You Have To Be INSANE at Minecraft to Escape This...

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my French trapped me in another deadly Minecraft prison and I have to try to escape the prisons called the Slime prison and it's very hard on the outside it looks exactly like a slime but on the inside the rooms are made completely of Bedrock making them impossible to break out of hey do you know how I got here that's right this is a two-player prison with me Captain Sparkles Let's see if we're good enough to Escape right off the bat I started looking around my room I could see a platform down below that I would die if I landed on as well as a bunch of lava through this little window I could see Captain Sparkles over in his room the only other thing in my room was this dropper above me that I couldn't reach meanwhile on Captain Sparkle's side he had all these glass Park Court jumps over a giant pit of lava he started looking around his side of the room and eventually he noticed these two signs behind him the first sign said that if he broke any string he would end up stuck here the second sign said that the first jump was left eventually we saw what the first sign was talking about there was tripwires with string coming out of the wall but he couldn't break it after looking around he couldn't find anything else so he did what it said he jumped left and if he had jumped right the floor would have retracted dropping him into the lava killing him instantly and that's when we realized the real problem he has to do the rest of these glass jumps and he doesn't know whether to go left or right with seven jumps remaining his odds are less than one percent of making it to the other side alive we realized there had to be some kind of trick so that's when I used F5 and found a sign with the word right on it then I found another sign with the word right on it and then I found another sign with the word right and another sign eventually after searching I found eight signs that all had the word right on them and a color that matched with one of the colors of glass does this mean he just had to jump right every single time and he would make it across well no because the first jump he did was a left so we know that can't be it so the signs are useless well no because we know this sign needs to go left so we start looking at them to see what else there is that's when you realize some of them are warped and some of them are crimson and after that it's pretty easy to come up with a theory so that means that warped is false and Crimson is true that's the logic we decided to go with so anytime there was a warp sign he would jump left and anytime there was a crimson sign he would jump right okay so far so good by using his parkour skills Captain Sparkles got all the way to the other side without dying and he activated this pressure plate to open the door in front of him this also gave me a cobweb from the dispenser above me now I was able to make this fall without dying as long as I cobweb clutched and I managed to hit it I now had access to a whole new area I turned around and walked down the hallway at the end was a barrel with a saddle inside then I turned to my right to try to continue only to be confronted by a room filled with lava the only other thing I could see was this little Nook in the roof above me but that was it on Captain Sparkle's side he continued into the room that opened and found a barrel inside was a carrot on a stick four string and a slime ball he took it all and then he broke the barrel to make sure there was nothing behind it then he continued down further into the hallway eventually he came to a crafting table he looked to his left and saw a bunch of End Portal frames on the floor some with eyes inside he was now in the little Nook right above me and I could see him he went deeper into this end portal room to see that there was a pig in the corner behind some glass there was also another fence in a hallway and a two block jump that he couldn't get over just yet but he went back and grabbed the crafting table using this as a way to build himself over the too high wall to see on the other side he saw some water he could drop down into but if he did that how would I get out from this lava room so he had to try to figure out how to get me out first now it was pretty obvious it was gonna involve the pig when he broke the glass you could see the pig's name was subscribe perfect time to remind you guys to subscribe I'm doing a video where my subscribers break out of a prison pretty soon so if you subscribe I might pick you anyway Captain Sparkles led the pig over to the little Nook and crafted a lead then he threw me down the carrot on the stick and attached the lead to the pig and then he kind of slowly pushed him above the lava luckily though he was on the lead and bounced right above it I then attached the saddle and got right on and now it was time for something crazy am I holding you on a pig that is exactly what we are doing Captain Sparkles can now carry the pig which was carrying me across the lava the eyes inside the portal frames helped him know where the lava was to avoid there was only one other thing we had to be careful about if he bounced me too much the lead would snap why is he bouncing stop magic stop bouncing stop bouncing very slowly and carefully we started making it through the maze eventually we finally got to the room at the end that's when Captain Sparkles realized the nether fence was there so he could attach the lead and drop the pig once we got above the platform I hopped off and then Captain Sparkles went ahead to drop the pick he attached the lead and then took it off dropping the pig and killing him instantly foreign [Music] even though subscribe was gone I had to keep going this villager was trading a carrot on a stick and a saddle for a fishing rod I looked where I could go next and it was filled with lava meaning I was stuck again so for now I did the trade and just waited with my fishing rod Captain Sparkles on the other hand was back at the two high wall he tried to take the crafting table with him but it wasn't happening So eventually he had to give up and drop into the water he started looking around and he could see there was a lower broom that he could drop into he checked to make sure he didn't need anything from up here and after looking around for a bit he went ahead and saw it was safe to drop down I'll just let him tell you what he saw standing on a three by three of bedrock with a 3X3 of void next to me there's a button next to me and way up this column here um there are a bunch of either droppers or dispensers that I don't know why I feel like they're gonna just start dropping lava the droppers above him were definitely scary but the thing is I was completely stuck so he basically had no other option but to push the button luckily though no Lava or anything funny happened above him all that happened was a honey block pushed up through the source of lava that was blocking me getting rid of all the lava and I could now drop down so I jumped and went ahead and landed on the honey block now having access to this new area I mined the honey block collecting it instantly and then I got ready to go deeper into the room but this was a big mistake I took one step into the room and realized I screwed up I accidentally walked over this tripwire you have yes you have you have dispensed lava we were now on a timer if we didn't get Captain Sparkles out of that room fast the lava was gonna reach him and completely burn him to a crisp I started running around my room seeing what I could do there was an iron door that was blocking me that I did not have time to mine then I could see the lava falling down above Captain Sparkle's head then I saw the plot platform underneath me and that was basically it I remembered I just got this fishing rod and I was pretty sure I knew what I had to do I don't you can try you could try wait I think I'm gone I'm God I'm God I did the fishing rod over the wall into his room and Captain Sparkles perfectly moved into it getting himself hooked now he could jump into the void on his side and I could pull him out the void on my side bringing him to safety the crisis was averted for now and Captain Sparkles had access to a brand new room he began swimming up the water when he got to the top he saw a blast furnace that inside of it had three anvils other than that he had a lava filled hallway he had to try to get to the other side up with this little window but for now he was basically stuck now that things had settled down I could explore my room better first thing I did was mine the tripwire and the string that I'd accidentally set off then I came over to this door and now I had time to actually collect it and you might be like wait what see what did you just say collect it how are you gonna collect an iron door without any pickaxe well I don't know if you guys know the Mandela effect but it's when a bunch of people have a shared false memory and I think a lot of people think you can't mine iron doors with your bare hands but you literally just can I know it's crazy so now I had an iron door and access to this new room the first thing I saw was this little one by one tunnel I could crawl through but I didn't have any way to make myself crawl then I could see on the other side of this wall there was a dispenser and a villager in the wall with another one by one tunnel and then this window where I could see Captain Sparkles I put down my honey to get a better view of what was going on and we started working together we had to figure out how to get Captain Sparkles across this hallway but the only things we had that could even be placed were the three anvils and the problem with that is anvils are a block with gravity so if we place them they would just fall that's until we thought of this I gave Captain Sparkles my tripwire hook by placing the tripwire hooks first he actually had something he could put the anvils on top of that would allow them to float so by doing this he was able to make the first Jump Then he set up the second tripwire hook and this is when we've realized something he wasn't gonna have to even use all three anvils he was able to land on the side of the Anvil due to the way that the blocks are shaped and then from this Anvil he jumped up to the final level now he had basically nothing he needed from this hallway so he started looking around the room but after a little bit it was clear his only option was to drop down once he was in he went ahead and opened the dropper here's what he saw an awkward potion a potion of instant health potion of night vision and a potion of instant damage he then went over and looked at the villager on the wall the Villager had two trades three string and two leads for an emerald and an emerald and four honey bottles for a scaffolding now he also knows the crafting table behind the Villager but at this point we had to do a little exchanging I had the three string and one of the leads he needed for the first trade so I went ahead and threw them all over then he went back to the Villager and traded the three string and two leads for his first Emerald now we were on to the next problem somehow we had to get four bottles of honey and I wasn't even familiar how to do this but I knew that I had the honey block and I should just throw it over to him because clearly that was going to be part of it at the crafting table with the honey block we saw this recipe that gave us a big hint oh that's what it is I need to drink all of the potions and then I will get the glass bottles and that will allow me to trade now he was going to be able to get the scaffolding and I could see where this was going so I threw him the iron door he went ahead and drank all four of the potions he had to drink and now he had the empty bottles he needed to go to the crafting table and craft the honey bottles then he went to the Villager and traded our one emerald and honey bottles for a scaffolding this is why I gave him the iron door he now had everything he needed to escape his room but before he did that he gave me the Anvil because I was gonna need it so he went ahead and set the scaffolding up in front of the hole and then he put the iron door on top of the scaffolding then with his button he was able to open and shut the door doing this he could actually put himself into crawl mode he collected the button and then he crawled into his hallway and broke the scaffolding doing this he picked up the iron door and the scaffolding and now got into this new tiny little room me on the other hand I had to use the Anvil to crawl through mine there's a glitch you can do with the Anvil where if you landed on top of yourself and move very slowly you can also enable Crouch that's due to the properties of how the anvils block shaped eventually I got it to work so I was in Crouch mode and crawled through my tunnel obviously I couldn't bring the Anvil with me so I just went ahead and crawled into my next room it was a pretty normal room and I saw that there was another little drop where water could come down to bring me up to my next room but for now I was stuck meanwhile in Captain Sparkle's side he was in this little tube but he had blocks he could work with to get out so he started off by placing the scaffolding and then he placed the iron door on top of that then he was kind of stuck in the iron door but with his button he could do the trick where you jump into the iron door and jump on top of it he recollected his button and he now had access to this new upper part he could see that there was water he could drop down into so he went ahead and did it he was now in a brand new area he started going down this hallway and eventually led him to a room inside this room was a skeleton and a creeper and a jukebox and that was it now this is a pretty obvious puzzle to anybody who's played Minecraft for a long time one of the ways you can get music discs in the game is if you get a skeleton to shoot a creeper and kill it so all he had to do was to get that skeleton to shoot creeper and he could play the music test solving the room sounds easy right God dang it ah oh my God [Music] oh eventually all of Captain Sparkle's hard work paid off and he finally got the skeleton to shoot and kill the creeper giving him a music disc then he went over to the skeleton side and went ahead and killed it to get a little bit of needed revenge for getting shot by so many arrows he then went ahead and put the music disc in the Jukebox this activated the water on my side giving me access to the new area it also activated the water on Captain sparkle side giving him access to a new area but before he left he mined the trapdoor and the Jukebox because he might need those blocks he swam up the water and immediately was confronted by a three tall shaft obviously he had to use the Jukebox and the trapdoor to get on top of it keeping the music disc though he began walking down his hallway and I began walking down the hallway from the area I was at only to be confronted with Captain Sparkles himself obviously we had to punch each other a few times as you do when you meet up in the prison for the first time we continue down the hallway we didn't go down only to find one of the coolest traps in the entire prison at the end of this hallway there was a boat inside of an item frame and a above it there was a button on the roof the problem was obvious right away the button was out of our range and we didn't have any building blocks the only other thing in this room was this water tower that if we pressed the button probably would give us access to the next area I tried jumping on top of the boat for extra height or having Captain Sparkles hit me but they both failed so without any blocks how are we supposed to reach the button it involves a trick a lot of you know people could use boats to stand on top of entities to get into the void and that's because boats don't go through entities and players also count as entities so I put the boat at the top of the staircase and voted on top of cats and Sparkle's head we managed to work all the way to the wall and then I stood up standing on the boat was able to jump and press the button completing this room I then mined the boats we had it for the next room and we both went over to the water and started swimming up into what ended up being the final room in the prison at the top of the water we got into a new room I walked out and immediately saw a giant room filled with lava next to me was an iron pressure plate that I didn't want to press yet on the back wall was a ton of dispensers as well as another iron pressure plate in the corner of the big room there was also this tower that I assumed water would come down when we beat the room then we followed this hallway eventually and at the top of the staircase we were right next to the dispensers we saw from the ledge but they were just out of our reach so we couldn't access them and see what was inside so we went back to test what the pressure plate would do and it dropped chickens which at first was really confusing how this was going to help us in any shape or form but after thinking about it for a little it was really obvious so I went ahead and asked Captain Sparkles to give me the boat and he gave it to me then I went back to the top of the staircase and told Captain Sparkles to press the button when he did I was sitting there ready in my boat the chickens came out of the dispensers just like before and I went ahead and voted straight across them see just like the other rooms chickens are entities so I could basically use them as a glorified chicken bridge I managed to land on the platform and I activated a pressure plate when this happened water came down by Captain Sparkles that he could swim up water also came down by me so we each started swimming to the top of our respective Towers when I got to the top of mine I saw that I'd successfully made it to the surface and sparkles was here waiting for me the Slime prison has been squashed
Channel: SeaWattgaming
Views: 947,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Seawattgaming, Can you ESCAPE this Minecraft PRISON?, Seawattgaming tiktok, Seawatt minecraft prison, Minecraft Prison, Minecraft's Most Annoying Escape room, Minecraft Escape Room, Escaping Minecraft's Hardest Prison With My Best Friend, Trapped in Minecraft's Hardest Prison With My Best Friend, This Two Player Minecraft Prison is IMPOSSIBLE..
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2022
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