I am a BAD Goose! | Untitled Goose Game

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Oct 10 2019 🗫︎ replies

Totally was waiting for this gem.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Khontis 📅︎︎ Oct 10 2019 🗫︎ replies

Heh, I like that we've got a MatPat in the game's quirky character style. That was great! Was fun to have Jason take the wheel for a change. I know it's Halloween season but hopefully we'll see another stream of this soon.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/DiabloGraves 📅︎︎ Oct 12 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] well look who decided to show up yeah wow that's that's a step up up Stephanie a feeling right there you wouldn't even know Oh shots fired at Stephanie who might be watching at home right now hi hi Steph hey hey guys welcome to GT Live where today first off I've missed you over the last week I'm sorry that I've been gone there is a lot of exciting bigs and the reason we're late actually as I was catching everyone up on where Steph and I have been over the last couple days which is in Memphis Tennessee to visit st. Jude hospital Children's Hospital and Research Center and it's it's great it is phenomenal I can't wait to talk to you more about it talk to you more about our visit they're doing incredible work I was so moved and impressed by everything that's happening there you can bet that you're gonna be hearing more about everything that's happened over the last couple are doing there yeah oh yeah no I so st. for those of you don't know st. Jude does just a number of incredible things but what they're probably most known for is they help treat children with cancer right childhood cancer other severe diseases as well but they're probably most known for their cancer treatments and one of the most miraculous things about them is if you are a patient there you pay literally nothing you don't pay a cent right and I and I thought like oh it's just treatment but it's literally the housing it's the airplane ticket to get there in the first place like as soon as you are accepted to be a patient at st. Jude they cover everything they cover it's it's unbelievable there's so many details that are just like so moving about what they offer like if you're from from international areas and you don't speak English and your family doesn't speak English there is a translator there from the second you arrived there's a blue telephone that you can pick up 24 hours a day whatever the language and like you can talk to whoever it's like the level of detail that they've gone to to make these kids who are sick you know like having to go like the hardest thing in the world feel comfortable feel human understand their treatment it's incredible like and like I said it now's not the time to really go into it but I learned so much about them the work they're doing is incredible they're helping not just children or patients but like people who are trying to cure cancer worldwide in a way that is very cutting edge it's awesome that's why we are starting a little bit late and that's what Chris was a little late starting up the livestream because of me holding him a little bit longer because we're talking about all the stuff that we're gonna do a round st. Jude and to help kind of promote their message but to your question yeah it was our first time there we had been following the charity for a while and we it's been one of our favourite charities for the longest time and so we are fortunate enough to kind of like get asked hey do you want to come out and see our campus and yeah it was great great yeah so anyway did you miss me Jason I did did you really love you guys did you do you care about any of us okay I figured not so anyway I want to go home and play video games oh well why go home and play video games so you could play video games at work because I do work when I'm at work sorry I gotta write scripts I got to play video games on my Nintendo switch light for the first time on the plane rides to and from Memphis and it was amazing I like your other I like to it I like to think that we all have a Nintendo switch light because it's it's all of ours so I get to play it do you want to yeah you're more than welcome to anyway Steph unfortunately isn't here today she is hanging out with Oliver who we have missed tremendously from being gone over the last three days he's been hanging out with his grandpa and so staff today is hanging out with both grandpa and little baby Ollie so forgive her for not being on a livestream today what'd you get me but you get Jason instead so I thought it would be fun to put Jason into a game about birds it was originally supposed to be me going solo but then as I was sitting here on the couch I'm like wait a minute this is untitled goose game a goose is a bird a goose is a yes to the avian of some form right so let's bring on Jason because we all know how Jason hates Birds extreme at least it's not VR Oh entitled goose game we are untitled VR goose Kate wasn't Steph recently attacked by some birds yes but that I had the query you know she was being harassed by birds at the aquarium yes how does she feel the same way about no she understands that birds are just looking for food sometimes flash human flesh they were lorikeets and they were looking for little pots of nectar no little pots of nectar to be fed and we were too lazy to wait in the line to get the nectar and so we just went in and we're holding out fingers for the birds and of course the birds are like what are you doing in my cage where's my neck there pay your for Boxton get the nectar we're like no we didn't want Ali to wait in line for that long so we just want to see the pretty birds but please up on her finger they did not think most certainly did not so um I have seen a lot of conversation about this game online I have seen little bits of game play but outside of that I haven't reacted a true to form I haven't watched a lot of goose game do you know anything about goose game untitled goose game seems a little bit so I know like the overall premise of the game that the goose is like a troll yeah essentially so I feel like the game will actually understand me it feels like this because it shows how awful birds are I think it's putting birds in their true light I'm actually super excited yeah are you really yeah yeah okay it's gonna do things the opposite of what you think and it's actually gonna show people that birds are awful and you should agree with Jason Wow I think it's gonna show that birds can have a joyful playful spirit they can be just little little playful scamp's no playful scamp's that surprise and delight everyone all right I bet Matthew is going to have rage hair like 20 seconds in why would I miss the banter that we did at the beginning because we're already I mean why are tea like 20 minutes into this episode so why would I mean in ten minutes late now oh because of all the reasons why would I have rage here when you're the one playing the game I didn't tell him that he was gonna do that I do that was justice that was that was just a spontaneous position that I just made cool so you can I do get to move on with the chat yeah I do I've got them both up there for you I'm they're able to log into Twitter today this is that learn this is a man who works at a business that does a lot of social media log into Twitter I got my phone on don't let your dreams just be dreams Lee if this man can get a job in social media anyone can that's true hey your job is a specifically social media or you know your ear the production guys so it's fine yeah Chris how are you doing today great I feel like it's it's a very guys day here on the livestream woot man I I will say the the chill vibes that the piano music of the title screen of untitled goose game is giving me is in line with the woot it's I'm excited but I'm casually excited it's a laid back stream today you can engage with today's laid-back stream on hashtag GT live or Kris is drawn I really struggled it's like when you put on a horse face it like the horse is you're literally muzzling this thing oh that's amazing I like his beady little eyes can I also just call this out like this just boggles my mind how simultaneously good and bad this drawing is because in one hand you have this like ridiculous goiter of a of a beak coming out of his face but you had enough care and attention to shade and outline the the web deceit with little hints of orange it's a triangle made of yellow wait I have let's be honest here Chris did you start with orange and land run out of cuz it looks really good I'm like wow look at how professionally done the feet are and literally nothing else Wow so there you go we got the we got the guy who can't log on to Twitter or sorry he can log on to Twitter and it's very proud of it and we have the other guy who's tasked with drawing on a board every day and delivers them the Triforce and beats Chris is great as the bad we have all sorts of nemesis today we have Jason's greatest nemesis nemesis in birds and we have Chris yeah goose and we have Chris's greatest nemesis in triangles so there you go ladies and gentlemen welcome to the day's dream we are professionals we literally do this for a living let's begin untitled goose game brought to you by Jason with options this is why I don't let other people play the game wait we gotta make sure that if there is any subtitles oh thank goodness yeah I was okay sometimes you're a chair aren't any on here so thank you so much oh that makes me happy good job I wanted to check that's why you're the head of production the credits let's Shan Shan that's good to know thank you I'm so glad [Laughter] well yeah cuz you're a bird what's the learning curve on these controls sold what's the learning curve press B to use your beak and that's how I got the food great oh this is a Canadian goose have very distinctive markings on the ground Oh so I want I can alright alright you look like a weirdo B snake when you're doing doing your thing bend down pick things up off the ground good good can you flap your wings why you fly anything no what are you yelling at the cat right now Oh dare you fall out of my beak can you got this there you go got it don't don't let it fall on you okay hey there's your wings was that you celebrating yeah can you sew you can't open your wings no there we go but you can't fly you can just flap yep and shake my tail Jason I've seen you shake your tail feathers at various weddings that we've been to together it is um it's a delightful experience yeah your tail feathers shake very well you shouldn't say that to someone who's employed I know how this works start it okay so I do this okay I've seen a duck before you gotta get it wet yeah they eat by soaking their food I know the ants wallow Bevan competitive eaters they're so gross so that way you delve into red and water it's not the competitive eaters I'm okay with that are you showing that you have double standards are you speciesist yeah I hate I hate birds but not competitive competitive eaters as a species that's fine alright that's great muckety-mucks seven on Twitter I haven't gotten to see a live stream for so long due to being sick I'm so sorry I too have been sick but I'm so happy to be seeing this one there you go I'm also practicing the ukulele while watching well that I feel like the ukulele is actually a very appropriate so you can master your surroundings Jason Master be a master of your GISI surroundings you're gorgeously my control does not have that button I've got two squares or three lines it's t-squares don't be alarmed it I love that everyone Isis it with on the couch has to double and triple-check the buttons on a controller again we are professionals at this you play video games I do I usually play PC games so just so you know this is on the PC no there's not a xbox controller but it's not a big thing you can't use a PC excuse entitled goose game you're a goose so what's on your to-do list I just read it all to you I was busy I dunno the tweet on the button they do know these can fly right maybe the goose is happy where he is right now wait are you still get it yeah I'm give it my gosh I feel like this is the stream that's gonna unite Jason and birds because they're both trolls you got a troll of a goose and wow that is a very lightweight shovel that is just floating there he's like this is I feel like the farmer or whoever's working in this garden this gardener is very this is very similar to me and my relationship with skip where he will just like come up to me and harass me about food over and over again oh you got into the garden well done oh man here we go what is it iris Fae in the chat says domestic geese can't fly what why is this domestic is the wait is this true hold up big goose I don't know if the chat is look what I got do you steal his keys she's gonna take it back wow I love that you're just talking angrily at him for taking back his own property thank you domestic geese fly flight hold up domestic geese that can fly do the large size and upright posture domestic geese can't really fly although when alarmed and with a good tailwind they can get off the ground several feet increments can remain in the air for up to a quarter of a mile particularly when moving downhill there you go ladies and gentlemen you heard it here first Jason's puzzling this out right now good job iris Fae I did not know so there Julie I said they're too fat goodbye kind of like an ostrich or an emu or a chicken can chicken stop fly like the ones that you eat oh I guess that makes sense yeah I've never done anything about that but yeah I mean they'll Babel roost in trees and stuff like that so they can get up but for the most part if you're plumping them up taking the really there you go come get it you just stole the man's coffee oh look at me now he's like oh there's my shovel as well I got him wet uh spoopy Oliver patrick on twitter the unofficial account at theorist toddler she has a Holly's face out of which is adorable I'd like to harass people for food as well this is something we bond over daily true story so like I mentioned at the top of the stream Steph and I have been gone for the last three days and he's been hanging out with his grandpa just because we couldn't really bring out anyone to hang out with us in Memphis so he was hanging out here at home apparently while we were gone skip and Oliver have formed an alliance this is be prepared this is an alliance so basically what's happened is skip has now convinced Oliver or trained Oliver to bring people over to because like people follow Ollie around right and watch him and make sure he's doing okay and like do the things that he's asking for and so Oliver at this point and we saw this happen last night he will lead people to Skip's feed her and basically smack on it to either knock free kibble or as a means of requesting someone to open the feeder in feed skip so skip has completely brainwashed Oliver into getting the adult humans who listen to him to feed him so now not only a skip being obnoxious about getting fed all the time but now Oliver is obnoxious on skips behalf about making sure that skip gets fed on your time not time he gets fed on time every day it's more so getting him fed extra unacceptable I'm worried that my baby might have toxoplasmosis Gandhi I which is the the like little bacteria that infects people's brain that they have and it's become a zombie for the cat no Holly what are you doing are there any birds that you do like yeah we're Adam and any animals that you like because now you don't like cat I like horse ain't no like okay you like horses great is that the only out of all the animals just Birds and I like penguins I like so you don't like normal birds because they're jerk but the birds that could like kill you you're okay with it yeah are they gonna kill me isn't it might its sharp talons might aggressively scratch your face they have very sharp talons little pointy beak all birds have actually actually the birds of prey don't have pointy beaks and so they're less likely to poke out my eyes fair enough swallows what sorry I just I've seen you yeah I've been watching you slowly arrest us poor form yeah I'm trying to be tried to do good trying to get him far enough away so that I can get the race to this water but I took something over there and he wasn't interested in what I took over there so now I got to find something that he's actually interested in getting back so that I can take it far enough away and get the with that rake into the water maybe the shovel is something he's more concerned about but the bag of fertilizer that is over here maybe if you lead a trail of various items he'll slowly discover them one at a time think your goodbyes I'm so over here I would get his attention but I don't think that can you scare him away [Music] you know for some z-wave birds I do feel like the two of you are like kindred spirits right now yeah I mean you got a bird that's a troll that is how you walk thank you right I mean when you do walk around the office your butt does waggle that way your tail facts are you feel better yeah your strut oh here you go did you do it get there get there what are you doing oh I like that you feebly honk at him as you run away like yeah like I'm serious I actually do anything honk oh you're locking them out yeah this is this is my garden now I'm invite him this is how he's actually works that's amazing this is my garden now all right how do we get him to where the Sun Hat can't make the Sun come out I don't have that power at V underscore enforcer on Twitter says it's a great day to bring back blame Jason on GT live over here what are you trying to do I got to get him to where the Sun Hat but I can't just make the Sun come out sometimes doing something else on the list will allow you to do another thing on the list [Music] that's my little hint for the Sun have I got everything on the list I am The Queen Casey I mean you don't you haven't had a picnic like see if you ready done Jason Jason get this if you had done everything on the list all of the items on that list would be crossed out you see this is why things around the office don't get done because you haven't crossed them off the list you see hi I am The Queen Casey clever and after you over on Twitter Sarah loves GT live aliens gifts friendship is amazing all they do is attempt to torment me this is accurate do you think this is the blanket sorry sorry Jason hold on what are you have you not seen Jason no you are you legitimately asking if the small napkin underneath the sandwich is no no please please please clarify you're you're legitimately it's a flannel ladies and gentlemen this is this is one of the high up employees that I work with thinks that that is a blanket I mean it's like a blankie the man who can just get by on Twitter good job also at Jenny ray on Twitter says horses are far more dangerous than birds what are you thinking ah I can ride a horse that's what I'm thinking why does that matter because I I get fun activity out of the horse I don't get fun activity out of a bird you could feed it so it's like risk versus reward a bird is just risk there's no reward [Laughter] like the the GT live Gobi says skip is a mastermind of this isn't news Tiana loves rr5 my boyfriend loves your videos and stream so much mine saying hi to him wow this farmers hello a better count put that back can you intimidate him by honking and winging him flap your wings see luck oh he getting physical with you now Oh a stick it's if I would be jumping at his face it's throwdown time I'll look and see you stole his gym I love the music be careful on the live stream Jason this is a family friendly stream sometimes most of the time but the game grows every time I was playing the game I swore off wow this is a fun little fun animal fact at Wolf tamer 5-5-5 on twitter horse's teeth take up more space that's sorry let me read the fact as it is written on Twitter horses teeth take up more space in their teeth and their brain weight horses to take up more room in their teeth in the rain a hundred percent right because they have a hundred percent I mean zero present a brain in their teeth they observed was that teeth in their brain does they have zero percent brain in their to you it's a very efficient animals that way very optimized like unlike us humans have a solid like five percent teeth in brain ratio horses figured out how to get rid of that five percent what else do I need besides what carrot I need a pumpkin m80 604 on Twitter to be fair I thought it was a folded blanket to Jason see don't encourage him don't encourage him Wow at massive Dave three is delusional as he watches today's livestream why is Dave or sorry why is Jason so great at life he's literally one of the funny for breakfast every day the what the we DS like those commercials you know with the sports in there how are you so good at sport than they like I I think that question answered itself pretty put I put the thermos in the lake so I could come back for Metapod this pond or a river apparently but untitled goose game is the hardest game that jason has ever put true it's up there with Superman what 64 yeah an elastic I think it was the Super Nintendo it like there was one point you get to it and I swear to god there's no way to beat it at that point wishful vixen in the chances dang it I deleted my Twitter before the one stream I actually got to well don't worry you're still the chat and I found you there you can just recreate an account nope nope uh-uh in the chat says my favorite animal is a bird what very JIT what is wrong with you just a very generic statement of a bird my favorite animal is bird yeah it's a lot of birds and a wrong state we're currently in the process of trying to teach Oliver the difference of difference between like owls and toucans and stud like he's getting good at identifying like ah ones good with eyesight ones good with smell owls and two campaigns yeah one's really good with fruit loops right I know and smell they can smell him 24 miles away fun fact about Stephanie by the way I could say this because you're not on the stream stephanie has like not only if she really good at the voice acting stuff she has an uncanny ability to make owl sounds so in in one of Oliver's books mr. Brown can Moo can you how's your our sound not as good as Stephanie's here Stephanie's owl sound is to be admired and that's it this creature is it no it's the who's okay but it's but she does like a fool she has the good like Kanan something okay for me I'm like I can't I'm pretty I'm pretty good with like cuz mr. Brown mr. Brown can pop like the corner lock mr. Brown cannot lock he can only palm he can pop without the lock at only for GG live this is citing Jason a bird is just risk sure take that one and put it on the light quotable internet websites where they collect quotes from people all around the world that's a good one a bird is just a risk are you selling right now what do you look how are you still going up against this barber what are you talking about I'm looking for his radio have you seen his radio look that's by the table and by their table now the table are you sure that was just there I'm not sure I think Chris is sure cuz Chris watches playthrough is before the livestream is it under this probably Oh the Porsche I feel like this poor birds neck is skipping it snapped what the way that like the farmer grabs things out of his beak go grab the radio why are you getting because he'll do grab it from me if I grab a front of him Chris I gotta run him away geez see now he's looking for his water and now I can go get the radio hopefully I feel like there's a reason we don't see Jason playing puzzle games all that are you is the solving things right now this is great I love it this is amazing like best gameplay ten out of ten all right here ha Madison Lee in the chat metal goose solid I appreciated that very much let the clapping half of me and give you true I mean if someone's gonna have rage hair today it's gonna be Jason except that I'm wearing a hat except that he's wearing his little Newsies hat it's my wedding hat are you gonna are you gonna go out and sell some newspapers after today's live stream remember this hat are you gonna go out and seize the day no B are you are you going to Santa face are you there to open up a restaurant is that what he did I forget it is that way it doesn't music oh oh good oh yeah okay see you're switching musicals I know oh wait he's looking for his radio we need the basket buddy and he's taking his radio back the Zetas little steak crosstalk go go go Oh No [Music] yeah is that everything that you needed for the the picnic just rip it out of his hand there you go oh you got caught on the door it's kind of like these controls ourselves yeah because you're a goose you're literally a bird can you dunk it in the water to short-circuit it maybe electrocute the farmer hey oh man a new to-do list item mmm make the groundskeeper wear his Sun Hat hammer his oh no just give violence so I got a way for him to use hammer on something what can I break you're still ignoring the Sun Hat well no one of the like Chris said just the other one yeah I was thought it'd be a picnic cuz I thought he'd come and join me really Jase Peters in the chat birds are fine it's butterflies whoa butterflies it oh come here I got your flower no man need take him to a romantic picnic on your blanket Jason seduce him with your white feathers and freshly picked flowers yeah shake your tailfeather at him lead him to the promised land the the love that is forbidden you come over here you doesn't seem too concerned about excuse me are you hiding them in the cattail sure great you're hiding them in a place that you'll never be able to find him again Chris remember where are those keys my mind doesn't work so well that's what happens when you get old yeah it's gonna say I can't get in cuz it's locked about all right where's the hammer so the hammering is gonna happen on this side of the world we got em around abouts oh there's the hammer you mean like in the garden area yeah specifically where you are right now great look you got it you got take the hat too far it's gonna make it it's I pointed it out when you were near it remember I'm like wow there's the hammer I don't remember that huh go up to that door they were just fat really no other they can go yeah that was about John he's really long to turn off you're right I am gonna have this rage there's no there good to see there oh that's not it what is it you what is it if not a hammer hammer that is not a hammer he thought it was gonna be like a actual like construction hammer not a mallet got them now that's not a hammer that's a pickle that's a mallet uh at me Keltner says please have the goose use the lawn mower on the garden at denial 23 on Twitter seducing the farmer to a romantic picnic never thought I would hear that well never that's cuz you didn't grow up in the country like I do there's a reason Jason doesn't like burger it's true yeah you attacked me I've been attacked by Birds did it and it may or may not have involved very small picnic blankets and very aggressive tail feathers I am assuming this correctly right Chris like I need to like get up at the hammer no awesome hey family friendly live stream farmer is use the hammer to try to hurt me oh no to try and put up a warning of sorts and that's where you can maybe distract it Wow la loi sorry la la la la Bowie says that now I feel bad for the framer I feel bad for the framer too I also feel bad for the Farber just across the board I don't think I think I broke it Chris I think yet you've moved too many things around I do too I agree I think I broke it so here's the conundrum you broke the game - the problem is you moved his keys yeah I can't get back in you're stuck because he moved the keys you also moved the Hat so if he did get back in and yes look at it he's bearing a hat when he would hammer in a sign and then fall over because you frightened him you were good for hope his hat he wouldn't know where to put his son hat on because the Sun Hat is missing what come on this Sun Hat is literally right here he can't find this look if that's what you and now it's nowhere where it needs close to where it may be he'll see it when he walks in like you've been doing with everything else what okay Jay kid 391 can we get a honk and a half oh yeah there you go that was about five honks but that's fine it's great GGH has a pro tip that Jason might want to listen to right now you can go to the menu and reset the items does that do it did you hit the crowd it shouldn't mess with your to-do list but hopefully reset are you kidding group do you need to check are you hitting the wrong button Dynojet buttons oh man there we go a button is on the bottom it's it always 1993 in this game though the B button is to interact with this is your chance Jason get over there I'm going this is your big moment interact with objects which is usually the button that you use to also choose things in the menu I can't get in there now I'm getting him to converse just go cheap just coach him a little bit it's okay it's okay oh I know what you for all of it no I got it I just got to turn this on he'll come outside I'll give in alright I'll steal this okay good I know I thought for a second the shovel is gonna like blockade the door okay there you go you got this I am I'm gonna hide it stealth stealth there you go no idea where I'm at go uh take that sign out of the ground I got it I mean I'm just making sure that we do a full episode this is only one like bubble all right yeah need that door open to get to the next level oh there's more than one level in this game it would be a very short game otherwise Oh Oh get his head get his head Oh notice there's no sign this is adorable thank you you're like an attack dog it's adorable you want to wait till the third attempt oh yeah Wow well one two three with the hammer Oh got him oh my god ed steel his hat man steel Oh No either steel has had her smack his face with a hammer just finish him off for good put him out of his misery put this level out of its misery oh that's a good call you Chris no and what did you write a good job doing your job doing your research on this one Chris I don't know what we would have done without you in this garden for a while oh my gosh Louie buddy says hello at zero D longitude buddy the bird says hello we say hello back our goose says honk honk it was slightly delayed the goose had to think about it but he got their event he works on his own terms great work for you he works for this to do this oh man only thing that come on midoriya 10:26 only thing motivating me to keep cleaning my room and closet more room for JT merch that is a great motivation my friend thank you all steel that hat and steel that hat oh you fool you got a stealth man [Music] at Wolf's tamer 5-5-5 would like you to know that there's a hole in the hedge all right he sees you he obviously sees you yeah goose oh oh is it gonna collapse again is it gonna die Oh grab this hat good one well done you put things so amazingly far away go get your Sun Hat we're done with the farmer only eight crisp I gotta ask on average how long does it take people to get through a level one he doesn't know they have cuts uh yeah they have cuts like 20 minutes it's been about 48 what no because we started like 20 minutes into the drive you don't 43 minutes new record oh man all right to do break the baby it's like you're playing the tutorial are you pop head or something over here right I hear that tutorial is the heart of our tutorial it's the dark souls of tutorials Griffith clearly so dark soul did not have a tutorial yeah no Dark Souls has a tutorial but it's not as - it's not as the tutorial cup it has the most Dark Souls of tutorials all right so that's the phone booth where's this broom all right actually Dark Souls is tutorial is very hard cuz you're thrown right into a very aggressive boss so what are you doing with us so what do you got to do so what's your rap the boy and breakthrough trap of the boy yeah my gosh this is open up violent yes you can open it with your mind Jason well he's like I'm assuming this is the broom that's rigged no next to me oh that's the proof yes oh she doesn't like easy there this old lady's my kindred spirit can someone please edit together all them I'm Jason not knowing what objects are do it is this the blanket no it's a napkin is this is a broom no it's a rake I think my I think my 15 month old son might be able to identify objects better than you at this point taste it oh my gosh delightful we are doing stellar yes only for GT live Jason isn't playing the keys have telekinetic powers you are you heard that correctly it's probably a good thing he's not on Twitter or really on Facebook because he's the type of program to be spreading misinformation lately if they didn't have telekinesis and telepathy how do they maintain perfectly when they fly together I'm assuming it's for the same reasons how fish are able to maintain a very close distance yet precise distance when they're swimming together angles telepathy I mean I mean it's what about those fish with the big brains on them the fish with the big brain so there's certain goldfish right the Hat it's actually like a disorder for the fish but they get like these like all this like I almost like tumors on the Friends of their foreheads here I'm literally searching on google fish with the big brains on the outside of their heads probably not scholar head scholar I'm going skull lo and behold YouTube oh sorry Google has not given me anything take the take the broom back to the lady just don't let go Oh all right no I didn't she forced it out Wow Wow grab it grab it to grab the broom grab it total war total art nice well done that's adorable actually I think this is so cute oh did he just kick you nip his heels yeah tack that boy nip his heels he doesn't deserve to live nip him throw them in the water oh yeah I'm from me look at me so carefully bite him bite his heels no one gives you the kick no one kicks a goose while he's down [Music] like turning teeth no small little boys I worry that it's one day be less they have this same mission in the world do they do they have the same mission truly you're not allowed to mention that game anymore why not that that game is controversial now in that game okay now you got trap him in right Oh oh no he's highly haha holy he's calling the police Animal Control Ok Go Go Go Go Go that button in the window there oh wow good it's adorable hi JJ Moore who here wants to get noticed but no one is gonna see this because there are so many people here chatting so they aren't seeing you just like they won't see me well then we have just dispelled that one having way untie his shoes hey Hannah banana I'm watching this with my girlfriend who I bonded with over game theory and theories in general I am also a female PS love you guys thanks for watching it clap and after you dark Fang 97 42 nose apparently what the fish with the big brains on the outside of their skulls he does are called okay apparently they're called or Rhonda's or randa's oh are a and das Aranda goldfish so is this what you were talking about yeah whoa it's a goldfish with a giant brain on the ice really oh I think I've seen all that shop I mean just call that shop keepers this one definitely looks like it has a brain of it I've seen these fish before I I didn't realize that that was really like their brain but I guess that makes sense it's not their brain that's just post growth we know oh is this not the right stories at the other store am I supposed to put it in here Chris or the other one Tyler Rowland says I wonder if I'll get noticed by Matt pass buddy the airplane isn't that one he needs to die back or no hi well it seems like his like caretaker works in that store so maybe if you gave it to this lady with the outdoors I gotta get it back Chris you are invaluable in so many ways yeah thank you Chris that outside just doesn't look like a storage room at black paladin 25 on Twitter says good job getting on Twitter Jason I can't even get my phone to work so you know that's a thing thanks black powder great this this next prank is for you mmm oh man he's calling the shots like the ah what are you kidding me open it did you see that that that next prank was for you open the door ajar aren't you proud that that was the prank that was dedicated to you that's not it that's the deck paladin good things take time watch it watch me nail this shot this one's for you Deb and I missed the shot Deb again you're welcome oh my gosh dragon light seven I literally have the worst timing ever every time I should stop asking for the birthday shout-out Matt gets distracted every time he gets near the tweet so you I'm assuming you want a birthday shout-out Blayne at Brooke be what 1271 says Jason you told us that they have big brain head you have misled us free brain big brain had big great you're a big brainy head at a race or Asama John ditched Philly defranco's video today and paused it for GT live and thus deserves a clap and a half Wow thank you thank you for pausing informing yourself about the news of the day in order to join us here on the live stream and watched Jason utterly fail at being the goose [Music] because let's be honest that is really like look as Jason gets coached through step by step of this game by Chris most ineffective gameplay ever not all that you do great Jason I'm sure this is a lot harder than it's me out yep here it is are you poking him in the butt with your skewer were you about to skewer that young man's butt alright let's see if she does it let's see if she puts a price on in this plane don't skewer fan isacs let's pray that was their permission rice tagging no let me watch maybe if you stop distracting the woman stealth man stealth just taking a break Aeryn out you're carrying out your feathery arm to get that neck movement it's funny I will say the level of detailed movement is it impressive alright you should put the plane over there see if it works and me tight all it poses it would I do that the intermission here you could grab that basket and go shopping which basket the one you keep playing with the basket that you keep like harassing the whole time what do I need to get Chris you need to not distract her throwing these eggs what you need is to not distract her so she could put the price tag out of the plate obviously she already did that that's not in the plane is sitting no it's not yes it is it just no the boys got to buy it I'm waiting for the boy I'm not distracting the boy right now what else do I need to do I know but that will pause the game I'm waiting for the book to get was right I rage here and I'm not even playing the game I need a toothbrush he has no teeth why do I need a toothbrush I believe geese have some version of teeth they don't I think they have little nubs in there you're wrong they have no teeth whatsoever now they got beak nubs they beat nub there goes up alright loo paper I'm assuming that's do you see okay their beaks have sharp serrated edges that could cause minor but painful injuries so they're not detected like the air hold up okay holy geez so just so you know I opened up a blog post from just burning down TV on do geese really have teeth it is it has 20 subsections let if we note 20 subsections on whether geese have teeth so okay there are a lot of myths and misconceptions about goose teeth so I'd like to clear some of them up for you they're for all intents and purposes yes geese geese have teeth but the technicalities are a bit more complicated kind of depends on how you define G's which I ain't figured might have been the case if you look at pictures it seems obvious that geese have teeth they're sharp pointed white things lining the interiors of their beaks and the geese use these from everything from catching snails to ripping up grass but is it but is that what really makes a tooth that's the question right that's why you forward twenty more sections this is a game theory right here ladies a game This Is It this is an old-school game theory ug seventies have teeth no but actually I could see us doing a game theory on this game on the brains of geese and whether they could do this or like how much of this game they could do yes dukey's have telepathy should we be concerned about the telepathic powers of birds and geese great so technically geese t technically geese t are high they're actually hard spiky cartilage known as toby um looks and functions the same way as a row of teeth but it's a growth made from the beat so it is slightly different so Toby him doesn't have any enamel which is the hard protective layer that protects the teeth of humans all right what Oh cuz she took it out what above you're calling the woman protecting her store from you rampaging through it a bum I'm shopping here where show me your wallet I don't think she appreciates your business as a business owner she has the right to throw out whoever in whatever she wants and where is the toothbrush Jason oh she's gonna stab you with that just like you were skewer in the boys but she's gonna skewer you that's not a toothbrush I'm giving her get away from the basket [Music] poke you you're gonna get poked get a dumb game from yourself poked you can post team messing around man [Music] [Music] oh it Carter she's gonna she's gonna chop you up and orange juice you [Music] Chris how am i doing pretty good I'm flying through this yeah you're doing pretty good this is a tough section yes yes that's a really good idea to come over there and find her stuff [Music] you gotta embrace your energies [Music] so that's in that toothbrush there for me are you sure it's not in any other like trash cans or anything like maybe you have to unplug the radio in some way I feel like if you're like probably no no you do you need me look look you have a product out here obtain your product re obtain your products that boy is stealing your product I like that at denial t23 says Jason is reliving his own bird trauma in the gooses perspective by chasing that poor boy is this cathartic for you yeah are you feeling your hatred of birds getting released out into the universe are we are we have to get the intervention right now stop stop what hating Birds yeah Oh interventions like I see [Music] let's suggested the game no delivery I don't know what that is but it looks intriguing although then I click on the image in it it has very strong ramai it's very reminiscent of the background of a five nights at freddy's game so I'm a little concerned this is a meme dedicated to you it's it's the butterfly like is this blank meme that's Jason going up to the hammer and saying it's definitely a rubber mallet definitely a rubber man the fact that you are arguing the nuance of a mallet versus a hammer concerns me definitely a rubber mount a true story uh it's funny and you find this out a lot of times when you're talking to like scientific people are like research minded people so as part of the st. Jude visit we were research or we were interviewing a researcher who works there and it's funny cuz like recently like because they want to be so accurate and because they're like deals in precision because their researcher and then a scientist they they will absolutely refuse to like generalize anything even if it's like you get it right like you can you can generalize this just a little bit more so it was one of those things we were talking about what like a mole the multidrug-resistant cell in he's like and they're like so it's written you know those seven cells would come back stronger because they're resistant to drugs right and he's like no no the the pumps in the cellular membrane until okay so the the drugs can't cross over the cellular cellular membrane he's like no the pumps in the cellular remember and we're like we get that but just in a general sense because you know we're trying to simplify this a little bit say the drugs can't cross into the thing right no no the pump like it's very specific about these certain words and really no you're making it too complicated like we people get the point like it's okay to generalize okay so you are that researcher are you doing about it's not a hammer it's a mallet what is the composition of the head and what are the things that we are pounding wait you finally check something off your to-do list I did better not be FF games so you're still looking for that toothbrush huh I am but I've completed other things in the meantime proud of you thank you check out that other space right let's let's explore different areas that's a carrot I just want to make sure that she doesn't sometimes in order to take a step forward you gotta take a couple steps back Jason I'm just gonna clear that goddamn basket though walkie talkies there are any toothbrushes around there like in here or next to the cleaning supplies maybe some people use cleaning supplies oh look at that I see a toothbrush that's an apple corer oh my gosh it's the thing next to it five by five says nary a chair coming huh geese have teeth on their tongues here's another fun that's creepy dukey's going back to that 20/20 item listicle here do geese have teeth on their tongues it's okay if you gasp in horror at the sight of gooses tongue those long saw like rows of teeth definitely looked like something out of a movie where humans tamper with nature and create killer animals that rampage through the night Wow it does have teeth on their tongue these tongue teeth are yet another example of Toby I'm gana Chris they're usually called serrations are serrated tongues rather than teeth Wow geese have serrated tunnels as well they're just walking death machines aren't they I might be coming over to Jason's school of thought won't ya oh my gosh plasma snows second account birth is in three days congratulations I know that's a big one oh that's adorable you I be like Carrillo Tulio says Lou caper for the finest of feathers I like the fact that you call it a new paper oh that's what it is paper it's just a funny are you trying to get her in there what there's a car in your garage oh good Berenice lure in there are you gonna lock her in her own garage yeah you almost a derp you gotta lure in more what are you looking for what is this no that that thing right there the chalk she's going for the talk they're good no leave it good come do your chocolates good lure her or her she waddles like there you go go go get out blacker ended like a stole her Stover No slam the garage door on her head now oh this is exciting slam the garage door on her head knock her out kill her [Music] I know so violent this is a game about cute little geese wow did you just save the goose chase if we if we make progress here today this is great so there are some walkie-talkies what if you put one in the garage why doesn't she come after her talk she did an area did she wants me to carry [Music] great quality gameplay right here I feel like I would this would be a very relaxing game because being treated by literally anyone but you over over 10-4 good buddy breaker breaker we got a goose on a rampage over here Shh over and out over and out ladies and gentlemen well Chris only thing I don't know you're doing it you got a hold it back into it oh man this is adorable bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum oh oh she's curious she's curious keep quacking see this is why you need to zoom out okay maybe maybe maybe this isn't effective maybe this isn't working one there's one Chris told me to do so it gotta be right it's not the only way you can get her in the garage but you were having trouble the other ways so ain't no chalks in there feel like there's a lot of trouble the mailbox is it I wipe this off what if I grabbed this almost get over there it almost worked it was great is that supposed to see me that looks nothing like the picture that Chris drew right it's almost like look it's almost like they understand that I'm because he is that it doesn't look like him yeah at Jack or sorry at Jake cats I did a thumbnail of Giggy Saif teeth the game theory episode it's fantastic because submit 11 minutes ago on hashtag GT live and it's amazing this is totally an episode of game theory raid like we don't even tan you don't even have to do a thumbnail for this one there it is why is the kid not buying back his plan we got to chase him over to the plane at yo frisk so one teeth are more realistic than roosterteeth there you go also let's get Chris a clap and a half go get your plane Chris is best theorist I mean looks like it to excite you can have the clap and a half maybe too much yeah let's not push our luck here dude the plane is literate you were right next to it dude like in a weird conga line Hey oh yeah all Xabi on twitter says Bob my a-game Khan Abu Dhabi ticket can't wait to meet you guys are Chris and Jason coming - unfortunately no the sand makes them cranky hey good job buddy you trapped a human I'm so excited to see you there I'm really excited with ya for those of you guys who don't know uh yeah now in this week but at the end of next week I'm Steph and I are flying out 16 hours it is a long flight but we're flying out to Abu Dhabi to go to a games conference out there yes conference in the Middle East good my coming I did I just answered this question I said it was because right I got a ring this guy up that's gonna be about three-fitty oh oh oh she's upset because she thinks he's stealing the plane like that's my planes she's gonna punch him Wow are you actually Heather tragic I feel really bad for this kid not only has he been psych like psychologically scarred by this booth actively attacking him but then he also had to pay for his own toy again is the livestream getting to your head there's about that time side another boy looked an awful lot like reptilian from the Paleozoic era it's all right y'all Garrett you get out of here Loch Ness monster open up never again do I have to worry about being the weirdest person who's been on the line were you ever concerned about that I mean up to this point he's easy God he's been a contender been pretty solidly in first place I feel like but uh that little red that you just I don't even know what just happened there that great all rise roses said that Astrid a on Twitter also would like to know Jason are you alright everyone yes here my craft one are you okay call up called me Claudia on Twitter Jason's lost it yep it's great also flamethrower pieces I'm wearing my games exciting I'm hoping that's a vase and is or is that it hurt haha set her a hookah pipe smoking the hookah no okay oh look at this he plays a cricket this guy's British everyone's British you're in Britain I'm great how dare you assume there are national yeah I was inbred that's why it's a loo paper or like I just thought they were trying to be like friendly also are they that polite too obnoxious geese here in the States no no they would pull out a gun and shoot it that makes sense why it's not a Canadian goose that would be a really long way for that goose to travel amazing oh I should check what my actual things are here alright make someone break the fancy laws help the woman dress up the bust like the men spit out his tea all right break your legs I like Eric and Andy Lewis who says you are on escape tonight season three indeed I was thank you also to skip the night season four briefly great Benji 1212 has very important advice Jason seek help right away Sam hunter says there's a clown behind matpat I'm very concerned I would be very concerned if there was a clown behind me also Chris how dare you say that all these people are maybe some of them are expats maybe they've moved from other countries it's we shouldn't assume their nationality spit it out duh now he's looking for anybody [Laughter] at zero d longitude every time jason spams the hog sound zeb squawks as many times so I don't know whether to thank you or punch you I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I on our behalf where that place I like at Danny Tanith Cooper the best bit about the stream is the steady visuals of map hat slowly losing a sanity but I've been steadily losing it but Jason just jumped off a cliff at one point you were all very scared and confused ever since maybe maybe it's less about surprising him I'm just gonna wait for another drink maybe it's more about making the tea gross have you thought about that maybe you have to make the tea gross see there's more than one way to pluck a goose not really I bet I bet you could come up with a lot of different ways to look at this at least three a solid three ways to play goose I can't think of I just know one it's pulling off the feathers individually yeah what are you gonna do how are you gonna plug that goose you know there's I mean you could pull out feathers multiple letta times you could potentially shave off the feathers you can have a machine do it there's a lot of different options here I feel I bet at a certain point if you like roasted goose or froze the goose isn't like potentially it would make the feathers easier to fall out we got that I figured that out okay all we want to dress up with his hat that's what we do there up here we go here we go Jason we're gonna make the tea spit oh now he's paranoid he got him paranoid he's got music in his head yeah yeah he's it's got PTSD from dealing with you man oh here you go oh good job did it well done see see it was you're getting so good at this game now I gotta go get his hat so I can dress up the bust Oh No Oh buddy you gotta go up the ramp Oh Rama good job Chris oh whoa what is that junior Pogo has to leave now bye I can kiss this fish at no thanks needed goose with a paintbrush or should I say Vincent van Goosen ater wait can I at Turnus drag okay for real whoo who thought that letting Jason play this game was actually a good idea cuz I have you because I think this is showing off how concerned we all should be about him here you know honestly it was kind of a spur-of-the-moment decision I thought it would be fun to mix things up and have Jason play a game about his arch-nemesis I think it is fun I'm having a blast I don't know about you guys oh Matthew's been laughing a lot Wow at theorist toddler Oliver sent me a tweet saying you know what you can you know what you can stay there tonight Matt me and Cordy will be good with Grandpa and skip been neglected I've been rejected by my own baby thank you guys appreciate it maybe bring him some candy tonight to make up for that Holmes Yaya says Jason is amazing oMG be there in drama only for GT life please don't make the tea gross the tea did nothing wrong I think that's that's a relative term like there's a lot of requests for giraffe town hey Myra X this is my eighth year anniversary of watching game theory whoo thanks for everything that Pat I know that the joke is that you ruined childhoods but your channel is my childhood that's actually really sweet that's really nice laughs and a half thank you for watching for eight years wow that's awesome thank you for giving us the chance to have like the best job possible seriously it's all so wild now that like the channel thing going for as long as it has that I hear it from people that are like oh I was I've been watching since I was a child it's crazy to think about maybe a few other you but are you calling Chris a bub know her like rocks yes that's what don't you like frogs buddy since right now I'm on the side of this goose seems like everyone knows at this point Sharyl a goose I know that's a goose pokey that's gonna get Asti monetize that's like drug use or something not smell genious just carrying it and that's a little of the elderly kills the algorithm doesn't care he's just sophisticated [Music] Mongoose oh no you gotta appreciate the the musical cues actually in this game like it's really well time like you're watching like a like a farce or kind of like a pratfall kind of convience you saying it's British is is actually like it feels kind of like very British comedy though it might be Australian I do think the dev is from Australia and I think this game received some public Australian funding oh so now you're just lying to us about what this game is well you know I'm keeping my options open go man you gotta kind of push people that happens all right I gotta wait for him sorry I know I could be quicker at this game don't scare me off good but you've never played this before you can paddle him I was what type of goose is that I can't whitewater CEO like goose you feel like you've never seen a white really in real life I feel like the main geese I see are those like black spotted ones Canadian Amy of geese yeah sure I feel like these geese are actually fairly tough I can show like there's a park not too far from here that has enormous white geese normos like we took a lover and the birds are bigger than Oliver like they're enormous they're very impressive it's like Jason's nightmare fuel like if I were to celebrate Halloween with Jason I would like and want to legitimately scare him I would take him to this park and show him the birds not feed the birds fool dope don't be silly animals electronic meme our boys have been watching you for about two or three years thank you heya doodles they never finished a raft out I know I know we got a finished draft town or try to or something we got to figure out a solution to draft town cuz I also want to finish the rough town but at the same time that maze was really inferior so we got to figure out like do we do it off stream how do we how do we manage draft town we'll figure it out we'll talk about it [Music] Tavian Lee just joined Kenny get a clap and half he absolutely can bean puddle welcome to GT live a world of time-traveling clowns to our long road game plays singing giraffe and teaching kiddos all the ways to pluck a goose also to Chris from Anthony of Ostia to Chris white geese are technically domestic jeez yeah are you hoping that she puts the bow on you I think that would be delightful is there a button you can press to make yourself strike a pose okay I gotta wait for her to not look at me I'm assuming that's a yellow Vogue [Music] well she isn't mad oh she is like get out of here goose just don't mind me I'm just gonna stand here spinning my flower he's gonna spin my flower there you go buddy you got this you just like ringing that Bell don't you probably just stand there she looks distracted go go go strike the pose vogue it's really cute it's actually really adorable I like had your frog maybe it is your fault wow you grabbed the shears attack her iron I'm trying [Music] come here ah swing your neck around loosely rubberband physics is fine what else do you got left I don't know but I want to get up here alright Oh make the man go barefoot doing the washing the wash hmm man look chores you open up your newspaper so you can grab his feet what what are you doing dude it's my boat oh wow he stole your boat how you feel about that no all right what is happening Jason what are you doing to that mountain um I'm very concerned about what's happening with that bound right now I don't know if that fountain is giving you I don't know if that's a consensual touch of that phone did you get that fountains permission I'll bet you did laughing great stealth stealth get the other one hide it hide this guy - foot hi hi this liber get it get it get it oh no grab it Gavin go grab it ago go sit down the fact that these people go back to doing their normal activities after being accosted by a very aggressive like this would actually be terrifying where this to happen in real life let's be honest like if a bird kept doing it would be scary one time I in Nara Japan they which is a city that's like kind of overrun by very cute miniature deer that you can feed I tried to I tried to lure all the deer together so that way I could just like have them all hang out with me and it was cool and so I did but they got aggressive and mad and so if you you know even though they were a bunch of kind of like miniature deer it got scary once they all started nipping me at the same time to the extent that I threw the cookies or whatever that you feed them like a way so that they would be distracted and I could escape unscathed but it was intense so an aggressive goose like this it's a scary prospect yeah especially one intent on stealing your slippers right one that's conscious enough to be able to execute on all these very complicated plans pretty terrifying you felt the breeze from your wings but he's got one slipper what you gonna do i keeps crossing his leg the wrong way cross it the other way dude man the rng in this game yes are you killing you right now the R&G in this game let's just wait for me to cross this other leg maybe it's a puzzle that yourself yeah maybe if you jab the hedge clippers through his one foot he'll be incentivized to put his other foot on top the puzzle is patient is it I don't think it is maybe if he were to chase you we're the only ones [Music] oh you you but you honked at him but it wasn't looked like he was gonna switch his legs up there for you you good yeah you to paddle him that might work the the piano music you get very dramatic at this point let him let him drink his tea let him drink his tea don't paddle him right now he doesn't love that I wanted him to struggle over it Chris told me to get him to chase me he's struggling over a lot of things right now there's a lot of store the struggle is very real in this man's life currently goose is it jerk I'm just sitting here straight is the goose of jerk or is the person controlling the goose a jerk I feel I guess is just a vessel for your own behavior I feel like the goose is controlling me Wow let's get deep there it is there it is there you go there you go here's your zipper back I completed my task all right do the washing all right a bar of soap pair of socks and bra well there's broadly this is mature mature content right here barso good wine scrubby bubbly always got to click the prize rose no he's getting soap think about that look at you you're getting you get you're getting good at this game Jason there you go what else he got huh Nick you need them here you need a broad one other thing I know and sock other side I'm just thinking about that poor person's bird right now who's losing its mind there you go something I feel like the answer will be no right it seemed like if game design has taught me anything it's that it seems like most of the puzzles are contained to the area that you're currently in all right but usually like rule of threes also I just approach the situation from a different angle yup that was what I yep otherwise known as don't you get something that could have easily been accomplished through the laws of basic observation yeah I've been barely pay attention to you that is true why you got this buddy all the soaps back I know I'm gonna see if I can just drop it without the other side I mean you can hide it back there and you know but I was just trying to save time no that makes sense you got this buddy speed run speed running untitled goose game this is gonna be the new games done quick marathon killer washing clothes with you know you could just put on the other side of the the hole that you made in the fender crazy I know once she comes here she's gonna see that take it back maybe maybe she will see it grab the other sock but man I only need one right here grab the soap there you go zip no I need the slipper again oh yeah he has both slippers back in there yeah Oh where's he at oh he's looking there's one well now she's gonna see now she saw the bra when you wave the bra in her face man when you wave the fact that you stole the bra in her face going for the battle all right stealth oh no no near the bush now go got it oh maybe the stack so long here it is ignore the paper you can order paper just put the sock in the water get the paper go get that paper you don't care he's focused on his sons his slippers go get the sock before it's out of the water no oh you got this good I know they just liver isn't in there [Music] now I seize the bra now it's all really a comfortable night I need to lure him back at the paper he's really fixated on that Bravo honestly all right that's a little weird right he's like hey it's did that bra still in there there's a lot of weird stuff in here but the bra man that's that's still hanging out there go sit down oh yeah take it the broth is mine I don't know if we're gonna be able to get the bra is mine feel like I'm just gonna have to move the bra I think so come get your tea they're good carrot as long as there is a bra in his fountain he doesn't care look it's one-track mind just like a typical man one-track mind I was gonna throw it at his neighbor oh yeah she's gonna trim the hedge and cut the rose that's the mad drink his tea there you go you got this just let's just let him do his thing nope yeah you're honest okay here he goes this is it this is the final this is the final one back to his situation there we go he's setting up his tea blowing up the paper still like he's kind of fixated on the soap slow zoom the geese goose goose goose is he says Oh No why is he focused on the soap right right yeah why is he worrying about the soap read your paper all right whatever go get your soap and the bra make me do all of it again actually I'll take the bra off I don't as soon as you take stuff it drop I notice I know but if I let him get away I have no idea what you're talking about Chris right that's man it's just so fun it's not the bra all right all he cares about is the bra right all he needed to do was put the sock in the fountain look maybe I just want to spend more time with you guys well too bad because that's the end of today's stream ladies and gentlemen oh it is unfortunately because I have a baby at home who is sort of on Twitter I'll tear a threatening goose here I also have you here so all the more reason to get home and hang out with the Bab hey that's been a stream a live stream thanks for watching its ministry but tomorrow we're in I say goodbye in the chat oh my gosh we'll be back tomorrow at one o'clock uh slightly earlier because I need to get it over with soon no rip that man just rip that band-aid off as soon as possible don't be back with more geese tomorrow 1 p.m. Pacific time it's gonna be sad all right Chris say goodbye in the chat because the computer decked alrighty spectrum 13 says I am real human Audrey the Creator says honk and raw gamer says he wants the bra
Channel: GTLive
Views: 395,176
Rating: 4.9430513 out of 5
Keywords: untitled goose game, untitled goose game speedrun, untitled goose game trailer, goose game, goose game speedrun, goose game trailer, untitled goose game ending, untitled goose game gameplay, untitled goose game walkthrough, funny, funny moments, game theorists, game theory, gtlive, matpat, gtlive untitled goose game, matpat untitled goose game
Id: 921Z_0l5omc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 54sec (6174 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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