Modern Day Bruce Lee - BYM #267

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B-b-beast of a pawldcast....... Terrible werk ethnic b!!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/lVivaAlgerial 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2020 🗫︎ replies
shut the [ __ ] up [Applause] this is believe you me on the gas digital network welcome to another episode of believe you me a little bit of confusion there on who was actually going to say the first word we tried it once and we spoke over one another and then because we're just such a a dynamic duo you might say but that's a little bit you know i'll never say that again let's just say that uh we're very very polite we're all in good moves today luis how are you my friend i'm good i'm very good actually um you know it's a little bit crappy weather here which sucks and i gotta go pick up my son after this could be in traffic probably for a couple hours but i am in a pretty good mood i'm planning a halloween party for saturday right now my life has taken a turn mr bisping and for the positive okay see well let me ask you can i ask you a serious question what did you do this morning just this morning explain to me your morning just your your morning you really want to know all right so this morning this morning the alarm went off at 6 50 a.m it's rebecca bisping's 40th birthday so for the first time first time in a long time my baby don't worry i'll make the morning coffee i felt like a [ __ ] hero you know it's a coffee that's all it is went downstairs made the coffee woke up the kids made a coffee for ellie we okay and we all let our coffee in the bed together we all sang happy birthday to rebecca then we went downstairs sat on the couch did her presents bought us some antiques you know she she collects a lot of aunties got some more mirrors for what i did i got a two mirrors for the wall of mirrors i've got a couple of uh 1800s uh victorian bracelets uh it sounds expensive they weren't expensive you know a couple of hundred bucks whatever but nothing crazy uh and then you know just enjoyed her birthday morning took it easy kids went to school went into the garage had a monster workout used my new rolling machine that thing's beautiful the hydraul then did back and tricep and then uh five rounds on the back good stretch and now here we are that was my morning why did you want to know that that you know what's funny because your morning actually sounded very fulfilling like you you had a moment with your family your wife's birthday um once again happy birthday to rebecca bespain you got this great piece of equipment you worked out took care of yourself physically you're you're creating a better sense of both physical and mental health wow you wonder what i did today okay okay right you woke up well you've told me in the past you get up at 6 a.m you do a massive bonket then you go back to sleep then you get up then you jerk off then you twitch video game for two hours and then i don't know but that's what but i feel like that was the old lewis what is the new what is the new louis going to tell me so i did get up i did take a massive bong head uh 16 jerk off well no i didn't need to jerk off because i went into my other new life which is my oculus life and i had a nice orgy on you porn's virtual reality porn section it was delightful i mean i'm tired of 14 women blondes brunettes every flavor oh no hold on i'm not done that wasn't my that was that was just i'm not interrupting i need to ask are you serious yes 100 serious because i've got the oculus in fact i've got two sets of the oculus because oculus is very kind of one that you can't let your kids touch after you've used yeah yeah yeah yeah oh let's let's not we're going downhill fast you know what i mean but but so lucas has the oculus he loves it and i'm going to go back to you in a second but are you serious you go to and there's a virtual porn every one of these porn sites oculus is compatible with da gee listen to me i i never thought i would give a [ __ ] at all and look all right put a little bit of a warning on if you're in the car right now with your children this is not the episode for that let's just warn them right now because this is an important thing you need to know what the [ __ ] going on right in your house when you have this hold on hold on okay all right fair enough but let's keep it pg-13 i'll keep the language you know what i'm saying no no let's not let's get not go into what you listen i'll just say this right now every time i see you and harrington on social media no wonder you've got the [ __ ] oculus on why well because you you guys are [ __ ] virtual [ __ ] constantly what do you mean virtual horse well because you just said you're on the u porn and every time i see you and harrington you've got the oculus on oh yeah and i'm last two weeks look at these kids look at these kids because we got the oculus and it's incredible it's just if anyone can afford 300 go out and buy it it'll blow your mind it's incredible but i'll be honest i played it for a minute and then you know whatever you know and i'm like look at harrington and lewis bless um i think they've never seen a piece of technology before i did not know you were using it for the devil's doing oh yeah the devil's doing so here's the thing the games are incredible the experience all together i i played one like a year ago it was kind of clunky and the the technology is really getting there now um so i've downloaded a few games you know star wars game the beat saber game that's a popular one there's another one called super hot which is really fun awesome so cool so cool um but the porn it's pretty wild i i did not like point of view porn i could never give a [ __ ] about i do not care at all i think it's stupid that's the way that i thought that i would feel about virtual reality porn it is another element it does feel like there's a person in the room with you you can get lost in that moment it's it's a dangerous thing question how realistic because i'm and for those people that have never done virtual reality i i'd done it a bit in the past and it as you said very clunky didn't wasn't really submersive if you will or immersive submersive whichever word uh but this new one i put it on i was like holy cow like lucas this is this is the difference in our house lucas goes on the national geographic game and it's amazing you can visit all these beautiful land sites you get see all these you know the niagara falls you get the pyramids and all that type of stuff animals and stuff like that lewis you're doing porn but let me ask you and they are incredible so anyone go and get one but tell me at the standard of the i mean if i why if i international graphic i would try to [ __ ] those animals the only thing i use this thing for oh my god no no listen as i say if you got 299 and this isn't an ad by the way but do go and get one no i i lucas loves it he's on it all the time and our next door neighbor uh lucas he has one as well and here's the good thing maybe he didn't know this lucas takes his vr over to lucas's house and the two of them they go into the same world so if you've got two headsets you can both you know you can both be in there together not [ __ ] even you could [ __ ] real life you don't need the headset for that but the guys will probably hang out in real life too they're just like in opposite corners of the room hanging out with each other in a virtual world but they can't hang out in front of the pyramids they can't hang out in like whatever game it is you can't be shooting guys and [ __ ] playing sword fights it's really cool and it what's what's really cool about it is where the technology is going to go because you see how quickly it's moved from just sort of objects and blocks to like a really submersive or immersive experience i mean you let yourself go to it now some of it like i get motion sickness any of the like the roller coaster games are the ones where like i have a haunted house thing i was trying to do for this halloween part it was gonna have the kids like walk through a haunted house virtually but it sort of makes me sick so um but i think they're gonna make it really cool once you get the feeling side of it down did you receive ready player one i did not know no i heard about it yeah i thought it was sucked i heard it no i liked it i liked it whoever told you that sucked [ __ ] up yeah yeah ready player one it's like the first person shoot em up thing or something no it was about um sort of like these people lived through their avatars in this in this you know alternative world like this virtual world but regardless yeah once they figure out the feeling once you feel like you could like hug somebody and you feel it on your body i mean that's going to be like but the point is though my morning in the virtual world i had an orgy i had a gun fight i you know played beat sabers for a while i went and [ __ ] beat darth vader in a sword fight and then i'm doing a podcast my whole my my other life is way more fulfilling than my real life i was gonna say you're gonna what is that what is there a movie where a guy disappears into the virtual world and he would rather be in there am i thinking of tron tron or something like that i don't know ready player one yeah maybe it is i tell you what though it's crazy isn't it how far technology has come because i remember i'm sure everybody does i i think the first computer that we had sorry computer game thing one of those little things and i forget what you call it the beep and the two blocks move up and down either side on the target and just do that and then i remember the first console what was the first console you ever had for us it was the sega master system i don't know if you ever had that alex the kid was the game that came with it alex the kid no no alex they couldn't even even even even have a sega master kiss system atari 2600 was the standard and i got that i was always like a generation behind whatever was coming out so when nintendo came out i was just getting atari when super nintendo was coming out i was just getting nintendo because it was cheap at that point right um so i grew up on these like you know very basic games you think about how for a game like pong people would sit in front of their [ __ ] screen for hours and hours and it's just bleep [ __ ] dog don't mean sort of dog [ __ ] but i remember my dad got one from somewhere i don't know where it was and then we sat down we plugged it into one of the bedrooms upstairs into a little shitty tv and like all the you know those six kids in our family and we sat around and we were just spellbound just totally [ __ ] amazed you know so i'm sitting here saying utter dog [ __ ] but at the time i can remember the feeling like wow i'm pushing a joystick and it's controlling that and then to think where it is today [ __ ] you're you're [ __ ] multiple hookers uh or maybe they break hey those are my wives you pieces yeah yeah sorry sorry very very nice ladies uh it's crazy no i never got the nintendo entertainment system the nes so that i was always very jealous you know we never got one of those my dad got us an amstrad cpc-464 if you know what one of them is a british computer i've never heard of this no and then everyone else got the commodore 64. you must know a commodore 64. obviously yeah yeah of course but we got the amstrad which no one else [ __ ] had you know what i mean because it was cheap but then uh but then yeah the sega mega drive came out and that changed my life the sega [ __ ] mega drive i remember um my dad wanted to get me for christmas we went to the shop to get it but of course they were sold out they said you can have one at the end of january the end of january my dad brought the sega mega drive back with sonic the hedgehog and and that was it that changed my [ __ ] life i was saying you're looking for someone a sega person than a nintendo person see i was mario all all the live long day until the snazz came out the super nintendo system when that came out i i i jumped ship yeah i just started um replaying super mario with my son because he has on his uh switch he has like you know super nintendo preloaded nintendo pre-loaded so he has all those games so we just started playing the entire game front to back it's such a great game super mario it's just an incredible game to this day it holds up is just a lot of fun no it's amazing it really is an incredible game out of all the games when you were younger what was your favorite i mean it's hard to say it's like you lose yourself in the competitive nature of like street fighter or mortal kombat top few games when you're obviously street fighter mortal kombat um you know before but mario super mario brothers that was probably the first one where it was like i really wanted to beat this game um super mario specifically mario brothers mario brothers too much brother three i was into them but i was old enough to really get into sort of figuring out the puzzles of the game and then when n64 came out i loved n64 i mean i left star fox 64. that was good 64 was an incredible game i wasn't like a big gamer i couldn't get into like rpgs or zelda or anything like that but those you know the really popular titles i i'm naming probably the games that like everybody [ __ ] love these this isn't like breaking anybody's yeah no i was gonna say outside of the absolute biggest blockbuster games to ever surface in the video games if you could name something a little more niche a little more exclusive to luis j gomez like for me golden axe were you into golden axe no but i played golden eye on n64 which was the first first person shooter game that ever played that was [ __ ] awesome it was awesome but i would appreciate it if you left my eye out of it thank you uh golden axe golden axe [ __ ] great game brian harrington any golden axe fans out there streets of rage would be another one both of those cabinets in the arcade yeah streets of rage golden actually were arcade games you're right they were [ __ ] awesome in fact you just made me think of a story if my dad's listening to this maybe he'll remember this we went uh camping to a haven holiday uh like caravans uh in cornwall england and on the last day my dad had a 20-pound note left and that was all he had i might have said this before it was all the money we had left to get back home you know for gas in the car petrol and he sent me to the store to get uh some milk so we can make a coffee in the morning and there was this game that i [ __ ] loved it was called crash and burn i loved it i was addicted to it and he had no business sending me to the store going past the arcade you know what i mean it's his fault it's his fault because i came back i got the milk right which was nice and cold but then i came back and i had change and i'm like okay so i went to the thing i thought i just had one goal and i went on it of course i died i thought [ __ ] it i'll stick another 10 pence in anyway maybe an hour passed and i'm still [ __ ] there still playing and all next thing i just felt was the biggest [ __ ] crack in the head i look around there's my dad going [ __ ] crazy because my mom and dad my mom and dad yeah they'd be sitting there waiting for the milk so they could have the [ __ ] coffin like where's this [ __ ] idiot and then i'd spend too much money so they didn't have enough petrol money or gas money to drive home so uh yeah that was uh an explosive day shall we say yeah i am sure um while we're telling stories that we've told multiple times on the show i remember when i was seeing street fighter the movie on christmas eve my mom crashed the car have i told that before okay all right we're fair enough [ __ ] it i don't know i've been hit in the head a lot have you heard eventually by my father and my mother and lots of other people as well um yeah yeah no it's crazy blah it is crazy the oculus and it sounds like this is an ad read but it's not but it really is as i say if you're looking for a good christmas present this year family kids whatever you can't i think they say you're not supposed to give it to kids under like 11 or 12 or whatever but i think there's no way i'm not gonna give this to my [ __ ] son and let him play with it a little bit i can't uh what's the reason they say that what do you mean well well obviously because you can go on and have orgies that's not that's not why i mean well i don't know because maybe because listen you gotta remember years ago right there was this whole movement that video games were bad and video games were leading to people to be violent and go out there and they were getting desensitized to violence which i don't know maybe there's an argument for i don't think there is but you know smarter people than me say there is or maybe there is but so i would assume that with it being a virtual reality world and everything you see seems real and when you move things moving your actions create consequences maybe for people of a lesser mental age can't distinguish between reality and virtual reality i mean you'd be pretty [ __ ] stupid you know and and to be fair these people that set these kind of guidelines they do underestimate the intelligence of the average person i would say so maybe maybe they think kids can't distinguish reality in virtual reality lucas i say he's smarter than that so he's an oculus quite a lot i don't i don't know i think it might have to do with the the brain development or visual development or some [ __ ] like that i don't know i i i'm not exactly sure harrington or brian is there anything on that why they say because i want to show it to my son i'm picking him up after this show and i want i want to just i'm going to tell him i'm going to tell him what it is he has no [ __ ] clue so i'm just going to put it on him and be like hold on james hasn't used it yet he's not used it yet no make sure you get the right game in you know of course you know what i'm saying jesus christ that's a whole other show my god yeah i don't know i don't know why they said the kids shouldn't use it i mean where did you see that did you like it like when you open it up on the package it says like you know under 12 or some [ __ ] like that right right well lucas is almost 11 so whatever yeah it's pretty good check it out oculus but anyway um anderson silva taking on uriah hall this weekend uh sorry on halloween which is a little it bums me out that they're doing a fight on halloween why why because it's like yeah it's just not a fight night it's a halloween night halloween's halloween don't do [ __ ] on christmas don't you do [ __ ] on new year's eve like it's just i mean new year's eve would actually be kind of fun because it's a drinking night but it's like i got i'm with my kid i'm not watching the fights when there's i mean we're gonna watch a scary movie maybe after you go he'll go to bed i guess at that time is it regular time or what time is the fight this weekend the fights finish finish completely i'm excited i'll be home nice and early because i'm gonna drive home fights finish at 7 00 p.m cali time which is 10 for you so your halloween's [ __ ] yeah exactly exactly so the time where i'm trick-or-treating with my kids or when these fight uh fights are starting it's just annoying it's an annoying thing what's the deal up there are you allowed to trick-or-treat trick-or-treat we're allowed to trick-or-treat there's you know i guess people are doing it in their own ways like i guess some people are leaving candy out some people are you know i guess there's these new bags that are on a stick it looks like a hobo stick that you they used to put over their shoulders and well i guess this will be one night where everyone is wearing a mask though so yeah exactly will be covered there well it's mainly kids everyone's wearing a mask kids typically aren't really affected by it um you know people that want to be involved want to be involved they put a pumpkin out and put their lights on you know you can go trick-or-treating so what is james going to dress up as james is dressing up as um a virtual reality porn star yeah that's this new thing we're doing no he's being um the devil oh okay he's being the devil i'm being bane yes i saw that on your legion of skanks hello my halloween hell of wine party was a hell of wine hey that's a good one halloween 2020 with michael bisping uh no i saw that it's pretty cool the bane mask that was good lucas and i thought this was great he came up with this all by himself because halloween round here trick or treating is optional which basically means it's good you can do it if you want but i guess if it's optional at your own risk which i guess everything is at your own risk anyway um he's going as a zombie right but he's gonna have a thing around his neck a sign that says vaccine test subject which i thought was [ __ ] hilarious funny i like it yeah and i said did you come up with that by yourself because i guarantee he got it off youtube or something he must have done because that's probably i love my son but that's too smart it's borderline offensive not really it's probably the oculus it's doing things to his head it really is it really is but uh all right well so so what are you gonna do you're gonna watch the fight so you're gonna go trick-or-treating people i'm having a halloween party which has been a [ __ ] nightmare to plan now it's been it's been raining all week and it's gonna rain up until friday night so now my backyard which was supposed to be mainly where the kids are like hanging out playing games jumping on the trampoline doing stupid [ __ ] it's probably gonna be a sloppy mess so now i'm gonna move [ __ ] to inside which i'm really frustrated about so i gotta figure out inside activities i'm i'm kind of relieved that i'm going to miss halloween because we've spoke about this before i'm a bit of a grouch when it comes to halloween i like it on the night when the kids come it's very nice to see them well last year me and rebecca we dressed up a little bit and we got the candy and the kids come to the door and said oh hi here have some candy but uh i'm glad when it's over what type of candy do you get by the way she just buys some of those multi bags you know i was like a snickers as a [ __ ] whatever and i don't know [ __ ] you're a celebrity dude you should be doing full-sized candy bars i'm just saying i've been to the half mansion i know what's going on i read the book i know what's going on in this biggest life you should be doing full-sized candy bars there's not that many people in your private community so the fact that you can't spring for 24 full-size snickers bars i'm just saying you're being a little bit cheap have you seen the price of snickers bars these days jesus christ when i was a kid 25 pence they're like 70 now it's ridiculous uh no but i'm glad i'm glad i'm gonna miss it i really am you know because it is what it is and i'll be uh i'll be working and i'll be earning some money to pay for the candy that i'm going to give away and the stupid masks that are going to be worn once and this costume that's going to be worn once and not fitted next year and yeah there you go so yeah halloween [ __ ] done you don't think that less people are going to watch a ufc event on halloween i think so um that's a good question i don't know with it being anderson silva's last fight you're gonna think anderson silva's you know he was a massive massive inspiration to people over the years the most dominant champion i think 16 title defenses or something so i think i think he still has a lot of drawing power and i think that if you're an adult then then you're not going to be out trick-or-treating and yeah i mean i mean if you didn't have kids what would you do this weekend would you go to a party um if it wasn't the pandemic and there was a party going on yeah yeah usually i think i mean my chicks younger than me if she wanted to go to a bar or a party i'd probably do what she wanted to do um i don't really i'm not like a big go out on the holidays type of guy but i'm just saying typically you figure the demographics for the ufc 18 to 34 male right that that age bracket are the people who are going out on halloween and then you know the even the older side of that they have kids they're probably celebrating halloween if you have kids that's not an excuse because most of the time the mom's taking the kids trick-or-treating the dad could say home have a beer watch the fights it's not really a problem but i would say that it would affect it's a younger crowd that watches ufc i would say it's you know probably average ages in the mid to late 20s yeah but you got to think the ufc just i don't know since may or something they've been putting on a fight every weekend so of course some weeks are gonna you know there's other things happening in the world and that's just give and take but oh there's nothing on this week so that's good for us unfortunately there may be some louis j gomez's in the world they're acting like children and dressing up and that won't watch but there'll be some normal developed minded people that don't lose themselves to virtual porn that will watch tv like it's any other day of the week because it's not a holiday it is not you just called it holiday lewis it isn't a holiday halloween it's not a holiday oh my god you're such a ba humbug [ __ ] with halloween no it's not do you get a day of work no no seriously do you get define holiday you know what you know what i'm fine i mean this from now i'm moving forward all gas digital employees have off on halloween from this day henceforth from 2020 on gas digital employees do not work on halloween and you can thank michael bisping and his negative attitude toward probably the most fun holiday of all time well you're welcome everybody so brian and harrington remember that saturday night you will not be working and next year will be a sunday you won't be working but the year after that's a [ __ ] monday right and none of you work on how to be shut down by that two years from now you get the day off and you thank me uh yeah well listen you know you guys love it good for you god bless yeah i'll be working and i'm very much looking forward to it because it is anderson silva's last fight and it's weird because anderson silva came to the ufc like do you remember what fight it was when he came to the ufc did you watch that fight dude watch it live this is when i was a hardcore nerdy fan right because it was a fight on once every six weeks at the time maybe one you know it wasn't even every month at that time it was so rare and you heard about this guy anderson silva who came over only a couple losses but it was like you know a couple of fluke losses actually i remember like one was like a dq like he got disqualified for doing an up kick yeah and then one was and i think that was yushinarkami he got disqualified against yusun okami this is the first time i saw anderson silva fight because when i first started watching mma it was pride and i saw him against rio chonin and rio children did a scissor takedown flying scissors to a heel hook yes yeah and it was a bit crazy like it would never happen in a million years ago and i think they rematched in the ufc and he killed them right yeah yeah hold on no they did a rematch in the ufc but check this uh the guy that used to train me at the time she was showing me a flying scissors to a heel her reverse heel hook and i was like this is [ __ ] this is never going to work this is any that fight had already happened and don't tell me that [ __ ] hadn't seen this and then one time we were at his house and he put it on it oh look at that mike look at that and you said it wouldn't work i'm not holding your copycat [ __ ] so yeah listen i just beaten uh josh haynes won the ultimate fighter and then it was like three days after that's what i'm at in the book right now spoiler alert oh there you go quitters never win everybody check it out yeah and then uh after the fight we stuck in vegas for stayed in vegas for a week and we watched anderson silva versus chris lieben and i remember chris leaving on the promo said well he's been out fighting easy competition in japan well welcome to america welcome to the big leagues you're going to find out that fighting here is a little bit harder than it is over in japan and he got [ __ ] appeared it was crazy it was crazy it was like a perfect performance when you watched the replay it was like anderson silva just like was doing the head buoy thing and it's like boom boom and i think it was if i'm not mistaken it was almost 100 accuracy on strikes he hit him with everything and then knocked him out inside of like two minutes um and that was like jaw-dropping performance for anderson silva and then i believe if i'm not missing his next fight was for the title against rich franklin that is absolutely correct yeah and i think you are right because i i saw the fight yesterday on instagram you know the ufc if there's a fight coming up of a fighter they put one of their good performances on and so i watched it on instagram and yeah he just just annihilated him and i remember sitting there thinking holy [ __ ] because i when lieben said the competition's easier i was like i don't know about that but i still thought leaving would give him a bit of a fight because he's a tough [ __ ] like a guy he had behind her heavy heavy hands but the thing about leban he always had a crazy chin he could take a lot of punishment i remember when i fought liberty i hit him with everything but the [ __ ] kitchen sink and he still kept coming forward but uh anderson you know made me look quite stupid there because he took him out very very fast yeah in fact i remember that night did you ever watch a show called the dudesons mtv on mtv no anyway there was a show called the dudesons i think it was like the new jackass or something because ufc was on spike and then spike owned uh sorry mtv on spike so so therefore there's a bunch of execs from uh from uh mtv around they invited me to dinner with rebecca to nobu i've never eaten sushi in my life and we were with these people called the dudesons and i'd never heard of them and i was i didn't know what the [ __ ] sushi was lads from clither i've never eaten sushi i certainly don't know how to use [ __ ] chopsticks so that was a bit of an embarrassing ordeal but anyway back to anderson silva you're right after that it was a fast track to the title and i think i don't know what was the narrative did people think he would beat rich franklin because yeah i think so i do but once again he he put it on him so bad that was the one where he broke his nose like uh from ty clinch right yeah um it was and rich franklin had been head and shoulders above everybody at middleweight right so there was like a there was a huge jump between rich franklin and essentially everybody else and then the the jump between anderson silva and everybody else it was almost like it was crazy there was such a huge um just or it seemingly so just such a huge gap between the talent pool uh with from anderson silva to everybody else in the division um and to be honest with you it took a really long time to close that gap yeah well i'd seen uh anderson i'm just looking up his record here wasn't being rude i was listening just looking up his record and prior to um getting to the ufc he knocked out tony frickland on cage rage in london i remember it was like a weird up elbow beautiful move and then he came over to the ufc beat chris lieberman beat rich franklin triangle travis luther uh nate marquard finished him very easily then rich franklin got a rematch uh choked out dan henderson and dan henderson just went to an epic five-round war with uh quintin rampage jackson right before that fight knocked out james irving one punch caught the kick patrick cote but that was because colte blew his knee out forrest griffin made him look absolutely stupid i was there dave you oh you are that's right we talked about that there's another story that let's tell it all again we've seen as we're revisiting stories uh very racist crowd if i do remember um and then he had that sleeper against damian meyer remember they went out to abu dhabi i believe damian is a lot of sleepers come to think of it that wasn't damien myers fault that meanwhile was trump common denominator there i'm saying david meyer you turn you you look at a lot of damien my fights he ends up being a lot of boring he brings out the worst in some exciting fighters damian maya did okay in that fight though if i remember riley at the time there was an argument for him possibly winning the decision i thought but uh and i remember at the time dana was pretty pissed with anderson after that one and then he then he went on a bit of a a stinker oh no then he thought chelsea remember that one [ __ ] got his ass kate ass kicked for five rounds but then of course it's sanders and silver and it ain't over until the fat lady sings and then [ __ ] locks up that triangle with what hold on how long was left like a minute one minute 50 seconds left in round five that was pretty epic uh then veto belfor front kick to the face knocked him out you should not call me rematch finished him quite easily chael son and rematch that was love you chill love you chill but you know i i i joked at the time that and uh chelsea didn't know whether or not he was in an octagon fight on an episode of dancing with the stars because you remember he went in he was doing really well he took him down he was doing [ __ ] fantastically was it round two it was round two and then at the start of the second round he tried to do a spinning back fist right chael is a tremendous fighter but he's not known for the elaborate fancy striking hurricane kicks or spinning back fists tried a spinning back fist fell on the floor and then got finished off anderson silver yeah then after that stephen bonner then he was just too remember getting stefan bonner he was just he was up against the fence all the time weren't he he was just by this point by this point he was just bored i think by this point he was just so good and just dismantling everybody hold on were any of them a decision there was the the the damian meyer i think yeah bonner stoppage chill stoppage you shin stoppage vitor knockout chael triangle damian my decision yeah all stoppages so you can't blame anderson at that point he was so [ __ ] cocky he was starting to just disrespect people hey mike really quick uh before we move on we must thank our newest sponsor which is unbroken designs i love this gear man really cool incredible high quality fitness gear and accessories with uh like cutting edge fashion in mind this is cool [ __ ] dude we talked about it last week on the last episode i have my weighted vest that i've been wearing now to the gym people think i'm an [ __ ] but i'm telling you right now it is the coolest piece of equipment it's an extra 30 pounds of weight if you're trying to lose weight and sweat and build muscle at the same time it's an incredible piece of equipment yeah but lewis be honest the 30 pounds is the max law but you can reduce it by like little increments and i guarantee that you're not walking around with the 30 pounds because i tell you 30 pounds is way heavier but you're right if you're walking if you're going for a run if you're going for a jog if you're doing pull-ups or just hitting the bag or whatever you're doing putting that weight vest on adds a little bit of extra resistance it builds strength and of course builds more calories so you know you can make weight when the big fight arrives lewis i know and also they have these incredible knee sleeves as well which i [ __ ] up my knee a couple weeks ago i was wearing them my knees feeling so much better now i still wear it for stability bisping yeah i mean i know you have issues with both of your knees these are incredible for you as well yeah absolutely no i wear them every single time i work out it is imperative you know my left knee still you know the my left knee is good my right knee is still very painful so i need the support and of course the unbroken knee sleeves they are some of the best on the market and of course unbroken represents both men and women who have been through traumatic experiences much like me and they have survived it just like me and they've come out even stronger and tougher that isn't me yet but i'm hoping you know that eventually i will be stronger and tougher and as we said before the best is a great mobile workout tool the knee sleeves are fantastic and while wearing the best lewis it will improve your conditioning it will increase strength as i said and it taxes the cardiovascular system and much more more results basically for the same routine while you look cool as [ __ ] it's got the stars and stripes on it it's very rock and roll all of their gear looks really cool that's the thing when you go to the gym look this one's got a gorgeous wife happy birthday rebecca bisping his he's set okay but guys like myself and harrington when we're out there on the prowl uh while we're at the gym maybe getting giving some ladies some looks we want them to give us that look back and be like holy [ __ ] what is that gear unbroken designs they have the coolest stuff in the world yes and if you want to be like harrington if you want to be at the gym wearing the stars and stripes weighted vest which actually does it is a lot cooler than what it sounds but if you want to be like hamilton and leering on women okay putting them off their workout then all you gotta do is go to unbroken just like it's uh usually spell and use the promo code bisping you will get 10 off your next order and you will be sure to be looking great when hitting the gym go to the website all kinds of products on there once again unbroken code is bisping for 10 off all right let's get back into the show so then he fought chris weidman and of course we all know what happened he got knocked out because he was playing the fool then the rematch then he snaps the [ __ ] leg then nick diaz that was hilarious that leg snap in retrospect might have done something to him mentally because it was the white man the first time he got caught right but that leg step was so [ __ ] we were watching at a comedy club it was crazy i mean the whole thing that was the best joke of the night yes it was the whole place break your leg okay okay okay i'll stop i'll stop but it was it was such a crazy moment but you i didn't realize it was like he was so dominant right up until chris weidman dominated against everybody he seemed to be bored moving up to 205 20 with 205 pounders then he runs into weidman gets caught in that first fight i call it i almost call that first fight it's not a fluke he lost chris weidman punched him he you know he he hit him but it was anderson silva's you know tom fullery that put him in that position if anderson silva had fought him a little more um you know uh if he if he was switched on and serious and going for the kill that could have been because you can't disrespect chris wyman here but that would have been a bit it could have well it would have been a different fight it would have been a very very difficult question not saying chris couldn't have beat him right i'm not saying i'm not saying that at all but i would have thought if anderson switched it on he probably would have beat chris wyman there and then the second one with the leg break i mean yeah that's a weird one it is a bit weird yeah and then it's from there it's been sort of hot well well no then after that he beat nick diaz right he beat nick diaz okay and then he lost to like this legendary fighter this [ __ ] guy i forget his name he's really good looking english forget his name that's why i was like don't downplay completely just yet oh that's right you were after that nevermind yeah shut the [ __ ] up don't take no it wasn't the leg break okay that wasn't the beginning of the year it was when left up larry dropped him in round two that's what took away his mojo okay relax well no he was harder to look he's still anderson's over to this day any given sunday could be the [ __ ] champion of the world let's get real just the style of fighter that he is i mean he's incredible um but let's look at his fight against israel lada sagna israel a lot of sign did last time we saw him everyone was like oh my god now he's on the path for pound list he made paul lacoste look absolutely stupid you know he did he looked so fast and so in control and just such an elite level just that that much higher than everybody else but think back when was it and israel out of sony that was last year so he was 44 years old last year and he went to a [ __ ] very very close decision with israel larasana and they went move for move speed for speed technique for technique and they were equally matched so even at 44 years old he could still match the current champion yeah who everyone is saying you know with a couple more wins could be number one pound-for-pound guy in the world anderson silva to this day to this day and i think he's going to beat your rival we'll get picks officially in a little bit i think he's going to beat your eye on saturday night um but to this day could still be champion could still beat any man in 185 pounds or most guys at 205 pounds for that matter so it's not disrespectful to him i'm just saying something happened you think about the trajectory of that career had he not [ __ ] around in the weidman fight there would have never been a wideman rematch had he won the fight right let's just say i think had he not [ __ ] around he could have been chris weidman in that first fight just what a weird trajectory where his career would have went it's kind of funny to like just sort of see how things just happened to happen um but it did seem like that leg break definitely had to do something to him mentally yeah listen you know i was there i was front row at the mgm grand when that leg snapped and and it was a sold out crowd so obviously very noisy 20 000 people cheering and screaming and the [ __ ] noise that that made echoed around the entire arena or maybe because i was front row you know who knows maybe it wasn't that loud no it was it was loud it echoed around the entire arena and he got stretched past me he was like i could reach out touch the guy that's how close he was and the howl the harrowing house that he he was in the worst pain ever because you've got to think at this point he hasn't been administered any kind of pain medication or anything like that his [ __ ] leg his shin bone tibia phibia whatever snapped completely and he he was led back on that on the stretcher just holding his legs howling and i was like wow i'll never forget that because it really was harrowing poor guy you know what don't forget i won't forget how he came back i believe if i'm not mistaken within six months i think it was six months well let's take a look at let's take a look i got the page open look it was it was a it was a very fast comeback wow jew oh my god so he snapped the leg in july 2013 and he rematched chris weidman on december 2013. five and a half months and then he tested positive steroids in his next fight no but that's what i'm saying no no no and i'm serious and i'm actually here i'm not trying to insult anderson oh it's like a defense almost well because doctors do administer steroids and things like that to help the healing process so you know so so maybe maybe uh maybe all that abuse i gave of being a steroid cheating [ __ ] when i fought him maybe that wasn't quite deserved harrington saying he took over a year off it was december 2013 the leg break was december 2013. okay and then no they were both in 2013 i'm looking at it right now now of course on the last episode i did look at things and not see conor mcgregor's name but here it says chris weidman ko july 6 2013 and then chris wyman tko leg injury uh oh sorry yeah no i'm looking at the two chris weidman's fight his next fight was against nick diaz yeah you're right again harrington what can i tell you [ __ ] still still a year a year off after an injury like that is is pretty crazy well it it yeah it was just over a year because it was january 2015. no you know what um i did a documentary sorry i did an interview for a documentary on anderson silva last week or the week before they came to my house shut up siri chiming in i'll ask you when you can chime in devil's advocate and all that uh no um so i did an advert an interview for a documentary in anderson silva and they were asking me about him and i said when i was coming up i always had the most respect for him you know he uh inspired me i wanted to fight him of course i always felt i could beat the guy and then they said to me they said well you know you just sat there and you said you respected him so much and he was an inspiration to you he said but when you fought him you talked nothing but [ __ ] right he said so if you respected him so much and he inspired you why did you talk so much [ __ ] and the answer's simple i said well because because if i allowed myself to look at him as the great anderson silver and then you look at the career and the body of work and all the knockouts that he had and in the the amazing creative ways that he's done it i said how the [ __ ] can i go out and fight that guy and perform against him i'm like no i've got to strip him down not to my level to lower than my level i've got to remind him of all these fuck-ups i got to remind him that he took steroids i've got to i've got to strip him down and just see him as a human being not as a god of mixed martial arts because that's how he was you know at one stage of his life you know and and so that's what i did i talked so much [ __ ] because i wasn't i couldn't allow myself to give him the respect in the octagon you know what i'm saying and whatever way you need to mentally prepare to fight a guy you know like ever like there was kids that just that i grew up with that like in order to like fight somebody they'd have to like get themselves worked up and get themselves angry than they'd have to be it's just a it's a mental thing whatever it is to get your juices flowing some people have to clear their head completely enough to go to a zen place right so i think to each his own um but to be honest with you as well when you fought anderson silva you were no longer a young kid coming up as a fan of the sport you were already you uh legendary status you were already going to be inducted into the hall of fame you're already on this trajectory um you know toward you know your your title shot what was what how many fights after that did you get your your time next fight next five the next fight exactly so we're talking about like it's just also you're also not the same perspective you at that point have outgrown sort of whatever the mystique of anderson silva was and of course i'm very proud of my win abundance himself it was a tough for victory and anderson you know he'd only been beaten by wyman at that point you know what i'm saying so he was still very much uh anderson in my opinion and he was still [ __ ] sharp as hell and but people online would be like oh well you know that was a a lesser version of anderson i'm like what are you talking about i had one [ __ ] eye i had one [ __ ] eye okay he might have had a couple of extra miles on the clock or maybe a leg break but i had one eye but you know you know what it was weird because me and anderson we talked a lot of [ __ ] and he even reciprocated he talked a lot of trash as well and then when we did our square up there was an iconic picture in front of london bridge it's like a famous bridge and we squared up there and he was he was like you know he was being aggressive uh so there was there was bad blood going into it and i've never done this before when we squared up that you know the referee brings you face to face and you touch gloves i shook his hand and i said good luck i've never said that to another fighter ever why the [ __ ] would you wish your opponent good luck but what i meant was when i said good luck i remember good luck hopefully let's go let's have a great fight but we get through this without any long life lasting injuries you know what i'm saying and then after the fight we there was a lot of respect you know we we embraced and why not and then after the fight i was getting stitched up and i was in like this hospital section of like green uh curtains everywhere and i was on a bed and the doctor was stitching me up and then rebecca says hey anderson's in the next one so i just opened the curtain a little bit and there's anderson's over there and we just shook hands do the thing and rebecca's got it on her phone somewhere it's a good picture but but yeah that was my running with anderson but of course he's fighting this weekend against uriah hall how do you see that going lewis what do you think um yeah i mean look i'll never kevin anderson now he's a legend and um i hope he wins i mean if it's gonna really be his last fight is it his last fight in the ufc or his last fight just on his contract um or was he retiring from mixed martial arts altogether yeah so here's how i understand this and harrington dying dying to chime in of course so harrington chiming in just a second um so we spoke to him i spoke to him yesterday because i'm commentating the fire and i had seen also earlier in the week a a conversation that he had oh what was that that was weird my [ __ ] creaky ass it's something an old like a door in a haunted castle jesus christ we can get you a better microphone we need a better microphone stand uh no no i saw this week you know he's been very elusive very elusive as to whether or not it's his last fight he's being adamant that it's his last fight in the ufc but he has two fights left on his contract so i didn't understand that and then also he's saying this is my last fight for the ufc but probably not my last fight so i didn't understand so then yesterday when i spoke to him i said so what's the deal anderson is this your last fight he said it's my last fight in the ufc i said so that does that lead me to believe that you want to go fight somewhere else and he said well i talked with dana and dana say whatever makes me happy you know but uh ufc is the best event but he's not what the best fighters are and that's what he that's what he said so basically what i'm trying to say is what he said to me alluded to me was that this would be his last fight in the ufc but he may continue to fight elsewhere and that the ufc might allow him to do so and dana might allow listen dana can be a good guy right well he is a good guy i'm saying he can do really good things like that generally wouldn't let somebody out of the contract and i don't i can't speak for dana i can't say he's going to but that's what it sounds like when anderson says that and then you got to think for as as the amount of fights and performances and spectacular performances that anderson has put on hey if daniel was to do that that would be a solid g move but i can't imagine that anderson would want to go fights anywhere else other than the premier league where are the better fighters what is he talking about he's like the bet the best show but not the best fighters that's just there's just not even anywhere near the truth no no i can't imagine i mean there is some organizations that have a lot of money so maybe maybe he's he's in talks with some people i could bare knuckle could be the move i could say because here's the thing can i say why oh my god no don't say that i'm gonna say it say it because they have an insane amount of money and it's not mma so i bet you even if dana white didn't when the ufc didn't want to let him out of the contract he could probably go pursue bare knuckle um while still having a ufc contract okay okay all right and it's not that crazy he's probably fought bare knuckle valley tudor [ __ ] growing up anyway i cannot see listen i'm not trying to take a [ __ ] on bare knuckle fighting bk fc anything that sounds like burger king you don't get my respect right yes they do apparently have some money right do you think you think they've got anything close to what the ufc has they've got nothing compared to close to what the ufc has if i was to make a guess if we if we're going to hypothesize and say that anderson's going to fight somewhere else which i still don't think he is i i just i don't know even though he said that i can't see it happening but but let's just take it for what he said if he is i would think it would be one fc or something like that over over in i think that's based in singapore but they're all over asia and they have a kickboxing division as well but yeah i would have thought of something like that i can't see him going down to [ __ ] tennessee and fighting in front of a [ __ ] bunch of [ __ ] trailer park dudes well here's the thing i know that bear yeah ufc definitely has more money than bkfc but what they're doing is they're throwing money at big stars in a in a big way and i guarantee you something like bare knuckle would pay anderson silva more money than the ufc or any other promotion would be willing to pay him i look this is a crazy out there thing this is just i'm throwing something stupid out but bkfc announced that they were talking to mike tyson they just signed paige vanzant which is a weird [ __ ] bizarre out there move they've had a couple other people where they've been negotiating with or talking to where they're gonna make a move i would not be surprised at all and to be honest with you if there's any fighter out there that i think could make the transition and do well in it anderson silva's that guy i feel like you're out of your mind right right and anderson silva is a master of muay thai or filipino boxing of brazilian jiu jitsu karate kung fu the man's a martial artist why is he gonna go unlimited muay thai is known as the art of the eight limbs baronical boxing you can only use two right anderson's got good strikes he's got some decent hands but it's it's the whole package it's the the way you can mix up the kicks and the knees and the strikes and and the punches and all that stuff is the total party that makes him the threat i don't see him going to bernacle fc harrington first of all show yourself secondly give me your opinion because i know you're dying to chime in you're gonna try and make us all look stupid with you whatever you've just been googling for a second but go on please uh nothing nothing too too groundbreaking i mean it just seems like he's talking in circles a bunch uh when it comes to this because that's what he does every time yeah uh so i mean this quote here i've i found pretty interesting and of course maybe i don't fight anymore in ufc and of course i go fight outside why because the people can't stop my job that doesn't make sense if this is not the last fight in ufc then okay but if this is the last fight in ufc of course i go fight another event i don't know but right now it is the last fight in ufc that seems like it might have been lost in translation there's no way he just no but that's what he does and that's what he did to us on the phone i saw on the call yesterday he did it early in the week with viral hawaiian that's what he does and if you look back over the years right harrigen because i guarantee you watch all those interviews he never ever gives a straight answer and i i wonder if it's anderson's just little way of just like having fun in the press and just like you know just just entertaining himself because he's i'll bet you louis thousand dollars i'm that he does not fight in bare knuckle fc i don't expect you to back that i will say i'll say i'll give you a thousand dollars five thousand dollars your facebook how about this i will i will bet you this i'll bet i'll put the hunter on okay okay so the thousands off the table all right now it's a straight 1000 bonus if he fights upstairs no no no you didn't accept you said no i'll i'll afford it full-sized snickers bars can't afford to give me a thousand dollars some fights i respect what you did though louise you're like no i don't need your charity i'm willing to i'm willing to put something on the table as well okay so give me your proposal here's what all here's my proposal i'll put my hundred dollars on the line says that bare knuckle fc announced that they are negotiating with anderson silva at one point if anderson silva enters free agency bernocle fc if that's what they're called make headlines every week by putting out [ __ ] like that remember they signed mike tyson vandalis silva and all these other people you know anyone can say anything and it gets your headlines you know what i'm saying so that bet uh that's not the bet the bet is really fighting you in barnacle or not a hundred dollars a piece let's keep it no that's [ __ ] ridiculous because these chances are so astronomical that he won't you've just spent the last 30 minutes making the case of why it's going to be [ __ ] bare knuckle i've seen you i wouldn't say it's definitely gonna be i just said i could see that happening i'm hypothesizing i'm throwing a fun little hypothetical alternative universe you know yeah that's okay note to self and no to everybody listening louis is not willing to put his money where his mouth is won't you give me 10 and one odds 101 i'll put 100 on the line uh if he doesn't fight and then bare knuckle fc you were even if he does they feed me a thousand okay i'll take listen here's the case right i'll give you your ten to one odds mr [ __ ] i don't know why i do that it's not a charity over here but i'll do that because i'm confident in my bet i'll give you ten to one odds but i'll pay you in ten installments i'm not giving you a thousand dollars when you only give me 100. i'll give you 10 lots of 100 in installments just just to annoy you i'm not giving a thousand 100 i won't miss a thousand i'm like oh that's stung do you know what i mean look at the 10 installments 25 coins yeah um but anyway all right let's how do you fight going you you have fought anderson silva you know firsthand what anderson silva is capable of uh and obviously you can analyze the sport better than most uriah paul you know from the layman's perspective i i i think that uriah hall never really achieved the the level of skill-wise that anderson silva did and even to this day we just said and that ezreal signify anderson silva fought him in a very very close fight he was able to go toe-to-toe um and uh you know match israel so i don't i don't see i don't see uriah hall being able to do it he's a kickboxer it's like he's going to be able to come in and grind him out and take him down and submit him yeah all right so here's the thing and it's funny because you mentioned you're right holder and you also mentioned israel ladasana and i just want to i just want to bring this up quickly before i break down the fight a little bit uh just bring up israel out of sanji's twitter if possible because uh you write a hall this week i don't know it was in an interview or something said that israel adasanya has been handpicking easy opponents right so then today on twitter uh izzy posted that and then there's like a picture of [ __ ] pookie or whatever from new jack city and it says virtually identical and if you look at your wire hall's opponents and you look at israel alasana's opponents and i thought i said that's actually pretty [ __ ] funny they do have a similar opponent because yeah there it is yeah very funny i like it nice guy but please shut the [ __ ] up forever because if you go down the the uh the list of opponents for you right holders paul lacoster who of course israel just beat there's gaga muslin robert whittaker that gay guard b sorry it is at a sign you beat there's derrick brunson that other sign you beat you right hold lost to all of these by the way yeah you know what i mean so it says a lot of the same opponents but he lost to them and arasana beat them so i i just thought that was it was pretty expert trolling i've had to sign you there he's [ __ ] good on social media all right the fight um here's the thing your rioja holds a [ __ ] good striker he's a really really good explosive striker um and he's very similar to anderson silva in many ways and we're gonna say similar i don't mean similar in terms of you know records or all roundability anderson's a black belt on the ground very very good jiu jitsu as well but but in terms of their flashy striking style you can make some comparisons there height wise he's six one anderson's six foot two so there's similar builds if you will uh i've trained with and with with the right hall you know he is good he's good he's very good and i've also fought anderson silver so i don't see it being a million miles away and then uriah hall recently moved out to texas he lives in texas now with coach seif syud at 40's mma and ever since he went down there he's looking a lot better and i don't want to speak for you right ah but i will say this and i hope i don't offend him but i always thought he was one of those clear examples of all the physical ability but was lacking a little bit in the mind and i was lacking the bit in the mind as well and then i got with pirillo and it made a big difference he's down there with coach safe now saif or safe whatever his name is however you pronounce it my apologies but he's a tremendous culture world-class culture as well so i think we're going to see the biggest you right hall the best you right hall that we've ever seen when i spoke to you right yesterday i said to him when i for uriah so when i fought anderson silva i looked at that as my world title fight i said i was getting towards the end of my career i'd had some ups and downs i'd never got to fight for the belt so i looked at my fight with anderson silva as my world title fight in london if i could beat him that was as good as winning the world title do you feel the same way and he said yep he said you took the words out of my mouth michael that's exactly how i see this and of course if he can go and beat you by a hole then that's [ __ ] mixing her names up if he can go out and beat anderson silver then that's a springboard to greater things so i don't know i don't know how this fight's gonna go down i really don't know the i mean obviously that's a great perspective on it um i remember when your right hall was on the ultimate fighter he was the [ __ ] dude they were talking about him like he was head and shoulders above everybody and that hype almost sort of bit him in the ass because i think he just it seems like he didn't live up to that hype because they were talking about him like i don't know if you remember when he was on the show but it was like yeah he was supposed to just [ __ ] set the world on fire and be a champion yeah because because he had that sickening spinning back kick knockout right to the guy's face it was [ __ ] you know it was good again i'm aware uh sorry harrington uh yeah yeah so it's it's very even harrington how do you see this one going seeing as you're writing messages maybe just say something what's your opinion on this that one was actually brian uh but ooh i don't see i have one eye that doesn't work very well so you write messages i have to lean into here and even then i can't see that as brian my apologies brian but go ahead that's awesome i love how he got mad at harrington for writing the message harrington corrected him saying that it was brian and then he apologized for brian de bruyne because because brian doesn't have a segment on the show called hammer fisting with brian he does harrington does he regularly jumps on if he if he wants to make a good point just jump on it don't type it and make me [ __ ] stop the flow to read when i can't read i've got one eye and the well in fact i've got point two five percent of an eye okay this one doesn't even work that well either you're one quarter of an eye quarter of an eye jesus christ harrington thoughts so i think i think the biggest thing for me in this fight is uh is defensively uh you know anderson silva is eating less than two strikes per minute uh while he's getting off like a much higher output uriah hall actually gets landed on more than he lands on his opponents uh any time that's the case facing somebody as deadly as anderson silva i have to take anderson silva that's a really good perspective and uh what website did you read that off the stat page stats yeah ufc stats yeah yeah no no it is good when you look at the stats like that it can paint a picture and i know a lot of good betters they look at the start so i should look at the stats more but um no that's a really good point and as we just said israel versus anderson it was a close fight israel won but anderson matched him you know so you probably got to lean towards you anderson silva probably got a little but you can't count out a guy like uriah hall he's younger this is his world title fight you know look at the way he uh beat gagor musassi you might call that a fluke but at the end of the day gay guard musashi went to shoot your right hall did a spinning back kick jumping spinning back kicking got him in the face and finished him you know he is capable of that kind of performance as well so also well i i can't i can't give a pic i'm commentating i i really like um the fact that anderson silva for his you know it's something he does that he does have an ego obviously but it's like he just sort of still has the like i'll fight anybody you know he fought dirk brunson it seemed like he didn't really need to take that fight derek brunson wasn't like a massive name um the even the uriah hall fight it's a little bit strange when they booked it for his final fight you know it seems like anderson's the sort of you know you would think that he'd do like a legendary fight so kind of like shogun just fought um just just i'm saying it as a compliment it's not a knock on uriah it's not a it's not i'm not gonna understand he just seems like he's like hey you guys want to fight and i i like to fight and i want to go out there and have a good performance and stylistically i think it'd be a good showing even when you fought him you guys fought on um fight pass which was almost a surprising move because you guys were such big stars that it was almost like surprising that it wasn't a pay-per-view but you were both like yeah we want to make this fight happen yeah but but that was also to try and boost the numbers and the subscriptions to fight past you know there's methods to all the madness of the ufc and i think to your comment about you right hall being the last uh opponent um i think stylistically it makes sense you're right i i keep doing that anderson doesn't want to go out there and fight a guy that's going to look to take it down the whole time you know what i mean no and in fact the viewers the public they don't want to see that either they want to see anders and silver standing toe to toe with another well-versed striker just the two of them you know good old-fashioned kung fu match you know what i mean just trying to [ __ ] take each other's heads off that's what people want to see anderson silva doing and i think you write hall who knows maybe he'll surprise him with a little takedown here and there you know most people would try and take anderson down but for the most part it's going to be a stand-up affair and that's what people want to see and if this is anderson silva's last fight in the ufc that's what they want to see they don't want to see him get smothered for five rounds you know what i'm saying so i think i think the ufc i think it's tremendous matchmaking if you ask me uh yeah um yeah i mean i i yeah i don't i don't disagree it's just almost surprising that's more of it with in today's day and age where you get the jon jones of the world and the conor mcgregors of the world you know the guys that typically are at the top of the top none of them are picking easy opponents there are no easy opponents but it just seems like there's a lot more ego that goes into that decision and it seems a whole lot harder to get to those decisions or at the very least the public perception of that anderson silva never really seems to be complaining about who he's fighting it never seems like he's holding out for anybody you never hear him complain about the amount of money that he makes like he's just sort of like because he's making [ __ ] millions because he's making millions i don't know when he gets paid okay but he's making a lot of money there's a lot of money goes on behind the doors you know what i'm saying um yeah listen anderson silva was a guy that was in [ __ ] brazil right fighting valetudo [ __ ] bear knuckle no rules then then he goes out to japan then he's in the ufc he's a worldwide star he's not only a worldwide style one of the most inspirational martial artists he's almost like a modern day bruce lee to a certain degree and i know that is lofty praise indeed you know and a lot of people will talk [ __ ] about that but come on think about it you know you could make those kind of comparisons nobody came to the ufc and had the impact that anderson silva did nobody was pulling off these kind of moves nobody was beating people like forrest griffin with such ease even when he was in cage rage some of the performances were just spellbinding you know and he truly showed you know because like a lot of people said oh you're just gonna be arrested on some good boxing you'll beat anyone well anderson silva was going out there destroying everybody with just these super creative ways and it just blew everybody's mind so yeah for i would say he's the closest thing we have to a modern day bruce lee the one fight that i think i wish we would have seen at their peak is because this was before the time of the champ champ before the the time of the super fight which has now just become commonplace um every other month we're having a super fight you know people moving up and down but gsp anderson silva in their peak in their prime i think they should have fought i think i think gsp should have moved up to 185 then and challenged himself because he had nothing to lose to lose anderson silva and to be honest with you he had the style when you talk about having the good rocks and good wrestling he had that style better than anybody else in the world and might have been able to pull it off at that time in fact you fought both these guys all right hypothetical crazy world let's say in their peak the best versions of each of these guys who do you think won that fight or would win just say uh auto first disclaimer when i fought your cpr your broken ribs in my [ __ ] cup bro okay anytime you mentioned it i got to say and i had one eye when i fought them both uh yeah but you're right you actually made a good point uh sorry that sounded insulting i didn't mean you no you made a good point i wasn't surprised i said you made a really good point there because that was the fight that everybody spoke about wasn't it because you had anderson at 185 and gsb at welterweight 15 between them everybody wanted to see it and i think i i don't know maybe it was gsp maybe it was anderson who knows but uh i don't i i think i'd probably favor gsp in that fight if i'm honest because gsp can wrestle like a [ __ ] and i think he would have been successful in taking anderson down he's got very good jiu jitsu probably but i don't know i don't want to disrespect either of them um i can't give a pic i'm commentating the fight louis who you got brian harrington gives you pigs yeah i like anderson i'm picking anderson hard um harrington further solidified my pick um so yeah brian seen as brian money bags i always pick right mckay as he's known in certain circles i got all my picks wrong on that last card so okay good that's it everybody's fallible uh but this one you gotta do it even the great brian mckay gotta go with the goat man yeah yeah yeah i gotta interesting to win yeah and it's weird because he is he should be the goal harrington you never gave your pick buddy who you got uh yeah i mean i think that anderson silva gets this done in a stunning knockout like uriah hall just leaves himself open to get hit uh and i just think silva just dials it back one last time and let me tell you he hits hard abner silva does hit hard and he has a chin because we've seen this always uh surprised me because i saw him land arasanya landed on anderson many times and it didn't phase anderson one little bit i think he laughed a few times but we've seen [ __ ] alasana he's dropping people left right and [ __ ] center so you can say whatever you want about anderson the chin is still very much there so anyway it's a good fight though don't underestimate your right hall all right let's just take a quick second to hear from draftkings okay here's the scenario last week is in the books now it's time to review the tape and prepare for this week there is no better place to get in on all of the action than with draftkings the leader in one day fantasy sports to add to this week's excitement draftkings has a free shot at millions of dollars in totals of prizes up for grabs if you haven't tried draftkings yet head to the app store right now because you don't want to miss this i'm telling you it's a great offer draft your lineup and feel the sweat like never before every run every pass and cash means more with draftkings it's simple just pick your lineup stay under the salary cap and see how your team stacked up against the competition of course they have this for ufc 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we got to talk about this lewis uh obviously uh a hot prospect and he's a hot prospect and not much more than that right now hamzat chimayev of course he's a big star in mma right now and riley saw two fights on fire ireland destroyed gerald mirchar in what 19 seconds with the very first point she'd be thrown but it's you know so it's a little exhausting he's trying to fight everybody he's on twitter calling out everyone it's like hold on buddy there's over 500 fighters on the roster everybody gets the shot you can't fight on every [ __ ] card but that said you know it's you know he's buddied up with dana white and that's a good person to uh to impress you know and dana likes what he sees and anyway he could he was struggling to find a fight apparently a lot of people were turning hamza down you know uh who turned him down there was a few people turned him down because he said it wasn't good for them there's a hold on a minute it's a lose-lose situation uh and then obviously leon edwards he's been out for a while and he got taken out of the rankings last week if you recall but he is back in the rankings because leon edwards is taking that taking on part of me taking on hans actually my december 19th in las vegas i'll be commentating that one but uh that's a tremendous fight but uh harrington i'm going to come to you real quick you first what do you think what do you think lewis leon ranked number three in the world number three in the world he was meant to fight tyron woodley right and he had he beat him had he beat him you know respect to tyron had he beat him he probably would have fought for the belt now he's fighting a guy i don't even know if hamza is ranked i don't even know if he's ranked but you gotta go admire the balls on leon edwards here but i don't know which one of you wants to go first what do you think of that well i mean we talked um about this when we first heard about the prospect when we actually we first heard leon edwards saying uh when he first tweeted hums out where yet or something like that i think it's a great move i think it look leona edwards you wanna you know it seems like on paper he'd want to be protecting his position right he wants to be he was was number three all he's got to do is jump right back in he's being you know moved down in the rankings due to inactivity not because he lost a fight so it wouldn't be that difficult to jump right back in there um but in a very [ __ ] badass real ass old school mentality that's the way fighters used to [ __ ] think they didn't give a [ __ ] who they fought the the ufc was built off of you fight three guys in one night no weight classes barely any rules you didn't know who the next guy was going to be that is the foundation that is what the house is built on right so when leon edwards comes out and says yeah [ __ ] it i'll fight harms nobody else wants to fight this guy he's unranked let's go i'm on ranked now it's just bad [ __ ] ass it made me i didn't and and no no disrespectfully in edwards i wasn't like a massive leon edwards fan but now i'm going like yeah i want to see this guy fight because it just shows that he's willing to put that on the line and that's that's what you want in a fighter it absolutely is and it was a gangster move it really was because i think the the the the criticism towards leon was that he was putting himself a little bit of a pedestal in terms of rankings by the way this isn't me saying that i'm saying i was starting to see these kind of comments on twitter on social media on instagram and things like that and some journalists were starting to paint that picture you know what i'm saying but but here he is here's hamza a guy that nobody wants to fight all right neil magne did shout out neil magnet but but he said okay [ __ ] that you take me out the rankings you want me to fight [ __ ] you i'll take this guy the guy with all the hype the guy that does nothing for me if i beat him and then obviously puts him back in the rankings and if he beats hamza then of course he's probably gonna fight for the belt next and i gotta say you know for any kind of criticism that criticism that anybody had of leon edwards they're gonna retract that right now because as you said it's a [ __ ] gangster badass movie it really is let me ask you a question just because i don't know exactly how the rankings work and i think the answer to this is probably there's no hard set rule but if leon edwards beats hamzad hamzad is he actually officially ranked like i know he's ranked not high but is he like officially ranked at 19 or whatever it is maybe harrington can can't yeah what do you know about hamza's ranking he's not ranked right now they only rank the top 15 and he's not in the top okay so regardless of that so let's just say for whatever purposes right if leon edwards beats hamzat does he jump right back into the ranking is that number three he's already back in the rankings at number three oh he's already back in the rankings in number three i'm sorry i missed that i apologize yeah he booked yeah because he booked the fight because i think he was because of inactivity because of inactivity he'd been retracted and because he was turning fights down or whatever but now here he is he takes a fight he's back he said well you're active again you're inserted right back where you were so i mean for hamza [ __ ] me massive opportunity you've never seen a rise like this yeah fight some fight island i forget against i forget who the first opponent was then he fights john phillips a guy and both of those guys to be fair and no disrespect to the other guy i forget his name right now so my apologies but john phillips as well tough fire gritty he's a scrapper he's a brawler but neither of those guys were the most technical or have big grappling wrestling backgrounds right and hamza went in there and both fights just ragdolled them to the floor and ground and pounded the [ __ ] [ __ ] out of him right and that's what we thought he was then he fought meow chart and as we know one punch boom bingoed him so he is on the you know he's on everybody's the the tip of everybody's tongues right now sounds a bit weird and sexual but he is he's on the tip of your tongue right and if he can go in there and beat [ __ ] leon edwards then he'll be ranked number three and you would think the next fight is a title shot that would be one two three four fights to a title shot and i don't know have we seen a faster rise well anderson silva came in two one time john jones had a very fast rise but anderson was also different because anderson was so accredited in other organizations and so renowned worldwide yeah he had a reputation he came from pride brian i see you with your finger up at the back brock lesnar oh yeah but yeah but again that's a world and okay fair enough right right i'm not i'm not [ __ ] on you brian but again that's brock lesnar [ __ ] everybody knows who brock lesnar is right people some people still can't even say that name i can't say it say it harry didn't say it hamza hamza he has a last name have a bit of respect tom jones jones had seven fights before title shot which is that's fast in my opinion um it's very fast that's very fast so yeah nobody not not many people but i think brock lesnar is a legitimate answer for that even though he was a famous person it still doesn't matter he still got a title shot how many wins did he have before he fall for a ufc title i don't know one or two hold on here so he fought frank mirror then he fought 94 wasn't cool i mean he only had one of their fights he fought heath herring he had one fight outside the ufc then he fought heath herring then he fought frank mir got knee barred then he rematched frank beer i think beat into a pulp and then it was a towel fight maybe i'm missing something i don't know it was it was actually his third ufc fight he got a title shot so he lost to frank mir beat heath harring and then fought randy couture for the ufc championship okay oh and then they rematched me or remash him for the title uh ufc 100 yeah so um yeah i mean what does this mean for leon edwards should he lose to shimaev though does he is he unranked now i mean what what does he drop to i mean he wouldn't be unranked he's still done too much i think but he would drop dramatically you would assume well i don't know what the protocol is and i don't think there is any fast and hard protocol for that but you've got to think because i said this last week the rankings are done by journalists you know there's a team of journalists and they put them in once a month once a week maybe after every event that would seem logical they put them in after every event and and there are your rankings right and it's a collective decision across i don't know 10 15 500 i don't know how many a few journalists several is the word i'll choose um but if he was to lose to an unranked opponent okay he's lost to an unranked opponent but that doesn't um take away the body of work that he had before that you know what i'm saying it doesn't take away the wins over good and nelson over i don't know there's many many good wins rafael dos angels amongst many others so no i don't think he'd be unranked but yeah he probably dropped you a seven an eight something like that i would assume but still respect leon edwards i'll hit you up one more time on instagram leon see if you'll comment this show you know uh but yeah let's hit up [ __ ] shim i have he'll answer he'll come on i'm joking leon did answer and he did try and come on but he went out for dinner with his family which is hey family first in my book um all right call me an event this week switch back to that one it's back to this fight bryce mitchell bryce mitchell taking on andre feeling before we talk about the fight lewis did you see what dana white called the best commercial of all time starring bryce mitchell no i didn't but side note remind me you just reminded me that we have to talk about you versus era helani after this but go okay we can i don't know what the me versus aaron hewani is but uh but but but we can talk about that harrington brian can one of you guys bring up this commercial you got to see it you got to see it right so he's done a deal with some local um you know garage cars you know what do you call it a place that sells cars what do you call it or a dealership a car dealership jesus christ brain fart uh yes he's doing a he's doing an appearance for a car dealership and it's just like the most it's purposely the most tacky shitty commercial but that just makes it so good it's like a bad 80s action movie and it's awesome and dana white even retweeted it with best commercial ever so yeah watch this louis this is hilarious let's see thug nancy bryce mitchell's auto commercial hey y'all it's bryce thug nasty mitchell here i'm at drive on time motors 900 east line road search the arkansas white county they paid me to be here these ain't my cars and i don't really care about [Music] they got the number one inventory in the state number one inventory oh wait that well in their mind but there is a lot of cars here there is a lot of cars here that's hilarious number one prices in the state number one prices will we still get you a hell of a deal good deals can't tell these rigs been smoked in smells good [Music] when i ripped my testicles open with the drill i had to drive myself to the hospital in my pickup truck i really wish i would have had this corvette i would have made it on time [Music] these cars ain't nothing fancy they'll get you from a to b if that's not what you want you can see your way out [Music] that's so funny look at the [ __ ] explosions good deals good deals oh god all right yeah no it is it's funny bryce bryce is great i spoke to him as well yesterday he's just a guy as you can clearly see there doesn't take himself too serious you know good sense of humor and [ __ ] me what a fighter as well but yeah that went viral big time louis i see a black eye i didn't notice that until just now well doesn't it really i swear because i just i just made the screen bigger on my money tour and i see that i see i see what harrington's been doing to you no harrington [ __ ] wishes he did this to me um no this was yeah this is sparring last night this [ __ ] this guy named steve really [ __ ] laid it on me good morning steve good job keeping it not a professional fighter not [ __ ] just a guy just a guy named steve and he really [ __ ] laid his overhand left right on my eye twice he laid his wall in your face is all right enough steve steve had a dream he conceived it he believed it and he went out there and achieved it so good for steve uh yeah bryce mitchell anyway back to bryce taking on andre feel it again i can't make a pick but you could say this is kind of a grappler versus a striker because if you've seen the waist bra the way bryce mitchell fights jesus christ he just out grapples everybody to death he makes it look so easy takes him down so quick and then he just goes from transition to transition submission attempt heading arm to twister to triangle to whatever the guy is [ __ ] great and the sky is the ceiling but of course andre feeley has something to say about that as well he's a tremendous fighter he's an excellent striker and when i spoke to him yesterday he actually said i think i'm the better grappler so that's kind of interesting words uh hamilton and lewis how do you see this one going i can't give a pic yeah i mean i don't really know i can't really break down too much about andre philly i don't really know much about him obviously i'm picking a friend of the show bryce mitchell hope he wins um definitely coming with more heat so having tan well uh this is without a doubt in my mind at least the toughest opponent that bryce mitchell has faced i mean andre feely has been the gatekeeper to the top 15 at featherweight for quite some time now uh his only losses are to you know real guys like sadiq youssef max holloway uh michael johnson got a win over him uh to me though i i do agree i think that if bryce mitchell can get him down and he will uh he can submit him i i think both guys are are very active in the takedown department i think that that's where andre is going to go to if he can't get it going uh 100 on the feed and he's going to find himself in a world of trouble when he gets on the ground with price yeah nicely done well said there uh harrington yeah it's funny i was talking to uh uh as i said yesterday both guys andre feels very confident it feels that this is gonna be a big coming out party feels like he's gonna get a big win but of course both guys feel like that oh touchy feely um when i was talking to andre because callum was home last weekend for the fight and uh callum told me a story because he's training at team alpha male that's where andrea feely trains and he said oh he said hey dad he said i was on an elliptical machine the other day and andre feely got onto the elliptical machine next to me and uh for 20 minutes he was he was next to me on the elliptical i said well did you say hi he said no i didn't he said i was kind of starstruck i said oh yeah [ __ ] he should have said hi he's a really nice guy you know he said i know he said but i i didn't know what to say he said but he just sat there for 20 minutes talking about star wars on the phone he said so i love him now i love it my mind you [ __ ] possibly should have said hi and number one yeah you're both [ __ ] nervous but who doesn't love a bit of star wars i love star wars anyway so there you go i can't make a pick uh but that will be that's a great call main event it really is try and watch that one lewis because we'll talk about it next week uh for sure yeah all right what should we do should we see what else harrington has for us in the world martial arts let's hammer fist a little bit let me get these plugs out of the way real quick you guys love the show you guys are supporting it in every way possible thank you for supporting our sponsors thank you for subscribing to everything you can support directly by going to our itunes channel leaving us leaving us a five-star rating and a positive review that helps other people discover the show you can just tell your friends about the show as well that's always great um also subscribe to our youtube channel just search uh believe me podcast or michael bisping podcast on youtube hit the notification button you get notifications every time we have a brand new show that goes live and uh if you want access to the entire on-demand library every episode of the believing me podcast that we've ever done uncensored and ad-free you can get the entire on-demand library at use that promo code bym and get a 14-day free trial to keep the membership all right uh well recently uh the newly minted number one pound-for-pound fighter habib narayan made up uh had some advice for one of the knelt boys uh he was dealing with some girl problems hold up hold on give a bit of background to what the knelt boys are and how they come into this equation because i i had i'd never heard of the knelt boys i'm assuming the youtube generation do but i hadn't but yeah just just for the for the layman harrington yeah as far as i can tell it's you know just three dudes who live in a house together and drink a bunch of beers and make youtube content and somehow they're millionaires uh but they were dana white's uh uh special guests on fight island uh they were allowed out they were featured in the embedded uh doing shoeies with tai tu avasa uh but yeah i think that this was probably their most viral clip this week i just want to see if you guys think this is the right advice for uh girl trouble jet is out louise this is hilarious i want to be like a fighter like just recently because like my girlfriend went out in miami and she told me she was just having a girls night and then she ended up hooking up with jorge masvidal like slept with her so now i'm like i want to fight that guy so what do you think is the most important aspect for me to start training if i want to beat the [ __ ] out how old are you i'm 26 26 yeah oh this but like he started hanging around with trump and now he just thinks like he can just sleep with other people's girlfriends i don't think it's right i think you have to buy dog a dog yeah because i have to have no chance with them with dog they have chunks yeah because i've been waking up every day just like hitting my five flying knees i'm thinking i maybe just catch someone like if i see him in a restaurant just actually you can try you can try maybe it's for maybe but with dog it's gonna be hard yeah that is like some people okay but dude but that's [ __ ] hilarious but don't you have a chance you gotta think i don't know how is he lose what do you think because that's a couple of days before he had the fight right and you've got to think he's got better things to do but do you think he knew that this guy was [ __ ] around because because i don't know that could be was there he's like no with doggy maybe you'll have chances out of first i answering it and saying how old are you he was being serious he didn't realize it was being put on i think the language caught up to him like he put the the pieces together and it was like oh i get what's going on he's [ __ ] around and that's why he said with a dog so i think the just up until the dog the dog was a joke everything else was real yeah because i gotta say that was a funny answer khabib's [ __ ] funny man anytime he talks i remember we used to do a segment on fox sports so i forget what it was called now something to do with khabib and it would it was very dry you know what i mean it just he just says one or two words but the very the hard-hitting and the funny he's a funny [ __ ] like dry humor unintentional it's always unintentional you know what i mean but it's it's hilarious just because he's so serious about honorable you know uh religious man you know and then he just says these things it just makes it hilarious anyway harrington all right well uh sticking with the khabib train uh colby covington uh gave some thoughts as to why khabib never moved up to 170. uh he says i think i'm the man and i'm the reason he doesn't come up to 170 in the first place there's a reason khabib cuts all that weight cuts a ton away everybody knows he walks around like 190 he's way bigger than me but i'm a real man i fight my weight class i'll fight a man any size khabib's looking for a way to beat up little midgets okay that's cool could be beat up little guys bunch of midges but if you're not going to fight a real man's weight like 170 or welterweight so you know i'm the man uh you know who's here harrington make the quote longer yeah i mean it's it's colby so he just talks the point over and over again but do you think that's the real reason why khabib never went up to 170 was he afraid of colby covington listen i'm not here to [ __ ] on colby covington but i'm about to okay because it's stupid everybody cuts away in the ufc by colby's logic colby should be fighting all the killers at 185 right and let's remember this kobe isn't even the [ __ ] champion so if he was to go up he wouldn't be facing colby covington because the champion just broke kobe's [ __ ] jaw it would be kamara oozeman so nothing of what colby says there makes any sense of course colby injected himself into the conversation which all right he's a self-promoter and god bless him for doing that but no that holds no weight whatsoever yeah i agree no wait whatsoever colby being colby obviously figuring out a way to get people talking about him and look at this on the number one comedic mma podcast in the world we're discussing colby calling from once again so who's right is it us or is it him it's me no no no it's it's khabib no no it's us collectively what you it's supporters it's the fans oh yeah supporters don't say fans harrington where you go uh all right so this is an interesting one uh donald trump uh says that he spoke to dana white about joe biden's prospects as a fighter uh following the former vp's comments that he'd like to get his hands on trump in the back of a gym somewhere the president said that a light touch would knock him down and he wouldn't get up very quickly uh now certainly he's 75 years old but in his prime how do you think either man would have done in the ufc right lewis go ahead in the ufc well i guess in mixed martial arts in general do you think a better question the mma fight between these two is probably the better question no but not an mma fight just a fight in general a brawl right okay the the they were at the election so the debate last week okay you know trump's been saying that kind of stuff biden and gotten his tits a little bit you know what i mean the tension's brewing and they just fall into a fight who wins lewis uh well they're both pretty old i think biden's substance is substantially older what are the well give me some facts give me the tail of the day parenting well donald trump uh 71 years old uh his weight has been approximated at uh 239 pounds uh joe biden 75 years old weighing in at about 215 uh both men are of about similar height okay there you go similar height i was thinking about the thumbnail that we're going to do on youtube after this so i missed all the stats but i know where i'm picking i know what i'm going to say i'll say it for you you go first baby boy listen it's got nothing to do with politics but donald trump would beat the flying [ __ ] out of joe biden all right let's be honest i i don't care which way you lead but just look at the listen uh yeah i'm sorry he's got the weight advantage he's he's uh he's got the aggression you know he's younger you know and and just just the way he talks he's got he's got more energy you know what i mean i would say that that donald trump fortunately it's not about who wins a fight right but still i'm saying in a street fight if it kicked off donald trump would beat the [ __ ] out of it yeah it seems like i don't know like biden seems very feeble and old he seems like if i saw him walking out of a supermarket i would help him with his grocery bags donald trump has just more spunk look they're both old men let's get real donald trump does look a little like chunkier but i don't think the cardiovascular shape of either man is going to be a you know a factor in a positive way if donald took him down and got inside control he'd never get up lewis that is true yeah i do like i said i think the energy the spunkiness the overall he just donald trump also seems more like sort of with it like in the moment like uh um so yeah in a fist fight yeah i think donald trump would when he's a new yorker i mean come on new yorkers are just tough naturally hey and today at uh one of the rallies they were all chanting super trump super trump super trump i don't know if you saw that yeah because you know superman because you beat corona so fast yeah there you go it's a clean cut it's it's every round would be a 10a if not a knockout in the first round donald trump all day long all right harrison what else you got uh just quick correction there donald trump actually six foot three joe biden six foot so there is donald trump is six foot three no biden is six three no no biden six foot trump six three really trump is six foot three he's gotta be more than two thirty nine then because trump is fat i'm six one and i'm like two two 2 27 right now yeah yeah he's not fast he he's not fast he's his wife yeah no he is he's he's got a fair old ass on him that his suits hide well you know he's going to be up there he's going to be close to 300 i would have said because he's a big dude six three man it's crazy isn't it i don't know is that all i had no idea he was six foot three wow what a what an impressive man uh tallest president ever behind abraham lincoln and lyndon b johnson and he's the oldest oldest president ever uh okay how did they order how did these guys do it at that age right i'm 41 and i've want to make some money and call it a [ __ ] day and sit on my ass so in those 70s still doing this it's crazy it really is especially when you have that much money if i had trump money i wouldn't uh i mean you know what's funny did you ever read the art of the deal no i didn't know it's actually really good i i got it as a gift years ago and he just sort of goes through his day and what he says in the beginning of the book and he was like look i don't do it for the money he's like i have more money than i could ever know what to do with he was like i do it because i love making deals and i i sort of get that i get it there's something about like getting on the phone and just making business happen that that really gets some people's yeah no i totally get that well i mean look at dana white say anything now he could go you know do whatever he wants i i had a dinner with a couple of directors and whatever recently and we were talking and just similar kind of conversation i said you know i said i i i could retire on like the shittiest beach in mexico you know like with probably just a skanky place i could go retire and live in that beach for the rest of my life you know and they said but would you want to i said [ __ ] no because you get bored you know what i mean so so but anyway uh hamilton give us one more before we all go about our days and and yeah come on one more what you got make it a good one please okay i think this is kind of interesting uh so one of the online bookmakers has set odds for the next ufc lightweight champion uh the front runners are as follows conor mcgregor is even money dustin poirier is getting two to one tony ferguson six to one michael chandler 7-1 gaichi at 9-1 then some dark horses charles oliveira 12-1 and gsp at 25-1 where do you think the believer should put their money on who's the next lightweight champion okay we'll have this conversation but i do want to recall to you that we did read the odds on the last show we did go through this we did have to we did but it's fine it's fine okay uh lewis who do you have who do you think is the next lightweight champion conor mcgregor i think he's the next lightweight champion i think he's going to end up beating i think they're going to make dustin versus poirier for the title uh which makes sense all signs point to that they essentially dana white says if they can make 155 it would be for a title shot so and and and i said that last week as well and it does that that appears to be common sense right that would be the logical right but i saw this isn't my take i saw on twitter i can't remember who it was that said it so my apologies but i read it and i thought oh [ __ ] that's a good point after all uh you know the last thing ufc want is a champion that's not going to defend their belts right and and connor you know he he's very uh whilst he's by far the biggest star in the sport he's the biggest draw in the sport but he but he's kind of all over the place and he's talking about fighting [ __ ] manny pacquiao in boxing next which if i'm not mistaken he's all bought a done deal right it hasn't been announced so the last thing the ufc want is for conor mcgregor to come out here become the champion of the world and then [ __ ] off to boxing that's not good for the ufc so whilst last week that was my pick now when i hear that i might i don't know uh i don't know if he would be you know eligible for a title fight next year he's always gonna go and box and give me your devil's avocado please that was avocado i like that better actually to be honest devil's avocado uh they're no different position than they are right now except for the fact they get a few more million pay-per-view buys i don't know how much having a title around conor mcgregor's waist on a poster helps i guarantee it does um having connor be the champion i i think it just it just sort of generates a buzz it's generous excitement people love to hate on him but you know it's it's a you know the old howard certain thing more people love to hate on conor than love to love him but it just all equates to all eyes on conor so i think it only does good for the ufc it only does good for the division and if conor vacates or is inactive well we're in no different position than we are right now yep no no that is a fair point also so uh only time will tell but until then look after yourselves that is the end of our show uh anderson silva you're right hold this weekend tune in i'll be commentating we'll be back on monday with another show until then luis what do you have to say just a couple live shows i want to say i'm i'm out back on the road i'm going to be doing some stuff i will be december 4th and 5th at the celebrity theater in atlantic city new jersey and then i'll be down in point pleasant new jersey on january 20th through 23rd uh at uncle vinnie's comedy club so come out and see me live believers every time i see you in the crowd you guys say what's up i really do appreciate it so i'll see you there yep so until then enjoy your weekend enjoy the fights have a great time happy halloween all the best goodbye
Channel: Michael Bisping Podcast
Views: 47,505
Rating: 4.8193092 out of 5
Keywords: Michael Bisping, Luis J Gomez, Uriah Hall, Anderson Silva, Bryce Mitchell, Khamzat Chimaev, Leon Edwards
Id: 9l0XQ13_reM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 20sec (5900 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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