Palworld - Best Pals EARLY GAME - LVL 1 to 25 - Cattiva, Direwolf, Vixy, Foxpsarks and more

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hello everybody it is ebontis and we are back I've been playing for quite a while but still not as much as some people I've seen but in the early game there's a lot of Pals there's a whole bunch in here and there's certain ones that I want you guys to look out for in early middle kind of this is your first 25 levels or so I know I'm level 30 so I've been exploring I truly went exploring and I probably would not recommend anybody to do what I did over here but uh one thing is exploring is a good idea you're going to bump into some stuff that's higher level than you like a 23 King that will absolutely kick your butt then you'll find like a level 11 chillet that you can take on pretty early level 15 pin king find some fire you'll probably cook him pretty quick CIS is cool but again 23 is going to take a while so it really depends on how far you wonder you might find some stuff that's way out of your league and you might find some stuff that's actually closer to your level than you would think like in a level 11 over here not so bad 32 completely different story level 11 over here so it's like it's not really consistent where you're going to find the big and small level guys but as you wander more you'll kind of at least mark them so you know you can go back to them so I do recommend exploring now when you start out there's some things that you may not think about you're going to see things like cattiva first and you're like all right cool now there's a reason you want to catch 10 of everything because you're going to get that capture bonus first time you capture one uh five of 10 you get a decent bonus and then 10 of 10 you get a bonus as well but any of those first 10 that you capture are all going to give you a bonus and it's how you level up with decent experience depending on how you have your setting set up the thing to make yourself aware of is certain pals are going to be really beneficial for different things Fox Sparks for example when activated the Huggy fire equips the player equips to the player and transforms into a flamethrower so level six you can buy the fox Sparks harness you can pick up Fox Sparks and spray fire and it is real strong so early on very offensive Powerhouse now the other thing about Fox Sparks to pay attention to is the work suitability all of your stuff is going to have different jobs so when you get over here and you look at your farm you've got farming so you've got wheat over there's the furnace so you've got kindling I've got a mill so I need water to turn the mill uh you've got farming which requires watering and Gathering and plant and farming uh you've got a ranch certain things assigned to a ranch do different things then over here you've got your logging site and your digging site fortunately there's a whole bunch of wood on the ground I got to go set that over here for a sec and all of this stuff is going to require jobs but there's an efficiency depending on who you have out and what you need done if I need cooking done or if I need to turn ore into ingots and if I come over here and I want to make some ingots well only certain things can do that and it's things that are able to spit fire this guy will come over here and cook same thing for your actual cooking recipes and stuff like this you have the ability to cook you also have some things that will just do handiwork maybe I want to build a specific thing okay handiwork is one of those things that requires certain Pals not all of them are going to do handiwork some are just good at watering or whatever their job is so when it comes to your pals in different places whether it's combat in your base it really does pay to to check who's where and who's doing what now some have some really cool stuff kativa for example is for one handiwork so they're going to help you build your early parts of your base Gathering so if you are doing any farming and stuff they're going to be doing Gathering mining is also really important because as soon as you have a stone working site they're going to sit there and just mine as long as they can and transporting is just moving stuff from your base to chests not a bad thing to have around but the thing that you may not think of or notice or realize cat helper win in your team kativa helps carry supplies increasing the players Max carrying capacity so right now I'm sitting at 700 if I had a full team of civas or at least say you had four and then you had one really offensive um pal like Fox Sparks this is going to be your fighter and then you have four cattiva each kativa you have in your party is worth 50 weight which as you guys know is going to be four different levels of stats maybe you're working on stamina trying to get a little more Health but maybe you want to go on some farming runs maybe you need to collect a lot of stone early a lot of trees you can find the civas really really early I mean they're walking around just the opening areas you're going to find them in truly the initial spots whether it's over there all through here just these opening areas you'll find those see right down there's one so if you end up catching four of those which not that hard to do early on put four of those in your party and then if you have one thing that maybe is offensive while you're fighting stuff that's slightly bigger like Fox Sparks you get the harness and you're good you can go around and carry a lot more stuff back to your base and especially when you don't have a mount early on and you've got to do a lot more things by foot or by fast travel it really does make a difference so kativa understated for how much it can do handiwork Gathering Mining and transporting but if you're going out on farming runs throw three or four of these your party and you will thank me because you're going to be able to go out and do a lot more farming gather a lot more supplies and be able to just do it less cuz believe me I made this mistake and didn't do it and you really can gather quite a bit now a couple so we cover flx sparts offensive basically a flamethrower that's a beast and the only thing that will do kindling which you are going to need as soon as you start getting into ore in ingots kindling is a must and that's pretty much just your fire guys now water you've got handywork and water transporting is fine but watering comes into play for all of your um all of your farming Gathering here like so I've got two Berry Farms I've got this wheat field all of those require first like seeding or planting then they need watering which is a very specific type and then they need Gathering which is the harvesting part afterwards three different tasks for farming watering is very specific but you'll also notice watering is going to be required right here on these two things so if I need this requires watering and this requires watering and it's the ability to have like a water wheel on an object and they spit water just like this but they spit it at this and they actually rotate it and cause whatever the object is to function so watering has multiple tasks that you might not always consider but it is one of those things that really can make a difference so trying to find at least one water watering guy early will actually make a difference you don't need a ton I haven't found them to be massive now if you go to um your survival guide and you're fighting certain things you'll notice water is good against fire if you find something fire that seems to be different difficult to fight having a water thing with you to weaken it is good fire is good against ice and grass though so you know make of that what you will all right so if you can find one and the nice thing is about this pal deck is you can see where they're at so you can see the kativa is truly all over the opening part of the base truly just everywhere in the starting area you'll find kativa not hard to find lamb balls Chipmunks pretty much the same place or the chickpeas same place lift monks and the Tanz they are pretty similar so you'll notice when we come down here and zoom in we've got just kind of down off the opening spot a little bit north of it you've got the tanes and the lift monks pretty much in the same spot also over here these two are cool because they do a lot of stuff at your base planting lumbering so they'll work on actually getting wood from your kind of logging site medicine production and the difference here is tany is transporting but they both do planting and Gathering so if you have like a lift Monk and a fuak you have the ability to do all of your farming that you need because you have the planting first then you have the watering then you have the Gathering and then if you had tany then you'd probably also have transporting so it's not just sitting there on the farm so if you could have a fuek and a tany managing your Farms you're good there for a little while have a fox Sparks that's kindling and kativa take a few of those with you so you've got some carrying capacity these are just in the first 10 and there's a lot of functionality to the pals and I think that's why this game has a little bit of the uniqueness and kind of addiction that it does because the pals give so much more depth to this thing honestly than I kind of would have thought now the Ping galletes these are going to be in certain areas you've got them kind of up and down this middle section pretty much once you you get off the hill and the pen King it's not a lot of them you got a few over here and then if you come out to the map the pen King is also here you'll notice him right up here 114 351 pretty much from the starting base go north and west kind of in this section right here you'll find pen King he's in a little mini dungeon and it's like a boss and three others if you have a decently leveled Fox Sparks you can cook him really fast now if you get pin king or pinget you'll notice they do one unique thing but pin king is legit handy work level two any structure your Builder on your base now handy workor level two is going to be more efficient transporting taking things to your storage chest much quicker mining level two now we're cooking watering level two you start building other structures cooling if you start getting the point where you can actually build a cooler and preserving some of your food he's going to be one of the initial ones who can do that so of the first like 11 spark it generating electricity you don't get to that till like around the level I'm at not too much is going on electricity is cool cuz you come down here and you get to elements and you look at what is electricity good for electricity is good against water there are some efficient water ones that you need to attack so getting him on your team offensively for spark it that about probably be the place I'd put him and again increases the power of electric Pals not too much else is going to be coming out of him but then you get down here to pin king while fighting together fire Pals drop more items when defeated and there's these things called fire organs come up to Fox parks for example fire organs or flame organs are useful for certain things that you're going to build and Technology pieces up this way so you need a flame organ to build the harness you need five of those and as you go if you get to a tropical outfit anything heat resistance need flame organs so if you're going to farm those things bringing pin king with you you're going to get more fire pal So reading the sub I know this is like read the subtext of the guy it does truly matter now if you come down here a little bit more more Vixie is very unique now Vixie if you look on the map pretty much one main spot right here so you come down your main Hill kind of head a little left and this whole middle section in here is what you're looking for the reason Vixie is so important is what you're going to be able to do is take Vixie and you got to build a ranch for it to be a thing but you just take Vixie and assign Vixie to a ranch so I'm going to switch out right here so take this Vixie I'm going to swap out this guy cuz he seems to be giving issues pick them up walk them over here and all you do is just throw them at what you want them at so if I throw her in here she's assigned to The Ranch now Vixie is going to go around and find random stuff and when she grazes the biggest thing that she is going to find if you leave her alone for a while you're going to come back to a supply of pal speres that you don't even know what to do with and especially if you get a couple of those if you're like I'm low on pal speres but I've got enough to go out for like one run but I've got a couple Vixie throw two of them into the farm and you're going to come back to a just pile of pal speres and be pretty much set for a while so if you ever need to farm pal speres some gold as well Vixie is extremely good at that and kind of a unique one that you can get some pal spheres up massive supply of those and some other stuff so that's why Vixie while probably not anything crazy a little gathering little farming if you build a ranch and leave her in there for a while you will be pretty good Daydreams a little unique um Daydream is one of the ones where while in a team appears near the player follows up the player attacks with Magic Bullets but if you get her harness his her they are they're his and hers just go look at the symbols so the caller for Daydream if Daydream is in your team it will stay by your side and attack enemies in tandem so take an example you have one fox Sparks for example and then you have four Daydreams and you have the harness well all four of the Daydreams are going to be out all the time and then if you summon your Fox Sparks you have five Pals fighting for you at the same time I don't have a lot of other ones that do that so if you do do get a couple Daydreams leveled up and you're going to go fight something this is three different things and especially if it's weak against dark which you got to find the right things that are but if you're going against anything neutral and you need some dark damage you can have five Daydreams out at the same time and you're going to cook so not a bad thing rush or is one of the first things that you can actually ride as a mount also the hard head when you charge at say or piles and stone piles you'll actually take a bit of a chunk out of those and you'll mine like 10 at a time when you charge so it's a way to like mine not the most efficient I'll tell you you can cover some ground but if you cover some ground and hit a rock along the way you'll get some free mining without using the durability of your weapons so pretty simple but kind of cool stuff very simple basic Mining and there's something to be said for a specialized pal sometimes you'll find the ones that I was telling you about up here like tany where they do five different things sometimes they get distracted they do some planting then they do some Gathering then they help you on a job then they go find some trees then they transport some stuff if you want to make sure somebody is just focused on one thing and one thing only Mining and that is all well if you send him to work in your base he is going to do one thing just mine get some sleep eat and mine that is it so you're always going to have somebody working on your mind no distractions at all not a bad thing sometimes to have some Focus like that KNX that's more about dark damage nothing too crazy fuddler dire how this is not too hard to find you just kind of come over here and head to this Western section over here kind of come down in this region pretty much all over here or if you go wandering up in here you're going to find a ton of them the idea is they are faster than most mounts and then there is the ability for a lot of creatures to get something called Swift and that will allow them to move 30% faster so if you get a dire how and you got to capture a lot of them anyway un unfortunately I have been unlucky I have 15 of them and still not one with swift but if you can get and it's an early thing that you can unlock too like level 9 not even level 10 level 9 harness you can ride dire how faster than most ground mounts all the time and if you can find one with swift you will probably be faster than most things on the ground on a consistent basis than just about anything now there are some other cool amounts uh get down here to ethc Deer it's another cool one but again also very specialized if you want something in your base that is doing nothing but getting you you know chopping trees for wood right here lumbering level two leave it in your base you're good now ethc deer can do something kind of cool so if I get on the I can jump on they have a double jump nothing else really notice has a lot of double jumping going on kind of a cool thing now the other thing that eth deer can do is this char charge and this is a way for one if you just run into stuff truly just like bump into stuff with your handlers you'll do damage now I won't do it to that but just any any pal that you run into you'll just damage him by running into him but you also have this it's like this kind of hypers speed thing that allows you to cover a lot of ground and then you can still run pretty quick so if you get one of these with swift also a very good Mount to consider um using I have been unlucky and just cannot get much with swift but if you can get a direwolf with Swift or an ethic deer with swift you're going to be in pretty good shape but again ethic deer specializing in lumbering and then if you come back up here to the boore specializing mining two of those working in your base they will do one job not get distracted do anything else you have also got a couple of these like kilari which is a nighttime creature you know they're night time if you are wandering around at night time you see them fight them capture them whatever and then you go look for their habitat and it says habitat unknown well the reason it'll be habitat unknown is typically because it's a a nighttime thing now celery you can see these things are kind of near water in a couple different places you always find them by water these have a cool ability for you to kind of improve your Glide so you're going to be able to get a glider so you can float well the celery if you put it in your party which I'm probably saying it wrong celer uh it's going to allow you to Glide for long periods of time with the pal and then when the pal is done you can switch over to your own glider and glide farther so it's kind of like a double Glide situation so if you're doing a lot more exploring you get up high and you want to Glide to another area or cover some ground gliding is a pretty good way to go until you start getting a flying Mount and when you get a flying Mount it's a game changer but gliding for a while is what you're going to do there's things like cows put them on a ranch they make milk that is pretty much all they do not much else very simple Manda is like legit by the way level two in planting handiwork lumbering pretty much Works tail off there but when you get down to there bit now this is level 24 you can see but this is just one of those things fires a grenade launcher when ridden absolute Beast thing completely crazy and hilarious to look at now the two that I mentioned before and this is why you also have to kind of pair the LIF monk or the tany with their technology when you come to say look right here 11 and 12 LIF monk submachine gun made especially for LIF monk activate its partner skill and LIF monk will ride on your head and fire at enemies with a submachine gun absolutely hilarious tany uh activate its partner skill and tany will enter Gunner mode and begin shooting nearby enemies you would think these two are not very great for attacking until you unlock their technology down here a little bit later all of a sudden having them in your party you can put in some work um so don't sleep on those two very good in your base but then when you unlock cuz you you get them early like you can go get them first like couple exploration runs but then when you get up to 11 or 12 and you unlock this type of stuff oh that's kind of a game changer fun so and that's why it benefits you getting you know getting one with better stats or passive perks and those things then when you unlock an assault rifle for a monkey it's um it's something to witness I'll just say that uh come down here for a couple more and we'll wrap this thing up Nightwing absolutely must it is truly going to be your first flying Mount now you'll notice the habitat is truly just down the hill even right where I am you'll sometimes see a Nightwing flying around as as soon as you're down kind of almost in this area you'll see it in the air all you got to do is just hit it out of the air one time it'll usually come down to your level and then fight you on your level and then depending on what you have with it you should be able to take it down and capture it it is the first flying Mount and your technology comes pretty early too uh yep so level 15 that's your first flying Mount option at all the next flying Mount that I have seen that I've got is down here at 21 depending on how fast you're leveling stuff up makes a difference so it will stay by your side and attack enemies in tandem ah so I got another one so dazzy which is one I think I got from an egg is going to work like Daydream and that's going to be one that helps you out but Nightwing Nightwing is legit your first flying Mount flying this is the way I made this ire trip is a flying mount win on the entire outside it was too hot cuz I didn't have armor to help with heat resistance but win on the outside was checking for the little green statues the lift monk Effigies so I could level up the effectiveness on my pal speres and I just went around this whole entire I found a ton of eggs I've got this egg over here that's cooking that needs like 2 hours over here this thing it's going to take a while but that's where I got like an extremely large egg so I'm cooking with that one and then as you go through there's just going to be more so just check and see this this is kind of your early guys that you want to look out for um but again look and see handiwork Gathering cool while at the base increases the work efficiency if working at a weapons workbench so if you have a lot of weapons to make or you're making a bunch of maybe you need to make a bunch of bullets you just unlocked guns for the first time you need to make a a gun you need to make a bunch of bullets whatever it may be when that gets to be a point then okay remember ribn put her as a worker in your base and she will come over and help and you'll be able to do that stuff faster all of these things will have just a little bit more of something that you may not catch see like the r sox is cool because now it's kindling level two that's going to be much faster when I'm working on a whole bunch of ore and ingots and stuff if you can find one of these and granted you got to go exploring as you can see I did went kind of the wrong way and I probably found this guy from an egg or something else but when you bump into all these random guys that you'll find like there's drumond drum mud um he does mining also does watering transporting he looks like a whale but a mud whale there's there's tons of stuff to look forward to so I mean beard is probably one of the last ones it'll take you a while to come over here and these guys are like level 22 and 23 and then the Eliza bee is like 28 they're all in this area but they're they're going to be a while till you get there but picture of bee it's literally a worker bee planting handiwork lumbering medicine transporting farming Gathering they do it all and bees are actually one of the only things that make honey and honey is is used to make a cake which is used for breeding and when you get to breeding you put a male and a female of any species you can cross breed in this thing over here and you have to have to put a cake in here and if you have a male and a female whatever species it is in here yep not enough cake not enough male and female present put them all in here let them do their thing for a while you're going to get some eggs that come out from their incubators and you can get a whole combination of species that you may not even seen yet but you have to get honey first so if I've got honey stocking up right now I've got milk I've got eggs I've got wheat all of those things going to make it a birthday cake and you need cake for breeding and that is a whole different entertainment value in itself so at some point when you'll probably get to bees around around the same time you unlock breeding and everything just goes crazy farther I mean you'll have bunch of stuff that you'll find some very cool things and there are really unique things that a lot of them can do but early on sometimes they just break and they're all s hanging out in a tree and literally all you need to do is just like literally just swap them if you ever have anything that gets stuck up in a tree whatever is going on what else is up there those guys are up there for whatever reason just swap them with something and you'll usually get them out of a tree there you go and they're back on it so I hope this gives you an idea of some of the early ones to look for and again as you explore you'll typically be able to see once you've interacted with one where their habitat is what their work suitability is pay attention to their partner skill they are beasts um notice while in a team elizab Beast stats will be increased again teamwork worker be they really leaned into some stuff on these things and they kind of play into a lot of the jokes or you know kind of stereotypes for a lot of these things so if you guys enjoyed this video drop a like below leave a comment if you've got some really amazing ones that I may have forgot I tried to go more early game than late game so these are all ones that you're probably going to be seeing level one through 20ish flying mounts are game changers as soon as you start riding around on either a direwolf or an ethc deer those are awesome and then if you just optimize your base biggest thing I can tell you real quick before you go when you optimize your base pay attention to their perks so like Diet lover on this guy for example not going to eat too much food uh if you get to positive thinker they're going to keep their sanity a little better um logging foran they're going to help out with whatever's going on on in kind of your base pay attention to those little perks because when you look at your party and see you know player defense or you know if you just check any of these guys Burly body he's got extra defense this guy is going to do more damage to dragons this guy is going to work 30% faster but not do very much attack speed so work slave good guy to have at your base bad guy to have on your team pay attention on the passive skills cuz those are randomly rolled you never quite know there I have Swift on this random little goo all and I would love to get Swift on a mount haven't got Swift on a mount yet so anyway as I said if you enjoyed the video drop a like leave a comment if you've got a couple Pals that I didn't mention that you think a really good more early game you know level 25 and below I don't need to be talking about ingame crazy legendaries and stuff like that but overall there's so much to this game and it's just got more depth than I thought it would I've been having a blast hopefully you guys are too and thank you guys for tuning in uh other than that if you want to find me on Twitch or Twitter it's ionas but if you're new here hit that subscribe button hit the alert Bell hope to see you back in another video and enjoy power world
Channel: Ebontis
Views: 41,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld, Palworld Base Locations, Palworld Farming, Palworld EXP, Palworld XP Farm, How to get EXP in Palworld, How to Capture Pals in Palworld, Pal Sphere, PalBox, Best Pals Palworld, Best Pals, Best Stats Palworld, Palworld Tips, Palworld Guide, Palworld Walkthrough, Palworld Tutorial, Palworld Ancidnet Technology, High Quality Oil, Palworld Pal Fluid, Palworld Kindling, Work Suitability, Best Pals in Palworld, Palworld Breeding, Sulfur, Ore
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 13sec (1573 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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