Dear Diary, I'm SCARED! | Love, Sam Horror Game

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Oct 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

Hmm, so it's a spooky game about a high school girl that maybe has some issues, who writes a lot about liking a guy who seems to have a very limited vocabulary...... where have we seen this before...

Haha, seriously though, this is pretty interesting so far. The psychological obsession is the most disturbing part, but most of the jumpscares aren't going straight to in-your-face screamers, should be interesting to see what direction it goes in.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/DiabloGraves 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey guys and welcome to GT live back I'm back hi guys I'm beating everyone I've been sitting on the couch hopefully I didn't wear the shirt multiple times Matthews but has been firmly entrenched in those cushions but I I've been I've been floating my buns have been floating you're free later at a couch my butt rarely leaves the chair hi uh sorry we're late but we're always give me a chance to eat my McFlurry wasn't my fault though where are the cookies wait I mean where are the cookies you asked for three chocolate chip cookies too I did they're up and they're up and running Maddie doesn't order just one dessert coz why would you order just without a few very feared exactly what if they what if something goes wrong this lasted a minute what if the ice cream machine isn't working at McDonald's which like let's face it 70% of the time the ice cream machine at McDonald's is mysteriously not working very true so you have to also order the requisite three chocolate chip cookies you always gotta have your three total tia and and the great thing about it honestly it's like if you had the one dessert and you're like great I'm good you have your three cookies for later just name a prize you surprise yourself oh yeah I do have those three cookies that's great or if you're like man you ordering that doesn't let you forget which desserts you order yeah oh wow my life entirely consists of Diet Coke and cookies at this point that is all I eat it is bad I have a problem yeah I smile but I'm concerned inside I smile but it's the only thing that's keeping me going at this point who knows hi friends hey Gigi live we're going to play some games we're gonna play a game oh we got to play some game and we got to play them fast cuz it's an out Chris told me it's an hour and a half game so that means we can finish it no we won't there's no chance that we finish we can do it if we correct I mean if we weren't 15 minutes late for a reason oh look God said yeah eating McFlurry that was not it so anyway we were playing a game apparently it was a game made by the Korean linguistics society foundation lab lab sorry oh my god sorry so for not getting the third word there korean linguistics lab so apparently it's Mario teaches typing but for Korean oh no I don't I don't know it's a it's a spooky game right Kris it's October it's time for soups that what we're doing swoops indeed bring off the spook well there's this area right behind us now so you can engage in today's stream English or Korean oh yeah but if it's not English we definitely won't be able to read it uh hashtag GG live where chris has drawn a heart under a heat lamp it's like McDonald's oh I would say a beaker attached to like a cap up here that was holding the b-girls liquid in the beaker but then there was some sort of impurity the heart was the impure no it's definitely a heart under a heat lamp like the burgers at McDonald's is do you want those guys I'm very I'm very satisfied with my McFlurry even though it was an Oreo McFlurry said McFlurry that I was open for thinking do you want those cookies don't you Christmas or any of those cookies here he comes yesterday live Twitter we're at pastel purple cow says McDonald's ice cream always down and at Fluffles says so many broken ice cream machines but who is breaking them all the Hamburglar if you can think back to the old school McDonalds commercials it's probably the hamburger oh and hey thanks for joining us in today's livestream because what else are you gonna do it's not like you can play for tonight oh yeah because it because it's in a black hole right now you know they're not warm I think I'll seam it or if I can microwave it Wow if I'm gonna if I'm going beggars can't be choosers yep you can't be like where's the cookies where's the cookies and then you're like all these like there's this thing that Mary Barry has on the great british baking show me I believe it's true I know I think that's Mary Barry he was true it's where she's like it's not worth the calories and she says it and I like a stodgy little old lady British voice when someone has baked something that was not quite up to par she says it's not worth the calories and here's the thing I love it was proven very very this is important I love McDonald's cookies hashtag not sponsored but I am willing to invest in myself by making sure that they are optimal when I eat them to make sure it's worth it and you make sure that their optimal by sticking them in the microwave for 10 to 15 seconds depending on the power of your microwave and then they're perfect you're running a dangerous go here Stephanie because you're assuming that they're gonna last until you get access to a microwave because they are the cookies that I got that's true I'm glad that you've enlisted my cookies for your microwave thank you yeah we we share here this is funny Stephanie used to not be a food sharer at all no and now I know to order at least one extra of pretty much everything they know she's gonna have about 50 to 75% Oh God yes sir I could have mine as well as like the remainder 25% I used to be really territorial about food it's true I I grew up in a household where people ate things pretty fast and didn't share much so I grew up being very dared to hold enough food but I have learned since that it is okay to share food and it is even okay to occasionally share food with people who you're not married to were directly Wow I know wow you grew up I know I've come so far hey let's play this game shall we it's called love Sam okay Chris also can you fix the the sizing on screen I've noticed over the last two streams maybe even three streams that you have a little line of our background at the top there you see it you see that little pixel right there that little like the polar to line there just your drill it's really like it's really tweaking me right now Chris it has a runaway where are you looking at the game the game yeah yeah come on over come on over creating is the you see Chris get Chris let me show let me show you up on the monitor so using the wrong Chris could get all I want to show you in person here we go so you mean it'll be any minute right it'll be a great delightful moment [Laughter] are you talking about the line underneath you Chris great if y'all just come over yes or no right as a camera just get over here huh why is it so hard okay look look you right there yes yeah and you see how your you yourself are like look this is me this is me phasing up and down into line you see that you don't like yeah I was actually doing that intentionally it was artistic he's gonna be a famous director one day all right I'll change that on up for you okay thank you no it's still there now well it should be gone I don't see it all right you know this is like I believe it's gone and if I believe in it that's your truth Chris and so as long as it's your truth it's it's real people watching at home don't see that line really so and the TriCaster tells me it isn't there based on the fact that it says it says oh it's like the lamest version of Joker ever by the runtime with this live stream we're gonna get through this hour-and-a-half game I know before our baby get through oh okay well what are we doing pussyfooting around I'm paying there is a line there I swear hold up stop no oh you do I want to prove that there's a line you're not gonna be able to see it you're not gonna be able to see it on the camera because in matthew's imagine it's you god you saw it too great here's Jason Jason do you see the line Jason is just coming up he's like what is wrong with you people on his live stream yeah let's play love Sam see at the very top at the top of the time screen how does no one know what the definition of top is oh no no they see it everyone says they see it everyone is Ashley Corrado rumi setsuna Chris are you gaslighting us fool everyone Santos from YouTube let me ask you do you see it on your computer rightful screaming cuter all scream all scream all scream YouTube rich okay this is really interesting because it tells you that YouTube actually cuts off some of the extreme pixels that's actually really interesting YouTube is cutting off some of the pixels along the top of the screen now let pz says it's right there yes that's really fascinating actually Wow so you're if you're having like a collective insanity moment on this this is kind of like our yeah Neil oral moment Stephanie is the line there or is it not there and the line is there and not there yeah it's it's like Schrodinger's line the line is simultaneously there and not very in Folse you have to be a full tree to say this line it's gonna bother everyone right so now everyone did so I don't have to prove I was gonna point it at the monitor so everyone could see it okay now we know okay hey let's play this tape in this game Chris all right love love Simon or love love love all around love something or other love Alan what was the name of this I'm in the nativity play and I'm playing the lobster the linguistic Society Wow Liberty love there were two knobs just present at the birth of Jesus Christ sorry now we're just going to say out the entire movie of Love Actually obvious oh my dirty little secrets read on to move on I'd like that there are two chuckleheads over there still working on this look this is a big moment for them can I read on I would love to read on Oh apparently it's on mobile too guys okay hashtag mad pipeline says Brent haha we're into the last woman on earth was sitting alone in a room there came a knock on the door okay so classic Twitter I never cared for keeping a diary but now seems to be a good time to start keeping one why because after all these years I just can't forget about what used to be the light of my life I know overdramatic much knowing Brian colder cold Homer as much as I did is bound to leave that big chunk of residue let's just say this diary is what's left of our relationship oh man the thick page three years and no one three years have passed and the world around me is still the same looks up for me I look like a mummified corpse hikers complete with the toilet exfoliate her's gonna say complete with the toilet paper roll around me what would eight what would they be eight actually a drawing BB what would be be eight say if he saw me again be left Rosen peak the moment Rosen peak isn't a ppea how dare you judge I'm not a Rosen the moment he graduated high school to go to a fancy college of his dreams good for him since then I could only rely on my memories of him to keep on going I wonder if it was some for him too if it was same for him too oh the line disappeared oh my gosh Chris you did it Wow this like she's like oh man Chris vanquished a line says Lucas Andrew and her key days when you love someone whose whole existence just gets so no matter how much hashtag thanks Jason so no matter how much eight changes always know it's here but blame Jason for the line in the first but will be do the same for me I know be liked me a lot too but he was not the most likely person to remember stuff considering how long 3 years fell for me it's possible he did forget about me where am i giving him too little credit so here comes the big question will he remember me yeah well he ever know our love child yes or no spooky Ouija board oh it's Pookie we d spooky we D wait all right can I can I use the Ouija board or no right is there is there a Ouija piece what is that called we just a wait Oh a laser pointer we V we d oh baby that's the we look and the boy the G and together they are we G we go we go board oh this is real wait what what content in this game might not be suitable for all audiences I know Ouija boards are pretty pretty brand unsafe Krista but there are some swears by we are hearing it's it doesn't get more inappropriate than the swears we are super demonetised everyone the monetization income we got here Oh smacking myself with the rock which phase it through the refrigerator clearly a proof I'm a ghost no one ever has anything good in their fridge in horror games you think that scary things could happen to people who have well-stocked food you know what has got a pot and cheese spray what that I think this is saying is that you have to have like a fridge tool that looks like a youtubers fridge if you ever want if you want to like avoid scary scares youtuber fridges man youtuber fridges are like the least realistic fridges I've ever seen they're very extra free but they but they are real sometimes sometimes sometimes what is real on YouTube anymore fridge does not look like a youtuber certainly not not even remotely it would it's when there's something in our fridge right in our fridges just full of food for Oliver it's like all Oliver's like I said all I eat is cookies and Diet Coke at this point and all of her eats are these little cans of like not Kansas these little like individual servings of guacamole it does just eat some straight so we basically just have a big stack of individual servings of guacamole in our fridge no chips right all right spooky spooky no okay toilet time our letter says hike forever he likes forever I have no reflection clearly I'm a ghost that's proof in any horror game ever that I am a ghost waiter this just fish then tell you to shut the doors stay open Oh Sam uses it's called the planchette that's it I did know that wow I've heard that before but I didn't really know all right well time to go to bed nothing nothing exciting going on here they be looking for my planchette oh maybe maybe that's the goal here oh here we go it's fine the Blanchette so that's locked and safe land checked a lot a bit finicky like there we go can i play with my phone maybe you just circle with your pen circle with my pen I mean yeah if I could the I will say without a cursor on screen it's a bit we like I'm like oh yeah I should the point at which you're like oh I'm able to access this is actually very narrow okay so will he remember me yes or no what you want circle yes or no well you know what move on Wow that's what I'm just saying you go off to college maybe you were mad or no maybe you remember people but you don't really care wow I'm just that's very dark Stephanie you keep going off to college you start new things man see in the fact that backwards you're just gonna have your future smack you in the back of the head look at how far I have to look to turn the page it's not okay Who am I kidding like any of it matters now Brian is a great guy and all but after all this time I can't be sure of anything I just hope our time together was meaningful enough to him enough to make him cherish even the darkest ones yay forever speaking of cherishable memories I wonder what's happening to Joe's diner used to be my favorite place naturally because it was be his favorite place to begin with there were two things that were too good for Rose and Pete it would be Brian and Joe's diner home with the best pancakes in the world says Brian five out of five yo she's like a little obsessed he or she is right in judge things were so much easier back then B could just go hey and I would be like hey nothing but hanging out after that but some occasional visit to Colton Hill we had such a good thing going if I could turn the page there we go okay will he remember my voice will he say hey me again did time already ruin our moments man I know bring green green green green answer don't answer what I actually don't think I had a control over that Oh it's unclear what I are you sure it's something why would they have a phone that you can't answer because you don't answer unknown phone numbers come on faster episode Oh Spooky's see it's gonna call me back many a time in a spooky manner the answer there yet is it Brian Brian Brian Brian Brian Brian hello hello you're wasting my minutes I know right goodbye is that funny to think of a time when people had like limited minutes of limited minutes I some people do but most phone plans now are unlimited I just wanted to say hello every time I called him but what I want to do and can do are two different things as always just enjoying bees presence on the other side of the phone was satisfying to in a big way hey I imagine him eagerly waiting to hear something other than my breath hi are we Brian looking through this journal and that's us on the other end the phone I wish I could sneak into people's minds that's 300 G oh jeez look beyond their eyes just by staring if I had that power I would never stop with right so are we someone being are we actually being being stalked you prefer me Brian the perspective great this is the drug doses tonight we don't go by kidding ha ha ha leaked up there oh I thought it was just splatter from the window somehow with a very strong very focused blast drinking into that one corner all right weak truly the most horrifying thing you could find it before right this is right it's pretty awful actually here and we're gonna can I shut this curtain really well shut this curtain nope okay great it's fine fine we're okay let me pull up my chair and continue reading is that diary 900 it's got a very sad notes oh my god jeez this is so much text whole game it's just reading someone's diary it's just a boy or the game Wow can you read the stuff my eyes he's clearly not good enough August 21st 2006 that is as a debut outfit I admire your confidence Sam and with that my whole high school years were probably over first day of new school and the new girl in town got classified as a an undesirable by what seems to be the queen of we write Academy right Academy great I spent last night telling myself confident Sam confidence but looks like I should have spent that time picking better clothes Oh sick burn to yourself I try not to care too much about about blending in so burn but this but these kids already look at me like I'm a candy candy and II handed out by strangers the package seat is fine but you know there's something fishy in there wow that is very elaborate very elaborate melody that's right judging from their whispers I could figure out that they didn't know wait well you're right even accepted transfers is it bad being a transfer well yeah because you're the new kid that's fine but you a new kid you get to reinvent yourself it's never fun being the new yes if media has taught me anything being the new kid always means that you're alone because you're breaking up established quicks no I had such a good time as a new kid in my high school it was great was it why because people were interested in who you were because you were new it was a novelty you got to play on the novelty factor in people being like oh hey who are you where did you come from and you being you can say anything you want cuz you're the new kid you could totally invent whatever story you want did you say that you were from Australia that would have been amazing I mean like lucky mate nice to meet Jen from Down Under um no I turned the room I in retrospect I probably should have made up some cool lies about myself but I told mostly the truth lame I know because the truth was cool enough right yeah yeah how'd it go for you give you a good chance I mean so people are more likely to approach you if you're the new kid yes you're not like the awkward one who like you has to approach everyone else and be like hey what won't you be my friend please be my friend I don't know please sir I'd like some friendship people are really nice I mean that changed over time they started great first impressions it's all it's been less than 24 hours since I moved to Rosen peak and I already enjoy sitting alone in my dorm room more than more than attempt more than attempt socializing with people who call me a city girl all you're a city girl it's well screw you to hillbillies really besides I decided to force myself into making friend not to force myself to making friends after how my old friends decided to turn on me I just hope these guys leave me alone at least yeah keeping a diary sure can help feet keep things in order of chaos I haven't kept a diary since kindergarten but seems like a good time to start kudos to mom for giving me the advice oh shoot almost forgot calling her rent you later diary my only true friend loves Sam now entering rosin pink love Sam oh yeah she Ike's just forever oh yeah yikes forever if I had that power I would never stop looking through B's window that's creepy okay that's stalker behavior right we'll be remember at the moment he came into my life for me it's as clear as the moment he left so clear that the downfall of our relationship still cuts deep to my heart thanks stranger friend someone special special someone is aren't splat is it a heart sweat murder oh I think it might be murder when you're someone and then they do become a stranger again once you've burned right how does how does a murder to individual segue to strangers I think it's supposed to be heartbreak and then that person it's like oh it's like you know someone you were friends with but had a falling out and then over time you become a stranger with them I've always found that really sad this is this is like this is like an a CT science question you have to interpret what the graph means a CT science test has nothing to do with science it's all about read this obscure graph determine what X is motormen what read weird splotches it's a submit this today you see here you go this is that based on the logistics of this graph the relationship of blood splatter to stranger is a crooked and complicated be straightforward and easy see they're not connected at all D both a and C oh did you ever think about that in middle school or high school the AC T yes yes I mean often that but no the idea the idea that you have like some friends in your life but did you ever think about like oh man I'm not going to be friends someday these people are going to be strangers by the time I left high school I had like zero friends because they all didn't like me for some various reason I don't know what it's terrible sad in middle school the group of friends I had all like self-identified as the losers and I'm like I don't want to self-identify as a loser so I kind of like abandoned them and that was kind of like wow you and in the losers in their time of law I didn't like the fact that they self-identified as the losers I'm like I respect myself enough to not call myself but like I'm not a popular guy I think I respect myself enough not to like just fall into the realm of being a loser and be okay with that it's fine to be like I don't know it was just like I didn't like that it wasn't who I was and so I you know at that kind of like broke off my relationship with a lot of those guys which was sad and then at that point I was just kind of like the lone lone wolf Wolfe's Tiffany well I don't I look like a love books based on everything you guys know about me off of game theory TV live aren't I a lone wolf lone frog I used to think about that when I was in Middle School in high school what no it's great it's not it was sad so you got me a lone wolf like me yeah life and rose and peak was a jar filled with bittersweet I loved all the candy metaphor hearts filled with bittersweet Candy's not exactly tasteful but I learned to enjoy it nevertheless that's where my heart lies moto wolf says I'm a loser and I'm all good I think there's a difference between being like oh I melt like a loser and I have fun like friends who identify the same way and and feeling like that sort of thing is going to like I don't know make you sad I don't know you don't want to identify in a way that makes you feel sad yeah it's however you identify should just make you feel good and if that's not making you feel good then you should identify in something else yeah it was just one of those things where like talking to them I don't know it was it was just like we're unpopular and maybe that that's not necessarily okay but like we accept it like it was just there I don't know it wasn't like we're losers and we're proud it was like losers ever sad yeah like this is what we're the outcast yeah so be it like you oh no it was just kind of like whatever your friend group is should make you happier not make you sad yeah it was just I don't know like it was one of those things where it just wasn't a label that I was comfortable the storm 18 says we're all losers which I agree with and so I think I think everybody's a loser in some way or another yeah so I actually totally agree with that I'm a total loser and I'm proud I think I think that's is that for different I think your Jersey cat says I'm a loser and I'm proud and I think that's that's the difference right if you embrace it out of whatever you if you're like an eighth chapter to what chapter one because they're the losers Club and Bowl yeah you know if you embrace love is cool because they are proud of who they are yeah but it was just one of those things where it I don't know it was like a grudging acceptance rather than like a symbol of pride I think the association with the loser also has changed a lot like I mean this was what over 20 years like 20 years ago and so Leia decades generation well being a nerd and being a loser has become like in you identify as a nerd oh what a person yeah yeah back then - well anyway wrote a poem and bee's memory he used to struggle with miss last Lee's poetry practices even if he didn't have to try that hard miss lastly always he struggled with miss last Lee's poetry practices even if he didn't have to try that hard that seems counterintuitive of those how are you struggling and not trying hard right miss lastly uh maybe he struggled even though he didn't have to struggle like if you study for a test when you don't have to study for a test miss lastly always told us poetry is not about using fancy words let your feelings do all the work well this is how I feel Oh tokidoki literature Club oh my gosh we're reading poetry I stand at his doorstep heartfelt desire he rushes down the stairs heart red like fire the stream knows how I feel about love poetry but before his spirit can soar first he must answer the door knock knock knock that's my beating heart actually more so than anything else it's like eating heart should we answer the door of course who's there hey Weezy Weezy hello h'weezy hello hello it's a very dark hallway right very concerned about your dormitories Hall lighting it seems very dangerous actually feel like that RA needs to file a work order to make sure that all the lighting gets replaced in that hallway friend notice alway all the doors open I got another letter here we go August 22nd 2006 Stephanie yes you can you can do it Stacey's a classic something she's fYI she's the one who taught who talked crap about my favorite vintage shirt it's like she jumps straight out of a cheesy teen drama blonde hot always talking and a cheerleader well blunt hot and always talking Wow Wow she even has the beefy jock for a boyfriend I didn't want to start talking some poopy about someone already but how could I resist every time I get in Stacy's view I get in Stacy's view trigger every time I get in Stacy's view trigger and obvious black bites I'm seriously sorry it was written by the Korean linguistics lab okay okay I'm seriously starting I think that she's under a curse that she kills her if she stopped talking about someone else I'm Stacy I'm pretty oh I thought it said I'm sticky I'm pretty my shot that makes no sense right I'm sick I'm so sick pretty but don't get too close with her penis just like she's like our baby just sticky all this yeah Holly sticky and cute mom called again as far as she knows it's just rainbows and butterflies hearing rose and Pete I can still remember the complicated face she made when I told her that my application was accepted by way right none of us were expecting them to approve a transfer requesting of 11th grader of an 11th grader of a fourteenth greater greater worth greater even she told me she understand my need to move out of the city I really feel guilty for leaving her alone you already used up your last runaway chance Sam get yourself together if not for you for me Oh guess what it's easier to read it I wonder because you're a [ __ ] I can't I've been like losing my eyeballs stuff you gotta get to get to get to get to head the game hey hey hi other way right kids were so predictable their doors were already open before even before I put my hand on the knob but B's door was closed shut it's so beautifully painted every any of these analogies that it's not that's not an analogy this door was literally painted beautifully yet a beautifully painted door what this is supposed to be literal she's describing his dorm doors yes he had a beautiful dorm she's such a stalker man I'm with Stacey everyone liked him but couldn't get him to open up he was like the lock that you see there I knew there was something more behind that pretty paint something behind his bright smile you know that no the door Oh literal and metaphorical joker has a mouth I don't think that's a real door the door is a literal representation of a physical door that is locked and beautifully painted but also a metaphorical representation of his facade the facade that exists that is beautiful yet once you open up is even more beautiful on the inside see an Emmy way and I missed you last week step it's good to have you back but on the other hand being able to hang man between you and Jason got so many trolls in my life but on the other hand being able to hang out with him was a good enough blessing for me enough to make me want to never leave his side never ever leave his side for a ghost Oh ghosty ghosty ghosty where's the ghosty well it's really hard to get hyped up for the scares like girls look oops when there's so much reading hold up haven't you ever read a ghost story before Stephanie come on oh she's getting close there yeah bring it on see what's hard for me when it comes to the tears is there you oh look there's a little hand what's hard for me that kind of ruins the scarcest trying to click the turn the page and I have to like scroll up and down like five times to find where it actually is uh okay oh there's a lamp thank goodness is there another light here yeah it's not working for me here damn how about this lady's here just don't hit a heart on it before no no okay great well back to reading my sad Journal Mack Oh nope where is the active area come on Am I I am sitting in the chair I had it for a second there come on scariest thing about this is aiming it right there we go here my first rose in peak weekend as the name itself gives away the small town is perfectly it fits perfectly in a setting from a steer it from ister e / horror genre this is the steam description of the game hahaha lush forest endless hills in a lake that I'm certain is hiding a couple dead bodies psychologically bigoted or not I could pay a visit one day and take some gorgeous shots of the dead bot I'm I'm confuse a youtuber like loaded home Ezra now I'm that's right I do soon come on yeah either too soon leave those P oh I on my to-do list points of interest those people of intrigued persons of interest which is already filled with crazy amounts of homework I now know why youngsters of 100 right will try their best to get as far away from school as possible after class to escape from the choking ah from choking on the pressure that teachers give them even on weekdays pretty girls like Stacie will have their boyfriends give them a ride and others make use of the power of public transportation to get to the more crowded part of town I'm just giving it the appropriate emphasis that the game puts on it yeah it does feel too quiet with no one left at school but at least I don't feel as lonely as I did when I was in San Diego at least I don't have to watch everyone I know turn their faces away like I'm some kind of demon spawn that's at least I don't have to be reminded of how pooped up things can be in a single moment moving on when things get old no I hate when it's the word up its pooped up man you're do you're just in a world full of hurt moving on won't be easy but as long as I keep myself busy it won't be that hard Esther way we can plan I'll just improvise in the morning right yeah later love Sam if they're turning in their faces away like your demons bond and your face alway they're more like Phantom of the Opera okay what do not appreciate a good phantom I like it I like it eight flat eight was always pushing his limits well it was more like he was always being pushed but he was that's why he naturally became the best quarterback of the team while maintaining a high grade for a star player it was the best quarterback B was the best quarterback waiver I could ask for it just changed him to it see him running also weddy on the field always triggered something tingly within me something that made me want to catch him behind his back and never let go of that's so wet e about it just grow so much sweat please a little annotation I like aromatic we have really turned this game into something it was not are you saying we're reading that it's orbiting this game wrong no this is why every gameplay is totally nothing less appeal I'm gonna hugging a football player come on whoa you had a boyfriend it was a fun pie weren't you attracted to his sweaty back good sweaty aromatic bag full of moisture and aroma Oh sort of feelings and thoughts were pumped relentlessly into my brain with every heartbeat gave me a bad headache a good kind of bad headache I wanted it to stop I wanted it to never stop I wanted to bathe in his sweat hey we're really not developing this guy much as a good kid like he's got a glandular issue and his monosyllabic oh stop being hard I love him man who's got gland issues oh boy oh man I am sweating profusely using my sick lab didn't waste a syllable hey to be the best prescription I could ask for take away the pain and that only the good things say stay hey oh my gosh turn the damn page hi oh [Applause] hi yeah you can really tell they've got a deep connection going on here bad they actually never spoke is what we're going to find out hi hi hi hi here I guess I'm supposed to get up hi hello but my spiel to turn this page it's supposed to read like maybe I write with my obscure pen a cue octopus abacus on Twitter who says eating every boat gummy bears and watching Matt and Steph definitely prove Steph's comment about not finishing the game in an hour come I supposed to do no oh this is never gonna happen is it oh my gosh what here here spooky here jump scare me so we can move out and turn the page please oh there we go thank goodness hello are we in the bathroom because I'm looking for so that pepto-bismol it's so nauseating stream so turn your face away okay oh man I had a really nice door I got their own bathroom apparently also has a football player crush she says football players do that to you heart face Oh heart hey oh hey let's go that Suzy's sandwich says I may have lost the plot but I still enjoy the commentary right I have no idea what's supposed to be going on here are we are we being stalked are we just reading a random balls journal shoot I shoved myself in the closet my bad Buffy come out of the closet hmm I mean there's something I'm supposed to come on light the room if I can have some light no oh wait what's that oh the microwave by the light of the microwave oh why did she just write BNE when his name isn't that long it's only five letters she's she right the son of [ __ ] she can just write a nickname affectionate an affectionate nickname isn't just the first letter of someone's name away smoothly what am I doing wrong here like we have a friend named Brian and his nickname is brand like a bran muffin we call him bran he doesn't like it but we call him that anyway am I supposed to write that's an affectionate nickname oh there we go hey oh hey okay I got rid of pay hi know what oh hi hi hi hello hi hi I was wondering why that was taped yeah hi I've got my eye set on you what's going on now and why is it so dark all of a sudden oh my god Stephanie it's been dark for an extended period of time really I was like I I'm with the chat I'm really not paying attention at all turn the page turn turn the page now grab this thing put it over the eyeball oh there we go got the page there you go for boarding school we write intellectuals are not interested in becoming intelligent I visited the library today and two things surprised me one the place was much bigger than the one of my old school someone could get lost in there instead a complaint er what - I strong feeling that people rarely visit the library maybe because they feared being lost in there the place was too clean well really you're complaining that your library is too robust and to cleanliness tag firstworldproblems right come on these are probably boarding school matters even the books shows little sign of human touch now I feel sorry for complaining about Miss Leslie's book assignment I wonder if stacy is even thinking of picking a book with her admiring her boyfriend Kyle's tattoo all day I doubt she has spare time to do that it must be a pretty elaborate tattoo to admire it for it Oh like that'sthat's some detail there's more than just a couple of random like Chinese Karen mom that might say why or like or like a [ __ ] slot like of a butterfly or something it's on his arm right sure I own tattoo oh no it doesn't say where it is right oh yeah I think I see would be on the air nape of his neck whoa stop talking about his nape okay I will talk about his name his Venus and his pending on Kyle do the reading for her maybe it's not his hearing maybe he got the tattoo on his weenus it would probably be painful on your we know that would be awful there are all sensitive areas in a weird way if it was a butterfly though as you moved here Venus maybe why it could flap flap your little wings this is where this is according to what I just saw so far he's very busy either reacting to what's coming out of Stacie's mouth we're working up some shenanigans with his jock buddy Bryan was it oh yeah the five year old who's writing this diary you know in the meantime I should be more concerned about myself with the well-being of the whole school that might be right look maybe it's time to just not worry so much about other we too cool for books here we go open those eyes the third eye portrait of Markov no need for words the sweetest love songs those eyes utter those eyes udders so turn turn around and sing for me there's someone sitting in that chair yes Captain Obvious thank you oh I don't know it's kind of shadowy well they're gone up but there's an arrow creeptastic they left very obvious graffiti I know right to Queen oh well what a bad roommate we are I have dirtied the plates I have eaten the plum that was in the icebox Oh what mistake is that the sound of a Polaroid it was yes oh you're sick I think we should chill the stick I was gonna say I need to refrigerate this stick maybe not need to wash this stick apparently not I need to grill this stick you a grill boil boil boil stick now can't boil the stick microwave this oh there it is Oh No all right darn just a very hoping for that one I know I was doing maybe I just need to hold the self bit place the stick - we prod with the stick no just brandish no no brother you tried Ram dashing the stick picked up the stick yeah visitors the library yeah people been there before and among them was Oh Brian I was her dramatic episode it's not worth it's not worth the bother but seeing a major skanks boyfriend's bud removal a major skanks boyfriend's bud with his sweaty bod a major skanks boyfriend's Bloods Bob but sing major scales my friends buds bodacious body I beg to differ there Sam you must have been there to pick out a book for Miss Leslie's assignment I almost got too close to him but trying to see when he was going to pick I really hope he didn't notice that I'd rather be known as a regular geek than a creepy one oh yeah I feel like across that line woe is me woe is me I hate to admit to admit but seeing Brian at the library was today's only diary where the event probably because it's the only human interaction that didn't give me the sensation of someone talking behind my back Wow is she like a mad she's weird at least today's entry has a tad more meeting is a tad more meaningful than why I wrote yesterday I need to revise my book options now right yeah later lovely I didn't really interact with them which is interesting no not about the other interesting I don't think she has has actually interacted yeah it's yeah has he forgotten me he never knew who you were to begin with her age okay I miss him even when I'm with him I see him even when he's not looking oh yeah kid you're creepy Yeah right it sounds like he's not looking most of the time okay turn around bright eyes okay can I turn the page now I looked it was it was super spooky okay yesterday says Matt's the limit literation is on point I would head over to the bed but maybe take your stick with you because you might need oh oh oh brandish it brandish it oh there we go oh man what's going on the note dropped back there gotta pull it out with my stick apparently at mine ponies asked would putting the stick in the fridge make the fridge look less you to burry it would it would anything that takes out lacroix x' and what coconut water from the fridge well he makes it less less you to bury it was mr. Caine's ninth psychology class and he still managed to come up with another lame activity Wow this time he gave each of these teachers they come up with activities to help my learning process right what a loser bad teachers that care about their jobs suck dabbe and they write down some of our own personal traits for the next ten cringy minutes oh you're so crazy just ten whole cringy minutes I managed to squeeze out some aspects of myself that I could hate less Wow I've also maybe really no uh I think it's she hates herself a lot but know that I could hate less oh yeah squeeze out like oh yeah okay hey guys after that mr. Cain told us think about whether or not others would agree to each of them he called it reengagement perspective toward oneself blah blah Wow like I really needed to reevaluate my stupid self we have some we have some ego issues here see but it's not the dumb self conscious subconscious exercise it's bugging me right now when the papers were being passed around Brian yep him again kinda smiled at me it's 11 p.m. now why am i writing about this oh my god it's like most likely an accidental glance but I still don't know why the very image hovered in my head for the rest of the class okay the rest of the day stupid brain probs super brain problems wanted an excuse for screwing up today's math test geez great all sorts of stuff oh hey love that it's like a little gremlin I think I think we have like Furby thunders back oh no there's a Furby under the bed oh and I love them man I lost my stick wanted to keep my stick right they look for the Furby Furby where'd you go a little skeleton you do the blink when you're in middle school or high school and someone even like remotely makes eye contact with you that you like you imagine that they totally did it on purpose and that they're secretly in love with you as the time we spend together grew longer one question kept on growing with it what does the me in B's eyes look like does he see me as I am as I see him does he see me as I see myself does he see me as I want him to I screamed in agony but there was nobody to even hear it well others think that I here we go will others think that I do I think we think no no I would never lie to my friends no she would like you would lie right so that I know do will others think that I said to know right well others think that I would never lie it was so it's double negative yeah never use others for my personal gain no I think she would I don't know she doesn't seem like a very nice person she just complains about everyone who's gonna be butchers all the kids around her somewhat you know yeah well they're being too judgmental I don't know well others think that I won't betray anyone close to me I think she could be pretty loyal why we don't really yeah I was gonna say it could be a guy we said yeah there was an ambiguous name well that's a million also not have written in this book that's true it could be be never act on impulse actually I think they would absolutely act on impulse will others think that I never as so that's a what no that's a no will others think that I never act on impulse god this is phrased so that on impulse no I do act on impulse yes don't run away from my responsibilities I love when everything's phrased in the negative Jim says that they spent the rest of the class talking about Brian thinking about Brian so that they could avoid thinking about the math test so no yeah so really this is probably all but no oh my gosh yes @y as me or mine at Yasmine mine as Yasmine craft one on yeah sir minecraft one sorry on Twitter says Dobby come back Dobby that was perfect okay hey hey Spooky's okay hey spook ease up with this oh these are the notes okay can I get up off my chair let me off my chair let me up get up off of that thing dance do you feel bad up uh can I get up off the chair anymore know that nothing I need to write more pencil here okay okay oh wait there's one oh I'm a freak am i a freak ooh I'm gonna say no wow yeah can I answer that one now there are much prettier people out there or you'll see there we go there you go oh oh it disappeared okay here we go latter time I was returning some of the books I checked out when he came out of nowhere hey anything would look he has more words than just one yes he's proceeded to Quadra syllabic I never thought the voice was aimed at me but my heart somehow already skipping a beat Brian had to tap me on the shoulders get my treatise in lab xr/e Brian had to tap me on the shoulder to get my complete attention damn right so he going in and out of the library he said with a buttery voice man the way you captured him you definitely captured his buttery voice are you going he said with a buttery voice no he's not your old smoker so I appreciate that talking here or anything I come here from time to time to to get the stupid assignment out of the way he's no less buttery what's focus let's make him a little bit let's make him a little less I can't believe it's not butter margarine spread let's make him a little bit more Land O'Lakes like stick butter hey said he couldn't find anything interesting to read but since all I could think of was coming up but since all he could think of her comics he could use some guidance my mind was still jumbled from the ambush all I remember saying is how about misery Stephen King's works are good good enough to get you started and it'll give you a primer on everything I'm going to do to you what cuz bro is like any story with blood and breaking bones right Oh God I don't recall the rest of the conversation went but I'm certain he said see you later at some point and I said yeah see ya misery real nice Sam if Brian didn't know you were a weirdo he does now I mean that's probably true yeah that's a weird recommendation a bit let's look it's a good book but unless you already know he kind of liked horror books it's a it's an unusual one to pull out of nowhere what I did for love oh there you go what I did I did for B all of them because loved him why couldn't he just understand others were nothing but poison I was the only one who truly cared oh did she kill off everyone else that maybe didn't even appreciate the things that I've done for him I never wanted a drama I wanted a Polish a Polish lucky fella wish knife a tender subtle love story written only for his eyes it's totally fine if no one else gets it as long as B does I was always welcome in my world B was always welcome in my world I gave him the key to it even if he lost it he could always come back to our world to find it and I think it's a good time to come back now B let's get back to our small world after all where I placed my heart's at everywhere you loved let's go back so I need to place the hearts on the map right now so I'm gonna need this key right yes there it is okay key oh wait I know he's not coming back I will never again hear that Hey ever again I will never know what's behind his door locked tight with smiles because I gave him my key and B didn't aah okay so okay gotta find the hearts presumably and I guess now there was one by the door right all right like yeah there's one but look he loved that light switch so much so Matt it was his favorite light switch one heart one heart light switch one on there he loved what else did he love dirty dishes angle of dirty dishes really into eating all about those dirty dishes there was nothing up there before he loved the microwave right he was so into that microwave is his favorite microwave oblate there was on the door right nope just kidding' that's the blood smear okay fine he loved the bathroom right peeing was a regular activity for him he must have loved it he was there at least three times a day he was very regular maybe this is the only hard piece oh wait is that heart oh and the radiator I was hot for him no that's the radiator valve oh let's just try this one from the other he loved P there we go Oh with this key I feel like I need to use this key on the drawer oh there we go yes there we go Oh more hearts oh yeah open yeah yep okay there Oh - there we go hey y'all continue turns out the lake does have a history of having a dead body in it haha I know because I visited there I visited there because Brian took me there whoa oh man off it was Friday with that he's part one oh man except no it's September the 16th 2006 haha I was outside the yard reading when Brian appeared out of nowhere again he said hey hey started telling me how he actually enjoyed the book and how he never read the same book twice in his life and still has it just because he said he's never read the same book twice doesn't mean he read this book twice and since he was headed out he offered to give me a tour of the town ten minutes later we were passing Joe's diner home of the world famous pancakes says Brian there's also an arcade across from the dot across the diner Brian hates the place because it's teeming with ten-year-olds the donut shop was Brian's must go to place too unlike the music store which according to him seriously needs to restock I found my own pee oh I a bookstore it was weird seeing a bookstore and a gym standing side by side though this is like a random stream of consciousness oh my god to see two businesses next to one another at the end it's like a 24-hour fitness fitness next to a Barnes & Nobles that really shocked I feel like a I feel like I've seen that in the past I mean what is what's really shocking there is that a bookstore is still able to stay in business and you stay an age of of e-books you know slash matpat I've been slowly putting them out of business right at the end of the tour I finally got to taste the sweet pancake Brian worse oh that's a euphemism keep eye to taste that sweet pancake drizzle that sweet pancake with syrup slather on some of that silky smooth butter some of that I can't believe it's not butter smooth the lake Oh pancake the weird gigantic hill that was also visible for my dorm room Brian revealed that it's his secret base of some kind since few people actually visit Colton Hill he jokingly said he could take me there when I'm cool enough that's a mean thing to say after dinner Brian dropped me off at the bus station and drove off to meet up with his friends he was hiding me because I'm not really his friends I was exhausted but hyped up beyond my limits I can't sleep how can i when the whole day just feels like a dream have you ever had one of those days ago you spent with someone you really liked and it was like it was like you like questioned whether the day was real as it was happening yes no I don't know sorry focused on know no one that you ever met who is magical enough and you were like wow that time I just spent with this person was really special and magical and it feels like a trick II can't even believe this is happening right now I'll be ahead of girl friend at some point oh my god Stephanie is pretty great the thing is I could believe that it was real because you are there with me the whole time don't you made a real Stephanie throw the game at it okay all right broken memories broken heart broken neck crack crack crack yikes no rat ro did they snap my neck it's at the end the game perfect timing all right all right crack crack crack okay oh man Selena I like the observation from Selena era feign in the chat who says their relationship with him going to last dude astute observation uh-huh oh man now we're going to the foot so the last time we did the things that we liked in his place but now we're doing the fire station the bookstore and oh cans we says ha the only person who could make me feel that way is my crush and he doesn't even know I exist ain't it always the way that does yeah that's happened to all of us to Fire Station the bookstore and the arcade why did I move the bookstore book store store wrong do I actually have a say in how these get plays he'll Joe's dashing Joe's diner be one of them oh I would you have one on the fire station you know because I didn't think I had a choice in how these things it's very hard to tell if I have a choice that where I'm placing these so yeah I agree Joe's diner he hated the arcade so it wouldn't be there either well his favorite places uh-huh for what Colten Hill right he loves school he'll what's that one on the right yeah if you like the gym yeah you guys you like Joe's diner yeah and he like yeah the gym there we go there in the page maybe it won't say first time broken memory is broken heart broken that crack crack crack so I'm gonna die again right yeah ah oh I got one right I think that told me I got one right one I think I think it's telling me I think it's telling me which one's I'm getting right so it cracks when I get them wrong right so I think I got one right so I think it's and maybe it's not him maybe it's stuff that she liked or the other heat lights are a little protagonist Sam like so that would be what the bookstore what is that thing something store donut donut shop that would be yeah he likes that one too Oh a he liked the donut shop right yes so wait should we be doing what this weird donut shop and Joe's diner I think well he liked so we do it I place my heart's everywhere you love please just pick up a heart there we go donut shop donut chip don't oh my gosh they could it's okay try that and then Joe's diner for the last one and if it's not that it should be then Joe's diner like time job right the cold hill was his big thing oh my gosh pick up the heart pick up the heart where is it it seems like Sam should be a girl right cuz she's come sort of feels competitive with other girls oh my gosh just pick up the damn heart where I'm pretty sure we're supposed to think of Sam as a girl okay I was more referring to the author of this diary as opposed to the letters which are from Sam okay got it oh come on this entire live stream is just gonna be me trying to pick up this last heart oh come on why can't I we're all here for it man I know oh there was I know what this is okay so we can't do this again so we have to get it right donut shop Colton Hill and Jim yeah no no not Jim you like Jimmy no Joe's diner it should be Joe's oh yeah across there yeah that's right yeah I know you're right cuz it was the arc it was yeah this was it this is totally it oh thank goodness I was mourning do i miss morning do bakery be never shut up about its doughnuts so tasty they did taste sweet just like bees heart uh-huh hahaha each bite has another memory to savor oh please let her turn into a cannibal that's great or he or whoever whoever's writing this bought but just like a doughnut it had an expiration date it turned out cold and bitter I miss it's warm I miss its sweetness oh I know okay we're gonna get this heart what's nuke is heart that's what yeah let's let's nuke some parts shall we ladies and gentlemen please open oh oh donut oh we don't get to nuke our heart we have to nougat donut only we could new KitKat what no flat to the garden stream stop oh no someone put metal in the microwave my god this is why you can't put metal in the microwave now everything's caught fire on the donut excuse it was a blood filled donut lame-o I'm here cranky bed oh man okay here we go I didn't find my letter though so that person really really care about me you have the quote of the stream please let her turn into a cannibal that's great I have a lot of good consonants to my feeling today's today's been a good day for clothes this is a good stream braids oh there's Lois what's the letter not there before holy cow thanks Chris the Golem is just obliterated the hammerheads today Gollum Gollum I now know why they got Ryan and McDonald's are more than buds whoa I I would have called them an awesome duo - if only Kyle wasn't such a poop head of a poop I'm heating the guy Wow Wow he's a poop head of a poop head of a plow the guy had one name tattooed on his arm call me old-fashioned but I think you should go to a hospital and get that ego checked out cuz they must be swollen huge Oh sick burn at least he gives me at least he leaves me alone other than giving me that creepy stare when I pass by I understand how Stacy can keep I understand how Stacy can keep hanging out with him but Bryan they do say we sometimes become friends with those who are the opposite who are at the opposite ends so maybe it's not such a weird thing for me the way this is written is very very elegant for me the real win was the photos I took of Bryan watch out for Sam hole the writhing teenage stalker so beware of us for the room bring the Polaroid camera I brought years ago turned during my camera geek phase seems like a good idea now sigh I don't know I I know I promised myself to stay away from people stay away from the drama but when I look at Bryan when he talks to me it was like hey maybe it's just maybe it's okay to have a little drama for myself hey I'm not Rama's okay I'm not ready to define what this feeling is but for now I'm going to label it as looking for a shoulder to cry on Oh God and just shove it under my bed like it's like the pictures I took today oh really shouldn't you be looking for someone to like share laughs and memories no shoulder to cry on that that's what you do with your relationships is your need to weep that's that's the first that's the first ever an ulcer Oscar egg we uh two on Twitter says hello Matt Hodge day is my 14th birthday and I would like nothing more than a clap and a half for me and my friends air I've been watching your channel for years and I'm one of your biggest fans first stream clever half woo yeah pea birthday I hated every moment I was not with me I was helpless every day I've wanted to call him just so he we could chat but I was afraid of what Bryan would think of it it could even hurt his reputation that's forbid you hurt his reputation when I finally worked up the nerve to call all I could do was just listen to him say and though that was as far as our late-night phone call chitchat could go he just thought you were weird and creepy oh my gosh if you thought he didn't think you were a stalker before that he is very that's freaking me out I hung up wondering if he knew who was on the other end of the line probably because caller ID this I remember the strong burning sensation that came up every time I called him and it was an untreated itch probably shouldn't God should have gotten a Korean before that no I just get some zantac it'll knocked out right now that red fiery sensation yeah that's heartburn that's all or jock itch red like his blood like my raging jock itch so red like athlete's foot red everywhere salmon Brian salmon be seven Brian seven be flaming jock itch finish what you started so itchy and so many uncomfortable places like a burning in my lower area don't forgive me the preparation a take this pain away from me where is the red crayon well you saw it earlier when you open that way I open wet the drawer oh other drawer Thanks yeah yeah sorry let me focus this very awkward camera very small object let me end this burning itch that exists inside of weeks look just oh my god oh look a cursor the final boss what's going on did we actually pick up the marker I thought I did hey I saw it move oh I'm sorry it's on the table now okay okay here we go I'm like out of breath from how long this game come on here it is okay ready that's beautiful yes Oh Dobby the house-elf oh look there we go I'll give you a sock let me give you my sock I did I finished what I started there you go down okay down sit read the book read the book still can't read the book okay it's not very good for good it's like like carry my pen cuz I bet I need more of it now okay great great great finish what you started Percy is he hanging in the closet no okay great not in the door okay fine time as ever this is the scariest story to ever happen at 9:37 okay oh I like that the pen gets a reflection but we don't because we're ghosts Stephanie you know this try both scribble feels like a Mario Party minigames right very good one nailed it oh do we get to take a shower now oh no I don't want to see what's going up yeah you could probably use a shower we've got a lot of sweat and jock itch no I've got on it wrong my god are you peeking into the shower yes I got a red itch that needs to be addressed uh-huh I got a red X I need to wash away oh very important that is so inappropriate what if he's in there oh man oh man you think we could close the window but no no The Grudge so there is creepy there is creepy creepy three-dimensional model but then there was also like awkward two-dimensional like Illustrated mouths on top that was funny sorry I thought that was delightful all right can we continue the book oh my gosh it's okay continue the book okay more heart more heart here we go here we go gosh with this medicine cabinet pays off he'll be so excited oh my gosh again no it's the one back there yeah oh do I have to go through this sequence again do I really have to do this no come on oh no oh I do why because I didn't shut the window first come on because my Mario Party minigame score wasn't high enough ah they're like you're Mario Party minigame your heart was crooked right you didn't you chiseled outside of the lines come on shoot I'm gonna have to just be drawing of the tiles anyway there we go now here's the window right over there got it put down the pen shut nope yup yup No Wow all right I'm gonna have to miss the epic know somebody you're gonna bet you're gonna miss the ending I have to go get our baby what the ending is is maybe you finishing this Parker really oh there's no way kidding least well we were 15 minutes lazy or maybe halfway oh my gosh alright this has been fun everyone I hope she turns out to be a cannibal my final word well here we go alright here together Rud well funny can I just want to get past this moment let me try again so I just need to do I need to draw it faster is that what I'm learning here I think so I think that's what it is right okay try it again try it again all right shoot yeah we even move through it so quickly moved through it so quickly Chris you got to give us credit I can't tell that I'll do what you're talking about buddy feels great it was such it was such a seamless Street it was so good it was it was the best dream we've ever had this is a highlight Stream okay oh man I hear I thought that's the sweet sounds of my bad singing yeah buddy I'm trying to draw a heart let's take a buddy oh no I hey buddy so I know I know I know buddy I know I know I love it when you sing to me sing the songs of your people Ally oh you have to finish this art which I did thanks to your help buddy you did it we did it together sing the cell field care people Ally all right there we go oh no no I'm outside I'm outside Ani oh did you find some tape yeah did you find some tape oh you found a sticker sticker Adi can you sing to me again no you don't sing again okay cool oh I like your necklace buddy that's very exciting oh oh I knew twirling hey so we're gonna have to cut the stream there ladies and gentlemen friends will be back tomorrow at some point unclear when because Steph and I have to do a brand integration at Disneyland which will be very cool and very exciting but we'll be streaming at some point tomorrow we're just still figuring out the schedule we might not be at Disneyland we don't know it's still up in the air this whole thing was thrown together last minute huzzah oh so anyway that's it for today as you can tell there's someone waiting off screen for me that I have to go hang out with hopefully you enjoyed the stream I think it's a blast it was super fun and we'll go and finish it probably later this week and remember that's just a stream a live stream I'm gonna go say goodbye in the chat right now here we go mew mew kitty cat says dad pat is leaving yes I unfortunately have to imagine else's Nighy and Caleb
Channel: GTLive
Views: 432,853
Rating: 4.9417748 out of 5
Keywords: love sam, love sam game, love sam endings, love sam gameplay, love sam game endings, love sam trailer, love sam game trailer, horror, scary, horror games, scary games, halloween, halloween games, scary game, horror game, game theorists, game theory, gtlive, matpat, gtlive scary games, gtlive horror
Id: WhcwRIeI5_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 27sec (4887 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 14 2019
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