These Questions Are IMPOSSIBLE! (Kahoot!)

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well everyone answers this quiz the correct answer is in three two one lost connection to server [Music] [Applause] hey guys and welcome to Jeep what it took a second for it to show up that we had started dreaming for one second so I think maybe there's a chance that this dream starts with a guys and welcome to GT live early edition medical morning everyone if you're on the west coast if you're on the East Coast good theoretical a theoretical afternoon and if in your in Europe good evening and good night ladies and gentlemen that's that's the catchphrase from The Truman Show we are actually in a new spot here in the in the YouTube space New York which is super cool I'm gonna like grab the camera here and and speed it around Sony so here we go the zoom is over you under way right here cool so we are now I just look like I'm pooping okay this it's the most glamorous so we are in the lobby of the YouTube space New York there's the giant like glowing play button back there here's our bags you can see that we are headed to the airport immediately after we finish because that's how much we care about you guys so today we wanted to do something a little bit different knowing that we were in the middle of kind of like the YouTube space like right out in the middle of the open their elevator to get in here is right over there yeah it's like feet away uh and so knowing that people could randomly wander in knowing that we would have a giant video board behind us we're like hey let's do a quiz show but not just any quiz show a really random internet meme --is-- worthy quiz show right so that's why today we are playing on a website called Kahoot so coot if you're not familiar with is like a lot of the live streams that we've done in the past where you guys can play along with us right so users will submit a bunch of quizzes on to the Kahoot website the quality of those quizzes vary so them are so troll worthy it's amazing it's it's incredible the the site is supposed to be a educational quizzes wrong so anyway it's kind of the it's kind of like the the trivia game show equivalent of a rage game one more pan around the room because it they they set up this really beautiful lighting for us but we decided not to use because you know we wanted to put it in front of the big board but look how purple and beautiful this is hey what wave to the camera what's it what's your name Bob awesome thanks Bob I started to look on what quizzes we should do I think we should start with memes because memes are a thing with with the people online these days it's also one of the trending ones and I movie seem boring pop music is also boring so let's start with memes I want to do one unlike memes I wanted one on video games one D one on youtubers I want to do and then we'll see what else but no much fun okay let's let's start with memes Oh much fun how are you with memes def I am if I if I had to put myself in a category I would I would fall maybe more into the Normie camp than into like the hardcore I found the meme first and and bought it on mean streets oh man let's play up that music yeah some really bad Disney ride this is the worst possible carousel ever so the game code is one eight eight four zero nine it is it's not the big board behind us so anyway like that you guys doing here and people are already join if you want to play along with us and see your name up on the big board as a part of this like there they go over to Toby I thought Toby come in you gots light well I was about to explain how to do this but it seems like you guys have I think after your get out I think they may have it to challenge us in our me miss knowledge all right how are you it means nothing I like to think that I'm good at memes but memes like refresh so frequently that it's a bit hard to do so I like to think I'll do okay I'm not you're like retinal contract right I feel like this is some sort of like psychology exam where it's like how fast can you get stuff I think I spotted me outcast oh I saw I saw the great mantis oh I saw Matt something-or-other robot all robots what what where at 5000m can we six thousand ladies and gentlemen i feel like i feel like a man PBS like a PBS like a doneita thon or telephone only your support ladies and gentlemen can help keep quality programming like Cahoon alive on this channel quality quality and if you donate today even though you can't donate because we don't have this super chat feature on because we don't want to artificially tear our viewers and to payers vs. non payers if you donate today at the price level of $100 we will give you a crappy tote bag because that's always what the first tier of donations are unpublishing like broadcast service telephone stock ticker and your channel like your totally catch this I'm totally making it up I gotta say like I feel totally legit though in front of like there's nothing like 16 television screens to make you feel like a legit host of something yeah like I'm standing in the middle of like an office lobby right now but I feel so legit because I'm like oh I'm in front of this light always think I thought I was for a second I'm like okay we slowed down guy we're gonna hop in but then it picked up I saw user Sam's as nests out there so shout-out to you guys Amanda meme meme Lord Ziggy I saw siggy Kyle's Diggy during the slow down have you seen the prompt that it gives you a new login it's like you're in see your nickname on screen of course you can see your victim on screen obviously and remember guys join in right now we're almost a night can we hit 9 9 9 9 8 9 the stream you have so many options today so video obviously we want you to play with us if that's what you want to do but if you don't want to do that and you just want to troll the folks who are playing there's always the chat which is over down there or over there da da da depending on how your browser is situated so you can go ahead and type some stuff in just like people are already doing also Stephanie is gonna be available on hashtag Gigi live over on Twitter as is huge as is the you yeah so make sure that you get us up there but first and foremost make sure that you're playing along with us because you know you want to see your name up on that leaderboard everyone's like 10k Dylan Denny says not going to win I can't I can't say that the odds are in your favor good day hey by the way and this probably won't happen for this live stream but the next night we're in New York I want us to work together about like we're gonna plan this out you guys the GT Live community and us I'm down on a knee that's how you know this is serious so while you guys continue to come in code I game code just type it in one of the things that like the YouTube space has been talking to us about it's like hey we are every time we come into New York GT live is the second-largest livestream that they've ever had so when we did our first series of New York streams like a couple months ago they're like oh the top concurrence was like 18,000 and the game that we chose to play got awfully 12,000 so we were like solidly number two we came back this time earlier this week we got 20,000 playing kindergarten and they're like oh but the top now is 33 3,000 because some blogger came in and did a QA so you guys can make it happen help push us to the top spot so G live the number one here at the youtube today [Music] you know let's play game shall we I think we have I think we've gotten enough players for now so here's the other thing though to know if you end up being in the top ten of this live stream clap and a half to you because damn you beat out like 11,000 other people that is like this isn't like those jackpot escapes or it's only like there's eight people who are able to join this is all of you competing against each other yeah so you will be like the number one meme theorist of all time so anyway we're gonna start the game right now now that the kind of submissions have slowed so let's let's do this let's do it are you ready are you ready kids get right into the game here we go memes 31 questions are you ready we're ready I like to think I am but we'll see wait did you adjust the camera again what no what is this means name I know this one okay you also need to scoot over so people can see the option okay there you go okay okay so I know this one go go quick also you get bonus points for answering faster so you know nice okay that boy be rolling yeah yeah that boy B rule I did no that one's okay maybe I'm not as bad at memes as I thought I was okay so most people got it right so here oh wow whoa look it's two K and then all of the Danks why are they so dad somebody dead you guys dang guys do we need to talk about your tank the tank team is out in force and are just dominating this look Thank You Tate why are there two dank potatoes good job Lucas to K for holding down the number one spot amazing okay let's do another here you go okay which of these memes are a meal so you'll have three big points okay here okay okay maybe we should adjust the couch a little bit so which of these are real I don't know it's that veggie head we have no chance by the way we have no chain we're not going to be in the top ten of our game there's no way right so it's all the points for I will tell you what our scores okay you got to be fast on the tree oh I know I know the answers are rack it up can I can I also just it it was between that it was between chalky milk and yogurt what's yogurt I know it's yogurt come on no that's the thing which is dairy options down there on the bottom I know but it's which meme are real chalky milf is a real name yogurt is not a real B C okay so it's also worth noting and I think it's interesting that over the ten thousand people that we have like playing along right now just and even went across all of this I don't believe this so those are those are a little bit more mainstream Oh bleed OH spleen has taken a link Lena's search to the top is tied with dankmemes 171 who is in close proximity to date potato it was hot on his heels with 2008 followed by dankmemes oh and egg me okay bad luck here you go okay bad luck is not this is an old school [Music] Ryan is it bad luck Brad Brad luck bad luck bubble I don't know if this guy looks like a Bubba to me does he look like my father to you she says see and do you see the joke she's dating a blind girl but she says she wants to see other people that so a true story actually speaking of me when I was working as like an audience development guy early early on in YouTube in like my youtube career whenever helping other channels I consulted for the overly attached girlfriend yeah yeah it's one of those memes back in the day with like the Justin Bieber boyfriend song came out and we arranged to have her do a collaboration with a bad luck Brian because it was like the perfect match made in heaven you had the girl who's like overly attached looking for a boyfriend then you have bad luck Brian who you know it's just bad luck Brian hapless and so it was just like this match made in heaven it was a it was a really funny video I enjoyed it but it was one of those things that was like two means coming together to create perfect you need lotion all right ready take the potato back well this is dank potato - for not to be confused with dank potato 87 or 108 or 158 wow they're a lot of the potatoes are strong potatoes like totally taken over DS or dsi sex is like such the oddball I loved feeling I feel a bit uncomfortable shoutout to anyone who is look at this oh man all that I don't know it up nine thousand six hundred eighty eight places ty is I don't know if any of that really makes sense but Oh Oh his name is Tyler Clementi who was the 17th president of the u.s. [Music] know where we answer oh don't you know your American history well I mean well you know it's not even have Lincoln right so so don't choose Abraham Lincoln guys I will judge you heavily it's not Risberg if you guys trust me it's Andrew hey clapping after you guys cuz look you guys know your American history unlike the other like dank meme ones this one you guys knew them also by a little bit my own humble people didn't guess it's alright alright I I don't blame you if you're not guessing right we've got a little mix-up on the top because an actual president I was gonna say so that so the dança crew maybe not so hot in their American history but a little bit firmer on you know the dankmemes stuff whereas some other guys surging to the top siren man siren made a strong play there and also hello this is also apparently a tough around cuz 73 players lost their answer sorry so memes were golden American history and order of presidents through that real stuff now Andrew Johnson okay overrated what was the answer to number one we are that which was it was that boy yeah so death was the wrong which was yesterday you can you can ignore us or choose to agree if your call you you probably don't have it at any advantage blue because it was that boy and it wasn't yeah got it look at us the grotto it's not a mimmish question words that's a meta question quiz again these are quizzes that are submitted by users online oh no you know what that means your results may vary all right let's dig potatoes holding permit number one yeah forty-seven is really crushing it here 70 players have reached answer streak for siren is still up up in the top box clapping after you guys if you have a three up or 4 answer streak well done yeah nicely done Oh getting some math 2x plus 71 - excuse me - the 4 champion it's it's this one there we go insert nacho what are also a justice camera oh here I got it there you go perfect no it keeps the keep sliding here I'm gonna lock it in don't keep sliding slowly it's like the room is like sloped judge like though this is the ideal angle for this livestream guys right like no it's not my friends so uh there you go insert math joke here well done right I like I like that no one bothered to answer this one we're like what we had a fraction of people being stupid math question we've got deist holding firm hello surging yeah thanks I really really uh has really made a play here dankmemes 87 though is the highest climber climbing 8045 places so dank memes 87 holding firm I thought the camera just won't stay boy let's do another one who won the election really it's not a medium I mean Trump I guess is in and of itself but also Bernie had a meme and also Hillary met me but but Trump is the only one that won the election I guess they're trying to flip it on the 1000 I called it it's bold it's see this is this is American history told to you straight from the mouth of the Internet is Trump won the election oh but Bloo intended to great amazing thanks Internet thank our thing people do it people are doing great at the top here wait we're wait I can like in Acharya I can Vanna White it hold on wait okay so at the top of the scoreboard after what is it what round is this yep cool that's at the top of the scoreboard we have deist FX followed closely by men madam Jeff yeah madam Jeff madam Jeff hello has also maintained status as has siren the the Danks have dropped considerably especially the potatoes we I imagine they're down in in spots like 6 through 10 right now being like what are these memes bro hold up there's an important there's been an important revelation in the middle of the stream Stephanie what is it I looked at the chat because that's an important thing to do it is and people are saying there's a delay and that we can't play because there's a delay so you're so right that's that importance iteration [Music] how do we solve that one I don't know I was just really excited about being Vanna White you you were doing a great job our view being lost death and may the best woman win great like that you know let's let's let's be less RuPaul like and and more problem solvers alright figuring out how do we solve a delay so we want to put on an extra what you have to change each question that timers quiz settings yes okay we are there know how much time should I put on I think you add at least 20 seconds for each at least 20 20 ok that's what we will do okay we've already done a bunch of memes now shoot should we do it for the next should we started a new quiz and I set it up for that I saw I saw a video game one down logos seems fun logo okay let's let's do logos because those are all gonna be the like hopefully people have made good ones for that one let's hop into it shall we let's hop in let's go so again here's the Kahoot if you can join they're creating it right now Kuwaiti with the pin 1 0 0 6 3 4 2 we've extended the time so that way you guys can you know actually see the question that play long it is it is a bit weird that they're not showing everyone the questions that was it like right it's just like here's an answer thing that you can oh give me the anyway okay okay you make sure you put in your nickname oh yeah don't forget so come on in guys welcome to the stream hopefully this time it works a little bit better we got plenty of time for everybody to answer everyone is streaming in we're excited and we'll also do we should be in and we're also doing a topic that should be a little bit more more more people should be able to answer it like logos everybody sees logos you can't help but see if you watch any commercials or see any ads or just walk down the street so so you you guys should all be super good at this one this will be a good high scoring round for everyone we're gonna shout out Patricia and the bath and and Oh foxy be and pudding Oh Jake memes dank potato I saw his back as well some more potatoes dad the bags have returned there are so many dank potatoes you guys boot NIT game pin 106 three four two and this is all logos so you guys should be experts I expect all of you to do super well because we are all products of advertising unless on YouTube and you do is coming to an end as we know it that it's actually not really natural it's been a bit over height it's already don't like there's still like a couple issues to work out we're seeing it like it's really it's gonna be okay so the end of the world asked again to youtuber no there's no there's no in YouTube for you guys so alright again we're we're getting up to 9000 players so looks like you guys are back so remember if you guys are able to top this leaderboard a clap and a half to you whoo meanwhile stuff okay hop in the chat or Twitter I've been waiting I've been way and please you know state keep us in the loop it like we've extended the time are you gonna so that way you guys can play every time someone someone back me up here or or in the future if you know it's like this happens this happens where Matthews like hey seventy club into the chat I'm just gonna monologue over here on my own immediately after saying that and I'm like great a lot of important stuff okay okay as soon the world okay fine here we go the monologue has ended BAM beem Yujin says my school uses this which is that's insane insane and but you're actually at the fifth person I've seen in the chat say that people take their schools views Kahoot I hope you're doing quizzes that are slightly more educational than them and also slightly more accurate than the ones that we're doing fired gamer says let's go say one of the chat if you're watching on PC oh I'm watching on PC actually I'm watching on a big monitor in front of X shout out to Jeff says Meg yeah Jeff clubbing up you Jeff egg really cares about you I'm in says calcium whoo-hoo says painted Birds uh let's see ablaze warriors is holy I like a happy fun time who says hurry up we're in school just say it's educational right you're you win you're learning about the world around you oMG so many are so many dank potatoes in this stream I don't know why just the DAGs have descended upon Cahoon misty xoxo says I'm dankmemes ah whoa and Gustavo odd Otero says I saw sands right I saw seconds too right we just had a huge influx of tanks we're getting all the tanks from 0 to 999 that's like in hi I'm cahooting why soft never what snapper nice loll I'm bad at logos says puppet funny you know more logos and you think you probably are better everywhere you're probably better at logos that's sketchy mean tune right come on ok this since this seems to be going off into infinity let's look let's hop in shall we you guys can still keep joining there's plenty of time all right here we go ready one two three logos logos let's do it all right enough time I feel good I feel good about logos name this logo much as much that we're not blacking out soon oh okay is it is it a B Toyota Honda or editions guess quick which did you guess that that's Helen II my answer no seriously we know we're on the same we're all the same why did you guess that oh my microphone is on I had to say something to throw a lot did you really guess that no why would I do that like why would you guess that clearly I mean you're starting out don't try to try to split the middle huh here let's well well everyone answers this quiz the correct answer is and three-to-one lost connection to server braze I'm a little bit confused about the 1,100 people who clicked edition it'll only confuse you no it was a valid answer it's a plastic a plus sign and knowing the quality of quizzes that are on this site and like the differing levels of educational content on it could have been edition honestly I would have given you I would have given you half credit on that one all right all right so that's that's heavy see more people are answering right now so that's good also I just got kicked out so you might have to relock in because of the server issue can you give me the number once again it's 1 0 0 6 3 4 - good awesome glad you're how would I know a random number oh so the dank the dead mean BOTS which I can only assume their BOTS the Mustang they've got to be dad come back well I like that come back hey Nell 99 bot 236 doing great he knows knows their logos like a boss like a boss here we go name this logo wait I need the pin game pin 1 oh ok yeah the game pin is at the bottom of the screen it's gonna be more - yeah come on and and door I got booted out of our own game because we don't have enough room dear if you don't know if you you don't know what the answer to this one is guys guys clearly it's way way wait wait wait everything's reverse death we are just having a ball here step will people know the correct answer when you're blocking it you get out of the whole way way you are into the whole way way step there we go literally oh hey nay you are in the whole way way right I'm gonna answer some stuff in the chat while we're waiting protip guys it's either Samsung or Apple yeah we've done 50/50 for your Samsung oh let me help you one of these two it's this one uh everyone's like oh it's well it's like we have apparently so we thought this this was unlimited in terms of how many people can join but apparently there is a cap whatever it is we hit it but the site is not able to handle above that cap yeah apparently everyone was stumped by this one everyone was so dumbfounded by this question be sure this one lagged out there pretty sure that everyone was so stumped by that really difficult logo very obscure question yeah no one knew that observers got kicked out got kicked out got kicked out okay there's it's delaying and kicking people up great apparently their capacity is a little bit over what they can actually handle Kahoot can't handle gg9 oh alright which on one hand is like cool on the other hand is really depressing right livestream where you're like hey let's all play together come on get good and also I've never seen a limit on on how many people can join so long apparently they're like ah 12,000 people won't want to play our site at the same okay sorry oh well I'm at a loss for what to do I think you try refreshing and try it let's try it let's try it one more time we are determined to make it we will fight our way I know and if not hey I'm having fun talking through these the obvious answers with you so should I do another question or should I enter into another try try another question and see if I'll see if I can log back in on mine so we can test you know really the the individuals that we have to blame are just the Dagny ba BOTS they're the ones who how can we how can we find a way to just blame Jason for this right at the end of the day whose fault is this really we all know it's hashtag bleep Jason Jason cuz he's out in Hawaii doing his little hula luau all right we're getting flooded in New York and flooding cahoots right Chris probably blame Chris - right right worth he's probably asleep right now garbage guard look this is what we have to work with the YouTube space team is so awesome they're on it here we go we're gonna try one more all right name the logo telling me that there's no room in the in the quiz I have no idea this name the logo gotta be is it is it whole lightweight approach it it's not it's not okay pay off you know that one I would I would know that it's code this would shock me if it was actually coca-cola but guys don't run out of time you want to make sure that you're submitting your answers I know this is a tough one I know you can't decide between Pepsi or coca-cola or lanova can't be a way there's no way it's no way it's the way way no there's no way way it's the way where there's no I love how there's no double way on the end of that we just keep saying it cuz it's more fun here's way you need to add another way to the end of your name I actually have no like hallway why should I know it's totally it's not pronounced anything I feel like I've seen yeah I think we've seen it in yeah so clearly this we need to read it we need to reboot this one let's get one more shot this inning and this is the face of someone who's this displeased with how this website is treating me right now go ahead and pull it up again I'll hop over to Twitter for a couple minutes while you reboot and then will reenter it we're gonna try it and see what it does we don't know again we're figuring this out in real time with you oh oh man oh man so complicated right okay so so we've added an extra step so coud that IT and type in the number zero five and type in the number here I'm gonna Vanna White it here we go we're gonna try seven seven one seven zero five and then you type in the pattern if everything is always reversed and we keep throwing off the reversal Oh what yeah type it start with the green okay then you type in pattern switches every seven seconds so do it quickly oh shoot triangle oh no there's there's no way they can do this because it's delayed oh because of the delay yeah you can only do it at the end because they can squeeze it in at like the last second oh good people are joining okay I'm sorry they're gonna try this I know it's not ideal and then next time we play we'll figure out a way to like yeah we're gonna we're gonna figure this out yeah cuz this is a game that clearly a lot of you can you want to play with you we just didn't realize that there would be such technical challenges all right all right I think we should just start into the outcome so we have I'm gonna also try yes thank you can they're waiting for it away where to change come on come on game come on game come on game okay there we go green blue red yellow yellow get it yeah so 70 tell me a story about a time in your life I'll try to do something and it crashed in failed horribly I'm in um this life right now I'm trying to I'm trying to think of which one from yesterday I'd like to tell you about see you guys are great yeah I'm sure that this one has been a bit of a hassle yeah this is Ben hey what you guys like you're so awesome you're like sticking with it so thank you for that and in the meantime I can at least I can at least actually hop into Twitter right well and all of you guys who are able to get in your senior names pop up yeah okay at Hannah ball fits 97 throws I almost missed the live stream oh no what you did it you did uh-huh could see all this hashtag leg swing is what it's all about at Irvine but she's so high I can't play oh that's okay we're on it we're working on again this is like again we're a bird but we're in New York which makes streaming slightly harder yeah and we thought this would be a good one since we're out in the middle of the open and whatever but uh yeah you know and we had the big quiz board behind us but we will figure out a way to make this work so that way you all can join we don't crash the site and the lag doesn't impact everything okay no okay no tama tamashii but going to name for my amazing cinematography which was cinema company right right come on cinema Tiffany no he's into the company like cinematography cinema top great but na mele yes best name ever trying time I avoid cinema company again I thought it was awesome person IKEA has joined the room by the way at Flynn plasmon also liked it my camera skills I think I mean I think award your season is right around there five years a new level of quality I know a new level of zooming and on your face a new level of storytelling through the lens of visuals Oh @j d uu j AE says my second ever hashtag GG live they're so hard to catch when you're in India but I'm ready here let's let's start let's try we've got 2000 140 which is not the twelve thousand that we had before but GG live go I'm gonna take it I'm gonna take the advice of GT legends oh let's do it alright okay what let's try it - for Bill Nye have joined the room well he's gonna so beware be on your game we're all gonna lose the building here we go alright ready and okay this is brain Tyson's okay so some riddles what can you break without touching it sorry heart there we go one promise you could also break a promise you can also break a vase without touching it just throw something at it right there's any number of things that you can do I also thought the answer was gonna be silence Oh breaking the silence oh you can also break your fat you can also break a server by not touching it yeah like I've done repeatedly for help well I've streets great hey we've made a really valiant effort to play this game today it was so excited about this I was so stressed out about the thumbnails I know I was losing it like sweating bullets about the thumbnail I was like how do I some nail come home this is like a psychologist oh no Kara tell me tell me your problem time you this time one time you ran a live stream this one time I tried to do a live strip at the YouTube space using this game that a lot of people wanted to play along with a lot of people wanted to and then it kept crashing the dam site and then the server would lag and no one could play no one could play I know and I felt bad about it because I really wanted them to play I really wanted to play with them I did dude yeah I couldn't do it hey is there another game that we could play do you want to do you have jackpots game or something on there at least we could do like a round of murder trivia or something where a few people could play let's let's let us pray let us let the sacrifice that goat to the YouTube gods to see if we can play this thing alright well there's there's there's there's my thumbnail it's really good I was really proud of this thumbnail by the way this is great maybe you didn't like five it dear-dear internet oh here oh this is a good this is a good zoom in moment there you go do your internet look dear Stephanie focus the camera there we go dear Internet I think you are the pores in my face right now but internet just internet as a whole like just the existence of the internet please smile upon this live stream so that way we can get through one game stabili so that way the excited GT live viewers and fans will interact with us and won't leave this livestream horrendously disappointed that for games fail internet gods smile upon us here we go murder trivia party let's do it night also it's also worth noting that that the pressure the pressure is on because all of the people who work at the YouTube space are like oh we're will be watching your livestream and we're also out the open so people are here but none of it is their fault it's all it's all just the the server's okay okay bread ownership a favorite amongst the livestream okay so to get to this game just go to jack box that TV and will give you the room code to get into this one now this one is limited to eight people playing live in person and then there's also an audience component where as I think as many people as we want can also join so CEO JC is the room code it's right behind Matthews face so give it a join and see if we can who we can get into the room we can play along in the audience or if we need to see are you in Matthew where you it's done alright you thought you read out the thing before I could it was it was behind your face the whole time well there's I knew people weren't quite ready for will just we're gonna play along a wall a look as part of the the group of people yeah anyway you guys can play along and I think back on who we want to win also we said we should back off orcs here well let's little bit yeah it'll be like a horse race no back before although it will back a loyal feel yeah well bath oil theorists and ends been there so few players it's kind of nice that you know we don't have to be in there we're gonna yes so anyway this is this is a game where you guys play along and be a part of like the Horde so if you type it [Music] you'll be able to join this live stream in hard and play along join the Horde because it's the Horde wins to school we actually upset the game we actually kill the winner [Applause] all right you can do it are you ready I'm gonna cut I'm gonna get in there and join the board with you we got 4,000 right okay - I got jack box all right let's do this one no this one oh yeah it's clearly Dublin Dublin also in other news shout-out to dr. Bob blobfish the kind of like splat emoticons yeah who are you picking here CJ was here modern Road Ron I drone I pet man are Combe and Becky I'm I'm rude for Becky no I bet you don't let me down all right fine okay I don't want Becky I want dragon sorry Becky yeah you know what you can absolutely take Becky I'm so happy that you got you know as your ear Saddles effect you know ready ready and for those of you who haven't seen this game before we played a couple times on the live stream but for those of you haven't seen this game before by choosing what finger you cut off you actually get one of your answer choices as Becky is really having a tough go at which finger to pick up some of the pressure knowing that she's representing you come on Becky seize control of your own life if you don't or sorry Steph your your horse was just slaughtered okay but she can still play come on audience all right let's do that oh and the Horde we can this is not you guys got this this one is not super pro tip or drone I that's my boy boy what's your not a bet on this game big money yeah what do you owe your stakes to me Oh No which Cup would you choose I would choose the choose I would choose the Red Solo Cup no I would choose the one right next to that because that's the one everyone overlooks well no I would drop my poison in the Red Solo oh I would put mine I would probably choose from number seven or six CJ was here is determined to win the thing so oh yeah so name your price okay oh no they chose no see our cube and modern roads good job well well well avoided yeah all right drone a doesn't need the surgeon who's already in the lead nothing he's resting on his world pride goeth before the fall you got drone I grow now you got all right got it we got it I believe it you know this you saw the picture visualize so what's your price death if I win I am so confident in drone I right now I will probably accept any by me the desert of my choice oh that's Li's what the ball it could be a really expensive desert this is New York Betelgeuse is star in sorry I know this one I think if I remember correctly people can't cooperate so anyway my mine was gonna be like it has to be something funny to do on the livestream so ok come on Girona you got to survive this yes dr. Bluhm dr. block is your hero replace yourself for the salvation of others you're like you're like the martyr of this game of Trivial drone I [Music] whoo this is tough you know no I think I've got it narrowed down to two oh yeah I think I know what it is my guess is four yeah that's that's the other one nope Evan didn't get a drone I yeah Drona you got to survive you got to survive don't let me down don't let it up anyway no I can't let Stephanie win know what it was the wait what was yours what what uh what happens then if I if your horse wins uh you have to shave your head yeah I was like oh you gotta shave your head you have to shave and hide still no it's really hard to paint those back on okay robots robots above the game he survived but really what surviving if you're not really living Hey oh but Roni was in the bottle and he still that man is a nice solid solid second guarded from the bottle now he's still number one here you are creeping on him he feels you I mean this one has a very obvious cheat code if you are on any real device right I know what it is I think I do too what's your desk mine is also one great so what about eating something funny on the livestream it was free stuff it was just back for my theater days and also my English English classes for all you high school English class you know that you read this if you take an icehole English chances are you've got Rome I got it so they named the place here couple we rely on the chit chat rightz slash twitter hashtag GT live let us know if drone eye wins what should Stephanie do and if Stephanie won it wins or if a fat man win what should I do it we are placing our bets now dictate our fate for us we are putting our fate in your hands we can still get dessert and then there were two there were two Stephanie drone I win hey the best fat man your drone I hear going to the head says Justin Halloween no no I think it would look great with a weird staff are you yell at me because my head Oh Steph gets your Twitter yeah can you make generic observations I see eat poop I don't think either of us are gonna go in for that I don't know oh I have to be vegan for a week oh oh that's tall man so we're we were going to talk about at the end of the stream anyway we're actually this afternoon we're headed to Brazil with YouTube for a couple of events down there so come on drone I submit it especially hard come on drone I submit it wait we're not into the final round I know but you're the lone survivor Pat man one drone a final four sir now it's hard being in first it is this is the hardest position to be in being in first it looks like you're really far out ahead but you have Matthew McConaughey sexy in the 90s I'm sure probably no breath yeah he's earlier or later yep yeah okay drone eye I know that you purposely threw the last challenge so that way you would be in the strong second position which is the strongest place to enter the final round that is accurate yeah you know that second place is the best place okay Pat man you got this drone I I'm coming so wait we haven't decided what the what it is this is it no Diet Coke for a week whoa oh man okay okay look at the comments Oh bikini matpat I like that one okay okay Alex Alex McCallion of the quad bikini Matt bikini oh I will do bikini math - okay I will do bikini matpat if Stephanie wins so if Matt man wins I will do bikini Matt what about you stuff uh let's see Oh it this is also a preposition of Steph when she gets this oka Matt was above water if Matt wins he gets to throw any dessert he chooses that at my head my head that's from Chris sanity that's from Christianity he's probably just chris sitting back in California being like hey I'm gonna troll them I like DBZ and games with man like all of your clothes on fire I think that's a winner what oh no drone is falling behind now robot this Union a bikini groan I'm going way way way away believe me I'm not I'm not sure I'm not sure that's something that the eyes alive fool ready for uh Joe pieces matpat Steph you are a role model and Oh Matt Pat gives you a makeover I'll get another makeover the return of Paris again let's know it bruins for you drone eye surging back oh no oh no what happens if dr. blobfish with comes out of nowhere to take it dr. block that has surged in this backpack come on oh you got that this this is easy this is an easy one yeah okay okay you got it you got it hold Oh pat man I can sense our connection right now like the Orca check right I feel how see where your challenges I I feel how connected our brains are at this very moment I know you know the answer hello cole says maleo me out please dr. blobfish is gonna win and none of us anticipated what happens if we both balloon Steph I think we both have to do our losing challenge we both wear bikinis I'm okay with it rewrite the law rift erroneous sq0 that's part your hair blue says sorry Clement Matt Matt you a live theater performance you do a monologue Oh Jonas Caldwell Green here for summary in here for Stephanie oh man oh no drove this you don't know you're your European whereas dr. waters now I need dr. blobfish to win because then at least both of us have to do something on Chinese zodiac animals okay okay you got this you got this I believe in you oh my gosh Pat man I'm so proud of you right now no matter what happens I am so proud of you in this moment this is awesome oh man step has to eat worms gummy all right oh this is getting I'm so excited that we have like a like a thrilling conclusion here ha oh no oh no oh no no no no Pat man it's okay you didn't have as many toys what are you gonna do I'll do the green hair yeah you will do green hair great okay green hair green hair bikini as long as it's not permanent I'm great green hair bikinis cartoon characters with mustaches you guys got this Oh dr. Blowfish you have to win that the Loren you have to win the lorax I tell you peasant Oh cat man you can come back from then you come back I'm so close I think he's got one left is not that for coming on me not that I've tried it Drona I've had to throw you out sorry drone is on man you Charlie throwing by the week doctor blobfish I'm all in on you know Pat man Pat Robertson Nero films I believe it's Godfather dirty grandpa and not up here that's that that's my guess he can't if doctor blobfish does not get any of these right oh no really I feel your pain it's in my heart ah that was pretty epic my house should be like no man whole audience guide the whole audience was not able to be doctor blah blah laughs and a half to you that was amazing way to be first one out of the game and to research right and take it at the end outro everyone for a loop that was pretty awesome that was pretty epic ok that was intense I'm really glad we got to finish this out I'm like I think we need to do one more you want to do one more else I want to also do one okay all right we'll do one we're gonna do one more you guys so that was a lot of fun so just know that it sometime in the next two weeks yeah they have to go away and then come back yeah next week we are streaming from Brazil so it's gonna be a bit off like we won't be able to like really do the challenge like the the punishments there and in two weeks we wouldn't get that no next Thursday we'll be back oh yeah and it's only like Monday Tuesday Wednesday that in Brazil and so at least one of those days we're gonna try in the stream but then Thursday Friday we've got like normal I just finally really like back for a long time would be great so so that means that next either Thursday or Friday you will do bikini Pat and I think really the green hair all right sector' Cryobank cork except the court that set the court there it is check that the course that's it okay my name is jacksepticeye all right so hey uh will you zoom in so that way we can log in okay cue the street so we're gonna play one final row you like the into while yours and for those of you who are tuning in late apologies that Kahoot is not work yeah it's a bit not it's not intended to be a clip based thumbnail that was not not a misleading title on purpose yeah well safe and so even though we were trying to get it working we're figuring it like so we're gonna go back Reese here you're out how to do Kahoot in a way that doesn't crash their website that's what was happening it was crashing and everyone's game kicked out so we decided to do a different trivia game that's a little bit more stable area and we're keeping it as flurry as ha ha ha that's the way we do things here guys there's no way anything behind your face though alright here we go nice hair thank you good so uh oh thank thank you I like whoa all right there yeah okay are you ready okay apologies apologies to everyone quick answer quick answer wait here you go okay hold it okay ready okay so that item on bikini path okay you're a bikini that so we are gonna zoom it out if we assign me in as Jack's at the court oh you why don't you want to join today yeah yeah man you got it got take you on oh here let me wait so I'm doing it off of your computer but okay wait I I don't know what you're doing over there come on man get good in the middle the kini Pat is looking it's looking mighty angry over there your ad you did you see you're like he's got like the the angry doll for this one your your name is too long stuff Jack septic or evil no more okay fine accordin septic a again that's gonna be justice okay just as long how about just green hair I think that's brilliant it's really creative but also descriptive here I gave you point I gave you poophead you are at your place yeah are you kidding me it's of' math you stupid head and then something Oh a power so if you go to jack box TV it was it was there yeah jack box that too why would you do this why would you do that because you're you're being a poophead I like green hair you should just do green hair yeah and that's what that was a silly name so I decide to call you poop n so anyway you all can play along so these are the eight players who are joining with us and then you can join the audience play along and hopefully kill the winner if you kill the winner you win so you have poop pad we have modern rogue we have air and 17 we have destroyer bikini Pat which is me Kerra Luke the third and we'll all right all right ready yeah thanks I'm not well the real poop head please stay here and now you've like Bogart my computer I do who's gonna read the chat this kind of time your team working and then you're like no Aaron I want to turn myself in fine all right you ready okay everyone is it so let us press the book that yeah there we go all right last round you guys so keep doing it this is your chance to play along with us please so that way we can give a trivia game together yeah all right all right your will skip the intro since you guys it's okay that all right it's a trivia game where you started you just turned around and ended up where you begin okay all right what is the piccolo Oh clearly on the McKeon right a namekian who possibly struggles with his own inferiority man they should have a question what is the thing and we'll be like yelling and sniffing I don't really she's piccolo is also a thing yeah [Music] well your body gets shoved into a I'm liking Erin's 17 look at bill your she forgot Bob Bob's Burgers who makes the best burger if I were to answer that question seriously if you're talking about straight fast officers right Wendy's has a stellar burger so vote vote for her okay I gotta say I'm voting against Ikea is why I'm also voting against IKEA IKEA for Swedish meatballs you don't go for burger huh there's a den there's a very there's a very clear distinction between the Swedish meatballs burger one is with gravy one is with pizza oh I'm sorry your appreciation of the fine dining at IKEA has cost you the game I understand I mean the Swedish meatballs are on point right everything at IKEA is good but the burgers look even though there's nothing there 50 cent like Hobbes on unbeatable passes the burger you say is the best part I don't know my friend I'm a bit concerned concern [Music] I have no idea I'm I'm not a late-night viewer guy Ferguson so did you get what did you guess I was between 2:00 and 4:00 okay destroyer destroyed everyone lost Roy your name is well done clap and a half for that one really questions about coding oh we got a cut of finger okay I can't afford to lose any fingers you're a poophead with nine fingers that I chose pinky I also appreciate the fact that here is a pillow which is appropriate since you enjoy sleeping I know in this musical what I wish I could do so much Yeah right there's been a decided with all the travel that we've been doing for vacation New York for the YouTube okay oh no what what you know what it I don't think I can answer what it is [Music] yeah whoo blue is us burgundy is you green is like Middle East or Asia I think it's like Asia come on bill or vial I'm with Aaron 17 bill otherwise known as vile misspelled you can do this meanwhile I'm popping into the chat yep do it what is the code the code so you to join is ofr oh that's for mr. Boddy Meridiana oh three Milo embassy got burgundy that was correct galaxy donut show miss that one said blue mad moo said yes I'm from the EU so I knew that maybe it was a lag thing oh man you could say they got nailed they didn't get screwed they just got nailed I'm gonna go with all their yeah obviously I don't know why a lot of people got that one right clapping I have to all you guys play along oh my gosh you guys I didn't think Australia would be because it's so hot it's so much of the country that like okay you got answer math question stuff all right ready okay Cora come on Cora med core is that one ahead of you staff really good oh my gosh you're just making me nervous [Music] Oh No oh it was so close you had this amazing service drafted me at the beginning this is all your fault you had this amazing series yeah I know cuz I can do math where the question sorry those bells a chance man it was a noble fight now way to distract me no bikini pads meanwhile it's been a phenomenal job and luckily I can answer it yeah the other the other crucial part of this since I don't have one of my fingers I can't answer one of the four options but luckily I take the good finger the second I picked a good finger to sacrifice off of my body so we're all good is it lover is it a wall that would be a terrible thing that would be a terrible name to use in a pole right ah my dear lost Leila Malaya right come on I am NOT good with that at all oh so presumably it's gotta be brown so it's either I'm guessing either three or four logic in process of elimination we love gaming turn turn turn tell us the lesson that we should learn come on Korra this is the moment your final test [Music] oh man Korra's is giving me a run for my money oh yeah I'm shaking in my boots oh that was brutal all right I think I got this one I would hope so I could I might be putting I might be putting the horn in the wrong place yeah but I could have answered that one anyway well I was Horning in on the wrong the wrong great I got oh my gosh look at that how am I supposed to beat that home I want to roll lower please yeah please please let me roll lower they have mercy oh no make me prove my Worth and it's true this was my strategy the whole time yeah sure it's fully my sure but all right let's wrap this up bikini cap got nailed to the wall okay so now you gotta make it I gotta make a surge all right Korra I'm coming for you can you feel the love tonight yes this is only okay for her or her I don't know what gender Cora it cuz I don't know my drummers anyway it's uh I know one of the two don't feel columns oh I'm not helping you Cora don't listen to anything I'm saying right now this is not in delay anyway so you wouldn't even know yep oh I said notice no column you'll go through the same thing it's awful probably counseling my first ever concert you don't think of a fight he does this like amazing saloon oh no not more this way shoot rum-based I have no idea no idea I don't think it's hurricane oh really I think her name really has a lot of hurricane that seems like such a ho but no you're totally right cuz rum is like oh I didn't even think of rum it's like a beachy drink okay oh that's easy sorry I keep like I need to get out of the way of all dances no yeah come on map at bikini pad one pad Kouros doing a good job we're gaining them we're gaining oh oh oh SportsBall features oh especially like something very specific about sports ball as a lefty I feel like I should know that oh yeah right left it right do it I'm not telling I'm not telling you we're still competing stuff no I mean I I guess like I guess there's well sports ballers what are we supposed to do watch everyone just miss all of these think I got that people actually did really well hold on everyone yes yes Wow hoop head takes seconds on a sports ball watch good oh man characters in Star Wars a new home okay okay whoo a new hope okay Justin anyone okay shall I feel I feel good about this one oh but it's a pet no it depends does he is it the new version I think it depends on whether what version you're talking about I don't think I think so yeah oh man poop head shoot I got ketchup to poop n Qura is staying strong though core is resisting hard okay apples fit this category oh okay what oh okay okay we a seven I have done an apple tasting sample our before we're good on this well I don't mean there there might be apples that we didn't sample I guess so that could be what we've sampled like ten different kinds of apples yes who all been chorus wet chorus wetting your oh you're right there I've searched I'm in wheat oh man now I don't have as many questions Isis you need to be second right up until the very end African deserts okay okay shoot African deserts I mean and art to desert it right I there are a couple of eatin ones here that shouldn't be an Africa okay oh shoot shoot I've gone to all of them okay okay Oh sorted okay okay u.s. island territories okay got it don't be cheater Pat over there no that's that's that's actually that was my answer to write that night Dominica communicating Republic is not a natural tree right it oh it is it is got a surge I got a surge state of Mexico step States and Mexico okay I know I know one I don't wanna clap oh you know this and when I do shoot I know that's I'm gonna say yeah ok gobo gobo oh okay we got this stuff we need to this is so intense yes yes yeah how did Cora do wait wait the explosions coming we were so the audience did great that time we were so close wow wow wow wow ladies and gentlemen well there you go a hard-fought battle that was amazing bikini Pat so young so beautiful I I just love the event Matt I'm great at na yeah you're great a month but you're not the best at it being distracted by you and I'm supposed to be doing Matt sorry stuff get good keep good I was I got significantly good you had just distracted me so much up front that I couldn't win and remember that justice breeds oh and also live stream thanks for furthering it up with us after community Alicia I died bye bye sis jokey the joker Leviosa l must hey aide ka-27 says bye oh well Marsden had no school today because of water pipe first [Music] buzzer ringing otic
Channel: GTLive
Views: 1,127,302
Rating: 4.9111547 out of 5
Keywords: kahoot, quiz, impossible quiz, quiz game, kahoot remix, kahoot music, kahoot quiz, kahoot hack, live quiz, kahoot live, murder trivia party, murder trivia, gtlive, gt live, matpat, game theory, gtlive kahoot, kahoots
Id: 1fDM_chLbAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 13sec (5413 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2017
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