This Prison Took 20 Hours to Escape…

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my friends built me a minecraft prison and challenged me to break out of it so i only have one goal try to escape the prison is called the cactus prison and you're gonna see why that name makes a lot of sense later all the walls on the inside are fully bedrock so i can't mine through them am i gonna be good enough to escape or am i gonna end up stuck in this prison forever we're about to find out because the escape starts now i started off by looking around the room i was in there was three giant drip leaves coming from a pool of lava below me there was also a chest in one of the walls and the other wall had a little cubby i could get in there was nothing on the roof above me i also checked all the walls below me but didn't see anything there was nothing behind me i even used f5 to see if there was anything on the block i was standing on underneath but there wasn't so it looks like i was gonna have to do some drip leaf parkour but before i did that i wanted to really make sure i looked at everything i also realized i had night vision and saturation permanently this would come in handy later in the prison so i got ready to jump on the drip leaf but they will only hold you for about a second so i had to be quick i decided i was going to go to the cubby first i made it but the trip leafs drop you a lot faster than i thought they did i was gonna have to be really careful with those i started looking at what i could see from here i could see that there was definitely a room i could get into and it was probably the next area i had to go to but i couldn't get in without a block because the jump was too high so i turned my attention back towards the drip leaf as i was gonna go for the chest i had a plan though i was only gonna look inside the chest on my first go around i saw there was a piece of cobble and i knew where it was in the chest now this would make it a lot easier for me to grab it quickly once all the drip leaf was reset i went for it i grabbed the cobble and made it back to the corner just barely now i had the cobblestone and i could get into the new area so i waited for the drip leaf to fix themselves one more time and did my final drip leaf jump back to the cubby once i was in the cubby i looked back at the drip leaf and thought about trying to break them but i thought i should save them in case i need them later so for now i left everything how it was and used the block to build myself up this new area had a lot the first thing i saw though was this villager in the corner he was standing on bedrock and when i tried to trade with him i couldn't he didn't have any trades i tried to look above him but i couldn't really tell it was up there so he seemed fairly useless to me the second room i went into also didn't have much but it had one enchanted trident in an item frame too high up in the air for me to jump and get and other than that the room was empty so after a little bit i just decided to leave then i entered a very strange room there was a sign that said i could take one but i would lose the other two at first i thought i had to do with the snow in the room but then i realized there was three chests in this room one had a creeper egg one had a mooshroom egg and one had a zombie this was some weird version of minecraft choosing your pokemon starter i only got to pick one so i had to be careful which one i took i went back to looking around to see if i could find anything that would help me decide which one to take but the only thing i hadn't looked at yet was this too high jump that i couldn't make that would lead me to the next room so i was a little confused the only thing i knew i had to do for sure was get this trident down from there somehow but i had no idea really if i could somehow break these snow and get snowballs that would work but you can't break snow with your bare hand and get snowballs you need a shovel so i went to thinking the creeper would give me gunpowder the mushroom would give me leather or beef or maybe a mushroom and the zombie would give me rotten flesh but then i realized the zombie did have a small percent chance to maybe spawn and drop an iron shovel but that seemed really unlikely could that really be the answer so i went back to thinking i wanted to be really careful because i was only going to get one shot at this and i didn't want to soft lock myself i collected this sign too because i was probably going to need that later so i went back to thinking and then after a little bit it hit me i knew which one to take i took the creeper egg but i really quickly ran to the other chest to see if there was any way i could get those eggs but like the sign it said they were gone see before i was only thinking about what the mobs dropped and not what they did i had a pretty good idea i let the creeper blow up on the snow blocks and just like i thought i got two snowballs this was massive now i could go to this room and get the triton that was up there before i thought about using my other snowball to get the item frame but that seemed like a waste of a snowball because the item frames were fairly useless in these prisons i also saw the trident head channeling and that's when i realized something else these were storm clouds outside i hadn't noticed it before because it wasn't raining but this was huge once i realized it was storming out i had a really good idea of what i was supposed to do next but do you guys know what it is so i left you guys thinking about what to do with the trident and here's what i came up with i threw it at the villager see throwing it at the villager turned him into a witch i had a pretty good idea this was gonna happen because earlier we saw this hole above him and i didn't get why it was there but once i knew it was storming i had a good idea why now you might be wondering what's the point of the witch well i let the witch poison me because with poison you can make a two block jump if you time it right this was me freaking out that i hit it on the first try because i did not expect that to happen so now we had access to the new area but this was a fairly empty room there was one piece of ice on the ground that i could see through to the other side but it was a really big drop other than that i saw basically nothing in the room at all aside from one little hole above the ice now this gave me a good idea obviously i was gonna have to melt the ice because there wasn't a block below it so breaking it wouldn't turn into water but melting it would the whole made me know i was gonna have to use the trident so first i tried this but that was pretty dumb because that's not really how triton's work next i came up with this idea that i thought was genius but it also failed so i was stuck i needed something for the trident to hit to activate the lightning but i had no idea what and that's when it hit me i actually had to get this item frame that i thought was useless i used my snowball to get it and while i was doing that the witch poisoned me but this wasn't really a problem because we had to get poisoned again anyway i didn't get it on my first jump but i did get it on my second which is still really crazy now at this point i was hoping my theory was right and i didn't just waste the snowball because item frames were different they actually have a hitbox 4 projectile so i was hoping the trident would work i threw it and i saw that i was right it lit a fire right on the piece of ice and now i just had to wait and hope it would melt it but after a few seconds it happened there was now water i could use to get down the hole so i started exploring the new area at this point the only things i had on me were the trident and the sign so i was hoping that i didn't miss anything i used the water to get down carefully and started looking around the first room i went into had two pieces of sand and there was also a giant gap that if i fell in i assumed i would be stuck on the other side i couldn't really see much but i did see a sign the sign said use boat here with an arrow i could also see an item frame but i couldn't tell what was in it so i collected the sand and decided i would come back in a little bit because i was definitely not ready for this room yet i went down a hallway and i saw a room on my right this room was really interesting there was some glass water tube type of thing the water flowed from the left side of the room to the right and it looked like it would eventually end up where i was standing if i could somehow break that cactus i was pretty sure the water would bring it to me but the problem was it was out of reach i couldn't mine it from here so i wasn't really sure what to do i decided i would leave and come back and that's when i answered the final room and this happened i activated a piston by accident when i set off a tripwire i instantly broke the tripwire so i didn't set it off again and i started looking around the room i didn't really see much this room had a really weird design the way its walls worked and it was another giant pit that if i fell in i would be stuck but then i realized the true problem of the situation see the tripwire i activated activated this piston breaking an item frame and dropping a boat that was the boat i assumed i needed for the other room that means i only had five minutes to get over there if i wanted to collect that boat before it despawned i realized i could use the sand and the tripwires to build little platforms but the way the walls were in this room it didn't look like i was gonna be able to get there with just two sand so i came back to this room i set up one of the tripwires like this and i made the first jump then i saw this hole in the wall and i wanted to look at that a little closer so i set up the other sand over there and i made the second jump but i couldn't really do anything i still needed to be one block taller to get to this next area also the hole in the wall had nothing i didn't even really get why i was there so i was stuck i started heading back to see if i could think of something and then it hit me i knew why the hole in the wall was there to place a cactus on sand you need to have nothing next to it this means if i can get the cactus from this room i can put it on that sand and make the final jump but it was still out of my reach i didn't know what to do then i thought about what i just said to have a cactus placed you can't have anything next to it and i had an item in my inventory i could put next to this cactus which would make it destroy itself i placed the sign and hoped i got lucky once i placed it i heard the cactus break it started going down the water tube and made its way to me now that i had the cactus i started running to the other room i didn't have a lot of time i didn't know how much time i used but i knew the item was going to despawn soon because i only had five minutes i made the jump to the final area and quickly ran to these item frames collecting the three sticks that were there i opened the crafting table to see what i could make and i knew right away i needed this fishing rod i looked at the sign and thought about breaking it but i didn't have the time i jumped onto the cactus and back on the sand and started going back towards the boat i tested it first on the item frame i fishing rod it up to it and then started backing up i was gonna need a lot of momentum to pull it all the way over to me it worked perfect with the item frame so i figured i was ready to try the bow i finally hooked the boat and started backing up just like i did with the item frame and then i went to pull it it worked a little less perfect than the item frame but it still got there and that's all that matters so now we have the bow i started going back to the room with the sign i was careful to hold shift when i made this jump so i didn't get knocked off i made the jump back up into this little area and now i had more time to actually think the signs said use the boat here and i was pretty sure i knew exactly what it meant there's a glitch you can do with boats that let you to phase right through bedrock walls you have to go directly into the corner and then shift out i was now in a new room there was a piece of sand with three cactus on it and other than that the room was really empty i destroyed the sand to see if there's anything under it but there wasn't all i had was a sand three cactus and the rest of the items in my inventory i saw a hole on the wall really really high up and figured that's where i had to get but with just the items in my inventory that seemed impossible i thought maybe i screwed up and shouldn't have come in here so soon but after a little thinking it hit me and i realized that this was called the cactus prison this was gonna be miserable i put one cactus on the sand and then waited 30 minutes i came back to this it was now three tall i walked over and mined the cactus and then i did it again and then again i think you can see where this is going this prism was going to take an incredibly stupid amount of time to complete on average it would take about 30 minutes to get two cactus after a long time of afk and grinding though i had what i needed i started building my way up with the cactus thanks to the saturation it couldn't kill me at the top i was really careful to make the jump because it would have killed me if i missed but i made it i was now in a very long hallway i started going to the end of it only to see i'd beaten the cactus prison if you like this video please subscribe and even if you think you're subscribed just check because sometimes you get unsubscribed and it's free thank you
Channel: SeaWattgaming
Views: 2,678,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Seawattgaming, Can you ESCAPE this Minecraft PRISON?, Seawattgaming tiktok, Seawatt minecraft prison, Minecraft Prison, Minecraft's Most Annoying Escape room, Minecraft Escape Room
Id: n1rnsl-ucYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 14 2022
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