our capture power uh at the end of this video you will have the ability to really go out and collect a ton of these but to start there's one just across the water over here which we're going to go grab alongside all of this Stone which I'll be able to throw into my base cuz the kativa have not thrown that in yet just stand here for a second so I don't drown although you don't drown right away which is nice grabbing this also grabbing a little bit more palum because we are about to need some uh more of our pal sper cuz we are out still and these will just continually respawn around here specifically these two are really nice or just like kind of a constant influx uh of being able to always grab these every time you come back to the base if you really trying to always be up on your pow balls and then just to check on how good the berry production has been we are already at just 27 berries having come out of this which is fantastic it's almost as many berries as I've pretty much picked up at this point uh and that is very much sustaining uh the pals that we have on the base already uh so then from here we need to of course get the logging site build which we have everything for and this is going to just go right over here which is a a decent spot for it obviously you can organize your base how you want uh there's just a few tips that go along with it in this case I am going to remove this tree as it's no longer going to be useful and then the stone pit is going to go right here you want to leave a little bit of space between these two uh but then between them you actually want to add a wooden chest uh so that you can put everything from each of them directly into this chest and the ca will do that as well which very much increases the efficiency so they don't have to walk all the way over here uh just to dump all of their stuff off and also that keeps this open for you dumping off whatever you particularly want to dump off into this chest so from here I need to make a bunch of Po balls and then we can go out and catch some specific Pals all right with that we have cracked uh open up bunch of things and grab some more Paladium and stuff I gra about 25 uh pal spheres here we're also going to want to make sure before we go out to do this that we ding this to increase our capture power as is going to be basically necessary um for what we are about to go do also because it is just about night I am actually going to wait until the next day so it's easier to see what I'm going to be going out and doing you could go out and do this at night though if you really wanted to so uh artiva and uh penalites and all such have finished building both the mining operation and also the logging operation but we have no one to work the logging operation which isn't great uh also before we do anything else uh we will want to preemptively build uh another bed here so that can get done while we are gone on um but we want to build that and also the crusher that's needed for our current level up which I don't think I have unlocked yet Crusher is actually at our next level right we can't yet uh so what we want to do uh as we are going out here is because we now have our Fox parks that is going to be able to give us a good amount of damage we can catch a few more dangerous uh options for not only making us stronger um but also for working our base mainly that is going to be the deer that you've probably seen me run past a little bit the ither deer um they are extremely good at logging and it is also all that they do they have level two logging and it is their only task on the base uh which makes them incredibly good because they'll spend every waking hour that they are not sleeping or eating logging for us using the infinite logging node which means it's basically going to remove our need for logging things ourself at least for the most part so we need to find an aner it is worth noting because we are level seven seven um which we might be level eight by the time we find one cuz we will want to catch every uh pulet that we do see but we found them already I as you see here um because we are level seven it's going to be a bit tough to catch this level 9ine one usually you want to be like level eight catching a level 9 is pretty fine uh I would not suggest doing this if you have not bumped up your capture rate at least once but just getting the statue of power and getting that item across the river is enough to do that in order to hurt these guys enough you want to immediately do Huggy fire and just burn down as much of their health as you can get uh and try just try and keep safe with the shield that you built it should be pretty easy to do so uh but they are no slouch when it comes to damage we have about a 57% catch rate on them we can just hide behind this uh fast travel Point actually here got it in one perfect that gives us leather horns and more importantly an I3 tier and send out our Fox Sparks here in order to distract a little bit and we can always just switch to our our next one uh if this goes very poorly for our level seven Fox spks this is level 10 we do want a second one if we can get a hold of one and you're going to want a good ik deer at some point uh our Fox Sparks is doing very well here it does have a type advantage and before that fox Sparks dies we can just throw out the next one uh and it actually has fared very well here sometimes the eers really just kill a fox Sparks straight away uh and it's pretty rough for them but this is working out quite well we don't have the bow yet so there's not really much we can do to help we're going to throw out our third one though a little bit of damage in not on me ideally that's low enough now 40% catch rate CU it's another level higher you can see how much catch rate affects uh your likelihood to catch Things based on level uh just between that level 9 and level 10 because we are level seven but we got it anyway uh so that gives us a two ither deer to use we can use this right here just to fast travel back if you do die and you around a fast travel point it's really easy to recover uh but with the a deer we can take them uh one of them has a buff on them so we'll keep that one for ourselves uh and then this one can just work the base it's also the higher level one which is fine and you'll see this I will pretty much immediately run over and just start beating its head against this just mining up to you know 10,000 wood just absolutely going at it so now uh if this is here for a while you'll have tons and tons of wood and are very unlikely to run out also you can see that the kativa have already worked a little bit on this they're not as good as other options of course um but they're not nothing whenever it comes to Mining and will be a good start if you have an additional kativa because we do have an open slot here you could also throw one in there uh and that will be just fine could also if you do happen to catch a second one of these throw that in as well which we're actually going to do cuz multiple uh Pals can work on this so if you really want to keep up with that you can do that uh and then for that we also are going to need one more bed which you can see in the top right there with the base info whenever you're short on bed it'll tell you the kativa will build this and then everything here should be good and we should be good to get ready to head out to catch a few specific further away Pals that are really going to enhance our abilities a ton so for that we're going to build the bow which we already have enough for which is fantastic and I guess before I even really get started on this I'm going to build the bow and I'm going to build say like 90 arrows which is probably a little Overkill uh but you're going to want the arrows anyway so you might as well build them okay as a quick stop while we're crafting these arrows we did ding level eight so at level eight of course we want the crusher because that's going to be important for leveling up nothing else on level eight is actually very important at least until we unlock these um so you really just need to grab the crusher and then we are actually going to throw that up as well I believe we do have everything uh no I need a little bit more wood which I'll let the deer get and then I'm actually going to go grab the palum fragments so that we can build that uh while my lamb also finishes some more of the arrows and then of course we are going to once again enhance stats and increase our I'll carry wa oh uh hey also very important thing while I'm just rooting around here getting ready to build the crusher uh you might be able to hear the noise here I'm going to try and turn this up you'll most certainly be able to see the sparkle there's a shiny over here where this game is equivalent of a shiny to hear it glowing more as you get near it there you go we have a shiny uh chickpea so if you see these you always want to catch them always usually uh they do not spawn this early usually be a little bit later before you start seeing these we just want to come down here and catch this thing they do have considerably more health so don't feel bad about like deploying your Fox Sparks on them as they are considerably tougher they usually do have some strong moves as well um which can be a concern you really want to make sure not to kill them we should be good now we have enough air arrows to whittle this thing down without relying on our Fox Sparks to do so one more arrow and we're at an 84% catch rate there so the special thing about these is that not only are they larger and have good moves usually they also have a ton of really good benefits so that is lucky workaholic and motivational leader lucky is the one that they will always have if they are uh the glowy larger um creatures lucky is 15% attack and works speed so it's good on every single pal honestly I would expect that on most Pals it is the optimal skill to have um and getting them just in general no matter what pallet is even if you don't think it's useful to you is really good for the breeding system you're going to get into later so you do always want to catch them whenever you see them cuz you don't know if it's going to be useful for uh whenever you get into breeding yeah so quick aside on that because we did have one spawn and it is just worth noting but we're now going to jump back in here and build the crusher and for the crusher we do have uh a particular note for it and it's that you should build the crusher backwards and what I mean by that is it this is it facing you and this is it facing away from you so you want to build it facing away from you if you're going to build it up against a wall because whenever you have uh the Water Pals that are going to be running this they go to the back of it in order to spin the water wheel so you actually want to make it the front for them uh and then it doesn't really matter what side of this you interact with and then the crusher importantly if you were wondering you can turn Stone into Paladium so whenever you get that infinite Stone going you can do that and you can also turn wood one wood into fiber which is also really nice for a few different things as well but the crusher is not super necessarily uh needed to use all the time so we're going to finish these arrows uh and then get ready to go on a little adventure to catch some specific Pals as I said before okay and the last thing that we are crafting before we head out cuz it is going to be needed for a shortcut that we are going to use uh as we are also crafting our normal Paris aute so that we can um get across a specific gap on our way to where we're going you don't have to craft this you can go the long way around and I will note where that is um but it's only two cloth really for the normal parachute and you're going to want it in case you fall off something anyway all right we have our normal parachute and we are now ready to head out uh so from here we can actually just take this fast travel and go down to the grassy Behemoth Hill go right down here and just head on forward so there is the skilled Islander here uh it's worth talking to him CU he'll give you a little extra palum which doesn't weigh very much um and also is worth noting that while you're going down here you want again as many penlet as you can get whether you can whether you catch them or not catching them is preferred you do not have to catch them you need to kill or catch 10 pullets um or another pal that I'll note whenever we see it if we do but it's a bit more rare in this area grab that lift monk Effigy make sure one of the Panget did not get away we got to chase this one down one of the really nice thing about the bow and arrow and having it is that if you can just hit a pal that's running away like this um they will begin combat with you which stops them from running away and is actually the primary reason we even want the bow cuz normally we could just bite everything with Fox Sparks um but the flamethrower doesn't have as much range as a bow does put him away pangit being nice and passive for me here 60% chance to catch which is why I made about 30 pow balls before we're leaving as it could be kind of a pain uh but definitely catching the pulit is really worth it cuz as you can see up there we're getting considerable chunks of XP for it it's also worth noting that in terms of just leveling you always want to have the power BS I think I've mentioned this before but it's really worth it to drive home that every single pal you catch that is not more than the 10th one of that one that you've caught continually gives you more and more and more and more and more experience the more you do the more experience it's going to give you even for like these Chiapas that are here I don't particularly need Chiapas but it's worth it to me to grab these cuz they're here and they're a ton of experience for me cuz like just that is what a whole level or the like the second half of there's a quarter of a level just for those two chicken peas just the little nothing chickens and it is a very considerable anyway coming to this area there's one that we want we want a rush or rush or is so important um for honestly even even whenever I'm I'm I'm level 30 um some I think I'm 33 or so uh on my other other world with my partner uh that is kind of like my main world and Rush is still extremely extremely useful uh the only thing that can replace it is so high level you are really going to want a rush or that's fantastic to get more than one of that is great we got Nimble on Rush or which is actually insanely insanely good if you get any of the speed increases that's also what you want and then this is the other one we want actually this is a Vixie rush or and Vixie both spawn in this area Vixie is important for a primary farm that we're going to be doing which I will talk about whenever we set it up also there's the other water type um that I was mean to talk about those are Flacks these also drop the pal fluid which is what we're looking for which we need 10 of total so these have got to go too and then we have enhancing stats I'm actually going to bump up stamina a little bit for this level yeah vies we definitely need also seeing the level three flx is actually really nice cuz sometimes these are just like always level six which can make them like there's the level six right there sometimes a little Annoying to catch do a light throw there you also don't have to draw the bow back all the way in order to fire it and you can do less damage uh by doing it that way which is definitely what I would suggest also nice thing that these drop leather which you're going to need plenty of too uh so if you want to farm the the flx instead of farming the pullets totally reasonable but as you can see the level six ones are kind of [ __ ] and will make you waste so many pal spheres on them 72 does not feel like 72 on a flack for whatever reason yeah having come over here uh the thing that we're looking for uh is we need to actually head over to this on our left uh and we wanted to head this way because Rush ORS are very common here there's a bunch of different encounters that can spawn here but a pack of Rush ores is relatively common uh we want to grab this chest which is a couple of pal spers which is nice there's also another Vixie there's another brush or the Vixie we want about four of you won't use all four of them right away but you definitely will use at least four grab this for some more pal speres but minimum you want two Vixie while you're out here and then just for levels we will grab another rush or though at this level it's going to be very hard to get one that's better than the one with Nimble that we picked up that will be the one we're using there's another Vixie for us this one to not run away from us that is the four Vixie that we want uh and then this really going either way from this is the kind of shortcut I was talking about um with our little parachute so like from this we can just get a little running jump and just Glide across there's other ways to get across this Gap but like they're annoying uh this is going to be as you can see there it's our third objective in the tutorial this is the the kind of boss that we need to defeat uh which I won't be going over in this video but you can do it with a wide variety of different things uh but this we want to grab cuz this is our fast travel back over here so now that we have the rush or and the Vixie we can go back and build some very important stuff so after catching rush or on our technology tree at level six we can build the rush or saddle this is a massive upgrade because not only is it our first mount it is also the rush or's specialty uh to be mining the rusher is able to instantly mine full tiers of any rock that it hits which means that it instantly mines little palum deposits which are five palum a piece and it does like just huge amounts of mining at a time on any larger Rock and it's going to be the main way we're going to be getting into metal items and also farming a ton of stone if we happen to need that um going forward at least for a lot of levels all right rush or saddle acquired so now we can uh throw out our rush or and just hold F to jump on top of it so this one is Nimble so it does have uh the huge benefit especially this early of the 10% increase to movement speed which is what Nimble gives uh there are better perks than this but it's very very nice to have as the first rush or I picked up uh and with this this is what the rush is capable of doing this node that would normally take me like you know 10 seconds to farm I can just click rush through it and gain the five fragments if I hit multiple of them I will break all of them and because we have like a nice line down here you can very often uh line up multiple of these uh and just crack them all with Reckless charge and it is extremely extremely useful so like even in this case I might be able to hit both of these cuz it is pretty fast across this I kind of kind of missed it on that one but regardless it is much much faster especially just to have a mount but also to have an option uh for mining that is not the pickaxe so yeah just grabbing that you can see we grabbed 30 Stone because I accidentally ran into this rock it is so good for mining it does similarly with actual full ore deposits um which we will be talking about a farming as well this here should be able to probably hit both of these oh yeah went over it even because this is also like not bad for getting over some gaps yeah this is incredibly good uh and is going to solve some of uh our problems in terms of uh in terms of collecting palum and any kind of different ore and such Al just grabbing that there uh we are about to ding our next level so I'm just going to see if we can't weaken these that killed them both I'll actually grab this kativa cuz grabbing more kativa is actually going to be relatively important for us we have our clothes so we don't have to worry about being out at night that's going to ding us to the next level we'll grab one more kativa that's 99 so I'm just going to assume that's going to go in guess we have those two civas we are now dinged on level 10 uh which gives us some things that we can do yeah mounting uh the only thing you have to worry about with mounting is that uh you will have to feed your Mount more often uh because it will lose hunger as it's out of its ball and our unused stat points here I'm actually just going to do a pump up on stamina there I believe no we're all good uh so we have that going and then here on the base upgrade we have all three of these want to upgrade this now we need the hot spring and the Primitive furnace so for these if we go into technology now that we're at 10 um we need the Primitive furnace and also the hot spring which is at our previous level so this is what needs those pal fluids I keep talking about which I don't have quite enough of yet and then we are also going to need three more flame organs so you'll need to take down three more Fox Sparks uh and then at this point I need six more flxs or six more penalites so either one whether we kill them or not uh is going to be what we're going to need in order to get the hot spring built and the Primitive furnace built and then the Primitive furnace is going to give us access to a lot of stuff um but before we do that we need to set up an optional farm that is extremely good which is going to be our Ranch so our Ranch I'm just going to put next to the beds here cuz that's just fine and then the food is going to be right here which I'll want those things to be together because it's night and I want some help farming this or building this rather we're going to make it day and then while they get to work building that we are going to add the pals here that are going to be so so helpful and that is the Vixie so we get to talk about what the Vixie do if we look at the Vixie it sometimes digs up items from the ground when assigned to the ranch sometimes is very often and the items that it can dig up are straight up money arrows and pow balls which is an incredible spread and it mostly digs up pow balls so you basically want to just have a bunch of these on your base uh really as many as you have like extra spots for I'm actually going to drop one of the ither deer for this uh because having two fixes digging this up is going to give us a nice influx um of both well well really of just all three of the items that I mentioned uh they are incredibly nice to have around and they are much suggested okay with that built now we can not have enough wood for that because the ither deer have hoarded it all here in all likelihood yeah we have 200 wood there that we're now going to dump into this the ier do not put it there themselves which is fine yeah from here we can just dump this chest here right right at the entrance pretty much uh they'll build that and that'll be all sorted but these two are now grazing we can actually lift them and try and assign them specifically to the ranch yeah sign to the ranch uh so they they really don't do anything else except for ranch which is all we want them to do the whole time the kativa will come over here and clean up every once in a while along with the penlet actually which you can see uh doing some farming for us in terms of food we're doing very very well this number will only continue to go up um so you can also just like you know take some of this from this if you want to carry more bear but it's really not a big deal anyway yeah and then in terms of uh carrying stuff around we want to dump all this extra stuff back in here including our palum so that we can carry more stuff around uh and then for that uh we now just need to go and get those materials for the Primitive furnace and the hot springs those are enemies that we've already killed so I am just going to go get the penalites and the fox Parks then include anything that's important in between uh so I will see you after going and getting those those are just is going to be on like the usual area here uh just this area is where we're going to see penalites and fox Sparks uh that's probably what I'm going to do just to farm those out while catching as many as I can which will probably ding me to like level 11 or so uh because that XP is going to continue to increase uh if you want flax you can just go up in here where they're going to start you're going to start seeing them over in this area uh but you won't see as many Fox Sparks over here so I would really suggest just keeping around this kind of mamores Zone in our beginning area all right we are back to base and we do have enough uh of those special materials for both our hot spring which we are going to take the hot spring and just throw it over here I usually like this over by the pal beds um just putting it in front of where you sleep is fine uh because the pals should generally not be over here anyway uh and then our other item that we need to build is the Primitive furnace so the Primitive furnace is going to be Mann most of the time I'm going to say uh you want this somewhere where it's going to be you know kind of easy for the pals to use it and also for you to access it to get it started up pretty much at all times I'm just going to put it kind of in the middle here uh next next to uh the fire here uh just so that there is a good amount of room uh for it to be used and for me to always be able to check it whenever I come back in because it is going to be active a lot of the time it makes the primary bottleneck uh for the materials that you're going to need uh to progress very massively so moving on though we need our enhanced stats which is definitely definitely going to be weight uh from this point for me personally I'm going to put one more Point into stamina and then I'm going to put points into weight until I reach a th000 weight at 1,000 weight I will probably go back and put stamina to 200 100 uh and then after that from that point uh more weight up to like 1,500 is reasonable but you could also just go HP for the entirety of the rest of your levels in the game uh if you wanted to be very very hard to take down which I think is pretty reasonable to want also there are some other tricks we can use to get more carry weight uh once we're at that that much higher level uh so it's less important to invest in it but you definitely I think want to be at minimum a th000 carry weight available especially whenever you're about to see what we're going to be doing so this allows us to make ingots we do have six that we can already make and we are going to need them so we're going to have our Fox Sparks start working on that you do need a pal to actually smelt these so this is a good time for us to go to this upgrade this and open this up and while we could could add another Vixie if you want the smelter to not need to be managed by you whenever you're here or if you don't want to like you know take a break uh and just let your Fox Sparks smelt all the ingots that you need it to smelt while you're here you can assign a fox Sparks here and that is also very useful eventually you will want that but if you're trying to power level and you need a ton of pow balls it's not really going to get better um than having Vixie here although this clumsy one's not going to help us very much so we're going to put this one in uh but yeah the Vixie are just Stellar I mean you can see like just the items that are already just hanging out over here A bunch of money some arrows pow balls arrows and pow balls arrows and pow balls and let's see if anything's even in here nothing got sorted into here but like just the Vixie being able to do that the more of them that are here the more you're going to get from them like like this one that just immediately walked over and and made a palar for us um which is just going to help you be able to clear out all of these uh early Pals in this area get all of them to 10 and you're going to be a much higher level much much faster uh which is just excellent but yeah and then this is working on Crafting those from here our next stff is we need highquality workbench and a medieval medicine workbench also of note on the tutorial obviously at this point I'm kind of ignoring that we need to go challenge the rain Syndicate Tower I don't think that you should challenge that until you are at least level 15 and have a few different Pals under your belt uh but you can feel free to challenge it sooner if you would like to uh but it is you know more challenging than the rest of the tutorial uh so I think you want to level up a bit before you get to that point in terms of the tech that we need uh in order to level here uh those two are available already I believe or they're available at 12 uh that is the high quality workbench uh and then oh yeah yeah at what it's a split between now and the next one so we need this and then this here uh and then at this next level we're also going to get the Pelt armor which is very helpful as well uh and the ik deer saddle which is going to give us a much faster amount that is also much better at combat uh than our bore so we're going to want to have both for that so the extra I deer that we caught earlier is going to be used for this so we are going to need 10 ingots for that which we've already started on uh so I would like to talk about the best place to get or this early for that you will want the rush or if you do not have the rush or already uh you are going to be very sad whenever you try and do this I am going to dump as much stuff as I can here into these different chests because this is why we have been pumping car weight so so much uh throughout what we have played so far because we need a ton of ore so from the rain syn Tower entrance we can come here and jump on our rush or in order to get to this area over here this area with the uh red trees is where you are headed to uh coming up this way there's usually a base here uh of note in the center if you if you kill these guys you can get the pal that's in the center there if there's a Vixie there sometimes it feels like they have better stats but I don't have confirmation uh that the ones that you rescue from these have like better uh perks and such but you know anecdotally it has seemed that way for me so if you want to rescue that if it is a pal that you think uh you are going to want I would suggest doing so and then from here we can just run up this this gives us a nice elevation to Simply fly on over to the other side here uh this is a shortcut I would would call it from like running around the full distance but it's also the definite fastest way to get here just another reason that you're going to want that although I think you can make that jump even if you haven't built um the glider yeah then just running up here we're going to be getting another fast travel point that you are going to use a ton and I mean a real ton this is the desolate church and we have this a very convenient travel Point here and behind this church well inside this church there is uh notably uh usually a chest which there is in this case uh and also one of these fragments or the LIF monk Effigies rather which you of course want going to want as many of them as you can get behind the church these are all or deposits these are arranged in a very convenient way for rush or to farm them because if we simply do this oh and bounce absolutely perfectly between them we still got 10 ore what you want to do is hit multiple of these and get you know 30 ore there that was just the full 31 ore just straight out if I hang out between these two uh we just crash into both of these for 60 ore I can no longer move uh so there's that so we're going to have to drop some of this or something else that we're carrying if it's particularly heavy maybe just like feeding myself in my rush or we maybe get me there uh not quite so we're going to have to drop some of this you can hold control just grab some of this uh this is 88 lb uh we can drop 60 lbs of this yeah just drop that right on the ground and now we can move again and the most convenient thing of course here is that there's a fast travel point right here so you can take everything that you just farmed and immediately bring it back to your base so from here we immediately head back to the base you can start a new chest or just dump the ore into this box which is what we're going to do and these six ingots are ready and what we just farmed in the two seconds we were over there is 30 ingots those nodes do respawn uh it is at this point that I am actually going to assign a Vixie here or assign a Vixie uh assign a fox here in order to work the smelter so they are always going to be doing the furnace thing and that is going to make all of the ingots that we are going to need we are going to need so many ingots so uh this has been like the reason why we've been leveling so much car weight so you can carry as many ingots as possible back it is worth noting if you are really going to want to farm a ton of this one of the best things you can do is actually keep the rush or in your party and then make all the other slots kativa every kativa that's in your party increases your carry weight by 50 so that is an extra 200 lb you can have for the purposes of this so in this case we can sort this by pal number I have these extra two kativa that I am actually going to swap in in the place of this so I can carry the extra 100 lb of weight you can see that pal skill effect there there's other Pals that you can get later uh that have higher versions of this skill but they're much more difficult to get and we can't really access them now without leveling up quite a bit uh which is the reason we need the metal in order to do that anyhow uh so yeah the fox is going to work on this and then I'm going to go get even more metal and farm out that whole thing but this is going to be like primary location uh for you to get all the ore that you're going to need for the early game and get into like you know metal armor and all kinds of good stuff so I would highly highly recommend it also worth noting usually whenever you drop ore here it has not despawned whenever you come right back if I go right over here you can see that that that ore that I had dropped uh some of it at least is still here now we can just bounce around through here and grab all of this stuff there's 50 ore we are almost at weight and also just just to show how how like big the difference here is I'm going to take this stone pickaxe and I'm just going to like start working on this and you'll see how little ore I do get there's one oh my entire stamina bar almost gave as much as rush or bumping into one of these nice yeah so we we definitely want to use rush or for this it is infinitely worth it if you have not gone to get a rush or you just should do it also we are at weight we have 600 L PB of or in our pockets basically gu we head back here dump all of that ore off and then rinse and repeat also we're going to make it day um so that everyone is like you know doing all of their tasks as skipping night is fantastic unless you have um cows that never sleep um then those are of course not going to matter whether it's day or night but you can see what the Vixie have done here which has been excellent just a bunch of pal speres is fantastic for us yeah Five Arrows seven spars 40 coins good stuff there let just toss this into this we do not need the money right now yeah those 10 ingots that we just got oh we can actually use that uh to make our highquality workbench after we craft some Nails which I believe I did grab through here already I need to grab those still yeah grabed the nails now so we have the nails uh and we are going to we're just going to build a second bench for that so we don't have to go through the other and then this we're going to need a 10 nails so we're going to build five of these and then those uh will there will be some progress on those whenever we get back we're just going to get a bunch more ore cuz we are going to need a ton okay we have dinged level 12 which was the last thing we needed to do just finished catching the rest of the Lamb balls that we can up to our our cap on the experience bonus which was 10 for any given f as a reminder uh and then we have our Fox spks creating a bunch of ingots uh and now because we are leveled up we can grab our medieval workbench and our Pelt armor which we already have enough for although I think we might have to gra a little more uh and then we can also get our ik through deer sadd though that's not super important right now but we will definitely want it and with those three things we have enough to craft the highquality workbench which we are going to uh just put at the back here that's a fine place for it uh and then also have our medieval workbench which we're only really going to be the like it's basically just just going to be us using this most of the time I can just go right here next to this which we don't have enough to level this up yet yeah so once we finish building these we will have our base level up once again all right that being all done we can advance our base level to nine and then lastly we need the cooler box and the sphere workbench which we are only going to have uh once we are the next level which is 13 and then the sphere workbench is at 14 so we need a bunch of levels luckily in addition to getting all of this stuff and also having him start crafting it uh you can see what the Vixie have been up to and if you caught a glimpse of what's going on at the bottom right I have 56 pal speres right now and every time I come back to base it's basically this situation where there are still a bunch more uh so that is you know fantastic to have uh we're also short a couple beds though so I got to make sure I throw those down uh we're going to need one more so we're going to build another row of the beds but I don't have enough fiber with not having enough fiber I going to go grab that real quick and craft those beds real fast one sec all right back to it we have those uh build now we have a considerable overage on fiber even as well uh so those are now building and that means we can add because we did just level up with this open space we're going to move this fox Sparks over and we are going to add in another Vixie cuz this is you know continually super useful to have all those pal speres on hand for catching all the things we're going to want to catch in addition for catching what we're about to want to go catch I've built the three shot bow uh from the tech tree uh and also in order for getting that fiber faster because I do have the ingots already uh we built a metal axe the metal metal pickaxe because we have rush or is really not necessary uh and I can't really imagine how good like a further pickaxe needs to be in order for me to use it over what the options are later uh so you don't really need this but you could have it uh if you just don't really care that it's like 5 pounds heavier uh and you know in General on my like level 30 plus uh character file I I don't even carry a pickaxe around I would rather just have a uh strong pal able to mine with me uh but yeah the three shot bow is very helpful here though uh it is a very nice upgrade to our old bow This is 40 but you shoot three arrows and this is 65 with just one Arrow however the three shot bow does not use three arrows when you fire it which is critically important because it is not like an efficiency loss uh in terms of using your arrows so we can just discard that old bow cuz we're not going to need it again um cuz this is just purely purely better now because we are getting close to the level that we want to be uh to to kind of end this video out which is 15 we need to go catch the thing that is going to be the the important thing at level 15 uh and that is a Nightwing for that sometimes they do appear at night so I am going to run over there uh but out in these starter Fields you've seen them a little bit flying around they are the huge birds just absolutely gigantic Birds that are sometimes overhead and if there's not one here I do know where they can also be all right yeah there weren't any over there so we can just come over here and just head out and head over to this Ridge here grabbing some berries though we don't really need berries at this point we're crafting so so many in the base um over on this hill you can see we have another of the lift monks we have a thing that might be particularly useful this is really RNG dependent though that is this special tree that you see here we can use our glider just to jump across this grab this and then what these are here really matters we have spark blast lock on laser I haven't seen that one before uh and stone Cannon which is really good so these are skill fruits this is a skill tree there are a bunch of the around but what fruits they give are totally random Pals do not have any restriction on what they can learn and ridable Pals uh can can you can have these just be used at will lock on laser I we're going to test on one of our later mounts uh because I'm not sure quite what that is but uh spark blast should be quite useful for our rush or in order to uh do what we are going to be doing so on our rush or you can see that we now have spark blast on them um which will just let let us release lightning balls along with our sand blast uh which is just kind of like a basic little U attack that I can show here so from this we have our sand blast which is just a learned move that you learn just by leveling up rure and then our spark blast which is this electric move that is nice and wide reaching uh and should be good uh for dealing some pretty considerable damage should we need to which for amount that you're going to have around all the time is very good at least until you're about level maybe 25 or so is whenever you could get the upgrade to what rush or does yeah we're headed over here towards these ruins though as this is going to give us another travel point and is also a very very common spawning ground uh for the Nightwings that we are currently hunting oops accidentally hit a lift that's fine oh I did not mean to throw the better wow it failed get in the ball Li monks come on get in there I wasted my better ball which is what I was going to use on the Nightwing so you got to be caught also start seeing some tonts and some other things around here which you should be catching for experience but I'm of course skipping that so we can find the thing that we are looking for also the tanies are here as well yeah this area here is there's one right there is usually very very very common uh for the Nightwing spawning there's two over here even we want to grab whatever one is the lower level one yeah so this level 10 Nightwing uh is what we are looking to grab and also this chest while we're here 20 arrows which is nice but yeah this should not be too particularly difficult uh because we are mounted up on Rush or we have some pretty good damage resistance to what he's going to be throwing at us um and also we're like we are the level that we should be uh for catching him and with the triple shot bow we can make relatively short work of his health and just start doing our throws now 40% catch rate you know could be better uh but is certainly not bad either and there we go all right so Nightwing acquired so from this point uh we have the Nightwing which on the technology tree we can actually see ahead of time that at level 15 we get the Nightwing saddle that gives us access to basically completely unbounded flight wherever we need to go and is insanely insanely useful this is the first flying Mount of many actually uh but you are definitely going to make sure that you have this the moment you ding 15 you should be able to build this so uh we need the 15 ingots the 10 cloth which is not a big deal if you've got caught a bunch of sheep you'll already have that the leather which can be a little bit more difficult uh that comes from Fox Sparks and flxs um and a few other there's there's a good variety of things the through deer drop usually like three so they're also pretty good for this if you're confident in just killing a bunch of those and then the fiber is no problem and the palum fragments also are no problem our rore can just take care of that obviously so from here basically the plan is of course I'm going to be leveling because I would like to um you know craft the next stuff that we need the cooler box and the sphere workbench but from this point on Crafting the cooler box and sphere workbench is fine and all but we mostly are headed straight to 15 and we should be using the pow balls that the vies are going to be providing us with relatively constantly to catch things that we don't have 10 of and ding as many levels as we can as fast as we can in order to get to level 15 cuz that opens up a bunch of options for us so that is going to be what I am doing I grab the tont there and you can just see like the how much of that XP has scaled up as well yeah between the arrows that we're getting from the vix and the PO balls we getting from the Vixie I should be able to go around and catch a ton of these easy to catch Pals without an issue at all amazing we we love what the vix can do just 27 pal speres completely reloaded us from our little outing uh we are back from getting to level 15 so we have some points to put in number one is the Nightwing saddle which is going to be our primary concern and then of course the things we need for our level up you're going to want to be able to craft meas spheres uh and then in terms of other stuff here uh the crossbow pretty useful worth crafting for sure if you have the extra materials to do so uh I would highly suggest you do that uh you are going to need the mill and the wheat Plantation so you will just have to have those um and then other than that we can skip on a lot of this stuff for now uh if while you were out you cut you caught a lift monk lift monk is actually very similar to uh Fox Sparks uh in terms of how useful it is you get lift monk submachine gun basically the lift monk will jump on your head and then it will mirror whenever you are attacking it will be shooting its gun which is quite good so I would suggest also learning this KY assault rifle I find to be considerably worse as it's not based on you um but this one is quite nice especially if you can find a good lift monk around uh and then other than that we're pretty much ready to go so we have these 70 ingots to put in here along with everything else that we collected uh and then we are pretty much ready to build that Nightwing saddle we just need to make the cloth and we need a single more leather whoops thought thought I had enough I thought I was right at the uh how much leather I needed but it looks like I am not so I'm going to need to just Craft um a few more things from that uh so yeah while we'll be right back while I grab just those quick materials all right and with this last cloth crafted we can craft our Nightwing saddle which is our final goal for this video all right and we are done the Nightwing saddle has been crafted I have pulled my Nightwing out of the box and we can just see just how nice it is to have a Nightwing this is affected by the stamina increases that we have already done uh and you can see just from flying up here especially at this time of day every green little glowing spot you see there is one of the lift monks getting the height advantage and being able to see all those all those upgrades for our capture rates is incredible and also whenever you're flying up here uh we obviously have the stamina that's going down it's especially going down as we gain height but when you run out of stamina falling back to Earth does not deal damage to you so this is also no fall damage and if that wasn't enough for what Nightwing provides for you uh we also have the case where if we uh wanted to say go over uh to that Island over there if that is where you you want to be in terms of water lightwing can hover on the water at no stamina cost so we're actually recovering stamina this is considered to be ground for Nightwing uh so we just have basically freed up our movement entirely uh in terms of climbing Cliffs and getting up on top of mountains you can see how efficient it is just at getting even just back up to our spawn Zone which is this giant Cliff down uh this opens up the game basically in its entirety for what you're going to do from this point forward you can get a ton of exploration going get a bunch of lift monks upgrade your capture rate uh and really just get into a bunch of the different upgrades uh let your let your base do its thing from where we are uh you have like you know attained full Freedom we have the farm here with the Vixie that are going to be giving you enough pow balls to continually catch more and more stuff uh giving you more arrows in order to fight more stuff and also giving you gold in order to purchase things we have the berries uh that are being done by our um by our gumas uh and also that's like you know being helped by our penlet as well which is also helping with other things around the base and then we have our ik deer giving us more wood the civas are also mining along with organizing things and then uh if you want to do various runs to get more ore for your Fox Sparks you can set up the smelter uh in order to just kind of run in perpetuity to continually give you more and more metal uh I have played at this point for a total about 2 and 1 half hours I took a couple of couple of breaks while recording and just kind of let the game do its thing for a little while mostly to get more wood and also for all of our ingots to craft um but with the about 100 ingots that we have left over we have a lot of stuff that we can start getting into from this point uh which is the next few levels you know up at like level 23 or so we can get like metal armor the musket at 21 and just things that we're going to be able to craft uh because we have set up all of these different things we get the penlet rocket launcher uh at 17 which as you can see we very comfortably have the materials to put together and that's going to be a very powerful weapon for us and also we're going to get the Mega Shield at the very next level uh if you guys want to see more content uh then we can talk about how to farm civilization Parts set up your secondary base which also uh worth noting from our thing here uh the very next upgrade for us once we have the cooler box and the sphere workbench built uh which in terms of materials is pretty low on the totem pole we can fully build the cooler box and uh also the sphere workbench we just need to craft some nails and grab a single palum in order to be able to do that so that's essentially already done uh this is the point where you would be moving on to where you should set up your second base and what that should do but this is home you have successfully with all of these things crafted together uh put together infinite wood infinite Stone just letting your pals do it themselves um infinite food because as you can see from just the little bit that we've played we have over 200 berries here that are going to sustain this base for a very long time and just constant uh po ball production as well uh and if you wanted to go out and collect a little bit more leather which is of course going to be a bottleneck for a few different things uh you could just craft the new Pelt armor as well so an armor upgrade is right on the horizon 2 but yeah if you guys want to see me do more progression guides and stuff uh absolutely just let me know in the comments uh as I think that like you know what exactly you should be doing for progression is very interesting in this game and from here things get a lot more kind of widened out so I think it would be interesting to do as well but yeah the thing that I would suggest from here uh is that you go and level up your capture rate uh and grab those lift monk figes as many as you can especially at night cuz you can see even a bunch from here level this up to like level four or five honestly really just go on a like collection spree with those while throwing pow balls and anything you don't have 10 of uh and you will level a ton and uh have a very very easy time catching a lot of higher level Pals as you encounter them as you explore and collect more of the Effigies but yeah uh that's uh that's the guide for power world hopefully you guys have enjoyed this uh this game has been super fun and I'll be playing more of it on stream in all likelihood uh so yeah hopefully this video has been informative if a little long uh and I will see you next time all right thanks for watching everyone and of course as usual thanks very much to the patrons for supporting the channel especially the $10 patrons Alex Barum Andrew Angel sbm Arbiter Daydream benen platic Brandon kogan Brutus Salazar canra uh Dylan dworski rain haon James haror uh gc4 science John Lobel Joshua Adams Lou zanth Mel Min ginja mcha nerve remox toate Ruby sharp 247 tamry wastelander the coupon of death home worm Victor Palmer wife of Wars bed and Zara fear and of course thank you very much to all of the five and $2 patrons as well it is much appreciated because I've been asked this a lot uh I am doing the 2024 Warframe tier list but I need to get last year's data from whenever de releases that which hopefully happens on the January Dev stream uh but that's what's holding that up cuz you know that kind of factors into warframes getting sranks or not but yeah that's that's what's going on uh and thanks thank you everybody
Channel: Brozime
Views: 10,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, ftp, free, to, part, PC, guide, help, new, build, end, review, farm, rare, solo, fast, bro, zime, brozime, gameplay, best, palworld, palworld gameplay, palworld review, palworld pokemon mod, palworld pals, palworld server, palworld map, palworld game, palworld pokemon, leather palworld, palworld ore farm, palworld ingot farm, palworld sphere farm, palworld speedrun, palworld flying mount, palworld flying pals, palworld fast leveling, palworld first base, pal world, pal world tips and tricks
Id: GM4A1Uhd9pA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 4sec (4984 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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