Palworld - 700k-1.5M Gold/HR - Fastest Gold PALWORLD

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hello everybody it's I genen here and I'm going to teach you guys the fastest way to farm golden Power world the method we're going to be using today is killing black marketeers black marketeers spawn around the map in different areas and each time you kill one of them they can drop between 10,000 and 15,000 gold making this the fastest way to farm gold in the game if your pal team is strong enough you can get between 700,000 and 1.5 million gold per hour gold is very useful as it can help you bypass a lot of the Annoying parts of the game it's just C crafting ammunition and getting droppable loot from the uh Pals on the map for example if I go to this wandering Merchant here he can be found at Dune shelter and I trade him he'll be selling high quality P Oil ice organs and Bones three very useful materials that can be hard to get high quality P oil is used in polymer and bones are used in cement which is very nice additionally if you want you can also spend money on the medical supplies or some of the crops you know the thing to spend spend money on is going to a Wandering Merchant that sells ammunition ammunition in this game can be very annoying to craft in high quantities and being able to just come over to a merchant and buy thousands of it at a time is very very nice another use is coming over to Pal merchants or black marketeers and buying their Pals buying Pals from pal Merchants can be very useful as you are able to catch the merchants themselves and the black marketeers if you release them in your pal base they will show up here and you are able to trade them and buy their stock like this additionally if you are to put them back in your party and then resummon them it'll refresh their stock so you are able to get as many good pals as you like they also show their passive skills which is very useful for shopping and finding good pals to breed okay so to begin farming the black marketeers you will only need some heat resistant gear and some stone wood and a platium fragment to build your pal box so what you're going to want to do is fast travel or run over to the bottom left corner of this volcano over here right here a black marketeer will spawn so we can teleport to this wayo or you can run over once you've teleported to the Waypoint you can just just run south over to these black market [Music] here once you've arrived you will want to build a pow box wherever you desire I like having it face this direction so it is easier for me to run over to where the merchant is after you've placed this down we can teleport out and and teleport back in and it should respawn the black marketeer perfect so now you have brought some Stone so you're going to want to build some foundations surrounding this marketeer this will make it so that when he is attacked by your pals he does not fly out into the water over there and go out of the range of your Palace so once you have finished constructing your little enclosure for the black marketeer you can optionally also add a feed box to help feed your pals just to keep them topped up next step is to open your pal box and just put all of your strongest Pals out onto the field and then all you have to do is hit the the black marketeer all your pals are going to run in and kill him very quickly all your poers are going to run in and kill him very quickly and once he is dead you can run over take your loot which was 15,000 gold right there then you can teleport out back to your base or wherever and then fast travel back to the black marketeer now he should have respawned and you can kill him again and again [Music] and then you can keep doing that over and over again until you have as much gold as you want thank you for watching my first ever YouTube video and if you like that video and you want to see more power content please consider liking and subscribing thank you have a good day
Channel: Eifjien
Views: 125,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 23sec (323 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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