Don't Trust Your Toys! | Mr. Hopps Playhouse

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

I could've sworn there was a game like this about a year or so ago that played basically the same way, except instead of Mr. Hopps it was like a bootleg version of Creepy Garfield... oh, duh, they mention it specifically on their web page as an inspiration. That's cool!

It's kinda sad that we're only gonna get one more Spooky Stream this year. I wonder if they're gonna wrap up Love, Sam... then hopefully more Untitled Goose Game once they get back?

Also, as much fun as I'm sure they had doing the Tea talks, I think it's for the best to dial down the drama. In the future, if they've got a topic they want to go in-depth on: I really liked the couch talk videos on the Theorist channel. They don't have to have a lot of visual effects, just sitting back and talking about stuff that's important. I don't always agree with Mat on things, but one thing I can always respect him for is that he's earnest about his opinions and at least makes an effort to do some research. I also did like the conversational nature of the Tea talks, getting both of their perspectives, so maybe that's something that could be incorporated as well? Just some suggestions to consider.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/DiabloGraves 📅︎︎ Oct 18 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] hey guys and welcome one and all to GT live GT live where we're back out the couch dancing to our own song actually I'm dancing to the theme song of mr. hops play house we're playing today which is literally a looping music box of like 10 notes but it's exciting right dude do you know and of course as soon as I say that it stops oh there's a yeah I'm slow and very quickly losing uh oh hello friends we are here today we've I know pumpkin patch and Matthew has bronchitis stuff we were here on Monday remember and then Tuesday why I know it was a weird week there were a lot of like last-minute things that ended up taking up a lot more time than we expected yeah which is why it we haven't been around and why it's suddenly a Thursday holy jeez that's crazy to think about everything has just bubbled away it's nuts [Music] it's just like it's weird this year in general time is just like melted away I wonder if that has to do with having a Bab and also having a lot more like responsibilities yeah in general not just Bab which is the big responsibility bye babbling our child Bab Bab Babs so anyway uh hi today we're playing game Chris has phoned us a new horror game pazham thank goodness I mean we're getting pretty deep into October here so we better start cranking out the horror game it's time it's time to get pooping well it's especially time since this could very well be our last stream of the month oh my god about that I know I know I mean I could always scream tomorrow next week we should I agree so tomorrow my this extremal our our last stream of the month because next week we're going to be gone at middle east games con which is gonna be a lot of fun it's gonna be awesome don't get us wrong but it's also halfway around the world and we can't street and we can't stream from there yeah well it would then we might I can't imagine the world where we would be able to go and then as soon as we're back we're hopping into a YouTube event which takes up a couple days maybe from there it's it I'd like us to come back and start streaming in but next week we're gone unfortunately after that we're gonna try to finagle a way to do it but it's gonna be tough I know I know I'm really sad about it because Halloween and October is my favorite month to stream okay we're gonna do we can you guys we're gonna figure it out we're figuring this out live on air right now because we don't want to miss the okay okay I know the harsh realities of our schedule are hitting hitting hitting hard right now there's just been a lot of travel and that's all been crammed into October through No a YouTube gaming summit which is awesome because we get to talk to other YouTube gamers and we get to you know meet some people who we might not usually get to meet who come out for that but that's also like a couple more days away from streaming and we don't get back from that until Halloween at a theorist toddler our baby's unofficial account on Twitter spoopy Oliver Patrick says I am no longer Bab I am taught to shame Touche oh that's amazing twitter account of our child yes well done fake to know your account of child and then a melody stone sewn melodies one on Twitter okay so no more GT Live I guess that's actually something we can talk about real PAC here as we start off today stream so for a while there every Tuesday we're doing GT live which was kind of like our yeah it was kind of our version of a podcast talking about like we're a Spelman tea yeah was filling the tea about industry news like drama that was going on in the space isn't that and it was fun because it gave us a chance to talk about that kind of stuff like in a quick turnaround so that kind of way like we could do it as it was happening which was fun and exciting cuz that's not something we usually get to do but on the other hand when you're talking about stories that are unfolding as they're unfolding a lot of times you you really can't guarantee that you have all the information or that you have like any of the right information and we were you know we were thinking about GT live and whether or not to continue it and we didn't want to ever be in a position where we were talking about things that you know we didn't have all the facts for yeah unnecessarily making somebody else's life harder because if there's drama and it's about you it's really hard it is and it's and it wasn't one of those things that we really wanted to add to in a lot of cases because in in this day and age right everyone is covering stories immediately but a lot of times it takes time for like the truth to come out or other sides to come out or or to just do research on the topic so you can approach it with a well informed opinion and we were we were just talking about in like hey for us we really value doing the research we really value coming into it with a well-informed opinion and then being able to kind of make a judgment call and we were unfair and I think in a lot of situations we tried to like where there wasn't enough information out there we did try to ride like a good middle line or at least that was our intention a lot of people are yeah we always tried to do that but it was it's really hard to make sure that you're being fair and it's also the kind of thing where you know the drama is like fun to talk about but it's also maybe not like it doesn't do anybody any favors a lot of times and we just we want to always be seen as like supportive members of the YouTube community not not like critical of anyone yeah it's one of those things where like I don't know we truck we some of you people online might disagree but we try to be additive and positive towards a lot of things and yes like sometimes our content is talking about like oh no this character might be dead or this game might not be good or whatever but like I don't know we try to like educate and uplift and spread like positivity in a lot of cases even if sometimes are talking about goofy things and it was just one of those things were like talking about gossip and drama and stuff and it's like is that is that kind of adhering to kind of what we really want to be putting out into the world and it's one of those things where we just didn't want to risk it and a lot of the stuff that people were asking us to talk about and a lot of the topics that we're seeing submitted to us were things that we either weren't really comfortable talking about or we didn't feel lower yeah or it didn't feel well informed enough to actually like have opinions on in a lot of cases like YouTube algorithmic drama and a lot we could talk about that for days right like oh no favorite is about and platform but like we could talk about a lot of that stuff for days but when it comes to like personal issues and stuff that became a couple issues coming in we're to talk about and there are plenty of other channels who talk about that and yeah so anyway that's the long and short of like ygt life is kind of like GT t-series has kind of faded away but that being said it's not necessarily that's gone forever like we we like we've really enjoyed doing a podcast e style but it was just one of those like and it was fun and different it was it was good to like talk about industry stuff like when it was talking about like platform wide and like what's tik-tok doing what's YouTube doing and what's Facebook doing like that was really cool and so we're we're talking about like what new version it could potentially appear in or like what we could do instead - kind of like fill that out but that for any of you who were hardcore GT LIBOR is out there that's kind of the story about what happened there anyway it does it brings us into the world of gaming a little bit more than we have been in a while and so today we're playing mr. Hobbs's play house the chat is telling me is really creepy really yeah they're saying like the old this game is really smooth great awesome I'm ready for some spooks good so you can engage in two ways I'm Stream Stephanie tell them about it you can engage first of all on twitter using hashtag GT live same as always where I don't know what Chris is drawing what is this I mean I've clearly tried to draw a severed rabbit head but the ears are just looks like it it looks like a glove that's missing three fingers like in the one year has a weird growth octopus like I'm very concerned about this like I think abscess on the other rabbit ear he has no mouth like the junior presses it's super creepy he looks like a balloon kind of the rabbit ears balloon with a little open he's like flying up off the screen all right you can also get jet jet yeah hitter shot where you guys are already saying stuff like make a book of theories Oh a book of theories oh man Wow never a lot of people have asked us to do a book yeah rot and we've said no to a lot of people because we never really figured like we could just turn our videos into book but that seems stupid right cuz I already video yeah so like why would you that seems redundant if we had a book we would want to make it something like really special and different yeah yeah rhett and Link are writing a book a novel about their childhood we could write a novel about our childhood we could my childhood was super interesting but it was not particularly I was I went to school I did my homework the end okay your childhood might not be broken mr. Hobbs's Playhouse okay move pause great run jump up jump great dad can you take mr. hop tonight he scares me don't be silly Ruby what would Nana think of you saying that she just made him for you oh she made it just for you I'll leave your nightlight on try and get some sleep oh no oh man five nights with mr. hops okay oh hey there oh man this already has given me um vibes of here's a good one clock tower this was a game I was - this was a game I was too scared to play when I was growing up but I saw it covered in all the video game magazines back in the day where it's a you're chased by a little guy with a giant pair of scissors all throughout like a clock if only Ruby had listened to her parents and tighted her toys away be sure to jump over the toys scattered around the house setting him off couldn't get you some unwanted attention oh this is so cool and creepy and weird status hidden visible Oh danger oh shoot sign mature okay so I do I'd go to bed like how do I hide okay hit okay I'm hidden oh oh geez well girl you got to work on your mad ups and I can run so I have a stamina okay that replenish okay ever pleasures okay yep jump okay here we go still hidden Oh creaky floorboard oh this is legit this is great okay footsteps can be deafening make sure it's completely safe before coming out of hiding how do i hi oh man hiding would be a great skill to learn how to do here maybe get next to like a cupboard or something and okay oh yeah I could go up that way so I guess Oh No oh hey leap oh no invisible hidden so when I'm running um is it yeah I'm visible when I'm running okay huh oh wait you're visible right now too huh whoa cool Oh what so huh this is the Attic oh okay so I gotta wait for his eyes to go away yeah like now Oh interesting okay wait Oh dead end wait so what is my goal here just to survive like an idol so maybe you can like hide behind things resume x-men you resume and accept Wow accept your fate is that what that is just all right come to your killer buddy okay whew oh no don't go oh my gosh Oh cursey creaking floorboards okay is there something up here nope that was just a just an interesting diversion weird I'm visible okay so he appeared so presumably he just appears out of the doorways Oh poop Oh use headphones and listen carefully Oh cute I should be listening carefully to my surroundings right I don't have headphones though so you know but we can blast the volume sweet Thanks got a good running leap over the table Oh Oh No do you know we're done man she really is a messy kid oh no this this must be a bad dream this girl looks a lot smaller than the like adult kind of faced girl that was hiding right I'll make it right back to the bed okay well now you gotta just check out the murder room I guess this is like see this is very reminiscent of clock tower oh this is terrible that the bathroom so this is locked so I can't do anything is that okay oh no mommy daddy you Oh Oh buddy this is this is no bueno right here oh this is this is creeptastic oh this is this is a rough this is a little rough little section yeah yeah okay okay stamina Oh mr. ah geez mr. hope task Li Haos house what I'm to get to back to bed nah leave the house is better oh come on they just keep sending us over this one section right there like they really need to fail at this section okay yeah beeping music it's terrible you might have to go through this last report yeah bad skills okay okay you see what this is oh wait press down to duck behind furniture oh no oh no oh jeez okay so he's just walking back and forth oh okay what's how fast is he doing this oh this is cool this is super creepy this is really this is actually really really disturbing okay so wait okay so he's gonna come oh hey they're doing a little Duke okay yeah yeah wait wait come on wait wait Oh No Oh No Wow oh he's got the attention span of a food fly okay Oh still visible Wow snarky squeegee says mad pad skills okay here we go there's a there's a photo book says is it just me or does that rabbit look like glitch trap I was gonna say this he does look very similar to Hikari zoldak says sweet parkour skills here we go here we go here we go flora says use toys to distract him I don't know how you do that but good good tip good tip Hannah hong says why are all the characters british they always are of your close mum and dad not mom and dad so we do look at now here he comes I'm assuming that means he's coming Austin B says this is terrifying okay Nereus probably should just run through this I absolutely know it now he's just hanging out Oh No come on get out of here yeah get up on out of here nobody wants your everyday sameness says rabbits music boxes Scott is at it again okay okay here we go this is outside Golu noir says leave the house please mum mum find rubies ma no what what want him to get out of the house some doors require key how about this key right here get out of the house go go okay here we go okay all right all right did you just leave ain't gonna come back that's my luck as soon as I step out of here you write a B no really we can't use no Chrome says you're gonna die I mean most likely yes Oh for a little white rabbit kind of terrible unacceptable come on I was right there I didn't touch any treasure Woodworth I see if you can kill the rabbit right Nobby Hey oh my gosh Scott cold medium says it went from a little toy oh god it's an animatronic yeah okay so here he is sasha chances so it's soupy oh geez fooled you Danger Danger Will Robinson Jana Beckford says hikes forever ah oh oh ooh what happened oh what a man is the kitchen because the kitchen is always the safest place in horror games kitchens and bathrooms that's my motto Oh anniversary anniversary of 18th of April oh man is there hidden lore in this game there hid lore do is I might have I smell it hidden lore I think I smell some hidden lore my dear oh Jesus hey oh oh come on now tape recorder sticky note attached reads under the mirror the great Oprah 9 says please stop ignoring me please oh man we got to collect the tapes it is it story to the girl it is a glitch strip right yeah I collect the six tapes just as long as this story doesn't involve paper cutters right the guillotine paper cutter or whatever fried nasty is oh that was just Jason opening a door right that was the creepy creaking all right yikes so that the garage I don't know what that was honestly I was a weird little man it's 1:30 it's way past your bedtime my favorite song okay okay here he is again come on get out here yet our Sutro says my theory senses are tingling will that pet be weakness I me a little we're gone wait how's that work I don't understand how this house is connected yeah I'm kind of so I can flip oh that's interesting right I'm a little bit confused as to how to navigate this so let's see yeah so I go all the way there and it brought me to this side okay here he is go Mick that way so now if I flip this way yeah presumably he should be able to like kill me now right he should try it why not run left this sounds like a oh man visible boobs oh oh oh oh oh oh okay shoot nope nope good come on no not that way shoot no the other way no you hear me come on yeah they're gone bad there you go there you go to walk this way Wow this must have gone this way boom Aiden hottinger asks the important question how did it go from doll to human dressed as a rabbit you know rabbits it's a fair question I was wondering something very similar actually okay black to death one thousand seven says why does it say zero six in the top right hand corner we're supposed to collect six something-or-other tapes chase there we go tape one we're going set September 8th Jana Ruby and I went to see Esther yesterday Ruby always loved seeing her grandmother Nana she calls her she's not been doing so well in recent months we went around we we went round the other weekend and she was just staring at the wool we had to really shake her and shake her and never out of it we go grandma granny grandma woke up and then she's just fine like nothing happened wait doc gramma what is wrong with you God knows how long she's been doing that for well you booked her in for a doctor's appointment hopefully he won't notice all the bruises I'm supposed to be recording ideas for a new novel great alright so grandma so we got Jenna really an ester I'm Ruby Nana she calls her she's not doing well recent my other weekend huh maybe maybe maybe the rabbit is Nana and Nana's like hey stop smacking me around maybe when she's in her catatonic state she's become the rabbit whoa that's deactive a rabbit yeah maybe this is Nana being like hey guys I'm sick of you beating me up right to wake me out of my job nursing home and punching me maybe maybe I just want my alone time and I and I don't want to tell you that right maybe if you would all just chill out and leave me Nana time right oh yeah a BPD co3 says golden rabbits tape this is literally just Nephi are into d-snap Doody I like the vibe this and I love the little girl in pajamas being our protagonist actually it's awesome it actually makes you feel more vulnerable because you're a little kid right it's very effective it's true it's the difference between it chapter one and in Chapter two ha come on okay right he's got the weird glitched and sounding someone shoot I missed her in the chat who said it but someone was like why you be so spoopy Bugs Bunny that's how Helena Broderick I appreciated that also who keeps a statue like this just smack just smack in the middle of the house if people are Ricky right it's important to remember that she has they must be really well right if only she had kept up her toy this is actually her parents dressing up like a murderous rabbit teacher all life just a teacher a life lesson about clean up your toys otherwise the more yeah yeah oh my gosh what a great what a great parenting speak I'm in danger danger zone stuff okay you took the highway to the dangerzone highways hog at Gabbard says mr. Hobbs is springtrap's British cousin I like that why do I have a feeling that there's probably gonna be a tape at the other end of this yeah probably right so he's probably making links for it yeah well up just kidding no it's like well JK what do you know he's able to get up to the attic women up come on come on at ca Wallace 2121 has a prediction hashtag Gigi live Nana died in the hospital but know it yet danger zone I'm assuming there's got to be a tape near this Christmas tree right why would you have this like ridiculously long dangerous section at Damien on Twitter says oh no Bugs Bunny right are you kidding me I went all this way and there was nothing up here at Barry come on Gabe I know I very much 13 says there are multiple endings to this game oh really right that's crazy all right here he comes here comes bugs get over here oh here it goes come on I hear you hanging out over there this is such a long stretch that I have to wait for him to get Patti there we go no xen book mouse has a recommendation for anyone looking for more toddler POV horror it's a very specific John genre try among the sleep oh okay man sounds great he's hanging out like right there he's hanging out right there huh at animate penguin on Twitter says my mom always needs her Nana time when my nieces and nephew are around can't blame Ruby's Nana for wanting to be left alone right feel that and at Astrid a says please don't try that on Oliver Noel not right now not me no yeah yeah he's young to be traumatized by that right he doesn't understand that give it a little time I'll tape oh there it is there we go September 14 Jenna and I have stopped to see Esther again today the place was filthy not sure I how it could have gotten so bad so quickly Esther doesn't seem to be keeping herself clean either and it doesn't and it's almost like she didn't recognize us our pointman is tomorrow jenna is worried that she might have to go isn't that you might have to go into care I'll keep all this documented hope Ruby doesn't have to see her like this I'd rather her say like the evil robot where the evil rabbit that she became you know right today we learned that Nana made a deal with the devil oh did you Nana and Satan are in cahoots as it were cute I feel like I've explored the entire house oh where else we're supposed to go we open cupboards or anything doesn't really seem like it right I I'm hope I'm I'm clicking tapes here I'm clicking then clicking action oh gosh holy Oh holy ball I came out of nowhere Oh No well alright alright alright game so Touche so things no things are liable to change wow that was a surprising that was a bit of a bit of a shock I gotta say come on oh no come on that was those cheap I was good okay so tons before he punched the holes what race for this other game at kena 72 on Twitter oh geez said I love among the sleep so good you guys should play it okay so here he is gonna punch a hole in the wall huh at em man 1264 is the second person to tell us that we can actually use the toys to lead mr. Hobbs in a different direction this is also make sure to go to the attic actually says make sure you go to the addict from time to time but I and don't trust Nana lean right I'm already getting the impression that Nana may not be all she's cracked up to be yeah she may be doing some more than bacon cookies and fold dailies over there yeah fold and doilies how's that you know what grandma's fold oily x' anymore I don't think I think doilies are a little bit passé finally think the patties I think finally doilies are the dead meme of the 1930s my grandma's had doilies sure on all they're like coffee tables and stuff lop the doilies I keep checking the attic you feel like it'd be great for the Attic didn't have something in it right be awesome love the Attic do something for me here come on at sociopathic ASG one said on Twitter great great name otherwise it was Sydney oh by this point I would have already been like alright I'm gonna head out I know you gotta save your mom apparently right or something oh my site says have you got have you thought of trying the key on the locked door in the murder room I mean I thought I would know they post you at glittery trash be says nothing better than some G to live to finish my birthday with thanks for having us join you on your birthday that's awesome and happy birthday that too happy birthday okay so huh oh sorry at the GG life go B correct us doilies are very much alive thank you very much my bat come on hops were you at hops hops are you over where you at where you had hops I hear you right the the key thing the key was immediately replaced here just know everything right it's okay the thing is the key was immediate really immediately replaced by the tapes but even then like I believe it would there to my knowledge there isn't any like Auto like I feel like every item is being Auto we used right did you use the key to get the tape record I think I usually I think I used the key to yeah to get into the back room of the kitchen or the garage or whatever it was I think it is weird though cuz I feel like I have collected though here's the big room okay this is a tough room this is the this big old big living room curse our open floor plan Bunnicula says old you have used the key no yeah I thought so the tapes gone at different times in different places says Joshua pick it and tagging bonk has given up and just as y'all gonna die thank you for your bank do you have it okay I don't feel over there wait for it this is duck orgies he just hanging out oh my gosh well I mean you know like you'd have to be an idiot not know that we're behind there let's be honest Michael Williams says does anyone else strategically time their comment to where stuff it looks at the computer or am I just weird oh hey brilliant strategy go hey September 15th as of recording this Esther isn't hospital didn't I see it's British because it says in hospital not in in the hospital also because they spelled leave everything you her name is called the police early in the early hours of the morning because they could hear her screaming she will be there if she'll be there for a few days we told Ruby that she had a fall and that she's okay we're waiting on a diagnosis smooth feel like I'm warming up into the British accents alright nice fine tapes right I can't do this I gotta find my mom apparently everyone does that apparently everyone only comments when I look at the screen top up looking up looking up looking Oh scrolling scrolling up I bet you can that would be kind of me to view them I was gonna say wait a way to be a great host by trolling our audience in real-time hey guys thanks for sending in public I'll try and read as many as I can so the one thing what it said under the mirror dream me the dragon wasn't doing that timing they didn't even realize this was live well hey here we go kill her before September 17th we took Ruby to the hospital to see her Nana estimates made a soft toy for her called mr. hop a small rabbit Esther always knitted her clothes and toys Ruby was thankful but I must admit the toy does have a look to it something quite unsettling fair enough there we go because it was infused with the souls of the Damned defeat of April dr. Ramos has gotta love staff British accent I have a feeling that might be sarcastic I can't imagine why yeah magimai you would say that vikrum says oh no Stef figured us out I was tipped off rotten cookie cat meme says of course building Oh God that was unnecessary Wow coming in through the floor no that's the wrong punch should I be afraid of walking over that slaughter is there anything down there no apparently Yap teabagging it geez take this mr. Hobbs here's a hop for you all right so we're four in we're doing good I feel like make good solid progress miss doe hopes get over here seems like he's getting like bloodier / more decay as we continue onward right Amelia Lisa you gots the best accent no sarcasm I feel I'm feeling that was sarcasm you know what I got I got a I got a get mad shout outs to little Ruby over here right now who's a stamina by doing short bursts of sprinting but look it's no stand forever yeah Oh dance Oh got him got him he's like oh no where did she go so basically what we've learned here is that mr. Hobbs doesn't have object permanence know which is the the ability to know that an object still exists when it has left your your sightline yeah that is object permanence and that is something that clearly mr. hop struggles with based on the fact that we are disappearing instantly from his view as soon as we're hidden right I like that we're learning things we're learning about object permanence Sandler says can someone tells me tell me what's happening we're a little girl trying to escape from our stuffed rabbit our parents have been murdered no maybe maybe twisted whimsy is also teaching us stuff I bet this takes place in Canada lots of Satanists demon rabbits over here really well that's good to know that's fascinating I knew there was a reason we weren't painting in Vancouver [Music] Oh moto moto moto moto moto moto moto moto moto don't borrow bought up maybe I just want to grab my piggy bank grab some money make a run for it over here what what sound is my piggy bank gonna make come on come on hops move your bunny buns what is happening we are still running from the same rabbit Tucker oh they'll listen to the same musical loop right rod you know or join says this is an app for all over again are you talking about jewelry line here is so much clearer Joe Feliz Miguel says is Stephanie really British I love thanks for trolling me thank you they're being serious I don't think so oh my gosh get out of here ha residual mango 97 says as a resident of Canada can confirm on the on the statement bunny he's not gonna move to the other side of the room so I need to oh come on get over here this is one of those times I needed to distract him with a little bear come on mom Louise uh Lewis de King says he lost his eyes after you got the first tape yeah his eyes right I was gonna say yeah he's slowly been decaying something a bit unpleasant sorry I'm hanging out here behind my right chair a little easy boy all right I'm gonna I'm gonna trigger grant carry stuff do they comp did I time this comment right apparently so I'm becoming too predictable you're okay shoot no you're still on this side of the room come on buddy come on the thing is I have to he has to clear over to the other side cuz this is I believe a straight shot without a break to the end of the room so I really need him to go away there we go go go go go yeah yeah that's what I was waiting for that's the stuff hostess that's stuff at black wolf Stephanie lammeter says grandma is the one in the bunny costume for sure she's spry I mean she and everywhere right yeah an aging woman she's doing really good work fitness-wise like props to her right all right come on get over here come on come on bunny man girl granny but daddy my bunny granny are you coming I got you coming over here come on bunny gran gran gran whoo I feel like there is this whole undercurrent of Canada jokes starting to happen now at Ryan and a bunch of numbers on Twitter says there can't be Satan bunnies in Canada if Canada doesn't ha oh at Shane and a bunch of numbers said made something for Steph and it's awesome it's like awesome fan art it's so cool oops it's like an anime style costume and it's got out of here rainbows oh my gosh it's so cute background it's so cute it's like super kawaii it's awesome oh my gosh if you had the HDMI cable in your computer right now you can at Fluffles says mr. Hafiz evolved into slightly Oh G their Slenderman to appear yeah for fighting Slenderman the Slenderman jeez yeah he's like I need to be relevant in a horror game too now Slenderman great so it was that just an Easter Egger haha Easter egg in a game about about a bunny trying to kill us again it's it's funny okay here we go we're yeah okay okay oh yeah okay cool I push my luck there but I've been sick of waiting like I've been waiting too long you're good yeah tape hey my 19th we just had a call Esther passed away in her sleep the doctors couldn't even couldn't give us a diagnosis even said this sudden passing is bizarre we have to tell Ruby when she gets home from school it isn't going to be easy on any of us maybe the bunny is just representative of the little girls for yours death maybe oh very good also V granola Nana looked into the fires of heck and she saw me on me oh no oh you saw like a bunny rabbits that's interesting pack is a much fluffier place than I expected right all right come on no you're over there this is such a balk where's ya we dare you bumping on we've happen every bump in for bopping really popping is that this this is where the Jam happens ladies and gentlemen smooth jams [Music] okay go it memorized oh I mean I kind of memorized when it was on the title bar closes damn you lost your opportunity five six four five six of the way there and slenderman existence too so you know that's a thing hopefully the last tape didn't appear behind me should I just check just to make sure that it didn't because at this point wait what are you looking for I don't want the last tape to have appeared behind me cause like they they keep rather you changing them [Music] and so I don't want to like get all the way back through the house and to it have been back here the entire time again no it's not okay so that's fine yeah I'd rather do that than get all the way through the house and five out of six there's only one left no we're so close come on you're already upstairs so at this still not here close so the Slenderman was just an easter egg right ah you'd hope right doesn't seem to be making a whole lot of what the heck what he uh clearly it's a wise a Santa Bunny it's a like the bunny is it it's the crab bunny just like in the crabs cloud what wow that was a surprise didn't see that one coming Morgan hider breakfast Oh God Wow there we go here's tape number six though the dr. Hopp Hopp toy creeps are out idea rightfully so but it's the only thing she has to remember her grandmother by I keep hearing bumps in the nights like somebody's walking around scaring Jenna and I I keep a handgun in the safe but I'm considering keeping it closer to me we lock that room so that the Ruby can't get to it Jenna keeps a key under the house plant in the hallway I think Oh bad guys find the key to the handgun oh man oh boy oh no I'm gonna have to shoot mr. hop this is this is we're going quickly toward demonetized territory here that is not the right house plan those two are not that right house plants no next to the door I thought well there's a lot of doors and a lot of front door why do I have a feeling that's not the last time that we uh yeah why do I have a feeling that's not the last time that we've seen demon a plant or uh apparently we missed something in the attic also just throw it it's impossible we have seen this week over with studios and cysts that we missed something in the Attic check that damn attic I drove it like literally leave it out there so many times Rachael Alvin says this just got exciting I think it was very exciting hanging out with us this whole time but no you're right Oh jitter doll says never trust a human-sized bunny kids snap and this game proved them to be murderous little best not the hell's point really shoot I was sure that would be the house plan attic going to the Attic yeah did you do to you coming oh come on here then hear that there was nothing there was no no house plants in the garage right now right so I know right uh I think it's one of those things that you have to check every item and it's gonna be under the last night like I think the way that this works apparently there's a very specific room that everyone wants us to find uh-huh I think it might be the Attic and I think we probably have to go there anyway I was gonna say I'm sure at some point the top t-bag buddy yeah buddy she died showdown there's my chance lower case and says this music is getting on my nerves no come on what are you talking about so so catchy and does not get stale in the least come on okay okay I got what yeah okay uh yeah come back come back come back money man are you God no rafi Pike says check the statue I don't think we can check you know I can't trust this that I can't trick us at you oh no don't go back that way tiny bit crude says silly rabbit murder is for kids there we go oh come on get over here get this way oh oh that was lucky or skilled does it luck or skill skill no I couldn't get back there shoot oh he's just hanging out yeah I like these just Stanley at this gate huh wonder if I'm not loved back there when he's there yeah okay okay okay got more houseplants to check so blood so into for around so much foliage go nope yeah I knew that I knew I have that one turn it off I'm just like at this point willing okay come on let's breed this along one more time I really hope they see this this is so awesome it's a piece of fan art of me and you and Ally oh my god a little bit grown up it looks like he's ten but oh so uh again it's one of those it's awesome we look very good a lot of good a lot of good phaneritic oh my gosh yeah it's great if only it's Stephanie HD money I know ha thank you did he kill two engine good yeah I'm just gonna keep hitting this plant over and over again get over here get on the second good at confused human one says it's so unnerving that music goes from one headphone side to the other and doggins at one two three four six says I think mister hops is William Acton anyone could be William apt in to be honest we're all willies aren't we all I was gonna say there's so many houseplants likes to do right get back here I don't you tell me I'm gonna come back here are you coming yeah Aki nice okay so now back to the bed react to the bedroom of my poor deceased folks at evelyn Burford has a great point on twitter in all honesty if her parents are still alive they're gonna slip and break your necks on all those toys and poor Nana too right yeah it's an unsafe household environment that is the tragic message of this game where you at oh come on where you bad at theorists Carter says I was letting this play in the background and then I looked at the stream and see a rabbit flying my face no this way come on Lori him trying to lure him though he's still over here shoot oh oh please start me with the key no gotta be patient okay okay just like okay I've done these rooms so many times which there was a couple more rooms okay okay swish there was like a bit more uh yeah sir minecraft one says be careful back in oh boy all right here we go everyone really wants you to go the attic by the way really really I've been up there so many times do people know where we are in the game I think so there are a lot of people asking for the attics I've been on the Attic I'm literally telling you there are a ton of people the shy guy loading channel name banana dolphin rain bhavati Silas Allen here really a pixel you guys are wrong it's on you it's Santa Bunny we already got a message in the Attic right here there is nothing here we got the metal just Nana oh my gosh you guys you guys I trusted you yeah I don't I don't don't say I didn't do anything right exactly I did it yeah I did the Attic that's Santa Bonnie come on I know you're like right there again now here you are get over here patience is the name of this game right ah shoot I should know my chance Oh ha he looks like scurrying across it's kind of funny actually well as long as there's no more all right forever the worst oh boy what uh what is it April 18th August 18th what's their anniversary Oh April April 18th Oh 4 1 8 or is it 1 8 yeah no one 8 yep nope wait wait oh no it's British reverse it or Tina 1404 14 oh wait 1804 1804 sorry 1818 I'm sorry like this yeah I know tell you oh there we go oh yeah British yeah British British phone and most of Europe find us no India press Y to shoot ok often also in South America really just the rest of the world other than the US this is that uses the different date convention this is alarming oh no oh no why are we a five year old holding a gun oh geez I think we're shooting Nana oh no go continue go get out okay there oh man I don't care right just run run for the door invisible but to who I have a feeling we shouldn't right I feel like a feeling we shouldn't have actually shot boobie come give Nana a kiss oh no thanks no thanks I'm on my way out are we going to the garage then that what we're doing here oh here we go Nana uh-oh oh boo boo bee play with me Ruby oh sweet oh sweet this is great oh oh no we're supposed to do shoot it shoot it Oh shoot it I did but I was trying to shoot before and I had run out of bullets so oh geez don't trust Nana yeah look it's like that dinosaur game you can play on Google it is nailed it yes oh please drop the gun now oh oh oh no oh no oh no Oh No just ask me questioning I don't know we were the last ones holding that gun mr. Hobbs Ruby escaped yeah artist okay good what we were gonna I thought the ending we got was going to be Ruby arrested so is there so there's obviously multiple endings true how do you get the other ending is that honestly not sure I've only seen a few people play the game and is it by not killing that I bet it's by not killing Nana yeah so let's here let's oh no here Ruby come give your Nana a kiss suit so maybe we're just locked into this at this point poof because she transformed Nana but I thought you were yeah yeah there's nothing I can do try there yeah so this is and you get the same ending cuz the cat is you gonna say yeah it's gonna be right is there is there is there yeah see how you still escaped this is same thing shoot oh yeah I'm curious I'm sure the chat knows how hey Chad how do you interpret endings yeah by not shooting mister hop cuz honestly that's the only thing it seems like that's the only thing that we could have done differently right well so saw Slenderman there is an ending for burning the house down says blueberry tea I don't even know how you would do that is the thing some people are saying the Easter eggs you huh really somebody Eric Luciano says you have to go to the attic sooner I was at the attic literally every other piece I could go to be always there I was at the attic constantly it felt like huh that's so weird the game is really new so it could be that there are like more endings to come in the next versions anything in addition to I guess I'm the Easter Egg I I'm also seeing a number of people in the chat like Jose Martinez who says it's the only ending right I was gonna say it feels like I was trying as much as I could to check everything that was being available to me at any given point in time although you know acrylic pixel points out like we had other and other things that we were supposed to do like find her mom like we didn't we never actually completed that objective that is true you know what I mean that was the time and it changed oh and I'm not sure why yeah that is that's a good point actually I wanna know your that's a couple here let's let's let's see let's let's play around with it a little bit zeroD oxic says there should be a door at the end of the ad at some point which makes sense cuz it's a dead end but it's the right size for a door when you have tape three go to the attics as mark Seoul okay there's haha so that starts him so I wonder if I have directly according to several people you have to go to sleep after you find your parents have died okay that's another two that was another test Tibet so huh okay so each of them are different ending so let's just try and go back to bed yeah well let's okay so let's start by go to parents room yeah go to parents his headphones he's not even there yet just go right he doesn't start attacking until yeah there's a noise good great okay thank you yep hey the dead although tasks go back to that this must be a bad dream make your way back to bed okay let's do that no circle does the task changed I think I think you just go there you go that's his first one mr. Holmes - huh see now it switches to leave the house huh so let's try to go back to you I'll try to go back to bed because we did turn around at that point and head toward the door right I just couldn't get enough of this right all these early tasks I seem to change I thought yeah and okay Noah Maddon says go to sleep now come on come on totally Rock says it's a quick ending just go to bed you got and he does still have his eyes she's interested yeah okay here we go go back to banner go ah we had to sleep tight Ruby insisted it was all a bad dream and went back to bed maybe that was amiss oh no it wasn't because mr. Hobbs never appears in our room ever period so that's true Slenderman meanwhile all about it huh okay so now leave the house so okay so what's so after this we'll do find mom Yeah right don't ya don't pick up any tapes just fine mom yeah I will look for mom [Music] [Music] yeah all right I'm doing it Mt Corby area says matpat find mum and you can also find the door in the Attic after tape 3 says squall liner okay so here's where it should be fine mom there okay there's fine mom mom so don't look for the key Gigi cuz the key is over there so mom one of our mom is maybe she's behind the couch like I've been confused about the couch cuz the couch has an action and at no point am I allowed oh it was the couch there was someone in the chat who said you find a lighter in one of the plate in one of the endings and you use the couch to light it on fire really burn the house down yeah maybe that's what's under the mirror cuz I also got that prompted okay it's under the meter winter wolf says there are three endings the only one you have left is the firestarter ending which makes sense with the couch maybe there's a lighter so I'm gonna go back to the couch and just see if mom is back there so no she is not so ever you think mom is I don't know Benjamin Slovak says hey matches are in a pot you shoot the pots and then light the paper really really shoot the pots uh-huh like that's pretty deep in the game where do we think mum is at it maybe maybe the chat knows yeah let us know where mom is come on just hops was that ma was that us finding her yeah we heard her scream right yeah maybe someone knows right it would save us a lot of time it'd be great yeah I love it because I've done these like five fun so many times right I'm looking mom is in the closet what what closet yeah what closet which one no no like oh her bedroom closet maybe I'm not getting that there's nothing for me to interact with but not there Lila bassinger just says she's in our hearts haha Touche love is the statue member PC says you can't actually find her your mom left you for dead says Seamus Walker like she's outside but she left you I would do game telling you find mom though like cuz it doesn't tell you to find the tapes until you find the key right like that's the thing because the tapes require you to get the keys so I feel like here I'm trick the everyone's favorite location the attic [Music] I don't think she's here I mean yeah I don't think you can actually find her like I feel like the chat knows a lot about this game and no one knows where you actually find her glow bug says she's in a better place haha psychopath says in your room there's a wardrobe I don't know I don't know if that has anything to do with actually finding mom right I'm so curious right let's see that's so odd yeah it sounds like it's weird that of all the mission cuz because I think it's interesting right we didn't anticipate there being other endings because the missions like overlap themselves but okay Isabel Gutierrez says after the second tape there's a lot there's lighter fluid in the kitchen and matches in the Attic okay to get that last ending to get the last I mean but what about the so what was the thing in the Attic that everyone was telling us about after the 30 to the door there's a I don't know what that I don't know if that's high like I don't know unclear yeah all right mom ain't around oh yes so really I should just kill myself right so that way I start back at the all the way back at the end or kind of there's a lot of good mom jokes the striker just says mummies in the backyard at call me Claudia says these dead mom jokes are killing me she's in the backyard your mom is looking for you and it's the in a thirst Russ as unlucky fish on Twitter if you just really should just sacrifice myself so it resets me back mommy Oh mummy that you mummy are you the rabbit are you the rabbit [Music] okay good we're over here okay so mom is here there's one other thing that mountain one other place that we haven't checked for mom so kitchen yeah so I'm gonna check the kitchen without getting the key just to see if it does anything okay I don't think it I don't think it will you try it Bobby [Music] like ours was this club always here right the town is new I kind of think it is oh yeah right I don't recognize that clown maybe we're just imagining it are we gasps letting each other I don't remember that clown being there I really don't anniversary okay so you I so really I mean okay that's it that the key you need to unlock the garage garage is there so like there is there is no way to find mom I guess yep that's it uh-huh that's really that are so weird okay all right so we got the key real quick get the key I'll try to get as many tapes oh just get to 3 right 3 aah after two I think we should look for the matches in the lighter fluid right Chris what about the door in the anterior I don't know I don't know man but I think we should try for the the burned down the house ending at little mysterious says but why can't you just walk around the toys don't you have a 2-dimensional house right they're not telling me that your house has three dimensions right that's crazy that's third dimension that's pretty brutal it's like who knew all right here we go so we're here he lost his eyeball okay a sticky note reads under the mirror great fine tape let's find the tapes okay we're all fine sir here this is all safe weird that he never appears there ever again right tapes I love this song such a good night everybody's favorite pet strike you're 10 says Fran bows Ruby's mom kite I love that Fran bow is related to every character ever under that you're nari Fabio says if you see this they can't find the mother but you can find something in the kitchen after the first tape for the firestarter ending we've heard after the first tape or and after the second tape so I don't know when we're actually supposed to look in the kitchen just FYI thanks to tapes for ok see ya at major @g gerb one says two tapes for the matches in fluid three for the hidden room oh my gosh I know there's so much stuff I want to get everything I'm also really bummed cuz I was at that I know I was at that stupid gatok so many times so many times [Music] all right get out of here bunny @ @ whoa and a bunch of numbers on Twitter says oh my fudge every time it says danger I die inside right I also am bummed that you don't do anything with this telephone I know at media says Ruby's mom is Slenderman law son looks in on your window yeah maybe maybe that's what it is maybe Slenderman right why would you go that way I would you go man 1264 says the door is not tied to an ending but rather something very creepy okay good to know [Music] ya shout out to the old SNES classic clock tower just thrown that one out there one of the great things about it too is is you're kind of like this girl right you have really no weapons you're kind of just reduced to running and hiding in most cases it's a good mechanic and you like being quiet and stuff like that it's a good game like I said I was too scared to play it when I was a kid but I watched similar to like I don't know I I think as a kid and even now to some extent like I'll watch a lot of like either it's not not necessarily unexplained videos but like reviews of horror movies or analyses of horror movies that I haven't watched just because I want to know about the scary things without having to be scared myself so I'm like oh I learned about it I got it was kind of spooky I think that's it's second hands it is a second hands booth at janitor main on Twitter says I feel like this song is going to be the theme song of my nightmares tonight right here we go one rave got it oh no grandma so strange okay my mortgage where was the second tape do we remember I know right it's chat help where it was the second tape it wasn't in here this is team Leo's Jam 3 on Twitter says one does not simply walk around ones toys or a sick team right I feel like it must be close ish come on come on yay keep going yeah the Attic right attic was later oh there does I see it okay okay okay there's tape number two so now back to the kitchen yes okay kitchen okay catch me when you're too busy smacking walls right kitchen speed run sis where yet I would tie they both in the kitchen bring the grain hello hello no ringing banana phone we were doing at striker time says I think the tapes switch places when I tried last restart I'm gonna hang out over here now is that what's gonna happen here you go boy okay what the guitar is over there you know come on don't be an idiot go we'll look at the guitar not at the chill Dorcas we've Gaming says this is my jam soundtrack of the year ladies and gentlemen okay don't get this out look at that tape nope I don't want to diet this man I got one left right good yeah I'll take that okay so you're all telling me that there's something where is that it on the counter what are we looking at here come on got two tapes I've got two tapes and a dream where is it okay we're gonna go to the garage right I don't know Oh God come on got two tapes and a dream I've got two tapes a hope and a prayer you'll notice that uh there's no people were keeping track of when the clown toy was there and when it wasn't apparently it disappeared wait where is it right ladies a gentleman thought I was supposed to get some matches right Chris can you shed some light on this yeah you know what's going on is it after tape three maybe I'm scanning through playthroughs that's fine back to this huh the clown toy is missing that's so funny right what's what's the deal with the cloud toy guys you don't have enough tapes to go to the attic we have two tapes that's supposed to be the number of tapes that it takes to get the lighter fluid and the stuff that's that's what I was told come on and someone who said Chris never sheds light sorry Chris Wow so that's a pretty aggressive shot being fired there you aren't really a light emitting body machine so okay I'm right here I can get oh wait look here's another toy that also just randomly appeared right that's very interesting there's a clown and there's a robot these are new toys friends that is suspicious so here's a third tape I can get it but oh I will and I will get it so we can see the secret room in the Attic but I want it confirmed because once I get it we're done in terms of like we can't go back to two tapes right everyone was so sure about this yeah I like um there you go I like hi I'm nappa on Twitter saying clown toy more like sequel Babel there's also a boy wait I agree stray curtain I feel like there's more to the garage I agree it's weird that you only see the bunny there once do I have permission yeah third tape I say yes Chris I think so man right right I can't watch every playthrough simultaneously so yeah let's get the third team wait go to the other way hold up hold up I can pick up the robot you can do it I have the hand do it [Laughter] what [Music] that's doom Wow that's the doom theme do you want to check out the kitchen yeah maybe we go to kitchen now Lilly I think I check out I think what that did is I think that might have been the thing that opens up the Attic huh because that's the right that's the doom theme yeah what so I think that might have actually been the thing that opens up the at like that's interesting with the most astute observation of of the stream at chicken nugget on Twitter says who's whose other names like other Twitter name is nacho Man Randy Savage which I appreciate as well Chris doesn't shed light but he does shed loved Chris's love chris is like okay touch the robot touch the robot save the world well I'm working my way back to the Attic cuz that's my suspicion I don't think I don't know what the deal is with burning the house down I'm not sure like if you guys can all see if you guys can all figure that out I don't know oh my gosh come on get out of here yeah yeah that's - mommy Danny's room ha are so close you know and I can't the thing is I can't like screw it up because I'm set back to everyone really convinced that it's tape 3 that opens up the door in the Attic really yeah sure sure it's not touching the robot actually seemed to know that's the thing well the secret was revealed somewhere I know what was the secret that was revealed and if we know that it don't sing a bunch of stuff in this case no the thing is my suspicion that it's that that's the thing that opens up the Attic is everything else is adhering to some level of reality to some extent but for a secret to suddenly be revealed it seems to imply that there is a door like something has opened like a door literally has open which is why I'm thinking it's it's the attic secret we'll see come on I do think it looks like tape three is the tape you collect before you got that door - are you kidding me but I don't know what the toy does I don't have anyone I haven't seen anyone get that secret revealed really yeah huh that's interesting yeah no are you kidding me damn it I mean yeah the 13 oh yeah abroad everyone so sure I mean yeah I'd like that you're like yeah was the third table like you know I know people didn't yeah I know I'm saying uh was the third tape like people people did predict that one oh come on alright come on get out here well the secrets got to have been revealed somewhere I don't know for I don't know if we're gonna see it we mean like I don't know I don't know what maybe it's back in my bedroom that's what I'm hoping okay man that's okay you know what we got two out of three endings I'm pretty happy with that look I'm pretty cool with it I know you are I just want to know what we revealed something I know I know I'm curious about it too but like we've we've tried this game many a time at this point Oh trust me I am just your trottin I'm just as full trodden of this game as you are here okay I wonder here's my question yeah and again I wonder this and if this is truly what the Easter Egg is or what the secret has been unlocked is then damn it okay then there's no way that we'd be able to do it in the industry more like kind of the time allotted for this dream but oh god I wonder if the secret yeah is the gun is suddenly like oh this something changed about the safe or something like that yeah I wonder if the gun is like a doom gun Oh like I could see the gun being like suddenly like a machine gun or the BFG or something that's pretty iconic from the doom franchise that's the music that they play yeah that's that would be my guess that's weird which would be which would be pretty cool all right grab the tape and let's just get these dragged in the attic then [Music] yes wait yeah okay this is the last area that we haven't [ __ ] again this whole game is about back and forth back but like this is the last area that we hadn't checked to see if something had changed had something had changed yeah so I must I I'm assuming it must have to do with the gun or later in the game or side they're a bunch of people try asking us to go to the safe and put in 1987 we can't open the safe because we can't get in the closet with the room with the safe and we know that the real code to the safe that is not 1987 yes okay here's here's tape number three let's make a man go to the Attic we're gonna make a mad dash to get back to the Attic okay - yeah - save that number three that's like keval come on bunny wink out all day get out of here apparently the safe code is an easter egg we can get it a different time or like look at it on our time but yeah we can't go through all getting all these tapes again what open the safe blood night in 1987 as apparently an easter egg on the state according to some people in the chat really yeah we're doing is it up in a few strikes out as soon as such okay wow I didn't realize that that would work didn't think that that was a piece of valid furniture to hide behind but I'll take it okay this is the tough one this is where I always get stuck you got this you got it dude Wow okay yeah that one's not too as bad as it seems yeah okay save three okay okay right here it goes I love the project the protagonist being this little girl in pink pajamas I think it's so fun it makes you feel like so like you're actually creeping around a big house as a kid it's great damit damit up too slow whoa no got it the whole Jager yeah that's really close that's how I thought I'd lost it speed runner I get it used to be running it taking a deist [Music] ready oh my gosh okay we made it we made it what is it yeah Wow real what brilliant is this oh that's crazy wait that's what that's the whole thing so when you guys said the eye room you weren't kidding Wow the chat was like have they been to the eye room and I was like what oh my gosh that's crazy that's so strange yeah that's super weird why why we found Slenderman right that one meets it that's so weird cause like references to other horror games the ice is Aloha Slenderman II of doom yeah but you only one that actually 87 is in there then that will be fast huh so interesting all right well there you go ladies and gentlemen we got it well that that's the eye room that's the eye room and then there is a burn down the house ending but apparently we didn't have the right number of tapes right or whatever it was I'm not I've never said sure what the deal was with that so anyway we we did a lot we did a huge amount we got two out of three endings which I'm pretty happy with huh and I feel like we saw a lot of other games we saw a lot of stuff this is really fun I saw those same five rooms a lot of time oh yeah this is great this is a really cool like short little horror game as effective I liked it yeah if you're looking for like something fun to play either on your own or like with a buddy this is a really good one and let me know tweet at us let us know what the doom thing is yeah I'm really curious I'm assuming it must be an Easter Egg with the gun or if anyone else has done yeah yeah if anyone else has figured out what the secret is right if anyone can say mom let us know so anyway we'll be back tomorrow hopefully at some point probably earlier in the day probably earlier in the day and then like we said next week we're gone and then hopefully the week after will you know we're gonna try it's gonna be hard because like Steph said we have this like YouTube gaming thing that we have to attend for a couple days but it's a YouTube gaming thing so maybe they they're like wow these gamers might want to stream all their there it's baby baby so anyway that's it for today guys we'll see you tomorrow probably at not at 4:00 we'll be at a different company earlier probably a little early thanks for scooping out with us today you guys yeah really fun and that's all so thank you guys so much for watching and remember that is just a stream a live stream will take you back all right winter will since my night uh Isaiah tee says bye Savior North says bye Amanda would says the creeps are for real geo says bye-bye that
Channel: GTLive
Views: 547,765
Rating: 4.944108 out of 5
Keywords: mr hopps playhouse, mr hopps, mr hopps playhouse all endings, mr hopps all endings, mr hoppy endings, mr hopps playhouse gameplay, mr hopps game, scary games, horror games, scary, horror, halloween, halloween games, game thoerists, game theory, matpat, gtlive, gtlive horror, gtlive scary games, matpat scared
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 6sec (5826 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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