You'll Do Mutton - Believe You Me #263

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That Martin Luther King voice from Luis killed me.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/GhastlyGhoulishGhost 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2020 🗫︎ replies
fill her up you're listening to the gas digital network conceive believe achieve shut the [ __ ] [Applause] up [Applause] this is believe you me on the gas digital network all right welcome to the show believe you me episode god knows what lewis what's up buddy how you doing oh i've been better yeah no you you look a little i don't know what the word is but you look a little perturbed what's going on bud what's going on [ __ ] personal issues my knee is in pain i hurt my knee don't talk to me about knee problems buddy you do not i'm still i'm still recovering from a knee replacement i just was on your instagram and you're [ __ ] hitting the heavy bag yeah you're fine you're back baby i'm i'm i'm in pain still i'm an old man i know you're older than me but i am i because i've never been an athlete in my entire life i've never done any sort of athletics i've been never conditioned my body more than just dumb lifting weights which is not very athletic like lifting it's such a weird like clunky thing to do so i have not been conditioning my body so just a little [ __ ] tweak of my knee like i'm terrified like you know differently though you if you tweak your knee if you tweak your back you know your body in a different way the average person and i'm probably below average in terms of athletics most people play basketball games on the weekends like i'm [ __ ] i don't know it's kind of scary i'm a little bit i'm annoyed because i keep on banging myself up and this was really scary well all you got to do is just take some time off say you're doing too much anyway anyway we talked about this the last couple of shows so we won't get into it too much people might be pulling the house and [ __ ] now we've heard about lewis's extreme training regime but if i was you i just back off a bit lewis you don't need to do that much and you are going to hurt yourself you are going to break yourself down any time you train too much obviously you're wearing the body down you're breaking it down at a molecular level that's why when your muscles are sore the next days because you've caused caused micro tears in in the fibers you know what i mean but then they grow back stronger and bigger that's how muscles get bigger so you are breaking your body down and you are going to injure yourself and you don't need to train twice a day anyway especially the fight isn't for like what [ __ ] six months or something is that for six months and yes guess guess how i injured my knee just take a guess just saying think of a shot in the dark uh okay well you were on your knees he was very good looking what do you want me to say what do you want of course i'm gonna go there all right so all right you threw a kick and you hit harrington's elbow no no no a [ __ ] wrestler a wrestler yep goes down shoots for my leg grabs my ankle pulls it up toward my knee somehow i have no idea i felt a little pop it was awful but every time i've been injured ever when i've been training has been with a wrestler who just they they're so [ __ ] explosive and they want to prove something with every shot it's crazy no no it really is it really is uh professors are pain in the ass every time you get injured it's always the wrestling uh a lot of stuff going on in the mixed martial arts world seems like we could be getting a fight with conor mcgregor and dustin poirier we'll go through all that stuff in a bit what else is going on harrington in the notes and stuff because there's a lot of [ __ ] going on in the mma world i think what's dominating it right oh oh [ __ ] i was gonna i couldn't forget this one darren till auctioning uh or trying to buy his way into mike perry's corner i'm loving this i don't know if you've been keeping up with it lewis mike perry has said whoever pays me the highest amount of money can be in my corner which i've got to say that's pretty it's pretty good i don't know if the ufc are going to allow it because at some point well i mean i guess if you're allowed three corners that's up to you but how could the ufc probably and i don't know you should shed some light on this because i don't know why i'm i'm i'm about to be like no best thing let me tell you how it works but my assumption is that the ufc would really have no say in who corners the the athletic commission would maybe but uh do the cornerman need to be licensed to corner no right yes oh no absolutely yeah you got to be licensed you know to be a cornerman you got to do a little bit of paperwork so it's not as plain sailing it's not as easy as what you think but it's not necessarily difficult do they have a knowledge test or any sort of like oh no you just got to do the paperwork i think you got to pay a small licensing fee something you know it's like 50 bucks or something like that state by state so uh you never know because i mean so it's a contest we should try to [ __ ] we should try to be the cornerman for mike perry we should try to help you come in with his big swinging dick offering five grand do you know what i mean and listen as much as it would be hilarious the joke isn't worth six thousand or seven thousand dollars to me five grand not as much as i thought it was gonna be i thought i would figure some [ __ ] weirdo that's rich some dude from like you know has a lot of money some millionaires like i want to be in the because that's worth a lot of money that's what it's a somebody i got to be honest with you i would assume that he would get 20 30 40 000 oh he could end up with way more because let's be honest too much as you say to a rich person that is like uh almost a bucket list thing i'm gonna walk out i'm gonna corner a ufc fight certainly if there was crowds that would be way better inexperienced for whoever it was but i'm just curious because if this becomes a trend i'm sure the ufc have got to stop it because it just turns into a circus if every like if you're a main event you you're allowed four cornermen you don't necessarily need four cornermen three spots and just have pirillo in there do you know what i mean i've got a bunch of [ __ ] weird misfits rich misfits that are just giving me cash to be there and like get selfies and stuff you know but yeah the ufc would have to put a stop to it because it just turns it into a crazy circus even though i'm all for a little bit of uh you know thinking outside the box and trying to generate money i love it it's great and good for you but i can't see this being allowed to continue for long yeah i i can literally almost never knock someone's hustle when they're trying to make some cash they're trying to do whatever they got to do to put some money in their bank feed their kids um but i think you're right about that i think it's sort of um there's a thing about integrity right with the sport and you want to like have a level of integrity where you walk out there's a certain like um uh serious it's not a ceremony but it's a has a ceremonial vibe the way everybody comes out and you know the main event you know i i just think that uh it strays away from that where the the you know the ufc i think it holds the highest standard of what yeah well it's it's it's about prestige isn't it it's a prestigious event and if you take yourself serious as an athlete and a mixed martial artist and a combat sports participant then you don't really want to be doing that because it's kind of like cheapening you could do it every once in a while maybe give them money to charity or something like that i'm i'm sure mike perry's gonna just take his girlfriend out and uh have a great time but uh i'm right back together i'm riley i think they're back together i don't know i don't hey i don't keep up with [ __ ] my parents i figure if she's not cornering him and he's auctioning off the spot that maybe they broke up oh no no no i think she is cornering him so whoever this person is darren till but then down until saying uh oh that's why darren till wants to get in the to be here because then he's gonna raw dogger afterwards that's what he said you don't look at this [ __ ] uh i'll keep you in the loop yeah no darren till said i'm gonna pay five grand and then i'm gonna raw dogger afterwards oh that's so yeah no it's [ __ ] hilarious darren till is just the funniest bastard ever so uh let's see how that plays out and how that's uh he also said that he's gonna throw in the towel as the corner oh yeah that was right that was like oh he because he was saying how much to throw the towel and he's gonna sell that right off as well but uh still [ __ ] hilarious all right so uh let's talk about this justin poirier and conor mcgregor uh harrington give us a bit of background bit of flavor here because we talked about this last week uh you know dustin and connor they were gonna fight do a charity thing and then now the ufc have offered uh contracts dustin says he's accepted and now conor came out i think it was just today is that correct harrington he came out today and said i accept but it's got to be uh this year 2020. uh yeah so the talk last week was doing uh you know a sparring session outside of the ufc uh as dana white said he jumped on that and you know through the uh you know threw it into connor's court said we're gonna do this fight conor said i am down to do this i've signed dustin but it has to be in 2020 he gave three possible dates uh one would be ufc 255 one would be ufc 256 and the other would be the following week uh which is just a random fight night and uh at the apex and why do you think ladies and gentlemen it has to be in 2020. i don't know anything by the way i'm just i feel like i've figured it out you think you figured it at home can i guess i have no literally what i'm asking you to do he said ladies and gentlemen i was wondering if it was a rhetorical question for the listeners who's on the screen get out of myself can you keep shannon's picture on the screen harrington well i see it no it's because he's fighting manny pacquiao wasn't it next year yeah apparently yeah it's not been announced 100 but you know that fight is happening i think next year so he's like okay they both came out and said it's happening right yeah they both said it yeah so i'm assuming it will happen uh and obviously he wants to focus on that and train for it accordingly uh so he's like yeah i'll fight dustin but it's gotta be this year because if he spills into march next year then that's gonna that's gonna mess up the manny pacquiao and uh he i think conor also said that he would give away the five hundred thousand dollars yeah uh dustin's charity as well yeah the good fight foundation and listen that's a that's a class move you can't argue with that one well done connor well if he's fighting manny pacquiao it's just like a drop in the bucket compared to what he's gonna make there you know charitable donations are a tax right off as well but still it's still a great thing but uh you know that hey it's true it's true but it's [ __ ] awesome you know you have to do that that's incredible uh but uh yeah connor versus dustin saw the same one either two what was it harrington 255 or 56 uh yeah was so it was the mid november card which is ufc 255 uh that just lost cody garbrandt he was supposed to be fighting davis and figueretto for the flyweight title uh he's been injured uh he's out and i think alex perez uh will be filling in for him so connor said you know maybe we could be you know the the top of that card uh the the other offer was gilbert burns uh and kamara usman are no longer fighting on ufc 256 that now needs a headliner uh for the december 12 show yeah but that one or the 19th yeah that's the shame i was looking forward to what happened there burns yeah just just uh uzman said he needs more time uh i mean to be fair he just went five rounds with mas vidal a couple of months ago and uh as you know lewis as you're experiencing first-hand you know these little boo-boos these little uh scrapes and cuts and bumps and bruises they can be quite problematic and who knows maybe it's just holding him back in training she's not ready to get ready just yet so he just wants a bit more time fair enough i guess these things kind of happen but they do need a replacement i gotta say connor connor versus anyone let's be honest but connor versus dustin that would be very very interesting to see but there is some other uh potential they've got covington versus mas vidal that'd be just as good stipe versus ngono two connor versus poirier two algebra versus jan and jon jones versus israel arasana so they're all potential replacements which one would you rather have lewis conference with mass medal stipe and garner connor poirier or jones versus izzy i mean come on jones come on it's it's not even a debate izzy jones is just like it doesn't get any more super in terms of super fights can you is there another matchup that you can make up uh legitimately too undefeated i mean look we're i don't want to i feel like i'm [ __ ] buying into the izzy hype really fast and really hard but he's hard not he looks so good in that last fight he's looked so good in all of his fights but this one was particularly impressive and you know honestly i i really want to see what can him versus jones is such a stylistic like dream like wow dude like two of the highest level strikers in the game um yeah it would be incredible so that would be the one fight and then probably to be honest with you colby versus mazda will be second i and i love really so you have connor versus poirier at number three so if you're the ufc you can sit there if you want to right now and say well no we're good thanks bud we got a [ __ ] long laundry list of super fights uh we'll have to put you on in march well look because uh look i i think i don't think anyone was clamoring for dustin poirier versus connor and i think dustin's incredible and dustin's a different fighter now um but it just it's not a super fight um yeah well no it's not a super fight but it is a very very good fight you could say a super bowl because it's not a super fight either no it's not no they're all just [ __ ] good fights and if you're a fight fan uh and then conor hasn't forced it's january so there's that as well but still you're right i agree with you izzy versus jon jones that fight has to [ __ ] happen and dana white now is saying that uh the same thing he's saying that's the fight to make right now well that's very funny because i was almost like fluttering it off being like yeah it's probably not gonna happen for a while because jon jones was talking about going up the heavyweight izzy just really came into his own at 185 you know he's then he's the new guy um he saw some fights there um that that canon here video by the way where he's just walking the dude down and he's taking in his shots did you see that video no i didn't know oh pull it up you gotta find it i should have preemptively sent it to you guys it's so good it's on instagram it's just uh it's it's i forget what it's called but if you look it up you could probably find it but he's just walking through down he keeps on just taking the shots she's so scary in the video it's awesome right right yeah well but with izzy and jones there's quite a little soul popper now isn't there uh and if you look at your notes lewis let's go through this script there's a little script on that you be izzy or i'll be easy who do you want to be you'll be john jones you're going to join me because i can't do an accent so yeah well i can't do a new zealand accent to say before sounds exactly like england but i'm going to give it a [ __ ] try mate but i don't izzy doesn't sound like that at all does he why am i talking like a fun [ __ ] london you can't alright so if you go up to it jones here we are says jones israel jones israel come on let's go so here's the back and forth alright so you're john johns fighter and coach over to you lewis table read for the soap opera of jon jones versus israel sagna scene one action uh a fighter and coach is mentioning my name in interviews but refuse to sign the dotted line straight ho [ __ ] mention a man's dead mother over the internet but looking to fight jared cannon here uh let's see him actually stop ducking the heavyweights i've set my plan in this game from the jump no one's ever forced my hand israel is [ __ ] nigerian and new zealand i don't know why i'm doing that stupid action but jones what was your rebuttal hold on just a quick question just a little note from the director oh please please it says l-o-l do you want me to say ella well would you like me to actually laugh out loud if you say the words lol then this podcast is over okay okay okay but don't lie you just go oh you could just go okay okay i'm trying i wanted by the way i think my john john's impression was pretty good like it's sort of like he's going you're sticking to the script skills he's bad okay you we're supposed to be doing this right now where if he says lol you're the director you said it was a table reading okay okay don't [ __ ] stop again we're in the just start over start over okay uh if i wanted more attention i would sign with a world-class talent agency maybe buy a few ferraris and move to miami you're sadly mistaken costa lost to fight the day he signed the contract to fight for the championship his new fame defeated him before the fight even started kid just stood there in front of a kickboxer and shadow and showboated for the cameras don't compare me to someone who's proven nothing i've been famous since i was 21. who gives a [ __ ] about being hot do you know how many hot people i've seen coming around since i've been here many mcgregor is the only fighter who inspires me on a business level everyone else i just respect as an athlete that's very good just a quick note from the director a little more conviction when you're reading the script but that's okay carrying on do you dummies now even know how contracts [ __ ] work do you some of y'all never even seen one it's exciting the contract [ __ ] records you should know how many criminal records you've got you've lost your belt how many times john what do you do when jon jones murders you with facts tell a cocaine joke maybe it'll distract the fans from thinking about what was actually said your script reading skills are terrible but we'll continue this is great no there's too much of a delay it's like when we go to harrington when i say harrington and there's like 30 seconds or nothing then you're coming on like that you're reading a script like you're having you can't bully people in the acting world okay this is what you're doing i'm critiquing your performance it's not very good well you're deflating me and you're making my performance not as good because you're critiquing it in the middle of it having constructive notes at the end yeah but no but this is a work in progress as we're going along i'm coaching along you know what i mean i'm like okay a little bit more confusion a little more authority in the voice maybe a little less halfway through maybe maybe do positive positive in the next reinforcement positive reinforcement okay uh mr gomez you're doing fantastic however it could be a little bit better at times more conviction i feel the worst that you were saying uh understand the emotion portray the emotion and and deliver it but here we go back to the script there was a lull i've been [ __ ] teasing heavyweight for more than seven years he'll never [ __ ] do it gavner he could just wait in line like the rest of them mcgregor came and made ireland look like royalty he came and made african man look soft get the [ __ ] out of here why are you talking like don king you said conviction i was giving you too much mr gomez mr garbage just dial it back a bit happy medium we're looking for a happy meal is it a reinforcement first but yeah that's what i said very very good excellent work love the comebacks you like the way it's going trending in the right direction but you bring it down a notch that was too much it was over the top uh places everyone back to one speeding okay and action anyway there you go that's enough shut the [ __ ] up outfit but he loves it he's applauding in his own way you can't understand the door i think it's one of lucas's friends he's uh i don't know they've walked away anyway there you go so jones versus izzy if you were able to follow that then you're a smarter man than i was because i still have no idea what's happening but they don't like each other that fight has got to happen um from this point forward your israelite sonia accent just has to be an old-style cockney british accent i don't i don't know why i just i can't even do a bloody australian accent my wife's australian and i try and do it and every time she's like nah michael it doesn't [ __ ] sound australian but i don't give a [ __ ] my you know what i mean i just keep doing the accent and and it doesn't get any better i don't know actually i feel like i'm starting i feel like i'm starting to get it lewis no no no it's bad that's yeah it's surprising yeah it is surprising but anyway let's move on because it is terrible all right another week is in the books it's basically every week is mma now i mean uh week after week after week and here's what happens you're sitting around watching the fights and every time you're like dude i [ __ ] know what's going to happen i know he's going to win you got all the picks you seem to know who's going to win every round every twist and turn you seem to have a little bit of insight well guess what you can put that knowledge at the test by going to draftkings yeah that's right all you got to do is go to listen you know the deal as louis said there's mma on every weekend or there's football there's nfl there's basketball whatever it is if you're a sports fan stick a few books on and it makes it better of course draftkings if you go to the uh draftki well to the app store and download the draftkings app right now and then use the called bym for a limited time new users can get a free shot at millions of dollars in prizes every week don't miss out on the week five action enter the promo code yes i'm so sorry i don't want to cut you off but that's pretty interesting because for the past couple months it's been a million dollars in prizes it seems that they've upped the ante millions anytime there's an s that's a plural that means more than one granted might be two but it might be 999 million almost a billion dollars potentially who knows it could be a billion almost a billion damn near a billion yeah i'm saying almost a billion dollars is what they're giving away i don't know how this company stays in business now as i said go to the app store get the draftkings up right now and then use the promo card byn for a limited time you get a free shot as we said at millions of dollars in prizes remember gotta enter that promo code b-y-m to get your free shot bym only at draftkings minimum five dollar deposit required eligibility restrictions apply see for details and good luck try to win those almost billions where were we uh leon edwards leon edwards and stephen won the boy thompson and hamza chimaev are all going back and forth in the world of mixed martial arts harrington just give us a bit of background a bit of flavor for lewis uh ham's like chimeyev he's calling out everybody and nobody wants to fight him and i understand right uh michael kiesa gave an interview from yaz island the other day saying why am i going to risk my ranked place against somebody that's not even ranked so i understand and i respect chimier for wanting to fight these champions and stuff like that but everybody wants to do that you want to come in and fight for the belt but you got to earn that place and now everybody's kind of like [ __ ] that i'm not fighting chimney air that's what kiessa said that's what stephen wonderboy thompson said i think that's what leon edwards said as well right go on i'm sorry but i really liked what covington said covington was like all right come and [ __ ] on your place come you don't come at me he didn't necessarily dismiss him he but he didn't say he was necessarily ready to fight him yet but these guys i don't know i mean i don't what is um what was curious what's kisses ranking i know yeah i don't know it's like 12 something like that's what i'm saying like michael and and he's great he's incredible obviously but i'm just saying like i don't know she might have had so much heat that it would almost be good for michael chiesa to fight him am i crazy to say that yeah no no it's not but listen listen coming in hot we've got another script okay you'll be you'd be stephen wonderboy thompson because you're american and i'll be leon edwards okay back and forth leon edwards uh rejects stephen this is okay so in this situation mr gomez uh you're stephen wonderboy thompson you're from south carolina a bit of a karate kicking whiz kid master but you're a very very nice guy you don't swear you know you say gee golly a lot yes sir no sir things like that very polite i'm leon edwards in this scenario i'm from birmingham right i'm going to talk like this right think of the peaky blinders but just nothing like the peaky blinders that's kind of how he talks a little bit like that so i'll be uh leon edwards for me to get to the world title which is my aim and my dream is to beat one of these top four contenders i have to fight someone in the top four to get my title shot i've done all the wonder boy fights i've been there done it i'm on an 85 win streak now i don't need to go fight someone like wonder boy he's done nothing for my career he does nothing he's coming down i'm going up if he gets one or two more wins then yeah i'll consider it leon edwards you've been out for over a year now and if i'm on my way down then i should be a nice tune-up fight to get people to remember your name again hashtag just trying to help positive reinforcement from the director loves the conversation loves the accent however feels a little too much a little too much texas a little uh wiley coyote i never said that i never said that listen you're doing a very good job though but just change the [ __ ] accent and get your [ __ ] together if you don't write this tweet i'll forgive you this time i don't get ringross mates i'm a championship fighter that stays in the gym i was knocked out called one fighter girl by oh you were knocked out cold one fight go by a lightweight fighting you right now does nothing for me hashtag respectfully i may be new to this but it's definitely me my tweet game is better than i thought well i guess the the gym is where you'll be staying quote unquote like you said quote unquote nobody wants to fight you except me but that ain't good enough for you maybe we'll see you in 2021 hashtag struck a nerve with respect mr gomez uh stephen i respect you as a fighter put your two and three in your last five the polaris way possible just [ __ ] off and fight chimeyev and good luck anyway there you go that's enough of that script bollocks so jones not jones uh leon edwards and stephen wonderboy thompson are going back and forth uh leonhard was he's got a fight at some point leon's a great fighter and i really believe he's got a good potential of being champion of the world um but i do believe that his inactivity recently is going to cost him you know what i mean there's a lot of people want to fight him i understand he doesn't want to fight chimief you know he wants to fight for the belt that ain't going to happen anytime soon uzman vs burns that's going to happen probably february or march next year so it's going to be a long time so leon has to fight somebody you know what i'm saying so leon please take a fight my friend howard can you pull up the top 10 at 170. i feel like anybody who's not in top 10 should be willing to fight shimaev yeah well no well they should let's take a look because he's not it's not i almost feel like ranking versus like heat and like how much the ufc is trying to push you like what is that what is the what does the number 13 ranking really mean versus the dana white saying you're the [ __ ] dude right i feel like that like how much value does that hold for your career and where you're at the first guy to beat shim i have takes all that heat and i think maybe it doesn't do anything for your quote-unquote ranking but it does a little bit for your you know where you're at with the company and where you're at with dana white and you know well it does it does and that is important right because you do want to be if you want the opportunities and people always talk about this they say oh company men you know what i mean there's a this is it's a term that gets thrown around like it's an insult but it's not it's it's [ __ ] you're being a guy a fighter that they can depend on a guy that they can call potentially on short notice hey you ready to fight and you say yeah you know why because i'm a [ __ ] professional and i look after myself and yeah i've got four or five weeks yeah i can do this uh and you know being one of those guys you do get more opportunities and as you said to your to your point if you're one of those guys that does do things like that then they're more inclined to help you as well if you don't you know it's a two-way street it's a give-and-take it's a business relationship they want you to fight but if you're always playing hardball and and going against the company and of course you got to look out for yourself right you got to look after number one in this world of course but also you know you got to play the game to a certain degree yeah i mean i don't think it does anybody any favors to say they don't want to fight anybody but like it does it does sort of make sense you know the other thing is they'll say for the guys that are at the top of the heap that are saying they don't want to fight him it's not like they're saying they want to fight other easier fights they're saying they want to fight the top of the heap guys so yeah are you know you know at the very least debatably tougher fights than jim i have um maybe lester yeah sorry but if you look at the top five here i mean stephen thompson is five mars video four leonard was three gilbert burns two colby covington at one and kamara who's been obviously the champs so realistically at leon versus thompson that would be a good fight be a good stylistic matchup would be a very entertaining fight they're both very good strikers uh i i like that fight and actually for leon edwards it's another win someone inside the top five he does get a chance to shake off that ring rust and not now i know ring rust is just kind of a frame of mind but still it has been a long time now since he's fought so you know before going up against potentially kamara who's been before the belt having another little fight i get some not a little fire but another fight against stephen thompson you know that'd be a good chess match this is the uh the rest of 170 pound uh number six demi maya 7 tyron kiev says number eight rafael de san jose number nine neil magney ten vincente lucca um eleven jeff niels twelve nate diaz anthony pattis robbie lauren where's the does anthony pettis have a fight because that would be a great fight who anthony pettis versus shimon edwards or chima oh you know that would be good and that'll be a logical fight though for chimeyev it would be somebody like that but anyway there you go we'll see how that one plays out jimmy is calling out everybody someone is gonna you never know because you just never know how good he is i was gonna say somebody's gonna slow his role but maybe they won't maybe just maybe he is that good maybe he's gonna go on a [ __ ] turn and just destroy everybody i kind of have a feeling that he is yeah i just i see him he he's a dude that's [ __ ] has so much heat right now that to beat him it's really it's good you sort of take all that heat and all that uh you know that uh momentum which i think i should shine take his shine you know like that fly on the head of mike pence last night at the debate he took him outside how boring were the debates me and harrington we were coming back last night driving together and we watched we watched for like maybe 20 minutes the end of them but how boring were the debates that where people were talking about the next day was a fly and then the debates were boring because i'll just say this donald trump whether you love him you hate him you're for him you're against him whatever it is you can't deny that guy's gold on camera you know what i mean he's very watchable and he's controversial you know what i mean so he does bring a certain entertainment factor to those debates but yeah you're right uh you know that fly landing on mike pence's header because i was watching it i'm like is that a fly on his head i'm like no it can't be but then of course brian rolled the tape uh some a team of scientists uh looked at it lewis and he zoomed in on the fly uh brian and did they release the footage actually i think it was nasa men and women who serve in law enforcement and i want everyone to know [Music] see there it is lewis that's called really stealing the shine well i don't know i don't know the original thing i know there's another meme that's going around it's like a cross meme with uh you know super memeing on twitter but it's funny uh yeah i just think it's very funny the the whole we live in such a crazy world this is all that people are talking about it's a [ __ ] fly that landed on this guy's head today yeah a fly on his head but then the the ingenuity of some people i love it because obviously that's having fun or having fun with yeah uh that that viral tick-tock challenge you must have seen it you know maybe if you're listening to this podcast in another country maybe not so much but out here on the news in america it made the news a few times it's that dude he's like mexican looking fellow he's on a skateboard he's cruising down the street you got fleetwood mac playing and he's like looks at the camera takes a big sip of the ocean spray uh you haven't seen that lewis i haven't seen i just have put it i've been putting the pieces together with you describing it and things that i've sort of seen peripherally like on the internet i haven't been paying attention the past few days so i guess this is the the big thing but didn't he get didn't he make some money on some merch and didn't give him some [ __ ] yeah i think ocean spray came out and bought him a brand new truck fleetwood mac have done something fleetwood mac did it as well uh or keith mack or flintwood or fleetwood keith fleetwood nick fleetwood one of those fleetwood mackers okay sounds like a [ __ ] swear word don't you fleetwood maca uh get out of here you [ __ ] fleetwood mecca no no one of those guys mick is it mick fleetwood babe yeah yeah whatever she doesn't know but yeah anyway he came out uh ocean spray bought him a new truck it's great isn't it you do one little thing well i mean that guy i think he lives in detroit or michigan or somewhere like that and you do one thing and then next minute you're all over the place it's it's it's a crazy world we're living in louis yeah well good for that guy um good for him i think that uh the pro it's a problem though with like society and like young people i think every young person's looking to do that next viral thing and to make that next video it's like i don't know i i do do what about uh does lucas have a social he does have me he has a instagram uh not really though he doesn't use it and and and much like the believe you me podcast instagram uh i can't remember his password either because it's a weird one because you don't really want to have your kids on social media but having a good social media uh following can open some doors for you and get you some opportunities you know so that's why sometimes i always feel weird tagging like ellie and stuff but you know they get more followers every time i do it of course well it's also it's different depends on what they want to do and they're also old enough ellie and um uh [ __ ] callum callum my same thing lucas over and over again uh ellie and callum are adults you know what i'm saying where or you know they're a little different lucas the younger kid james is an instagram and it's private um just for like family members friends um you know his post pictures just because yes um but it's a weird thing because it's not even just even the opportunity i think there's going to be like a blending of social media it's going to be a part of like going to school you know what i'm saying and part of going to work and like and i'm not being like one of these weirdos like what's that show black mirror like i know like black mirror has a couple episodes that sort of touch on this stuff but we really are going toward a time when like everything's going to be online everything's going to be digital so am i holding my kid back from sort of getting acclimated to this technology where this is where the world is going or am i saving him from being obsessed with it and it's such a weird [ __ ] time to be living in as a parent like i don't really know the answer there yeah well it's a bit of both isn't it because it because it is listen that that is the way of the future and it's just going to get more and more dependent on technology as we go forward you know uh i'm seeing now factory workers are going to be a thing of the past in the future they're going to have robots doing everything you know so technology of course is going to play a heavier role as we go forward social media is going to become an even bigger thing i'm yet to see it but i saw a little feature uh on the news the other day about that uh documentary you told me to watch the social media you're gonna love it you i know you you will [ __ ] love this documentary there's no doubt about it you're going to want to talk about it for three shows after you watch it yeah no no i'm looking forward to watching it but they had this uh this professor on from berkeley university on talking about it and i think he was featured on there a little bit very weird um looks weird yeah with dreadlocks and stuff yeah oh yeah they i hate looking at his face well i don't i thought he had a very interesting inquisitive face no judgment no judgment looked like a troll but still but he was talking about it and apparently since uh since social media has become so much more powerful and prevalent in teenagers lives suicide rates have shut up and i found that the two coincide with one another with teenagers being more dependent on social media uh teenage suicide is also shut up as well which is just you know i mean so to your point what you're talking about you know do you want to protect yourself from it when you hear and see things like that then [ __ ] of course you think like that because i'm on the verge i can't because there's too much business stuff associated with it but i would love to just go do you know what [ __ ] it deleting it all because i'm over social media these days it's boring yeah i agree and it's just a source of like really like toxic like cancerous energy and i i it's real i really don't like it and you sort of get obsessed and addicted to it and that addiction to nothing i remember there was when i quit smoking cigarettes um or one of the times that i quit smoking cigarettes i haven't smoked in like 10 years but i used to smoke two packs today i used to be a pretty big smoker and there was a book and i forget the name of the book but it's a very famous book on quitting smoking people that quit smoking will know what i'm talking about put it in the comments and tag it because it's a cool book i actually liked reading it but um one of the the themes in the books they talked about was when you go smoke a cigarette you convince yourself that you're doing something like you're like oh but it's it's a boredom mechanism right so you go outside you're like i'm doing something but in reality you're absolutely doing nothing and if you're actually if you break it down what you're doing is you are hurting yourself you're giving yourself cancer you know [ __ ] up your teeth [ __ ] up your health whatever it is so the it's just almost a similar thing like you get bored and you feel like you're doing something but you waste all of this time the amount of time it's just wasted sitting there just coming through your phone over and over again i think it's very very unhealthy i don't think it's good that society's becoming more dependent on and that's the conundrum because like do do we let our kids become completely dependent or do we allow our kids to be your cell phone's like a brain like you've done listen that's better than having his brain i'll [ __ ] tell you that right now the technology in this thing is insane uh you're right though because as i said when i say i'm bored of social media i still still go in there every day these days i'm more on twitter i'm kind of over the instagram thing because it's just people flexing showing off whatever you know sometimes there's some funny interesting stuff but on twitter you know there's a there's a lot of uh there's more current events more news things like that so it you know it's a bit more interesting but yeah my day every day it's always the same thing i wake up i have my coffee i look at my phone whilst listening to the news in bed i check my email i check instagram i check twitter i check facebook i go back to my email and then like then i think should i get out of bed and i think oh let's have one more coffee and then i do another round back to instagram back to twitter and it's [ __ ] [ __ ] it's just such a waste of life and then you know after this podcast i'll probably do the same i'll sit out there look at my phone and it's just such a waste of time i could be reading a book doing something productive i guess to a certain degree yes it's a little escapism just for five ten minutes if it's just five ten minutes here and there that's okay but some people disappear down this black hole of social media for hours on end it's insane pull up your screen time i don't know how to do that going down recently i i talked to my daughter about this because i'm i'm on my phone a lot right but i do that because you know that as you said that is a powerful computer these phones now you can do all sorts on it i'm sending emails i'm doing all kinds of [ __ ] but okay go on i know mine's bad it's bad but go on so settings were sweet yeah screen time yeah and then uh you should just see see all activities so your daily average oh my god dude my daily average is so long yeah mine's bad it's embarrassing actually mine's embarrassing all right nine hours 23 minutes mine's six hours 23 minutes yeah and mine's up five percent from last week mine's uh down fourteen percent from last week you know this thing's been taking a break baby boy i i my word what did i say i've been dead i've been knocking it on the head a little bit i am down 14 from last week if i continue at this rate lewis i'm gonna be like negative on the social media i'm gonna need some social media just to get back to zero if you continue it this way you're gonna be living in the stone ages you'd be driving around with your feet like fred flintstone 14 down from last week 10 weeks is 140 in 10 weeks i'm gonna need 40 of the instagram just to get back to zero if you follow uh hit all right so then hit um see all activity okay so then you can see okay yeah this is bad so it's confused this is all is this for a week yeah it's for a week so and there it is true to what i said last week twitter seven hours and three minutes on twitter that's insane wow three hours and 25 minutes for me six hours in one minute instagram four hours 44. uh email three hours safari three hours four minutes facebook twitter what is your number one thing messages uh no message is one hour 27. 11 hours 57 minutes from here on messages yeah jesus christ louis [ __ ] no 11 hours is that in a week yeah i guess you need to get your assistant back i really do i text so much it's crazy you could be saying hey over there yes send the text for me whilst i do powerful business mogul stuff but yeah no that is shocking when you look at your screen time like that yeah it's [ __ ] cringy dude it's cringy nine hours a day i'm on my phone that's wild it's i have this thing in my hand all the time if i don't have it in my pocket on my person i do feel a little bit weird i need to be connected all the time even this morning i went in the gym i had a killer workout did some uh what did i do chest and traps i did 15 minutes on the uh iron to start chest and traps four exercises on each 300 sit-ups then five rounds on the back and then a nice little stretch but even when i'm in there i'm [ __ ] around with my phone i'm in between sets i'm looking at instagram i'm [ __ ] about trying to get little [ __ ] videos to put it in something like a tart like a total [ __ ] [ __ ] but that's what you gotta do this is one of the reasons why i really like driving right um it's because i don't i can't look at my phone i can't [ __ ] around and be on instagram i can't look at twitter so it's one of the only times during my day that i'm like just thinking i'm just thinking about like what's going on in my life thinking about fixing myself the the this right here is a [ __ ] distraction from fixing yourself it's a distraction from because you can pretend unless you're really utilizing it as a tool to fix your life and some people do i'm not saying that every single person but i think the average person uses it uses it as a distraction to fix all the problems in their life and you can sit around i mean i think about there's probably 10 things right now that i have to do 10 things that i have to do that i got to get done that i know that i have to get done but i will just distract myself from the anxiety that i feel that i have to get them done by getting on my phone looking at twitter looking at whatever else it is it's genuinely a bad thing for somebody like me yeah yeah you know well it's a bad thing for everybody we all rely on our phones too much but uh yeah we all know that i'm gonna try and minimize seeing that screen time that is absolutely shocking uh but it's this already so i'm so excited i i if you want to change the subject we can change subject but i think there is like the person that does utilize it the right way that maybe isn't using it for social media but is using the fitness apps is using the apps to get you know on time using the apps to figure out traffic there's a lot of great tools that this you know can make life better with but i think the social it's really the social media side which is the evil side of the problem yeah absolutely it's only the social media that's having a negative everything else on there is to help you like when i'm on my apps as you said ways that helps you helps you not get a [ __ ] parking ticket or a police speeding ticket that's what i heard then you got all the uh the diet apps you got the health apps you got there's a lot of good stuff to help your productivity as well but you know sometimes sometimes you need a little escapism okay really quick i i gotta say and i don't want to be crude because we're having a great show we've we've been mature this whole show which has been a rare thing um but i gotta talk about how good my pubic area has been looking i i've been trimming it up very very nicely and i'm gonna tell you right now i've never felt better about it because of manscape 3.0 yeah well in future just keep that to yourself we can talk about the product but i don't want to hear i just don't think about your body listen support for believe you me is brought to you by manscaped which is the best in men's below the belt grooming manscape offers precision engineer tools for your family jewels they obsess over their technology developments to provide you with the best tools for your grooming experience okay that's why manscape has redesigned the electric trimmer basically if you've tried to trim your balls with maybe your your beard trimmer or whatever if you've done that you know what i'm talking about you've nicked your balls on occasion here and there they have some uh special technology where it's it's pretty much impossible so you don't have to like be so careful because i've been there in the past you're like ah you're doing it with your beard trimmer but you have got to be careful because you're going to nick your penis you're going to nick your ball sack and it stings like fog for days well i've done both of those what i've used the beard trimmer i neck hair trimmer also when i'm using scissors i used to just snip around to try to trim things up because i don't like to use a bic and go straight to the skin which i've also done every single way that i've used i've cut myself at one point and it [ __ ] with me it stings it burns it's just annoying it's not good it's not which is not attractive uh uh it's nearly impossible to cut yourself with the lawnmower 3.0 it's really really super simple there's not much more to it it's just super safe and simple yeah well though because this is a premium uh tool and i do mean premium the battery will last up to 90 minutes so you can take a longer shave i i don't know if you'd want to do that for 90 minutes but still if you do it has the battery to do that as it retains relates to the battery i've never plugged it back in i've i've been using it for probably a year now and i've only gone on one charge yep and it's also water resistant the water resistant technology allows you to groom in the shower also got a led light which illuminates your grooming area if you're doing it in the dark so and you know more precise streaming they've also upgraded to a 7000 rpm motor with quiet stroke technology and let's not forget about the charging stand show off your mower loud i'm proud because this intelligently designed stand is a convenient charging dock powered by usb so listen give it a try we've all got balls we all got to trim them and you want to do it in style with the best tools on the market so go to use the card bisping you will get 20 off and free shipping trust me i have this in my house it's an amazing tool give it a try 20 off when you use it called bisping and free shipping okay anyway [ __ ] that uh this weekend i think it's this weekend correct me from wrong harrington but uh this weekend we got bellator and we don't really talk about bellator too much simply because i don't follow it you know i don't have time to follow all every single [ __ ] mma event when ufc is on every weekend if it's a big enough fight you'll watch it of course i will absolutely uh so he's got i've got nothing against bellator per se but you know i work for the ufc and i want to stay up to date on everything there but this weekend i think it's this weekend friday or saturday night having the first ever mixed martial arts event in paris so that's pretty big uh because for people that don't know mma is banned in france but it's not now and the ufc were a big part of that i think they lobbied pretty hard to get it sanctioned and legalized uh so the bbc i think are they gonna broadcast it harrison just give us just just tell me a little bit more about that uh yeah so the bbc came out with a tweet yesterday they said they are going to be showing cage fighting uh on the bbc for the first time ever uh with bellator's card at um in paris uh the first one ever in france uh scott coker came out and said thanks to that partnership this could be seen by 50 million people worldwide yeah that's huge absolutely huge but uh yeah that really annoyed me because the bbc you know in england obviously you know cage fighting as they refer to it isn't as popular as what it is in the us and years ago i was talking to the bbc i was talking to uh papers or any type of journalist and telling them about the sport but then when you hear the bbc that are getting involved and they're kind of prestigious they're a little bit snobby that's why they're late to the party but they're coming on they were interviewing one of the fighters they're asking stupid questions about the blood and the gore and the guts of it all i know isn't it dangerous and just asking silly questions like i remember back in the day getting asked things like oh can you take uh weapons into the cage and it's like for [ __ ] sake get a grip so anyway listen it's nice i mean you did look like a street thug back in the day no but there's there's a clip of that and it's on my documentary there's a this woman for the bbc bbc news northwest i'm in there and i think it's on the the extra dvd footage of ufc 70 in manchester and i go into the bbc studios and i'm explaining what the sport is and i say you know we're all very well-rounded athletes blah blah blah blah you know this isn't a sport for thugs or barbarians and she says well you look like a barbarian and i say oh really i said i'll keep my thoughts of what you look like to myself although mutton dressed as lamb does come to mind because she was about 55 with like a tight leather skirt on and a hair all dawn do you know what mutton dresses lamb means no but i just uh i i deduced that it wasn't attractive no mutton is like an old sheep lamb is a very young sheep so it's mutton dressed as lamb i got it now i got it yeah well it's a very specific thing i mean you sometimes you come up with these old-timey sayings and you know it's not an old-timey there's still sheep there's lambs and there's mutton alive today i don't think many people know about mannar brian you know about mutton i bet you brian does not know mutton and he's not alive shut up brian dude you know what it is i read books guys oh you read mutton books in all sorts of books you'll do mine barrington are you familiar with mutton and the term mutton justice lab i'm certainly not familiar with that term but yeah i've heard of a mutton before shut the [ __ ] up harrington you're a liar and you make me sick how did i just make both of you angry with that answer that is crazy good very loud and clear i understand i understand michael here is a legend former ufc champion no no very very very cool got it listen anybody with a little bit of intelligence mutton dressed as lamb so what does that mean well it's an old sheep dressed as a young sheep it's very simple to deduce lewis it really is but still uh there you go uh bellator making history i guess in france this weekend looking forward i guess yeah i'm looking forward to the ufc going out there because i would love to work on that card that'd be cool wouldn't it go out to paris or somewhere so that is the cool thing about this job you do get to travel a lot uh it is thursday harrington so we're going to rely on you uh uh for a little bit of hammer fisting action there's a few stories that we haven't got to uh and we do have a lot of questions as well on the last show i think it was i read out their email address and said somebody please send us in some uh some videos because we didn't have any and apparently brian says now we have hundreds inundated inundated so that's very good thank you very much and we'll do some of those shortly as well let's take a moment real quick you love the show go to our itunes leave us a five star rating a positive review that enables people to find the show uh same thing on google play or stitch or any of the other apps that you guys download podcasts on go to our youtube channel and uh hit the notification button you get notifications every time there's a brand new show that goes live you can just search michael bisping podcast on youtube and if you guys want access to the entire unmanned library of every episode of the show that we've ever done ad free and uncensored go to use the promo code bym get a 14 day free trial you can just you binge watch all the episodes you even got to pay for the membership just cancel after 14 days boom you're done all right harrington so come on then give us a bit of hammer fisting action to throw some mma stories as and we'll give a take all right guys uh got this one first up uh alexander rakitch uh threw it out there that a gentleman from prague uh was thinking about you know fighting him uh one would assume he was referring to uh jiri project but whatever it's okay you recently made his ufc debut uh you know thrilling uh thrilling knockout that you called uh he said he's not interested in the fight rackets ranked number four prohaska ranked number five do you think this fight makes sense uh given the state of light heavyweight right now so who said they're not interested wreckage wreckage i mean i understand wreckage's perspective right because rackages has been in the ufc for a little bit now he's had some hard fights and he's had some good wins you know anthony smith was a big win you know he is he knocks out jimmy mano where he's slowly earning his place and it's much like the uh the ham that jimmy have situation right because here's uh jiri prohaska new on the scene big uh name outside of the ufc a lot of experience outside the ufc being some good names king mo people like that so he's tough but he's only had one fight in the ufc so there's not a lot of exposure there so he's almost you know the the casual ufc fan probably doesn't even know his name whereas rakitch has worked very hard to establish himself so i understand his uh hesitance in wanting to take that fight however if you are ranked four and five then it does make sense yeah i mean very different than the shimaya situation because shin may have has so much heat he has the the similar heat that conor mcgregor had a few years you know before he really re roasted his fame so um you know pro how do you say his name i don't wanna uh pro house guess prochaska um you know he he's relatively unknown i understand but i don't understand okay especially wreckage to be honest with you wreckage isn't a household name what are we doing here what are we doing guess what guys your fighters fight each other four you're five you're five okay i'm sorry but even if you got one if you count up or you count down they aren't next to one another as simple as that the universe has done this okay if you want to separate knock him out okay you want him off beat him off as dana said on the ultimate fight back in the day do you remember that i do remember that beat him hold on that sounded a little weird i mean but i mean you can't nobody wants to hear guys that are picking and choosing their opponents anyway but this just sort of like it's just sort of like guys let's just stop all the [ __ ] what you want to do if you want to get the the general public to be behind you you want to fight anybody that's put in front of you you at the very least you want to say that publicly if you want to have your your manager agent step in and protect you from whatever [ __ ] fights behind closed doors that's fine but i just don't want to hear it you know and wreckage is awesome he you know he had an incredible performance against anthony smith um but at the same time you know wreckage is not a household name by any measure no you're absolutely right and i'm just trying to think harrington uh glover to share it because obviously light heavyweight you've got the champion jan blehovich newly crowned thiago santa's at two reyes at three obviously beholders just be reyes uh alexander brackish at four prohaska at five welcoming demaio six um glover and thiago santos they're fighting soon on that they were supposed to fight got cancelled because of covid i think in a few weeks right is that fire happening uh yeah that is on the books i believe it's for the last fight in october i'll try yeah so so if you look at the landscape yamblahovic is the champ he just thought he just won the belt he's not fighting anytime soon then you've got number one and number three they're matched up to sharon and santos okay reyes just got knocked out he's not fighting any time soon either so realistically and jay perhaps could just beat volcanoes dubai so he can't fight him again you know what i mean so realistically that is one of the only fights to make rocket jumper husker uh yeah when you look at it that is unless you want to sit on the sidelines forever that's probably the only fight to make so you know match it up yeah match it up harrington hammer fisted [Music] okay i i didn't i uh no that was an effect it'll be it'll make sense cool clean who hammer fist imagine if somebody's hammer fisting in a fight at your speed and intensity well they wouldn't because they would just walk off in between hammer fists they'd be like okay i have all the time in the world to just abandon ship i'm going to go get a sandwich maybe have a coffee take a nap and i'll still get back in before the next [ __ ] hammer fist speed up hammer fisting hammer fist fussed like a piston hammer fisting let's go [ __ ] the [ __ ] out of lose his ass so the thing you guys didn't uh didn't cover cause you were so deep in the character obviously for your theater uh israel at a sonya don't [ __ ] start all that [ __ ] again mate right because i don't want to come out of [ __ ] retirement carry on uh so he says he wants the fight but he doesn't want to take it until international fight week 2021 he was goading jones on take other fights says he wants cannoneer my question is this gentleman does it ever make sense to postpone the super fight i'll take it yeah does it ever make sense yes from the perspective of the ufc it doesn't hurt um it doesn't hurt to have israel to have a couple more big fights you know it if he continues to win and continues to grow the problem is anybody can lose any given sunday anybody could lose there's a million ways to lose we saw crazy [ __ ] happen in this world of mixed martial arts so the problem is if you don't strike while the iron is hot guess what you might lose out on all that massive opportunity so no actually i take it back i don't think it makes sense to hold off on a super fight if these guys want to do it they want to do it but if israel had a sign yes seems like he's backing off a little bit then he seems like he's backing off yeah i don't know if he is necessarily backing off but yeah calling out 2021 that is what eight nine months away international fire week here's the reality though i truly believe israel ladasana nobody's going to beat him anytime soon so whether he did it now or he does it next year if the fight's not at middleweight then he's not risking anything he's not risking his belt anyway i don't think anybody at middleweight is going to beat him and take it take the belt off him anytime soon but however that said you know now is the time much to dana white's point i mean it is all over the media they are talking [ __ ] back and forth the only thing that sours it a little bit is that currently john jones doesn't have a belt you know what i mean so we're not going to see or maybe that's a positive because we've seen that hold up divisions where somebody becomes a two-way division champion obviously that would only happen if adasanya was to beat jones and if john was the champion but that said yeah no it probably is better so jones right now he's not about going up to heavyweight but what does he do if you're john jones maybe you've been trying to if you're legitimately going to move up to heavyweight you're going to try and put weight on you're going to try and put muscle on you're going to try and prepare yourself to fight these bigger guys but now you've got a middleweight calling you out and i said what the [ __ ] am i gonna go back down to two or five are you gonna come up to heavyweight you know so there's a lot of uh questions that would need to be answered and they would have to come to a lot of agreements and these [ __ ] cults can't agree to anything on twitter my do you know what i'm saying louis your impression of israel is the same it's not an impression it's your dad it's also israel i don't know what it is we should i should have put on a pink [ __ ] wig a little a little earring dangling next time we'll come in character well jon jones all right so it really depends like is jon jones going to put on massive amounts of weight he probably already walks around at 230 240 pounds guaranteed you know maybe he just wants to be able to you know train the way he trains not have to cut weight just be super athletic um i don't know that he's gonna put on a ton of weight maybe he can still just cut down to 205 and fight at both um there are guys that did that right who who fought at 205 obviously daniel cormier but uh who else there's a few guys that were doing randy couture i can think of one um yeah so dan henderson i think he only had one fight at uh heavyweight sorry let's just let's just book the fight if i'm dana y i'm calling them both at right now saying here here's a contract you guys want to fight each other you're talking a bunch of mad [ __ ] you're in the ufc here's a contract here's a massive stack of dough it'll do a ton of pay-per-views that's for sure so yeah just just just book the fight i want to see everyone wants to see it uh real fast let's not spend a lot of time on it because harrington has so many hammer fists to throw with us uh jones versus izzy right now who wins lewis go john jones goes versus izzy right now hamilton who wins let's go israel anathony yeah there's a potential tense that it's israel ladasana because you think stinks i think think i do do right there's a possibility there is though i don't know but i'm sitting on the fence ah [ __ ] you harrington i'm a fist all right guys uh tony ferguson if you remember was supposed to fight dustin poirier there was that whole contract fallout well now he's the odd man out without a dance partner is he the man to welcome michael chandler to the ufc yeah that is a surprising scenario isn't it so tony ferguson was willing to take the fight dustin poirier wanted more money now they've offered dustin versus conor which is more than likely going to happen and poor old tony poor old tony t ferg is sitting out without a partner as you say a dance partner and what was your question sorry is he gonna be the man to welcome michael chandler to the ufc oh yeah yeah yeah well that's what they're talking about now aren't they so yeah because i i think chandler what is he's on standby right as a backup for either justin gagey or habib and can you believe that like two weeks that fight is happening in two weeks i can't [ __ ] wait for that man it just never ends the problem is like before we we do two shows a week now so we're just we're so focused on the weekend coming up always and then it's just like you don't realize how fast these fights keep on coming up on us yeah no it's insane before i know it it's monday and thursday again i'm like what are we talking about you look at the mma news you're above there's a million things to talk about side note side now i did enjoy sunday night after when it was all said and done and i was tired i did enjoy having the relaxation day on monday and i know that the production team enjoyed having a little bit of extra time to get it out uh devil's advocate double deficit devil's advocate i thought the reason being were going out on a sunday night i thought we'd [ __ ] come out a day earlier or at least on monday morning or mid midday monday not still coming out on tuesday that's what i thought we were achieving beating the pack beating the herd beating the munchkins that put out these mma content was like well we're now coming out on a monday that's what i thought i'm just just the devil's advocate for you to consider no i appreciate that over the devil's advocate yeah yeah it's okay harrington hammerfest please all right uh speaking of this weekend marlon rice has a big fight against sandhagen if you remember that's the gentleman that al-jamean sterling beat uh to get what we're considering now the the the title shot peter yan still hasn't signed to fight him even though there is an open dance card in november i'm sorry in december now uh with 256 being off my question is this gentleman marlon rice has 15 first round finishes in 23 wins is there a performance great enough for him to jump the line to get that title shot i don't believe so because i don't believe that uh peorian sorry or alger mainstream they haven't made that fight yet have they no they haven't made that fight and i said and here's why i think i and this is purely an assumption henry cejudo out of retirement fighting peoria because you know we know henry's not really retired he's always teasing fights he's been with daniel a lot recently they were at the trump rallies together so they've obviously you know they've been in each other's company they've obviously talked maybe they did maybe they didn't but i would say that's the reason why we haven't had an official announcement of alger maine versus peoria yet because i think there's a potential tench of uh uh um what's his name again biodean fighting henry cejudo you know uh hot take i'll take hot take put that detective ad on all right there you go you know mark it down the best thing if that's the bisping production we'll see yeah but yeah i mean now i know i don't think that they they would take the the shot away from al joe for marlon marias no no definitely not i'll jump in definitely especially for beating the same guy that alger just beat yeah yeah you know that's not gonna happen i do feel that if anyone is going to take that away then it could be henry cejudo you know having that x factor type thing go on harrington uh that's all i got for hammer fisting if you guys want to jump questions yeah let's do it dude you end up finding that video by the way i asked you to pull up of um canon here i'm gonna go out on a limb and say it's a no i guarantee you give me once you got it oh no big brian brian put his big balls in your mouth how'd that feel this way yeah yeah 2020. it felt good yeah 995 would have kicked off the [ __ ] if you guys want to also join the conversation send your questions in video audio fan art or otherwise byn pod is the email address and we do appreciate the questions so even though now we have an unlimited just plethora of questions an endless pool look at this this is a fun video what a mind [ __ ] is that jarrod cannon here you have a shared cannon here when he was at light heavyweight i'm assuming yeah versus cuda lava yeah yeah now cool i was like on e1 cuz i know you can't say that one yeah that's a good video uh that's gonna be a good fight jared cannon here who's he fighting oh robert whittaker yeah that's in two weeks as well on the same card that's called main event gaugey uh the maga made off that's a great fight as well uh robert whitaker if you're listening which i know you're not give me a shout out respond to the messages i'm trying to get him on the show but uh all right let's do some questions to finish this one off been a fun show been a stupid show uh but yeah brian what have we got let's do two or three all right guys i got this one here from tyler from long island hi guys tyler from long island here and i have a few questions for you michael would you rather live in a tiny studio apartment with your entire family a huge downgrade from the bougie half mansion or live in a full mansion wherever you'd like but you have to rent out a room to vitor belfort and every sunday listen to a preach about jesus for 30 minutes 50 minutes what's the big deal and louis would you rather get knocked out by jason ellis or watch brendan shop's comedy special the people no thanks boys keep up the good work i love the podcast tune in every week thank you very much they were great questions well delivered as well and you know what a professional setup who was that ryan from long island ryan tyler tyler well thank you tyler uh i'll answer the question listen uh a big beautiful full mansion but you've got to veto belfort in the house every sunday getting out of bed right and listen if you're religious if you catholic all that stuff more power to you but i just couldn't do it i couldn't do it lewis i could not do it i would have to we'd come to blouse we would definitely come to blaze if he came downside preaching the sermon and [ __ ] going on yeah stick me in the studio apartment if i'm in a studio apartment i'm in a city center you know i mean put me in a city center i don't give a [ __ ] uh yeah there's no way under any circumstance i could rent a room out to veto belfast maybe a problem i could i couldn't imagine it would go well but uh what would i rather would i rather get knocked out by jason ellis or watch brendan schwab's comedy special um i would definitely rather watch brendan schwab's comedy special than get knocked out by jason ellis i'm trying to think of what to say uh are you sure about that you'd rather you'd rather watch brendan sharp than get knocked yeah of course of course it's a crazy question they're trying to take a shot at brandon trump's comedy i i tell you what who else has been taking a shot at brendan sharp recently have you seen it on twitter you on bobby lee's podcast no um darren till darren till has been going hard at brendan sharp only for a laugh uh go go to darren till's instagram sorry twitter please if that's possible because it is [ __ ] funny i've read the shop and brenda's took it in in uh you know what i mean he's took it in the good spirit because he's only [ __ ] around you go to it here and i messaged darren i said to darren hold on where is it i said uh hey mate what's going on with you and brendan sharp making me laugh and he thought hahaha yes brother i got that i i'm laughing my ass off what's the crack what started it all cuz i thought maybe there was a bit of beef or something then darren comes back he says mate literally nothing at all i've got nothing against him i have literally nothing against him it's just funny and i don't give two [ __ ] who i offend that's why me and you were mates it's [ __ ] great it's just a legitimate like trolling that's what it is that's why i love darren because he admits it he's like he just starts these things with people for the sake of it being funny oh yeah and he is funny he's a very very funny guy uh i'm just trying to scroll down to some of them where where are they on his twitter anyway if you go to darren till's lol for example here here's one there's a dog sniffing another dog's ass and then it's got the titles joe rogan and then brendan sharp at the bottom you can't really see but by the way that's why we've taken shots at brandon shaub and also it's not his that's not the only show we take a shot at we've taken shots at the the other mma podcast as well jim norton and met sarah we [ __ ] around it's all in good fun it's just ball busting it's just funny but you know people in la are [ __ ] and they have thin skins that's the problem i'll say this people in la are [ __ ] and they do have thin skin uh let's do uh let's do another question please brian all right we got this one from kurt young up b emma's supporters not fans your boy kurt young in the house mr michael basebank what advice would you give to mr justin gaichy in his upcoming fight with khabib also mr louis j gomez what was the craziest event that you've seen live for fighting uh sanctions not street fights what's the craziest event and i love the show what's up from canada well my friend i gotta just say that uh the justin gaiji versus khabib nurmagomedov canada what was his name kyle thank you kyle i like the question i like the style he had he's a bigger guy but he wear he wore a style well he had [ __ ] the same stars i had in my bedroom when i was in the ninth grade all over his walls yeah yeah yeah no i like the guy i like the guy what advice would i give to just engage it all right okay uh he's gonna walk no maga made up down because obviously we all know with khabib you gotta stop the takedown and kibbeeb came out recently and he did an interview and he said yes yes um you know the just in the wrestle his whole life but of course my game plan will be to take him down and maybe he stopped take down your round one run two or round three but eventually i get him down and and you know i smash him there uh it's not comes out he's kirby said no smash he said but i take him down here uh so he's saying listen he knows he can wrestle but he's still gonna go forward and he's still going to wrestle him so you got to admire his uh his boldness i said yeah i am going to [ __ ] wrestle so basically that sends the message to justin which we already knew he already knew that this fight is going to come down to whether or not he can stop the takedown and a lot of the time a takedown artist is going to walk forward right and they're going to try and put you on your back foot khabib wants to push you up against the fence from against the fence that's when he starts going down to your legs so on and so forth he gets the trips and whatnot gets you down so justin's going to go forward he's going to use his but he's got to connect on the face of justin of khabib and by punching him in the face that's going to back him up and if he's backing khabib up and he's walking him down that's taking khabib out of his element that's that's back in khabib which is something that he doesn't normally have to deal with and it's somebody walking forward putting him on the back foot and it's going to take him completely out of his element he can't back up the whole time and just like trying to run away from the fight no he's got to walk khabib down utilize the boxing minimize the cakes and yeah stop the [ __ ] takedowns pretty simple really yeah and uh justin gaichi he's got really really high level wrestling and crazy knockout power so look stylistically speaking there is like it's not a crazy thing to say that justin gaichy could win this fight it really is it but we'll save it for zippy comes the fight as a week well we'll we'll do the uh we'll bring back the 125 bets with brian you know what i mean no no i'm not losing any more money yeah bryan is that oh all of a sudden i'm into it i'm good i'm good what was my question from that guy wildest uh combat sports thing oh yeah the why the wildest professional fight that i've ever seen um i would say i mean look i i seeing i went to go see who did i see fighting montreal that was a really crazy crowd with like the crowd of montreal the bell center was out of control like it wasn't gsp it wasn't a canadian fighter i'm [ __ ] trying to remember what i think it was shogun fighting um that was a wild crowd but i think philadelphia and it was wild but not good it was anderson silva versus forrest griffin back in the day this is an old school fight and there was like probably 10 fist fights in the crowd it's just a philly [ __ ] [ __ ] that city is such a shit-head city and people are just getting hammered and just beating each other up in the stands and i remember everyone's rooting for forrest griffin because they're so [ __ ] racist and feeling so anderson silva comes out and people are calling him the n-word and [ __ ] just being so shitty and disrespectful and i was just like i was just in there like god damn it dude this really isn't because i've been to vegas and i've been to uh like i said montreal i've been to a few other cities where it was like vegas like you go through the casinos and like it just seems like wow ufc is in town and this wasn't what there wasn't a fight every week back then this is a once every month once every six weeks so it felt very very special and then in philadelphia and even jersey it's sort of a shitty vibe it just didn't have the same prestige it felt like a bunch of [ __ ] who didn't really respect the sport yeah it's funny that you mentioned uh montreal and the bell center because when i fought ufc 83 that was when gsp beat matt sarah in the rematch i made my middleweight debut and stuck around in montreal for a couple of days after and on the sunday night yeah it is a cool city montreal great place but on the sunday night uh there was a hockey game and i think uh the montreal bells or whatever the [ __ ] call because it's the bell center canadians the monster canadians they really went out on a linda with the naming they got imaginative uh but the montreal canadiens i think that's what they're called they won a game right and we me and my wife rebecca we went out for dinner and we were just having to walk through the city center it was a nice summer's night one night and a [ __ ] massive riot kicked off when i say a riot i mean the entire city was just looting the place they turned police cars upside down they smashed storefront windows there was cop cars on fire it was [ __ ] wild and then hundreds of policing like riot gear with shields and everything came it was wild it was crazy and rebecca's like come on we gotta get out of here it's too dangerous i'm like no [ __ ] this unfortunately everyone didn't have a cell phone with a good camera on back then i had one of those like little remember the flip cameras yeah i had a flip camera and i know somewhere in this house i've got a flip camera with that footage on it i'd love to find it you know but uh it's so funny because like this is like you know and we and we it is a big deal the the the you know the the violent protest and the riots you know that sucks and destroying property and people being heard sucks um for whatever reason i don't think it's right to to destroy property i really don't but it's very funny like we do forget that that [ __ ] just happens with like soccer games and [ __ ] football games and baseball games and all the time like massive massive fights and massive riots after massive after uh games even when they win certain cities like didn't work that's what it was because i was like i was standing there with rebecca rebecca's like we need to get out of here i'm like no no come on let's just watch for a bit longer and i grab some guy and i say excuse me what's going on he says oh uh the hockey the hockey i said oh [ __ ] what happened did you lose he said no they won what the [ __ ] i thought they were kicking off because they were pissed because they were lost they said no we won we're celebrating i was like holy [ __ ] [ __ ] yes christ it's a funny way of celebrating very very funny way of celebrating so uh just kind of interesting but for one more right let's do one more and then we'll call this a day max b-max who who you uh gates your khabib oh [ __ ] i don't even know probably i mean if i'm gonna put money down i'd have to bet against kabi for the odds yeah but i i don't know you can't ever really take take him out of the fight you know what i mean like he's going to win but if i was going to put money down how heavy of an underdog is that's interesting oh i don't know i could check yeah well when you have time all right guys so we got one uh pretty good written question in from paul rivera uh it says this one's for michael bisping if the lewis puerto rican paul revere he rides in on a moped jay gomez continues to train bjj and mma but due to a spell cast upon him from taking magic mushrooms he never gets older and remains his current age each year that goes by of his continued training you age how many years would it take lewis to be able to [ __ ] you up brian you started by said oh i've got a really good written one i was expecting some kind of good question not some fantasy scenario and and it just will never happen three it will never happen you can lose you tell me how many years you think all right i'm 41. i want i got to be before you can take me baby boy no but here's what he's saying i'm the same i i i'm the same age now i don't age so i'm 38 yeah but my body's already a little bit beat up i was gonna say you're already [ __ ] louis yeah i'm not starting but you're already [ __ ] you're already [ __ ] you're you and you are going to continue to get older and decline if i continue to train bjj i'm not an athlete what belts could you even get to if you're not an athlete i can never become a black belt it's impossible like i feel like youtube get a black dot you should be a [ __ ] elite level they shouldn't just give it to it because there's like i see people that are like 80 years old they got a black belt i'm like shouldn't you take their black belt away once they start to age and they age out of their black cells maybe they [ __ ] were doing jiu jitsu for 30 years prior and they got that black belt when they were 50 they started at 20 they got the blah blah at 50. you weren't that blood sweat and tears sweat equity he deserves that he owns but what if he like all right technically what if they keep on testing his skill set and now brown belts are just killing him and they would be yeah but it doesn't mean that he doesn't have the skill that means he's physically deteriorated to wherever you just bully him yeah well well is that you're saying 80. so you'd have to sit around for 39 more years you what a [ __ ] it's before 80. okay so you're 41 now but you're con you assume that i'd be continuing to train brazilian jiu-jitsu yes yes that's what he said how many years how high of a belk i mean i would say you're going because you're [ __ ] very fit dude you're 41. bisping i've gone on a jog with him and he's just lightly jogging and i'm trying to keep up as hard as i can and i'm huffing and puffing and he's just like way ahead of me he's very this guy's very spry you guys don't understand business and i feel like he's going to be athletic probably up until you're at least 60 i mean you're i feel like you're not going to just give up on [ __ ] being somewhat fit like you and rebecca constantly work out continuously number one rebecca never works out at all does my [ __ ] heading i keep telling it babe listen you got to get your ass in the gym she doesn't work out okay she goes horse riding twice a week sometimes three times a week it's becoming an issue now four times a week she put a meme on recently 75 000 a year habit yeah yeah yeah what the [ __ ] we're gonna start with this but uh i said baby maybe gonna work out you know because she has lost weight she's very strict on the keto she does the intermittent fasting she had a picture the other day she posted with her [ __ ] abs she was shocked [ __ ] you but it worked out but it's no she doesn't she doesn't work out she just doesn't eat she starves herself and i'm like well that's all well and good but you're still good girl you're gonna firm up a little bit babe you know what i mean we're gonna you know you're gonna tone it up no that's what i'm telling you it's for health reasons lewis listen slim is great but i also need a little athleticness to it you know what i'm saying and you're gonna get the heart going you're gonna have a bit of resistance training you're gonna boost the immune system you're gonna boost the natural growth hormone in your body so therefore she's going to work out uh 20 years from now 20 years all right well that's 16 20 years 61 years well no the problem is i'm going to continue to age the this fantasy thing i'm not aging so i'm saying in 20 years i will have been training brazilian jiu jitsu and muay thai and other martial arts for a full 20 years you will have been continuing to deteriorate i'm still at this i feel like at that point my skill level will not caught up to yours but your body would have broken down enough that i could probably handle you well we will never know we will never know but there you go 20 years ladies and gentlemen that is the end of our show thank you for tuning in thank you for listening we'll be back on monday or maybe tuesday or i don't know we'll have an internal discussion and see however we want to [ __ ] get this done but until then thank you for tuning in and we'll see you next time
Channel: Michael Bisping Podcast
Views: 53,432
Rating: 4.8892937 out of 5
Keywords: Michael Bisping, Luis J Gomez, UFC Fight Island 5, Jon Jones, Israel Adesanya, Conor McGregor, Dustin Poirier, Khabib, UFC 256
Id: rTHA--uZFug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 9sec (5049 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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