Blood Pool - BYM #268

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[Music] shut the [ __ ] up [Applause] this is believe you me on the gas digital network all right guys monday it is back it is what am i saying right now but welcome to the show believe you me those louis pouring whiskey if this show goes off the rails very very fast i apologize i'm here i'm actually now awake but earlier we're starting a little bit late today and that's my fault i want to say late we're talking 10 minutes late but i went to bed last night i must have been asleep louis by 9 30 got up at 7 00 pm right that's a good night's sleep what's that that's like nine hours nine and a half hours got up had a solid workout in fact i think that was the problem i worked out too hard 20 minutes on the rower shoulders 300 abs then i did five rounds on the back and like a 25 minute stretch and then i started doing some work for the contender series and i was like oh i need a nap so i went to bed i had a 45 minute nap and we were supposed to start the show and honestly i felt like i'd been [ __ ] drugged i'm like i need some coffee so it's my fault we're a little bit late but even though i had a a lot of sleep do you ever have that sometimes too much sleep is worse than not enough yeah i know i have had that and um i get what you're saying sometimes you take a nap and you're like oh let me go take a little nap and then you wake up and you're just drowsy and dreary and you're you'll snap into it we got some energy i already i already feel there's a good there's a good vibe in the air right now um i also worked out today i we are less than two weeks away from mike harrington alice mania 20 war on the shore um he's fighting but have you seen the guy that he that harrington's fighting i have not i have not seen him i i don't want to see him but i kind of do want to see him if you can bring up a picture you do oh my god oh my god by the way i can't be there because uh i'll be in london unfortunately we're in london yeah go back to the uk got a little movie so where i got a little little movie part there uh but yeah yeah let's let's see a picture of harrington's opponent if we have brian if you can pull up john john matthews the producer from the rude jude show on siriusxm rude that is he's a he's by the way harrington let's get do a little teletape harrington how old are you harrington 31 i am 32 years old 30 years old and your opponent is 48 years old well that's okay because anderson silva was 46 at the weekend and he got knocked out cold and he was used to be the greatest fighter on the planet so i don't know what any of that means but i still think you're going to get your ass kicked harrington really actually i'll take that back because i'll say this louis i saw a little bit of this ziphidje oh my god look at this guy i don't know man he's lean he's mean he looks psychotic he's doing push-ups in the studio with his shirt off hold on good push-ups they're full range oh explosivity look at the explosion on those push-ups how would you take your shirts over these push-ups i want nine ten i'm gonna do the challenge eleven hold on twelve twelve thirteen fourteen 16. we'll call it 20 for the purpose of the show hamilton shirt off i wanna see if we can beat him in the push-up challenge 19. well we'll just say it's 20 because you know come on dude this form is getting crazy take your shirt off and do 20 push-ups for us let's see just try just try let's see what you can do come on hey your opponent did it are you saying that your opponent is better than you all right here he goes share it off baby boy you are losing weight hamilton hi guys in the background how are you she's like oh no i don't want to be on the camera all right shirts off hold on stand up let's have a look oh oh one fast fast two three four five what point do you think you'll start fading seven eight he's pretty good nine ten he's been working 11 12. he's fading though in 14 come on 15 16 17 18. come on everything 19 20. there you go 21 wow 22. we got it 23. he did it he did it he did it right he's gonna come on coach tell me how many you need hey hey i need you to dial it down a bit and [ __ ] lose that aggression that tone of voice ain't going to work on this show baby boy sorry hey good [ __ ] buddy good [ __ ] he did more than i thought he'd be able to do harrington has been extremely committed to this whole thing the problem is he just can't fight for [ __ ] it's [ __ ] so funny it's funny you say that though because i saw in one of your videos online you were doing a little sparring and i saw harrington clock you won i know we can't fight but i did see him connect with zichin uh no harrington's harrington's land you mean her to spar all the time that well that's why i think he's going to do well in this fight he's been sparring a lot with me and diego for the past couple months man i'm very very excited to see it i can't wait i feel like you're being sarcastic no no i'm not being sarcastic it's the highlight of the year for me in terms of mixed martial arts action it's not the potential of arasana taking on yamblahovic we'll get into that later it's not could be potentially coming back for the 30th fight even though he said he was retired we'll get into that later it's not poised versus mcgregor we're going to get into that when later but it no it's harrington versus dick splat yeah of course no i'm serious so they're going to be on platforms in the water and i believe shane carman's going to be there and if they come too close to shane carmen he can hit them which is a whole other element i gotta say just for that alone i do want to be there i'm willing to sacrifice doing this movie just so i can see that you know what i mean that's what's going on right now so oh my god it was halloween at the weekend luis i noticed from your instagram that you had quite the party quite the the shindig walk us i did for the kids we did a uh a little party you know a couple of kids from the neighborhood which one of the main reasons why i did it was because i wanted my friend my son to start making friends with kids in the neighborhood i just moved here a couple months ago you know and you know and do when you're in new york city your kid has a [ __ ] playdate like once every couple weeks and that's like his place it's very strange the city is not a great place to raise your kid so i wanted to sort of do that and it was really fun i hired harrington for the day he was my slave for twenty dollars an hour hold up isn't he already your slave no i mean you paid you but you know you paid him overtime for the saturday well harry here's what you gotta realize about harrington harrington will work for you for twenty dollars an hour and do anything he'll just like if you wanted to do yard work put together furniture babysit wash your car i mean literally there's anything he's like he's like taskrabbit he's my own personal taskrabbit so harrington is there anything you won't do for twenty dollars an hour you know what i mean what won't you do i mean where do you draw the line and say no that's too much and i have my dignity okay so like murder and sexual favors pretty much anything else what about okay harrington alfie is still [ __ ] all the time right and it's not fair on rebecca bisping i i've been saying this morning because the the poor woman she's literally out of bed every night four times a night she's going to go outside she's going to open the door while he stands in and then just [ __ ] diarrheas everywhere then she gets out the hose pipe and she flushes all the the diarrhea down the drain it's horrible but he's on these steroids that are making him eat like crazy he's putting like 25 pounds dog not killing the dogs we're making the dog better what i'm saying is though harrington i'll get your flight will you be our official dog [ __ ] flush you down the top down the drain guy for 25 an hour yeah i mean what listen to me and i mean this if harrington had to be if i'd be woken up in the night to clean up harrington's [ __ ] every night i would kill harrington i would say let's put our friend harrington down he's a producer and a friend it's a dog his poor dog yeah no it's a dog but it's part of the [ __ ] family so i have a heart and all you people that told me to put him down go [ __ ] yourselves as well listen you don't leave a man behind the guy's got a problem with his anus okay and i i know what that's like we've all needed a [ __ ] here and there not been able to pass it sucks okay he said the balloon in the ass it's working he's on the steroids he's recovering but he's pissing and [ __ ] like a [ __ ] nightmare and poor old rebecca is the one that has to deal with it literally every day i get out of bed i'm out all right so how was your night she's like last night four times sometimes it's three sometimes two it's been as high as five where she has to get out of bed and like as i say she has to handle all this dog [ __ ] in the night and she's a saint because i just sleep through i know nothing about it but yeah i'm the one that's complaining that i don't get enough sleep devil's advocate devil's avocado well maybe you just split the responsibilities with rebecca i'm a hardworking man i got to sit here and do podcasts i gotta sit here and talk you know what i mean listen i have a job i'll i'll i'll be going to vegas tomorrow to do the contender series she's not someone's gonna stay here and clean up the dog [ __ ] that's a great point yeah no no it is though i do earn the bacon so to speak around here and i've gotta i'm gonna be all in i gotta be sharp i can't be getting up i can't be lowering myself to dealing with dog [ __ ] no i've got big big fish to fry i've gotta talk to harrington and you twice a week that's hard which is kind of like picking up dog [ __ ] through the night and you're in its own way i'm gonna sift through the dog [ __ ] to get to the good parts you know what i mean you're both doing the same thing technically yeah yeah we're dealing with a lot of dog [ __ ] on a weekly basis okay there you go and the one that that's to really deal with the dog [ __ ] is brian when we hang up we just go about our business you're drinking brian brian has to pick up the pieces we do the ad reads 20 times we get it wrong i don't know how long it takes brian to edit them together so it's good you know to mean but brian you want rebecca bisping you are both saints in my book so that's good so um well what did you do on halloween but the halloween party was great my son [ __ ] loved it it was a true i'll tell you a couple little key moments that suck out that that were unique uh so i have a trampoline in the backyard for the for the boy obviously so what i did was a big candy grab where we threw a bunch of candy on the trampoline a bunch of little like play balls plastic balls and then the kids would come on for 30 seconds each and i would ju i had a fake chainsaw and a jason mask and i jumped up and down on the trampoline and you know made the candy jump everywhere and they had to grab as much as they could in 30 seconds it sounds like a lot of fun although the kids are very young james you have said on occasion it's kind of like lucas you know uh you know a real kid but doesn't like you know to be scared i mean scary stories in the dark you said was too much for him i'm just gonna say bouncing on the trampoline are you jumping out of the darkness with a jason mask and a chainsaw possibly scarred for life he loved it he loved it and then what we have so harrington was a helper at the party the whole day he was by the way harrington was [ __ ] great if you want herrington help up with your children's birthday parties i will highly recommend him because he was excellent so we did this one bit where we made like a dummy like a werewolf like a fake werewolf that was just sitting next to the garage the whole day you know and all the kids would come and play with it or whatever but it was there for hours right so then while the kids weren't looking i had harrington switch places with this werewolf put the mask on the shirt on and then i i lined up all the kids next to harrington to take a picture next to the the werewolf and then right when we said one two three yeah he jumped up it's [ __ ] great scared the [ __ ] out of them yeah again scarred for life but would have given you the best laugh ever do you know what i mean that sounds great so did you have trick-or-treaters coming to and fro a little bit of trick-or-treaters we ended up going trick-or-treating i'll tell you jersey right now it's so funny because you just see it you're like all right dude anybody trick or treating is one for trump these [ __ ] people yeah and that is tomorrow we're staying away from the election we won't we we're the only [ __ ] show on the planet that says [ __ ] the election we will not talk about it if you're voting you're a [ __ ] loser you're not a loser stance the message is go [ __ ] yourself because i'm english and i can't even vote anyway so we're not getting into it because i i have no say um here trick-or-treating was optional okay so that meant uh that our kids went out trick-or-treating but a lot of the houses in this neighborhood you know it's a decent neighborhood they got little balconies at the front and then i've seen them on social media but that's what they were all doing they had like a shoot and yeah they sit there on the balconies like lords and go oh hello yes and then shove a piece of candy down what they could have done is what we did we just got like a big cauldron and then just put all the bits in there and just [ __ ] help yourself there you go take it not me i said come here kid i give him a kiss on the floor no i'm gonna tell you mwah mwah i was like thank you mmm beautiful coffee all over them yeah yeah i licked each piece of candy put it in your ass yes it felt cocky yeah you're stronger you're very strong there's a lot of that there was a few people that were really creative with the way they did it where they created a tube and they decorated it a lot of people did the candy in front of the house but a lot of people also just opened the door and you know you know oh i don't know man it's just uh i'm glad i was working i'm glad i was out of it i don't have to deal with any of that [ __ ] because i you know it's well established i'm a miserable bastard when it comes to halloween i like seeing my son that's it and what was lucas [Music] uh he was gonna go as a zombie as the uh vaccine test subject but then i took him down to this place last week called party party [ __ ] me the amount of costumes that they have it's pretty exceptional i'm going to be honest some of the costumes when i saw enough oh i might buy one of these anyway he ended up going as a scary jester so like a chester cool thing but then but then a mask no it was cool it's a good outfit very very good next year if everything's back in normal you you guys should come because i'm gonna do this halloween party every year and it's gonna get bigger and better every year it was really fun we had like a haunted house downstairs it was it was really cool so you guys should come next year bring lucas it'll be fun we'll do a couple podcasts uh well maybe i'm going to throw a party at my house maybe i'm going to do it even bigger and better i'm going to pause i'm going to put red dye in the pool it's going to be a pool of blood okay i'm going to hire a bunch of harringtons that are going to be dressed up as clowns and [ __ ] in fact it's talking to that because i'm joking by the way and i would love to come thank you for the invite uh actually i'm thinking about your party at the half mansion i was like that's actually a better party can we just invite my party if we could do that next year [ __ ] it you're all coming out here i'm gonna get a bunch of extras yeah we've got poor how the blood that be bloodborne oh blood pool let's do it in fact we will do that if you get chance okay we all know 2020 is a little nuts but that doesn't mean you should disregard your nuts no matter what size mine are huge or shape lewis is a little deformed whatever they are in fact manscaped is on a mission to take care of your manhood with their below the waist grooming and hygiene products and great news they have just released their products in the uk canada and australia lewis exactly now it is coming over there to the uk well most of our fan base probably is in the uk at this point you guys haven't been able to get manscaped before manscape is the greatest product for you know personal man's grooming let we don't have to read all this [ __ ] okay it is very there's a lot of features there there's a lot of features we're not going to read them all but just tell them why you like it lewis i'm gonna it's very simple it it's a ball trimmer okay instead of using a razor blade or a hair trimmer which i used to use in the past which wouldn't i'd nick myself almost every time that was awful this is designed i have no idea they've made it so it's nearly impossible to nick yourself it's very quick i've tried it i've tried let's put this [ __ ] to the test and i'm pretty i'm pretty haphazard in everything i do i'm like this thing says the whole uh mission statement is that you can't cut your balls so i'm just going to go in 100 miles an hour [ __ ] did not have a scratch as a whistle i put the number one uh the guard on it so it's not perfectly down to the skin but it's very neat very neat very cool second 30 seconds later it's perfect i mean all the other features are great yes there's a little light on it great if you're doing it in the dark like a weirdo fine you can do it in the shower which is pretty turn your lights on okay if you're from the 1800s fair enough but but listen it is fantastic it is great and we're on model [ __ ] god knows how many now and every time it comes out it gets better and better that's how these things work but let's just go through a few of them as lewis said there is a little light but turn your lights on there is the crop revive a ball toner a spray on toner that will give your balls a little slice of heaven with their aloe vera and hazel extracts i didn't i never did anything to my balls until they gave me this little pet they give you this packet of [ __ ] too here's what they do they give you a pack of stuff to spray on your balls you'll use it and it's great your girl's going to like it i've never wanted this stuff until they gave it to me are you talking about the crop mop ball wipes because you never know when an opportunity strikes you should always be prepared louise you are young free and single certainly ready to mingle get the crop mop get the ball wipes get the man scared you should you shouldn't leave your home without it i mean i don't know how fast your pubes grow for me you know i don't need to do it that often and i'll tell you the battery life is incredible they get we got this they were started being a sponsor maybe six months ago i've never recharged the battery yeah me neither maybe once a week maybe and guess what i guess what this is isn't in the ad read i used it the other day to trim up my neck i did i did i have three mainstays listen i used this one the battery on my face one had gone and i [ __ ] that manscaped all day baby doggy i have three of them i use one of them to trim my head when i want to when i because i use a razor blade to get to get into the skin but if i let it grow in a little too long i use one of my manscapes for my head as well yes and for you you know more sensitive types out there i want you to hear this these formulations are all vegan cruelty free diet free sulfate free paraben free so you know that your manhood is in good hands listen the reality is we are going to trim our balls now and again and this is the best way to do it it is christmas is coming out i gave one this is a bit weird i gave one to my brother-in-law last christmas but my wife gave it to him so essentially my wife gave her brother a device to trim his balls a little bit strange but it was a last-minute gift i'm like oh i've got a manscaped one left over so there you go weird gift there's not a regift that's fine it's okay is it brand new of course brand new in the box baby in the box come on this is a really [ __ ] great gift for the man in your life bro brother one of your good friends if you're looking for something to to get somebody this holiday season this is a really incredible you have 20 off with the promo code bisping at m-a-n-s-c-a-p-e-d manscaped past use that promo code bisping for 20 off and i just want to say it's this ping because some people you know biz bing it's b i s p p p p p b i ing 20 off all right where were we no i saw uh you know some ups suddenly morning i wake up so after the fights i drove straight home the fights finished at 7 00 pm in vegas i was like [ __ ] grab grabbed my stuff jumped in the car straight away left my laptop at the apex but i'm back for the contender this week so hopefully it's still there it will be it will be i know it will but anytime you leave someone like a laptop you can't help but be a little but there's no thieves in the ufc office but you know what is there is there a password on the laptop yes because i haven't deleted my history yet that was the first thing i thought of alone in a hotel room certain things on there that need to be deleted before it's ready for public consumption i know you will i've learned just incognito nobody's gonna know what i just like now my you know your every time you're alone with yourself incognito but i haven't figured out incognito p vanish ipvanish will take care of that that is very true they're not even on today's show but that's just the goddamn truth it is the goddamn truth but uh no no so i i drove home got home by like 10 30 drove like the wind uh and then i wake up sunday morning and i'm scrolling through instagram you know like everybody does on a sunday morning having my coffee and then you see all the people that went through halloween parties like yourself and yours look like a lot of fun but then there's some that they're just they're just uh posturing you know what i mean they're just showing off on social media and i gotta say the one that really took the cake was kim kardashian i don't know if you saw that because i don't follow kim kardashian by the way but i do follow world star and world star had kim kardashian's on there and you can bring this up if you want uh brian harrington if you go to kim kardashian's instagram you'll see it she i don't know how much money she spent and she is insanely wealthy obviously married to kanye west so as we know money is not an issue but i reckon they spent a hundred thousand dollars something somewhere in that region on turning their [ __ ] calabasas mansion into a spider web right the entire thing is just covered in spider webs and then you walk in as you walk in here the whole thing is just covered in webs right and listen all right it's fun but the next morning when you get up do you know what i mean your house is full of [ __ ] cobwebs and stuff and maybe i'm getting old and miserable but this is just a little bit much if you ask me lewis it's a lot bit much but that when money is truly no object right look how much fun the kids are having there's a [ __ ] trampoline inside you had a trampoline and you cost twenty dollars from harrington to watch the kids that travelling cost of a hundred thousand dollars doggy when money is nothing to them for them they go to brunch and they go make it disappear and then they come home and it's gone i would do [ __ ] like that like if i just had millions upon millions and millions like you're just it's just fantasy like by the way side note did you watch kanye and rogan at all i did not know but but i saw some little clips i mean there's a big uh uh segway u-turn whatever you want to call it diversion whatever off the i like it though [ __ ] the kim kardashian halloween talk let's slag off kanye west i'm all about it this guy's out of his mind i saw one little clip on like on twitter that someone put on and him and joe rogan are having a conversation and then kanye's talking but he's like taking a lot of time between each word and then as he's talking the gaps start getting longer and there's one in particular long gap and joel's like and kanye's like and then kenya goes i just said a prayer i just did a prayer in between he's out of his [ __ ] mind did you see that bit he's out of his mind he's out of his mind that i just said a prayer and joe was like okay yeah i i didn't see it i just sort of got 80d and i wonder if you had seen it because people were talking about it have you seen it i haven't i haven't but i wasn't he trashing kim kardashian online like in like wasn't it i don't know but this is this is if we're going to have a conversation about this at least one of us has i thought you saw it i thought yeah i might know i didn't see it lewis must have seen it because he's bringing it up no so let's have a conversation about it even though neither of us saw it that's how good we are bisping that's how good we are we can talk about something that neither one of us know anything about which is ninety percent of the show how would you give us a subject go get any subject go anything great go ahead go non-mma no javante davis getting knockout you [ __ ] idiot you [ __ ] idiot yeah you [ __ ] okay so no that was all the notes no no no no no no that was on the [ __ ] notes we're supposed to talk about that is a random subject okay it was beautiful he slipped a shot he came in with a lead up because it connected it was in the sixth round the guy goes down or absolutely unconscious and very reminiscent of the way that dilly and white got knocked out just a few months ago um i want this to be a moment to point out why i hate harrington because you just it seemed to be all you know any subject in the world stop brian save brian give us a random subject banana bread how do you make a banana bread i don't know how to make it but my wife makes it i don't like bananas i do like bananas but i don't like banana flavor i hate the way that you say banana it's not banana it's banana oh are you gonna stick a banana in the tailpipe i don't know but brian what's the movement oh you you're not going to stick the banana in the tailpipe what movie is that beverly hills cop thank you very much you know when he sticks the banana in the tail pipe or exhaust pipe as we call in the uk but that was some good [ __ ] riffing right there you guys see that that was professional podcast riffing this was amazing one more time let's go harrington another subject go save yourself direct luis go go what's your favorite bird my favorite bird this one yeah oh in your [ __ ] face very immature lewis but myself i've always had an affinity with the birds of prey the eagles the falcons you know the peregrine falcon is a particular favorite of mine although the vultures they're cool as well birds i could go on all day all day least favorite bird boom the pigeon obviously obviously they're everywhere they're like right they're disgusting they really are with wings they [ __ ] everywhere they do my [ __ ] headed trafalgar square in london a beautiful monument to the greatness of the uk covered in bird [ __ ] you know what i'm saying [ __ ] pigeons [ __ ] pigeons there we go yeah [ __ ] those pigeons anyway all right so enough randomness uh but yeah you right literally anything and and we could talk about it with like real gusto passion like we know what we're talking about authority is the word i was looking for all authority gusto passion all those stuff all right let's talk about something that we do know what we're talking about or at least one out the four of us knows and that one would be harrington fights of the weekend of course we had the ufc uh i mean anderson silva fought uriah hall it was it was kind of a bittersweet moment you know it was sad it was sad to see uh we'll get into the nuts and bolts of it all in a second but lewis what did you think because obviously your anderson silva is almost 46 years old and if you look at the career of anderson silva there's a lot of losses on there now he just got knocked out of uriah hall before that it was a stoppage to cannon here before that it was i don't know but the piling up anytime you see that from who was once the greatest of all time it's time to stop and this was billed as the last ever fight for anderson but then in typical anderson fashion he's like he doesn't know he left the door open but what did you think when you saw that lewis um i mean what i initially thought was watching the fight i think maybe it was because it was after the bryce mitchell fight which was so i mean the pace of that fight was so crazy then you saw anderson and uriah it was a lot of feeling out and i know like they had a lot of respect for each other but it was um yeah it wasn't like the most exciting fight especially for like a stand-up you know fight um for the first few rounds um i thought anderson was doing a good job in the fight i thought he was winning the fight um and then yeah uriah seemed to get some confidence in the third round when he caught that knock down and um you could see that he smelled blood it was sort of sad in a weird way you when you hear that it's anderson selva's last fight in the ufc you and this is with all due respect to uriah hall you just think that anderson is going to win that fight i think most of us picked him to win that fight you didn't pick because you were working the car that weekend um you thought that anderson was going to go out on an exciting sort of knockout they have a similar style anderson's you know probably more technically proficient and we showed that in the first couple rounds um but yeah kind of a sad way to see anderson silva leave the ufc yeah it really was certainly after he inspired everybody for so long and he did he inspired so many people um yeah listen first of all you're right hall is a very very tough opponent you know he's uh you know he's he's good he's very very [ __ ] good that's why he's been in the ufc for so long and he's put on some fantastic performances and some tremendous knockouts but even still i thought that this is a fire that anderson silva should have won you know what i mean because if you look at the two styles they're not carbon copies of one another but there's certainly a lot of similarities you know what i mean your eye hole is a flashy striker and this is a silver was the flashiest of strikers okay you know so you can draw a lot of parallels what you can't draw parallels to is the careers right the career of anderson silva does not run a parallel to the career of uriah hall and again that's not an insult to you by a hall that's just how great anderson silva was so because of that i thought you know even though uriah is younger and all the rest of it i still thought and even though your right hall was a big favor i think it was like a two to one favorite coming into this i think you thought yeah yeah which was surprising to me i had no idea we didn't even mention that but it seems that they they got it right they knew what they were doing they knew what they were talking about but i was shocked when i first heard that because i thought anderson would pull it out the bag i thought for his last fight and actually i think that was you didn't pick because you were working the card but and honestly we never even really spoke about what your pick was we didn't speak off i would have picked anderson silver if i'm honest you know no disrespect to you ryan nothing personal or anything like that but for those reasons and because it's his last fight right and after such an illustrious career you want to go out on a high so there's a lot on the line for anderson's it's it's it's legacy it's pride it's leaving on a high all all these things right that i could bore you with uh so i thought for all those reasons he would win and i think because he did want to do that um that's why i lost because in the first couple of rounds you're right it was it was tentative it was slow it was a very very drawn out feeling out process which is often the way against high level strikers you can't rush in and anderson throughout his career has always been a counter-striker pretty much you know of course he goes on the attack here and there but he does he likes to see what you give him and he likes to counter he likes to play games he likes to go up against defense he likes to make you miss and then make you pay um and in round three he started getting a little a little i think he felt the pressure to provide something spectacular right and he got caught with that shot and it was a beautiful little short right hand from uriah that put him down and then in round four i think because of that he got even more desperate uh to to show the world how great he was and to end on a high because he ran at uriah hall with his chin up in the air with his arms kind of flailing around which is not how anderson typically fights but but he he was over aggressive the technique wasn't particularly good i talked about it on the commentary i wasn't trying to be insulting of course this is anderson who and i don't know if you saw my post you know i i have tremendous respect for even though i talked a lot of [ __ ] when before how can you not respect anderson but he ran in like this and your right hall boom perfect right hand straight down the pipe put him down and then finished him and you you made the parallel during the um commentary as well about being sort of on the other side of it where in the fight with you versus anderson silva after the third round you were put on your butt and you were you know and anderson was feeling that pressure after the third round because he was put on his ass in the third round um so it was sort of interesting for me you brought that up during the commentary that was very interesting oh well thank you for saying that but i'd love to take credit but that's the head producer he was in my ear he told me to say that because i wasn't oh my god so it was a good point because the producer the boss says hey bob say that and i'm like really i don't want to inject myself but you're like the most fascinating part of the commentary mike and i'm like [ __ ] the guy knows what he's talking about believe it or not i thought it was a great point when you said it i was like oh dude that's really interesting it's really good i thought it was a terrible point but i without [ __ ] he's the boss i'll say well i think when you did it's very funny because you sort of showed your ass there right because you were like you were like you're like well i don't really bring me to bring myself up that's you being almost like it's very funny to watch you be tentative there and you don't want to like put yourself into it because it seems like you're being like but that's interesting because you said that in the commentary as well where you said you didn't not to put myself into it well you've got to be careful of that right you can't be bringing up yourself all the time but of course when i commentate i i'm drawing on my experiences of course so sometimes i have to do that but i have noticed like one or two people on twitter oh basically inserts himself into it i said well yeah i did have more fights than any other [ __ ] on the planet in the [ __ ] ufc so i do know a little bit about it and i'm gonna bring up some of those situations as examples to explain to you what's going on especially when you're talking about somebody that you fought i mean what the guy that's competing right now sorry luke go ahead no but it's very true i mean why would anybody get annoyed about that that's one of the cool things about having fighters be commentators right so you could have the annex and the joe rogans and everybody else but there's a few guys yourself dania cormier uh you know flooring and uh yeah you guys have were have been there before sometimes you have been in the cage with both of those guys and you can say oh i know from a very unique perspective what it is like and you should share that experience because the the viewer they're never going to be able to hear that from anybody else in the world that is a once in a million chance yeah that that's why i think i think was two years ago basically when i started commentating that's how i got a job so thank god uh they're they're obviously you need the play-by-play guys you're john annex your brendan fitzgerald's but then you need the color commentary guys and they want all of those guys other than joe rogan of course because he's part of the furniture of the ufc uh to be fighters to be former fighters or actual still present fighters in the case of recently dc and paul felder because yeah number one the audience knows these people they've watched them fight for a long time so they can trust what they're saying to them they can trust that what they're saying is coming from you know from experience of actually being in the octagon you know what i'm saying somewhere but yeah but anyway um it was sad it was sad and then uriah he knocked him out and then you saw anderson silva he was trying to do like an ankle pick on her dean i was like oh don't do that don't do the ankle pick don't ankle pick the referee it's the ultimate integrity loser do you know what i mean anytime somebody tries to take down the referee he's like no i wonder if there's a highlight reel or a compilation of fighters trying to grapple the referees after they've been knocked out every time they've done it yeah because you see it on occasion don't you sometimes they're so out of it or do you know what sometimes whenever sometimes the referee turns them over and you're like oh jesus it tosses them throws them that slams an armbar on [ __ ] herb dean's i should buy [ __ ] yeah let's go slaps an anaconda and anderson real fast so yeah listen at the end of the day it was sad to see because anderson is a legend and not only that when you talk to him he's he really is a class act he's a really really nice guy so anytime and certainly from a selfish standpoint as well any time you beat an opponent you want them to win all the time every time anderson loses now it takes away from my victory so from a purely selfish stance anderson please don't fight again every time he loses it makes me look worse but uh dana white had some uh had some words at the pulse fight press conference about whether or not he would let anderson fight again brian roll the tape please my friend um i've done nothing but be good to anderson silva and tonight i don't feel good about myself that i let anderson silva fight this last fight um you know we've treated anderson silva with nothing but respect and if you guys knew what anderson silva gets paid to fight you'd [ __ ] your [ __ ] pants um so i think that uh we've treated him like family i shouldn't have let him fight this fight tonight but yet you know his chin seems to be gone because he seemed like he fought a pretty good fight and yet when he got touched on the chin is when he fought a guy that has absolutely zero output they're in a five-round main event on espn they threw 11 punches in the [ __ ] second round you break into the you know you you fight any of these other savages you know what i mean um he'll be in big trouble and he'll take a [ __ ] load of punishment uriah hall throw through 11 punches in the second round uriah hall is one of the most gun shy fighters in the ufc um and look at anderson when the fight was over he couldn't even stand up to do his interview he had to sit down to do his interview and and i made a big mistake i shouldn't let him fight this fight tonight but out of respect to him and and you know he's a legend of this sport and he's a legend of this company i did something that i that i disagreed with and and i knew i was right and tonight proved i was right and anderson silva should never fight again when i talked to him on video well that'll do brian and and i agree anderson silva should absolutely never fight again and that probably to some people certainly to these [ __ ] ufc haters probably sounds like harsh words but i agree with everything he said there that might sound a little harsh on your right hall but uriah is sometimes a little gunshot he looked great saturday night he got the job done i'm not taking away from his victory but but it it if he fought anybody else in the top 10 or top five it wouldn't end well he [ __ ] went down he got beaten he went unconscious saturday night imagine him against paolo costa or arasana again or whatever it wouldn't be good now is the time to go but but what did you think of that lewis yeah it was i mean very if you're you're right hall listening to that that [ __ ] cuts deep because you just gonna you know debatably the biggest win of your career and you finished him it's not like you just it's not like you want a decision um you know he got the finish you don't want to hear that you know you're trying to set yourself up to be the next guy so that [ __ ] sucks for your eye yeah um but probably you know a lot of truth there you know dana white does not hold back and you know what uriah hall should take from that is [ __ ] let it go because when he does let it go he can get the job done your eye holds an incredible fighter um but yeah i think there was a lot of truth coming from dana white and that's why people like dana white is because that's his [ __ ] show it's his product and the there was a finish he could easily go look you know uriah hall is the next big [ __ ] thing blah blah blah blah blah and he just tells it like it is and he's and he says it like he sees it and you got to give him respect for that because he's saying i [ __ ] up by letting anderson silva fight this last fight um it had shades of chuck liddell i don't know if you remember yeah sort of yeah no idea i do it sort of reminded me of that as well yeah listen and and i saw some people on twitter saying well it's not dana's right well it is he's [ __ ] right it's his company he owns the company or or whatever you know there was a sale whatever but he's the president he's in charge he's at the [ __ ] helm it's his company right and he knows anderson we all know anderson of great uh uh how good he used to be and now he's getting finished against a guy like him right and anderson said to him it sounded like he went they had a chat and he [ __ ] begged into fire and he was like okay against all my uh my my best oh what's the expression i'm looking for against everything i thought i went against what i thought i should do and i allowed him to fight and then when he sees him getting knocked out he's like [ __ ] i made a mistake and he says he'll never fight in this company again and and as you said you have got to respect dana for saying that and i just want to say this by the way because every time i say something good about dana people give me [ __ ] oh company man he's a ufc chill well [ __ ] you because yeah i i remember people that look after me and dana's always done me right he's always been a good friend and and we haven't always seen either way he's called me up and [ __ ] had a problem with something i've said or whatever over the years but generally he's a good dude he's a stan well not all the time he's a stand-up guy you know exactly where you stand and as you see there the things he's saying there aren't coming from a bad place they're coming from a place because he's thinking what's best for anderson he went on to say in that press conference if you saw what anderson silva got paid you would [ __ ] your pants now i don't know what the number is but i can believe that i i would assume it's millions of dollars per fi every time he fights so anderson doesn't need the money you know what i meant saying and i think he's still chasing that great finish possibly because when i asked him face-to-face i said so is that it we did the post-fight interview and he said okay you know because this is my last timey or whatever so i said oh it's funny you mentioned that anderson so is that it is this the last time we see you in a mixed martial arts fight and then he didn't give an answer he says oh i don't know it's hard to say so he still left the door open but it sounds like we won't see him in the ufc ever again yeah probably not in the ufc ever again and i mean look dude if he wants to make money and he's not taking a ton of damage it's not like he took a ton of damage in that fight you know he got knocked out but it was like you know it was whatever you know was a minimal strikes um you know good for him do your thing he'll make millions of dollars anywhere where he wants to fight you know um but he's not able to beat the top elite guys in the ufc it should always be you know the elite premier mixed martial arts league it should be the absolute best guys in the world um competing yeah that's a good point you just made me think of something there because you see some people they've uh people like veto belfor or whatever calling for a legends league a legends league in the ufc where people like and anderson now or i don't know [ __ ] randy couture or veto belfor can all come no that's not what the ufc is the ufc isn't about let's bring back washed up old injured legends with one [ __ ] eye it's about seeing the best fighters in the world and when you can no longer claim a title as one of the best fighters in the world then unfortunately you're not a part of the ufc anymore and that's just the way the cookie [ __ ] crumbles anyway enough anderson because we don't want to sound exactly like the last show we just did there was plenty of other action of course uriah hall was the victor you know and he was talking about israel arasana izzy was in the building i feel like that's a little bit premature right now there was a fight earlier on in the night i'm not sure if you saw it uh where uh kevin holland kevin holland fought a new guy called charlie antavaros jolly antivirus like a taekwondo guy kevin holland had fought four times this year that was his fourth fight and he got his fourth win and that fight ended pretty quick kevin slammed him down and then it was an unusual finish right you couldn't see from the angle what happened but apparently it was a verbal submission and uh observers didn't move didn't get up for quite some time the stretchers had to come in and uh and again it sounds like i'm kissing dana's ass but i'm not but dana was out of his seat on his feet right up by the side of the cage the whole time very very [ __ ] concerned because you've got to think this guy this charlie antavaros i don't know much about him i researched him for the fight so i know a little bit but on a personal level he took this fight on 48 hours notice flies into las vegas fights a guy a very very good fighter like kevin holland gets picked up and slammed right and it was it was a nerve condition in his neck he couldn't move for a while but then he went to the hospital and he got the all clear it was fine whatever happened the pinched nerve whatever it subsided and he was fine and i was commenting and dana comes over and let's tap someone says might just want to let you know he's absolutely fine he's made a full recovery right and not for the sake of the broadcast because that it was on his mind you know you gotta think every time someone steps in there and fights dana pays them to do that so he does have a [ __ ] conscience there's this narrative out there that he's this big bad greedy [ __ ] boss he's giving hundreds of people an opportunity it sounds like i'm sucking his dick but i'm just telling the reality of what happened on saturday night yeah yeah that is really scary um and there was a moment as as we're spending the this this episode is called believe me podcast sucks dana white's [ __ ] um it was the moment in the book where you talked about it where you weren't cleared to come to the u.s yet you were yeah um i really am [ __ ] listening to the believing audiobook so i i know so much about michael bisping right now but it was it was it was an interesting moment right because you had just won the ultimate fighter and you had dealt with legal issues and you were you know a lawyer was trying to get you cleared to come to the us you weren't given a work visa they were like yeah sorry you're not gonna work visa you know you freak out they were like all right you know you're gonna appeal this and you're waiting to find out and then dana white calls you up and he's like hey dude you know hope things are going well we don't have a fight for you yet [ __ ] happens and then he gifted you some cash for your family so you could buy them some christmas gifts which were just like a great little defining moment and i could see how i could see why you are defensive of the relationship after hearing a story like that where like you don't really know him you're not friend with him at this point like you're just one of the ultimate fighter like you're just you are on look he's protecting his business interests you know what i'm saying on one level he's a smart businessman but also has a human element to him where he goes like dude you get a family you know that's a big part of the show the production you show all this other side to it and he said hey i know you're having trouble here we don't have a fight book for you right now and he gave you some cash um you know he cut you a check so you can buy your family some christmas gifts i think send me a check for 10 grand yeah you know what i mean send me a check for 10 grand you know he called me up and said so how are you doing for money you know we had a chat about the fact i couldn't get out there yet because i was a little [ __ ] when i was a kid and he said yeah don't worry we deal with it all the time with with fighters obviously some of them have a background he said we'll figure it out how you doing for money and being a proud guy i'm like yeah you know i'm fine and he said now [ __ ] you haven't fought in a long time you must be hurting for cash i'm gonna send you a check i went oh you don't have to do that he said yeah whatever anyway be well and we said goodbye and sure enough ten days later or whatever from the us [ __ ] check shows up ten thousand dollars tax was paid so thirty percent taken at source so yeah seven thousand dollars and i gotta say i [ __ ] needed that needed that so bad and yeah i don't forget things like that and he didn't need to do that i mean and again we'll move off for kissing his ass in a minute because i know some people will say that but look at that thing he did with that lady from best buy recently these are things that he doesn't need to do remember there was that thing that situation in hawaii a lady that stopped somebody stealing a tvs or whatever maybe not a tv something smaller i'd assume stole tried to steal something and she tackled him whatever but apparently she got too rough so [ __ ] they fired the girl dana dived in didn't know her from adam flew her out to las vegas uh gave a front row tickets to the fire and then gave her a [ __ ] job working for the ufc afterwards do you know what i'm saying so for every person that slags him off and there's not that many these days it's just a few select media members you know there's a lot of people that have a lot of great things to say well yeah i mean i just i see people being like oh well yeah bisping works for the ufc so of course yeah but it's like well hold on it's not maybe the reason you work for the ufc is because the relationship you've had with these people and you see how well they treat their employees maybe that's the reason you continue to work with them you see other guys there are other guys out there that have been and i won't name names it doesn't even matter but there are guys that have really bad relationships with the ufc that don't like dana white they walk away and and it's well shut up but but it's almost like you know i i just think it's it's a fair point sometimes to bring these things up you have very personal stories with things i have no relationship with ufc at all i can't even get a ticket if i try i mean well well it it it crosses over into everyday life it's about mutual respect you know what i'm saying if you have mutual respect for one another and you you know treat him with respect and he'll give it back and if you don't have that mutual respect then guess what you're not going to get that back and that crosses over to any walker life i mean you and your comedy career you must have people peers employees promoters whatever uh bookers a certain nightclubs or whatever whatever you [ __ ] do your comedy and and you've got to build these relationships you know what i mean you're a [ __ ] with that guy they're going to say no he's a [ __ ] [ __ ] he's hard to deal with he's unreliable he doesn't do his job well and to top it off he's talking [ __ ] about me in the media yeah [ __ ] that guy that's how it goes yeah yeah exactly if you're gonna be that guy you better be the absolute [ __ ] best beyond by all and it's so funny because like when tito ortiz was going like uh head-to-head with dana white he was the best tito could do it because at the time he was absolutely the best in the world 205 pounds so he had the ability to do it but it was very few people that could do that the reason i i i speak of dana white in such a positive manner is because as a fan i i look at it as like a business from from the business side as a as a business person dana white and the fertitta brothers and what they did for that sport if you watch it from the the its inception and where it grew it's so impressive to go from being this thing that people were like this is [ __ ] wild it's animals in a cage all these different weight classes it was so primitive and like underground to becoming such an incredible mainstream brand where it's like a t-shirt brand and well now you've got selections i just watch it and i have a lot of respect the same way that i respect for for steve jobs or um uh [ __ ] tesla what's his name uh elon musk elon musk i look at those guys and i'm like wow dude these guys do these incredible things and i put dana white in that same category it's a it's a much more crude thing than those things but i put him in the same category smashing people's faces in isn't as good as uh uh designing uh [ __ ] solar powered electrical vehicles electric vehicles anyway we'll get off their dynamite's balls before people throw can you show him this podcast please i'm i'm sending him this tomorrow i want to pay rise and i'm like hey dana just take a look at this exclusively on uh i'll tell you what the [ __ ] small at him on his podcast when we getting him on let's go uh all right let's move on so the co-main event it was bryce mitchell taking on uh bryce mitchell thug nasty taking on andre touchy feely um i i interviewed the guys for the ufc not for the ufc for us as commentators on wednesday and uh obviously both guys were supremely confident going into the fight bryce mitchell his last fight he went to a decision and he was like it sucked it was terrible and it wasn't terrible it was a [ __ ] dominating performance the fact that his last fight i forget charles rosa potentially i think it was charles rosa it was clear domination one-way traffic bryce has took him down and nearly submitted him a thousand times and he was talking to us saying that fight was [ __ ] i should not have gone to a decision i should have got the finish so he brought in a guy called gary tonin who's one of the premier jiu jitsu players on the earth and broke down all his mistakes but then andre feely brought in a guy oh no no andre i feel he brought in gary tony bryce mitchell brought in someone else but andre philly basically did the same thing to break down bryce mitchell's game right so they both prepared a ton for this and it was a close fight it was back and forth but ultimately bryce mitchell just [ __ ] took him down time and time again philly was really good defensively but you don't want to fight unfortunately by being defensive he was escaping mount he was escaping side control he was getting back to his feet but then he'd just be taken down again and then he goes back to being on the defensive and as i say you don't win a fight by being defensive even as impressive as andre's defense was and on the feet he looked dangerous on occasion with some kicks and you know so he landed some shots and things like that but still bryce mitchell is a very very special fighter yeah bryce is a [ __ ] killer is he undefeated he is undefeated for some reason at the weekend the adam was 13 and one but that was a demonstration contest on the it was one of the ultimate fight fights he got beat on the ultimate fighter against brad katona so technically that shouldn't be on his record because that's classed as a demonstration battle so yeah to answer your question he's undefeated he's a killer dude bryce mitchell is a killer and the pace it was both of them you have to give andre feely credit for the pace as well because he just was non-stop just moving um and he was all defensive but i i don't know much about fighting but i know that i'm doing jiu jitsu right now and it [ __ ] sucks and to to grapple at that pace those guys were just non-stop grappling it just it made me exhausted to watch it and i said it before but watching anderson silva versus uriah the first couple of rounds where they were just high-fiving and kind of dancing the difference in pace between those two fights was just so astronomical i gotta give uh both bryce and andre feely credit because then it was just just such a crazy piece they weren't high-fiving because what happened no i know i know but that's what happens because you've got a an orthodox a right-handed fighter taken in a left-handed fighter southpaw as it's known in the trade and their lead hands are almost touching one another so that's just anytime an orthodox and a and a southpaw do that they'll do because they're measuring the measuring and it looks like they're high-fiving they work i know i know that if one of our fans want to cut together like a little dance because it supports us one of our supporters a little dance between uriah hall and anderson silva it's the high five and then a little [ __ ] shuffle i tell you what a light uh that andre feeler was doing it's something that i used to do a lot um injecting myself again um i'm sorry i apologize but it's true uh so bryce would take him down and it looked like bryce was doing nothing he'd just lie there right and then he'd explode and he'd get the reversal or he'd escape the position or whatever and and what i mean is when i say i used to do that if you're if somebody takes you down and you're constantly underneath and you're jiving and joking and trying to get gored and you're [ __ ] fighting the position the whole time they clamp on and and you know they they don't let you move right and they're they're they're they're countering they're fighting back from what you give them but if you just stare nice and composed and just relax and kind of go limp you know what i mean they will will kind of settle down as well and then when they settle down and then and then you explode 100 [ __ ] miles an hour it catches them off guard and that's how you get the reversal and stuff you know what i mean and that's what andrea did a really good job of multiple times yeah what happens when you explode then it fails and then they go like well that didn't work now i spent all my energy trying to explode i've just led there for 13 minutes i'm saving it for the last two minutes of the fight it's very easy to say it's explode go just explode wait you know go limp then boom technical explode okay all right but uh no that was a tremendous fight it was i mean bryce mitchell is he's he's like a 145 khabib and that is high praise indeed but he's got i i was thinking that when i saw him yeah he just has a constant grinding pressure and bisping you have to give one mike harrington credit because mike harrington has been trying to insert bryce official into the conversation for two full years yeah no and we did it we did it we had him on the show i invited him on z shot today and he didn't get back to me he's a big deal now he's too busy out there protesting for [ __ ] trump and telling people not to wear the mask put your [ __ ] mask on love you bryce uh but um yeah [ __ ] you harrington uh harrington what did you think of the fight give me your technical breakdown give me the the the breakdown that you just read on [ __ ] mma junkie go for it regurgita i really enjoyed the uh i really enjoyed you actually talking about it during the fight he put on a significant amount of weight and i thought it was really interesting that first round he was like beating andre feely to the punch i know you were saying he was getting outclassed on the feet i don't think that started until the second round i don't think he was used to like striking with somebody like andre it felt like he got a read on him uh but i i did like that first like two three minutes of the first round he was landing heavy shots and it looked like that extra weight really helped him in the wrestling department so uh he did break his hand in the fight unfortunately so he's going to be on the shelf for quite some time but i am super excited to see him face the top 10 featherweight yeah no likewise and well said harrington because he did break his hand that shows he landed some good shots and he did work on putting weight on he said he was going into uh featherweight fights initially weighing like 147 pounds excuse me uh and this time he cut down from like 165 so certainly you know if you're a grappler as well that extra weight is going to help um rest of the card greg hardy was on there he made short work of maurice green caught him with like a screw jab they call it or like a shitty lead uppercut i call it a screw jab dropped him you sure you don't want to call it a shitty lead uppercut shitty lead uppercut or you could call it a screw jab that's what i call it screw it up uh dropped him in the first round uh nearly finished it but then you know maurice got back to his feet second round caught him with the the screw jab and got the finish um and a lot of people you know the quick to talk [ __ ] about greg hardy you know for some reason it seems a popular thing to do and just forget about the the controversy surrounding him right that was a long time ago and whatever you however you want to slice it may be paid his debt to society maybe you'll never forgive him or whatever that's been that's gone that's in the past it's in the rear view mirror it should be now we're focusing it's been in the ufc for two years now you know what i'm saying now we're focusing on his fights and he continues to get better because you've got to remember two years ago he went on the contender and i think he had one or two fights and since then he's been fighting in the ufc top [ __ ] level guys he just bought volkov two fights ago do you know what i'm a guy that just beat walt harris with relative ease and he's getting better and better and he was talking to us last week how he left american top team which is one of the best gyms in the world you know for in terms of talent uh but he he was saying the problem was he would just go and have team training so there'd be 30 people on the map right and there's a coach with a whistle whatever spar that guy change partner or we're gonna do wrestling drills whatever he's left that environment now he's with rashad evans dean thomas and he's getting one-on-ones so now they're breaking down to him why they're doing certain maneuvers and understanding the need for that you know what i'm saying i'm sorry i'd cut you off but i just i kind of wanted to get your opinion on what you think is a better approach for a fighter and it's probably the answer is probably that it depends who which fighter you're talking about but maybe what's the better approach for you yeah well uh the answer is you need a bit of both to be honest you need the variation of spawning partners but you gotta have that one-on-one time you're gonna have especially when you're a beginner like greg is you're gonna have somebody that breaks it down so okay here's what we're gonna do right and i don't know what it is let's say if you're trying to regard or get back to your feet you're gonna say why are you doing certain things and then why you don't do certain things and then as you're drilling it you make mistakes if you've got a one-on-one guys no no you're doing that wrong don't put your foot there if you do that you're allowing yourself to get taken down or you're open to a submission you're leaving your neck exposed all these different things you'll only get that with the one-on-one real you know listen in a group scenario of course the coaches walking around they'll see someone doing something wrong and correct it but it's way better to have that one-on-one real close attention to detail but of course then you need the bodies like when i was fighting i trained with pirillo and brady fink he was my boxing coach and for the most part it was one-on-ones but twice a week i'd go to mark munoz's gym the rain training center and there'd be tons of bodies on the mat and that's where i didn't do all my sparring but twice a week sometimes i go in there and spar because you need the variation of styles and sizes and a wrestler and he's a striker but he's a jiu jitsu guy and you can't get that if you're trading with the same guys every day so you need a little bit of everything but anyway there you go there you go well done greg hardy another good win you know this guy's the limit for that guy he's a big [ __ ] and yeah i mean like at one point you have to put the controversy behind him right like it's very it's very funny because like in the world of comedy you see this happen a lot where people are quote unquote cancelled for doing whatever right and comedy for some reason it seems to be a much harsher harsher standard than other arts whatever it is but with like sports it's not really subjective the best is the best right so you're like well you're like at one point you let go of this guy like the [ __ ] from the past you're like look if he becomes the best fighter in the world do you not want the best fighter in the world to have the title do you want to say well this guy had a troubled pass he's had some issues in the past so we're not going to let the best fighter in the world be considered the best fighter in the world that's crazy that's a crazy way to look at things well i mean you could talk about john jones couldn't you i mean when you talk about being the best fighter in the world and potentially having controversies i mean there was john jones and in fact as i say that did you see that video at the weekend and you are right yeah yeah segway champion of the [ __ ] world my god this is the [ __ ] trophy bro and yeah so john jones whether you know you know asterisks or stars in the sky whatever you want to call them right he's potentially one of the greatest fighters ever and that's just a fact whether you like the guy hate the guy steroids no steroids that's not what we're talking about what we're talking about is that some [ __ ] idiot and he's a [ __ ] idiot and obviously he's a thief so he's a low-life but tries to rob he probably didn't know it was john jones's house of all the houses to rob is it nice it was a big house big house i'm not you know a big big albuquerque though cheap property prices bro you won't get [ __ ] down there yeah [ __ ] the same house at [ __ ] orange county you're gonna have a [ __ ] two-bedroom apartment yeah yeah uh no no there's a video i don't know if we can play it there's probably i don't know do we have it is it worth looking at because there's a little bit and then there's a guy and there's a few cars parked up on john jones's estate if you will there you see him he's approaching the cars and then he's i don't know if he's fiddling with them he's trying to get in the car but then in a second you see the garage door open and then the guy runs away and then you just see jon jones sprinting after him with a [ __ ] shotgun in his hand and a dog as well you know and like as if it's not scary enough the prospect of a an average dude robbing john jones's house and coming face to face with jon jones it's coming face to face with jon jones with a shotgun and and drunk or whatever do you know what i mean that that that that's a scary thought yeah i mean jon jones probably didn't need the shotgun but you're super you assumed it's opening whoa is that [ __ ] this it's a big ass [ __ ] shotgun not that i know anything about shotguns but it looked like a big one he's fast too gentle um i just wha my my my thing i do not want to kill somebody i don't want to murder a person even if they're trying to [ __ ] rob my car unless they have a gun and they're trying round of applause for louis j goldberg everybody he doesn't want to kill somebody unless you're a psychologist that is everybody well if you pull out a shotgun and you're running after somebody you have to assume that you're prepared to murder this man i just feel like it's a little aggressive it's a little bit of an overreaction i'm saying like hey you know he went this guy was running at the point that i see the guy running i'm going you know let me call the cops my family's protected i have a shotgun he's off that was avocado devil's avocado please devil's we're gonna stop saying that it's stupid but still i love it i am this is the thing and again your second amendment i don't want to get into it i'm very sorry but you guys you're all about it you're allowed your guns bro and if any [ __ ] steps over that's the second yeah that's any [ __ ] steps on my land and i can blow your goddamn brains out right that's a law right and so so there you go you know if because if you're john george you don't know what this guy has to unfortunately he could have a gun he could have a knife he could have anything and he's got it he's got a he's running he's running but if you catch him john was chasing after him and if you catch him little knife little gun you know a little [ __ ] ninja star you never know what the guy has i'm just saying at the point that the guy's running off my property i'm probably not going to chase him down with a shotgun if you're chasing another shotgun you're asking to sort of get into it and you're you're putting yourself you're playing in traffic now you're in a situation where you might have to kill this guy and i don't want to [ __ ] shoot somebody with a shotgun that seems like a little a little bit extreme for a saturday night i was watching a good movie someone i see someone on the cc tv i might [ __ ] this guy yippie kay yay [ __ ] yeah no i don't want to shoot anybody yet brian with the finger up at the back to be fair you are less likely to kill somebody arranged with a shotgun than you are with a solid slug bullet yes correct spoken like a serial killer thank you guys spoken like listen man mike i don't know what you're saying about my second amendment okay so [ __ ] you and i'm just gonna say uh no you are correct but still still well i'm just saying you don't have a gun right do you you don't get very many viewers do we so no i don't come and rob me [ __ ] give it a shot say what i do got i've got some [ __ ] this reminds me yeah i'll never forget i think i've told this i bought my old boxing coach mark kinney great guy he's from liverpool tough guy no nonsense guy does not [ __ ] around and we were flying off for a fight and we're going through security and uh as you go through security you know the the the metal detector thing said you haven't got any weapons on you have you said he goes i've got a [ __ ] left duke i'm gonna [ __ ] right out all right how's that for you [ __ ] hilarious so yeah there you go no i don't have a gun but i'm gonna get one so don't try your luck i think i want to get one too well yeah if you can't beat them join them the civil war is coming i think in this country and i don't want to be sitting here with my balls in my hand and some [ __ ] [ __ ] comes in with a gun because i'm [ __ ] right i remember uh i was looking at a situation i thought some people might you know be coming around my house and then my buddy's like mike get a gun i'll get you a gun i went i don't need a [ __ ] gun i've got a pitchfork because that's a good weapon i'm like i don't need a good i've got a p imagine their [ __ ] death and the damage you can do with a pitchfork it's a long-range attack weapon if you know a [ __ ] pitchfork baby don't come near my house i haven't got a gun but i got a pitchfork and i ain't afraid to use it um i think uh i think gun beats pitchfork 99.9 percent of the time yeah it does but still if you're close enough to me i'll pitch you for you in i'll get you i'll get you with the pitchfork okay and it's a nasty way to go very on trend for halloween as well have you shot a lot of guns in your life i i mean i'm sure you've had a lot of opportunities to the you know just being in nevada and yeah i've been i've been to gun ranges and i am going to get a gun soon actually we've spoke about this more for rebecca because you know i'm a way out of the country a lot and if a guy she's weaker [ __ ] yeah if a guy kicks that door through in the middle of the night and comes in and wants to do damage right don't do whatever you can do whatever you want to her okay any kind of martial arts whatsoever she can barely ride a horse she's [ __ ] i'm riding a horse she can't do it okay she can't do it she certainly cannot fight off a would-be attacker mugger if you want to attack rebecca bisping easy peasy i'll be out of town wednesday night doing the contender okay i've got a really good looking wife and i've got a few kids in here outside [ __ ] in his pants he's [ __ ] his pants all you gotta do is wait to smell it now's the time rebecca's got the hoes the only person who could do any damage is [ __ ] callum who's miles hundreds of miles away in college and alfie but he's incapacitated with a [ __ ] messed up [ __ ] so yeah no wednesday night go rob my house you'll get her you'll get her easy i won't be here uh yeah there you go anyway um what should we do should we do some questions or we had a couple topics let's see if the questions for for thursday because we had a little bit of time left here and we did have a couple more topics here that i thought were interesting namely israel adasanja is moving up to 205 pounds to challenge yon blockwich for the title which is just massive news we i mean we can't not talk about that you're absolutely right i'm grateful i'm glad excuse me i'm glad you brought that up because yeah you're right it is huge news um i saw easy friday night i drew i drove into vegas for my covered test and there he was getting hit so we had a little chat there and he said he was just with dana never told me that news but then dana broke it at the post fight press conference huge [ __ ] fight um gotta respect the balls on yamblehovich for taking that fire because right now izzy looks incredible right that last fight against costa was sensational and i've as i've said a million times for the person moving up in weight there's no risk if he loses that he's still zichamp at 184 no he's still the champ at 185 yes but there's risk for izzy with part of his esteem being him being undefeated being undefeated especially in today's day and age where people are moving up moving down left and right [ __ ] east west different times okay but as a guy and you are correct lewis and i'm sorry to cut you off but i gotta say this as a guy that used to be the champ trust me the real cream of the real cherry on top of the pie is the bell having that belt around your waist is earns you a lot of money it opens a lot of [ __ ] doors so you ride the undefeated nurse and all the rest of it that's great but you want to remain the champion of the world for as long as you can a because of prestige b because you've worked your entire [ __ ] life to achieve that and c because you earn a fortune it will change your life and potentially your children's lives you know what i mean or even your grandkids if you're conor mcgregor you know what i'm saying so there's a there is a big risk there um for yamblehovich because izzy isn't risking that same thing and it is already the favorite and i gotta say that fight if you look at it it's speed versus power right behold it certainly has more power but i decided he doesn't even only have the speed he probably has the technique he has the speed he's the favorite he's undefeated you know it it's it's it's a tough fight for yamba hovis that's why i respect him so much for taking it yeah uh but i i lucky in a weird way i understand why he takes it as well because izzy is such a star he's on the rise right now i think you know beating dominic reyes while it's obviously it's great especially the way that he did it we're considering the fact that a lot of people thought the dominic rays be jon jones i think that having jon jones vacate that title left just a little bit of like okay it's not really the title yet it's get we got to have some time on it it feels like an interim title it doesn't feel like it's the real deal title jon jones is truly the champion of 205. having izzy who has all this heat coming in i get why yon goes [ __ ] it i can get that heat i can get that steam ever if i if i beat him and i'm the first guy to beat israel out of sonia well that whole big [ __ ] plan about israel versus jon jones which is this is all a setup for there's all this this whole fight is a setup for israel versus john johnson oh of course i get display i get to play spoiled that spoiler to that and now i get to [ __ ] make my name as the dark horse of 205 the guy that wasn't even supposed to [ __ ] be here well could you imagine if if izzy does beat yamblahovic then he becomes a double champ which of course in itself is massive but not only that he has john's old belt right so that is the ultimate [ __ ] talking ground you know what i mean he can dangle that carrot in front of john all day long say [ __ ] i'm the champ now i'm the captain i'm the captain now okay what are you gonna do i'm the [ __ ] captain john you don't even have a belt you haven't even got a fight you [ __ ] loser oh god you haven't even got a belt do you know what it means like vin diesel said to me that time you got when i was the champion conor's got two bells mike you need two belts to be considered great now and that's what izzy would have and john would have nothing and i think he said the plan is if he beats blahovic if and it's a big if then they would do izzy as a double champ versus jon jones possibly the goats at raiders stadium in las vegas that you want to see the stadium it's [ __ ] huge that'd be incredible absolutely [ __ ] incredible yeah i mean we all want to see israelita sonia versus jon jones and those guys seem to be on a path to colliding at one point in the future but yan block which could be the spoiler to that let's not get let's not get this [ __ ] twisted we all thought that dominic grace was going to beat yon everyone thought that dominick reyes was going to come up because of the performance over jon jones we all sort of counted out jan blockwich and then he came out and he stopped him and we're like holy [ __ ] yawn's actually really really tough really really powerful who knows i i would be i i'm going to be rooting for yom block which and not for our doctor and just trying to provide that not me i picked that one right okay [ __ ] dharma shut the hell up nobody likes a braggart okay brian just just wheel it in a bit okay dial it back a little humility please um yeah i would not count john blockwich out on this fight though that's what i'm saying i think he could come in and every there's a path to get beating everybody so absolutely seventy thousand capacity at the raiders stadium that would be huge yeah no listen blehovic has the power for sure but speed i'd rather have speed than power it's not like izzy doesn't have power it's not like he didn't knock out robert whitaker it's not like he didn't just stop paul or costa you know what i'm saying he has very very good power and at 205. he's definitely going to be the smaller guy he's going to be undersized i heard i don't know how true this is i said this before in the podcast by the way [ __ ] uh that he's he's light for middleweight and he is how do i know that because i'm at nearly every [ __ ] ufc event and i speak to all the coaches and people like that because they were like in the comments like no way no way but i heard he doesn't get much heavier than 185 so he's going to come in to this fight smaller maybe 200 pounds but you're gonna have yan coming in at 230 something like that so but jan's gonna be slower but is he gonna have the power okay it's it's a very very good fight it's an interesting fight i'll tell you why i respect yan taking it so much he's also he only just became the champ you know what i mean it wasn't it was what a few weeks ago he became the champ and now he's going to take on one of the greatest you know potential powerful pound greats right now an undefeated talent a guy that's calling out jon jones and behold which after just winning whatever it was a few weeks ago he's willing to put it all on the line and say hey hey no no no i i'll risk it i'll fight arasonya why is that because he's on a path to greatness and he wants to be known as one of the best ever and that's what you do you roll the dice every time you step in there you know you could lose at any time so you might as well lose if you do against someone like izzy if you're gonna lose it's the best play for yon what else is there right with the way that jon jones vacated that title there's not many options for yon to really make big money fights you understand the other side of it is this jean blackwitch he probably believes he can beat any man in the world heavyweight light heavyweight middle and there's a [ __ ] middleweight yam block which believes he can kill this man with his bare [ __ ] hands let's get real okay like this guy is too small for me he's from poland but he's not not russian but still i feel like the accent is kind of similar so this guy is very small for me i'm big polish guy i got big square jaw and this is the rope that man killed himself with yes no problem i go see the rope and i see this guy and i see easy i'm like no you're very small style no problem um yeah it's great it's [ __ ] awesome that's what's the play though you want to make as much money as possible you what what there's no other play right now unless you're fighting jon jones for that title this is the absolute biggest play and he probably is going yeah i'll [ __ ] beat him take all that heat right now it's playing cards right now and he's playing he's he's betting on the best hand possible harrington if it was gonna be a middleweight sorry light heavyweight contender who would it be next possibly the winner of thiago santos and glover to share it they're fighting soon i'd say it would be one of those right either that or the winner of uh i mean dominic reyes just booked a fight against yuri pro shirik um we just knocked out reyes you know what i mean nobody wants to see that just now it would be the winner of thiago santos versus glover to share and a very very good fight for the the mma hardcores you know what i'm saying but that ain't going to sell a lot of pay-per-views that is not but izzy is now a proven pay-per-view star israel arasana stepping up a weight class to take in the polish destroyer the polish power the [ __ ] big guy that just knocked out dominic reyes that in a lot of people's minds beat jon jones that's the storyline the ufc can sell that and we are in prize fighting and the prize is the [ __ ] money and that will result in the most dollars going into yamblah which is bank account israel understanding it going up to 205 pounds is by far the best thing that could happen to the 205 pound division right now they need stars the problem and this is not a knock on glover to shara not a knock on thiago uh santos this is just the reality jon jones has cleared out these divisions two times over okay and we anybody who is a fan of mixed martial arts knows this and you watch these fights and you go oh [ __ ] we know that these guys are not the best at 205. jon jones has that and he's going to have that until he unless he comes back down and loses or you know years have to pass and we have to kind of cleanse that palette this is the best thing because at the very least you have an undefeated guy if he comes up you're like holy [ __ ] he can come up and really create a name for himself at 205 as well it it does a lot for the division it does a lot for everybody and if he loses to yon well now john is a star yawn takes all that steam and all of that um momentum izzy still has the belt at 185 anyway so the ufc haven't lost anything there uh dana spoke about this at the weekend and he said he was trying to do the rematch with robert whittaker for his he said that makes sense which is just beaten till he beat jarrod cannonia that puts him next on deck for israel and lasagna and he said but whitaker doesn't want the fight and dana couldn't understand that obviously robert has his own reasons and he doesn't feel quite ready and that's fair enough i don't think that's a knock on robert i understand that that's just him assessing the situation and being honest and saying no i know i can beat him i want to be able to beat him but not just yet and that's that's a level of maturity uh so they said he was left with no other [ __ ] option because they want big fights for adasanya and outside of whitaker well all the other top guys have just been beaten you know what i'm saying so there really wasn't much choice other than a john jones fights well i shouldn't say not much choice there's plenty of [ __ ] choices and options of course there is but the biggest one was a a uh another world title fight and another white class it's [ __ ] huge massive massive out of nowhere by the way i didn't i did not see that coming i thought it was going to be a couple more fights before we saw israel and assange move up but to be honest with you very exciting uh news and great for the ufc 205 pound division i hate when somebody vacates a title it puts a bad taste in my mouth it it it's almost the next champion it's unfair to them because i think everyone looks at them as if they're less than this is the perfect solution for that well that's what dc had didn't it the poor guy because he was you know if it wasn't for john jones he would have been the champion for a long long time and then when jones was stripped suspended locked up whichever one of the [ __ ] 35 million reasons that he lost the belt for by the way you got to respect that who else has been stripped three times i think it was that in itself it deserves some kind of plaque or an award um so then dc became the charm when he beat who did he beat for the bell he beat somebody oh oh um balkan uzdemir for the vacant title he beat him and you know there was a lot of not criticism but in some respects you never really got the the full respect from some hardcore fans saying well you're only the champ because jon jones is absent so to your point what you're saying anytime somebody steps away from me the champ the next guy in line never gets the full shine and it's not fair it really isn't fair because dc was a great champion you know and a heavyweight champion as well but um are you are you uh is that the end of you gotta get out of here i gotta run out unfortunately i gotta run out to legion of skanks um but thank you guys for for watching you guys can keep it going though i mean if you want to answer some questions i'm not uh i'm not bothered by that at all guys have fun enjoy yourselves okay okay well i don't know what to do now i don't know whether i should or i should now put you on the spot oh so you chose to do the questions thanks mike i see where your loyalty is on the flip side i am dying for a piss go go for a piss let's end the show i'll let me plug a couple dates real quick i have a couple dates coming up i'll be december 4th and 5th at the celebrity theater in atlantic city new jersey and also january 20th through 23rd at uncle vinnie's comedy club in point pleasant new jersey so some live shows coming back out uh if you guys are going to be in the area obviously always social distance and limited capacity um beyond that hopefully if as things open back up in the new year hopefully we get through this next cycle of the virus and all this other stuff me and bisping can get back out on the road and do some more live shows because that was something that we really wanted to do and we did one and um yeah no no and i've actually been writing that i've got i've been writing it a little bit so uh when all the [ __ ] passes we will do that but thank you for tuning in to our little show we do appreciate the loyalty we do appreciate the passion tell your friends subscribe all that good stuff and we'll be back thursday and work on a good guess for thursday we'll have a great show planned until then take care be well goodbye
Channel: Michael Bisping Podcast
Views: 47,167
Rating: 4.8730674 out of 5
Keywords: Michael Bisping, Luis J Gomez, Isreal Adesanya, Uriah Hall, Anderson Silva, Bryce Mitchell, Jan Blachowicz
Id: zdmtHA-2hKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 41sec (5081 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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