I Asked AI To Make Redstone For Me

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AI is getting super smart it can help kids cheat on their homework it can make Van Gogh create new paintings from his grave but I recently discovered something that it can't do it's not very good at Redstone but since then Chad GPT and Bing chat have gotten much smarter and also Google discord and Snapchat all made AI chat bots of their own everyone just has to have their own AI chatbot now that's the cool thing that the big corporations do and that gave my Redstone brain an idea why don't we pit these AI chat Bots against each other in an epic battle of redstone wits to see which one is the least worst first we're gonna try TNT cannons okay first it wants a three by six area of blocks then it wants me to put a block here and remove this one then it wants me to put a button where I just removed the block do the same over here but this time put a lever in the Gap two blocks in the back I have no idea what it means here fill the remaining space with one block how do I fill multiple spaces with one block when it's clearly four blocks then it wants me to put another block on top of these water source on top of there TNT here so I have to replace that block and now it says to light the TNT with a flint and steel and then flip the lever to launch it hmm wow where did that TNT go it must have flown away so fast that my eyes just couldn't keep up that was about as successful as the recent SpaceX launch okay now it's Bing chat's turn unfortunately Microsoft doesn't let you run this AI in Chrome Firefox or Opera so we're gonna have to use Microsoft Edge so it says to place a sticky piston and a dispenser but it doesn't say where so I'm just gonna put them like this then it wants two Redstone repeaters facing out of the dispenser but again it doesn't say which direction then it wants a solid block on the left side of the dispenser so I'm gonna have to move that repeater to here then it says add some slime blocks but it doesn't say how many so I'm just gonna use my imagination is this good enough for you Bing chat and for the final step it just says add some automation wow what a great tutorial I hope this automation meets with your standards Bing chat you're not really giving me much to go off here it doesn't tell me how to activate it and there's no actual mention of TNT anywhere in the instructions let's put a lever here and wow what a great TNT launcher and now it's Google's turn it wants me to play 16 blocks in a row but leave a one block Gap at the end maybe I should have made these plots a little bit bigger yeah it'll be fine then it wants me to run redstone dust from The Gap to the end of the blocks two foretic repeaters here water on the ground in front of the second repeater I placed and they're gone now five TNT blocks in the Gap where the Redstone Dust was and it wants me to imagine that the Redstone repeaters are still there and put levers next to them but it won't let me do that so I'm just gonna put the lever here instead and then it says to pull the lever to test the cannon I mean that actually somewhat launched the TNT although it did kind of destroy my set a little bit and now it's discord's turn hey there at purple is I'm afraid I can't make a TNT cannon for you I don't have the capability to actually play the game or complete tasks for you smiley face can you at least try I appreciate your enthusiasm but unfortunately I don't have the ability to play Minecraft or make a TNT cannon for you smiley face but I'm lazy can you search for me I'm sorry but I'm not able to search the internet try asking fellow Minecraft enthusiasts like a brick builder or At Redstone master smiley face uh those people aren't in this Discord server let's try finding them on YouTube hang on a second brick builder isn't a Minecraft channel oh I apologize for the confusion there are plenty of other people on This Server who are Minecraft experts including At Redstone Master uh which Redstone Master is it this one doesn't have any Minecraft videos this person does have Minecraft videos but none of them are Redstone and this one has Redstone videos but none of them show me how to make a TNT cannon I'm sorry Discord Clyde but you are disqualified you have to make original Redstone you're clearly cheating by trying to get me to use a YouTube tutorial okay it's Snapchat's turn now oh and it also doesn't want to make me anything but this time it's actually linked me to a video and it's a dead YouTube link Snapchat you are disqualified as well this round so for round two I want to see if these AIS can make a simple Minecart station like this one chat GPT wants me to place rails in a straight line so far so good and now it wants me to place powered rails every few blocks so this is actually starting to look pretty good put Redstone torches next to all the powered rails so yeah okay although now it says to connect the rails with redstone dust to allow the Torches to power them even though they're already doing that so let's just say it means like this and now it says add a lever or button it doesn't say where to place it it just says put it near your station so it could mean to place it here it really isn't being very specific and then it says to place Minecarts on the track and they should start moving automatically yeah they don't do that it got the first bit right but then it got everything else wrong now it's Bing chat's turn again it wants me to remove two blocks from the ground and then put powered rails in there place two blocks behind the stop location which are kind of already there it's in the floor it doesn't say to place them upwards then it wants a button here the redstone torch on the Block behind the button then a block on top of that a repeater on top of there another block on top of that repeater then another repeater then another block then a torch on the side facing away from this one but any direction will face away from that torch I'll just put it on the side facing towards these rails I guess then it wants another block on top of that torch and then another redstone torch on top of that and now it says to connect the track that it never told us to build to the powered rails so I'm just gonna give it the benefit of the doubt and do this I mean in all fairness this does work but um it did make us do a bunch of really redundant Redstone now it's Google Bar's turn and it won't me to make a foundation out of wood or stone although it doesn't say how big lay down two tracks of powered rails one for incoming trains and one for outgoing trains so it's taking me quite literally here and trying to make me build an actual train station oh yep and now it says to build a platform where the passengers could wait for the trains and then it says to add a ticket booth can be as simple as a chest or as elaborate as a small building I'm gonna make both we're gonna have a chest over here and an actual Booth where we can buy our tickets from I feel like we should give our Ticketmaster a name I'm gonna call you Nigel oh he doesn't sell any tickets God damn it Nigel add a sign with the name of the train station well I guess we'll just call it Bard station after the AI that made it and finally it says to decorate the station with trees flowers and other decorations well I have to admit it is the nicest looking station but it doesn't actually work because it never told us to do anything with the powered rail in fact it never once mentioned a minecart anywhere in the instructions now it's Discord Clyde's turn again and once again it's saying that it can't do anything that sounds like a skill issue to me but at least this time it was honest it didn't try to cheat let's see if Snapchat AI can redeem itself no it can't you know I'm starting to see a pattern emerging here now I'm gonna get them to make something that Chad gbt got really wrong last time the humble 2x2 door charging PT says to make a 2x3 frame with sticky pistons facing inwards in the middle of the two longer sides and then two more on top in the same way then it wants a block on top of those Pistons which is already there then it wants levers here then two more blocks on top redstone dust on there two more blocks on top of that and then two more sticky pistons again facing inwards and two more blocks this step just doesn't make sense at all it wants me to put the Torches here which does that and then it wants either either two redstone blocks on the top or two Redstone repeaters and as you'd expect it doesn't really work let's see what Bing chat comes up with it wants two blocks next to each other two sticky pistons facing towards each other on top then two more blocks two more Pistons two more blocks again two Redstone torches on the sides of the bottom blocks and then pressure plates in front ah you just can't win sometimes can you let's see what Google bard has then it wants a two by two hole that's three blocks deep redstone torch on the back wall sticky piston on the ground facing the back wall then for step 5 it says repeat steps four and five so I'll do step four again and then step five is to repeat step four so I'll repeat step four and then I have to repeat step five which is to repeat step four so I'm gonna be placing this sticky piston over and over for the rest of time then once the universe has ended it once Redstone Dust on the ground in front of each sticky piston repeat as under here so that's a two text and then pressure plates on the ground in front of each repeater place blocks of your choice in the doorway filling in the space between the sticky pistons there is no space between the sticky pistons and there is no doorway unless you count this as the doorway then it's a trap door and of course it does absolutely nothing when we stand on the pressure plate this is by far the worst build of all of them even worse than that thing but don't worry it gave me a diagram to help out yeah this is what it looks like in game I had to use world edit to get the floating repeater but I couldn't get the floating redstone dust that it wanted I have no face left Discord and Snapchat haven't given me anything these past two rounds and they're the only ones left that can redeem the 2x2 door please Discord Clyde give me something I'm sorry but as an AI I don't have the ability to create 2x2 piston doors or any other Minecraft Builds well I guess I spoke too soon however if you'd like some tips on how to create a 2x2 door I can certainly help with that to create a 2x2 piston door you'll need to place four sticky pistons facing each other with two on each side of the doorway wait a second is it doing what I think it's doing then you'll place blocks between the Pistons creating a two by two square oh my god when you activate the Pistons with a redstone signal the blocks will retract and the door will open it's doing it it's doing it it actually described a 2x2 piston door I honestly don't know who's the overall winner here Discord absolutely dominated the final round it built a Perfect Two by Two Door just like a redstone a wood but completely through the first two rounds and of course Snapchat gave me a link to a YouTube video that doesn't exist so I'm gonna leave it up to you guys who do you think won
Channel: Purplers
Views: 1,923,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, redstone, door, piston, sticky, block, cube, voxel, tutorial, how, to, build, this, is, illegal, here's, why, ban, banned, weapon, dimension, end trap, update, fake, cheating, cheater, scicraft, ilmango, phoenixSC, grian, rekrap, hermitcraft, mumbo jumbo, mumbo, tour, smp, lifesteal, who, the best, redstoner, at redstone, mysticat, clownpierce, sipover, civilization, civilisation, sculk, sensor, 1.20, camel, sniffer, archeology, calibrated, calibration, april, fools, day, fool's, midjourney, dall e2, stable, diffusion, AI, generated, art
Id: Sx5CQL3FF0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2023
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