Epic Art CHALLENGE ft. TheOdd1sOut & SomethingElseYT! | Pictionary (Game Theory Charity Livestream)

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Circle Circle Circle gets the square something else Mikey so something else I mean of like ah come on Satan Elvis Presley I know you know this come on you know how's that you know let people down [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] welcome back to the live stream we are here what I like that there so in case you don't recognize their faces you probably recognize their characters at least we're here with James and Adam aka odd ones out and something else whitey yeah who are actually some of my newest YouTube friends oh yeah check them out make sure you go and give them some love they do awesome awesome stuff they are YouTube's like top of the top tier animators they're wonderful and we really appreciate them coming out and supporting the stream thank you guys so much so these guys are awesome what they do is awesome and we're going to be tapping their annum animating brains for the next hour oh my god I gotta ask do you guys have a look by the way does the animation community have like a name cuz I call you Annie tubers right which I feel like is worthy do you have any moniker letting let's go in it right now we I think in the industry we call it animated storytime any tubers was pretty like it's nice have you ever seen the movie Annie right it just reminds me of that you're all a bunch of orphans okay so animated storytellers yeah that's storytime Oh storytime yeah you don't want a storyteller storytime that's like the thing on YouTube is storytime youtuber you know what I mean so we just got working animated what what are people in the comments say are they agreeing with us or really really excited to see us story time tubers story tubers James you're amazing but I don't want to be like I want to be roped in with the other storytime youtubers Wow mister big story if you have if you want to say something driver kidnapped me Utah yeah I still I still write them in into like the vlogger community though no see it like I feel like if I'm on camera telling a story yes I might be a story timer mmm-hmm story tuber story its story I still consider that a blog whereas what you guys do is so fundamentally different like yeah you're still telling a story yeah but the and the layers of animation and like the visual comedy that you guys bring to it feels much different that was something we're gonna we're getting off on tangents here but like I I'm sort of like being an animated person it's so much easier in a way cuz I wanted to do a live-action bit for like some merch or something and I wanted to do like me and space I had this idea in my head and I was like wait a second how am I gonna do that after you're gonna green screens that like gravity for animation you just you just draw yourself in space so it is it does kind of have its own set of privilege I mean the bad side is that it takes like a month didn't have to rent a plane to take you up and down it actually throw you in space know you can film yourself in the green screen and then you just like cut yourself out and like have to flow through space no one looked the same it won't work hey so what better way to celebrate a day hanging out with the animated story tellers who time story time story Hoover it is to put their skills to the test and show of how bad Stephanie and I are in relation to their skills drawing and animating I want to say that I'm more of an animator than an artist yeah like like really weird yeah but like I can animate well but I can't I guess I don't really like me being a complete like newb out of like that ecosystem and not understanding the nuance there that's really interesting yeah like I shouldn't I shouldn't like you know put myself down too much guess what you might classify yourself as like a bad drawer at the end of your section here on our life today you'll be like oh my gosh I am God because I feel like I represent what probably like 90% of you know many Stephanie's Stephanie's maybe like 70% of like bottom like the disgusting liquid that at the bottom of the trash can that is me yeah and doesn't that just sound so appetizing before we get to that before we get that we just want to remind everybody what we are here for today which is to donate to the brain and behavior Research Foundation it's a foundation that grants research money to go to scientific developments across the board across a whole slew of mental disorders from depression to anxiety disorders to ADHD to to bipolar disorder all sorts of problems that contribute to much larger issues like suicide and suicidal issues so we are here today to support that it's a wonderful organization as Matthews mentioned several times it's international so wherever you are it's relevant to you and they do research in your air in general area and also none of the money that gets donated a goes to any of their overhead or administrative costs they have totally separate donors for that so everything that you donate goes 100% through YouTube YouTube doesn't take a cut no-one takes a cut it goes straight to research grants it's an awesome opportunity and we hope you guys will join us in contributing right now we are at one hundred and sixty one thousand dollars just amazing arm down your hair so my hair is alright guys well yeah that was at a hundred fifty thousand however we're less than fifteen thousand dollars away from 175 which is our goal and and at 175 you guys get to choose whatever like right now I can make it like a look tasteful or life somewhat decent with light around yeah but at 175 they can choose anything from like rainbow color to like hot pink green all of those are gonna be on shaven oh no we want the world to be open as soon as we hit 175 which again is in less than 15,000 we are so excited we're gonna call it a couple of donations before we happen first of all Trevor I don't know who donated three hundred and sixty three hundred sixty dollars to tour the fund ethical brain research is awesome unlike mental illness and then we have we'll see there's a couple more it's galaxy Smasher who donated three hundred dollars at low I'm hope it'll help that's amazing thank you so much a strange world donates $100 I'm so glad you guys are doing this this issue means a lot to me and a lot of my friends deal with mental illness and one more there's just like so many huge donations you guys are incredible newark necrose dragon two to six do it who donated fifty dollars and says as somebody who has struggled with depression on and off for you this truly means a lot thank you guys so much for what you're doing here today I saw you guys go in and I was like oh we're doing it so we're gonna play Pictionary or win lose or draw or like draw the thing and guess what the thing is before time runs out so it's Stephanie and James I think you guys Beauty your team won out of it myself we're on a team most points at the end wins if you guys don't guess it in a minutes then the opposing team gets to make the choice or like try to get you okay okay so that being said some in addition to the rotations and everything that you're doing in the chat if you would be so kind submit stuff that you want to see drawn right I think we should kick it off okay you said you had a cup yeah just just won't we wait for the your suggestions in the chat to start rolling yes okay here's a cup of suggestions pull it out whatever I'm trying to guess this in under a minute and Kristy can you keep timers I keep time uh yeah you can keep time great yeah yeah alright tell everything to go give a few disembodied voice that what's up wait is this this is messing with oh [Applause] my gosh what is he doing this is sort of a all right oh my god okay so does this like mess with the format if I press tab okay sweet okay ready for that do we need to explain any rules no no all right man oh gosh oh gosh me is it a head in his eyes okay okay it's a happy face odd ones that was a race okay it's it's a little dude is in a t-shirt it's a wet t-shirt contest is it no it's a it's what what is going on here oh my goodness is it he's got a hole as heart she's it's what that is it this is a badge oh it's it's Matthew is it Matthew is it game theory is that the game theorist is it GG live no you already got it oh yeah I'm trying to like draw an arrow to him it's like it's it's mad good also like I wanted to write I was gonna say I also like yeah I like that have a happy person I know you are look how happy you are I look a lot like what are your characters right that's great man I wear enormous so that was kind of easy just it was mad right like okay thank you I want to like that would be really good now your break is for gets really metal the matter are you up next then no I think let's have the good people with okay and if you don't like you can always redraw I'm not I should be responsible retouching this lady oh there you go oh man he knows he's been holding this like a pro wait did you pick what you wanted to drunk nevermind I thought I brought gloves but like for July so yeah so when you draw on a screen like your your arm your finger Oh like catch yeah and so just it's you just wear this like glove that goes around like your fingers no I could like it's just like reduces friction on the screen smudge all over the place I did bring my it's up in the green room if you guys need to run grab mine okay okay if you don't like what you got you can redraw you can redraw in the meantime I'll read off a couple of donations this one is from TC on that one only one and thank you so much for the $10 from DF suit you're joining $20 thank you so much there are no messages with these otherwise I would read them oh wait wait wait he's going already yeah because why Oh James doesn't need to be here it's just crazy start a clock radio you guys with the cheating yeah James I'm already ready set start okay oh well nevermind okay wait is it appropriate to oh oh it's starting over okay it might be sweaty it's a TV screen it's it's the drawing pad that you're drawing on the agile I'm trying to like remember all my bubble letters it's the diamond play button a YouTube gold button silver button YouTube headquarters the YouTube space right you think we related to you against it someone who works at you to VidCon its VidCon yeah youtubers in the hood okay and I clear it by pressing one of these buttons up here that is so awesome so hardcore and also you have opposite hands so like in high school it was dress as your career day so I just wore my pajamas and this cartoon is that's so cool I gotta say when I see this as someone who is not familiar with this at all but like you just seems like the two fingers being covered makes me think of like a figure skater like how they always have those weird costumes they kinda go there later man you know when you're Spidey gloves yeah you guys like not do the spider-man thing with one hand cuz I can't do it on that hand out well I can do it on my right yeah my left hand is so much harder yeah I need to stretch right here okay the cup there the chat should be haven't suggested this point hold on I would say we should be looking at the chat okay okay no pressure I mean you didn't start with the cop if you need okay okay and then it's like the more complicated the better right essential crisis they might not know our caste name so I might not be able oh yeah just in case good I don't know the ones that they're pulling out right now you guys are being a bit too specific and I'm afraid if they had they haven't been watching our live streams for like eight years that they wouldn't know you don't know literally every move that we've ever done in the half oh this one is definitely harder tell me potato legs leap Merlin Santa and elf is it Santa wait me what were you doing this snapping the North Pole Christmas existential naughty naughty plus happy bad bad naughty Santa Santa Claus Santa we got this sad I want to say like Santa Baby we allowed to like mine okay Massimo here I'll wait where's that where is that a race but this is your own try to find a new layer no you're just reading something whenever they've just created 15 few layers of the trash you could just throw the alright oh I got a hero my turn to guess it's your turn to guess nobody on the chat I'm gonna try the channel let's see what the chat has to say got it that was all over the Santa Claus baby alright oh they were Oh chat like when we play these kinds of games they are like all over it they're so good alright okay we've got one this is must be a real fun I don't know if this is a regular phrase but this one is also going to be hard okay I don't know if this is something that like it's just in the common vernacular bubble thing okay you got the time ready to go ready Greg go it's not snake why it's Diglett oh this is good hmm oh this is this going toward classic Matthew drawing what the heck is this it's got a palm is it a cactus this is a dead palm tree is it a flower oh is it a zombie that's a hand dead palm tree plus a rabbit plus the plus cap what cat cat cat zombie cat I don't know if that's a what it is but the phrase that I picked out of the chat that they asked me to draw was zombie there it is those are rounded ears I was like dormouse dead as a dormouse Wow yeah thanks stuff yeah okay like that that would have finished it all these we've gotten all of these so far I know we're doing review - - okay but now we're opening number up at the antique okay okay a couple you're gonna you can pick from the code you pick something out for me and then you whisper it and no no you know like I just what I was gonna say now we can't lose okay ready is the time oh oh it's a guy with a mustache okay okay is it Santa it's Santa right you're Santa's a lot better than mine okay fine jeez about it why don't with Mario it's Mario okay okay what the heck are you doing it's it's not Mario what is this is it what what what is it polite birthday is it Santa's birthday hi what is it sorry over Santa [Applause] that's who well done that's right it was good oh he looks so cute the book I love you I love your assistance I'm trying to finish the drawings it's funny how the Maurya mustache is so iconic yeah just started with the nose right I can't draw him smile oh my gosh Mario is only 3 years old yeah it's Mario Party 3 wait I've never played a mario party ever Peter lost the front I don't know I've done Mario Odyssey I know okay okay no now that I know you cuz Mario Party is pulled by Jam I've send them good ones today I've watched the game grumps - Mario okay it doesn't like is how much strategy is in Mario very a lot zero no no I I've mended my ways I now say that there's quite a bit of area Friday but there that doesn't mean there's still let me up let me take you in a right way the Mario Party okay okay great Sooey yes three two one Aladin getting a perm in a one rug room surgery oh my gosh is it what I think it is Oh [Laughter] dissecting rice I think this is a just I wanna know who they they like to get off the great thing I saw the first thing I saw it was just like this image that was like saved and then reposted a bunch of times so it was like this BuzzFeed article and then it was also like a snapchat they did surgery on a grape they did surgery on a grape and then it was on Twitter and Tumblr and all the captions or if they did surgery on a grape and so everyone just mean like they did surgery on a grape I can't believe it yeah so plug here I even tweeted out I was like I know new video today my grape just said surgery and I just hop that's totally a follow worthy if I had anything all right so you guys are head by point Stephanie okay and I got one the tablet get surgery I missed the best me miss you second only it's my it's like one of my favorites it's up there yeah I'm go cat I think I got it I got it I got a text message from James the day it happened he's like hey they did surgery it's like science never ceases to amaze thank God just like don't know what to say in a conversation okay I don't know I'm exactly gonna draw this but we're gonna we're gonna do it are you ready Chris already go ready go play supermario knows everything so it's a magnifying glass or a lollipop it could be one of those sticks that you blow bubbles oh wow oh this is a creep audience ohh oh jeez good luck hanger is this peach oh it's detective Pikachu [Applause] [Laughter] and be like oh it's like man whatever yeah it looks like a dinosaur detective dinosaur when you guys think of that movie that's coming out cuz I freaking love it it's great I think it's brilliant I think I think they did a really good job of figuring out that like hey the audience for this is gonna be like gold and like yeah it's the perfect blend of them all these different we're and let's get Ryan Reynolds is Deadpool Deadpool it just looks like one of those movies where they were like we're bored let's make this well that it's like one of the first big I love that it's not like we have to go feed defeat the gym leader you know again every other movie is right it's like an actual like crime show that's the thing that blows my mind it's like it's not just like live-action Pikachu doing like some non-trading adventure but it's like and I happen to be a detective I sound like that find your father it's pretty great like I'm excited about yeah it's gonna be pretty of it it might be the first like a great video game so James I are officially now ahead not to put the pressure on but put in the budget and this is the last round Thank You Joseph swab for your donation thank you for X X model boys like stars good cause I'm struggling but I almost atopic the PBRs covers with dissociation expressing my emotions they do they cover all sorts of mental disorders and issues so hopefully yours falls into their spectrum but thank you so much for your donation no no the one that the one I picked out of the out of the cup is gonna be time to get serious get your smudge ready Chris so far it's a car never mind actually I have no idea it is car carpet no that's an airplane yes that's a parachute and a dude jumping out of it and then having it whole so car playing hole minecraft is that is that Steve with his little pickaxe is oh the for tonight yeah I could draw someone flossing doing any of the wacky modes and I know that there's like the the dinosaur guy but a play like of all the characters I guess I could have like drawn the skull face I know it's just hard the hard game trouble I would you do the pickaxe is what led me to fortnight that's what I feel because otherwise it's a generic shooter and it's like when I think about fortnight I think about like the boss people parachuting in the store and then the pickaxe that means everything else is just like sugar don't don't get mad at me chaps what I thought of as oh my god hey you know what the I mean the pickaxe I thought minecraft immediately but I'm like how do I differentiate the pickaxe from minecraft I'm just oh wait no this is what you should have done okay yes you have an idea show me show me what I should have done [Laughter] and then you draw another I mean you won from the check the means are strong yeah we're still we're still behind by one buddy we got it I want to do one yeah so we do are doing references we need them too son like what we really need would you know Harry the mod know like that might be too obscure yeah so we like general beyond culture stuff so like memes I know I know and I know a lot of memes but you're not gonna marry me that one's too easy I want to go for a good one we redid fortnight okay okay I'm ready okay minute got a maintainer then on the clock go cuckoo bird supplies over there Angry Birds we could be angry it's uh Despicable Me is it the Grinch is it is it what is this is it an angry goblin it's at Oh Mario is it worried I know you can Luigi wait said well would you yeah I was trying to I don't know like what does he look like yeah I mean are you got it there's a perspective it's okay I wanted you know because I had a feeling of a swallowing yeah I got a point and then like just who are you playing as in smash guys so Smash Ball he's just like and then piranha plant peeks it's like piranha plant looks like as a character I'm actually really excited about piranha plant because it the gameplay style looks incredible he looks ridiculous like he's long range and short just like he seems like one of those ones that's gonna be like difficult to use casually but like if you dedicate the time to like yeah I know that one was too easy that was great a lot of people were doing fortnight and Harry them on and I'm like okay so so we talked about smash well right now I'm a mouse really yeah okay I saw yeah tell the choice yeah like a heavy so you know you don't cut it like you don't have to hit that many times right but you just got hit like three times just yeah it's really hard but like I always had I always had problems I would always overestimate the like doesn't stop and I'd be off one of those mute myself off to the side over again I'm um I'm all in on zero suit samus or or like she I like the like light fast please I don't know take your smudge gun geez am I trying to find it a good one yeah I seriously I've always liked Pikachu Oh a girl region of smash and Jigglypuff pick at you it's always okay okay ready Circle Circle Circle gets the square something else like ah come on Satan Elvis Presley no you know [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] do that person face like a peach what did I say it's like Belzec or it's like Bowser cross with peach cross across it's like the annoying [Laughter] okay so we need the final two pressure no pressure see I appreciate that you did go the Pietro do you think Nintendo will ever do anything they should you know if they don't I feel like it's a huge misstep yeah they have in the market they have the audience right everyone's super stoked about I know right or like to me I think it would it makes the most sense for them to just include it as an alternate costume yes man do you think so dude right like I like I know I know Nintendo right now see if you would be really hard what was the game doki-doki literature Club I've seen your video on it I know it I know I don't know the characters names but I know it gets bored yeah okay this is like this or or anything but I think it's good I could hear oh wait I'll do the classic Dances with Wolves alright okay it's an Oscar award-winning mute movies that is beautiful okay are you ready are you ready I just okay yeah I just thought like the Three Little Pigs but the wolf is in a pursuit okay I just I'm thinking of these like replace characters with fur suits all right great guy insulin all right I know this one already it's good word wait I think I got it I think I still know this is Titan from attack on Titan [Music] [Laughter] [Music] an alien I think I got it right dose is it wait is it okay donkey that that thing more Shrek his voice got really broad shoulders I was gonna draw his little outhouse in the background wow it's too late see this is why we can't have colors because colors you like oh it's great right do his little like but if you have to figure it out based on correct you know that you're in sequel oh it was so good that's like said number one it's like this is sequel of sequels oh how a sequel should be it is it's incredible it's really really yeah okay oh that's donkey kind of like an aardvark I can hear Smash Mouth already oh yeah final round in the final round we can't this one's worth all this was worth all tomorrow all right oh we don't you the final first person no person gets the point okay let's make it open to everyone all right you have no chance of catching up so it doesn't make it open to everyone I'm gonna pack a thing in don't have creeper oh my gosh okay pull it up Oh how do I do this one okay all right time go okay okay why fine okay okay Wi-Fi what okay no why no Wi-Fi can you hear me now no living like the 1900s in angry invisible because the Internet is out our current service through spectrum I hate no nope looking looking really unhappy about the state of the Internet is it article 13 no it's the Internet it's broken you got the internet like like yeah like big old ears yeah please fix please fix fix it is you know you can calibrate some Wacom pens to like a race when you do like would you have it upside down oh whoa no racing right now I'm sorry it's like last time I tried it out and like opened up like the Select tool but now okay so you guys we could have a race oh my god what were we doing with our life I mean that makes it so much clear that that's and Ralph breaks ah not quite also like his fists should I'm gonna wreck it yeah like he should be having like you know oh that's nice oh no oh especially such nice cinnamon buns I like those now he looks like a boxer he's like yeah I don't know how much you look like Mario with like [Laughter] it was good enough to it does mean that you guys are the winners well thank you sir yeah I'm sorry I'm not aware of like they did surgery on great how did you know I'm aware of the latest when it comes to brain and behavior research I YouTube is doing that thing again where you can't see how much we're up to does anyone have an update on it on where we are 164,000 just over ten thousand dollars away from our goal you guys are almost there help us reach our goal donate now and thank you guys so so much for being here we're gonna transition to the next segment but guys go show them some love they were awesome they came all the way out here to hang out with us to hang out with you guys are you are you a Mario Party yeah I mean I used to I used to play hardcore Lee when I was a child okay do a rematch to be to Mario Party action thanks for coming guys look on your hair man thanks thank you what color should my hair what's your about why I said invisible turquoise yeah could you like do like shaving half of it so like you know what I mean like shaving shaving like just the cycles do where you perm the top and shave the sides
Channel: GTLive
Views: 2,426,222
Rating: 4.9389596 out of 5
Keywords: theodd1sout, somethingelseyt, theodd1out, theodd2sout, win lose or draw, pictionary, pictionary game, animation youtubers, anitubers, art challenge, drawing challenge, challenge, odd1sout, odd ones out, theodd1sout remix, theodd1sout sooubway, somethingelseyt song, somethingelseyt scary, game theory, game theorists, gtlive, gtlive challenges, gtlive art, gtlive theodd1sout, gtlive somethingelseYT, game theory charity livestream, charity livestream
Id: KT4bkGu763s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 17sec (2837 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 01 2018
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