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my friends built me another prison and challenged me to break out of it but this one seemed impossible in the past i beat this ender dragon prison and i said the ender dragon was the strongest mob in the game you guys let me know that wasn't right so i'd like to introduce you to the wither prison the withered prison looks scary on the outside but on the inside it's even worse every single room is sealed with bedrock meaning i can't break out of it by hand i have to find my way to the exit and escape the prison but am i going to be good enough to do that i don't know but we're going to find out because the escape starts now right off the bat i started looking around i was standing on a crafting table in some sort of bedrock tower to my right was a hallway that i couldn't reach below me was nothing but a really big fall after looking around for a little bit i quickly found a piece of iron in an item frame on the side of the crafting table that didn't really change much though so i kept looking around and after a few more seconds i found another piece of iron in another item frame after a bit more looking around it seemed like this was all i was gonna get so i went to see what i could craft i could make a weighted pressure plate iron nuggets or shears i couldn't see how any of those would help me get into that room though so i decided i must still be missing something and i kept looking around for any other clues after a while staring at bedrock though i gave up all i was going to get was these two iron i decided to make nuggets because if i needed to i could reverse it and when i did this the chain recipe appeared i actually didn't even know you could craft chains like this but they did fix our problem i just had to place the chain somewhere that i could jump on top of the chain and then use the chain to gain access to the room and that's exactly what i did so using the chain i was able to gain access to the next area right off the bat in the next area the first thing i noticed was a furnace that had five iron inside of it other than that though it was just a bedrock box with a big hole in the middle i looked down in the middle to see what was down there i could see the doorway to some sort of other area at the bottom but other than that i didn't see much but a big fall i continued to look around the room and i realized i missed something earlier there was a rail hidden on top of the furnace i hadn't noticed it because it was so thin i picked up the rail and now i had a pretty good idea what to do with my five iron i could get to the bottom of this hole without dying but i had to go to the crafting table i couldn't reach the crafting table from the ledge so i was gonna have to jump on top of the chain luckily though i landed the jump i went into the crafting table and crafted a minecart now i had everything i needed to survive the fall first though instead of making the jump again i used the minecart and the rail just to teleport into the next room so i didn't slip and fall i picked up the minecart and the rail now a lot of you might be trying to guess how i'm going to use the minecart to cancel fall damage and some of you might be thinking i'm just going to ride it down kind of like a boat but actually in minecraft that's not how my cars work see if you ride off of a really tall height in a minecart you'll actually take all the fall damage when you hit the ground and die so that's not how i'm gonna do it but there is a way you can use them to cancel fall damage i pushed the my car down the hole on its own first then i picked up the rail and then i wanted to check one more time in this room and the room behind me to make sure i wasn't missing anything that i had to bring with me to the next area once i knew i was good i was ready i walked into the hole and canceled the fall damage by getting in the minecart at the last second kind of like a boat emoji i destroyed the minecart and looked above me to see if there was anything new i couldn't see before but it was just bedrock so i continued down the hallway i was being careful to make sure i didn't miss anything the first thing that caught my eye though was a piece of sand at the end of the hallway i picked up the piece of sand and kept moving i went up a flight of stairs and that's when i saw the real problem there was a pit with lava at the bottom the pit was so long that i couldn't jump over it i tried to right click to see if there was any chest hint in the lava but i couldn't find anything i also thought maybe i could place the rail in minecart across but it was too far away for me to place the rail so i was really confused i did a little backtracking to see if i missed anything important behind me but after a short search i realized that there was nothing but bedrock so i went back to the lava and had to try to figure out how i was gonna get across i quickly realized there was a way to get across it was just something i didn't know how to do i'd seen people online parkour with sam before where if you time it just right while you're mid-air you can place the sand and jump off of it before it starts falling it's just not something i knew how to do but i decided to change that i recreated the jump in my own creative world this allowed me to practice it as much as i wanted at first i was horrible i could not land it to save my life i kept missing and falling in the lava but after a while i was pretty consistent in creative mode i would say i was landing in about half the time and then i kept training for another 10 minutes and i even took the training wheels off going into survival mode but this didn't stop me i kept landing the jump i was getting pretty good honestly so i felt like i was ready to try my luck at the real thing i got ready and lined it up just like i did a hundred times before and went for the jump and luckily i landed it i now had access to the next area the first thing i saw in the new area really confused me it was a pit of turtles all named subscribe and what was really confusing is that 87 of you aren't subscribed to the channel and i want to hit a million this year so please do me a favor and subscribe i also noticed they were getting rained on meaning there was a hole at the top of this tower i wasn't sure what to do with that information yet but i was sure it was important the next thing i noticed was a bunch of hoppers underneath these turtles and eventually i opened one that had three copper ingots and a blaze powder inside of it other than that though the rest of the hoppers were all empty i wasn't sure what to do with this turtle area yet so i decided to keep looking on the room and come back to it the next thing i noticed in the room was a crafting table lodged in the wall a sign that said power here pointed to an open block and a hallway filled with lava that led to a room on the other side there was also a furnace in the room and inside the furnace was two gold ore i also noticed while i was opening the furnace there was an item frame below it when i punched the item frame i got the weirdest item i could think of in oak sapling so now i really wasn't sure what to do i had to try to think i figured my goal to create the power for that power source would probably be to make a gold pressure plate with those two gold ingots but i had no way to smelt them or at least that's what i thought at first see i did have the sapling and that was 0.5 fuel i could use that i also realized that i could break the sign that said power here and use that and that was one fuel meaning i now had 1.5 total fuel but to smelt both those ingots i was gonna need two fuel so i had to find another 0.5 somewhere in this room and that's where the real challenge of this room lied i had to find a way with this inventory to get another thing i could smell and i was really confused i got my first hit when i went to the crafting table i saw the only thing i could craft was a lightning rod i heard it thunder earlier in the prison so i knew i could summon lightning only where it was raining though i didn't really understand how this was gonna help me that's until i went to the minecraft turtle wiki and read the drops they have the chance to drop three things but the third's the most important they drop a bowl if killed by lightning so i crafted myself the lightning rod i placed the lightning rod in the pit and then i got ready for the turtles to make their ultimate sacrifice but i'm sure they wouldn't mind because they're doing it for the channel thanks boys i said my final goodbyes to the subscribed turtles and then eventually they got struck by lightning after they died i started going through the hoppers one by one the first one was empty and the second one had seagrass but the fourth one had the bowl we needed so now we had everything we went back and collected the sign and went to the furnace we started off by using the sinus fuel and then we added the bowl and finally we used the sapling after all this we were able to take the two gold ore and make gold ingots now we had everything we needed for the pressure plate so we put it down and activated it this activated a massive piston bridge that got rid of all the lava giving us access to the room on the other side also yes i did destroy every single one of the hoppers i just didn't show it because it took forever after that i went across the bridge to the room to see what there was i was being careful because you could actually fall through the gap between pistons and i could have fallen down and died when i got to the other side i found a room with two ender pearls and a purple stair and i knew what to do basically right away at this point i think i know every way you can face through bedrock with ender pearls one of the remaining ways i haven't shown on this channel yet is you can actually use stairs basically what you have to do is place down the stair and then ender pearl to the upper portion of it this will make you stand on top of the stairs placing your body in the bedrock but i was not ready for what i was about to see after i glitched through the ceiling i was in a new room this room had a bunch of bread and gear all over the walls but it also had an end portal frame missing only one eye and i had everything i needed to craft the final eye i went around and collected the gear and food i turned off the effect that usually keeps my hunger full during these puzzles and made it so that i'd have to eat the bread to stay at full health i got ready and geared up and put the final eye in the portal and jumped in i started off underground but luckily they left a pickaxe on the wall that i could use to dig myself out i started digging myself out from underground and getting ready to fight the dragon my friends might have found the one way to actually stop me from beating these puzzles they know that i'm actually not that good at minecraft but i got to work i started shooting down end crystals i actually used to think you couldn't shoot these ones in the cages but i saw in a video recently someone doing it and i was able to replicate it after that i just started lasering this dragon i mean this man must have thought i had aimbot he was getting absolutely pinned down i wasn't missing and after a long-fought battle where i ended up on three and a half hearts and completely out of bread i landed the final blow on the dragon i hope you guys liked this video subscribe if you did and i'll see you in the next one goodbye
Channel: SeaWattgaming
Views: 2,121,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Seawattgaming, Seawatt, Seawatt gaming, Can you ESCAPE this Minecraft PRISON?, Seawattgaming tiktok, Seawat tiktok, Seawattgaming Minecraft, Wither Prison
Id: O36nQfCnnCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 06 2022
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