The Bell Of Positivity - Believe You Me #265

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Tawlmbout the best powdcast around b. Great podcast.... Never heard it though.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/lVivaAlgerial 📅︎︎ Oct 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
fill her up you're listening to the gas digital network conceive believe achieve shut the [ __ ] [Applause] up [Applause] this is believe you me on the gas digital network all right ladies and gentlemen welcome to the believe you me podcast apologies for not being here for the last couple of uh episodes just a couple of personal things coming up here and there scheduling fyi things like that etc etc but we're back don't worry about that rest assured isn't there a saying uh absence makes the heart grow fonder so now people probably love us even more that we were gone for a week that's the basis of my marriage you know what i mean fortunately because of the ufc i disappear a lot if i was here all the time i know for a fact we would be divorced right now unfortunately i disappear i come back and we're all rosy so you [ __ ] watching this right now i'm happy for you this is a great day this is beautiful we're back now you see everyone's in a good mood we're all happy but i will say it was actually kind of nice to see the amount of [ __ ] messages we got people like dude where's the show which it was most people being like [ __ ] you [ __ ] harrington i hope your house burns down but in a weird way it was still kind of nice that they loved the show so much that they were wishing death upon me and my family yeah no it's very nice uh i didn't get any death threats uh on this occasion but i did get a lot of people reaching out on instagram so once again uh as louis said we do appreciate that where it is nice to be missed but still we are back as we said louis how you been my friend i'm pretty good right now i am in miami florida did a little vacation just a few days you know get out of the uh the new york fall weather as soon as i got here it's essentially been borderline hurricane weather the whole time just been pouring rain the only time that we've gotten even an ounce of sunlight is the second we started recording this podcast so i'm just staring at the sun from inside right now that's the most annoying thing in the world because in england you go on holiday once a year you know the average family they get the two weeks off and then obviously england just rains all the [ __ ] time it's called wet and miserable so you want to go on holiday you get two weeks you have two weeks in the sun you go to europe somewhere spain italy majorca whatever and you just [ __ ] hope and pray that it's gonna be nice weather because that is all the english want they don't give a [ __ ] if uh everything else is terrible as long as the sun is shining there's a pool and there's beer they are happy that's i'm i'm actually even okay with i don't really care my chick she cares she's like what the [ __ ] i want to be at the beach every day like uh for me i like just sort of relaxing just eating some good food drinking smoking a little bit um and to be honest with you you know the rain's kind of nice when you're in like a warm environment the rain's not that bad um but it would be nicer if you know it was a little bit nicer weather um i'll tell you the other thing that sucks is that as soon as i got here as well i don't know if i have a filling that's coming loose or whatever it is but what do you want to do on vacation all you want to do on vacation is relax and eat good food right that's it as soon as i got down here for some reason my tooth started hurting so every time i eat now it's not even horrible pain but it's just an annoying pain i feel like my maybe it's a filling chemicals or whatever but that experience the only other thing that i could really enjoy is good food i can't even enjoy good food i'm starting to think that harrington connected with a good shot when you were sparring and he's knocked the tooth loose could this be a possibility lewis harrington has knocked one of your teeth out i don't think so i think harrington i have a question for you regarding fighting because harrington at this point if the wind is blowing too hard his nose starts bleeding he is there a can you can you make it so that your nose just like bleeds easily by being punched in it well you can make it so it doesn't yeah what you do is you buy nose tampons okay where a woman normally puts them up their vagina harrington just puts him up his nose it'll stop the bleeding okay lewis harrigan if it starts uh blowing wind hard and your nose bleeds i i just stopped sparring if that's all it takes i would stop sparring right now because it's not going to end well yeah harrington is not whatever it is dude if you just touch his nose he just starts leaking blood everywhere and it's disgusting and it's thick dark red blood it's like from his brain it's off harrington blood as well which isn't isn't very nice but uh you know it is funny looks because i saw your social media you were down in miami and i was like what the [ __ ] he's in miami we've got a show to do tomorrow but uh but as i see from your background you're in your very stunning hotel room uh sorry about the rain that does uh [ __ ] suck but we're here we're doing the show good for you my friend yeah bro well we're gonna have some fun uh we obviously have a massive event this weekend uh ufc 254 uh which is just crazy it just came out of nowhere like i remember we were talking about this fight so long ago and then just out of nowhere it was over two weeks away from this yeah but hold up but hold on hold on before before we get into that lewis what are you going to do about your tooth are you on vacation on holiday are you going to go and see a dentist are you going to just take tons of ibuprofen to get rid of the pain i'm not even doing that i'm just essentially chewing on the other side of my mouth and then when i get back i'm gonna go see a dentist i dude i [ __ ] i hate toothaches i usually i used to have a um when i was younger i had a really bad toothache and i think that might be the worst pain i've ever felt in my entire life it is horrible because it just never goes away it keeps you up at night it's there all day just nagging away you know like a little harrington at the back of your mouth but um yeah toothache does suck but if you take ibuprofen louis that'll get rid of it ibuprofen is very very good for toothaches and inflammatory so it just you know brings down inflammation maybe some cbd md might help as well but i'm telling you ibuprofen will save your life lewis yeah i'm going to maybe try some what uh uh well let me i was making me think because we were talking before the show about how i was in pain with my tooth this isn't the worst uh when i was younger when i was like 12 or 13 that toothache that i had then was literally the worst pain maybe debatably the worst pain i've ever had in my entire life what and that made me ask you what is the most pain you've ever been in in your entire life the most pain i've ever been in the meta in my entire life um it's it's gonna be my eye you know this i hear when it [ __ ] up when i got the glaucoma so i had a detached retina then it redetached and [ __ ] boring people here so i'll keep it brief don't worry uh i got a redetached retina and then they fixed that and then i was out for a walk with uh the family and the dog and then just started [ __ ] throbbing and getting this the weirdest headache ever and then by the time i got home the headache was so bad so i led face down on the floor and then within 10 minutes it was so bad i was howling just [ __ ] howling in pain and this just increased and increased so my wife called my doctor and then i had to go see uh he was about to go into surgery sent me to a different doctor i went to see this doctor and he measured the pressure in your eye and a normal person's pressure is between somewhere like 8 and 13 and they measured mine and it was like 85 or something crazy like that the doctor actually said it was the highest he's ever seen it so he had sent me to a hospital to where they were going to shoot a laser into my eye which was going to clear the drain so for uh obviously people that don't know the anatomy of an eye which i didn't if you touch your eye it's wet and in the corner there's a drain well why is there a drain because water comes in that keeps the eye moist and then water comes out right it's like if you put a balloon on the end of a tap and turn the tap on and it filled with water what would happen eventually a balloon would pop and that's what was going to happen with my eye so they sent me to a doctor and they said they're going to shoot a drain and a laser into the drain to clear it so i did that they gave me some uh some medication and sent me on my way didn't [ __ ] help at all i'm letting bed and i'm still ha groaning and howling in pain come three o'clock in the morning rebecca calls my doctor again and says you know he's still in [ __ ] pain and the doctor was like still they haven't fixed this at this time so i had to drive up to pasadena to have an emergency surgery and that was the worst pain in my life as i was driving to that place i was [ __ ] howling like a hurt bear i was when i got to the hospital there was a doctor a surgeon and two nurses waiting outside i was just ah i was being an absolute [ __ ] [ __ ] to these doctors who were there at three o'clock in the morning oh no no i was i was the biggest dick you've ever seen in your life if you think you've seen me be a dick lewis you've seen nothing but it compared to what i was doing there but anyway they stick a [ __ ] needle in my eye to you know some numbing agent and then the pain goes i'm like oh my god thank you so much and uh first thing i did was apologize to everybody i'm so sorry i said you don't understand the pain i was anyway no it's okay mr bisping and uh yeah there you go and then they did a surgery they [ __ ] the surgery up and i woke up from the surgery in more pain than when i went in and i remember i was in surgery and i was all tied up in case i flop about and i came around from sergio and my eyes kind of opened and i'm looking and they're still [ __ ] operating so i started thrashing a bit and they're like calm down mr bisping you've just come around a little bit early we've almost finished stay still stay still and i just see this huge needle just jump just come up my eyeball like that squirts inject something and then all of a sudden ah the pain the worst pain the doctor's like what like before i'm like no worse anyway so it turns out what happened was the colored part of your eye the iris is like a gel disc and they put this drain into the corner of my eye and the drain sucked the iris into it so it was all kind of mangled up in the corner they [ __ ] it up completely so they had to undo the surgery right unmangle it all and then put it all back together and then ever since that day i never saw out of that [ __ ] right eye i mean were they so was it because they [ __ ] up the surgery i don't know but but i know that i went in there with a headache and vision and i came out with no headache no vision no headache no car outside in the car park no money in my [ __ ] wallet uh so yeah there you go it's funny to say that i don't want to uh bang on about it but that is all in my book and you were saying louis and i appreciate this buddy i saw you put it on your instagram you you've been delving into quitters never win i have been i've been why i got i downloaded the audiobook a while ago and i just never really got around to so i started i started it maybe once when i was like out and about but now that i've been driving and there's so much down time in the car that's all i've been listening to audio i mean obviously the podcasts and you know i sound like a weirdo people like drive up next to me i'm listening to myself on a podcast um because i would listen back to see how we sound you know yeah not for sure because that's how you get better of course yeah yeah so um but yeah i started listening to quitters never win it's [ __ ] great dude it really is i'm not kissing your i would have never mentioned it i would have never posted it on my instagram had i didn't if i didn't think it was good if i didn't have anything nice to say about it i wouldn't say anything at all um but it's legitimately really good a lot of it the first couple chapters like i pretty i knew the stories like i knew really really well um but what's cool is it delves so much deeper into them like i didn't i didn't know the whole history with like your your grandpa you're your father's uh father and his family fleeing pone like it's i i heard bits and pieces of it but when it's written out that way it's written really really well it's articulated really really well um it's just really great i don't know if you guys are a fan of this show and you like the stories that bisping tells i think it is a great even if you know the stories just to have it filled in that way it's really cool i will say the one criticism that i have because i have to criticize look at something nice start with something else okay okay build them up tear them down the narrator sounds nothing like you yeah you know why because it's not me yeah but he i mean they could have gotten a guy that sounded slightly like you i mean this guy he sounds like he's kind of college he sounds like he's [ __ ] he's that's just like a nice gentleman you mean a nicely brought up guy that has an education what is wrong with that that's a good thing lewis that's what you're supposed to have go uh brian did you could you find any of the samples because you've never heard it right i have never heard this obviously when the book came out um you know they said we want to do an audio version and we would like for you to record it and i think i told this story before so i'll keep it brief but i was on the road with the ufc i think i was in greenville north carolina or south carolina and i had my laptop microphone and everything for the podcast right so i said oh i can do it when i'm on the road i'll do a chapter here a chapter there and i sat down i opened it up i started press record on garageband and then i've got to start reading it and that's just like into the microphone okay page one chapter one blah blah blah blah no no [ __ ] room service at the door but somebody rings the thing i started doing it someone's hitting pads in the next room over it was just impossible you know what i mean you need to be in a quiet studio and if i had to send in that recordings they'd laugh their heads off because every few seconds you just hear me go [ __ ] sake [ __ ] off shut up you know picking up the phone unplugging the phone it was just a nightmare so to answer your question no i have no idea what this gentleman sounds like here go pull it up brian martial arts in the late 1990s i wanted something a little different so i began to see what you're saying boxing with alan clarkins black knights in burnley and bernie saw two stints there i won several national and international titles oh my god oh my louise i hear what you're saying it's difficult you can pause it for a second it's like you you after uh lewis i have you know darling when i'm not doing the podcast actually that's how i talk you know i dump myself down for you guys you know you lowly americans i've got to dumb it down a ton you know but generally my day-to-day this is how one presents himself you know it's it's difficult to get past it at first because you're like this isn't what bisping sounds like but i will say it after maybe the half the first chapter you sort to disconnect and you go like cool i'm listening to it now and i really did hear it in your voice but it's great it really is i'm only maybe four chapters in at this point but it's really good support you have hold on where are you at where am i in the book right now okay you are you just won your quarterfinal bout on the ultimate fight are you about to uh ross point and comes back okay which i completely forgot about that whole thing even happening but it's pretty cool to like hear just even the perspective of like i don't even know this like you know you watch the ultimate fighter and you don't realize for the sake of tv purposes that they made you ride back with one person on the way to your fight so it would sort of encourage the discussion about the fight because if they showed you guys riding with eight guys in the van it would be everybody bullshitting or whatever so you sort of see these little you know behind the scenes things that you wouldn't really know unless you you read the book so i really highly recommend it yeah well thank you lucas i appreciate that and if you want to check it out go to amazon i reckon amazon or just google quitters never win i don't know there's an english version there's an american version i don't know this people don't know this if you have amazon prime and everybody has amazon prime okay who the [ __ ] doesn't have an amazon product should have amazon prime if you're if you're a semi-successful person in the world if you have a roof over your head you can afford to pay your bills and you have a job you should have amazon prime it saves you money it's it's if you're poor and you don't have a review you should maybe consider amazon prime you're going to save a lot on shipping i boycott amazon sorry don't have amazon prime what am i saying dude with amazon prime i believe it's one per month they give you one free audio download on audible per month so and that's even in retrospect so if you don't have audible if you just download audible right now bisping and you've had amazon prime for two years you'll have like 25 downloads waiting for you yeah oh yeah good so right now even if you don't read the [ __ ] book just go download it on uh on audible for free so does that mean amazon pay me my [ __ ] money because if you get your book for free i still want a cha-ching out of it you know what i'm saying you know it's funny to hear that voice because i remember and i said i didn't hear the voice but i remember at the time the publishers sent me over two or three samples and they said which one would you prefer and the guy that i said sounded nothing and when i said nothing i'd mean nothing like this bloody hell gee golly he didn't talk like that he was more of a manchester style voice so but anyway whatever you said it's good there you go uh yeah check it out quitters never win thank you for the plug lewis i appreciate it of course yeah all right let's just take a quick second to hear about omego what is omega well they are the best b day uh ass wiping device that you'll see on the market we got sent one just just about right around the start of the pandemic and i gotta say i absolutely love my thing we've talked about this for a few weeks now but basically it takes five minutes to install i'm not a plumber i'm terrible with my hands but you plug it in it's just a couple of screws couple of bolts in it is there it is no more need for any kind of toilet paper whatever you sit down you turn a button you know and it sprays water to your ass and obviously if you get the you know the higher end model you can dry your ass you can change the direction you can change the temperature of the water the seat is heated you know it's beautiful but there's also market level entry ones that are way cheaper around about 30 bucks prior something like that and again that takes two minutes or five minutes to install and again that that essentially does the same thing but uh i absolutely love this thing lewis yeah i'll tell you i can never go back the problem is once you start using a bidet um it's very difficult to go back to using toilet paper it's also very savage and old-school like what am i doing right now this is the simplest way for people to understand this right if i were to take some mud and put it on your forehead and then i said hey i'm gonna give you this little piece of toilet paper you could wipe it off or i'm gonna give you a [ __ ] hose and you can spray it off with a powerful spray which are you gonna choose what do you think's gonna be cleaner it sounds inconvenient to get blasted with a hose pipe in the face okay because that is what you'd pay but when you get blasted in the [ __ ] it's not quite the same thing and it's just blessings yeah but listen seriously check them out go to the website and as i said they've got one to shoot your budget they've got the high-end ones and they've got the entry level as well they all take five minutes there's no need for a plumber even an idiot like me can do it and you'll never have to buy toilet paper ever again and it is way more hygienic so of course we got an offer go to my o m i g o forward slash by m and you will get 15 off trust me you will not regret this purchase that's by m and take 15 off get yourself a b day today right where were we massive fights this weekend we're going to get into that for a little bit uh we're going to talk about the main event the call main event and all the shenanigans that are going on around it all as well massive massive uh fight where are you gonna watch that fire lewis i'm gonna watch it at home i was actually gonna invite harrington and brian and the whole crew over it's not too late at this point um watch it at my place have some fun my son's now at an age where he'll stay up and he'll he'll the very least attempt to watch the main event yeah so we i would say 2pm [ __ ] it's 2pm exactly you know big day um so 11 a.m the main card starts where i am and that's great last week or the week before i was in vegas and the ufc filmed the thing with me for five past called year of the fighter and whilst i was there they pitched uh this ufc watch party excuse me uh whether you go to a ufc fighters house and they filmed them watching a big fight they said oh can we come and watch you and your family and i was like i hate to break it to you but you know i don't have this big uh massive lifestyle where you're gonna come around and there's gonna be tons of people that said it's gonna be me my wife and lucas and ellie i said it's not gonna be much of a party and i thought that would get me out of doing it and they said no no michael that's exactly what we want because of covid it doesn't look good if we have too many people i might offer [ __ ] sake so anyway i'm joking but uh so saturday yeah i've got a ufc crew coming here they're going to bring some catering from a restaurant that we like pirillo's coming up and another guy from ruka austin so uh we'll have a bit of debauchery but they're bringing up alcohol and food and stuff so callum's coming home from uni he's about to walk through that door any second so yeah i'm looking forward to it should be a good day and i'd say you're hitting pads with perello at rook as well you look [ __ ] good bro getting back getting back trying to lose a few pounds i'm on the phone you know what i love you know what i love dude i love it's funny it's they don't stop no matter what just the fans will chime in it's like hey mike uh you know you got your little you got your lead hand down a little bit if you want to really uh it's like what are you what are you even doing i don't care how accomplished this person is unless you're even a ufc fighter that would be obnoxious for them to do it but the amount of [ __ ] like they're just sitting at home being like let me just go and correct this former ufc champions forum right now yes and then also let me go one better i'm never going to have a professional fight again so if i want to have my lead hands down low i'll have them [ __ ] down low because guess what i'm not training for a fight i'm burning a few calories and i'm enjoying myself and i'm gonna sweat on you know uh yeah yeah on the instagram comments they're all they're all full of that you know oh that you gotta leave that lift that lead hand michael or whatever it's like come on [ __ ] i'm just hitting the pads that's so funny i've done that for my entire life now i'm just having a bit of fun and and uh getting a sweat on but i saw i noticed last night pirillo was in the comment section arguing with uh all the people he just decided show me all the people that you training all your [ __ ] world champions [ __ ] so perillo you know went off the deep end a little bit but that's that's why you gotta love jason pirillo he's the [ __ ] man i remember the comment that was actually i was thinking about that one actually in particular the guys like um hey jason no not to really uh not to really critique your uh your style but you know i don't really think you should be throwing your mitts towards the gloves is that the way a fighter really does that was it yeah that [ __ ] set him off yeah what a [ __ ] uh what an [ __ ] jace is one of the best boxing coaches in the whole of mma and he's giving him a lecture on how to hold pads that's funny you know there's an expert everywhere i'm sure brian brian sorry i haven't seen i'm sorry brian harrison even still he jumps in he's like uh you know he's talking [ __ ] he's saying actually i was homeless and i had the amazon prime wasn't talking [ __ ] but you know harrington's even the type of guy to come in and try and correct things here and there so uh everybody's an expert on social media louis what are you gonna do uh what should we talk about we had a few topics we were going to get into my mind's gone blank for some reason um on the non-mma side i don't know the mma side well borat two comes out oh yeah yeah yeah that's right yeah i'm excited for that because funnily enough i just watched borat one recently i've seen it before but you know you go to bed every night you [ __ ] lie in bed you turn on netflix and you start the dance what are we gonna watch and i often go to twitter and just put on it guys i need a new show and they come out with dexter sopranos the wire breaking bad uh peaky blinders it's like listen i've seen all of them please come on cinnamon i need a show the boys seen it it's good oh man i just started the second season and i tell you to start watching that maybe maybe first season was great um i'm just finished the first episode of the second season and i am way into the second season now homelander is a [ __ ] such a [ __ ] cat dude that for i mean spoiler alert but just the uh well i won't say anything but the blind kid in the first episode like he's he's gonna be the new team member and the seven yeah i don't know i don't know but yeah if you haven't seen it check it out if you have prime if you have prime if you're homeless like harrington have prime watch the boys it is a great show uh because i tried to watch it a while ago unless my buddy recommended it to me in fact it was anthony evans the guy who co-wrote quitters never win with me he said might watch the boys i said what's it about he said it's always about superheroes i'll [ __ ] that i'm not interested in superheroes he said yeah but it's not really about superheroes which it isn't it's about the politics side of it all there's always some superheroes they have powers but they're all [ __ ] they're all pricks and they're all just going after fame and money so check it out you will you will enjoy it but no uh borat so i was watching borat because there was nothing to watch and then it turns out borat 2 actually gets released this friday and uh it's in the news it's in the news yesterday and today and i know brian brown you chimed in at the start when i was saying let's talk about this but rudy giuliani is he the mayor or was the mayor of new york what is his who is that guy he was the mayor of new york city um for like the giuliani years he's credited widely with cleaning up sort of um new york times square prostitution the drugs um so there's there but also i guess there's a lot of negative that comes with him as well because he was part of the big stop and frisk program which was widely regarded as racist in the city you know it's i guess he's and he's also i believe is he trump's lawyer or was trump's lawyer trump's lawyer trump's advisor and i did know he used to be yeah the mayor of new york city and yeah as you said the guy that's credited with cleaning it up now of course there's two sides to every story you know what i mean and of course in this story giuliani says it was a setup says it was all [ __ ] and we're not passing judgment or verdict or anything i just think what happened is [ __ ] hilarious so i haven't seen this video yet i'm excited well i haven't seen the video either but i've read it up in a you know in an article and what happens is so of course borah you know he's he's pretending they get all these interviews down there right they pretend he's coming from kazakhstan they're making a tourism video or whatever so he goes in pretending to be this character and they think they're going to have a proper interview about whatever and you've seen by that's what he does he goes to all those functions and he just trolls people he just [ __ ] with them but obviously i'm sure he must get them to sign the release first before they do it all and then they can do whatever they want well on this occasion they're interviewing rudy giuliani and it's not borah it's borat's daughter i think who's playing borat's daughter and she's 15 in it and she goes in she's all dressed up she's got a nice dress on and she's got all hair and makeup done and everything and apparently to the story that i've read so don't judge me because i never said this oh there's a little bit there there it is apparently at the end of the interview he says oh should we uh should we go into the bedroom for a little drink and then the adjourned into the bedroom and then apparently he lies on the bed and starts looking having his hands down his pants and stuff like that and then borat runs in and goes what is this oh she's too old for you she's 15 years old what the hell and then at that point moody giuliani goes [ __ ] crazy and i don't really yeah i can't wait to see it i mean borah well sasha barack owen what a [ __ ] it's great yeah he's he's brilliant and back in the day you know borat was so good it was the other one that was the uh the gay one the gay character ali g yeah ali g was great as well i mean the allergy show was so [ __ ] funny back in the day so funny um yeah i'm interested in seeing it um very v it's it's very crazy that nothing more has come of it so if he's was going into the room with a year 15-year-old i'm surprised it's the first we're hearing about this yeah well well well think about this though because it releases tomorrow and if you're sasha barack owen you don't want to let the cat out of the bag too soon you want to coincide it with the most press you know what i'm saying because tomorrow friday people are going to watch it that's tomorrow this just came out now oh boom that's perfect it's a perfect pr stunt it really is it was the idea that he had no she was 15 and then he went into the bedroom with her thinking he was just as i say he's came out i forget what his stance is maybe you can look that up brian yeah he's already bottled yeah see what his stance is but he says it was a setup he says he didn't have his hands down his pants he said he was tucking his shirt in he said that he took his microphone off and he led on the bed to took his shirt in and now and that bit you see right there he's got his hands down his pants isn't him with his hands on his pants it's him tucking his shirt in which i gotta say you know is a great excuse you know dude it's good did the [ __ ] did or do did the borat producers come out and say that he had his hands on his pants or did people just deduce that from the picture well i don't know that i i just went ahead and said that to be like a legal i'm saying first of all he's a lawyer okay this is rudy giuliani's response on twitter uh the board of videos complete fabrication i was tucking in my shirt after taking off the recording equipment and no time before during or after the interview was i ever inappropriate if sacha baron cohen implies if sacha baron cohen implies otherwise he's a stone cold liar in fact the new york post state reports it looks to me like an exaggeration through editing as soon as i realized it was a setup i called the police which has been noted in the thr article on july 8th three this is an effort to blunt my relentless exposure the criminality and depravity of joe biden and his entire family deadline hollywood reports ca had a distribution screening in september where there was no mention of the scene holding any importance yeah so if you listen to all that then of course as we said there's always two sides to every story and of course rudy giuliani isn't going to come out and be you know yep you got me i was going to jerk off or whatever with that young girl uh but the only reason i give you see it until we see it i don't know that's why that's why it's a genius stunt of sasha barack owen because you've only got to wait until tomorrow tomorrow everyone's going to watch it and you're going to make it or is it going to like you know the the straight to tv release for 20 bucks or whatever once again it sounds like a commercial for amazon but it's free on primes tomorrow wow all you're gonna do is use promo cod sold after jeff bezos you scumbag okay jeff bezos just sent me a check in the mail like it's the best it's the best yeah this is not an i'm a a commercial for amazon it really is just amazon and your book we've just been selling this entire [ __ ] show so far uh that's awesome i will watch that tomorrow and and the uh the debates are oh no the debates are tonight that's tonight 4pm my time i'm very excited for that oh that's tonight i'm supposed to take my chick to dinner i don't want you now oh you can't do that louis you're in miami it's been raining right the sun is shining as you said it's starting to appear sunshine after a rainy day it's coming out so now's the perfect opportunity for you to take your new lady out on the town in miami dazzle her razzle dazzle her take it take it to a nice steak dinner you know what i'm saying but no you're gonna watch the [ __ ] debates in your hotel room come on luis yeah maybe not uh we'll see what happens but yeah that's exciting um yeah we'll we'll see what happens i mean it is it does sort of make sense though like when you consider the fact that they did release it like right before the election you know as part of trump's team part of his legal team it does seem like it's a little bit um calculated you know oh oh oh for sure for sure i i don't know sacha baron cohen but what i've read of him and you know what i believe to be his character you know i i don't think he's a fan of trump so i think it's all kind of you know done to throw a little shade and throw a little [ __ ] and damage that public opinion who knows or maybe he's just coincided that that's when it came out but anyway who gives a fault we're getting a little bit too political and we're not not go there yeah let's not do it exactly can i can i we are talking about this and this is kind of interesting did you see uh jorge mazvidal's speech supporting trump i didn't watch all of it i i saw him walk out in his track suit and he addressed everybody and and then i turned it off yeah it was uh it was okay it's it's it's very it's uh very surprising to me if it was just out of nowhere that mozville is amazon prime what else that's all out the window okay this weekend ufc 254 as we know just engage it as you said before and khabib uh this does feel like it came out of nowhere of course back in the summer jacksonville florida when he first started having the fights with no crowd we saw just engage it absolutely destroy tony ferguson just a beautiful display of violence and obviously you know he became the interim champion and he gets to fight khabib and then boom just like that click of her fingers i think because there's been fights every single weekend it just keeps your mind busy you know what i'm saying so the time's gone quick and we're here and it's not just that i mean that's a great main event you got six fights on the main card robert whittaker and jared kane and here in the cole man ian kutilaba and magamet ankaliev or something like that uh opening the card which i know you don't know those names but you probably do a little bit but i'm really excited for that fight so it's a great [ __ ] fight card lewis yeah super exciting i'm actually excited that it's at two o'clock i completely forgot that it was gonna be an afternoon fight card as well which is incredible i love an afternoon fight card the people in the uk are going [ __ ] crazy because if you're an a ufc fan in the uk it's very hard you're gonna be a hardcore you gotta watch the fights at five six o'clock in the morning or you watch it on a delay but by then you're trying to not see social media and most of the time you know who won the fights or everyone in the uk they're super happy because i think it's like so what time is it you for you that's two to seven p.m the main card starts at 7 p.m in the uk so yeah it's going to be a big so it feels like a real fight night for them which is awesome um yeah i i mean i i i daytime's just great because you know what it is like by the time you're drinking with all your friends 11 o'clock 12 o'clock hits i'm not paying attention the same way that i should like i'm sort of like at that point i'm kind of drunk afternoon it keeps everyone honest keeps everyone focused i love it yeah but listen perillo's coming up to my house with austin we're going to tempo urban kitchen they're bringing up the uh as i said some catching some food they also do a very good selection of alcoholic beverages you know so and to your point yes the uh the laughs are going to be flowing we're kind of having a good time we're going to be drinking alcohol at 11 a.m in the morning jason pirillo loves to have a drink and and if you lead a horse to water well me being that horse will also drink that water and then water being vodka yeah and they're going to be filming the whole thing so who knows this might be the best ufc watch party they've ever seen or i might get fired from the ufc one or the other but either way uh the fight will deliver um i was watching some of the embeddeds uh i don't have you seen any of the embeddeds yet lewis no i haven't seen them yeah you know to be honest the embedded you know it's always the same thing to be honest but it does get you hyped for a big fight and i was watching before and there was a really interesting clip obviously uh khabib any time he fights everybody knows what he's going to do right what is he going to do lewis he's going to take you down and he's going to smash yes yes brother brother same thing every time and they they don't smash they'll take you down and smash yours [ __ ] uh but he was but dc was talking to him and he was asking him about they said hey khabib every single time you fight somebody they all know what you're going to do they all know what your game plan is going to do but you're still successful and why is that brian i sent you a tape earlier roll that please uh and he was saying yes adishi said how is that capable and khabib talking a little bit of [ __ ] i mean they're friends so it's just banter you know what i mean but he said brother brother listen what is your game plan against dc estipe when you fight stipe you go out there you try one take down you get take down but steepy get back up very fast and then you leave that then you just punch with him and you lose fight for me i don't try one time i try 100 times 200 in time i never give up we got that brian for this i've done this to prepare me for what i know is coming i can't underestimate him you know this is his prime you know 31 years old but it doesn't matter how tough you are in mental when you tire it like even if you don't quit you're gonna make mistake a lot of make mistake you know what about a guy that doesn't seem tired how do you approach a guy that seems to be of such a strong mind no no i i didn't have plan to make him quit or broke his mental i have plenty rock is mental muscle what do you think allows you to implement this game plan when everyone seems to know exactly what you're going to try to do you're going to grab the leg get a takedown and call people when you fight last time versus miocic you grab his leg and you take him down but he get up very quick and you change your game completely this is different between me and you you try only one time i will try one hundred times who are you your eyes have to go down when you talk with me because when you have two belt i always put down my eyes always i give you respect right now please but please anyway we get the point yeah um yeah yeah and dc's right that is his game plan every single [ __ ] time doesn't change it up he won't change it up but he's still successful yeah because why would you well you know why would you change it up if you are absolutely undefeated has he ever lost a round uh do you know it's funny because i was talking about the conor and uh i was talking about it i was reading sorry twitter yesterday and conor uh i don't know if you saw this he's going out he needs to let it go i'm not talking [ __ ] about conor but he needs to let the khabib go it happened two years ago and he was still he was very bitter on twitter yesterday did you see that lewis yeah i did and he's saying that he won four of the five rounds and whatever and he was bragging that he knew him in the face with an illegal shot you know he said i need him in the face right in the eye socket uh and then people were like what you're bragging that you cheated in a fire that you still got your ass kicked in weird flex but okay but anyway and then he was like well the shot should be legal yeah yeah but then but the reason i said that is because uh further on down there in that thread there was the uh the score sheets and i think uh universally the three judges did give round three to conor so anyway to answer your question i think he has lost a round yeah there you go yeah so um but i mean it's it's essentially he he fights an almost perfect fight every single time and if you know if you have that skill set why wouldn't you implement it why would you go and try to change up this you know you know if it's not broken don't fix it so i don't really understand it and to be honest with you what is he going to try to outstrike justin gaiji it ain't happening he's not out boxing justin gaichi i mean the only path to victory with justin gaiji is specifically that game plan 100 now the narrative coming into this one and this is why because i've been talking about who i'm gonna bet on for this fight or or or or pick to win this is another thing with the ufc watch parties that we have to wear t-shirts i have a team gaugey or team khabib really and i don't want to do that do you know what i mean i'm alienating 50 of that fire from ever coming on this podcast i'm like what we're thinking of doing is just keep changing our shirts based on who wins might be funny but anyway the narrative coming into this one obviously justin gagey is a very accredited wrestler and possibly one of the best wrestlers that khabib's ever fought and if khabib can't get the fight to the ground then he's going to be forced into a standard battle against khabib i guess justin pardon me and justin you know has the far superior striking so when you look at it like that on paper then you kind of think well hold on maybe that does play in justin's favor but then you gotta think khabib is 28-0 for a reason and when you go through his last few fights last one was dustin poirier that was a submission mcgregor submission before that ally acquainted decision edson barboza decision michael johnson kimura daryl horcha tko dos sanjos decision pat healey decision abel trijia decision tiago tavares ko gleason t-bar decision so that's all these fights there's not a lot of stunt wrestlers that are in there but i mean look the reality is and you know with all due respect to justin gaichi i just think that khabib has been so dominant against guys that have really good wrestling maybe not as good as justin that it's it's hard for me to not imagine could be getting it there it's really difficult for me to not imagine him getting that take down and getting and you know you think ali aquinta is one that you think of um because he had a that was a tough fight and i al's got good wrestling um but i just feel like khabib has just shown time and time again that he's going to get that takedown and i i'd have to look at him harrington please pull this up what is justin gaichey's takedown defense uh yeah it's very very high but the thing is in his last few fights uh nobody's really tried to take him down and that's probably why because they know he's a good rest and they know that they're wasting the time but uh you know the one that really makes me think this could be a tough fight for khabib is the ally of quintify you know if you remember that fight al took it on short notice uh al did a really good job of stopping the takedowns but khabib was relentless with them and then the fight was on the feed for the most part and khabib took over with the striking predominantly the job he just kept pumping that jab out time and time again but it was because he kept threatening the takedown that gave him success with the striking because i think al you know was a little focused on the takedowns more than the striking so it allowed could be a little leeway to be successful so i don't know i mean this is going to be really really tough because i was looking at justin gage's record and of course the two big ones that jump off the page are the two losses that he had to eddie alvarez and dustin poirier and i were just watching the dusting fire before to try and see why he lost that fight and ultimately you know to put it in its simplest terms he got out struck he got out struck against dustin poirier dustin poirier is an elite level striker very very good top of the food shade type top of the food chain type guy right khabib isn't that guy on the feet khabib is not that guy on the feet and justin is coming into this very very confident as well so this fight is a lot closer than what people think yeah and also if you look at justin's last fight against tony ferguson that was by far the most um focused and the most um disciplined it seemed that we've seen justin gaichi he wasn't just whaling shots and he seemed to really pace himself in a different way definitely seems like a smarter fighter um and there's an intensity when you hear him talk right now there's this like intensity to him right now we're like god damn it he really believes that he's the best he's ever been he probably is the best he's ever been it is such a hard fight to pick if i was just looking at it like like just when you were sort of talking about the styles before i would almost lean toward justin because you go like all right well all he's got to do is keep it standing and then out strike him i mean it's harder to get a guy down than it is to avoid being taken down right so the harder it's on khabib the onus is on him to get that to the ground he's gonna have to take those shots coming in and early on in that fight just in case he should be able to keep it standing it's just every time i start thinking that way and you start to bet against somebody like khabib who's undefeated he's a special athlete it just i i i give myself pause and i say i'm not going to bet against him i won't do it i absolutely cannot and i want to obviously we're going to do picks on today's show but it's really difficult to pick against gabe yeah but everybody's gotta lose at some time you know everyone everyone's all has to go if they continue fighting for long enough and and as i said before alaya quinn to stop the takedowns uh conor mcgregor right if you remember back to that fight conor did a really good job in the first round defending the takedown yes ultimately he lost the battle he did get taken down but i was watching it yesterday was a free fight on youtube and then just scrolling through oh let's have a watch and uh yeah uh khabib shot in for that single leg like he always does and conor did a really good job of defending for a while it was a took it it took the beam a couple of minutes to actually secure the takedown which believe it or not is is still impressive you know he held him off for that long the point to make it is just engages a way better wrestler than conor mcgregor connor's a [ __ ] striker he's an elite level striker he's not an elite level wrestler and if conor could you know hold him off for that amount of time then i've got to think that justin gagey will be able to keep this fight on the feet harrington brian what do you guys think what do you reckon do you reckon this is uh going to be a khabib wrestle fest or you think justin turns it into stand-up affair well uh you know if i had to take a guess i think that you know justin gates he keeps reiterating over and over again that he will not let himself be put against the fence as soon as guys back up against khabib khabib can get you against the fence he can start mauling you he's going to make khabib try to take him down and open water in the center of the cage and i think we've seen khabib struggle with that before in the allied kinsa fight he was he wasn't able to secure uh nine of the 15 takedown attempts that he tried uh conor mcgregor was able to stuff four of the seven takedown attempts against him i think somebody like justin gaiji if he can keep coming forward and never takes that step back towards the cage he can turn this into a striking affair and win this fight very well done by the way harrington you [ __ ] wrote that out last night didn't you you little swat he knew i was gonna ask that question he had it that was too well prepared uh brian go ahead i have to follow that which is cool so pretty much all the things that harrington said but like like i've been saying i think khabib is going to win if i'm gonna put money on this fight it's gonna be on justin gagey cause like you said the o has got to go what is he a plus 250 underdog he's a pretty big underdog all things considered as close as this fight is yeah he's a pretty big underdog that makes it really interesting so so here's the thing right there's two ways of fighting a wrestler in wrestling you you lock up okay and if you back up if you step away that's stalling and you get penalized you know they'll give a point to your opponent if you're backing up because taking somebody down that's backing up is much harder to do so one school of thought if you're fighting a good wrestler is to constantly be constantly be moving using circling motion not being too predictable and going the same way but going both ways backing up circle as he comes in one two pick him off circle around and he comes in one two pick him off jab move kick to the head move just doing that for the entire fight okay um but i think the best way because you don't want to be backing up the whole time either because that's a pain in the ass but still they might still get you if they're relentless like could be we'll cut the cage off could be will get a hold of that leg at some point the best way to do it is what just engage it is gonna do and i remember you anna young jj did the same thing when she fought colorado spas and became the 115th strawweight champ she beat the [ __ ] out of carla esparza carla was a wrestler right and young jay check is a striker and young jj just walked her down the whole [ __ ] time she lowered the base so therefore she's a smaller area and she just walked around punishing her one two straight jabs and just backed her up and if you're a wrestler and you're getting hit in the face and you're going backwards well then you ain't getting no [ __ ] takedowns you know what i'm saying so it's going to be interesting to see what approach justin has well what about you how would you approach it right so you you know you you you're the the guy who's pretty much known for being a striker that has great take down defense when you are taken down you get you know right back up how do you approach this fight if you're just engaging well yeah see the thing is i don't have the wrestling that just engage he has you know i mean i remember when i worked ufc on fox in 2018 there was a fight in in arizona and it was in the stadium where he used to wrestle and i had no idea i think he was something like a three-time state champion however he just looked that up up on his wikipedia plays i think he's something like a three-time state champion that's [ __ ] insane wrestling i only know that from having a son now that wrestles out here and i know how high the competition is so for him to do that to achieve that is incredible but if that was me i would be on my bike in the first round because i wouldn't want to walk kabe down when he's fresh i would not want to meet fire with fire against khabib you're giving him what he wants so for the first round i would be on the bike i would try to be elusive i would try and frustrate him just pick him apart with the jabs and move around now typically the crowd would start booing with that but [ __ ] the crowd because what's important is winning the fight and then as khabib starts to get frustrated starts to get desperate starts to get tired and starts to get weaker then in rounds two three four now you start going forward now you start putting them under pressure and breaking them you know so that would be the way that i approach it but you know everybody's got a game plan to get punched in the face okay really quick we must thank draftkings for supporting today's show uh draftkings makes watching already the most exciting sport in the world that much more exciting um it's fantasy mma very simple you pick a bunch of fighters you pick the way that they advance or win and you score a bunch of points by putting your mma knowledge to the test and it really just it's a whole other element a whole other side of this sport that i didn't even know existed before draftkings yeah listen obviously this weekend is the highly anticipated ufc 254 kb versus just engaging most people if you're listening to this show you're going to be watching that so why not you know try and put your knowledge to the test all you got to do is download the draftkings app right now and then use the code bym for a limited time new users can get a free shot at millions of dollars in prizes every single week don't miss out on the week 7 action enter code bym to get a free shot at millions of dollars in prizes with your first deposit so remember download the draftkings app and then use the code bym only at draftkings make it rain minimum 5 deposit required eligibility restriction supplies see for details okay who was the uh just i'm getting a little add side note but i'm just as you're talking about i just wanted to know the answer to this question who is the best wrestler do you feel like you've ever fought uh i mean obviously rashad and chael are two that come to mind immediately none of them no hammer [ __ ] [ __ ] tossed me around feed the [ __ ] because i used to train with him on the ultimate fighter you see and he could wrestle like a [ __ ] man and he was so strong and that was in my head and he knew when we trained together that he could just take me down at the drop of a hat i remember we were doing drills right against the wall my hands were against the wall and we were going to try and take him down one by one and nobody could take him down and in the end he wasn't even using hands he wasn't even using his [ __ ] hands and i was getting so pissed off i'm like [ __ ] that use your hands you're making a fool out of me on tv and he's like well i don't need to use hands i'm like well i'm not having you disrespecting me your [ __ ] [ __ ] at least use your hands you're making a mocker mockery out of me on tv so uh so yeah i'd probably say mahammed a strong [ __ ] that was another interesting point in the book too sort of an honest moment where you're like i was like legitimately like jealous of the attention that matt hamill was getting while you were like on the ultimate fighter with him yeah well you know because tito ortiz thought the sun shined out of his ass and i've flown over from england i'm trying to make it happen i'm not hold on a minute i'm seeing these guys you know play favorites with matt hamel and you're on tito's team i was on tito's team and i remember when i got picked uh so you know they do the top peaks don't they you know on the ultimate fight if you remember back in the day and he flipped a coin and t-dog got the first pick and he said i picked matt hamel to be my champion and he picked matt hamel right and then yeah ken shamrock picked whoever it was and then tito says okay for my second pick every great champion needs a great training partner so i picked michael bisping and i was like what the [ __ ] you think i've flown to the other side of the world to be in a reality tv show to be matt hamill's training partner so yeah but they pissed me off a little bit but anyway that was 15 years ago lewis yeah but it was great now a very very interesting story in the book quarters never went available on amazon prime oh oh i'm prime of course uh so yeah so yeah all right so listen let's make some pigs we've talked about this fight for a while uh 2 p.m eastern you're going to be there going to be with your people you're going to move the the podcast people who wins louis money and are we putting a little bit coin on this little dollar rooney what are we doing and how what was it what was the bet last time where we were 500 in debt to brian yeah i don't know i don't want to do that bet again that one didn't work out that was stupid um yeah i don't want to put any more real money on the line with brian [ __ ] brian brian who are you picking in this fight anyway because i might just let i might bet on whoever you pick because brian and i mean this bisping and it's hard to say he went 13 picks in a row i'm gonna say it's beginner's lock get [ __ ] when we asked brian for a breakdown he could always drink a sentence together he said yeah what harrington said and now all of a sudden this [ __ ] is getting 13 picks right in a row there is an element of beginner's look and i feel that brian is going to come undone on this occasion 125 i've got you a bet brian 125. you want to go head-to-head ryan if you give me the odds i'll take uh gaichi god no i'm taking kg yeah i mean i'm i'm taking i think gaijin's gonna do it i i would like to see him do it yeah yeah you know to be honest have you seen well you probably you didn't see the embeddings but he's got his parents with him just engaging and he was talking about it at the press conference and i just thought it was amazing he said listen my father worked down a copper mine for 35 40 years something like that my mother she's worked at the same place for 35 years they've never flown out of the country they've never flown international you know uh money was very very tight when we grew up i remember just to get school clothes it was like a vacation we had to because we lived in the middle of nowhere we all jumped in the car we'd drive into the city which took us like three hours that was like going on a vacation for us and we'd get the school clothes so obviously you know a very very humble upbringing and now he said to dana can i bring them with me so they flew over on the chartered flag at the ufc do in first class they had a great time they're there they're in abu dhabi and he said he's been very vocal about it with this fight being as big as as it is and dana white said this is trending to be bigger than khabib versus connor which got 2.4 million pay-per-view buyers dana says this is trending to be way higher and if that's the case you know justin is going to make multiple millions of dollars on this fire and he said his mom will retire he said as soon as that bell rings he said as long as we both get to the cage and the bell rings that means i get paid is if my parents retire there and then and [ __ ] me that's beautiful yeah that's incredible it really is um and uh it's surprising that it's trending higher than conor uh khabib i i mean harrington you posted something on maybe twitter instagram that i thought was an interesting point just sort of the uh the the covet lockdown all all things considered it seems like it has done you know or i shouldn't say the clover lockdown but i guess the lack of other sports maybe is the real reason but the ufc they seem to have a little bit of an uptick with pay-per-view buys on average now hey talk to me or harrington whoever wants to chairman you go ahead harrington i mean i'm just looking at uh if you take a look at what happened with the mazda doll pay-per-view you know this is a guy who would you know never get anywhere near the the 2 million pay-per-view buy number or whatever it was and he put up you know he put up bigger numbers than conor mcgregor did post lockdown this year israel out of sonya for the first time in his career eclipse 700 000 pay-per-view buys uh so something in this climate like you said where all these eyes are on him uh and what dana was saying the tracking on social media given that khabib is easily the second biggest star in the sport and is quickly becoming the biggest star uh you know outside of the united states when it comes to martial arts uh you know that's why this is trending just so very high well that's what i was going to say because khabib has become a massive massive worldwide star you know wherever he goes he's kind of getting the conor mcgregor treatment you know everywhere he goes people just like fawning over him driving flying around private jets limousines you know he's living that [ __ ] life he's mixing with world leaders you know the khabib is a very very big [ __ ] deal but i'll tell you what i'll tell you what i'm i'm not stirring the pot but if he gets bigger numbers than what he did against connor that's going to piss conor mcgregor off that's going to be uh it's going to light a fire i think under conor's ass it'll be quite interesting to see i'm sorry i'm sorry but khabib is uh he is he doesn't want to talk about conor mcgregor at all anymore did you see the stephen a smith interview i did i did i did it that was hilarious yeah it was a little interesting moment we wouldn't even have to play because people probably have seen it already which is a quick little moment but steven a smith i guess he asked him um about why he wouldn't want to fight conor and he essentially surmised he was like oh it's because you don't like him you don't want to give him any shine and then khabib was like i do not want to [ __ ] talk about this and he just yeah i don't want to talk about this [ __ ] simple as that and then stephen smith just smiled and then the other fella asked him something max kellerman but uh i did see this he did another interview where he said i think he was with uh brett akamoto it was with espn and he said even if they offer me five billion dollars i will never fight conor mcgregor again and i thought to myself that's not true no number one ufc aren't ever going to offer you 5 billion right but theoretically if they did 100 you're taking that fight 100 you know and everybody has a price everybody does have a price and you never know khabib is a man of faith and he's he's earned you know massive amounts of money throughout his career already to the point where he probably won't even spend it all so realistically at that point money becomes kind of not the motivator it would be if you didn't have any but still if dana did say five billion i think he's gonna take it yeah that many that many zeros and that many commas yeah obviously he probably would but um yeah there is just a point where like he probably will never go where anywhere near spending all the money that he's made i don't know khabib's upbringing but my assumption would be somewhat humble upbringing my assumption i i don't know i have no you know i i he could have been born into a crazy wealthy family i don't even know but i don't know what kakistani life is like on the daily basis never been to kazakhstan hold on dagger stan i [ __ ] bore it on the mind okay it's nice it's nice uh yeah no i've never been to dagestan but the things that i have seen they're just in the mountains it's very humble there's little villages they're so i'm just saying like he probably has made so much money that he goes you know what the [ __ ] would i like money is nothing to me at this point i have more money than i'll ever spend my family said for the rest of my life i still have every fight every time i fight it's five ten million dollars however many millions he makes per fight at this point um and he's still got he's not he's not nobody's talking about could be retiring right now and that's that's so far he's [ __ ] undefeated and outside of the octagon you've got to think all the money is earning as well i mean conor's killing it outside the octagon as we know but khabib i mean he's not as he's a little more private but still you got to think you know he's doing a lot of appearances he's doing like this one man tour all over the place he's generating a lot of [ __ ] money so yeah maybe a financial uh uh reward or incentive isn't what would make khabib fight conor again but i'm sure there's something if conor said the right thing you know if he if he pushed hard enough if he poked the bear enough you're going to want to smash this guy's faces so you never know i hope he fires there's almost no reason to see the fight again though from from khabib's perspective he beat him so handily that it's like what is there to prove here it's just another big payday it's just like from an athletic standpoint from like uh you know just a martial artist standpoint from a financial standpoint there's just no where's the upside for could be besides making a little bit more cash which he looks like he's going to eclipse the even the connor numbers with a justin gaichi fight which means that khabib is now sort of the the winning um part of the equation there right you said you needed conor before now things are changing a little bit the reality is conor might need to be more than khabib needs conor yeah i don't know about that i still i mean look at conor versus cowboy conor versus cowboy was what i don't know did like 1.2 something like that harrington it did big numbers and that was against cowboy no disrespect to cowboy fan favorite great style but not exactly surging through the rankings as a number one contender you know what i'm saying it was just a fun fight you know i had the potential to be a fun fighter and it did fun numbers so connor against anyone conor against [ __ ] my spongebob cup people are going to tune in you know what i'm saying so but still either way he's not fighting can be decided so who gives a [ __ ] going off on a tangent here all right real quick uh just take a moment and go subscribe on our itunes channel um just search for believe me podcast subscribe on our itunes channel leave us a five star rating positive review we love all of the positive reviews that you guys give us it really is incredible you can subscribe to our youtube channel as well and hit the notification button this way every time a brand new show is dropping on youtube you guys are no you guys are in the know and last but not least if you guys want access to the entire on-demand library every single episode of the believe me podcast that we've ever done uncensored and ad-free go to use the promo code bym get a 14-day free trial you get access to everything go binge watch the show from the beginning see where all the magic started um all right all right well listen either way it doesn't matter how much money they're gonna earn fact is we have got the two best lightweights on the planet competing saturday night and i can't [ __ ] wait it does feel special anytime no maggie made her fights these days he does bring that kind of special occasion vibe anyway let's give some pics here no money on the line just merely pride and for the sake of saying i got it correct uh harrington will start with you khabib just engage it who do you have winning and why i mean this is rough knowing you know all you guys are on gaichi too but i how can we all pick against the undefeated fighter if you guys are all picking gagey i'll take khabib just because and i hate those who said we're all picking geichi you guys three minutes ago no no no no no we're having official pig marmon we haven't given our picks we have presented an argument on how gaijin may win we have also presented arguments on how no manga made of may win but we haven't made our pigs look at shannon in the background looking like a snack working away hard cleaning up harrington's mess um yeah so don't assume that anyone's picking anything yet don't do it do do who you actually think is going to win harrington i mean if you're all right your life depends on it right i've got your mum and dad i broke into the house i've got a gun to the head if this goes wrong if your pick is wrong i blow their brains out and then piss on their dead bodies that's what's going to happen if you get this wrong who do you pick devil's advocate at the back i say piss on them while they're alive then shoot them more insulting i like it i like it you might get a bit of thrashing though and therefore the p comes back on you you know what i'm saying i prefer to piss on a non-thrashing body in my experience you know i've been there done it they thrash you don't want them to thrash i stand corrected when you're defecating on a corpse okay there's no thrashing uh give us your pick uh in that case then yeah i mean the like i said since this fight was booked i just believe justin gates is the guy to get at don the guy to finally uh take khabib zoe so yeah i'm gonna go with uh justin gaitry oh interesting so after all that you actually went with justin i remember i'm gonna blow your mum and dad's brains out please don't you a you don't need a gun they're old right you're just fighting you could hit him he's a middleweight champion yeah you could kill him with your bare hands i don't like to get my hands dirty it's more impactful and you know i'm an adopted american i go with the gun these days uh brian who do you have and why i have uh justin gaichi because something we didn't mention earlier was khabib's head coach and father just recently passed and this is his first fight back and uh we don't know how it's going to affect him historically when uh great fighters lose their main trainer things take a down slot okay is that based off of any data are you just assuming that i mean tyson that's that's like off primarily off of tyson tyson's a [ __ ] maniac ties is amazing you know when tyson lost you i think who was it was it busted douglas yeah he was in his hotel room in japan uh snowing cocaine all week [ __ ] hookers things like that that's more to do with the downfall of mike tyson as opposed to switching up trainers but still i like where you went i'm sure there's plenty of there's plenty of data that would suggest that sometimes switching up trainers can help you out in a very very big way not to suggest that khabib's father passing obviously is in any way help but i it's not even that that factor that's an x factor that could either really be good or bad in terms of khabib's performance because khabib who is very spiritual but i mean really very religious i mean he believes that his father is in heaven or whatever their version of heaven is like he believes that he's [ __ ] you know that's what he really truly believes and i think as an honor to his father i think he's going to fight that much harder i don't think it's going to be the type of thing where he's going to come in and half-ass it or or you know could be the intensity that this guy brings every single time i don't know i i wouldn't want and i said this when his father died i remember when they booked this i said this i wouldn't want to be the guy to fight khabib after his father dies interesting no no no you're right it might give him just that extra incentive he might want to take out his anger on his next opponent whatever it may be you know or it could affect them to brian's point you know with the father dying which is as we know very very sad and our thoughts are with khabib uh we said this at the time but you know life moves on um he only actually cornered him for one or two of his fights i believe because of visa issues so his father was in his corner very much however he was very much instrumental in his training camps and obviously from an early age he was teaching in martial arts so yeah i don't think that's going to be too much of an issue the reality is listen it's really sad it's really sad but parents die as you [ __ ] know all too well lewis you know i mean i've still got both of mine i don't know about brian what happened yeah did you know that i've never mentioned that you've never mentioned it but they are dead and you're doing okay you're doing all right hey you know what all things considered not so bad my parents are gonna [ __ ] die as well okay and it's gonna suck love your mum love your dad but you know what i mean just if you're gonna die whatever life goes on their parents are dead they're still alive their mum and dad are dead as [ __ ] okay so yeah so i don't think it's gonna be that big of a deal i i you know like any normal person i'm assuming there was a period of grieving and mourning but the world goes on it doesn't especially when you're that high level and that good i just you know khabib just seems like he's so laser focused i i i just couldn't imagine a personal emotional thing being enough to sort of get in the way of his sort of path to victory so with my pick as it relates to that um i i just i cannot pick against khabib i can't it seems like a stupid move it seems like it does not make any sense nobody's ever done it before nobody's ever been before just pickies khabib my pick is could be 100 and i love justin gagey i think he's an incredible fighter and when you break down the styles it all seems to make sense it seems like justin could be the one to do it i just know that justin gaiji's lost to some guys that are nowhere near as good as khabib and khabib's never lost so you've gone with gagey brian and harrison so you're going to be but they went uh gagey um you're right louis you know because you know we made the argument for kurt for a gaugey earlier you know he can stop the takedowns of all the rest of it but there is a reason why khabib is 28-0 you know against all those you know high-level competition of course you know it's only the last few years it's been the highest of competition you know you make your way to the ufc you work your way up the rankings so there's a reason why it's 2080 and then when you look at just engagey he's got those two losses to eddie alvarez and dustin poirier and that gives me you know thought to think well if they can beat him maybe khabib [Music] do you know what i mean he's had a good like you know i said to him about that i said dad stop smoking he's oh i've lived a good life me mark i'm ready for the long sleep i'm like can you stop saying that so don't worry about that that's not going to motivate me to get that mentality by the way i get it isn't it wait if you're not religious at all like you're just like yeah i just can't wait i mean just imagine going to sleep and just not waking up how nice and if you are religious if you are muslim you know you're going to heaven and you're [ __ ] 40 virgins every night do you know what i mean every night he's like no my dad's happy he's having a great [ __ ] time right now uh there was always that joke though wasn't there don't give me 40 virgins give me two bad [ __ ] i'd rather have that than 40 virgins that sounds like a nightmare um okay pick gaugey just engage it just engage it i think i'm right i'm regretting that already you want to put some money there you want to put some money on it oh did you say khabib isaac no [ __ ] that i'm not caught versus you even odds even odds me versus you 100 yeah no i know i get it i get it i get it all right [ __ ] it we'll make it fun 100 bucks [ __ ] justin he's gonna get his eye he's gonna get beat i know he is but i'm just i i'm not even confident in my paper there you go just engage it all right we've talked about that for a long time that was one of the more fi fun fights like break down when you really like think about like the styles and just sort of like it because it really there's all these little x factors and variables that make it a really really difficult fight to pick but what a fun one and it's saturday it's two [ __ ] days away there was a thing on the ufc's twitter the other day and they showed uh the sound effects of justin landing on tony ferguson and it was just [ __ ] haunting to watch back they edited it so each blow landed very very quickly you know not in real time and how the [ __ ] tony ferguson was able to stand there and take all those shots i mean that guy tony ferguson is the toughest [ __ ] on this planet you know what i'm saying and i don't know if khabib could take that same amount of punishment so we'll see we'll find out but uh hopefully if i'm wrong i don't react like uh somebody that i saw on social media the other day there was a guy on twitter i think there was a football game on and obviously his team that he was rooting for i forget which team it was but they lose and he does what everybody normal person does which is to pull his gun out and shoot his tv four or five times smash it up with a hammer something like that what did he do harrington just give us a bit of background give us the video brian uh yes so this gentleman is a massive dallas cowboys fan they just had an embarrassing loss on monday night football in prime time i believe it was like 38 to 3 or something against the arizona cardinals the man did not take kindly to uh you know the the the game there and took it out on his tv yeah as you do i mean the other problem is that when you when the temper passes you know what i mean when you've calmed down you're like oh [ __ ] sake because all you're hurting is yourself do we have that video brad because it is kind of funny to see when i was younger i used to put holes in my walls ah i said punch holes in my [ __ ] drywall it was like just a regular i would get angry and i was like why did i do that then i get angry that there's a [ __ ] hole in the drywall you know polls were just covered up with posters when i was younger not saying here when rebecca first came to my house she was like why is there holes everywhere and they're covered up with like towels and [ __ ] posters and like my door the door wasn't like a real door like the inside the interior was like eggshells or egg cartons like a very thin piece of wood so i put my [ __ ] face with that many times so there was always a towel hanging over it you know rebecca first came around she was horrified i was talking about how i might act uh before too but it's uh it's so because we we know what we're doing we act like we can't control ourselves but we always find like just thin shitty like sheetrock or like thin closets in the house always like a shitty closet or a door if you look at that you see that you see that swelling that part there yeah yeah that was when i i had a fight with comrade my brother he [ __ ] uh what happened i can't remember what happened but he punched me in the [ __ ] face full on punched me in the face and comrade's a big dude and he punches me in the face and i'm like what the [ __ ] am i arguing in his house and his wife's screaming i'm like comrade and anyway because i'm so mad that was about 18 nine no i was 19 or 20 he was about 23. and uh i just got bang and i punched the wall rather than punch my brother and shh their hand just broke instantly swelled up gigantic like that you would think that would stop comrade attacking me but no he he still attacks me i'm waiting [ __ ] up his wall yeah well no his wall was i hit that i hit the uh the concrete part the [ __ ] stone part it didn't my arm didn't go through it my hand just exploded it was broken in a million places but that didn't stop my brother uh but still let's have a look at that video brian sorry mate we went off on a tangent [ __ ] tv [Music] whoa overreaction ever so slightly well i i don't want to get political but that's why everybody shouldn't have a gun because you lose your [ __ ] at times you know what i mean well you might punch somebody you might shoot somebody but we'll leave it up there we won't get into it i'll say that's not even political that's not that is nothing i agree with that completely i've said this for a long time the and i look at myself because if i had a gun i would i might do that to my tv i'll tell you right now i'm gonna brandish it there's gonna be somebody that's gonna piss me off and i'm gonna show them that [ __ ] gun you're gonna like this yo what's up what we got a problem here we got a [ __ ] problem here what movie is that uh i don't know but uh boys in the hood i believe a little rendition for you there didn't quite do the accent justice anyway there you go hey guys let's take a quick second and talk about our newest sponsor unbroken designs created by athletes that want to make fitness gear and accessories that are for superior quality and with a fashionable edge unbroken represents both men and women who have been through a traumatic experience and have survived it and come out stronger and tougher than ever we just got some products in the mail and i'm telling you lewis it's pretty good pretty good stuff i got the knee sleeves which are very very comfortable i've been wearing them every time i work out and one thing that they sent me that i absolutely love is the weighted vest uh fully i think it goes up to like 30 kilo or something like that it's pretty heavy but you can obviously make it as heavy or as light as you want i can't run yet but i've been putting that on while i do my bag work you know just to get a little extra resistance lewis yeah i love it dude i got this thing and it's sort of like at first you're like what the [ __ ] would i even need more weight on my body for um but if you don't know it's a vest you put in your body it goes up to 30 pounds you can pull the different weights in and pull them out and everything from running doing cardiovascular exercise if you're doing pull-ups body weight stuff it's just going to increase the amount of weight that you're actually lifting so um it's pretty simple to understand but i love it it looks really cool it's got the american flag which i gotta get a british one for bisping so yeah maybe once i wanted to have a word about that i'm like guys what the [ __ ] do i have to look like a complete sellout but listen the vest is great like a mobile worker just throw it on whatever you're doing throw it in the car wherever you are if you're going for a walk or whatever put that vest on burn a few extra little calories you know have a little resistance in your life it can't all be easy peasy lemon squeezy no you're working out you don't even know what you're burning calories and you're going about your daily business so yeah look listen at the end of the day if you're looking for fitness gears and accessories you want to enhance your workouts enhance your life to be honest go to unbroken designs and use the called bisping you'll get 10 off your order you know and be sure to look great when you're hitting the gym at the end of the day you're going to the gym to work out but you never know if you're a young free single ready to mingle you never know you might catch the eye of a significant other so once again unbroken promo card is bisping and yeah 10 off all right where were we cole main event lewis co-main event robert whitaker taking on friend of the show jared cannonia i've been trying to get robert on the show uh just recently actually but with the time differences he's in australia and what not he couldn't make it if he's victorious that is we'll get him on the show afterwards but uh he's banned for life oh yeah not for sure we don't have losers on the show you know i apologize robert but that's just the way it is um we've had jared on the show a couple of times and we've talked about the crystals and the energy and things like that and uh jared has really doubled down on that this week he's been in the octagon on the beach putting his crystals out on the canvas to get recharged by the universe and the sun and you know listen people may scoff people may think he's a bit trippy or whatever but that's what he believes in uh i don't know what do you think what do you make of all that it's kind of it's all stupid but here's what i'll say it does if you believe that you know your lucky rabbit's foot gives you good luck and if you forget it at home it sort of [ __ ] up your energy for that day and you're like i'm not gonna you know you'll carry that energy around with you so it's almost like a positive mentality thing right or live on the first sunday of every month you say rabbit rabbit it's the first day of every month you say rabbit rabbit yes but exactly and it's the reality is it's not that it's actually bringing you any good luck but if it puts you in the mental state where you are going like my [ __ ] luck's changing now i'm gonna have great luck this today if everything's going good if you attack the day with that attitude that you're positive and good things are gonna happen to you more than likely good things will happen to you so there that's where it's real that's where there's because it's it's a mental thing right so it's you just sort of it's a motivation thing if you can tap into this thing that motivates you you [ __ ] breathe into a crystal or snort [ __ ] whatever you do should i go on but i was gonna say it's just a mental thing so yeah i do believe if jared kennedy really believes that those crystals give him energy that there is actual positive benefits there but not not on any real physical level i don't think there's yeah it's the placebo effect essentially what you're talking about the placebo effect in his mind he believes this and who knows maybe he's right and we're wrong maybe he is generating power from the universe and the sun i'm just gonna say i i doubt it and if he is usada get your [ __ ] together man because he's on the [ __ ] good stuff he's got the power of the universe and the sun being injected to him through the stones on the canvas of the earth you're telling me that that fighters can't take human growth hormone but they can have god's uh the power of god sunshine rays coming through crystals into their body that's [ __ ] psychotic and yeah you know he did an interview this week lewis to your point i mean he's not only harnessing the power of the universe he says that he's god he's a god amongst men i mean come on there's confidence in this [ __ ] confidence let's have a look roll the tape in in our society you know we focus a lot on the physical we live in this we believe that we are these shells these husks these vessels um i know i'm not what you see before this is going to fall off and die but i'm going to continue on i'm going to i'm going to change i'm going to transform i'm going to go back to to the source the source of all creation and then hopefully by that time when that time comes i'll be set free into the cosmos to travel and to experience things on a more in a more profound way in a way that's indescribable you know so i am a god in the flesh which is why which is why i turned down so many interviews going into this fight when i talk i feel i i i especially when doing interviews people ask me about myself i have to tap into my ego and tell people hey i am so great all right brian that'll do i i like what he was saying there though he didn't want to do interviews because he didn't want to talk about himself and say that i'm so great very very good point because essentially whenever you do an interview and you're talking about your fight you do have to just say hey i'm going to win b i'm really good c i've been working my ass off you know what i mean it's just tap yourself on the back the whole time but let's just back it up and he is a god in the flesh when we die we go up to the cosmos there's a lot to unpack there louis yeah it's a lot of mumbo jumbo and i love jared cannon here i'm a fan of his i love having him on the show i would never say this to his face we all we humor when he comes on we humor him we go yeah crystals that's great um but it's like nobody yeah nobody believes in [ __ ] crystal power but it's fine if it works for him it works for him um yeah i don't know yeah i mean i mean what do you say to that i mean listen hey more power to him and i'm not a religious man i wish so you know obviously jared is a very deep spiritual man right i'm not i don't believe in any kind of power in the universe i don't believe in god i believe when we die life leaves our body and that's it game over just like if there's a [ __ ] ant and i go that's it you're dead when you're dead you're dead that's my belief i keep it to myself or i talk about it when someone asks me but i don't go around talking about it and i respect everybody's views so i respect jared's view and if that's what he believes in and that truly brings in power as you said before that placebo effect and who knows maybe we're wrong maybe jared's on the [ __ ] money and we're all incorrect so i respect his beliefs his thoughts but i feel that right or wrong coming into this one is coming in in the correct mind place and then when you combine that with his physical attributes and the turd that he's on right now [ __ ] now robert whiskers in for a very tough fight yeah um yeah i i think that um yeah he does seem very cocksure there's like a uh he seems to be once again mentally in tune um and i it was kind of you right at this point before just sort of about like you do these interviews and you have to pat yourself on the back um i think it's kind of an interesting point right it's a great point you it's almost like people don't really connect with the cocky [ __ ] that's going yeah i'm the best you know i'm gonna [ __ ] with like they almost connect with the person that has a little more humility but it's like this weird balancing act and you see fighters taking two different ways right they win a fight and they go who do you want to fight next well whoever the ufc says uh is next you know i'm just grateful for the offer like okay well you don't hear that [ __ ] you want to hear i want you know i want to knock out the champion i'm the best in the world so it's a weird balancing act that i think you have to sort of um you know walk of course and it is kind of a tightrope as well because you want to be confident obviously in every interview that you do but then you don't want to come across as arrogant you know you want to be confident but you don't want to necessarily disrespect your opponent and if you're a hum more leaning towards the humble side of things like jared is you don't want to come on there and say i'm going to smoke this guy i'm so much better oh what am i saying he said he's a god amongst men and he's a god in the flesh no he's gone off the [ __ ] deep end with the confidence and god bless him yeah what am i saying i'm totally wrong um but still whatever whatever uh you know gives you confidence good for him i think what's going on in his head is that he knocked out jack her manson with that [ __ ] uppercut where jacob manson shot him knocked him out cold and uh you know he thinks he's gonna do the same thing to robert whitaker robert also coming in very confident says he's better everywhere he says i respect jared i think he's a great great guy great fighter i respect what he brings to the table but i'm just better and if you know robert whittaker he says that in his fashion that again he's not talking [ __ ] he's not being cocky he's not being confident he just believes in himself so again this is going to be a great [ __ ] fight and dana said whoever wins this is probably going to fight israel adasanya so again a lot to play for who was whitaker's last fight uh david sill island last time yeah yeah yeah that was that was uh robert's return to victory after losing to israel lasagna close fight very very close fight what do you think who wins it's once again a really tough fight i i don't know i mean i am sort of leaning toward whitaker um but yeah i mean that's that's just based off of the fact that he's a former champion i mean jared can't this is by far jared kennedy's biggest test uh well you could say that but you've got to think jacob manson i mean he just beat uh kelvin gaslin very very fast and he's fighting who's he always fighting darren till and if he wins that fight he's potentially getting attacked in retrospect it's definitely more of an impressive victory than uh at a first glance so i'm looking at jared cannoney's record i was just bringing it up so he came into the ufc as a heavyweight he got then he went that's a light heavy got stopped oh i'm sorry pardon me decision against glover to share her then he knocked out nick rolrick he'd never heard of him unfortunately then he lost jan blehovich and then he got knocked out against dominic reyes then he drops down to middleweight doing the right thing he's trying to find the right weight class of course came in a heavyweight that was too heavy light heavyweight still a bit undersized so now he drops down to uh middleweight and he beats david branch tko great victory david branch came to the ufc with a lot of hype never really lived up to it but still he beat him then he beats anderson silva remember he kicked him in the leg and anderson silva fell on the floor it was just a very very good well-placed heavy leg kick that did the job and then he knocked out jack hermansson and as i said you people always talk about if you're fighting a wrestler just like i'm sure gages had these conversations if you're fighting a wrestling you know they're gonna shoot you're just throwing up a cut right but the the [ __ ] the odds of landing that uppercut and timing it just perfect and you catch them coming in it's not easy to do and he did that against uh jaco manson he did that perfectly you know so again i don't know this is a it's a very very tough fight uh harrington and brian give me your picks well this is a difficult one because i mean you have a guy who's fought in heavyweight before against the guy who's fought at welterweight before like the the size difference between the two is just insane to me uh however there's something about robert whittaker that i found better very interesting this week he said he was burnt out heading into the arasana fight uh that's why that fight was postponed for so long he said he was burned out after the two romero fights that really took it out of him he's found his like love and fire for training and competing again and he wants to make that that run back to the 185 uh title we've seen robert whittaker win a belt before i believe in that champions mentality i haven't seen it from canon here so i have to think whitaker gets the job done he doesn't need a champion's mentality he's a godlike mentality harrington exactly which you know champion king mortal gods that's just the way it goes brian what do you got um people who believe in that and god that much blow themselves up so i can't imagine how much faith he has in this win you know what i mean like you can't discount a zealot interesting interesting but khabib is coming into this he's very religious brian you don't think that's going to affect him i mean that's a big part of his his power his faith the jared karen cannon near his dad just die no but what's the relevance he said that's good or bad for jared i'm sick i think that that's going to be a hindrance to the baby okay so who do you think wins in the canon near fire i'm getting confused now is gonna win okay okay lewis i'm gonna pick robert whitaker i think whitaker uh he he seems to have that that that fire back in him former champion dude can't count him out yeah yeah no same here and i saw him hitting pads all right granted whenever you're hitting pads you're working with your training partners they make you look good but just what i saw he was so [ __ ] fast and then harrington had a good point you know he was burnt out he did have those two boys without a son you that does take a piece out of you you know you do need to take time out and let the body rest and let the mind rest you know against darren till he looked very very very sharp raised a close fight but still he's just so fast he's very well-rounded he's been at the top of the pile he was the champion he's bought great competition and he had a good rest came back looked good against darren till yeah i like jared and i hope you come on the show again jared and i hope i'm wrong you know but may the best man win but i think that that best man on the day will be robert whittaker by decision though i don't think he's going to stop him i think robert woods could bad decision but who knows you know we're making pigs you got to put yourself out there very cool very cool um let's see uh minus 115 both sides yeah oh really that's really close yeah all right cool well what uh anything else in the card you want to discuss or what well the opener eon who is it it's taking on goliath i'm excited for that one they fought once before lewis i was commentating it and they kind of made a fool out of me because anchor live head kicked kuta laba and kutilaba was doing this and it looked like he was wobbled and then he had kicked him again and he had kicked him again and kuta larba was just like falling all over the place and i'm screaming he's out on his feet he's unconscious and then the referee not unconscious he's out on his feet type thing and then the referee dives in and calls off the fight and kuta lava was [ __ ] around he was playing possum he was trying to draw it and then straight away turn around to the referee what the [ __ ] are you talking about this is my i'm trying to i'm pretending that i'm hurt so he comes in he was playing possum uh so that fight got called off but now they're gonna rematch so there's a lot of bad blood they were talking a lot of [ __ ] the first time so that's a good fight make sure you see the opening fight because i'm telling you those two are two violent [ __ ] that fight's gonna be amazing and are you saying that there's a chance that you were actually the reason that the fight got called off no no because that's what you described yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah fortunately there was a crowd if it was back if it was now there was no crowd the referee could have heard me saying he's out on his feet but at that time there was 20 000 people they're all screaming they didn't hear [ __ ] of what i said so my hands are clean doggy my hands are clean it's like throwing the damn towel come on he's gonna die oh god anyway so yeah yeah make sure you watch that one okay well look i'm very excited about ufc 254 this weekend as is everybody else we got a little bit of time left here um bisping so uh i know we got a few topics we didn't get to do we want to hammer fist with mike harrington yeah why not let's bring harrington into the fold i've got to say harrington you have stepped your game up lately uh you've been going to like journalism college or something because you are [ __ ] you're bringing the goods on this episode my friend yeah man you know i'm just trying to you know you you hang out with champions and god's long enough you start to get that mentality one question one question why have you got one sleeve rolled up and the other one down though i was trying to get both up in time i don't know man i'm just bored here i got add it is what it is uh can i also say harrington will officially be fighting uh on november 14th ls mania 20 uh lake havasu i'm going to question him question question question like have a suit never been always wanted to go you never know and it's not too far away why'd you come in i'll i'll come i'll come as well what november 14th you'll come yeah of course yeah as long as for some reason there isn't something big happening you know and i'm in town i promise i'll be there but i have to know harrington are you gonna wear a shirt or a rash guard or a t-shirt when you fight no come on now i'm i'm i'm the shirtless member of team rattlesnake oh there you go buddy i'll be in that corner all day long uh all right no that's awesome good for you guys uh maybe we'll get some training in uh how would you go on then hammer fisters please all right uh so ally kinta says he's not a fan of how dustin poirier is handing himself on social media heading into this bout with conor mcgregor uh he says what is this guy doing what is he a connor fan he's like a fan fighting connor it's so cringy conor's like i'll fly over donate my money your charity uh he said bro if i was you i said i'll fly my [ __ ] self over when i beat the [ __ ] out of you i'll donate my own money what is this kumbaya what the hell uh are you kidding me i think he's lost the fight already do you guys agree with alaya kinta with dustin making all these concessions has he lost the fight already dustin's lost a fight already um no i don't think they know i think that dustin's an incredible fighter and i think he's at another level now as well um i do agree though it is a little bit weird the the whole camaraderie thing and the back and the fourth it's like i want to see conor mcgregor i don't want to see him be friends with anybody i want to see connor hate somebody and throw a [ __ ] dolly through the window and possibly injure some [ __ ] young producer that's what i want that's when connor's at his best when he's an absolute savage animal not with any sort of respect so i don't like their whole thing that they're doing yeah no i don't either i understand i i akin to saying that i can understand his emotions for saying that because as a fan you do kind of want to see him jarring at one another right that's why people talk [ __ ] leading up to a fight why because controversy and hype sells the fight simple as that so that's kind of bothering gal a little bit they are playing too nicely i think though to be honest there is another dynamic here because they both agreed to do something outside of the ufc so therefore they were working together right they were going to do a demonstration fight he was going to give half a million to his charity anytime somebody says they're going to give half a million dollars to your foundation you can't really meet that with a go [ __ ] yourself connor kiss my ass you know what i'm saying so for dustin it puts him in a difficult position because he's like hold on a minute i'm trying to do good i'm trying to raise money for charity here's connor gonna donate half a million dollars so therefore he's going to toe the line a little bit so yeah that would be a weird move to the charity and yeah what is the charity again and what is it the good fight foundation okay so it would be a little bit of a weird move to be like hey you know what just for my own ego [ __ ] them in the half million dollars i don't want your [ __ ] money um you're sort of cutting off your nose to spite your face um but i do get what i was saying and and else by the way al's awesome we love dude i love that guy the [ __ ] man we got to get him on the show again we really should um maybe get him to come on next week um but yeah i it's a it's a weird move it's a weird move i don't really ever want to see fighters being too respectful to each other leading up to a fight once in a while tonight i totally agree i totally agree but it has been refreshing on this occasion to see justin and khabib you know what i mean but okay la de da it's refreshing to not to see them being so nice but i would have preferred it like a glass if they were talking [ __ ] to each other at the press conference you know what i mean that would have been nice i would have preferred it it was it's it's refreshing it's very gentlemanly it's in the the spirits of martial arts but it's also boring as far as nobody remembers the respectful press conferences okay you want to see jon jones in dc come to blows do you want to see respectful nate diaz and connor and the [ __ ] he puts his hand in his face and he punches his hand i mean those moments like they just say nobody remembers do you remember how gsp was super respectful to his opponent at that time like nobody highlights a highlight of my ufc experience for me so far no so you're right i understand al but uh there you go harrington uh follow up with that that 500 000 is apparently going to go to building a gym on the wrong side of the tracks that uh dc and dustin poirier grew up in so hopefully and he said it's going to be 100 free so guys going to be able to come in use the gym uh learn mixed martial arts hopefully you know get them off the streets or whatever so good things with that money yes follow-up to that uh khabib said that he stands by his claim uh that if gsp doesn't take you know assuming he wins the gauging fight if gsp says no his next fight will be against the man who beats dustin poirier however he made the caveat for this connor fight it has to take place at 155 uh for him to be you know next in line for a title do you think and dana white did agree with this yeah i was going to say enough to get this down to 155. so this is the thing dana came out a few days ago he did an interview on fire island and said listen this fight if it's going to happen between conor and dustin it has to be at 155. he said i'm not putting on a multi-millionaire dollar fight that is meaningless he said neither of these guys are ranked at 170 therefore if they're gonna fight the champion at 155 this fight has to be at 155 okay and you know uh i see what he's saying but they are both 155 so there's an argument both ways both sides you know i feel like dana's having you know he's like no [ __ ] you you're gonna make way you know what i mean you've been talking a little bit of [ __ ] so enjoy that sauna [ __ ] if you weren't quite so cocky maybe i would have let you at 170. you know but i don't know that's just me that's my take we'll see though as well like i think if conor and dustin really wanted to fight at 170 and that was the holding out point to make the fight happen or not i think we'd probably end up seeing that fight happen and i believe that we've seen people get title fights off of um multiple times at this point fighting in a higher weight class and then um fighting yeah no no no you're right though but it is nice to see that to see it working like a real sport and dana has a point he does have a point say you're gonna fight at 170. that has no bearing at 155 now of course i just made an argument i made a joke they are both 155 fighting at 170 but that doesn't change the fact that they did fight at 170 and not at 155 well they shouldn't be able to get a title shot based off of a win at 170 pounds that's the the that's the point that's dana's point and that's khabib's point as well and it's a good point it's a great point and i agree wholeheartedly agree i'm just saying when it really comes down to it i think that conor even though they have their own you know their you know public spats or whatever i think connor has a lot of power and a lot of control in his career and saying what he does so we'll we'll see what happens um i it's kind of interesting though because we spoke earlier on the show about how khabib wouldn't fight conor for five billion dollars but now he said that he would fight the guy who beat dustin poirier next yeah exactly who knows you know you don't know what's going on these crazy daggers down his mind i have no idea the guy just lost his father for crying out loud you can't hold him accountable to every word he says yeah hammerfist is please harrington all right i got one i'm gonna go off the notes for this one guys so please don't get too mad but this is breaking news came out during the show leon edwards has been removed from the ufc welterweight rankings due to inactivity uh he's now been out i think since march of last year was his last fight uh so you know he confirmed that that it is true and he went on twitter and said you know it's only happened because i've been inactive the only reason i've been inactive is because top guys have been turning me down hamzat where are you at guys does this fight now make sense to you interesting and first off i just want to say this harrington when i get out of bed at 7 15 a.m every day i have my coffee i look at the news and i look at twitter and i saw this story i saw it and we planned the show we put a little production time in i chose not to put it in because i don't want to talk [ __ ] about leon edwards number one he's my countryman number two he's [ __ ] good number three he's on a roll i don't want to be detrimental but i kind of agree with the inactivity so i was like stay away from this subject but you forced it upon me louis with your hand up at the back devil's advocate please has he has [ __ ] us over three or four times on this show so secretly wishing that he was removed from the ufc rankings for a few months at least yeah so he has been removed from the ufc rankings apparently from that's what i saw this morning when i was looking into it so what did he say so he's called out hamza has he uh yeah so he took to twitter today let me see if i can pull up i didn't know that i didn't i like that though let me as he's looking that up real quick let me say we just talked about how all these guys were turning down hamzat right and that what i think there's a baller move look leon edwards even though he's removed from the ufc rankings what was he ranked at that he was removed i think he was two oh he was number three he was win streak and let's remember he was the first choice for the ufc to fight kamara oozman before mas vidal and he turned it down because he didn't want to you know not have a full complete training camp so on one hand he's kind of being his own worst enemy on the other hand you could make an argument that he's being professional and trying to protect the body of work that he's put in so far so you can make an argument both ways the rankings aren't real i mean they're real but they're not real like the rankings don't mean it's not like they're set in stone they're just a number it's just like sure it's a you know it's kind of fun to say he's still in the exact same position he's still on an eight fight win streak he still was next in in line for a title shot now here's what's baller about this okay because he could just say all right well [ __ ] it i'm not ranked but he would still go and fight a top five ranked guy next no matter what but he didn't say that he said hamza where are you at because [ __ ] i'm not ranked now and i see this guy has all this heat nobody wants to fight him that was a really baller move for leon edwards because he could have if he was trying to protect his record and trying to stay an active juror no no no no he wouldn't try to fight somebody like hanzad he would go try probably fight a higher ranked guy that would be probably a uh on paper an easier fight yeah no absolutely and you know uh what was going to say oh no the rankings i was going to i was focusing on that the rankings are done by a bunch of media members and they all vote i don't know if it's once a week once a month every two weeks whatever but there's a certain number of media members that do the rankings okay so the ufc don't control that and i'll be honest the fact he has been inactive for so long i do like i didn't know there was a stipulation that you have to be active over a certain time frame or you get dropped i never knew that i never saw that before but i do like it well well apparently so i don't know but i never saw that before but i do like that because that does give fighters a sense of urgency that they have to fight but i did also think this morning whatever okay they take him out of the rankings because he's been inactive as soon as he fights he's gonna pop back up again because he's on an eight fight win streak beating some top contenders as soon as he fights he's gonna be back in the mix and look what he's done here absolute baller move called out a guy where the narrative is nobody wants to fight him so he's saying hold on a minute [ __ ] i'm not ducking fights i'm not trying to fight and in fact [ __ ] you give me the guy that nobody wants to fight give me that guy that's what i fight that's not right that's not ranked [ __ ] you all it is badass that that you know what what is the opposite of the sham bell we need to give it to leon edwards right now the oh what did we call it we had a quite a funny name for it i don't know the uh uh the bell of positivity or some [ __ ] that's [ __ ] great dude i mean for no reason at all there's no there's nothing if he's trying to protect anything you're not calling on hamzad so good for him i hope that fight happens actually what a great opportunity for hamzad you know leon edwards giving giving hamza the a real opportunity to jump up and be considered something [ __ ] yeah what we get to find out is hamza the real deal is he all talk because i'll be honest hamza is talking a lot he's talking a little bit too much and that's coming from me you know what i'm saying harrington i see you're nodding your head he's trying to say i fight three times in one night i fight this i smash i smash it smash it he's like listen [ __ ] we're all gonna do that but if you you can't fight three guys in one night so stop saying it you know what i mean you can't okay you're a badass we get it you can't fight three guys stop trying to get credit the same you'll fight three guys in one night because brother you will not fight three guys fight five heavyweights at the same time let's go 17 midgets all at one time these little [ __ ] are strong you know it's hard very hard so yeah listen comes out he gets a uh opportunity to prove that he's the real deal leonardo says [ __ ] you put me back at number one spot so that's a baller move uh hamilton over to you yeah i mean well you know he was dana white's personal guest for uh all of ufc fight island six so i guess when when you're sitting that close to the top guy you can start to talk some [ __ ] all right i got one here a friend of the show marlon chito vera has a big time fight against the last man to fight for the 135 pound title jose aldo uh my question is guys with a win over the former featherweight king does that guarantee him a title shot next oh i mean let's think so he just beat um marlon vera not putting him i say marlon very a [ __ ] shot sean o'malley beat him soundly regardless of you know what what what the narrative is there if people want to complain but he beat him soundly that's a good win prior to the loss of song yudong i think he was on a six-fight win streak where he'd stopped all of them yeah i say if you go out there and you beat a guy like jose aldo you just lost against peorian for the belt uh i think if you beat jose aldo that puts marlon varva there and training with jason perillo and all the other great coaches that i know marlon has i'm telling you right now go to a bookie and uh put some money on marlon vera being ufc champion of the world one day because i guarantee you'll be able to find out somewhere and i guarantee you it's going to happen yeah i agree i agree mike i think it's great and i think honestly he'll probably beat all though i think so too no disrespect to wildo but aldo was top of the food chain he he was the guy at the top of the mountain he was the khabib for the longest time but guess what everybody has their day remember how [ __ ] scary aldo was remember when aldo was wec like first came into the ufc like he was the dude he was like he there was just nobody more terrifying he was he was considered pound for pound number one for a while right i think so he might have been but certainly up there for sure but uh yeah listen eventually you know all those punches in the face start to take the toll all those grueling training camps start to slow you down you know you get a little bit older the reflexes aren't quite as fast you know the instincts aren't what they were when you start losing fights you know and it's a tale as old as combat sports have been around you see it time and time again fighters stick around too long and they start losing fights but why did they stick around though because you got the allure you got the crowd you got the money you got the fame you got that's the fact that that's all they know for the longest time that's all they've done since they were kids trained to be a fighter so walking away is very hard but i feel like the time for jose ella to maybe start thinking about walking away is upon us and for that reason yeah i think marlon very beat him yeah there you go all right uh i got one more uh if you guys have time for it uh the last one of the day let's do it make it a good one no harrington please okay i mean this is something i'm actually very interested to get your take on uh staying in the bantamweight division marlon rice if you remember he just got knocked out by uh san hagen just a couple of weeks ago uh he's making a very quick turnaround we'll return on december 19th against the very dangerous rob font my question for you guys is is that too soon of a turnaround following a pretty bad knockout my question for you is that do you think that three months is that fast of a turnaround is that what it's gonna be three months that was going to be my question so hold on where is the fight the fight his fight was what two weeks ago corey sandhagen and what is the date for the new fight uh it is december uh december 19th so it's in october november and then half of december so two and a half months i would say after getting knocked out i would lewis yeah i'd say that's too soon not not because i feel it will have an effect on his ability i don't think that you know he'll be slowed down too much or anything like that but he just got knocked out he just got outclassed as well san diego looked fantastic in that fight and beat him from start to finish you know and there's going to be some psychological demons there who knows maybe it was just a bad night at the office and he realizes that he said nah that was off i had a [ __ ] wake up [ __ ] i didn't train hard whatever you know i'm gonna rectify that i want to get back in there so maybe he knows something we don't but generally after getting beaten sounding like that and getting wheel kicked in the face and knocked out i'd take some time i would just take some time yeah i mean uh yeah uh you're you're 100 right obviously you know more than i do but you know i know somebody who [ __ ] took a took a fight on 12 days notice in china right after yeah look what happened knock the [ __ ] out be like me be like me take take those short nose pliers get knocked out in front of the world it's a great way to put it the point though is that i remember at the time when you took the fight why you said it and you were like look i'm in shape i just got the training camp it's like i could turn this around right now i just lost my belt i gotta [ __ ] either make a big move right now you know or not now retrospective 000 on the table as well i was like i wouldn't mind flying to china and collecting do you know what i mean and [ __ ] kevin gaslin the short little fat [ __ ] you know what i mean that's what i thought and that's what i would think now do you know what i mean but uh but yeah there you go well we'll listen far be it for me to tell cory san hagen or no marlo morris what to do uh that's it that's our show uh enjoy the fights this weekend and uh we'll be back with another show on monday or brian go ahead a question uh oh i think we should definitely get to if we just get to the one all right let's do it let's do it if you listen if you insist brian if you're coming in with such gusto about this question then i i we have to hear it guys this question is for lewis j in the book quitters never win bisping talks about how martial artists tend to develop an obsessive personality first you would obsess over your own skills as a martial artist but then after that the obsessive trait carries over into other new interests that may pop up in your life that you tend to obsess about right things for example bisping talks about developing an obsession for music and becoming a dj and being obsessed with getting good at that and so my question for you is in your life since you're a high level undefeated martial artist have you developed any new obsessions since the martial arts has impacted your life thank you and keep up the good work but first i'll donate fifty dollars to a charity of your choice for every ufc referee you can name in 30 seconds bisping keep time go oh oh okay that's great i like this game all right don't be thinking don't be thinking two one go um wait it's the referees i have today that's right for reason clock is ticking all right herb dean uh dan mergliatta uh uh uh uh frank trigg um does big john count still is gonna be referees okay i don't know it could be any referees okay steve monkey steve zagatti maria masaki um was your grand total and that was 30 seconds on the dot 30 seconds of the dot fifty dollars he has to donate to a charity of my choice is that what he said fifty dollars for everyone yeah so the charity of my choice is the scp foundation that's what i used to say as a kid in my back pocket uh i want to play this game i want to play this game louis get your timer out you you can't just name more referee that's not that doesn't count you're the name of that big john steve mazzagatti john mccarthy who else did you say frank twigg dan move your heady uh no nonsense keith peterson you know the list goes on i could go on all day but the reason was his name two that i didn't know that you didn't uh all right there you go thanks for the question luis you uh answer the man's question though so well as the question was a little bit long-winded i'm sorry i didn't completely follow he said have i become obsessed with yeah i don't know where he's picking that up i don't speak about being obsessive over anything i don't think in the book maybe i do no there was a theme in the book you just talked about you like became obsessed with dj and you became you really delved in and you know became obsessed with martial arts and learning all these types of martial arts so he's asking he's asking if anything i've become obsessive with just in life he said since you became an undefeated martial artist um since picking a pudding uh no training training you're training a lot i'm not obsessive about it it's not like that like i i don't become like oh my god it's just this new passion and obsession of mine that's not really what it is like i'm i'm loving it i'm training every day and i'm really enjoying it um you know i i'm [ __ ] i like the way my mind works is like i am so passionate about work like i work non-stop like we what we do with obviously the podcast and gas digital and the merch and all this other stuff that like that sort of becomes my obsession so my problem is i can never put my phone down i could never stop thinking about work and thinking about the next thing and i just and because i like it and i really enjoy working i sort of like allow myself but my [ __ ] family members and friends hate it like the the amount of time that i just spend on my phone and sort of like in this other world it's well because because i'm sorry to interrupt that real fast and it is the end of the show but it's because what you do and the stuff that i do it's not it's not work per se it's not a nine-to-five it's not punching in clocking in at the factory and doing that because that kind of work when you're working for somebody else when you don't really you know when you're not going to benefit over how hard or how little you work if you're still going to get your paycheck you're not going to be motivated but the stuff we do we're just basically our own enterprise our own entity our own company and we're the ceo of our our own company so therefore the motivation is there it is very different because i'm the same way i never stop and i'm always taking opportunities it's very hard to turn things down because i'm like oh [ __ ] that's a great opportunity it could open doors to this obviously i'm going to get paid xyz and he could do this he could do that so yeah i'm the same way but yeah and that's been as a kid i mean i've always want i've always had a passion for making money like since i was a little kid like i was the kid who would go door-to-door asking people to shuffle their driveways in the winter time or rake their leaves i would always have an iced tea stand like ever since like i was a young young kid like six seven years old i was just always thinking about a way to make money and a way to sort of run my own business i had a very entrepreneurial sort of mindset and it's always it's always been the way that i've thought so um yeah that's sort of what i'm uh obsessed with and i can you know the the the fight where it's stupid and whatnot but it does relate to work so i can get obsessed and get into it because it sort of becomes a part of this whole thing it's a part of you know you know it's a part of like one of the dumb stunts that i'm doing i do a bunch of [ __ ] all the time so um but that's that's really it that's really the only thing i'm obsessed about yeah well there you go all right well that's our show ufc 254 the manga made of taking on uh just engaging this saturday we're all gonna be watching tune in have fun hope you like the show once again we apologize for last week but until we see you again take care
Channel: Michael Bisping Podcast
Views: 48,881
Rating: 4.8467808 out of 5
Keywords: believe you me, gas digital network, michael bisping, luis j gomez, ufc 254, khabib, gathje, mma, comedy, podcast
Id: CPtA2YKQaew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 36sec (6816 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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