MAMA'S GOTTA GO! | Tattletail

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[Music] here find T tail upstairs we're all good we're all good it's fine oh I heard a baby right I'm hearing a baby yes maybe it's just tle it's really quiet oh this game hey buddy [Laughter] why do you do this to me hello Internet welcome to [Music] [Applause] game hey guys and welcome to GT live GT live we missed you yesterday sorry about the technical te difficulties yeah same technical difficulties popped up today fun fact true story true story Matthew the truest of stories Stephanie we've been wanting to stream that Dragon cancer for the last two days for a lot of different reasons uh it's a game that we want to share with you it's a game that uh Stephanie has not played yet it's a game that I you know I helped announce that it won a video game award this year and it's something that we think it's important for you to experience uh sadly though the last two days for whatever reason we'll get it to work and then when it comes time for the live stream some catastrophic thing happens and no matter what we try we can't get it back until like hours later and that's what happened yesterday we are all set today to play tattletail it's a bit of a left turn from from what we were originally planned but really excited about this something tells me it probably doesn't have the same emotional depth and feeling what I don't know all I and and legitimately this is a game that I know nothing about Stephanie knows nothing about all I know is that there's a Furby looking creature that's the only thing I know about this game Furbies are pretty terrifying this seems like it's themed around like the 80s cuz it has a VHS style to it although Furby was very indicative of the '90s it was so I guess VHS is were the '90s too yeah we were solidly in like DVD and Blu-ray Land by the time no really late 90s especially when DVD and Blu-ray DVD May BL no DVD come on man so but anyway so this SE strikes me as 80s with kind of like this kind of a grainy effect to it but Furby was 90 so I'm a bit confused I don't know what this thing in the background is it is a like a like a it's a nice festive hat Furby hat all right new game okay onward and upward also the logo of tattletail looks like the cheers logo tattletail everybody knows your name that great December 20th 1998 oh 98 oh all right 5 days before Christmas oh this is so fun already the 3 second judgment so fun you're very I'm like I'm like a video game revie right I'm like a video game reviewer the first three seconds had a very delightful title screen done done great good game 10 out of 10 would play again IGM that says hi backwards oh it also says it's also the letters of the alphabet I he's so he G maybe it's G sending you SEC messages it's clearing your throat it's like okay open your present early I don't want to open my present early I'm not that no who does that come on oh I can jump It's called exercise some self-control you got some matad UPS man the Little Peach that reminds me of James and the Giant Peach doesn't it it's even with the SE it has and everything way to rip off GI tattletail also look at this like we don't know our Ro doll I can recite that book I couldn't recite that book this cute little family photo kid photo okay closet that I'm sure I will have to hide in at some point that sounds good from the fures right no doubt a oh my gosh I feel like my family has this exact picture is it you it's me this is based on a true story that one on the bottom looks like your front yard in Madina doesn't it this looks like my front yard this looks like jump park near me almost man this does not look like any sort of decoration I had in my room at any point they're marbles they're marbles I also had wolves and not Tigers yeah who does Tigers man message up there what does it say it's just a weird like texture or something are you sure right yeah yeah it's just dots all right I love this kid's ceiling though look up awesome is that a moon that is so cool oh that is so cool that would have been like my my dream what what do you think it is Jason it's no moon that's the Death Star it's the death it's not the Death Star Death Star go are you kidding me get good at Star Wars do you even Star Wars bro do you even bro you don't bro oh okay I I sounded the alarm when I ran apparently right oh man open your cre Christmas presents all the scariest horror movies happen at Christmas time it's true Christmas time crampus and basically that's it spooky noise as I look at my cat photos which is all scratched up the cat apparently was like oh my gosh how could you put up such a bad picture of me he's cute I know I think he's he's always so self-critical spooky no presents all right so the pre oh I guess they're early so they would still be hidden somewhere in the house right yeah that makes sense have you ever found your own Christmas presents early in the house no Santa keeps them at his Workshop until they're delivered I'm talking about the ones that your parents might be from your parents specifically hold shift to run careful it makes noise okay done ooh Monae oh oh cool you can tell I'm a little kid too because I'm not taller than the c c say you're real short ooh tricks or you're just me tricks are for kids puffies on the other what the heck what's up with all the scary drum hits puffies part of a balanced breakfast the real scary part of this game is that the uh like your your radiator just explodes in the middle all these sounds all these sounds are just warnings it's just the radiator slowly dying there are no Christmas presents this year because your family has to pay for the new radiator we need a new water heater Timmy it's going to run us about 10 grand Santa had to pay for a water heater this year sorry all right let's go down Dusty basement right it's like it's like aestus down here what the heck put on your like Mask wait watch the yellow icon at the top right to see when you're making noise okay so when I run I make noise apparently when I walk I don't make noise my footsteps are stealthy like Ninja you're you're a little ninja maybe you are the Furby I feel like the open Christmas present early thing is shaking more aggressively it's like what are you doing taking so long it's a present you should want to open it have you never played a video game before this should be easy for you to accomplish I want to test out everything game stop forcing me forward um true story I don't remember if I think it was my birthday actually one year but I was pretty little and I found one of my gifts earlier really I never found gifts early I would I would cuz I would go hunting for them not knowing I was like Icarus flying too close to the Sun not knowing that if I actually found the gifts what an unbelievable like sad disappointment it would actually be not because the gifts were bad but because I had ruined the surprise for myself oh that's so sad I specifically remember that and I was so upset like with myself yeah and cuz I told my mom after the fact to and seeing how sad she was and I was like oh no that's so tragic I know I was like four I was really little too so I had no idea that it would impact her at all right cuz it's like it's not it's not her you know Barbie horse it's it's mine that I was just not supposed to get until like two weeks later but seeing how sad she was that I knew that it was coming that's really sad I never went looking for a gift again again after that true totally true story and I would like I had no idea that it would be so that I would like regret it so much so if you've ever been tempted to look for your own gifts don't do it it's it's so much better to to like keep your own surprise in other news though I do before I open up my present here I I do got to say uh you actively went out and sought your Christmas gifts absolutely I was like Harriet the Spy with those things sure and that's m and I'm happy for you I'm happy for you but I just got to say dear Mom and Dad of this kid in tattletail WTF are you doing you took zero effort to hide these presents look look at all the decent hiding spots you could have in the house like there's shelves and dark corners and trash cans you can hide them into but no you leave the door open into the basement and they're literally sitting right here okay but here here true story if let me open my present if your B no if your basement if if your gifts were hidden in a dark basement as a little kid how often were you going down into dark basements cuz those were really scary when you're in the midwest in Ohio you live in the basement the baseman is like the coolest part of the house ready here I'm holding here we go tattletail talking tattletail open the wow I'm even opening him early really wow ballsy man grab him okay so that's me oh I just got chill he really eats grab some food from the upstairs fridge oh no he's like a grin he's like a gremlin oh no this is going to be like a Little Shop of Horrors man oh it's this is totally we love play time with you man could have used a little bit more uh work on the uh smoothness of the voice there buddy hey buddy happy birthday oh thank you a give me a treat Shut up I'll give you a treat when I damn feel it working on it a treat yeah I'm working you're worse than tamagi keep track of a using the bars on the top give me a tree man his speed bar is so empty give me a tree this is this might be worse than a real FY give me a tree this is exactly the reason why I at Tami here I'm going to feed you ketchup you're going to like it eat your damn ketchup eat the ketchup try sugar give me a treat tricks give me a treat they're for kids Matthew tricks are for kids not for tattletails or give me a treat where's the fridge give me a treat there it is there it is it's over there the brown one oh there it is okay me a treat yeah I'm working on it cuz your Frid is all FC for the big what brushable hair brushable hair use the brush in the living use the brush in the living room to clean tattletail wow oh this is oh boy this is bad news oh boy this is bad news oh no yeah I think this is going to go poorly wait so here's my question is tedl tail the evil thing there's going to be some horrible tet oh he's going to be the worst rap tattle pel tired all right cool I don't want you anymore like oh this is I'm I'm already super uncomfortable it's dark it's dark I know tattletail I know I would have thought you're kind of like in the dark I I've heard yes I know it's you're tired you're okay Jesus all right that take go home uh-oh collect the egg be tired oh no it's I'm being stalked by the evil Easter Bunny I think it's going to spawn oh wait here I'm going to wrap him up yeah put him back there you go put him back oh I didn't grab my EEG oh that's interesting huh I wonder go to bed I wonder where that Easter egg was right should we take him back out no I don't think take back out if here's the thing so i' I've talked on the live stream I think a bit about how like we were I lived in a very clean house and so I know how to take out things and put them back without like the parents being tipped off or at least I I learned a lot about like hey how to not make messes when you're you know sneaking your Christmas presents or whatever uh what no I did not in but that sort of but that sort of scenario don't answer the that's not what you're supposed to do don't answer the phone the rule if you're home alone is always answer the phone B go to bed going to bed I I ain't answering the phone answer it do it do it do it do it do it no I'm a good boy why not go to go to bed no I'm behaving you should have answer the phone no I'm not answering the there's going to be like stranger danger step if you no stranger danger now there's going to be stranger danger cuz you didn't answer the phone the rule is answer the phone don't answer the door I'm investigate the clunking noise I give you one guess what it is oh this is this is legitimately scary this is this is so creepy I'm already really unsettled we look up at the Moon otherwise known as the Death Star according to Jason see okay also if this were me as a kid and I'm like oh I'm going to go investigate this scary noise in the other room I would literally turn on every light in the house and like create like a light pathway I'm not walking in a dark place no no oh this is bad news you create like a trail of the brightest lights possible what what is that big light in the kitchen just go just do it man I'm legitimately scared what is this of all of it what is going on here there's no over there so bright is there like a spotlight or something I'm being abducted by aliens maybe maybe tattletail is an alien I was about to say he's beaming you up that's his signal to the Mother Ship don't investigate don't investigate the noise oh I I am actually really four-year-olds do four-year-olds hide under the blankets right and I would lock the door hide under blankets I would create a little blanket for it for myself it's funny even if I was really scared when I was little I would never lock the door because I wasn't allowed to lock the door oh really my mom was afraid that in case I choked or drowned or something that she wouldn't be able to save me fast enough if the door was locked wait okay hold up what's that so this is the tattletail charging stand or something it looks like tattletail turns into a vacuum he's actually an ey robot okay so the laundry is what's clunking there's another egg are these what are these eggs I don't I don't trust these eggs at all turn off the washing machine that would be foolish cuz then the wash won't get done right maybe mom left then who's going to be mad at you right mhm uh-oh what are you doing here buddy t t tail dizzy what are you doing [Music] this my favorite song how did you know tattletail me tattletale me love you let's have some fun find a vase in the Bas I don't think I should be should be trusting this this red thing anymore so so this is the interesting question do you trust what the text is telling you or do you not cuz then I should have answered should I have answered the phone yes no I don't think I told you you should have answered the phone that's me yeah you don't trust t t kill's going to make you break the vase and then guess what he's going to do he's going to tattle on you the the phone though was in white the phone was in white I did notice that the phone was in white oh this leads outside ooh till out of the cellar okay me tatt tail me love you I am uh I don't think you do tattletail yeah something tells me you are going to like eat my face I think your love is false Your Love Is A Lie tattletail look at more East there's Easter eggs everywhere literally literal Easter eggs welcome to Modern gaming all right here's the vase are we going we're going to break the vase play time for shut up T oh jeez m- yeah I know I yes I'm what good I what do you want oh no what what is going on was it a shake light oh it's a shake light wow how cool is that Telltale maybe it's time for us all to go to go back to sleep now ask oh no so fun fact in preparation for uh Y2K which was the thought that in the year 2000 all the computers would die because they would reset to the year 00 and we would all return to the Stone Age and it would be chaos my family actually bought a oh no what the heck what what what happened oh no what rap have tatt tail back up but anyway my family boss play some and creatures make your flashlight be tired so we bought we bought a lamp a flashlight that you would actually charge by like cranking and R up batteries mhm we have a radio like that too in North Carolina we live in like my my parents live out in the country and if you lose power you don't know when it's coming back so you got to have a crank radio so what is going on what was that what was that I am legitimately unsettled by this game I did not anticipate this at all I sort of hate this tattletale dude I yeah yep he's so creepy and so at the same time and so the light oh no answer it no answer it I'm not answering it answer it stranger danger Steph it's on the way to bed n you're not even make you're you're not evening off course you can do it you can do it sleep sleep did you hear the door knock everyone yes I heard the door knock everyone tells is telling you to get the eggs you've got to get the eggs man I'm I'm playing it my way first oh man wait guys it's too late late for eggs oh God right I bet they're oh I bet the aliens are popping out of the eggs oh the aliens are popping out of the eggs I think tattletail is an alien right are we confirmed that like tattletail is some sort of like he's laying eggs all up in your business and and they're hatching into probably face eaters cuz that's pretty that that's logic investigate the grinding noise the grinding noise of like our face in some aliens Jaws this is awful who puts their kids bedroom right next to the front door also who also puts this image right there that's just creepy it's a baby it's a sweet baby hey bathroom oh oh this is oh this is is it's getting louder I don't know why this game is messing with me so much this is what what what is that an alien that that's a plant oh it's a plant is that an alien it's an alien he's an Al should I not be making sounds like I'm I am concerned about me making sounds ooh I can brush tail too Matthew think about every horror game we've played over the last last year logically in which horror games is making noise a good thing I know any of them talking about like a zero record there I'm just saying oh what is this what aliens in the basement aliens in the basement they're aliens in the basement they're going to eat your face yeah what's that up on the ceing plant it's more of the plant Steph plant God I don't know I think it might be an alien growing out of the what the heck what the heck is this game also there's people appear to be keeping rocks in their basement just big big boulders just saying it's it's not normal see once again this is that moment where you turn on the light in the basement all of them all of them every light before you walk into it oh this is no bueno you got to survey the scene man all the eggs are gone they the eggs disappear oh they totally hatched all right how are you doing over here T are you back here oh no he's gone he's gone he's gone oh no T oh here we go t ah Easter eggs oh God I really think we might want to put these things up what back here pick up these suckers something oh no what is this oh look how big he is oh my gosh it is it's like Gremlins oh yeah it is I know I'm on an egg I'm not picking up the eggs I'm making a stand against the eggs I don't know what they do I think tattletail just want see he is eating the ketchup oh man it is it's totally Gremlins because I fed him too late at night that's exactly what it is because in Gremlins you can't feed him after a certain hour of night and so I fed him I unwrapped him and I fed him and now he's multiplying and he's hungry and he's growing and I'm really paranoid cuz Gremlins literally was the first movie that ever gave me nightmares that is not a joke I saw it when I was really young too young to understand and I thought it was great and then I saw it like 2 years later and I was just the right age to understand and it scared the B Jesus out of me and so this is getting really unsettling now Dam it okay okay okay load load cassettes into mama is this mama all right look how chunky this little tattle tail needs to go on a diet the children thought that Mama would never find them as long as she couldn't see them Turn the Page M that's not t still hear the children the pitter patter of their little feet LED Mama right to them uh-oh Turn the Page then Mama found the children every last one and put them right back to bed okay bed's good bed's good I'm okay with bed h m not not not the same bed we're supposed to be in oh boy oh no here find T tail upstairs we're all good we're all good F it's fine oh I heard a baby right I'm hearing a baby yes maybe it's just ped tail it's really quiet oh this game hey [Laughter] buddy why do you do this to me I just had to get one in there ah we're good this is so unsettling this game is so unsettling this is legitimately the worst see it's so funny too cuz like people are like oh I'm so freaked out about animatronics and FF because animatronics have always made me I never cared less about animatronics this sort of stuff though really oh this is totally oh 100% it's the virtual pets that get you it is it's the virtual pets all right tedl tail what do you want me T Me Love You Me Mama all right I think we should stay out of your family business here tattletail just Chuck it downstairs that's me just ch it right here we go just right just throw it just throw it get in there all right tle boy shake shake shake shake shake shake shake your flashlight shake your flashlight shake shake shake we love you yeah yeah here where's Mama oh no oh no tired mama needs to stop pooping out these eggs so much holy cow mama's mama's pooping out all sorts of eggs right no I'm not concerned about where Mama went uh guess not no don't care at all huh all right that's cool bye good night tattletail sleep tight buddy clean up tattle Tail's mess all right a man now we're just a glorified pooper scooper right again this is the reason why tamagachi was awful because it's like hey here's a fun toy nope it's just feed it clean up its poop and wash it right it's just a digital poo manufacturer really especially when you set the timer wrong and he wakes you up at 3:00 in the morning and you're like why won't you die already that's no wait mama wait mama makes a grinding noise when she's nearby if you hear it stay quiet like don't shake your flashlight can she see light wait if kills your flashlight get away before you shoot damn it oh no oh after you oh no oh no oh no oh no where is the ex to the left forward and left I know but you only attacks when you make noise I'm not making any noise I'm just standing still oh jeez oh jeez no no okay oh this oh Mama this is bad news literally oh mama go to bed don't mind if I do oh see I couldn't get out the phone no I'm not answering the phone do it why W you ENT the phone it's killing me no oh man I'm not touching eggs I'm not answering the phone nothing everyone's like oh we're dead we're dead we're dead we're not we got out two days before Chris only have two more days and I get to finally unwrap my Taw tail y oh I get to go outside now oh no oh no forget Five Nights at Freddy's it's five days before Christmas do I have to exit out through oh no backyard's just open so mama just wants to put me to bed Mama's just being nice I think put to bed maybe a euphamism for eat your face off mom's going to kill mama's going to slaughter M's the chat wants you to answer the phone too actually some people don't want you to answer the phone the chat is a bit split on answering a phone I sure I understand it's a Choose Your Own Adventure and in this phase of the adventure I'm choosing not to answer the phone the hint on screen told me do not answer phone so I'm taking the hint at its word I ha you're lying the hints are also telling me hey that evil Furby creat H tell you you're like growing marijuana in the backyard here look at those plans it's California it's all right right just saying hungry it's not the most welcoming of neighborhoods honestly like this is really going to hurt the resale Valley these like tall concrete walls we're bringing down the neighborhood out here think got hey at least we're a patriotic family I was about to say we are representing America love you oh boy okay so this is our like gated off driveway oh there's more hey look why are there so many so many Christmas presents now grab tattletail not his buddy schmad tail Roger it's peepa tail peep tail love you other than otherwise it's tatt hide and seek touch the friend to start the game no no it's all right the only hiding I want to do is from these creepy animatronic things it's all right no survive for 30 seconds while pedal pill friend hi what survive what shut up stop stop B shut up what what do you want what's wrong with you beat you with this flashlight padle Bill no shut up he doesn't even oh no shut up shut up oh my gosh piece of garbage here go go go go looking after you here I found him oh got you gotcha you found me suck it tattletail friend did hideand-seek touch the friend to start no no I'm not playing hideand-seek anymore no there's another Easter egg on the on the thing here I'm feeding you oh I thought we were following all the prompts like not answering the phone man suddenly deciding you're too good for the prompt what what happens battery dies like maybe they're not a good idea does he shut up that would be great all right and before I start the next round to hideand-seek I'm going to give you batteries so that way you don't like don't die on us freak out on me jeez kid I think he might have been freaking out because of the low light I think he was freaking out because mama was coming for him it's like no I'm going to get a spanking I'm not supposed to be out of my box I'm T tail it could have been because of the light though you're you're totally right all right all right man your food meter goes down so darn fast kid don't overfeed him right you're just going to make him fat so good if he's maybe I'll overfeed him he'll go into a food coma and sleep and not freak out when I touch this guy Lights Go Mama comes at me no sorry charry charry I love his face right he's like hey he like hi oh hi don't make a sound don't make a sound not making a sound shoot I no oh wait there's grinding there's the grinding noise dude he's going to freak out he's going to freak out shoot shoot shoot out there where is she where is she where is she oh God no no no no no no shut up stop oh Jesus no what oh no I I completely RI my mic off what the heck what the heck oh no oh no the chat is like freaking out by the way what what is this game where's Mama where's Mama where's Mama uh okay okay it's okay you got to we got to get to a space where there's a way out because if we can't if we can't run there's nowhere to go shoot I need to feed him no wa Jesus oh my God see that's what I'm saying we can't get into a dead end like that well okay so we can't we got to run outside run outside I think you got to go back out again and and then eventually we'll end up coming back in or the basement is more open too it is isn't it wait grinding grinding oh damn it in in in in coming basement basement wait I I can't go super fast though she'll hear me if I run she'll hear me if I run okay okay then sneak quietly into the basement you better stay happy and fed you stupid M if you if you get hungry at the end of this I will be so mad at you oh he's going to get he's going to get hungry he's going to get hungry tedl tail this is worse than a real baby right welcome to baby care of the simulator right no this is oh here it comes here it comes he's going to start freaking out jeez you see his ey you see his little eyes start to get Shifty a tree no shut up good good give a treat let's find him give me a treat oh you're such a good boy to give treat give a treat you are literally the worst oh boy can I can I just return this love how there's an egg everywhere there was one right where are the eggs where are the eggs great I'm glad you're so we got to charge him too or else he's going to get all low battery on us where's where's pedal pill's friend hey in the bathroom he's probably in the bathroom like all the creepy things are people are telling us to collect all the eggs but I think it's too late for us too late the eggs are the eggs are hiding yes I know he's hiding yes I'm well aware is he in my room oh he is in my room wait to ENT whereit You Found Me Y no I don't want to play hide and seek with you anymore no that's actually the entire rest of the game is just how long can you play hide and seek great delightful hey if tatt is that the sky lightning up out there if T is almost warning if tattletails battery runs out will you just like go to sleep that would be great that's what I was hoping right wouldn't that be nice here what happened to you getting all tired tattletail yeah what happened to that can I just slowly like finish you off there we go at least there's only those three maintenance things and there's no fourth one that's like tattle tail poopy diaper that would make it all the better actually like change tattletales diaper well you are running in fear from his mother can you really blame his mom I mean you did steal her baby that is true good point you make you make an excellent point there we're actually the evil ones in this game I'm just saying are you the True Villain of Dale find out next time on Game Theory all right man his met dropped okay here we go how long now go go no PE all right survive for a minute and a half all right get out of there okay hi Mama in the bedroom oh he tips her off he said hi Mama in the bedroom can I hide in the C no no no you got to get out you got to get out of the bedroom you got to get out now I know we so you have to go now it's coming Seth my bedroom is so safe get out of there get out of there get out of there Mama's looking after you he's going to freak out he's going to freak out he's going to freak out shoot I need food I need food but they're grinding oh oh no no no feed him feed him feed him go go shut up good good good good good good take a walk out let's just hang on outside let's hang outside yeah oh see much take sticks into consideration cuz like outside no one's going to hear tattletail scream I'll just shove him under a bush right no run from Mama run from Mama no tattletail if you oh oh no we're so done are you kidding oh we're so done maybe Mom can't hear about here me quiet quiet tatt I'm going to hide in this no scariest go forever what is this game all right got to get out of the bedroom are faster in the bedroom God you're the worst why are you telling her this you are the worst being pants okay num num numb eat them up great I got this is like this is like Sophie's curse no Sophie's curse is wor here we go here we go I'm going to groom him because yeah groom him right groom him now then we're hiding outside o hey hey I hear you what did it say about the light the flashlight what's the rule so if if it puts our flashlight out then run you got to get away got to get away get away here we go come on come on if you need to be twice in 90 seconds I will have words with you and you are going on a strict like gluten-free diet diet like seriously also he have you noticed how little how little trust tattletail has in us oh no look how fast his eyes start to get Shifty just when it gets a little bit here it comes here comes come on give me a tree shut up shut up shut up shut up go go baby care are you good good good good okay okay okay's M go go go go go wait she only attacks when you make sounds so don't run away don't run away don't run away oh no she's in there she in there oh fart nugget he's hiding in the basement [Laughter] oh this game this game tense situation this is a tense game man this is everyone was like oh you're dead you're dead he's so pleased with himself I have the best haircut right he's like so self-satisfied oh what a jerk oh no can't let him die @ Mr law okay so I'm going to hop over into the twits yeah please do while we're between rounds here oh my God I'm catching my breath @ Mr law 98076 says you need to collect all the eggs it's important to the story I wonder if this goes on until we catch the until we like pick up all the eggs it might be I don't know hey you know what at Pierce Jorgenson says vases are fun uh let's see at Edward emly at least you didn't pick up the phone but they didn't they also didn't pick up anything else # G live hey I am SK any if horror games have taught me anything it's to not trust literally anything right nothing and don't like anything that you don't have to pick up be sketchy about like be a little bit uncertain about whether you should pick that thing up that is my motto at this point and so if I'm going to like my first run through I'm going to play not touching anything cuz although at se Austin says um here we go collect all the eggs and watch out for Mama K you are you guys are the best Rick says Matt Pat you should be collecting the eggs you found me found him grab the VHS oh no at Ren Watson says are you aware that the chat got left up all night yes play the VHS yes and we saw some of the screen grabs and the crazy stuff that was going on in the chat while we were gone oh no you nutty people oh man what's on the VHS I am concerned okay I don't know shake shake shake shake shake shake shake your flashlight sh shake your FL oh I was doing a refund booty with boy not answering you shut up phone don't want none wrong number put me on the Do Not Call List stupid telemarketers calling at all hours of the night honestly they are the worst all right let's see [Music] what change views using the camera buttons a it's a security camera game oh no right oh no it has five nights and a security camera someone may have thought the name do they make horror games without security camera cameras anymore is that a thing okay so so let's figure this out okay so it's 1998 that's and this was back in October so remember this is slightly before Christmas but this videotape is from two months ago okay yeah we're piecing together the story so right before Halloween tattletail comp public and there are six eggs and One tattletail logo tattletail this is all Market this looks like marketing material blink is he is he going to Blink you going to Blink maybe not all right all right Co side side of tatt tail very ni this good side look at that cute smile yes you are yeah family is that a bow like a sister sister tail undertale what if one tattletail is sitting on another tattletail is the bottom tattletail undertale GL I thought that was great awful uh so interest see and and everyone's saying to to collect the oh my microphone just keeps launching off of my body it's like get me out of here uh so interesting everyone's saying to collect the Easter eggs but to me if I were just again like playing this without the chat's input for the first time as we kind of just experienced this ourselves um if I saw like oh a bunch of Easter eggs I shouldn't touch them because I feel like that would make Mama more Angry like you're collecting my babies you're stealing her eggs man you stole my babies Mama those are personal there's mama yo what's this broken thing is that probably something she ate like a human dance a look at the dance a little dance make a little Furby get down T night people's like I can do it better oh there's a bunch of them nice pink glowing egg oh boy looks like they've hatched right yeah five well no cuz they're still five but there's another egg there still oh that's the actual like packaging of them okay storage so do we create here let's play like a Japanese commercial t t that's me T tail Mama's coming Mama's coming wait what what the heck is this oh no what go up to Blink oh no achievement unlocked Mama scary oh boy oh no Christmas Eve yay wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up oh he's in my already wake up W up up oh no wake upake upake up where are my parents where are this child I know tattletail is really just a modern day metaphor of child neglect up the Lash key kid right this is just the true story of children's day where parents shuttle them off to be raised on toys and YouTube toy unboxing videos up up that's really what this game is truly about not evil demonic Furby creatures about sad parents and their inability to parent their I I need an emotional Diet Coke W up wake up up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up oh now I got now I got your W up have some lovely wake up wake up oh I got all chok wake up wake up fan girl in nerd says wake up wake up wake up Mama's jump scare okay wake up wake up wake up St scream from jump scare Jes come help us oh they're having a party in the basement I'm going to help them have a party in the basement I bet it's a child eating party oh let's go now's our chance now's our chance get out of there Chuck the tattletail and run there going to be like some kid in my do it do it do it this is like snaf this is like FNAF meets welcome to the game there's probably like some the phone calls there's probably like some real life hacker like breaking into our house as we speak and like is going to kidnap me or something that is my ultimate concern here oh at the W 321 gives a gives it a pro tip Matt jump to go fast without making noise that's a good one candles oh boy is it like Easter candles ual candles it is isn't it oh yeah oh yeah she's like we're having a party in the basement we're going to sacrifice your soul those aren't no Christmas candles my friend that's not a nice Advent wreath going on Advent C it's not nope it's not no it's not cupcakes boy cupcak cupcakes at dirass water does say so this is another thing I was suspecting I suspect that there are multiple endings here oh certainly one is like to collect all the eggs endings one is the answer the phone ending one the be lamos and do nothing ending open it open it I don't trust it's Christmas Eve it's legit now why do I open this sounds like after all there's only one more sleep I'm going to open this do it I'm going to open this I'm curious the other open tit ta do it do it do it yeah do it switch them out all right or you can take both of them to the basement right I'm just opening them all oh now now there's going to be two running around Love play than a lot friends I thought you liked a challenge in video games Yep this is accurate okay let me since he's running low let me wait is that a dog what was that sound thought that was a grinding thought that was like a mama grind Mama grind all right you oh boy Karen anime fan finally made it first live stream and I got scared by Matt shaking actually they said shacking but I think it might be also shaking the flashlight at a random moment you guys are the best you live shck it off shck it off jack it off this game literally has me chaing in fear Yuki 14 2080 says the parents are probably dead let's be honest right I wonder if the parent was like that body that we found yeah at the end of that tape that's what I was kind of thinking I was like oh we love you oh here we are let's all gather around into our little tattletail party more RP find the Friend by the Christmas tree oh oh get out of there yep not not hanging out in the basement nope nope not doing that it's so dark oh it is so dark she just turn your flashlight it makes noise see look did you see that did you see that there we go it's okay it's okay Mama's coming Mama's hungry for my blood M's going to eat your face Mama's coming to get you now mama got big [Music] red oh there she is there she is there she is there she is just going to hang out just going to hang out yep Mama only attacks when you make noise it's true so patience patience is a virtue mhm cuz now we don't have telet tail in our arms we don't have to worry about right we don't have to worry about feeding the darn bottomless pit the wastal see yeah there we go look danger has passed easy right nailed it go get what's face take that Mama I saw through your game there you go buddy no groom groom groom groom is the problem you got to with the brush got the brush the brush brush brush me go brush yeah you're brush great you think father's coming I don't know I was too busy hiding Mama's looking after you oh God that was a really legitimately loud scream sorry about that guys sorry oh this game Sorry Sorry Jason so tense I am so T I didn't expect that one for whatever reason and I thought I I didn't see it coming W up up a we're all the way back here get away before you okay that's what it say wake up wake up all right so we got you're up we're having a party for my mama come help us no I don't want to help you right why do I why would I help you kid okay open the basement how a we love you right of all the of all the times to have a really inconvenient flashlight set up right or how about this game instead of instead of having to do like a shake weight flashlight you can still shake it but why do it got to make noise you can still shake it off it off more I'm coming I'm going okay yep I know you're going to me I all right so we're going to hang out till Mama's death glare passes Us by I I am curious okay what all the different endings of this game are though I have to admit I am very excited to find out more about this game and like what else is cuz I know that the phone calls probably unlock a whole another level whole thing uh I'm so I'm in the chat really quick C fun plays Stephanie I'm wearing headphones yeah sorry guys sorry apologies headon it was it was legit we don't fake these like it's actually I'm I'm a little weird out by this game legitimately scary luk castan says oh my M pack okay so he's got to be groomed fa que be says my ears Rebecca Bluebird and my ears okay here we go straight kittens what are the neighbors thinking that this four-year-old does a very good job of keeping the lawn mode actually we we Love's coming Ty says hat mama hates you wait why is he still making noise good good don't you make noise anymore I think we've caught on to the fact that mama hates us that's coming across loud and clear hopefully not too loud though because we don't want because that would that would be making noise that would trigger mama shake good I'm just I'm not playing around with you friend you're just going straight to your chair and that's Joan Crow says the dad was the bubbly noise you hear I'm not sure that though Fair good enjoy no no a friend in the garage this just a big fetch Quest it is it's all fetch Quest For Mama terrible consequences did the lights come back on or no all right also where's my dog notice that we have a dog in the house did did Mama kill our dog mama ate our dog and killed my folks I'm the next in line the guy on the other end of the phone's going to kill me eventually if Mama doesn't it's funny cuz it's mustard it's good that you've got the condiments covered right we we we got a solid all the better to eat you with solid condiment game going on all right who else so when she grinds our body into sausages here we go oh no shake shake [Music] shake oh no oh I thought that was like a blood I thought it was blood it was totally a blood stain I thought for sure it was a blood stain if Mama shows up all we have to do is sit here oh no there she is there she is just let hang out just hang out chill out don't don't shake if you're quiet toward mama mama won't eat you she is hey hey Mama oh my gosh seriously I mean I could run away and lure her over way go to sleep no I just waited out man right I think I think I just waited out Mama's looking after you oh no waited it out okay all right thanks Mama I don't think you're really looking out for right some tells me Mama you have no interest in my in my health and Mama doesn't seem to care about want iming yeah I know Mama's watching why are you Kipping off mama I give you a okay oh I did not expect that oh I apologize headphone users damn it oh we no we're starting all the way back here wake up up no wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up so it makes the question of does it even like wake up up wake up do I even bother to or do I just run straight to the basement at that point wake up wake up wake up do I just run straight to the basement you're up we're having a party for her mama come help us oh it's a party for Mama actually great I'm so happy didn't you hear that the last three times I didn't I heard that we were having a party I didn't know it was a party for M oh it's for Mama Mur you okay wait for it okay we got out there they are M's mad going to freak out going to try to kill me but we're going to this is closer to your Jean Pool I blame this on you people everyone's like oh my gosh my headphones I know everyone everyone sorry guys sorry can't I can't help my natural reaction feed it feed it I can't help my natural reaction of screaming like a girl yeah in only the best way possible it's okay to scream like a girl in the coolest most sophisticated way possible possible that shows that we're definitely fully grown [Music] adults you're hopp to twits I am this game is great by the way I'm enjoying this this is so fun it's it's legitimately really unsettling but it's really a lot of fun let's go get our Christmasy friend charge it charge it to the max that one being a homie says # gy live unexpected jump scare check M scaming like a whm check I groomed you oh I groomed oh we're we're dead ha you me oh we're dead okay heyy Mama at dyslexic walrus says tip of the day unwrap the presents beforehand I don't know if that's going to help right cuz we had at toad shroom says mama's so misunderstood is she is's just overprotective no excuses stop stop with all this helicopter parenting she just loves her kids at Harry sneden does point out accurately that the stream lists this game as my as uh that Dragon caner not paddletail that is true we had to do a last minute switch on today's stream we were going to play a different game but we weren't able to get the game to work we've been having a lot of technical issues with just with that specific game with that Dragon camp we we P out this one yeah we've been wanting to do it we're going to work on it for the future yeah hopefully next week we'll do it uh but yeah that's that's the reason why they're playing tattletail at Lord da1 my mom opened the door and I screamed I don't blame you I if my mom opened the door right now I too would scream right all right so it's at seil these jumps are more scary than faps right these These are great jump scares by the way at BK's little world says start with headphones now jump to TV because of okay here we go love you cuz he's hungry and I can't stop give me a treat a Tre that's my give me a treat no not PE you shut up give a tre good give me a party supplies pick up tadle Fai not until mom's gone oh oh oh she's right behind meing after [Music] you moving staring her down I think it's working she's too appreciated I'm staring in that one eyeball of hers yes yes yes good good okay good job Steph your intimidating stare was Second To None okay here decorations exactly R find the cupcakes I know where the cupcakes are I just made a comment about them get them I just made a snarky comment about no one leaves out cupcak for Santa Claus good good good good good good get him bring snacks place cupcak in the basement yes on the red carpet those parents buys their buy their kids many Furbies here we go here we go M uh outside I check outside maybe I'm thinking outside or just the Christmas tree or yeah play with Mama saw you no she didn't liar shut up shut up go you need to head the Christmas tree anyway to check if yeah this is totally F place come come on come on on behind I'm closing my eyes a little bit so that I don't okay good okay feed it feed it feed it feed it feed a little mongel feed feed you mongel all right that's me I know that's you we've established that multiple times at this [Music] point no no come on take the candles from the kitchen counter C and arrange them in a pentagon around the room pentag P pentagon is significantly less threatening than a pent pentagram arrange them in a highly defensive stance around the room me me love you oh no wow uhoh no it is it is I knew it I knew it light the candles no what is this you do you TL tail oh this is garbage remember your old friend when you right remember who helped remember who helped yourself in the dark lord it was me your good friend can we not stand in the center when you do this just in case we get rewind the VHS another world oh no what no what is oh no achievement [Music] unlocked what what that mean [Music] maybe we should go take cover somewhere what the [Music] heck Mama stole the candles they're trying to they're they trying to get rid of Mama they trying to get rid of Mama then why did you make it so hard to escape her there she is so you don't they're not she put them somewhere we have to go find them Mama stole the candle find them not not steal them from what is this game it's just it's just a building to on this is a Coming of Age story for these little to it's about the rebellion of your youth got to go find the working on I can't really wind my flashlight right now cuz she's like in the area know okay here we go oh wait smash base NOP why not they could be in there I'm not smash oh he's over there I mean do you think that in the you ask me as if I know it's going to make a lot of going to make a lot of noise the problem we check back upstairs yeah yeah I think we check upstairs we're almost done cuz I hear the music going through its thing no I don't I don't think she's going away this time honestly I don't think so I think I think she's all right oh the door is locked now shoot okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to do the old like cuz I don't want to shake it CU who knows where she's at at this point so oh okay here's here's the Cellar Door oh man the whole chat is just chanting no more no no more no more mama oh my gosh this is so intense you guys someone oh someone said check the bases oh check the bases yeah all right oh smash it we're getting we're getting advice to smash it I say we take the advice all right I'll take the advice I don't want to die if we die immediately I mean hash I was going to say blame the chat but we could just blame Jason hey Mom don't get too close right just give her give her some giving I'm giving her SP the Bas is over here though is it okay she's gone oh we just have to wait till she like disappears from that area okay she's gone she's gone right I'm not seeing her yep I'm not seeing her so I'm going to smash the base oh well that didn't help that that did not that the only one though I'm sure there's probably more that I'm thinking we have to check them breaking thanks thanks breaking bases make what I find that so surprising oh my gosh everyone everyone is just no more mama oh my god oh there oh there she is okay wait for her to go away cuz I want to shake my I have to shake the flashlight I have to see yeah I have no idea where we are right now right I mean we're still in kind of the cellar area come on go away do it do it do it usually it seems like she moves when the like music okay oh wait she moved I'm over in Twitter now and people are also saying no more mama like at hey music no more mama there's one no that's that's the egg is it no it's a vase look again that's oh it is a vase you're totally right oh there got one found one you're kind of a meanie at JK J Kaboom 21 says bad mama uh where is she where is she at killer boss 1119 asks Matt Pat and Steph what would you do if you have TI tail for Christmas burn it burn it with fire I was going to say Burn It To The Ground but okay either way come on go away go away at BW 604 well that escalated quickly right who knew that this was going to happen absolutely right BW 604 uh at awesome Star 14 I'm never looking at Furby the same way in my life go away go away go away at not just blip says mama sees you okay she's gone so I got one candle at least oh man oh and I can't get out of this Garden Room it's soit uhoh where's she at where's she at where's she at where's she at she's that means she's closed I know that does mean she's closed where are you Mom I don't see her eyes I don't see her eyes I don't see her eyes can I shake my light can I shake my light I'm going to shake it Shake It Off pull pull a t Swift and Shake It Off okay okay we're out of that room finally oh oh no sorry once again apologies oh scariest little two red Blobs of light ever oh my gosh I'm trying to help JC killer 039 says damn it Jason why did you let Mama in the house man right blame Jason everybody blame Jason come on go away I'm trying to like look away and give her a chance to like phas out okay she's done at ktic weirdo says my first live stream in this game is so creepy I got Twitter just for this clap and a half for you quiet clap and a half so she's right there now at to room 15 explains she was abusive right she did kill that guy okay here we go this is just a trial in patience at this point at huness 520 is is asking legitimately so are the child Tales trying to help by getting rid of mama that's a fair concern oh come on come on what oh no what what's going on there's a base in this room oh yeah there's got don't move yeah just wait for her to go yeah and then and then go for and then I think move toward where she is cuz she seems to be standing in the areas where there are bases too you think so I think so I saw one I think it's right now oh my gosh I need to I I need to shake my light I need to do my little my my shaker give me my little Shaker we need to do the little shake shake shake shake and turn it all about come on okay there we go she's gone no she still she still hanging out yeah I know great guys maybe if I shake it is she going to what do you think if we're not in ey in eyesight of her maybe it's better I found one of your candles do you need oh my gosh stop teleporting to places where I'm like direct okay now we can go back over there yeah but I can't see a thing shake it shake it you got to shake it man ready shoot there there okay Mama's looking after you I think we have to move if she puts out the flashlight doesn't that mean we have to move she can't attack me as long as I'm not making sounds I guess so it's the one thing we know about this game right okay so I'm waiting for her like alertness level to go down so I can turn and break this vase yep that's the goal okay come on come on Mama okay okay good is gone we are not seeing her around no right I'm not seeing her around she decided to take a little break here we go go get a snack darn it a okay get out get out oh no so as long as you don't make a lot like you're allowed maybe like one sound at a time really darn it oh how many of these damn candles do we need to find there's a base right there right in front oh yeah there it is I see okay right right there where she is all right let's wait it out wait it out okay see if I can pH her out okay we're not seeing her oh no I am definitely seeing her there she's still definitely there if you're attracted to sound why aren't you attracted to all these chant of no more Mama right come on phase out phase out Mama at qb9 tals recommends shake what your mama gave you okay she's gone no no God leave me alone leave me alone mom no more you never let me out to hang out with my friends anymore good news at phandom trash Bri has informed us that we've made it fast farther than Markiplier did yay huzzah okay okay okay okay okay we're breaking the base now at Weird acity Says Mama's looking after you okay breaking it breaking it I'm going go go go go go no come on where are they oh oh I'm just going to move out of here what what oh there's here's another one at least at least we're finding that H yeah I a shaking the between breaking bases and shaking light I think that that's where she's going to get you right is if you shake the light soon after you break a vase that's when she's going to like really hone in on you so let's wait for her alertness level to go down okay she G she's okay she's still looking over there it's kind of far though yeah right I think I feel good I feel okay about this do you we feel good right I feel okay yeah all right let's do it maybe it's break and move I don't want to move into her though is thing maybe it's a lateral side step okay there she's a shoot she's closer now right I think no she's the same distance I think I don't know this this that looks pretty close H I don't know come on phase out phase out pH out phas out phas out phas out okay she gone okay yes yes she's gone and she's not anywhere not anywhere okay go go go go get it no no come on where are these suckers how much of my parents like table wear do I need to break right the entire Dynasty is gone at this point where are these candles right I don't know how many I have to find either cuz there are a lot of candles that I stole right there were like eight there here's one I don't see her I don't see her I'm going to let's do it I'm going to do it yes thank goodness good good there she is what's more maybe you had the option to break bases earlier on so there's less hiding places no I think that was I think that was only there to teach you the mechanic of breing rather than there's fewer hiding I feel like there were more around there cuz this is cuz this is the big final scene right like this feels like the big finale at least of the run where you don't answer the phone to the creepy guy who's trying to get into your house I love how he made up an entire backstory for a single ringing phone where we have no idea what's on the other end I think we all know what's on the other end it could be like the poo being like hey little child we're coming to rescue you get out of the house now we're on the way need some D where is she where is she where is she not seeing her I don't see her either oh there she is she is oh I okay when she disappears I need to shake cuz I am out of like nearby bases I'm surprised that we're scared of this as only children this is really just a metaphor for our childhood what playing with playing with boys no no the M the being like Oh there's mama there's no all right that was joking you didn't get it again you're you're Jus it's okay it's okay it's all right don't wor it's all right don't worry Shake quick okay Shake okay come on where are these suckers where she at where she at where she at come on come on there's got to be one back here right right oh there is there's one there's one there's one okay so we have our next two all right we have our next two man this go go stand by one well I'm just saying I'm just go stand by one okay there's one okay and then she she's all the way back there is she where no she was all the way across the room I'm not seeing her I know smash it let's smash it do it no no no okay go forward y oh I hear her movement there she is oh no come on welcome to tattletail otherwise known as an exercise in extreme patience go to that base you don't have line of sight on it yeah exactly that's what I'm thinking is if we head all the way down there no but then they're trapped in the corner is the thing I I want to make sure that you like completely clear this area I think you just go you head down there yeah no and what I was saying before is as an only child wait wait if you're in trouble wait if you're in trouble and you're doing something you're not not supposed to I know I'm we're just sitting here we're waiting for her to go away and your mama shows up you are an only child there's nobody else to blame and there's nowhere to run and there's nowhere to hide I'm saying if you're an only child and you're in trouble you're you're in trouble she's always going to catch you do we are we worried that she's like so close to us no no she's fine she's always close yeah she's always close she's always there you're trapped in the basement all right I'm going for it oh she just moved again oh back okay hi hi okay okay doing it doing it okay go go go wait I heard her I heard her no she's not there she's not there go yes oh my gosh how many more candles are there I know two more I was going to say I bet there's two more right one for each of the fures all right or the points in the St or exactly we're going to have to shake I know we have to shake just wait I want can we put any of the candles back nope I already tried trust me I immediately thought of that I'm like oh that's going to help help light up the room n okay there she is right there she is where she at now wait just moved up prob Will C you uh-uh m- so it seems like she says that not necessarily when she's close but when you're in her line of sight yeah right yeah okay I'll be in the chat for a second okay okay here we go mid bro and Rebecca Amy are like no no cuz the other thing too here is I'm not willing to lose cuz I don't know how far back this puts Su I know and it was such a pain to get here right uh Samantha Stark says five candles green person says redey blue ey red eyes blue eyes dead eyes yes that's that's creepy red eyes Furby Dragon uh see spider Kingdom says maybe the T HS are just rebellious kids no more mama and their souls are trapped in the animatronics and then we're going to find a puppet who put them there anyway what step step uh and Ang vilio says Mama's coming uh por says it's like no more vases I know I know right no more vases no more VES no more vases no more VES right all right my name isn't what I got Shake right we're going to shake yeah Ming uhoh oh poop is she near me oh wait yeah no not moving stand still stand still I can't don't want to make a sound I just like move out of like just strike a little out of eyesight or something come on Mama come on Mama okay she's gone there's a door right here how come the tle ts are chanting so much when they were so nervous about being in the dark before great question right cuz video game logic oh she's getting so close to us all the time now she's on high alert man she knows that we have most of the candles [Music] right she moved again I heard her she's not in that room though she's not in this room okay oh a little baby for huh great great should we shake so to the right of that is where you first on Mama yeah so there might be a base there yep there is to your left right there oh yeah I see it oh there it is good eye right yeah I was going to say this it felt like all right have a glance around and then right I'm sure that this one has a candle CU cuz the hard to reach vases are the ones that have the candles good good good okay all right one more one more okay and we've gotten the two really hard ones I feel like which are like in the two corners of the room where there's like no Escape like you're just trapped in there where is she she's got to be coming to check out this vase right come on where you at mama where you at where you at I hear her I heard her move I heard her come me bro I heard her move come at me Ma I heard her move oh [Music] boy oh my gosh this is legitimately very fun okay I heard her move I exting there she there she is okay all right right do we think she's guarding the last facee I don't so we've done we've done under the cellar we've done kind of around the the corner into that little hallway we did the we did the hallway where we first found tattletail we did kind of the washer washing machine we haven't and we did a little bit of kind of like the area toward the stairs but we haven't done we haven't done that fully yet really so if we at ethereal 1903 on Twitter says they just want uh they just want emancipation @ sassygirl 21503 says no more candles right we're so close we have one more go away Mama go away your helicopter parenting is really cramping my style man I just wanted to have a party in the basement with my friends uh at Cold peanut man says I think I might have seen all of your live streams wow clap and a half ke clap and a half that's amazing don't don't don't tip off my Mama though okay so there's one don't wake Mama do you remember those commercials for Don't Wake Daddy Don't Wake Daddy I absolutely do what a weird board game I I have never played it I always wanted to it looked like a lot of fun right at s Mina I always used to love those board games uh by the way where you used to set up stuff and build stuff those are the best trap and things oh awesome 13 dead and drive was one of my oh 13 dead great grape Escape was a classic I never played that one that one always looked really fun though um at Salon taka says you better not be using Mama's special scented candles like there's one did you see one oh there it is I see it I see it I see it okay please let this be the last one please I'm not seeing her right let go we're not seeing her we're not see we're not seeing her please let this move last wait no there she is hey I'm like I heard her I heard something move come on this be the last one not just because we're so far into this and I don't want to die and then lose progress but also because at this point like come on we've been doing this for a oh good good she's gone she's gone go go okay wait let me double check let me double check good okay good it's good good yes there it is good good okay play the candles Place candles back in the thing don't rush don't rush this is where it's easy to fail right right you get too excited okay you rush it out I am so excited right now got to get back to the fures go toward the chanting there she is okay we're fine we're fine we don't have to really make any more sound so we should be okay okay I'm not going to fire up the flashlight because at this point we have a good enough understanding of the layout of the spaceman and just kind of following the walls at shiny Squirtle AG says best okay there she is and Wendy when w here we go here we go says do you even tattle tail okay relight the candles yes we do relight the candles for Satan do it for Satan does that make noise I don't know we're going to find [Music] out just re relight one like if I was I don't right no more mama where is she there she is there she is I'm not relighting any more candles I didn't see anything that said it made noise the thing is why risk it right I'm not I'm not I'm with you I'm with you the tension is so high I'm playing so on Ed this is insane what is going to happen I I also have no idea where this story is headed I am so curious what's going to happen I'm so I I keep trying to think about like okay what's the ending to this going to be and I have a really bad feeling that the Furbies are the bad things I think so maybe I'm very concerned that Mama is actually doing is actually okay right she's pretty far away anytime you have a show about I mean a story about kids getting rid of parents it right that they're always going to be the bad one okay I'm lighting it observe the ceremony okay I love how those five candles also bring the electricity back on okay you got to do it two more times right yeah right okay go man oh man oh [Music] there's oh boy oh boy if anyone Spanish Mama destroy the tape destroy the tape that's destroying evidence it's just not like re now let's do it let's do it come this car go go go go be gone Mama you're grounded oh go to bed go to bed no go to bed okay here we go to bed my real parents will never notice that their prize collection of vases is utterly destroyed they have an excellent sense of uh Southwestern art there though right I know I'm really liking that one oh V is survived let's shatter it kick it down the stairs here it is nope ooh ooh knock on Mom door do we knock on Mom's door right I think we do but it's Christmas Eve you're not going to go to bed on Christmas Eve we what happened to following the hints and not doing the extra stuff huh do you want to I don't know I really want to knock on Mom door I think we knock on Mom's door cuz the cuz the thing is we all agree right that the tattletails are kind ofy are little creepers y the phone stopped ringing [Music] [Music] mommy mom mom I just I just engaged in a Satanic ritual I think we actually killed off our real mom that's the thing I think so too actually I think that this is all some sort of our mom is gone okay it's Christmas Eve mom should be answering her door right I I think that I think that this is all a metaphor for something much more Sinister I'm going to get a jump scare when I go to bed right I'm also watching out for this door to pop open at any second okay okay all right this in my closet nothing nothing nothing in my window nothing [Music] outside December 25th Christmas Christmas [Music] Day open your present how about say hello to my mother who's alive and well in her room who's very happily enjoying Christmas day with me my parents who have literally ran away and abandoned me this is so weird it's Christmas morning this is so strange good morning Christmas good give give me man it is super bright also there's a lot of foliage for December I'm just saying they live in a very Lush enir cfor it's Christmas in California there's there is all sorts of hidden lore in this game that I cannot wait to find out oh stockings are hung by the chimney with care Oh in hopes that Mama would soon be there hopes that Mama returns home where are you Mama the fanciest animatronics can't replace you as a par this is all a metaphor for a kid who doesn't live with his mom anymore or something she haunts him but he loves her open your present all right do it dude I guess I guess that's it there I'm looking around to see if there's anything open it so the cupcakes are back one cupcake for each of us mom dad and kid uhuh huh huh that would be a great tradition I'd love to have two two chairs for parents to watch while they unwrap while I unwrap my presents okay is it is it making noise I think that's me oh can I open my stocking I want my stocking I wouldn't it be great if it were like oh collect an egg see so there is there are there's Easter eggs hidden everywhere okay so that's good to know though that there's one in the stocking at the end yeah but I want to see what happens if you don't collect any [Applause] eggs it's a puppy it's it's a dead puppy cuz they forgot the air [Music] holes [Music] [Applause] a Benito and Geneva Hodson continue so you do have to collect the eggs I I I I guess that there's a different ending if you collect the eggs all right 22 total so that was clearly like the bad ending I would assume oh yeah um wow that was so fun was great what a good game that was great oh totally totally recommend clap and a half for tattletail yes there is so much more to this game that like there's so many unanswered questions clearly there are multiple endings there egg Le I am so excited to learn more about this and it was legitimately scary like it was legitimately very frightening it was it was a good amount of challenge I felt nervous the whole time this was a very cool game wow I am so excited about this um all right job thank you yeah we beat it which is good so that w we got it we got an ending we got to the ending so I guess the lingering questions then are what happens when you answer the phone yes and what happens when you collect all the eggs Easter eggs so next time I mean I think if we played this game again we'd try and do egg run yeah we'll we would do like a quick answer the phone test and then we would probably do a full egg run yeah and and hopefully we'll be able to put together kind of what's going on I think there is probably something to the idea of mom mom being dead yeah like the again and this goes back to like everything that we do when we theorize about games it's one of those things where like you you spot little details like that and you're like that's a weird decision for the Creator to include that you knock and then nothing happens right so clearly there's a reason why you're knocking and nothing happens there G things are not put into games for no reason and so that to me is like oh Mom can't answer the the door because you killed her like franbo almost or something like that so anyway uh hopefully that gets revealed or we get more clues to that when you collect eggs and answer the phone so we'll find out and remember that is just a stream a live stream thank you for getting rid of Mama with us no more mama mama mama who bore me CH I know you're do queen Awakening Mama killed just fby put a gun against its head banished him to hell and said goodbye my mama you've got to go yep that's right that look like might in the chat let's do that oh this was amazing thanks guys for watching uh dager a rip headphone users yep Michelle Michelle gerardi clap it's awkward without a half right Essie Hatter says byebye swagbag 2000 see you sir malok MP bye Essie Hatter bye-bye uh M ma right bye gamer wolf goodbye uh Twisted Wonderland bye-bye see you tomorrow
Channel: GTLive
Views: 1,118,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tattletail, tattletail game, tattle tail, tattletail gameplay, no more mama, tattletail scary, secret, jumpscare, jumpscares, scary game, scariest game, tattletail matpat, scariest game ever, horror game, gtlive, gt live, game theory live, matpat game theory, matpat, what is this game
Id: 3vlX69pOhIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 45sec (6225 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2017
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