Herobrine Captured Every Player On The Server…

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Ted what's going on he said it's an emergency no time to explain turn around I'm gonna show you my secret base uh Teddy this is just a hill whoa what what ready he's coming for us what who's coming for us what I'm gonna get all the loose so we can run you guard the wall take this what wall Teddy and where did you get this okay there's a wall now all right well I'll just stand at the wall and Teddy will explain everything I'm sure oh what's up little guy are you who we scared of oh my God oh my wait Herobrine what's going on stay back what are you made of all right listen just stay back we can talk what how did you just do that where am I wait what are you doing Herobrine hang on wait where are you going I have questions welp looks like he caught you too welcome to the Herobrine prison wait what's going on where are we well for some reason they forgot to remove Herobrine so he created a giant prison and started trapping all the players and mobs we gotta get out of here why can't I break these he sent everyone in the prison to Adventure mode so you can't break blocks I haven't set my spawn yet if I die I'll teleport out nope he automatically sets everyone's respawn point to their bed and you can't break the bed because Adventure mode also there's cameras all around the prison the guards are watching us 24 7 to make sure we're not trying to sneak out so we're just stuck in this cell no they let us out for a few hours each day speaking of which it's time right now I'll show you around some people got bad cell mates she's been trying to leave herself for weeks oh you're gonna want to run past this cell wait why oh what's up neighbor oh what are you doing stop stop yikes this is an awkward one and this guy got extra security cause he killed his cellmate this is the basketball court it's run by the Pillager gang and they don't let anyone else use it and this is the cafeteria wait all these YouTubers are in prison with us the villagers run the cafeteria so you gotta be nice to them hey can I please get some lunch oh what's up newbie here you go rotten flesh do I at least get a drink sure I made this fresh this morning uh I think I'll pass wait what's going on with that guy why is he sitting over there all alone I feel bad he kept blowing up prisoners so everyone avoids him and this is the gym a lot of people have nothing to do so they come here to get some gains and they're pretty strong can I get a spot I'm going for a PR here's the showers they look pretty clean wait is that a camera they're not allowed to put cameras in here actually that's my camera what what this is the only way in or out of the prison when the guards change shifts the lava door opens so the new ones can come in and the old ones can leave but we can't cross this red line the guards have been trained to kill on site one day I'm gonna escape this prison oh my God hey don't cross the red line but but he didn't even cross the line and this is the parkour it's kind of trash and most people get bored of it on their first day that makes sense it looks way too easy dang it I'm sure I'll get it next time oh what's up man is it your first day too no I've been here for two years why oh never mind wait what's that noise that means we have to go back to ourselves or else we get in trouble let's go so yeah it's not too bad in here you'll get used to it after a while oh I'm not gonna be getting used to it I'm escaping tomorrow what come on come on come on let's go time to escape baby you're not gonna work you're not gonna work either oh you're perfect hey uh how you doing so I was wondering before you attack me I brought you something oh my God it's adorable I used to have one just like it and you can keep him if you do me a little favor all right perfect it looks like the guards are switching shifts now I just have to drink the potion the witch gave me now that I'm invisible I can just follow the guards right out how you doing gentlemen have a good one all right so far so good they haven't noticed me what is that a flying machine all right I just have to be careful and make no noise perfect perfect I can't believe it's actually working I'm gonna Escape uh uh forgot the code do you know it no that's your job wait this is bad I don't have much time all right boys I think we need to get help crap how did you get out of yourself I thought this was the bathroom this is what happens when you try and Escape I promise I'm not gonna try to escape again I'm sorry sit down and watch the ad watch the ad wait what have you ever wondered what it'd be like to fly a military jet or ride a tank in a battle then you should try War Thunder War Thunder's a military multiplayer game where you battle it out as ground Vehicles Naval vessels and aircrafts and it's currently out on PC PlayStation and Xbox and if you're wondering what the prices is the best price any game can be free although the game strives for a realistic battle experience it still offers many ways to customize your vehicles to a style that fits you by downloading Community made skins and decals like this anime skin on the side of this Japanese helicopter imagine being in a battle and this is the last thing you see before you explode you can also add decorations to the outside of your vehicles like these dakimakura pillows that are added for extra uh defense this game also has a ton of different maps with their own unique atmospheres there's maps from all over the real world from Alaska to Africa if you download War Thunder from the link in my description now you get these documented pillows and a bunch of other really cool bonuses so check it out and show them some love them sponsoring this helps me make more videos for you guys now let's get you back to your cell what happened they caught me trying to escape but don't worry tomorrow I try Plan B apparently the witch got solitary confinement so I need a new plan hey what are you doing on our courts you're not allowed in here I need a totem of undying I'm not giving you one of those get lost oh yeah how about we 1v1 for it oh you're wrong you might as well give it to me now because you're looking free let's see if you can back that talk up alright guys don't want to see any cheating on either side Challenger gets ball first you know what I bet I don't even need to guard you oh you're just gonna let me hit this three let's go you see that you see that hold up how are you making it float you can't use magic that's not fair oh uh-huh what where do you think you're going You're not getting past me but ref are you gonna call it valleys hitting me I didn't see it okay okay you know what now your defense is good but let's see if you can guard this I hit these full court baby all day let's go let's go all right big boy all right all right let's see what you got let's see what you got you are not getting past me I am like a brick wall I am immovable what you can dunk all right now I know about that trick let's you try that one again yeah that's what I thought you're not getting through what what did you do with the ball over here dumbass what ref are you gonna say something he's not even playing all right I don't know the rules for sure but this feels illegal but I don't miss let's go that's game dab me up all right here you go you won fair and square but I want a rematch sometime perfect thank you and sounds good I should probably hide this for now but part one is done part two assemble the team alright guys I chose u5 because you're extreme what are you doing here I didn't invite you I want to join the Escape yeah I'm gonna have to ask you to leave dang it all right I chose u5 because you're the perfect team I need to escape this prison if we all work together we're gonna get out of here so here's my plan to escape first among us guys gonna Crawl Through the vents to the security room because he's the only one who can do it then when he's in there he's gonna have to find some kind of way to distract the guard but I already thought about that all you have to do is throw on this iPad once the cameras are down cake wizard is going to trap the snipers quick quick there's a fight you guys need to stop it yeah nice try we've heard that one before it sounds like it's coming from the woman's showers whoa this sounds serious we should probably go check it out I was thinking the same thing they lied no one's even here quick let's get back they trapped Us in with cake all right guys we're doing great now we don't have much time you strong villager punch me what the heck you're crazy strong all right I have fire resistance I'm gonna swim through and turn off the lava I'm pretty sure this lover turns the lava off all right let's go guys I did it the lava's going down come on come on it's gotta go quicker we gotta go fast all right all right now all we have to do is one of you has to jump across and send the flying machine over wait what one of us jump across you can't do that in survival mode you'd have to be cheating guys I'm telling you the truth I don't cheat all right we believe you dream but we're also gonna turn around and look away for just a little bit I hit the jump I hit the jump I'm sending it over let's go I knew you could do it he definitely flew all right for this next part you're up creeper I know you can do it all right guys let's go I never got this far hurry hurry hurry let's start going fast try to find the exit split up okay not that one all right what about this one change game mode oh no way guys guys I just found something what what happened guys huh you really thought you'd Escape how did you find us so fast I told you they were escaping oh you little snitch we're jumping you later Herobrine you gotta let us go maybe a few years trapped in your cell will teach you a lesson I can't believe we failed I thought we had it oh we didn't fail Herobrine didn't see me change my game mode I'm still in survival all I have to do is jump off this ledge and I'll respond back in the Overworld I'm coming back for you cake wizard I promise come on oh let's go it actually worked all right I gotta go find help mojing Studio somebody here definitely knows what to do guys you didn't remove Herobrine and it's a big problem uh are you kidding me all right I'm gonna have to do it myself It's gotta be here somewhere let's go remove Herobrine I did it let's go I saved everybody this is the prison I can let them all out you're welcome keep moving you don't have to thank me on today's work boys let's go and hold up wait a second nice A Perfect Ending [Music]
Channel: SeaWattgaming
Views: 639,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Seawattgaming, Seawatt, Seawatt gaming, The story of minecraft's first, The story of Minecraft, The story of Herobrine, Seawattgaming tiktok, Seawattgaming raid, The story of Technoblade, The story of Minecraft Biggest Crossover, The Story of Minecraft Biggest Party, The story of minecraft's best builder, The Story of Minecraft's Best Update, I made my own Minecraft Update, The Story Of Removing Herbrine In Minecraft, See What Gaming
Id: r-GD1E35Jfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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