The FUNNIEST RPG I've Ever Played!! | West of Loathing

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[Music] want to know what it is this is an unfortunate gummy Stephanie what are these gummies that you're eating I don't care what you do with this long as you don't eat it cuz I'm eating it I think this is a gummy can opener bottle opener gummy news there's a lot of weird things that this gummy could be one of them is a bottle I think it's lasso gummy lasso oh my gosh which it's very appropriate for today's game is hey hey guys and welcome to GG live where we not only eat inappropriate gummies on the livestream this is an inappropriate coming it's a it's weird what like it's a keyring what is it and I had these two I want me a bottle opener right look at this this yeah I think it is it's gotta be a bottle opener though pacifier it's not like everything is a baby accoutrement at this point it's true oh this does look like many of his pacifier he would be like this and there no no no I may be mad I'm not eating your don't work tile ones are they where are they gummy crocodiles are alligators one is a frog I believe in the other is a dummy alligator why no Gator gummy Gators hey hello howdy how are you doing welcome to GT alive where yes we're engaging in gummy discussions but you know what else we're doing we're playing only the most topical relevant video games of recent memory and by that I mean we're playing west of loathing which I think markiplier and jacksepticeye played like a year ago years ago yeah in elementary school we've been glad we I'm glad we rushed to this one yeah did we are we just scraping the bottom of the barrel at this point Christmas that way you're talking no it just took us a really long time to get there because you know it's cuz there's so much other fun stuff to play because there's like a new phone app game every other week I know that Scott took a break we're catching up on all those games from the past thank goodness hey guys time we are glad to be here it is too Thanksgiving week we continue to be thankful for you we do indeed we're gonna be getting to this game in a second but before that we do that we have a very important announcement about next week yes memory in a way so we teased a little bit about this yesterday but and I and I bring this up chewy man just saying I know you appreciate a good solid shoe of a gummy again a good Stephanie the harder of the gummy the better it is I don't it's true it's almost hard candy button for candy but not but not you can't get that far wine gums so although it really deep intent like like maybe lose your fillings kind of chew that's what I'm looking for don't even get me started on gummy candy Stephanie that was yesterday those yesterday's live stream so no and I bring it up in today's game theory so if you saw today's game theory this announcement is a bit redundant but for those of you who haven't seen today's game theory and Delta rune this is to let you all know that next Monday starting at noon o'clock Pacific Standard Time twelve o'clock or three o'clock Eastern Time if you're on the East Coast we are doing a it's actually gonna end up being about like an eight hour it looks like right now livestream yeah that is dedicated to raising money for the brain and behavior foundation which is this in fantastic organization that is dedicated to raising funds and a funding research all dedicated around understanding mental health issues better so that way we can come up with better treatments and better cures for things like depression bipolar disorder any disorders this is a really really important issue to us we've been planning to do this live stream for a long time and we're doing it we actually just sort of worked out for timing that we were able to do it as part of YouTube's giving week yeah the integrins never done this that this is interesting so we were planning on doing this live stream in November and then YouTube was like oh this sounds like it actually coincides with or close to us doing YouTube giving week so all next week because it is the holiday season there's going to be live streams from Retton from Kati Morton from us who are all doing like different streams to support different charities and so we're the first ones we're we're the first ones to take it all the first ones with the live stream hire if you watch rhettandlink if you watch good mythical morning they've had their donate button on they're doing raising money for st. Jude's Children's Hospital so but we're all doing it as one like big community group but secretly hey let's see if we can beat them but but but we're excited where they're coming on to our live streams that I know and you're just like we're gonna beat them that's what I was gonna say so it's not just us doing an eight hour long livestream which would be fun which I mean you guys would be so thrilled to spend all waking hour all the time with us you can't get sick of it right right right what's the chat say no great so I don't know hours with them so as part of our live show we're actually bringing up a whole bunch of like truly incredible amazing youtuber friends and guests we we know a lot of people behind the scenes and a lot of youtubers kind of like sort of know each other behind the scenes a lot but we don't always have a good excuse we're like two grandfathers of like a lot of youtubers no I mean not not so much I mean but we know a love we we have we're well-connected in the you know we live in Los Angeles and a lot of other youtubers live in Los Angeles okay that we reach out and help a lot of people we were in so we're able to actually bring people on and help and one of the people who are bringing on our rhettandlink we are also going to have others like Rosanna pansino and Sophie and I Gardiner you've seen on our streams before we have some special surprise guests we're going to be doing video games we're also going to be sprinkling in like some other fun activities but we're always going to bring it back to our home base of playing video games we have a world premiere of a video game that you guys are going to be really excited I'm really excited about it it's one of the all-time most loved games that we've ever played on GT live we're going to be premiering a brand-new like pretty lengthy demo of it like the new one it's really you know it's really exciting and I want to talk about it more but I can't but you should be there Monday to be a good day we you know we are really excited about it we're hoping it goes well and if you know anyone and who would like to donate make sure you bring them on board - yeah so that's happening on its the gain Sirius channel I know we've moved all the live streams over onto GT live here this is a really big event it's really important to us and we want to make sure it's really special and gets out there to as many people as possible yeah you know like I talked about in the game theory episode today it's all in honor of Ronnie who was our longest running team member who we lost earlier this year to suicide so and and obviously mental health issues has always been something that I've been very passionate about Stephanie has been very passionate about raising awareness and and trying to raise tolerance in the space around having sorts of open conversations about what it means to have those sorts of things favorite ways of putting this and this is last thing I'll say about it and stuff but one of my favorite ways of putting this is you know we you know we knew Ronnie for a very long time we were really really sad obviously it was it was devastating to lose him to suicide but the thing is suicide is not a disease suicide is a symptom it's a really tragic symptom of a lot of other diseases that are diseases just like physical diseases but they're ones you can't see there are things like schizophrenia like bipolar disorder like like severe depression and those are those are what we need to be treating and that's why we picked the research organization we did because of the work that they do in treating the disease not trying to treat just the symptom yeah um so that's that's what we're really passionate about that's why we want to help and we hope you'll be there with us to do it yeah that's a actually a great way of putting it is yeah there's a lot of treatments out there for the symptoms but there isn't a whole lot of information or research going on for the actual like not nearly the causes of them and so this is a research organization that's dedicated to actually funding the scientists who are looking at the underlying causes of all this stuff which is why it's really important to us the shoot there was one other thing that I was going to say that you made my think of oh if you do if you do want to donate like during the lifetime obviously will be collect donations if you do want to donate early on the the game theory today if you have an updated browser there should be a donate button you can donate early or collecting donations starting now there's all sorts of donations incentives that yeah we're also milestones that we're gonna be hitting we're gonna be doing like challenges and stuff on the stream when we hit certain milestones it's gonna be really fun yeah it should be a lot of fun it should be a really good time with a lot of you know the the YouTube community coming together to support this cause should be really good um so all that being said you know you know everything that is to know for now we might leak out a few more details over the next couple days but that's that's got us covered for now west of loathing let's play this game let's play which is hilarious yeah it's really funny and I'm excited all I know is that mark and Jack and like a lot of other youtubers played this about a year ago I saw the thumbnails and the thumbnails looked intriguing because it was a bunch of stick figures but true to form I tried to stay as neutral and blind to it as possible so I didn't really watch I heard it was a funny game Chris tells me it's a funny game the art style looks really interesting so I'm excited to play it anything else I should know before we go in Chris oh no I think going in blind is the best way great you can engage with the stream in two ways there is one thing that you guys should know you can engage on a hash OGG live on Twitter we will be over there we're actually gonna make it there today I know we didn't spend a lot of time over on Twitter yesterday I'm gonna start there today well you can also hit us up in the chat where one maybe two people have guessed the game that we're going to premiere on the livestream I'm not gonna say what it is I'm just saying one or two people have guessed it all right interesting so you're on Twitter I'm on Twitter less awesome hey nice jacket by the way oh thanks it's my film theory hoodie Penta it's really awesome and snuggly warm great glad to hear it hey new game what's blow thing ah alright have you ever wanted to be a cowpoke Stef always from my earliest days no actually you know those likely your first very like little kid ideas of what you want to do cowgirl was always like a pretty awesome one from the yeah I can see I was never a big fan of Western II things I always get dust getting dusty and dirty for me wasn't Western it was all about the portraits you're all in a little but I also have a lot of the apparel so I got 2 cowboy boots when I was like 6 and I also got hat and a holster with my black pop guns really I wasn't used I wasn't allowed guns my parents didn't want me having toys it wasn't either but these were pop guns my childhood was a pacifist run you loaded them up with these long strips of paper that had these like little they look like kind of like dot candies but they weren't like brightly colored they were just like these like little dots across papers and they would create a little like when you pulled the trigger of the gun he would create like a little pop and uh like a little like I guess a spark like a little pop in a spark Wow you can actually expel the smoke a little bit more like a romaine pop they had big like orange caps on the end of them see you knew that they're like that's legally required you know that's why the Nintendo zapper is bright orange back in the early days smart that would be your fake gun for a real gun is that good so I don't know what I'm doing with raising my reward here I just noticed that I'm shooting these things and it's like I know I've got 1655 meat parently meat is oh it just raised me our lawn is just for fun so I'm just doing it for fun can I collect a toy though I think we should plank oh wait I can choose the care goat okay I want to be Lucas Cogburn hmm Sam Hollister be Madison Madsen Claudia Canton be Madsen Sam Littlefield oh look at it look at the mean face on that guy Fozzie oh I like father I like Fozzie whales other whales we're going Fozzie whales and I want more good I got to be at least a thousand two hundred there you go two hundred yeah 1206 for protagonist nice yeah let's do it yeah that's how bad I am I shoot my own picture I'm a wanted poster holy cow oh jeez play as fuzzy whales we're ready to get going are you yes sir let's get it going okay I had the strangest dream I was choosing a character class you want to be such a big slinger or a snake oiler either sling the beans or oil the snake oh I think how are you yes I think we all the snakes okay let's let's all some snakes shall we get our snakes all nice and go go for it great I'll leave that one in your hands okay so fairly snake Oilers snake Oilers rule and there's my right over there Moxie and cut stuff to tape with it they do not go over my head step maybe my mind is not in the gutter I am proud to soil my snake Stephanie proud it's no not November okay snake oiler surplus under Moxie a good spot to tame snakes their fearlessness to extract potent oils from their snakes and their cleverness to manufacture and sell potions made from those oils you've heard snake oil boilers are doing it really seriously okay well out rest up way up well out west since the cows came home everybody needs potions and hope in these dark days and out also out west is where all the best snakes live so do I want to be a snake oiler yeah oil snakes here we go so I've got zero meat hmm okay that just collapses menu I got my character my inventory and my options Wow okay I can walk WASD great you read the spine of one of your looks IRA Brown the mystery of the Marne I love that one leave another one Jack Smith in the mystery of the terrible woods that was also one of my favorites trouble at the forbidden Cove few years ago then party in the Haunted lighthouse why not a jury with the curse of which prison alright okay okay that oh you got no walking stupid walk and stupid this book Lots walking stupid walking as an option oh let's read it Wow read the book from cover cover and learn how to walk really stupidly look at this stupid walking has been and your options like you got a perks keep it walking all right I'm excited you accidentally drop the book and then ruin it by stepping on it 30 times are you trying to pick it up no oh man okay so you will walk and stupid okay it's my option okay stupid walk in is now Oh an amulet rebels on Twitter said you should have gone to the spittoons when you were shooting that's okay maybe there will be futurist petunias it's like a can can dance right yes oh this is hilarious already are you gonna replicate a few block step please do no no no it comes to you Oh replicate that one-step replicate this one it's like a can't and dance oh it's actually I'm gonna like take the computer hold up this awesome I love this game already okay what else we got good bye desk comb hair you combed your hair one last time I have no hair I'm literally bald XP I gained one XP progress through the next skill up is one out of five great game an XP rocking this game goodbye bed time to head west to chase my real dreams look at these stupid crab walks it's amazing weird poster appeared here one night fantastic ah goodbye photograph turn it off you pulled the Neal away from the cylinder and snow the handle away alright hey you're off how are you doing I'm gonna miss you buddy caw-caw ooh feed him a cricket beat him a cricket you grab a cricket from your cricket bag and you feed it to Russell who was appreciatively in nuzzles your hand oh it would take it with you maybe it's time for you to leave - no maybe I think we're just releasing him out into the wild I think we really you open the bedroom window not picture that's the door - Russell's cage he winks at you cause one last time then flies away to the west side hit that trail it's cool look at this that's great my living room here we go nothing on this doesn't on the Hatrack today what a mess let's stack some firewood oh I'm getting some exp great this art really puts the hearth in hearth and home look I'm a snake now I'm gonna miss mom's cooking it's mom's pie safe Thank You Miller parsley you missed meals with the family okay great okay little brother's room flip on one of your brothers weird books flip through it mathematic never East Galois no wonder no one - no one ever knows what he's talking about right jeez pick up your brother's weird book and flip through it on the application of the dinette to the dynamics of a general mathematical method previously applied optics great Lexi owns a geometric Kay about math okay it's all man it's your kid brother kid brothers toy box oh you got a puzzle cube nice so tidy weird charts and graphs okay inventory let's solve the puzzle cube this is one of your let's fiddle with oh my brother has already had most of myself but you figure out one out the last couple moves oh man we're almost at a new skill of sweet array and I fiddle with it again you've already solved it if you mess it up again it'll be messed up forever that's accurate not if you only do like one move at a time okay you missed meals the family great here we go here we go famous fun at Gabi dream star it says I haven't seen playthroughs of the same I'm so intrigued that's awesome and at our noodles for life says I'm trying to order the game theory buddy just hoping I'd get my size please notice that you'll be noticed Nikki thanks for ordering the game theory hoodie ok game theory huh woo your mom smells formerly as you approach I'm leaving now mom oh we're gonna miss you kiddo oh and before you leave I've got you a present a prison Oh present is that book you wanted for criminal grimbo I got yelled cream oh I don't know what that means no it's early but oh like Christmas oh okay do I want picking locks desert survival or bartering Oh desert survival Wow artery I think bartering is pretty good cuz bartering then we can like figure out how to like steal good stuff from people right nope that's called stealing not bartering bartering bartering is just screaming it was trading sure but I can barter to my advantage yeah that's yeah maybe great bartering it is you got oh we got a mano you be careful out there ride us when you can I will mom jesus loves you goodbye but bless his heart okay this book is a guide to making the most out of your meat so we rolling up our snakes and we're making the most of our meat race by getting the best possible deal on every single thing you buy gives you the dickering see man that's where it worth we're making the most of our meat oil a snakes and Digger interacts read our difference let's get familiar with their dicker ins you read the book from cover to cover and learn among other things that its cover price was way too high we got her in oh a fter you're done reading it use your newfound skills to pawn it off to a wide I drew but 460 meat so I got sixty meats so apparently meat is the currency in this world that's good now I can also ice skate your father morosely jabs at a haystack that hat doesn't fit you dad or time for me to leave I mean we do time for me yeah let's not insult our father our way on your way out that door time for me to leave dad his lip Quivers a little listen son I I want you to have this it's your grandmother's briefcase full of snakes got a briefcase full of snakes thanks dad good good luck out there be sure to say goodbye to your mother I did goodbye dad great thanks thanks buddy it's a haystack haystack oh yeah nailed it your brother roof isn't standing here looking nervous he's pretty good at looking nervous let's give him this puzzle back the end of his puzzle and he starts fidgeting with it say goodbye hey Rufus it's time for me to head west I'm still don't understand why you're leaving he's got a point you know why are you going west anyway help people to seek my fortune or to get off the stupid farm make my fortune Sigma fortune there's just no opportunity here kid if I'm gonna make something of myself I gotta go where I can make some meat oil up my snakes within a year is from before that cows came home I'll be okay you worry about taking care of mom ha oh I'll worry about me okay if you say so I just don't think you'll be dead back Rambo to us all it slow Jesus's birthday happy birthday Jesus very Crimbo to you and to all a good night ok I'll miss you Rufus ok you give them all punch on the arm great Mary Crimbo inventory a briefcase full of snakes this is a briefcase you keep your favorite snakes in venom level is 3 Medicine level is 3 look inside there's a lot of snakes extract some venom extract some medicines disk ok needle it's not for sewing it's for picking locks ok oh yay yeah okay no time to screw around in the woodshop Midwest time to swim west front crawl West going west young man yes I am where's double-o thing it's awesome it's like a terrible organ trail it reminds me of the opening of Skyrim all right ah like the opening of Skyrim when you're in the back of the car oh yeah look back there I am what am I in like a rutabaga wagon it's like carrots or something or something was were just like sacks of stuff Oh yo satchel you do I do you think they were really big carrot well we have dialect coach for this long great that's what I needed it oh man was clearly a star they are they're turnips to be farm that's the way true king grim crazed lawyer key grip what I think these might be sarcastic ah yes you know what we need though and I liked up we could use a dialect cuz that's awesome cuz I'm gonna bring on a dialect coach [ __ ] Tom so bad we're doing man 200 miles later it's aw we made it yeah we need like a whip crack sound effect as we play this game well guess what job well the bad news is that you fell off the cart and got knocked out for a couple of hours and now you got no ride no meat no me no me I had six to meet no prospects good news is that you're in town rather than adults um we're not much of a town though get up and dust yourself lies I do have some fun and they're so meaty I called it it's a turnip nice gun just to turn it brilliant stuff [Music] did I hurt myself oh yeah okay so do not don't do that don't touch 300 miles is too far to go on foot 60 me I know they lied and they're just attorneys turn up covered in grit creases your muscle oh man if Akala t musicality buy one for the rest of the day okay all right so this a time to things a sign on the door reads gone drinking that BS for 300k salute crazy eyed guy Cindy or left of the door shrieks and waves to get your attention hey where's our magnet well uh you can't bring it near that hat Hey proper he points to the take a hat leave a hat box next to the door so I check the box you look through the hat box and find a batter to Derby that looks like something you'd wear rabbit should not be Derby you grab the Hat and put it on thanks sir great thanks Pete hey y'all gives you a friendly if somewhat twitchy nod yeah you and rest if you want some company I'm Morgan I've been gone long there's lemon no well no pressure all right I'll keep it in mind weirdly I homey what is a peep oh I got okay I say all kinds of things for instance Godfrey Daniels there's rocking my death uh-huh he takes a swig of whiskey see you later feet spin it's a spittoon people spit into it you know without even looking at it that's absolutely disgusting again yeah it's full of spit regular spit gross tobacco spit she wouldn't gum and it looks like a few teeth as well disgusting and the smell even from a distance it smells horrible look look closer you are now on your hands into a filth encrusted spittoon I don't I don't understand what is wrong with you wait is there something shiny on the bottom oh I hope that there's not I feel like you just like totally stick our hands in a bucket spit Oh get it you reach your hand toward the spittoon even before you touch it you can feel the gross this in the air like a greasy fog enveloping and stinking brass or smells like the vomit through barbecuing contest the vomit trough at a mosquito never surrender you hasn't gone this far never surrender you plunge your hand it's just awful soup it makes it sound like co-op their skin is burning your eyes start to water search continue searching your fingers make contact with something you pull your hand out of The Devil's terrine slowly not daring to risk splashing the contents all over your sail you appear to have gotten some kind of ring probably some kind of diseases as well congratulations you got a nasty ring hey ring oh man look at that maybe it'll be awesome it's nasty ring here we go plus my solos mr. Kelly blows Maxine hey that's great though getting this ring was traumatic you have to admit that it was worth it yeah floppy derby a fancy big-city derby that seen better days got +1 maxie ok alright so my hands are disgusting now right this guy's asleep these two are playing poker or at least trying to they keep looking back and forth through their hands to the how to play poker card that came clear decks biting their lips and concentrating real hard can i play they look at you nervously oh man are they faking me out do I trust them oh they're totally sharks now I think you can probably win some meat off of them yeah we're gonna go dance right let's gamble some meat look I have some meat let's play you put one of meat on the table just 20 slabs of steak yeah it's really it's a really big pile this table is also not not really looking attractive at this point yeah there we go take all the meat put 20 meat down on the table and sit down before they say no one of them shuffles the cards sloppily and deals a new round get a pair of tens plus a 2 a 3 and a king it's not a good hand net pair of tens I mean you got three and and a king it's not been aggressively moxie to lux III I have them I have to moxie alright so we bet aggressive yeah let's bet aggressor yeah yeah I'll bet fifteen mate they look at each other nervously but they both call your bet okay read them and weep you show your pair of tens plus two three King the guy on the left has a full house no and the gal on the right somehow got a straight flush watch jeez I lost heart ah Hornswoggle them all right nope yeah this is I don't think I have Hornswoggle eye skill set yeah darn it how about I win shy Triforce Huglin try what do I didn't do I faked him out with I win no just I win I win I win you explained that jacks are worth nine points each giving the guy on the left a total of 21 points to the gal on the rights 20 and your 25 plus a king they screw at the rules again but eventually sure I'll get not at you yes yeah collect your winnings and stand up they thank you for helping him learn the game yeah great that was delightful poker game right I've never been I've never won that much at poker great you walk up to the bar and wait patiently for the bartender to notice you while you're waiting to see a sign taped to the back wall reading reward for lost mugs 25 meet each lab keep waiting the bartender finally notices you howdy cowboy how did barkeep names Fozzie what brings you to our little backwater Fozzie reminds me of a fuzzy bear from the right Oh totally uh as well work oh the usual I came out west trying to make my fortune not having much luck so far though just once there to meet found myself a nifty a ring in your spittoon and have literally only entered this one building so you know not too much work and work around these here parts unfortunately born brings have more people there's a job it's more of an Aaron town if you catch my meaning you're looking for a real job I'd recommend going taking the railroad people run dirt water right here we go to dirt water should I ask about Aaron's room ask about the railroad I think I think I ask about Aaron all right you mentioned Aaron yeah this first second Berg is always falling apart one way or another the Oscars always need help cuz he's hurt his leg that no-account sure could surely shatter house someone doing his job for great as it is well I got a goblin who was in the basement some cowboy look at the gold diggin why big boots off he's got spores everywhere I can probably handle it probably handle Goblin all right oh you got an item weak fungicide great much obliged all right let's go I'll take care of it all right well I got a goblin now howdy I'm Fozzie hi nice to meet you what do you do I'm the town hustler I don't know what that is or how's that working out for you I think we go how's that working out for you cuz they're working out for you oh those horses are just flying up apparently a hustler is a horse as a horse sir a horse sells swinger so business is booming that's nice I know I mean the horses keep running away I haven't sold one in ages oh is that why you're here drinking is good banking creepy me here drinking instead of watching the horses probably now they're escaping it's one of those vicious circle thing well I'm in need of a horse do you have any left one kind of a boring one but it's got four legs in the back to sit off yeah great I'm looking for me at the stables I'll be average Joe all right thanks the montt much obliged there sir can I get another hat you already have a hat what would you do with two maybe a better pad on my other head the woman glares at you you should probably just let her drink yeah it's not her ass the women then women folk okay I should probably leave the piano man alone wait on you're the piano man look at me go I'm so excited to be out with doing the world all right yes okay boring Springs a saloon basement here we go a pile of old news page take one you got an item boring Springs Gazette April 20th 1895 that might be important why else would it be down here this is the copy of the boring Springs newspaper from about six weeks ago all right all right hello they're saying to save the Goblin oh I want you to save the Goblin right away whiskey a crate of nurse brand whiskey good for what ails you let's grab a bottle I guess we've never really established your age good thing the legal drinking age here is can reach the top of the bar oh good got nurse brand whiskey which is here whiskey's too cheap for you to even consider drinking it and given your legendarily low standards that's accurate Wow okay hey the goblin goblin shouts Bri Ark huh we only have the option to fight fight um no let's not fight I don't want to fight him Yeah right yeah Amy let's see what else we can find especially if people are saying to see yeah people are saying to see hablen check elsewhere protect the Goblin you can still save him leave for now find a goblin book oh I can do raid Thank You Kincaid knock Sylvia and the turtle of time and trans Tom and Dora who are all saying it to protect the Goblin you're not allowed to pika anymore so that's good to know oh there's this person is a cactus oh you approached the weird cactus man hybrid I don't that you how the cactus man howdy yourselves and the name's Neil cactus Mills what happened to you bill well to be honest partner I drank too much cactus beer and turned me into a cactus flop doc Alice warned me it would happen but I didn't listen that's why they call you cactus bill cactus bill no that's just a coincidence figured as much does it hurt being a cactus much knows what her being a cactus oh no it's got nice the natural fermentation process inside the cactus part of me it keep me pretty drunk most of the time I guess it's a my boy are you sure you're not confusing it with photosynthesis photosynthesis great and creating energy from the Sun beans soaking in the waters of the rains and storing them for long periods of time sunny you you got a mouth on you we're talking about the krebs cycle house a krebs cycle going you kiss your mom I'm trying to educate you about the krebs cycle you going need your cactus whiskey okay yeah bet it wouldn't be so bad if I had something to read you don't happen to have a newspaper or anything it's funny you should mention that bill I do have a newspaper yeah give them the newspaper you found in the basement of the flue much obliged partner oh I know my shovel I left it by me out count house in Oh hold mine it's all yours if you go get it I'm sure you'll find a use for it okay I'm beating somebody over the magnet head indeed you gave 3 XP yee-hah my glamour went up the level too I'm a glamour puss oh no I'm a I'm a glamorous snake oiler who could dick her around at pyro 40 to 75 sirs now watch the cowboy stick man in his natural habitat behind the outhouse at or Hilma or hole mine got it thanks Bill take me a favor friend say it's good all right there you go buddy at pixel to one says make sure you don't kill the Goblin in the basement of the saloon you can make him your ally if you can find the moon or Goblin tongue oh no I rolled through the turd Oh gross okay ah step right up step right up Birds the name and trees the game you seriously doubt that his name is braid how did brain what do you train well sir today I'm trading locks for soap and a stick of dynamite or needle and the cunning Skinner who brings me three rattlesnake IDEs well to that adventurous soul I will trade a fine silver pocket watch all right ooh you could open you you could dicker him I think it's time I dicker around let's let's dicker braid let's do it okay let's test our dickory I'm pretty dynamite I don't want to give up my needle yeah how about some free Dynamat yeah I've got some dickering how about some free dynamite sir I must admit that you drive a hard bargain your turns accept great you've got an item of dynamite oh great that's all I need right now thank you no trades right now thank you for that free dynamite be careful with that snake back there buddy well with the snake step mmm that's why that's why it's about a mask covered got you got him oil that's Nick let's talk - sure hey Sheriff actually they follow here dirty mug let's grab recovered mug that's 25 meat 25 meat rolling in me just me rolling in a big ol hot lead getting all those meaty juices all over my body well howdy stranger welcome born Springs I'm the sure from these far off sure the what the sheriff okay blasted sign painters say you wouldn't happen to be looking for work with you Oh as a matter of fact I am sure great vibe how's them gang ovum's round here what call themselves a Fricker gang last time I read one of them they busted help they busted him and took my cell door with him wow it ain't well thank much good without the doors true that's a very ineffective prison cell and and I need somebody tough smart and no more slick we gonna fetch her back for me lucky for you I'm two out of the three of those things cuz I what you don't let you figure it out shear flow it's definitely slick all oiled up cuz I've oiled my snake here okay I'll give it a shot let's say yes but you should say that exam sending the deputy along with you keep you out of trouble Odessa laudamus desk yeah oh man deputy you deputized a gun you're new in town maybe you ain't know this but there's not much to do here so great let me ride down beware for your games hideout is for you takes a little note on your map you discovered a new map locations Fricker gang hideout sweet got it oh man this is exciting okay want it for bird theft naked Mike Bernstein well reward 200 meat Wow help wanted wanted poster artist apply in person at Yuma Marshals office bimmy Fraker yeah Steven well Wow 420 meat a lot of meat oh wait all right okay rest myself oh no I'll be back whoo all right eye on the meantime a Tremont on Twitter says such a cheater wall I think so they keep cheating people out of things Gaby dream starts as gambling meat sounds so wrong Pat not jazz it says boom reach and at alia a lobby says I would like to thank at Kri during team for help in offering shipment to the UAE I offered my merchants now I bought my merch and I'll wait that's awesome it will take a little bit a while a little while to get around to the world but it'll be there and for people who order actually they're getting them in like the first round is going out like in two days yeah or like they'll have them in like the next two or three days you'll have them like right after Thanksgiving ISA fighting boom okay so I got my 25 meet I'm gonna ask who's the lady drinking whiskey out of the beer mug oh who is this what time do the bartender give up if you can remember the name no no no not different here no dual that Suzie she's a rancher from nearby a real tough broad I ain't recommend you pester her why's that I lost her whole family in a cow attack recently got some pent up brokers about oh oh all right oh man well I'll leave her alone and then Charlie room now try yeah you wanna try let's go around everybody needs friends glares at ya how does Suzy how to cowboy who's gonna be searching this fit to him for his teeth if he doesn't leave me in peace don't worry about it Suzy I already searched that spittoon without the need to find my teeth and I found myself and dirty ring all right bye then great so it's not a big fan yet okay okay here we go let's get our horse no man horses okay that's a second for Scott he's got another needle yes got another needle yes this is the most typical horse you've ever seen is it I don't know he's a very long horse wait he's like a hot dog of a horse he's like he's the wiener dog horses okay afternoon sir what can I do for you how's business oh you know everyday I'm hustling Wow today will happen how that one that was well done to tell you the truth though it's pretty terrible all my horses keep her in a way well except for this completely ordinary one that's rough maybe I can help oh god yes thank you please I go fetching myself step for this injury I'll give you 300 meat for finding them how many horses are there three yeah here let me see your map but they're pretty much always were under the same place we draw three little pictures on your map the or hole mine which we again to visit anyway say the boring Springs boneyard and the thousand snakes bolts why these places there I think they like environments that are thematically appropriate here when you find one be at some of these Oh batshit Cindy back here hoping Oh how's that how's that work there's petrol pigeon infused oats that seems not dietarily conscious for the horses that I'm feeding it to but okay that'll do see you later buddy all right so let's go to some new locations here bag of holy notes what's in the horse look okay great we know that we got a bunch of needles which means I could get a bunch of dynamite honestly who the chunk of wood from the hitching post got some broken wood as well yeehaw yeehaw broken wood right oh wait broken board look it's a weapon speak softly and carry a crude oh no I got myself a lesson wait we're gonna do it speaks offline carry loud stick this item is used in combat damage as an enemy and comment is sometimes useful outside of combat as well all right if I examine this is gonna blow up in my face I'm very concerned examine you exam the dynamite it's got an end you light and an end that blows up great yes yes Jack you're right great that's it's weird but that's the only one that I can do fungicide just to turn up I don't want to eat it yet needle you know and be peaceful okay great okay so I just miles Mario on foot all right let's go to make your own damn the guide the board Springs and its environs let's go to the mine first yeah seems efficient right the my mine oh do you need to pee okay this is where Bill said to look so let's look behind the outhouse for that shovel oh yeah nice not that this would have been a funny thing to kid about I guess I got a shovel okay so the shovel boys are turnable the ground did two holes great rides the oxen to dig in certain places okay good no there's some meat or in the art Oh 65 I meet so many meat or just a lot of sweet meat all right MA nice another 25 meat man I'm just rollin in me I'm a maggot or about me it's instructions for the car boat cargo elevator okay cargo elevator control poster on the wall behind reads blasting cap storage plungers both eyes I'm assuming an explosion plunger as well as a pleasure wonder what then - looks like the point explosion plunger Hydra plunger tools where do you want to do where do you want to go let's leave the elevator alone for now cuz I want to write okay this is still the control this is let me just make a round here elevators clothes it's not in any case it's not a people elevators cargo elevator okay Oh minecart dick through that minecart yeah disgusting chunko or unrefined meat nugget oh man that could be worth some dance okay we got we got TNT at least there's no plunger hooked out okay this is dangerous but there's no plunger you can't get past this trouble okay so I should paint okay so we're gonna go down to let's go blasting cap storage let's let's work our way down slowly Wow walk me it's way there you go these crates are all still labeled blasting caps the period is part of the label blasting caps period okay that's why it's inside the quotes like that Oh does that stop doing advanced stands man grab one looks like you're gonna need a crowbar to pry these crates open okay all right so that we should go down tools I love my walks they're great okay it's a toolbox but it's locked take a lot of consumes a needle oh we have a lot of okay yes like three needles you managed to unlock the toolbox but the needle is ruined in the process that's mine have a left angle most of the tools inside are rusted away to nothing but there is a pretty nice crowbar so great okay now let's get that other thing we gotta pry the crowbar is one of nature's simplest machines it's exactly what you want on your side if a thing has a lid and you don't want it to have a lid no board provides an option to pry things open and the damage of five to six which I'd rather doesn't a strike probably right they just automatically put that other thing whatever character combat skills snake whip and deploys snake perk whoa good walking don't deploy your snake okay just leave it alone you'd rather make you my snake oil then deploy my snake yeah so you're telling me okay okay oh there we can very nice yeah I like that okay so now let's go up to blasting cap again okay let's grab one you pry open the crate with your crowbar and grab a blasting cap yeah nice anything else I can do with this these crates are full of blasting caps but you don't need no none no more nom nom no need no more this is the fight for a conversing electricity which has only recently been discovered in two explosions of which are awesome that's so cool the meat nugget a chunk of mostly worthless rock shot through with a vein of gristle and flesh and made oh just sell it okay so tell that that's gross and weird level two let's open up our plungers right lunge take the plunge plunger is the side light though there's only one kind huh that's funny okay got a detonation plunger okay sometimes the only solution to a clogged pipe is to blow up the entire building so do we want to I think we do it let's do it this looks dangerous hook up the plunger why do you get your instincts for self-preservation you've hooked up a plunger and strung in a fair distance away great sounds good that's not a very fair distance this is not a long enough distance whatever it's fine budget go wait you press the plus shoot you press the plunger and nothing happens you forgot to hook up a blasting cap oh oh jeez all right well you got to put it okay you've succeeded in putting yourself in grave danger this seems like a terrible idea I think it's gonna be awesome I don't think this is a great idea like everyone's like blood no I know I'm not ready to take the plunge Steph all right why not here we go press plunger yeah nice that was fun very gentle oh there's a very very gentle explosion okay back of mind there's some meat or getting 65 more meat something buried here let's use our shovel to dig got a silver nugget yeah there's a Hoss see a dark horse barely approached her or do I just feed her no okay whoa there girl it's okay I'm a friend horse shiz away from you though in this case it's more like crippling intro perfect away from you we don't have to deal with introverts we have hoods we put on our hoods to stay alone in the world a little private time to ourselves let's reassure this horse oh come on don't be like that look I brought some oats for you they aren't poison or hey that wasn't a very comforting thing to say um do we Pat her on the nose or feed her the oats I think we had her on the nose first I don't know she's an intra-party what if what if I came up to you and just started patting you on the nose you're an introvert well if I was right what if I'm like hey I don't have poison how would that make you feel as an introvert are you reassured do you want to join me on my quest a little bit actually let me continue that's nice that's nice whoo are you wearing Cologne today wow that smells good for once yes okay Peter then you know I think I think we've had around the nose all right pastorelli nose as you reach the patter on the doors knows the horse dog chute you trade take a handful of oats out of the bag and hold them to the horse here you go yum-yum way wearily makes friends I've been hiding in her own shadow come oh please eat the oats myself this seems like a terrible idea yeah go for it look they're fun okay see take a handful of the bag and toss some in your mouth it's the roughest blandness breakfast cereal could have ever eaten still it's better than dry cat food yeah you smile to show the horse that you're fine and realized that you're you've unconsciously turned around and walked out the door they're powerful the horse looks at you warily as you reenter with the cheerful wave say perfectly fine yeah try the other here you go yum-yum cuz that'll delay three wearily again patter on the no tourists lunches her shoulders and seems to shrink slightly as you pat her on the news but she doesn't actually flee so that's something there's a good girl weenie feed the oats the horse finally seems relaxed enough around you so you offer her a handful of votes but grudgingly she eats them then she gestures at something behind you you turn around to look but don't see anything when you turned back she's calling well ok then great so I guess we won the mission yeah mission one ha silver nugget it's a shiny nugget of silver right ok whoa rolled and rolled and rolled and rolled in please hold it rolled and rolled and rolled it let's go back to the town it's that way I can collect some of my fees rolled and rolled and rolled and rolling hello buddy oh you gained 300 meats you know it great afternoon sir No ooh let's talk about his injury mm-hmm you said something earlier about me injury yeah I busted my knee while I'm walking out the showroom don't ask out there it's embarrassing I was gonna get dog Alice to have a look at it but she gave up doctors why dr. Alice give up the doctrine nobody knows maybe she wanted to get into dhikr him I know I'm a pro dickerer I'm pro at dickering around I see so she was being sarcastic right hey buddy the horse seems uncomfortable when you look directly at her although introverts deployed thanks get more needles no okay let me swim around some Sun and what's the point I could you know Matthew wait I could shovel this Oh fill it it's nasty work but somebody's gotta do it yeah oh man oh man shuttle a bald cap on yes this is so satisfying like an XP yes my magic is now level two you're so moksha and there's a hole I could dig up come on no man get lost okay whiskey all the whiskey that terrible whiskey what British whiskey delivers for you I ski yeah nurse whiskey your favorite I'm led to believe I didn't know she made house call you hear a rattle if she unlocks the door and enter the house oh man you have a lot of kids dad Wow why is she has so much teens me doc Ellis looks to be in our 50s her hair is gray and her face is lined but her eyes are still clear and sharp its bloodshot she holds out her hand whiskey stops give it to her let's let's feed her addiction Zoe let's be enablers shall we she corrects over the whiskey and fills the small flask she takes out of her pocket then she puts the flask back in her pocket and starts chugging out the bottle jeez doc that doesn't seem healthy who's the doctor here Miriam Touche that's all the interaction we're gonna have at this moment of time hey Doc can I look at your books you sheriff you why don't you I have nothing much in nuhn nuhn forsaken now you should try being listen you should try being less cheerful back twisting of these books you survey the books analysis shelf they're all medical textbooks except for a few leap through The Legend of Curly's meet the life and works of Fred Ferguson or the Goblin oi tongue now primer we should learn the Goblin tongues yeah you start flipping through the goblin language book it's confusing at first but you eventually get so engrossed that by the time you take a break from reading several blurps have passed and you know that blur is the goblin word for a you've learned speak goblin sort of okay let's learn about Curly's meet yeah let's do that book tells the legend of a legend a story of a legendary treasure a massive chest of premium meat whoa secret the word oh secrete okay oh thank goodness it's not secreted and he hidden sense not in the extruded sense in the western desert by an old cow hen named curly Butterfield man and then works of Fred nice this book purports to be a Civil War surgeon autobiography but flipping through it you mostly just find lists of reasons that tricking alcohols bad so it's actually a work of ludicrous speculative fiction at least there are some useful appendices and back some diagrams of appendices hahaha appendix module chains great good job this manatee doesn't look like it seems much use let's Prine ourselves see wait we're grab pair of tweezers and pluck out some of your [ __ ] slightly eyebrow oh I need to pluck my eyebrow the stove is spotless either she's really compulsive about cleaning or she never cooks okay didn't know shouldn't this be further away from the fireplace come on now her bed has nothing okay doc II Alice continues to pour whiskey down her neck occasionally stopping to breathe Oh doc use everything okay nothing brands on how fast I can get this whiskey no my bloodstream to bear to how fast my livers Robalo and I can't talk during the same time so she glares that being meaningfully don't be giving me those those lovey dovey drunk-ass there doc Alice oh no you know my weakness you know my weakness for nosepass Oh doc yeah Alice Oh doc Alice control yourself doc do you ever want to make friends it's just a great way to do it okay oh so what's all I mean what's the matter doc uh what mattered hold on elmo's got you a doesn't matter bandits count email dad man walkin why don't you go ahead and pick one hungry do that dead man walking you haven't seen it corpses and scales and staggering around like puppets with half their strength cut looking take a bite out of living I have not seen that know well just count your lucky stars and stay out of the town cemetery then ha that's foreboding that's actually please we were headed next okay thank you that that was kind of where we were headed yep okay so I love the cactus is not just holding the newspaper okay got a couple of mugs that I can return around here I'll be in the check is that a cowpuncher says specular spectacular indigo know we are a snake oiler let's see yeah Laura piano lover says set please read my boyfriend I wear wear our D t-shirts at Universal Studios Florida so many people recognized it can we get a clap in half yeah uh let's thank you that's great to hear it love it's actually one of our favorite things about like doing merch is that people recognize each other when they're wearing the merch I saw someone at the movies the other day who was wearing his hoodie oh my god Club it is cool all right Goblin shouts OH I'm Gary uh-huh Gary hi hello hello I'm Gary who are you introduce myself well I'm Fozzie well good to meet you what fozzy doing out here be honest no cuz if I'm honest I'm supposed to kill him yeah be polite be polite oh you know I'm just looking around oh hey yo Gary likes looking do Gary now far away Gary now looking for a way out of this dump Gary not having much luck though where are you trying to go Gary highway highway and far up for popping popping and then new Gary everywhere everywhere everything this seems like you're some sort of plant who spreads like a disease or like virus well they did say there were spores that's right resulted right this is this is kind of concerning actually settle down there Gary Gary does not like settling Gary wants traveling and popping hey fozzy going far up and high away maybe taking Gary with you eh Oh think about it let's take him look at it poor guy come on he's gonna pop and then consume everything we're gonna single family calls the death in the West you can't blame the guy for being us being spore driven you cannot yeah we can't yet and can't get anyway so there you go let's go to the gulch next all right Oh snake Gulch one of these rocks is really shine and grab it shiny rocks I got a shiny rod good okay the snake looks sleepy but not that sleepy [Music] can you just oil him yeah what about me Eiling a snake here do I want to fight the snakes right I don't know you will really want you to bring Gary any rock shiny and it's about sex for Brock ah here I think we're gonna have to fight him let me see what else pouring Springs green room Gary get Gary get Gary our Father Bueller just saying kill it honey our founder is f ed yeah boring it was actually a really interesting guy oh ah recovered mug yes Benjamin Crockett he showed up way too early oh man that's sad uh Beauregarde skeleton captain third cavalry let's dig up his grave yeah sure which is gonna mean fighting him Oh cuz he's dead that's right yeah that's okay we can find us on beer - let's fight a zombie whoa oh man got the jump on him okay you will deal six to seven damage do it I'm just trying to see what okay you will deal four to five why would I do anything that's less damaging snake whip your 105 damage and one poisoned whip it whip it good all right actually deploys snake pull out a snake out of your briefcase into plate on your side of the battlefield we only have one of one actually register giving up as a famous losing okay so we should do we should shoot him first shoot it right - oh no we need Gary where's there oh this is hell shoot him again let's poison him alright poison him oh this why we pick a fight with this guy oh he's the captain skeleton she whoa oh man got a poison yes what's hard to poison why is that damn it we were dead no dead oh no oh no okay shoot this one oh okay idol 20 damage that might be our only out I will die ah wait I have no action points for meeting with uh oh that's bad news oh I see so I had won it so I got it I really got to throw this died in mind if I have any hope of surviving this bag yeah pretty much right cuz I will die oh no do I really want to waste my dynamite already know okay good go ahead guy captain skeleton yeah put us to 12 Wow put a stop to Captain skeletons unnatural animation I got the gumption okay I got an old Calvary saber however gold - yeah all right cool sweets and a gold tooth all right I'll take it all right that was a surprisingly intense battle actually that was really hard and now I'm without dynamite which is kind of a bummer hey no here's some okay here comes the cavalry saber do I want it okay that's five to six this is also five to six oh man I thought would be like something really awesome this was in the ground for a very long time then in somebody's mouth for a very long time and now it's in your backpack Oh your liver okay your stomach capacity to service how many food items you can eat before you need it nap liver how many alcoholic drinks you can handle before you have to sleep it off spleen determines how many potions you can use in a day okay so does your health and recover in between right that was my question - that was brutal like huh okay a skeleton you're not gonna get past it without a scuffle do we scuffle I don't know that was right yes got it here I think it better off with a snake yeah right the snakes I better but they're snakes are gonna poison me shoot alright Gary go get Gary we can't have Kate he doesn't want to go I mean if you talk to him again you could convince him I don't think it's gonna work we'll try give it a shot you know something that I don't because you're in the chat room yeah well I'm just saying maybe everyone's like oh hey Gary no I'm just gonna let you know see wait I don't get it no I don't have any option oh man how Suzie's mad at me ah jeez oh you don't like me here what about this guy what about Pete okay here we go okay see this sweet whiskey that there is a right John Rock you got stranger I'll give you seven meat for that rock I don't want to sell you my shiny rock for only 7 min yeah that's only 17 I'll take that old silver no get off your hands if you like give you 81 meat for that's pretty good yeah that's pretty good I really don't want to sell it yet though well as you please you ain't seem like someone got much use for unrefined or stranger I'll buy it off you for 73 meat selling New York yeah the unrefined meat yeah I think we saw him unrefined meat okay there you go 73 meet later doing business with ya all right I got some meat there weird it would work white like is there it here let's here let's see if we can get something to like heal us okay dynamite for knee Sok forelock I don't want to give up anywhere needle man why do we suck at this game shoot how's that possible okay let's go to the know there I feel like the fricker gang that's gonna be hard let's go back to let's go buy some snakes woo snakes woo Nate all right all right take a look sleepy but not that sleepy let's attack it okay okay I have one action point a sleepy rattlesnake shoot him shoot him there okay that's good that's good okay this is a much better ratio this this feels a little bit more our speed now we can crowbar it again there we go so or whatever press any key great you've slain the snake before a lot of they'll call you snake murder info1 venom in one medicine great pitch good now we're making progress here alright next Nick next Nick it's another snake I guess it's not called once Nick oh okay here we go another snake there we go it's one snake oh man poison it powerful oh geez you again I like that okay just house incident right like we don't have to manage ammo we got more mystic ality venom and two medicine so do I need to heal myself now or no doesn't say I'm poisoned snake oiler ranged damage bonus I think it must go ah it could go away snake with base current no okay that seems like I'm alright you guys doing my thing alright there's so many snakes right Nick looks really angry you're gonna need every trick in the book to beat this one all right I'm gonna tricks your tricks let's do it oh no he's a quick one oh no wow oh nice oh no no isn't me here shoot him shoot him good boom shoot him up all right so it's gonna take three hits oh no shoot oh no oh shoot shooting is the best option you got choose your best option my friend you will deal 1000 hey actually I didn't know we had that we have enough wait snakes on snakes actually do really well all right let's do it I'm gonna die though Go Go Go yeah take my snake number Oh Jake Oh No Oh No protect the snake yeah just shoot him okay yeah okay that's close if the whole cowboy thing doesn't work out you can always get a job as a snake exterminator huzzah oh I'm a Deadeye now yep great okay okay there's ours the source is going snake crazy or maybe there's some other kind of crazy let's approach this horse hey there boy yeah yeah I'm afraid okay it's off it's cool weenie don't freak out on me Fez knows pattice knows you carefully and gently Pat the horses nose he twitches a bit a lot but seems to recognize that you aren't gonna eat his eyes or suck out his soul or whatever madness is bouncing around in that skull of it yeah there's a good boy look him in the eye you called me looked a horse in the eyes one of them is fixed in a glassy thousand-yard stare and the other is revolving madly in its socket like he's trying he's thinking of trying to escape in every direction saimultaneously he looks to be calming down a little now that it's clear you weren't actually made of spiders though in the I beat him some oats murder boy got a little treat for you Smurfs nerf it up here - you feed though crazy horse some homing oats and it gallops away with witty or rather a winner our goal when our goal hopefully he's at home and not into the 12th dimension great got another force great sit over here a balloon can harvest any of these bushes and by you Bushnell detect I guess not let me just repeatedly walk into cactus you don't have to walk all the way back over there hit em okay great oh that's not that sweet of them to tell me okay so we got two horses yeah this horses has the look of someone who has seen the madness that dances on the other side Oh No was he eating that loco weed again no huh oh just browsing yeah okay we're almost there we're almost got enough hay now I must I can't do anything with it yeah he's still waiting on his door thanks guys probably braid is still looking for Dino you can't get the Goblin yet I can't get the Goblin yet and she's just kind of upset about things okay so there's not a whole lot that I can do I you guys gotta press forward huh yeah I think so um and if you wanted we could grab that last horse or something before yeah before we have to wrap up okay let's fight some zombies all right do it skeleton let's scuffle scuffling go for a good 6 to 7 5 damage so poison doesn't work on these guys yeah yeah oh yeah man we're so low pee now skeleton collapses into a loose pile of bones cool that's cool oh oh and these right there your pulse quickens as you near the spooky treats if you approach the weird semi-transparent horse cautiously so it's not startle ER though you quickly come to realize that this is not a horse that startles easily hello there hi I'm a friend okay that's a little strange how did you do that without opening your mouth you just feed early oats I don't think we pan around the nose yeah just yeah that's Peter of the oats here you go girl have some oats you hold out a handful of votes for the horse but she just sort of stares right through you please don't look at me like that catarah nose try though yeah once again right you hold out the oats again but the horse continues to ignore him what's the matter are they not spooky and of oats I'm not sure how to make oats more spooky I guess I could put some bone meal on them but I don't have anything handy to grind up bones with how about some grave dirt Oh all right cool that a yes we are okay that's ingrained dirt you sprinkled oats with some little bit of grave dirt and hold him out again the horse gazes expressionless Liat them and then eat some and with that she cuts away in the direction of town Oh sympathy Cochrane devoted husband Elisabeth Cochran's beloved daughter silence Cochrane paid nothing oh that's actually very sad what a sad tragic area right no in the Old West man brutal cold West is a brutal place alright that's it for this area I guess alright so let's go back let's get our last okay the pale horse yes alright here we go sweet pale horse made it back safe thanks for help anytime that's all of over can't thank you enough Oh Anna bone is hundreds but it's under beat so I think that horse just yeah horse can you sell me a horse oh ah let's take that let's take crazy eyes or spooky pale one hmm once you've bought one you won't be able to change your mind later so do you want the basic model shifty look in dark one spooky pale one crazy eyes [Music] huh I'm like a crazy eye I'm thinking yeah you think crazy eye I like crazy I personally I like spooky pay alert or a dark one I think I'll give you a dark one I'm afraid we won't be able to get on spooky pale one that's probably accurate yeah shifty look the dark one she never like learn to trust me that was the problem what do chats say but you just do basic model alright let's see closer to the chat okay welcome to the cacti we've done that one spoopy horse introvert or a crazy horse spooky let's see basic spoopy dark crazy that it is it is split wow it really dark crazy spoopy horse spoopy ghost most people are going spoopy you want to go spooky spooky oh yeah alright let's do it I'll go with the spooky pale one good choice that's a good horse if you like that sort of thing I'll sell it for a hundred a thousand meat Oh what sort of thing you know spooky stuff kooky stuff I don't want to get into particulars let's just say she says a certain tone mysterious I'll take her yeah it's good all right there we go spooky horse Oh give her name looking a ghost horse in the mouth give her a name what should we name a horse Chris Oh EEP skeeved horse make sure you want to name her horse keep yes steep alright then skip the horse there you go free whatever horse purchase is a complimentary map we got the salvage West map south east west man hey horse it's your new horse steep let's go well before we go on town we'll have to fight that other that other crew oh yeah that's right yeah we may want we we really want to wrap it this is awesome and ibly amount but mostly blank looks like you have to fill it in okay alright great so I think with that we pause and we continue our adventure lady you're a pretty awesome pair of cowboys here we are pretty table we are we are just in Taupo beat in the Wild West senseless with our crowbars and guns totally taking names taking over the Wild West one rattlesnake at a time one me no rattler at a time me no Rattlers so we have to call it therefore today we have to do that some other stuff and get ready for some Thanksgiving you guys but we are back tomorrow four o'clock p.m. Pacific time we can game that I'm sure that you're gonna love don't really know what it is probably a great old game though we're gonna do something fun something different tomorrow be here if there'll be our last stream before Thanksgiving so spend time with your GT live family before going to spend time with you know your real family over over for like turkey and stuff merch is still available link is in the description if you're interested we do have some fun Black Friday promotions that should be starting today also so head over there we've got stuff like if you buy certain amounts of free shipping and some bundling stuff going on so there's some really fun fun stuff that you can get over like this weekend yeah so go check it out and hopefully you watch this today's game theory there's another one coming later this week and then film theory was suppose to be out today but it looks like it's the lane you know afterward and I will see so anyway that's it for today thank you so much for joining us we'll see you tomorrow four o'clock p.m. Pacific time and remember that's just a stream a live stream thanks for cleaning up cow pies with us we'll see you guys tomorrow let's say goodbye in the Jessica ban that chance though starburst is by far can aloha Kela can I please get a clap and a half yet yeah a PG lucky pennies
Channel: GTLive
Views: 359,598
Rating: 4.9376826 out of 5
Keywords: west of loathing, west of loathing game, markiplier west of loathing, jacksepticeye west of loathing, west of loathing gameplay, west of loathing ost, kingdom of loathing, kingdom of loathing markiplier, kingdom of loathing jacksepticeye, nintendo, funny videos, funny games, funny moments, game theorists, game theory, matpat, gtlive, gtlive west of loathing, matpat west of loathing
Id: qnOqnncyXdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 54sec (4674 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 20 2018
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