Rectangle Of Love - Believe You Me #261

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New knees, new mes

  • Michael Bisping
👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/thereluctantyogi 📅︎︎ Oct 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

Last meal conversation had me

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Arts-djacobo 📅︎︎ Oct 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] shut the [ __ ] up [Applause] this is believe you me on the gas digital network the believe you made podcast so we are back oh my god that [ __ ] coffee looks so good why didn't i make myself a pot why i'm i'm looking at you drinking and the first thing i thought is like why do i not have a pot of coffee right now well maybe because we just wasted 20 minutes while you had audio issues and things like that so don't think you're stopping down for one little second loose sin hold on i need to get a coffee we have delayed the show for long enough my friend so you have to suffer in silence will be can i can i when i say audio issues can we explain let me explain to the audience you don't have to it's boring it's boring you've got lots to talk about and i mean this one maybe two minutes of bisping having to wait because my wire was a little bit shotty and it changed my life it was a while it was a while listen we're already sounding like the debate from a couple of nights ago we're speaking over too much we're gonna digitize all over the place and listen i am i don't know who who are you you trump i'm biden i'll win this [ __ ] debate baby boy oh you don't want to be you don't want to be biting what you're saying you're gonna start [ __ ] chewing your gums um yeah no uh we obviously we we made a decision very clearly that we were not talking about the debate or politics or anything because we don't give a [ __ ] we really don't i don't know why i do you don't i do i do i listen do you think i would sit there and watch the presidential debate if i didn't care i watched the whole thing and i don't really care i watched it like it was pro wrestling yeah no but that's because what it's like it is just a performance it's entertainment for sure even lucas who knows nothing about politics of course 10 years old he was enjoying it he was sitting down watching it with me and chiming in giving his uh giving his you know opinion on trump's little outburst and whatnot yeah it's funny it's funny it's i mean it's sort of set up preemptively stupid right like it's not it's not a real debate it's like you go for a minute then you go for a minute then you go for it's like that you can't really get into an issue the way that the president these people are supposed to be really intellectual the smartest people that are leading our country they're supposed to get into the meat and potatoes of these crazy massive issues when they have two minutes each to speak and then they're not even they're talking over each other the whole time was terrible but but if they followed the rules the guidelines and they prepared properly you would be able to summarize your point in two minutes two minutes is quite a long time if you're just talking nonstop it is and if you put together an intelligent thought with the beginning of middle and an end and a point of where you're going you could do that and i feel like i mean if you've ever watched a high school debate uh like on the debate team they have 10 minutes to make their point and they're talking about stupid [ __ ] issues well we don't do [ __ ] like that in england okay we don't have stupid little [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] debate okay yeah we should i don't know i've seen them on movies that's about it i've seen them on movies yeah i am yeah it was it was entertaining though i'll say that much it was uh sort of fun to watch if you sort of disconnected from um you know the fact that it's the future of our country and we're falling apart and we're at on the verge of a civil war it was pretty fun to watch when you look at what's actually going on you're like god damn it dude i just want my kid all i want is my kid to grow up at a time where people are getting along and [ __ ] being happy i kept thinking i was watching and you can see trump was getting pissed off with the moderator and saying oh hold on a minute you know it was getting a little petty little child like i was like is trump gonna go there is he gonna say hold on a minute [ __ ] i'm the president of the united states of america if i want an extra [ __ ] minute i'm going to take an extra minute because at some point if you lose your temper you are going to come out with [ __ ] like that i'm sure trump must have dropped that line at some point and i was like exactly but he did say he did keep going on point he was like no no he's like i was going to keep going he didn't give a [ __ ] i do think for the next one they'd mentioned maybe cutting the microphones uh while the other one was talking i think it's a good idea we almost thought about doing that on this show so maybe they should do it during the [ __ ] debate yeah but yeah yeah now that is a good idea i thought about that just cut the microphones and there you go but it does take away the fun of it and i think there was like 79 million americans tuned in and watched that the other day i think the next one will have even more and i guarantee they don't cut those microphones because you want those bits you want those drama and ultimately they won those ratings that's big [ __ ] races but anyway enough of that [ __ ] we're not here we're not a political show and we're not here to discuss any of that [ __ ] louis right before this podcast started you were you you're having a little you were telling me about your little boo-boos your little pains i asked you advice as a friend off air and then you said no save it for the show because we're going to use my pain as fodder for you to make fun of me and then like i don't know we'll talk about your training i don't know you're about to trash my form it's about to trash everything oh no that's fine it's fine so i said fine we'll do it on the podcast but yes i asked you for a bit of advice because lifting weights today i pinched my back i was doing uh leg stuff doing squats and i pinched my back a little bit and just a little bit annoying i you know you know you know the feeling when you pinch your back a little bit lifting weights and i'm supposed to go to jiu jitsu tonight and i asked you i was like should i skip jiu jitsu or suck it up because i don't really know the answer to that like some people might be like yeah suck it up it'll make your back strong i'm gonna make your core stronger some people are gonna say you know no don't be an idiot you're gonna injure yourself you know you don't need to go you could take a rest it's not that big of a deal so i was asking my friend advice as an athlete somebody who really knows and then you said no let's save it for fodder so here we are well yeah i was just gonna you know you want to talk about it i thought rather than have it offer and then have it honor we'll just have the conversation once it's you know i wasn't gonna talk about it i don't want to talk about my fight on air i have six months until this fight's gonna happen listen let me tell you let me tell you right now right [ __ ] the weights off if paulo costa taught us anything at the weekend it's and i couldn't believe this i saw paulo costa online last night he's back he was in the gym and he was lifting some shoulder weights and he looked incredibly buff and he looked incredibly pumped up and all the rest of it but it's like no no you don't need to be learning how to lift weights you don't need to lift more weights you look like a bodybuilder you look sensational right and you're clearly a very strong beast like individual you don't need more weight you see the mere powell are you talking about right now i'm talking about power okay sorry i'm sorry i got confused [ __ ] louis gomez my god the arms on this guy no listen uh you will injure yourself doing squats and things like that certainly as we said before loose with respect if you're throwing yourself into the deep end which you can't avoid it's too much and you don't need the weight you don't need any of the weights you need to do the skill work now of course if you've got an injury then i wouldn't go because that will exacerbate exacerbate the injury and make it worse you know just a little you know especially jujitsu you're on your back you're using your back all the time so i wouldn't do that but also going forward i just [ __ ] the weight off right can i show you why you got to learn the skills you got to learn the fundamentals you got to learn the tricks of the trade the the elite fighters right they do wait because they're supplementing their training to make themselves stronger and things like that because when you're getting to the best in the world and you've all got the skills then of course athletic uh difference comes into play stronger who could run a hundred meters quicker who's more powerful who's got the best stamina but right now you're you're you're like that guy you're keanu reeves on the matrix he's just been unplugged from the matrix you're all sanui and skinny you're just as pale you look you've even got the haircut take the half take the house you've just been on [ __ ] flops from the matrix right and that oh i know jiu jitsu but you don't know jiu jitsu yeah reeves was having it uploaded a [ __ ] thousand megabytes per second and he never went squatting once can i say can i tell you why i lift weights and and maybe you'll i think you'll agree with this it is go ahead so i'm doing all of the training i'm sparring i'm going to boxing and muay thai and jiu jitsu and mma classes and i'm doing a lot like i really am i'm going sometimes twice a day to work at actually most of the time twice today to work out the lifting weights it's something that really motivates me when i get back in shape i like looking good it's a psychological thing so going out and doing an hour an hour and a half in the garage and throwing some weights around it's just sort of i know it's not adding to any skill set and it's not doing anything in terms of making me a better quote-unquote fighter and better able to defend myself but it does motivate me and if i'm more motivated and i want to [ __ ] get out there and do more i think it's only a plus side hey baby boy if that's what you want to do you want to be a bodybuilder go ahead i'm just sorry sorry i thought you were trying to win a fight i thought you were trying to win a fight sorry i didn't know this was a a a a confidence boosting session you want to stare yourself in the mirror you want to do all that hey listen i know a guy that can get some really like cool you know there's like best but like the bits all missing there by the armpit the [ __ ] total [ __ ] wear them you know i can get you some of them you know some good steroids get you all buffed up you or do you want to win the fight because the two don't go hand in hand do you think me lifting weights is a detriment to me winning the fight you already said i've hurt my back and i don't think i'm going to go to jiu jitsu tonight because the weightlifting hurt me i entered my own he's already having a negative effect on your training and jason ellis when i look at the guy no disrespect he has a little bit of fire experience but when i look at him i don't exactly see uh george st pierre i don't see somebody that scares me with their athletic ability i say out of shape australia with tattoos all over his head okay used to have a very very severe drug problem okay i don't think you need to be focusing on your your your your personal best when it comes to squats you need to be focused on skill technique and the absolute fundamentals and the basics i was looking at your instagram yesterday and you're hitting pads with uh diego great guy it's awesome of him to be training you but like i just i just wish i could like just step into the room and be like just you know a couple of things he's catching the pads to you he's probably moving his pads closer to you than what you're moving your arm out you've got to get that full extension that was just one thing that jumps out at me you got to make sure that when you're punching it's all the way out you're kind of doing half punches and you're going to develop a bad habit and then just like little things like footwork do some footwork drills footwork is gonna save you i'm telling you like for example just get two pieces of tape on the floor and do a cross right just a cross simple cross and all you do is you go in in out move across to the next bit in out move acro you know go around in a circle going in and out and then throw a combination just very very basic little foot drills and things like that because footwork the basics full extension of and range of motion and technique all that shit's going to come in tenfold as opposed to hey but [ __ ] i can squat my [ __ ] head off bro you know what i mean god damn it i wish we weren't talking about a topic that you knew absolutely everything about and i know nothing about it's making me furious i just have to sit here and take it no no no no i'm just giving you advice it is just the basics the basics is all you want to focus on louise let me not get this twisted as well i appreciate the advice more than you'll ever know and to be honest i know there's a lot of young fighters that listen to the show i know specifically they hit me up now and they're like dude when you guys talk about it it's like it's really good because you're speaking directly to them as well which is incredible um i'm gonna come out to california and you please i would love to work these drills i know you're not coming out the [ __ ] in new jersey or new york um but i'll come back to cali and we got to work on some stuff believe it i want to i want to get better it is a work in progress i'm just trying to trying to get you know that much better and test myself and challenge myself so i'm listening to everything you're saying and i'm definitely not disagreeing with any of it i i'm just trying to be funny to a certain degree yeah no no no no no of course i know that of course i do uh well i don't want people to like listen to this and be like oh dude listen to what [ __ ] bisping's saying dude you're trying to [ __ ] tell bisping how it is yes i know you're kidding but the footwork drills are so important and if i was you i'd focus on more things like footwork drills and striking just striking basics and fundamentals rather than jujitsu and things like that i don't think he's a jiu-jitsu guy i don't think he's a takedown guy is he uh he's not a takedown guy but he does have a lot of experience with jiu jitsu and that's the area where i am my least comfortable i mean i'm [ __ ] i really gotta get better there and even somebody dude i no i'm serious i'm serious because no no listen right unless you're planning on having a career right which i don't think you are no those moves jiu jitsu moves just takes so long to learn and then to actually put into training and to pull off those moves in training it takes a long time but what you could learn and this is way easier and way more applicable just learn some mission defense and get him back to your feet right and and then some drills of trying to control somebody on the ground if you get on top maybe get a couple of sweeps try and get him back to your feet and submission escape i mean that's for the most part what the focus is in jiu jitsu for me anyway um and i'm working with mickey gall and his team down at gracie new jersey which is awesome but but so the other side of it is i that this isn't going to happen for another six months jason alex just had this hard thing so now we've got to push it back another six months i'm gonna be eight months into training regularly you know every single week multiple times per week what i would like is like all the scary thoughts but listen here's the idea as i want to develop like a lifestyle habit and ideally take this beyond obviously i'm not competing and i'm not trying to be a fighter but continuing to train and continue the healthy habits i should have did it with the last fight i should have just continued to train and i let myself get fat again and i didn't continue and i i kick myself in the ass now because i could be really good right now in an incredible shape feel great i could be just a different person altogether and your body connects with your mind in a lot of different ways so i look at it and i go [ __ ] i should have done it so the and i don't want to get ahead of myself and start making promises that i definitely won't keep but i'd like to continue doing this and making jiu jitsu a part of it would be fun it is a great skill set to learn it's you know in my opinion one of the best things that i can learn for self defense and as my kid grows up it'd be nice to be able to roll with him and to show him things and to learn you know learn things together so that side of it is those are all the these major benefits the fight is just sort of this thing that's happening all the other benefits are there which is getting in better shape learning how to defend myself having this bond with my kid just having the you know having a goal in life right now beyond just [ __ ] making a little bit of cash or getting up every day yeah well well anything like that it's about making it a lifestyle dude because temporarily implementing anything isn't going to make a difference yeah you get a short-term brush and you get a bit of uh mental focus you enjoy it whatever you maybe you learn a new skill maybe for a few weeks you know you you shift a few pounds whatever but if you don't make it part of your lifestyle you're gonna put the weight back on and and you're not gonna continue to make those gains and as you said you know you're doing a it's fun it's good to know a because it is a very useful skill set but as you get older as a father you know what i mean it's not it is nice to share those things with your son like i said to rebecca because i've been upticking shall we say for one of a better word the martial arts stuff with lucas recently i saw yeah it's my duty as a father to pass those skills down to my son now i did it with callum but he's off now to college and now i'm not fighting with lucas i'm doing more with lucas and i feel bad because i said to rebecca the other day i feel bad because i'm doing more with lucas than what i used to do with callum but with callum i was training for my own fight so i just didn't have time to do that but yeah like anything in life lewis you're gonna stick at it for the long run buddy lucas is homeschooled right now it's it's a whole different world right you guys are in each other's lives you're around each other this much everyone's sort of quarantined it's a timing thing more than anything else but look also callum's your oldest child you know you made all your mistakes with him mistakes you probably made on callum that lucas doesn't have to deal with yeah yeah i'm just trying to i don't think i'm not saying sitting there saying i was a perfect father lewis but i don't think he was his childhood was riddled with mistakes from his father's that's not me he turned out pretty well thank you very much he's at college he's a straight a student he's on a wrestling scholarship never been arrested never been in a fight in his life i don't know i think we did pretty good um we were talking earlier this morning uh via text about things to talk about on the show and i was it you came up with this story and i thought it was fascinating the subway story oh god in ireland go ahead yeah yeah uh so yeah apparently in ireland there was um i guess it was a lawsuit right where the court said that subway sandwiches the roles that they use for their sandwiches they ruled that they have too much sugar in them to be considered actual bread so i i yeah no no no so the actual rolls are 10 sugar right so 10 of whatever you're eating at subway is [ __ ] sugar right which is insane so the the court case said no no no i forget the details of the court case that's not important the the important thing was was that the irish courts didn't even class the bread from subway as [ __ ] bread anymore and then funnily enough when i was on twitter a buddy of mine well anthony evans who helped me write my book he was tweeted about it as well and he said yeah no in america you don't really have bread you have cakes that are shaped like bread and i must admit the the the bread out here is so sugary now don't get me wrong it is delicious you know we had i had a cheesy little chick-fil-a earlier and uh i just have half of the bread a chick-fil-a sandwich i take the top off the bed up so it's an open face sandwich because it is so sweet it's like as a subway said 10 sugar i mean that's [ __ ] insane yeah um what's what's funny is subway sort of has a reputation as being the healthier fast food yeah that was their whole angle throughout like the 90s with jared yeah yeah and you know the holding up the pants and he just ate subway every single day for like a year whatever the [ __ ] it was yeah i thought that and i because i saw that i thought that's [ __ ] [ __ ] the last thing you want to be eating if you're trying to lose weight is a [ __ ] giant footlong subway [ __ ] sandwich that's just insane yeah but i think what they would do is they would it was like based off of what it was based off of i guess the diet if you read the the fine print was if you have a subway sandwich for lunch like a six inch subway sandwich like the healthiest one on the menu and then you have like nothing else for the rest of the day just like low carb low sugar low whatever if the only carbohydrates you're getting in your day or a subway sandwich you'll probably lose weight yeah but come on at the end of the day if you if that's the only carbs you're gonna have then yeah of course you probably will lose some weight but the reality is that there's carbs in everything the sugar in almost absolutely everything that's why when i was doing that keto diet up you know i was losing weight because the less carbs are less sugar oh you give up you do lose weight well no i had a [ __ ] knee replacement didn't i but i'm back on it now baby boy i'm back you have a stomach replacement but you had a nervous what does that have to do with [ __ ] keto because everything goes out the [ __ ] window do you know what i mean is that okay if there's ever a time to drink okay now's the time okay and then when the knee is healed the mind is healed and we go michael visiting 2.0 new knees new knees okay simple as that yeah how isn't he feeling by the way it's been a minute man it's all right still [ __ ] painful still [ __ ] painful but obviously in america you guys have the fda the food and drug administration in the uk we have uh the eu well we're not part of the eu the european union anymore but it is a lot stricter if you go to american seal versus uk cereal by the way this is why i i asked rebecca i said can you do some research well i just get a quick shower find me out some facts about this subway thing or whatever and this is what she did american cereal versus uk seal nothing to do with subway nothing to do with american breads i don't know why she typed that in but she did but it came up with some good stuff if you go to american steel versus uk and then type on images well yeah look at that one there right porridge the us version look at all those ingredients whole grain rolled oats sugar creaming agent molt addiction sunflower and palm oils whey sodium casein age flavored and colored fruit pieces dehydrated apples treated with sodium souffle artificial strawberry flavor citric acid red forties salt guac gum artificial flavor citric acid niacinamide vitamin a palminate reduced list goes on and on and on then you go to you yeah look at the uk one yeah quaker whole grain rolled out sugar freeze-dried raspberry pieces free dries freeze-dried strawberry pieces and natural flavorings yeah but look at the way they spell flavoring with the you oh yuck i would rather take all of those cancery ingredients than have to deal with my packaging with a u and the word flavor it makes me sick inside but that's how it is spelt okay is so do they not use is it because they don't use is it illegal to use all of like the chemicals and all of the yeah a lot of foods that fly here and by the way this isn't a uk versus usa thing at all it's just an observation what we're talking about here and yeah a lot of stuff that flies here he's just simply isn't allowed in the eu maybe it's a little too straight for its own good if you look at ketchup i just did the ketchup didn't i yeah yeah the ketchup has way less in that everything does frosties you go to frosted flakes corn sugar malt flavor salt bht for freshness vitamins minerals vitamin c or soybean carbs when i'm teaching my son about you know healthy eating that's just what i come to look for is like look for words that you know look for whole foods you know things that you've heard of if it's all these chemicals and weird [ __ ] up names you know it's probably not good for you but you know it's too late for me i love diet coke i would [ __ ] [ __ ] i would put an iv of diet coke coke zero if you're gonna have why have a diet coke have a coke zero number one it tastes why would you want a subpar product if you're gonna put why is it what is better about coke zero i enjoy diet coke what is better about coke zero well it tastes like a coke a real coke diet coke and coke you can taste the difference i'll take it i like diet coke over coke well well you're wrong i do i enjoy i would prefer i prefer the flavor of diet coke luis you don't know what you like you have no idea i'm [ __ ] lifting weights drinking diet coke in the garage i'm gonna get my ass kicked i'm standing on that bed he has no idea he's having diet coke he's got a coke here he's lifting weights he's doing jiu-jitsu he's running he's eating less he's he's getting to bed early this guy has no idea he's actually excited my lifestyle has changed for the better in so many ways i shouldn't change anything i'm doing right now to be honest if you were going to go for fast food lewis what is your fast food of choice oh good question do you care i'll tell you the thing is it's weird that i go for fast food anymore because if i'm going to eat a burger i'd rather just go and get a good solid burger from like a good place and spend a few extra dollars but the question is listen we know you're a big high for looting mixed martial arting network running stage performing virtue also okay but on the other occasion because you've all been there we know you want to go to a fancy steakhouse and get that burger we get that you're a big deal but if you're driving along right it's late at night like me saturday night i went to audi's house my manager we watched the fight and i didn't eat anything and as i was leaving there was tons of mexican food i was like oh [ __ ] why didn't i touch any of this and i stuffed a few tacos in my face but that just got my appetite going and i said to audi i said [ __ ] that i said i'm stopping on the way back i'm going to go to a drive-through and rebecca no don't do it i said nah [ __ ] it and yeah just just being hot people from uh california it's such a but he's like serious conversation you're just good looking in shape you're like no i'm gonna do it [ __ ] it yeah no no i i i think when i said that three glasses dropped on the floor i gasped in hard fast food no i was gonna go to in-n-out burger but even at midnight there's always a [ __ ] line and it takes about half an hour and i want my food my fast food fast well exactly i was gonna say how do you define fast food because there would be a debate that in and out is not fast food i feel like fresh made food shouldn't be considered fast now if it's convenient and it gets you under a certain time that i would consider that fast however do you want to know what one of my biggest pet hates if i go to a fast food establishment and i sit in the [ __ ] drive-through and i do the whole thing and let's say the drive-thru is busy and it's taking a long time and i'm very patient and i sit there and i study the menu and i know what i want to order i want to be efficient and i want to be respectful to the people behind me i'm not going to dilly dally i get there and i say i'll take this like that and the other right and i'm trying to be upbeat because these people they're working right and it's you know it's not the best job working in a drive-through right so yeah i'm always as polite as i can to these people but you know what really makes me [ __ ] the bed let me think what could make you [ __ ] to bed in the situation in that situation you're very polite you've ordered the food already yeah and you go to pay and then what happens they say sir would you like to pull up in a parking spot and we'll bring your food out i was gonna guess this i was gonna guess this oh oh mini [ __ ] nervous breakdown at that point i'm not no no no no no no if that was the case i would have parked up the [ __ ] car i would have walked in and ordered the food and beaten this time massively i'm in a rush i've got places to be i've waited in line just get me my [ __ ] food don't tell me to go sit in the car park because now you're going to forget about me and you're just going to say i'll take your time he's not holding up the driveway line right you know what i mean the drive-through line he's not holding anything up just forget about him then somebody here's my thing is like if it's starting to take a little while in my mind i'm going like did they forget they [ __ ] forgot and then i started to get in my head about how they forgot and then i have to get up out of the car anyway go check if they forgot and they're like sir relax go back in the car okay we're just taking our sweet ass time now get in your car don't make me call the police and put a [ __ ] mask on i'm like i'm gonna kill you i just want my burger for [ __ ] sake oh [ __ ] all right so all right how do you define fast food because that is sort of sort of paints the answer because if it's gonna be if it's by that standard i have to say [ __ ] an app burger you gotta go with uh no in-n-out burgers fast you can go in the drive-through they're pretty quick there but the line's always insane but they are very fast so i'd say in and out of fast food anyway i went to carl's jr i went to college that's fast food oh yeah for sure but if i'm saying by the standard of in-n-out being fast food um then i would say uh what's the burger place that i [ __ ] love what am i thinking of right now mcdonald's burger king no no no it's famous for their burger shake shack oh yeah i've never had it i've never had it oh my god bisping it blows uh uh what's called out of the water it's so good shake shack's incredible but it's not really fast food like they take the burger and they cook it for you right there it's like you're at a restaurant but you're on a line like you're in a fast food restaurant i think fast food has to be the burgers cooked they throw it on the it's like assembly line you know yeah exactly that's exactly what it is you know what i mean they cook it in advance they have them they're waiting for you it should be fast and they do get annoyed when it's not fast yeah okay the only reason i lowered myself to eating food from this establishment is because it was fast and i am in a rush and i'm starving you know what i mean and when they take the fast out of the equation then yeah i do start to get annoyed because if i wanted real food i would have gone to a restaurant if i'm gonna go with just traditional fast food i mean i do enjoy mcdonald's in a weird way am i weird am i crazy it's gross i know it sucks they made that documentary it'll never get out of her head but it's just [ __ ] a dude a big mac oh a double quarter pounder with cheese super size fries at a diet coke yeah yeah well coke zero's better because it's just it just tastes like a real car no no last time i did the contender which was a few weeks ago i had to drive home from vegas and i'm driving home it's like a four hour drive and i'm starving and there's a place called prim about 45 minutes outside of vegas it's like your last place to get gas and things like that some refreshments before you hit the desert you know what i mean and you know gas stations are few and far between and i've got a pull in and there it is you see the golden arches and i'm starving and i think [ __ ] it and i go to the drive-through and i get what did i get i got a double quarter pound of cheese and a double cheeseburger and a milkshake right and i ate almost all of it and then i just felt disgusting and then i called my wife i'm like why have i done this she's like no no why'd you do it and this is just a burger and it's like [ __ ] relaxed no one's gonna die but this [ __ ] it is bad it is bad for you it really is but um but if you if i mean the best fast food i mean also like if you had to only have one type of fast food hold on hold on you've been convicted of some heinous crime i would say rape all right you've been you're a convicted [ __ ] rapist lewis and you and and a murderer you're a rapist murderer and i murdered her yeah not him him oh no you raped and murdered this boy oh jesus yeah and you've been sentenced to death okay funnily enough though they grant you the last meal but they're short on time and they're short showing money it's gonna be a fast food meal but just in the in in where your death chamber is it's funny there's [ __ ] there's drive-throughs everywhere every fast food under the sun is within a mile radius of the death chamber the death chamber uh so what do you want your final meal lewis what do you go for final meal it's gonna be fast food fast food only gotta go with kfc for sure oh my god can you be kfc for sure oh my god i'm gonna get a look at you two-piece no i'm sorry three-piece meal give me a two breasts and a leg i'm gonna ask for the the wing to be replaced with a leg because who wants a [ __ ] wing let's get real uh then i'm gonna ask for the potato wedges which i heard they got rid of but this is my special fantasy they're gonna make these potato wedges for me i'm gonna ask some gravy on the side the gravy that they used for the potatoes maybe a little bit of mac and cheese and some coleslaw two biscuits some butter and some honey as well and then three or four diet goats and they're gonna already coke zero and i'm gonna smack it out of their hand i feel like you've rehearsed this question because a lot of detail there you really know the kentucky fried chicken menu and if they forget the hot sauce i'll lose my [ __ ] mind dude if they freak oh dude have you ever do that like ubereats they said everything and they don't bring the sauce you're like i can't eat it yeah i can't do this like if i get fried chicken i gotta have coleslaw with it and if the coleslaw doesn't come it's like everything's [ __ ] ruined it's ruined i wanted the combination of the chicken with the coleslaw there's no cause here throw it in the [ __ ] trash don't come at me with this no coleslaw [ __ ] get this out my [ __ ] face but it does it throws you off the deep end uh for me what would i do i don't know just a nice little burger nice little final meal final meal well it was fast food final meal fast food you to lay it all out that's your final meal you're ever going to eat you've raped and murdered a young boy okay you're living with that guilt right now but you're pretty hungry looking kid though he was a good looking little boss it was a look it was a good time debatably worth it you got to pay the piper though big boy at night big boy during the day you're gonna you're gonna pay the piper nero's there's a place called clyde's hot chicken i guess you could say it's like popeyes or whatever but yeah clyde's hot chicken i get a chicken sandwich i get a few chicken tenders on the side i get some coleslaw get some corn oh some nice spicy sauce and a [ __ ] coke zero maybe a chocolate milkshake as well why not [ __ ] coke zero baby you gotta give it a shot it'll blow your mind if you're a diet coke lover have a coke zero and you're like oh this is the future you know today's show is brought to you by coke zero everyone yeah yeah we're not sponsored by them i [ __ ] wish that would be good uh anyway there you go i think we've talked about that enough oh look at this here's how i mentioned a couple of different bad food lists these focus on health calorie count sodium sugar etc harrington join us show yourself explain the list to us my friend okay uh yeah so i have a couple different lists here one is from hold on hold on looking more and more normal by the day louise what's going on with your guy uh he's got his [ __ ] together he's healthier he's working hard he's in the studio as opposed to sitting on a floor somewhere which sometimes that's better so it was a good start but go on low er harrington what did you find uh so yeah so i found two different lists one is like a little bit more generic has uh items that are available pretty much all the time this other one focused on like one year where they just did like a lot of the specialty items you know what i mean like how they do those limited time only and just showcase the worst of the worst some of them being flaming hot uh cheetos uh burger king a unicorn frappuccino at starbucks uh we got a shake shack uh sausage egg and cheese burger king had a cinnamon toast crunch milkshake for a while uh i mean and they just had the calorie counts for these things so 780 calories 19 grams of fat for a small milkshake it's pretty wild yeah no i'm just looking at this one list you sent me the 11 worst fast food restaurants in america i'll just quickly go through the list number 11. and let's just give our thoughts on this panda express you like a bit of panda lewis ah no i i never opt for like fast food chinese food something really bugs me about it yeah no me too i'm not overly a big fan of chinese food i love some chinese food but i like too greasy and all the monosodium gluten i mean i do hate monogalone i hate it okay but uh you know that's my one thing everyone knows i'll i'll deal with a little bonus it'll take a little bit of msg a little monosodium glutamate that's what msg is msg yeah that's what that's what we're talking about uh in a number 10 taco bell i mean come on that place is a [ __ ] isn't it it's not good i worked at taco bell and uh i rest my case terrible not good i rest my case number nine little caesars i've never had little caesars if you and i mean this if you've had little caesars in your life turn this podcast off right now and we don't want you as a fan you're garbage by the way by the way these have all got scores out of 100 so pandava express and it was you know different things in terms of the kitchen the cleanliness the nutrients and things like that panda express by the way got 73 out of 100 taco bell 73 out of 100 little caesar 73 out of 100 what the [ __ ] dominoes are eight with 73 out of 100. whoever is tallying this list is [ __ ] with us the person that's tallying this list is who donald trump thinks he's going to be counting the mail in ballots okay at the end because they're all the same [ __ ] number seven again pizza huts out of hundred sorry go on what do you what do you like dominoes how do you feel about dominos i mean it's okay pizza but it wouldn't be my go-to if i'm looking for a take away pizza i wouldn't call dominoes no well look i'm lucky enough to live on the east coast so we got pizza up the water the best pizza you know if you if you want apple pie we got the best apple pie in the world you know you want cinnamon rolls this is new york city baby we got the best cinnamon rolls in the world you're not lying about any of this this is all true no this is what you say i'm not being me i'm being you this is what you say no i get what you're saying but i'm saying that you're you're being accurate when you say all of this it's [ __ ] new york city it's the best of everything and pizza it's like we're known for our pizza okay um california is not known for their pizza california pizza kitchen's pretty solid but domino's is a solid go-to if you're on the road you don't know what the pizza is gonna be like you're in [ __ ] kalamazoo michigan you're in idaho you're in texas who knows what the pizza's going to be like at any of these places you call domino's you know exactly what you're getting every single time and i got no problem with it and the wings are baked um yeah but i'm not looking for wings if i'm going for a pizza place i couldn't give a [ __ ] about the wings i want the pizza i want the dough i want it fresh i want it nice i want a little parmesan crust i don't want it too fluffy though i don't need to i want it but i don't want it thin crust i want a little happy medium anyway top five worst fast food places in the country in at number five louis burger king what do you say had a few that's the last fast food that i've eaten burger king is [ __ ] awesome but according to the report another burger giant chain fed poorly in the rankings with mediocre food quality freshness and bad value for money burger king was debuted a gay pride whopper this week and it has 13 000 oh [ __ ] what's the secret sauce i [ __ ] don't know a gay fried waffle with secret sauce that's hilarious what's your go-to burger king uh item well i had it the night before i fought elvis say driving along the motorway the night before the weighing part of me i got a triple whopper with cheese and bacon with fries and a coke zero z no no because coke zero didn't exist when you fought alpha citizen with a [ __ ] full fat surprise then all right number four mcdonald's right and there's with every minute mcdonald's sells americans nearly 1500 burgers which tells us being 100 usda inspected beef free of preservative fillers extenders and so called pink slime all right mcdonald's we talked about that and then kicking it three number two kfc what was number three number three was churches chicken not familiar with that one number two kfc because they know scumbags only like kfc it says kfc's food quality and freshness its value and the cleanliness of its dining area all got bad reviews bad i thought number two means they're better no this is counting down to the verse oh i thought i was saying those words which is famously sold as fried chicken in buckets is the 1950s as restaurants throughout the country we know this and number one sparrow you know the pizza place barrows you see that moles and [ __ ] like that yeah that came in at the worst yeah anyway there you go stay out of samara it's [ __ ] garbage you know it there you go uh all right you know it's jupiter though you can go this maybe this is only in new york city but this was an old trick when i used to work on street teams when i was like 20 years old you could just go up to sabaro order a pizza or like a bowl of pasta and not pay for it because it's like it's almost like a uh like a soup kitchen line like you go there you just go sit down and eat it nobody would say anything it was great you guys are homeless you guys if you are homeless but i reckon they're gonna notice that you're homeless and throw you out i mean you're swarming up you've got your fancy watches you get your sicker fans you got you your pr guru you got your assistance they're not going to suspect anything from you louis they're like no there's a guy who's got a [ __ ] together anyway so there you go there's a little fast food discussion on off the top subway 10 sugar in the roll stay away okay really quick we have to thank our amazing sponsor amigo bidets they have an amazing bidet system and they really change the way that you're going to the bathroom i before i had an amigo bidet i thought that you had to call a plumber i thought it was a whole intricate system that cost thousands of dollars i thought you had to go to europe or asia or you had to be some sort of high falutin celebrity or professional athlete perhaps a bisping but no omego makes it so that the average everyday scumbag like myself or my carrington can also have a bidet well the best pings the the the chinese chapter they've been using these things for a while you know [ __ ] decades now this is old heart to them uh but you're right we i got mine said right at the start of this pandemic and you're right it takes takes five minutes even a dummy like me was able to do it now if you go to the website of course we're talking about big days we're talking about the future of us cleaning because it really you'd have to touch anything i mean if you wanted to not wash your hands afterwards you could do that because technically you're not touching anything i'm not condoning that i'm not endorsing that lose with your hand up at the back well i mean i gotta be honest with you you do pat your butt dry because i i think a little bit you don't want to put dry if you get the creme de la creme top of the range all right i don't have the creme de la creme hey listen what you and hamilton get up to in your spare time and he can't finish that's up to you if you don't get harrington's creme de la creme that's all good but with the creme de la creme you get a little you're going to spray it will literally blow dry your eyes why did i not get the blow dryer one i'm furious right now does yours have a little directional function you can go forward a bit maybe back a bit left right of course are you listen to me i go all over the place i spray it it's kind of fun to write my name on my butt i uh but i do have to pat it dry like i just had a nice delicious steak dinner and then i go and i'm done but it's a little bit of toilet paper and that says i do have to wash my hands i'm not a biscuit it's so weird that i'm a scumbag and i have to wash my hands after you go to the bathroom what a weird ironic world we live in well i always wash my hands when i go to the bathroom i just want to throw that out there but let me tell you we are talking about the creme de la creme there which is a little bit more pricey but there is uh an omega b day for every uh budget out there because in my son's one i i'm not sure if the price is i think it's under fifty dollars it just screws on real simple and it's the same essentially the same thing but it hasn't got all the bells and whistles it won't blow your ass dry and things like that but it will save on toilet paper it is totally natural it does take five to ten minutes to install and you just twist a little button and there you go clean as a whistle do that again that was perfect that was a perfect sound effect uh here here's the coolest part of all of this okay if you go to by m that is m y o m i g o slash bym we're going to take 15 percent off your amigo but dang that was look oh my god that is i'm taking a [ __ ] right now in fact i'm wiping my ass as we speak right hands-free i mean it's the future everything's hands-free bluetooth blew this blue that blue [ __ ] toilet lights i'm telling you because it is blue look at that i've just dropped one no one even knows i've got two hands i'm sending emails this could be you on the toilet multitasking face timing sending emails whilst wiping your ass with no hands my slash b-y-m take 15 off go grab your bidet today okay where were we you okay there louis you're good i see it yeah it's sucking those nuts out of your teeth i saw you just had a little snack though you are living the fighters life aren't you looking you're eating rx bars yeah it's a good bar they are good limited in their ingredients unlike the fast foods so uh yeah if anybody wants a healthy protein bar go for the rx bar they're very very good uh listen if we're going to talk about mixed martial arts lewis and we're going to talk about news in the mixed martial arts world then this week has really been dominated by conor mcgregor dana white dustin poirier and habib no maga madoff this is like this look weird not love triangle love quadruple love love square it's a rectangle of love four points it's khabib conor dana and you're two are a little longer two are a little bit shorter you're right there's a rectangle of love it's a it's a dodecahedron of action no uh yeah so listen uh harrington give the viewers a brief overview so obviously connor wanted to fight i don't know how how do you explain this they were going to fight dustin poirier haven't you laid all down break it down this is what you do okay uh so essentially what happened was when uh when those text messages came out uh about dana white and uh conor mcgregor going back and forth about what their plans were for the summer their plans were for the season etc etc uh khabib came out and said uh you know it's an absolute disgrace what conor mcgregor didn't know is that uh khabib had agreed to doing an entire season of the ultimate fighter uh they were gonna do mcgregor versus khabib uh for the the the you know that was gonna be seasoning a little fighter and then the rematch at the end of the season uh khabib said that was such a disrespectful move by mcgregor [ __ ] that guy i'm never fighting him again never no matter what dana says never happening he actually said that where where are you getting that quote from because i saw the video i saw dana was talking to barstool sports and i saw that he said listen we were working on habib versus connor for the comeback of the ultimate fighter which by the way incidentally would have been [ __ ] massive that would have been perfect viewing on espn which is crazy espn that would have done ridiculous [ __ ] numbers and not to mention uh the rematch would have been even bigger 2.4 million buys pay-per-view buys in the first five this would have made it even bigger would have made both of them huge [ __ ] superstars they already are that i made them a ton of money and not to mention a title fight for conor mcgregor which i'm sure he wanted but where are you finding that quote though i'm sorry mike i apologize to cut you off but would it is it necessarily a title fight because that's only if khabib should get past justin gaichi correct because that fight is happening yeah no fair point the thought would be that khabib versus conor even if khabib didn't have the belt they would be fighting for number one contender shot no that that that is a fair point and i thank you for bringing that up but no still regardless harrington as i said i saw dana on barstool sports saying yeah uh connor [ __ ] that up when he released those messages but i never saw the quote from habib so where are you getting that from so the quote is coming second hand through dana white you know what i'm saying okay got it got it yeah so it's like khabib hasn't uh uh i haven't seen khabib come out i know he did do actually today uh he was doing a virtual press conference so i'll look that up and see if anybody followed up with him why would he care that much though like i i understand like dana giving a [ __ ] and i understand it's breaking guy code and you know i understand like you just don't go do that um but why would khabib give a [ __ ] that much especially if you don't like the guy don't you want to beat him up even more now yeah no that was my point that's why i asked harrington if you could find the quote on where he was saying that because yeah again to your point entirely i understand why dana would be pissed off and rightly so you know uh but but why khabib would be so pissed off he's kind of yeah it's kind of i mean i get it it's it's honorable you know if he thinks conor shouldn't have done that great you know he probably he shouldn't have done that but still to your point if he wants to fight him he gets the chance to go in there and pummel him and then choke him out again and make him his little [ __ ] in front of the world so i would have thought that gave him more reason to want to fight him so kind of curious yeah if there was also more like personal information about khabib where the negotiations there you know if it was if it could be a bit more like skin in the you know the text gate game i would go like all right i get it but it just seems sort of he's an outside perspective it doesn't really matter you know dana and connor are having their little beef you sit on the sidelines it will more than likely work itself out anyway devil's advocate doubles i feel uh what about this this is a theory okay that i've just come up with perhaps perhaps all this you know uh khabib habib i i know it's heavy but khabib just comes off way easier so i'm going to say khabib you don't [ __ ] deal with it okay khabib um maybe all this this little bit of drama with the dms and all the rest of it is giving khabib flashbacks to the pre-fight hype of the last fight i know the shenanigans that went on remember it was it was it was it was kind of ugly and those press conferences were kind of dark and there was a lot of a lot of things said that you know maybe low blows on both sides or whatever and maybe habib that just brings it back and he's like you know what yeah [ __ ] that that was an ugly side last time i'm better than that i'm bigger than this and i don't want to go down that road again um this is ali aziz says i talked with khabib yesterday this man is human trash he's like garbage when you touch it you smell [ __ ] he said he doesn't earn the fight you understand he doesn't earn the fight um interesting okay well that's a shame and it's certainly a shame to be honest that's a shame for everybody involved including the fans because uh everyone would have loved to see that [ __ ] khabib and connor as coaches on the ultimate fight and then they get to fight again would have been awesome now there's something a little bit off with this story can i say though like where i i don't know that that fight is necessarily off forever once again it just seems like this this this story's a little bit off whatever him being annoyed about just seems a little bit like i can't sink my teeth into why he would really give a [ __ ] so maybe the smoke will clear and we'll be able to figure this out and you know just talk who who knows maybe just didn't want to [ __ ] do the ultimate fire and this is like the perfect excuse just blame it on conor oh you know dana dana bro brother brother i was going to do the ultimate fighter but no not now not now this guy this guy talked too much he's chicken i choked this out already yeah no it's nice every dagger standing in the world uh or a chechnyan or whatever uh yeah maybe just didn't want to do it you know but but as you said to your point conor's the biggest star if he comes back and gets a big win then you can't really deny him um but there's more to this story though isn't that because then dustin poirier and conor mcgregor they were talking about fighting so then mcgregor sports entertainment said okay we're going to do a televised sparring fight okay right right harrison what details can you give on this because it sounds like they were going to do like an official exhibition match they were going to sell the tv rights they were going to give dustin poyo 500 000 towards his charity of choice and then they were going to raise some more money and give all the money to charity and that's what conor put out there uh poija said he accepts and then all of a sudden bomb quit u-turn ufc have now officially offered dustin and connor the fights hamilton i see you just itching to chime in chime away my brother just uh just a couple of details to clear up there uh the plan was to co-promote it uh with dustin poirier's the good fight foundation if you remember that was the uh the charity where khabib took off his jersey they signed him for each other like a lot of uh people in the mma space are really uh getting behind the good fight foundation for dustin there i would be co-promoted with that mcgregor sports entertainment would have zero to do with the ufc open weight open air sparring i'm not sure what that means maybe you could explain a little bit about that mike but uh then uh the ufc said all right if you guys really do want to do this fight screw that like screw your your your exhibition we will give you guys this fight that's when poor a hopped on twitter and immediately said i accept nobody knows where uh mcgregor's at with the ufc negotiations interesting interesting so he was willing to do it straight away in a charity uh you know set up if you will but the actual real fight yet to accept on that no that is interesting but uh you you you got to give connor you know i kind of like what he did there he said [ __ ] it we'll do our own fight of course he can't go out there and fight but they could technically do a sparring match i don't think there's any rules against that and now of course people don't want to see a sparring match but they could say yeah it's going to be a hard sparring match it's almost going to be a fight it is and it would be a fight because that's one of the difference well we're just here having a light little move around when there's cameras on tv what is the criteria that makes a sparring versus a fight well you're just working together you're trying to have a nice little spot you're trying to get a work around you're trying to work on some technique and things like that i fight you're trying to [ __ ] kill each other but i'll tell you this in a sparring environment even if a few extra people just come into the gym and you don't know who they are and sometimes they lean against the ring and they're just watching the sparring you know about that and the ego in the fighter says well i'm and if the guy connects you with one on you you don't [ __ ] that i'm going to give him another bite because you always do it every sparring session starts the same it's nice and light yeah just just oh yeah yeah yeah we're just going to work you're just going to work and then you get caught with a [ __ ] [ __ ] boom and you give him one back and they're like okay okay okay bang and they give you one back and then before you know it you're having a full-on fight and that's kind of what happens in a lot of sparring matches and i guarantee if there was cameras there and there was press there and there was a bunch of people there and it was televised for sure that would be a fight another sparring match oh yeah i mean without a doubt um you know i just i wonder like what would sort of like i guess what would stop them from just fighting each other i guess the real difference would be that it wouldn't be sanctioned it wouldn't go on their records it wouldn't be for anything you know except for the fact that they said they did it but technically these guys can fight anytime they want in a gem quote unquote spar i mean they're not it's not like they say well hold on that was more than 70 percent and you know oh yeah yeah because he won by knockout super early right first round yeah first round and it was good it was it was a beautiful performance he made it look easy in fact dusty's got better that was at 145. conor was at 145 as well but dustin used to struggle making 145 as did conor though to be fair but still but then the ufc dived and said well [ __ ] that if you guys want to fight [ __ ] it here's a contract and i like that to be honest with you i think that's a great fight it is a great fight it's a great fight that a lot of people would want to see you know it's certainly a better fight than him calling out diego sanchez if i'm honest i'd much rather see him fight dustin [ __ ] poor yeah that's a legit fight what's going on with conor though he is these are sort of weird fights for him you would assume one would assume that conor would only be going for massive massive fights super fights whatever way class doesn't matter you know guys that he hasn't beaten before you know opting for that nick diaz fight possibly with nick diaz talking about coming back uh you know rematch with nate the the maz vidal fight these just massive massive fights that really seem to make sense and then there's these little ones like dustin poirier or diego sanchez where you're like what's going on connor like i i like it i don't i like the fact that connor's like [ __ ] i'll just fight any of these guys but it's just a little bit out of character for both conor and for the ufc to even be entertaining these conversations yeah i'm not sure if i agree with you on that one i think dustin poyer is a mega fight i i i obviously it's a rematch kind of one so there's a storyline there uh dustin poirier became the interim lightweight champion obviously lost to khabib and then he came back with that stunning performance against dan hooker that was an amazing fight it was a war though it was a war and that'll take its toll but still i would love to see dustin versus uh connor i really too i would love to see that i think it's an incredible fight and that's a legit fight uh and the ufc did they have a lot of big fights at the moment and let's remember did we talk about this colby versus mas vidal is the fight that they're they're trying to make it official dana white said they were going to do mas vidal versus diaz the rematch but then after colby beating tyrone is like yeah at the press conference he said that is the fight to make sure i think that's why we did not we didn't speak of that but that's awesome that's amazing oh it's a huge fight it's a massive fact colby versus mas vidal because they hate each other they used to be friends they used to train at the same gym and uh you know one and two in the division that's a [ __ ] beautiful fight connor versus poirier yeah i would love to see that it's but it's just interesting what game is he playing because as harrington said paulie airport i accept immediately and then what harrison's still not worth from conor that's all what is the latest with it all i mean i'm looking on conor mcgregor's uh twitter right now i'm not seeing anything about you know accepting the dustin poirier fight uh just that yeah that he wanted to do that uh that sparring match that's still the last thing up um interesting interesting okay all right well let's uh stay tuned to that one see how it plays out what else have we got well we're gonna talk about this joshua fabia does that name mean anything to you lewis uh yeah he's a trainer uh just uh give me a little more is it is diego sanchez's trainer yeah the school of self-awareness yeah he's like a weirdo we talked about him on the show a couple months ago and no offense to him i'm sure he's a great guy i'm not you know maybe he's not a weirdo but he's a weirdo let's be honest he's a [ __ ] weirdo i'm sorry i'm trying to be polite because i know diego and i like diego and i respect diego and we shared a hall of fame ceremony together do you know what i mean so it's like i don't want a [ __ ] on diego sanchez and i'm not going to but i will somewhat [ __ ] on that [ __ ] coach he's not a coach he's a charlatan he's a pretender he's a fake whatever listen if it makes diego feel good then great right and and diego who did he fight just a couple of weeks ago or last week oh i forget his name yeah the australian guy uh yeah and you know diego's tough as [ __ ] but he's got this coach around now that's doing these very very strange uh corner methods strange strange training methods one could say could be equated to touch but in the park that was a famous line from nate diaz though but uh yeah this guy's out of his mind and he's been attacking people left right and center uh there was a thing recently on fire island where matt serra friend of ours obviously hosts the ufc unfiltered podcast and they were talking about the time when diego sanchez fought michelle pejera right and i think on the podcast maybe matt sarah said some disparaging words about this cause josh you were favorite charlatan i don't know if you called him a charlatan i don't know but tape because we got it on tape so uh matt sarah is in fire island and then joshua fabia approaches him whilst he's having breakfast and uh yeah roll the table let's take a look i'm just saying when we see things it'd be nice to acknowledge the comparison here it'd be nice to acknowledge that what just happened to that man could have definitely happened to diego and it clearly didn't as he's talking to matt he's like he's like going in on something about how he's not getting his respect from the media and like matt was a part of all this and matt was like me what are you talking about because he likes diego matt is a fan of diego so i said [Music] [Music] i don't know the point you're trying to say i wouldn't i don't from what i see with your training i don't i think it's silly but that's i think it's silly all right you're not my guy guys right good luck with diego i wish the best right you're with him so if he wins i'm sure you're going to get some acknowledgement well i don't carry a very long time and that's not that's not my point my point is that when i'm being brought up and you don't even want to say my name how are you how about this because i need to react to what a [ __ ] great line that is i don't even know your [ __ ] name what do you mean i don't want to say your name i don't even know your [ __ ] name i love it i i saw a cleaner edit of this but whatever this is if i'm looking for a fight carry on keep playing brian oh he said there's no there's nothing else in the me your friends you video me who you are i'm not calling you a jerk or we had the first episode of looking for anyway all right all right anyway there was more to it but but you get the general logistics she approaches matt sarah starts talking to you and as you know matt sarah's not going to take no [ __ ] off anybody and he i like what he says here go ahead make some money off diego i hope you do well but remember he's been training for a long time he was fighting guys before he even [ __ ] met you and now this guy's coming in and i'm sorry you know i don't want to talk [ __ ] about any coaches i don't know the guy i don't know what he does but he guys out of his [ __ ] mind and he has some very very uh weird training exercises in fact there's another one here he shows them at the pi and they're running around i think this is designed to be a warm-up exercise it's something that i think that children would [ __ ] do i i take lucas jiu-jitsu and at the end you know those big inflatable balls they play like a game of dodge ball where they throw the big inflatable balls at them and things like that so i think they're doing like a warm-up exercise but on this occasion joshua fabia is running around chasing them with an actual [ __ ] knife right and they've got to get out the way of him roll the tape press play [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right we've seen enough lewis i take it back buddy i take you back i was wrong about my tips about your training that's what you've got to do instead [ __ ] the jiu-jitsu foot the [ __ ] were girls do the weights but just imagine everyone has a knife and you're just trying to stab each other with the imaginary numbers what the [ __ ] is that my god yeah it's um he seems a little bit like like a weirdo but i don't know i'm sure he's a lovely guy i'm sure he's got the best intentions but this is you know in this sport you see it time and time again and it's a big deal to me i see these i see people all over uh mixed martial arts and even other combat sports they have no right to be there they're fakes they're charlatans they're wannabes they haven't stepped into a [ __ ] octagon or a ring or a mat or any kind of competitive environment and then these guys have the [ __ ] audacity to stand there and try and train you and coach you as i've said i've said this many times you can learn the combinations of pads it's easy that's a one-two that's a one-two left hook one two left hug oh there's an uppercut any [ __ ] [ __ ] can remember some little sequences there's a very very big difference to being a padman and being an actual trainer and a coach and working on this and trying to coach somebody along and i i see it all the time and it pisses me off when i see these people that profess to be coaches and sit there and they talk and they spell all this [ __ ] and the reality is they don't know what the [ __ ] they're talking about well devil's advocate maybe that's where this guy does um pick up the slack because he i don't he doesn't seem like he knows the training side that well but maybe he's a great life coach for diego maybe he taps into something in him psychologically where it really motivates them to get up in the morning and we talk about that earlier with just sort of like lifting weights right like i like lifting weights because it makes me feel good and sort of motivates me and if i'm going to burn more calories that i'm going to get it's not going to hurt you know um until i hurt my back and i can't go to jiu jitsu you're right you're right um but maybe there's just a level of motivation there maybe he has a bond or a friendship with him you've touched on it many times with your relationship um with jason and you've also talked about having training partners that it was always one of the points it was years ago you mentioned this and we've talked about it a couple times since but it was always sort of this astute point that i was that always took uh stuck out to me where you talked about how sometimes your training partners or sparring partners weren't necessarily the best in the respect it feels it wasn't like you had you know the absolute highest level jiu jitsu guy with you at all times or the absolute highest level you know muay thai guy or whatever it is but it was guys that you had to have a bond with you had to live in a hotel room with you had to go on the road with you had to share share meals with you there to be with you during a weight cut where you know they're seeing you in very like um compromised positions where you're in a bad mood you're [ __ ] beaten down they're with you when you win they're way when you lose so there's so much more that goes into it that um i was just sort of found that very fascinating um that's something that people don't really talk about that much yeah yeah yeah no no i said that and everything you said does apply but also you need to have a guy that's honest with you and telling you the truth and and and and from the what the fights i saw in his corner the corner where it was out of his uh out of this [ __ ] world he was telling michelle pajar so i telling diego in the michelle pejera fight when he was clearly [ __ ] losing he was amazing you're doing so good you're winning the round and all the rest of it the guy's out of his mind but to your point and what you just said is is absolutely bang on you know if they have a strong relationship and a strong bond and a strong brotherhood friendship whatever the word is which they clearly do you can see diego has a ton of respect for him and at this phase in his life and this stage of his fighting career whatever he wants to do to mentally get through it good for him and if he's on this new i don't know for one of a better description kind of a hippie kick if you will there's a bit of you know what i mean there's definitely a bit of [ __ ] voodoo [ __ ] come by our [ __ ] going on i don't know what it is school of self-awareness i don't know what you [ __ ] i don't know what that means right but there's a bit of come by our meditation bollocks going on if that's what he wants and that's what he wants to get through and that's his approach to all this now and this is martial arts and meditation all the rest of it great fine awesome more power to you but just [ __ ] keep it off my youtube screen because i don't want to see it because this guy's out of his [ __ ] mind i love it people it's not you're gonna get someone hurt somebody's gonna get [ __ ] hurt one day i mean i'm gonna be honest with you without this guy being in the sport i would have never seen matt sarah get to put him in his place so for that i will always be appreciative of the fact that he's around because that was awesome and i love matt sarah i [ __ ] love matt sarah he's one of the coolest guys he's the best when i did looking for a fight on abu dhabi last time [ __ ] hell that guy's all right he just had me laughing my head good [ __ ] dude he's just like a good straight up solid so it's funny uh because like he's like a new york guy i think that's the other thing it's like people um you're much you have a new york thing about you so i think you get along with new york guys probably better than you get along with california or la people yeah no for sure east coast is definitely more of my uh my cup of tea you know they can bust balls more they can take a job more they could take an insult better you know what i mean like sometimes i'll be out here and i'll just swear a little bit and they're like oh my god why are you being so aggressive so i'm not being aggressive that's just how i talk do you know what i mean it's literally how i was talking to some guy that's how i remain nameless and uh we're on the phone and we're having a disagreement he's like why are you shouting i'm like i'm not shouting if i was shouting i swear to god you would [ __ ] know about me you would [ __ ] know because i'd be screaming i'm not going to do a middle-of-the-road shout out if i get to the point where i'm actually shouting i'm going to be screaming down the phone i'm going to be saying things i don't mean every other word will be a swear where there'll be a [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] this that [ __ ] you blah blah blah every two seconds right now i may be raising my voice and being assertive and being a little bit stern but i'm in no means what i always say in that moment i'm like i'm like i was like i'm not happy you should know that you're hearing what you're hearing now is i'm not happy so why why should i sound [ __ ] chipper and happy right now should i sound like i'm happy because i'm not happy with the situation so i got to put on a [ __ ] smile no exactly that'd be crazy that would be a crazy way to react yeah yeah i'm not happy with this situation but i'm gonna well i don't know actually maybe being polite and calm would you would get to the bottom of it a little quicker you know i say well well that's a will and good syrup but i've got to say right now um that really isn't a line with my uh wishes and my needs and my interest right now and i'm gonna have to disagree with you yeah i don't know i can't do that i can't do that because i said no [ __ ] that that's [ __ ] you know let's just call a spade a spade let's get into some more of these uh we'll do some quick hits top picks come on then harrington give us a quick hit well before fashion before we uh head over to harrington real quick go subscribe right now go to our itunes channel leave us a five star rating a positive review we love the great comments youtube just hit the little notification button you get a notification every time we have a brand new episode dropping on youtube and if you guys want the entire on-demand library the entire every episode of the show that we've ever done ad free and uncensored go to gas use the promo code bym for a 14 day free trial you can access everything go binge watch all the old episodes fall in love all over again with the believing me podcast fall in love hey you're not talking to podcast i was on the bobby lee podcast i saw that with rebecca yeah that's right yeah bec came along as well it was great but i never told bobby that she was coming so there was a a microphone and a camera and things set up uh for rebecca she's on there though she comes on she's i give her my microphone here and there she's chatting away it was fun bubba lee's the man so check that out if you get chance tiger belly uh harrington without further ado uh hammerfest does in a quick hittery style all right uh first one up chris weidman thinks he's the man to end the style bender's unbeaten streak here's the quote i think that's a tailor-made match up for me uh those athletic strikers tall lanky guys i've proven that i can beat i think pure wrestling heavy punches and kicks just non-stop pressure is what you need to beat them that's the recipe to beat those guys i proved that with anderson silva twice uriah hall's another one those guys are in trouble against me uh what do you gentlemen think is chris weidman the man to dethrone israel at asanya so when you hear that the initial response is wow this guy's out of his mind this guy's crazy right what are you talking about this guy can't [ __ ] win a fight lately he's out of his mind but that aside when you delve a little deeper and you look at it you know some of the guys you know they lost to you know dominic reyes he went up away division no shame there got clipped uh he did beat anderson silva twice in you know bizarre circumstances he did beat uriah hall as well and then also let's look at this look at the way chris wyman took out kelvin gastelum right chokes him out in the second round so he does have a point chris wyman is a very very good wrestler and i actually think wyman would be the best takedown artist that adusanye would have fought however he has passed that test with flying colours and wideman is a little bit chinny these days he's been knocked out he's been finished a few times so i hear his point i don't think his point is necessarily out of this world but it's also a little bit of a stretch if we were talking about the wyman maybe two three years ago then yeah uh but right now i don't know now it's not to say that it couldn't be possible but as i say i i i hear his point i see what he's saying i see why he's saying it but i feel it's a bit of a stretch lewis yeah i mean he's coming off of two losses in a row right am i wrong about that i'm not sure maybe he's lost a lot recently unfortunately i definitely trying to talk [ __ ] no i i'm just saying it's a it is a tough it is it's a tough argument to make um the style argument is definitely there you know i get what he's saying you know um but at the same time you got a sonya just we we gave him so much praise last week i mean he just jumped into the conversation for top two pound for pound three pound for pound i mean if you take john jones out of the conversation i don't know who else there is i mean honestly it's debatable that autosan you could go and beat jon jones we're talking about that chris weidman we just got to get him in the [ __ ] win column just get a win does any win just get him just to to go and say well i think i'm the guy to dethrone the guy who now everyone is saying the best in the world i'm saying we're getting ahead of ourselves and i like chris white i mean i'm a fan we're talking about how much we love that sarah chris weidman's awesome but i just want to say this i can't wait to hear what point look at the look on hamilton's face i hope we can see a three screen right now brian the look and he said he's been itching and dying to chime in he's been like oh every time so we know harrington has some [ __ ] dynamites he won his last fight go [ __ ] yourself i saw it yeah he won his last fight yeah i mean lewis just took all the wind out of my sails but uh yeah he did get any win beating omari akhmadov in a uh you know interesting decision that was that is literally the way i would ever describe as any win and i've got to say that win was a little slop slop as well it wasn't like you weren't like oh he looks sharp he looks great i like chris me and chris are actually buddies now we was a little thing there we were just competitors in the same way division never anything too personal uh so you know we comment on each other's instagrams just nice little politeness here and there so i don't want to talk to you but he did look a little a little it wasn't his best performance a little slop slot you know what i mean but he got the job job done done so it doesn't matter a win-win is a win uh harrington hammerfist us all right uh so hamza chimayev he was supposed to be uh fighting damien my if you remember on fight island uh dana said we're scrapping that plan uh he's going to get his own main event a little bit later on uh you know in the year sometime in the fall in las vegas he confirmed he reached out as high as number five stephen thompson uh to offer him the fight thompson said no uh he instead is looking angling for a fight with number three leon edwards uh but what do you guys think about that uh hamza chimaya getting a top five uh getting the call to fight a top five ranked guy louis you want to start um no you start you're gonna have a way better answer for this no i was just trying to go you know what i mean make it fair um listen hamza's in a tough position because yeah he's coming to the ufc and he's won three fights all three stoppages his last fight was the first [ __ ] punch that he threw and he knocked the guy out so he's got tons of hype it's all the mma world of talking about him dana is behind him the organization's behind him the public seems to be behind him they really like him you know he's been talked about a lot on the mma sites and all this good stuff right so because of that he's being fast-tracked you know and and and the proof is in the pudding three fights three finishes last one was outstanding and mary charles was a step up in competition stylistically could have given him a tough fight but he didn't one right hand and that was all she wrote uh so they're trying to give him you know a step up in competition but if i'm anyone in the top five or if i'm anyone in the top ten stephen won the boy thompson for example i'm not trying to go against the ufc here but i would not take that [ __ ] fight and not because i'm scared i've been like [ __ ] up i have earned my position to be ranked number five in the world and i've done it the old-fashioned way i've been around this sport for years and years and years and you're gonna bring in this [ __ ] guy right that's had three fights that realistically six months ago nobody knew who this [ __ ] guy was and maybe he has maybe he has got a chance of beating me but but for for me to risk that there's only one person that's going to gain here chimaev is going to gain if he gets a a win over thompson if thompson loses to chimed he's he's oh he's essentially done and he's literally just been a stepping stone for chimaef so i understand him not wanting to take the fight if steven thompson beats jim i have it's not really number one it's only a little blip for chimaef it's like oh he took it took too big of a fight too early back to the drawing board it's just a little little you know a little bump in the road for his career it doesn't really do anything for steven wonderboy thompson it's just it doesn't help in the rankings it doesn't it it essentially you know a little bit of that steam but to be honest with you steven thompson is way more famous and has way more you know quote unquote heat and just in terms of where he's at in the rankings and respect from the mma community so he doesn't really need the heat that he might have has yeah i mean i understand ufc want to give him a big fire because he needs a big fight now because he's got the steam he's got the hype he's got the momentum now he just needs a big name gerald merchant god bless him you know was a step up but he ended him quick so now he deserves a step up you know but you know asking the number five guy to risk everything that he's worked so hard for for him i kind of get it and if i'm wondered by thompson i'm i want to fight leon edwards all day long in fact where the [ __ ] is leon edwards i mean jesus you know i mean there's a guy that is one of the best in the world he needs to be more active leona if you're out there buddy number one let's get on the podcast bud i thought you were talking about specifically where is he on the podcast because he was supposed to have been on already twice 25 times 25 times not twice 25 times uh harrington what you got next bud right uh the friend of the show anthony smith says that he welcomes the call out from johnny walker following his win uh just a few weeks ago uh what do you guys think of that fight tricky tricky situation for anthony smith though you know so he got beat by to share it and he got beat of alexander wreckage no shame in either of those and there would be no shame in losing to johnny walker either right but let's look at the reality if he was to lose he would have lost three in a row and going from you know i wasn't that long ago by last year he was fighting john johns for the belt you know and then now to go lose three in a row and two those firs other two stoppages right did racket stop him he did didn't they ah yes yeah yeah so two stoppages in a row and johnny walker is an unpredictable uh very explosive unorthodox striker right and he he's always got that chance of catching you with something stupid now i respect anthony smith so much because he knows everything i just said but he's like nah [ __ ] that i can beat the [ __ ] out of this guy i can beat johnny walker he said uh johnny walker is powerful johnny walker he's unorthodox but he hasn't got the fundamentals he hasn't got the skills the basics that win fights you know we haven't seen him uh when he's up against adversity in the third or fourth round getting his ass kicked has he got the the mental toughness to rebound from things like that and come back and win the fight and and again i understand why anthony smith is saying that and i respect him for saying it but if i'm anthony smith and not i if i'm anthony smith or michael bisping the fighter if i was managing anthony smith if i was managing anthony smith i'd be like man i'll [ __ ] that you probably could beat him there's a good chance you know but he could get you as well and if you lose that and you get stopped because the odds if you're going to lose to johnny walker more than likely it's going to be a crazy [ __ ] weird knockout right he's going to [ __ ] drop kick you from the other side of the octagon then he's going to pop his shoulder out whilst he does a [ __ ] celebration it's going to be something weird right uh then you've lost three in a row and what do you gain because johnny walker's not exactly knocking on the title doorstep anytime soon so it's it's it's a delicate situation for anthony smith what are their respective rankings harrington because that sort of plays into how much it makes sense right because johnny walker coming off a big win um you know come from behind victory granted but it was a big win and anthony smith coming off of two losses in a row i mean anthony smith is sort of in a weird position because number one he's not really in a position to be picking and choosing his opponents um with two losses in a row and then i mean where else do you go i mean you need a guy who has somewhat of a name who's coming up i mean in my opinion i think that's kind of a perfect matchup what what are the rankings harrington anthony smith is ranked number seven johnny rocker ranked number nine uh and just wanted to clarify one last thing uh that racket uh uh win was a decision for wreckage but if you remember it was only a three round uh uh main event there right right right okay now thank you for clearing that up yeah listen rankings wise as you said as you said lewis it does make sense it does make sense and i guess at the end of the day you know he's here to fight that's what you get paid for that's what he contracted to do and i guess because you were just talking about how i was like you know you know stephen thompson almost has like earned his right to turn down that fight um you know anthony smith it's like he was a household name more than you the jon jones you know if i was sort of coming out party it's like i real the more you even talk about it the more i really really like that fight and i like the time for anthony smith i think anthony smith wins that fight it's a logical it is a logical fight and and it's a good fight for walker to start climbing back up the rankings and it would be a good fight for anthony smith to get back in the wing column and to beat somebody with hype you know johnny walker last year everybody thought you know he was the white next coming of jesus you know and then his role got slow slowed a little bit but uh so yeah there is a lot to gain in that respect for anthony smith it is a risky fact but then as i said to your point yeah well you're here to [ __ ] fight you know you i guess you can't pick and choose your easiest path to victory my point was you know and this is the difference in the boxing world if you lose a fight right then you gotta you have what's called a comeback fight a tune-up fight you take a little bit of time away you work on some things and then you come back and you do you have a tune-up fight you don't go back in against [ __ ] a guy that could be the champion of the world or the number two which by the way that is the flaw with boxing and that's where there's always been problems with boxing and that's why the ufc have done a really good job of eradicating those uh systemic problems that combat sports have you know in the ufc the best people fight the best people and it's not complicated by all these different uh managerial setups and splitting the purses and agreeing purses and all that type of stuff the ufc there's your contract you got your contract okay and now you're fucker's gonna fight so yeah listen for what even though i said before it is a risky fight for anthony smith and i don't mean that necessarily because he might lose but if he does lose he's lost three in a row but yeah at the end of the day they're here to fight so [ __ ] it match him up let's go harrington you convinced me louis there finally finally you got me you got me it's the one time i've been able to sway bisping's opinion during one of these segments now if only i can get you to have a diet a [ __ ] coke zero the more we talk about it i mean i'm going directly after this i'm screwed i'm saying screw jiu-jitsu practice i'm gonna be grabbing a big old bottle of coke zero get a coke zero and go do some squats uh harrington what else we got okay i thought this one was kind of interesting uh dc did not appreciate jon jones teasing a return to light heavyweight uh here's the quote he said that's so whack uh have you ever met a guy that's so out of touch he's out of touch it's like okay john then why not just go i was afraid of dominic reyes now i want to go back to 205 and fight yon block a witch because he beat dom that's crazy why would he do that i mean who does that who does that uh do you guys agree is uh jon jones threatening to go back to 205 an announcement that he's afraid of dominic reyes first of all did jon jones respond because we know that's what dc said on the dc helwani show is there a response from jon jones or before i give my response i know you just looking right now how are you so i'll keep talking for a second just chime in when you know so yeah look listen what dc's saying kind of does stack up right because jon jones didn't want to if you're to believe dc he didn't want to fight reyes again right but then all of a sudden reyes gets knocked out and then blahov which is the champ right so reyes isn't gonna fight john jones and now all of a sudden i'm just saying i understand dc's perspective he said oh look at that all of a sudden the guy wants to go back down to light heavyweight and fight blehovic before that he was like [ __ ] that i'm done i'm not staying at light everywhere i'm moving up to heavyweight so i understand what dc is saying but i just you know there's always two sides and for a guy like jon jones with his resume i don't really think it's fair to say that uh you know jones is necessarily scared of anybody yeah especially in rematches i mean jones is notoriously looked better in rematches than he did the first time out he's got such a smart fighter high iq fighter high level fighter to say that he's you know running from um uh dominic reyes but he to come back and fight buckwitch when block was just knocked out dominic grace it just logically doesn't make sense it sounds like dc a lot of what he's saying is painted by his hatred for jon jones um so i i just yeah i don't buy that jon jones is afraid of anybody i don't think he's afraid uh harrison i see you with a smirk on your face and that's led me to believe it did i not see a tweet from john john something to do with the head kick or something to dc uh yeah i mean it's rough dc calling me out of touch the only thing that was out of touch was the consciousness from his body and that belt from around his waist i get it i'd hate me too oh god that's pretty good to be fair you know dc called me the other day we were having a chat about something else and he said because blejovich went at dc as well didn't he harrington beholves uh messes dc obviously john jones is talking [ __ ] to dc conor mcgregor was on twitter the other day calling dc a fat bastard or something like that so dc is getting it from all angles see this is what happens luke you retire from combat sports and everybody thinks you're [ __ ] fair game you know what i mean you just got to remind people here and there harrington why have you disappeared is that the end of the the hammer fisting segment no i just you know figure i'll let you guys uh you know get into it you don't need all the distraction of the craziness we got with the whole studio behind me here it's okay i can i i can focus what else we got then okay uh let me see uh speaking of israel sonia all right fine uh two guys who he says he would like to fight uh says he wants a fight uh before 2021 once by before the end of the year uh the two guys who he's looking at uh said yan uh yeah i said we like that fight with yon i like 205. i am the best 205 in the world what can i say uh also canon ear i'm still waiting for that everything is in the air right now let me chill a lot of scientists is the best 205 in the world yes has ever fought a 205 no okay you know bold statements i i like i like the high level [ __ ] talking i like he should believe in himself he should say you know we've heard we've heard this for a long time you know i mean he should he should believe that he should be able to beat anywhere to 205 that's not a crazy thought in fact i i bet you if you ask most 185 pounders bisping they would tell you that they could beat yon most 185 pounders yeah well well well yeah not for sure and then these well i don't know about all of them but a lot of them would say that let's see in the ufc top 20 right you can talk to most of them middleweight and light heavyweight they're not that far even though it's a 20 pound separation when you see middleweights when they're not sucked in you know what i mean they're they're they're comparable in sizes you know what i mean two like heavyweights so there's always you know what i mean there's always those discussions on who's gonna win and i like what is he saying you know what i mean i would like to see that however if i'm uh yeah i'm black witch i don't want to take that fight just yet you know what i've just won the bell and it's a little early for start doing super fights you just want it you get the lighter guy [ __ ] that there's not much upside defend it once or twice first you know what i mean and you know so yeah let style bender go and continue to let his star rise continue to build equity he's just a [ __ ] massive star um and the more he keeps winning the more he's gonna continue to be more valuable same thing with yon um yeah i think that you know if you think you could beat the 205 pound champion you think you're the best 205 pounder in the world so i don't think it's crazy that you would speak to most high level 185 pounders you don't i mean you would say that all the time you wanted to fight dc when he was championing your champion and you were half kidding because you guys were friends you would like bust each other's balls about it but you know you get a couple drinks and you'd be like no i'll [ __ ] beat dc yeah 100 percent because again for edison you need to go up to 205 to zero risk right because if you pull it off you are the man you are the badass and if you lose well guess what you still have the balls to go up and fight a big man do you know what i'm saying so it's a win-win for the lighter guy and it's a lose-lose for the heavier guy most of the time harrington you're trying to say something devil's advocate uh nate diaz you don't get to say that you know devil's african are you [ __ ] crazy all right fine i take it back i'm not allowed to say it anymore uh so i think the biggest prize january in the ufc right now is israel out of sonya's undefeated record the first man to beat him is getting a 10 million dollar rematch a la napies you're saying that's bigger than taking the o from habeeb to magametov because you're out of your [ __ ] you're wrong here you're completely wrong okay second biggest surprise in the comments well that changes it a minute ago it was the biggest now it's the second biggest it doesn't stack up might as well be the fifth yeah you know uh and also i live with carrington's confidence sometimes he's a little overzealous he's like that's a 10 million dollar rematch just what the [ __ ] do you you don't know nothing about these numbers harrington you're pulling these numbers out of your ass i mean that's that's what's widely rumored that's what nate got for that kind of rematch that's what the number of people on the in the internet twitter space whatever twitter mma thinks that nate got for that fight i think that's what you're looking at if you get a win over israel israel's not conor nowhere near yet and to be honest we maybe never will be connor dude we may not get another connor you know no ever who [ __ ] knows there won't be another connor israel is a huge star and he's only going to get bigger and bigger and he's doing big pay-per-view numbers and he's earning great money and he's going to be a legend in the sport and he'll be in the hall of fame for sure no doubt one day uh but i don't think he'll i don't think anyone's gonna recreate this the level of star power that we've seen from conor mcgregor nobody nobody maybe one day this could be a very very it's who have we seen before brock but that's not the same it doesn't count like brock was a star in wrestling and like it's just it's a little bit of a cheat like connor came in and he was like lightning in a bottle he had everything it was the style it was the country the accent the look the attitude the [ __ ] stupid walk with his dumb arms that it everything just stuck and it re dude i mean i have like he like i have friends who are not mma fans and they just like they have conor mcgregor pictures on their instagram it's because he's like he just he transcends uh the sport and it's rare you see that it's very very far few in between i don't really know you can't really give anybody else that sort of credit the same way that connor no i i i totally agree and you know like uh mma casuals or like if i speak to like ellie's friends you know let's say some of her friends are at the house they know nothing about mma but they know conor mcgregor's name you know and they'll say oh would you fight conor mcgregor that was like would you fight conor mcgregor i'm like listen let me tell you something about conor mcgregor okay if you saw him he's a is a surprisingly small fellow do you know what i mean we would not be in the same weight class he's about the size of my leg yes he's very very good for his size but we would not fight no and [ __ ] put that in your pipe and smoke it if you caught him you're not gonna fight him you're gonna ask him first pot of gold yeah exactly i'll say you know give me an autograph uh yeah all right how much you've dissipated off the screen is that it that's the end of the sega monte yeah i'm i'm good i think yeah yeah no no you're good you're good you're good all right well we've been going on for a while though should we wrap this one up it's a good show two-hour show i think we're close to it two hours my god we're getting longer and longer uh no i will ladies and gentle oh holly holm are we in know donna let's just do a quick bet on that one because they all fight am i betting any more [ __ ] money on this sport all right it's a very defeatist attitude you have there you lit listen quitters never win if at first you don't succeed try try again because you're going to turn this around well that's your next book before you don't succeed again no but that's like an old expression you know that your mum always said to you first you don't see try try again yeah but uh all right well listen holly holm i really all donna i'll just go out on a limb i'll i'll do it i'll i'll go there louis i don't care i say aldona this is yoni she wins upset yeah that's why i started all day aldana aldaya my bucket agea they will book a double your money with the promo cod believe it okay so do it put it on alvina eldona unless brian's going to take holly holman in which case i'll call it brian what do you say master brian what do you think's gonna happen in this fight because i was gonna let brian bet all my money from now on yeah money bags [ __ ] scrooge mcduck there's swimming through your [ __ ] gold coins who wins well i already said it before uh we started recording but i think that holly holmes is going to chew this [ __ ] chick apart no all right well brian has not been wrong about a single fight in 10 fights from a distance no no it won't work aldona is good she's long she's rangy she's good she's fast i don't know it's a tough fight it's a close fight holmes got probably a bit of a footwork of boxing advantage she's got the experience advantage yeah i don't know i haven't got the stats in front of me she's probably a little bit taller a little bit longer but you know you know you know you know you know you know yeah no no all right that's it taking it easy thanks everyone we'll check you on monday peace
Channel: Michael Bisping Podcast
Views: 54,690
Rating: 4.8179059 out of 5
Keywords: Michael Bisping, Luis J Gomez, Conor McGregor, Dana white, Khabib, Dustin Poirier, Josh Fabia, Diego Sanchez, Matt serra, Isreal Adesanya
Id: 3JDkQfvENf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 4sec (5644 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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