Palworld, The Most Successful Survival Game In Steam History

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well hello there you wonderful humans and welcome back to Pal World hope everybody's having a fantastic day it's been a it's been a crazy weekend huh the uh the most successful Survival game in Steam history absolutely ridiculous uh 1.5 million people actively playing right now 9:30 a.m. um it's been it's been so much fun playing making videos again kind of getting back into the groove of things uh but today we got a we got a lot of stuff to do today got a lot of things to uh to try and find we're going to be hunting for some uh some rare Pals maybe some lucky Pals we're going to be doing some crafting upgrades to the base uh upgrades to ourselves probably going into some some caves and also working on breeding up incredibly powerful Pals today so yeah oh I'm up early today yeah Tiff and I came and picked up um Freya and nugget today so they're going to their uh to their new homes and uh and it's good let's see what we got in this large you know what we'll do the regular Frozen egg first then we'll do the large egg see what we got out of these I got these in a new zone so we got a chill it there and what do we get here oh an ice repo I have not actually seen one of these before so I found this in one of the ice zones I was I was flying around um looking for for trees and stuff oh wow you a thick old boyo what do you do Mining and cooling level three you are th we don't need you here though this is the most successful Survival game very cool yep it is um ridiculously successful and it's very good as well I've been thoroughly enjoying my time in it I haven't fallen in love with a with the game as far as like content creation goes uh like this in a couple years so it's been really nice getting back into it it's almost like gamers are craving a good Monster hunting game interesting indeed indeed all right so uh we got some stuff going on here I'm going to queue up some uh some animals to start uh breeding here real quick uh I've been working on creating like a really really powerful team of Daydreams for XP farming and let's see what we got here there's a couple different things I want to do with these and let's see here so we're working on right here so we got Vanguard on this one which 10% increase to player attack which is actually a pretty significant increase and it can stack too so I'm debating whether or not I want to increase this more uh motivational leader apparently doesn't actually work I've been testing it out doesn't work so I put this on here for no reason uh so kind of what I want to do is I want to breed the Vanguard and ferocious onto something like muscle head so I've got that I've got muscle head ferocious diet lover and sadist on this one so we're going to do we're going to do a little bit of a oh get out of here what you doing buddy be gone fou Beast so we are going to put these here and we're going to cue them up to go inside of the the little breeding pen here early stream yeah had a lot I needed to do today and I woke up early and since there was things I was going to be doing to what to work on videos I figured I might as well stream what I'm what I'm working on anyways we haven't streamed in a couple days and since I didn't release a video this morning I was like okay I'm not going to ruin a video if I stream so just uh fig you know kill two birds with one stone and get to hang out with all of you and not worry about ruining one of my videos started bringing Fox spks last night based on your guide got really confused by the randomized abilities but I'm going to rewatch it um yeah so the abilities can they can randomize which is a little bit frustrating uh let's see here we are we can make another 11 cakes so that'll be good we'll go over the fox Parks I'm actually about to breed up another pair of fox Parks as well uh so we'll work on that too at the same time I've got another breeding pen at the other base let's see if I have all the fox barks that I need though we we create a really powerful one for aara but I haven't made a really powerful one for me I have one that's good but it's not as good as it could be uh so let's see we want to put ferocious on the lucky and musclehead and sadist let's see here we also have pyromaniac and hooligan I would rather have hooligan than sadist uh let's see of course they're all you know okay so we're going to do this first we're going to work on our Fox barks here we'll set these two up think they'll add a soundtrack I'm sure they'll add a whole bunch of different things over time like the game is early access a lot of the things like animations and uh and sound design and stuff like that like or music or things I guess like a lot of the the fine tuning is going to come last so I'm sure they'll add more animations more abilities more Pals and things like that towards the end music so fully anticipate seeing all that at some point uh I don't know if I want to yeah definitely don't want to leave seven cakes in here we'll leave two just in case I think that's all I'll need I got nine cakes in there God dang I'm going to leave a bunch of all the cakes in there cuz they won't they don't spoil if they're in the breeding pen which is super nice whereas they will spoil if you leave them in a refrigerator we got more ingots here oh you know what I wanted to make my first gun today I've been actually saving doing this during for during a live stream so let's make our first gun we'll wait on those eggs and I want to make a handgun I think cuz it's not super expensive and then we can make the handgun ammo as well we could make a rifle I think I learned the assault rifle at the next level so I'll make this then we'll make some ammo I've already made a whole bunch of pow balls for today I've got a bunch of hyperspheres the gigas speres I don't really necessarily need maybe I'll make more hyperspheres today you sir should be sleeping I slept like 3 hours last night Emily how are you doing Fabian Dixie bucket of nugs Torrance Julian Matt Emmy there's a soundtrack you can buy on Steam how's your map look now have you been to to a save area a save area so this is what my map looks like I've kind of been all over the place um a lot of this random flying around is because luxara has explored way more of the map so she's kind of showed me a bunch of the different places to actually go so I've kind of focused on that rather than just fullon exploring uh and yes I am on the Early Access save um I don't feel comfortable streaming on the full server on the community server yet while it is up um I don't want to risk streaming and having problems on it so we're avoiding that at the moment uh oh I can only make a couple of those can I make where do I make gunpowder I think I make gunpowder over here first time you've been able to catch a stream welcome welcome welcome have I ever explored animation no I've been told that before but this is not where I make oh this is where I make gunpowder oh sulfur and charcoal so now I need to figure out where to make charcoal oh God uh charcoal charcoal charcoal charcoal charcoal clearly Lexar has been doing all of this for me I think I can make charcoal in a furnace I'm still going to keep our bow on us coarse ammo for a musket and a makeshift handgun and other similar weapons you know what we have all that makeshift handgun ammo maybe I will test the two and see tag glider not known for Pokemon all my friends who stream Pokemon that are playing this game are getting for betraying Pokemon oh God yeah H the Nintendo and Pokemon fan people are like I don't know let people enjoy stuff it's very obvious how much people have been craving a game like this and Nintendo could have done this over the last 20 years they could have done this at any point in time but they don't care and maybe this will make them care and make them make a better Pokémon game people have been craving a an online game like this for years and and and this is less of a Pokemon game than it is a survival game with um you know with creature collecting mechanics in it it honestly is I would call this more of a survival game than I would call it a Pokemon game like there's no turn-based combat there's no traditional PVP the way it is it's more like Ark survival evolved with creature collecting rather than dinosaurs like the unfortunate part is people called this Pokemon with guns and that's why it's being compared to Pokemon so much and obviously there's a lot of the pal designs that are very close to Pokemon as well like we can't deny that at all but just let people enjoy stuff like the world is such a freaking hellhole just stop harassing people let people enjoy what they want to enjoy and just move the hell on if you like Pokemon play Pokemon stop harassing people um let's see here all right we're going to go we've got the handun where did I put my bow I think I lost my bow somewhere I want to keep the bow for lowlevel pal hunting so we got to pick that up one can like both games yeah just people people like to be drama queens there's really no avoiding it unfortunately do you have a building guide coming out I built at the AA base and can't get my Palace to work up top so wanted to build a staircase what did I do did I end up doing that here fast travel if you go uh Benji thank you for the Super Chat by the way um I mean there's a couple different things you can do what I would recommend doing we started doing this before is you just go into to build and then you're going to need to what I would do is I would build from the top so I would build the foundation at the top kind of like this and then from there I would build stairs down now I have stuff here so it's preventing me from building down but this is what I would recommend doing and I would do a two wide staircase if you're going to build a staircase so I would do it maybe right here chop down this tree build a two- wide staircase and build the stairs down that's what I would do personally and that's what we started to do on our other server all right let's see if we got an egg let's grab our first Fox Bark's egg then we're going to head out I'm going to go up to the desert area here in a second buy some handgun ammo and um check one of the NPCs out there and then we're going to [Music] explore that's so upsetting I didn't know the foundation goes to different heights I was trying from up top on the ground oh yeah it just takes a little bit of experimenting with the stuff got our first Daydream egg over here now I have um adjusted the settings so we can hatch the eggs instantly uh for the stream so we got muscle head and stronghold St ateg just you can adjust all these settings in your um like before you launch the game if you're playing Solo or something like that or have a server with friends all right nothing good um okay let's put some of these Pals back have these These are garbage they're going to go back here and let's grab the things that we we need I need my Flappy boy I recorded a video on yesterday oh shoot what level is he I think he was like 24 27 there he is and then we need our deer I wish you could have ah never mind it's a bunch of things I wish I could have but I'm not going to get him I think the deer was level 27 you see I have a lot of different oh where is my deer there it is 29 and then we need one more spot we're going to take our lift monk which should be at the very end here oh boy where did you go so I have two LIF monks oh I have a lift monk here I have another lift monk here somewhere that I was making for leara which is going to be even more powerful um so I need to farm up a couple of lift monks we're going to go do that real quick we need to farm up more Daydreams uh more Fox bark as well as some other things too uh toddy thank you for the 44 months how have you been oh shoot almost left without actually bringing balls it's weird that people are having a ton of issues on Xbox uh I don't know if it's only like the classic like the old Xbox or if it's the new one too enjoyed some single player the other day looking forward to getting on the server nice the server is available for everybody to play on the well uh everybody within the community if you're a member super Bean or above you can play on the member server don't want to waste those God I love this tier it makes farming stuff so unbelievably good it's kind of rude but it works you see my sort message for your PO boox yeah but I'm not going to sort my PO boox because I have it set up in a way right now where I can find certain things but every time you sort it I wish you could yeah I I know about the Sorting long story short just wasn't going to work for what I am trying to do right now I have a bunch of Pals separated that I'm using for breeding and I don't want to have to refind them cuz there's like 10 of them LIF monk get back here bnk double bnk oh you know what bye that's what you get for standing on an edge oh cocaine Nightshade thank you for the first Super Chat been lurking since your monster stories videos really excited to see another monster game with Unique Mechanics hope to catch more streams thank you very much and welcome glad to have you here with us Bonk I don't need to catch too many more of these I just want to have Lara's uh lift monk done for when she wakes up you found a lucky lift monk nice I found one or two of them so far H do you really pronounce that cocaine nope I'm dyslexic and uh sometimes I have trouble reading that's that's about it clearly not cocaine on a Second Glance first glance totally was though oh my god there are so many rumors about this game going around even my brother is telling me about them and I just fact checked and they were all wrong that's because people don't fact check anything and they just talk about what they hear and spread it as fact especially with Tik Tok nowadays people watch one Tik Tok and like this is the realest reel I've ever Reed uh yeah okay we got to go to get Daydreams now hoping to find a lucky Daydream just use your video to work out how to breed I was stuck so thank you glad to help out there was no tutorial anywhere on the internet for breeding and that's why I made the video cuz well there let me rephrase that there was and they were all wrong or didn't actually talk about the things that you needed to know it was really really bad so I released the first actual breeding tutorial video that goes through everything you actually need to know for transferring stats and all all that fun stuff but glad it helped out cuz it was driving me well it wasn't necessarily driving me bananas but I wanted to make sure to let people know how to do it properly Bonk what Bonk there we go are you going to up reup uh Bruce I reuploaded it yesterday it's up on the channel right now uh this this one that I'm using right now is actually part of that video bunk what 90% capture rate and you reverse bonked it how freaking dare you I'll murder your soul the whole thing get out of here want Drupal Bonk you what are the perks of joining this channel um let's see so you get access to the community Discord which will allow you to join in in any servers that we host we have Arc survival evolved servers we have have paleo servers or sorry not palea U pal World servers um we have two currently there will be more once they stabilize but I'm not going to pay for more when uh things aren't working very good at the moment and those will be the servers we eventually play on as well so you able to play along with us so you get access to play in any kind of multiplayer game with us uh join guilds and things like that members only live streams and game night which we need to bring back at some point we were doing it every day or every Thursday for two years and then um haven't done one in a in a in a bit we'll do them again soon I keep saying that I know but it's true you have a third base idea I don't think I have access to a third base yet um I do if we get a third base get in the ball get in the ball you're going to die if I run into you again you deserve to die should have gotten the ball you had the chance have I challenged any other Towers yet no I haven't uh honestly what I've been focusing on is just early game videos like I have I've explored a lot of the game but I've been focusing mainly on like there's so many good things at the beginning of the game that I think is getting overlooked cuz people are trying to rush through as quick as possible um so my main focus has still just been taking full advantage of the early game stuff CU there's a lot of really fun things yeah at the beginning if you don't rush watch them all this morning all primes hell yeah thank you for the support that means a lot about to fight the first bot what Pals should I use uh don't use water ones it is an electric boss um so do not use water PS use ground I mean honestly as long as you're what like I forget what level that boss is just don't use water Pals you should be fine and just make sure to dodge dodge and weave make sure to use the control button or whatever the Dodge button is on the system that you're using BK oh got to get them when they're stunned they're easier to capture that way dirty little chicken what [Music] I think uh beat the first boss at level 12 I think it was the first boss is level 13 being higher level than it is definitely going to help bunk bunk bunk God I love this deer so much lar was using this thing pretty much the whole game and I was using the wolf because I thought the wolf was faster uh and then I was wondering like why are you able to catch so many more Pals cuz when we were grinding catching Pals and stuff like that to do the pal condensation I was like how is she catching exponentially more than me and then I found out one the wolf isn't not is in fact not faster than the deer and two the the the wolf doesn't have the ability to run things over and not and kind of like knock them out for a second and making the catch rate easier so you're able to literally just plow through uh anything that's smaller than the deer essentially to do damage knock them out and capture them so it's honestly if you're going to get a mount this is the best one for the early game I know a lot of people People Like the Wolf I was a wolf Fanboy as well uh but it's just not faster watch this uh boink didn't know that Fear the Deer exactly wait are we live right now Sky yeah we are how long is this game being Early Access I have 70 hours in it and I have this this much of the map explored I have how many of the pal decks deck do I have uh I have registered 62 of the pal deck and I'm nowhere near complete oh shoot we got a whole bunch of eggs we got ferocious and masochistic I don't know why Daydreams have been so bad for me to to get what I want on them it's the only pal I think it's because they're so op I have not been able to get the stats on them that I want I don't know why every other pal that I have bred I've been able to get the stats pretty quickly but I've been breeding Daydreams for I think 15 16 hours now and I haven't gotten a single one with all the stats that I [Music] want what makes them op you'll see in a video later today you'll probably see a little bit in this video in this stream too if you hang out long [Music] enough what Monsters make a Daydream you don't need to make a Daydream they you just go to the the the early area at night and they're literally everywhere that's what I was just farming up can I show you my pal setup for this base sure yeah oh now my fox sparks don't want to transfer stats what is going on um so right now at this base I have I'm I'm focusing on farming up food right now I have two two of The Blaze hell knocks but essentially my setup would be um either the blaze hell knocks when you get them or before that I would recommend our Sox which I don't think I have I think uh luxara has them in her inventory right now or the kitsun I prefer the kitun if I'm being completely honest because they have kindling level two and they only have kindling so they won't do anything other than the food stuff which in my opinion is way better plus these things are amazing this is actually going to be one of the mons that I add to my team at some point they're absolutely beautiful and they do a ton of damage as well I just said man my bad um then I have three pen Kings cuz I'm focusing on food right now uh Robin quill CA and I have a lift monk in here for some reason I don't know why but then I use loot mods for my handiwork so that way they only do handiwork when I need them to have one electric generator and I swap these out depending on what I need to do doesn't the blaze hell knock also run over Pals yeah but it's uh it's a endgame pal so I haven't reviewed it because it is endgame that would be the blaz H knock is pretty much what I would Rec I mean but it's so big it's so big it's beautiful though let me see how the food's doing actually just trying to stock up if you switch a server do you have to start all over yeah yeah yeah do all right let's upgrade uh I think I should have enough lift monks to upgrade my final lift monk this one is the one for luxara or maybe I don't have enough at all oh boy oh I don't even have F oh slap me in the face and call me Suzy okay we got to go get more I want that done before she wakes up [Music] have you seen how Wild some pal decks are one says they bring babies to their nest to feed them and later hunt yeah some of the pal deck stuff is is actually pretty freaking amazing where's the best iron farm there's a few I have a video on it on the channel that goes over it more and how to set up the base uh I recommend checking it out I could explain it to you here but I I mean I made a video on it um I released it yeah two days ago oh god tier man just sitting on my hand while I'm trying to capture LIF monk so that's two o you know what Let's Farm up these trees two uh acid rain ignis blast that's a not a good one dang it oh God two IGN blasts yuck boo all right I don't want to launch these I would like to capture them oh launch them anyways Baby Come Back yeah blaz hell knocked is essentially going to be your what why why my box is not full I've never encountered this issue before hold on I think it might think it's full because of the way I have it set up right now but it's definitely not full means I have to sort it which I did not want to do been glad to watch another live stream Samantha welcome and thank you very much glad to have you here with us moist deer oh oh interesting all right what are we upgrading we're upgrading something we're upgrading our deer it's all the fox barks that I have and [Music] Daydreams oh no oh God all right well you guys get to check out a test that I wanted to [Music] do oh no uh wait okay so we're going to do this I wanted to do a little bit of a test going to swap this oh God I'm dying let's see here let's teach this guy try lightning I only want one try lightning Bubble Blast lightning streak Power Bomb yeah we'll keep acid rain [Applause] and I kind of want to teach a fire move no we'll do Spirit H Spirit flame yeah Spirit flame is pretty good what's the cool down on that 16 going to try and add stars on a human no no no nope you'll see get back here you motherless goat oh you think you're freaking funny huh all right anyways I want to test this you can do it oh okay you can teach pal skills to to humans so now he knows Spirit flame acid rain and and TRL lightning I want to use him for combat and see how he does cuz he's got so much HP he can literally kill anything I'm going to put him up against the uh oh shoot of course the human knows acid rain this will probably get patched I don't think you're supposed to be able to do this should you try to breed them unfortunately that does not work I know that much who is a good black marketeer oh God it looks like I'm giving him a blowy oh no whoops that's not the kind of petting I was trying to do all right do you use the acid rain I think I broke him is the game crashing now I think I broke him by teaching him those skills oh whoops demonetized stun locked him yeah he's uh he's on cool down now after that petting okay we got to sell some Pals oh so many Fox Sparks why do I have so many tanies we can always catch more tanies don't know why I got so many gumas I don't want any of these to be quite honest hes don't want any of those tont we got to keep a a a depresso at all times don't need 50 Pig boys don't need really any of these to be honest boop boop boop uh don't need so many wolves I'm keep my good wolf always need muas don't you touch my muas let's make some money no we need the wool boys for making wool these are all poo poo deers night wings are garbage keep a couple of those the these are garbage oh God definitely get rid of all these unless one has Swift on it which they don't okay we can upgrade that guy this one's bad this one's bad I have one good one there we go making that money baby El monkey thank you for the gift to membership thank you very much teny is op when he gets his assault rifle too um I don't like him as much as you're not wrong let me put it that way you're not wrong but I don't like them as much as lith Monk and fox Sparks cuz I like being able to control what's happening you know oops okay that's pretty good pretty good I definitely don't have enough to do the next one okay back to what we were doing what determines a bad pal to use so I have a bunch of videos on on pal breeding and things like that uh but these passive skills so there's actually a couple different things um the game doesn't tell I have I have a tips and tricks video coming out the game doesn't tell you this you know how there's like IVs and Pokemon while there's stat distribution in this I wouldn't necessarily call them IVs cuz it's not whoops cuz it's not IVs um but there is stat so there's a couple different things to look out for so let's find a level three LIF monk you see how this is this one has 117 attack and 67 defense this has 119 attack and 66 defense so it has one more Point into attack so um the way it can allocate the attack and defense stat the work speed is always the same but the attack and defense stat can change so let's look at these two level fives this is 133 and 130 and they're the same level let's see here this one has 127 but more defense so if you want something with more defense then you can find one that has more defense and this is going to exponentially increase too so like every time it gets a level it's going to be it's going to be better um so paying attention to the stats on the pal before you start upgrading it or whatever you want to do or breeding it say um you want to make sure you pay attention to that but then also the passive skills so if you look here I've bred this up to have muscle head which increases attack by 30% it has ferocious which increases the attack by 20% as mine foran which is actually kind of useless on this I don't mine anymore and it has Swift I would rather have Runner than mine Forman but is what it is but you'll notice here without those passive skills my attack would be 366 but with them it's [Music] 549 I haven't gotten there yet but what do you do with Pals when you don't need them anymore they just sit in the Box forever you can sell them and delete them I I literally just sold mine on stream you can sell them to the black marketeer or to a pal Merchant some pals are not worth upgrading but all pals are useful because you can use your pals to upgrade in the condensation one so uh you take your good pal and you condense all your bad ones into the good one you can combine passives from other species but the problem is say you breed a deer with a tanzy you're not going to get a tanzy you're going to get a random other pal um and that and and you'll get that random other pal every time so say say you have a deer with really great stats and you have a tany with really great stats and you just so happen to have when they breed they have a pal that you really want you can transfer all of the passive skills to that new pal that way yes so there is is cross there is cross species breeding but you might not always get the Palo well unless you're it's complicated I hopefully I'm explaining it good uh Vixie Farm yeah i i f i Farm up all of my basic pal spheres through Vixie it's just super easy I just pop like 10 of them and one of the secondary bases for a bit and just let them Harvest them up while I'm while I'm running around and give some tips on how to get cake efficiently you can sell all of your pals and buy them from a merchant or you can use muzas and uh chicken chickens chickas or whatever they're called and farm them up at your Ranch I have uh if you check out my breeding guide I go over every single thing you need to know to include how to farm up cakes where are all my God dang lift monks catching the bees that make honey with such a pain I just Farm the bees I don't catch them they're super annoying but it's super easy to farm super easy to farm really annoying to catch until you get higher level spheres Stephen I'm doing well thank you for asking I hope you're doing well too there is nothing I want to farm out what is going on here can you use the bees to Nuke mosses I don't think their self-destruct Works um well when they're in your part I've never tried to put one in my party if I'm being honest do the blue Merchants respawn if you kill them in the wild yeah you have to restart the server to get them to respawn though or restart your game is my deer stuck with Miner at this point yeah unless I breed a new one which I'm not going to do you can also get Cakes by killing those pink pals with the hearts on their chest leanders I don't know Tech it says you can in the pal deck uh luxar and I farmed them up for 3 hours and didn't get a single cake drop so uh the cake is a lie there we go our first uh first upgradeable Daydream now where did it go so this has this has plus 65 attack it has Diet lover on there which I don't like but I'm going to take it cuz this has plus 65 damage which is the highest one that I've made so far this one has Vanguard which I wanted I wanted to put Vanguard on here but this is a male and a female this one has freaking diet lover on it too um where yeah the deer the the deer does not fit in dungeons um which is the downside of it so if you I would have both I mean you you can have both you don't have to have both in your party at the same time if you're doing dungeons bring the wolf if you're doing open world bring the deer I love how sadus is a Ste is a is a skill yeah so this one I have muscle head ferocious diet lover and sadist this has Vanguard motivational leader we need to get diet lover off here how many cakes y'all got did y'all plow through all your cake already you did you dirty little Daydreams all right so we've got I'm okay with this one 65 plus 65 attack is pretty great I would love to have Vanguard on here too the chance of getting it is so unbelievably low I really like this one but the motivational leader doesn't actually work uh muscle head and ferocious and satus so that's that's two with the 65 attack increase and they're exact basically exactly the same same I guess we're just going to keep letting them breed so we want to get Vanguard on there you know what let's do this let's swap this out oh no this one still has G Glutton on it but it doesn't have motivational leader anymore still has freaking diet God dang it okay only two more days until un shrouded I knew boy do I know so like we're out of milk right now so this is how I farm up for my for my stuff what we're going to do is we're going to go over here is it pure luck what's passed down I mean yes technically technically speaking yes all right we are going to sort the Box P all right muas where you at we need milk get to work also need we'll do one egg boy where do you find muina you find them over here so this is the starting zone and you can find muina in this area right here fast travel [Music] paper okay uh we need some cake in here and we need to make it daytime more cake more [Music] better it's the fastest way to get fiber the machine literally meant to make fiber for you it's called a Crusher crush up wood into fiber how why is that loton hungry he must be stuck somewhere Glutton affects breeding too eats more cake I don't think that's how that works no rocket surgeon or anything we have eight in there right now if I I mean I've been sleep deprived the past couple days so if I've missed that I'm going to be I'm about to be really upset spaghetti there's also a broken Daydream right there I don't know why it's permanently stuck right there my base is so tidy my I just cleaned up the base this morning it was a hot mess before this morning we have eight cakes which means it should be one cake per egg okay we need to go to the desert real quick we're going to explore the desert a little [Music] bit can I tell you how the fridge works the fridge sucks oh shoot I don't have my undies the fridges make me want to punch a baby in the face honestly it's probably the thing I hate most about this game I am so sick of spending a bunch of time cooking and trying to like stock up on things to only have it expire because one of the stupid Pals won't sit on my freaking fridge I cannot say I hate anything more in this this the only thing I hate in this game essentially if fridge is z useless it's a box that doesn't cool and it makes me really upset cuz this fat piece of garbage is sleeping instead of cooling it and when you assign something to cool it it doesn't stay cold the timer will go back down so this is this is the the fridge is a joke so watch this right this is at 30 minutes right now 30 minutes until expiration get back here you fat piece of garbage I swear to God Cory come here pen King is actually one of my favorite Pals I'm sorry pen king um this is a problem with all Pals watch [Music] this where where did you where did where where why you assigned jolt hog to the fridge yeah but it doesn't watch there's a big problem with the fridge I'm trying to I'm trying it's not cuz it's under the roof on let me get a jol hog you're fired I'm going to show you the problem with the fridge come back come back it has nothing to do with what you guys think the problem is watch all right cooling so now it shows 355 minutes until expiration right but notice this didn't change see the percentage of expiration doesn't change this is the problem it's not the cooling because if it gets to nighttime or it needs to freaking eat or it wants to take a poop it leaves the fridge and guess what happens it goes back down to 29 minutes the percentage of the cooling doesn't change so the second he leaves so say he runs away and it's down here at 1% he runs away for 1 second it goes from maybe 10 hours down to 1 second and it expires and this happens over and over and over because they need to sleep they need to poop they need to eat they want to take a break so the fridge is useless the only efficient way of keeping your stuff from expiring is leaving it in the pot what I recommend doing is making a metric buttload of pots for every single thing that you want to cook and leave it in there until you actually want it I need my underwear the the fridge should be powered by electricity it's it's super dumb and the worst part is it would be better if you could use what what should be able to happen the way it should work is if they want it to be like that we have this thing called a cooler right you should be able to charge the cooler with a with a chill pal and this is an area effect thing right this needs to be charged by and I mean charg like holds a cold it's a freaking Ice Cube it doesn't melt the second an ice pal is gone you should be able to sit a fat penguin on this ice cube make it frozen and then it has a timer on it and this is an AOE thing like it's an all over effect it already is it makes things cooler and uh and then this is the thing you would use for all your fridges that's the way it should work but I don't know they just didn't think it through I guess I don't know anyways thank you for joining my TED Talk otherwise the fridge should work off the generator yes I need underwear um so anyways I may or may not have lost like 300 food in the last like 12 hours probably um so I'm I'm very this is a fresh wound for me okay I'm very unhappy about [Music] it go back to Red Dead Redemption 2 how about you live in the present instead of seven years in the past 5 years whatever it is I don't know math sucks Boop yeah this is an efficient use of of money right now yeah uh yes priority jobs for Pals would be another big thing that I would Rec that I would recommend to the developers because you have a pal that has you know all sorts of different things be like I want you to sit on this fridge every day for the rest of your life extra Base PS that could produce eggs wheat milk and honey and collect them would be good too well you don't really need that you only need one thing that lays milk you just upgrade it and lay more milk when is the full breeding guide coming out it came out two days ago I was the first person on the internet to actually make a true breeding guide with everything that you actually need to know seems like they get upset way too much make sure they're fed make sure you have hot springs enough beds upgrade your beds to better beds when you get a chance what the heck is that oh that's level 41 stranger danger haven't fought one of these before I didn't bring my thick p uh oh I need better balls I've never seen one of those before catch it oh I would I just don't have hyperspheres on me I actually need the better versions of the hyperspheres too I forgot to bring Big Balls good balls best [Music] balls oh yeah we got hatch our eggs too all right how many cakes we got left we should have six cakes left yeah okay Glutton does not affect cake eating cake eating is a sexy time only food doesn't count towards uh the other stuff why are my box Sparks not transferring the skills there we go Blood Of The Dragon and I'm not having good luck today freaking logging Foreman who hurt you kill Ice Pals for ice [Music] organs I set my timer to zero then why I make three incubators cuz I only set the time timer to zero for for the stream I wanted to be able to do a bunch of different things during the stream and uh sitting around waiting for eggs is not the most exciting way to stream right is dude bro gone yeah dude bro's gone ain't no dude Bros where I Ro of course there was a hypersphere in that box oo the Tera Robin quill we need some levels how do y'all feel about getting lit up like a Christmas tree oh youall know what's about to get to happen huh You're about to get blasted oh you explode too oh that's illegal I forgot about that you know what fine oh screw these things oh piss off that almost ended badly [Laughter] freaking hate things that explode did my armor just break son of [Music] a the thing I don't like about the exploding mechanic is the way they circle around you part's super super frustrating I just want to there it is all right so it's level 42 that's going to be interesting we might die screw it JK about the Death part LIF monk be thck guns are strong woo now that's LIF monk that's strong that was all lift monk damage right there really bro I know you're supposed to be captured in a higher Ball but I don't have any so get in this one thank you it was once believed to usher in the dry season Whenever there was a drought the previous year people would relentlessly seek the colit numbers hoping to bring about a plantable harvest the next year all right all right all right how strong is your lift monk uh you should want it's very strong lift monk LIF Monk and fox barks are two of the probably strongest Pals in the game in my opinion and you can get them at the beginning my lift monk has 115 attack and this isn't even its strongest form the one that I'm breeding up for luxara right now will probably have a thousand at this level I have a video on lift Monk and fox Sparks if you really want they will carry you through the entire game honestly they will let's catch another one of these actually yeah I kind of want to catch another one tier piss off you're screwing me tier oh are there shinies in the game um there are luies they don't have different colors they are larger and have a trait called lucky or rare that makes them stronger ooh almost got blasted shoot how much is this game I believe it is still on sale for uh $26.99 I believe is what it is it's traditionally $29.99 on Steam it's free on Xbox game pass I believe it is still on sale on Steam though get in the ball oh shoot why am I not getting the back attack clearly it doesn't have a back there we [Music] go Pro hero thank you for the Super Chat two days for un shrouded I'm so excited for that game I want to play it so so much I saw that from you and I love it already absolutely we'll be checking out in shrouded as well [Music] you can't Reed that defeats the whole purpose of the fridge I know you can do that to reset the timer but I'd rather not be sitting have to sit I mean that was not so bad have to sit at my base all the time and sort something I would like to be able to play the game and not have to worry about it expiring [Music] why does that M look like it was just getting butt stuffed give me my milk give me my milk why am I so thick right now I'm no math wizard but I don't know how 16 + 70 + 4.5 equal 627 plus 35 515 [Music] oh I'm thicker than a box of jelly donuts in food right now that's [Music] better moena how do you level lift mon Gathering to level two you need to upgrade in the pal condenser all pal skills like this so LIF monk traditionally has all level one skills but if you level up the the star level in the pal condenser which means you're consuming other lift monks and putting them inside of this one you can level up their skills to level one level and that goes for every other creature in the game as [Music] well cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake might do that for your R Soxs I mean if you have one yeah might as well there are better ones to do it on but they're later in the game wolf man thank you here bro what you doing dude I don't know if I like the handgun I I feel like the three shot bow is still kind of well I guess that thing was high level so it was higher level than I am so that's why I wasn't doing a lot of damage uh speaking of which got to get some some XP how many Pals do you need total for four star condenser um from zero to Max it's like U I'm I don't know math like 120 something like that give me them levels baby I need to level up the lift monk wow yeah we need big chungus good old big chungus yeah two LIF monks or two Fox spks honestly it's just ridiculous what's more powerful a team of lift monks or a team of Daydreams uh I would say a team of LIF monks probably I had to make a choice team of fox spks is better are the bullets unlimited with the LIF monk skill yeah it's a it's it's a skill from LIF monk specifically it is very strong man I'm not getting good luck with the breeding today I saw a Reddit post for some guy locked out on a lift monk that with Buffs hit 1,000 plus attack yeah that's easy uh mine is currently at 800 this one is going to be at a th000 um yeah this one here is going to be at a th000 which Speaking of which we're going to go do right meow are you insta incubating it is a setting on your server list that you can use dude why are you up here set it to zero to have instant egg [Music] hatching yes multiple you can have your whoops you can have your entire party be I have a video coming out later today on an insane party of uh of Daydreams I can show you here in a little bit I was able to clear a level 50 or 45 dungeon at level 35 um with lift monk Fox Sparks and three-day dreams which is a little bit broken T dude stop moving the screen go away can you increase the breed time if you really want to hate your life sure by all means increase the breeding time [Music] um what are we doing what are we doing what are we doing I was doing something brain do brain things please don't know what I was doing so I'm going to move on 50 is Max Level yes like your gameplay videos cool thank you Red Hood appreciate you in a standard hard mode it takes an entire day to hatch a single EG yeah it's just look I'm of the thing of in hard mode make things harder not take longer waiting isn't hard waiting is boring I don't like waiting for things so if you're going to play hard mode I would recommend keeping all the hard mode settings and you know keep oh I just knocked that thing through the world God dang it I need a couple more to max out my new lift monk so in my opinion um Play Hard Mode that's what we've been doing honestly I I made the I made the game easier for the stream um we were playing a uh so what I recommend doing is if your computer can handle it um set up the pal spawn rate much higher it's going to be significantly more difficult but there's going to be more Pals in the world allowing you to farm up stuff faster but it's also significantly harder at a higher level it's almost impossible in some areas so you really need to be prepared um and it's way more fun as well so not only is it harder but it's funner um you can increase pal damage so that way they're doing more damage to you um you can decrease your own damage as well if things get a little too easy but don't make things take longer like it's just it it waiting isn't Fun where are all the lith monk right now I think my game's a little I haven't I haven't shut the game off in like three days maybe I need to do a restart honestly I'll show you I'll show you my preferred settings because I think I need to restart the game uh I haven't restarted in like two days it's literally been running on my computer for days honestly there's probably an update I haven't gotten I'm going to do that real quick I'm going see if there's an update Maybe Baby Come Back I found out you can breed to get alran I don't know if I have an aladan you need to know if this game is worth 28 bucks on Steam it is the most popular steam game paid steam game pretty much ever made pubg technically it was better that's a battle royale I don't count that oh shoot something was wrong with power all this not closing end be gone foul Beast knew something wasn't right I need to exit steam uh the same thing happened the other day with steam where steam just like pooped the bed on me apparently it's been happening a lot more lately all right we should be good in a second sorry everybody you can look at my Snipping Tool photo that I used for the [Music] thumbnail world is still up interesting baby come back oh yeah no it's a steam is broken I have to restart I have to do a hard reset shoot of course just when the stream is doing well I have to do a hard reset uh give me a second you're going to see uh the stream kind of buffer for a second and then we'll be back I have to fully restart the computer this is an issue with steam that's been happening I don't know why since the last update I guess all right so we were going to go over the settings that I recommend using I know a lot of people have asked about this and quite frankly the settings are pretty confusing as well so um let's kind of review these real quick trying to get the Steam Chat stream chat back up okay um so if you go in here you can go to change World settings and then you go to custom settings and this is where you can change the daytime and nighttime speed you can change the XP rate if you want um pal capture rate that's not supposed to be higher um pal appearance this is the thing that I think makes the game more fun in my opinion is increasing this quite a bit uh to three if you decrease it there's going to be less Pals if you increase it there's going to be more Pals uh let's see here if you want to make the game harder you can decrease uh damage to Pals and increase I think this damage from Pals increases your um damage to Pals I'm not exactly sure I think if you increase this you should take more damage from Pals uh let's see here this is the one if you want to change the timer for the egg you can turn this to to one I believe is the proper setting uh two is going to be longer and you can turn it all the way up to a stupid number I recommend keeping it at one or lower I wish you could do like 0. five that's where I would like to have it I don't actually want it at zero there's just no way to do a 0. five um you can turn on and off raid events if you don't want to deal with those I have them off because they were bugging out on me the past two days or past 24 hours they've been bugging out on me so I turn them off you can change your death penalty I have it to drop all items if you want to make it harder you can drop all items and Pals you can still pick them all up but you drop them uh this is what it is on hard mode you can change the gills the number of pal or the number of Pals you can have at the base I have it said to 15 I think if you go higher than that it's just going to not work really well um but anyways yeah that's how that works how does the day and night timer work if you lower the number the time is going to go by faster if you increase it the time is going to go by slower it's not the amount of raids that I was having a problem with uh they were bugging out they're getting stuck in walls and they would never end um then I would get like audio glitches and stuff like that so I had to turn them off cuz it was like I I kept having to have to restart the game it was getting really really frustrating honestly um anyways yeah so you can see the world is going to be far more populated with Pals at an early game it it it's just going to make the game more difficult but in my opinion also more fun obviously it's not going to be difficult now I'm you know fighting level three things at level 30 but when you fight level 30 things uh with it turned up to three it's honestly all the difficulty increase that you need it makes the game so much harder like there's some areas you can't even go into I'll show you what it's like at a level 20 area here in a second it's oppressive stupid tanies just die oops and the reason I like this for the difficulty scale is because your damage doesn't get nerfed and like I like being able to do good damage I want to feel like I'm being accomplished with the amount of stuff that I'm doing and you can increase the difficulty just because there's more things to fight I don't know I guess it's to each their own do visiting Merchants stop spawning if raiding is turned off I haven't seen a single one spawn since I started my world which also had raids off when I had raids on I never saw a merchant come to my town I didn't even know they came to your town I knew they would be in certain areas of the world and they do show up even if raiding is off cuz they I've never I've never been raided by a merchant before I've seen them in the world in random spots though all right for those of you joining in what we're doing right now is maxing out one of our lift monks uh this LIF monk is going to end up with a th000 attack power it's going to be the most OP pal that I have on my team um I'm giving that to luxara cuz she helped me do so much stuff the past couple of days um between farming things and and doing research for me and all this stuff so in return I'm making her the most OP pal in the game even stronger than my current one she also Al has a super op um Fox Sparks that I made for too although we worked together on that one God did we work together on that one she actually discovered that uh for the fox Sparks thing it was like day one and she was running around she she saw the fox Sparks for the first time was like this is my spirit animal and I think it was like the second stream of this that we did together I was like why are you murdering like how are you murdering everything in seconds and I and I was struggling with everything and lo and behold freaking Fox barks man thing is a monster I don't think I need many more of these oh I killed you my bad I killed you too whoops just passive trade stacking or is there more there's there's there's more um passive trait stacking is the most important but there's definitely more whoops how much does a gun do to a lift monk oh a lot okay I'm going to go over the whole process I have a whole video on the LIF Monk and fox barks if you really want to go more detail into it I released it yesterday I think it was yesterday um highly recommend checking it out they will carry you through the game and honestly I think they're kind of needed for some of the bosses what I'm doing right now has been my life for the past two days so welcome welcome to the Grind I have caught I think like 400 left monks the past couple of days it's been absolutely bananas can you demo the double jump double jump also oh hello did you all die what the heck stop dying the faster you move the more damage the ram the The Stomp does sometimes it crits too which can be a little bit of a problem when you're fighting lowle stuff I think we're almost done this game is so surprisingly good people saying it's a Pokemon ripoff have not played it oh yeah 100% anybody who says this is a Pokemon ripoff has not played it but there is one argument to be said that a lot of the design are certainly Pokemon inspired um so there's precedent to be a little but hurt about that but also a lot of Pokemon are inspired from other video games like Dragon Quest and there's actually a lot of uh old games and things like that that Pokemon are inspired from I mean hell I don't even care at this point they're making phones into Pokemon like I just give up with Pokemon at this point but it's more it's more of a survival game than it is a Pokemon game which is what I love about it I don't know the Pokemon Fanboys or Nintendo Fanboys are just jealous that there's an actually a fun game and not just the same game remade I haven't enjoyed a Pokemon well I enjoyed Rus a lot cuz it was more like this than um than all the other Pokemon games I played it for 30 hours and not go to work hell yeah you're my spirit animal it's more of an arc RI ripoff than a I'd say it's more of a breath of the wild and Arc ripoff than it is a Pokemon ripoff they have more of a chance of being sued for a breath of the wild copyright infringement than they do a Pokemon infringement which is a little bit unfortunate because there are some things that are just there's some audio in here that I'm pretty sure might be the same track from breath of the wild not 100% sure cuz I haven't played in a while um I heard it at the be when I first played it might have been patched out with the first update but it was definitely in there for early like the Early Access streamer release I think it's gone now it's a cookie cutter of craftopia well the same people made it different team but same company actually it's really interesting the um the the the team that made this is kind of a like a rags to to riches kind of team most of the development team had zero experience in Unreal Engine um most of them didn't even know what R like rigs were and things like that um a lot of them had very little like game development experience and think um there's there's a whole write up about it uh it's in Chinese though all right let's go see if we have enough lift monk I think we might power let's hop off this [Music] give me that egg now baby this is made by a Chinese company okay uh so this is the process you need to do to really make lift monk super op you need to condense them it's going to take uh whatever 64 plus 32 + 16 + 4 is y'all can do the math I don't feel like it it's a number and it's over 100 total we're doing the final upgrade right now which is also going to increase the um the skills here they their worker skills which is super nice this can happen for any pal too please tell me I have enough cuz I want to smash my face into a wall I never want to look at a lift monk again except I need to catch freaking 12 more it's fine it's fine doesn't make me mad at all that's the wrong button Scott thank you for the 13 months 14 months let's go where is the time gone also High tag I got this game thanks to you and played till 500 a.m. it's now 8:00 a.m. I blame you for this new Addiction oh my Lord look you could be addicted to crack although crack might be a little bit healthier at this point to be honest I've stayed up till 4:00 a.m. every day for a week WE 12 more we can do that 12 more is like nothing as long as I don't murder them 12 more is easy don't die don't die thank you bunk oh how dare you oh you motherless goat I will e you off the cliff I will kill your whole family I'm literally killing your whole family oh what was that poor lamb Ball come here bud FK lamb ball get out of here that dude just really wanted to be part of the family he was a little bit jealous that you know all of these lift monks were getting chosen you know what just [Music] die hey little buddy [Music] Boop do a boss fight I will I need to finish this I I dedicated myself to finishing this before Lexar woke up as a gift and I need to finish it you know what that's probably a good lift monk the deer is better for open world the wolf is better for caves why did you die to one hit FK God I hate when they fall through the world nothing more aggravating than a level three lift monk that will not get caught oh bye buddy any keeping count cuz I'm not what I had one Arrow how would I rate this game I'd say I'd give it a N9 out of 10 right now um and only a a nine out of 10 because it's still early access and there's there's some there's some I might give it a 10 out of 10 honestly I'm going give it a 9 out of 10 to be spiteful make it better so I have more things to enjoy uh bnk it escaped you know what any LIF monk that escapes gets shot in the face where' you go man that thing escaped Into The Ether it's a nine out of 10 because of the fridge fix the fridge and I'll give it a 10 out of 10 you know what I'm giving it an eight out of 10 because of the fridge the fridge makes me that freaking mad do not make me vent about the fridge again I will lose my cool stupid freaking fridge I'm going to sacrifice LIF monks until they fix the fridge loser Co I'm glad he got that cuz the fridge can't cool anything he lived [Music] all right did we catch 12 we caught 12 right that felt a lot like 12 I swear to it's going to be like one I'm going to catch I'm going to catch one more group and then we're going to be done with this for the rest of forever the night time has arrived of course they're level threes you motherless goat get back here bunk what like I said any lift monk that escapes get sacrificed tell your friends and family Li Monk's straight out here starting to piss me off swiggy Swooty I'm Coming For That LIF monk booty get in the ball or you get shot in the face so how many Red Bull in Hot Pockets have you gone through since this released that's honestly an embarrassing thing I'm never going to admit it take a guess and you're probably going to be wrong in a bad way swear if I missing one and that's the one I just shot in the face I'm going be so mad but I kind of deserve it I'm glad we went back for that extra group cuz I would have been missing one I would have been missing three actually all right so this is going to finally do it do it upgrade yes never catching another lift monk ever again all right so this LIF monk is a straight gangster okay it's level 35 it's got 705 attack plus 80 80% attack power and it's not done yet it's going to get bigger it's going to get stronger this is the final the final part right here 747 7 90 810 831 853 it can get higher I just need the large Pals I haven't unlocked them yet a 53 is pretty dang good though why is my my deer just drowned that's a bit of a bummer whoops didn't think that could happen shows you in the Box on the bottom left of the screen how many uh of the selected pal you have in the condenser menu thought you'd like to know that oh well ain't that fancy ain't that fre why is everything God the pals are having not a good day today why y'all hungry what a day for a day dream all right sleep through the night real [Music] quick Baka doodle freaking do all right everything's finally getting to go eat oh man okay 1.2 people playing I'll buy it right now I'm pretty sure it was 1.5 when I started streaming pal worlds steam charts uh yeah 1.2 almost 1.3 people are at work now Daydream with a necklace is the best right now um no I mean it's very good it's stupid op don't get me wrong it's just not the best why are my Daydreams not banging what's going on I'll have a video out later today on like a stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid strong setup where is the other Daydream what are you doing over there bud is the van worm faster than Nightwing yeah that's not even counting Xbox players yeah all right uh I will be right back un momento for h for okay got to grab some more cake still working on the fox barks too oh wrong [Music] way oh yeah my dirty little mooose who's the good milk [Music] maidens one oh God now I'm out of eggs how much money do I have right now 330 where' all my money go I see my oh you don't want to see my house my house is not very good right now oh dud bro died that's not good are you the one that sells eggs no you sell megas speres oh man shoot leara has the wandering Merchant with the eggs all right we're laying eggs here today think we have enough food now we'll leave that don't need this we need that guy all right dirty little chickens get to work get me some eggs now baby wait what how we not upgraded yet we built that high quality oh I broke the high quality Hot [Music] Spring I might explain why they're a little upset spaghetti Tabasco my birthday has been going good and can't wait to get this game Happy Birthday hope we get to play like all day oh man really I'm getting abandoned get back here that's right who's a good pile let I get some sleep I got 3 hours of sleep last night I'm ready to go oh flammy thank you remember to slap the like button for good luck thank you flammy I appreciate you also yeah ladies and gentlemen if you do find yourselves enjoying the stream it helps I would certainly appreciate it yeah the pals do tend to leave the breeder randomly I haven't figured oh we can have three bases oh we about to make a fullblown sexy time base so max level is 15 oh it's not build an improved furnace I do have an improved furnace have it over here build a large pal bed what's the benefit of upgrading it [Music] further I don't think there's any benefit to it Max pells on base are limited by the world settings current Max is 15 okay so we would get more if we kept leveling it up industrial base up next we don't really need that have I decided to distribute my stat points honestly pretty randomly all right I need to test something let's just sort everything here real quick do all of my bases have Max number of PS working no no I don't do that I could I just don't oh we wanted to check out the new pal carry weight and stamina are the only important ones I would say uh health is honestly pretty important too I have most of my stats into health and I need to reset my stats honestly right I tamed up a new Flappy boy this guy right here level 36 flare storm ignis breath and flare Arrow can be ritten as a a flying Mountain enhances fire attacks while mounted interesting I wonder how fast it is though I might not be high enough level to craft the saddle which I'm not you need to be level 40 to craft the sadle okay all right we got the deer back we got double LIF monk surprise what button to press deposit stuff in the chest I don't know it tells you when you open the chests it's r on the keyboard I don't know what it is elsewhere muscle head satus and motivational leader motivational leader I was really hoping that I could stack Day Dreams and use motivational and stack motivational leader and be able to do like be able to have super duper increased movement speed but that wasn't the case and I was a little butt hurt about it from being honest yeah I'm not resetting my stats CU it is in fact bugged there the main reason I will not be resetting my [Music] stats all right so I think we got a Daydream that I do want to upgrade oh boy ferocious and musclehead and Glutton this is why I hate this sort I wish you could have multiple filters is what it what I wish we could do this one's not bad God I have so many I was trying to make really powerful ones but honestly at the the end of the day you really don't need them to be super strong I just wanted to make them uh super strong but it's honestly been a bit of a pain in the butt because they haven't been transferring the stats the way that I've been hoping they would I just haven't had good luck but I think I actually have three that are pretty good now so this one has plus 65 attack this one has plus 65 attack I think I have three that have plus 65 oh I wanted three that have plus 65 attack I wanted the plus 65 attack with Vanguard so I would get a 30% damage increase would have been my preferred way to do it uh loving the stream and the content tag keep it up folks smash that like button for power and for tag thank you Winder thank you very very much we're going to run a higher level dungeon here real quick I want to see what I can get out of it U we're going to use this fox parks and we'll use the lower level lift monk cuz it is better we don't need vanw don't need the deer we're going to take this Daydream and this Daydream those are the ones breeding and um I guess I'll take three three lift monks or two lift monks of fox Sparks and two Daydreams CU I want to level this Daydream up this Daydream I think I'm going to just uh go ahead and upgrade in the pal condenser now we'll wait we are going to go up here I might [Music] die is it possible to trade items I mean to trade items you'll need to um oh shoot you can put them in a box and do it that way there's no like actual trade menu or anything like that oh shoot the cave I wanted to do is closed dang it all right that puts a damper on the plans oh we about to get clapped shoot these dudes suck dang it why is it not letting me get the LIF monk so we're playing on a mode right now where there's a lot more creatures than there otherwise would be and the free skill kind of sucks there we go oo got one of the large Pils nice and a gigas spere that actually helps a lot all right this is the cave I wanted to do but clearly we're not doing that I have rang's venison now I don't think I've ever gathered that up before we're going we'll grab the egg anyways the goal of this was where' the egg go I saw it and then I lost it there it is it's a damp egg though you just build your starting base around somewhere that has a lot of resources would be what I recommend that's all that really matters the Daydreams are technically not out it's a necklace it's a saddle and allows them to float around you at all times and they will attack in tandem with you what do these drop o organs yeah Daydreams partner skill is pretty nice I only I like carrying two three gets a little crazy cuz they start blocking your screen and it gets really annoying o more gigas speres hell yeah these aren't boss memest so they shouldn't be too bad to kill three of them come here big boy oo what a day for a day dream boop boop boop boop boop boo they essentially just kind of farming up resources right now is this game multiplayer yeah it's up to 32 player multiplayer yes there is a massive downside to having the Daydreams out all the time they do attack even when you're trying to capture something which is super frustrating um so I like to have them if I'm trying to farm like whereas I don't care if the Thing Lives or not they get in the way they're kind of annoying honestly I'd rather just have more lift monks in my party than Daydreams but they can be super powerful because you can hide and let them do all the damage for you if you want and it can come in really handy for taking down higher level stuff in a kind of cheaty way but honestly just having more LIF monk or Fox spark would be better as you can see where I got all that wood from M Drake's venison is actually pretty good all right sweet we got that other up to level 31 already let's go check on our eggs real quick make it daytime [Music] too um you can do command don't attack yes that does work um and you can do command focus on same same enemy as well where did the oh it's doing the stupid buggy no sexy time glitch yep okay oh the buggy no sexy time glitch is no fun we're going to move him to the other base LIF monk uses a weapon lift monk has a submachine gun that they [Music] use y'all better not be eating my eggs where you putting them eggs big boy those are two males did I screw up oh they are how did that happen how did I do that huh that's fun these are the ones that need to be breeding right now [Music] come here little Daydream nice okay we do have eggs going at the other place though that we need to check on and more milk [Music] am I going to build my third base uh I don't really need to right now all right did I put two males in here what did I do where's the other Fox barks get in the pen make me some babies the cows look so upset they do have this face on occasion that is just uh they just look very very unhappy I don't know it's like when they're squirting out the milk or when it happens it's definitely a thing you started playing yesterday nice all right what do we get from here we got Shadow burst air cannon and spirit flame none of which are particularly great [Music] why does it look like cake what oh stop getting back on the glider thank you all right we're going to go over here [Music] how you prevent them from getting depressed um don't treat them like garbage treat them how you would want to be treated yeah sand blast Power Bomb [Music] really need to buy a steam deck I would wait there's a new steam deck coming out the uh the Asus one is actually pretty good too apparently way more powerful Bubble Blast blizzard Spike and acid rain whoa wrong way got lost in it for like four hours nice it's a good [Music] game trying to see if I can get some rare abilities from these skill fruit trees Hydro jet sand tornado and Ice missile dang just got blizzard Spike blizzard spike is super good so you can get epic and rare ability fruits from these trees so we got Bubble Blast which is 65 Power Bomb which is 70 but blizzard spike is the one that I've been looking for which is 13 power very very good I know exactly what I'm going to put this on [Music] too he made a base in really bad spots and you have to move a bunch of really a bunch of items yeah it's a bit of a pain to do that [Music] but you can use the um the grappling gun and you can move around while you're overweight which is super helpful need to go this way Asus has a like a steam deck thing it's got uh like the steam deck has like 1.4 Tera flops of like compute power um the Asus one has almost nine but the steam deck is more made for steam stuff so but then again the the Asus one is basically just a handheld computer versus the the steam deck so I don't know which one actually performs better um I haven't used that I haven't used the Asus one yet sorry my brain is a little bit fried I've been sleeping maybe three 3 to 5 hours a night l i only slept three hours last night 4 hours the night before a little bit fried in the brains honestly picking up eggs is one of the best ways to get um higher level Pals early oh uh one second okay sorry about that all right so we're looking for there's another tree over here there it is there's a fast travel point and then there's a tree I think it's up there somewhere around here there's an egg on top of the little Spike over there whoops all right I know I'm going to grab this other egg I don't know why I feel like this is going to be a good luck egg oh shoot oh my God I'm I don't like that that was almost really bad all right I know there's tree here somewhere another ability fruit tree there it is oh shoot all right um copy score try lightning and Fireball ooh another legendary one or another epic one called Fireball I haven't seen any pal with this yet it's 150 power that is awesome managed to capture a hell Zer and can't ride him until Level 33 so sad yeah it's a bit of a bummer good luck egg falls off Tower oh boy there's a couple more of these I want to grab while I waiting for [Music] eggs one more tree down here all pals are usable if you really like one all you need to do is just um enhance it use the pal condenser use the uh um the statue of power and you can you can make any pal usable do you find the fruit trees useful I mean I'm going around and grabbing them for a reason so yes yes I do you can teach Pals very strong abilities that they would otherwise not be able to learn on their own do do we know what's causing the player corruption glitch cuz it would be good to know at least what causes it we'll be covering Ed yeah although I think it might not do well now that power world is [Music] out uh oh that didn't sound good did I just die oh no oh I swear if we just oh the game just saved I'm dead inside of a fast travel point I might have just lost my character well I just asked how uh you might lose your character and we might have just figured it out I don't know how I died to those things but I apparently did was I starving I don't know am I alive all right I did die somehow I have no idea how I died here is that where my body [Music] is what do your St distribution just distribute however you want it's a video game play how you want to play you want more Health get more Health you want more you want want to carry more stuff increase weight you want to run longer increase stamina that's right you freaking run away [Laughter] oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what's up there homie all right what do we get this time flar storm and Seed mine my inventory is full flar Storm's pretty good all right we'll grab that's the last one near a fast travel Point Let's head back we'll store stuff that's our last eggs see what we got what's my favorite pal I don't know if I have a favorite yet I have a couple that I really enjoy using but I don't know if I would necessarily call them my favorites you know okay let's hatch these eggs we're going to enhance the strong pal one more time to go up to 24 it's 892 damage on that thing absolutely insane right how come we don't do we not have any cake in here oh I took the cake out but there's no eggs anyways all right let's see what we got in these eggs that we picked up oh thank you Brandon a Panget Oh no I got that Panget in an endgame Zone wo got one of the rang rcks those are cool van worm that's cool oh a Pyon nice and then a repo all right I think that's everything and let's check on our eggs real quick [Music] [Music] you need to update uh upgrade your pal box to unlock more bases you can get up to three bases you just need to continous continue to do your pobox missions to upgrade it or to unlock more bases and I'm really not having good luck with these uh these eggs good Lord okay that's a bit of a bummer well ladies and gentlemen I need to uh to work on finishing recording some videos we've been streaming for a little bit uh but thank you all so much for coming to hang out sorry we had a a couple problems today couple crashes and all that stuff but um I really do appreciate all of your support on the videos and streams thank you for coming to hang out obviously if you're new feel free to subscribe plenty of more plenty more content coming out for pal World y'all have been absolutely amazing thank you so much for hanging out also members the member servers are available uh so if you want to be able to play with the community I will be probably playing on that server soon once it's stable to be able to stream on we'll be doing that uh but I do hope you all have a wonderful wonderful day and I'll see you all on the next one
Channel: TagBackTV
Views: 149,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld gameplay, tagbacktv, palworld early access, palworld survival game, survival game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 155min 20sec (9320 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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