Minecraft but I Open a Store!

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I'm opening up my own store in Minecraft but we'll need to get some customers first so let's begin by building our store so these are all the stores of Minecraft and then we have my store it's an empty plot of land and step one is to purchase it for two emeralds so let's get some wood uh can I steal the Brady up I'm gonna steal the bread we can even craft the bread there we go and now let's find a cave looks like there's a cave right under the coal store so let's check this out and let's fall down oh gosh okay we're good we're good nice all right let's get some iron ankle of course all right we got that and the main thing we needed was one hour breakouts now at the bottom left we are broke so we need two emeralds where can we find that okay Emerald number one there we go and when we right click that Emerald we now have one dollar oh and diamonds okay yeah sure I'll take the diamonds that is the money but one Diamond's nice and emerald number two nice okay that's pretty much all we need so now we got two dollars and all we gotta do is go back oh wait Diamond's again okay why why do we keep finding dimes that easily my goodness and so with the two emeralds we go up to this and we purchase the plot just like that and it's ours oh whoa it turned green so can we build on it now build my store okay so here's the plan see that store falling from the sky that's my store right there I'm gonna try my best let's get the stuff so the first thing we need is a lot of wood that's what we're done and I'm gonna need some terracotta but I might know a place this is what we need all right we need a lot of terracotta as to order though we need efficiencies so let's get down pickaxe going and now we mine a lot all right with the Terracotta done the wood done we just need Stone let me get efficiency pickaxe real quick perfect cave perfect lava I'm fat subsidian Miner of course and we're done let me get the leather sugarcane and now we did all that just for one inch end table there we go all right let's get it fantasy one wow that was it now we mine a lot of stone we're still mining should be good enough and now the best part is that we cook hold on I have a better idea this will be a lot better there we go and now we just need one more thing we need some sand that's good enough and now that we're here all we do is cook the sand there we go oh wait I gotta cook this again hold up okay now we have what we need smooth Stone a lot of gloss and with the gloss we make it into glass paints nice and so now we build so I'm thinking pretty much first let's cover out the outline where we're gonna do four blocks right here and four blocks right here and now we just make a nice little area let's around that and then we're gonna use all the Terracotta we got it's gonna be a nice double window right here okay let's just keep doing that over and over again same pattern over here and we have something all right now before I actually make the floor this floor gonna be gone and we'll do a basic wooden four there we go and one of the most important parts we can't forget the door one oak door and I'm thinking normal glass panes but what if we give them some color light gray and then we just surround those your bullet with that and light gray Cross Plains hold up let me get more of these all right I think we have enough let's go ahead and put all these here and now we have a bunch of light gray glass plants all right let's just put these guys at the window spots and I'm not sure if I have to do the interior I'm just gonna do the exterior right now I mean four store it's looking decent all right let's head up real quick and I'm probably gonna make this three blocks higher nice and as for the roof I'm not very much a builder so we're gonna do a simple stone flat thing and there we go maybe that's too high yep that was like me I fixed it and for right there just because it's a store let me get a break got the light we cook the clay there we go in one break now that's gonna be the final centerpiece and I mean it doesn't look bad so now for the moment of truth if I press this button does it give me the tear here goes nothing oh step three buyer register and signs oh at the store store but anyways this is now our store with the little area look we got some item spots right here we'll put the cash register right there and we even have a basement but we'll go there later for now I think that might be a good place to get emeralds oh wait there's an emerald Trader I was gonna do villager trades instead but that might work better what this guy want oh I should have not made that much bread we need a lot of wheat hold on there might be more hay bales all right let's get the weight and holy wait now we're good all right Mr World Trader got all the wheat you ever need there you go there you go again and again and again and now with these emeralds let's go ahead and get eight dollars into the store we go okay so we can buy the shop sign which is gonna be the Exodus tour of course amazing then we gotta get the open sign let's grab that and then finally the cash register because we gotta make the money okay so we got all three things let's start with the excess store at the very top okay so this might be a good spot right here do I just like place it like this oh yo that's sick Max Nestor now let's add the cash register which we're gonna go ahead and put it maybe right about there there we go good old cash register which uh We've made zero dollars but I think when I right click it and customers come in I get the emeralds and now finally we have the open side which we're gonna put right here and finally get open wait why did I get an air sound Goods needed stock up your store oh required stock also we need an irony get golden get diamond and Amethyst Shard oh I think I put them here okay well we have the iron ingots we need the diamond and the aim of the shark and the gold and probably these item frames oh let's go money and get some kills sorry about this guys need a leather and with this we can make for item frames there we go that's first thing done no diamonds and stuff all right gold diamond and after that we just need amethyst one gold one grab the diamond let's go with the gold and one very easy Diamond let's grab that golden oh and that might be a geode hold on oh what it is yes all right let me get that em at The Shard there we go that's our inventory done now we go back oh man that sounds so cool anyways let's put the item frames we're gonna put aim at this right there right by the diamond and then on this side we got iron and the Golden Gate all right let me change the names real quick now we're good and before we open the store what's in the very bottom here oh it's storage okay yeah I should probably put away all this stuff because I have too much of everything and so now with the open sign we just go to the very front all right let's open this up and not ready buy a box of inventory oh that makes sense um do they sell that sir better be cheap oh and we got the box of inventory 500 emeralds huh oh wait what put a ski mask and a giant sack is free hmm um it just works very invitation oh that is free okay and do we put on the ski mask wait disguise for food market hold on we're not supposed to go over there oh I'm in Disguise now okay so we are uh gonna go pay if it's to our competitors and maybe get their inventory thing okay here we go let me just climb up the ladder don't mind me just gonna scout out what we're doing here and maybe they have a box of inventory I take hey let me just fall down here we go okay I don't think they see me should be good we're just gonna go inside and it looks like they have a very weird storage room why do they have Parkour in the storage room I'm not gonna question it well we're just gonna go through here I'm gonna guess that's part of snow under us we do not want to freeze in that okay we're going in and now this should be the storage yo okay they don't have inventory they ever a giant golden fish perfect for stock holy oh they got melons too nice okay I don't think I'd set off any alarms let's just get out of here and then we'll put this in the stock and maybe that'll let us be ready all right I was never here let's just walk all the way back and we gotta go and fish and now we just gotta make one more of these let's get an item frame and one sign all right here we go put that in frame down and now our pricing that we're selling is gonna be the giant golden fish amazing and it's so amazing that it costs five emeralds everything else is one Emerald but this is gonna be the Fiverr World fish okay now are we ready to open the store and get some customers let's real quick place this here oh and it's open ready for business here comes the customers oh wait expand buy out the neighbors where are the customers coming oh we've got someone coming oh there's another one oh yeah they're gonna go in yes oh okay oh and they bought something hold on does that mean I can grab emeralds I just made six dollars guys we're getting so many customers this is gonna become the biggest store in Minecraft you already know and oh I bankrupt them I can buy the store now for five emeralds so can I spite now land purchase and now I can buy a store upgrade hold on because I'm getting so many customers let me real quick get 30 bucks now and see how much the land upgrade is in the store store oh there it is the store upgrade for 250. that shouldn't be too hard because business is booming right now let me see how much money we made oh wow okay keep buying guys and I didn't even realize guys there's even a diamond store wait there's another right one too I have so much competition now we basically wait all right how much money we got now oh okay yeah that's more than enough all right well let's get this tour upgrade there we go and so how does this work do I just right click it oh we have a double oh no and so now the store connects to the other store let's real quick open this up for all the customers oh and step four is to sabotage the next door okay well everything's going pretty nice right here we got automatically added more inventory for me to sell and are we making more money now wait we're even telling that right huh okay let me check this real quick okay let me real quick then see what our competition is because I haven't actually seen these stores yet so what do we have going on in here wait what that got a stock normal meat normal meat oh why does it look like that this is a little bit suspicious I might be doing good by actually making the storage shut down okay so I gotta get back there somehow oh wait in the other hidden button oh yo okay I'm not supposed to be here it's all good uh they seem to have a maze back here why do they have a maze no idea but they're wasting precious to store real estate they could be selling more stuff back here oh and this is the room oh they're hiding zombies okay yep I am glad I didn't buy any of that meat because we are gonna get rid of these zombies nope nope this is definitely the mystery B what the heck let me take care of all of them real quick there we go that's all them gone and now store ruined buy it up cheap oh wait how cheap hold up let me go back okay Moment of Truth oh it's bankrupt 500 emeralds small store oh and they were selling the normal weight for a thousand my goodness well that's a good deal let's buy that and now we on the store yo and look at all the customers that are coming right now and now there's like last time let's get a land upgrade from the store all the way there let me check how much money we made it 641 very nice and yet again one store upgrade right here let's grab that and did it upgrade higher employees you'll need five oh oh wait I did see a thing over here hold on we can grab them here one employee right here two three four and five all right we got the employees but let me see my new store look at that it's huge okay the excess store how is it doing holy we have so many products wait wait wait wait are we selling the mystery meat now no questions that's all good let's go ahead and start putting some places put in play right there we got our first play with a nice mustache nice let's put a guy right there in this aisle what do we got going on here we have a full-on basement now you look at all the storage I'm gonna put a guy right there no you're in charge of there let's get a guy on this side of the store right by the cash register there you go and finally a guy to greet everyone right there there we go oh and now I got a higher security that's crap right there for iron security before we go by the the top thing let's see how much money we made 700 it's barely been any time very nice oh here's what we need police have pumpkin let's buy two there we go it has for the iron I have a little bit of an idea see that iron store right there see what it's made of yeah okay no one sees me we should be good don't mind me just a store owner doing his thing grabbing some inventory okay let's grab that there we go now we can go and do a craft and there we go iron security very good security and so now we have one iron security right there oh oh okay get up buddy come on come on struggling a little bit and finally another security guy right there hey we did it man the story is getting really complete now sabotage time oh so we now gotta buy a heist plan I saw that over there what the heck is going on okay how much money have we made 1200 nice okay here it is the heist plan let's real quick grab that and before we use this I feel like we're gonna need all this stuff so I might as well let's buy a potion of invincibility just in case we need it for the heist get some employee costume uh don't know what this is for but sure some TNT uh well actually we always need a lot of TNT subscribe as much as we can one stock should do and the iron disguise all right that'll do for now now Heist plan what do I gotta do ruin the restaurant there's another one oh it's that oh we got a new craft hold up let me go ahead and make that so we're gonna destroy appliances with a wrench huh right click the sabotage so this is the restaurant I assume do I just walk in and sabotage hello oh wait they have a security guard oh and he hit me maintenance needed help appreciated uh this might be time we use one of these maybe the employee costume hold on let's put this on there we go looking like the man for the job and Mr security guard I'm good to go inside oh oh they let me in okay so do I just like you know wrench this real quick oh that's why I broke it oh it's on fire now don't worry guys I know what I'm doing okay let me just close that door right there and now we got the freezer let's break that real quick and I froze the freezer the air freezer okay and now the store is ruined I I I'm so sorry guys okay I'll see it's rough out here all right let me show my money again oh and we have so much money from these customers do I just buy the stuff there we go another sore part and oh my goodness it's about to get even bigger all right one more store upgrade let's upgrade oh and it's so much bigger we're in the cool store oh we're not going for that one okay real quick let's see how the store's doing 3 400. nice and we have a whole new entrance but that being said and now we're going to the cool area where clothes come back tomorrow oh wait we're having to sneak in then hold on I have TNT an iron block disguise an invisibility potion I'd low-key don't want to waste these but I think we should be good to just run in hey as long as they don't see me I should be fine oh no no no turn around buddy turn around you're playing we're going this way oh gosh okay he's looking away that guy's looking away too okay let's just go in oh we're going all right so how do I sabotage these guys in minecartes no oh looks like a lot of mobs though oh I guess we gotta get through this place okay come on guys come on I feel like the best way to ruin these mines though might be with the TNT let me check what's at the very end though wait what the heck is that thing cool monster huh okay okay that's gonna be a bit of a problem I have a solution though guys we can make one lever real quick and if I go inside we can do this all right let's go monster stay there oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh okay so I think it's a little bit dumb all good I'm gonna eat the spread go back around and explode him and then we'll explore the rest of this place okay this is the plan because I don't want to go that way oh wait there's a little area right here nice okay that works let me blow that up real quick then and now let me block that off just so we don't die oh my gosh oh he's dead yes now use TNT and blow up the mines oh perfect let me just get this ready here then we can make a bridge with the TNT and now with the TNT let's go ahead and blow up all this now all right we're gonna be selling Colbert soon in the store cause uh capitalism nice okay that should be good now let's get that ready here we go and so ruin buy from cheap well I guess that worked I assume these guys don't really work here anymore so I can just kind of walk out awkwardly all good don't mind me oh and now with the plot it says bankrupt 1 000 emeralds that's easy let's grab that and you already know what time it is we got the store upgrade and without further Ado expand okay this is massive and we keep getting new customers but it did say now ruin the iron store so business can wait we are gonna go commit some crimes oh iron security don't mind me guys I'm just gonna walk in how's it going guys okay never mind they don't like me this guy's required buy one from the store oh the store store I think we may have gotten it iron block disguise how does this work oh I literally just become iron all right now is iron can I enter the iron store again nice okay so what do we have going on here with the competition looks like a pretty normal place oh wait okay okay I'm just gonna grab that everyone ignore that I assume we need this for later oh in a locked door let's open that perfect okay so what do we have going on in here oh Sabotage still the perfect iron block okay let me just make sure to make the right parkour jumps all the way way we go a heavy block required oh me gravel oh wait an anvil hold on just gotta grab a little bit of this don't mind me there we go and now we can craft it into a nice Anvil okay let's go all the way down and this should be the heavy block so did I just do that oh work nice oh and what that is this is like a really weird iron block do I grab it oh the perfect arm Block store ruined wait that was it they got all their arm from this thing oh wow okay I'm gonna keep that and sell it myself now let's go back outside and they're bankrupt and selling for 1500 emeralds all right well now it's mine yet again one store upgrade and expand oh that's nice and now we're doing the gold all these stores are gonna be gone guys actually let's look how much money we made all right how much money have we made oh my we're so worse okay let's go back to normal and now let's do the heist on the gold thing wow this is a nice building and here Brian and X the story out huh oh we gotta take that back right block maybe I should not go inside I have a little bit of a plan potion of invisibility we got three minutes to do this let's drink that up real quick and now we can just go inside and no one can see us okay so how do I grab this Bedrock block oh it's locked find a special gold ingot is it around here I don't only have three minutes we gotta be quick oh gosh how's it going Golem uh maybe it's something up here oh wait there's a puzzle okay we gotta be quick oh gosh it looks like it's Mickey Golden Gate here oh wait I gotta Shuffle this oh we got it the Special Golden Eagle was a YouTube play button you know what I'm not even gonna question it let's go let's go let's go oh gosh I can't be holding anything all right well let's just act like we aren't here all good don't mind me let's go up to the Bedrock block put in that thing right there we're good okay let's just squeeze down and we should be good to go all the way down okay so what are we exactly doing down here oh wow that's a lot of gold down here oh Jazz too though anything in chess a minecart oh wait okay so I gotta like turn on the levers then we go through here oh sick Oh and it stopped it was an easy one we points out there grab this put it there turn that on grab on the minecart and we go oh gosh let's go oh and now it's a little parkour oh gosh they have a lot of real estate down here all the way we go to Golden trees is this what gets them destroy those trees do I have TNT no but I don't have a pickaxe so now watch this foreign oh that's one done all right let's do the rest and we're done nice and that's store ruined oh well they even have a lot of lube hold on let me just walk in and they have a giant Golden Apple I'm gonna eat this oh that's like normal all right let's go check out what happened oh and 2 500 emeralds first thing I'm gonna do is buy the store break this sign right there and now let's upgrade it by the way we got more security guards more employees and as always hundreds of customers all right don't mind me Mr store upgrade right here let's get that done and here we go again in three two one and it's extended sabotage time deal with powerful oh we gotta get a sabotage plan I'm gonna guess we're gonna do the diamond and nether white now then all right well let's get the sabotage plan oh sabotage plan right here all right well let's grab that I guess there we go oh and it says diamond store find a disguise oh and sabotagesaurus diamond sword and Netherland store so we'll start with the diamond store and before we go life last time let's just buy some random stuff that might help like a tiny potion which is a fishing rod I guess and what do we have up here maybe there's something useful up here another white blueprints which oh that might be useful let's grab that for later Diamond outfit yes I think that's actually something we definitely need I think we might be good with this well before we go let's real quick time to fire ourselves and with sabotage planes let's go actually wait let me see how much money I've made a lot nice okay so this is the diamond store looks like and there's cyberpunk diamond gold and again me and Herobrine oh good though cause uh I'm an employer yeah yeah we're gonna go with that oh and they're hiring Diamond employee that fits the thing perfectly how's it going oh they gave me a sabotage cleaner and a task list clean the toilets oh wow that's really what I'm doing right now okay where are the toilets I'm not really sure where that is but what we can do is real quick I'm gonna just as an employee walk back here I don't think they'll mind and let me steal their diamond storage because I think that's how I'm supposed to sabotage them and do I have anything to use against them I don't really unless the sabotage plan is to put each other's stuff in the other place so hold on if I break this real quick and then go over there real quick grab one to the right block and then Place Another right block right there we might be on to something guys we're framing them all right now let's act like this never happened but I sold out 9 blocks should be good how's it going guys and is this where the toilets are do I just go all the way up here all right let me finish my job at least so they don't get too suspicious now let's go everyone I'm here for uh cleaning I think okay this is the toilet let me fix the toilet I think or am I breaking this oh okay store flooded they think that's where I did it I think I interpreted that right nice all right don't mind me guys I'm gonna help with this water bucket but I need to go outside first our questionable business practices are working 360 off the building all the way down uh that's why I pushing me off by the way and now let's go over here oh wait they're upset yo okay so while they're distracted complaining it looks like they also have a cyberpunk store I'm real quick gonna take this tiny potion and now I should be easily sneaking in I only have one minute of tininess though maybe what I want is over here that looks blocked over there oh wait what's this blocked check upstairs okay let's go up then where oh right here oh our sides went back okay okay back to normal should be good let's just walk through nothing should happen as long as we can get whatever we need out of here I don't see anything oh wait key okay we might need this later I guess okay could it be up this way oh yeah okay okay does not help to have my diamond suit on right now they're looking away and we should be good let's grab the key another right Guardian huh oh okay we're doing this right now okay let's take this guy down I'm surprised the guards have not heard this really loud noise because it's really loud oh gosh let's not die let's not die let's not die and he's down okay let me close that door right there and let's go all the way down and see what they have hiding down here oh wait is this a maze oh gosh another maze okay I can figure this one out in record time watch this nope I've already messed up okay I think we're making solid progress here the red the Hologram is right there so this should be it and we're good that's right Herobrine security huh okay nope pretty sure this guy was banned from the store but they had him down here and it's just like their storage self-destruct oh I'm pressing the button okay Escape me up one minute all right we're gone we're gone oh gosh I know the way back I know the way back I think I think oh my goodness why it's such a long ladder this might cut it close open the right door all right you guys might want to evacuate okay we're making some good Corners here I don't think they don't all right time guys it's all figured out so I guess now we wait at a nice safe distance right here oh my gosh well that happened and now marketing time remote my store oh gosh guys I have destroyed all the competition let's go back to normal into the store we go and as usual guys business is booming before I pay for marketing let me real quick check out how much money we've made oh and I feel like that wasn't that much maybe because we're playing the employees pretty well anyways what we gotta get is advertisements now which I think is all the way up here so we can get a mascot costume why not we'll grab that a poster which uh I think we definitely need a blimp why not and a Salesman okay there might be multiple posters so I'm just gonna buy a lot all right we got 19 posters and it says I gotta Place five so I guess we can do that real quick let's play some post there we got two down yeah Place one there yep we gotta see it and we're gonna play some poster there and now we need a mascot maybe someone from the village actually hold on all the villagers are literally coming over here so you right here your basketball now yo look at he's doing anyways we have the blip let's place this guy down and uh does he just fly oh wow all right free advertisement this guy let's go and now the salesman Mr Beast what do you have for us he's not happy well what do you need film a video grab a camera and lights the heck do I have camera on lights no uh do you treat oh he trades for it oh okay let me convert my money into the emeralds again uh it's gonna take a little bit okay so now we should be able to buy fiddle camera and the lights nice all right so do I put the lights right here there we go and then the camera do I just recorded oh the cameraman's all the way over here all right you better have a zoo how do we do this do we start recording recording sorted oh oh um okay hello I'm here with Mr B say say something Mr Beast okay we couldn't afford his voice but it's all good please come to the store of access store store yes and don't go to the competitors they're not good okay they're kind of uh out of business anyways thank you that was an amazing video Mr Beast thank you so much for coming here now we're good do it do we just lie to you oh he's happy and now something is coming oh like more customers I'm always out for more customers oh wait what are these guys angry customer huh and your customer hey yo wait what are they doing hey yo chill hello guys we can talk about this oh that's not good customers angry escape to the end what do you mean escape to the end okay you know what I know what to buy then it was at the store store and oh my goodness I can't even get to the cash register okay you know what here's what we do guys we go to the very top here we go to the back of the store and we can buy Eyes of Ender Godly bow apparently let's grab that and a stock of arrows nice and now let's just get all the buyers vendor and get out of here why am I going to the end though I guess God bolism loses all right eyes offender ready they're all still out there oh gosh and we're getting out of here okay it's that way let's go let's go let's go let's go and now we're here all right let's real quick play season and I guess we're literally banished to the end oh a golden dragon apparently um is this just like a normal Dragon I mean we got the Ali bow oh that does good damage okay all right buddy Purge all the way down come on oh it's perching okay I can do it like here okay just a couple more hits one more and we got him oh that was quick tenant evicted now bite up cheap bankrupt 1000 emeralds and I get the entire end can we just buy it oh and now that's gonna be challenge complete so with that video guys just like this one bye guys [Music]
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 5,304,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, Minecraft but I Open a Store, minecraft store, minecraft but store, minecraft but i open a shop, minecraft shop, minecraft stores, minecraft mall, store, open
Id: FitKhQS4tGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 45sec (1485 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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