I Found Someones Minecraft USB

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yesterday I was walking down a path when I stumbled across a literal Thumb in the ground a real human's thumb I thought but it actually turned out to be a USB drive so being the idiot I am I took it home and plugged into my PC to see what's on it and once I plugged the thumb into my computer I found a photo of a real couple actual tax forms graduation photos and then a WinRAR file named MC World which was last modified three years ago and that got me thinking what if I wrote on a box asking people to donate their Minecraft worlds so that's what I did I wrote on this scuffed box asking people to donate and put it on a path where a bunch of people walk past every single day around where the last USB was found a couple hours later I came back to check and there was nothing inside of it but the next day I came back to check and there was a couple of rocks in the stick so I mean nothing good day number three I came and saw a literal McDonald's sandwich breakfast sandwich a rock but there was something shiny inside which was a USB and it was a literal key USB so I mean maybe unlock something who knows but this gave me hope for the Future Days to Come which was immediately shattered on day four when I came to check and I saw a piece of pizza and trash inside but luckily on the left hand side there was another USB normal USB but it's better than nothing and there was nothing inside of the trash either as you can tell I gave up trying to clean it every single day but it was the best day yet because I found two normal USB drives and a necklace which was just hiding in the corner but it just looked kind of funny or like there was a little opening to the side of it so I decided to do some detective work and it turns out that it's actually a USB that opens it's like a necklace USB I don't I don't really know why maybe it's someone's love world I have no idea and finally on day six there was this small USB but it wasn't a normal USB it's a USB C Port which can hold more so maybe there's a couple worlds on it but overall we found a good amount of USBS and hopefully none of them have any viruses on them first one we have is this it is a necklace and it just looks like a normal heart to the normal naked eye but when you open it it turns into this which is a USB it's hidden I thought it was fake I thought someone just gave me a necklace but it's not a necklace it's a USB so let's plug this in and maybe it's someone's love World someone they put their beds next to each other he broke it let's see all right so we have USB drive e which I think all of them will be because that's the I have local disk C external disk CE and then ease the most recent we'll just make it extra it just says here you go that's it so what is it is it a Minecraft world it says here you go modified on February 13 2012 at 8 47 a.m it's a Minecraft world bro we have the data region and everything okay okay I won't get excited because maybe it doesn't work who knows let's upload this let's go through this world because now I'm curious hey whoa whoa we just got in hello oh this is old bro this is so old what is this this was made in 2012. someone made this and put it into a USB and it's all from 2012. so if you look on the left side of this map right here there's like a bridge going to the left so we're gonna follow that it looks like it's over what is this bro so from like 2012. if any of these give me a virus bro I'm gonna be so mad he built so much his entire Kingdom okay Island providal conveyor belt at back oh there's a secret button put it open oh you stand on this and then you click it yo takes you right down to here where there's absolutely nothing so if that leads to nothing what is this what is all of this bro all explosives are banned in Island Province I have no idea what this is but if someone knows tell me please does it push animals to transport things this is insane he's got this gate that opens right oh that's sick that's so sick and then you can close the gate oh my yo it's 2012. I can't even do that and it's 2023 bro this is insane man it's endless look there's more buildings over there he has another TP thing is this TP yeah it just pushes you it's like fast travel and Minecraft it's 2012 and then there's these scary looking pillars over like way far away from everything else so if we know anything then it's probably a way for a reason or I don't know what this is maybe a mob farm I don't I don't have no idea what this is here this makes no sense to me bro this world is endless I guess the heart makes sense the person who made this put a lot of love and care into it um it's just well made and a lot of time and thought has obviously been put into it so Next USB we have just this normal looking one where whenever you click this it kind of extends out let's go ahead and insert this see what's on it I'm worried please don't hack me a USB drive this is my hardcore World perfect my first Hardcore Minecraft world that we're gonna destroy okay let's go ahead and open it up make sure it's a Minecraft it is it's a giant sized Minecraft world 32 gigabytes are we overloading Hardcore Minecraft someone's Hardcore Minecraft world loading all the chunks it's just yeah it's hardcore wow would it be absolutely horrible if this is the only save he has and then we just put this world on the USB again but it's destroyed let's check it first a bunch of weed actually wait this is automatic wheat farm and then yo what are you doing to the cows let them free them free bro and there's another building over here with nothing in it but another bed this is a multi-world right maybe this is a server and this is the world from their server because there's two homes there's this home and then there's this home and there's two Farms meaning two sets of houses and Farms so this is a group of friends World well let's check this out in a second okay so I think this is one guy's house right here and the what is that what is going yo whoa whoa all right whoever lived here they're weird this house though on the other hand has something below it okay yeah I mean it's just tools oh that is this his head player head yo wait that's must that must be his head nice so at least we know what his character kind of looks like right someone died someone died here oh is it messed up to break it what is this jockey Bucky bro I'm so sorry he died two forwarding lights rest in peace to Bro man what a sad day next up we have this USB right here um let's go ahead and plug this in see what's on it okay we have a WinRAR file named my building World updated so I'm assuming it's just a building world right let's go ahead and check this out let's load it in I'm in Creative whoa what someone spent a lot of time on this they have flying machines this must be the person who built it right this has to be them if this person is watching this I'm sorry it's my world now um they have another portal that looks like a sword bruh this is so sick the houses are insane the landscape it just is perfect bruh no way they like the color purple that's for sure they have a little seating area right here are you telling me all these people live in my neighborhood that's not real that's not real if you live in my neighborhood and you're watching this let's look let's all make a Minecraft world together you guys down let's go to the nether real quick okay they did in fact build in another is there anything crazy this is such a sick portal there's like a hidden Little House below the original house I'm assuming it's just a solo world I'm not seeing anything that indicates that it's more than you know just one person they have axolotls so that's a plus one I don't know what what I'm plusing to but oh well what the yo wait can you sit on a specific if you stand on a specific side it goes down oh look at that up and down that's so sick oh it's a two-way elevator I guess elevators are both to it another little hidden house down here bro there's so much these worlds I'm sure I'm missing a ton to them but this is a sick world this is all done in Creative I'm assuming and there's a little creeper head right here oh they have a whole entire kitchen there's food this is vanilla there's nothing to this what is this how do they how how do you do this this is like an actual Grill bro I I don't even I don't even I don't even know I don't even there's a pool there's a pool there's just so much to this place next we have this key with a USB at the end of it now it's it's literally a key to something and it has a little heart right here it's all kind of made out of copper so we're gonna plug this in it unlocks something I don't know let's see what's on it we have USB drive e and it has no Minecraft world other than a text file that says read me which is not a good sign okay let's open it it's an IP address unless it's a server I think it's a server now home be a Minecraft server but the odds of that are pretty low but let's just check it's it's crib service there's nobody online and it's still going to join this I fit I'm just gonna do it anyways though it unlocks something a Minecraft server is it gonna connect my white listed okay we're gonna move out of here it is dark and it's all blown up it's entire this entire place is blown up and destroyed everything is so loud bro this is insane it's just destroyed all of it this this entire there's a sign over there you can check that out someone left something it says rest in peace escorted Muse 57 August 7th 2014. it said that this version was 1.7.1 which came out around I think around that time I could double check I don't I don't know if that's correct unless this is just like unless it's actually a world these guys spent time on in 2014. if that's the case this server has been up for a while or he reloaded it and put it into the box that we're looking at now my render distance was so low the entire time oh there's a bow okay so these there were people on This Server obviously like they actually played why would they just leave boats all the way around this place it's not like just someone came over and just put some random death message that someone died over there you know what I mean that would be so incredibly sad no no oh no no no look I am so sorry oh he probably hasn't seen a human being in like nine years you eat chicken oh look at the fighting animations yeah this is definitely obvious I mean it's obviously an older version if that's real 2014 there must have been houses here bro right if there's multiple this can't be a solo world I mean it's a server oh my bro there's another sign don't tell me that someone else died bro if you think about it these are real human beings who probably have jobs now they're probably adults they they go to their day-to-day lives they may have kids it's yeah it is I'm gonna die I'm gonna die from Hunger javenator 12 August 8th 2014. something happened on August 2014 bro if someone's making Graves for each other then it did not end off on a good note at least the third sign August 10th Mr miners 2014. well something happened in August man sad days I hope you guys are still friends next up we have this heavy duty looking uh USB drive right here and uh yeah let's go ahead and plug this in and it contains a let's play okay so I'm assuming that's the Minecraft world and then a document that says red it says hi please leave my world safely enjoy oh that's sweet okay we'll leave it safe and then we'll leave this USB drive back because maybe this is the only world they're only save I don't know we'll leave the USB drive once we check it okay we're gonna put ourselves in creative we're in um oh wow okay so this was in survival I'm assuming oh wait was I supposed to go to creative it's okay I just won't blow anything up oh God I hope that doesn't change yo this is this must be him why is everybody making like statues themselves another Minecraft character or Creeper Two whoa this is weird this is really weird maybe they know each other or something the people the other person who made one one world as well okay well you can't open that chest this this is entirely made out of wood there's multiple beds so maybe they have a friend that they play with they have this scary amount of cows um I don't know what this is oh a secret room oh secret room oh it's more like a secret exit don't tell them I'm gonna take his boots I'm gonna take him well I mean it's just a normal Minecraft world nothing too crazy about it it is kind of odd it's like random things all over there's a secret door what is happening why are there so many secret entrances what is this I'm gonna break that I'm sorry bro what is this what this is such a weird world bro what is this is it just to his mind it's like a secret it's a secret way to get in and out okay and then he has this weird like what is this what is this build is it all abstract am I supposed to figure this out on my own like like look there's just a crafting table and then maybe it's a work in progress I'm not gonna judge him there's this downstairs area where you could see into the weird little void oh no is this a painting you could go through no there's so many secret paintings I'm checking everything you never know you never know I went through three different paintings and this it worked I don't know I mean it's pretty cool it's pretty cool world nothing in that chest there's a bunch of chickens all over the place here's the thing with chickens and then everything is like barricaded in do you see do you notice that like look all of this is barricaded together and then he wait he has an automatic mob farm on top of his house why on top of your house what is this there's a dispenser to drop stuff into the house was it chickens this is the most confusing world I've ever seen he has to explain it I have to find this guy and have him explain this because this makes no sense and then there's a temple with water in it why why is there a temple with water in it I don't know the last thing I want to see is that up there okay well someone had to build up or something someone built up and then jumps to the top why did you not make a way to get up there what is this I'm so confused hey there's a downstairs this is the whoa this bedroom's a little weird it's kind of like a secret bedroom and then there's just pie hidden pie why is there pie oh wait no this is his world I'm sorry I'm sorry I'll put it back I'll put it back and then there's just the top I don't know I have no idea our next USB is this small tiny little thingy right here but it has the biggest amount of space on it it has 64 gigabytes of space so there could be a lot of Worlds No worlds who knows but let's check hey we have Bulgaria I have no idea what that means let's just see what's on it I don't what is Bulgaria a world no country something like that it literally says Bulgaria and it was made in 2012. it says version unknown but I'm loading it up in a newer version so just imagine we're in a old version of Minecraft what is this so this was in 2012 but we loaded up in a new version so it may have broken it through the building you could just tell this is so 2012 from the building what is that over there or nah I just saw something crazy look at this no this is insane 2012 someone made a tree and they made this what is this there's dolphins and stuff I don't think Dolphins were added but it's just because of the the new version update bro someone made an entire boat and there's a bunch of beds why are there so many beds under this boat what is going on in Minecraft bro what are you guys doing in your private world so you guys shouldn't be allowed to have private worlds there's one Golden Apple they kept they kept that since 2012. there's books maybe they left us a note somewhere they'd be so sick oh what is that is that Village what though this has to be just glitched because I loaded up in a new version has to be that's not right that is not right this is what the house we spawned in looks like from the outside this is absurd this is absolutely insane clinically insane whoever built this listen nobody said that building was good in 2012 you know what I mean the Redstone it was just developing these are the pioneers of Minecraft so don't hate on them I'm assuming they did this all in uh survival because I spawned in survival uh the shark okay so someone's name is the shark and then they have this arrow pointing to where they live so they can never forget it and then they have pumpkin parkour okay they've lost their minds what is this this little pink room oh they collected all the discs that's pretty sick oh that's so sick I don't know why that made me like excited there's been crazier things the railroad literally just goes one way goes around and then stops right here oh wait what it stops right here and there's this oh secret lover let's go okay come on be good be something sick okay oh yo another secret room oh I closed that okay come on what is this what is this okay it's just a bunch of books and his bed maybe it was a public world or something or like multiplayer and this is where he put his bed so that nobody could bed trap him that's insane that's pretty cool and finally the one and only thumb the the thumb drive that looks like a real thumb let's plug this in and uh let's start looking through all other stuff let's open the Minecraft folder and here we go okay we have open we open that and then we get for mod launch me dot exe oh no so it was it was last modified in 2020. okay what does launch me mean what is goose modding what is a goose yeah we're just gonna launch it what is that noise oh there's a goose on my desktop is this a virus what is this no I can't oh my bro how do I uninstall give me this um bro it's pretty easy so there's no Minecraft world how am I getting trolled in my own video how do you how do you get rid of it you know bro the stepping is so far he just grabbed my mouse yo hey how do I install how how does this I don't I don't understand
Channel: Lynix
Views: 3,245,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft USB, I found someones minecraft usb, my first minecraft world, going through old minecraft worlds, minecraft world, funny, comedy, pg, family friendly
Id: NVWMVf1mlbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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