Piss De RĂ©sistance - BYM #266

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fill her up you're listening to the gas digital network today's episode is brought to you by omega b day amigo is the greatest thing to clean your butt and we will tell you more about that thing later in the episode but we have a fan contest the best fan filmed commercial for omego will win 500 plus an amigo b day and we will air the winning commercial on an episode of this podcast deadline to enter is october 29th email gas digitalmarketing gmail.com for more info okay let's start the show conceive believe achieve shut the [ __ ] up undisputed ufc middleweight champion of the world my car the car this is believe you me on the gas digital network what's party let's party indeed welcome to the believe you me podcast happy monday as certain people say although i cringe and die inside every time i say happy monday happy friday whatever but still happy monday lewis i love mondays am i crazy am i the only this is a i think it's a almost a mental thing there's two types of people in the world there's people that love mondays and there's people that hate mondays and i love mondays i feel like monday is the day that everyone starts fresh if you're trying to make any business happen they're like you know what let's wait till monday morning everyone starts their diet their new their new leaf that they overturn in life it's just a positive energy all around on mondays and i feel like mondays is a great way to sort of get your life going i love mondays i also like mondays although that said when i worked in factories i didn't like mondays then because my life was [ __ ] miserable it meant getting out of work at 6 00 out of bed at 6 am in the freezing cold putting on my shitty work clothes and sprinting to work clocking in and then spending 11 hours of the day hating life but these days these days mondays are good you know i've got more interest in life i'm not trying to rub it in for anyone call me to a factory job this morning apologies well i think that's an interesting point right so i think you're right it is about are you doing what you love mm-hmm that's it it's really as simple as that so it's not even there's two types of people in the world that loves mondays or hate mondays if you're doing what you love you probably love mondays you're like you know what dude i i get to go to work and i really enjoy what i do and i think if you're not typically doing what you love you're living for the weekend you love friday you're waiting for the end of the day you're going out and partying um so yeah maybe that's just the difference i think probably when you were younger you didn't [ __ ] love your job you hated it you were dreading it in fact i know you did because i've been listening to michael bisping's yeah yeah yeah but uh the reality is though not everybody can do everything something that they love you know what i mean so we're sitting here we don't want to gloat too much because a lot of people listening to this right now they may love their job in fact i was talking about this at the weekend to rebecca you know what i mean because you know the world needs um people that do those types of jobs you know what i'm saying but but but but we can't go on about it too much because some people might listen to this girl you [ __ ] prick i hate my job stop going on about the fact that you enjoy your week you know some people don't appreciate it they should listen to the show and be inspired they should quit the job they hate that's what they say the electricity goes off the kids go hungry they get no clothes but hey [ __ ] it they listen to us they won't how when's the last time you knew a person that starved to death well i don't live in africa you know what i mean i don't live in nigeria or or or wherever there's some trouble going on out there right now i don't know i don't know anybody there's nothing our listeners are living in africa and nigeria as well i guarantee we have one or two i guarantee we in fact we have some in cape town listen to this when i went to cape town last year to do that warrior tv show incidentally this friday my episode airs so uh warrior on showtime i think but anyway the first thing that happened to me when i got to cape town i got out the car and some giza was coming down a local and he said hey man love the podcast bro and i was like holy [ __ ] in [ __ ] cape town so luis you stand corrected my face that might be true i don't think the people that are starving the people we're talking about who are starving in africa are listening to the podcast i don't think that they have access to podcasts podcast i'm just saying that yeah i i don't think that if you quit the job that you hate i think you would probably figure out a way to pay your bills you probably figure out a way to feed your children and if you started going down a path toward doing something that you love a year or two from now you'd probably be in a better place than you would be if you just kept on down the path that you hate that's all i'll say not the other day and i just want to say for anybody that does take lewis's advice right now and quits their job and just walks out and says you know i've had enough of it i wish you the best you know i do i hope it works out i think you're gonna tell them to go [ __ ] themselves don't be too hasty though don't listen to this and go you're right and quit there and then maybe talk to your wife talk to your parents your loved ones your friends your wife is down by the river carrying jugs of water on her head right now these are still in africa by the way okay she doesn't she's very busy don't ask her opinion quit your job and do something you love yes so there you go quit your job everybody do what louis says be a comedian quit your work um massive massive fights of the weekend we're about to get into all of them uh there's a fires here so if if halfway through this podcast i have to immediately quit and and run out then i do apologize but there's huge fires here it's all over the news the local news here how close are the fires to you uh about five miles away which isn't it sounds far but it's not too far audi my manager from paradigm sports just messaged me because he's down there as well we live pretty close to each other he said it just went from 10 000 to 200 000 acres in an hour so it's spreading like crazy and the wind outside like the palm trees are just blowing [ __ ] everywhere so super windy which obviously with fires is terrible super dry here as well in southern california so uh yeah as i said just a little disclaimer if i have to cut it short i [ __ ] apologize but i value my life i i don't know why i is it because we are we have more access to media is it because we are you know we're constantly looking at our phones and we have our finger on twitter at all times have wildfires in california gotten crazier recently or is or have they always been this crazy i i never heard about wildfires until like two years ago and then it's all i [ __ ] hear about fire's galore right now it's just crazy fire after fire after fire i don't know we don't want to get into it because again it's kind of a political thing which it shouldn't be but how's it going it's a fire there's a little theory called global warming which some people say exist and some people say it doesn't i stand by it i definitely getting warmer definitely getting hotter it's on fire down the [ __ ] street do you know what i'm saying i don't know how hot you want it to get i'm lit it's literally on fire you can see the smoke in the air how can you say it's not getting warmer and that's a joke by the way you're right i think that there is a politicized thing there which is crazy that everything it wasn't in a weird way wasn't coronavirus nice for like a month because it kind of brought us together like you know we're all dying of a pandemic at the very least we're doing it together and then even that got politicized which is [ __ ] crazy right but it is kind of interesting because i don't know the political angle on it i think republicans don't believe in global warming and and democrats believe in it i think that's what it is but i don't [ __ ] i'm not a scientist i don't know the difference i have no idea i literally have no idea even really what global warming is i probably know less than the average person but i will say from the outside perspective it seems like california's been burning a hell of a lot more over the past few years yes and then one might say if you have a political persuasion that is it's forest management okay but still whatever i don't want to get into it but i do know this i'm sweating my balls off right now it's super [ __ ] hot there's fires down there and i'm hot rebecca's got the heat on okay it was a little bit chilly when we woke up this morning so there of course the fire's blazing the heat is on and i'm sweating like crazy so i wasn't being rude i was texting my back saying babe turn this heat off because the vent in here is just there and it does get like a sauna in here most people don't know what the wildfires are like i never really understood what they were like either i have a friend who lives in um california um like an hour outside of la where like last year the the hills were really burning and we got caught up driving through them and it is scarier than you think you look it feels like you're it doesn't feel it looks like you're driving through hell like when you go to certain parts and like i would never you see it on the news and i'm very disconnected i'm like wildfire shut up like there's no fear like in my mind until you're driving through it you're like holy [ __ ] like this is sort of crazy there's fire sort of coming in from every angle here and you just want to get caught up in the smoke and it's pretty crazy well remember and i've told this story before so i won't get into it when i was training for gsp and i finished training i looked at my phone and rebecca's like we are under evacuation orders that was back in 2017 we came here and i was like it doesn't the wind's blowing the other way so i went to sleep i had a nap rebecca had a nap and we woke up like [ __ ] are we okay but still everything was fine but anyway enough of that i can't wait to get into all this ufc 254 at the [ __ ] weekend uh i had a ufc watch party at my house so they were all here with uh film crews and stuff but it was actually a great time i was kind of dreading it i thought it might have been awkward you know gonna film us watching the fights but uh it was fun it was great fantastic cards of course khabib stole the show we're gonna get into all of that but the where i wanna start is yesterday morning i wake up i'm in bed i'm having my morning coffee same thing you know you scroll social media going through it you take a look and i see tai chi with us tied to a vassar as we know he's a man's man he likes a drink and he's you know he's a bit of a wild man definitely a bit of a wild man and uh he had a big win saturday night and knocked out stefan strove to congrats to him because he was in a tough spot he needed that win big time so i'm happy for him because he's a really [ __ ] good dude i i you know i don't know him that well but you know we've had a fair few conversations he's a [ __ ] solid guy just just a normal dude you know what i'm saying so very very happy for him but then on instagram yeah as i said yesterday morning i'm scrolling i see a video that i thought to myself oh he's gonna regret that and he's gonna delete that later but i just checked this morning and god bless him it's still there now he may be on a flight from abu dhabi to australia do you know what i mean and maybe delete it when he lands or maybe just doesn't give a [ __ ] but uh brian roll the tape please my friend ah firstly i want to shout out to all my people from the area papers and also i want to let you know everyone i woke up i pissed a bit [Laughter] it goes on for a bit there but yeah you know come on where does the ufc fight everyone in the night everyone by the way he's brilliant oh my god oh dude that's so [ __ ] funny uh yeah he's not gonna why would we delete it too late once it's on the internet it's on the internet and it's kind of funny i mean and you know i i it there's a level of um confidence in a guy who'll just admit to something like that there i remember there was a friend of mine in high school it was a pretty good looking kid and he would always fart in the face of girls in the lunchroom and i always like had i always respected this day because i was like god damn this kid has some confidence and the girl still liked him like but in my head i was like you never just fart at a chick she would think i'm disgusting no listen listen he may have made you laugh he may have been bit of the clown whatever but i guarantee he was not getting laid he was given away swear to god the girls loved this kitty would float a guy that farts okay and i'll tell you this i fought in front of rebecca all the time she hates it but it's like what am i going to do 21 years i need to fight it's my house i pay the bills and this is going to be furious if you answer this honestly never once never once rebecca has never farted in front of me ever legitimately are you just saying that because you're trying to protect your marriage oh on my children's life i'm actually she's a lady she's a lady she has never farted once in 21 years becca bisping is the perfect woman she's never farted not once never once never once i swear to god not even by mistake never once okay and we'll leave that conversation there let's get back to tied to avasta pissing the bed that's where this was supposed to go because at the end of the day i watched it and i was like i laughed my head off and i thought yeah fair plays being honest i mean who hasn't pissed the bed at some point granted i haven't done it in a long long long long time but i feel like everybody at some point has gone out drank too much passed out had a deep sleep because of the alcohol and then woke up and thought oh my god what have i done granted hasn't happened to me since i was about 16 years old i'm now 41 so i've got 25 years of clean underpants dry underpants but still come on lewis don't tell me you haven't pissed the bed at some point uh yeah i mean maybe i'm trying to remember baby get [ __ ] as an adult though i don't know even like at a drunken super i don't think i have can i just say bye to my son he's leaving for the airport right now callum love your son i'll give you a call sorry man doing the podcast great seeing you bud yeah see you in two weeks i'll give you a call after sorry about that guys bye um where were we pissing the bed uh brian brian save me here cause louis is too cool for school because i guarantee i have seen you i have seen the states you get in don't tell me you've never pissed a bed brian looking great this morning the hair is down on full form what are we saying are you a bed pisser well uh guest digital makes us wear diapers so i'm i'm good anyway nobody breaks a lot but what about prior to gas digital you know in the brian years prime of his life i can't i can't say that i ever pissed my bed as an adult i i just i can't if i have it was in a blackout i can't remember well that's how it should be okay i short my pants twice a month but that's not you know that's not pissing yourself that's also not even like a drunken thing that's just me having a bad diet and what times you say i'm gonna go for a fart and then i'd rather piss my bed than show it if i'm honest well come on we should we all shark there's no helping yourself i don't show it when's the last time you started i mean it's happened but yeah much more recently than when you pissed the bed let's not [ __ ] get into this it's been the entire podcast just telling the world how disgusting we are but when i was just talking to this uh talking about this to callum i said what do you think should we talk about this because it's a bit gross and then rebecca was you know in the area and she uh she pipes up she goes oh i'll tell you when the last time you pissed the bed was i said when's that when we moved into nelson street this house we got together we just got a brand new couch i was only 19 or 20. brand new couch i think we'd had it one day i fell asleep on the couch and peed the bed rebecca said she cried because like you know you're moving to a new place the new couch is like the piece to resist dance you know what i mean especially in england because i hear couches come very quickly in england oh the pistol is this dancehall very good very good it's actually a french chainsaw piece the resistance um but uh yeah you know you got to wait two months for the couch to show up you're all excited the couch comes you're like oh great i fall asleep on it and yeah there you go anyway i think we'll leave that there yeah well there you go you live you learn 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fantastic fights but khabib nurmagomedov came in there you know i even picked justin to win the fight you know i i thought it was a bad matchup you texted me and said you wanted to change your pick you're saying i did not want to change it and i have evidence you can't change multiple times i will allow you one change i never changed i said i was thinking about changing and you convinced me to not change because i like a noob i texted you about the weigh-in and maybe you want to break this down because it is pretty interesting this was pre pre-fight oh yeah uh so khabib when he weighed in he looked very drained um you know there was some controversy i guess mike dolce said you know could be missed wait and he was talking about the way that he weighed in it didn't go all the way over before they officially calculated the weight um so maybe you give your opinion on that but when i looked at khabib i was like dude he did look really drained and very unhappy and i was like maybe i'll change my pick and then you just tore me a new one via text you're like you're an idiot no no no no so of course my dolce inserts himself because that's what he does every time because he's a little [ __ ] know it all but i work with him and uh i i didn't work with him for very long leaving it there uh but here's the thing uh to anybody to any layman watching that it it it does look like there's an argument for that he missed wait however there's one vital piece of information that only ufc fighters or cornerman or whatever would know and that is quite simply this you have to go through the ufc first and the ufc check your weight preliminary now of course when he got on the old-fashioned scale right it does that it goes up in that if you're heavy it's up if your light it's down right and it was trending up and he didn't wait for it to settle and things like that he just went yeah you're good born there you go right and you're right that does give you know an argument for controversy there it does you can't make an argument that he missed where and that's [ __ ] and maybe there's a bit of bias going on and he's very popular in that part of the world so therefore it's a scam and all this no that's nonsense because what happens is when you fight for the ufc the mourning of the weigh-in when you say that you're on weight you have to go and get weighed by the ufc first okay the first there are some of the ufc staff members who wear blue shirts and they're in charge of all the the logistics and the weigh-ins and all that type of things if you need anything five week they're the guys to bring it to you and you've got to go see them and you get on a digital scale backstage and you get on that scale and if if that digital scale doesn't say that the weight is where it needs to be then they send you off and you gotta go cut weight so there's no way that khabib steps on that scale without going through the preliminary weight check backstage that one there is for the commission and for the crowd and the journalists and all the rest of it but you do do a preliminary check backstage so based upon that knowledge i would say that um this is all it's all [ __ ] there's no conspiracy there's no controversy there if you ask me so yeah and that makes sense um when i said that i was gonna change my pick to khabib you were like you're like dude like khabib always comes in um and has trouble missing or making weight he's always looks like he's drained before each fight um and that's why i didn't change my pick i simply was testing the waters and prodding and wondering if i should change my pick but the great michael bisping said no don't well yeah listen listen we'll talk about that later we'll talk about that offer but you're right you know and i was what should i say always struggles to make weight i mean he he he pulled out of tony ferguson fights i think because he was hospitalized due to the weight cure i think am i right has he ever missed weight i think he's missed weight on occasion as well i think he did once yeah and making 155 has never been easy for khabib so the fact he showed up like that that was nothing new and then after the fight then we find out that [ __ ] um not only had he lost his father before the training camp started he had a broken foot and two broken toes i mean there is quite literally you know his foot was a balloon that one really does uh work there but when you find out that he had the tough way caught all the emotional problems and then the fact he went in there injured as well that makes you respect what could be did even [ __ ] more i mean i mean i looked at the scorecards after the fight we'll get into the fight but the thing that jumped off the page to me was that two judges gave just engage the first round and i thought that was just absolutely mind-blowing but what do you think lucy you think he won the first round i mean i wouldn't say it's mind-blowing i understand that because geichi was landing heavier shots in the first round it gives you some lens heavier shots um khabib got the takedown at the end of the first round i believe and i thought that was enough to give khabib around because also what i was surprised by was how good khabib looks standing up i mean he doesn't land like gaijin lands but he was definitely hitting gaichi much more than i thought he was going to hit him in the first round yeah well if you look at how the scoring criteria works pressure octagon control aggression grappling all those things favor khabib i mean he was going forward like crazy like a man possessed of course coming into this one he wanted to honor his father so he was a very very charged up guy he was doing well in the striking yes he did eat a couple of shots from gaijin he did get his leg kicked quite several times but he walked him down the whole time he jabbed him was landing some good shots and he got the takedown and he didn't just get the takedown at the end of the first round he justin was essentially saved by the bell because he almost had an armbar locked in of course he was defending the arm bar obviously if this is the arm that's going to get uh bent or broken you grab your bicep and you do that because then it can't it can't be pulled through the arm so he he was defending but khabib is good there's ways of getting around that and khabib knows how to do that so the fact he was saved by the bell i just thought was absolutely shocking that the judges gave him the first round but harrington uh i know you're with us here somewhere if you can show yourself and then uh g give me your opinion as well uh yeah i'm here mike so i put it in the uh i just put it in the chat 23 of 36 was justin casey in the first round uh 23 of 60 was khabib in the first what do you mean 23 upstairs dave what do you mean 23 of what as far as shots thrown all right so i'll say that again now i have context of what you're actually saying uh yes can't you throw random numbers at me 23 of seven okay it sounds like a [ __ ] game of football go on carry on gotcha uh yeah i mean justin gaijin was just significantly more accurate i think he landed it at 63 versus uh stop stop stop do you think just engaging won the first round was the question you do all right okay because i don't i don't i think it's crazy he was well you don't think the fact he was almost on board at the end of the round it was almost finished that would have been the end of the fight if they landed the same amount of shots right um but gachi was landing more accurately all that means to me is that khabib was more active they still landed the same amount and we've got to take that at the end of the round so that i mean that all that means is i mean yes i guess being more accurate is that even a metric by ufc judging criteria though that guy was more accurate so you're giving him the score no i think that's actually it doesn't really mean much yeah i'm not sure if it does that's a good question but yeah i don't think it would matter listen at the end of the day it doesn't matter anyway because it wasn't a decision it wasn't down to the judges it was a finish and in the second round he went out there and he seemed to take it down very easy as good as justin's wrestling is and i and again i maybe i overestimated justin's wrestling or maybe i underestimated khabib's because i'll tell you [ __ ] what in round two he just took him down whenever he wanted there was almost no resistance and that's not because justin doesn't know how to that's because of the timing of khabib the speed of khabib that finishing sequence when he shot in and got the double leg then he turned the corner took him down then he took the back i mean it was so fast that was such a high skill level just absolutely unbelievable then justin to defend goes to his back which is classic right and then from there he hits a mounted triangle you don't see mounted [ __ ] triangles on guys that level very often and that just shows just how good khabib really is or really was whichever one you want to use but i think everyone in the entire world was shocked at how easily you went through justin including the referee who just stood there and on watched him choke him unconscious i mean that was i mean i was sitting there everyone's going what are you doing he taps right at him you tap that 30 times and and like you could make the argument that jason herzog was on the wrong angle you know maybe he was on the wrong side and he couldn't see but no he was right there he was there he was looking at us and justin's like hey saved my life i'm going to die but uh you don't have to happen anymore he actually said i quit in sign language yeah no he did many many times but he's like no you're gonna go to sleep i'm gonna make you look a fool i'm gonna show you being resuscitated to the entire world but i gotta say though on that note uh fair play to just uh justin how he handled it and then he said afterwards he said hey listen i'd rather get choked out and knocked out and he's absolutely right you get choked out you come back around a few seconds later you're a little groggy you know and then you're good you know there's no long-term damage you get knocked out you know there could be neurological issues you could have a broken jaw you know you could and there's definitely like maybe a six-month suspension or something like that or 180 days so yeah for justin the best way to go out justin let me tell you something justin gaichy best case scenario it happened like this and i'll tell you why because khabib retires and obviously we're going to talk about that in a second but now justin gates he's right there i mean he's the last guy to fight for the title you know he you know he he went to sleep obviously he got finished but at the same time i mean he is one i mean he might even be the next he might just fight the next guy in line for the title and that's the the champion at this point justin gaichy you know yeah it sucks khabib is a one of a you know one-of-a-kind type of champion and a one-of-a-kind type of athlete um no shame in losing to khabib especially if he ends up truly staying retired or never coming back completely undefeated it's like all right dude i was one of the guys nobody was ever able to beat this guy um there's a lot less shame in that so justin gates he you know he just has to jump right back on the horse and he's not in a terrible position for his career at all yeah we'll get into that in just a second because uh uh what's his name michael chandler had a good idea doing a lightweight tournament talk about that in a sec but of course saturday night was dominated by khabib at the post fight press conference dana came out sat there and said he's the goat simple as that he's the greatest of all time which has sparked a lot of debate online as to who the greatest of all time is and again here we go with this thing which is just truly it's a matter of opinion you know what i mean it's just a matter of opinion but jon jones who is definitely in everybody's conversation maybe he is maybe he isn't because of the steroids you know what i mean but either way you know jon jones name has to be brought into the conversation and he was not a happy camper on saturday night i don't know if you saw the tweets i don't know if we can bring any of those tweets up but he was just going on and on and on that he was trying to be deductful at first he was trying to be like congrats could be but he was just like he couldn't handle it his ego got in the way yeah and then he came out and he was saying you know listen i i i've worked so hard for 15 years i've had i forget how many times 15 title fights he said khabib had fourth that was his fourth world trial fight i've had 15 and i've won them all and you're going to put khabib in there before me but you got to remember john jones tested what twice tested positive twice for steroids and i i i don't know what do you think do you think that takes you out of the conversation i want to congratulate khabib for an outstanding career i know he made his father along with millions of fans around the world just incredibly proud today god continued to bless him on his journey that's not the tweet i was looking for but it's very nice and then it continues uh you know it went downhill from there but then it was just a little pissed off that he wasn't getting the respect yeah i i can actually pull up the tweets if you want um i think harrington actually put them in that email yeah why don't i do that in the meantime i mean does we don't need to go through them all he's just he's just pissed off he was just there saturday night yeah he he went off on a little bit of a tirade and was like you know it's even ridiculous blah blah blah blah i mean look jon jones makes a point if i'm jon jones i completely understand that side of it um you know but i think that that asterisk is enough to risk that's the risk is enough to um to take jon jones out of that number one spot i'm sorry you know j you know and look it sucks but let's get real this is a fake fantasy thing it's not real it's like saying who's got the prettiest [ __ ] unicorn who cares jon jones you're making a lot of money you're going up the heavyweight you're a bazillionaire you're the most talented athletes in the world who really gives a [ __ ] but you can't complain if you get caught using steroids a couple of times in your career and you can you can definitely erase that we've already forgiven jon jones we already talked about him like he's in the pound-for-pound conversation it's not like we're holding it over his head that much but give khabib his due he's never been caught using steroids he's a completely untarnished perfect unblemished record you know you know it's pretty goddamn impressive what khabib did and he only lost two rounds throughout the entire course of his career no controversy no steroids was never stripped you gotta remember john jones and you're right if i'm john i feel the same way i'm like what are you talking about have you forgetting forgotten what i've done over the last 10 years or so you know and what john jones has done over the last 10 years is outstanding but as you say the asterisks are there and they are prevalent they are big they are glaring they are glowing they are shining like stars in the universe the asterisks are there you know what i mean john jones looks up into the night sky he doesn't see stars he sees asteroids just see stars you know what i mean uh george saint pierre just these stars maybe should be a couple of asterisks uh who else henry cejudo demetrius johnson lots of stars anders and silva and and and uh and john jones they're on another planet they're looking at asterisks in the sky that's what they look at you know yeah dude instead of instead of planets it's question marks there's question logs you know i mean listen when you talk pound for pound and then dc and john anak at the weekend they gave their little top five list it's the same names right it's george st pierre it's anderson silva it's jon jones it's khabib demetrius johnson i would say though your top contenders is there anybody that i'm missing brian or harrington or lewis if you think of any throw it my way head mr hudo was in there dc is an honorable mention as well but if you had to go through all them lewis who would be your one right now yeah um i mean you you ha i'd say it has to be khabib has to be number one pound for pound completely undefeated um there's you know i i there's a real case to make for um arasanya we talked about that after his last performance real incredible yeah i think he still needs a few more big big wins he needs to show the same type of dominance that we've seen from khabib from jon jones even anderson silva in his heyday you know he's just he's just there but i i can see asana coming into that role you know yeah tom jones needs to honestly he needs to erase and i think we've said this he's doing it with the heavyweight move he needs to erase that memory of those asterisks and once he does that and i think he can it's not that crazy we forget we forgive him for getting the sport right just this is the way that people are just in general everyone's very fair weather um but i think that the the unblemished record of khabib the fact that he was don the way he's dominated everybody the way he went out on top what a [ __ ] baller move nobody does it everyone says they want to do it nobody does it yeah yeah yeah because everybody does want to do that everybody talks about it and it's so alluring to stay when you're at the top because obviously the earning potential it's like at the weekend i was listening to howard stern and matthew mcconaughey was saying that there was a phase in his acting period where he didn't want to do romantic comedies anymore and he was known as the guy that wanted to do uh you know romantic comedies and he called his agent and said i'm never doing a romantic comedy again okay and then sure enough an offer for a romantic comedy came in at eight million dollars and he said no and they came back at 10 million right and he said no and they came back at 12 million dollars and he said to his agent listen i'm never doing a romantic comedy again and then they came back at 14.5 million dollars and he still turned it down now fighting and acting are not the same [ __ ] thing but still khabib left a lot of money on the table there much like matthew mcconaughey think of all the starving children that could have fed selfish bastard you might say but no he was going after the stars sorry i mean the asterisks um for me is the matthew mcconaughey of mma it's the mafia all right all right all right what is that i love them high school girls they get older i say the same age all right all right uh yeah okay great of all time it's ava khabib or george saint pierre yeah i like yeah khabib he went out on top he was unbeaten he only ever lost two rounds in his entire career and i don't think we'll ever see him fight again either by the way and i don't even know why i didn't think about george but it's it's interesting you bring him up he's just too inactive i almost feel like if george just stayed in the sport he would be right there because having losses in your career i don't think that it means that much especially if you avenge them because george avenged his two losses i mean not only avenge them but avenge them and then some you know what i'm saying like he put a beat down on matt sarah he went and finished matt hughes um you know essentially in a weird way i respect the guy who avenges the loss more than the guy who's never tasted defeat yes and that's great and it's all well and good and it is a beautiful story and it is good but the fact remains that matt hughes did still kick his ass and on by him and nobody kicked khabib's ass you know what it is didn't kick his ass matt sarah beat the [ __ ] matt said no no no no my huge beat kicked his ass and took him down however your parameter of getting your ass kicked if i get picked up slammed and then someone takes uh [ __ ] uh armbars me right you got finished mate you got your ass kicked i don't remember i don't know what your parameters of getting your ass kicked you know what i mean but if you get picked up slammed beating up a little bit and then on board come on come on you were finished that's getting your ass kicked if memory serves george won that round he did loot he got armbard with one second left in the round it doesn't matter he got [ __ ] finished louis it doesn't it's like he's trying to make an argument or could be there justin kind of won that fight he cannot because i mean let's be honest he won round one he won round one and he was doing okay in round two until he got choked out [ __ ] unconscious okay lewis i get your point he was doing all right yeah but he got [ __ ] armored okay as simple as that he got finished uh but it's khabib it's khabib he ends up on top he finishes on top he retires on top he's the champion he's walking away one of the biggest stars in the sport and i just thought it was beautiful i mean the f i mean the man has so much honor you know and and he gets a lot of respect for his fighting ability but he deserves a lot of respect for the honor that he has and the type of person that he is i mean obviously you know he is he was out there fighting for his father's memory but then he said he made a promise to his mother that he's gonna stop fighting and he and he did it and he retired as champion you know and and i don't think we'll ever see him again i don't think he's gonna break a promise to his mother uh who knows not maybe they get skinned maybe they [ __ ] treat everybody to those kind of wigs in dagestan and and the broke and he comes and fights don't think that's gonna happen but you never know what he's falling out and he's like you know what i'm sick of this [ __ ] i'm going back to fighting yeah yeah yeah but uh let's not get into disrespecting khabib's mother i feel like i won't end well for anybody i was disrespecting khabib don't worry i would never disrespect but here's the thing what i'll say and you got to give credit to ufc here um i shouldn't say the ufc maybe the ufc audience i don't even know who to give credit for here but it was an interesting thing um because khabib is a very very proud muslim um and i think the perception of the mixed martial arts audience especially in the united states is like this you know almost like you know simpleton wheelock cage fight in america and to why i mean there's none of that with khabib i don't see anybody you know hating on khabib's culture i see everyone being extremely respectful um i see everyone being very accepting um mixed martial arts is truly a melting pot of cultures it's where you see it in tedious culture where everyone's at each other's throats if you don't vote this way you don't believe this i mean people just [ __ ] hate each other you have an organization in the ufc where one week they're you know their fighters are going out at trump rallies the next week they have khabib who's a proud muslim retiring in the cage and [ __ ] everyone around the world shows him this love of respect the next week you have tyron fighting and he's fighting for black lives matter and no one cares everyone goes you know what they're martial artists they get into the cage we love the sport of fighting and we all sort of let the [ __ ] go away like i don't give [ __ ] what people yeah somebody's voting for in the cage i want to see the best fight possible and i thought it was pretty interesting in today's culture you it's rare you see that anymore and yeah well well at the end of the day that's not what people are tuning in for they're not tuning in because the guys are muslim i mean maybe that that's what initially you know uh put khabib on their radar or whatever but you tune into the ufc see great fights and ultimately once they're in there you know and the referee says fight it doesn't matter it doesn't matter who you are where you're from what your religion is what you believe you know if you believe you go to heaven or you die or disaster it's in the sky or stars in the sky it doesn't [ __ ] matter because at the end of the day when that referee says bring it on come on steve mazzagotti in the house then uh it's [ __ ] action simple as that it's down to them and and whatever they've said you know they've got to live up to those words but anyway we'll leave that one there congrats khabib nurmagomedov just incredible all right mike real quick let's take a quick second and thank amigo bidet which is an incredible sponsor for this show an incredible product altogether if you guys aren't using your bidet you are already living in the stone ages what are you a caveman it's very simple it's just a stream of water up your butt it's a cleaner way to do it you don't have to use toilet paper you don't have to use wipes you save money you save time it's a cleaner more civilized way to do it the bispings in both asia and europe have been doing this for centuries essentially yeah but listen i just want to say if you don't know about b days does it mean you're a caveman louis it just means they're not with the times it means they don't care about the forest they don't care about the environment and they don't care about their wallet because this will save you money ultimately i don't own any toilet paper okay that sounds weird it sounds gross but no because as we've talked about it many times i get cleaned by a robot i get dried by a robot i don't have to touch anything it's great it's funny because halloween is this weekend usually i throw toilet paper toilet paper in the trees of my neighbors i'm throwing amigo bidets actually it's in there be careful you might get a lawsuit because you know if you hit a kid in the head with an amigo bidet i reckon i think i could kill a kid with an amigo big day i reckon i reckon if i do it i might kill a kid but listen at the end of the day you do want to try this as i say every time there's different models there's the starter model takes two minutes to install i'm [ __ ] with my hands i say that every time but it's true even i installed it uh that's very very cheap and then you go up in increments of course and then you have the granddaddy one which is what i have upstairs callum has the easy one downstairs for the guests we got the cheap one you know but uh check it out go to amigo.com you won't be disappointed i promise you if you try this out it will change your world or change your life or at the very least it'll change your toilet pooping habits let's just yeah it won't change your life but it will change the way you take a [ __ ] and you will realize that in the past it was kind of gross so yeah look listen i i love this thing all you got to do get involved go to myomego.com byum you'll get 15 off take a look at the website as i say there's different price points they start very very cheap and then they get a little more luxurious but you will find one that fits your budget m y o m i g o myomigo.com bym you're gonna get 15 off all right that does leave us lewis without a ufc lightweight champion and uh you know a champion must be crowned of course there's a big fight coming up with dustin poirier and conor mcgregor dana was asked about that at the post fight press conference if that's going to be next and dana said that i don't know we haven't got that far he just [ __ ] retired five minutes ago you know let's let me speak to the team and we'll figure it out but michael chandler obviously former bellator champ now with the ufc he was out there if you recall he was supposed to be the standing in case either the guy couldn't make it to the octagon he's saying a four-man tournament which sounds good but who would be in that four-man tournament i'm assuming he wants to be in it you know what i mean but i don't know if he necessarily deserves to be in the four-man tournament i think poirier mcgregor justin possibly chandler who else is in the the uh the what's it called yeah pop the rankings the rankings yeah ufc rankings i should have done this earlier been prepared but i did it ufc rankings and hold on bear with me guys one second no offense to michael chandler i think he should get a win in the ufc before we talk about you know that's what i'm saying that that that's what i'm saying i mean this is how recent it is they've still got khabib as the champion well he is the champion but then you've got gaijin poirier ferguson mcgregor yeah see ferguson deserves that as well so i think it should be i'm saying that you just had justin versus ferguson they don't nobody wants to see that again just now then it's dan hucka charles oliveira paul felder i think you know that that doesn't matter and dustin winner that i wonder if that fight's getting the title and in a weird way like i get it you know look you can't i mean just lost in the second round was stopped you know what i'm saying ferguson just lost the gauge you the guy was just stopping at the champions league i think you need to put a little distance between that before you strap a title around one of their wastes absolutely nobody wants to see that to put a title around conor's waist it's only going to get more people to tune in and the best guy will beat him if there's a better guy right so it doesn't it doesn't hurt to make the winner of dustin versus conor the champion i i think ultimately that's probably what the ufc will do because as we just showed there if he were to do a four-man tournament or just let let's not call it a four-man tournament let's just say who emerges as the the next contender or whatever over the next few months but it doesn't do the ufc good to not have a champion you know what i'm saying and i'll be honest you know in terms of anybody poirier and connor they're both right there they are ranked well dustin's two where's connor i don't see him in the rankings he's not in the rankings at least he hasn't fought at 155 in a while yeah he's not even in the rankings but still you know come on if he gets one win he's probably one or two so yeah i i think that'll be for the belt the ufc then said he doesn't know yet and then maybe they won't but more than likely poirier versus connor uh harrington you sent me a little uh you said that conor was tweeting at the weekend and then deleting tweets i didn't see it i don't know anything about it but what was he talking about harrington uh yeah so he was not very complimentary about justin gaichi's performance uh let me look up the exact wording of the tweets here uh dude dustin ko'd you as well your wrestling gap uh wrestling slash grappling overall fear of the central positions being truly embarrassing tonight justin hmm and he deleted that you say deleted it almost immediately after posting it oh really so how how long was it up there and how do you know this do you like staring at conor mcgregor's twitter feed yeah dude i refresh it every 30 seconds just for my own personal no it was uh middle easy reported this they uh i guess screenshot it immediately oh they're like a bit of controversy those guys uh all right all right well you know a bit of a dick move but whatever all's fair in love and war you know if if justin was talking [ __ ] about connor which he was justin was talking a lot of [ __ ] about connor saying i forget what the quotes were but he you know he wasn't saying nice [ __ ] thing so fair enough if somebody talks mad [ __ ] about me or talks mad [ __ ] about you louis it's just human nature if you see them get their ass kicked you go ha ha look at you you fool right yeah of course yeah i mean those guys they might end up fighting at one point it's actually likely that they're gonna end up fighting at one point now especially if conor decides to come back to 155 pounds and not for nothing he should if cotton now that now that khabib's gone conor mcgregor you know any given sunday conor could beat anybody in that division you know even what's kind of funny is we were all like god damn dude i was buying the justin gaichy hype and that's that's sort of a mean way to put it something i was buying the hype i was really torn on whether or not it could be or justin could be khabib i was like damn dude it was it was hard for me to to pick khabib in that fight and after seeing how dominant khabib was i almost want to be like was i was i really just giving justin much more credit or once again you posed that question before is it that khabib is just that much better than everybody else well here's the thing saturday at my house jason parrilla was here obviously very very good coach you know he knows the fight game he has a great mind for it not like many people have and he said he said listen he said just engage you is not that good he said he just fought tony ferguson and this isn't my words okay he said tony ferguson [ __ ] friend he said this is what he said he said tony ferguson [ __ ] sucks and justin outboxed him so now everybody thinks [ __ ] justin's great but he's not that great that the the words of the great jason perillo not the words of the great michael bisping okay just disclaimer tony before you come to my house and stab me um so yeah and i was like well you do have a point because tony is he's very hittable i remember when he fought lando vanassa landau took that fight on short notice and pieced tony up tony has built a career on weathering the storm getting his ass kicked and then he gets hired and then he takes them out and that's that's where he wins the majority of his fights which isn't you know good for a long-term career in mental health you know what i'm saying but yeah a lot of people get credit for like being in wars you're like oh he's always in a war you know same thing just like justin gates he's like he's known as always being award dustin poirier always in a war um but i i overall i think you won the european wars you want to never get hit you want to be absolutely dominant you want to be khabib you want to be gsp you want to be the guy who can [ __ ] you know in boxing the principle is simple hit and not get hit and that crosses over to mixed martial arts the same thing you don't want to it's fun to be in wars like when i thought anderson silver i was kind of glad afterwards i said to pril i said i'm glad it went that way i had to fight through some adversity there was a great storyline yada yada but ultimately you do want to go in there and not really get hit you don't have a broken nose you don't want 30 stitches in your face and you don't want to be losing brain cells you know what i mean it's fun for the viewer but you want to go in there keep your faculties about you keep your guard high chin down and win the fight without any drama that's what you're looking for no you could have taken two three more of those in these ah easy easy you know the only thing is if he made connor versus uh poiyer i don't know because he's not ranked at lightweight so how do you do that but still everybody knows he was the former lightweight champ so yeah yeah i think more than likely fourth uh no ufc lightweight rankings well i'm looking on ufc.com right now [ __ ] and he's not there harrington so you know yes he's saying he's mouthing the words [ __ ] michael bisping is that what you said okay weird it's a weird weird position to take on this big show i apologize weird position to take and and to say that he's oh no he's ranked number four look ufc rankings there's no conor mcgregor there right now okay harrington explain yourself explain yourself harry what the [ __ ] are you doing contradicting me i just saw it when you put it up there for a second mike it's gagee number one poirier 2 ferguson 3 mcgregor 4. it is you're right i don't know i didn't see that you know because i i just expected his name to be near the top and it wasn't i'm i was not even there well what kind of losers number four uh okay fair enough harrington fair enough buddy fair enough uh i will eat my humble pie and choke on it uh anyway fair play fair play uh so there it is khabib the eagle era is done it is over it is finished and then we'll find out what's gonna happen with that uh pretty soon i would have thought ufc will announce something so that'll be kind of interesting to find out which way they go of course other fights on the card as well co-main event jared cannon here taking on robert whittaker arasani said that he was keeping an eye on cannonia because he wanted him to win because he would give him a title fight next we had jared on the show he was very confident and he had every reason to be confident he was on coming off the back of three good wins anderson silva jacob manson and david branch uh he said he had harnessed the power of the universe he felt like a god in the flesh you know he was he was he was cooking with gas but unfortunately it wasn't his night in there robert got off to a great start right from the get-go he looked like the faster guy he was the slicker guy um you know speed kills and he was just way faster excellent footwork in and out you know just a beautiful solid performance and that combination it's like a screw punch to a right head kick it's kind of a jab but it comes up some people call it up jab some people call it a screw punch he throws that and then the head kick and that first kick apparently jared said that broke his arm in the first round obviously you don't even break in your arm in the first round but that's not the only reason he got beat whitaker was just too good too fast too experienced and ultimately just too good you know so it's nice to see robert back in winning ways what did you think of the fight lewis i thought it was a great fight it was fun i i found myself rooting for canonier a little bit just because he's a friend of the show um but yeah i mean you know it was close it wasn't like it was a one-sided dominant performance it felt like a pretty close fight i didn't even know that he broke his arm in the fight um uh i i mean yeah it was pretty close ish it was close to the point where well it went to a decision and jared definitely landed some shots and kept whitaker honest but i think and i haven't seen the scorecards but i'd be surprised if it wasn't a clear 10-9 every round for whitaker it was definitely a shutout you know jared's got nothing to be embarrassed about of course you know what i mean he hasn't been training that long i don't think you know so he went out there against one of the best in the world got beat former champion zero shame and he gave a good account of himself he did look dangerous on occasion he landed a couple of good shots but that night was all whitaker yeah it's weird because it doesn't seem like whitaker is in talks for a rematch against erasanya um well it's not just that he he doesn't want to be because he was asked about it at the pause fight press conference what are you saying i yeah yeah no he's a you got to love the attitude of robert whisker he's such a [ __ ] g man he's so this is the thing about australians for the most part they're very very laid-back and he was like you know in his typical laughable fashion like you know he said our paths will cross again he said i'm not screaming out for that right now you know i said i'm not screaming out for that right now but our pass will cross again and whether we fight in the octagon or whether we fight on a pub car park somewhere he said i'm gonna fire that guy again one day but i'm not asking for it right now you know and i think that's smart even though dana said as well at the paul's fight that he thinks whitaker is probably next for edisania uh even though arasana has a lot of options obviously john jones going up to light heavyweight all that type of stuff and by the way to your point earlier i do think adasanya with one or two more wins will be in uh contention for greatest of all time for sure if he carries on fighting the way he is but robert was like you know he's very humble to say he's like not yet not yet maybe a little too soon he's darren till when he fought darren till that was if you will getting his mojo back i guess a very tough opponent in darren's hill then he goes out against jared cannon here and gets a good solid clear-cut victory the till fight was close cannon air fight clear-cut victory now he's you know he's got to swag back to the head of him though i mean automatically get the swag back but who else is ahead of him for a title fight yeah well i was going to say but now he's got to swag back you know because the first fight when you come back from getting knocked out it's hard there's a lot of mental demons you know what i mean so he got over that now he's beat jared he's got a swag back and you're right to your point i don't think there's anyone ahead of people you know what i mean you can't go oh give me number seven but or maybe they will to keep him busy i don't know you know and and and to be honest i don't know if the public and maybe they are i don't i mean i'd watch it i'd buy it you know what i mean but maybe it is a little too soon i don't know what do you think he's ranked number one right now middleweight um yeah it's a weird thing it's a weird position to be in to be ranked number one just come come off beating the number two guy and then go you know what i'm not really ready right now you are the former champion it's uh and this is with all due respect because he's incredible but at the same time you just don't want to hear it as a fan i don't want to hear that even if he believes it maybe behind closed doors i want to hear all i want to hear is that he can go and [ __ ] kill any man in front of them including israel anasanya um so it is just a bizarre thing it makes me it makes me go god damn how much better is israel because what is he going to do he's going to go back to the drawing board get better learn more that's fine but israel out of science also going back to the drawing board getting better learning more expanding as a martial artist so is there ever a time where robert whittaker catches up to israel out of sagna i i don't know i think israel is only going to become that much better with time now that he's got all the money the training partners he's got the championship belt it's a different level when you're at the very top yeah okay let me bring up the ufc rankings for the uh uh watch his face harrington can make a fool out of me again but where's middleweight lightweight middleweight flyweight hold on hold on where's middle there it is middleweight okay yeah whiskers number one below that jared cannon here just beat him paulo costa jacqueline manson romances fighting till joel romero well whittaker had two wars with romero beat him twice no need to fight him paulo costa that's an interesting fight that's an interesting fact he said here's the thing right paolo costa just got his ass kicked and didn't show up for the fight against alexandria whatsoever but that's because atasanya was so good right it's not it's that's not a um a disrespect to adasanya he was so good costa [ __ ] his pants right but costa coming back he's got a lot to prove and we know normally he's a marauder he's a brawler he goes forward and swings like a [ __ ] and he's a big hard [ __ ] so in his next fight you've got to guarantee that paolo costa is gonna bring it right so if you're robert whiskey what do you want do you want to go up against paolo costa who on form on his night is a dangerous [ __ ] or do you want to go up against arasana who you know if you beat him it's all it's for everything it's it's all the chips it's the [ __ ] world title i don't know you know what i mean if i'm him i say [ __ ] it give me the belt yeah for sure i'd say it could be the belt it's kind of weird because israel sonia it reminds me of the position that anderson silva was in when he came into the ufc and he i mean he just decimated rich franklin like just and then he just be he just beat up everybody in front of him it was like uh i think it was travis luter when the ultimate fighter he get in the beginning the title shot it was almost like there's nobody that's beating him and then i feel like israel alasana is in that position because israel alasagno with massive competition right now could be one of the biggest stars in the world but if he's just beating guys that he's already beaten i feel like people aren't going to get as excited to watch him so so israel's sort of in a weird position he's almost too good to capitalize on sort of where he's at in the ufc yeah yeah but he's kind of a victim of circumstance because i agree with what you're saying you know you don't want to see the same guy beating the same guys over and over again but you need sally contenders and the guy that he just beat has proven to be the cream of the crop and he's right back there and how long ago is that harrington just look it up while we talk i'm not sure when did they fight it wasn't that long ago what maybe a year something like that but still i don't know you know i mean we'll see what the ufc do they'll figure out something good but but i guarantee robert whisker doesn't fight um at asanya next it'll be paolo costa because that's just a great match up stylistically those two the i think they match up very well costa's going to come back and try and be uh you know a bit of a [ __ ] nut job or it could be kelvin gastelum kelvin gastelum was there as well you know whittaker and gaston were supposed to fight a couple of times so you never know there's that out there as well so uh but still robert whittaker when you're coming on the show [ __ ] okay we've spoke about it a few times we'll try and get him on for thursday but robert you're the man congrats buddy absolutely fantastic maybe israel the move for him while the middleweight division is sort of figuring itself out right now is to just take a fight at 205 right because that's what anderson did remember he went up he fought stefan bonner he fought force griffin he had a few fights at 205. yeah there's another one as well i forget he dropped him with one punch caught the kick i forget his name now but uh but yeah you're right i mean that super fight with jon jones is always there and every time you fight every time you fight you run the risk of losing and if he gets b that fight is off the table you know what i mean if i'm out of sight that's actually not a bad idea lewis you know honestly beating somebody with a big who who would be the guy big name at 205 it's not necessarily somebody who's going to be in title contention because you sort of they don't want to lose their opportunity by by losing to 185 pounders so it also has to be somebody that's like where's jon jones just john they're the two that have been going back and forth for [ __ ] ever getting very personal talking a lot of [ __ ] i mean that's the fight it's it's jon jones adasanya whilst you let the middleweight division figure themselves out let a clear-cut contender emerge and as we just said that probably is robert whittaker already but still you know as you said it's not that sexy to fight him again john jones there you go all right real quick mike we must thank crossroad for sponsoring today's show crossroad what an incredible sponsor of the show we're all trying to get in shape right now uh harrington should probably credit crossroad for all the weight that he's lost i think he's down like 30 pounds or so cross rope is a fun and innovative way that you can lose weight build muscle have fun while you're doing it bisping you are a former professional athlete skipping rope is something that every mixed martial artist and boxer does yeah absolutely and you don't have to be a boxer or a combat sports athlete it's just a great all-round workout it really is it works all of you it's also good for mind and body coordination whenever i'm jumping rope it's good because you know when you first start you suck but then you get a little feedback and you start doing better then you start doing some fancier moves then you go faster you do a little crossroad but you do i mean that's why it's called crossroad but there is also different weighted handles so as you progress and you get a little bit stronger you change the handles nice and fast you get a full body workout in just 30 minutes at home or anywhere i mean half of the gyms are closed in fact 75 percent of gyms are closed these days but all you need is a jump rope you don't need a luxurious garage setup like lewis you know he's got the plush he's got the mma gym he's got the sauna he's got the whole setup you know but you know us mere mortals we can all get a cross roll and we can all jump and we don't get a workout the coolest thing of all this is once you get cross rope you also get access to their app which has tons and tons of workouts uh a program to track all of your progress as well it has never been easier and more fun to get back in shape and we have a pretty incredible deal for you yeah absolutely also on the app i just want to say you can choose between different workouts there's the get lean there's the get strong etc etc it depends on your goals what do you want to achieve do you even have any goals if you don't have any goals i suggest you get some but as louis said all you got to do is go to dot crossroad.com slash believe b e l i e v e crossroad dot com slash believe you get forty dollars off and free shipping where were we moving on uh third fight of the night from the top uh walt harris taking on bolkov [ __ ] man i shouldn't say this is a ufc commentator but i wanted walt harris to get the job done i really did for multiple reasons number one is just one of the coolest [ __ ] guys you'll ever meet if you hang out with walt harris or you talk to him you just come into his presence for five seconds very very warm energy nice guy super respectful high energy a lot of fun good sense of humor and obviously a tremendous fighter when he fought aleister over him in his last fight you know he almost finished over him but his lack of experience really bit him in the ass and over him being very experienced turned it around but of course you know the elephant in the room let's not forget you know he's anaya blanchard his stepdaughter was was uh unfortunately murdered last year as well and he bounced back from that that that just terrible adversity so whenever someone goes through like that you're gonna have to be an [ __ ] not to root for them you know but all that aside the best man won on the night the better man one and that's what you want in mixed martial arts you know you you say he's great i'm a fan of him but made the best man win and yeah unfortunately for walt harris on saturday night and that was a tough matchup for him but i was going to say a saturday night balkov he was sharp he was fast he's tall he's got a long reach he's an expert striker and you know he was just a better guy and the finishing sequence the front kick to the stomach right and this is what i was trying to explain to jason on saturday there's two types of front cakes right there's a front push kick or as some people in thai call it a teep that's a push kick they don't hurt right you get you know a little smack on the stomach and it might knock you back five ten feet and it can look a little embarrassing to people that don't know but they don't hurt they don't we're [ __ ] professional fighters we're used to getting a little bit of impact on our body or you've got the front snap kick right the my gary uh which is a karate style shotokan karate they do it fantastically i've trained with some of those guys and and they [ __ ] they pull the toes back and the ball of the foot really slams into your solar plexus or wherever they choose to kick you the front the teep is the entirety of the foot which is which pushes you back the snap kick is just the ball of the [ __ ] just pierces you and it [ __ ] hurts like hell and that's what volkov got walt harris with and you saw it straight away the look on walt how is his face he was done the moment that connected yeah it's weird because you're right it was sort of like it's the type of shot where you you don't want to lose you just don't want to lose to like a front kick like that it just doesn't look great it it's but i mean the impact must have been incredible um getting hit in the body it's just a different thing i i mean i think getting explain the difference between being hitting the body and being hit in the head because i've been hitting the [ __ ] body you just every bit of your air gets sucked out of you and you're just like there's no there's no standing it's just you're done there's no option um well just from a writer's perspective talk about that a little bit yeah well well you know for the most part and i'm not trying to sound so for the most part when you get punched in the face it doesn't hurt that much you know what i mean there's a couple of scenario a few different scenarios when you get hit in the head right if you get caught with a really good one you get knocked out well then you know needless to say you're [ __ ] unconscious you know nothing about it they don't really hurt unless you've got a broken jaw or a broken nose afterwards but generally you're knocked out you can't just come back and you're good um then you get the way you get hit in the head and you're here i remember i i had a good few of those and you don't know where the [ __ ] you are when i fought akiyama uh ufc 110 oh [ __ ] [ __ ] 120 ufc 120 yoshihiro akiyama fight started and he just came out with a huge overhand right connected and all i heard he this high-pitched thing and i was like and you can't [ __ ] you don't know where you are you're like what is going on and then you know you get on your back foot you back pedal a bit and then slowly but surely your faculties come back to you you can get caught in the nose obviously when you get punched in the in the nose it hurts your eyes [ __ ] start watering it stings like a [ __ ] or sometimes you get caught on the side of the head or the chin or whatever and you don't really feel it and it's not too bad you know what i'm saying but a good body still some body shots don't register because you got to get the right spot you got to get the sweet spot you got to get the liver you got to get the solar plexus or you got to get them when they're breathing in right there's like i can tense my stomach and say someone here punch you in the stomach as hard as you can and as long as i breathe out on impact it doesn't really hurt that much but if you just happen to be breathing in as you get caught with a sharp oh you're [ __ ] you're on your knees and until that moment passes until the the blood or whatever the [ __ ] it is the scientific nature of that shot what it does to your internal organs until that you know corrects itself you're you're not fighting you're not getting back on your feet you're certainly not you know you're losing that fight shall we say worst body shot you've ever taken a fight do you remember no i don't really think i got bothered with body shots too much in a fight i'm lucky i'm lucky so hey i'm not saying i never had my escape because i did but yeah i don't think i mean certainly when you get kicked in the stomach as well same thing it hurts you know you kind of get in your back foot but you've gotta you gotta you're gonna have those mind games you've got to say you're going to pretend to your opponent you're not hurt because if you show that you react to the body shot you're like oh oh we're going right back there but of course you could go to the well too many times then you're going to get counted but yeah uh yeah there you go but still walt harris kicked in the stomach there and uh i felt for the guy but at the same day at the same time bolkhov was the better man on the night and he deserved to win that fight to congrats yeah i mean walt harris having you know you know much rougher year than i think probably almost any other fighter could um imagine um two in a row i don't think he's in a position where he's gonna lose his job obviously number one he's in the ufc heavyweight division which is you know a little bit thinner of a division um historically than others um number two he's got a a pretty big name and number three i think the ufc i i think they realize that he's down on his luck right now but what do you think he should do at this point yeah listen i mean unfortunately you know he's in the ufc and it's tragic what happened to him and it's every parent's worst nightmare you know and i i spoke about this because i commentated his uh uh fight against ovary you know and i spoke about it then i'm just having the mental fortitude to get out of bed and go and [ __ ] train because getting ready for a fight i mean you know now louise you know you're you're old-hearted this world but um you know to go through a high-level training camp is hard enough let alone going through something like that so i was like the fact he's here he's made it here and he's in shape and he's ready to [ __ ] fight he's just incredible in itself and then he went up against aleister overeem and one of the best heavyweights on the planet the most experienced and probably one of the most decorated heavyweights we've ever seen so there was no shame in that bulkhov again no shame there excuse me um and i know he's not in danger of getting cut at all and but two things to say on that number one that's because he doesn't deserve to be cut right he almost uh had uh ovarian beating you know that his inexperience you know kind of bit him in the ass and against volkov he was going against with a good striker he's lost two fights but walt harris is still a big big dangerous force so that so on merit alone he's not going to get caught and then also you know dana's got a [ __ ] heart you know he's not a piece of [ __ ] you know he's a good [ __ ] guy dana white has been he's a good friend to have in your corner trust me i i'm telling you from experience dana's not a [ __ ] [ __ ] but as much as people want to say that trust me i'll tell you right now he's not you'd be a dick with him you'd be the worst [ __ ] enemy the worst man you know you know what i mean but same here you know you dick with me buddy well we've been there lewis we've been there don't i know it i wish people could we should have a separate podcast of all of our arguments it'll be the most popular thing we did oh god yeah yeah yeah it's it's not pretty viewing though yeah dana you say that that's a natural dynamic of um power right the dynamic of a boss it's it's all you know everyone says that they most people hate their bosses if you talk to most people they got my [ __ ] boss to dick my manager's a dick my teacher's an [ __ ] that cop over there is a dick that that guy when you have it when you're in a position of power you will naturally be inclined i don't want to say abuse the power necessarily but you're going to be inclined to flex that power and when somebody's flexing their power on you at any given moment you're like yeah [ __ ] that guy even if they're the nicest guy in the world well well yeah you are right in a typical workplace scenario like we said at the beginning those guys at a factory i hated my boss at factories because you know what why does your boss come and talk to you if you're working in a factory well probably because you're not doing your [ __ ] job probably because you're going for 35 minute long [ __ ] okay and there's no amigos in those factories or maybe you're you're chatting to the guys um you know down at the loading day or maybe you're not coming back from your lunch break on time so anytime they come up to you and they say hey what the [ __ ] this been you know come on man you're like okay okay but then behind their back you talk [ __ ] i'll be honest with you even if they're not coming checking up on you you feel like they are like oh why is he [ __ ] over my shoulder right now like you get this feeling of like or even simply if there's a cop that comes up behind you even if their lights aren't on you go like ah [ __ ] that's the worst authority that's coming over you and you're like [ __ ] i gotta be subservient i gotta do my job i gotta look forward um but but in the ufc i don't feel i think the majority of people don't feel like that because number one they want to be in the ufc they want to be a part of it and dana treats everyone with respect unless you talk [ __ ] about him then he's going to talk [ __ ] back so so i i on on on the whole in fact in general you know people don't don't feel like that about dana they don't hate their boss they love they like their boss you know what i'm saying he is he's a great guy uh but of course any time there is that power scenario as you said in the general circumstance yeah you know people i think it's just human nature if somebody has power over you you know that it does create like a weird atmosphere but dana he's not like that at all and i'll tell you that from experience but yeah if you're at work and someone's breathing down your [ __ ] neck yeah you want to tell them to piss off will you always like no matter what even if you're just having a pleasant conversation if there's a person who's quote unquote above you in the power structure you feel like your backs against the wall in some way or another and depending on your personality type when my back's against the wall i lash out like i immediately [ __ ] go like nah i don't need my back to be against the wall um so yeah i i've never worked well within that power structure did you ever see that documentary it was they made a movie about i think there's a documentary as well but they talk about um the uh the stanford prison experiments yeah no i know what you're talking about yeah we've talked about this before though oh but it's stupid it's the same thing very very interesting i think you just sort of like you give somebody that whatever it is even the whole monitor in high school you put that badge on them and they go like what where are you going yeah yeah all right i guess for those that haven't heard it because half of the uh uh the podcast listeners maybe didn't listen to that one so they did an experiment where some members of the public were brought in if i get this wrong lewis correct i mean members of the public were brought in half of them were prisoners and half of them were essentially the prison workers and then the more and more time progressed the prison workers started just being absolute [ __ ] you know what i mean because they were in this position of power and then and then they had such little respect for the prisoners even though they weren't prisoners and they knew they weren't prisoners and i forget what they did but they were just being absolutely awesome within hours the power dynamic became apparent because they were just playing they were role-playing the students they were like you're going to be a prisoner you're going to be a guard and they said let's see what happens and within hours the guards are talking down to the prisoners within days they had to shut down the experiment because the guard started being physically abusive towards the prisoners it was wild really really interesting and i guess it was inconsistencies with the experiment but i always that that cited a lot with this power dynamic when people talk about how they they hate cops or they hate this guy or their boss or whatever i always think about that and i go it's sort of built into the the dynamic and the power structure like the cops are always cops i don't know why they always seem like they're being dicks i don't think that they're all bad people but for some reason they get in the uniform and you're not walking in that line they say hey keep your [ __ ] eyes forward and you you've sort of fallen along but but but i i don't think that's fair uh to mention cops when you say that because if i'm a cop and here's how i want my cops to be my cops like i own a [ __ ] town like i'm the mayor of [ __ ] anaheim hills no but if you're a cop you want to be respected you know what i mean and you need to know that you're not here to be [ __ ] around with it but if i say something when i say it one time you [ __ ] react and you listen and you do as you [ __ ] told now that said you don't have to be an [ __ ] you don't have to be disrespectful but certainly firm very very firm you have to be that's what realistically if i've got a cop in the neighborhood dealing with a criminal i don't want them to [ __ ] be pushy footing around the guy you know what i mean i agree yeah exactly it's almost a militarized like way of doing things right so if i'm up to no good and i feel like this guy's my buddy i'm going to be that much more likely to take that shot but if there's going to take advantage yeah he's like he's like hey what the [ __ ] sit down right now like it sucks and you don't want to be disrespected you're like what the [ __ ] your attitude buddy but at the same time you sort of put people in their place it's like shocking in a weird way um yeah for a cop though it's okay but if i'm at [ __ ] work if i'm back in the factory days and there's a little [ __ ] right there you know he's my supervisor and he's been there a little bit longer than me you know what i mean and he hasn't really got any [ __ ] power but he keeps flaunting that so-called power that imaginary power that he has in his mind when in reality he has zero [ __ ] power over me yeah i don't say that very well it like you know like you know if he's my true boss i'll do what i'm told but if some little [ __ ] jumpstarter who's just a little bit above me starts telling me what to do and things like that yeah that really does get on z tits you know yeah okay real quick before we get some questions going on uh let me just tell you if you love the show go subscribe on our itunes right now leave us a five star rating positive review we love the great reviews that enables people to find the show so make sure you keep doing that tell some friends about the show that always helps as well post us on your favorite reddit or the underground or message board or whatever else it is that you use to communicate about mixed martial arts and podcasts also go to our youtube channel you can subscribe right there hit the notification button get a notification every time we're about to drop a new show on youtube and if you guys want access to the entire on-demand library all the shows that we've ever done you can get them at gasdigitalnetwork.com use the promo code by get a 14-day free trial get every episode we've ever done both ad free and uncensored and also if you want to join the conversation please shoot us an email bympod gmail.com uh fan art fan questions video questions audio questions anything we love it all just a quick update on this ufc lightweight champion scenario there's some odds out there right now conor mcgregor is the favorite at the bookies to be the next champion at plus 100 poi a is at plus 200 tony ferguson plus 600 michael chandler plus 700 gauging 900 then it starts getting stupid with gsb coming in at plus 2 500 never going to happen he's [ __ ] retired and he's a welterweight but still let's get stupid let's get crazy um all right lewis you got to run you're going to get to barstool sports you big shot shall we uh we're doing another show thursday of course this weekend we've got anderson silver fighting uriah hall and it's a very good fight card in general i'll be commentating that one so we'll talk about anderson silva's career we'll break down his best moments his worst moments your shittiest moments whatever you want to do and we'll have a great show as well but before we let you go uh brian do we have any questions my friend i got a question here from uh our favorite roland from german good old roland hello doggy nation this is roland fixer from germany and michael would you rather go to prison for one year or go to the hospital for one year because you're sick and have pain and stuff like that oh he's so tender at the end i've got to say this so brian i swear to god when i was looking at roland vicks from the germany you know oh i was thinking to myself he kind of looks like zebraian he looks like you brian you have you look like each other bring roland back on and then put you back on i want to see you and you side by side crawling victor from the germany and thank you for the question so here's me right you guys yeah we can see you and now here's roland there's a little similarity lewis i i honestly i'm not 100 positive that roland is not brian i've never seen brian and roland in the same place same time you know just like batman uh what was his question would i rather have a year in prison or a year in hospital um well having spent time in both i have the ability to answer this question through experience but yeah i don't know put me in a prison i'd rather be in prison i think than in hospital i mean i don't know i think about it you're in hospital okay it depends on the illness but people are going to come to you they're going to bring you things you know they're going to bring you flowers sweets things like that you get pity people feel sorry for you you may be pumped full of drugs and that could be a good time right but on the flip side you could be possibly dying from cancer or getting treated for cancer having a very very nasty operation if you're going to be in hospital for one year it's got to be bad it's bad it's terminal it's life-saving whereas in prison you might die you might get shanked you know what i mean but you still got you haven't got freedom but you're not ill you're not sick you're not dying you can still read books you can still i don't know louis what would you do i mean it really just depends on what the sickness is if i'm really like like i have a little toothache right now right straight man god you're still going on please stop i went to the dentist and i got new insurance 11 months ago and you can't get anything major i have to get a crown i can't get anything major until the insurance is in for a year so now i have to either go out of pocket and pay three times as much or i can wait it out a month welcome to the usa baby if you want to get something done you gotta go bankrupt [ __ ] geez i'll go to england it'll be free it'll be i'll go over the border to the canada it'll be free for yourself i'm not going to england for dental work okay that's psychotic i think i've also been in handcuffs before i've been i've never been to prison but i've been in jail a jail cell overnight multiple times and that freedom that loss of freedom there's nothing less you know or nothing more dehumanizing than having to ask a man when you can wipe your own ass i think well having spent a year at her majesty's pleasure it's not not a year sorry a month part of me i never once asked anybody if i could wipe my own ass so i don't know what little you know what you which scene from us is skewing your opinion of prison but you don't have to ask permission to wipe your ass and you've got to bear in mind hospitals are miserable places i don't want to be in hospital surrounded by sick people dying people grieving people you know what i mean hospitals i i hate going to a hospital last time i was in a hospital other than my own operation was when i thought lucas was you know in a bad way and just being in there just just you can just sense the sadness you know people are in there they're coming here to die they're sick there was a children's hospital next door for children with cancer and things like that it's like oh my god it's just wonderful mostly opposite the reality is people are coming there to get better but i have the same way i look at the negative side of it i'm like the glass is half empty right i was like no people are dying in there when i go to the hospitals because i'm dying listen prison i'm gonna take over okay i'll be good right prison rules baby i'll fly i'll be fine i'm still jerking off i'm still getting fed i'm still hitting the gym i'm doing push-ups i'm reading books i'm gonna come out with a [ __ ] degree do you know what i mean i'm gonna come out educated bisping you give me a year in prison i come back oh very hoity toity you put me in hospital for a year yeah yeah now [ __ ] that put me in prison i would rather be in prison than in the most miserable place on earth brian where would you rather be prison or hospital you get like uh better food in prison i think right no come on the hospital get whatever you want fair enough yeah people can come visit you in the hospital whenever you want pretty much so i i'd rather be in the house he's got blow jobs in the hospital too free drugs unless you unless you really make nice with your cellmate that's a whole other it's a whole other podcast business yeah that is another podcast when i was in prison i shared it with this little little one you know not enough we i don't care i'm gonna go in i'm gonna give you the details okay i did [ __ ] him so what it's a very lonely place don't you put that on the highlight no i did it you know hey prison rules baby let's go he's like dude i'm only i've only been here a day let me get [ __ ] acclimatized i'm like no pull your pants down let's go uh no prison break is not a laughing matter uh no i was i was locked up with this weird little arsonist a little introvert dude i wonder if he ever sees me doing this [ __ ] he's like oh yeah i was in prison with that guy but still anyway louis you gotta run on that note we'll we'll wrap this one up i want to say a big shout out roland vick sir roland thank you very much every time you deliver with a hilarious question the delivery really is that the question is okay we had a chat but the delivery on the sexualness of the video delivers these lives rolling oh my god i wonder is he from germany or is he not but either way who gives you [ __ ] khabib well done lewis i'm gonna say well done everybody well done until thursday [ __ ] off all right we'll see you guys on thursday thanks for for watching the show check you then peace
Channel: Michael Bisping Podcast
Views: 50,874
Rating: 4.804738 out of 5
Keywords: bym, michael bisping, believe you me, gas digital network, luis j gomez, khabib, gathje, whitaker, cannoneer
Id: DQmlVSurtYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 31sec (5011 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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