35 Ways To Protect Your House In Minecraft

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explosive landmines to a defense so good even try hards will fall for it here are 35 ways you can protect your house in Minecraft everyone loves a good explosion so here's a way to make a totally invisible and instant landmine just place a bunch of TNT Minecarts on some powered rails like this and took them up to a skunk sensor right next to them sneak away and you've got the best hidden way to protect your house isn't it so crazy my house but if you want a slightly less destructive method of protection it's time to hire some soldiers bees will actually stay aggravated permanently meaning if you trap a bunch below the floor in your base and rig them up to release when any Intruders enter they'll swarm them instantly and even chase them down for Miles let's be honest though you don't want anyone in your base at all so it's time to up the security it was just a couple chains and walls you can create a cool looking fence let's add some magma blocks covered in Moss below and it will actually turn into an electrified laser fence it works too if you're standing on the magma you can't actually break the chain before you die and if you're super ready try building this design with iron bars cobwebs and magic potion dispensers below the ground if you rig this trip wire up to shoot damage potions it'll really send a message to robbers and it's a cool piece of decoration too a great way to protect your base from both mobs and players is to hide puffer fish underground around your base most carpets are a super easy way to sneak them into your decoration and water logging even allows you to hide them in bushes and trees oh oh God I'm getting flashbacks you're feeling really mean though the best way to deal with thieves isn't to kill them but trap them permanently using a simple piston trap you can force a player into a bubble elevator like this surrounded in obsidian due to the bubbles pushing them around it'll be almost impossible to mine it even with a pickaxe so let's be honest though one of the best ways to protect your base is to just hide it really well so next time you're feeling too lazy to set up tons of traps on your turfs right heading to a snowy biome and hiding it like this pick a random slow covered block and place a few scaffolding below it then dig two holes either side add a bubble elevator in one and now you have an invisible base that you can even cross to round in to hide your name tag that's if you can remember where you put it which let's be honest mobs have got way better with pathfinding compared to how they used to be but let's love some issues for some reason they still don't see carpets as blocks so if you fill a pit like this with them you're totally protected from mobs suits or flowers like sunflowers and Roses work for this too if you're like me and can never remember where you put your secret entrances try this out shulker boxes are a great way to sort your items third if I jump on top of this one and open it suddenly I'm in my second secret base for some reason you can fall through shocker boxes if there's a block above your head allowing for a perfect entrance that you can even color code and use a storage everyone knows zombies love turtlenecks or hate them I guess but you can actually use this to protect your base with just a single turtle egg and a trap door you can create this super simple zombie trap that will kill every zombie live by for you almost no cost unfortunately snowmen don't do damage to mobs of their attacks but they will push them back and get their attention if you spread a bunch of the mountain tall towers around your base you'll totally stop any mobs from attacking you and keep you safe and if it's players you're worried about try swapping a snowman out for a skeleton adding fire around it to create a truly spicy surprise for any Intruders I think the most underrated item in 1.20 is the calibrated skog Center when you place an amethyst block next to it it'll relay any signal it gets to any other nearby census using this you can create essentially infinite Wireless Redstone that's only activated by certain noises in certain places so if I eat this piece of food here sensors or relay the signal along and teleport me using this ender pearl stasis machine this will make your base literally impossible to find you should know that if you're playing on hard mode a dog probably isn't enough to keep you safe from zombies so instead try placing two end rods like this as a door instead you can slide through perfectly but mobs have a really hard time and if N Rods aren't your style this works with bamboo different kinds of fences and even lightning rods but I'll be careful using these in bad weather these do have a slight drawback though is if you manage to anger enough mobs it can push each other through so for an entrance that's almost foolproof at a line of cobblestone walls or some Carpets on time not even spiders can get past now think about it if you can remove all the mobs in your world there's no need to protect your base but how on Earth do you do that well as usual the mango has a solution if you create this super simple Warden Farm you can use note blocks to lure dozens of wardens into this prism with a Vine inside eventually so many wardens will spawn that it prevents any mob from spawning anywhere in the entire world however this is terrifying and there's a much easier way to get basically the same effect simply grab a boat and spend some time looking for a mushroom Island other than the deep dark which has other problems this is the only place mobs won't spawn naturally and it's a perfect backdrop to build an awesome fantasy bank so it can be quite hard to find but you can always use a seed map if you're feeling devious decoys are the number one best way to help hide your base and you can even cover them with traps try building this water drop shoot somewhere obvious let's add a tripwire halfway down as soon as it triggers this piston pushes a block over leaving the thief in a ferry and 4 situation another way to create a great decoy is with paintings if you cover a war with all sorts of paintings an intruder is always going to try and just walk on through however if you build this setup you can totally trick them that's a real entrance requires throwing an item in here and being squished through this trap door it's quite sophisticated just like my art collection all these methods are quite expensive though if you want the cheapest possible way to protect your base by literally just placing boats all the way around it when it turns nighttime any mobs that try to attack or get stuck in them and serve as a defense against players another super cheap method of defense is to just wire up a super annoying noise to start playing as soon as someone enters when this door is open then Observer gets pushed over here and triggers all these blocks over and over creating a circuit that will drive a thief crazy and even work as a perfect alarm system but sometimes players aren't just trying to steal your loot they're out for blood so an alarm system just won't cut it to truly fortify your base try building your base using stairs plays like this if you fill them with water it won't spill everywhere and it makes your entire base completely resistant to TNT stopping Raiders and creepers in their trash and if you want to take this to the next level try placing a line of observers below the outside blocks hooked up to TNT these will trigger as soon as the stairs are broken lowering the Raiders up instantly while your base sits there totally in harm remember back in the old days of the game when the best traps just involved placing gravel above signs while these go 1000 times better with scaffolding now instead of spending ages placing signs perfectly you can just place a layer of scaffolding hooked up to a piston stick some carpets above it and as soon as it's triggered it'll plunge any players and they're loot directly into this pit of lava the most difficult part of creating a secret base is trying to hide the entrance to try this idea out build a regular wheat or potato farm above wherever you want your base to be then break a block behind the crop like this and hide a button in there not only is this almost impossible to see but nobody will ever suspect this lovely little farm being the place you hide all your valuable gear if you want something even less suspicious try breaking a hole beneath a lava pole and placing some water like this and building your base down here lava pools are totally natural and nobody ever touches them on a server making them the perfect place to slip into even if it is any other place on the entire game that mobs can't spawn is actually an ocean Temple it's true the game is coded so that only Guardians can spawn in them meaning that if you remove all the water absolutely no mobs will spawn nearby you're gonna need a lot of sponges or a massive machine but at the end you're left with a pre-built mob free Paradise but if you'd rather not do all that work there are ways to completely mob proof your base easily not only do slabs basically double the amount of blocks you have for floors and roofs but mobs can't spawn on bottom slabs meaning even if your house is Pitch Black nothing will be able to spawn inside you could even add Soul Sam below and use Soul speed to run around your house super quickly Minecart rails also have the same effect and you can make cool patterns out of them but they have a second effect I think is even more interesting for some reason mobsy rails was completely impossible objects and won't ever walk over them so if you surround your base with a railway it'll be completely safe from the horrors of the outside world and you get a fun little roller coaster too even though zombies can knock down doors of these for some reason they're completely stubs by trapdos and given we can easily hop on all fours and crawl beneath this simple set that works perfectly as a door that zombies have absolutely no hope of breaking down eating a chorus fruit will teleport you to a random nearby block even if that block is maybe on the other side of a wall so if you head underground and build a tunnel like this making sure to place Carpets on the ground you can build a base on the other side of the wall that can be instantly entered by simply eating a chorus fruit however I think the best possible secret entrance is one that I've never seen anybody use simply dying can teleport you tens of thousands of blocks away depending on where you set your spawn so you can make an underground obsidian bunker far away from anything else store your items and an ender chest and instantly teleport there then you can build a machine like this to obstruct your spawn point for 60 seconds and instantly respawn at zero zero again but the most powerful defense method of all that allows you to be completely and utterly safe from all mobs in the game is it just simply but it's a peaceful mode absolutely nothing could huh what's that oh no it can't be oh God subscribe
Channel: Mallow
Views: 184,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dSog9FBYuKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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