You DON'T Love Me! | Philophobia: The Fear of Love

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[Music] [Music] hey guys and welcome to GT live where yes we are always late but hey you know what beggars can't be choosers because we normally don't stream on Wednesday anyway so coo coo cachoo rent I feel like we shouldn't coordinated our outfits better oh my gosh lashing like crazy we are we are literally a magic I paint right now if you cross your eyes and look at the screen right now a 3d image of a dolphin leaping out of the water will appear to you that's it that's it that is a reference that no one in the audience will understand No do people even do magic eye anymore magic I was was relevant for like a hot six months back in like 1994 Yeah right everyone is going really resize you know what magic eye is are you old enough to know magic eye vestiges you have you have seen the the debris of magic eyes long past do they really so those were the simpler good old times some people just crossed their eyes staring at a painting and hoped for the best saw something or at least lied about seeing sometimes yeah I totally see it for those looking look up magic eye paintings yeah they're great like okay you go slowly back and slow yeah oh that's a dolphin all right leapin odd it was always a dolphin at Laura palm tree right it was always flexing because he couldn't make them too deep if you crossed your eyes you would sink it into the painting and if you like yeah I've just found the salt funds it would actually help your eyes weird anyway we made it to the couch today by hook or by crook and we are playing our Valentine's Day game yeah it's a happy Valentine's Day for us it's uh we won't be live-streaming like we have a we have a video it's just a video tomorrow of an event that I got to go to - like premiere a game which it was really fun and then we won't be streaming on Friday which is actual Valentine's Day but in the means so we wanted to do bail test you can snuggle up with your sweetie and watch but Fila phobia the fear of love which is the gamer viola phobia of the fear of love it's a very loving Valentine's Day here on GT lives I I think I feel like I mentioned I'm proud of this jacket I like this one I color match and I know what else you remember with people you know what else I'm proud of our GT live hoodies which stop being on sale tomorrow so if you are waiting to get your GED whoo get it today or tomorrow because after tomorrow they are gone Valentine's Day kaputsky they won't be there for Valentine's Day Oh No they'll dust away like vanos yeah but not even ordered one you will get your and you'll be ordered and then you'll be so do not wait around it is available for you right now what we like it they're lovely warmest enjoy them thank you to everyone who's that we've sold a bunch of them thank you to everyone who has ordered them you guys are awesome we can't wait to see you make sure you send pictures of yourself in them all right let's play all right so baby so Chris tells me that this game is gonna take an hour and we have about an hour before Ali gets here so let's dive right in shall we final phobia fear of love I know nothing about this already haha this is a tale of young Stuart and his muse it is munion like a man driving rama was just the start so Stewart took a risk and offered her his heart Oh No but the girl wasn't kind and pulled into a tall wall when she chose another path still looking from spirit fiction and to the floor he fell his love for her was pure how could she not love him as well as well never hurt turned to pain with his heart and its crack Stewart chose to feel nothing in turn the world whoa no I feel like he himself didn't turn the world black with the new snow like I feel like the news I don't know oh my god about that one this is great Valentine's Day ladies and gentlemen what a great what a great opening holy up is so light falls Wow what do you need oh you are a teeny oh wow oh this is weird whoa Oh see you like cast light yeah feeder H Oh feed the Rays out well feeling except decay Oh Michael let me let's go feed the rage Steph very the word sir so this looks like the you go down get your heart at the level exit feel like that's a lovely that looks like a portal and there seems to be something an upper yeah right you see it enough right right this is oh this is a while I've never seen gee I haven't seen a visual styling business is really interesting it kind of like just oh it distorts our first it is it's actually really it's it's challenging this is hopefully I'll get used to it I guess right it's I bet you can hide look like it's a rich yeah I don't think I can get reviews of this it's also like it's a good way of hiding stuff in your game environment right like hey look at that up there oh my god okay I got it shoot okay hold up man this is wacky so Chris tell me the story of this game where'd you find this all right this is oh this is a game developed by solo developer Tim and Russ wing and he actually just sent it to us out of the blue oh really yeah you just sent us the code and said I've seen you play similar games and I just wanted to send it in case you're interested so thank you Tim oh my gosh that's so exciting that's really awesome to highlight like someone who just made a game this looks exciting if we can make it past the first love no clear clearly this okay there you okay I bet what bet there's multiple endings in this something tells me that there's multiple endings if I collect all the heart pieces that's my guess what's B do be boy B crouches okay Osuna crouched under there yeah but again like because of this visual style it feels look this look there's something up there this is so interesting oh this is so wacky and yes I'm using the word interesting but I actually mean it as the word interesting this time oh come on it does it takes a lot of game it takes a while to get used to especially with health in some of these platforms are okay whoa hey okay oh hey oh god like of just a little of it ah okay well I got it the trials of denial oh is this the the stages of grief that we're going through that oh maybe did Tim have a rough falling out with with a gal or guy pal and then write this hey thank you based on true events one man's heart breaking and then jumping through a weird shadow world I left there's the key well here's a key okay so that so the key opens up that is there any other heart pieces every the first things had a heart piece I'm gonna be if I'm gonna be zeldo no there it is yeah hey okay I'm gonna be late I gotta collect all my heart pieces right this is wild this is such an interesting line I like this already it's very it's funny because you see so many different like indie platformers and and games and stuff like that this oh wait oh I need the other any other heart beats how many dates since diet coke I think it's like 40 44 all right 44 days oh wow I'm a changed man hey there you go so each level does have the little heartbeat little heart beats are there two hard pieces in every level oh boy that's my question cuz each one oh this was a whole heart yeah probably not right maybe it's just the one maybe that would mean we've missed most of them whoa uh-oh don't get hit by that thing yeah that thing will kill you fun fact oh that will also tell you the red stuff will also kill you see I'm I'm just making sure that we all know the right hey it's good to set up the baseline thank you so the fractured hurts out there Oh Joe and I don't get to keep it okay no oh jeez oh there oh it tells how many deaths I have no oh for step four deaths thank you thanks a lot darling torture of my brilliant part it's gonna say I have phyla phobia now I know with half of your heart Oh dad got eaten by a little friend little friend is like Oh snackeroo whoa okay so is he so he's heartbreak man obviously I'm a heartbreak man okay well what oh thank you thank you Chris oh man it does feel like that in a breakup situation it is true harsh oh okay I'm starting I'm started get it right like you incentivises you two really can jump around and see like where the limits of the world are changed all the angles yeah this is why oh hello little rocket ship we word spirit what was that oh we got an achievement cool that's that's okay right uh Steph yeah since it's Valentine's Day yeah I think you need to tell us a story story of heartbreak a story of heartbreak heartbreak no oh no I feel like we've told a lot of heartbreak stories on TV laughs but it's always nice to dredge the muscles right now and then isn't it um let's see of my own personal heartbreak I had a lot of unrequited love growing up I had a lot of crushes that were unreturned yeah yeah many many many I had a lot of people who I had feelings for for years and never told them never let on oh come on what a bummer what a poop never let on and I was the kind of person who'd just like pine for someone forever forever I might still be in no no not what I was gonna say are you fighting for someone no no but I do you pine I rarely pine nowadays I would hope I would hope you're not pining coz if you if you're pining stuff we have to have work no but those the we have words mine as like a 12 year old or a 14 year old or 16 year old or whatever like you feel like really intense feelings for people where you're like oh man I really really like that person so much and I just wish they would notice me but I had a lot I actually had a lot of instances where my smokes my heart was was was frequently broken your heart will go on yeah it did go on like Celine Dion was right but but it didn't always feel like it jump through yeah yeah okay so I got it now when was your first ever crush that you remember first ever first grade first grade so you were six yeah like that that's that's pretty good yeah enjoyed this that yeah do I pass muster is that pretty good how did you know how did you know you liked her did you think she was cute oh yeah / cute most you know I don't it is weird cuz I write how do you have a six-year-old how do you assess you assess that sore so I don't know like it's a good question oh oh gosh nice come out of it seriously that they're cute and they can either do hot up that's cool or they have something that's cool I think oh oh what come on yeah I gotta be better at like seeing where these guys are coming from oh hello my first crush was when I was four oh my loving the Izaak I hate them so much okay there's one oh no that's the one people are okay so this is literally yeah there you go nice mine was when I was four months of war it was the boy next door early bloomer I don't know oh god yeah boy next door boy next door come back to me controller go back controller oh thanks and he had he and his family had a very cool swing set oh pretty sure we're going to get married all about that swing set uh-huh yeah and he could climb into the tall part of the fort no I was a very attractive tree oh what a hot so yeah you know okay I that's how you assess that kind of thing though like this person has has like the cool toys oh geez and is also a cutie so I may have activated what too many of these of these hearts here whoopsie what about you Chris first crush how old were you oh I think it was like 10 or 11 oh wow you got you skated by for a whole decade with no crushes that's awesome I guess I was just too dweeby I wasn't thinking about it Oh your note we know yeah your node we've kind of a dork yeah yeah much much more oh I'd be curious in the chat how many like how old were you with your first press the like like de'lon asuka it says four I didn't have my first crush till fourth grade which is age nine yeah mine was definitely mine was definitely one her name is Chelsea we went ix indoor amusement park together you went on a date with your crush that's very exciting again fine unrequited we would do a you went to an amusement park to get laoshu wait I didn't get my heart yeah I couldn't do it because I have to find my little heartbeats cuz I know it's gonna unlock something cuz I'm a completionist there's gonna be some here right lololol says my first crush was Kindergarten any threw a chair at me oh love is never having to say don't throw that chair yeah wait please please leave a comment along with like how old were you like what was their defining characteristic where you knew you had a crush on them member PC was age five that candy guy age eight I'm seeing a lot between age ages five and eight so it was really big the big years rights are spread it's so fascinating you know it's also the time when you start watching a lot of Disney movies and stuff I'm pretty sure that's where I got the idea of having a crush be Cinderella had a crush The Little Mermaid had a crush I better get me a crush you know I wonder if that's why that's really fast you see it and you see like even even very early like preschools have Valentine's Day cards that you bring for class that is true you have those Valentine's Day cards yeah and so we're documenting you know you there might be people who you you know we like everyone we like our friends whatever but yeah that you we like our friends now like some of our friends more than other you know let's see grace pankot says first crush fifteen matpat was very sleepy with beard or with them you can say you have a crush on me now it's okay yeah Christmas like I have better things to do if he says my first my first crush was my best friend when I was 11 oh Claire Dowling says mine was kindergarten and I liked that he was a bad boy oh yeah those kindergarten bad boys huh oh well does he do I'm so curious and what a kindergarten bad boys Oh hilarious oh my first crush was in kindergarten and he liked my best friend that is the word all that sucks my kindergarten crush also liked my best friend and it was tough really oh yeah his name was Dustin her name was a man not a dust and they were really cute together because they were both like little blond kids Wow yeah they were adorable and I was so jelly what I'm trying to say what that couples just go together for their looks for their hairstyles ya know maybe sometimes at the tea amalia knock says third grade eights and he was the handsomest in our class I still have the diary it's a good yeah you write and you write about your first crush you know we're our strongest that's just 13 and oh my gosh all the guys at her school are dweebs that's fair that's also fair they become less dweeby at age like 26 sorry you're gonna have a while right Chris Chris let's just say I'm just getting out today but I was gonna say we did I get it poop mine was probably fourth grade I never said anything to him though says it's Brooklyn yeah yeah my first grade crush went to the X Center together it was pretty cool aureus oh nice we uh we wrote the the spinning UFO Gravitron together ha ha ha just say summer great legit summer grams it was preschool he dumped sand in my hair Wow water I like how we all have the majority are variances of like our first crash and then just being like the person in your class or whatever I mean what else you're gonna like I guess you could have a crush on like nope boom pug the pug says mine was preschool he wasn't afraid of bees so he was super cool that's amazing he's brave in the face of be I'm married I married someone once not the playground oh did you I did I was i you know i forget what great it was maybe third grade I was responsible for marrying one of the like longer-established couples oh you so you got started marrying people early I did now a new role I was always born to play Matt who's officiating another wedding at the end of this month actually um oh wait wait there was one Oh destruction King says kindergarten I got cheated on no the elementary school romances but people described where they get cheated on it's true dude you got cheated on by a girlfriend once right it's great fifth grade I will also elementary school Lister camp she met she met a guy at Orchestra camp oh no those orchids where'd he play what was his instruments hello oh is that why you don't like jealous I loved I want you I don't know anything against jealous that is not true I think I have a chip on my shoulder for fun violinist but that's because as a violist know no respecter love haha so they're like kindergarten I got cheated ah see okay so this is always the fear leader rudbeck says I lay in like kindergarten he was the cutest guy in school and he made fun of me when he found out I was always so oh that's so sad I was so afraid of getting made fun of because I had a crush on someone that I never told anyone yeah I hid all of my like feelings for anyone because I was so afraid of getting licensed yeah of getting made fun oh that's so sad yeah that's the one thing you can know it's flattering to be exactly killer drawer x2 90 a world working fast I had my first girlfriend at daycare and I was four whoa take care take care take care romances she's dead in my high school sweetheart the she was my daycare sweetheart well when you put it that way yes it's very banana dolphin mine was seven I liked it because he was the fastest runner of the class that whole third person I've seen who's for who's first crush was the fastest runner in the you know and you can book it across the playground the girls will be falling all over themselves I was I was gonna say fastest runner that that's like survival of the fittest right there that means you got good genes you know right exactly yeah you're it's Darwinian is that was gonna say yeah that that Darwin Darwin choosing that one or the other Oh God come on okay hold up anything I like Micah Fisher mine was kindergarten but we broke up because I'd rather play pokemon than hang out girlfriend I don't choose you Bulbasaur IQ more I had my first kiss at five whoa whoa whoa man how old were you and you got what first kiss don't lie 23 is still waiting for that day I have a beard now that's far away at this point um no lip kit look Angie cheeks boutique that was my high school Chris what about you and when did you have I think it was 14 I think I was also 14 yeah middle middle school was a dry time for me at a lot of I had a lot of girlfriends in elementary school and then after that fifth grade heartbreak I run after that fifth grade I got cheated on I'm like you know what I'm swearing off girls are you actually mad it hurt a lovely story about his breakup when when this girl cheated on him in fifth grade and his parents I thought did like the perfect thing for parents of a fifth grader to do when you get dumped by another fifth grader I think you I think yeah I just think it's adorable no it was so so I was really upset because we had as I cuz I very distinctly remember it to like we were we were on the playground like after school we know bleep I'm like hey let's let's hang out after school and we had to we had to like recess big pieces of week recess equipment so we were on those older smaller justic leave remember exactly where I was all this stuff and and I'm like hey so let's talk about this truck again and so we talked about it right so we ended up breaking up okay or whatever fifth grade romance is over I was gonna say it yeah you're having conversations where you're like yes we should end this now yeah actually yes yes okay go ahead good anyway so I was really upset I was really sad and my pair of boobs and my parents would take me to Pizza Hut that night and you know back then Pizza Hut's had jukeboxes and so on the jukebox they play love steaks from from the movie wedding singer and so then like that made me feel a lot better cuz I felt validated oh did you have like a little personal pan pizza or something oh no we should we shared a pepperoni stuff oh wait when I was sharing a bubble I would get a personal pan pizza oh I think that's probably cuz my dad doesn't eat Pizza Hut pizza it's gonna say can we just get the salad bar now why would you get a personal pan pizza because we all know very clearly that the personal pan pizza the the ratio of the actual cheesy part of the pizza to the crusty part not not ideal oh okay my personal I see but yeah so they played love stings they talked to me about how there are other fish in the sea like literally like Lee they kind of had that whole conversation oh yeah and I was like you know and I felt better I felt better by the end of the day it was nice but it but it was really sad that was my that was my first heartbreak I'll never forget it this is a funny one I love Valentine's Day brings out interesting parts of people robotic luna says I had a quote-unquote boyfriend in first grade and we never technically broke up oh so the other day he texts me out of nowhere and wishes me a happy 10-year anniversary oh I'm married with a seven month old what sesame oh oh that's amazing story that is right holy cow Katie says I had my first and only Valentine in third grade his mom made him do it but I got chocolate and the stuffed dog so I didn't care that's awesome I do feel like the the Rikuo I know what I'm doing wrong I get it now I do feel like the requirement of having to give everyone a Valentine in elementary school like well it's a nice thought I think it's a dangerous I think it's a dangerous prospect right you can read it to me if you start reading into things yeah see this is what yeah I think I think it's bad news it's bad news guys write it stuff it on the one hand I do like it though because no one gets left out and I feel like I would have been that person oh no I totally get that that makes total sense to me fly over here people are things that being said though I remember I had I got Pokemon ones one time and I was really excited about that oh you got Pokemon one I always used to be really excited about Charlie Brown themed ones peanuts one all those words new P on it those were my favorite I always used to hope for those or Barbie ones those were good to see everyone always everyone always did the Barbie once the boys moms always got like Power Rangers ones now Power Rangers which were the cool one I was not I was I wasn't into Power Rangers or teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as a little girl so those were kind of lost on me sorry to hear that I hear that the give away I know that was that's such an odd trend I was always really excited cuz he always got like cupcakes that day or candy chocolates they still do that they still have like decorate your Valentine's Day bag and all that does that I don't know there's probably some like political issues right I was gonna say I could see that being like an issue where people have like no some people don't like love so we can try on the break that yeah love love love is now off living I don't know I was fun though I always really liked having some candy in school for Valentine's Day and trading Valentines I thought that was neat let's see huh Mario Mario a peach says my first crush was in kindergarten his name was nugget and he was always digging holes really cute what a weird kid watch out for that one yeah I don't know I don't know what a strange name for a kid to tell yet come on Jacqueline probably says the requirement for everyone to participate was the saving grace for me since I was the outcast and I was that was the only time I ever got any attention I feel that I was always afraid of that I'm not sure that that would have been me but I was afraid of that being me so regardless I think it was a good idea right right of the thing of the ID I don't think I would have gotten a whole heck of a lot if it had just been like give it to whoever you actually care about right bad news hour is a lot this is a good first crush I love tucumã says first grade because he danced to the chicken dance with me for this weird thing where everyone hi if he is willing to dance the chicken dance just for you you know that he's gonna dance it at your wedding yeah you know you got to find him early find the guy who's gonna dance the Hokey Pokey we lock down those chicken dancers that's what it's all about you know that is what it's all about my oh my uh the tale of love and lost love unrequited you do the hokey-pokey that's what it's all about my secret heart ah oh sorry just got stabbed come on I pulled on my shield all right keep fighting off love I am I'm gonna flip over to Twitter and read some stories over there I I'm loving these eyes are great I think it's one of those things where I also I feel like on Valentine's Day because it's an arbitrarily arbitrary holiday about right we may be having love maybe not and it not mattering one way or the other but I feel like the ability to look back on moments that were sad or heartbreaking and kind of laugh about them or even just talk about them out loud and share them with people makes them so much less powerful thanks so much less sad I agree like being able to talk about oh that guy that you really liked or that girl who broke your heart when being able to be like oh yeah a lot of people have gone through that it makes it better and it helps get you to the point where you can look back on it and either like laugh and laugh about it or learn from it and kind of just you know not worry about it I've got to find secret art Kristen Chris's ultimate heartbreaker though really okay Chris breaking hearts taking names right guaranteed probably I could have seen a lot of I could have seen a lot of girls being into like new dorky Chris Wow were you cute in dorky growing up Chris I wouldn't know I I was pretty shy around around yeah you mean you were silent and mysterious yeah that okay yeah they well they loved you for mother and you probably didn't realize it but they loved you for it yeah whoa oh it is a boss okay we have here take apparently Brett we're at heart boss oh wow always felt we got it we got to reflect his parts Becky out of my bed I totally felt me Oh oh wait no no the but there is there's the it is the logic not denying up hey man I gotta get you gotta get that super hard stuff here here's about anything else all I care about this game of the secret arts oh oh oh no I accepted the pain right it was not denied that was that was fully deposited in my bank account pain here we go boss man come on bring it Bo come on come on hit me hit me with your best shot Oh deny the pain oh hey there it is yes no stop taking my heart no what is it you feel my heart BAM don't you dare steal my heart so we've got a boy oh okay oh you hit your heart up tonight I want that pain it's not top layer go ah Jerky's oh no sorry my bad okay he's got too intense though this patch up I'm gonna be on your Twitter I'm gonna be on Twitter deny the page final boss man [Music] fine okay good with it okay booyah my heart give me my yellow heart oh it's my shield he's stealing my shield I get back boom yeah good one hey steal my shield again so now the heart actually has to be on the other side of us well or you just have to shoot here oh nice right elaborate Oh poop no top layer shoot up a chance Oh whoo Oh again wait here you go boy yeah hit up yet thank you my you come on one more hit behind hi hi no certainly not no no oh damn it damn it controller why did you play we need a better control or hokum Chris that was sad and frustrating all right yeah yeah hit me hit me boom reflected boom reflected come on come on ah day now yeah come on yes got one yeah Jill Oh what you doing you putting a shield on top what do you start doing that hey don't bah don't tell her okay good open mine ya feel me to do that whoa [Music] we go the final boss oh-oh-oh yeah does that bother you with your mouth noise you [Music] oh oh yeah what you're out now there's like a little wind every single time you hit it oh oh come on okay there we go come on we know what oh no are you kidding not you Oh poop on a brisket I didn't see that there isn't like I didn't feel like were things no I don't know final boss' if I'm assuming this is the final bob is the final boss Chris Chris's no it's definitely not it's everywhere we've only been playing for half hour yeah there are a whole bunch of other stages of grief [Music] for probably there are technically five states I know so there are four more I was counting them I I get I get it now I see I see what you did there dare dare hey yay don't appreciate right come on they're still hotel they're still hope to be had in this life he's definitely from Le Pen's day yes I take you to see the sonic movie No thank you I'm good I could use to see I want to see the new Harley : birds of prey the new title for it right yeah yeah over Sonic the Hedgehog really steps really over Sonic the Hedgehog yeah I think so I think so man but it's got some theory I do like Jim Carrey highlighters I know and you don't like Sonic the Hedgehog which son it's there's so many comics how how do I know how I know it's there so they suck technically they're all part of the same United Canada yeah but there are two different heights so that's a good point fair fair fair I support that yeah I can understand your confusion and frustration right they did they make this boss challenging they did it like this is actually a legitimately challenging boss yeah like there's a lot black or not there's a lot going on you're having to deal with like the the wacky platform mechanic that the platform mechanic is is like a lot to manage right to the team because it's right it obscures a lot okay going thank you [Music] are you kidding now shoot this is so hard this time old-school step this is old-school difficulty I'm gonna hop on Twitter since we're you taking your Valentine yeah are you taking up them sonic are you taking the thumbs to Harley Quinn j @j films 21 agrees with me I'd take Harley Quinn over Sonic the Hedgehog any day but Jacob ten twelve fourteen because I want to see this on who me it looks great and I've never played a Sonic game Oh wowie that's fascinating yeah and especially that you were like that you're like oh I really want to go see Sonic anyway you haven't played a game you don't have that background and that's really cool um let's see at Blake emic poop says um complete this game in an hour times up yeah we started we started freely we did start pretty late we were we have 20 minutes both buffer time right at the joy of GC live says my first kiss was in kindergarten playing catch and kiss what what is that kiss what's the party oh my gosh why is everything against me at this large strange I don't know what that is but that sounds like that that does that sounds be monotype got you kiss yeah Oh sounds like a lot of things have like a legal issue right there oh damn it that was me those my own fault Oh what are you doing Chris Oh another warrior Chris in which case we can do a different control are you sure this is the rates this is this is too big that is not it you know what buddy it's okay I love you just the same bang my head get off of this ball fight we're all good I should I just need to get to it this is like the Dark Souls all right come on come on hard buddy come on hard buddy okay feel the shield here don't no don't preciate that don't approve I'm gonna really have a little more Valentines for you read it at Amy Lee 0 3 3 on Twitter said I had a boyfriend first to third grade until the news everyone called a kickball king and queen wow the power couple of 1st and 3rd grade bula I don't know if there's more to this tweet but the the tweet from Alfredo Lopez just says my parents make me apologize because he went comb crying and his parents told mine whoa oh no okay so yes okay great no no I had it I had it I hold up hold up turn off the lights what no rip off the light yeah turn your little ones no turn off the big one behind the case behind the TV okay though so I need off the light yeah turn off the lights set in the mood for Valentine's Day oh yeah I get that light back there yeah turn Alaura thing that way I can because the outlines of the bringing it down now I can see this really lets glare on it's okay so I can hopefully see those parts better than pop-out hurts that's that's the thing though so now hopefully I'll see them and remember that they exist here we go 1 2 3 boom Chris Chris I need to blame everything I need to check my controls forgot what the controls are I don't know the combos are here we go bring it there Neal [Music] oh we got this we got this feeling I totally feel it I am feeling the feel those Valentine's Day feels I am feeling them that one's going where okay that was right there right now [Music] yes yeah there you go there you go watch where this one goes that one's on guys up there it's on the top top so rock business it's intense especially what you have these like new like oh the popper going up there there's a hopper over there there's a heart head here holy do you earth my field I get back yeah you have it you have it good yeah start hittin Mackin thanks I'll work on that gothic art gaffer yes yes oh yeah yeah Wow yeah that was hard that was really hard I am shocked that was great but very hard that wasn't like right this is a good platforming challenge we were like a warmer you're gonna like fly through it no problem that was hard right that was hard I think we can turn the light back on Craig you'll notice that turning off the light helped a lot yeah with the demon of denial gone older were felt alone he took a second to reflect deep within his bones his actions in the past hadn't granted him revision and in a twist of art he we examined his decision if he did waited and talked to her explain to her his thoughts could the lack of what he said be connected to the cause he that fronted his denial or came to terms with how he felt the inconvenience of emotion it was the hand that he'd been dealt but as he came upon the second realm Stuart felt a rage he was angry now sorting through his thoughts at every stage livid beyond doubt and it was blame that took the brunt for his attempt to tuning out emotions focused them in front what focus I have none of those lines really mean oh that's a you're certain you're starting to lose me a little bit uh on the poetry here like it's like having a lot of pop music they're like oh these words sound beautiful it means nothing Oh feed the rage means okay feed the rage just means - go pop feared the rage aka - yeah I don't want to go through the portal I need the other half of my have my heart let me feed that rage beating that beat it denied oh there we go alright I have fed my rage and I'm gonna puke Oh actually you bet if I feed my rage over here you ha ha look that her instincts I don't know what the trap cards mean maybe it's all maybe it's all the girls will fall in love with me oh there you go it's like Supergirl has 27 girlfriends by the end of the game Stewart fit his rage and developed a lot of followers ha ha ha by going to chapter 2 the trial of anger it's almost like we're going through the state disappear right it's almost like where we are dabbed up depression dabbed up is that what regression regression anger bargaining bargaining I was like bitterness bargaining tab de blossoms acceptance denial that was first oh sorry it's denial denial anger bargaining depression depression that's it that's it but been a long time since did that episode of game to you oh oh that's Lincoln's dead man that's it that's old school Oh what about that is have you ever have you ever had like a heartbreak situation where you know what were able to slow it up a cure somewhere else to eat it on me okay well are you able to ever tire it out through the stages of grief through this I'm curious if it's one of those things you can only like look back on or if you're like oh I'm in bargaining right now leave me alone bargaining currently right I I would say stop it jerk wait why is everyone blaming Chris in the chat oh they missed the moment where you meet the boss wait are you kidding what yeah I had you in full screen no it was so good I know I got distracted by all of your light demands my bad yeah Chris oh yeah beat the boss rewind and Wow Chris you're heartless wench oh that's right don't the pro pulling guys oh no I don't think we're allowed to call our own man now everyone's gonna think that like you cut away Oh like we took a somewhat yeah my Jane play was so sad just watching a playthrough right now you can't see Matthews hands I don't believe it we can't camp get the hands can right here head chef here it is track his button presses what is this twitch Maya twitch speedrunner come on oh my god that's you're good at jump dashes I feel like this should be like a good section for you yeah see look there okay Park monster okay all right right I'm anger I'm feeding the rage I am curious if this is what really really appreciate that look guys uh-huh no I'm just gonna say I am if this is truly a game about the the stages of the stages of like loss and I'm grieve and like dabbe done and all that I do wonder if there is I'm very curious what the bargaining stage would write that seems very obscure oh okay I get it I get it now you have to follow the appropriate angle right see it's a bit hard at your angle when you know the screen is obscured by beep what Oh aren't those invisible hearts are the they're like the kaizo blocks up alone yeah I feel like a couple of those are a bit cheap I don't know the guys don't blocks blood that's right over there that was just me big bad and platforming kisi I think you're good at platforming you don't put yourself sucking in that moment girls like confidence just died thanks thanks boys thanks spookyboys man Josh just I um thank you I appreciate left their head oh okay really just need to follow right Etha he's the problem here what like okay now he's thought oh okay no shoot at least I got the heart at least look like a nice nice Oh spike it's all timing oh okay I got that okay okay the nice thing is you don't have to beat the level it's really good that you don't have to go back yeah it's nice that you can't get bad without a stick [Music] shoot no no first you lackluster connection darn it oh come on I was there nice oh that was that tells me being bad at gaming is one of those a bunny or is it just your splattering body I swear I thought one of the harsh head gears oh no it's just bike coming down I was gonna say go down are you two kidding but look at the spikes when they come down on top of the little blobs do with you you got this nice way there's a loop around on this guy there there's just a cross yeah oh that's I kills you least you got the half-heart right this little bit okay got it man it's a quirk of it's quirk of the visuals accantus in this game yes okay good Oh Roxy that's the best adjust right there you see a little little Bashi nice ah shoot no it is it's down there yeah uh-huh dizzy don't jump to the spike there that's that's a bad sign er no don't don't do that one save it for later oh that was so narrow I keep overestimating how wide that one is the residuals make it seem lighter yeah oh where did it come from it's right below it heroin yep is it every time yeah yes whoo should 100k yeah don't you know a little no hard I thought you had it the first one I missed think you'll be all right see yo need my yellow heart oh that is so sadly you missed that one actually I feel it for you right oh ah oh Jesus damn it you got this my arch-nemesis in this game is the pause screen you have about seven minutes left let's see I'm gonna beat it no time sure we're on the second stage of grief right now you said this game as low power and a little bit to play all the way through whoa chris is wild are you some kind of mad speedrunner in your spare time Chris expected me to be good we we also spent like 20 minutes on the first three levels just scoping out farik fair enough fair enough you know what Chris C then nothing come on now and y'all have you know you do commentary it's more work than just playing the game right if only people understood in the spirit of that sure thanks thanks Chris thanks for making excuses for everything I slow game play shoot I missed that one what oh that spike was up there for some reason I wasn't even like acting was like man here I'm gonna since the only other few minutes left minutes you run I'm gonna hop back into a speed road and and see what a few people are saying most people are sending you strong things strong strong pictures like so Chad this uh let's see kami 110 says I've never seen this game before it is a Valentine's Day platformer okay don't know if it's Valentine's dance think it's a love really it's a lovely related platformer it's it's cool it's neat to play oh look this woman and and to play love stinks in the background yep let's see every time it's the visual style great you kind of really get used to that hey Rose France is my theory where I came in today I'm so I'm so happy I got it yes awesome and we are so happy that you got it yes thank you so much thanks for ordering hopefully you like it right Carmen Lopez cabinet it's talking about Valentine's Day at school we've been spending a lot of time talking about that today at my school we have candy grams you can send them to someone so I sent one to myself that is such a good idea that is the best thing that's awesome did you have candy grams in school no I knew a couple schools that had them and I always thought it was such a neat idea where you could deliver it no we didn't if you could deliver Kenny rice do anyone know you not Chris would know anyone any grams no no ma'am you have candy grams does a bee still work here see me surround would you leave did you did you go stuff yeah Amy did you ghost oh did you have candy grams in your school don't be silly Amy ha ha man I don't know what you're talking about [Music] Oh oh that's nice let's see oh my gosh every time thanks Chris again you're the best oh there's a spike up there damnit I should see that what's the candy Graham says Parker Bailey um it's it's basically just sending candy to someone but instead of just sending it in the mail you it actually gets delivered by someone and usually they send a little message along with it so oh come on if you're if you'd like a telegram is like a little piece of paper that gets delivered to you a candy gram is candy that gets delivered to you by a person who has a special candy gram deliverer fine great nothing at all there is violence fine we're fine oh they have them in college says says Blair Wasser I don't remember us having any candy grams in college but we might have I wasn't very participatory uh let's see yeah because you had a boyfriend who delivered you things so far above us beyond the kid yeah that of a mere candy grab me a mere candy around your candy grab candy grams are for the Valentine's Day news ah there's something down there though right Valentines see it's always slightly longer than that is it justice I think it's just a fun item there's like a there being a cage I mean maybe I don't see it all right ah whoo I'm gonna call it a couple more in the chat and then I have to run h-holly Kayla darling shows I bought the sweatshirt yesterday thank you so much that's so awesome lean wall says my school is queenetta that's so cool nice what else carnations and Brent hat he says we have a a flower delivery that is so cool oh my gosh that is really cool Chloe hey Beth oh that's neat oh and Ximena or teeka says anyone else flower grams yes that's so cool delicates Park says my school has compliments with a kiss it's like a candy grams of oh but with Hershey's kisses that is so cool that is really cool and Ellie the nerdy you fish problems as my high school did singing grams with glee club was already the recipient in front of everyone with a song chosen by the sender how cool is that for fun that's really cool Oh that is so cool okay and on that lovely note everyone has a fantastic Valentine's Day I have to go get Ally Matthew is gonna finish up with finishing finishing up some anger in our and our angry love game what there's no anger no matter who you're spending Valentine's Day with hope it's with someone you love platonically non platonically romantically maybe you just sort of met them on a bus or something that's what they do Valentine's Day it's for all types of relationships see you guys doing fine I feel like I okay I feel like I should be close to the anger boss right nope nope nope Nilo me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone stop stop stop stop little bees no not the bees not bees oh we're fine I hear Oliver is fine it's fine it's fine I can still play this game we're good oh no no I heard his cries sadness maybe I have to go cute oh no no okay I gotta go I really love this little come on man focus focus rush bees the bees are everywhere these kind of suck the bees are gonna be a real bummer on this level uh this levels boss has a feeling no further fine I swear I swear we're done with the last room telling you babies waiting for me over there everyone's waiting to talk to me now should go the other way you can watch me windy these thanks I appreciate your I know he's not nice nope too early too early it's fine we're good I appreciate your your faith in me though no leave me alone leave me alone no no no yes okay got that thank you as long as I got that that's all that matters Oh psyche look at those Jukes okay got them got the bonus there I'll take that I'll take my little heart piece mr. Kido we're all dude good you can hang out with me on the couch on Amy or we can talk about whatever you need to ask me about yeah yeah shoot I was I wish we had you on before you cook told us all your stories of love and loss are you kidding me come on are you sure yeah no no I was not a dater nor was I a crushed person really no I I I think like I tried to like cuz I think like what you said they make today make it seem like you're supposed to have crushes right but no really the Disney machine nah you're like I don't need this that's why I don't have a lot to say about Valentine's Day I celebrated like maybe three in my life really maybe I may be stretching it yes is the current boyfriend not a big fan of the Beltane thing I mean that's been like but no we're fine it's not an important thing to me yeah so it's I and I think that's I think that's fully valid right like that's there's nothing wrong with that well I don't really want a box of chocolates in or do I want flowers I'm variable made in Sumerian Lincoln but that's a nice what about you what's the favorite thing you'd either gotten or get around anything like I did you do crazy stuff the thing I like most I just like that the rate I don't like buying into necessarily all the commercialized site around Valentine's Day I just like having it as a reminder of hey like take time out of your day to do something nice for the people in your life that you care don't just stab them with 20 they don't they'll stab them with the pointy part bullets you have to make sure your love is nice and kind of sharp pieces that's what Valentine's is all about don't don't stab people with your heart solet's yep I mean that's what they say on the Valentine's cards it is the gift that keeps on giving oh come on I know right also I like the look of complete disinterest that the hearts that pop up there's like yeah mm-hmm as someone who has not been checked into this game the whole time this is very interesting right that's a fun game it's it's a fun oh oh surprised oh you jerk okay here let's make this one I'm looking pretty sure you need to wrap those I know it's all the love all the time I touched me what I'll talk I taught him what a glass armonica was yesterday he loves it like google play sounds of the instruments and so like you know like hey google what sound does a blank make and then I said hey play a random instrument and it's that each glass armonica and I'm like I don't even know what that is and so together we learned what a glass armonica was we learned all about it then and yeah that's so now like that's his new favorite wanted to like ask about is like did you become a musician who plays the glass armonica and like some famous symphony writer who knew we even knew that that was an instrument a bunch of glass bowls put together that's all it is it's a bunch of glass bowls that you play with like wet fingers so it's Sandra Bullock in the oh my gosh oh my god Miss Congeniality with the white glasses yeah that is the equivalent it's it's the equivalent like the instrumental equipment of those wine glasses yeah right I didn't either and then that prompted me to talk to Stephanie and he'd sure about the theremin the Germans are fun theremins are wack I love theremins it's seven did you I I had to refresh myself on what they're actually called there what was used to do the original Star Trek theme song really yeah yeah was a theremin and so it's I was very well versed in theremins by the vector so yeah it's difficult in my AP physics teacher in school had one that you know so it was just super cool to just try to like play different songs when we weren't doing actual that's so fascinating it's it's a super fun thing what it's also like it's such an unique instrument and such a weird sound okay I should right I keep expecting me to get to like 90% okay so there are five state the realms of great there it is there it is and I've gotten 7 of 26 I'm 55% of the way through the game 55 percent complete okay I'll give it to me I keep expecting us to get to the boss of this level but we haven't yet so thanks for helping on the couch and I'll let your clothes off I should quote note as well but anyway guys like I said we have a video tomorrow for you but it's not with us live on the couch and then Friday Steph and I are out doing we've actually done a lot of early Valentine's Day things this year so we actually don't really have plans that Valentine's Day maybe just be like relax for a change I mean that is a great gift the gift that keeps on giving so anyway if we don't see you have a fantastic Valentine's Day like Stephanie said spend it with someone that you love or at least tolerate or your pet or on a little or honestly alone if that's that's your prerogative just do it spend it taking care of someone that you love and that someone you love could be yourself that's all that matters like that's very sweet right I mean that's people forget that sometimes their Valentine's Day is all about giving people other things people stuff to other people but it's like you can appreciate yourself too so spend some time loving yourself this week and we'll see you well later this week in like videos but we'll see you live next week and in the meantime remember that's just that's just the street you know live stream hey happy Valentine's Day and I'm gonna say goodbye and Stephanie's chat may be good because I was like I can't unlock her phone uh Anthony atheist says Valentine's is my third least favorite time of the year third okay okay that's that bad kalabaw r31 says can't wait for tomorrow you bet Jets I'm being goofy and being terrible mr. J says watch Braun you could do that on Valentine's Day sure absolutely Elena Stanton says Amy is really cute oh thank you there you go Kate Bennett says goodbye
Channel: GTLive
Views: 258,388
Rating: 4.9519601 out of 5
Keywords: philophobia the fear of love, philophobia, the fear of love, the fear of love phobia, philophobia the fear of love gameplay, philophobia the fear of love ending, valentines day, valentine's day, valentine, love, valentines day game, valentine's day game, game theorists, game theory, gtlive
Id: bWR5CajuXUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 57sec (4737 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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