Kindergarten 2 is Officially HERE - The Return of Nugget!

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[Music] [Applause] hey guys and welcome oh excuse me sorry Stephanie what seems to be the problem I'm putting on my microphone oh are you yeah even though we're four minutes late I'm on the Clippy Bowl cliffie even though we're four minutes late even there were full minutes late are you warming up your voice you still didn't find time to put on the microphone prior to today's live stream Matthew you're going off script you're supposed to say hey guys and welcome to GT live and I'm supposed to say TD live yours let's say DT live now say GT live then we're like hey it's TT live welcome everyone know I'm supposed to make snarky comments about your inability to have your microphone on despite us doing this live stream for years so every day it's still like wait a minute what do I need to do are you on are you in the chat hey I'm on the Twitter you guys look a little overexposed that's what I just really do we look overexposed so bright look at how bright my face the lights they burn not into my face no I actually I think it's because I have like a super neutral face today too so as some of my features aren't standing out but that's okay the color of your feet all about today it's all about kindergarten today is about voices today is not about visual hey we are excited today oh I don't know if you guys are aware but there's been a sequel to one of our favorite games that we've ever played here on GT live that is coming out and it's coming out soon very soon yes as in how soon Chris tomorrow as in tomorrow we're very excited double check with you because I know it's been pushed back a couple times so I don't want to say tomorrow and then it's suddenly like that well yeah no it is tomorrow kindergarten 2 is coming out which I mean we're super excited about we got an early copy of the game and actually talked to the kindergarten team they're really nice people we talked to that licorice Chris is like BFFs with them now I don't even know Chris is like I'm going to hang out with the kindergarten team I'm done dad fine whatever we're hanging out with whatever I feel comfortable with you hanging out with them I wish we hung out we should schedule that there's a time zone difference that oh they're in Florida oh okay yeah wait the time zone different uh you make sure you're only hanging out with people before your curfew yes otherwise Chris oh I got I got to protect you I don't know what these hooligans are out there doing with you look what look at the game they create that's that is true literally you know and children on the rag there are no crocodiles that eat any kids though so maybe it wasn't and maybe it doesn't have to do with their location why are you mentioning crocodiles eating kids alligators that alligators in Florida I can never remember I can't keep it straight well I'm for historic reptilian creatures departing floors all of them exist in Florida ok so we got an early copy of the game so thank you very much to the kindergarten team for that and I think we're worship we should be like right on the cutting edge and the first people to be streaming it which is off yeah believe the embargo started at 4 o'clock which funny enough coincides with our live stream but one of the other things that we wanted to do is give some codes away to you spread the love so that everyone can play or at least four people can play kindergarten yeah so one of the other great things that the kindergarten team gave us were four codes that we can give away to you guys watching at home so if you email us at at team theorists at right Chris that is correct it's their graphic that I'm hopefully pointing towards eventually no no but there is a description it's in the description you guys it's just team Cirrus at just pointing at my crotch awkwardly I thought it just right block it block it ignore it and go past my crotch and straight to the description because that is where the email addresses all I need to do is send us an email and your favorite yes kindergarten here just your favorite kindergarten character as a reminder everyone we do not want your personal information anything about you we don't want your email we don't well we will get your email because you sent it but no no full names no phone numbers no addresses nothing like that it's all totally fine and if you are under 18 make sure you have a parent's permission before you send anyone anything on the yeah but you know the kindergarten team was excited for us to play the game yeah we're excited for you to play the game and so yeah we're giving away for free codes send us that email email is in the description below and we'll select for random people when grades at the end of the stream say it again we're going to select people at the end of the stream yes well I'm gonna randomly go through those emails and select the winners oh there's a graphic oh look look I can point to it now oh oh there we go there you go yeah look I think we should play the room now we're really bad at pointing boys good twenty right ready boom Chris let's breakfast ready okay 300 okay good be on your guard I'm gonna do that there'll be others okay so we're gonna start playing we're gonna play some kindergarten and here it's really long big told us it's really long yeah so we're just we're gonna start it today we're gonna see how long we get in the time that we have before we have to go see baby Olli after the stream hit us up on twitter using hashtag GT Live I believe that's our old friend nugget who will be joining us in kindergarten hopefully and then it's gonna be like 90% of people's favorite characters because they feel like we were just talking about this how memorable he is but there are a lot of characters in kindergarten and I feel like nugget is just by far the most memorable can we do Cindy yeah go get mrs. Applegate it is Apple Dunphy yeah Montee good one right Monty the lunch lady the janitor right janitor I think he's just janitor who's the principal's kid have a name principle principles probably go okay I think enough of that hashtag Gigi live on Twitter Stephanie what's up in the chat I am on Twitter what you that's the real so let's do this kindergarten - I am excited learning whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa video audio do we need any great no we are good to go you say that well if we need to turn the music up we can but the settings are great are in a good place now great and there it's already subtitled so it doesn't even need that there we go let's play this game new file let's summon Satan with our monster mind or whatever you know that I've already been hit up by someone to do a nugget voice vo video really yeah wow wow yeah I know I know hey it looks like this is a new save file be sure to check out the Help section of the pause menu to learn the controls and and stuff okay will do that's also where you can find the mission map it'll tell you what story missions you can do with the stuff you've unlocked please let me see it here we go oh wow here's the mission map a tale of two janitors oh you have a little map start the mission by talking so it is a little bit more it's that's interesting it's a little bit more streamlined right it's giving you a little bit of hints as to what sort of stuff presumably you need to kind of carry through the different missions that's helpful because last time there was a lot of like trial and error and guesswork and some having a little bit more knowledge about where to go that's that's smart I like that yeah start the mission by talking to dr. Danner earth mission by talking to Felix and then Hitman's honey very great Oh Jerome Jerome is it your oh that's it okay okay when you're ready to get started head over to that door we'll start our first day at school great he's got a Super Smash Brothers poster it looks like what that's got to be super that's right super stache totally alright what am i wearing today oh do we have microchip oh my can I do anyone I want to be yeah can I pretend to be other we have a shirt I love how there's head and rest of bodies it's my hair he's only trained to use hair not us okay okay sure there you go okay so we got so we're gonna be unlocking new costume was that exciting we got our what should I bring to school today so we got all the secret items that we'll probably grab throughout there yeah a shot or a harpoon gun obviously okay I was going for scepter but okay that's cool too one looks like an old-timey cell phone yeah this is all a cell phone the one above it looks like a shark figurine of some kind and then maybe bottom left is a potion like a poison you say this seems like a shield this might be antidote and the shield Oh looks like highly L shield million shield shield viable yes and then the one up top also looks like a book is this where we're gonna guess I like it you're saying shield the kindergarten but when I'm like harpoon gun you're like okay yeah legit holy there I agree I agree with that we got here am I ready to start another day of kindergarten no actually what else is here this is monster run maybe yeah Wow oh man so last year mine is serious now only four or five what is this five five one two three four five six seven eight nine ten Wow it's 50/50 cards Oh last time I was 12 as it heads up so the guy the people who do game clearest merch like our theory where our whole theory where line I think I also talked about this at VidCon like and showed some of them in person so it's not a secret or anything but they are actually designing in real life monster Mon cards that you can get and like and maybe do and like actually play I think people were playing acid yeah no yeah we didn't have a chance to check them out but apparently yeah they've been working really hard on actually making all the monster mountain stuff real just and into a physical playable game which is actually really exciting yeah so okay there's a button on my bedroom wall I don't know what it does I'm gonna press the button will you press the button press it nothing else yes whatever it is I must not be ready for it yet Oh bummer alright let's start our day of kindergarten am I ready to start a new day you bet you not ready to remember all the voices from last time you're not gonna be seeing so many characters okay who do we listen we got something wow wow there's only one way to that way to start nothing the great oh no not yet uh how'd you get down there what do you want me to do about it this is definitely not my problem what are you down there okay we speaking face-to-face you- so you crawled through a sewer grate you- seeking chris you'd have at least agreed like it's me x2 the handicapped rib on the ground but the ground started to shake they were the caning what can I even do about that teacher or manager or principal nugget is nut care just did make it out of here okay okay sounds like a plan so I got to talk to that janitor or a teacher someone okay great do you want to be the new janitor new janitor I hear he looks too friendly I think he's gonna kick the play hey there kiddo I'm your friendly school janitor think he's gonna die call it now I think the other janitor is gonna kill him can I get by here sorry little buddy all the kids with disabilities are allowed to use their handicap rap outside okay all right fair enough makes sense hello again little bud what's going on oh good I'm not gonna strapped is great oh no that's terrible if only I had my trusty tool belt I could get him out of there why he's friendly and southern go tale the print of southern people are always friendly go tell the principal she'll know what to do okay so we got the principal so it looks like we'll absolutely use Apple I'm noticing the faces on the apples which means that we'll probably use them as we talk to those characters right so we should probably avoid talking to them and let's get ready to use up some apples everyone everyone agrees with me that he's going to die oh absolutely there's already a campaign for hashtag save the janitor going on right how are you so dead Oh exactly hey you must be one of the new kids I'm Carla do you have any contraband Oh Carla that's a strange question Carla oh these are strange times I'm just trying to save you some study hall no one gets in or out of here with anything dangerous they yeah her name is penny that blonde girl is the biggest snitch in school and she has a knack for knowing who's airing stuff oh how does she know no idea but it's unwise to bring anything in these walls unless you have a special way of getting it in can you get stuff in well if you want to get a Paschal living metal detector over there I could offer you my services for a small fee here what do you want smuggled in it can't be that hard to smuggle things in or never mind I'm gonna say give me the card oh really new kid here's a firecracker oh oh you a favor if you can get it get it in under Tech still haha this ought to be good see you would study home you kid have a lot to learn we'll see about that life and I've challenged Karla officially so that's exciting oh hey oh that's nice good great don't even care I figure they probably have the same voice since they're pretty I told you already Boop just do exactly what I told you it I know it's just this whole thing scents are wrong oh he hasn't done anything to us it was kind would be a joke not long good I wouldn't want Ted here danger oh thank why would I get in trouble I didn't do anything which is just so difficult for you to save your family company myself our family company all right okay good good luck with that I I don't care the flavors about that okay so here's here's metal detector girl so we should know it's her that's I think that's her cuz then this is the principal the new principal what do you think I thought we work together sorry yesterday's news good for you anyway Wow Wow which I don't I don't want to use an apple yet so I'm gonna say I disagree you're pretty awful hearts kindergarten love triangles wrong no I'm always ready for it - best just few yeah oh no let's let's not beat up it's all it's something it's the SEC it's the first day of new school but it's good okay let's not get anyone okay here we go not you our good friends yeah oh here we go filthy absolutely filthy ah what is are you blind look at this place that other no-name janitor over there has really let this place go you don't know his name yet yeah yeah what no but I guess I should learn it I'm gonna drop a kid go find his name for me now okay so I gotta learn his name drove Elks good wait kid I don't want to talk about it okay great she took my knife the little fish she made up a very unstable I don't know were you talk about good prison drawer she somehow knew I had on me now I'm study hall this is nice maybe I can help you're not going dangerous wrongfully taken from you I might if this firecracker gets stolen from me but not yet then you wouldn't understand it gets back to my gig by myself good luck with that so if I get the Firecracker taken from me then I can bond with him right that's kind of what I'm drawing from that Oh what's your name how many removed well nice talking to you all day that's great that was super cool here I'm gonna learn the new universe name okay oh no oh no that's terrible if only that trusty tool belt I can get out of there go down principal still know what to do here what's your name oh how rude me I'm Bob ha most of the kids around here just fur to me as a janitor anyway you can call me that too if you like alright here we go bad bad what's name come on I got a declaration to drop Bob my nemesis s name what the janitors code of honor says I should do I'm gonna kill him I take his mind no seriously you bet take this declaration of war and bring it to Bob return to me when it's done this would be one for the history books I guess it will be oh no Monty oh okay so so when they're faced leave or so when you've used up the apple of their face that's when they okay okay so that's good enough so give this to Bob hello again little buddy what's going on uh so I can't help now give the Jew I'm gonna tell the other guys right no thanks I'll rear when I get inside go ahead and tell him you delivered it I'm really looking forward to working with him I doubt that oh no shoot oh yeah Oh next I wants to do there's a lot okay that's the bell everyone inside oh wait mommy jeez Oh No Oh Luke it is contraband I'm gonna go take it well-spotted thank you honey we don't allow contraband in my school you'll have to go to study hall today oh man sweet halls awesome I used to love study hall periods no pleasing head inside you were assigned to class okay so I can talk to Bugsy now right okay thank you everyone wants us to save nugget I think it might be a while until we can get nugget on it yeah it might be tough to get negative the game you're you're a classic okay kids teacher has a headache so we're going to very quiet it looks like this school is more funding good last one since there are actually toys okay go bleh just please be quiet hey Bugsy can we bond now that I've had my contraband removed yeah what do you want busy trying to figure out how to get my knife back probably better he doesn't have it okay so so I'll have to do so I think I have to talk to penny early to get the contraband removed so that way I can talk to Bugsy before that first year you don't answer Oh what what do you want never mind okay great cool a good story learn good is this yeah distraction Noah's shoot up cat he was kind of lightest connection was the best toy in the toy box my friends and I used to play with them all the time before the new kids came in was yeah but now you got a battery no friends no toys you new kids are the worst I don't care how they know it seems like kind of whiner right forget you hey I know I look like death right now but my I still work no going through other people's cubbies where's my cubby yeah my cubby hey I know like okay great where's my cubby I think this is my cubby I can leave something here whoa okay boy okay my dad drives a car like this he said that when he dies my twin brother Felix gets to happen that's that Ted great Ted there are some toys in here but only the skinny fidgeter looks interesting o.o Fidji spin it her spinny pigeon her speed of movement maybe if you take that you can impress her I just love this doll she's so pretty you did like me that's great Cyndi cool all right I'm gonna take fidgeter oh no oh god is bringing to you know get his legs so you're getting study hall oh god whatever to your heart yes why did you decide never mind do you want to go didn't know it's you're bleeding all over my new classroom oh no get here so many things if you are so so many things to be back yeah so durable soda like a few ounces to go ahead and play or do whatever it is you do yeah isn't it important Eddie's this makes movies oh we're knockin its Portugal now get here do you want fidget spitter nobody's having a do school oh I have a toy breed not good oh look I got a hallowed night oh wait I got Ralph dollar night that's Mike negative preachy new generosity no get no you skip of Jesus unless your mind thank you thanks cool thanks appreciate it sorry I couldn't keep you out of the basement [Music] [Music] nice you dug it chef K we get your arm was stuck oh great hey Chris boom oh I surprised you boo me up from if you want if you want a chance to win free copy of category - boom hold on things I gotta click here alright you build it ready email there it is there it is look at that email this we don't care anything about your name your address nothing tell us why your favorite kindergarten character is we'll have your email address great well we'll respond later today or tomorrow give it away for a for free codes I'm a little bit afraid of everyone in the chat saying a rip nugget nugget is going to die I am a little bit afraid at the rate that he seems to be losing he's losing blood in a very rapid what is he spinning visually spinning with his other hands that you only need one hand to appreciate a fidgety spin against a spinny fidgety okay you can leave I'm responsible for your little monsters I need to use the bathroom well too bad I don't have a bathroom pass for this new school yet so you just have to hold it you don't look like you can stop me okay I can still give you a study hall apparently that's punishment for stuff here I already have study hall oh well then I'll send you to the principal's office go ahead Wow yeah look at me being a bit bad eh hey I'm so bad bad eh as a bad apple not bad don't you I thought you asked for it I'm sending you to the principal's office puck it work maybe this place won't be so bad after all wait what - I died I wait what don't die don't get sent to the principal's Oh from current area let's restart from the message are you sure let's let's restart from the beginning so that way we can at least continue the janitors plotline alright cuz we got stalled out all right let's go morning time okay oh this was a good way to start from school yeah there it is okay alright so okay no wait over here let's get the janitors yeah okay so janitor what is it you don't know damn yeah okay geez over here here we go named Bob right here I can't okay then bad janitor Bob I'm gonna do to him I'm gonna code right I guess it will be okay so now other dad will tell me to give you this I'll read it later you're not gonna like working with that way and now finally cereal has it been delivered is war upon us yes yes it is yeah there you go my death will be swift speaking oh God as soon as he's alone his mop is as good as mine oh no I'll be sharpening my mop it's important oh boy my mom fighting I wanna talk about that too frequent oh no especially not close to a kindergarten have fun with that okay that's fun sharpening your mop at the boys room janitor that's an L okay great go to class good so okay kids have your knife at this point or no you'll never catch me Oh start your fire fight oh yeah you've got taken yeah that got taken that's right there's money okay I can't steal that well we can grab the fidgety City we're actually gonna use our bathroom look I need you here the bathroom get out I don't have a bathroom pass you'll just have to hold it you don't look like you could stop me I can give you study hall go ahead you because I can you don't have study hall yet I don't and I need to see the janitor I'm assuming so go ahead okay great okay never you whether we're heavy nice the wedding great good good good job nugget good tuck this door leads to outside to the handicap ramp it's locked okay here's a little boy's room man oh yeah there we go there's our buddy [Music] those are your tools great we have confirmed with their urinals easily there are a couple of spiders on the wall I'm not touching them unless I can spray them with something first okay okay so we got spiders got toilet I use the stall no I don't want to waste an apple I use this stall now okay we got urinals that don't seem to do anything spiders on the wall just oddly oddly position let's get in there with genders or not oh good you're here happy to see me so a weird feeling for me too you believe you're helping gander else I'm fighting a losing battle here Bob is currently hiding like a coward upstairs since my hip is made of glass I can't make it up those stairs there's no more Bob to the bathroom no no no what do you want me got it not only is he gonna die and I was like oh man we have to save Bob we are going to be the instrument of hell am I gonna be the instrument of Bob's demise yeah but it not knowing that Hugh think I need a key to the elevator I'm sure that little black market grateful has one oh you're the one who crippled aunt flashback and I'll do it again if that invalid doesn't give that key tell him that I know give it up he's in that special smart class upstairs okay so we got to get into the smart class upstairs oh that's you kid you're only allowed to use the bathroom nothing else uh I need to go upstairs too bad unless an adult says so you're not up you aren't allowed up there you need to go to the bathroom or back to class no exceptions but the janitor says yeah if the janitor wants you to go upstairs he can come and tell me himself it's all right [Music] did you give me that key pull monitor stopped me I mean the power of come with me oh I am an agent of everyone's destruction No hey halt rat give my little errand boy here trouble rules are rules mr. janitor if you want him to go upstairs you just have to guess I could just beat you like I did that other kid then you'd have an elephant then you would have an elevator Keith excuse me I said I called Nick you killed Nick give you an elevator hey hey other hall monitor yeah man with whoa jeez he totally reps TV Oh see me and I'll do the same to you if you even think about stopping this kid from helping me out today got it no problemo do whatever you work in they're taken care of don't give me that key I'll be waiting by the elevator great see you look how productive that was so simple leave Stevie alone a new outfit online oh-oh-oh monitor yeah can we unlock new outfits my pillow classic this is the board's again yeah okay so that's good to know what's this this is a cafeteria this is the door the cafeteria lock great okay so that's outside the handicap ramp and there are jeans look at it we got the janitor on our side what I mean you do have you got you man getting you in trouble isn't worth getting beat to death with a map good call here this locker is locked this locker is locked this locker is locked what about this locker locker all right well then fine well that didn't work vending machine the spending machine is filled with school supplies only the scissors look useful passbook scissors [Music] here sort of the principal's office don't get sent to the principal's office I hear that's badly science girls bathroom art class hey we should talk to oh man girls bathrooms are the best so nice they have couches why don't you why do girls need couches in their restroom Stephanie because sometimes you're waiting for a friend and while you're waiting for her you the bathroom yeah you're having a chat and all the Bears going yeah what are you gonna do just stand there drop your conversation and wait till your friend gets out of the band I don't personally I went once I close the door to the stall I don't understand so I ate it and then you resume back at the sink right but not everyone works that way sometimes there's stall the stall conversation going on in fact it happens all time oh right right stall the stall oh you know every time I'm girls Matt and all the girls now minute I sit in the stall and I start talking you know what are you doing here you're not gifted in any way get out out I say oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no why do you refuse to listen to me are you brain-dead no well you're about to be oh are you gonna kill me what what what doctor Danner is serious when he says to get out of his classroom no no to restart coronary oh okay doctor dander wowser oh we got it speed run speed run okay I'm getting a lot of confirmation from the chat I'm surrounded by boys here they don't understand but stall to stall is pretty common it says Alyssa are let's all the stalls gross don't lie well good no one needs to know conversation is so important that I need to have it while I'm on a toilet doing the business pineapple pie says yes I do that in the bathroom crazy also the fact that oh okay hold up pick up okay okay janitor um no that's weird guys you want to spend here's my viewpoint on on the restroom you want to spend as little time in there as possible that's really nice really nice if it's a really nice back room maybe you want to hang in there no never win see there's rarely a bathroom that I wanted last week Matthew and I went to a restaurant we we got to go to a steak restaurant where they had couches in the bathroom but not only why do not form any the whole sectioned off sitting room man and then they had like a whole section with mouthwash gum deodorant like we have hairspray all kinds of stuff we could just pick it up and use it while you were in there grabbed all of zero of those things ah this looks like a leg no way it is a leg the other leg around here somewhere so we're gonna leave the leg for now okay okay just don't talk to dr. Danner Monty what's up you're not supposed to be in here you're a stupid kid you're a stupid kid do I look any calmer of course I do what do you think I got up here can i watch this yeah just bring it back when you're done good I can't what are you doing in here you're not given anyway get out how would I say oh boy all right well we got our hey we got the key sweet all right here we go my blood-soaked friend huh Jesus well where's the key to this thing here it is well done kid here's a walkie-talkie lb attack Oh God great it is great I'll let you know how the mission goes we ride to war Bob I don't think you can make me please Oh on earth she's perfect as his last wish I will go alright here we go hey kid come in kid things got a little get up here now I'm at lunch yeah it'll be your last meal if you don't get up here right now leave well one of the new kids in there must have a way to get you out get up here now or I'll have another body in a cleanup who's gonna let me out maybe penny as principal bitch I just love making new friends you don't seem too thrilled to meet you okay great one good talk hame you can't how are you liking the food I don't get out of here look at a cost of troubling I could draw the lunch lady's eye away from the door for us II do it five bucks yep do it you got a kid this won't last long so get out of here while you can great hey Miss Margaret look at me bleep try sundown return to your seat immediately great well right the poor nugget round jizz Hey Oh phew I guess I'll let you buy so I don't end up weekend for the best rate of good good steep your loan probably probably the way you wanna ticket oh I doubt that I highly doubt that all right let's go upstairs Oh Monty hey kid what the heck is wrong with you what are you doing up here you took my elevator key I can't get down to lunch without and where is it Chander still has it okay no no that's it I've had enough of you they didn't working together oh no no mommy's gonna talk to Monty Monty is pretty bitter about being left upstairs don't get too close to him and leave me alone okay yeah I think ok restart current areas easy I just want to talk to I'm excited to experience all the exciting things that keep the garden has to offer right exactly all right so here's our like little rebel girl get out of here a pair look at me look at me look what I can do [Music] calm down there jack hey hey hey dude stairs they with Monty girls bathroom here we go oh yeah no he's not he's totally yours now oh no I'm not gonna bother her for Bob you deserve so much better than this I'm a monster hey new clothes yeah I get to look like janitor Bob finally geez kid who is knocked out of a tree under suspicious circumstances all right I'm here what do you want well he's yet noticed though I want more congratulate I appreciate the support I've had from my allies which means we're gonna have to clean this up together say wha oh yes I am the only janitor it would be nice to have some other help around here what what just killed your help that's not true you're my help now although there is still time for me to kill my help so what so what do we do I'm gonna get started mopping up this blood you run down to the weapons closet and give me some slice up ah the weapons closet yes I mean what your kindergarten didn't have a weapons closet oh just on the tables no fun there schools is just really low nowadays yeah it's true like with you know it was either weapons closet or music room and the taxpayers decided to go with music room escape lame lame choice that the taxpayers made that year but you know what I got to play on the tambourine multiple times multiple tambourines we're having cuz we all know get a music room in school where you share the same five instruments with twenty plus kids that's definitely effective you're getting about three chances at that tambourine per year so as you can imagine I'm a pretty good tambourine Asst I think it's tambourine II know you're tossing that's true tambourine yes like to go by the official term tambourine oh I know tambourine Oh see there is lute player is a flautist yeah a tambourine player is at a maroon maybe you're thinking of the female timbre that my us us us male tambourine is like to go by tambourine Oh [Music] beautiful funding for the Arts okay good yeah there we go good job enter to win a copy of this game that's the email that you want to use if you wanted me to copy this game for free all right yeah it's a place where us janitor store weapons it's in the boys bathroom you're gonna slice them up of course look at him he's a big boy horribly I don't deal with big ones cuz it's hard to remove the bodies so go find me a cleaver chainsaw pink old Bob oh here is learning how to share now that I have one more oh boy oh goodness I'm gonna have to check into rehab no no no buddy don't good choice this applicator it's you know maybe you're just hallucinating have you thought about Jesus right this is all a dream don't agree there we go there we go this is the door to the janitor's closet it's locked unlock the door there we go oh let's see a chainsaw oh I do see a bloody aah aah oh and then axe this is the janitors cleaning cart it looks like there's a monster minecart in the waste bag yeah take it it's in the waste bag and it doesn't use up an apple yeah so hey yeah monster my car might get rough bucket of water oh wait let's go get here let's check out the bloody cleaner here these weapons are way too big for me to carry the axe looks like it's been used recently sure dad it does indeed Oh bucket of toxic waste are gonna pull it breaking bad and melted body and yeah this mat is giving off some dizzying fumes it's hooked up to a tube that seems to be running to the cafeteria here we go there's a chainsaw to shovel on this show take the chainsaw yeah I do the right thing he's gonna who's gonna kill you and he'll kill me if I ate a totally I like that the axe and like the swords the bastard sword and stuff are too big for me to carry about the chainsaw that's totally fine partner that's yeah so easy great well we've got a whole collection of cool stuff now ooh I can take that and the shovel go Oh No okay okay what else can they use wait wait wait so many things all the people all the people okay here we go away here we go buddy hey hi friend Oh God maybe there's my car yeah just a bunch of garbage all right that's about what I expected not really I expected their babies real the legends are true there is a couch in the girls bathroom yeah there's Mazda mark on between the cushion oh yeah yes take it share of spikes whoo I'm also glad that taking mom on cards doesn't seem too frequently to be taking up apples and last name you had to like do so many rounds to pick up the most my car yeah about time what'd you get me jeiza Oh No well looks like you got a skedaddle I love your time we didn't have time to go back and sit down for a nice healthy lunch oh yeah oh my god Oh before you go here take his head you burned a what oh thank good let me just slip that into my pocket you know better fancy clothes in your backpack okay oh no let's get you to study hall Thanks you can get me out of study hall after all that well well well look at all the bad children I expect you all to behave unless some recesses until recess is over please take this time to reflect and how to be less awful sure there is to be no talking or goofing until the bell rings is that clear no talking or moving so we should say nothing that's a trick question rat clever Bunch we'll see if it lasts [Music] there's money there there is I've also soaked in the blood of the dead janitor so i'ma go right to attract his attention literally holding his head in our hands there we go I said no moving so I moved Wow Wow all right see there you go Oh we're talking studying online now would be a good time to eat an apple okay so let's just restart this area that's suck okay so we'll just to beat the apples I said no talking I'll see there you go oh man wait I got it right the first time yeah I just was curious what would happen if I said it ha so we want to say nothing but Apple I love the chat and they're like Anthony Copa area says mommy mommy look I just got a sever janitors head from school show-and-tell during lunch is running right through me hump back in a moment do not move or talk well I'm gone but firs I'm guessing that if I move hey kid come here kid we got a problem oh no where are you look you gotta hide that head right now find a garbage can and chuck it I was one in the mess hall what are you talking about that little penny girls oh you've been following you all day you got to hide that head and stop her from getting up here oh how do you know that some kid in a hoodie here we go come up here I dropped an envelope on the floor okay so we're good honey is her informant right now the hoodie yeah that's true we had pictures and everything I've been following you kid what do I do after I throw out the head see if there's some way to trip her up on the stairs on your way to get her to fall and break her head Oh No oh my gosh how do i Trevor you heard that stupid class right maybe one of those poisel there we go Oh get the fishies oh yeah fidgety spinner hey there are a couple toys in here there's a doll and a toy toy car boy card if I take this good $3.00 don't take anything yeah leave the apples maybe Apple save the Apple we need all the apples we together cuz he's in the bathroom so we need to place the toy car here yeah yes so she should trip and fall the doctor is currently in the bathroom I need to take my video to get it mean to God get this oh this is all go this is all Nuggets blood I thought this was also my own oh god I also had a blood trail but no no no no you're good so anything else interesting experience I probably shouldn't be exploring beyond where I should go right I'm curious good the plan may be as a monster run yeah it's gonna say maybe there's a monster a car oh yeah this is a microwave I could probably use it to heat up some cold food no we got another vending machine is so this one's got snack soda your blueberry soda and cherry soda okay that's good to know this is looks like the teachers lounge and it's worth three dollars so maybe you have to steal the I predict the world where you have to steal the three dollars and then buy the two sodas this vase has a yellow flower in it okay so that's gonna be a flower probably to win over a girl right so the three dollars is gonna load right girls Akaka this is probably after recess yeah and go oh no you Joe do you have study hall I'm not dealing with you and I have all these other kids to deal with get back inside you know all right throw a head before I throw away the headache Katie Beckett okay throw a head it's counterman station this school is everything way this garbage can oh look oh look who it is hello I'm looking for the janitor no looking for the bathroom teacher do you think these year no she'll take me to the teacher if I say the janitor I'm gonna implicate the janitor right and he'll be mad about me educating him if I'm looking for the bathroom that's okay I guess that's the best you can do you missed it silly here I'll escort you there myself thanks oh no oh shoot and if I ever catch you smoking in this school again oh boy what what are you doing out of study hall you aren't supposed to move or talk and accidents happen I suppose what like the one that's about to happen darn it cat aah all right hey was in there but I thought we had another route I like I felt we had a little bit more time okay like nothing I actually think we'd say the janitor because I think he pushes her down the stairs or something like that maybe both no she's supposed to trip on the car she's supposed to trip on the car on the way up and we go okay take the toy car or we could maybe the briber with a doll everyone's like no place the car yes here Hey okay here we go here we the head here she comes oh shoot oh no oh she's sorry I think I I it's like in Legend of Zelda where you just keep hitting like okay I know this part of the story I know this part of the story you can't actually cycle through it there you go get the Apple we don't go there we go coming in so what if she knows kid there's something not right with her I don't know what it is but she's in throw head I'll see what I can do take the toy car here we go so I just got a people even unrest and stuff leave it up steps [Music] yes looking for the janitor you wouldn't happen to know where he goes he's upstairs pity so that when she trips in the car okay thanks penny oh yeah BAM whoopsie I just heard what I can only assume is an evil little girl falling down the stairs it seemed self good work kid you remind me of me no just just let's play this out now get back to that study hall please that mad scientist looking for problem that's bad sigh just looking fella probably doesn't like it when students escape from there good idea okay let's go oh no geez uh-oh she's a robot she's a robot or so she has the girl from the janitor's closet that's interests oh she's still alive wait wait what is that there's a pool of green goo here it leads towards the elevator there's a solid glob of it on the floor don't take the glob no we can't right now we can't cuz I'll run out of time huh man this elevator record key okay [Music] why do you I didn't think you would attack I thought I would be able to at least peek up here there's my god what after that what happened to that what after that oh oh you got him I distracted you ridiculous here Boldwood I want to give you an opportunity to hang out in the chat step how about that have you thought about that ah there are a lot of people who chat who are saying things like Oh which is exactly my thoughts - Thank You Jay bugger plays for expressing my feelings Lukey Oh Luke Luke EoE says go to study hall life goddess just says dumb you know what guess what Riku meek says go back to study hall and that one potato 28 says why Matt why because you don't unlock everything in a game without testing the limits of the game what war lawyer talking some nonsense get back to study hall here I'm gonna get back to study hall now that I've explored because guess what as I'm on this route what if I what if there was something hidden up there what if there was a monster mountain card hidden up there but we had thought we had completed the route we could probably have gotten it on [Music] all right you the apple store don't eat the apple here we go my apologies good to see you're all behaving yeah ah there's the Bell yes anyone who pays their lab fee can come with me to science otherwise head over to the gym it was science right how about neither I'm just gonna go to that model well yeah we're gonna have like the principal's so you can feel the money oh my goodness Jim daunting my life is ruined I can't actually get any worse so what are we doing here Oh trying your best not to look like me in 30 years she's going laughs about that orange ball or something I guess we can do that I'm gonna go stand over there and try to keep the room from spinning with expect anything less miss Applegate Oh Jason Oh God be good good big kid but now we're also free I just need a little help with some of comedy Carrie Bob's body oh no he's much too heavy for a small worthless child like you I need you to carry out that power-hungry home that's not really my specialty so you want to carry Bob instead fine by me no I'll take Stevie good and left him in the weapons closet maybe I'll buy the dumpster behind the playground we'll toss it in together if we must so hey you little weasel you're required to play no go play but I have to go to bathroom there'd be in the water fountain you're not leaving this Jim Groth shoot we need someone to distract her overlap sir tell us the ball or something uh what do we need what can we do who's gonna help me out here I think it's gonna be the bully yeah anything bully yeah only water food okay so he's the one that we'll need for soda yeah so why we need the $3.00 buy soda for him that's too bad bummer over there how's nugget can you do anything for me nate is hitting trib you enjoying GSB why is that nugget [Music] oh yeah that's right bummer that okay would you good no sorry I'm sorry you have a profuse amount of blood to be surviving through this entire day I'm so glad to hear how full of blood you are let go I want to shoot some free throws get a line new kid this basketball is mine so let's not do anything yet - oh hey wanna play catch with me and my brother don't avoid stress virgins all those stress urchins don't invite street urchins to play with this Teddy I'll come on Felix the answer is no now big on street urchin all right so it seems like Carla's are only bad yeah [Music] come on Carla great yeah whoo that's for it okay who did it who threw that ball it was this Jerome kid he tried to take the ball from me and when I tried to get it back he just threw it in your direction what that's a lie this kid come over came over and helped her snatch it out of my hand and went flying when they made me let it go both of you shut up what really happened Carla's telling the truth that's what I thought Jerome do you know how bad my head hurts right now not more than the waistband on those shorts I'm guessing oh wow body shaming oh no this is not a body positivity so oh okay now I'm mad oh hey stop oh man mr. Applegate getting in on oh she's getting it on the violin screw this I'm out of here come back here this is making me feel better awesome good work kid I appreciate the help you think fast on your feet no problem great okay well okay you're just gonna I could talk then we just leave now yes once if I need to talk to her all right back mat bad whoa oh the ball teleporter laughs okay so we need his body in the closet yeah oh no oh what oh no it's over there on the right who's our mighty this bag looks like it could fit Stevie in it take the bag take the bag leave the cannoli getting really hard to breathe in here not sure how much longer I can last okay so you're allowed to probably do like one action in here right so taking the bag is probably the one yeah cuz next one is poisonous buzz yeah so let's get out of there great and then I said to bring it where now oh I was out back outside on the playground maybe outside I think it's yeah yeah yeah was it behind the gym or something of playground playground you don't do the playground don't say to the playground okay great there get all those things oh look this is a caution sign I can't read it but I'm assuming it according me not to slip on this puddle if someone have an accident for hope this is kindergarten now you there's a rock wall Oh new dougie cam oh yeah there's something big going on there it's cool that we have a trampoline yes it is it's also how many people are gonna die on that thing right oh so many that thing's deadly in real life okay I can't really America - oh they're rock wall that's cool beehive that's also cool where the back there we go I do it you had me worried kid no way I'd be able to move all these poor corpses by myself yeah that's great love bonding with you buddy did you bring the body part but you brung you did you did you did bring the body right yep I good good there just need to toss them into this dumpster and this is all over great man but the block who locks a dumpster well I gotta get it open somehow we know oh I do a new challenger approaches hey kid did you hear that or or the are the voices in my head getting a little too vocal again heard it someone is in there we gotta get him to come out any ideas I'll think of something this is a green flower I took the flower because I think it's I think it's a I think it's a four-leaf clover and I think this kid did this thing is a leprechaun Oh what I think someone is in there you gotta get them out I think these are all the pieces of Bob I'm amazed at fit so many in so few bag not mocking the tape so the so I I guess it is a four-leaf clover right like I guess it's a green flower this door leads to the principal's office yeah nope that's a big that nope okay uh hold up Gooding okay you can't go back to one I was wondering people potentially go back that because I mean taking that flower is gonna hurt me ah we need to unlock we need we need a key or a laser or a chainsaw let's look at the weapons Posse I was gonna say I think the weapons closets the way to go really unpleasant in there right now here look at the shelf or something there's a chainsaw to shovel so maybe you have to buy anything from there can you take something else weapons alone no lock spiderweb so I feel like it might be the shovel it's probably not the green can you check can equals yeah can you click on the dumpster by the way to like check on it at all or did you you you were hung out around there the chat is just being like hey did you check the dumpster people are guessing the gig the beehive or saying use the you have to have a key I'm not sure can you even select the Beehive is there anything you can click on so the only thing no the dumpster that's all I'm Sur who is banging on my dumpster oh it's it's not a leprechaun it's just the crazy drunk woman right the crazy drunk homeless with her wine glass filled with absinthe mixed on it being like neon green oh boy oh great dumpster woman everything was going so well what do nice people want do you want to give me some food we just need to use the dumpster you old hag oh well there will be a price to pay I need something something more special well you need this is not doing drink and you wouldn't happen to have any green goo on you that penny girl normally ahead shoot yeah if we can go get that why would I have any of that that's gross yeah it's pretty gross Wow until you come back with some green go this dumpster stays locked tada curse here dumpster hag she's got us beat kid without that girl I wish it I'm going back to current prison why don't you just kill her - hey smoking like building like a dumb kid who's never tangled before that is a mistake that you only make once I'm gonna go find some goo okay okay we so yeah we need to collect different colored flowers for something else from yeah from Jim okay there we go okay okay we don't need to go get the yeah that's good command thanks guys oh great awesome thanks TV okay okay Carla help Carla grab the ball we know it's the elevator goo we're gonna go get it in a minute good tell her the truth Greg bye-yay Carla likes me we're kids fantastic good back you back grab this I'm gonna grab the green do just so I can have it there's green goo take it take it okay I got some green they're very efficient like that all right look at a speed run speed on a kindergarten - all right games done quick here we go take it bag it's getting really hard breathe get out of here go go said come on mat it is a dumpster hag I know you're so right what was I thinking I'm such a pain you don't tangle with the dumpster hag one does not simply tangle with dumpster hags okay here we go I'm so curious about where nuggets blood pile and that's great here's the bag oh there's dumpster hag block kid you hear that or boys if I had getting loud again okay yeah I came up with something - laughs knock on the dumpster bang bang bang bang bang hey was banging on my dumbass - okay a dumpster woman everything is going so well why do you nice people want do you want to give me some food we just need to use the dumpster you'll nag I'll be a price to pay I need something something more special than conclude I'm running out of this delicious green drink you wouldn't happen to have any green goo that penny girl you not have any that is gross I have some oh all right eggs dump whatever suspicious items you need no dearie big doctor bag my pleasure your boys have a nice day hopefully the smell of rotting corpse does not negatively impact your green goo drinking dumpster diving experience great well done kid who looks like we're gonna get away with this through there's the Bell looks like it's time for you to go home and little apprentice go ahead and leave the body here great leave the body take the gun take the cannoli yeah what a successful day at kindergarten hey kid wait up oh yeah what do we get for this one I feel like I'm getting maybe a solid head up back hold of this yeah please don't kill me kill ya hey you gonna kill you well not today at least no ha ha so what do you want for your dedicated service today I would like to bestow upon you the spoils the key isn't anarchy no it's the mop what are you talking about oh I got some good stuff off old Babu's body some cash watch kind of medication what is this the tool belt oh there we go oh I don't fix nothing around here anybody you can also have this thing from that silly card game you kids play little guy kinda looks like me huh we have a tool belt we could say nugget oh wait not yet thanks again look at the parent sees me talking to a child I'm going back to now is a good time to leave yes so we got Bob's tool belt we could leave it a day yeah okay Bob's tool belt oh that's off oh and strict sash and jogging jumper you lost your minds we got Hallowed night bucket of water share a slice and lamb with Oh blaming classic lamb with cleaver that's yes okay lamb with cleaver evolves into Wow so we need to try this with the tool belt this job and try to go safe nugget right yeah well done completing your first mission now you can bring the item you unlock to school whenever you want Wow head over to the shelf by the door you can select up to three items to bring check your mission map to see which ones go with a specific mission there you go I wonder if there were only a couple of possible ones that we could come to our first day so wait where is the mystery shoot up there with a mission if is like you don't you don't read the mission map okay tool belt great no don't look at her mouth my target oh that's awesome we don't have any green ones or purple ones yet that's it that is a bummer everyone's like save not yet here we go I should say no yeah that's dick signagi okay okay hey nigga these tripped how do you down here I may get mistaken for a suitable place for the we didn't you need cave great da-daddy cap right so thank him a key feature or a ginger or creepy boo no you didn't care just get me out of here we'll get nugget out of here okay hey there kiddo I'm your friendly school janitor great oh no that's terrible only I had my trusty tool belt off you get up out of there go tell the principal show them what to do funny enough I have your tool belt Bob oh not weird you found it that's wonderful hold on straight child bob is coming to save you oh thank you thank you and ginger bitch I'm gonna get you out of there just hang in there remember to breathe news headed breathe okay does that no house no there you can sleep in here this will just take a second got it oh now getting his focus are these pink there your little friend don't go crawling up don't go crawl it underground anymore okay maybe it's clean tends to crud your ground again keep well uh just be careful with that soon as you man it isn't it a frigate oh look a friendship oh thank you I'll see you around little friend great hey that's awesome that was very nice thing we did just now I'm sure your little friend would like to thank you for your help maybe maybe he does let's see what he look let's see him that gets do you know get a new steamed it's the very nice ginger came and put neck torn I get hat was you're welcome no you didn't understand we should never give new things I did tell him that you'd eat you out didn't if any of you know yeah even it tricked you to be is pinned not yet I want to be your friend what is your ring I only need your friendship friends who are your friends no it's friends Billy we miss you yesterday no it's friend has returned really we're really good we're know where other friends of knit that's the coolest Nicky what you think anyway how about this nugget I can get you a flower [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] we only complaint we have it was so fun oh no oh no he's following me cute how am I gonna get a flower I don't have a flower oh no who is a flower no there's a yellow flower in the teachers lounge why no there is a flower in the teachers lounge there's a green flower yeah out back we just have to play until we can get to one of those levels there sections are remember all right so should I just turn through this talk to me we haven't talked to yet talk to miss Applegate talk to the principal foster brother Chuck hey you're looking to buy you something you're still so stuck yep it's gonna be a struggle but I fully intend to keep my business running boy what can I do for you lighter battery pan sanitizer batteries someone who's missing batteries oh yeah the the one toy was missing batteries Ozzie Ozzie was looking for me oh yeah this is a battery it can power small electronics and toys I've already a two-box steel check so you'll hear enough are you doing business with y'all okay it always is all right there we go oh good see you how's it going are you okay I'm just great no tired maybe your dog thing I wouldn't happen to have any of those you won't have any of those bills you had yesterday nope sorry stop bothering me the Bell hasn't rung yet sir I don't have to put up with you right now principal let's meet the new principal hi hello I'm the principal despised in school I'm so happy to have you so many new students today sure you are oh I know what you're thinking but I promise this school safer than your last I don't believe you I'll tell you what I'm going to lunch together my treat we can address any concerns no it's all right what a shame I hope probably not not that not this round ah one of the new goods not that we'll be seeing much of each other why not I don't let below-average students into my classroom for morning time is that even allowed it is now with all the redistribution of children and teachers that went on yesterday it was the perfect time to pitch my plan for separating below average students redistribution yes why do you think you're here when one school shuts down people get shuffled around so now you're here and three other kids aren't all right stop talking the science teacher so good Ozzie here what so there's nothing else there yeah let's talk about batteries - Ozzie although I think it'll be morning time Oh what's not there the rezoning of my friends all of them at me I have to go to school Jamaican reserves can't good three three okay so we're pretty much done right yeah do we want to start the teachers quest and so it doesn't seem like there's any other question start yeah hey no not today I was so close to snapping right now and I'm gonna need all my energy for when Sydney causes an issue get out of my face so what Cindy's gonna cause an issue that's good to know and then we're gonna just are thick okay pink lemonade no get one to flip up please do not waste oh please do not waste the tears of nugget nugget wants a flower for his friendship right okay so here and do you want it here buddy yeah my mommy's principle really yeah do you wanna be friends do any friends I would love to be friends here you can have this friendship bracelet it's a tractor right I'm sure thanks it looks so good on you I'm so glad we're friends see you around great thing the Bell everyone head inside to your side classroom so nugget still okay cure headaches okay we're gonna be quiet apparently penny has a flower some people have seen penny have well we have oh that Peppa know like stupidity spinny okay we have batteries for Ozzie okay was the best toy just district in Missouri okay but now he's out of battery no friends don't toys you can't new kids are the words okay gonna have this battery oh really yeah maybe haha I'm gonna go play over by the Twitter I'll see a rattle kid okay so he's gonna cause problem I just love this doll she's so pretty just like me it's great city so we can't start in Swiss Indians quest without okay okay okay don't look at other people's cubbies there's some toys take the fidgeter city kid yet maybe we can get out of here and right now and go to the teachers lounge or I we can't cuz I because we would need to because we can't get past the janitor without a Hall Pass or we can't get past the hall monitor without a Hall Pass which doesn't exist so you me the janitor to kill him that's right here let's keep going with this guy thanks for the battery destructor tribe has his old his old stuff again you can play with me if you want why is no thanks I would like to play with him oh they'll come back probably later right my dad drives a car like this he said when he dies my twin brother Felix gets to happen okay I've got a friendship bracelet with penny Oh what do you want okay so maybe we just hmm we just eat our apples let's look yeah burn through the day attention new kids here's your passbook if you get an adult to sign that you're allowed out in the hall don't get any crazy ideas though you're only allowed to use it once per day oh oh thank god that's the Bell get off my classroom and go to lunch okay so here [Music] oh okay uh normally my girlfriend was sitting next to me and my best friend should sit across from me but no we can't have that anymore stupid new kids whatever Ozzy she's hot what a whiner geez okay so penny I'm her friend Greg's I just love me fret they don't seem too thrilled to meet you okay so I got this past book that I need an adult sign and technically the flowers back here right yeah no kids allowed in the teachers lounge go finish your lunch kid I need to get in there I don't care what you need I'm not moving unless there was a monitoring emergency muttering emergency yeah I'm monitoring emergency I deal with them on a daily basis I never know when delinquency or tardiness will strike okay okay monitoring emergency okay ah do I want anything and let's talk to janitor over here it's kid believe it or not I do occasionally do my job okay who can we get like attacked or killed or what about Sydney she especially caused an incident right I think we had to have started that earlier she i can't believe none of these new boys want to sit with me I'm still stuck hanging out with these two losers okay blah okay fine I can't read a famous man hey Mia can how you liking the food fine okay what's wrong it leave big nougat negative no way to do so we're gonna need to do the shuffle okay so we need to get now get a shovel at lunchtime come see me at recess kid I mean the middle of a very lucrative deal okay [Music] go away vagabond we're talking about business you wouldn't understand great go away okay so new school same kids to say it with what's the point of all this anyway I don't know Jerome burgers are okay I actually kind of missed the swap meet you bugs me too ha okay what are you doing you cannot leave you have not eaten yet okay so let's eat first let's try hamburger one burger joy okay now let's try and leave what are you doing you cannot leave I have not you have not eaten yet burger oh my mistake please allow me to mark your passbook okay here you go okay good thank you for buying lunch today okay so we can get the green flower out back so it's interesting right is the snitch this guy cuz he's got a hoodie hey man you need a pass to be out here go back and lunch I'm giving you study hall yeah I have fun Oh bathroom pass okay go ahead can we go the other way this is the door to the gym is locked shoot I think she is there another flower so that's gonna be locked I don't think we can even we have to come in with a flower for nugget I honestly I honestly think that's that yeah I think we have to have had picked it up already door classroom it's locked okay yeah I think that's what the problem is here okay okay let's so we also have like we have to rapido floors Drive what could they possibly want me okay great no get let's see if Ozzy says ain't cuz Ozzy's gonna be doing something here in a second okay here comes next is Ozzy Ozzy leaves huh what are you leave looks like Ozzy left his lunch his sandwich has onions on it we got a month a part of onion hi okay fantastic every purchase lunch please save some for the rest you don't want to look like that bunch down okay so really that's it I think shoot okay okay we have to be better prepared for the Nugget one apparently okay so nugget one you need a flower I think at the beginning yeah anyone who is disobeyed our lovely principal today we'll get it later Risa let's just talk to people to assess to see where we end up okay so what do we got we've got a box still intact I prefer to just stand here so Ozzy's weird right so we seemed like we started Ozzy's quest by giving into the batteries but it didn't feel anything yet so that's what I think we have to like figure out another Rita this tree is quite large it has a beehive hanging precariously from the branch okay so we're gonna not shake the tree quite just yeah yeah but we might want to see what happens like who's allergic to the oh the Sun is so bright what a miserable day let's see our friend [Applause] no really so I'm her friend but there's not a whole lot of interesting stuff right yeah he's good go glass or chin I'm not interested in staying with you so I bugger off this is pretty good mesquite but Felix says a professional always looks his best what's up with the rock wall pretty neat right just don't climb on any gray rocks they're unstable good no they open like a secret cave or something oh there's a monster one card at the top this gate looks old he'll probably open with a slight push okay so we don't want to go back there yet wait we hit that we get the green flowers oh great awesome oh it firstly pushes grace far enough Arden swish good old thought in a swish hey kid looking to get on these swings yes well I'd be careful there's an old riddle about these swings it's pretty ominous I'm going great huh what is it yellow swing blue swing left swing red okay thanks for the tip yellow blue left red return to the second I think if you talk to me in sort of recess okay go through it one more time whole thing yeah did you figure it out can I hear it again yellow swing blue swing left swing yellow blue yellow blue blue first and the fork or turn the second and the fourth yellow so then you return to blue yellow blue blue red blue yellow blue blue red blue red oh right okay yeah yeah okay okay yellow blue blue red blue whoa mark my card oh it's like what scuffling hey awesome good stuff Kade you're really good at this thank you appreciate that hey get in line green go so my turn to jump on the trampoline okay great oh this stupid girl won't give me a chance I turn on the trampoline I'm getting pretty annoying it's rough Cindy I'm so sorry good okay lets you bring it that flower maybe thinks this movie puts a fitted Nick Cave that's great nugget great and Monty has his secret wheel real quick what just because I can't walk I mean I can't play right oh I just wanna buy something yeah I wish I could tell you something all my stuff is in my locker upstairs I can't bring it any everywhere with me being crippled sucks I'm still taking orders for expensive stuff though I think okay let's try and go to the back so should I try and climb the wall no don't look in Flour let's try it yeah put the gate yes go pick the flower green flower take the flower I don't think it's interesting I think the nugget mission is gonna depend on me interacting with having a flower ready at the very beginning I kind of think so too it's a dumpster it sounds like someone's laughing inside should we talk to her just a curiosity we bought the burger we could give her the burger and see what happens yeah that's right she's hungry but she doesn't want Justin who is banging on my Dempster oh hello cha it's so good to have a visitor you wouldn't happen to have any food oh who are you my name is Agnes this is my dumpster welcome I live here so anyway do have any food I do have a burger yeah should I ask what she's drink you know a sister we know what she's doing it I have a buddy wanting to take it for the burger yeah three burger Oh burger it's kind of smoky flavor to it it reminds me of my cat's smokey do you want him yeah yeah sure I will take the cat by back you can find him someone who's also a bit by then oh my oh great she did end up being a bit from Minnesota Black Sea hopefully I'm back Lexia paused it was like Agnes is from Minnesota okay okay we're gonna give him the flower I can't see that's alright okay we'll bring it for smokey Smokey we don't know yet yeah I was gonna say I did the janitor seems like the smoke yes I guess you're mine okay you're a year I got a cat Cindy would you like we can okay bugger off fortune what a sell what can I sell a cat sorry I can't be a little defensive about this whole not being able to walk thing what do you want to sell I don't want to sell anything like what can i buy can you sell the cat no huh blue maybe I'll shake the bees before I go what one gets up later okay I'm gonna climb the wall I guess yeah do it Green all right nice boys is that Council of sad oh okay there we go good okay the tree shake the tree shake that tree oh oh no it's killing me no Cooper oh we have to get like so we have to shake angry bees are bad for your health okay look right let's quickly go up okay I know and then we'll just burn through everything okay yeah we got I lost my monster Ron Carter I know I know we have to go what is it what was it yellow yellow [Music] [Music] great mama card great climb up here [Music] great there hey open this the cat I want the cat okay cause if I go oh yeah cause if we ended the day with it we can take I might I might I don't know yeah with flour to that's what yeah I'm gonna grab the car hey burger burger sure what do you want to ask her tonight okay all right I got the flowers well good so now let's end the day okay just one more class is that I get to go home anyone who wants to pay the lab fee go to the science classroom everyone else meet the gym we can't I so that's good to know okay so what we're gonna here and Jim okay so she's gonna be upset over there these guys don't want to play with us right okay they still don't want to play nugget has an arm this time though might be having a better gym class news if she had a friend if a dead baby I want to be your friend now gonna have a nugget man hi nugget became such a little friend wait come on Wow of heart you're okay there you want soda buzz will work on the ball Carla trouble getting beat up great okay good problemo fantastic she's playing basketball so that's all done he still he still wants a soda hey I'm gonna get out of here without getting in trouble seems like I can yeah it's good to know there's no hall monitor at this point right that is good enough the plant so green get the yellow flower microwave the cat no no no wait walkway hey rose no there's no violence against animals just children oh no we can microwave no you can't walk away at microwave you know what Chad micro uh I will leave if you microwave the cat what if it's not really a cat it's a cat looks like a cat get it much together myself I'm gonna get every soda so I'm gonna take this flower pink flower also gonna get a soda right cherry blueberry cherry cherry come on hmm okay so we got a cherry soda got a bunch of flowers we got a cat that's ready to be microwaved oh the kid smokes in the bathroom huh wait oh that's true the one janitor that's true or the hall monitor kids yeah see if he wants the cat that's during long okay which means the cat has to survive until tomorrow unless he's upset so Monty's down here Trey go upstairs yeah let's see if I can find him here you go hi bro you're both dead Jim hit back the end okay so that didn't work even though he's the one who smoked so that's good to know okay but we did get you a soda great here have some soda oh yes okay great good thanks Ken this is much better it'll help me keep my figure you couldn't have this monster on guard for helping me out I wonder if there's a different card if we get them at the other soda hey still so much better whoa man I don't know what you're talking about Bugsy [Music] what was that soda being so much better than water bugs need to go we have to leave the stream well here let's finish the run here Oh Oh what what oh wow this is your oh no that's odd there's a weird toy in here I didn't see before it looks like a monster run card yeah yeah see that's why you check everything hey hey huh was much faster than I yeah I thought it worked up a sweat smacking him around you killed your own yes and I feel better and tired no wonder the janitor huh I like sitting you kids myself Gaby's gonna leave you here actually it seems violent tendencies are part of them is Applegate's withdrawal symptoms poor drove dust witnesses from it firsthand take the stick [Music] oh no oh you're so done lock they got a stick okay okay so I got a stick give them a bunch of flowers and grape and a cat that needs to be micro hey da bet is there anything out I'm trying to think of what else you get the last soda and give it to him honestly I can't afford it I can poke this with a stick potentially so you can get it's interesting in gym you can get a lot you can get a lot of stuff during gym class maybe you can poke the tree from a distance it's gonna kill me okay what you think all right what do you think Amanda that's like a Matthew level idea right there here the let's just eat this last galaxy they left how'd you get going I'll be in trouble if I stay here we go that's the other day I get to keep anything see man [Music] they complete new clothes yeah I'll let it turn oh very nice and a bunch of months do I not get to keep my mom's my cards come on oh here we go yeah onion cyclops duckling castle ass and carnivorous Nimbus and purple plush nice but we don't get to keep any of the items doing let's see no I should have microwave the cat darn it no I should have microwaved em Stephanie oh my god should have microwaved him okay we have to go we have to go you try to play this again probably on either Wednesday ok back we're back tomorrow Iraq's war clock the UH Pacific time um we will see you then we're going 70 remember kids are gonna kindergarten 2 comes out officially tomorrow if you want a chance to win a free copy the game email right here team here's to that Chris is going to be just like your people randomly after this dream to send free game codes to so you can download the game tomorrow and should be a ton of fun um this is awesome that I mean if this is this is everything you liked about the first kindergarten except more bigger and a little bit more streamlined which is yes like the this feel like some of the restart features and stuff like that or like really yeah more the more nuance for like versions that are helpful feels like it's gonna be a lot less grindy we have good right like look it's still trial and error and figuring out how the puzzle pieces fit together but it seems like you are able to do it at a much faster and more kind of convenient way were you able to kind of check the route this is gonna be a ton of fun we will be back to play more thank you guys so much for joining us for this world premiere stream world premiere of kindergarten right now whoo so will we be able to help nugget find out next time but in the meantime remember that is just a stream alive a stream we'll see you tomorrow 4 o'clock p.m. let's think about jet jet uh and renewed account says that you all bye cutie hip hop says back even though I just joined shano Olga pot says goodbye oh man
Channel: GTLive
Views: 1,058,768
Rating: 4.933392 out of 5
Keywords: kindergarten 2, kindergarten, kindergarten sequel, kindergarten 2 game, kindergarten 2 gameplay, kindergarten 2 trailer, kindergarten nugget, nugget, nugget voice, game thoerists, game thoery, gtlive, matpat, gtlive kindergarten 2, kindergarten 2 gtlive, steph nugget voice
Id: jFEzJWAgtx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 42sec (5982 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AutoModerator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The original GTLive Kindergarten livestreams were one of my favourite game playthroughs that MatPat and Steph have ever done so I'm really excited about this sequel. I'm also happy that Steph's Nugget voice is back.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Chrobert-Ristgau πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ah, it’s great to be back

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ThatOneMarvelFan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The first one of these was the only GTlive playthrougg I enjoyed lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SirZacharia πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

What was the email for the entry thing, I couldn't read it quick enough :/

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Laynie23 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
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