259 - You Think You're Better Than Me?! - Ft. Big Jay Oakerson

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3-4 times a weeek would be awesome for this show great timess

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/yogamannn76 📅︎︎ Oct 02 2020 🗫︎ replies
fill her up you're listening to the gas digital network conceive believe achieve shut the [ __ ] up [Applause] this is believe you me on the gas digital network believe me podcast we're back second show of the week is it we are back it is thursday it is uh a nice sunny day it's shining through the [ __ ] blinds and over exposing me uh other than that i'm doing well lewis how are you i'm doing okay i'm doing okay i'm dipping out right after this show with actually with our guests today big j okay uh did you go to a comedy show in rhode island providence rhode island um so i'm uh you know when you have like just a lot of [ __ ] to do and you got to like just go back to back to back to back just that stress of not having five minutes even [ __ ] up like if anything gets [ __ ] up my whole day is off now yeah that's bad planning you gotta give yourself that little window because there's inevitably gonna be a [ __ ] but yeah i do know that uh that's a great point by the way yeah you should give yourself a little window i'm i'm saying that like i do that i don't do that do you know what i mean but from an outside perspective you can see things clearer you should give yourself a little five minute window for a little while i don't know i know it's the one thing that's gonna set me off it's if i you know we talk about this type of stuff all the time but it's like if i could if i and i ain't managing my own life but if i was like a separate outside entity that i was paying to manage my life that would be one of the first things that i would change like yeah you got to make sure that you give yourself a little bit of a five-minute window because you're gonna freak out and probably end up in jail yeah you're putting too many things on your plate at once it's it's something's gonna go wrong you're in new york city sorry you're in the out in the suburbs now but uh you know you know something's inevitably live throws these obstacles and hurdles that you lose something will go amiss and then you will freak out you'll shout at an uber driver and uh you know a catalogue of events from there um yeah but i'm saying that like i do that my my organization has always been bad i've never been one i've never been known for my organization always procrastinate always put things off like i'm doing this documentary right now and uh we're we're almost done we're almost done it's just a couple of little final points on it that i weren't happy with that i wanted changing and they're like okay mike well just give us the time codes the time stamps if you will and and they're literally just waiting on me to send them back a couple of things and they can [ __ ] sign off in this documentary about ten days ten days and i said right okay i'm doing a podcast as soon as i've done the podcast i'm sitting at the computer but i know what's going to happen i'll do the podcast and i'll be hungry then i'll have lunch and then i'll forget about it and then then we'll be into tomorrow uh yeah a nap of course of course then you wake up from your nap you're hungry again it's a cycle you know what are you gonna do a man's gonna eat i am so sorry i am putting my existence before the documentary this is actually a fact if you weren't eating there would be no documentary so i think the producers and director and maybe all the teams should understand a little bit without but if there's no documentary i won't be eating you know it it is also a vicious psycho holy [ __ ] dude i think you just opened up a black hole that was crazy oh god i will say i i don't remember when but this documentary has been going on for a while a really long time you've gone through like two shifts in your career since you started this documentary it's gonna be [ __ ] good though oh you know well what is the expression uh good things come to those who wait or patience is the virtue or some [ __ ] yeah like that it's gonna be good it's gonna be good gonna be great but anyway we're not here to talk about that uh we've got big j hawkinson as you said jumping on shortly and we got a massive fight card this weekend paulo costa israel lada sonia i'm i'm excited for that fight i am really really excited for that fight we were also going to have johnny walker joining us today but a slight conflicting issue uh so he's going to join us probably next week uh but yeah i just wanted to touch base on this real fast prior to jay jumping on maybe he can give us his thoughts as well i was just telling you before we started the show i'm sitting there and watching the local news the other day and every few days they do like a uh a technology segment you know the latest gadgets and gizmos and apps and all that type of stuff and you know being the young uh non-boomer that i am i'm i'm all about this type of thing lewis um callum last night actually called me a boomer on twitter he said dad you're such a boomer on twitter we had a little argument why would you say that he called you a boomer i don't know i don't know my [ __ ] off he called me up to ask me to pay for a flight to texas how about they'll start it with an insult maybe start it with a compliment dad you're awesome on twitter you know uh anyway so i'm watching this uh technology segment and it says oh apple is getting into the e-bike business and they're gonna be rivaling peloton okay so sorry pardon me not apple amazon amazon are getting into the home fitness bike industry uh because amazon obviously one of the biggest manufacturers in the world or manufactured retailers whatever however you want to specify them or class them they can always do [ __ ] at scale that other companies can't because you know because their reach is so massive so of course they're now going to do an e-bike or a home exercise bike whatever the [ __ ] you call it and they're going to sell it apparently for like half the price of a peloton you know and uh and anyway i was watching it and i was just i was scratching my head at the end of it i'm like really amazon have you not got enough going on right now without having to crush every single market maybe harrington just look up at what different lines of business amazon are in because they are crushing jeff bezos is the richest man in the world have you not got enough money with now trying to put peleton out of the business and i'm not talking about peloton just because i've got one i couldn't give a [ __ ] it's not like i'm like some pro peloton guy but it's just just just stop trying to put businesses out of business stop trying to have a monopoly on the world i mean i don't know i'm not eating good for amazon i don't know amazon good for amazon they they're they made a bike that's half as expensive as peloton good for mr bisping and the bisping family as they're riding along on their peloton bikes and their horses uh but the rest of us we can't afford the peloton so amazon comes out and creates a product that the average joe can afford i say good for amazon we haven't seen the bike yet it might be a lot of [ __ ] but the point i'm making is like they're just dominating everything do you know what i'm saying obviously they got the home delivery which is putting little independent retail stores out of business because they can't compete and let's be honest it is nice i [ __ ] if i need anything like these headphones for example i'm not gonna [ __ ] drive down to best buy and spend 20 minutes to spend a little pair of [ __ ] you know they're a ten dollar pair of headphones they're not you know just a little shitty once we're doing my podcast pink push of a button on the phone it arrives and that's great i'm a fan of that now they're [ __ ] now they're doing home food delivery all right they're trying to put the streets now they bought whole foods what else look at that they're going to probably improve the systems at whole foods this is no the world is going to be run by amazon i'm starting it here boycotts amazon i'm starting a movement it's a powerful one boycott [ __ ] amazing everyone in your family right now i today you guys have probably ordered something from amazon between the amount of people the amount of adults that are in your house one hundred percent i don't doubt that for a second i order my shoes off you know like if i need a pair of running shoes or whatever or like you know sneakers as you guys like to call them i go to amazon rebecca once you know that's why i love levi's because once you know you're fit and you're like got it done amazon exactly well i do the uh i do diesel jeans the slinker i know my size and then yeah the peloton of jeans i get it we can't all afford diesel jeans okay get [ __ ] the slinky diesel are [ __ ] ridiculously expensive though but still do a good fit and one pair will last you a lifetime uh yeah i just got to amazon now because you will find it cheaper so yeah it is good for that but come on bezos you [ __ ] greedy [ __ ] why do you hate bezos why do people leave bezos he's the richest man in the world that's not why i hate him i respect him for that i look up to him for that oh yes of course i respect his business acumen i expect his grind his hustle and he made something he's obviously a self-made man but and and that's great but leave a little for the other guys leave a little bit hello not even the small guy it's like it's such a massive company okay peloton would crush you in a second they don't care about you bisping they don't care for people that was that that but that wasn't you know that i'm not doing this on behalf of pelotons by the way i think you have a secret sponsorship that he's never [ __ ] told me that he's a piece of [ __ ] and i'm gonna find out one day we're gonna get to the bottom of this hey listen i i'm open for office peloton if you're if you're listening no it's nothing to do with peloton but that was just like the the straw that broke the camel's back you know what i mean i was like right [ __ ] this just people hate like the big guys and i just is it maybe it's just weird like i just i i'm like i have this like thing in me where i look at a company like that i'm like wow i look at it in awe and i'm like holy [ __ ] how big they've gotten um so i i do yeah no i i i am listening so sorry buddy i'm just looking at my laptop here and just in case you thought i would listen here no no i know it's fine um yeah i just think that uh it's just sort of you know that competition drives everyone to be better it's not about crushing smaller people i think competition overall it's not like they have a monopoly they're making a cheaper bike in turn peloton is going to have to make probably a more affordable version of their bike that can compete no so overall it's better for the consumer yeah but maybe let's just take the peloton out of it okay because that's a big company but maybe these brands that are trying to compete they can't compete they haven't got warehouses all over the place they haven't got the availability to have it delivered at your door within two hours they can't scale and mass produce on the level that amazon can so therefore they can't compete and they will go out of business they will be crushed because people yeah we all want it cheaper of course we do and if amazon can provide a cheaper that's great but also i just feel you know the world is becoming far too corporatized it's because we're losing the independent retailers please uh but think about the amount of small businesses and large businesses that amazon facilitates that they create an opportunity for right so now you and if you're if you make t-shirts or you make hats you now have amazon if you make a really great product that has great reviews you'll go up on amazon you'll have more of an opportunity to sell so the amount of opportunity that amazon creates for small business owners creators people that have products every product as amazon was created by somebody and most of those companies that are most of those products in amazon are small companies it's not massive companies i think about i look at my amazon list that i just bought like every little thing all the gym equipment go to your orders go to your orders right now that's fine go go right amazon by the way by the way listen i'm all for the convenience of amazon it's just like come on dude you've got enough you you've made enough money mr basils you greedy [ __ ] [ __ ] just because you gave away 60 billion to your wife or whatever you're still the richest man in the world okay gotta make that 60 billion back blame her uh oh you want to go no hold on you wanted to go item for item in a row all right hold on your orders whoops no internet i've got my airplane mode on there we go that'll should fix that one all right you start first we'll just go one order for one order one order for one order go okay uh running late it's uh i gotta click on in order to see the name of it because it's running late it is it's a big white hutch right here it's quality the [ __ ] is a big white hutch you're planning on keeping a rabbit in there oh right oh it's a piece of furniture yeah yeah for my kitchen because i don't have a cabinet space i i know a beautiful little independent retail store my mate john has run it in new jersey for the longest time he was handed down for generation to generation john and john cena and grandpa john i've run that family business but you they just recently went out of business had you bought one from john and john cena and grandpa john they would have paid their rent this month but no bezos gets the [ __ ] car devil's advocate go ahead i mean the guy the company who sold me this is john and john senior from another little town and amazon just made it so i found them i didn't drive over there and make it inconvenient for myself john and john senior from new jersey they need to get with their [ __ ] [ __ ] because we are in a dude we were in a new time a new era they need to get with website optimization they need to get on amazon and figure out how to get tracking the problem is though that i was talking to jonathan the other day at the water cooler we were just getting a glass of water and you told me the problem is that amazon is squeezing down his profit margin so much it's hardly even worth selling the what do you call it a trunk a hutch a hutch it's hardly even worth making the hot cheese i'm he said he said michael michael you don't understand i put so much time and effort these are handcrafted touches okay a technique that is handed down from generation to generation and amazon is squeezing us so much i made 17 on that hutch it's not enough i drove to raymond flanagan in order to [ __ ] hutch and then they canceled my order without telling me so you know what [ __ ] that i went to amazon okay all right all right here's my order uh a sushi making kit because i'm gonna start making my own sushi making you suck uh two pack of speed kids jump ropes for my son because he's learning how to jump rope now from his uh muay thai class yeah yeah yeah okay swiftly moving on there sponsors and all that uh this is a good one yeah exactly this is a an interesting one this is an adjustable leash for a lizard so lucas has a bearded dragon you buy a leash from amazon for your bearded dragon and take it for a walk again i'm not nipping down the pet store so that's good next item that's good that's good uh c-a-p barbell two-inch olympic plate holders for my thing it holds the plates on my rack toxic masculinity in the house what's up no women allowed in the garage you're just such a man uh bamboo bed tray table this is for when i was having my knee replacement couldn't move and get up and walk around i wanted to eat in bed you know i need a little bamboo tray buddy i'd have a bamboo tray my next one is a fab glass mirror rectangle it's a big old mirror for my gym um yeah so you can look at yourself while you're doing your curls yeah that's right buddy oh look at me if you have a mirror it's a big fact you have a mirror in your garage i do not know i do know but i do have a gleaming shining personality that bounces off the walls and sometimes i catch my own reflection i'm going to go down a few here quickly because there's one that's going to be funny to you uh i got a two-way splitter for headphones i got charlie in the chocolate factory book that was for lucas and then this is the one oh right below that we have the utopia 11-inch non-stick frying pan thank god no no above iphone holder you son of a [ __ ] you son of a [ __ ] all that [ __ ] you talked i talked a lot of [ __ ] i've been using it baby boy it's the best but but have i mentioned it have i gone on about it constantly too yet because you want to keep it to yourself because you [ __ ] no one ever had to make more money [ __ ] amazon go on give me a couple more i like this game uh this is great all right so let's see i got uh right here i got a black and decker mini fridge for the garage i got a new waste basket i got the trampoline the orcc trampoline 15 foot top of the line 400 pound pounds i've got the 50 foot ethernet cable you know for this podcast i've got the bumble and bumble sumo gel for her you know yeah amazon's great like that do you know what i mean it's like here it's like especially when i just did a move so when you do a move i mean having everything just show up you don't have to worry about it here's a problem as well you forget something at the [ __ ] store every time every time you have to go all the way out gold but i will tell you this much let me say this real quick because i know jay's coming on in a few minutes but this is such a not by m topic but i love food shopping it's so much it's so great in the suburbs in new york city you have to walk and you have to get like it's eight bags you're carrying through the streets you go on the subways you go upstairs it sucks here you relax you bring everything out to the car but the whole process of food shopping you're so relaxing i go down every aisle i don't make a list i just i pick and choose yeah that's called food shopping it's not special some people some people make a list some people they go you know boom boom boom i i peruse every aisle i get everybody makes a list yeah because it's soon hold on a minute louis so which is it have you missed a so much time on your hands you're perusing [ __ ] ralph's at your leisure you know you're walking up and down you're looking at everything you're comparing the prices you're looking at the ingredients because we know all natural and non-gmo is a big deal to you or is it on the flip side the reality you present to us go-getter businessman mogul entrepreneur not enough time in the day multiple assistants i mean conflicting uh views here lewis which one is the reality now that i'm in the suburbs i'm a little bit different i don't have any more assistance by the way um you're firing people as well that assistant was like finally got a job right went home told her husband all about it this is great louis she's [ __ ] really going places and i'm in early i'm in early i'm one of the first hires and i'll be the the head of his team his legal team but no you just [ __ ] you had it for a month uh fantasy of the month and then you fight her that poor woman corona virus there's no jobs out there she's homeless right now a dollar saved is a dollar earned no agreed agreed you're gonna bring up a list of companies i think from uh that amazon own i was looking at some myself here this is what i found but harrington what did you find well when i looked it up it said amazon's business is made up of five primary divisions so it's got their web services you mentioned whole foods uh alexa is considered its own business prime and their studio is a business in and of itself oh of course we've got the and the movies forgot about all that side of things sorry continue right and then just the amazon.com marketplace those are considered like those they're five main businesses but i was making the point that they make generics of pretty much every company so you know they're they're competing with duracell energizer uh you know just with stuff that i'm looking around here yeah but every supermarket does as well i mean i just you know i they they've created a system that makes it easier for the consumer you or i the vast majority of people to save money time and time is money by the way boycotts amazon psychotic that's right listen not just i'm looking at what's entitled about that i'm trying to give back to the independent store retailer you know what i mean those mom and pop shops those guys that are stan they're struggling those guys that meet you with a smile when you walk in and they remember your name the hello mr gomez how are you today how's little james oh do you want the usual and has as you're just chatting about doing the small talk he already knows what you came in for and he's getting them he's presented them to you he's asking about your well-being he's talking about trump and the daily affairs all that type of stuff and then you leave little smile and you're like yeah i like the guy at the corner shop yeah i love that you literally just told the story i told you a week ago about my [ __ ] deli you [ __ ] that's literally what i love i love that and i and believe me i'm [ __ ] all about that i'm just saying amazon isn't the enemy there you know now there's a bigger picture there's a bigger issue when we did you watch the documentary it's over to watch oh [ __ ] no i haven't seen the social dilemma yet everybody's talking about it i've been meaning to see it it's a lot of hack concepts we've all we've all known this stuff and talked about it for a while but they put it together in a really interesting way so i think that there's well same ways for monday because i'll watch it watch it get into the bigger picture of sort of like how evil these companies can be and data collection can be there's some there's some other [ __ ] going on there i just think the convenience aspect of it is is great and for guys like uri we get to save money and time no i don't know of course and i'm all about time and money but it's listen bazel's enough's enough okay the world's not yours you can't have it simple as that uh look at these companies that are owned by business uh by amazon audible okay you've probably heard of that create space never heard of that one oh i love audible because or am i amazon loves audible because you get a free credit every month and i don't read that much i don't read the audio books that much so i have like a bunch of build up of credits good reads amazon on that one imdb they own that one whole foods woot zappos the bottom line the list goes on that's the end of the list the list goes on and on and on that's literally the end of the list but still listen i i i'm a fan of amazon it's [ __ ] awesome the prime it gets delivered so fast you know what i mean but just just just just stay in your lane just deliver [ __ ] don't start trying to put other people out of business that's all i'm saying boycott amazon everybody or don't i'm not i'm full of [ __ ] if i don't interrupt him he'll just talk himself out of what he was just saying have you noticed that he was like boycott amazon everyone or don't i love amazon they're the best i do like amazon i'm constantly ordering sushi makers and objedar that i do not need shite uh that's what it's good for and cheap goods okay really quick we must thank draftkings which is such a fun sponsor for this show draftkings makes really fun uh easy to play fantasy mma you can download the draftkings app now and use the promo code by m it really is the most fun way listen we all have gambled on the fights before okay but when you were picking the fighters and playing along with fantasy mma it will change the entire night of events for you yes and there is no better place to get in on all of the action than draftkings the leader in 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using uh there's a minimum five dollar deposit required eligibility restrictions apply see draftkings.com for more details okay where were we yeah big j is going to be joining us surely i think right yeah any minute now any minute now uh there he is oh look at that speak of the devil he's a little bit muted there and i think his camera's turned off but uh how long you known there he is hello what's up jay good to see you bud good to see you too man what up lois hello i like the shannon's picture it looks like she's actually here yeah no no that's actually shannon just show yourself a second she's gone downhill recently unfortunately oh shannon so funny because downhill for shannon is still so far uphill for harrington he looks so good there's shannon in the background what's up shannon good to see you long time wow i'm hot i haven't put the air conditioning on so if i'm sweating profusely that's why that's why are you how you been jay how's life i'm doing good i actually saw harrington uh running by my house earlier today and i can't tell if he was running like for like if he's actually running to get in shape or if he was just running the proof to me that he was running you know what i mean yeah you may have seen me first and just started jogging i've done that before yeah no no for sure do you think he purposely went past your house you know several times until you saw he's like i just want to run past jay's house i want him to see me working out you know i've done that with chicks when i was a kid you know what i mean he's like oh hi i'm just happy to be walking past your house on the off chance that i bump into you with my shirt off the best part was harrington did the thing like he said hi but he did the thing like he's been jogging and he he's got in good shape for uh where he was for sure it's pretty impressive how can i just stay in good shape you have to say for where he was yeah he's got in good shape for where the shape he was in and uh it's it's better shape than me for sure but he did it's also still the same shape he's just gotten a smaller version of the [ __ ] yeah yeah he looks like a shrunken pair um but harrington did the thing when he was talking to us when he went by like the the one headphone off and still you know he's still doing like the yeah you're doing bym later right i got you on bym he's training for the big [ __ ] race having forbidden he stopped for a second and have a polite conversation oh sorry guys uh trying to be my personal record but yeah yeah we'll get you later because you dialed in 2 p.m we'll see you there sir he gives too much science he gives too much science about it he's like sorry guys heart rate can't get below 125. oh my god oh [ __ ] so yeah we're going uh me and jay are both going out of town a little bit later on today which is pretty awesome uh in providence rhode island last time me and jay were on the road together bisping you saw jay was attacked on stage uh in royersford pennsylvania yeah let's talk about that jay torch was so so for the people that don't know yes well lewis she basically just summed it up there's no need i was going to give a little recap but from your perspective jay we've heard lewis's perspective that you were being manhandled and he had to jump to your defense okay the knight in shining armor that lewis is but please i would love to hear your perspective there is no no lewis was great uh actually louis uh i think we both saw the problem coming we were going back and forth with this girl did you tell mike the things that were said why the girl got so wound up no no i didn't i didn't tell uh any of the things that you did that were good it was really about me looking like it is the worst the worst thing is that everybody that wanted to help and you know make sure the situation didn't get any more out of hand of all times when people like film things the filming stops completely when it just looks like i was ragdolled and louis came to white knight but uh yeah but it conveniently finished it there as well i wanted to see more i just saw lewis and the guy falls off the stage and that's that you know that seems conveniently edited well i think other people had footage and but they're fans of ours so they didn't want to put it out yeah because after a while it might be me and louis's fault um at some point in that video it might turn to like all right but uh no there was a lady there was a girl there i said it brings up such a good point like i said i almost like as time is going on i feel bad for this 24 year old white girl to some degree just in the idea that like you know kids i mean i feel like my daughter's not like this thank god but i'm sure there's some element of it but these young girls now or just young people in general but i think the young white girls are so susceptible to it is that they're so inundated every day instead of just being 24 and going to clubs and having fun and being kind of carefree every day online they're told like everyone around you is a racist and everyone's a piece of [ __ ] and you have to fix this because you know homophobia is real and trans people get killed and all this you know i mean like yeah every indian dated with that and so this lady just came into the into the show with like a chip on her shoulder for this stuff and i guess she didn't know the podcast so for those of you that don't know me and bj do a podcast called legion of skanks it's a really dirty podcast the point of it is to be really over the top edgy and we call it the most offensive podcast on earth so um you know jay is also a particularly dirty stand-up comedian so jay's doing what he does which is honestly playful it's not even like it's it could even be not that dirty i gotta say because i came to yeah uh adult material for sure and i'm sorry yeah the dog take that as an insult i think it's awesome yeah yeah but i i remember going to what and i thought cause but that was with me i think i thought this is going to be embarrassing but no i mean yeah you know it was very very funny but it wasn't anything too bad no i try to make it not offensive and like palatable for everybody but it definitely touches on like you know subjects that might get uh technically you might get people like kind of wound up but i try to even if you're gonna get there's certain trigger words in comedy where if you just say things these days certain words you can just say whatever and people are gonna go oh my god without even listening to the context of the joke and this chick wasn't a fan of the podcast she was just a chick who was there with some family members whom one of them who happened to be a fan of the podcast also everybody does a thing now where they correlate everything that's said in the world to what their scenario is also you know i mean like they i've had you know i'm posting a bunch of uh clips online lately uh more than ever and i'm surprised even under those how many things pop up that are like i do a joke about uh wishing i could like uh if i wishing society would let me uh fight my daughter when she does but only when she does something wrong not like crazy abusive [ __ ] just like if she does something i don't want to punish her for weeks and weeks i'd rather just fight her and get it over with and then we'll go back to the mall and hang out just a good old-fashioned slap just a quick one it's going to hurt but it's going to be sharp and we're going to move on we're going to move on it's a joke it's nothing i've done and it's there and then as soon as you post that this like thing that hasn't based in no reality it's just a joke people right away it's like anything about child abuse is awful and terrible it's like it's too you're being too vague when you say stuff like that but anyway to get to the uh pennsylvania thing this girl was she was already wound up at lewis's set and being and i thought you know in her defense i guess i could have left it alone completely but when i see that happening i always want to kind of go to it but not to [ __ ] her night up it's really to like uh by the way raciated back into the into the fun from my perspective i thought i was just killing i didn't even know she had a problem with me i i i had no idea she had a problem with me i thought i was just doing well yeah and this guy heckling was she talking [ __ ] from the crowd she was but she wasn't talking [ __ ] to louis as she went to the bathroom at one point with her brother that's the guy who grabbed me when i was off stage and louis was on stage i said louis was killing she was i just happened to hear her being loud on purpose not so much that lewis can hear it's like an open outside thing you know but she was just really complaining not even about lewis particularly she was furious at the crowd for enjoying those it was like there's a bigger problem here yeah yeah she was and she kept saying she hates pennsylvania and all this stuff so well [ __ ] off then really what do you do just leave oh yeah well one of the funniest things to me at all was when i said to her i heard that when i got on stage i pointed her out and i was like miss i heard you over there say you [ __ ] hate pennsylvania and in my mind i'm like what amazing place are you from you know she said that she was going to be like i live in fiji or something yeah i go i go where do you live and she goes uh reading like pennsylvania she's from pennsylvania self-hating pennsylvanian so she um she was just going and saying that she thinks everybody here is a racist and everyone's a trump supporter and all these things so she started uh just throwing comedy lobs at me and that's why i kind of looked back i saw louis like come closer not for the problem lewis came closer to the stage to enjoy it yeah i was enjoying the decimation of this girl because you gotta say like she was drunk as well and she's getting like really like loud and demonstrative so where she's like in her mind she's gonna be a hero i guess at one point like people are gonna start joining in but now everyone in the crowd is just pointing and cackling at her so they're enjoying jay jay's killing and he's not even being mean he's sort of like being nice to her like which is a a great way to deal with a heckler he's like he's handling her with like not kid gloves but he's like being overtly nice and she's just getting angrier and anger and the crowd is laughing more and more so it's like a scene from a movie it's all just happening so where she's going to explode and i had to get closer to watch this happen because it was just a thing of art so what so what she's happening is she starts yelling out but everybody being racist i'm going no miss come on like everyone's here to have fun together and i'm doing a lot of that and then uh she started i started doing a joke and then she started i see her just back in her phone and it's like getting nighttime so you can see the bright on her face and it's just distracting enough that i'm like ah she checked out again so i go miss who are you i go who are you texting i go or i wrote i said something are you writing all this down because it's good information jay can i just interject right here like this is the moment where you could have just left it alone yeah and you could have went home and everyone could have a nice night he's not rare enough fair enough he's not wrong about that but i go i go miss but she just kept throwing i mean just soft lobs above the rim i mean these were so easy she goes um i go who are you texting miss and she goes i'm texting my black boyfriend and she says it like everyone's gonna have a problem with that but nobody does and i was like okay you know and every time she give i'd have her dad did oh yeah well she goes i have a black boyfriend and i was like and then i said do you uh i go does he make you text him every half hour to make sure so he knows how much time he has to get [ __ ] out of the house and like the crowd laughed at that but i say as soon as i say that i go miss like because she's you can see her face get upset and i go miss i don't know you or your boyfriend like i'm just making this up you're getting wound up over nothing i don't know you yeah in reality she has busted him cheating so many times for sure yeah whatever you know what i made everything i say here completely hit a nerve with her but she's walking into these punches i mean i'm just standing like this and she keeps headbutting my fist she uh then uh so i said about the black boyfriend and then she starts saying uh she goes actually i'm pregnant with a black baby and again nobody cares like it's not a thing that in the audience that's gonna give a [ __ ] about this and then i was like well that seems like more of your father's nightmare than anyone's problem here and then uh and then she uh her mother steps up and her mother who and her do not get along her mother and her and so she uh her mom goes no no she's lying she's not pregnant she's hammered she goes she's not pregnant at all and then uh and then the girl goes that's right i'm not pregnant because i had an abortion and she said it like that real like she's giving you a spooky you know i had an abortion and i said uh i was like well miss for being so worried about racism you're the only person here who just confessed to killing a black person and then you had no idea what to do and she just like steamed like a teapot and just started screaming in her chair to the heavens like someone was attacking her it's really crazy she starts screaming through the heavens really psychotically screaming like a banshee like a banshee wow and the audience now is everyone's on their feet like living gay i'm sure of their life it's christmas morning for 200 people in a [ __ ] field we're just weird in central bay oh you know what i love shannon loves the story look at her face she sounds like she was just hammered hammered drunk she was hammered but i mean these are the the things that consume her mind because like i said again like a hammered uh like young girl like that you think would be much more either her thing would be her own the fact that it went to like this anger and like everyone here is my enemy out of nowhere was bizarre so um but while so the security kind of goes over and starts like walking her off the interesting thing was while that's happening the crowd starts doing like the the chanting the nana hey hey goodbye i don't know that what is that no no no no no oh oh okay okay yeah they're like they're cheering basically that she's getting kicked out we're leaving and i was even saying to the crowd because it was such a crazy i i started that chance i think lois did actually i did but uh but how did my credit is do sure as as they're walking her off i'm even saying to the crowd i'm like nah i might just let her go like she's clearly like you know unstable just leave her alone but while that's all attention is on that her brother comes walking out of the dark like [ __ ] doc holiday and tombstone i'm your huckleberry and he uh he walks up to the state and he's walking to the stage i definitely have like uh i realize this is like a thing he's coming for like a problem and i'm not uh i i'm not even worried about that so much because like i have a i'm six feet in the air on this stage five and a half he's got high ground it's like what are you gonna do i'll just start kicking in the head literally i was like if he starts trying to come on the stage i could easily get him off the stage or uh or whatever but he walks up he goes that's my sister and i went what and then he just grabs my ankle and he pulls me off the stool like off the stage and then lewis uh as he saw him coming out like lewis runs up behind and like jumped off the stage and and we were able to get on top of him thank god but like that could have went so bad which also in defense there's so many elements that would have been funnier and if although far more humiliating but the thing that sucks about it is in not being able to really tell the story and completion everywhere it is it does i i really do hate as a dude and you guys can both understand us i'm sure every time i see somebody especially like female comics that i know or friends or everything and when there's things like oh my god are you okay and you have to go like oh god i'm fine no you should see him uh yeah yeah really that guy's that guy that's what happened i was attacked in the video and nothing else happened after that yeah so you pick it up from there then lewis so what did you do i i ran over and you'll see you can see in the video brian and post you should just put the video superimposes so people can see what i try to do is i try to kick the guy uh in the temple um but i'm fat and slow fat and slow so i don't make it there on time so i just whoop and i miss him and then he really just what he did was he pulled jay on top of him so jay just squished oh this is spaghetti not the smartest move no he wasn't pulling me on top he was pulling me out what what kind of pulled you off the stage and he did and what would have happened if i wasn't just very luckily this is the thing that's actual luck and no uh anything besides that it was that i was able to get he grabbed one one leg so i was able even though i had neither feet on the ground i was able to like just tap my left foot on the ground enough to like just change direction because he was going to have me like laid out which could have just been oh so i thought you were going to say you you could tap him in the head with your other foot that's what i thought you were going to say that's what you should do i'll tell you what when i've lived it in my head a thousand times over that's one of the things i did exactly the other foot comes across and and he does one of those things where he spins after i kick him and falls down yeah so he's on uh jay's on top of him and then me and me and jay both just told him we didn't appreciate what he did yeah we gave him some some mean words yeah and then uh then apparently then apparently a fan i'm not a fan i'm sorry bisping uh a supporter um well no you can't say it as a collective because you are a collective you can say that but anytime one person is talking about my fans no no no we did we did it come on come on do not say my fans well no no you can jay you can jay but i just i feel like people are constantly walking like hey my fans my fans my friends i shut the [ __ ] up bro i'll tell you something i never say that and i know that this conversation comes from a place of lewis says that a lot yes my fans and i've told him don't say it you sound like a [ __ ] my massive fan base what ah tell them that listen can i just say something there's always two sides to every story now of course you guys you're you're i told you them both you're entertaining the masters jay and you're being a a comedy delight and this woman's drunk and she's out of control and she's belligerent and her boyfriend so uh her brother brother is you know is his crazed psycho madman and you both accosted him and just like told him some rights and gave him a good old-fashioned lecture on the flip side it could sound like you were picking on this girl right she was mentally unstable the brother came to have a word to just break it down and you both jumped him can i have an idea can we jay can we do an exercise in psychology this would actually work i think why don't you tell the story like you're the brother uh yeah are here who am you're the brother you wanna you gotta look at it for this is called it's an exercise in empathy okay because maybe you're not looking at it from his perspective what what is his version of this event here you go he goes does this fat [ __ ] think he's better than me oh he's giving [ __ ] to my horse sister let me go [ __ ] use that as an excuse to straighten this fat [ __ ] out he was laughing at my portion of a black baby brother okay yeah his story his story is a he goes he's making fun of my dead black [Laughter] nephew no one makes fun of little tyrell we still have a memorial to them guys guys guys save the [ __ ] save for your own podcast please i don't want to get canceled out here that's fair yeah yeah yeah oh [ __ ] that's great so what's going to happen tonight then i've never been to where is it pennsylvania rhode island is that she is a nice place rhode island's nice yeah yeah really cool the comedy connection it's great place right and i said you know i guess something like that could happen anyway the problem with comedy the good and the bad actually i should say is that it's an event com the the business of it is completely based around drinking so there's not a show you can do where there's not a person who's just a matter of you're dealing with how people deal with drunk you know i'm not a i'm not a belligerent drunk but a lot of people are you know yeah but the last time i saw lewis do comedy he walked out screaming at the top of his voice hammered wasted and then i think he spilled the guy's drink all over him and then you pulled out some cash out of your pocket so you know what i mean you're setting the tone there louis that's actually a written bit remember that at the comedy store you came out i don't know what you spilt his drink he was front row and you came out you were [ __ ] crazy the whole kick over the front row table bit yeah you guys know what i do i think you landed on his [ __ ] table or something like that spilled his drinks everywhere i really give it to the audience and they give it back to me and sometimes i get a little secure he gave it it certainly gave it through his drinks everywhere i tell you what lewis really does have his fans and i'll tell you why is because he does i've seen lewis go out and drink a beer and then spit it all over the front row and they really just these grown men let it rain on them and laugh at it where i think if lewis if i was an audience member of lewis and he spit on beer on me in the front row i think i'd grab his ankle and put him off the goddamn feet 100 jay are you watching the fight saturday night are you on the road hey what are you doing definitely watching the fight so i'm excited for this one come over i'm having people over are you doing yeah we might we're trying to figure out where we're doing i thought sal might be doing it also so oh his more famous friend salva confidently probably got a room he's got a big old tv you know what i mean i got a new tv show youtube tv is fine dude 25 minutes before i understand who do you uh who do you got who do you like do you make james hold the antenna and not move yeah what do you think how do you break this one down because because from the outside when you look at it everyone thinks arasana is the sniper and he's the skilled guy which he is he's a tremendous kid boxer with excellent striking but on the flip side they think costa is just this big brute that walks forward and swings like a maniac but that's not the case at all he's and i'm gonna i'll get into that more technically later but uh but yeah how do you see this one um again it's so funny i've watched uh arasanya like do such amazing things but it blows my mind that they're even in the same weight class he's such a he's such a a a thin guy it's always so amazing to me so just almost like from looking at it i think costa is going to do it but i think uh arasana man he really is he's just such a skilled guy and i do think he's going to take it ultimately but he do i do i do think he's gonna uh take it but i mean i i wouldn't be blown away if he just gets caught one time i mean i love that they're both undefeated so it's such an exciting like you know both one of those going to be facing a feeling he's never felt yet yeah no that's the thing as well and when you're undefeated you go in there and well you've never tasted defeat so your confidence is [ __ ] with yeah all right lewis all right okay gentlemen i mean slow your role but i'm just saying there's only one undefeated fighter on this uh podcast right now but keem on going so can we say i don't know a single professional undefeated fighter on the call you [ __ ] listen we've all done little rinky-dink amateur [ __ ] in our [ __ ] pajamas jay literally hasn't i have it i've never fought another comedian exactly exactly ryan o'neill of all the comedians to pick as well you sure [ __ ] went for the the weakest of the bunch there i'd say lewis oh yeah he had bruce willis from moonlighting hair when he pulled that off uh but uh you were beating up a substitute teacher but uh but no so both guys you know they're absolutely fearless they've never been beaten so you're right that does add an extra dynamic in here i think it will make for a better fight and to your point you're right sunday morning one of them is going to be sitting there going [ __ ] not only did you lose your title fight but you lost your undefeated record i know all right we know 2020 is garbage it's not the best year it's it's people are losing the jobs pets heads are falling off coronavirus flight's cancelled you didn't get to go on vacation you can't see your grandma but guess what we've got a good [ __ ] way of finding you a job lewis people can go to indeed.com which is the number one job site in the world because indeed gets you the best people that you need fast you know what i mean you you need a job doing you need the right person you don't need a harrington okay more you need more for brian right i know honestly brian has an indeed sort of attitude uh harrington's not an indeed quality employee so really that could be your metric right now that unlike other sites they give you full control and payment flexibility over your hiring you only pay for what you need and you can pause your account at any time and there's no long-term contracts plus indeed provides powerful 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so many uh people throughout history i think tyson's one of them uh roy jones is a very good example of that there's so i think and i think woodley's actually going through this right now like he was so dominant and then when like one person exposed his game like they just never come back with that same fire it's like it really is like a thing there oh like you now go in thinking you can lose i was friendly with a uh we're friends with a player that was on the jets for a couple seasons very good dustin real [ __ ] j lewis did not like him really oh yeah what was the issue lewis real quick i'd say lewis isn't wrong here when i first met him he was a fan this this guy was a fan of of mines we would come around oh a fan of yours interesting he wasn't a supporter yeah he wasn't uh he wasn't one of he wasn't one of my legion of fans but he was no but he was uh he would come around and hang out but he was a rookie nfl player who just went from being not a multi-millionaire to a millionaire and he was just [ __ ] up he would come to comedy clubs and actually like be like he'd be hammered and like they'd almost create a problem and he was really sure first then like worse than the girl that jay just described that whole of the story he would do [ __ ] like that he would just be obnoxious yeah and it was like one time at a comedy club would that get into like the long story of it he was crazy he was like i'd never want this to happen for me because he was doing like the get off stage put jay on like that kind of [ __ ] you're like dude oh god that's embarrassing so he he tried to go back in and i was like hosting a show and i like uh you know his girlfriend tried to go back in the show and i was hosting i was like no she can't go back and i told the other guy at the door that she can't go back in and then he got mad at me yeah so we had this like standoff where he like grabbed me by the arm and a bunch of people had to get in between us and he didn't know that i was an undefeated mma fighter but had he known he probably would have stood down right there and then but but the point i was making with that guy was he was on the jets for a couple seasons very good like he was uh you know definitely one of the uh better better tight ends in the league and then uh he went to he got traded or i'm sorry he he went free agency to the dolphins and in pre-season he got his knee bent backwards just took a helmet to the knee and got bent backwards he did recover from he got surgery and he had like a you know he had to sit out of season and then he would tell me that he was like you know he's a meeting with this team and this team and and then he never ended up going with a team and when i talked to him about the next time he just put his money into like a restaurant or something and he was like yeah you know what he just knew in his own mind he goes every time i go back on the field now i'll just be looking like i won't be able to catch a ball over the middle with like the reckless abandon i always did because i'm always going to be thinking about getting my knee smashed in like that again so i think that's an interesting thing like when one of these guys on sunday as we said wakes up and realized he did lose and it's different like how do you not hold on to that [ __ ] in your armor and be like and walk in with that because right now both these guys are like i'm going to walk through this fight like i know they know that either each guy is good but they both have like a we're both good but i'm going to show he has no idea what i'm bringing to the table here and then one of them's going to be proven wrong how do you deal like yeah no no no no no it's hard and that and that is often like the big downfall for fighters you know once certainly in boxing you used to see in boxing right you know whatever the record was undefeated guy they take one loss and then their career is pretty much over but that's a different model but for the psyche of the fighter or even the athlete as you mentioned your buddy the football player once you get knocked out in a fight all right maybe if they lose my decision that's different but if they get knocked out yeah you know then yeah it takes a piece of the soul with them like i can only talk about my experiences when i got knocked out against dan henderson in 2009 it was a bad knockout and everybody said after that said you'll never recover from that oh sorry that's what they did talking about and said he'll never recover from that i remember joe rogan saying i remember tons of people saying no he's his career is [ __ ] done and i remember at my next fight all the press that used to [ __ ] hound me all the time the english press you know walking right past me in my dressing room didn't even [ __ ] say hi and i was like you [ __ ] [ __ ] i was so pissed what's past me to go talk to dan hardy do you know that oh you [ __ ] [ __ ] i'll i'll remember this day and i have i've [ __ ] let them have it on multiple occasions gareth a davies love your buddy but still but yeah because you have you know you may you may not recover you don't know how you're going to fight again and i remember even in the training for my next fight after that it was all about trying to come back from that not be gun shy you know because you might go either you think you're gonna get clipped and for some fighters as well sometimes there's just like an expiry date on the chin and one knockout can be enough and then they get touched again and then they seem they seem to be easily knocked out you know uh and i remember i was spawning once go on well i was gonna say i know you said you saw a sports psychologist is that when you saw a sports psychologist no it's not actually no but i have i have done that and that does help and that's people like tyron woodley or whoever we're talking about certainly could do with that but uh yeah no my next fight was all about trying to uh not be gunshot and i remember i was sparring i kept getting [ __ ] dropped and my coach was like right this done it's over it's over i'm no no i'm fine it's like you're not fine you've just been dropped three [ __ ] times so uh by dan hardy yeah exactly the [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah it's all down to the individual and how mentally strong they are and how mentally tough so obviously you can rebound from that you know but some fighters don't you certain you certainly did and there's people that that do all that don't take those losses uh like hard at all but i mean like i said roy jones is always my best example in boxing because i mean the fight before he lost you were still like this guy has got years left in him of just toying with people and beating them like you know like a video game and then that one guy put him down and then the next fight he goes through the ropes and then the next you know it's like just in a row he just didn't have it anymore you know yeah it's it's weird it's a little different but uh you know physically he couldn't have been physically uh no less good than he was two fights before he's only a year and a half between definitely not definitely not i i guess into a certain degree maybe they're like well i did it i i achieved my goal you know and it st it stopped i'll still have a few more fights but that maybe that fire's gone you know what i'm saying but uh prince nazim hamad are you familiar with him he was a british boxer yeah he was he paid a million dollars uh for the extra television time because they were getting mad about his intros being too long yeah so he paid a million dollars so he can come in on a flying magic carpet i remember it and he flipped over the ropes and then uh what is it marco yeah just just walked in he's doing all his flip punches and cartwheel punches and and then this guy just little mexican guy just walked him down the whole fight and just beat him yeah and then that was that and you never saw him again never boxed a day in his life and he was the flashy i mean the knockouts that guy did and the skill that he had the athleticism were unreal but then he gets beat one and he's like you know what [ __ ] this i'm out game over it's weird it's all strange he may have realized too though what he talked about being gun shy part of his whole thing and roy jones had this too when your thing is uh i think uh mayweather happened sure but it happened to uh why am i drawing a blank code silva uh anderson listen same thing when part of your entertainment value and like the hype on you is that he's gonna put his arms behind his back and like you know move out of the way of like six punches and then connect on the next three he throws once you get clipped and and go down from that like those days are kind of over you know i mean so yeah i think that was almost the thing with uh prince naseem ahmed was that he part of his whole game he would like dance in the ring like between punches you know do like moonwalks and all kinds of goofy [ __ ] and now he knows that he can't do that anymore like he's would never think to do that i think anymore he'd be like yeah not sure so what you're saying is the natural ability that separated them from everybody and as you get older it's always going to diminish and people are going to catch you up and once that's gone maybe the light will [ __ ] it all right i had a good run i've made 30 40 million dollars or whatever it is i've got that in my bank account let's go get fat and he is fat i see him now and again in the british press he's a big old [ __ ] boy but he looks happy good for him really that's a uh i mean this is the the believing me podcast so i have to give bisping credit here because it was just a great moment in the fight with you and anderson where he was trying to he was trying to goad you into just uh what was he against yeah no he was doing that whole [ __ ] much to your point jay yeah that's what he used to do and he did it to stefan bonner he did it to a bunch of people and he just stand against the fence with his hands down and and people would try and fight him and he just and he'd just make a [ __ ] [ __ ] out of you you know and i remember i think it was third round or something like that and he does it and he backs up against the fence and i'm like [ __ ] off i'm not having this because even if i'm trying to hit you you are winning this psychological battle and you're making a fool out of me so i just packed off into the middle of the octagon am i nah i'm not going to do this once you start fighting i'll fight back but i'm not taking part in this [ __ ] mockery of michael bisping in [ __ ] london it was great because it was a moment where even the fans got what happened there they were like no no [ __ ] that fight and it was just like it was a really cool moment in the fight i remember it reminded me of it when bit when you were bringing up how uh me and christine went to a we were i was in vancouver we went to a bar in vancouver to watch that fight oh nice nice nice well thank you so anyway so so who wins do you think you think israel wins i do i do think so i i think it might be a decision i think it might go to decision honestly right i know i don't know i hope not i'm always i'd love a finish but i think uh he's just so wiry and i don't know if uh costa's gonna catch him at all but if he does i mean i do i like the the [ __ ] talking this one is great the ricky martin stuff and everything yeah oh yeah today on the beach was just great they really don't like each other which always makes for a better fight um or at the very least it makes a better build up to the fight and sort of that that first opening minute is so explosive i feel like uh arasonya or costa's got him out of sanji's head a little bit because he's it it's it's at a sign you're constantly doing the attacking and casa is just sitting there being [ __ ] kind of chill for the most part and it's not a sonya that's attacking him and i don't know maybe he's just trying to have the fight or maybe that's a little insecurity i'm not sure which one it is but i've got to choose my words carefully because i'm watching the fights with his manager and my manager already on saturday night so do you know what it means i better watch what i say because he'll be like what the [ __ ] mike you were on your podcast and picked again as my guy [ __ ] you so uh yeah i got a sonya winning no i don't know it's a [ __ ] close fight though it's a close fight but the thing is i was saying before um costa i think he lands eight punches per minute right and and with an accuracy of something i forget what it is i think i took a screenshot of it because i wanted to mention it i think he's accuracy something like something like 76 accuracy whereas on the flip side of sonia only lands four punches a minute at a much less uh lower accuracy you know so this is the stereo so this this this notion that you know cost is just this barbarian that just swings and that asana is the sniper if you look at the numbers that doesn't stack up you know it's it's that's not the narrative at all that's great yeah i'm excited for it i'll tell you what ufc talk about i'm sure you guys have said it a thousand times it should get so much credit for through this quarantine i mean because it came back pretty early they figured out how to do it pretty early uh in this pandemic how to do it safely and get it going and i mean it has just been such a solace as when it comes on at all you know the fight nights and pretty much every week there's something and uh that's been amazing man it really has i bet it's built up the brand even more like a people just who maybe weren't even into it it's just like oh it's a live it's a live event you know it's massive it's every single week i mean we talk about this lewis all the time you know and we sound like i'm being a company man and i'm kissing their ass but you've got to [ __ ] give it to him i mean there are fights every week back in florida when this whole [ __ ] all started i think it was in may they did three fights in a week on fire island last time they did something like five fights in two weeks five fight nights you know what i mean the organization of that all the different fighters all the teams the flies the hotels the the tv schedules every all the [ __ ] that goes on behind the scenes that's not easy to to make happen you know what i mean and certainly in the pandemic and you think about how much the you know how or i i i'm so you have to assume there was a conscious effort with the ufc and dana white and everybody and they were like look we have an opportunity to be the only live event right now the only live sport there's a and it's kind of because you made me think of that jake because i didn't really consider that how many casual fans of just sports were just thirsty for something and they came over to i mean did we just watch the president call colby covington at the end of his fight the other day it's gone you can't even say it like just in the past six months it's it's like leveled up i you the numbers have to be going up in a massive massive way so um it really is incredible to watch and the fights seem to be getting sort of bigger in terms of the average fight seems to be getting more and more buzz whereas i think a few years ago was a handful of fighters that were getting all of the buzz covington acted like uh like a sick kid in the hospital who had michael jackson show up at his room he was like mr bonus he came in his [ __ ] pants but fair play you know he's a big trump supporter and you know hey listen it is a big deal uh i'm just looking forward to fans getting back sorry supporters ufc whatever you want to call them but you know it's it's great and and there's no there's no crowd and it you know it does make it a little more intense in some ways but i do miss the crowd and the energy and then when the fighter walks out it all goes dark you know for the main event you can see the phones and then the crowd and the yeah it's [ __ ] awesome it really is an amazing sport but yeah just looking forward to the fans getting back one of my favorite things though i'll tell you i'll tell you who doesn't react he has not missed a beat uh fans or no fans michael buffer or nama uh bruce buffer bruce buffer has not missed the b he still jumps when he says live but he still screams it in their face it's the best he do he never switches off i swear to god bruce was the uh bruce did uh it's a bit cheesy but it was cool uh he he like i don't know how do i word this as my wife and i our wedding when we walked into this the the wedding reception you know the meal part and all that [ __ ] buffer introduces us okay and he came out and he did a whole thing about my best man and the thing about my dad and my wife and in the red corner and this and that and then mr michael and rebecca but the whole bruce butler thing all the [ __ ] people that i loved it's a little bit cheesy but to my to your point [ __ ] buffer did not hold back one little bit following at the top of his [ __ ] voice in this little wedding reception god bless him you know that was awesome well have you noticed that there's definitely somebody in your wife's family though that just wasn't super familiar with everything is like this is intense is he drunk why is he shouting somebody get the microphone away from that crazy guy wearing a paisley jacket grab his leg and drag him off stage i mean the ufc i really love the production and i there's it's a different thing there's the level of intensity and intimacy with being in the corners and hearing everything hearing the fighters talk [ __ ] to each other during the fights um but there's been like a [ __ ] if you notice like a lot of tv shows as well and jay i know you have to get out of here in a minute i know you're gonna get on the road um but a lot of tv shows have started adding like like audience soundtracks and like all the football ambassadors yeah i was gonna say the sports as well the sports are all doing it oh i haven't seen the sports doing yet so they they make it sound like there's a crowd there yeah what's really [ __ ] hilarious is this virtual crowd and i'm a eagles fan and they are uh terrible starting out the season really bad and philadelphia is notoriously a rough city for fans and the fans are very rough and they're they couldn't believe that they piped in boos against the eagles when they were playing bad oh really yeah they still made him feel bad about the personalities he's awesome yeah we're not doing well just hey gotta keep it real what the [ __ ] exactly the philadelphia fans would boo their own team the virtual fans are still racists yeah exactly yeah no no premier league have been doing that for a while just having yeah a little bit of sound i guess for the viewer at home because it is a little weird with no crowd you know so they're trying to make it as normal as possible because yeah yeah but it's just gonna make your viewing experience better though no it does it does uh what's your stance on this whole thing jay of this whole coronavirus thing we'll let you go on that ah it's terrifying he loves it vaccines come out yeah i'm uh wear your masks and uh let's get over this [ __ ] i want to get back to the world being normal although i am very curious to see how fast we take to normalcy again i can't think of of a time i know it will happen but i can't think of a time where i won't overthink getting on an airplane now or just anything like that i know it will happen again but it'll take a while and many many flights before you just go like all right we're fine yeah that's that's kind of how i am now i mean i do respect it and i wear a mask wherever i go you know what i mean of course i do but i don't know i'm just i think i've just become desensitized to it now a little bit and like you start to get that feeling where you're like i probably won't die from it yeah odds are i won't die from it so let's just hope i get that strain well fingers crossed and hopefully not hopefully you don't die all right we'll let you get out of here jay thanks for joining us buddy really appreciate it love you guys talking a little bit buddy see you in a bit guys bye-bye all right mate take care there he is big j olkerson how long have you guys been working together luis uh i met jay probably 13 14 years ago at least right so yeah a little bit of time there a long time just trying to find these uh these stats of what i was talking about earlier but yeah to my point about addisonia and costa do you know what i mean i think the narrative going into this that you've got addisonia in one side the tall very very skilled skinny guy that's doing it all with technique and precision and he's the sniper and edison even says i i don't swing and hope or something i aim and fire you know which is a great line and he's a great self-marketer you know he's got tremendous star power and charisma and all the rest of it but and then on the flip side you've got costumes just a big brute that's like the narrative those those stats i'd be interested in knowing i'm assuming those are career stats ufc starts in ufc con okay that's that's that's definitely a better representation but i'd like to see the last three fights specifically see how they're fighting the last the last few fights um and you know it's not look the the reality is like we just don't there's no there's two they're too close in skill um and they're both undefeated so there's no way to really really pick against either one of them i just think that casa he comes off so powerful you know what i'm saying and if he is as accurate as at asanya i mean he's going to land something the problem is you know we've never seen edison knocked out an mma but we did see him knocked out in kickboxing right yeah no he got viciously knocked out in kickboxing which you know again you know you have that many kickboxing fights and you find the best people in the world is gonna happen uh yeah so costa is more of a puncher than a kicker for sure so there's a little difference there uh certainly i would say hits harder i mean the guy's a [ __ ] tank let's be honest but the big thing the big difference is the reach advantage izzy is 80 inches cost is 72 inches eight inches eight inches that's massive you know what i mean i mean you know this louise i know i know exactly how big eight inches is it's [ __ ] exactly you know someone's [ __ ] eye out from the other side of the room um yeah no no that that's the big thing is that costa has to get on the inside which is fine because he's to walk him down anyway so you're gonna have to walk him down it's i don't know it's tough it's tough they had a really interesting little exchange during the press conference where they were arguing about jiu jitsu i saw that yeah okay so that i thought that was kind of interesting so um you know because izzy he's talking a lot of [ __ ] like is he is he's good at talking [ __ ] but we were talking the other day about this i almost feel like when you start like cursing with colby you were talking about it when you start cursing you it just comes off like you're losing when the other guy is being calm cool and collected i don't know no no no i don't know about the cursing but in the delivery of the cursing because you could say oh shut the [ __ ] up yeah right now but if you start shouting and you lose your cool not necessarily swearing but when you lose you're cool yeah and i always used to say that because i remember on when i weighed in against ellen belcher and i was talking a bit of [ __ ] and he [ __ ] pushed me and i just laughed a bit ah cause i got him you snapped i'm [ __ ] i'm getting to you buddy i'm pushing your buttons so yeah to your point anybody does that anybody snaps it's uh it's not a good sign yeah and i just feel like um yeah i just feel like costa's winning the war of words and it may be because he's limited maybe because his language is limited and he has to choose his words a little more wisely but he's just kind of calm cool and collected they start talking about jiu jitsu and he's like i'm a black but i don't even know what you like he's just so like what are you talking about is he's just going it's like i'm you know i [ __ ] beat black belts in the gym and i'm [ __ ] i'll get you to shoulder lock right now and you're like you're like all right just i don't know i know you're out on the flip side cause you're just like well what are you talking about the block but you blue belt don't you do you want to play jiu jitsu with me i [ __ ] smash you but incidentally that was hamza jim you want to play jujitsu with me oh you would you want to play jiu jitsu with me i'll tell you what costa does speak a little bit of english and i like it because it is making it more entertaining i don't know if you know valid ismail is you know who that guy is harrington probably does that's his manager and he's an intense dude like all those [ __ ] uh brazilians uh davidson figuerado there's like a little posse and they're a bunch of badasses you know what i mean uh yeah and he's like they're a translator or whatever he's a [ __ ] intense little dude as well yeah it's gonna be a good one i can't wait but if it goes to the ground obviously you'd have to give the advantage to costa i don't think he's gonna go to the ground yeah i mean think about it everyone said i'll just take cost uh is he down and he's done great you know in that regard he's defended all the takedowns if he has got taken down he's bounced up really quick what i will say though is and and this does make me lean towards costa a bit if you look at kelvin gastelum you know and look at that fire and gasoline don't get me wrong great fighter uh he was able to give izzy everything he could handle almost knocked him out with a head kick uh i just think costa's gonna hit way harder and i think historically you know the the the the the stats show that the records show that he hits [ __ ] hard if he can get on the inside i think he's gonna be a tough night for is he and is he on the flip side he's gonna maintain that range and i think that's the real battle of the fight you know just controlling the range and who can have success at finding the range or keeping him out of range if this is making sense harrington facts neither man has uh attempted a takedown in their ufc careers uh there's a lot of sonia 86 take down defense and 80 to costa so um yeah i mean the reality is it's probably not going to the ground um it's going to probably be a war do you agree with big j that it's going to go to a decision or do you think that this one's going to end earlier because i mean it's just it's almost it's kind of crazy because it's if it goes to decision i almost feel like the fight is going to be a disappointment and they're going to be you know holding back a little bit well one thing that's not going to happen is izzy versus joel romero and and izzy can't afford for that to happen either now listen for arizona the most important thing is winning the bell right and it doesn't matter how he does that the most important thing is at the end of that fight that he has the belt wrapped around his waist so he's not really going to let outside influence get to him there isn't going to be a crowd to boo and show disapproval right you know but but the romero fight let's be honest it wasn't a lot [ __ ] happened so so the eagle side of our song you might want to address that you you never know you might want to say no [ __ ] that i don't want that to be my legacy a guy that wins safe so he's going to go forward but if he does that he's planning to cost his game and if he does that and he does go forward listen we've seen how to sign you not [ __ ] people out he knocked out uh robert whittaker we hadn't seen that happen before like that apart from wonder boy thompson i think uh but still great [ __ ] knockout so he clearly possesses a lot of power i don't know i don't i don't i don't think this is going to a decision i think we see a knockout yeah probably um i'm really excited for this fight um you know it's so funny because there's another title fight on the card yeah it's it once again and i'm no disrespect say it say i know what you're going to say you know what i'm going to say what's the truth it's it's a tough pill to swallow i'm gonna need a few fights to sort of erode away the fact that jon jones just gave up that title it's tough it's a tough it seems it has the the uh the the the value of like an interim title it feels like to me it doesn't it doesn't feel like the title fight and maybe that's disrespecting blockovic and and uh um reyes but it's not supposed to be i'm just speaking the way that most fans probably also see this let yeah let's just look at that situation and what happened because i remember jones was asking for more money right he was going on he wanted more money him and dana white were going back and forth exchanging text messages or whatever and then the next minute he retired correct but now he's coming back at heavyweight yeah harrington what am i missing there in that puzzle what piece of the puzzle am i missing if anything i think the biggest piece of the puzzle is that jones had been making the case that he could just make more money at heavyweight so he didn't want to say uh what the fights he was looking at at light heavyweight were a rematch with dominic reyes a rematch with thiago santos neither one of those things the ufc was willing to open the the checkbook for however some of these super fights and heavyweights he thinks that's where he's gonna get his real payday yeah and that's that's a fair assumption let's be honest we've seen the reyes fight it was a great [ __ ] fight and i actually thought reyes won uh santos basically anybody that is already beaten and any of these new generation middleweight uh light heavyweights and no disrespect to them i'm not talking [ __ ] but they're not big blockbuster fights and it doesn't have the same pizzazz of a john johns versus dc you know and he's right if he wants to figure out what's also partially his fault uh and i apologize for cutting you off but i think you'll agree with this it's he's clearing out the division he's destroying everybody they put in front of him at one point you go it's like well all right you know there's no stories to be made there's no real challenger yeah because by the time they get somebody that looks good enough john jones just beats him and he beats him handily yeah absolutely he's a victim of his own success because you know people do like to see people get finished and people the public wants to see finishes but at a certain point [ __ ] that i'm not going to pay for this again you know what jones just [ __ ] beats another guy we've seen it he's been the champ for 10 [ __ ] years he has to challenge himself so i think moving up to the heavyweight would do that and we'll excite everything now that brings us back to reyes versus blehovich that's a badass for jon jones also might i don't know good for him that's [ __ ] badass he's moving up to heavyweight and saying you know what i'm done this isn't how many times do you need to defend the light everywhere about to say i did it i did it i've been there done it got the cake t-shirt we came we saw we conquered all that [ __ ] [ __ ] you did it for a long time bud and then he threw the belt away too it's not like he like just like held onto the belt and said oh i want to get a title shot he said [ __ ] it i'll just move up to heavyweight let's go why do you want this title it was sort of a baller move and we give jon jones a lot of [ __ ] on this show but i do have to point out pretty [ __ ] real ass no no that was [ __ ] awesome and you know why because in his mind he's like listen if i want that [ __ ] bell back i'll just go and [ __ ] take it any time i [ __ ] want it so listen you guys play amongst yourself keep it away have fun you know give the guys a good show and if i get my ass kicked a [ __ ] old big old francis over there i'm gonna come and take this back so you better hope and pray that i beat [ __ ] francis otherwise the boogeyman's coming back and if uh blockowitz ends up winning uh he's never fought jon jones there's a storyline right there so there's always an opportunity and honestly with dominic reyes a lot of people think that he won that fight there's also that storyline there as well you know jon jones moves away from light heavyweight goes up to heavyweight if he ever wants to return that's a great great point then the division actually holds more value the belt holds more value there's some more money fights possibly waiting in the wakes because some new challengers and some new story lines have emerged could you imagine john jones goes up to heavy weight get wins the belt becomes the heavyweight champ and then says i'll come down and fight for the light heavyweight belt that'll be pretty [ __ ] like we might win the heavyweight belt he might do it listen it's disrespectful to to steve bay to suggest that but it's also disrespectful to jones a little foolish to not look at his [ __ ] resume and think that he couldn't do it i mean he beat dc comfortably twice was it three times or twice twice twice beat him comfortably twice you know so yeah no it's certainly within the realms of possibility anyway blejovich reyes uh the the the reality is they're always going to be in the shadow of jon jones for a while and certainly while jones is still competing that's just a sad reality they're not bothered though they get to become the champion they get to realize a lifelong dream they get to [ __ ] grab some real money in the bank account and and be world champion and that's a great thing so there's a lot on the line on saturday night uh and it's a good fight i just when i look at reyes against jones he looked so [ __ ] good but then you look at bolhovich what was his last few fights who what was behold which is last fight knocked out corey anderson i believe and beat jackaray was it let me just look him up yeah um yeah i don't know i don't know i don't really know a ton about um blakovich's history coming up i know that he just doesn't have the same um resume as dominic reyes oh oh sorry how could i forget [ __ ] ellen so he knocked out luke rockhold that one [ __ ] now that was a vicious knockout as well uh i mean his record is 26 and eight loss to thiago santos got knocked out and then he beat rockhold knockout jacare sold a split decision that was kind of you know it wasn't the most exciting fight and then corey anderson uh first round knockout as well big right hand so yeah listen the guy's got [ __ ] power simple as that they both got power they're both big heavy light heavyweights uh and i'm torn i'm telling which way it's going to go i do have polish blood in me though louis you know yeah well you know you got to pick base off your polish blood or your english blood or dominate irish blood or [ __ ] californian blood whatever whatever the win whatever way the wind's blowing whatever day listen the reality is i've got an irish mother and i live in england and my dad's [ __ ] from polish royalty deal with it bro and i was born in cyprus and i live in america and my wife's australian do you know what i mean so i can [ __ ] climb pick and choose as i like i like it uh i got reyes i think i think reyes i think so too yeah um he looked really good in that john jones fight um yeah and and i think that's what's yeah it's that john jones fight how good he looked against the greatest of all time john jones to go out there and look so sense a little sensational that's giving me recency bias i'm seeing that i can still see the fight in my mind i thought he won so therefore i think he beats blahovic but yeah who knows maybe jan goes out there and starches him he's got big [ __ ] power that's for sure he's got heavy heavy hands i mean look at that knockout to luke rockhold i mean it was slick it was good wasn't as good as mine wasn't in the first round but still credit where credit's due fighting for the title i would assume you know barring any injuries that we haven't heard about it's going to bring out the best in most fighters i'm not saying that somebody cannot show up on a title fight but it's it's a really big opportunity for yon obviously a big opportunity for race as well um but i think that you're going to probably see the best version of each guy that night so um yeah all right well let's just go quickly through uh the fight card we'll make some pics will we because uh we are brian 250 dollars 125 each okay now brian brian have you decided you're putting it back on the line this weekend you're gonna be a little [ __ ] are you gonna [ __ ] like you know you're gonna try and run with it and like roll with it and be like oh double down [ __ ] let's go baby double or nothing brian you think you could beat out you beat up the entire team that's 500 smackers i'll tell you what hold on stop stop not double or nothing not double or nothing he's i've i've given him 125. okay we'll he's he's back rolling himself right now okay you've already given him the 125. no no no but mentally you know what i mean mentally giving everyone their sanitable clubs listen but what are we doing with the harrison because brian now is rolling he's bankrolling by himself let me let all right let me here's my idea brian goes double or nothing with us okay and he takes harrington out of the equation versus me and you if he beats me and you with the the picks this weekend the same rules that we had last time then he gets 500 500 and that we're talking about listen to brian brian not waiting for it that night we venmo you apple pay you your house you'll be at my house brian i'm gonna steal your kid [Laughter] all right i'm in 500 bucks to brian benjamin tonight but it's zero if you don't be you gotta be both me and bisping you gotta have this he's gonna be harrington as well let's just you know put the odds in our favor what is this well there's four of us playing the game if you win it'll be a hundred dollars to you by me and bisping me and bismary are just playing to keep marketing 50 each yeah we're just trying to keep our cash yeah yeah i'm way not as confident in these picks as i was in the last one well unfortunately that's just the [ __ ] lay of the land brian you want to be this big time gambling jock you're going to go with me you can walk away with 250 like a little [ __ ] you can't even buy anything with 250 dollars you're not you can't even buy anything with 250 dollars some [ __ ] ass [ __ ] listen if you read the small prince if you read the terms and conditions on the last scenario if this was in there this was in there in the small print it was there oh yeah the rematch clause yeah it was definitely in there if i don't i owe harrington money so if i don't win if i when i with the money i won i was going to pay ironton back how did you know harrington everybody was going to say how much a while back how much you owe him like 200 bucks wow harrigen you just you're not you're not interested in collecting that 200 you just for how long has this gone on for it's not been like a year get your 200 i mean [ __ ] brian's already the walking wounded am i going to send guys over with bats to his house this is crazy um yeah one of the guys that when i was leaving for fire ireland i was at the uh where was i i was at the hotel and there was a bar next to us in the hotel which we couldn't leave because we were quarantining but there was a bar next to him so i called them up i said hey can you bring some drinks over to the hotel they're like no no we can't i'm like oh come on just you know it's like a five step walk it's not far i'll be at the front door waiting for you i might i'll pay you cash and i'll give you a big [ __ ] tip you know and he's like oh come on then go on then and anyway i went to use the atm machine in the in the hotel and the atm machine wasn't working right but i had a little bit of cash in me so one of the guys that works behind the scenes one of the i forget his job but um i said miles lend me some money okay let me i said i'm good for it obviously i'll give it back to you uh but i forgot all about it so i borrowed some money off him cash cashier rooney and forgot all about it but he hit me up last time i was working he said michael you got venmo i'm like and i said i've got no cash sorry i'll get it to you soon i said right except ben mo [ __ ] i bet you [ __ ] do you little cheap [ __ ] i was gonna [ __ ] give it to you rebecca venmo this morning this non-trusting [ __ ] some money anyway should we do our picks then let's go through this main card so ufc 253 fight card wikipedia okay first fight of the night hakeem dawadu versus zubara tukagov i know he's thinking your knowledge on both of these people he's off the chain to talk about you've been on the zoobara to kick off train choo chooing for a long time i know i say that all the time i call him uh sabara choo choo took her off yeah and don't get me started i'm [ __ ] uh hacking do-a-do okay do it don't do it don't do it do it don't do it too whatever you do just don't okay all right let's have a look at zubara's record you know harrington give us a little bit of a little blurb can you give me a little insight real quick before i make my pics because you did this last time bisping and you agreed to let harrington give me a little blurb a little insight on each guy and then like an [ __ ] in the middle of it you're like no stop and then i started making stupid pics and now i'm [ __ ] 250 in debt all right all right well listen if you need harrington to [ __ ] hold your hand throughout the entirety of your life then yes i will allow it also because i'm a little unfamiliar with some of these people as well yeah harry potter do we do it to be sure it's only 125. that is true okay uh hakeem dawadu uh he is 11-1 uh he's on a four-fight win streak his last win a split decision over julio arse and uh zubara uh tougagov he uh started off his ufc career one two three fight win streak before dropping a fight to renato moycano a draw with leron murphy and then a tko win over kevin aguilar's last time out 19-4 overall yeah he stays to defeat way too many times way too many times who has yeah off uh-huh zubara well just give you some [ __ ] pigs boys we need to get to the juicy ones let's not spend all this time on doing it i'm not gonna [ __ ] put another it's real money it's real money okay and i know we were doing this today so i'm not gonna do it doing it we are doing it decision don't do that why because i'm picking dow a dude it doesn't matter we just have to beat them you want me to win we want to both win yeah but i want to win in general i don't want to owe them money all right harrington what's your pick well then you better clear your venmo queue lewis how much you pay i'm gonna go with uh brian uh i am going with hakeem dawadu and how how i say uh decision for that would do yeah same i said hakeem that would do decision his record's eleven and one he's a stellar keyboard so tons of kickboxing only lost in his record he got caught in his uh a guillotine show that happens here and there yeah excuse me put the check in nobody gets a finish though the zubara tukagov might go in there and uh wrestle [ __ ] him you never know all right i'm gonna pick uh second round submission i think uh two of our uh clubs and subs all right clubs and subs oh all right so we've got catelyn bear taking us to jara eubanks okay this is a big fight in the bantamweight female division uh sajara eubanks as she's sometimes known as sarge in charge he's coming into this one on the back of a two fight winning streak uh professional record of six and four gu last seen beating julia avelia uh watson versus hill and commentated that one and also prior to that sarah morris prior to that though she lost her bets go here and she lost to aspen ladd then as i say on the flip side we have catelyn vieira who are also coming into this one with a record of 10 and 1. lost her last fight irina aldona irene aldona very very good main eventing on fire island against holly holm prior to that 10 wins in zero so who you got guys i got katelyn vieira um i don't know second round sub all right all right lewis what you got big dog uh caitlyn was the second chick or the first chick the second chick just try and keep up give me a payment i'm trying to the one that just lost one but went 10 in a row before that okay decision keeping it safe happening all right all right a little little bit fence city but whatever uh harrington uh yeah same here kevin vieira by uh decision yeah i got katelyn by a decision as well okay that's boring as [ __ ] world making the same pics all right kia cara france taking on brandon rival quick let's make this a quick one three two one go i'll get started with the fun brendan roival by submission in round three boom there's my pick harrington go kai kar fran stack around tko out of your mind louis same as bisping yeah keeping it together solidarity baby brian come on um i i mean i also i'm gonna pick friend royal second round you can't even say his [ __ ] name you can't just hedge your bets and pick powers you can't even you can't just pick the same bets as us it's a smaller tactic that you do with that me pick first okay mr [ __ ] i've got all the answers i guess you are the producer well guess what produce your next [ __ ] pig [ __ ] don't hit raters for dominic reyes versus jambla hovis you've just went into this in great detail but please give us your pick shots evolved i think yawn's gonna win it um fifth round ko interesting brian just gave up 500 wow louise louise goldberg dominic reyes fifth round oh no a decision gonna go with the decision he's gonna play have a smart fight block which is super tough both these guys are coming to win it but uh yeah i think domino does gonna edge it out and be able to beat him in a nice decisive decision all right harrington a little bit quicker than what lewis did it i i feel like he milked at that moment a little too much for my life another 11 minutes we just need a [ __ ] answer harrington go uh yamblohovich visited a suicide rope in the forest therefore he is my pick uh i'm going to say he wish you'd visit a suicide rope in the forest harrington i'm going to say hard fought split decision win hey just real fast we never discussed that did we so so the story goes there and if i'm getting this wrong uh harrington or brian just just correct me because so so he found somebody hanging from a tree once we did discuss it by the way did we talk about it yes and then he goes back every year oh really okay i've been hitting the head too many [ __ ] times my memory is awful uh and then he goes and visits zero every year yeah i it's gonna have zero impact on the fight though it's very nice it's very nice that he goes and pays also nice it's [ __ ] morbid and weird it's morbid it's melancholy it's a little bit uh [ __ ] he's a little sick you know maybe he needs a psychologist another sports one maybe he needs to get exercises and demons and i feel that uh reyes will exercise those demons in a big way hold on so i reckon dominic reyes wins i don't know i love [ __ ] yambohovich and polish power all day long chest janquia all that good [ __ ] but yeah i'm gonna go uh with reyes and then that leads us to the main event wait how what do you mean how anyway [ __ ] once how would you don't ask me questions reduce simple boom done i'll pick for you then i guess dominic reyes by finish in round three okay there you go main event well you have to say if it's a knockout or submission i just said that i finished in the third round tko there we go tko jesus christ you're trying to just like back me into a corner specificity you know what i mean make me the pick so precise that i am destined to fail it'll be a left hook at four minutes 53 okay uh all right uh is that it we all went through that is that everyone no we don't know this main event oh yeah yes there you go i think arasana is gonna win uh let's go oh [ __ ] yeah yeah fourth round knockout all right harrington uh i'm gonna go decisive answer please ah i like i i don't want to say exactly what brian said i'll say it this is not the definition of decisive we need a hard-hitting thank you gomez i mean i want to pick against arasana just because i don't really like it that much i i but i gotta be honest with you i said this the other day in the last show i always pick against the guys that have the it factor that have that thing and i think adesani is a very special type of athlete and i think he's coming into his own i think he's gonna be able to get it done second round tko yeah i agree with everything you said he's got the invite he's got the charisma he's got the skills he's got power contrary to what some people say the only problem is he's fighting paulo costa and i like israel i do i'm a big fan he's a great person i don't know it's a hard fight to pick it's a hard fine i'm saying to harrington decisiveness so i'll say that to myself so i got to make a pick um i i feel like arasana is going to dominate the fight but costa's going to catch him i think costa's going to catch him yeah there you go there you go wait i don't know i don't know i say it's part of the rules of the game but what do i have to say you have to say the pick the round and how he does it i'm going to [ __ ] ordy's house to watch the fight 500 on the line now this is getting out of control if we lose this we're not playing this game again next week it's over you know what it means it's like oh my god yeah brian's like yeah double or nothing this will be fifteen thousand dollars on this one are you sure are you sure you're good for it mike because i'm keeping a tally uh all right costa round three ko all right there it is there it is there it is all right let's uh let's wrap this show uh because i gotta get on the road here in just a second but i want to say thank you mr bisping thank you big j ogresson as well uh go support big j he's touring all over the place such a funny comedian if you guys haven't seen him before and uh we'll be back on monday with another great episode yeah we'll be back monday rounding up all the action from the weekend and yeah yeah thanks big j he's [ __ ] hilarious so check him out and uh lewis brian harrington have a great weekend bye
Channel: Michael Bisping Podcast
Views: 36,268
Rating: 4.817544 out of 5
Keywords: Isreal Adesanya, paulo costa, UFC 253, Big Jay Oakerson, Luis J Gomez, Michael Bisping, gas digital network, believe you me, michael bisping podcast, podcast, comedy, mma
Id: gQ2pvAqur54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 5sec (5885 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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