This Minecraft Three Player Prison is IMPOSSIBLE...

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my French trapped me in a Bedrock prison and challenged me to break out of it but it seemed impossible the prison was called the Piston prison on the outside it might look easy to escape but on the inside all the rooms were made of complete Bedrock making them impossible to mine out of am I gonna be good enough you trying to give me a kiss that's right guys this is a two-player prison me and my friend grocks are gonna try to escape the prison wall uh uh where am I that's right guys this is another three-player prison you guys like the last one but we're mad we didn't all Escape so this time I have one goal escape with everybody but our Ted Crocs myself gonna be good enough to get out I don't know but the Escape starts now right off the bat in our cell there was an oak plank in an item frame there was also this guy in the corner who I knew was gonna get in my way through a hole in the wall I could see a crafting table but all I could make right now was an oak button and that didn't seem too useful on the other side of the cell garage saw a long lava filled hallway with some land at the back which is probably where we had to go mingrock started clicking the lava to see if there was any hidden chests or furnaces with items but there was nothing so for now it seemed like we were stuck in this Bedrock box meanwhile Teddy was floating in the sky above us on a Bedrock platform he was so high up that if he fell off he would definitely die of fall damage Teddy started looking around to figure out how to get down safely when he found these items above him on the Bedrock he started collecting the items carefully to make sure they didn't fall off into the lava when he was done he had four Oak planks and a spyglass now the first idea Teddy came up with to get down was to try to block clutch on this wall and build his way down the problem though is that was very risky because if he missed the jump he would fall on the Llama so before we did that we tried to find a better solution while Teddy was looking around the room he told us something very important the corners of the Box we were in were Hollow now I knew exactly what we had to craft we had to make a boat but we only had one Oak plank luckily Teddy had the other four Oak planks we needed in his inventory there was only one problem how was Teddy supposed to pass the four Oak planks to us through a layer of Bedrock well it turns out the answer was easy all Teddy had to do was throw the oak Planks on the roof above us now you might be thinking wait what aren't those gonna despawn in five minutes and you and Grox have no way to access them well that's not entirely true in Minecraft items of the same type form groups whenever they're near each other on the ground so by throwing our Oak plank just close enough to the items on the roof they all got snapped down into the cell and we now had everything we needed to craft a bow so I went over the crafting table and used our five Oak planks to make a boat now all I had to do to escape was place down the boat and drive it into the corner when I got out I would glitch through the other side because the corners were empty I had now escaped the Bedrock box sadly though grocks had to stay inside because if he did it too the boat would be trapped inside the cell and we wouldn't be able to get back to it I started exploring around the outside clicking into the lava to see if there was any items I could reach now that I was out here but there was nothing but when I got to the crafting table I had an idea I went back to Grox and had him throw me the boat carefully against the Bedrock so it didn't fall in the lava then I parked back around to the crafting table and by jumping up and down and shift clicking after a while I was able to place the boat on top of the crafting table I got inside the boat and then I destroyed it careful not to let it fall in the lava after I did that I saw an item frame with a potion inside of it the potion was named used to get all three across and it was a fire resistance potion but while I was up here I had an idea I put the boat back down and told Grox to get in but it was a little bit too far out of his reach so I got in and nudged it just to the edge of the block and now he could access it mean Brock said both successfully escaped the Bedrock box Grox hopped onto the roof and I collected the boat and followed him now we only had one final no problem we had to get Teddy down here to us but the solution to that was pretty simple but Teddy was gonna have to be a bit of a god gamer I put the boat in a good spot and let Teddy go for it and he hit the clutch easy teddy does not miss those we finally had all three of the boys together but now we had to start thinking about what to do next somehow with just a boat and a fire resistance potion we had to get to the other side of this long lava filled hallway but I actually had a pretty good idea of how we could get across it was really dangerous though so before we did it I decided one of us should drink the potion and check the other side to see if there was anything we could use to get across easier I threw the potion to Teddy and told him scammer gets scammed somehow the potion accidentally went into grox's inventory and he refused to give it back so he's the one we're sending across once Crocs drinks this potion we have three minutes to get all three of us to the other side or else we're gonna be stuck in this prison forever we gave him a boost so that he didn't waste any seconds and he started swimming to the other side of this hallway after about 40 seconds he got to the other side he started looking around there was a staircase that was too far away for him to jump to that was blocked off by a massive fall so he had nowhere to go he didn't see any items anywhere and so not to waste any more time he started heading back immediately so we could go with our initial plan some of you guys might remember another prison I escaped by boating on top of a strider's head across lava we didn't have a Strider in this prison though what we did have was a groxmc me and Teddy both got in the boat and when Grouch was close enough we drove onto his head in Minecraft boats can't fall through entities so Grox is basically able to carry me and Teddy above the lava on his head the only problem was it was very tricky if mean Grox got out of sync for even a second the boat would fall off grox's head and Destroy instantly leaving me and Teddy to burn to death in the lava so we came up with a plan migrox headed for this wall once we got to the wall we hugged it and then all we had to do was tap W this strategy worked really well because it made it really hard for us to possibly get out of sync the only problem was we weren't really moving that fast it wasn't until right about here that we realized we were going to be cutting it extremely close no Crux I think we gotta speed up all right screw it I'm just gonna hold w all right foreign we made it to the other side with literally seconds to spare if we had been any slower Crocs would have burned to death in the lava dropping me and Teddy in as well but now we were here all three of us got across and we could take some time to really explore this area now that we weren't in a rush so once Grox was done being on fire we started looking around we went back to over here but basically everything Crocs had seen was all there was to see a giant hole that separated us from making it to the staircase now you might be thinking maybe I could jump and place the boat and get in it but the staircase isn't wide enough it would have to be at least too wide for me to boat clutch on so that wasn't an option we went back and we checked the lava to see if there was any hidden items you always got to take a look but there was nothing so we were all a bit stumped we couldn't go back from where we came from and there would be no point to do that and we also had no way to get across this giant Gap because all we had left was a boat and it'd be impossible to cross this giant Gap with just a boat right well what if I told you that wasn't true there actually was a way to get across this giant Gap with just a boat the only problem is one of us would have to stay behind and that's when Teddy volunteered to stay back he gave grox's Spyglass and got ready to do one of the most broken Minecraft glitches to ever exist this glitch would let you fly while in survival mode but in order to do it Teddy was gonna have to change a few things see you couldn't do the glitch in full screen mode you have to switch to windowed and you might be thinking that's a really weird condition why does that matter because you have to have access to this white bar at the top of your screen by right-clicking it you make it so that the server can no longer send or receive your packets basically freezing you in midair so Teddy ran off and jumped and he froze himself this is what it looked like from my perspective once Teddy was frozen all we had to do was place the boat and use the same trick we just used to get over here I drove onto Teddy's head stopping myself before I fell off then I got out of the boat and used it as a platform crox was able to jump across just like it was a block and get to the side with me the only downside is now Teddy was stuck if he on did the glitch he would fall rate down at Max Speed and die of fall damage so for now even though he was sad we were gonna have to leave him behind all right I'm gonna go make some food mean grocks continue deeper into the prison but now without Teddy this next room was strange it had two different ways to go with different drops one had nothing and one had powder snow to stop you from taking damage so I told Grox to take a look at this one where you would take damage and then I punched him in because I didn't want to go in that one I dropped into the powdered snow one and immediately started looking around there was a screaming goat and a piece of cobblestone on the wall the goat came closer and that's when I saw he was suspiciously named the only other thing on my side though was this villager who would trade one goat horn for a bucket other than that my room seemed empty meanwhile after I knocked groxin he started looking around his room right off the bat he also could see a villager and hit so he went to go explore and see what else there was no I'm blind for 15 weeks Crocs was not blind for 15 weeks it was more like 10 days but that's still way too long for us to wait for it to go away so he had to try to make do he started looking around and he found this pit that was so deep he couldn't see the bottom along with the jump that he could normally make but when you're blind you can't Sprint so he couldn't make it he went back and picked up the tripwire and tripwire hooks that set off the trap on him and he looked at this villager in the corner he offered two trades a glass bottle for a furnace and two string and two tripwire hooks for a blaze rod but Grox didn't know why he'd do these yet so he waited back on my side I was trying to figure out what I even had to do in this room but then I got a clue I Stood Still long enough where the goat tackled me that's because he's a screaming goat and about every 20 seconds they'll look for something to tackle that's when I remembered how you get goat horns all you have to do is Dodge their tackle right before it hits you and let them hit their head into the wall but I did it and nothing dropped it didn't work that's what I did a little digging found out it only works with four blocks oars ice logs and stone and I didn't have any of those I did however have Cobblestone that could be smelted into stone and I think you can see where this is going Grox went ahead and did his trades because somehow he was gonna have to smelt my Cobblestone for me after doing his trades now he had a furnace and a blaze rod and the first thing he thought to do was to use the furnace that he could make this jump that he couldn't make before so by placing the block just in the middle he was able to jump on the furnace and then on the Block then he came to another two wide jump but he could make this without Sprint so he did it but now he got to another jump that he wasn't going to be able to make without sprinting and again when you're blind you can't Sprint so he had to turn around and go back but now we were just stuck again somehow Grox had to get my Cobblestone from me but we had no way to get it to him that's until he went to go beat the Villager and noticed something he hadn't seen before a boat with the chest crammed into the wall he was able to right click and access it and he told me to check my corner to see if I had one too that way we could pass the items back and forth but when I went to go check the corner he told me the boat chest was in I had nothing so we were just stuck again that's until I had a really good idea I used F3 and B this enabled hitboxes and now I could see something I had not been able to see before even though I couldn't visually see the chess boat the hitbox was clipping through the corner allowing me to access it if I click just the right place now me and groxs had a way to pass items back and forth I gave him my Cobblestone and he went ahead and used the furnace and the Blaze Rod to smelt it into stone then he took the stone and put it back in the chest and gave it to me now that I had the stone I'd be able to get the goat horn I had to wait for him to try to tackle me and jump up and place the block down the goat hit his head into the stone knocking off his horn then I had to hit him a few times to pay him back for all the times he tackled me but now I had everything I needed to do the trade so I did one gold horn for a bucket and now I could grab this powdered snow I dropped him before but then something dawned on me I had no idea what I was supposed to do with the bucket like I couldn't get out of here without leather boots this whole time I was focused on getting the bucket but I didn't know why that's when I started thinking what else could I do with the bucket and that's when I got a sign foreign yeah the answer was the goat there was actually something else in this room I could use the bucket on other than the powdered snow and it was the goat I could use him to get a bucket of milk and this item is usually not that useful but if your friend is blind for 10 days it just happens to have the ability to clear all potion effects from someone who drinks it so all grocks had to do was drink the bucket nah I'm not drinking that after a little convincing Grog strength to milk and when he did it removed his blindness and he could see a villager at the end of these jumps that he couldn't before the jumps were way easier because Grox had the ability to Sprint again so he started making his way to the end hey man do you like my new leather shoe foreign had to kill the Villager in order to get the leather boots he was wearing the only other thing on this side was a sign that said use boat here but we didn't have a boat but you know who did Teddy on top of his head where he was still frozen in the air from earlier in the prison and we had everything we needed to now rescue Teddy Grox put all his items in the chest for me and I went and go pick them up now with the leather boots in the bucket I'd be able to use the powdered snow to get out of my room but before I left I had to get a bucket of milk for the road I went over and picked up the powdered snow and started using it against the wall to build my way up now I was out right back where we left Teddy now all I had to do was get inside the boat and drive down to the bottom of this hole so I wouldn't take fall damage see the server still thinks Teddy's floating up there in the air so he hasn't taken any damage yet this means all I had to do was line up the powdered snow with where I thought Teddy was gonna land and if I got it right he would land in the powdered snow and have all his fall damage canceled so I was careful to make sure I had it right and then I just told Teddy to go for it all right here we go let's go I'm alive oh me and Teddy weren't out of the thick of it just yet though because now we are at the bottom of this hole and the way out was obvious we had to use the powdered snow and the boots to build up the only problem is it was really tall so if at any point we screw up and fell to the bottom we could still die trying to get out of this hole but luckily using powdered snow and leather boots to climb walls is pretty easy it just comes down to getting it in a pattern where you jump right click right click I'd say honestly the most important part of it is just where you put your Crosshair if you set it up right it's really easy I managed to get to the top and then I just turned around and threw down the powdered snow in the leather boots to Teddy it was now his turn but you already know Teddy's that God gamer so he made his way up also on his first try without falling so now all we had to do was bring the boat to Grox and use it where the sign told us so we started heading there Teddy hit an absolutely insane MLG to prevent us from taking fall damage and I followed him we started heading towards the parkour and for those who don't know I'm actually pretty awful at Parkour in Minecraft I don't know I've just never been good at it but these jumps were simple enough so I made it to the other side and Teddy was right behind me and all three of the boys were finally back together again now at this point all we did was collect the sign on the wall and put the boat where it told us to put it obviously it was gonna be another boat glitch through the corner when I got out there was a stone pressure plate and another right door prevented me from going further this room had a really tall roof made out of dirt with nothing else to do I just went ahead and stepped on the pressure plate the door opened but before I could get through it it shut again meaning one of us was gonna have to hold it open while the other two that's when TNT exploded on the roof revealing lava behind the dirt we were now in a timer we had to get out of this room but when I stepped on the pressure plate I couldn't make it to the door I stepped again but then I got off because Teddy and Grumps were going to try to Lead Me In Here none of us wanted to be the one to stand on the pressure plate while the other two kept going we were arguing back and forth trying to figure out who would stay behind when me and Teddy eventually came up with a really good plan we told rocks to get on the pressure plate and we would jam the door I put one sign on this piston and Teddy put his powdered snow bucket on the bottom these items would stop the door from shutting and making it so grocks to get off and all three of us could move through now we continue down the hallway and that's when I saw it what appeared to be the sky I ran to the end of the tunnel and we were out we had escaped the Piston prison I could see the outside world weirdly though there was one villager out here waiting for us so I went over to see what his deal was did you see my brother's cook no no foreign
Channel: SeaWattgaming
Views: 4,260,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Seawattgaming, Can you ESCAPE this Minecraft PRISON?, Seawattgaming tiktok, Seawatt minecraft prison, Minecraft Prison, Minecraft's Most Annoying Escape room, Minecraft Escape Room, Escaping Minecraft's Hardest Prison With My Best Friends, Trapped in Minecraft's Hardest Prison With My Best Friends, Minecraft three player prison, Escaping Prison with Groxmc, Escaping Minecraft Piston Prison, This Three Player Minecraft Prison Is IMPOSSIBLE
Id: UbMhAx4_DGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2023
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