Busting Scary Minecraft Seeds To Prove Them Wrong

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Minecraft seeds actual scary is there any evidence is it true that seeds have their own AI that what every move that just fine we're busting Minecraft's most haunting seeds to find the truth of Earth this video was posted by the user D3 app for you on the official Minecraft seeds Reddit page seems this video begins in another Bastion but I've never seen a complete skull on the entrance before usually they're broken or destroyed I don't know let's just watch the video and what how did that message appear unless something or someone sent him wait what he just died wait but I didn't say anything what could have even killed him I don't know pause the video there let's rewind here guys you headless Piglet and brute I don't want piglet boots are but I've never heard of a headless one the post claims he was using version 20w16a which was also the snapshot for the nether update and the post also gave us this seed now for those of you who don't know a snapshot is a version that Mojang releases before the official update to test bugs and see what to remove and what to keep in the game which means it's possible that this headless piglet brute was actually a mob that they planned on adding and then didn't but if so why I don't know but that's what we're going to find out unfortunately the post didn't actually give us coordinates for where this Bastion is so I reckon we just TP to the nether fly around and hope that we find it somewhere luckily we do have a really easy command locate Bastion Remnant which will give us the exact coordinates to where it might be right here goes nothing he's the Bastion say where's the skull from the video wait what guys just a giant box this this doesn't look anything like the video what am I looking in the wrong spot are there different types of bastions I mean it just looks like a bunch of ruins I need to do some Googling Minecraft has four different Bastion structure types each can generate at any size depending on the scene the rule is the bigger the Bastion the more destroyed it is so if the myth is real the seed must have a bug that breaks that rule which would allow the full skull Bastion to fist okay so maybe we just got unlucky according to my research a new Bastion should spawn every thousand blocks so if we teleport really really far away here okay we're in the middle of the Lava Lake I mean we've got another Fortress but not quite what we're looking for and then locate a new bass and Remnant yes that gives us different coordinates okay surely this one has the skull wait I'm inside a wall what the wait bro this entire Bastion is under the ground this is the entrance this looks nothing like the video okay maybe there's another entrance no that that's it bro are you serious do I just have to keep teleporting around until I randomly come across the right Bastion hold up I have an idea I have a friend at Mojang who uses like an AI detection software or something to find structures that are generated incorrectly so they can fix bugs in the game maybe that would work here so I set the software to search for anything that matched skull now we just have to wait [Music] for now I've switched over to the latest version of Minecraft Bedrock Edition using this scene where there have been reported sightings of what people are calling the distortion stored Theory there is another entity known as distorted Alex and if you know anything about that it's also a distorted virus which moves around blocks in the game and leaves a trail of redstone wherever it goes and I figured well if this ghost is similar then maybe it also moves blocks around I know it sounds kind of stupid but no one else knows what it does and since it's a ghost and casts are found in the nether I figured we should start our investigation here maybe it could leave like I don't know a trail of fire behind it not seeing anything out of the ordinary this all looks pretty quick is that fire there before that just appear that vintage sort of gas wouldn't walk around what was that sound that was spooky guys I don't like this wait was that skeleton there before [Music] I don't know there's a gas sound is that a distorted ghost no it's just a regular gas wait guys what am I doing I think I'm just overthinking and imagining things that are moving you guys can rewind and check but I actually think I'm just scaring myself and I'm being paranoid and I haven't seen any guys that look like distorted gas look I mean wait that guy's just appeared no it's just normal okay but maybe if it's a virus then my antivirus might be stopping it from appearing oh I really hope I don't regret this all right virus and threat protection settings amount of settings that we're going to turn them off guys I am doing this for you guys to see whether or not this is a myth or it's true so please subscribe because I'm literally putting my entire PC at risk look at all of these warning signs and we're back and I don't notice any change was there a ghost here before no no there wasn't okay so literally nothing has changed this is the exact same that was there the gaster just glitched did you see that wait was that a rhetoric bug okay it's just a normal Ghast bro there's no sign of anything different than before is this with cap I think it might be all right you know what before we stop the investigation we we should go back to the Overworld let's grab ourselves that flint and steel maybe something has changed the problem with all the reports online is I actually have no idea what I'm looking for people just say they saw this thing I don't know what it looks like I don't know what it actually does like I'm thinking to move stuff like yeah I'm not seeing anything out of the ordinary here I mean technically like the nether's below the ground so we could try going underground so we can look into this cave here all right let's see anything moved wait this generate that's a lot of lava for surface wait spikes that looks like a Basalt wait it's not even loading in uh guys I don't like this wait I need to give myself some night vision I can barely see what's going on here okay oh my gosh wait I don't know about you guys and maybe again I'm just making up stuff but this looks like the nether but in the Overworld like look at that generation you know what actually guys I am sick of you in the comments telling me Oh this isn't real you just built this here I I didn't build this okay I'm gonna go ahead and do game rules show coordinates true those are the coordinates try the seed for yourself teleport here this looks like the nether in the Overworld right I can't be the only one wait wait wait thank you was that was that a ghost wait but it had like a like a crazy smile that could have been the story got where did it go where did it go I've been seeing things this entire time but I'm pretty certain I saw that that was real comment down below if you saw anything or if you do try this scene please let me know what you're fine all right those are the coordinates let me know because this next seed was actually found by one of you this is my fan mail ey at spawnpointmedia.com where all of you guys have been sending me a ton of love but also scary myths to investigate now this email sent over two days ago stood out to me because the subject was just Temple 24 with the seed Jal and this link to what I can only assume is evidence now immediately I thought what does Joel mean so I did some research and found out that it actually means trap in Hindi Indian so now we're gonna see where does this link actually take us okay no it's it's a video infinite Temple what is this link all right let's go ahead and switch up the resolution to 1080p I need to see everything just walking into a temple everything seems pretty normal to me and he's digging down wait where's the where's the TNT where's the Trap wait okay maybe two temples just spawned on top of each other three temples spawn on each other no that can't be a coincidence something is broken wait another one Hold Up Wait his inventory just cleared wait wait it's like the player has been trapped inside this Temple bro that's terrifying there's no way there's another one under there this can't be a coincidence seat is broken no not again surely not okay there's no way a seed generated with that many temples unless there's something else going on here let's just copy and paste that seed from Google translate because I have no idea how to write Indian characters on my well English keyboard and now let's just see if there's any truth to this now I actually emailed the mail guy back if you add any other information and more importantly the coordinates of this desert temple and this is all he sent back negative 709 64 1852 he didn't even give me a version which is frustrating so I'm just using the latest version to see if this is real oh my gosh there was some serious lag there okay I mean here's a desert temple I think out of the ordinary yet but then again everything always looks normal at first and the real scary is hidden underneath the temple here goes nothing wait what bro are you serious bro where is the infinite Temple no did my fans lie to me did you guys betray me what okay safe to say this seed is definitely cat unless was there something I missed out in the video like the time of day did I use the wrong game mode or maybe there's a glitch I was supposed to do but I don't know this just seems capped straight off the bat to me and the email looked pretty sus rewatch the video let me know if I missed anything but I don't think I did this Minecraft seed has a biome that was removed by Mojang but why as you can see I'm on 1.16 now normally it's impossible to play older versions of Minecraft Bedrock Edition so myths like these can never be proved but luckily I save every single version just in case now here's the seed that we're using and we're gonna turn off multiplayer so no one is able to join with this world or mess with it in any way so everything you see is real all right now where is this biome there it is the shattered Savannah Biome Mojang removed it from the game which I was actually really upset about out of the time because I think it looks awesome it's a mix of the Jungle and Savannah Extreme Hills biomes and it was never even added to Java Edition because this biome was never supposed to exist reports claim that Mojang was testing their new translation AI it was supposed to just add things from java Edition on the PC to bedrock Edition on mobile devices but that started writing its own and that's how we got this biome obviously Mojang noticed and removed it the question is why did the AI do this and does it still exist in this scene apparently people have actually seen the terrain changing in front of them but I mean we've been running around here and I haven't seen anything changed maybe it's because I mean this is technically the Savannah bit so I guess we can head over to the the Savannah the Savannah Hills uh what no the shattered Savannah I think they called it it didn't really have an official name because it was never an official biome but honestly I'm not seeing anything out of the ordinary I'm in the zombie spawn there but he is under the tree so it kind of makes sense there like I don't know do you guys see anything that's changing I don't I've got to be honest I mean it's just a really really cool biome that I love all right well if the AI story isn't real then why did they remove this bio or maybe they were just seeing things that weren't real there's actually a word for that it's called a Phantasm and apparently it happens all the time in this why it's literally 3 A.M in the morning I've set up all night to play this seed because apparently the reports say we have to do in order for us to say well I gotta be honest I'm not saying anything oh a pig a cow says oh my gosh okay and the sky looks normal and wait the sun just is no way you know the sun is that wait I thought the sun like disappeared for a second there no I don't know I don't like this guys wait that they're they're there there's nothing that there's nothing wait what fly closer fly closer bro what I thought something was watching me here no what something's watching me something is watching me in those trades I I thought I saw it no am I saying I mean that's what's supposed to happen I'm supposed to see things in the scene but I mean it's 3am I I could just be sleep deprived and going crazy right wait it was it was over there too no no okay there is no way this seat is real guys I'm freaking myself out no but there isn't actually stuff going on I'm just crazy I'm just I am just without sleep I don't know it's all on video you guys can check it and let me know if I am crazy or not wait wait wait wait wait wait it was like a a black a black thing right there they're there it was like a shadow it was right here no no no I'm it's late it's just late at night that's why I'm saying things it's not the seed I don't know I'm just gonna I just have to head to bed but when I woke up the next morning there was a notification on my computer the AI detection software had found a skull Bastion and these are the exact coordinates it gave me now I always show you guys the seeds and the coordinates so you can test these for yourself and see if I'm telling the truth but if this is real I wouldn't recommend trying this out guys because it could destroy your PC I mean if it's fake then try it out by all means but here's the Bastion okay is this the actual one in yo that's it that's the exact same skull as the video and it's completely intact unlike other bastions all right we're gonna head inside but we've got to be careful because this is exactly where the user in the video got attacked right here okay is happening so far enough nothing I'm just Waltzing through what bro what are you serious is this cap we gotta head inside the skull okay I'm literally inside the skull and nothing is happening bro something seems off about this place it feels like very empty there's no piglets wait where are all the piglets they're all gone aren't they supposed to be guarding this place what I don't understand are we in peaceful mode hold on we're gonna try uh spawning in a piglet just grab one of these and spawn it down can we support no okay so piglens can spawn why aren't there any here hold up switch into spectator mode Let's see on the inside nothing no piglets what okay clearly deceit is all about this stupid skull maybe if I break it that will awaken whatever that thing is we can really see does this seed have any real power simply by blowing up the skull all right we'll just Chuck some TNT down bang light it up we're about to prove is this skull actually scarier or is it just fake yeah nothing wait wait wait what guys what are all those there's piglet sounds but there aren't any piglets what's going on wait I'm in survival mode no no no wait what is these explosions huh where did these big ones come from no no no no no no no no they're coming from me we gotta go we're gonna oh no there's piglets down there too what do we do what do we do wait hold up what's that in the distance do you guys there's a Handler is that the Headless beard no no [Applause]
Channel: EYstreem
Views: 3,108,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eystreem, eyestream, eystream, minecraft, family friendly, roleplay, funny, troll, prank, secret, hidden, tutorial, minecraft phone, minecraft bedrock edition, busting scary minecraft seeds to prove them wrong, testing scary minecraft, busting scary minecraft myths, scary minecraft myths, scary minecraft stories, scary minecraft seeds, testing minecraft myths, cursed minecraft seeds, minecraft creepypasta, testing scary minecraft myths, scary seeds in minecraft, scariest seeds in minecraft
Id: kNzi0y_EVa4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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