This Minecraft's Two Player Prison is IMPOSSIBLE...

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in this video my friends trapped me in a bedrock prison and told me to try to escape but it seemed impossible the prison was designed to look like the warden which was absolutely terrifying not to mention on the inside it was entirely bedrock making it impossible to break out of i wasn't sure if i was gonna be wait teddy what are you doing here i was arrested because i wasn't subscribed to the channel that's right guys this one is a two-player prison are me and teddy gonna be good enough to escape i don't know but we're gonna find out because the escape starts now right off the bat i tried to tell teddy about the boat above his head but it was two blocks high and just out of teddy's line of sight so he couldn't reach it so i started looking around myself i saw i had a crafting table to my left and that's when teddy told me above me on my left and right was an item frame holding a block of wood it took me a little bit but after a second i was able to get both pieces of wood out of the item frame i looked in the crafting table to see if there was anything useful i could make but none of those seemed helpful at all this is also when teddy told me just out of my sight behind the lava there was a piece of tnt sitting on a bedrock that he could reach and break but didn't see why he would want to do that right now he also told me he didn't see anything else in his cell and thought i had to look and that's when i found this piece of wood on my side and after a little more searching i found this piece here it took me a bit of finessing but after a little bit i was able to get a piece of wood out of each of the item frames and then i had four pieces of wood so i went to the crafting table to double check but just like i thought none of those really would help me get out of the situation and at this point i had a pretty good idea what i needed so i kept looking around thinking i was gonna find one more piece of wood and eventually i found what i was looking for hidden on the backside of this piece of bedrock now with five pieces of wood i knew exactly what i needed to build i made a boat and was able to get out of my side of the bedrock trap but teddy was still stuck and i didn't have anything in my starting room that was gonna help him out so i let him know that i would come back for him 100 and then i went to my next room to see what there was but this is where the first really difficult puzzle began because the next room seemed basically completely useless right off the bat i saw there was another right door i was gonna have to open somehow then i saw there was a piece of snow on a bedrock just sitting there but i had no way to collect it at all because i would need a shovel or something like that then i saw there was a staircase that i climbed to the top of but it led to basically nowhere it was just a 12 block fall that would only hurt me it didn't give me access to any items or new area i also saw there was leaves on the roof but i didn't really get why or how that would help so i went back to teddy and tried to talk to him thinking he must have missed something on his side but he was telling me he was positive there was nothing he could use over there to get out so at this point we were really stumped i started right clicking in the lava to see if there was a hidden chest or some hidden items but there was nothing i had no idea how i was gonna free teddy i'd only come up with one idea but for it i needed a snowball which means i would need a shovel to mine this with but i had no sticks or blocks all i had was a boat and there's no way to get sticks or blocks from a boat anymore since they took that out right that's what i thought but after a bit of testing this happened i pushed the boat off the 12 block drop and it exploded into pieces now i hadn't known this at the time but apparently there's a very obscure minecraft fact if a boat falls from any of those heights i have on the screen it breaks into two sticks and three blocks just like it used to back in the day i have no idea why this is still in the game but it's super interesting to me so i went ahead and crafted the shovel so i could get the snowball now you might be wondering how is the snowball gonna save teddy well i had him explain to me where the tnt was so i could line up a shot and then i threw the snowball so it would go through the lava and light the tnt this would blow up the item frame dropping the boat hopefully on teddy's head and allowing him to escape once i threw the snowball and i heard the tnt light i was really happy because i did not want to miss the boat fell right on top of teddy's head like i was hoping and i watched him use it to get out of the bedrock trap we now both had free access to our first two rooms so i was hoping at this point teddy would go into his room and find a way to open my nether right door but let's just say that didn't happen uh i definitely just triggered something the very first thing teddy did was set off a tripwire that didn't look like it did anything at first but after a few seconds this happened i very calmly explained to teddy lava was falling on me and he had to move fast to get me out of here teddy help i'm gonna die i'm gonna die go fast teddy did actually have to go fast though he needed to open the door to my room before the lava fell on me he started looking around his room and saw there was a chicken in the corner that had a path that had to walk he also saw a furnace with two iron and he didn't have a lot of time to think so he threw his boat in to start smelting it the only other thing in his room was a pumpkin so teddy had to start thinking of a solution while the lava and micelle got lower and lower he saw at the end of the chicken's path was a weighted pressure plate and at that point he had an idea of what he needed to do once the iron finished smelting he went to his inventory and crafted it into shears then with the shears he was able to carve the pumpkin giving him four pumpkin seeds at this point my situation was getting bad but with the pumpkin seeds teddy was able to start leading the chicken even though the chicken was going very slowly which again was not good because i was running out of time at a rapid pace on my side but after a little bit of finessing the chicken was finally at the end all ted had to do is get it in the hole okay okay okay here we go we go got him he's going teddy really could not have cut it any closer i mean he saved me by probably four seconds if it had been four seconds later i would have definitely burned to death in the lava now the lava started flowing into my cell so i was forced to use my two wooden blocks to build up that's not even the most insane part of this prison but really quick i have to tell you about the sponsor of this video gentian impact i want to give a big thanks to gentian impact for sponsoring this video a lot of you have probably already heard of genji impact because it's massive it's an open world action rpg out on ios android pc and playstation in generation impact you're gonna go on a magical adventure exploring the continent of tavat and you'll do the exploring by climbing around on buildings or maybe even swimming through the water and occasionally flying around on your glider genshin has won a ton of awards and after watching the trailer for this update it's so obvious why i mean visually it's stunning and the story seems really interesting they're also bringing back a returning character kamisato ayaka i think she looks really cool i like the way she fights a ton they've also added a few new missions to the game that look interesting spices from the west and hues of the violet garden there's also a new challenge mission called vibro crystal research so yeah if this game looks interesting to you and you want to check it out use the link in my description i would appreciate it a lot again thanks to genji now let's get back to the video and escaping the warden prison on teddy's side he had a sign that said he had to drop basically all his items into a hopper below i also had something similar on my side it said i had to drop my shovel into a hopper below so we both did it even though we didn't want to lose the items and once my shovel landed in i heard a piston noise move the pistons actually ended up opening up an area in front of us that we could drop down into and with my room behind me totally filled with lava i wasn't going back so me and teddy went ahead and dropped into the new rooms and right off the bat there was clearly gonna be a ton of new stuff down here i was separated by teddy by a bunch of glass windows teddy was on his side and i was on my side and they were similar but a little different i noticed that weird hole right there and i didn't know what it was for then i went over to this villager who happened to be named subscribe he had two trades a cook pork chop for an arrow or a cooked chicken for dirt i went into this main lava room on my side i had a sign that said output and a hopper but there was absolutely nothing in it on teddy's side he had a sign that said input and a target block and some sort of piston redstone machine we didn't know what it did so we went back to exploring each other's sides i still had a whole room on my side that i hadn't explored when i went into it the only thing i could access was a dropper on the floor that had a bow inside of it teddy found on his side the same thing but with three cooked pork chops so we knew what to do for now i punched a hole in the window and i threw teddy the bow and he threw me the three cooked pork chops and i ran over to our trader subscribe over here and traded him one could pork chop for one arrow then i went back to teddy and gave him the arrow i didn't want to do all three just yet in case i wasn't supposed to teddy took the arrow and shot his target block and on my side it opened up a bell now i knew if you right click the bell to ring it you could create a redstone signal that way but it was way too far away for me to reach so i wasn't too sure what we were supposed to do i thought maybe we needed ted's campfire and piece of snow for something but we couldn't figure out a way those were useful right now so after a little bit of thinking we looked around and decided there was nothing else we could do except have teddy give me the bow i would go buy another arrow from the trader and then i would shoot the bell neither of us knew if the bell worked this way but it's all we could think of so we were hoping when i shot it we would hear it ring and luckily it did i'll let teddy explain what happened next oh it worked a chicken got revealed basically a chicken appeared right below teddy's input sign on his side i traded for the final arrow and gave it to teddy because we were pretty sure we knew what to do teddy killed the chicken and then it made its way from ted's input side to my output hopper i picked it up and we had a raw chicken but this was a problem for either of us to make progress we needed a block and the only way to get a dirt block from this guy was with a cooked chicken while we were thinking about this problem we noticed a few other things had changed like lava was now flowing from the ceiling of my room to the floor but this didn't really help us because there's no way to use lava to make a raw chicken into a cooked chicken we also after a little bit both realized that there was now water in our side rooms pouring down so we were able to swim up to the next room in my next room there was nothing and i would need a block to advance but i could access this dropper i'd seen earlier and inside of it was a stone shovel now on teddy's side he went up his water but he didn't have any items or any dropper to go inside of and he had the same thing he needed a block to move forward so we met in the middle again but we knew what to do with the stone shovel at least i gave it to teddy because he could use it to get a snowball from the snow we were at a spot again where we were stuck we didn't have any way to make progress we knew we needed to get a cooked chicken so we could trade it for the dirt but after everything we just did all we ended up with was this snowball now how could you use this snowball to get a cooked chicken well i've already shown you the answer earlier we lit the tnt because throwing a snowball through lava makes it on fire and it works just like a flame arrow so teddy gave me the snowball and just like we did with the tnt at the start i threw it through this lava source into the campfire and just like a flame arrow would it lit the campfire on fire and now i actually didn't know why this helped us but teddy did he told me to give him the raw chicken and he showed me a feature i didn't even know was in the game i guess you can come up to campfires like this and lay the food on the side of it and eventually it'll cook like that so teddy was able to get us a cooked chicken and then he gave it back to me i went over to our trader subscribe and traded him for one piece of dirt now with this dirt i was able to go forward into my next room and see what was beyond the jump i went up the water and went into the next room when i made the jump i wasn't sure what i was gonna see the only thing i saw inside this room was a dropper in the wall i opened the dropper and saw it had two nether quartz two prismarine shards and two clay balls other than that there was another block i was gonna need to jump up so for now i went back i broke the dirt block and gave it to teddy so he could go ahead and check his rooms and he actually had an identical room when he got up there the only difference was his had three nether courts inside of it when mine only had two nether quartz so we went ahead and met back in the middle now there's something that all three of these materials have in common and we knew it right away do you guys know what i'm talking about basically all of these can be used to make solid blocks so we were pretty sure we knew what to do i let teddy keep two of them and he gave me enough to make the clay block now we each have two blocks meaning we could get to the end of our hallways once we did that we saw there was another drop to a whole new room it was a big drop so we were not gonna be able to get back up once we did it so before either of us dropped we went back and looked around to make sure there was no items or anything we were missing but after a little bit of searching we decided it's what we had to do we dropped down and again we're separated by a glass window we each had a hole in the ground on our side of the rooms with the prismarine block above it making us think it was going to drop water like the other one did when we went deeper in we saw that we were separated by barrier blocks and there was some sort of redstone puzzle we had to solve the sign said we had to apply constant power to these redstone repeaters i looked around my room and found a hopper inside of this hopper the only other thing on my side was eventually i realized there was a redstone torch so i went ahead and collected it teddy looked around his room and he saw right off the bat that he had two redstone torches the only other thing in teddy's room was this crafting table so we went ahead and broke another hole in the window i threw teddy my redstone torch and the hopper that i had on me just in case and he went and looked if there was anything he could craft with those items but he couldn't craft anything at all so we knew we were gonna have to find more items but we had no idea where to look and we were stuck this was gonna be oh never mind teddy found it in the very first place he checked underneath the crafting table now he had three more stone with this teddy could craft a comparator which i knew exactly what to do with i told teddy to make it and give me the comparator he needed to put a hopper there and i set this up here then all he had to do was throw an item in there the comparator would sense there was an item and send out a signal to the redstone repeaters meaning we had solved this room we heard the piston move and nothing happened at first but after a little bit we saw the water fall down just like we thought it would we started swimming up the water and at this point in the prison we came face to face with by far the coolest room in the entire prison i turned to my right to see an entire chessboard on the wall teddy had something very similar on his wall except it was all target blocks with a matching grid system now we got very lucky we ended up the rooms we ended up in because i know how to play chess and teddy doesn't now i'm not going to explain to you guys how chess works but basically the move they have to play is bishop f5 in the win the game so f5 that's the square we need to know and that's the square teddy has to shoot right there but we have one problem to get an arrow you need to cook pork chop and we're out of arrows and have no pork chops so we both started looking around our rooms inside my room i didn't see anything at first and teddy started looking around his and he was also having no luck but after a little bit of searching in the corner of my room i found what we were looking for a final raw pork chop now with the pork chop we were able to make our escape i gave teddy the pork chop and he went and destroyed the crafting table with the crafting table he was able to place it so he could land on it and get back into the other room then he cooked up the pork chop he took the cooked pork chop and ran all the way back to me and gave me the table in the pork chop i did the same crafting table trick and went back and traded him for one final arrow and then gave him a punch goodbye i gave teddy the arrow and then we each went into our rooms teddy shot the block he needed to when he did this we heard a piston all of a sudden water started flowing into both of our rooms teddy swam up his and i swam up mine and that's when we got to see each other for the first time at the top of this our rooms combined into one and i got to say hi to teddy there was a black staircase that we started walking up and when we got to the top of it we turned a corner only to see a boat in an item frame and a really big drop this was the final thing we had to do i popped the boat out placed it down and me and teddy gotten it together and then we rode to freedom the warden prison has officially been defeated
Channel: SeaWattgaming
Views: 3,765,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Seawattgaming, Can you ESCAPE this Minecraft PRISON?, Seawattgaming tiktok, Seawatt minecraft prison, Minecraft Prison, Minecraft's Most Annoying Escape room, Minecraft Escape Room, Escaping Minecraft's Hardest Prison With My Best Friend, Trapped in Minecraft's Hardest Prison With My Best Friend
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 24 2022
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